2019-06-05T20:43 2019-06-05T20:43 1..8 ok 1 - defined( $_[0] ) after throw/catch ok 2 - defined( $@ ) after throw/catch ok 3 - $_[0]->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/catch ok 4 - $@->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/catch ok 5 - defined( $_[0] ) after throw/otherwise ok 6 - defined( $@ ) after throw/otherwise ok 7 - $_[0]->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/otherwise ok 8 - $@->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/otherwise PASS: t/09dollar-at 1..2 ok 1 - Testing for thrown exception ok 2 - No Errors caught. PASS: t/03throw-non-Error 1..1 ok 1 - Testing that the excpetion is not trampeled PASS: t/07try-in-obj-destructor 1..2 ok 1 - Error thrown in the catch clause is registered ok 2 - Error thrown in the otherwise clause is registered PASS: t/10throw-in-catch 1..4 readline() on closed filehandle I at t/lib/MyDie.pm line 10. ok 1 - Not MyError::Foo ok 2 - Testing ok 3 - Testing for correct line number ok 4 - Testing for correct module PASS: t/05text-errors-with-file-handles 1..1 ok 1 - Testing that the VERSION was not overrided PASS: t/14Error-Simple-VERSION 1..4 ok 1 - Error rethrown ok 2 - Thrown Error::Simple ok 3 - die foobar ok 4 - throw Error::Simple PASS: t/11rethrow 1..3 ok 1 - Error was auto-converted to Error::Simple ok 2 - Error was auto-converted to MyError::Bar ok 3 - Text of the error is correct PASS: t/06customize-text-throw 1..2 ok 1 - Error.pm loaded ok ok 2 - Error/Simple.pm loaded ok PASS: t/00-compile 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 PASS: t/02order 1..21 ok 1 - Loaded ok 2 - Test framework STDERR ok 3 - Test framework felloffcode ok 4 - warn \n-terminated STDERR ok 5 - warn \n-terminated felloffcode ok 6 - warn unterminated STDERR ok 7 - warn unterminated felloffcode ok 8 - die \n-terminated STDERR ok 9 - die \n-terminated felloffcode ok 10 - die unterminated STDERR ok 11 - die unterminated felloffcode ok 12 - Error STDOUT ok 13 - Error felloffcode ok 14 - Custom warn test STDERR ok 15 - Custom warn test felloffcode ok 16 - Custom die test STDERR ok 17 - Custom die test felloffcode ok 18 - Custom warn STDERR ok 19 - Custom warn felloffcode ok 20 - Custom die STDERR ok 21 - Custom die felloffcode PASS: t/08warndie 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/01throw 1..2 ok 1 - defined( $_[0] ) after throw/except ok 2 - $_[0]->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/except PASS: t/13except-arg0 1..2 ok 1 - Checking that eval { ... } is sane # Error::THROWN = This is caught by eval, not by try. at t/12wrong-error-var.t line 12. # Error::THROWN = # E = This is a simple 'die' exception. at t/12wrong-error-var.t line 22. ok 2 - Checking that the argument to otherwise is the thrown exception PASS: t/12wrong-error-var 1..1 ok 1 - Testing that the use base worked. PASS: t/04use-base-Error-Simple DURATION: 1