path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/base.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/base.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 700 deletions
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-# firebird/base.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-Support for the Firebird database.
-Connectivity is usually supplied via the kinterbasdb_ DBAPI module.
-Firebird offers two distinct dialects_ (not to be confused with a
-SQLAlchemy ``Dialect``):
-dialect 1
- This is the old syntax and behaviour, inherited from Interbase pre-6.0.
-dialect 3
- This is the newer and supported syntax, introduced in Interbase 6.0.
-The SQLAlchemy Firebird dialect detects these versions and
-adjusts its representation of SQL accordingly. However,
-support for dialect 1 is not well tested and probably has
-Locking Behavior
-Firebird locks tables aggressively. For this reason, a DROP TABLE may
-hang until other transactions are released. SQLAlchemy does its best
-to release transactions as quickly as possible. The most common cause
-of hanging transactions is a non-fully consumed result set, i.e.::
- result = engine.execute("select * from table")
- row = result.fetchone()
- return
-Where above, the ``ResultProxy`` has not been fully consumed. The
-connection will be returned to the pool and the transactional state
-rolled back once the Python garbage collector reclaims the objects
-which hold onto the connection, which often occurs asynchronously.
-The above use case can be alleviated by calling ``first()`` on the
-``ResultProxy`` which will fetch the first row and immediately close
-all remaining cursor/connection resources.
-RETURNING support
-Firebird 2.0 supports returning a result set from inserts, and 2.1
-extends that to deletes and updates. This is generically exposed by
-the SQLAlchemy ``returning()`` method, such as::
- result = table.insert().returning(table.c.col1, table.c.col2).\\
- values(name='foo')
- print result.fetchall()
- raises = empl.update().returning(empl.c.id, empl.c.salary).\\
- where(empl.c.sales>100).\\
- values(dict(salary=empl.c.salary * 1.1))
- print raises.fetchall()
-.. _dialects: http://mc-computing.com/Databases/Firebird/SQL_Dialect.html
-import datetime, re
-from sqlalchemy import schema as sa_schema
-from sqlalchemy import exc, types as sqltypes, sql, util
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression
-from sqlalchemy.engine import base, default, reflection
-from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler
-from sqlalchemy.types import (BIGINT, BLOB, BOOLEAN, DATE,
- "active", "add", "admin", "after", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as",
- "asc", "ascending", "at", "auto", "avg", "before", "begin", "between",
- "bigint", "bit_length", "blob", "both", "by", "case", "cast", "char",
- "character", "character_length", "char_length", "check", "close",
- "collate", "column", "commit", "committed", "computed", "conditional",
- "connect", "constraint", "containing", "count", "create", "cross",
- "cstring", "current", "current_connection", "current_date",
- "current_role", "current_time", "current_timestamp",
- "current_transaction", "current_user", "cursor", "database", "date",
- "day", "dec", "decimal", "declare", "default", "delete", "desc",
- "descending", "disconnect", "distinct", "do", "domain", "double",
- "drop", "else", "end", "entry_point", "escape", "exception",
- "execute", "exists", "exit", "external", "extract", "fetch", "file",
- "filter", "float", "for", "foreign", "from", "full", "function",
- "gdscode", "generator", "gen_id", "global", "grant", "group",
- "having", "hour", "if", "in", "inactive", "index", "inner",
- "input_type", "insensitive", "insert", "int", "integer", "into", "is",
- "isolation", "join", "key", "leading", "left", "length", "level",
- "like", "long", "lower", "manual", "max", "maximum_segment", "merge",
- "min", "minute", "module_name", "month", "names", "national",
- "natural", "nchar", "no", "not", "null", "numeric", "octet_length",
- "of", "on", "only", "open", "option", "or", "order", "outer",
- "output_type", "overflow", "page", "pages", "page_size", "parameter",
- "password", "plan", "position", "post_event", "precision", "primary",
- "privileges", "procedure", "protected", "rdb$db_key", "read", "real",
- "record_version", "recreate", "recursive", "references", "release",
- "reserv", "reserving", "retain", "returning_values", "returns",
- "revoke", "right", "rollback", "rows", "row_count", "savepoint",
- "schema", "second", "segment", "select", "sensitive", "set", "shadow",
- "shared", "singular", "size", "smallint", "snapshot", "some", "sort",
- "sqlcode", "stability", "start", "starting", "starts", "statistics",
- "sub_type", "sum", "suspend", "table", "then", "time", "timestamp",
- "to", "trailing", "transaction", "trigger", "trim", "uncommitted",
- "union", "unique", "update", "upper", "user", "using", "value",
- "values", "varchar", "variable", "varying", "view", "wait", "when",
- "where", "while", "with", "work", "write", "year",
- ])
-class _StringType(sqltypes.String):
- """Base for Firebird string types."""
- def __init__(self, charset = None, **kw):
- self.charset = charset
- super(_StringType, self).__init__(**kw)
-class VARCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.VARCHAR):
- """Firebird VARCHAR type"""
- __visit_name__ = 'VARCHAR'
- def __init__(self, length = None, **kwargs):
- super(VARCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class CHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.CHAR):
- """Firebird CHAR type"""
- __visit_name__ = 'CHAR'
- def __init__(self, length = None, **kwargs):
- super(CHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-colspecs = {
-ischema_names = {
- }
-# TODO: date conversion types (should be implemented as _FBDateTime,
-# _FBDate, etc. as bind/result functionality is required)
-class FBTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler):
- def visit_boolean(self, type_):
- return self.visit_SMALLINT(type_)
- def visit_datetime(self, type_):
- return self.visit_TIMESTAMP(type_)
- def visit_TEXT(self, type_):
- return "BLOB SUB_TYPE 1"
- def visit_BLOB(self, type_):
- return "BLOB SUB_TYPE 0"
- def _extend_string(self, type_, basic):
- charset = getattr(type_, 'charset', None)
- if charset is None:
- return basic
- else:
- return '%s CHARACTER SET %s' % (basic, charset)
- def visit_CHAR(self, type_):
- basic = super(FBTypeCompiler, self).visit_CHAR(type_)
- return self._extend_string(type_, basic)
- def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_):
- basic = super(FBTypeCompiler, self).visit_VARCHAR(type_)
- return self._extend_string(type_, basic)
-class FBCompiler(sql.compiler.SQLCompiler):
- """Firebird specific idiosincrasies"""
- def visit_mod(self, binary, **kw):
- # Firebird lacks a builtin modulo operator, but there is
- # an equivalent function in the ib_udf library.
- return "mod(%s, %s)" % (
- self.process(binary.left),
- self.process(binary.right))
- def visit_alias(self, alias, asfrom=False, **kwargs):
- if self.dialect._version_two:
- return super(FBCompiler, self).\
- visit_alias(alias, asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs)
- else:
- # Override to not use the AS keyword which FB 1.5 does not like
- if asfrom:
- alias_name = isinstance(alias.name,
- expression._generated_label) and \
- self._truncated_identifier("alias",
- alias.name) or alias.name
- return self.process(
- alias.original, asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs) + \
- " " + \
- self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name)
- else:
- return self.process(alias.original, **kwargs)
- def visit_substring_func(self, func, **kw):
- s = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[0])
- start = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[1])
- if len(func.clauses.clauses) > 2:
- length = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[2])
- return "SUBSTRING(%s FROM %s FOR %s)" % (s, start, length)
- else:
- return "SUBSTRING(%s FROM %s)" % (s, start)
- def visit_length_func(self, function, **kw):
- if self.dialect._version_two:
- return "char_length" + self.function_argspec(function)
- else:
- return "strlen" + self.function_argspec(function)
- visit_char_length_func = visit_length_func
- def function_argspec(self, func, **kw):
- # TODO: this probably will need to be
- # narrowed to a fixed list, some no-arg functions
- # may require parens - see similar example in the oracle
- # dialect
- if func.clauses is not None and len(func.clauses):
- return self.process(func.clause_expr)
- else:
- return ""
- def default_from(self):
- return " FROM rdb$database"
- def visit_sequence(self, seq):
- return "gen_id(%s, 1)" % self.preparer.format_sequence(seq)
- def get_select_precolumns(self, select):
- """Called when building a ``SELECT`` statement, position is just
- before column list Firebird puts the limit and offset right
- after the ``SELECT``...
- """
- result = ""
- if select._limit:
- result += "FIRST %s " % self.process(sql.literal(select._limit))
- if select._offset:
- result +="SKIP %s " % self.process(sql.literal(select._offset))
- if select._distinct:
- result += "DISTINCT "
- return result
- def limit_clause(self, select):
- """Already taken care of in the `get_select_precolumns` method."""
- return ""
- def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols):
- columns = [
- self.process(
- self.label_select_column(None, c, asfrom=False),
- within_columns_clause=True,
- result_map=self.result_map
- )
- for c in expression._select_iterables(returning_cols)
- ]
- return 'RETURNING ' + ', '.join(columns)
-class FBDDLCompiler(sql.compiler.DDLCompiler):
- """Firebird syntactic idiosincrasies"""
- def visit_create_sequence(self, create):
- """Generate a ``CREATE GENERATOR`` statement for the sequence."""
- # no syntax for these
- # http://www.firebirdsql.org/manual/generatorguide-sqlsyntax.html
- if create.element.start is not None:
- raise NotImplemented(
- "Firebird SEQUENCE doesn't support START WITH")
- if create.element.increment is not None:
- raise NotImplemented(
- "Firebird SEQUENCE doesn't support INCREMENT BY")
- if self.dialect._version_two:
- return "CREATE SEQUENCE %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_sequence(create.element)
- else:
- return "CREATE GENERATOR %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_sequence(create.element)
- def visit_drop_sequence(self, drop):
- """Generate a ``DROP GENERATOR`` statement for the sequence."""
- if self.dialect._version_two:
- return "DROP SEQUENCE %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_sequence(drop.element)
- else:
- return "DROP GENERATOR %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_sequence(drop.element)
-class FBIdentifierPreparer(sql.compiler.IdentifierPreparer):
- """Install Firebird specific reserved words."""
- reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS
- def __init__(self, dialect):
- super(FBIdentifierPreparer, self).__init__(dialect, omit_schema=True)
-class FBExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext):
- def fire_sequence(self, seq, type_):
- """Get the next value from the sequence using ``gen_id()``."""
- return self._execute_scalar(
- "SELECT gen_id(%s, 1) FROM rdb$database" %
- self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq),
- type_
- )
-class FBDialect(default.DefaultDialect):
- """Firebird dialect"""
- name = 'firebird'
- max_identifier_length = 31
- supports_sequences = True
- sequences_optional = False
- supports_default_values = True
- postfetch_lastrowid = False
- supports_native_boolean = False
- requires_name_normalize = True
- supports_empty_insert = False
- statement_compiler = FBCompiler
- ddl_compiler = FBDDLCompiler
- preparer = FBIdentifierPreparer
- type_compiler = FBTypeCompiler
- execution_ctx_cls = FBExecutionContext
- colspecs = colspecs
- ischema_names = ischema_names
- # defaults to dialect ver. 3,
- # will be autodetected off upon
- # first connect
- _version_two = True
- def initialize(self, connection):
- super(FBDialect, self).initialize(connection)
- self._version_two = ('firebird' in self.server_version_info and \
- self.server_version_info >= (2, )
- ) or \
- ('interbase' in self.server_version_info and \
- self.server_version_info >= (6, )
- )
- if not self._version_two:
- # TODO: whatever other pre < 2.0 stuff goes here
- self.ischema_names = ischema_names.copy()
- self.ischema_names['TIMESTAMP'] = sqltypes.DATE
- self.colspecs = {
- sqltypes.DateTime: sqltypes.DATE
- }
- self.implicit_returning = self._version_two and \
- self.__dict__.get('implicit_returning', True)
- def normalize_name(self, name):
- # Remove trailing spaces: FB uses a CHAR() type,
- # that is padded with spaces
- name = name and name.rstrip()
- if name is None:
- return None
- elif name.upper() == name and \
- not self.identifier_preparer._requires_quotes(name.lower()):
- return name.lower()
- else:
- return name
- def denormalize_name(self, name):
- if name is None:
- return None
- elif name.lower() == name and \
- not self.identifier_preparer._requires_quotes(name.lower()):
- return name.upper()
- else:
- return name
- def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None):
- """Return ``True`` if the given table exists, ignoring
- the `schema`."""
- tblqry = """
- SELECT 1 AS has_table FROM rdb$database
- WHERE EXISTS (SELECT rdb$relation_name
- FROM rdb$relations
- WHERE rdb$relation_name=?)
- """
- c = connection.execute(tblqry, [self.denormalize_name(table_name)])
- return c.first() is not None
- def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name, schema=None):
- """Return ``True`` if the given sequence (generator) exists."""
- genqry = """
- SELECT 1 AS has_sequence FROM rdb$database
- WHERE EXISTS (SELECT rdb$generator_name
- FROM rdb$generators
- WHERE rdb$generator_name=?)
- """
- c = connection.execute(genqry, [self.denormalize_name(sequence_name)])
- return c.first() is not None
- @reflection.cache
- def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- s = """
- SELECT DISTINCT rdb$relation_name
- FROM rdb$relation_fields
- WHERE rdb$system_flag=0 AND rdb$view_context IS NULL
- """
- return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in connection.execute(s)]
- @reflection.cache
- def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- s = """
- SELECT distinct rdb$view_name
- FROM rdb$view_relations
- """
- return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in connection.execute(s)]
- @reflection.cache
- def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw):
- qry = """
- SELECT rdb$view_source AS view_source
- FROM rdb$relations
- WHERE rdb$relation_name=?
- """
- rp = connection.execute(qry, [self.denormalize_name(view_name)])
- row = rp.first()
- if row:
- return row['view_source']
- else:
- return None
- @reflection.cache
- def get_primary_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- # Query to extract the PK/FK constrained fields of the given table
- keyqry = """
- SELECT se.rdb$field_name AS fname
- FROM rdb$relation_constraints rc
- JOIN rdb$index_segments se ON rc.rdb$index_name=se.rdb$index_name
- WHERE rc.rdb$constraint_type=? AND rc.rdb$relation_name=?
- """
- tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name)
- # get primary key fields
- c = connection.execute(keyqry, ["PRIMARY KEY", tablename])
- pkfields = [self.normalize_name(r['fname']) for r in c.fetchall()]
- return pkfields
- @reflection.cache
- def get_column_sequence(self, connection,
- table_name, column_name,
- schema=None, **kw):
- tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name)
- colname = self.denormalize_name(column_name)
- # Heuristic-query to determine the generator associated to a PK field
- genqry = """
- SELECT trigdep.rdb$depended_on_name AS fgenerator
- FROM rdb$dependencies tabdep
- JOIN rdb$dependencies trigdep
- ON tabdep.rdb$dependent_name=trigdep.rdb$dependent_name
- AND trigdep.rdb$depended_on_type=14
- AND trigdep.rdb$dependent_type=2
- JOIN rdb$triggers trig ON
- trig.rdb$trigger_name=tabdep.rdb$dependent_name
- WHERE tabdep.rdb$depended_on_name=?
- AND tabdep.rdb$depended_on_type=0
- AND trig.rdb$trigger_type=1
- AND tabdep.rdb$field_name=?
- AND (SELECT count(*)
- FROM rdb$dependencies trigdep2
- WHERE trigdep2.rdb$dependent_name = trigdep.rdb$dependent_name) = 2
- """
- genr = connection.execute(genqry, [tablename, colname]).first()
- if genr is not None:
- return dict(name=self.normalize_name(genr['fgenerator']))
- @reflection.cache
- def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- # Query to extract the details of all the fields of the given table
- tblqry = """
- SELECT r.rdb$field_name AS fname,
- r.rdb$null_flag AS null_flag,
- t.rdb$type_name AS ftype,
- f.rdb$field_sub_type AS stype,
- f.rdb$field_length/
- COALESCE(cs.rdb$bytes_per_character,1) AS flen,
- f.rdb$field_precision AS fprec,
- f.rdb$field_scale AS fscale,
- COALESCE(r.rdb$default_source,
- f.rdb$default_source) AS fdefault
- FROM rdb$relation_fields r
- JOIN rdb$fields f ON r.rdb$field_source=f.rdb$field_name
- JOIN rdb$types t
- ON t.rdb$type=f.rdb$field_type AND
- t.rdb$field_name='RDB$FIELD_TYPE'
- LEFT JOIN rdb$character_sets cs ON
- f.rdb$character_set_id=cs.rdb$character_set_id
- WHERE f.rdb$system_flag=0 AND r.rdb$relation_name=?
- ORDER BY r.rdb$field_position
- """
- # get the PK, used to determine the eventual associated sequence
- pkey_cols = self.get_primary_keys(connection, table_name)
- tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name)
- # get all of the fields for this table
- c = connection.execute(tblqry, [tablename])
- cols = []
- while True:
- row = c.fetchone()
- if row is None:
- break
- name = self.normalize_name(row['fname'])
- orig_colname = row['fname']
- # get the data type
- colspec = row['ftype'].rstrip()
- coltype = self.ischema_names.get(colspec)
- if coltype is None:
- util.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" %
- (colspec, name))
- coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE
- elif colspec == 'INT64':
- coltype = coltype(
- precision=row['fprec'],
- scale=row['fscale'] * -1)
- elif colspec in ('VARYING', 'CSTRING'):
- coltype = coltype(row['flen'])
- elif colspec == 'TEXT':
- coltype = TEXT(row['flen'])
- elif colspec == 'BLOB':
- if row['stype'] == 1:
- coltype = TEXT()
- else:
- coltype = BLOB()
- else:
- coltype = coltype()
- # does it have a default value?
- defvalue = None
- if row['fdefault'] is not None:
- # the value comes down as "DEFAULT 'value'": there may be
- # more than one whitespace around the "DEFAULT" keyword
- # and it may also be lower case
- # (see also http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-356)
- defexpr = row['fdefault'].lstrip()
- assert defexpr[:8].rstrip().upper() == \
- 'DEFAULT', "Unrecognized default value: %s" % \
- defexpr
- defvalue = defexpr[8:].strip()
- if defvalue == 'NULL':
- # Redundant
- defvalue = None
- col_d = {
- 'name' : name,
- 'type' : coltype,
- 'nullable' : not bool(row['null_flag']),
- 'default' : defvalue,
- 'autoincrement':defvalue is None
- }
- if orig_colname.lower() == orig_colname:
- col_d['quote'] = True
- # if the PK is a single field, try to see if its linked to
- # a sequence thru a trigger
- if len(pkey_cols)==1 and name==pkey_cols[0]:
- seq_d = self.get_column_sequence(connection, tablename, name)
- if seq_d is not None:
- col_d['sequence'] = seq_d
- cols.append(col_d)
- return cols
- @reflection.cache
- def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- # Query to extract the details of each UK/FK of the given table
- fkqry = """
- SELECT rc.rdb$constraint_name AS cname,
- cse.rdb$field_name AS fname,
- ix2.rdb$relation_name AS targetrname,
- se.rdb$field_name AS targetfname
- FROM rdb$relation_constraints rc
- JOIN rdb$indices ix1 ON ix1.rdb$index_name=rc.rdb$index_name
- JOIN rdb$indices ix2 ON ix2.rdb$index_name=ix1.rdb$foreign_key
- JOIN rdb$index_segments cse ON
- cse.rdb$index_name=ix1.rdb$index_name
- JOIN rdb$index_segments se
- ON se.rdb$index_name=ix2.rdb$index_name
- AND se.rdb$field_position=cse.rdb$field_position
- WHERE rc.rdb$constraint_type=? AND rc.rdb$relation_name=?
- ORDER BY se.rdb$index_name, se.rdb$field_position
- """
- tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name)
- c = connection.execute(fkqry, ["FOREIGN KEY", tablename])
- fks = util.defaultdict(lambda:{
- 'name' : None,
- 'constrained_columns' : [],
- 'referred_schema' : None,
- 'referred_table' : None,
- 'referred_columns' : []
- })
- for row in c:
- cname = self.normalize_name(row['cname'])
- fk = fks[cname]
- if not fk['name']:
- fk['name'] = cname
- fk['referred_table'] = self.normalize_name(row['targetrname'])
- fk['constrained_columns'].append(
- self.normalize_name(row['fname']))
- fk['referred_columns'].append(
- self.normalize_name(row['targetfname']))
- return fks.values()
- @reflection.cache
- def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- qry = """
- SELECT ix.rdb$index_name AS index_name,
- ix.rdb$unique_flag AS unique_flag,
- ic.rdb$field_name AS field_name
- FROM rdb$indices ix
- JOIN rdb$index_segments ic
- ON ix.rdb$index_name=ic.rdb$index_name
- LEFT OUTER JOIN rdb$relation_constraints
- ON rdb$relation_constraints.rdb$index_name =
- ic.rdb$index_name
- WHERE ix.rdb$relation_name=? AND ix.rdb$foreign_key IS NULL
- AND rdb$relation_constraints.rdb$constraint_type IS NULL
- ORDER BY index_name, field_name
- """
- c = connection.execute(qry, [self.denormalize_name(table_name)])
- indexes = util.defaultdict(dict)
- for row in c:
- indexrec = indexes[row['index_name']]
- if 'name' not in indexrec:
- indexrec['name'] = self.normalize_name(row['index_name'])
- indexrec['column_names'] = []
- indexrec['unique'] = bool(row['unique_flag'])
- indexrec['column_names'].append(
- self.normalize_name(row['field_name']))
- return indexes.values()
- def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
- # kinterbase does not accept a None, but wants an empty list
- # when there are no arguments.
- cursor.execute(statement, parameters or [])
- def do_rollback(self, connection):
- # Use the retaining feature, that keeps the transaction going
- connection.rollback(True)
- def do_commit(self, connection):
- # Use the retaining feature, that keeps the transaction going
- connection.commit(True)