path: root/meta/lib/patchtest/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta/lib/patchtest/tests/')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/lib/patchtest/tests/ b/meta/lib/patchtest/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7187a0cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/patchtest/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Checks related to the patch's CVE lines
+# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+import base
+import os
+import parse_signed_off_by
+import parse_upstream_status
+import pyparsing
+class TestPatch(base.Base):
+ re_cve_pattern = pyparsing.Regex("CVE\-\d{4}\-\d+")
+ re_cve_payload_tag = pyparsing.Regex("\+CVE:(\s+CVE\-\d{4}\-\d+)+")
+ upstream_status_regex = pyparsing.AtLineStart("+" + "Upstream-Status")
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClassLocal(cls):
+ cls.newpatches = []
+ # get just those relevant patches: new software patches
+ for patch in cls.patchset:
+ if patch.path.endswith('.patch') and patch.is_added_file:
+ cls.newpatches.append(patch)
+ cls.mark = str(parse_signed_off_by.signed_off_by_mark).strip('"')
+ # match PatchSignedOffBy.mark with '+' preceding it
+ cls.prog = parse_signed_off_by.patch_signed_off_by
+ def setUp(self):
+ if self.unidiff_parse_error:
+ self.skip('Parse error %s' % self.unidiff_parse_error)
+ self.valid_status = ', '.join(parse_upstream_status.upstream_status_nonliteral_valid_status)
+ self.standard_format = 'Upstream-Status: <Valid status>'
+ # we are just interested in series that introduce CVE patches, thus discard other
+ # possibilities: modification to current CVEs, patch directly introduced into the
+ # recipe, upgrades already including the CVE, etc.
+ new_cves = [p for p in self.patchset if p.path.endswith('.patch') and p.is_added_file]
+ if not new_cves:
+ self.skip('No new CVE patches introduced')
+ def test_upstream_status_presence_format(self):
+ if not TestPatch.newpatches:
+ self.skip("There are no new software patches, no reason to test Upstream-Status presence/format")
+ for newpatch in TestPatch.newpatches:
+ payload = newpatch.__str__()
+ if not self.upstream_status_regex.search_string(payload):
+'Added patch file is missing Upstream-Status: <Valid status> in the commit message',
+ data=[('Standard format', self.standard_format), ('Valid status', self.valid_status)])
+ for line in payload.splitlines():
+ if self.patchmetadata_regex.match(line):
+ continue
+ if self.upstream_status_regex.search_string(line):
+ if parse_upstream_status.inappropriate_status_mark.searchString(line):
+ try:
+ parse_upstream_status.upstream_status_inappropriate_info.parseString(line.lstrip('+'))
+ except pyparsing.ParseException as pe:
+'Upstream-Status is Inappropriate, but no reason was provided',
+ data=[('Current', pe.pstr), ('Standard format', 'Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [reason]')])
+ elif parse_upstream_status.submitted_status_mark.searchString(line):
+ try:
+ parse_upstream_status.upstream_status_submitted_info.parseString(line.lstrip('+'))
+ except pyparsing.ParseException as pe:
+'Upstream-Status is Submitted, but it is not mentioned where',
+ data=[('Current', pe.pstr), ('Standard format', 'Upstream-Status: Submitted [where]')])
+ else:
+ try:
+ parse_upstream_status.upstream_status.parseString(line.lstrip('+'))
+ except pyparsing.ParseException as pe:
+'Upstream-Status is in incorrect format',
+ data=[('Current', pe.pstr), ('Standard format', self.standard_format), ('Valid status', self.valid_status)])
+ def test_signed_off_by_presence(self):
+ if not TestPatch.newpatches:
+ self.skip("There are no new software patches, no reason to test %s presence" % PatchSignedOffBy.mark)
+ for newpatch in TestPatch.newpatches:
+ payload = newpatch.__str__()
+ for line in payload.splitlines():
+ if self.patchmetadata_regex.match(line):
+ continue
+ if TestPatch.prog.search_string(payload):
+ break
+ else:
+'A patch file has been added without a Signed-off-by tag: \'%s\'' % os.path.basename(newpatch.path))
+ def test_cve_tag_format(self):
+ for commit in TestPatch.commits:
+ if self.re_cve_pattern.search_string(commit.shortlog) or self.re_cve_pattern.search_string(commit.commit_message):
+ tag_found = False
+ for line in commit.payload.splitlines():
+ if self.re_cve_payload_tag.search_string(line):
+ tag_found = True
+ break
+ if not tag_found:
+'Missing or incorrectly formatted CVE tag in patch file. Correct or include the CVE tag in the patch with format: "CVE: CVE-YYYY-XXXX"',
+ commit=commit)