path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
-Name: SQLAlchemy
-Version: 0.7.0
-Summary: Database Abstraction Library
-Home-page: http://www.sqlalchemy.org
-Author: Mike Bayer
-Author-email: mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com
-License: MIT License
-Description: SQLAlchemy is:
- * The Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
- that gives application developers the full power and
- flexibility of SQL. SQLAlchemy provides a full suite
- of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns,
- designed for efficient and high-performing database
- access, adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain
- language.
- * extremely easy to use for all the basic tasks, such
- as: accessing pooled connections, constructing SQL
- from Python expressions, finding object instances, and
- commiting object modifications back to the database.
- * powerful enough for complicated tasks, such as: eager
- load a graph of objects and their dependencies via
- joins; map recursive adjacency structures
- automatically; map objects to not just tables but to
- any arbitrary join or select statement; combine
- multiple tables together to load whole sets of
- otherwise unrelated objects from a single result set;
- commit entire graphs of object changes in one step.
- * built to conform to what DBAs demand, including the
- ability to swap out generated SQL with hand-optimized
- statements, full usage of bind parameters for all
- literal values, fully transactionalized and consistent
- updates using Unit of Work.
- * modular. Different parts of SQLAlchemy can be used
- independently of the rest, including the connection
- pool, SQL construction, and ORM. SQLAlchemy is
- constructed in an open style that allows plenty of
- customization, with an architecture that supports
- custom datatypes, custom SQL extensions, and ORM
- plugins which can augment or extend mapping
- functionality.
- SQLAlchemy's Philosophy:
- * SQL databases behave less and less like object
- collections the more size and performance start to
- matter; object collections behave less and less like
- tables and rows the more abstraction starts to matter.
- SQLAlchemy aims to accomodate both of these
- principles.
- * Your classes aren't tables, and your objects aren't
- rows. Databases aren't just collections of tables;
- they're relational algebra engines. You don't have to
- select from just tables, you can select from joins,
- subqueries, and unions. Database and domain concepts
- should be visibly decoupled from the beginning,
- allowing both sides to develop to their full
- potential.
- * For example, table metadata (objects that describe
- tables) are declared distinctly from the classes
- theyre designed to store. That way database
- relationship concepts don't interfere with your object
- design concepts, and vice-versa; the transition from
- table-mapping to selectable-mapping is seamless; a
- class can be mapped against the database in more than
- one way. SQLAlchemy provides a powerful mapping layer
- that can work as automatically or as manually as you
- choose, determining relationships based on foreign
- keys or letting you define the join conditions
- explicitly, to bridge the gap between database and
- domain.
- SQLAlchemy's Advantages:
- * The Unit Of Work system organizes pending CRUD
- operations into queues and commits them all in one
- batch. It then performs a topological "dependency
- sort" of all items to be committed and deleted and
- groups redundant statements together. This produces
- the maxiumum efficiency and transaction safety, and
- minimizes chances of deadlocks. Modeled after Fowler's
- "Unit of Work" pattern as well as Java Hibernate.
- * Function-based query construction allows boolean
- expressions, operators, functions, table aliases,
- selectable subqueries, create/update/insert/delete
- queries, correlated updates, correlated EXISTS
- clauses, UNION clauses, inner and outer joins, bind
- parameters, free mixing of literal text within
- expressions, as little or as much as desired.
- Query-compilation is vendor-specific; the same query
- object can be compiled into any number of resulting
- SQL strings depending on its compilation algorithm.
- * Database mapping and class design are totally
- separate. Persisted objects have no subclassing
- requirement (other than 'object') and are POPO's :
- plain old Python objects. They retain serializability
- (pickling) for usage in various caching systems and
- session objects. SQLAlchemy "decorates" classes with
- non-intrusive property accessors to automatically log
- object creates and modifications with the UnitOfWork
- engine, to lazyload related data, as well as to track
- attribute change histories.
- * Custom list classes can be used with eagerly or lazily
- loaded child object lists, allowing rich relationships
- to be created on the fly as SQLAlchemy appends child
- objects to an object attribute.
- * Composite (multiple-column) primary keys are
- supported, as are "association" objects that represent
- the middle of a "many-to-many" relationship.
- * Self-referential tables and mappers are supported.
- Adjacency list structures can be created, saved, and
- deleted with proper cascading, with no extra
- programming.
- * Data mapping can be used in a row-based manner. Any
- bizarre hyper-optimized query that you or your DBA can
- cook up, you can run in SQLAlchemy, and as long as it
- returns the expected columns within a rowset, you can
- get your objects from it. For a rowset that contains
- more than one kind of object per row, multiple mappers
- can be chained together to return multiple object
- instance lists from a single database round trip.
- * The type system allows pre- and post- processing of
- data, both at the bind parameter and the result set
- level. User-defined types can be freely mixed with
- built-in types. Generic types as well as SQL-specific
- types are available.
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Classifier: Topic :: Database :: Front-Ends
-Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent