path: root/scripts/capdebuginfo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/capdebuginfo')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/capdebuginfo b/scripts/capdebuginfo
deleted file mode 100755
index 72b96b2f..00000000
--- a/scripts/capdebuginfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Name: Capture/Debug Information Tool
-# Description:
-# Script to capture debug info from a MEL user's host
-# Copyright 2022 Siemens
-# This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any warranty of any
-# kind, whether express or implied.
-# Variables
-unset BUILDERR # Path and filename of the MEL build error log file
-unset MELDIR # Root path of the MEL installation directory
-HOSTINFOFILE="hostinfo.txt" # File containing info captured from user's host
-OUTPUTDIRNAME="capdebuginfo" # Directory containing all info captured by script
-SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE})"
-usage () {
- cat >&2 <<END
- Capture debug info from a MEL user's host such as host environment and project log files.
- The Script runs only if environment of the shell is already set using setup-environment script.
-Modes of operation:
- With input arguments: ${SCRIPT_NAME} -e <PN>
- Without input arguments: ${SCRIPT_NAME}
-Usage: ${SCRIPT_NAME} -e <PN>
- -e <PN> Specify the name of package causing build failure
- -h Show this usage information
-abspath () {
- readlink -e "${1}"
-# Process input arguments to the script
-# Input: $@
-process_cmdline_args () {
- while getopts ":e:h" opt; do
- case "${opt}" in
- e)
- # Handle getops with invalid input
- if [[ "${OPTARG}" == -* ]] ; then
- echo "Invalid input for option -"${opt}""
- shift $((OPTIND-1))
- break
- else
- BUILDERR=$(find "${BUILDDIR}/tmp/work/" -maxdepth 2 -type d -name "${OPTARG}")
- fi
- ;;
- :)
- echo "Option -"${OPTARG}" requires an argument." >&2
- ;;
- \?)
- echo "Invalid option: -"${OPTARG}"" >&2
- ;;
- h)
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
-# Collect information from host
-# Input: $1=Output directory name
-# $2=Filename for host info collection
-get_hostinfo () {
- local __output="${1}/host/${2}"
- echo -en "\\nHost Distro Info:\\n" >> "${__output}"
- lsb_release -a >> "${__output}" 2> /dev/null
- echo -en "\\nHost System Info:\\n" >> "${__output}"
- uname -a >> "${__output}"
- echo -en "\\nHost env Info:\\n" >> "${__output}"
- printenv | sort >> "${__output}"
- echo -en "\\nHost disk space usage:\\n" >> "${__output}"
- df -h >> "${__output}"
- echo -en "\\nHost memory usage:\\n" >> "${__output}"
- free -ht >> "${__output}"
- echo -en "\\n" >> "${__output}"
-# Collect license info from host
-# Input: $1=Output directory name
-# $2=Filename for host info collection
-# $3=License info variable name
-get_hostlicenseinfo () {
- local __outputdir="${1}"
- local __output=""${1}"/host/"${2}""
- local __licensename="${3}"
- local __license=$(printenv "${3}")
- echo -en "\\n\"${__licensename}\":\\n" >> "${__output}"
- # Check if license variable is set in shell environment
- if [ -n "${__license}" ]; then
- echo -en "\"${__license}\"\\n" >> "${__output}"
- # Process license variable string
- for i in $(echo "${__license//:/$'\\n'}"); do
- # Check if entry is a license file and exists
- if [ -f "${i}" ]; then
- # Make a copy of the license file
- cp "${i}" "${__outputdir}"/host/.
- # Check if entry is a license server
- elif [[ "${i}" == *"@"* ]]; then
- echo -en "\\n\"${i}\" is a license server\\n" >> "${__output}"
- # Entry is invalid
- else
- echo -en "\\n\"${i}\" does not seem to be a valid entry\\n" >> "${__output}"
- fi
- done
- else
- echo -en "\\n\"${__licensename}\" is not set!\\n" >> "${__output}"
- fi
-# Collect prerequisite packages/libraries from host
-# Input: $1=Output directory name
-# $2=Filename for host info collection
-get_hostprereqsinfo () {
- local __outputdir="${1}"
- local __output="${1}/host/${2}"
- local __hostos_distid=`lsb_release -i -s`
- local __hostos_distvers=`lsb_release -r -s`
- local __pkgs
- echo -en "\nHost OS is ${__hostos_distid} ${__hostos_distvers}:\n" >> ${__output}
- case "${__hostos_distid}" in
- Ubuntu)
- __pkgs="bmap-tools bzip2 chrpath cvs diffstat gawk gcc git-core gzip g++ \
- libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev \
- lsb-release make patch python python3 subversion tar texinfo \
- texi2html ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard zip"
- dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version} ${db:Status-Status}\n' ${__pkgs} >> ${__output}
- ;;
- CentOS|RedHat*)
- __pkgs="bzip2 chrpath cvs diffstat gawk gcc gcc-c++ git glibc-devel \
- glibc-static gzip make ncurses-devel patch perl-Thread-Queue \
- python python34 python-virtualenv redhat-lsb SDL-devel sqlite \
- subversion tar tetex texinfo texi2html wget"
- rpm -q ${__pkgs} >> ${__output}
- ;;
- esac
-# Collect MEL installation info from host
-# Input: $1=Output directory name
-# $2=Filename for host info collection
-get_melinstallinfo () {
- local __outputdir="${1}"
- local __output="${1}/host/${2}"
- if [ -d "${HOMEDIR}"/.mentor ]; then
- cp -a "${HOMEDIR}"/.mentor/.registry "${__outputdir}"/host/mentor-registry
- else
- echo -en "\\nNo MEL install info found!\\n" >> ${__output}
- fi
-# Collect MEL project build and error logs
-# Input: $1=Output directory name
-get_melbuildinfo () {
- local __outputdir="${1}"
- local __builderr="${2}"
- local __builddir="${3}"
- local __arch="$(echo "${__builderr#/*/work/}" | cut -d"/" -f1)"
- local __pkgname="$(echo "${__builderr#/*/work/}" | cut -d"/" -f2)"
- local __pkgdir="${__builddir}"/tmp/work/"${__arch}"/"${__pkgname}"
- cp -a "${__builddir}"/buildhistory/images/ "${__outputdir}"/mel/.
- cp -a "${__builddir}"/tmp/log/ "${__outputdir}"/mel/.
- cp -a "${__builddir}"/conf/ "${__outputdir}"/mel/.
- mkdir "${__outputdir}"/mel/"${__arch}"
- cp -a "${__pkgdir}" "${__outputdir}"/mel/"${__arch}"/.
-# Start execution of script
-# Check if the build environment is set or not.
-if [ ! -d "${BUILDDIR}" ]; then
- echo "Please setup the build environment first, and run the script again."
- exit 1
- # Check 1st cmdline argument
- if [[ "${1}" == -* ]]; then
- # Process script input arguments
- process_cmdline_args "${@}"
- if [ ! -d "${BUILDERR}" ]; then
- echo -en "\\nERROR: Input argument was invalid!!!\\n\\n"
- fi
- elif [ -z "${@}" ]; then
- echo -en "\\nWARNING: No input argument was given on command line.\\n\\n"
- fi
- # Check for valid BUILDERR
- while [ ! -d "${BUILDERR}" ]; do
- echo "Please enter package name in which you are having error (option -e):"
- read IN1
- BUILDERR=$(find "${BUILDDIR}/tmp/work/" -maxdepth 2 -type d -name "${IN1}")
- if [ ! -d "${BUILDERR}" ]; then
- echo -en "\\nERROR (option -e): Invalid package name!!!\\n\\n"
- fi
- done
- for i in $(echo "$PATH" | tr ":" "\\n")
- do
- a="$(echo "$i" | grep "/bitbake/bin")"
- if [ -n "$a" ]
- then
- break
- fi
- done
- MELDIR="${a%%/bitbake/bin}"
- # Clean up artifacts from previous run of the script
- if [ -d "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" ]; then
- rm -rf "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}"
- fi
- if [ -a "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}".tar.bz2 ]; then
- rm "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}".tar.bz2
- fi
- # Create directories for saving script outputs
- mkdir -p "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}"/host "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}"/mel
- # Collect host information
- get_hostinfo "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" "${HOSTINFOFILE}"
- get_hostlicenseinfo "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" "${HOSTINFOFILE}" "${MGLS_LICENSE}"
- get_hostlicenseinfo "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" "${HOSTINFOFILE}" "${LM_LICENSE}"
- get_hostprereqsinfo "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" "${HOSTINFOFILE}"
- get_melinstallinfo "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" "${HOSTINFOFILE}"
- get_melbuildinfo "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" "${BUILDERR}" "${BUILDDIR}"
- # Create tarball with info collected in output directory
- echo "Creating \"${OUTPUTDIRNAME}\".tar.bz2..."
- tar cjpf "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}".tar.bz2 "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" 2>> "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}"/host/"${HOSTINFOFILE}"
- # Need to check exit status of tar and handle appropriately
- if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -en "\\ntar errno: ${?}\\n" >> "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}"/host/"${HOSTINFOFILE}"
- echo "An error occurred during tar."
- echo "Please attach "${HOSTINFOFILE}" to your Support Request ticket."
- exit 1
- else
- # Remove output directory after creating tarball archive file
- if [ -d "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}" ]; then
- rm -rf "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}"
- fi
- echo "Done!!!"
- echo -en "\\nPlease attach "${OUTPUTDIRNAME}".tar.bz2 to your Support Request ticket.\\n\\n"
- fi