poky-darwin allows applications to be build for the iPhone or iPod Touch.

To use poky-darwin:

svn co http://svn.o-hand.com/repos/poky/trunk poky
svn co http://svn.o-hand.com/repos/poky/branches/experimental/meta-darwin poky/meta-darwin

cp poky/meta-darwin/local.conf.sample poky/build/conf/local.conf

Edit the local.conf file so the paths are correct. Point DL_DIR at somewhere you want it
to download sources to as per standard poky. DARWINFILES needs to be set to the location where
the "iphone-rootfs.tgz" and "MacOSX10.4u.sdk.tgz" files can be found.

Then run:

  source poky-init-build-env

  export BBPATH=/path/to/meta-darwin:$BBPATH

  bitbake xyz

where xyz is the target e.g. "bitbake meta-clutter" or "bitbake meta-toolchain-sdk"
"bitbake clutter -c buildall" is a way ensure all dependencies of a target are packaged.