path: root/meta-mentor-common/classes/archive-release-downloads.bbclass
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-mentor-common/classes/archive-release-downloads.bbclass')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/meta-mentor-common/classes/archive-release-downloads.bbclass b/meta-mentor-common/classes/archive-release-downloads.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d9c373..00000000
--- a/meta-mentor-common/classes/archive-release-downloads.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Deploy the downloads necessary for doing offline builds with the layers
-# distributed by archive-release, taking into account redistribution rights
-# for those sources by using license filtering.
-# Originally copied from copyleft_compliance. This is kept separate due to the
-# slightly different purposes, and to let us alter how it operates without
-# affecting potential user use of copyleft_compliance.
-# vi:sts=4:sw=4:et
-ARCHIVE_RELEASE_DL_DIR ?= '${DEPLOY_DIR}/release-downloads'
-ARCHIVE_RELEASE_EXCLUDED_DL_DIR ?= '${DEPLOY_DIR}/release-downloads-excluded'
-DL_LICENSE_INCLUDE ?= "${@' '.join(sorted(set(d.getVarFlags('SPDXLICENSEMAP').values())))}"
-DL_LICENSE_INCLUDE[type] = 'list'
-DL_LICENSE_INCLUDE[doc] = 'Space separated list of included licenses (supports wildcards)'
-DL_LICENSE_EXCLUDE ?= 'CLOSED Proprietary* Mentor Freescale EULA INTEL NetLogic'
-DL_LICENSE_EXCLUDE[type] = 'list'
-DL_LICENSE_EXCLUDE[doc] = 'Space separated list of excluded licenses (supports wildcards)'
-python do_archive_release_downloads () {
- """Populate a tree of the recipe sources and emit patch series files"""
- import os.path
- import shutil
- import oe.license
- include = oe.data.typed_value('DL_LICENSE_INCLUDE', d)
- exclude = oe.data.typed_value('DL_LICENSE_EXCLUDE', d)
- try:
- included, reason = oe.license.is_included(d.getVar('LICENSE', True), include, exclude)
- except oe.license.LicenseError as exc:
- bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('PF', True), exc))
- p = d.getVar('P', True)
- if not included:
- bb.debug(1, 'archive-release-downloads: %s is excluded: %s' % (p, reason))
- sources_dir = d.getVar('ARCHIVE_RELEASE_EXCLUDED_DL_DIR', True)
- else:
- bb.debug(1, 'archive-release-downloads: %s is included: %s' % (p, reason))
- sources_dir = d.getVar('ARCHIVE_RELEASE_DL_DIR', True)
- dl_dir = d.getVar('DL_DIR', True)
- src_uri = d.getVar('SRC_URI', True).split()
- fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, d)
- ud = fetch.ud
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(sources_dir)
- for u in ud.values():
- archive_download(u, dl_dir, sources_dir, d)
-def archive_download(u, dl_dir, sources_dir, d):
- if hasattr(u.method, 'process_submodules'):
- def archive_submodule(ud, url, module, modpath, workdir, d):
- url += ";bareclone=1;nobranch=1"
- newfetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch([url], d)
- for subud in newfetch.ud.values():
- return archive_download(subud, dl_dir, sources_dir, d)
- # If we're using a shallow mirror tarball it needs to be unpacked
- # temporarily so that we can examine the .gitmodules file
- if u.shallow and os.path.exists(u.fullshallow) and u.method.need_update(u, d):
- import tempfile
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=sources_dir) as tmpdir:
- bb.fetch2.runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % u.fullshallow, d, workdir=tmpdir)
- u.method.process_submodules(u, tmpdir, archive_submodule, d)
- else:
- u.method.process_submodules(u, u.clonedir, archive_submodule, d)
- u.setup_localpath(d)
- local = u.localpath
- if local.endswith('.bb'):
- return
- elif not local.startswith(dl_dir + '/'):
- # For our purposes, we only want downloads, not what's in the layers
- return
- elif local.endswith('/'):
- local = local[:-1]
- if hasattr(u, 'mirrortarballs'):
- tarballs = u.mirrortarballs
- elif u.mirrortarball:
- tarballs = [u.mirrortarball]
- else:
- tarballs = None
- if tarballs:
- for tarball in tarballs:
- if tarball:
- tarball_path = os.path.join(dl_dir, tarball)
- if os.path.exists(tarball_path):
- local = tarball_path
- break
- else:
- bb.warn('No mirror tarball found for %s, using %s' % (u.url, local))
- oe.path.symlink(local, os.path.join(sources_dir, os.path.basename(local)), force=True)
- donestamp = local + '.done'
- if os.path.exists(donestamp):
- oe.path.symlink(donestamp, os.path.join(sources_dir, os.path.basename(donestamp)), force=True)
-do_archive_release_downloads[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
-addtask archive_release_downloads after do_fetch
-python do_archive_release_downloads_all() {
- pass
-do_archive_release_downloads_all[recrdeptask] = "do_archive_release_downloads_all do_archive_release_downloads"
-do_archive_release_downloads_all[recideptask] = "do_${BB_DEFAULT_TASK}"
-do_archive_release_downloads_all[nostamp] = "1"
-addtask archive_release_downloads_all after do_archive_release_downloads