path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/drizzle/base.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/drizzle/base.py')
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-# drizzle/base.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Monty Taylor <mordred@inaugust.com>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Support for the Drizzle database.
-Supported Versions and Features
-SQLAlchemy supports the Drizzle database starting with 2010.08.
-with capabilities increasing with more modern servers.
-Most available DBAPI drivers are supported; see below.
-===================================== ===============
-Feature Minimum Version
-===================================== ===============
-sqlalchemy.orm 2010.08
-Table Reflection 2010.08
-DDL Generation 2010.08
-utf8/Full Unicode Connections 2010.08
-Transactions 2010.08
-Two-Phase Transactions 2010.08
-Nested Transactions 2010.08
-===================================== ===============
-See the official Drizzle documentation for detailed information about features
-supported in any given server release.
-See the API documentation on individual drivers for details on connecting.
-Connection Timeouts
-Drizzle features an automatic connection close behavior, for connections that
-have been idle for eight hours or more. To circumvent having this issue, use
-the ``pool_recycle`` option which controls the maximum age of any connection::
- engine = create_engine('drizzle+mysqldb://...', pool_recycle=3600)
-Storage Engines
-Drizzle defaults to the ``InnoDB`` storage engine, which is transactional.
-Storage engines can be elected when creating tables in SQLAlchemy by supplying
-a ``drizzle_engine='whatever'`` to the ``Table`` constructor. Any Drizzle table
-creation option can be specified in this syntax::
- Table('mytable', metadata,
- Column('data', String(32)),
- drizzle_engine='InnoDB',
- )
-Not all Drizzle storage engines support foreign keys. For ``BlitzDB`` and
-similar engines, the information loaded by table reflection will not include
-foreign keys. For these tables, you may supply a
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.ForeignKeyConstraint` at reflection time::
- Table('mytable', metadata,
- ForeignKeyConstraint(['other_id'], ['othertable.other_id']),
- autoload=True
- )
-When creating tables, SQLAlchemy will automatically set ``AUTO_INCREMENT`` on
-an integer primary key column::
- >>> t = Table('mytable', metadata,
- ... Column('mytable_id', Integer, primary_key=True)
- ... )
- >>> t.create()
- CREATE TABLE mytable (
- )
-You can disable this behavior by supplying ``autoincrement=False`` to the
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.Column`. This flag can also be used to enable
-auto-increment on a secondary column in a multi-column key for some storage
- Table('mytable', metadata,
- Column('gid', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
- )
-Drizzle SQL Extensions
-Many of the Drizzle SQL extensions are handled through SQLAlchemy's generic
-function and operator support::
- table.select(table.c.password==func.md5('plaintext'))
- table.select(table.c.username.op('regexp')('^[a-d]'))
-And of course any valid Drizzle statement can be executed as a string as well.
-Some limited direct support for Drizzle extensions to SQL is currently
-* SELECT pragma::
- select(..., prefixes=['HIGH_PRIORITY', 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT'])
-* UPDATE with LIMIT::
- update(..., drizzle_limit=10)
-import datetime, inspect, re, sys
-from sqlalchemy import schema as sa_schema
-from sqlalchemy import exc, log, sql, util
-from sqlalchemy.sql import operators as sql_operators
-from sqlalchemy.sql import functions as sql_functions
-from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler
-from array import array as _array
-from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
-from sqlalchemy.engine import base as engine_base, default
-from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes
-from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import base as mysql_dialect
-from sqlalchemy.types import DATE, DATETIME, BOOLEAN, TIME, \
-class _NumericType(object):
- """Base for Drizzle numeric types."""
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- super(_NumericType, self).__init__(**kw)
-class _FloatType(_NumericType, sqltypes.Float):
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- if isinstance(self, (REAL, DOUBLE)) and \
- (
- (precision is None and scale is not None) or
- (precision is not None and scale is None)
- ):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "You must specify both precision and scale or omit "
- "both altogether.")
- super(_FloatType, self).__init__(precision=precision, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
- self.scale = scale
-class _StringType(mysql_dialect._StringType):
- """Base for Drizzle string types."""
- def __init__(self, collation=None,
- binary=False,
- **kw):
- kw['national'] = False
- super(_StringType, self).__init__(collation=collation,
- binary=binary,
- **kw)
-class NUMERIC(_NumericType, sqltypes.NUMERIC):
- """Drizzle NUMERIC type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'NUMERIC'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a NUMERIC.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- """
- super(NUMERIC, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class DECIMAL(_NumericType, sqltypes.DECIMAL):
- """Drizzle DECIMAL type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'DECIMAL'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a DECIMAL.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- """
- super(DECIMAL, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class DOUBLE(_FloatType):
- """Drizzle DOUBLE type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'DOUBLE'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a DOUBLE.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- """
- super(DOUBLE, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class REAL(_FloatType, sqltypes.REAL):
- """Drizzle REAL type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'REAL'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw):
- """Construct a REAL.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- """
- super(REAL, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
-class FLOAT(_FloatType, sqltypes.FLOAT):
- """Drizzle FLOAT type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'FLOAT'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=False, **kw):
- """Construct a FLOAT.
- :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision
- are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server.
- :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point.
- """
- super(FLOAT, self).__init__(precision=precision, scale=scale,
- asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw)
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- return None
-class INTEGER(sqltypes.INTEGER):
- """Drizzle INTEGER type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'INTEGER'
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- """Construct an INTEGER.
- """
- super(INTEGER, self).__init__(**kw)
-class BIGINT(sqltypes.BIGINT):
- """Drizzle BIGINTEGER type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'BIGINT'
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- """Construct a BIGINTEGER.
- """
- super(BIGINT, self).__init__(**kw)
-class _DrizzleTime(mysql_dialect._MSTime):
- """Drizzle TIME type."""
-class TIMESTAMP(sqltypes.TIMESTAMP):
- """Drizzle TIMESTAMP type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TIMESTAMP'
-class TEXT(_StringType, sqltypes.TEXT):
- """Drizzle TEXT type, for text up to 2^16 characters."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TEXT'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kw):
- """Construct a TEXT.
- :param length: Optional, if provided the server may optimize storage
- by substituting the smallest TEXT type sufficient to store
- ``length`` characters.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- super(TEXT, self).__init__(length=length, **kw)
-class VARCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.VARCHAR):
- """Drizzle VARCHAR type, for variable-length character data."""
- __visit_name__ = 'VARCHAR'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """Construct a VARCHAR.
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- """
- super(VARCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class CHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.CHAR):
- """Drizzle CHAR type, for fixed-length character data."""
- __visit_name__ = 'CHAR'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """Construct a CHAR.
- :param length: Maximum data length, in characters.
- :param binary: Optional, use the default binary collation for the
- national character set. This does not affect the type of data
- stored, use a BINARY type for binary data.
- :param collation: Optional, request a particular collation. Must be
- compatible with the national character set.
- """
- super(CHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class ENUM(mysql_dialect.ENUM):
- """Drizzle ENUM type."""
- def __init__(self, *enums, **kw):
- """Construct an ENUM.
- Example:
- Column('myenum', ENUM("foo", "bar", "baz"))
- :param enums: The range of valid values for this ENUM. Values will be
- quoted when generating the schema according to the quoting flag (see
- below).
- :param strict: Defaults to False: ensure that a given value is in this
- ENUM's range of permissible values when inserting or updating rows.
- Note that Drizzle will not raise a fatal error if you attempt to store
- an out of range value- an alternate value will be stored instead.
- (See Drizzle ENUM documentation.)
- :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string
- value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand.
- :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary
- collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates
- BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored,
- only the collation of character data.
- :param quoting: Defaults to 'auto': automatically determine enum value
- quoting. If all enum values are surrounded by the same quoting
- character, then use 'quoted' mode. Otherwise, use 'unquoted' mode.
- 'quoted': values in enums are already quoted, they will be used
- directly when generating the schema - this usage is deprecated.
- 'unquoted': values in enums are not quoted, they will be escaped and
- surrounded by single quotes when generating the schema.
- Previous versions of this type always required manually quoted
- values to be supplied; future versions will always quote the string
- literals for you. This is a transitional option.
- """
- super(ENUM, self).__init__(*enums, **kw)
-class _DrizzleBoolean(sqltypes.Boolean):
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.NUMERIC
-colspecs = {
- sqltypes.Numeric: NUMERIC,
- sqltypes.Float: FLOAT,
- sqltypes.Time: _DrizzleTime,
- sqltypes.Enum: ENUM,
- sqltypes.Boolean: _DrizzleBoolean,
-# All the types we have in Drizzle
-ischema_names = {
-class DrizzleCompiler(mysql_dialect.MySQLCompiler):
- def visit_typeclause(self, typeclause):
- type_ = typeclause.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect)
- if isinstance(type_, sqltypes.Integer):
- return 'INTEGER'
- else:
- return super(DrizzleCompiler, self).visit_typeclause(typeclause)
- def visit_cast(self, cast, **kwargs):
- type_ = self.process(cast.typeclause)
- if type_ is None:
- return self.process(cast.clause)
- return 'CAST(%s AS %s)' % (self.process(cast.clause), type_)
-class DrizzleDDLCompiler(mysql_dialect.MySQLDDLCompiler):
- pass
-class DrizzleTypeCompiler(mysql_dialect.MySQLTypeCompiler):
- def _extend_numeric(self, type_, spec):
- return spec
- def _extend_string(self, type_, defaults, spec):
- """Extend a string-type declaration with standard SQL
- COLLATE annotations and Drizzle specific extensions.
- """
- def attr(name):
- return getattr(type_, name, defaults.get(name))
- if attr('collation'):
- collation = 'COLLATE %s' % type_.collation
- elif attr('binary'):
- collation = 'BINARY'
- else:
- collation = None
- return ' '.join([c for c in (spec, collation)
- if c is not None])
- def visit_NCHAR(self, type):
- raise NotImplementedError("Drizzle does not support NCHAR")
- def visit_NVARCHAR(self, type):
- raise NotImplementedError("Drizzle does not support NVARCHAR")
- def visit_FLOAT(self, type_):
- if type_.scale is not None and type_.precision is not None:
- return "FLOAT(%s, %s)" % (type_.precision, type_.scale)
- else:
- return "FLOAT"
- def visit_BOOLEAN(self, type_):
- return "BOOLEAN"
- def visit_BLOB(self, type_):
- return "BLOB"
-class DrizzleExecutionContext(mysql_dialect.MySQLExecutionContext):
- pass
-class DrizzleIdentifierPreparer(mysql_dialect.MySQLIdentifierPreparer):
- pass
-class DrizzleDialect(mysql_dialect.MySQLDialect):
- """Details of the Drizzle dialect. Not used directly in application code."""
- name = 'drizzle'
- _supports_cast = True
- supports_sequences = False
- supports_native_boolean = True
- supports_views = False
- default_paramstyle = 'format'
- colspecs = colspecs
- statement_compiler = DrizzleCompiler
- ddl_compiler = DrizzleDDLCompiler
- type_compiler = DrizzleTypeCompiler
- ischema_names = ischema_names
- preparer = DrizzleIdentifierPreparer
- def on_connect(self):
- """Force autocommit - Drizzle Bug#707842 doesn't set this
- properly"""
- def connect(conn):
- conn.autocommit(False)
- return connect
- def do_commit(self, connection):
- """Execute a COMMIT."""
- connection.commit()
- def do_rollback(self, connection):
- """Execute a ROLLBACK."""
- connection.rollback()
- @reflection.cache
- def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- """Return a Unicode SHOW TABLES from a given schema."""
- if schema is not None:
- current_schema = schema
- else:
- current_schema = self.default_schema_name
- charset = 'utf8'
- rp = connection.execute("SHOW TABLES FROM %s" %
- self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(current_schema))
- return [row[0] for row in self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset)]
- @reflection.cache
- def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def _detect_casing(self, connection):
- """Sniff out identifier case sensitivity.
- Cached per-connection. This value can not change without a server
- restart.
- """
- return 0
- def _detect_collations(self, connection):
- """Pull the active COLLATIONS list from the server.
- Cached per-connection.
- """
- collations = {}
- charset = self._connection_charset
- rs = connection.execute('SELECT CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME from data_dictionary.COLLATIONS')
- for row in self._compat_fetchall(rs, charset):
- collations[row[0]] = row[1]
- return collations
- def _detect_ansiquotes(self, connection):
- """Detect and adjust for the ANSI_QUOTES sql mode."""
- self._server_ansiquotes = False
- self._backslash_escapes = False