AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-09-17systemd.bbclass: Modify systemd.bbclass tabs into 4 spaces eachHEADmaster3.0Florin Sarbu
2012-08-29systemd: Add version 189Florin Sarbu
2012-08-14systemd: Update to version 188E-0.2Florin Sarbu
2012-07-24systemd: Update to version 187Florin Sarbu
2012-06-20systemd-serialgetty: serial-getty@.service should be installed in libdirE-0.1Andrei Gherzan
2012-06-20systemd: Update -update-alternatives with new paths of systemd and systemctlAndrei Gherzan
2012-06-20systemd: systemd binary is in libdirAndrei Gherzan
2012-06-20systemd: Set --with-systemdsystemunitdir to a libdir pathAndrei Gherzan
2012-06-20systemd: serial-getty* are installed in libdirAndrei Gherzan
2012-06-08systemd: modify LICENSE to LGPL2.1+Florin Sarbu
2012-06-08added generic overview of layerHolger Behrens
2012-06-08added MAINTAINERS informationHolger Behrens
2012-06-08systemd: Add RDEPENDS to systemd-udev-utilsAndrei Gherzan
2012-06-08systemd: Update to v185 (includes udev)Andrei Gherzan
2012-05-21kmod: Remove package from meta-systemd as it was included in poky/oe-coreAndrei Gherzan
2012-05-16udev: Remove empty udev-consolekit package and it's RDEPENDSAndrei Gherzan
2012-04-20Redo initial populationFlorin Sarbu
2012-04-19Initial PopulationHolger Behrens