path: root/lib/packages
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-03-17dynatable: Make ajaxOnLoad a stronger settingDamien Lespiau
2016-01-11dynatable: Don't show the pagination widget when there's only one pageDamien Lespiau
2015-12-19ui: Use the standard bootstrap care for sorting indicatorsDamien Lespiau
2015-12-19ui: Only use 2 states for sorting columnsDamien Lespiau
2015-12-19ui: Redesign the pagination widgetsDamien Lespiau
2015-11-03dynatable: Tweak dynatable to work with DRF orderingDamien Lespiau
2015-11-03dynatable: Allow the user to have pre-defined pagination linksDamien Lespiau
2015-11-03dynatable: Style the pagination widget to look list the patches oneDamien Lespiau
2015-11-03dynatable: Use our theming for the table headersDamien Lespiau
2015-11-03dynatable: Allow the user to have a pre-defined per-page elementDamien Lespiau
2015-11-03js: Add jquery.dynatable.jsDamien Lespiau
2015-10-20gitignore: Explicitely ignore sub-directories in lib/packagesDamien Lespiau
2015-09-22package: Add the Sticky Table Header jQuery pluginDamien Lespiau
2014-11-10jquery: Fix jqeury typoDamien Lespiau
2013-06-16js: Add jquery and jquery tablednd pluginsJeremy Kerr
2008-09-05Exclude packages tree from separate .gitignore fileJeremy Kerr