path: root/meta-mentor-staging
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-mentor-staging')
67 files changed, 0 insertions, 1948 deletions
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/README.md b/meta-mentor-staging/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 098bc551..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Siemens Digital Industries Software Staging Layer for Yocto/OE
-This layer holds the bits we need for Mentor Embedded Linux Flex OS, but which we
-intend to get merged upstream. This is our staging area. Nothing should be in
-this layer permanently, other than layer.conf and associated bits.
-This layer depends on:
-URI: git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core
-Branch: master
-Browse url: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-mentor
-Clone url: git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-mentor.git
-To contribute to this layer you should submit the patches for review to the
-mailing list.
-Mailing list: meta-mentor@yoctoproject.org
-When sending single patches, please use something like
-'git send-email -1 --subject-prefix 'PATCH][meta-mentor-staging' --to meta-mentor@yoctoproject.org'
-When sending a series, please use oe-core/scripts/create-pull-request.
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/cve-check-all.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/cve-check-all.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab571b0..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/cve-check-all.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inherit cve-check
-CVE_CHECK_LOG ?= "${LOG_DIR}/cve.log"
-do_cve_check_all () {
-addtask cve_check_all after do_cve_check
-do_cve_check_all[dirs] = "${LOG_DIR}"
-do_cve_check_all[doc] = "Produce cve.log for all packages in given target without building them"
-do_cve_check_all[recrdeptask] = "do_cve_check_all do_cve_check"
-do_cve_check_all[nostamp] = "1"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/distutils-base.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/distutils-base.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c12f634..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/distutils-base.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-DEPENDS += "${@["${PYTHON_PN}-native ${PYTHON_PN}", ""][(d.getVar('PACKAGES') == '')]}"
-RDEPENDS:${PN} += "${@['', '${PYTHON_PN}-core']['${CLASSOVERRIDE}' == 'class-target']}"
-inherit distutils-common-base pythonnative
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/distutils.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/distutils.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index a0843ca2..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/distutils.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inherit distutils-base
- --install-data=${STAGING_DATADIR}"
- --prefix=${prefix} \
- --install-lib=${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR} \
- --install-data=${datadir}"
-DISTUTILS_PYTHON:class-native = "nativepython"
-distutils_do_configure() {
- if [ "${CLEANBROKEN}" != "1" ] ; then
- fi
-distutils_do_compile() {
- bbfatal_log "'${PYTHON_PN} setup.py build ${DISTUTILS_BUILD_ARGS}' execution failed."
-distutils_stage_headers() {
- ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/${PYTHON_PN}-native/${PYTHON_PN} setup.py install_headers ${DISTUTILS_STAGE_HEADERS_ARGS} || \
- bbfatal_log "'${PYTHON_PN} setup.py install_headers ${DISTUTILS_STAGE_HEADERS_ARGS}' execution for stage_headers failed."
-distutils_stage_all() {
- bbfatal_log "'${PYTHON_PN} setup.py install ${DISTUTILS_STAGE_ALL_ARGS}' execution for stage_all failed."
-distutils_do_install() {
- bbfatal_log "'${PYTHON_PN} setup.py install ${DISTUTILS_INSTALL_ARGS}' execution failed."
- # support filenames with *spaces*
- # only modify file if it contains path and recompile it
- find ${D} -name "*.py" -exec grep -q ${D} {} \; \
- -exec sed -i -e s:${D}::g {} \; \
- -exec ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/python-native/python -mcompileall {} \;
- for i in ${D}${bindir}/* ${D}${sbindir}/*; do
- if [ -f "$i" ]; then
- sed -i -e s:${PYTHON}:${USRBINPATH}/env\ ${DISTUTILS_PYTHON}:g $i
- sed -i -e s:${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}:${bindir}:g $i
- fi
- done
- rm -f ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/easy-install.pth
- rm -f ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/site.py*
- #
- # FIXME: Bandaid against wrong datadir computation
- #
- if [ -e ${D}${datadir}/share ]; then
- mv -f ${D}${datadir}/share/* ${D}${datadir}/
- rmdir ${D}${datadir}/share
- fi
- # Fix backport modules
- if [ -e ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/${PYTHON_DIR}/site-packages/backports/__init__.py ] &&
- [ -e ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/backports/__init__.py ]; then
- rm ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/backports/__init__.py;
- rm ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/backports/__init__.pyc;
- fi
-EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_configure do_compile do_install
-export LDSHARED="${CCLD} -shared"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/python-dir.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/python-dir.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d2dc40b..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/python-dir.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-PYTHON_PN = "python"
-PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR = "${libdir}/${PYTHON_DIR}/site-packages"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/pythonnative.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/pythonnative.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c0e813c..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/pythonnative.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inherit python-dir
-# PYTHON_EXECUTABLE is used by cmake
-EXTRANATIVEPATH += "python-native"
-DEPENDS:append = " python-native "
-# python-config and other scripts are using distutils modules
-# which we patch to access these variables
-# Packages can use
-# find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED)
-# find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
-# which ends up using libs/includes from build host
-# Therefore pre-empt that effort
-# suppress host user's site-packages dirs.
-# autoconf macros will use their internal default preference otherwise
-export PYTHON
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/setuptools.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/setuptools.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index ac14c0c3..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/setuptools.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inherit distutils
-DEPENDS += "python-setuptools-native"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/toolchain_ship_relocate_sdk.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/toolchain_ship_relocate_sdk.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a1b615..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/toolchain_ship_relocate_sdk.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RELOCATE_SDK_SH ?= "${@bb.utils.which(d.getVar('BBPATH'), 'scripts/relocate_sdk.sh')}"
-create_sdk_files:append () {
- install -m 0755 ${RELOCATE_SDK_SH} ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/relocate_sdk.sh
- sed -i -e "s:@SDKPATH@:${SDKPATH}:g; s:##DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR##:$escaped_sdkpath:" ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/relocate_sdk.sh
-do_populate_sdk[file-checksums] += "${RELOCATE_SDK_SH}:True"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/win_sdk_cull.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/win_sdk_cull.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 00dd5893..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/win_sdk_cull.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-SDK_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND:prepend:sdkmingw32 = "cull_win_files;"
-cull_win_files () {
- # Cull duplicates caused by case insensitive filesytems, e.g. NTFS
- cd "${SDK_OUTPUT}"
- find . >cull.filelist
- cat cull.filelist | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort | uniq -d | \
- while read case_dupe; do
- # Remove all but one of each set of duplicates
- bbnote "Keeping first case duplicate '$(grep -xi "$case_dupe" cull.filelist | sed -n '1p')'"
- grep -xi "$case_dupe" cull.filelist | sed '1d' | while read actual; do
- bbwarn "Removing case duplicate '${actual#.}' for windows SDKMACHINE"
- rm -rf "$actual"
- done
- done
- # Cull paths with invalid characters
- grep -E "\\\\|\?|:|\*|\"|<|>|\|" cull.filelist | while read invalid; do
- bbwarn "Removing file with invalid characters for windows SDKMACHINE: ${invalid#.}"
- rm "$invalid"
- done
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/xsctyaml.bbclass b/meta-mentor-staging/classes/xsctyaml.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 26fe17bc..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/classes/xsctyaml.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inherit python3native
-DEPENDS += "python3-pyyaml-native"
-PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR_NATIVE = "${libdir_native}/${PYTHON_DIR}/site-packages"
-YAML_SERIAL_CONSOLE_STDIN_ultra96-zynqmp ?= "psu_uart_1"
-YAML_SERIAL_CONSOLE_STDOUT_ultra96-zynqmp ?= "psu_uart_1"
-XSCTH_MISC:append = " -yamlconf ${YAML_FILE_PATH}"
-YAML_BUILD_CONFIG ?= "${@d.getVar('XSCTH_BUILD_CONFIG', True).lower()}"
-YAML_APP_CONFIG += "${@'build-config' if d.getVar('YAML_BUILD_CONFIG', True) != '' else ''}"
-YAML_APP_CONFIG[build-config] = "set,${YAML_BUILD_CONFIG}"
-YAML_COMPILER_FLAGS ?= "${@d.getVar('XSCTH_COMPILER_DEBUG_FLAGS', True) if d.getVar('XSCTH_BUILD_DEBUG', True) != "0" else d.getVar('XSCTH_APP_COMPILER_FLAGS', True)}"
-YAML_APP_CONFIG += "${@'compiler-misc' if d.getVar('YAML_COMPILER_FLAGS', True) != '' else ''}"
-YAML_APP_CONFIG[compiler-misc] = "add,${YAML_COMPILER_FLAGS}"
-YAML_BSP_CONFIG += "${@'periph_type_overrides' if d.getVar('YAML_DT_BOARD_FLAGS', True) != '' else ''}"
-YAML_BSP_CONFIG[periph_type_overrides] = "set,${YAML_DT_BOARD_FLAGS}"
-YAML_BSP_CONFIG += "${@'stdin' if d.getVar('YAML_SERIAL_CONSOLE_STDIN', True) != '' else ''}"
-YAML_BSP_CONFIG += "${@'stdout' if d.getVar('YAML_SERIAL_CONSOLE_STDOUT', True) != '' else ''}"
-YAML_BSP_CONFIG += "${@'main_memory' if d.getVar('YAML_MAIN_MEMORY_CONFIG', True) != '' else ''}"
-YAML_BSP_CONFIG += "${@'flash_memory' if d.getVar('YAML_FLASH_MEMORY_CONFIG', True) != '' else ''}"
-YAML_BSP_CONFIG += "${@'console_device' if d.getVar('YAML_CONSOLE_DEVICE_CONFIG', True) != '' else ''}"
-def patch_yaml(config, configflags, type, type_dict, d):
- import re
- for cfg in config:
- if cfg not in configflags:
- error_msg = "%s: invalid CONFIG" % (cfg)
- bb.error("YAML config Issue: %s " % (error_msg))
- else:
- cfgval = configflags[cfg].split(',', 1)
- val = d.expand(cfgval[1])
- type_dict[type].update({cfg: {re.sub(r'\s','',cfgval[0]): val}})
- return type_dict
-python do_create_yaml() {
- import sys, os
- os.sys.path.append(os.path.join(d.getVar('RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE'),d.getVar('PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR_NATIVE')[1::]))
- import yaml
- yaml_dict = {}
- appconfig = (d.getVar("YAML_APP_CONFIG", True) or "").split()
- if appconfig:
- yaml_dict.update({'app': {}})
- configflags = d.getVarFlags("YAML_APP_CONFIG") or {}
- yaml_dict = patch_yaml(appconfig, configflags, 'app', yaml_dict, d)
- bspconfig = (d.getVar("YAML_BSP_CONFIG", True) or "").split()
- if bspconfig:
- yaml_dict.update({'bsp': {}})
- configflags = d.getVarFlags("YAML_BSP_CONFIG") or {}
- yaml_dict = patch_yaml(bspconfig, configflags, 'bsp', yaml_dict, d)
- if len(yaml_dict) != 0:
- fp = d.getVar("YAML_FILE_PATH", True)
- if fp :
- yamlfile = open(fp, 'w')
- yamlfile.write(yaml.dump(yaml_dict, default_flow_style=True, width=2000))
-addtask create_yaml after do_prepare_recipe_sysroot before do_configure
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/conf/layer.conf b/meta-mentor-staging/conf/layer.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3845e23c..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/conf/layer.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
- ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend"
-# Let us add layer-specific bb/bbappends which are only applied when that
-# layer is included in our configuration
-BBFILES += "${@' '.join('${LAYERDIR}/%s/recipes*/*/*.bbappend' % layer \
- for layer in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS.split())}"
-BBFILES += "${@' '.join('${LAYERDIR}/%s/recipes*/*/*.bb' % layer \
- for layer in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS.split())}"
-LAYERDIR_mentor-staging = "${LAYERDIR}"
-BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "mentor-staging"
-BBFILE_PRIORITY_mentor-staging = "10"
-BBFILE_PATTERN_mentor-staging = "^${LAYERDIR_RE}/"
-LAYERDEPENDS_mentor-staging = "core mentor-common"
-LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_mentor-staging = "kirkstone"
-# We don't want systemd and everything depending on systemd to rebuild when
-# the metadata stored in os-release changes. TODO: push this to oe-core
-SIGGEN_EXCLUDERECIPES_ABISAFE:append:feature-mentor-staging = " os-release"
-INHERIT:append = " feature_overrides"
-FEATUREOVERRIDES .= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'mentor-staging', ':feature-mentor-staging', '', d)}"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/efibootguard/recipes-bsp/efibootguard/efibootguard_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/efibootguard/recipes-bsp/efibootguard/efibootguard_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ff60d5..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/efibootguard/recipes-bsp/efibootguard/efibootguard_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-ebgpart-fix-conflict-with-__unused-in-system-headers.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/files/relocate_sdk.sh b/meta-mentor-staging/files/relocate_sdk.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d22ca3b..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/files/relocate_sdk.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-target_sdk_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd -P)"
-# fix environment paths
-for env_setup_script in $target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-*; do
- if [ ! -e "$env_setup_script" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- sed -e "s:$default_sdk_dir:$target_sdk_dir:g" -i "$env_setup_script"
-if ! xargs --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "xargs is required by the relocation script, please install it first. Abort!"
- exit 1
-scriptdir="$target_sdk_dir" eval "$(grep 'OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT=' "$env_setup_script" | head -n 1)"
-# replace $default_sdk_dir with the new prefix in all text files: configs/scripts/etc.
-# replace the host perl with SDK perl.
-for replace in "$target_sdk_dir -maxdepth 1" "$native_sysroot"; do
- find $replace -type f 2>/dev/null
-done | xargs -n100 file | grep ":.*\(ASCII\|script\|source\).*text" | \
- awk -F':' '{printf "\"%s\"\n", $1}' | \
- grep -Ev "$target_sdk_dir/(environment-setup-*|relocate_sdk*|${0##*/})" | \
- xargs -n100 sed -i \
- -e "s:$default_sdk_dir:$target_sdk_dir:g" \
- -e "s:^#! */usr/bin/perl.*:#! /usr/bin/env perl:g" \
- -e "s: /usr/bin/perl: /usr/bin/env perl:g"
-if [ -e "$native_sysroot/lib" ]; then
- for py in python python2 python3; do
- PYTHON=`which ${py} 2>/dev/null`
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- break;
- fi
- done
- if [ x${PYTHON} = "x" ]; then
- echo "SDK could not be relocated. No python found."
- exit 1
- fi
- dl_path=$(find $native_sysroot/lib -name "ld-linux*")
- if [ "$dl_path" = "" ] ; then
- echo "SDK could not be set up. Relocate script unable to find ld-linux.so. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
- find $native_sysroot -type f \
- \( -perm -0100 -o -perm -0010 -o -perm -0001 \) -print0 | \
- xargs -0 ${PYTHON} ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.py $target_sdk_dir $dl_path
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Failed to run ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.py. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # change all symlinks pointing to $default_sdk_dir
- for l in $(find $native_sysroot -type l); do
- ln -sfn $(readlink $l|sed -e "s:$default_sdk_dir:$target_sdk_dir:") $l
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Failed to setup symlinks. Relocate script failed. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
-# Execute post-relocation script
-if [ -e "$post_relocate" ]; then
- sed -e "s:$default_sdk_dir:$target_sdk_dir:g" -i $post_relocate
- /bin/sh $post_relocate "$target_sdk_dir" "$default_sdk_dir"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Failed to run $post_relocate. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f $post_relocate
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/files/toolchain-shar-extract.sh b/meta-mentor-staging/files/toolchain-shar-extract.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 38367c0e..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/files/toolchain-shar-extract.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[ -z "$ENVCLEANED" ] && exec /usr/bin/env -i ENVCLEANED=1 HOME="$HOME" \
- LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 \
- http_proxy="$http_proxy" https_proxy="$https_proxy" ftp_proxy="$ftp_proxy" \
- no_proxy="$no_proxy" all_proxy="$all_proxy" GIT_PROXY_COMMAND="$GIT_PROXY_COMMAND" "$0" "$@"
-[ -f /etc/environment ] && . /etc/environment
-export PATH=`echo "$PATH" | sed -e 's/:\.//' -e 's/::/:/'`
-tweakpath () {
- case ":${PATH}:" in
- *:"$1":*)
- ;;
- *)
- esac
-# Some systems don't have /usr/sbin or /sbin in the cleaned environment PATH but we make need it
-# for the system's host tooling checks
-tweakpath /usr/sbin
-tweakpath /sbin
-INST_ARCH=$(uname -m | sed -e "s/i[3-6]86/ix86/" -e "s/x86[-_]64/x86_64/")
-SDK_ARCH=$(echo @SDK_ARCH@ | sed -e "s/i[3-6]86/ix86/" -e "s/x86[-_]64/x86_64/")
-INST_GCC_VER=$(gcc --version | sed -ne 's/.* \([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\)\.[0-9]\+.*/\1/p')
-verlte () {
- [ "$1" = "`printf "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1`" ]
-verlt() {
- [ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 1 || verlte $1 $2
-verlt `uname -r` @OLDEST_KERNEL@
-if [ $? = 0 ]; then
- echo "Error: The SDK needs a kernel > @OLDEST_KERNEL@"
- exit 1
-if [ "$INST_ARCH" != "$SDK_ARCH" ]; then
- # Allow for installation of ix86 SDK on x86_64 host
- if [ "$INST_ARCH" != x86_64 -o "$SDK_ARCH" != ix86 ]; then
- echo "Error: Incompatible SDK installer! Your host is $INST_ARCH and this SDK was built for $SDK_ARCH hosts."
- exit 1
- fi
-if ! xz -V > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "Error: xz is required for installation of this SDK, please install it first"
- exit 1
-while getopts ":yd:npDRSl" OPT; do
- case $OPT in
- y)
- answer="Y"
- ;;
- d)
- target_sdk_dir=$OPTARG
- ;;
- n)
- prepare_buildsystem="no"
- ;;
- p)
- prepare_buildsystem="no"
- publish=1
- ;;
- D)
- verbose=1
- ;;
- R)
- relocate=0
- savescripts=1
- ;;
- S)
- savescripts=1
- ;;
- l)
- listcontents=1
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-y] [-d <dir>]"
- echo " -y Automatic yes to all prompts"
- echo " -d <dir> Install the SDK to <dir>"
- echo "======== Extensible SDK only options ============"
- echo " -n Do not prepare the build system"
- echo " -p Publish mode (implies -n)"
- echo "======== Advanced DEBUGGING ONLY OPTIONS ========"
- echo " -S Save relocation scripts"
- echo " -R Do not relocate executables"
- echo " -D use set -x to see what is going on"
- echo " -l list files that will be extracted"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-payload_offset=$(($(grep -na -m1 "^MARKER:$" $0|cut -d':' -f1) + 1))
-if [ "$listcontents" = "1" ] ; then
- tail -n +$payload_offset $0| tar tvJ || exit 1
- exit
-titlestr="@SDK_TITLE@ installer version @SDK_VERSION@"
-printf "%s\n" "$titlestr"
-printf "%${#titlestr}s\n" | tr " " "="
-if [ $verbose = 1 ] ; then
- set -x
-# SDK_EXTENSIBLE is exposed from the SDK_PRE_INSTALL_COMMAND above
-if [ "$SDK_EXTENSIBLE" = "1" ]; then
- if [ "$INST_GCC_VER" = '4.8' -a "$SDK_GCC_VER" = '4.9' ] || [ "$INST_GCC_VER" = '4.8' -a "$SDK_GCC_VER" = '' ] || \
- [ "$INST_GCC_VER" = '4.9' -a "$SDK_GCC_VER" = '' ]; then
- echo "Error: Incompatible SDK installer! Your host gcc version is $INST_GCC_VER and this SDK was built by gcc higher version."
- exit 1
- fi
-if [ "$target_sdk_dir" = "" ]; then
- if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
- target_sdk_dir="$DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR"
- else
- read -p "Enter target directory for SDK (default: $DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR): " target_sdk_dir
- [ "$target_sdk_dir" = "" ] && target_sdk_dir=$DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR
- fi
-eval target_sdk_dir=$(echo "$target_sdk_dir"|sed 's/ /\\ /g')
-if [ -d "$target_sdk_dir" ]; then
- target_sdk_dir=$(cd "$target_sdk_dir"; pwd)
- target_sdk_dir=$(readlink -m "$target_sdk_dir")
-# limit the length for target_sdk_dir, ensure the relocation behaviour in relocate_sdk.py has right result.
-if [ ${#target_sdk_dir} -gt 2048 ]; then
- echo "Error: The target directory path is too long!!!"
- exit 1
-if [ "$SDK_EXTENSIBLE" = "1" ]; then
- # We're going to be running the build system, additional restrictions apply
- if echo "$target_sdk_dir" | grep -q '[+\ @$]'; then
- echo "The target directory path ($target_sdk_dir) contains illegal" \
- "characters such as spaces, @, \$ or +. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # The build system doesn't work well with /tmp on NFS
- fs_dev_path="$target_sdk_dir"
- while [ ! -d "$fs_dev_path" ] ; do
- fs_dev_path=`dirname $fs_dev_path`
- done
- fs_dev_type=`stat -f -c '%t' "$fs_dev_path"`
- if [ "$fsdevtype" = "6969" ] ; then
- echo "The target directory path $target_sdk_dir is on NFS, this is not possible. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ -n "$(echo $target_sdk_dir|grep ' ')" ]; then
- echo "The target directory path ($target_sdk_dir) contains spaces. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
-if [ -e "$target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-@REAL_MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS@" ]; then
- echo "The directory \"$target_sdk_dir\" already contains a SDK for this architecture."
- printf "If you continue, existing files will be overwritten! Proceed[y/N]? "
- default_answer="n"
- printf "You are about to install the SDK to \"$target_sdk_dir\". Proceed[Y/n]? "
- default_answer="y"
-if [ "$answer" = "" ]; then
- read answer
- [ "$answer" = "" ] && answer="$default_answer"
- echo $answer
-if [ "$answer" != "Y" -a "$answer" != "y" ]; then
- echo "Installation aborted!"
- exit 1
-# Try to create the directory (this will not succeed if user doesn't have rights)
-mkdir -p $target_sdk_dir >/dev/null 2>&1
-# if don't have the right to access dir, gain by sudo
-if [ ! -x $target_sdk_dir -o ! -w $target_sdk_dir -o ! -r $target_sdk_dir ]; then
- if [ "$SDK_EXTENSIBLE" = "1" ]; then
- echo "Unable to access \"$target_sdk_dir\", will not attempt to use" \
- "sudo as as extensible SDK cannot be used as root."
- exit 1
- fi
- SUDO_EXEC=$(which "sudo")
- if [ -z $SUDO_EXEC ]; then
- echo "No command 'sudo' found, please install sudo first. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # test sudo could gain root right
- $SUDO_EXEC pwd >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Sorry, you are not allowed to execute as root." && exit 1
- # now that we have sudo rights, create the directory
- $SUDO_EXEC mkdir -p $target_sdk_dir >/dev/null 2>&1
-printf "Extracting SDK..."
-tail -n +$payload_offset $0| $SUDO_EXEC tar xJ -C $target_sdk_dir --checkpoint=.2500 $EXTRA_TAR_OPTIONS || exit 1
-echo "done"
-printf "Setting it up..."
-real_env_setup_script="$(grep -ql OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT= "$target_sdk_dir/"environment-setup* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)"
-if [ -n "$real_env_setup_script" ] ; then
- env_setup_script="$real_env_setup_script"
-echo "done"
-# delete the relocating script, so that user is forced to re-run the installer
-# if he/she wants another location for the sdk
-if [ $savescripts = 0 ] ; then
- $SUDO_EXEC rm -f ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.py ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.sh
-echo "SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used."
-echo "Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g."
-for env_setup_script in `ls $target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-*`; do
- echo " \$ . $env_setup_script"
-exit 0
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/files/toolchain-shar-relocate.sh b/meta-mentor-staging/files/toolchain-shar-relocate.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 468679af..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/files/toolchain-shar-relocate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$SUDO_EXEC $target_sdk_dir/relocate_sdk.sh
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/fsl-bsp-release/recipes-bsp/imx-vpu/imx-vpu_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/fsl-bsp-release/recipes-bsp/imx-vpu/imx-vpu_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index cc58d382..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/fsl-bsp-release/recipes-bsp/imx-vpu/imx-vpu_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-do_install:append:feature-mentor-staging () {
- if [ "${libdir}" != "/usr/lib" ]; then
- install -d "$(dirname "${D}${libdir}")"
- mv "${D}/usr/lib" "${D}${libdir}"
- fi
- if [ "${includedir}" != "/usr/include" ]; then
- install -d "$(dirname "${D}${includedir}")"
- mv "${D}/usr/include" "${D}${includedir}"
- fi
- rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${D}/usr"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/gplv2/recipes-devtools/rsync/rsync/rsyncd.conf b/meta-mentor-staging/gplv2/recipes-devtools/rsync/rsync/rsyncd.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d21249d..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/gplv2/recipes-devtools/rsync/rsync/rsyncd.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# /etc/rsyncd.conf
-# Minimal configuration file for rsync daemon
-# See rsync(1) and rsyncd.conf(5) man pages for help
-# This file is required by rsync --daemon
-pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
-use chroot = yes
-read only = yes
-# Simple example for enabling your own local rsync server
-# path = /
-# comment = Everything except /etc exposed
-# exclude = /etc
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/gplv2/recipes-devtools/rsync/rsync_2.6.9+git.bb b/meta-mentor-staging/gplv2/recipes-devtools/rsync/rsync_2.6.9+git.bb
deleted file mode 100644
index 896669b8..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/gplv2/recipes-devtools/rsync/rsync_2.6.9+git.bb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-require recipes-devtools/rsync/rsync_2.6.9.bb
-SRC_URI = "git://git.samba.org/rsync.git;protocol=https;branch=master \
- file://rsyncd.conf \
- file://addrinfo.h \
- file://0001-If-we-re-cross-compiling-tell-the-user-to-run-mkroun.patch \
- file://0002-Changed-the-creation-of-rounding.h-to-use-a-set-of-c.patch \
- file://0003-Renamed-mkrounding.c-to-rounding.c.patch \
- file://0004-Improved-the-manpage-install-rules.patch \
- file://force-protocol-version-29.patch \
-SRCREV = "496c809f8cf529c5a95f9578b34a9299b0d92ffb"
-PV .= "${SRCPV}"
-S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
-do_configure:prepend () {
- install ${WORKDIR}/addrinfo.h ${S}/lib/
-do_configure:append () {
- oe_runmake proto
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/lib/oe/__init__.py b/meta-mentor-staging/lib/oe/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 86f9a56b..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/lib/oe/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from pkgutil import extend_path
-__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native/0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native/0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ae75adb4..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native/0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-From 4163c0a0eb88263a3d3e593942cd9cf402909977 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
-Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 22:23:43 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] PR3597: Potential bogus -Wformat-overflow warning with
- -Wformat enabled
-2018-05-29 Andrew John Hughes <gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org>
- PR3597: Potential bogus -Wformat-overflow warning
- with -Wformat enabled
- * Makefile.am:
- (ICEDTEA_PATCHES): Add patch.
- * NEWS: Updated.
- * patches/pr3597.patch:
- Disable -Wformat-overflow on the
- the build_pipe_classes function with GCC >= 7 as it
- produces apparent false positives.
-Signed-off-by: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
- Makefile.am | 4 ++++
- patches/pr3597.patch | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 patches/pr3597.patch
-diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
-index 5f0c90d..c1950b5 100644
---- a/Makefile.am
-+++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -277,6 +277,10 @@ else
- ICEDTEA_PATCHES += patches/nss-not-enabled-config.patch
- endif
-+# Apply additional HotSpot patches against same patch base
-+ patches/pr3597.patch
- # Bootstrapping patches
-diff --git a/patches/pr3597.patch b/patches/pr3597.patch
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..5e3b4ef
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/patches/pr3597.patch
-@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-+diff --git openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp
-+--- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp
-++++ openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp
-+@@ -85,6 +85,19 @@
-+ #undef max
-+ #define max(a, b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
-++#if !defined(__clang_major__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)
-++#define PRAGMA_DIAG_PUSH _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")
-++#define PRAGMA_DIAG_POP _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
-++#define PRAGMA_FORMAT_OVERFLOW_IGNORED _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat-overflow\"")
-++#define PRAGMA_DIAG_POP
-+ // ADLC components
-+ #include "arena.hpp"
-+ #include "opto/adlcVMDeps.hpp"
-+diff --git openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
-+--- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
-++++ openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
-+@@ -560,6 +560,8 @@
-+ return (ndx);
-+ }
-+ void ArchDesc::build_pipe_classes(FILE *fp_cpp) {
-+ const char *classname;
-+ const char *resourcename;
-+@@ -1016,6 +1018,7 @@
-+ fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
-+ fprintf(fp_cpp, "#endif\n");
-+ }
-+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ //------------------------------Utilities to build Instruction Classes--------
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native/0002-8184309-PR3596-Build-warnings-from-GCC-7.1-on-Fedora.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native/0002-8184309-PR3596-Build-warnings-from-GCC-7.1-on-Fedora.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 866c2cc4..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native/0002-8184309-PR3596-Build-warnings-from-GCC-7.1-on-Fedora.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-From 18cc03a4713ff7c69a909950f9e3aca5de7db38e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
-Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 02:18:35 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] 8184309, PR3596: Build warnings from GCC 7.1 on Fedora 26
-Another patch from upstream icedtea.
-Signed-off-by: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
- Makefile.am | 3 ++-
- patches/8184309-pr3596.patch | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
- 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
- create mode 100644 patches/8184309-pr3596.patch
-Index: icedtea-2.1.3/Makefile.am
---- icedtea-2.1.3.orig/Makefile.am
-+++ icedtea-2.1.3/Makefile.am
-@@ -279,7 +279,8 @@ endif
- # Apply additional HotSpot patches against same patch base
-- patches/pr3597.patch
-+ patches/pr3597.patch \
-+ patches/8184309-pr3596.patch
-Index: icedtea-2.1.3/patches/8184309-pr3596.patch
---- /dev/null
-+++ icedtea-2.1.3/patches/8184309-pr3596.patch
-@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-+# HG changeset patch
-+# User ysuenaga
-+# Date 1527498573 -3600
-+# Mon May 28 10:09:33 2018 +0100
-+# Node ID ef176cb429c49d1c330d9575938f66b04e3fb730
-+# Parent 6915dc9ae18cce5625d3a3fc74b37da70a5b4215
-+8184309, PR3596: Build warnings from GCC 7.1 on Fedora 26
-+Reviewed-by: kbarrett, vlivanov
-+Index: openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.cpp
-+--- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.cpp
-++++ openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.cpp
-+@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ void Dependencies::write_dependency_to(x
-+ if (j == 1) {
-+ xtty->object("x", args[j]);
-+ } else {
-+- char xn[10]; sprintf(xn, "x%d", j);
-++ char xn[12]; sprintf(xn, "x%d", j);
-+ xtty->object(xn, args[j]);
-+ }
-+ }
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c0dce7e..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/icedtea/icedtea7-native_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = "\
- file://0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch \
- file://0002-8184309-PR3596-Build-warnings-from-GCC-7.1-on-Fedora.patch \
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/jamvm/jamvm_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/jamvm/jamvm_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index e6b1f854..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/jamvm/jamvm_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-do_install:append:feature-mentor-staging () {
- chown -R root:root ${D}${datadir}/jamvm/classes.zip
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/files/icedtea-flags-to-compile-with-GCC-6.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/files/icedtea-flags-to-compile-with-GCC-6.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 062c6bfa..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/files/icedtea-flags-to-compile-with-GCC-6.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-From 732aab80cb1505ef2f4d8a6e141f835aa9f6d985 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Abdur Rehman <abdur_rehman@mentor.com>
-Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 20:24:32 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] icedtea flags to compile with GCC 6
-Upstream bug filed here:
-This patch combines the changes introduced by following commits:
-* http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u/hotspot/rev/e34324d73cd5
-* http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk/rev/9e1264f51bae
-Upstream-Status: Backport
-Signed-off-by: Abdur Rehman <abdur_rehman@mentor.com>
- openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make | 7 +++++++
- openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk | 8 +++++++-
- 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make
-index 4ef0e49..bca3c5c 100644
---- openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make
-@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ ifeq ($(TYPE),SHARK)
- endif
-+CFLAGS += -std=gnu++98
- CFLAGS += -fno-rtti
- CFLAGS += -fno-exceptions
-@@ -93,6 +94,12 @@ CFLAGS += -fcheck-new
- ifneq "$(shell expr \( $(CC_VER_MAJOR) \> 4 \) \| \( \( $(CC_VER_MAJOR) = 4 \) \& \( $(CC_VER_MINOR) \>= 3 \) \))" "0"
- CFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
- endif
-+# GCC 6 has more aggressive dead-store elimination which causes the VM to crash
-+# It also optimises away null pointer checks which are still needed.
-+# We turn both of these optimisations off.
-+ifneq "$(shell expr \( $(CC_VER_MAJOR) \>= 6 \))" "0"
-+CFLAGS += -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse
- ARCHFLAG/i486 = -m32 -march=i586
-diff --git openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
-index f64042c..727593c 100644
---- openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
-@@ -217,6 +217,12 @@ CFLAGS_REQUIRED_ppc64 += -fno-tree-vectorize
- endif
-+# GCC 6 has more aggressive dead-store elimination which causes the VM to crash
-+# It also optimises away null pointer checks which are still needed.
-+# We turn both of these optimisations off.
-+ifeq ($(shell $(EXPR) $(CC_MAJORVER) \>= 6 ),1)
-+ CFLAGS_REQUIRED += -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse
- # If this is a --hash-style=gnu system, use --hash-style=both
- # The gnu .hash section won't work on some Linux systems like SuSE 10.
-@@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ CFLAGS_OPT = $(CC_OPT)
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/files/icedtea-specify-overloaded-variant-of-fmod.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/files/icedtea-specify-overloaded-variant-of-fmod.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 09fbffe0..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/files/icedtea-specify-overloaded-variant-of-fmod.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 64a8800cd4efa15bf625227b7cd3a2e15ebfa359 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Abdur Rehman <abdur_rehman@mentor.com>
-Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 13:29:51 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] arm32JIT.cpp: specify overloaded variant of fmod
-Upstream-Status: Pending
-Signed-off-by: Abdur Rehman <abdur_rehman@mentor.com>
- openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/zero/vm/arm32JIT.cpp | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/zero/vm/arm32JIT.cpp openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/zero/vm/arm32JIT.cpp
-index 089a1c9..4482fd6 100644
---- openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/zero/vm/arm32JIT.cpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/zero/vm/arm32JIT.cpp
-@@ -8185,7 +8185,7 @@ handlers[H_INVOKEINTERFACE] = (unsigned)(cb->hp + INVOKEINTERFACE_STUB);
- handlers[H_DREM] = out_pos(&codebuf);
- stm(&codebuf, (1<<ARM_LR), ARM_SP, PUSH_FD, 1);
-- mov_imm(&codebuf, ARM_IP, (u32)fmod);
-+ mov_imm(&codebuf, ARM_IP, (u32)(double (*)(double, double))fmod);
- #ifdef __ARM_PCS_VFP
- vmov_reg_d_toVFP(&codebuf, VFP_D0, ARM_R0, ARM_R1);
- vmov_reg_d_toVFP(&codebuf, VFP_D1, ARM_R2, ARM_R3);
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-7_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-7_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 9608219c..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-7_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/files:"
-ICEDTEAPATCHES:append:feature-mentor-staging = "\
- file://icedtea-flags-to-compile-with-GCC-6.patch;apply=no \
- file://icedtea-specify-overloaded-variant-of-fmod.patch;apply=no \
-DISTRIBUTION_PATCHES:append:feature-mentor-staging = "\
- patches/icedtea-flags-to-compile-with-GCC-6.patch \
- patches/icedtea-specify-overloaded-variant-of-fmod.patch \
-FILES:${JDKPN}-jdk:append:feature-mentor-staging = " ${JDK_HOME}/tapset "
-EXTRA_OEMAKE:append:feature-mentor-staging = " LDFLAGS_HASH_STYLE='${LDFLAGS}'"
-INSANE_SKIP:${JDKPN}-vm-zero:append:feature-mentor-staging = " textrel"
-python () {
- if 'feature-mentor-staging' in d.getVar('OVERRIDES').split(':'):
- d.setVarFlag('DISTRIBUTION_PATCHES', 'export', 1)
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8-native_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8-native_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b7a640..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8-native_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/${BPN}:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8/0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8/0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6320cdd5..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8/0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From 7efbc09cf4fb6aa9c081974d378d503c8bb0745e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
-Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 21:01:47 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] PR3597: Potential bogus -Wformat-overflow warning with
- -Wformat enabled
-2018-05-29 Andrew John Hughes <gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org>
-PR3597: Potential bogus -Wformat-overflow warning
-with -Wformat enabled
-* Makefile.am:
-* (ICEDTEA_PATCHES): Add patch.
-* * NEWS: Updated.
-* * patches/pr3597.patch:
-* Disable -Wformat-overflow on the
-* the build_pipe_classes function with GCC >= 7 as it
-* produces apparent false positives.
-Patch pulled from the icedtea project.
-Signed-off-by: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
- hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp | 13 +++++++++++++
- hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp | 3 +++
- 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp
-index 8d48ed60..48a226ae 100644
---- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp
-+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/adlc.hpp
-@@ -85,6 +85,19 @@ typedef unsigned int uintptr_t;
- #undef max
- #define max(a, b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
-+#if !defined(__clang_major__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)
-+#define PRAGMA_DIAG_PUSH _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")
-+#define PRAGMA_DIAG_POP _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
-+#define PRAGMA_FORMAT_OVERFLOW_IGNORED _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat-overflow\"")
- // ADLC components
- #include "arena.hpp"
- #include "opto/adlcVMDeps.hpp"
-diff --git a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
-index f53dbd58..7a59ec59 100644
---- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
-+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
-@@ -560,6 +560,8 @@ static int pipeline_res_mask_initializer(
- return (ndx);
- }
- void ArchDesc::build_pipe_classes(FILE *fp_cpp) {
- const char *classname;
- const char *resourcename;
-@@ -1016,6 +1018,7 @@ void ArchDesc::build_pipe_classes(FILE *fp_cpp) {
- fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
- fprintf(fp_cpp, "#endif\n");
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------Utilities to build Instruction Classes--------
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d595c0b..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-PR3597-Potential-bogus-Wformat-overflow-warning-with.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pyudev_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pyudev_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 557e0fd4..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pyudev_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:feature-mentor-staging = "\
- ${PYTHON_PN}-fcntl \
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 857b845b..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-PACKAGECONFIG[rrdtool] = "--enable-rrdtool,--disable-rrdtool,rrdtool"
-PACKAGECONFIG[rrdcached] = "--enable-rrdcached,--disable-rrdcached,rrdcached"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus/local-tcp-test b/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus/local-tcp-test
deleted file mode 100755
index 09be814e..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus/local-tcp-test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-scriptdir="$(dirname "$0")"
-rm -f $client_log $server_log
-$scriptdir/unit-test-server > $server_log 2>&1 &
-sleep 1
-$scriptdir/unit-test-client > $client_log 2>&1
-killall unit-test-server >/dev/null 2>&1
-if ! grep -q "ALL TESTS PASS WITH SUCCESS." $client_log; then
- rc=1
-exit $rc
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus/run-ptest b/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus/run-ptest
deleted file mode 100755
index bd6790a1..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus/run-ptest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-for test in @PTEST_PATH@/tests/*-test; do
- if "$test"; then
- echo "PASS: ${test##*/}"
- else
- echo "FAIL: ${test##*/}"
- fi
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index abcc86bb..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/openembedded-layer/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/libmodbus:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " \
- file://run-ptest \
- file://local-tcp-test \
-inherit ptest
-do_install_ptest() {
- install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tests/
- install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/*-test ${B}/tests/.libs/* ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tests/
- sed -i -e 's#@PTEST_PATH@#${PTEST_PATH}#g' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/run-ptest
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/perl-layer/recipes-perl/libnet/libnet-ssleay-perl_1.85.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/perl-layer/recipes-perl/libnet/libnet-ssleay-perl_1.85.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index c8bfaa3b..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/perl-layer/recipes-perl/libnet/libnet-ssleay-perl_1.85.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:feature-mentor-staging = " \
- perl-module-autoloader \
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase/Fix-note-alignment.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase/Fix-note-alignment.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 017ff5fc..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase/Fix-note-alignment.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From 4d8f490c91767806c267cb50fb3f97e8ecc7e533 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andreas Schwab <schwab@suse.de>
-Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 11:57:58 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix note alignment
-It is architecture defined whether .align means .palign or .balign. Use
-.balign to make that explicit.
-Change-Id: I8c7e3760b37edfb207b7088319a338a1f583255b
-Reviewed-by: Giuseppe D'Angelo <giuseppe.dangelo@kdab.com>
-Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
-Upstream-Status: Backport [47a4e6a9497b068a0400ba3f01629c62608e1ec3]
- src/corelib/global/minimum-linux.S | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/corelib/global/minimum-linux.S b/src/corelib/global/minimum-linux.S
-index dfc3cec1be..e324379efc 100644
---- a/src/corelib/global/minimum-linux.S
-+++ b/src/corelib/global/minimum-linux.S
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
- .section ".note.GNU-stack", "", progbits
- .section ".note.ABI-tag", "a", note
-- .align 4 /* we have 32-bit data */
-+ .balign 4 /* we have 32-bit data */
- /* * For the format of the note section's contents, see Elf32_Nhdr / Elf64_Nhdr */
- .long .Lnameend-.Lname /* n_namesz */
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index c02e0b13..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/qtbase:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://Fix-note-alignment.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwebkit_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwebkit_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 5549950a..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwebkit_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-DEPENDS:append:feature-mentor-staging = " flex-native"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-connectivity/connman/connman_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-connectivity/connman/connman_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 321a3f61..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-connectivity/connman/connman_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/files:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-connman-implement-network-interface-management-techn.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-connectivity/connman/files/0001-connman-implement-network-interface-management-techn.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-connectivity/connman/files/0001-connman-implement-network-interface-management-techn.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 06695ea5..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-connectivity/connman/files/0001-connman-implement-network-interface-management-techn.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From e6dedb531096f29825bddaf428ca8d3c4ad1df26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Srikanth Krishnakar <Srikanth_Krishnakar@mentor.com>
-Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 23:47:15 +0530
-Subject: [PATCH] connman: implement network interface management techniques
-This is required to obtain a managed network interface before connman
-tries to call cleanup_devices function, this will let connman
-create new routing table without bringing down the ethernet interface.
-Signed-off-by: Srikanth Krishnakar <Srikanth_Krishnakar@mentor.com>
- src/connman.service.in | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/connman.service.in b/src/connman.service.in
-index 79e75d6..0e7275a 100644
---- a/src/connman.service.in
-+++ b/src/connman.service.in
-@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ Conflicts=systemd-resolved.service
- Type=dbus
- BusName=net.connman
- Restart=on-failure
--ExecStart=@sbindir@/connmand -n
-+ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "if grep 'nfsroot\|ip=' /proc/cmdline; then ETH_IFACE=$(ip addr | grep 'eth[0-9]:' | grep 'UP' | sed -e 's,\(eth[0-9]\)\(.*\),\1,' -e 's,^.*: ,,' ); NET_ADDR=$(cat /proc/cmdline | sed -ne 's/^.*ip=\([^ :]*\).*$/\1/p'); echo -e 'OPT=-I '$ETH_IFACE'\nOPT2='$ETH_IFACE'\nNET_ADDR='$NET_ADDR' ' > /tmp/connman.env; fi "
-+ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "if [ \"$NET_ADDR\" = \"off\" ] || [ \"$NET_ADDR\" = \"none\" ]; then /usr/sbin/connmand -n; else /usr/sbin/connmand -n $OPT; fi"
-+ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c "if [ ! -z \"$OPT\" ] && [ \"$NET_ADDR\" = \"dhcp\" ]; then /sbin/udhcpc -i $OPT2; fi"
- StandardOutput=null
- ProtectHome=true
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index ae6f962f..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Work around long standing periodic host-user-contaminated QA failure by
-# explicitly correcting the ownership.
-# See `glibc-locale: Rewrite do_install using install utility instead of cp`
-# on the oe-core mailing list for discussion. This should be dropped when
-# a real fix is implemented.
-do_prep_locale_tree:append () {
- chown -R root:root $treedir
-# Explicitly disable host-user-contaminated to further work around the
-# pseudo bug. With pseudo acting up, even if the ownership is correct,
-# it may well think it is not, so just sidestep the issue until upstream
-# fixes the root cause.
-ERROR_QA:remove = "host-user-contaminated"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/0001-initramfs-framework-finish-move-mounts-to-rootfs-bef.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/0001-initramfs-framework-finish-move-mounts-to-rootfs-bef.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aad3949..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/0001-initramfs-framework-finish-move-mounts-to-rootfs-bef.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-From 59f5fd34edae4e1c4633b160ee6c6e51ec6a98e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Awais Belal <awais_belal@mentor.com>
-Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 13:02:08 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] initramfs-framework/finish: move mounts to rootfs before
- switching
-If basic device mounts are not moved onto the rootfs before
-switching, the device is not properly accessible for operations
-such as mkfs and for such devices once the system is fully booted
-we see
-root@v1000:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
-mke2fs 1.43.8 (1-Jan-2018)
-/dev/sdb1 contains a ext4 file system
- last mounted on Wed Nov 28 07:33:54 2018
-Proceed anyway? (y,N) y
-/dev/sdb1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!
-This fragment is picked up from initramfs-live-boot. See
-8293f564685d0f587ab63a107285625dc4f98f1c and
-for more details.
-Signed-off-by: Awais Belal <awais_belal@mentor.com>
- finish | 9 +++++++++
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/finish b/finish
-index 717383e..9722d02 100755
---- a/finish
-+++ b/finish
-@@ -14,6 +14,15 @@ finish_run() {
- info "Switching root to '$ROOTFS_DIR'..."
-+ debug "Moving basic mounts onto rootfs"
-+ for dir in `awk '/\/dev.* \/run\/media/{print $2}' /proc/mounts`; do
-+ # Parse any OCT or HEX encoded chars such as spaces
-+ # in the mount points to actual ASCII chars
-+ dir=`printf $dir`
-+ mkdir -p "${ROOTFS_DIR}/media/${dir##*/}"
-+ mount -n --move "$dir" "${ROOTFS_DIR}/media/${dir##*/}"
-+ done
- debug "Moving /dev, /proc and /sys onto rootfs..."
- mount --move /dev $ROOTFS_DIR/dev
- mount --move /proc $ROOTFS_DIR/proc
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/0001-initrdscripts-init-live.sh-Fixed-mounts-fail-to-move.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/0001-initrdscripts-init-live.sh-Fixed-mounts-fail-to-move.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ce62f3b7..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/0001-initrdscripts-init-live.sh-Fixed-mounts-fail-to-move.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-From f8d1c573897825f8ffcc68263b9379ca9c2f775c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Arsalan H. Awan" <Arsalan_Awan@mentor.com>
-Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2018 19:06:48 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] initrdscripts/init-live.sh: Fixed mounts fail to move to real
- root fs
-When there are spaces in the mount points of devices e.g.:
- a partition mounted at "/run/media/My Root Partition-sda1",
-the initrd fails to move such mount points over to the
-corresponding directories at /media under the real root filesystem,
-and the mount points would appear at the same location as they were
-mounted on when detected by initrd, for example:
- here: "/run/media/My Root Partition-sda1"
- instead of here: "/media/My Root Partition-sda1"
-This causes issues such as:
- * The disks/partitions cannot be formated with any filesystem
- using e.g. mkfs.ext4 or mke2fs in general. When tried to do so
- by making sure the device is not mounted, it failed with
- errors such as:
- > /dev/sda1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a
- filesystem here!
- > /dev/sda1: Device or resource busy while setting up superblock
- * The read/write operations become extremely slow. e.g. Under testing,
- it took approx. 2 hours just to copy 700 MB of data to the partition,
- and it took more than 40 minutes to delete that data from it.
- Same operations took under 5 minutes on a partition that had no
- spaces in its mount point (or that was successfully moved to real
- root by initrd and appeared under /media instead of /run/media).
-This commit fixes such issues by quoting the arguments of failing mount
-move commands and by parsing OCT or HEX encoded special characters
-such as spaces to ASCII characters in the mount points.
-Signed-off-by: Arsalan H. Awan <Arsalan_Awan@mentor.com>
- init-live.sh | 7 +++++--
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/init-live.sh b/init-live.sh
-index 441b41c9d6..e58df12061 100644
---- a/init-live.sh
-+++ b/init-live.sh
-@@ -91,8 +91,11 @@ boot_live_root() {
- # Move the mount points of some filesystems over to
- # the corresponding directories under the real root filesystem.
- for dir in `awk '/\/dev.* \/run\/media/{print $2}' /proc/mounts`; do
-- mkdir -p ${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/${dir##*/}
-- mount -n --move $dir ${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/${dir##*/}
-+ # Parse any OCT or HEX encoded chars such as spaces
-+ # in the mount points to actual ASCII chars
-+ dir=`printf $dir`
-+ mkdir -p "${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/${dir##*/}"
-+ mount -n --move "$dir" "${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/${dir##*/}"
- done
- mount -n --move /proc ${ROOT_MOUNT}/proc
- mount -n --move /sys ${ROOT_MOUNT}/sys
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework_1.0.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework_1.0.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index ce9fade0..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework_1.0.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/files:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-initramfs-framework-finish-move-mounts-to-rootfs-bef.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-boot_1.0.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-boot_1.0.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e062946..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-boot_1.0.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/files:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-initrdscripts-init-live.sh-Fixed-mounts-fail-to-move.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/meta/buildtools-tarball.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/meta/buildtools-tarball.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index d9310a18..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/meta/buildtools-tarball.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# buildtools-tarball is host only, and does not add TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK to
-# RDEPENDS. Forcibly empty it, otherwise a TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK:append at the
-# config level will break the buildtools-tarball build
-python () {
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index ba39ff05..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-create_sdk_files:append () {
- script=${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/environment-setup-${REAL_MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
- cat >"${script}.new" <<END
-if [ -n "\$BASH_SOURCE" ] || [ -n "\$ZSH_NAME" ]; then
- if [ -n "\$BASH_SOURCE" ]; then
- scriptdir="\$(cd "\$(dirname "\$BASH_SOURCE")" && pwd)"
- elif [ -n "\$ZSH_NAME" ]; then
- scriptdir="\$(cd "\$(dirname "\$0")" && pwd)"
- fi
- if [ ! -d "${SDKPATH}" ]; then
- echo >&2 "Warning: Unable to determine SDK install path from environment setup script location, using default of ${SDKPATH}."
- fi
- scriptdir="${SDKPATH}"
- sed -e "s#${SDKPATH}#\$scriptdir#g" "$script" >>"${script}.new"
- mv "${script}.new" "${script}"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-boot/0001-Use-an-array-for-efi-ld-to-allow-for-ld-arguments.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-boot/0001-Use-an-array-for-efi-ld-to-allow-for-ld-arguments.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cb62278..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-boot/0001-Use-an-array-for-efi-ld-to-allow-for-ld-arguments.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From 586638384dd980628e1d51a29fd9324eab661834 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
-Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 22:06:12 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Use an array for efi-ld to allow for ld arguments
-Signed-off-by: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
- meson_options.txt | 2 +-
- src/boot/efi/meson.build | 6 +++---
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
-index 44ff23f641..8dad5926db 100644
---- a/meson_options.txt
-+++ b/meson_options.txt
-@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ option('gnu-efi', type : 'combo', choices : ['auto', 'true', 'false'],
- description : 'gnu-efi support for sd-boot')
- option('efi-cc', type : 'array',
- description : 'the compiler to use for EFI modules')
--option('efi-ld', type : 'string',
-+option('efi-ld', type : 'array',
- description : 'the linker to use for EFI modules')
- option('efi-libdir', type : 'string',
- description : 'path to the EFI lib directory')
-diff --git a/src/boot/efi/meson.build b/src/boot/efi/meson.build
-index c1fe04597b..b42b202ad3 100644
---- a/src/boot/efi/meson.build
-+++ b/src/boot/efi/meson.build
-@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ if conf.get('ENABLE_EFI') == 1 and get_option('gnu-efi') != 'false'
- efi_cc = cc.cmd_array()
- endif
- efi_ld = get_option('efi-ld')
-- if efi_ld == ''
-- efi_ld = find_program('ld', required: true)
-+ if efi_ld.length() == 0
-+ efi_ld = [find_program('ld', required: true)]
- endif
- efi_incdir = get_option('efi-includedir')
-@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ if have_gnu_efi
- tuple[0],
- input : tuple[2],
- output : tuple[0],
-- command : [efi_ld, '-o', '@OUTPUT@'] +
-+ command : efi_ld + ['-o', '@OUTPUT@'] +
- efi_ldflags + tuple[2] +
- ['-lefi', '-lgnuefi', libgcc_file_name])
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-boot_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-boot_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 537f51a1..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-boot_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-Use-an-array-for-efi-ld-to-allow-for-ld-arguments.patch"
-LDFLAGS:remove:feature-mentor-staging := "${@ " ".join(d.getVar('LD').split()[1:])} "
-EXTRA_OEMESON:append:feature-mentor-staging = ' "-Defi-ld=${@meson_array("LD", d)}"'
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-add-LABELs-to-mountpoints.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-add-LABELs-to-mountpoints.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e5b5ab85..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-add-LABELs-to-mountpoints.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-From 3ad00853d0e81fc8e0729c7c7312fab3a5a1a94c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Arsalan H. Awan" <Arsalan_Awan@mentor.com>
-Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2018 17:37:07 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] udev-extraconf/mount.sh: add LABELs to mountpoints
-This alters the mountpoints such that if a device has a LABEL or
-a PARTLABEL, it will be mounted at e.g.:
- /run/media/$LABEL-<device-node>
- /run/media/$PARTLABEL-<device-node>
- /run/media/rootfs-sda2
-otherwise the device will be mounted at e.g.:
- /run/media/<device-node>
- /run/media/sda1
-The <device-node> appended with LABEL or PARTLABEL makes sure that
-the mountpoint is unique, therefore, avoids overlapping mounts.
-Signed-off-by: Arsalan H. Awan <Arsalan_Awan@mentor.com>
- mount.sh | 10 ++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
-Index: 1.1-r0/mount.sh
---- 1.1-r0.orig/mount.sh
-+++ 1.1-r0/mount.sh
-@@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ automount() {
- # configured in fstab
- grep -q "^$DEVNAME " /proc/mounts && return
-+ # Get the LABEL or PARTLABEL
-+ LABEL=`/sbin/blkid | grep "${DEVNAME}:" | grep -o 'LABEL=".*"' | cut -d '"' -f2`
-+ # If the $DEVNAME has a LABEL or a PARTLABEL
-+ if [ -n "$LABEL" ]; then
-+ # Set the mount location dir name to LABEL appended
-+ # with $name e.g. label-sda. That would avoid overlapping
-+ # mounts in case two devices have same LABEL
-+ name="${LABEL}-${name}"
-+ fi
- ! test -d "$MOUNT_BASE/$name" && mkdir -p "$MOUNT_BASE/$name"
- # Silent util-linux's version of mounting auto
- if [ "x`readlink $MOUNT`" = "x/bin/mount.util-linux" ] ;
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-ignore-lvm-in-automount.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-ignore-lvm-in-automount.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 54077945..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-ignore-lvm-in-automount.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From c81149d0faef688270b7f4b49bef7bd71016b242 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ansar Rasool <ansar_rasool@mentor.com>
-Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:50:14 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] udev-extraconf/mount.sh: ignore lvm in automount
-Signed-off-by: Ansar Rasool <ansar_rasool@mentor.com>
- mount.sh | 4 ++++
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/mount.sh b/mount.sh
-index ef4e1ad..513a716 100644
---- a/mount.sh
-+++ b/mount.sh
-@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ automount_systemd() {
- ;;
- swap)
- return ;;
-+ lvm*|LVM*)
-+ return ;;
- # TODO
- *)
- ;;
-@@ -127,6 +129,8 @@ automount() {
- ;;
- swap)
- return ;;
-+ lvm*|LVM*)
-+ return ;;
- # TODO
- *)
- ;;
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0002-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-save-mount-name-in-our-tmp-f.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0002-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-save-mount-name-in-our-tmp-f.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2848d15a..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0002-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-save-mount-name-in-our-tmp-f.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From befcce7e25a74424b9c4c42cecd67daea71819da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Awais Belal <awais_belal@mentor.com>
-Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 15:02:45 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] udev-extraconf/mount.sh: save mount name in our tmp file
- cache
-Doing this will allow to fetch the exact name created by the
-auto-mounter during the remove action where depending on the
-scenario utilities such as the blkid might not be usable due
-to actual device not being present on the system.
-Signed-off-by: Awais Belal <awais_belal@mentor.com>
- mount.sh | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-Index: 1.1-r0/mount.sh
---- 1.1-r0.orig/mount.sh
-+++ 1.1-r0/mount.sh
-@@ -130,7 +130,10 @@ automount() {
- rm_dir "$MOUNT_BASE/$name"
- else
- logger "mount.sh/automount" "Auto-mount of [$MOUNT_BASE/$name] successful"
-- touch "/tmp/.automount-$name"
-+ # The actual device might not be present in the remove event so blkid cannot
-+ # be used to calculate what name was generated here. Simply save the mount
-+ # name in our tmp file.
-+ echo "$name" > "/tmp/.automount-$name"
- fi
- }
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0003-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-only-mount-devices-on-hotplu.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0003-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-only-mount-devices-on-hotplu.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d250e3..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/0003-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-only-mount-devices-on-hotplu.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-From 36c64467750823d42d5a4936afa6e96be6325bad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Awais Belal <awais_belal@mentor.com>
-Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 15:05:43 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] udev-extraconf/mount.sh: only mount devices on hotplug
-fdisk from util-linux (2.31.1) and above allows the user to
-manipulate an already mounted device. In order to achieve this
-functionality it issues a BLKRRPART (block device re-read part)
-ioctl and in response the kernel generates remove/change/add
-events if the device is not mounted (manually unmounted etc)
-which are caught and processed by udev. This causes our auto-mounter
-to remount everything because it does not keep track and things
-go out of control.
-Differentiating between types of remove events such as the one
-described above (generated by BLKRRPART) and one where the device
-is physically plugged out is only possible using the DEVPATH variable
-which is cleaned up only when the device is actually plugged-out.
-This fixes the above anomaly by only mounting a device in add event
-which is cleaned up properly (tmp cache deleted) in the remove event
-or is not present in the tmp cache while making use of the DEVPATH
-variable during the remove action.
-Signed-off-by: Awais Belal <awais_belal@mentor.com>
- mount.sh | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-Index: 1.1-r0/mount.sh
---- 1.1-r0.orig/mount.sh
-+++ 1.1-r0/mount.sh
-@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ automount_systemd() {
- return
- fi
-+ # Only go for auto-mounting when the device has been cleaned up in remove
-+ # or has not been identified yet
-+ if [ -e "/tmp/.automount-$name" ]; then
-+ logger "mount.sh/automount" "[$MOUNT_BASE/$name] is already cached"
-+ return
-+ fi
- # Skip the partition which are already in /etc/fstab
- grep "^[[:space:]]*$DEVNAME" /etc/fstab && return
-@@ -104,6 +111,13 @@ automount() {
- name="${LABEL}-${name}"
- fi
-+ # Only go for auto-mounting when the device has been cleaned up in remove
-+ # or has not been identified yet
-+ if [ -e "/tmp/.automount-$name" ]; then
-+ logger "mount.sh/automount" "[$MOUNT_BASE/$name] is already cached"
-+ return
-+ fi
- ! test -d "$MOUNT_BASE/$name" && mkdir -p "$MOUNT_BASE/$name"
- # Silent util-linux's version of mounting auto
- if [ "x`readlink $MOUNT`" = "x/bin/mount.util-linux" ] ;
-@@ -164,12 +178,18 @@ if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ -n "$DEVNA
- fi
- if [ "$ACTION" = "remove" ] || [ "$ACTION" = "change" ] && [ -x "$UMOUNT" ] && [ -n "$DEVNAME" ]; then
-- for mnt in `cat /proc/mounts | grep "$DEVNAME" | cut -f 2 -d " " `
-- do
-- $UMOUNT $mnt
-- done
-- # Remove empty directories from auto-mounter
-- name="`basename "$DEVNAME"`"
-- test -e "/tmp/.automount-$name" && rm_dir "$MOUNT_BASE/$name"
-+ name="`basename "$DEVNAME"`"
-+ tmpfile=`find /tmp | grep "\.automount-.*${name}$"`
-+ if [ ! -e "/sys/$DEVPATH" -a -e "$tmpfile" ]; then
-+ logger "mount.sh/remove" "cleaning up $DEVNAME, was mounted by the auto-mounter"
-+ for mnt in `cat /proc/mounts | grep "$DEVNAME" | cut -f 2 -d " " `
-+ do
-+ $UMOUNT $mnt
-+ done
-+ # Remove mount directory created by the auto-mounter
-+ # and clean up our tmp cache file
-+ mntdir=`cat "$tmpfile"`
-+ rm_dir "$MOUNT_BASE/$mntdir"
-+ rm "$tmpfile"
-+ fi
- fi
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/systemd-udevd.service b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/systemd-udevd.service
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b86eb6..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/systemd-udevd.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-.include @systemd_unitdir@/system/systemd-udevd.service
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 844a9e4a..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-add-LABELs-to-mountpoints.patch \
- ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'file://systemd-udevd.service', '', d)} \
- file://0002-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-save-mount-name-in-our-tmp-f.patch \
- file://0003-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-only-mount-devices-on-hotplu.patch \
- file://0001-udev-extraconf-mount.sh-ignore-lvm-in-automount.patch"
-RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:feature-mentor-staging = " util-linux-blkid"
-FILES:${PN}:append:feature-mentor-staging = " ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', '${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service', '', d)}"
-do_install:append:feature-mentor-staging () {
- if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
- install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system
- install ${WORKDIR}/systemd-udevd.service ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service
- sed -i 's|@systemd_unitdir@|${systemd_unitdir}|g' ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service
- fi
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-graphics/libsdl2/libsdl2_2.%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-graphics/libsdl2/libsdl2_2.%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ac41114..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-graphics/libsdl2/libsdl2_2.%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CFLAGS:append:class-native = " -DNO_SHARED_MEMORY"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib/fix_dshare_status.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib/fix_dshare_status.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6409a9..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib/fix_dshare_status.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Upstream-Status: Pending
-Alsa plugin dshare is reporting incorrect stream state when it detects underrun
-Update stream state from pcm handle than slave pcm of dshare plugin
-Signed-off-by: Sanjeev Chugh <sanjeev_chugh@mentor.com>
-Signed-off-by: Mikhail Durnev <mikhail_durnev@mentor.com>
-Index: alsa-lib-1.1.3/src/pcm/pcm_dshare.c
---- alsa-lib-1.1.3.orig/src/pcm/pcm_dshare.c 2017-03-26 09:38:40.150371765 +0500
-+++ alsa-lib-1.1.3/src/pcm/pcm_dshare.c 2017-03-26 09:40:03.878373271 +0500
-@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
- snd_pcm_direct_t *dshare = pcm->private_data;
- memset(status, 0, sizeof(*status));
-- snd_pcm_status(dshare->spcm, status);
-+ snd_pcm_status(pcm, status);
- switch (dshare->state) {
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib/plug_fix_rate_converter_config.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib/plug_fix_rate_converter_config.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ec789a0..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib/plug_fix_rate_converter_config.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Upstream-Status: Pending
-# Author: Andreas Pape <apape@de.adit-jv.com>
-# Date: Tue Feb 4 10:00:00 2014
-# pcm plug: save converter config.
-# Passed config is freed after call to open, thus it is invalid when trying to extract the converter name.
-# This patch copies the config entry for later usage.
-Index: alsa-lib-
---- alsa-lib- 2017-06-30 02:06:01.200623861 +0500
-+++ alsa-lib- 2017-06-30 02:06:01.196623861 +0500
-@@ -1122,6 +1122,8 @@
- err = snd_pcm_new(&pcm, SND_PCM_TYPE_PLUG, name, slave->stream, slave->mode);
- if (err < 0) {
-+ if (plug->rate_converter)
-+ snd_config_delete((snd_config_t*)plug->rate_converter);
- free(plug);
- return err;
- }
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib_1.2.%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib_1.2.%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index c664770f..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-lib_1.2.%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/${BPN}:"
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = "\
- file://plug_fix_rate_converter_config.patch \
- file://fix_dshare_status.patch \
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-utils/0001-alsa-utils-interrupt-streaming-via-signal.patch b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-utils/0001-alsa-utils-interrupt-streaming-via-signal.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff0646d..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-utils/0001-alsa-utils-interrupt-streaming-via-signal.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-From 0a6011294769c49652bda6f37b0282a29c55cbe9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Srikanth Krishnakar <Srikanth_Krishnakar@mentor.com>
-Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2016 14:04:39 +0530
-Subject: [PATCH] alsa-utils: interrupt streaming via signal
-aplay/arecord (alsa-utils v1.1.2) cannot interrupt streaming
-via CTRL-C. Fixed the issue by properly handling 'in_aborting'
-flag in appropriate functions.
-Upstream-Status: Pending
-Signed-off-by: Anant Agrawal <Anant_Agrawal@mentor.com>
-Signed-off-by: Mikhail Durnev <mikhail_durnev@mentor.com>
-Signed-off-by: Srikanth Krishnakar <Srikanth_Krishnakar@mentor.com>
- aplay/aplay.c | 20 ++++++++++++++------
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-Index: alsa-utils-1.1.5/aplay/aplay.c
---- alsa-utils-1.1.5.orig/aplay/aplay.c 2017-12-22 00:15:51.570478262 +0500
-+++ alsa-utils-1.1.5/aplay/aplay.c 2017-12-22 00:15:51.566478262 +0500
-@@ -396,14 +396,22 @@
- putchar('\n');
- if (!quiet_mode)
- fprintf(stderr, _("Aborted by signal %s...\n"), strsignal(sig));
-- if (handle)
-+ if (stream == SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE) {
-+ if (fmt_rec_table[file_type].end) {
-+ fmt_rec_table[file_type].end(fd);
-+ fd = -1;
-+ }
-+ stream = -1;
-+ }
-+ if (fd > 1) {
-+ close(fd);
-+ fd = -1;
-+ }
-+ if (handle && sig != SIGABRT) {
- snd_pcm_abort(handle);
-- if (sig == SIGABRT) {
-- /* do not call snd_pcm_close() and abort immediately */
- handle = NULL;
-- prg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
-- signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
-+ prg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- /* call on SIGUSR1 signal. */
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-utils_1.2%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-utils_1.2%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 14d23c64..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-utils_1.2%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:feature-mentor-staging := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
-# Interrupt streaming via CTRL-C
-SRC_URI:append:feature-mentor-staging = " file://0001-alsa-utils-interrupt-streaming-via-signal.patch"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/pulseaudio/pulseaudio_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/pulseaudio/pulseaudio_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 354e547e..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-multimedia/pulseaudio/pulseaudio_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RDEPENDS:pulseaudio-module-systemd-login:append:feature-mentor-staging = " systemd"
-RDEPENDS:pulseaudio-server:append:feature-mentor-staging = "\
- ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'systemd', 'pulseaudio-module-systemd-login', '', d)} \
- ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'bluez5', 'pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-discover pulseaudio-module-bluez5-discover pulseaudio-module-bluez5-device', '', d)} \
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-support/curl/curl_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-support/curl/curl_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b9c62e..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/recipes-support/curl/curl_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXTRA_OECONF:append = " \
- --with-ca-path=${sysconfdir}/ssl/certs \
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-ids/tripwire/tripwire_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-ids/tripwire/tripwire_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a7ed66..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-ids/tripwire/tripwire_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Use vi by default to avoid pulling in nano
-RDEPENDS:${PN}:remove:feature-mentor-staging = " ${RDEPENDS_REMOVE}"
-do_install:append:feature-mentor-staging () {
- # When submitting upstream, modify twcfg.txt in the layer instead
- sed -i -e 's#^EDITOR[[:space:]]*=.*#EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi#' ${D}${sysconfdir}/${PN}/twcfg.txt
- if grep -q nano ${D}${sysconfdir}/${PN}/twcfg.txt; then
- bbfatal "EDITOR adjustment failed"
- fi
- # The main recipe installs the installation script to
- # /etc which isn't meant for such stuff (executables)
- # move it to a more appropriate location
- if [ -e "${D}${sysconfdir}/tripwire/twinstall.sh" ]; then
- rm -f "${D}${sysconfdir}/tripwire/twinstall.sh"
- fi
- install -d "${D}${bindir}"
- install -m 0755 "${WORKDIR}/twinstall.sh" "${D}${bindir}/"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-security/nikto/nikto_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-security/nikto/nikto_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a56379c..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-security/nikto/nikto_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:feature-mentor-staging = " perl-module-list-util perl-module-bignum"
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-security/scapy/python3-scapy_%.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-security/scapy/python3-scapy_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 557e0fd4..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/security/recipes-security/scapy/python3-scapy_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:feature-mentor-staging = "\
- ${PYTHON_PN}-fcntl \
diff --git a/meta-mentor-staging/selinux/recipes-security/selinux/libselinux-python_3.0.bbappend b/meta-mentor-staging/selinux/recipes-security/selinux/libselinux-python_3.0.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 07662dc2..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-staging/selinux/recipes-security/selinux/libselinux-python_3.0.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inherit python3targetconfig