path: root/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
+System Requirements
+Welcome to the Yocto Project Reference Manual. This manual provides
+reference information for the current release of the Yocto Project, and
+is most effectively used after you have an understanding of the basics
+of the Yocto Project. The manual is neither meant to be read as a
+starting point to the Yocto Project, nor read from start to finish.
+Rather, use this manual to find variable definitions, class
+descriptions, and so forth as needed during the course of using the
+Yocto Project.
+For introductory information on the Yocto Project, see the
+:yocto_home:`Yocto Project Website <>` and the
+":ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:the yocto project development environment`"
+chapter in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
+If you want to use the Yocto Project to quickly build an image without
+having to understand concepts, work through the
+:doc:`/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index` document. You can find "how-to"
+information in the :doc:`/dev-manual/index`. You can find Yocto Project overview
+and conceptual information in the :doc:`/overview-manual/index`.
+.. note::
+ For more information about the Yocto Project Documentation set, see
+ the :ref:`ref-manual/resources:links and related documentation` section.
+Minimum Free Disk Space
+To build an image such as ``core-image-sato`` for the ``qemux86-64`` machine,
+you need a system with at least &MIN_DISK_SPACE; Gbytes of free disk space.
+However, much more disk space will be necessary to build more complex images,
+to run multiple builds and to cache build artifacts, improving build efficiency.
+If you have a shortage of disk space, see the ":doc:`/dev-manual/disk-space`"
+section of the Development Tasks Manual.
+.. _system-requirements-minimum-ram:
+Minimum System RAM
+You will manage to build an image such as ``core-image-sato`` for the
+``qemux86-64`` machine with as little as &MIN_RAM; Gbytes of RAM on an old
+system with 4 CPU cores, but your builds will be much faster on a system with
+as much RAM and as many CPU cores as possible.
+.. _system-requirements-supported-distros:
+Supported Linux Distributions
+Currently, the &DISTRO; release ("&DISTRO_NAME;") of the Yocto Project is
+supported on the following distributions:
+- Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS)
+- Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS)
+- Fedora 38
+- CentOS Stream 8
+- Debian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye)
+- Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm)
+- OpenSUSE Leap 15.4
+- AlmaLinux 8
+- AlmaLinux 9
+- Rocky 9
+The following distribution versions are still tested, even though the
+organizations publishing them no longer make updates publicly available:
+- Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS)
+- Ubuntu 23.04
+Note that the Yocto Project doesn't have access to private updates
+that some of these versions may have. Therefore, our testing has
+limited value if you have access to such updates.
+Finally, here are the distribution versions which were previously
+tested on former revisions of "&DISTRO_NAME;", but no longer are:
+*This list is currently empty*
+.. note::
+ - While the Yocto Project Team attempts to ensure all Yocto Project
+ releases are one hundred percent compatible with each officially
+ supported Linux distribution, you may still encounter problems
+ that happen only with a specific distribution.
+ - Yocto Project releases are tested against the stable Linux
+ distributions in the above list. The Yocto Project should work
+ on other distributions but validation is not performed against
+ them.
+ - In particular, the Yocto Project does not support and currently
+ has no plans to support rolling-releases or development
+ distributions due to their constantly changing nature. We welcome
+ patches and bug reports, but keep in mind that our priority is on
+ the supported platforms listed above.
+ - If your Linux distribution is not in the above list, we recommend to
+ get the :term:`buildtools` or :term:`buildtools-extended` tarballs
+ containing the host tools required by your Yocto Project release,
+ typically by running ``scripts/install-buildtools`` as explained in
+ the ":ref:`system-requirements-buildtools`" section.
+ - You may use Windows Subsystem For Linux v2 to set up a build host
+ using Windows 10 or later, or Windows Server 2019 or later, but validation
+ is not performed against build hosts using WSL 2.
+ See the
+ :ref:`dev-manual/start:setting up to use windows subsystem for linux (wsl 2)`
+ section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for more information.
+ - If you encounter problems, please go to :yocto_bugs:`Yocto Project
+ Bugzilla <>` and submit a bug. We are
+ interested in hearing about your experience. For information on
+ how to submit a bug, see the Yocto Project
+ :yocto_wiki:`Bugzilla wiki page </Bugzilla_Configuration_and_Bug_Tracking>`
+ and the ":doc:`../contributor-guide/report-defect`"
+ section in the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded Contributor Guide.
+Required Packages for the Build Host
+The list of packages you need on the host development system can be
+large when covering all build scenarios using the Yocto Project. This
+section describes required packages according to Linux distribution and
+.. _ubuntu-packages:
+Ubuntu and Debian
+Here are the packages needed to build an image on a headless system
+with a supported Ubuntu or Debian Linux distribution::
+.. note::
+ - If your build system has the ``oss4-dev`` package installed, you
+ might experience QEMU build failures due to the package installing
+ its own custom ``/usr/include/linux/soundcard.h`` on the Debian
+ system. If you run into this situation, try either of these solutions::
+ $ sudo apt build-dep qemu
+ $ sudo apt remove oss4-dev
+Here are the packages needed to build Project documentation manuals::
+ $ sudo apt install git make inkscape texlive-latex-extra
+ $ sudo apt install sphinx python3-saneyaml python3-sphinx-rtd-theme
+Fedora Packages
+Here are the packages needed to build an image on a headless system
+with a supported Fedora Linux distribution::
+Here are the packages needed to build Project documentation manuals::
+ $ sudo dnf install git make python3-pip which inkscape texlive-fncychap
+openSUSE Packages
+Here are the packages needed to build an image on a headless system
+with a supported openSUSE distribution::
+ $ sudo zypper install &OPENSUSE_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL;
+Here are the packages needed to build Project documentation manuals::
+ $ sudo zypper install git make python3-pip which inkscape texlive-fncychap
+AlmaLinux Packages
+Here are the packages needed to build an image on a headless system
+with a supported AlmaLinux distribution::
+.. note::
+ - Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (i.e. ``epel-release``) is
+ a collection of packages from Fedora built on RHEL/CentOS for
+ easy installation of packages not included in enterprise Linux
+ by default. You need to install these packages separately.
+ - The ``PowerTools/CRB`` repo provides additional packages such as
+ ``rpcgen`` and ``texinfo``.
+ - The ``makecache`` command consumes additional Metadata from
+ ``epel-release``.
+Here are the packages needed to build Project documentation manuals::
+ $ sudo dnf install git make python3-pip which inkscape texlive-fncychap
+.. _system-requirements-buildtools:
+Required Git, tar, Python, make and gcc Versions
+In order to use the build system, your host development system must meet
+the following version requirements for Git, tar, and Python:
+- Git &MIN_GIT_VERSION; or greater
+- tar &MIN_TAR_VERSION; or greater
+- Python &MIN_PYTHON_VERSION; or greater
+- GNU make &MIN_MAKE_VERSION; or greater
+If your host development system does not meet all these requirements,
+you can resolve this by installing a :term:`buildtools` tarball that
+contains these tools. You can either download a pre-built tarball or
+use BitBake to build one.
+In addition, your host development system must meet the following
+version requirement for gcc:
+- gcc &MIN_GCC_VERSION; or greater
+If your host development system does not meet this requirement, you can
+resolve this by installing a :term:`buildtools-extended` tarball that
+contains additional tools, the equivalent of the Debian/Ubuntu ``build-essential``
+For systems with a broken make version (e.g. make 4.2.1 without patches) but
+where the rest of the host tools are usable, you can use the :term:`buildtools-make`
+tarball instead.
+In the sections that follow, three different methods will be described for
+installing the :term:`buildtools`, :term:`buildtools-extended` or :term:`buildtools-make`
+Installing a Pre-Built ``buildtools`` Tarball with ``install-buildtools`` script
+The ``install-buildtools`` script is the easiest of the three methods by
+which you can get these tools. It downloads a pre-built :term:`buildtools`
+installer and automatically installs the tools for you:
+#. Execute the ``install-buildtools`` script. Here is an example::
+ $ cd poky
+ $ scripts/install-buildtools \
+ --without-extended-buildtools \
+ --base-url &YOCTO_DL_URL;/releases/yocto \
+ --release yocto-&DISTRO; \
+ --installer-version &DISTRO;
+ During execution, the :term:`buildtools` tarball will be downloaded, the
+ checksum of the download will be verified, the installer will be run
+ for you, and some basic checks will be run to make sure the
+ installation is functional.
+ To avoid the need of ``sudo`` privileges, the ``install-buildtools``
+ script will by default tell the installer to install in::
+ /path/to/poky/buildtools
+ If your host development system needs the additional tools provided
+ in the :term:`buildtools-extended` tarball, you can instead execute the
+ ``install-buildtools`` script with the default parameters::
+ $ cd poky
+ $ scripts/install-buildtools
+ Alternatively if your host development system has a broken ``make``
+ version such that you only need a known good version of ``make``,
+ you can use the ``--make-only`` option::
+ $ cd poky
+ $ scripts/install-buildtools --make-only
+#. Source the tools environment setup script by using a command like the
+ following::
+ $ source /path/to/poky/buildtools/environment-setup-x86_64-pokysdk-linux
+ After you have sourced the setup script, the tools are added to
+ ``PATH`` and any other environment variables required to run the
+ tools are initialized. The results are working versions versions of
+ Git, tar, Python and ``chrpath``. And in the case of the
+ :term:`buildtools-extended` tarball, additional working versions of tools
+ including ``gcc``, ``make`` and the other tools included in
+ ``packagegroup-core-buildessential``.
+Downloading a Pre-Built ``buildtools`` Tarball
+If you would prefer not to use the ``install-buildtools`` script, you can instead
+download and run a pre-built :term:`buildtools` installer yourself with the following
+#. Go to :yocto_dl:`/releases/yocto/yocto-&DISTRO;/buildtools/`, locate and
+ download the ``.sh`` file corresponding to your host architecture
+ and to :term:`buildtools`, :term:`buildtools-extended` or :term:`buildtools-make`.
+#. Execute the installation script. Here is an example for the
+ traditional installer::
+ $ sh ~/Downloads/x86_64-buildtools-nativesdk-standalone-&DISTRO;.sh
+ Here is an example for the extended installer::
+ $ sh ~/Downloads/x86_64-buildtools-extended-nativesdk-standalone-&DISTRO;.sh
+ An example for the make-only installer::
+ $ sh ~/Downloads/x86_64-buildtools-make-nativesdk-standalone-&DISTRO;.sh
+ During execution, a prompt appears that allows you to choose the
+ installation directory. For example, you could choose the following:
+ ``/home/your-username/buildtools``
+#. As instructed by the installer script, you will have to source the tools
+ environment setup script::
+ $ source /home/your_username/buildtools/environment-setup-x86_64-pokysdk-linux
+ After you have sourced the setup script, the tools are added to
+ ``PATH`` and any other environment variables required to run the
+ tools are initialized. The results are working versions versions of
+ Git, tar, Python and ``chrpath``. And in the case of the
+ :term:`buildtools-extended` tarball, additional working versions of tools
+ including ``gcc``, ``make`` and the other tools included in
+ ``packagegroup-core-buildessential``.
+Building Your Own ``buildtools`` Tarball
+Building and running your own :term:`buildtools` installer applies only when you
+have a build host that can already run BitBake. In this case, you use
+that machine to build the ``.sh`` file and then take steps to transfer
+and run it on a machine that does not meet the minimal Git, tar, and
+Python (or gcc) requirements.
+Here are the steps to take to build and run your own :term:`buildtools`
+#. On the machine that is able to run BitBake, be sure you have set up
+ your build environment with the setup script
+ (:ref:`structure-core-script`).
+#. Run the BitBake command to build the tarball::
+ $ bitbake buildtools-tarball
+ or to build the extended tarball::
+ $ bitbake buildtools-extended-tarball
+ or to build the make-only tarball::
+ $ bitbake buildtools-make-tarball
+ .. note::
+ The :term:`SDKMACHINE` variable in your ``local.conf`` file determines
+ whether you build tools for a 32-bit or 64-bit system.
+ Once the build completes, you can find the ``.sh`` file that installs
+ the tools in the ``tmp/deploy/sdk`` subdirectory of the
+ :term:`Build Directory`. The installer file has the string
+ "buildtools" or "buildtools-extended" in the name.
+#. Transfer the ``.sh`` file from the build host to the machine that
+ does not meet the Git, tar, or Python (or gcc) requirements.
+#. On this machine, run the ``.sh`` file to install the tools. Here is an
+ example for the traditional installer::
+ $ sh ~/Downloads/x86_64-buildtools-nativesdk-standalone-&DISTRO;.sh
+ For the extended installer::
+ $ sh ~/Downloads/x86_64-buildtools-extended-nativesdk-standalone-&DISTRO;.sh
+ And for the make-only installer::
+ $ sh ~/Downloads/x86_64-buildtools-make-nativesdk-standalone-&DISTRO;.sh
+ During execution, a prompt appears that allows you to choose the
+ installation directory. For example, you could choose the following:
+ ``/home/your_username/buildtools``
+#. Source the tools environment setup script by using a command like the
+ following::
+ $ source /home/your_username/buildtools/environment-setup-x86_64-poky-linux
+ After you have sourced the setup script, the tools are added to
+ ``PATH`` and any other environment variables required to run the
+ tools are initialized. The results are working versions versions of
+ Git, tar, Python and ``chrpath``. And in the case of the
+ :term:`buildtools-extended` tarball, additional working versions of tools
+ including ``gcc``, ``make`` and the other tools included in
+ ``packagegroup-core-buildessential``.