path: root/docs/README.booting.storage.md
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+# Booting OS Images from Storage Device
+Booting OS Images from storage devices such as SD Card, eMMC, USB and SATA devices.
+* [Booting from SD or eMMC](#booting-from-sd-or-emmc)
+* [Writing wic image to SD or eMMC device](#writing-image-to-sd-or-emmc-device)
+ * [Using Wic file](#using-wic-file)
+ * [Using Yocto images](#using-yocto-images)
+* [Secondary boot from USB or SATA device](#secondary-boot-from-usb-or-sata-device)
+## Booting from SD or eMMC
+Setup the card with the first partition formatted as FAT16/32. If you intend to
+boot with the root filesystem located on the SD card, also create a second
+partition formatted as EXT4.
+It is recommended that the first partition be at least 512MB in size, however
+this value will depend on whether using a ramdisk for the root filesystem and
+how large the ramdisk is.
+This section describes how to manually prepare and populate an SD card image.
+There are automation tools in OpenEmbedded that can generate disk images already
+formatted and prepared such that they can be written directly to a disk. Refer
+to the Yocto Project Manual for more details:
+## Writing image to SD or eMMC device
+There are two ways to write the images to SD card or eMMC device.
+1. Find the device name of SD or eMMC device and make sure it is unmounted. In
+ this example we'll assume it is /dev/mmcblk<devnum><partnum>.
+2. To write image to eMMC device make sure you need to boot Linux from JTAG or
+ SD or QSPI first, then copy the wic image to `<target_rootfs>/tmp` directory.
+### Using Wic file
+Write wic image file to the SD card or eMMC device.
+$ sudo dd if=xilinx-default-sd-${DATETIME}-sda.direct of=/dev/mmcblk<devnum> bs=4M
+### Using Yocto images
+> **Note:** Use actual files to copy and don't use symlink files.
+1. Create a FAT32 and EXT4 partition on SD card or eMMC device.
+$ sudo parted -s /dev/mmcblk<devnum> mklabel gpt mkpart primary fat32 1MiB 512MiB mkpart ext4 512MiB 8GiB name 1 boot name 2 root
+$ sudo mkfs.fat -n boot /dev/mmcblk<devnum>1 && sudo mkfs.ext4 -L root /dev/mmcblk<devnum>2
+$ sudo lsblk /dev/mmcblk<devnum> -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,PARTLABEL
+2. Mount the FAT32 and EXT4 partition.
+$ sudo mount -L boot /mnt/boot; sudo mount -L root /mnt/rootfs`
+3. Copy the boot images to the SD card or eMMC device FAT32 partition.
+ * boot.bin
+ * boot.scr
+ * Image or uImage (For Zynq7000 only)
+ * system.dtb
+ * rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot (If using a ramdisk)
+$ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin /mnt/boot/boot.bin
+$ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.scr /mnt/boot/boot.scr
+$ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/Image /mnt/boot/Image
+$ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/system.dtb /mnt/boot/system.dtb
+$ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/core-image-minimal-${MACHINE}.cpio.gz.u-boot /mnt/boot/rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot
+4. Extract `core-image-minimal-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.rootfs.tar.gz` file content to the SD
+ card or eMMC device EXT4 partition.
+$ sudo tar -xf ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/core-image-minimal-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.rootfs.tar.gz -C /mnt/rootfs
+$ sync
+5. Unmount the SD Card or eMMC device and boot from SD or eMMC boot modes.
+$ umount /mnt/boot
+$ umount /mnt/rootfs
+## Secondary boot from USB or SATA device
+On Zynq, ZynqMP and Versal devices supports secondary boot medium such as USB or
+SATA external storage devices. This means target soc primary boot medium should
+be either JATG or SD/eMMC or QSPI/NOR/NAND boot modes.
+> **Note:** Use actual files to copy and don't use symlink files.
+1. Create a FAT32 and EXT4 partition on SD card or eMMC device.
+$ sudo parted -s /dev/sd<X> mklabel gpt mkpart primary mkpart ext4 512MiB 8GiB name 1 root
+$ sudo sudo mkfs.ext4 -L root /dev/sd<X>1
+$ sudo lsblk /dev/sd<X> -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,PARTLABEL
+2. Mount the FAT32 and EXT4 partition.
+$ sudo mount -L root /mnt/rootfs`
+3. Extract `core-image-minimal-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.rootfs.tar.gz` file content
+ to the USB or SATA device EXT4 partition.
+$ sudo tar -xf ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/core-image-minimal-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.rootfs.tar.gz -C /mnt/rootfs
+$ sync
+4. Unmount the USB or SATA device.
+$ umount /mnt/rootfs
+5. Boot from JATG or SD/eMMC or QSPI/NOR/NAND boot modes and halt at u-boot.
+6. Set U-boot bootargs for USB or SATA rootfs and boot from run secondary boot
+ from USB or SATA device
+U-Boot> setenv sata_root 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs} root=/dev/sd<X>1 rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait'
+U-Boot> setenv sataboot 'run sata_root; run default_bootcmd'
+U-Boot> saveenv
+U-Boot> run sataboot