path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/base.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/base.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2571 deletions
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-# mysql/base.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Support for the MySQL database.
-Supported Versions and Features
-SQLAlchemy supports 6 major MySQL versions: 3.23, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0,
-with capabilities increasing with more modern servers.
-Versions 4.1 and higher support the basic SQL functionality that SQLAlchemy
-uses in the ORM and SQL expressions. These versions pass the applicable tests
-in the suite 100%. No heroic measures are taken to work around major missing
-SQL features- if your server version does not support sub-selects, for
-example, they won't work in SQLAlchemy either.
-Most available DBAPI drivers are supported; see below.
-===================================== ===============
-Feature Minimum Version
-===================================== ===============
-sqlalchemy.orm 4.1.1
-Table Reflection 3.23.x
-DDL Generation 4.1.1
-utf8/Full Unicode Connections 4.1.1
-Transactions 3.23.15
-Two-Phase Transactions 5.0.3
-Nested Transactions 5.0.3
-===================================== ===============
-See the official MySQL documentation for detailed information about features
-supported in any given server release.
-See the API documentation on individual drivers for details on connecting.
-Connection Timeouts
-MySQL features an automatic connection close behavior, for connections that have
-been idle for eight hours or more. To circumvent having this issue, use the
-``pool_recycle`` option which controls the maximum age of any connection::
- engine = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://...', pool_recycle=3600)
-Storage Engines
-Most MySQL server installations have a default table type of ``MyISAM``, a
-non-transactional table type. During a transaction, non-transactional storage
-engines do not participate and continue to store table changes in autocommit
-mode. For fully atomic transactions, all participating tables must use a
-transactional engine such as ``InnoDB``, ``Falcon``, ``SolidDB``, `PBXT`, etc.
-Storage engines can be elected when creating tables in SQLAlchemy by supplying
-a ``mysql_engine='whatever'`` to the ``Table`` constructor. Any MySQL table
-creation option can be specified in this syntax::
- Table('mytable', metadata,
- Column('data', String(32)),
- mysql_engine='InnoDB',
- mysql_charset='utf8'
- )
-Not all MySQL storage engines support foreign keys. For ``MyISAM`` and
-similar engines, the information loaded by table reflection will not include
-foreign keys. For these tables, you may supply a
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.ForeignKeyConstraint` at reflection time::
- Table('mytable', metadata,
- ForeignKeyConstraint(['other_id'], ['othertable.other_id']),
- autoload=True
- )
-When creating tables, SQLAlchemy will automatically set ``AUTO_INCREMENT`` on
-an integer primary key column::
- >>> t = Table('mytable', metadata,
- ... Column('mytable_id', Integer, primary_key=True)
- ... )
- >>> t.create()
- CREATE TABLE mytable (
- )
-You can disable this behavior by supplying ``autoincrement=False`` to the
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.Column`. This flag can also be used to enable
-auto-increment on a secondary column in a multi-column key for some storage
- Table('mytable', metadata,
- Column('gid', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
- )
-SQL Mode
-MySQL SQL modes are supported. Modes that enable ``ANSI_QUOTES`` (such as
-``ANSI``) require an engine option to modify SQLAlchemy's quoting style.
-When using an ANSI-quoting mode, supply ``use_ansiquotes=True`` when
-creating your ``Engine``::
- create_engine('mysql://localhost/test', use_ansiquotes=True)
-This is an engine-wide option and is not toggleable on a per-connection basis.
-SQLAlchemy does not presume to ``SET sql_mode`` for you with this option. For
-the best performance, set the quoting style server-wide in ``my.cnf`` or by
-supplying ``--sql-mode`` to ``mysqld``. You can also use a
-:class:`sqlalchemy.pool.Pool` listener hook to issue a ``SET SESSION
-sql_mode='...'`` on connect to configure each connection.
-If you do not specify ``use_ansiquotes``, the regular MySQL quoting style is
-used by default.
-If you do issue a ``SET sql_mode`` through SQLAlchemy, the dialect must be
-updated if the quoting style is changed. Again, this change will affect all
- connection.execute('SET sql_mode="ansi"')
- connection.dialect.use_ansiquotes = True
-MySQL SQL Extensions
-Many of the MySQL SQL extensions are handled through SQLAlchemy's generic
-function and operator support::
- table.select(table.c.password==func.md5('plaintext'))
- table.select(table.c.username.op('regexp')('^[a-d]'))
-And of course any valid MySQL statement can be executed as a string as well.
-Some limited direct support for MySQL extensions to SQL is currently
-* SELECT pragma::
- select(..., prefixes=['HIGH_PRIORITY', 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT'])
-* UPDATE with LIMIT::
- update(..., mysql_limit=10)
-import datetime, inspect, re, sys
-from sqlalchemy import schema as sa_schema
-from sqlalchemy import exc, log, sql, util
-from sqlalchemy.sql import operators as sql_operators
-from sqlalchemy.sql import functions as sql_functions
-from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler
-from array import array as _array
-from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
-from sqlalchemy.engine import base as engine_base, default
-from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes
-from sqlalchemy.types import DATE, DATETIME, BOOLEAN, TIME, \
- ['accessible', 'add', 'all', 'alter', 'analyze','and', 'as', 'asc',
- 'asensitive', 'before', 'between', 'bigint', 'binary', 'blob', 'both',
- 'by', 'call', 'cascade', 'case', 'change', 'char', 'character', 'check',
- 'collate', 'column', 'condition', 'constraint', 'continue', 'convert',
- 'create', 'cross', 'current_date', 'current_time', 'current_timestamp',
- 'current_user', 'cursor', 'database', 'databases', 'day_hour',
- 'day_microsecond', 'day_minute', 'day_second', 'dec', 'decimal',
- 'declare', 'default', 'delayed', 'delete', 'desc', 'describe',
- 'deterministic', 'distinct', 'distinctrow', 'div', 'double', 'drop',
- 'dual', 'each', 'else', 'elseif', 'enclosed', 'escaped', 'exists',
- 'exit', 'explain', 'false', 'fetch', 'float', 'float4', 'float8',
- 'for', 'force', 'foreign', 'from', 'fulltext', 'grant', 'group', 'having',
- 'high_priority', 'hour_microsecond', 'hour_minute', 'hour_second', 'if',
- 'ignore', 'in', 'index', 'infile', 'inner', 'inout', 'insensitive',
- 'insert', 'int', 'int1', 'int2', 'int3', 'int4', 'int8', 'integer',
- 'interval', 'into', 'is', 'iterate', 'join', 'key', 'keys', 'kill',
- 'leading', 'leave', 'left', 'like', 'limit', 'linear', 'lines', 'load',
- 'localtime', 'localtimestamp', 'lock', 'long', 'longblob', 'longtext',
- 'loop', 'low_priority', 'master_ssl_verify_server_cert', 'match',
- 'mediumblob', 'mediumint', 'mediumtext', 'middleint',
- 'minute_microsecond', 'minute_second', 'mod', 'modifies', 'natural',
- 'not', 'no_write_to_binlog', 'null', 'numeric', 'on', 'optimize',
- 'option', 'optionally', 'or', 'order', 'out', 'outer', 'outfile',
- 'precision', 'primary', 'procedure', 'purge', 'range', 'read', 'reads',
- 'read_only', 'read_write', 'real', 'references', 'regexp', 'release',
- 'rename', 'repeat', 'replace', 'require', 'restrict', 'return',
- 'revoke', 'right', 'rlike', 'schema', 'schemas', 'second_microsecond',
- 'select', 'sensitive', 'separator', 'set', 'show', 'smallint', 'spatial',
- 'specific', 'sql', 'sqlexception', 'sqlstate', 'sqlwarning',
- 'sql_big_result', 'sql_calc_found_rows', 'sql_small_result', 'ssl',
- 'starting', 'straight_join', 'table', 'terminated', 'then', 'tinyblob',
- 'tinyint', 'tinytext', 'to', 'trailing', 'trigger', 'true', 'undo',
- 'union', 'unique', 'unlock', 'unsigned', 'update', 'usage', 'use',
- 'using', 'utc_date', 'utc_time', 'utc_timestamp', 'values', 'varbinary',
- 'varchar', 'varcharacter', 'varying', 'when', 'where', 'while', 'with',
- 'write', 'x509', 'xor', 'year_month', 'zerofill', # 5.0
- 'columns', 'fields', 'privileges', 'soname', 'tables', # 4.1
- 'accessible', 'linear', 'master_ssl_verify_server_cert', 'range',
- 'read_only', 'read_write', # 5.1
- ])
-AUTOCOMMIT_RE = re.compile(
- re.I | re.UNICODE)
-SET_RE = re.compile(
- r'\s*SET\s+(?:(?:GLOBAL|SESSION)\s+)?\w',
- re.I | re.UNICODE)
-class _NumericType(object):
- """Base for MySQL numeric types."""
- def __init__(self, unsigned=False, zerofill=False, **kw):
- self.unsigned = unsigned
- self.zerofill = zerofill
- super(_NumericType, self).__init__(**kw)
-class _FloatType(_NumericType, sqltypes.Float):
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- if isinstance(self, (REAL, DOUBLE)) and \
- (
- (precision is None and scale is not None) or
- (precision is not None and scale is None)
- ):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "You must specify both precision and scale or omit "
- "both altogether.")
- super(_FloatType, self).__init__(precision=precision, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
- self.scale = scale
-class _IntegerType(_NumericType, sqltypes.Integer):
- def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw):
- self.display_width = display_width
- super(_IntegerType, self).__init__(**kw)
-class _StringType(sqltypes.String):
- """Base for MySQL string types."""
- def __init__(self, charset=None, collation=None,
- ascii=False, binary=False,
- national=False, **kw):
- self.charset = charset
- # allow collate= or collation=
- self.collation = kw.pop('collate', collation)
- self.ascii = ascii
- # We have to munge the 'unicode' param strictly as a dict
- # otherwise 2to3 will turn it into str.
- self.__dict__['unicode'] = kw.get('unicode', False)
- # sqltypes.String does not accept the 'unicode' arg at all.
- if 'unicode' in kw:
- del kw['unicode']
- self.binary = binary
- self.national = national
- super(_StringType, self).__init__(**kw)
- def __repr__(self):
- attributes = inspect.getargspec(self.__init__)[0][1:]
- attributes.extend(inspect.getargspec(_StringType.__init__)[0][1:])
- params = {}
- for attr in attributes:
- val = getattr(self, attr)
- if val is not None and val is not False:
- params[attr] = val
- return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
- ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (k, params[k]) for k in params]))
-class NUMERIC(_NumericType, sqltypes.NUMERIC):
- """MySQL NUMERIC type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'NUMERIC'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a NUMERIC.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(NUMERIC, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class DECIMAL(_NumericType, sqltypes.DECIMAL):
- """MySQL DECIMAL type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'DECIMAL'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a DECIMAL.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(DECIMAL, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class DOUBLE(_FloatType):
- """MySQL DOUBLE type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'DOUBLE'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a DOUBLE.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(DOUBLE, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class REAL(_FloatType, sqltypes.REAL):
- """MySQL REAL type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'REAL'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a REAL.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(REAL, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class FLOAT(_FloatType, sqltypes.FLOAT):
- """MySQL FLOAT type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'FLOAT'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=False, **kw):
- """Construct a FLOAT.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(FLOAT, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- return None
-class INTEGER(_IntegerType, sqltypes.INTEGER):
- """MySQL INTEGER type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'INTEGER'
- def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw):
- """Construct an INTEGER.
- :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(INTEGER, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw)
-class BIGINT(_IntegerType, sqltypes.BIGINT):
- """MySQL BIGINTEGER type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'BIGINT'
- def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw):
- """Construct a BIGINTEGER.
- :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(BIGINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw)
-class MEDIUMINT(_IntegerType):
- __visit_name__ = 'MEDIUMINT'
- def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw):
- """Construct a MEDIUMINTEGER
- :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(MEDIUMINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw)
-class TINYINT(_IntegerType):
- """MySQL TINYINT type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TINYINT'
- def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw):
- """Construct a TINYINT.
- Note: following the usual MySQL conventions, TINYINT(1) columns
- reflected during Table(..., autoload=True) are treated as
- Boolean columns.
- :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(TINYINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw)
-class SMALLINT(_IntegerType, sqltypes.SMALLINT):
- """MySQL SMALLINTEGER type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'SMALLINT'
- def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw):
- """Construct a SMALLINTEGER.
- :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number.
- :param unsigned: a boolean, optional.
- :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings
- left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values
- returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be
- numeric.
- """
- super(SMALLINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw)
-class BIT(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
- """MySQL BIT type.
- This type is for MySQL 5.0.3 or greater for MyISAM, and 5.0.5 or greater for
- MyISAM, MEMORY, InnoDB and BDB. For older versions, use a MSTinyInteger()
- type.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'BIT'
- def __init__(self, length=None):
- """Construct a BIT.
- :param length: Optional, number of bits.
- """
- self.length = length
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- """Convert a MySQL's 64 bit, variable length binary string to a long.
- TODO: this is MySQL-db, pyodbc specific. OurSQL and mysqlconnector
- already do this, so this logic should be moved to those dialects.
- """
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- v = 0L
- for i in map(ord, value):
- v = v << 8 | i
- return v
- return value
- return process
-class _MSTime(sqltypes.Time):
- """MySQL TIME type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TIME'
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- time = datetime.time
- def process(value):
- # convert from a timedelta value
- if value is not None:
- seconds = value.seconds
- minutes = seconds / 60
- return time(minutes / 60, minutes % 60, seconds - minutes * 60)
- else:
- return None
- return process
-class TIMESTAMP(sqltypes.TIMESTAMP):
- """MySQL TIMESTAMP type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TIMESTAMP'
-class YEAR(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
- """MySQL YEAR type, for single byte storage of years 1901-2155."""
- __visit_name__ = 'YEAR'
- def __init__(self, display_width=None):
- self.display_width = display_width
-class TEXT(_StringType, sqltypes.TEXT):
- """MySQL TEXT type, for text up to 2^16 characters."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TEXT'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kw):
- """Construct a TEXT.
- :param length: Optional, if provided the server may optimize storage
- by substituting the smallest TEXT type sufficient to store
- ``length`` characters.
- :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1``
- character set, generates ASCII in schema.
- :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2``
- character set, generates UNICODE in schema.
- :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured
- national character set.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- super(TEXT, self).__init__(length=length, **kw)
-class TINYTEXT(_StringType):
- """MySQL TINYTEXT type, for text up to 2^8 characters."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TINYTEXT'
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """Construct a TINYTEXT.
- :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1``
- character set, generates ASCII in schema.
- :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2``
- character set, generates UNICODE in schema.
- :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured
- national character set.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- super(TINYTEXT, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-class MEDIUMTEXT(_StringType):
- """MySQL MEDIUMTEXT type, for text up to 2^24 characters."""
- __visit_name__ = 'MEDIUMTEXT'
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """Construct a MEDIUMTEXT.
- :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1``
- character set, generates ASCII in schema.
- :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2``
- character set, generates UNICODE in schema.
- :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured
- national character set.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- super(MEDIUMTEXT, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-class LONGTEXT(_StringType):
- """MySQL LONGTEXT type, for text up to 2^32 characters."""
- __visit_name__ = 'LONGTEXT'
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """Construct a LONGTEXT.
- :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1``
- character set, generates ASCII in schema.
- :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2``
- character set, generates UNICODE in schema.
- :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured
- national character set.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- super(LONGTEXT, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-class VARCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.VARCHAR):
- """MySQL VARCHAR type, for variable-length character data."""
- __visit_name__ = 'VARCHAR'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """Construct a VARCHAR.
- :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1``
- character set, generates ASCII in schema.
- :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2``
- character set, generates UNICODE in schema.
- :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured
- national character set.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- super(VARCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class CHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.CHAR):
- """MySQL CHAR type, for fixed-length character data."""
- __visit_name__ = 'CHAR'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """Construct a CHAR.
- :param length: Maximum data length, in characters.
- :param binary: Optional, use the default binary collation for the
- national character set. This does not affect the type of data
- stored, use a BINARY type for binary data.
- :param collation: Optional, request a particular collation. Must be
- compatible with the national character set.
- """
- super(CHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class NVARCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.NVARCHAR):
- """MySQL NVARCHAR type.
- For variable-length character data in the server's configured national
- character set.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'NVARCHAR'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """Construct an NVARCHAR.
- :param length: Maximum data length, in characters.
- :param binary: Optional, use the default binary collation for the
- national character set. This does not affect the type of data
- stored, use a BINARY type for binary data.
- :param collation: Optional, request a particular collation. Must be
- compatible with the national character set.
- """
- kwargs['national'] = True
- super(NVARCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class NCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.NCHAR):
- """MySQL NCHAR type.
- For fixed-length character data in the server's configured national
- character set.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'NCHAR'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """Construct an NCHAR.
- :param length: Maximum data length, in characters.
- :param binary: Optional, use the default binary collation for the
- national character set. This does not affect the type of data
- stored, use a BINARY type for binary data.
- :param collation: Optional, request a particular collation. Must be
- compatible with the national character set.
- """
- kwargs['national'] = True
- super(NCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class TINYBLOB(sqltypes._Binary):
- """MySQL TINYBLOB type, for binary data up to 2^8 bytes."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TINYBLOB'
-class MEDIUMBLOB(sqltypes._Binary):
- """MySQL MEDIUMBLOB type, for binary data up to 2^24 bytes."""
- __visit_name__ = 'MEDIUMBLOB'
-class LONGBLOB(sqltypes._Binary):
- """MySQL LONGBLOB type, for binary data up to 2^32 bytes."""
- __visit_name__ = 'LONGBLOB'
-class ENUM(sqltypes.Enum, _StringType):
- """MySQL ENUM type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'ENUM'
- def __init__(self, *enums, **kw):
- """Construct an ENUM.
- Example:
- Column('myenum', MSEnum("foo", "bar", "baz"))
- :param enums: The range of valid values for this ENUM. Values will be
- quoted when generating the schema according to the quoting flag (see
- below).
- :param strict: Defaults to False: ensure that a given value is in this
- ENUM's range of permissible values when inserting or updating rows.
- Note that MySQL will not raise a fatal error if you attempt to store
- an out of range value- an alternate value will be stored instead.
- (See MySQL ENUM documentation.)
- :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1``
- character set, generates ASCII in schema.
- :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2``
- character set, generates UNICODE in schema.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- :param quoting: Defaults to 'auto': automatically determine enum value
- quoting. If all enum values are surrounded by the same quoting
- character, then use 'quoted' mode. Otherwise, use 'unquoted' mode.
- 'quoted': values in enums are already quoted, they will be used
- directly when generating the schema - this usage is deprecated.
- 'unquoted': values in enums are not quoted, they will be escaped and
- surrounded by single quotes when generating the schema.
- Previous versions of this type always required manually quoted
- values to be supplied; future versions will always quote the string
- literals for you. This is a transitional option.
- """
- self.quoting = kw.pop('quoting', 'auto')
- if self.quoting == 'auto' and len(enums):
- # What quoting character are we using?
- q = None
- for e in enums:
- if len(e) == 0:
- self.quoting = 'unquoted'
- break
- elif q is None:
- q = e[0]
- if e[0] != q or e[-1] != q:
- self.quoting = 'unquoted'
- break
- else:
- self.quoting = 'quoted'
- if self.quoting == 'quoted':
- util.warn_deprecated(
- 'Manually quoting ENUM value literals is deprecated. Supply '
- 'unquoted values and use the quoting= option in cases of '
- 'ambiguity.')
- enums = self._strip_enums(enums)
- self.strict = kw.pop('strict', False)
- length = max([len(v) for v in enums] + [0])
- kw.pop('metadata', None)
- kw.pop('schema', None)
- kw.pop('name', None)
- kw.pop('quote', None)
- kw.pop('native_enum', None)
- _StringType.__init__(self, length=length, **kw)
- sqltypes.Enum.__init__(self, *enums)
- @classmethod
- def _strip_enums(cls, enums):
- strip_enums = []
- for a in enums:
- if a[0:1] == '"' or a[0:1] == "'":
- # strip enclosing quotes and unquote interior
- a = a[1:-1].replace(a[0] * 2, a[0])
- strip_enums.append(a)
- return strip_enums
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- super_convert = super(ENUM, self).bind_processor(dialect)
- def process(value):
- if self.strict and value is not None and value not in self.enums:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError('"%s" not a valid value for '
- 'this enum' % value)
- if super_convert:
- return super_convert(value)
- else:
- return value
- return process
- def adapt(self, impltype, **kw):
- kw['strict'] = self.strict
- return sqltypes.Enum.adapt(self, impltype, **kw)
-class SET(_StringType):
- """MySQL SET type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'SET'
- def __init__(self, *values, **kw):
- """Construct a SET.
- Example::
- Column('myset', MSSet("'foo'", "'bar'", "'baz'"))
- :param values: The range of valid values for this SET. Values will be
- used exactly as they appear when generating schemas. Strings must
- be quoted, as in the example above. Single-quotes are suggested for
- ANSI compatibility and are required for portability to servers with
- ANSI_QUOTES enabled.
- :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1``
- character set, generates ASCII in schema.
- :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2``
- character set, generates UNICODE in schema.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- self._ddl_values = values
- strip_values = []
- for a in values:
- if a[0:1] == '"' or a[0:1] == "'":
- # strip enclosing quotes and unquote interior
- a = a[1:-1].replace(a[0] * 2, a[0])
- strip_values.append(a)
- self.values = strip_values
- kw.setdefault('length', max([len(v) for v in strip_values] + [0]))
- super(SET, self).__init__(**kw)
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- def process(value):
- # The good news:
- # No ',' quoting issues- commas aren't allowed in SET values
- # The bad news:
- # Plenty of driver inconsistencies here.
- if isinstance(value, util.set_types):
- # ..some versions convert '' to an empty set
- if not value:
- value.add('')
- # ..some return sets.Set, even for pythons that have __builtin__.set
- if not isinstance(value, set):
- value = set(value)
- return value
- # ...and some versions return strings
- if value is not None:
- return set(value.split(','))
- else:
- return value
- return process
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- super_convert = super(SET, self).bind_processor(dialect)
- def process(value):
- if value is None or isinstance(value, (int, long, basestring)):
- pass
- else:
- if None in value:
- value = set(value)
- value.remove(None)
- value.add('')
- value = ','.join(value)
- if super_convert:
- return super_convert(value)
- else:
- return value
- return process
-# old names
-MSTime = _MSTime
-MSSet = SET
-MSEnum = ENUM
-MSBlob = BLOB
-MSBinary = BINARY
-MSChar = CHAR
-MSText = TEXT
-MSYear = YEAR
-MSBit = BIT
-MSSmallInteger = SMALLINT
-MSTinyInteger = TINYINT
-MSMediumInteger = MEDIUMINT
-MSBigInteger = BIGINT
-MSNumeric = NUMERIC
-MSDecimal = DECIMAL
-MSDouble = DOUBLE
-MSReal = REAL
-MSFloat = FLOAT
-MSInteger = INTEGER
-colspecs = {
- sqltypes.Numeric: NUMERIC,
- sqltypes.Float: FLOAT,
- sqltypes.Time: _MSTime,
- sqltypes.Enum: ENUM,
-# Everything 3.23 through 5.1 excepting OpenGIS types.
-ischema_names = {
- 'bigint': BIGINT,
- 'binary': BINARY,
- 'bit': BIT,
- 'blob': BLOB,
- 'boolean': BOOLEAN,
- 'char': CHAR,
- 'date': DATE,
- 'datetime': DATETIME,
- 'decimal': DECIMAL,
- 'double': DOUBLE,
- 'enum': ENUM,
- 'fixed': DECIMAL,
- 'float': FLOAT,
- 'int': INTEGER,
- 'integer': INTEGER,
- 'longblob': LONGBLOB,
- 'longtext': LONGTEXT,
- 'mediumblob': MEDIUMBLOB,
- 'mediumint': MEDIUMINT,
- 'mediumtext': MEDIUMTEXT,
- 'nchar': NCHAR,
- 'nvarchar': NVARCHAR,
- 'numeric': NUMERIC,
- 'set': SET,
- 'smallint': SMALLINT,
- 'text': TEXT,
- 'time': TIME,
- 'timestamp': TIMESTAMP,
- 'tinyblob': TINYBLOB,
- 'tinyint': TINYINT,
- 'tinytext': TINYTEXT,
- 'varbinary': VARBINARY,
- 'varchar': VARCHAR,
- 'year': YEAR,
-class MySQLExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext):
- def should_autocommit_text(self, statement):
- return AUTOCOMMIT_RE.match(statement)
-class MySQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler):
- extract_map = compiler.SQLCompiler.extract_map.copy()
- extract_map.update ({
- 'milliseconds': 'millisecond',
- })
- def visit_random_func(self, fn, **kw):
- return "rand%s" % self.function_argspec(fn)
- def visit_utc_timestamp_func(self, fn, **kw):
- return "UTC_TIMESTAMP"
- def visit_sysdate_func(self, fn, **kw):
- return "SYSDATE()"
- def visit_concat_op(self, binary, **kw):
- return "concat(%s, %s)" % (self.process(binary.left), self.process(binary.right))
- def visit_match_op(self, binary, **kw):
- return "MATCH (%s) AGAINST (%s IN BOOLEAN MODE)" % (self.process(binary.left), self.process(binary.right))
- def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text):
- return text
- def visit_typeclause(self, typeclause):
- type_ = typeclause.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect)
- if isinstance(type_, sqltypes.Integer):
- if getattr(type_, 'unsigned', False):
- else:
- elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP):
- return 'DATETIME'
- elif isinstance(type_, (sqltypes.DECIMAL, sqltypes.DateTime, sqltypes.Date, sqltypes.Time)):
- return self.dialect.type_compiler.process(type_)
- elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.Text):
- return 'CHAR'
- elif (isinstance(type_, sqltypes.String) and not
- isinstance(type_, (ENUM, SET))):
- if getattr(type_, 'length'):
- return 'CHAR(%s)' % type_.length
- else:
- return 'CHAR'
- elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes._Binary):
- return 'BINARY'
- elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.NUMERIC):
- return self.dialect.type_compiler.process(type_).replace('NUMERIC', 'DECIMAL')
- else:
- return None
- def visit_cast(self, cast, **kwargs):
- # No cast until 4, no decimals until 5.
- if not self.dialect._supports_cast:
- return self.process(cast.clause)
- type_ = self.process(cast.typeclause)
- if type_ is None:
- return self.process(cast.clause)
- return 'CAST(%s AS %s)' % (self.process(cast.clause), type_)
- def render_literal_value(self, value, type_):
- value = super(MySQLCompiler, self).render_literal_value(value, type_)
- if self.dialect._backslash_escapes:
- value = value.replace('\\', '\\\\')
- return value
- def get_select_precolumns(self, select):
- """Add special MySQL keywords in place of DISTINCT.
- .. note:: this usage is deprecated. :meth:`.Select.prefix_with`
- should be used for special keywords at the start
- of a SELECT.
- """
- if isinstance(select._distinct, basestring):
- return select._distinct.upper() + " "
- elif select._distinct:
- return "DISTINCT "
- else:
- return ""
- def visit_join(self, join, asfrom=False, **kwargs):
- # 'JOIN ... ON ...' for inner joins isn't available until 4.0.
- # Apparently < 3.23.17 requires theta joins for inner joins
- # (but not outer). Not generating these currently, but
- # support can be added, preferably after dialects are
- # refactored to be version-sensitive.
- return ''.join(
- (self.process(join.left, asfrom=True, **kwargs),
- (join.isouter and " LEFT OUTER JOIN " or " INNER JOIN "),
- self.process(join.right, asfrom=True, **kwargs),
- " ON ",
- self.process(join.onclause, **kwargs)))
- def for_update_clause(self, select):
- if select.for_update == 'read':
- return ' LOCK IN SHARE MODE'
- else:
- return super(MySQLCompiler, self).for_update_clause(select)
- def limit_clause(self, select):
- # MySQL supports:
- # LIMIT <limit>
- # LIMIT <offset>, <limit>
- # and in server versions > 3.3:
- # LIMIT <limit> OFFSET <offset>
- # The latter is more readable for offsets but we're stuck with the
- # former until we can refine dialects by server revision.
- limit, offset = select._limit, select._offset
- if (limit, offset) == (None, None):
- return ''
- elif offset is not None:
- # As suggested by the MySQL docs, need to apply an
- # artificial limit if one wasn't provided
- # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/select.html
- if limit is None:
- # hardwire the upper limit. Currently
- # needed by OurSQL with Python 3
- # (https://bugs.launchpad.net/oursql/+bug/686232),
- # but also is consistent with the usage of the upper
- # bound as part of MySQL's "syntax" for OFFSET with
- # no LIMIT
- return ' \n LIMIT %s, %s' % (
- self.process(sql.literal(offset)),
- "18446744073709551615")
- else:
- return ' \n LIMIT %s, %s' % (
- self.process(sql.literal(offset)),
- self.process(sql.literal(limit)))
- else:
- # No offset provided, so just use the limit
- return ' \n LIMIT %s' % (self.process(sql.literal(limit)),)
- def visit_update(self, update_stmt):
- self.stack.append({'from': set([update_stmt.table])})
- self.isupdate = True
- colparams = self._get_colparams(update_stmt)
- text = "UPDATE " + self.preparer.format_table(update_stmt.table) + \
- " SET " + ', '.join(["%s=%s" % (self.preparer.format_column(c[0]), c[1]) for c in colparams])
- if update_stmt._whereclause is not None:
- text += " WHERE " + self.process(update_stmt._whereclause)
- limit = update_stmt.kwargs.get('%s_limit' % self.dialect.name, None)
- if limit:
- text += " LIMIT %s" % limit
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
-# ug. "InnoDB needs indexes on foreign keys and referenced keys [...].
-# Starting with MySQL 4.1.2, these indexes are created automatically.
-# In older versions, the indexes must be created explicitly or the
-# creation of foreign key constraints fails."
-class MySQLDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler):
- def create_table_constraints(self, table):
- """Get table constraints."""
- constraint_string = super(MySQLDDLCompiler, self).create_table_constraints(table)
- engine_key = '%s_engine' % self.dialect.name
- is_innodb = table.kwargs.has_key(engine_key) and \
- table.kwargs[engine_key].lower() == 'innodb'
- auto_inc_column = table._autoincrement_column
- if is_innodb and \
- auto_inc_column is not None and \
- auto_inc_column is not list(table.primary_key)[0]:
- if constraint_string:
- constraint_string += ", \n\t"
- constraint_string += "KEY `idx_autoinc_%s`(`%s`)" % (auto_inc_column.name, \
- self.preparer.format_column(auto_inc_column))
- return constraint_string
- def get_column_specification(self, column, **kw):
- """Builds column DDL."""
- colspec = [self.preparer.format_column(column),
- self.dialect.type_compiler.process(column.type)
- ]
- default = self.get_column_default_string(column)
- if default is not None:
- colspec.append('DEFAULT ' + default)
- is_timestamp = isinstance(column.type, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP)
- if not column.nullable and not is_timestamp:
- colspec.append('NOT NULL')
- elif column.nullable and is_timestamp and default is None:
- colspec.append('NULL')
- if column is column.table._autoincrement_column and column.server_default is None:
- colspec.append('AUTO_INCREMENT')
- return ' '.join(colspec)
- def post_create_table(self, table):
- """Build table-level CREATE options like ENGINE and COLLATE."""
- table_opts = []
- for k in table.kwargs:
- if k.startswith('%s_' % self.dialect.name):
- opt = k[len(self.dialect.name)+1:].upper()
- arg = table.kwargs[k]
- if opt in _options_of_type_string:
- arg = "'%s'" % arg.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "''")
- opt = opt.replace('_', ' ')
- joiner = '='
- joiner = ' '
- table_opts.append(joiner.join((opt, arg)))
- return ' '.join(table_opts)
- def visit_drop_index(self, drop):
- index = drop.element
- return "\nDROP INDEX %s ON %s" % \
- (self.preparer.quote(self._index_identifier(index.name), index.quote),
- self.preparer.format_table(index.table))
- def visit_drop_constraint(self, drop):
- constraint = drop.element
- if isinstance(constraint, sa_schema.ForeignKeyConstraint):
- qual = "FOREIGN KEY "
- const = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- elif isinstance(constraint, sa_schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint):
- qual = "PRIMARY KEY "
- const = ""
- elif isinstance(constraint, sa_schema.UniqueConstraint):
- qual = "INDEX "
- const = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- else:
- qual = ""
- const = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- return "ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s%s" % \
- (self.preparer.format_table(constraint.table),
- qual, const)
-class MySQLTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler):
- def _extend_numeric(self, type_, spec):
- "Extend a numeric-type declaration with MySQL specific extensions."
- if not self._mysql_type(type_):
- return spec
- if type_.unsigned:
- spec += ' UNSIGNED'
- if type_.zerofill:
- spec += ' ZEROFILL'
- return spec
- def _extend_string(self, type_, defaults, spec):
- """Extend a string-type declaration with standard SQL CHARACTER SET /
- COLLATE annotations and MySQL specific extensions.
- """
- def attr(name):
- return getattr(type_, name, defaults.get(name))
- if attr('charset'):
- charset = 'CHARACTER SET %s' % attr('charset')
- elif attr('ascii'):
- charset = 'ASCII'
- elif attr('unicode'):
- charset = 'UNICODE'
- else:
- charset = None
- if attr('collation'):
- collation = 'COLLATE %s' % type_.collation
- elif attr('binary'):
- collation = 'BINARY'
- else:
- collation = None
- if attr('national'):
- # NATIONAL (aka NCHAR/NVARCHAR) trumps charsets.
- return ' '.join([c for c in ('NATIONAL', spec, collation)
- if c is not None])
- return ' '.join([c for c in (spec, charset, collation)
- if c is not None])
- def _mysql_type(self, type_):
- return isinstance(type_, (_StringType, _NumericType))
- def visit_NUMERIC(self, type_):
- if type_.precision is None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "NUMERIC")
- elif type_.scale is None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "NUMERIC(%(precision)s)" %
- {'precision': type_.precision})
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "NUMERIC(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" %
- {'precision': type_.precision, 'scale' : type_.scale})
- def visit_DECIMAL(self, type_):
- if type_.precision is None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "DECIMAL")
- elif type_.scale is None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "DECIMAL(%(precision)s)" %
- {'precision': type_.precision})
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "DECIMAL(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" %
- {'precision': type_.precision, 'scale' : type_.scale})
- def visit_DOUBLE(self, type_):
- if type_.precision is not None and type_.scale is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "DOUBLE(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" %
- {'precision': type_.precision,
- 'scale' : type_.scale})
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, 'DOUBLE')
- def visit_REAL(self, type_):
- if type_.precision is not None and type_.scale is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "REAL(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" %
- {'precision': type_.precision,
- 'scale' : type_.scale})
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, 'REAL')
- def visit_FLOAT(self, type_):
- if self._mysql_type(type_) and \
- type_.scale is not None and \
- type_.precision is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "FLOAT(%s, %s)" % (type_.precision, type_.scale))
- elif type_.precision is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "FLOAT(%s)" % (type_.precision,))
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "FLOAT")
- def visit_INTEGER(self, type_):
- if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "INTEGER(%(display_width)s)" %
- {'display_width': type_.display_width})
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "INTEGER")
- def visit_BIGINT(self, type_):
- if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "BIGINT(%(display_width)s)" %
- {'display_width': type_.display_width})
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "BIGINT")
- def visit_MEDIUMINT(self, type_):
- if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "MEDIUMINT(%(display_width)s)" %
- {'display_width': type_.display_width})
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "MEDIUMINT")
- def visit_TINYINT(self, type_):
- if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "TINYINT(%s)" % type_.display_width)
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "TINYINT")
- def visit_SMALLINT(self, type_):
- if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_,
- "SMALLINT(%(display_width)s)" %
- {'display_width': type_.display_width}
- )
- else:
- return self._extend_numeric(type_, "SMALLINT")
- def visit_BIT(self, type_):
- if type_.length is not None:
- return "BIT(%s)" % type_.length
- else:
- return "BIT"
- def visit_DATETIME(self, type_):
- return "DATETIME"
- def visit_DATE(self, type_):
- return "DATE"
- def visit_TIME(self, type_):
- return "TIME"
- def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_):
- return 'TIMESTAMP'
- def visit_YEAR(self, type_):
- if type_.display_width is None:
- return "YEAR"
- else:
- return "YEAR(%s)" % type_.display_width
- def visit_TEXT(self, type_):
- if type_.length:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "TEXT(%d)" % type_.length)
- else:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "TEXT")
- def visit_TINYTEXT(self, type_):
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "TINYTEXT")
- def visit_MEDIUMTEXT(self, type_):
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "MEDIUMTEXT")
- def visit_LONGTEXT(self, type_):
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "LONGTEXT")
- def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_):
- if type_.length:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "VARCHAR(%d)" % type_.length)
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "VARCHAR requires a length on dialect %s" %
- self.dialect.name)
- def visit_CHAR(self, type_):
- if type_.length:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "CHAR(%(length)s)" % {'length' : type_.length})
- else:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "CHAR")
- def visit_NVARCHAR(self, type_):
- # We'll actually generate the equiv. "NATIONAL VARCHAR" instead
- # of "NVARCHAR".
- if type_.length:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {'national':True}, "VARCHAR(%(length)s)" % {'length': type_.length})
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "NVARCHAR requires a length on dialect %s" %
- self.dialect.name)
- def visit_NCHAR(self, type_):
- # We'll actually generate the equiv. "NATIONAL CHAR" instead of "NCHAR".
- if type_.length:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {'national':True}, "CHAR(%(length)s)" % {'length': type_.length})
- else:
- return self._extend_string(type_, {'national':True}, "CHAR")
- def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_):
- return "VARBINARY(%d)" % type_.length
- def visit_large_binary(self, type_):
- return self.visit_BLOB(type_)
- def visit_enum(self, type_):
- if not type_.native_enum:
- return super(MySQLTypeCompiler, self).visit_enum(type_)
- else:
- return self.visit_ENUM(type_)
- def visit_BLOB(self, type_):
- if type_.length:
- return "BLOB(%d)" % type_.length
- else:
- return "BLOB"
- def visit_TINYBLOB(self, type_):
- return "TINYBLOB"
- def visit_MEDIUMBLOB(self, type_):
- return "MEDIUMBLOB"
- def visit_LONGBLOB(self, type_):
- return "LONGBLOB"
- def visit_ENUM(self, type_):
- quoted_enums = []
- for e in type_.enums:
- quoted_enums.append("'%s'" % e.replace("'", "''"))
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "ENUM(%s)" % ",".join(quoted_enums))
- def visit_SET(self, type_):
- return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "SET(%s)" % ",".join(type_._ddl_values))
- def visit_BOOLEAN(self, type):
- return "BOOL"
-class MySQLIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer):
- reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS
- def __init__(self, dialect, server_ansiquotes=False, **kw):
- if not server_ansiquotes:
- quote = "`"
- else:
- quote = '"'
- super(MySQLIdentifierPreparer, self).__init__(
- dialect,
- initial_quote=quote,
- escape_quote=quote)
- def _quote_free_identifiers(self, *ids):
- """Unilaterally identifier-quote any number of strings."""
- return tuple([self.quote_identifier(i) for i in ids if i is not None])
-class MySQLDialect(default.DefaultDialect):
- """Details of the MySQL dialect. Not used directly in application code."""
- name = 'mysql'
- supports_alter = True
- # identifiers are 64, however aliases can be 255...
- max_identifier_length = 255
- max_index_name_length = 64
- supports_native_enum = True
- supports_sane_rowcount = True
- supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False
- default_paramstyle = 'format'
- colspecs = colspecs
- statement_compiler = MySQLCompiler
- ddl_compiler = MySQLDDLCompiler
- type_compiler = MySQLTypeCompiler
- ischema_names = ischema_names
- preparer = MySQLIdentifierPreparer
- # default SQL compilation settings -
- # these are modified upon initialize(),
- # i.e. first connect
- _backslash_escapes = True
- _server_ansiquotes = False
- def __init__(self, use_ansiquotes=None, **kwargs):
- default.DefaultDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- def do_commit(self, connection):
- """Execute a COMMIT."""
- # COMMIT/ROLLBACK were introduced in 3.23.15.
- # Yes, we have at least one user who has to talk to these old versions!
- #
- # Ignore commit/rollback if support isn't present, otherwise even basic
- # operations via autocommit fail.
- try:
- connection.commit()
- except:
- if self.server_version_info < (3, 23, 15):
- args = sys.exc_info()[1].args
- if args and args[0] == 1064:
- return
- raise
- def do_rollback(self, connection):
- """Execute a ROLLBACK."""
- try:
- connection.rollback()
- except:
- if self.server_version_info < (3, 23, 15):
- args = sys.exc_info()[1].args
- if args and args[0] == 1064:
- return
- raise
- def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid):
- connection.execute(sql.text("XA BEGIN :xid"), xid=xid)
- def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid):
- connection.execute(sql.text("XA END :xid"), xid=xid)
- connection.execute(sql.text("XA PREPARE :xid"), xid=xid)
- def do_rollback_twophase(self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True,
- recover=False):
- if not is_prepared:
- connection.execute(sql.text("XA END :xid"), xid=xid)
- connection.execute(sql.text("XA ROLLBACK :xid"), xid=xid)
- def do_commit_twophase(self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True,
- recover=False):
- if not is_prepared:
- self.do_prepare_twophase(connection, xid)
- connection.execute(sql.text("XA COMMIT :xid"), xid=xid)
- def do_recover_twophase(self, connection):
- resultset = connection.execute("XA RECOVER")
- return [row['data'][0:row['gtrid_length']] for row in resultset]
- def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor):
- if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.OperationalError):
- return self._extract_error_code(e) in \
- (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055)
- elif isinstance(e, self.dbapi.InterfaceError):
- # if underlying connection is closed,
- # this is the error you get
- return "(0, '')" in str(e)
- else:
- return False
- def _compat_fetchall(self, rp, charset=None):
- """Proxy result rows to smooth over MySQL-Python driver inconsistencies."""
- return [_DecodingRowProxy(row, charset) for row in rp.fetchall()]
- def _compat_fetchone(self, rp, charset=None):
- """Proxy a result row to smooth over MySQL-Python driver inconsistencies."""
- return _DecodingRowProxy(rp.fetchone(), charset)
- def _compat_first(self, rp, charset=None):
- """Proxy a result row to smooth over MySQL-Python driver inconsistencies."""
- return _DecodingRowProxy(rp.first(), charset)
- def _extract_error_code(self, exception):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection):
- return connection.execute('SELECT DATABASE()').scalar()
- def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None):
- # SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE and SHOW TABLES LIKE do not function properly
- # on macosx (and maybe win?) with multibyte table names.
- #
- # TODO: if this is not a problem on win, make the strategy swappable
- # based on platform. DESCRIBE is slower.
- # [ticket:726]
- # full_name = self.identifier_preparer.format_table(table,
- # use_schema=True)
- full_name = '.'.join(self.identifier_preparer._quote_free_identifiers(
- schema, table_name))
- st = "DESCRIBE %s" % full_name
- rs = None
- try:
- try:
- rs = connection.execute(st)
- have = rs.rowcount > 0
- rs.close()
- return have
- except exc.DBAPIError, e:
- if self._extract_error_code(e.orig) == 1146:
- return False
- raise
- finally:
- if rs:
- rs.close()
- def initialize(self, connection):
- default.DefaultDialect.initialize(self, connection)
- self._connection_charset = self._detect_charset(connection)
- self._server_casing = self._detect_casing(connection)
- self._server_collations = self._detect_collations(connection)
- self._detect_ansiquotes(connection)
- if self._server_ansiquotes:
- # if ansiquotes == True, build a new IdentifierPreparer
- # with the new setting
- self.identifier_preparer = self.preparer(self,
- server_ansiquotes=self._server_ansiquotes)
- @property
- def _supports_cast(self):
- return self.server_version_info is None or \
- self.server_version_info >= (4, 0, 2)
- @reflection.cache
- def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw):
- rp = connection.execute("SHOW schemas")
- return [r[0] for r in rp]
- @reflection.cache
- def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- """Return a Unicode SHOW TABLES from a given schema."""
- if schema is not None:
- current_schema = schema
- else:
- current_schema = self.default_schema_name
- charset = self._connection_charset
- if self.server_version_info < (5, 0, 2):
- rp = connection.execute("SHOW TABLES FROM %s" %
- self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(current_schema))
- return [row[0] for row in self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset)]
- else:
- rp = connection.execute("SHOW FULL TABLES FROM %s" %
- self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(current_schema))
- return [row[0] for row in self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset)\
- if row[1] == 'BASE TABLE']
- @reflection.cache
- def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- charset = self._connection_charset
- if self.server_version_info < (5, 0, 2):
- raise NotImplementedError
- if schema is None:
- schema = self.default_schema_name
- if self.server_version_info < (5, 0, 2):
- return self.get_table_names(connection, schema)
- charset = self._connection_charset
- rp = connection.execute("SHOW FULL TABLES FROM %s" %
- self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema))
- return [row[0] for row in self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset)\
- if row[1] == 'VIEW']
- @reflection.cache
- def get_table_options(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create(connection, table_name, schema, **kw)
- return parsed_state.table_options
- @reflection.cache
- def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create(connection, table_name, schema, **kw)
- return parsed_state.columns
- @reflection.cache
- def get_primary_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create(connection, table_name, schema, **kw)
- for key in parsed_state.keys:
- if key['type'] == 'PRIMARY':
- # There can be only one.
- ##raise Exception, str(key)
- return [s[0] for s in key['columns']]
- return []
- @reflection.cache
- def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create(connection, table_name, schema, **kw)
- default_schema = None
- fkeys = []
- for spec in parsed_state.constraints:
- # only FOREIGN KEYs
- ref_name = spec['table'][-1]
- ref_schema = len(spec['table']) > 1 and spec['table'][-2] or schema
- if not ref_schema:
- if default_schema is None:
- default_schema = \
- connection.dialect.default_schema_name
- if schema == default_schema:
- ref_schema = schema
- loc_names = spec['local']
- ref_names = spec['foreign']
- con_kw = {}
- for opt in ('name', 'onupdate', 'ondelete'):
- if spec.get(opt, False):
- con_kw[opt] = spec[opt]
- fkey_d = {
- 'name' : spec['name'],
- 'constrained_columns' : loc_names,
- 'referred_schema' : ref_schema,
- 'referred_table' : ref_name,
- 'referred_columns' : ref_names,
- 'options' : con_kw
- }
- fkeys.append(fkey_d)
- return fkeys
- @reflection.cache
- def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create(connection, table_name, schema, **kw)
- indexes = []
- for spec in parsed_state.keys:
- unique = False
- flavor = spec['type']
- if flavor == 'PRIMARY':
- continue
- if flavor == 'UNIQUE':
- unique = True
- elif flavor in (None, 'FULLTEXT', 'SPATIAL'):
- pass
- else:
- self.logger.info(
- "Converting unknown KEY type %s to a plain KEY" % flavor)
- pass
- index_d = {}
- index_d['name'] = spec['name']
- index_d['column_names'] = [s[0] for s in spec['columns']]
- index_d['unique'] = unique
- index_d['type'] = flavor
- indexes.append(index_d)
- return indexes
- @reflection.cache
- def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw):
- charset = self._connection_charset
- full_name = '.'.join(self.identifier_preparer._quote_free_identifiers(
- schema, view_name))
- sql = self._show_create_table(connection, None, charset,
- full_name=full_name)
- return sql
- def _parsed_state_or_create(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- return self._setup_parser(
- connection,
- table_name,
- schema,
- info_cache=kw.get('info_cache', None)
- )
- @util.memoized_property
- def _tabledef_parser(self):
- """return the MySQLTableDefinitionParser, generate if needed.
- The deferred creation ensures that the dialect has
- retrieved server version information first.
- """
- if (self.server_version_info < (4, 1) and self._server_ansiquotes):
- # ANSI_QUOTES doesn't affect SHOW CREATE TABLE on < 4.1
- preparer = self.preparer(self, server_ansiquotes=False)
- else:
- preparer = self.identifier_preparer
- return MySQLTableDefinitionParser(self, preparer)
- @reflection.cache
- def _setup_parser(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- charset = self._connection_charset
- parser = self._tabledef_parser
- full_name = '.'.join(self.identifier_preparer._quote_free_identifiers(
- schema, table_name))
- sql = self._show_create_table(connection, None, charset,
- full_name=full_name)
- if sql.startswith('CREATE ALGORITHM'):
- # Adapt views to something table-like.
- columns = self._describe_table(connection, None, charset,
- full_name=full_name)
- sql = parser._describe_to_create(table_name, columns)
- return parser.parse(sql, charset)
- def _adjust_casing(self, table, charset=None):
- """Adjust Table name to the server case sensitivity, if needed."""
- casing = self._server_casing
- # For winxx database hosts. TODO: is this really needed?
- if casing == 1 and table.name != table.name.lower():
- table.name = table.name.lower()
- lc_alias = sa_schema._get_table_key(table.name, table.schema)
- table.metadata.tables[lc_alias] = table
- def _detect_charset(self, connection):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _detect_casing(self, connection):
- """Sniff out identifier case sensitivity.
- Cached per-connection. This value can not change without a server
- restart.
- """
- # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/name-case-sensitivity.html
- charset = self._connection_charset
- row = self._compat_first(connection.execute(
- "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'"),
- charset=charset)
- if not row:
- cs = 0
- else:
- # 4.0.15 returns OFF or ON according to [ticket:489]
- # 3.23 doesn't, 4.0.27 doesn't..
- if row[1] == 'OFF':
- cs = 0
- elif row[1] == 'ON':
- cs = 1
- else:
- cs = int(row[1])
- return cs
- def _detect_collations(self, connection):
- """Pull the active COLLATIONS list from the server.
- Cached per-connection.
- """
- collations = {}
- if self.server_version_info < (4, 1, 0):
- pass
- else:
- charset = self._connection_charset
- rs = connection.execute('SHOW COLLATION')
- for row in self._compat_fetchall(rs, charset):
- collations[row[0]] = row[1]
- return collations
- def _detect_ansiquotes(self, connection):
- """Detect and adjust for the ANSI_QUOTES sql mode."""
- row = self._compat_first(
- connection.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'"),
- charset=self._connection_charset)
- if not row:
- mode = ''
- else:
- mode = row[1] or ''
- # 4.0
- if mode.isdigit():
- mode_no = int(mode)
- mode = (mode_no | 4 == mode_no) and 'ANSI_QUOTES' or ''
- self._server_ansiquotes = 'ANSI_QUOTES' in mode
- # as of MySQL 5.0.1
- self._backslash_escapes = 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES' not in mode
- def _show_create_table(self, connection, table, charset=None,
- full_name=None):
- """Run SHOW CREATE TABLE for a ``Table``."""
- if full_name is None:
- full_name = self.identifier_preparer.format_table(table)
- st = "SHOW CREATE TABLE %s" % full_name
- rp = None
- try:
- rp = connection.execute(st)
- except exc.DBAPIError, e:
- if self._extract_error_code(e.orig) == 1146:
- raise exc.NoSuchTableError(full_name)
- else:
- raise
- row = self._compat_first(rp, charset=charset)
- if not row:
- raise exc.NoSuchTableError(full_name)
- return row[1].strip()
- return sql
- def _describe_table(self, connection, table, charset=None,
- full_name=None):
- """Run DESCRIBE for a ``Table`` and return processed rows."""
- if full_name is None:
- full_name = self.identifier_preparer.format_table(table)
- st = "DESCRIBE %s" % full_name
- rp, rows = None, None
- try:
- try:
- rp = connection.execute(st)
- except exc.DBAPIError, e:
- if self._extract_error_code(e.orig) == 1146:
- raise exc.NoSuchTableError(full_name)
- else:
- raise
- rows = self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset)
- finally:
- if rp:
- rp.close()
- return rows
-class ReflectedState(object):
- """Stores raw information about a SHOW CREATE TABLE statement."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.columns = []
- self.table_options = {}
- self.table_name = None
- self.keys = []
- self.constraints = []
-class MySQLTableDefinitionParser(object):
- """Parses the results of a SHOW CREATE TABLE statement."""
- def __init__(self, dialect, preparer):
- self.dialect = dialect
- self.preparer = preparer
- self._prep_regexes()
- def parse(self, show_create, charset):
- state = ReflectedState()
- state.charset = charset
- for line in re.split(r'\r?\n', show_create):
- if line.startswith(' ' + self.preparer.initial_quote):
- self._parse_column(line, state)
- # a regular table options line
- elif line.startswith(') '):
- self._parse_table_options(line, state)
- # an ANSI-mode table options line
- elif line == ')':
- pass
- elif line.startswith('CREATE '):
- self._parse_table_name(line, state)
- # Not present in real reflection, but may be if loading from a file.
- elif not line:
- pass
- else:
- type_, spec = self._parse_constraints(line)
- if type_ is None:
- util.warn("Unknown schema content: %r" % line)
- elif type_ == 'key':
- state.keys.append(spec)
- elif type_ == 'constraint':
- state.constraints.append(spec)
- else:
- pass
- return state
- def _parse_constraints(self, line):
- """Parse a KEY or CONSTRAINT line.
- :param line: A line of SHOW CREATE TABLE output
- """
- # KEY
- m = self._re_key.match(line)
- if m:
- spec = m.groupdict()
- # convert columns into name, length pairs
- spec['columns'] = self._parse_keyexprs(spec['columns'])
- return 'key', spec
- m = self._re_constraint.match(line)
- if m:
- spec = m.groupdict()
- spec['table'] = \
- self.preparer.unformat_identifiers(spec['table'])
- spec['local'] = [c[0]
- for c in self._parse_keyexprs(spec['local'])]
- spec['foreign'] = [c[0]
- for c in self._parse_keyexprs(spec['foreign'])]
- return 'constraint', spec
- m = self._re_partition.match(line)
- if m:
- # Punt!
- return 'partition', line
- # No match.
- return (None, line)
- def _parse_table_name(self, line, state):
- """Extract the table name.
- :param line: The first line of SHOW CREATE TABLE
- """
- regex, cleanup = self._pr_name
- m = regex.match(line)
- if m:
- state.table_name = cleanup(m.group('name'))
- def _parse_table_options(self, line, state):
- """Build a dictionary of all reflected table-level options.
- :param line: The final line of SHOW CREATE TABLE output.
- """
- options = {}
- if not line or line == ')':
- pass
- else:
- rest_of_line = line[:]
- for regex, cleanup in self._pr_options:
- m = regex.search(rest_of_line)
- if not m:
- continue
- directive, value = m.group('directive'), m.group('val')
- if cleanup:
- value = cleanup(value)
- options[directive.lower()] = value
- rest_of_line = regex.sub('', rest_of_line)
- for nope in ('auto_increment', 'data directory', 'index directory'):
- options.pop(nope, None)
- for opt, val in options.items():
- state.table_options['%s_%s' % (self.dialect.name, opt)] = val
- def _parse_column(self, line, state):
- """Extract column details.
- Falls back to a 'minimal support' variant if full parse fails.
- :param line: Any column-bearing line from SHOW CREATE TABLE
- """
- spec = None
- m = self._re_column.match(line)
- if m:
- spec = m.groupdict()
- spec['full'] = True
- else:
- m = self._re_column_loose.match(line)
- if m:
- spec = m.groupdict()
- spec['full'] = False
- if not spec:
- util.warn("Unknown column definition %r" % line)
- return
- if not spec['full']:
- util.warn("Incomplete reflection of column definition %r" % line)
- name, type_, args, notnull = \
- spec['name'], spec['coltype'], spec['arg'], spec['notnull']
- try:
- col_type = self.dialect.ischema_names[type_]
- except KeyError:
- util.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" %
- (type_, name))
- col_type = sqltypes.NullType
- # Column type positional arguments eg. varchar(32)
- if args is None or args == '':
- type_args = []
- elif args[0] == "'" and args[-1] == "'":
- type_args = self._re_csv_str.findall(args)
- else:
- type_args = [int(v) for v in self._re_csv_int.findall(args)]
- # Column type keyword options
- type_kw = {}
- for kw in ('unsigned', 'zerofill'):
- if spec.get(kw, False):
- type_kw[kw] = True
- for kw in ('charset', 'collate'):
- if spec.get(kw, False):
- type_kw[kw] = spec[kw]
- if type_ == 'enum':
- type_args = ENUM._strip_enums(type_args)
- type_instance = col_type(*type_args, **type_kw)
- col_args, col_kw = [], {}
- col_kw['nullable'] = True
- if spec.get('notnull', False):
- col_kw['nullable'] = False
- if spec.get('autoincr', False):
- col_kw['autoincrement'] = True
- elif issubclass(col_type, sqltypes.Integer):
- col_kw['autoincrement'] = False
- default = spec.get('default', None)
- if default == 'NULL':
- # eliminates the need to deal with this later.
- default = None
- col_d = dict(name=name, type=type_instance, default=default)
- col_d.update(col_kw)
- state.columns.append(col_d)
- def _describe_to_create(self, table_name, columns):
- """Re-format DESCRIBE output as a SHOW CREATE TABLE string.
- DESCRIBE is a much simpler reflection and is sufficient for
- reflecting views for runtime use. This method formats DDL
- for columns only- keys are omitted.
- :param columns: A sequence of DESCRIBE or SHOW COLUMNS 6-tuples.
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM rows must be rearranged for use with
- this function.
- """
- buffer = []
- for row in columns:
- (name, col_type, nullable, default, extra) = \
- [row[i] for i in (0, 1, 2, 4, 5)]
- line = [' ']
- line.append(self.preparer.quote_identifier(name))
- line.append(col_type)
- if not nullable:
- line.append('NOT NULL')
- if default:
- if 'auto_increment' in default:
- pass
- elif (col_type.startswith('timestamp') and
- default.startswith('C')):
- line.append('DEFAULT')
- line.append(default)
- elif default == 'NULL':
- line.append('DEFAULT')
- line.append(default)
- else:
- line.append('DEFAULT')
- line.append("'%s'" % default.replace("'", "''"))
- if extra:
- line.append(extra)
- buffer.append(' '.join(line))
- return ''.join([('CREATE TABLE %s (\n' %
- self.preparer.quote_identifier(table_name)),
- ',\n'.join(buffer),
- '\n) '])
- def _parse_keyexprs(self, identifiers):
- """Unpack '"col"(2),"col" ASC'-ish strings into components."""
- return self._re_keyexprs.findall(identifiers)
- def _prep_regexes(self):
- """Pre-compile regular expressions."""
- self._re_columns = []
- self._pr_options = []
- _final = self.preparer.final_quote
- quotes = dict(zip(('iq', 'fq', 'esc_fq'),
- [re.escape(s) for s in
- (self.preparer.initial_quote,
- _final,
- self.preparer._escape_identifier(_final))]))
- self._pr_name = _pr_compile(
- r'^CREATE (?:\w+ +)?TABLE +'
- r'%(iq)s(?P<name>(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +\($' % quotes,
- self.preparer._unescape_identifier)
- # `col`,`col2`(32),`col3`(15) DESC
- #
- # Note: ASC and DESC aren't reflected, so we'll punt...
- self._re_keyexprs = _re_compile(
- r'(?:'
- r'(?:%(iq)s((?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s)'
- r'(?:\((\d+)\))?(?=\,|$))+' % quotes)
- # 'foo' or 'foo','bar' or 'fo,o','ba''a''r'
- self._re_csv_str = _re_compile(r'\x27(?:\x27\x27|[^\x27])*\x27')
- # 123 or 123,456
- self._re_csv_int = _re_compile(r'\d+')
- # `colname` <type> [type opts]
- # COMMENT 'comment'
- self._re_column = _re_compile(
- r' '
- r'%(iq)s(?P<name>(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +'
- r'(?P<coltype>\w+)'
- r'(?:\((?P<arg>(?:\d+|\d+,\d+|'
- r'(?:\x27(?:\x27\x27|[^\x27])*\x27,?)+))\))?'
- r'(?: +(?P<unsigned>UNSIGNED))?'
- r'(?: +(?P<zerofill>ZEROFILL))?'
- r'(?: +CHARACTER SET +(?P<charset>[\w_]+))?'
- r'(?: +COLLATE +(?P<collate>[\w_]+))?'
- r'(?: +(?P<notnull>NOT NULL))?'
- r'(?: +DEFAULT +(?P<default>'
- r'(?:NULL|\x27(?:\x27\x27|[^\x27])*\x27|\w+'
- r'(?: +ON UPDATE \w+)?)'
- r'))?'
- r'(?: +(?P<autoincr>AUTO_INCREMENT))?'
- r'(?: +COMMENT +(P<comment>(?:\x27\x27|[^\x27])+))?'
- r'(?: +COLUMN_FORMAT +(?P<colfmt>\w+))?'
- r'(?: +STORAGE +(?P<storage>\w+))?'
- r'(?: +(?P<extra>.*))?'
- r',?$'
- % quotes
- )
- # Fallback, try to parse as little as possible
- self._re_column_loose = _re_compile(
- r' '
- r'%(iq)s(?P<name>(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +'
- r'(?P<coltype>\w+)'
- r'(?:\((?P<arg>(?:\d+|\d+,\d+|\x27(?:\x27\x27|[^\x27])+\x27))\))?'
- r'.*?(?P<notnull>NOT NULL)?'
- % quotes
- )
- # (`col` (ASC|DESC)?, `col` (ASC|DESC)?)
- self._re_key = _re_compile(
- r' '
- r'(?:(?P<type>\S+) )?KEY'
- r'(?: +%(iq)s(?P<name>(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s)?'
- r'(?: +USING +(?P<using_pre>\S+))?'
- r' +\((?P<columns>.+?)\)'
- r'(?: +USING +(?P<using_post>\S+))?'
- r'(?: +KEY_BLOCK_SIZE +(?P<keyblock>\S+))?'
- r'(?: +WITH PARSER +(?P<parser>\S+))?'
- r',?$'
- % quotes
- )
- # CONSTRAINT `name` FOREIGN KEY (`local_col`)
- # REFERENCES `remote` (`remote_col`)
- #
- # unique constraints come back as KEYs
- kw = quotes.copy()
- self._re_constraint = _re_compile(
- r' '
- r'%(iq)s(?P<name>(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +'
- r'\((?P<local>[^\)]+?)\) REFERENCES +'
- r'(?P<table>%(iq)s[^%(fq)s]+%(fq)s(?:\.%(iq)s[^%(fq)s]+%(fq)s)?) +'
- r'\((?P<foreign>[^\)]+?)\)'
- r'(?: +(?P<match>MATCH \w+))?'
- r'(?: +ON DELETE (?P<ondelete>%(on)s))?'
- r'(?: +ON UPDATE (?P<onupdate>%(on)s))?'
- % kw
- )
- #
- # punt!
- self._re_partition = _re_compile(
- r' '
- # Table-level options (COLLATE, ENGINE, etc.)
- # Do the string options first, since they have quoted strings we need to get rid of.
- for option in _options_of_type_string:
- self._add_option_string(option)
- for option in ('ENGINE', 'TYPE', 'AUTO_INCREMENT',
- self._add_option_word(option)
- self._add_option_regex('UNION', r'\([^\)]+\)')
- self._add_option_regex('TABLESPACE', r'.*? STORAGE DISK')
- self._add_option_regex('RAID_TYPE',
- r'\w+\s+RAID_CHUNKS\s*\=\s*\w+RAID_CHUNKSIZE\s*=\s*\w+')
- _optional_equals = r'(?:\s*(?:=\s*)|\s+)'
- def _add_option_string(self, directive):
- regex = (r'(?P<directive>%s)%s'
- r"'(?P<val>(?:[^']|'')*?)'(?!')" %
- (re.escape(directive), self._optional_equals))
- self._pr_options.append(
- _pr_compile(regex, lambda v: v.replace("\\\\","\\").replace("''", "'")))
- def _add_option_word(self, directive):
- regex = (r'(?P<directive>%s)%s'
- r'(?P<val>\w+)' %
- (re.escape(directive), self._optional_equals))
- self._pr_options.append(_pr_compile(regex))
- def _add_option_regex(self, directive, regex):
- regex = (r'(?P<directive>%s)%s'
- r'(?P<val>%s)' %
- (re.escape(directive), self._optional_equals, regex))
- self._pr_options.append(_pr_compile(regex))
-_options_of_type_string = ('COMMENT', 'DATA DIRECTORY', 'INDEX DIRECTORY',
-class _DecodingRowProxy(object):
- """Return unicode-decoded values based on type inspection.
- Smooth over data type issues (esp. with alpha driver versions) and
- normalize strings as Unicode regardless of user-configured driver
- encoding settings.
- """
- # Some MySQL-python versions can return some columns as
- # sets.Set(['value']) (seriously) but thankfully that doesn't
- # seem to come up in DDL queries.
- def __init__(self, rowproxy, charset):
- self.rowproxy = rowproxy
- self.charset = charset
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- item = self.rowproxy[index]
- if isinstance(item, _array):
- item = item.tostring()
- # Py2K
- if self.charset and isinstance(item, str):
- # end Py2K
- # Py3K
- #if self.charset and isinstance(item, bytes):
- return item.decode(self.charset)
- else:
- return item
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- item = getattr(self.rowproxy, attr)
- if isinstance(item, _array):
- item = item.tostring()
- # Py2K
- if self.charset and isinstance(item, str):
- # end Py2K
- # Py3K
- #if self.charset and isinstance(item, bytes):
- return item.decode(self.charset)
- else:
- return item
-def _pr_compile(regex, cleanup=None):
- """Prepare a 2-tuple of compiled regex and callable."""
- return (_re_compile(regex), cleanup)
-def _re_compile(regex):
- """Compile a string to regex, I and UNICODE."""
- return re.compile(regex, re.I | re.UNICODE)