START: ptest-runner 2021-10-26T02:08 BEGIN: /usr/lib/acl/ptest PASS: test/cp.test PASS: test/getfacl-lfs.test PASS: test/getfacl-noacl.test PASS: test/getfacl-recursive.test PASS: test/malformed-restore.test PASS: test/misc.test PASS: test/sbits-restore.test PASS: test/setfacl-X.test PASS: test/utf8-filenames.test PASS: test/root/getfacl.test PASS: test/root/permissions.test PASS: test/root/restore.test PASS: test/root/setfacl.test XFAIL: test/nfs/nfsacl.test XFAIL: test/nfs/nfs-dir.test ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for acl 2.3.1 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 15 # PASS: 13 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 2 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ DURATION: 7 END: /usr/lib/acl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:09 2021-10-26T02:09 BEGIN: /usr/lib/apr/ptest PASS: testatomic PASS: testdir PASS: testdso PASS: testdup PASS: testencode PASS: testenv PASS: testescape PASS: testfile PASS: testfilecopy PASS: testfileinfo PASS: testflock PASS: testfmt PASS: testfnmatch PASS: testargs PASS: testhash PASS: testipsub PASS: testlock PASS: testcond PASS: testlfs PASS: testmmap PASS: testnames PASS: testoc PASS: testpath PASS: testpipe PASS: testpoll PASS: testpools PASS: testproc PASS: testprocmutex PASS: testrand PASS: testsleep PASS: testshm PASS: testsock PASS: testsockets PASS: testsockopt PASS: teststr PASS: teststrnatcmp PASS: testtable PASS: testtemp PASS: testthread PASS: testtime PASS: testud PASS: testuser PASS: testvsn PASS: testskiplist All tests passed. DURATION: 36 END: /usr/lib/apr/ptest 2021-10-26T02:09 2021-10-26T02:09 BEGIN: /usr/lib/apr-util/ptest PASS: teststrmatch PASS: testuri PASS: testuuid PASS: testbuckets PASS: testpass PASS: testmd4 PASS: testmd5 PASS: testcrypto PASS: testdbd PASS: testdate PASS: testmemcache PASS: testredis PASS: testxml PASS: testxlate PASS: testrmm PASS: testdbm PASS: testqueue PASS: testreslist PASS: testsiphash All tests passed. DURATION: 21 END: /usr/lib/apr-util/ptest 2021-10-26T02:09 2021-10-26T02:09 BEGIN: /usr/lib/attr/ptest PASS: test/attr.test PASS: test/root/getfattr.test ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for attr 2.5.1 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 2 # PASS: 2 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/attr/ptest 2021-10-26T02:09 2021-10-26T02:09 BEGIN: /usr/lib/bluez5/ptest bluetoothd[1660]: Bluetooth daemon 5.62 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd46c10: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd46c10: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd475c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd475c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd47de0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd47de0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd48600: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd48600: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd48b60: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd48b60: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd490c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:session_cb() handler not found for 0x00 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd490c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd49550: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd49550: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd49a50: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd49a50: ref=2 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd49a50: ref=2 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd49a50: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x55b07bd49a50: ref=1 bluetoothd[1660]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x55b07bd49a50: ref=1 /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-01-C - done /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-02-C - done /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-03-C - done /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - init /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - setup /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - run /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/CCM/BV-04-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-01-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-02-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-03-C - done /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - init /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - setup /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - run /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BV-04-C - done /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - init /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - setup /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - run /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/NFR/BI-01-C - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/CCM/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CCM/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CCM/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CCM/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFR/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 9, Passed: 9 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.00235 seconds PASS: test-avctp bluetoothd[1661]: Bluetooth daemon 5.62 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df15b30: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16510 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df167b0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df168a0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:3 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16990 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:4 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16aa0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:5 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16bb0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:6 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16cc0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:7 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16dd0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:8 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16e40 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:9 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16eb0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:10 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16fa0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:11 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17010 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:12 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17080 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:13 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df170f0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:14 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17160 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:15 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df171d0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:16 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17240 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:17 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df172b0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:18 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17320 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:19 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17390 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:20 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17400 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:21 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17470 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:22 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df174e0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:23 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17550 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:24 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df175c0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:25 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17630 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:26 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df176a0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:27 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17710 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:28 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17780 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:29 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df177f0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:30 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17860 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:31 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df178d0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:32 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17940 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:33 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df179b0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:34 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17a20 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:35 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17a90 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:36 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17b00 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:37 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17b70 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:38 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17be0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:39 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17c50 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:40 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17cc0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:41 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17d30 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:42 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17da0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:43 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17e10 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:44 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17e80 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:45 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17ef0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:46 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17f60 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:47 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17fd0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:48 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18040 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:49 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df180b0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:50 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18120 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:51 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18190 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:52 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18200 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:53 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18270 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:54 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df182e0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:55 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18350 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:56 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df183c0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:57 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18430 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:58 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df184a0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:59 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18510 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:60 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18580 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:61 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df185f0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:62 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df15b30: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df15b30 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16510 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df167b0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df168a0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:3 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16990 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:4 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16aa0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:5 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16bb0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:6 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16cc0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:7 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16dd0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:8 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16e40 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:9 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16eb0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:10 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df16fa0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:11 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17010 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:12 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17080 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:13 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df170f0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:14 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17160 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:15 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df171d0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:16 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17240 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:17 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df172b0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:18 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17320 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:19 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17390 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:20 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17400 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:21 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17470 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:22 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df174e0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:23 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17550 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:24 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df175c0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:25 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17630 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:26 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df176a0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:27 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17710 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:28 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17780 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:29 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df177f0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:30 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17860 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:31 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df178d0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:32 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17940 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:33 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df179b0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:34 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17a20 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:35 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17a90 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:36 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17b00 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:37 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17b70 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:38 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17be0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:39 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17c50 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:40 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17cc0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:41 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17d30 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:42 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17da0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:43 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17e10 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:44 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17e80 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:45 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17ef0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:46 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17f60 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:47 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df17fd0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:48 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18040 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:49 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df180b0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:50 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18120 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:51 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18190 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:52 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18200 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:53 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18270 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:54 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df182e0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:55 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18350 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:56 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df183c0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:57 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18430 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:58 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df184a0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:59 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18510 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:60 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18580 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:61 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df185f0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:62 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16f80: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18740 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df167b0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18740 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18740 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16f80: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16f80: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16f80: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16f80 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df167b0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18740 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df170d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18900 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df170d0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df170d0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18900 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18900 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18900 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18a50 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18a50 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18c30 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18c30 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18d80 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> IDLE bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df18d80 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df192b0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df192b0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - sbluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df193a0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df193a0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19500 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19500 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df195f0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df195f0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df196e0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df191d0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() OPEN request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df191d0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df191d0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df196e0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df197d0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df197d0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df199b0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() OPEN request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() START request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df199b0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19b00 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received CLOSE_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: STREAMING -> CLOSING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19b00 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19c60 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() OPEN request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() START request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19c60 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19e40 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SUSPEND_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: STREAMING -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19e40 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a020 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a020 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 etup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/Sbluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a110 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received ABORT_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> ABORTING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a110 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a270 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a270 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a360 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a360 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a450 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a450 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a540 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a540 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a630 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a630 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a790 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() DISCOVER request rejected: Bad Header Format (1) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df1a790 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() No pending request, ignoring message bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19330 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() GET_CAPABILITIES request rejected: Bad Packet Length (17) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19330 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 MG/BV-23-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - run /TP/SIbluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19420 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19420 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df192c0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() SET_CONFIGURATION request rejected: Stream End Point in Use (19) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state change failed: Input/output error bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df192c0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19240 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19240 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19380 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19380 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19240 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() GET_CONFIGURATION request rejected: Bad Acceptor SEID (18) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> IDLE bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19240 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19330 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19330 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19410 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19410 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19500 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19500 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 G/SMG/BI-04-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - initbluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df195e0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() OPEN request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() START request rejected: Bad State (49) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> IDLE bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df195e0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_start_cmd() Rejecting (49) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df192b0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_start_cmd() Rejecting (192) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df192b0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19410 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() OPEN request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() START request rejected: Bad State (49) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> IDLE bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19410 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received CLOSE_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df191d0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df193b0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received CLOSE_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df193b0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19510 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() SUSPEND request rejected: Bad State (49) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: STREAMING -> IDLE bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19510 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19670 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SUSPEND_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19670 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df197d0 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SUSPEND_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df197d0 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19930 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received unknown request id 63 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19930 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 [0m /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - luetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received unknown request id 63 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_rej() GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES request rejected: Bad Packet Length (17) bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19840 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19840 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_send() 108 bytes split into 3 fragments bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_send() first packet with 45 bytes sent bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_send() sending continue with 47 bytes bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_send() sending end with 16 bytes bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_data() Received AVDTP fragment. 2 to go bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_data() Received AVDTP fragment. 1 to go bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19830 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19830 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 ;35mteardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C - done /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - init /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - setup /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - run /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C - done /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - init /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - setup /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - run /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C - done /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - init /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - setup /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - run /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-Cbluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19830 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19830 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df198a0 registered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() DISCOVER request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_discover_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 in use 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_get_capabilities_resp() seid 1 type 0 media 0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_set_configuration() 0x55e96df16ff0: int_seid=1, acp_seid=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_resp() SET_CONFIGURATION request succeeded bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df198a0 unregistered: type:1 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DELAY_REPORT_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19750 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_register_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19920 registered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DISCOVER_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received GET_ALL_CAPABILITIES_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received SET_CONFIGURATION_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: IDLE -> CONFIGURED bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received OPEN_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: CONFIGURED -> OPEN bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received START_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_sep_set_state() stream state changed: OPEN -> STREAMING bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:session_cb() bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_ref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=2 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_parse_cmd() Received DELAY_REPORT_CMD bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unref() 0x55e96df16ff0: ref=0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_free() 0x55e96df16ff0 bluetoothd[1661]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avdtp.c:avdtp_unregister_sep() SEP 0x55e96df19920 unregistered: type:0 codec:0 seid:1 [0m - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C - done /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - init /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - setup /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - run /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-1 Passed  0.005 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C-SEID-2 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-06-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-07-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-08-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-09-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-10-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-11-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-12-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-15-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-16-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-17-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-18-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-19-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-20-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-21-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-22-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-23-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-24-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-25-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-26-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-27-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-28-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BV-31-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-02-C Passed  1.414 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-03-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-04-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-06-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-07-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-08-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-09-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-10-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-11-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-17-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-18-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-19-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-20-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-21-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-22-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-23-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-24-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-25-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-26-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-27-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-28-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-30-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/ESR04/BI-28-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-32-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-33-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-35-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SMG/BI-36-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/FRA/BV-02-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-02-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-03-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-04-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-05-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SIG/SYN/BV-06-C Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 62, Passed: 62 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 1.47 seconds PASS: test-avdtp bluetoothd[1662]: Bluetooth daemon 5.62 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc516e60: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc516e60: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc518080: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x60, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_addressed() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc518080: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc518cd0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc518cd0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519660: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x70, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_browsed() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519660: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc5197d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc5197d0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items_rsp() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519480: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519480: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519480: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519480: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519480: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519480: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x60, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_addressed() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-02-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-03-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-04-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-05-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-06-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-07-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-08-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - init /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - setup /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - run /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-09-C - done /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - init /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - setup /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - run /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BI-01-C - done /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - init /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - setup /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - setup completebluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x70, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_browsed() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x60, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_addressed() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x70, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_browsed() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x72, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:change_path() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x72, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:change_path() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc519940: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x73, len 0x000C bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_item_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - run /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BI-02-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-Cluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x72, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:change_path() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x73, len 0x000C bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_item_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a9c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a9c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x80, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:search() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 0m - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - teardown complete bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a9c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a9c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a9c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x73, len 0x000C bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_item_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a9c0: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x74, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:play_item() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x90, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:add_to_now_playing() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x71, len 0x000A bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_folder_items() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C - done /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - init /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - run /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C - done /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - init /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - run /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - test passed bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x73, len 0x000C bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_item_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x74, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:play_item() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0x90, len 0x000B bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:add_to_now_playing() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51af70: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51af70: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 [1;39m/TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C - done /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - init /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - run /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C - done /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - init /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - setup /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - run /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C - done /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - init /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - setup /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - run /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/MPS/BV-01-I - done /TP/CON/BV-01-C - init /TP/CON/BV-01-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-01-C - run /TP/CON/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/CON/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/CON/BV-01-C - done /TP/CON/BV-02-C - init /TP/CON/BV-02-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-02-C - run /TP/CON/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/CON/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/CON/BV-02-C - done /TP/CON/BV-03-C - init /TP/CON/BV-03-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-03-C - run /TP/CON/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/CON/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/CON/BV-03-C - done /TP/CON/BV-04-C - init /TP/CON/BV-04-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-04-C - run /TP/CON/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/CON/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/CON/BV-04-C - done /TP/CON/BV-05-C - init /TP/CON/BV-05-C - setup /TP/CON/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/CON/BV-05-C - run /TP/CON/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/CON/BV-05-C - teardobluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:handle_unit_info() reply to AVC_OP_UNITINFO bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:handle_subunit_info() reply to AVC_OP_SUBUNITINFO bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 wn /TP/CON/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/CON/BV-05-C - done /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - init /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - setup /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - run /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/CEC/BV-01-I - done /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - init /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - setup /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - setup complete /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - run /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - test passed /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - teardown /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - teardown complete /TP/CEC/BV-02-I - done /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - init /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - setup /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - run /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/CRC/BV-01-I - done /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - init /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - setup /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - setup complete /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - run /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - test passed /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - teardown /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - teardown complete /TP/CRC/BV-02-I - done /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - init /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - setup /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - run /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/ICC/BV-01-I - done /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - init /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - setup /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - setup complete /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - run /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - test passed /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - teardown /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - teardown complete /TP/ICC/BV-02-I - done /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - init /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - setup /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - run /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/PTT/BV-01-I - done /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - init /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - setup /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - setup complete /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - run /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - test passed /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - teardown /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - teardown complete /TP/PTT/BV-02-I - done /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - init /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - setup /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - setup complete /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - run /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - test passed /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - teardown /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - teardown complete /TP/PTT/BV-03-I - done /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - init /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - setup /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - setup complete /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - run /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - test passed /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - teardown /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - teardown complete /TP/PTT/BV-04-I - done /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - luetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x10, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x10, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x11, len 0x0000 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:list_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x15, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_attribute_text() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x12, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:list_values() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 minit /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - setup /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - setup complete /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - run /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - test passed /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - teardown /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - teardown complete /TP/PTT/BV-05-I - done /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - init /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - setup /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - run /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/CFG/BV-01-C - done /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - init /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - setup /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - run /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/CFG/BV-02-C - done /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - init /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - setup /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - run /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/CFG/BI-01-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-01-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-02-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-03-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-04-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-05-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-06-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - luetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x16, len 0x0003 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_value_text() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x13, len 0x0003 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_value() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x15, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_attribute_text() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x12, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:list_values() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x16, len 0x0003 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_value_text() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x13, len 0x0002 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_value() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x14, len 0x0003 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_value() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 mrun /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-07-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-08-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-09-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-10-C - done /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - init /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - setup /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - run /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BV-11-C - done /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - init /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - setup /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - run /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BI-01-C - done /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - init /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - setup /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - run /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BI-02-C - done /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - init /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - setup /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - run /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BI-03-C - done /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - init /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - setup /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - run /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BI-04-C - done /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - init /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - setup /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - setup complete /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - run /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - test passed /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - teardown /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - teardown complete /TP/PAS/BI-05-C - done /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - init /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - setup /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - run /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x30, len 0x0000 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_play_status() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x20, len 0x0009 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_element_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x20, len 0x000D bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_element_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 teardown complete /TP/MDI/BV-01-C - done /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - init /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - setup /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - run /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/MDI/BV-02-C - done /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - init /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - setup /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - run /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/MDI/BV-03-C - done /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - init /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - setup /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - run /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/MDI/BV-04-C - done /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - init /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - setup /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - run /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/MDI/BV-05-C - done /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - init /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - setup /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - run /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/NFY/BV-01-C - done /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - init /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - setup /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - run /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/NFY/BV-02-C - done /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - init /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - setup /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - run /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/NFY/BV-03-C - done /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - init /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - setup /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - run /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/NFY/BV-04-C - done /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - init /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - setup /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - run /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/NFY/BV-05-C - done /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - init /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - setup /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - run /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/NFY/BV-08-C - done /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - init /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - luetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0xFF, len 0x0000 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_browsing_pdu() AVRCP Browsing PDU 0xFF, len 0x0000 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_press() UNKNOWN bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_press() UNKNOWN bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x50, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_volume() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification_rsp() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x31, len 0x0005 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 34msetup /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - run /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/NFY/BI-01-C - done /TP/INV/BI-01-C - init /TP/INV/BI-01-C - setup /TP/INV/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/INV/BI-01-C - run /TP/INV/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/INV/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/INV/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/INV/BI-01-C - done /TP/INV/BI-02-C - init /TP/INV/BI-02-C - setup /TP/INV/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/INV/BI-02-C - run /TP/INV/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/INV/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/INV/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/INV/BI-02-C - done /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - init /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - setup /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - run /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - done /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - init /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - setup /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - run /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/BGN/BV-01-I - done /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - init /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - setup /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - setup complete /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - run /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - test passed /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - teardown /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - teardown complete /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - done /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - init /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - setup /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - setup complete /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - run /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - test passed /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - teardown /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - teardown complete /TP/BGN/BV-02-I - done /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - init /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - setup /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - run /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BV-01-C - done /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - init /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - setup /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - run /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BV-02-C - done /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - init /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - setup /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - run /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BV-03-C - done /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - init /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - setup /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - run /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - luetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x50, len 0x0000 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_volume() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x50, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_volume() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:set_volume_rsp() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification_rsp() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:register_notification_rsp() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_press() PLAY bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_rsp() code 0x09 operand_count 1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_release() PLAY bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_press() FAST FORWARD bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_rsp() code 0x09 operand_count 1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_release() FAST FORWARD bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_passthrough_press() FAST FORWARD bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=2 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x20, len 0x0009 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_element_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:continuing_new() len 519 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x40, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:request_continuing() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:request_continuing() len 519 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:continuing_new() len 14 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x40, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:request_continuing() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:request_continuing() len 14 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_ref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x20, len 0x0009 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:get_element_attributes() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:continuing_new() len 519 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:handle_vendordep_pdu() AVRCP PDU 0x41, len 0x0001 bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avrcp-lib.c:abort_continuing() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_send() bluetoothd[1662]: ../bluez-5.62/android/avctp.c:avctp_unref() 0x5571fc51a500: ref=1 2mtest passed /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BV-04-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-01-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-02-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-03-C - done /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - init /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - setup /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - setup complete /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - run /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - test passed /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - teardown /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - teardown complete /TP/VLH/BI-04-C - done /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - init /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - setup /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - run /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/PTH/BV-01-C - done /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - init /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - setup /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - run /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/PTH/BV-02-C - done /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - init /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - setup /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - setup complete /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - run /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - test passed /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - teardown /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - teardown complete /TP/RCR/BV-02-C - done /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - init /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - setup /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - run /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/RCR/BV-04-C - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/MPS/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-10-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-11-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BI-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SCR/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/SRC/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/CB/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MCN/NP/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MPS/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CON/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CEC/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CEC/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CRC/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CRC/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/ICC/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/ICC/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-03-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-04-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PTT/BV-05-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CFG/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CFG/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/CFG/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-10-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BV-11-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/PAS/BI-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/MDI/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/NFY/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/INV/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/INV/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-01-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/BGN/BV-02-I Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/VLH/BI-04-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/PTH/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/PTH/BV-02-C Passed  1.937 seconds /TP/RCR/BV-02-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/RCR/BV-04-C Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 110, Passed: 110 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 1.97 seconds PASS: test-avrcp /crc/1 - init /crc/1 - setup /crc/1 - setup complete /crc/1 - run /crc/1 - test passed /crc/1 - teardown /crc/1 - teardown complete /crc/1 - done /crc/2 - init /crc/2 - setup /crc/2 - setup complete /crc/2 - run /crc/2 - test passed /crc/2 - teardown /crc/2 - teardown complete /crc/2 - done /crc/3 - init /crc/3 - setup /crc/3 - setup complete /crc/3 - run /crc/3 - test passed /crc/3 - teardown /crc/3 - teardown complete /crc/3 - done /crc/4 - init /crc/4 - setup /crc/4 - setup complete /crc/4 - run /crc/4 - test passed /crc/4 - teardown /crc/4 - teardown complete /crc/4 - done /crc/5 - init /crc/5 - setup /crc/5 - setup complete /crc/5 - run /crc/5 - test passed /crc/5 - teardown /crc/5 - teardown complete /crc/5 - done /crc/6 - init /crc/6 - setup /crc/6 - setup complete /crc/6 - run /crc/6 - test passed /crc/6 - teardown /crc/6 - teardown complete /crc/6 - done /crc/7 - init /crc/7 - setup /crc/7 - setup complete /crc/7 - run /crc/7 - test passed /crc/7 - teardown /crc/7 - teardown complete /crc/7 - done /crc/8 - init /crc/8 - setup /crc/8 - setup complete /crc/8 - run /crc/8 - test passed /crc/8 - teardown /crc/8 - teardown complete /crc/8 - done /crc/9 - init /crc/9 - setup /crc/9 - setup complete /crc/9 - run /crc/9 - test passed /crc/9 - teardown /crc/9 - teardown complete /crc/9 - done  Test Summary ------------ /crc/1 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/2 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/3 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/4 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/5 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/6 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/7 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/8 Passed  0.000 seconds /crc/9 Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 9, Passed: 9 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.00067 seconds PASS: test-crc PASS: test-crypto /ecdh/multi - init /ecdh/multi - setup /ecdh/multi - setup complete /ecdh/multi - run /ecdh/multi - test passed /ecdh/multi - teardown /ecdh/multi - teardown complete /ecdh/multi - done /ecdh/sample/1 - init /ecdh/sample/1 - setup /ecdh/sample/1 - setup complete /ecdh/sample/1 - run /ecdh/sample/1 - test passed /ecdh/sample/1 - teardown /ecdh/sample/1 - teardown complete /ecdh/sample/1 - done /ecdh/sample/2 - init /ecdh/sample/2 - setup /ecdh/sample/2 - setup complete /ecdh/sample/2 - run /ecdh/sample/2 - test passed /ecdh/sample/2 - teardown /ecdh/sample/2 - teardown complete /ecdh/sample/2 - done /ecdh/sample/3 - init /ecdh/sample/3 - setup /ecdh/sample/3 - setup complete /ecdh/sample/3 - run /ecdh/sample/3 - test passed /ecdh/sample/3 - teardown /ecdh/sample/3 - teardown complete /ecdh/sample/3 - done /ecdh/invalid - init /ecdh/invalid - setup /ecdh/invalid - setup complete /ecdh/invalid - run /ecdh/invalid - test passed /ecdh/invalid - teardown /ecdh/invalid - teardown complete /ecdh/invalid - done  Test Summary ------------ /ecdh/multi Passed  0.518 seconds /ecdh/sample/1 Passed  0.001 seconds /ecdh/sample/2 Passed  0.001 seconds /ecdh/sample/3 Passed  0.001 seconds /ecdh/invalid Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 5, Passed: 5 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.522 seconds PASS: test-ecc /eir/basic - init /eir/basic - setup /eir/basic - setup complete /eir/basic - run /eir/basic - test passed /eir/basic - teardown /eir/basic - teardown complete /eir/basic - done /eir/macbookair - init /eir/macbookair - setup /eir/macbookair - setup complete /eir/macbookair - run /eir/macbookair - test passed /eir/macbookair - teardown /eir/macbookair - teardown complete /eir/macbookair - done /eir/iphone5 - init /eir/iphone5 - setup /eir/iphone5 - setup complete /eir/iphone5 - run /eir/iphone5 - test passed /eir/iphone5 - teardown /eir/iphone5 - teardown complete /eir/iphone5 - done /eir/ipadmini - init /eir/ipadmini - setup /eir/ipadmini - setup complete /eir/ipadmini - run /eir/ipadmini - test passed /eir/ipadmini - teardown /eir/ipadmini - teardown complete /eir/ipadmini - done /eir/sl400h - init /eir/sl400h - setup /eir/sl400h - setup complete /eir/sl400h - run /eir/sl400h - test passed /eir/sl400h - teardown /eir/sl400h - teardown complete /eir/sl400h - done /eir/sl910 - init /eir/sl910 - setup /eir/sl910 - setup complete /eir/sl910 - run /eir/sl910 - test passed /eir/sl910 - teardown /eir/sl910 - teardown complete /eir/sl910 - done /eir/bh907 - init /eir/bh907 - setup /eir/bh907 - setup complete /eir/bh907 - run /eir/bh907 - test passed /eir/bh907 - teardown /eir/bh907 - teardown complete /eir/bh907 - done /eir/fuelband - init /eir/fuelband - setup /eir/fuelband - setup complete /eir/fuelband - run /eir/fuelband - test passed /eir/fuelband - teardown /eir/fuelband - teardown complete /eir/fuelband - done /ad/bluesc - init /ad/bluesc - setup /ad/bluesc - setup complete /ad/bluesc - run /ad/bluesc - test passed /ad/bluesc - teardown /ad/bluesc - teardown complete /ad/bluesc - done /ad/wahooscale - init /ad/wahooscale - setup /ad/wahooscale - setup complete /ad/wahooscale - run /ad/wahooscale - test passed /ad/wahooscale - teardown /ad/wahooscale - teardown complete /ad/wahooscale - done /ad/mioalpha - init /ad/mioalpha - setup /ad/mioalpha - setup complete /ad/mioalpha - run /ad/mioalpha - test passed /ad/mioalpha - teardown /ad/mioalpha - teardown complete /ad/mioalpha - done /ad/cookoo - init /ad/cookoo - setup /ad/cookoo - setup complete /ad/cookoo - run /ad/cookoo - test passed /ad/cookoo - teardown /ad/cookoo - teardown complete /ad/cookoo - done /ad/citizen1 - init /ad/citizen1 - setup /ad/citizen1 - setup complete /ad/citizen1 - run /ad/citizen1 - test passed /ad/citizen1 - teardown /ad/citizen1 - teardown complete /ad/citizen1 - done /ad/citizen2 - init /ad/citizen2 - setup /ad/citizen2 - setup complete /ad/citizen2 - run /ad/citizen2 - test passed /ad/citizen2 - teardown /ad/citizen2 - teardown complete /ad/citizen2 - done ad/g-tag - init ad/g-tag - setup ad/g-tag - setup complete ad/g-tag - run ad/g-tag - test passed ad/g-tag - teardown ad/g-tag - teardown complete ad/g-tag - done ad/uri-beacon - init ad/uri-beacon - setup ad/uri-beacon - setup complete ad/uri-beacon - run ad/uri-beacon - test passed ad/uri-beacon - teardown ad/uri-beacon - teardown complete ad/uri-beacon - done  Test Summary ------------ /eir/basic Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/macbookair Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/iphone5 Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/ipadmini Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/sl400h Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/sl910 Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/bh907 Passed  0.000 seconds /eir/fuelband Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/bluesc Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/wahooscale Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/mioalpha Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/cookoo Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/citizen1 Passed  0.000 seconds /ad/citizen2 Passed  0.000 seconds ad/g-tag Passed  0.000 seconds ad/uri-beacon Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 16, Passed: 16 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.0017 seconds PASS: test-eir /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative - done /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - init /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - setup /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - setup complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - run /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - test passed /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - teardown /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - run /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 - done /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-128/large-1 - init /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-128/large-1 - setup /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-128/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-128/large-1 - run 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/TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 - done 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/TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C - done /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - init /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - setup /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - setup complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - run /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - test passed /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - teardown /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - teardown complete /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small - done /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - init /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - setup /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - setup complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - run /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - test passed /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - teardown /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - teardown complete /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 - done /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - init /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - setup /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - setup complete /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - run /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - test passed /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - teardown /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - teardown complete /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic - done /robustness/unkown-request - init /robustness/unkown-request - setup /robustness/unkown-request - setup complete /robustness/unkown-request - run /robustness/unkown-request - test passed /robustness/unkown-request - teardown /robustness/unkown-request - teardown complete /robustness/unkown-request - done /robustness/unkown-command - init /robustness/unkown-command - setup /robustness/unkown-command - setup complete /robustness/unkown-command - run /robustness/unkown-command - test passed /robustness/unkown-command - teardown /robustness/unkown-command - teardown complete /robustness/unkown-command - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/GAC/CL/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAC/SR/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-01-C-small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-01-C-large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-1-alternative Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-02-C-2 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-16/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-16/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/exists-128/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-02-C/missing-128/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-03-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-03-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-03-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-04-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-04-C/small/1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-04-C/small/2 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-04-C/large-1 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-05-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-05-C/small/1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-05-C/small/2 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-05-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-06-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-06-C/client-1 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-06-C/client-2 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAD/CL/BV-06-C/client-3 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-06-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAD/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-01-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-01-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-02-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-03-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-04-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-04-C/auto Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-05-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-01-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-01-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-02-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-02-C/large Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-03-C-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-03-C-2 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-06-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-07-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-09-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-10-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-11-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-03-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-03-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-06-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-07-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-07-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-08-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-08-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-04-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-12-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-13-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-13-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-14-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-04-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-04-C/512B Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-05-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-12-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-13-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-14-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-15-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-16-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-16-C/auto Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-17-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-18-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-19-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-20-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-21-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-21-C/auto Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-22-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-05-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-05-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-18-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-19-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-19-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-06-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-23-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-24-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-24-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-07-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-28-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-29-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-29-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-30-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAR/SR/BI-30-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAN/CL/BV-01-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAN/SR/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAI/SR/BV-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAI/CL/BV-01-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-06-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-23-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-24-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-25-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-26-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-26-C/auto Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-27-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-07-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BV-07-C/512B Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-28-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-29-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-30-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-31-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-32-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-32-C/auto Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-33-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-34-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAR/CL/BI-35-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BV-01-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BV-02-C Not Run  /TP/GAW/CL/BV-02-C/seclevel Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BV-03-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-02-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-03-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-04-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-05-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-05-C/auto Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-06-C Passed  0.004 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-07-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-07-C/large-1 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-03-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-03-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-02-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-02-C/large-1 Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-03-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-03-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BV-05-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-07-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-08-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-11-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-12-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-13-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-05-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-05-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-07-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-07-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-08-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-08-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BV-06-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-14-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-15-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-17-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-18-C/auto Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-19-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-06-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-10-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-14-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-15-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BV-08-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-20-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-21-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-22-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-23-C/auto Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-24-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-08-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/small Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-20-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-21-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BV-09-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-25-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-26-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-29-C Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-30-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/CL/BI-31-C Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BV-09-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-25-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/small Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/GAW/SR/BI-26-C/large-1 Passed  0.001 seconds /robustness/no-reliable-characteristic Passed  0.001 seconds /robustness/unkown-request Passed  0.001 seconds /robustness/unkown-command Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 192, Passed: 191 (99.5%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 1 Overall execution time: 0.331 seconds PASS: test-gatt # random seed: R02S7f073d2406fddf6759e0d8e21e017ceb 1..6 # Start of gattrib tests ok 1 /gattrib/refcount ok 2 /gattrib/get_channel ok 3 /gattrib/send ok 4 /gattrib/cancel ok 5 /gattrib/register ok 6 /gattrib/buffers # End of gattrib tests PASS: test-gattrib /gdbus/simple_client - init /gdbus/simple_client - setup /gdbus/simple_client - setup complete /gdbus/simple_client - run /gdbus/simple_client - test not run /gdbus/simple_client - teardown /gdbus/simple_client - teardown complete /gdbus/simple_client - done /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - init /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - setup /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - setup complete /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - run /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - test not run /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - teardown /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - teardown complete /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect - done /gdbus/client_get_string_property - init /gdbus/client_get_string_property - setup /gdbus/client_get_string_property - setup complete /gdbus/client_get_string_property - run /gdbus/client_get_string_property - test not run /gdbus/client_get_string_property - teardown /gdbus/client_get_string_property - teardown complete /gdbus/client_get_string_property - done /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - init /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - setup /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - setup complete /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - run /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - test not run /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - teardown /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - teardown complete /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property - done /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - init /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - setup /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - setup complete /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - run /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - test not run /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - teardown /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - teardown complete /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property - done /gdbus/client_get_array_property - init /gdbus/client_get_array_property - setup /gdbus/client_get_array_property - setup complete /gdbus/client_get_array_property - run /gdbus/client_get_array_property - test not run /gdbus/client_get_array_property - teardown /gdbus/client_get_array_property - teardown complete /gdbus/client_get_array_property - done /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - init /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - setup /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - setup complete /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - run /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - test not run /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - teardown /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - teardown complete /gdbus/client_get_dict_property - done /gdbus/client_set_string_property - init /gdbus/client_set_string_property - setup /gdbus/client_set_string_property - setup complete /gdbus/client_set_string_property - run /gdbus/client_set_string_property - test not run /gdbus/client_set_string_property - teardown /gdbus/client_set_string_property - teardown complete /gdbus/client_set_string_property - done /gdbus/client_string_changed - init /gdbus/client_string_changed - setup /gdbus/client_string_changed - setup complete /gdbus/client_string_changed - run /gdbus/client_string_changed - test not run /gdbus/client_string_changed - teardown /gdbus/client_string_changed - teardown complete /gdbus/client_string_changed - done /gdbus/client_check_order - init /gdbus/client_check_order - setup /gdbus/client_check_order - setup complete /gdbus/client_check_order - run /gdbus/client_check_order - test not run /gdbus/client_check_order - teardown /gdbus/client_check_order - teardown complete /gdbus/client_check_order - done /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - init /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - setup /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - setup complete /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - run /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - test not run /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - teardown /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - teardown complete /gdbus/client_proxy_removed - done /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - init /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - setup /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - setup complete /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - run /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - test not run /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - teardown /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - teardown complete /gdbus/client_no_object_manager - done /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - init /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - setup /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - setup complete /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - run /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - test not run /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - teardown /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - teardown complete /gdbus/client_force_disconnect - done /gdbus/client_ready - init /gdbus/client_ready - setup /gdbus/client_ready - setup complete /gdbus/client_ready - run /gdbus/client_ready - test not run /gdbus/client_ready - teardown /gdbus/client_ready - teardown complete /gdbus/client_ready - done  Test Summary ------------ /gdbus/simple_client Not Run  /gdbus/client_connect_disconnect Not Run  /gdbus/client_get_string_property Not Run  /gdbus/client_get_boolean_property Not Run  /gdbus/client_get_uint64_property Not Run  /gdbus/client_get_array_property Not Run  /gdbus/client_get_dict_property Not Run  /gdbus/client_set_string_property Not Run  /gdbus/client_string_changed Not Run  /gdbus/client_check_order Not Run  /gdbus/client_proxy_removed Not Run  /gdbus/client_no_object_manager Not Run  /gdbus/client_force_disconnect Not Run  /gdbus/client_ready Not Run  Total: 14, Passed: 0 (0.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 14 Overall execution time: 0.000857 seconds PASS: test-gdbus-client # random seed: R02S24c414d4872f5c1b4b5dea3648f442bf 1..34 # Start of gobex tests ok 1 /gobex/null_io ok 2 /gobex/basic ok 3 /gobex/ref_unref ok 4 /gobex/test_disconnect ok 5 /gobex/test_recv_connect_stream ok 6 /gobex/test_recv_connect_pkt ok 7 /gobex/test_send_connect_stream ok 8 /gobex/test_send_connect_pkt ok 9 /gobex/test_recv_unexpected ok 10 /gobex/test_send_on_demand_stream ok 11 /gobex/test_send_on_demand_pkt ok 12 /gobex/test_send_on_demand_fail_stream ok 13 /gobex/test_send_on_demand_fail_pkt ok 14 /gobex/test_send_connect_req_stream ok 15 /gobex/test_send_connect_req_pkt ok 16 /gobex/test_send_nval_connect_req_stream ok 17 /gobex/test_send_nval_connect_req_pkt ok 18 /gobex/test_send_nval_connect_req_short_pkt ok 19 /gobex/test_send_connect_req_timeout_stream ok 20 /gobex/test_send_connect_req_timeout_pkt ok 21 /gobex/test_cancel_req_immediate ok 22 /gobex/test_cancel_req_delay_stream ok 23 /gobex/test_cancel_req_delay_pkt ok 24 /gobex/test_connect ok 25 /gobex/test_obex_disconnect ok 26 /gobex/test_auth ok 27 /gobex/test_auth_fail ok 28 /gobex/test_setpath ok 29 /gobex/test_setpath_up ok 30 /gobex/test_setpath_up_down ok 31 /gobex/test_mkdir ok 32 /gobex/test_delete ok 33 /gobex/test_copy ok 34 /gobex/test_move # End of gobex tests PASS: test-gobex # random seed: R02S5fc93b76c8c3e72b1bd453428e015f63 1..18 # Start of gobex tests ok 1 /gobex/test_apparam_nval_short ok 2 /gobex/test_apparam_nval_data ok 3 /gobex/test_apparam_nval2_short ok 4 /gobex/test_apparam_nval2_data ok 5 /gobex/test_apparam_get_uint8 ok 6 /gobex/test_apparam_get_uint16 ok 7 /gobex/test_apparam_get_uint32 ok 8 /gobex/test_apparam_get_uint64 ok 9 /gobex/test_apparam_get_string ok 10 /gobex/test_apparam_get_bytes ok 11 /gobex/test_apparam_get_multi ok 12 /gobex/test_apparam_set_uint8 ok 13 /gobex/test_apparam_set_uint16 ok 14 /gobex/test_apparam_set_uint32 ok 15 /gobex/test_apparam_set_uint64 ok 16 /gobex/test_apparam_set_string ok 17 /gobex/test_apparam_set_bytes ok 18 /gobex/test_apparam_set_multi # End of gobex tests PASS: test-gobex-apparam # random seed: R02Sdb37057703cb402240a732fadeeb9a78 1..28 # Start of gobex tests ok 1 /gobex/test_decode_header_connid ok 2 /gobex/test_decode_header_name_empty ok 3 /gobex/test_decode_header_name_ascii ok 4 /gobex/test_decode_header_name_umlaut ok 5 /gobex/test_decode_header_body ok 6 /gobex/test_decode_header_body_extdata ok 7 /gobex/test_decode_header_actionid ok 8 /gobex/test_decode_header_multi ok 9 /gobex/test_decode_header_uint32_nval ok 10 /gobex/test_decode_header_unicode_nval_short ok 11 /gobex/test_decode_header_unicode_nval_data ok 12 /gobex/test_decode_header_bytes_nval_short ok 13 /gobex/test_decode_header_bytes_nval_data ok 14 /gobex/test_decode_header_bytes_nval_len ok 15 /gobex/test_header_encode_connid ok 16 /gobex/test_header_encode_name_empty ok 17 /gobex/test_header_encode_name_ascii ok 18 /gobex/test_header_encode_name_umlaut ok 19 /gobex/test_header_encode_body ok 20 /gobex/test_header_encode_actionid ok 21 /gobex/test_header_encode_apparam ok 22 /gobex/test_header_name_empty ok 23 /gobex/test_header_name_ascii ok 24 /gobex/test_header_name_umlaut ok 25 /gobex/test_header_bytes ok 26 /gobex/test_header_uint8 ok 27 /gobex/test_header_uint32 ok 28 /gobex/test_header_apparam # End of gobex tests PASS: test-gobex-header # random seed: R02S84613218cdee5ef161df44ea6e66f318 1..9 # Start of gobex tests ok 1 /gobex/test_pkt ok 2 /gobex/test_decode_pkt ok 3 /gobex/test_decode_pkt_header ok 4 /gobex/test_decode_connect ok 5 /gobex/test_decode_nval ok 6 /gobex/test_encode_pkt ok 7 /gobex/test_encode_on_demand ok 8 /gobex/test_encode_on_demand_fail ok 9 /gobex/test_create_args # End of gobex tests PASS: test-gobex-packet # random seed: R02S25ca0b812815e2ad1ba10c5fdfee83e7 1..38 # Start of gobex tests ok 1 /gobex/test_conn_req ok 2 /gobex/test_conn_rsp ok 3 /gobex/test_put_req ok 4 /gobex/test_put_rsp ok 5 /gobex/test_get_req ok 6 /gobex/test_get_rsp ok 7 /gobex/test_get_req_app ok 8 /gobex/test_get_rsp_app ok 9 /gobex/test_put_req_delay ok 10 /gobex/test_put_rsp_delay ok 11 /gobex/test_get_req_delay ok 12 /gobex/test_get_rsp_delay ok 13 /gobex/test_put_req_eagain ok 14 /gobex/test_get_req_eagain ok 15 /gobex/test_stream_put_req ok 16 /gobex/test_stream_put_rsp ok 17 /gobex/test_stream_put_req_abort ok 18 /gobex/test_stream_put_rsp_abort ok 19 /gobex/test_stream_get_req ok 20 /gobex/test_stream_get_rsp ok 21 /gobex/test_conn_get_req ok 22 /gobex/test_conn_get_rsp ok 23 /gobex/test_conn_put_req ok 24 /gobex/test_conn_put_rsp ok 25 /gobex/test_conn_get_wrg_rsp ok 26 /gobex/test_conn_put_req_seq ok 27 /gobex/test_packet_put_req ok 28 /gobex/test_packet_put_req_wait ok 29 /gobex/test_packet_put_req_suspend_resume ok 30 /gobex/test_packet_put_rsp ok 31 /gobex/test_packet_put_rsp_wait ok 32 /gobex/test_packet_get_rsp ok 33 /gobex/test_packet_get_rsp_wait ok 34 /gobex/test_packet_get_req ok 35 /gobex/test_packet_get_req_wait ok 36 /gobex/test_packet_get_req_suspend_resume ok 37 /gobex/test_packet_get_req_wait_next ok 38 /gobex/test_conn_put_req_seq_srm # End of gobex tests PASS: test-gobex-transfer /hfp/test_init - init /hfp/test_init - setup /hfp/test_init - setup complete /hfp/test_init - run /hfp/test_init - test passed /hfp/test_init - teardown /hfp/test_init - teardown complete /hfp/test_init - done /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - init /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - setup /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - setup complete /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - run /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - test passed /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - teardown /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - teardown complete /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 - done /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - init /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - setup /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - setup complete /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - run /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - test passed /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - teardown /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - teardown complete /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 - done /hfp/test_register_1 - init /hfp/test_register_1 - setup /hfp/test_register_1 - setup complete /hfp/test_register_1 - run /hfp/test_register_1 - test passed /hfp/test_register_1 - teardown /hfp/test_register_1 - teardown complete /hfp/test_register_1 - done /hfp/test_register_2 - init /hfp/test_register_2 - setup /hfp/test_register_2 - setup complete /hfp/test_register_2 - run /hfp/test_register_2 - test passed /hfp/test_register_2 - teardown /hfp/test_register_2 - teardown complete /hfp/test_register_2 - done /hfp/test_register_3 - init /hfp/test_register_3 - setup /hfp/test_register_3 - setup complete /hfp/test_register_3 - run /hfp/test_register_3 - test passed /hfp/test_register_3 - teardown /hfp/test_register_3 - teardown complete /hfp/test_register_3 - done /hfp/test_register_4 - init /hfp/test_register_4 - setup /hfp/test_register_4 - setup complete /hfp/test_register_4 - run /hfp/test_register_4 - test passed /hfp/test_register_4 - teardown /hfp/test_register_4 - teardown complete /hfp/test_register_4 - done /hfp/test_register_5 - init /hfp/test_register_5 - setup /hfp/test_register_5 - setup complete /hfp/test_register_5 - run /hfp/test_register_5 - test passed /hfp/test_register_5 - teardown /hfp/test_register_5 - teardown complete /hfp/test_register_5 - done /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - init /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - setup /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - setup complete /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - run /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - test passed /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - teardown /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - teardown complete /hfp/test_fragmented_1 - done /hfp/test_ustring_1 - init /hfp/test_ustring_1 - setup /hfp/test_ustring_1 - setup complete /hfp/test_ustring_1 - run /hfp/test_ustring_1 - test passed /hfp/test_ustring_1 - teardown /hfp/test_ustring_1 - teardown complete /hfp/test_ustring_1 - done /hfp/test_ustring_2 - init /hfp/test_ustring_2 - setup /hfp/test_ustring_2 - setup complete /hfp/test_ustring_2 - run /hfp/test_ustring_2 - test passed /hfp/test_ustring_2 - teardown /hfp/test_ustring_2 - teardown complete /hfp/test_ustring_2 - done /hfp/test_string_1 - init /hfp/test_string_1 - setup /hfp/test_string_1 - setup complete /hfp/test_string_1 - run /hfp/test_string_1 - test passed /hfp/test_string_1 - teardown /hfp/test_string_1 - teardown complete /hfp/test_string_1 - done /hfp/test_string_2 - init /hfp/test_string_2 - setup /hfp/test_string_2 - setup complete /hfp/test_string_2 - run /hfp/test_string_2 - test passed /hfp/test_string_2 - teardown /hfp/test_string_2 - teardown complete /hfp/test_string_2 - done /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - init /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - setup /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - setup complete /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - run /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - test passed /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - teardown /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - teardown complete /hfp/test_corrupted_1 - done /hfp/test_empty - init /hfp/test_empty - setup /hfp/test_empty - setup complete /hfp/test_empty - run /hfp/test_empty - test passed /hfp/test_empty - teardown /hfp/test_empty - teardown complete /hfp/test_empty - done /hfp_hf/test_init - init /hfp_hf/test_init - setup /hfp_hf/test_init - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_init - run /hfp_hf/test_init - test passed /hfp_hf/test_init - teardown /hfp_hf/test_init - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_init - done /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - init /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - setup /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - run /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 - done /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - init /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - setup /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - run /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 - done /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - init /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - setup /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - run /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 - done /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - init /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - setup /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - run /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 - done /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - init /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - setup /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - run /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 - done /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - init /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - setup /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - run /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 - done /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - init /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - setup /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - run /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 - done /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - init /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - setup /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - run /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 - done /hfp_hf/test_empty - init /hfp_hf/test_empty - setup /hfp_hf/test_empty - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_empty - run /hfp_hf/test_empty - test passed /hfp_hf/test_empty - teardown /hfp_hf/test_empty - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_empty - done /hfp_hf/test_unknown - init /hfp_hf/test_unknown - setup /hfp_hf/test_unknown - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_unknown - run /hfp_hf/test_unknown - test passed /hfp_hf/test_unknown - teardown /hfp_hf/test_unknown - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_unknown - done /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - init /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - setup /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - run /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 - done /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - init /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - setup /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - run /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - test passed /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - teardown /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 - done /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - init /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - setup /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - setup complete /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - run /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - test passed /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - teardown /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - teardown complete /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field - done  Test Summary ------------ /hfp/test_init Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_cmd_handler_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_cmd_handler_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_register_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_register_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_register_3 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_register_4 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_register_5 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_fragmented_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_ustring_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_ustring_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_string_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_string_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_corrupted_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp/test_empty Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_init Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_send_command_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_send_command_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_send_command_3 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_unsolicited_3 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_corrupted_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_empty Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_unknown Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_1 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_context_parser_2 Passed  0.000 seconds /hfp_hf/test_context_skip_field Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 29, Passed: 29 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.0047 seconds PASS: test-hfp /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - init /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - setup /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - run /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I - done /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - init /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - setup /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - setup complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - run /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - test passed /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - teardown /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - teardown complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I - done /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - init /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - setup /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - setup complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - run /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - test passed /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - teardown /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - teardown complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I - done /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - init /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - setup /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - setup complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - run /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - test passed /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - teardown /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - teardown complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I - done /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - init /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - setup /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - setup complete /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - run /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - test passed /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - teardown /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - teardown complete /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I - done /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - init /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - setup /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - setup complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - run /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - test passed /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - teardown /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - teardown complete /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-01-I Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-08-I Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-09-I Passed  0.002 seconds /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-06-I Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/HGCF/RH/BV-01-I Passed  0.003 seconds /TP/HGRF/RH/BV-02-I Passed  0.003 seconds Total: 6, Passed: 6 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.0163 seconds PASS: test-hog /lib/ntoh64 - init /lib/ntoh64 - setup /lib/ntoh64 - setup complete /lib/ntoh64 - run /lib/ntoh64 - test passed /lib/ntoh64 - teardown /lib/ntoh64 - teardown complete /lib/ntoh64 - done /lib/hton64 - init /lib/hton64 - setup /lib/hton64 - setup complete /lib/hton64 - run /lib/hton64 - test passed /lib/hton64 - teardown /lib/hton64 - teardown complete /lib/hton64 - done /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - init /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - setup /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - run /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - test passed /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - teardown /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid - done /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - init /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - setup /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - run /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - test passed /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - teardown /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata - done /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - init /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - setup /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - run /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - test passed /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - teardown /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 - done /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - init /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - setup /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - run /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - test passed /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - teardown /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 - done /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - init /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - setup /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - run /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - test passed /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - teardown /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid - done /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - init /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - setup /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - run /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - test passed /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - teardown /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata - done /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - init /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - setup /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - run /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - test passed /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - teardown /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd - done /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - init /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - setup /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - run /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - test passed /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - teardown /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid - done /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - init /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - setup /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - run /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - test passed /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - teardown /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata - done /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - init /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - setup /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - run /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - test passed /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - teardown /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd - done /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - init /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - setup /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - run /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - test passed /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - teardown /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround - done /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - init /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - setup /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - setup complete /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - run /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - test passed /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - teardown /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - teardown complete /lib/sdp_get_server_ver - done  Test Summary ------------ /lib/ntoh64 Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/hton64 Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/valid Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/nodata Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd1 Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_access_protos/invalid_dtd2 Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/valid Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/nodata Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_lang_attr/invalid_dtd Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/valid Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/nodata Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/invalid_dtd Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_profile_descs/workaround Passed  0.000 seconds /lib/sdp_get_server_ver Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 14, Passed: 14 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.00113 seconds PASS: test-lib # random seed: R02Sa7ad1cb4e66668546d4bd1ea2b22bdd5 1..9 # Start of mgmt tests # Start of command tests ok 1 /mgmt/command/1 ok 2 /mgmt/command/2 # End of command tests # Start of response tests ok 3 /mgmt/response/1 ok 4 /mgmt/response/2 # End of response tests # Start of event tests ok 5 /mgmt/event/1 ok 6 /mgmt/event/2 # End of event tests # Start of unregister tests ok 7 /mgmt/unregister/1 ok 8 /mgmt/unregister/2 # End of unregister tests # Start of destroy tests ok 9 /mgmt/destroy/1 # End of destroy tests # End of mgmt tests PASS: test-mgmt /queue/basic - init /queue/basic - setup /queue/basic - setup complete /queue/basic - run /queue/basic - test passed /queue/basic - teardown /queue/basic - teardown complete /queue/basic - done /queue/foreach_destroy - init /queue/foreach_destroy - setup /queue/foreach_destroy - setup complete /queue/foreach_destroy - run /queue/foreach_destroy - test passed /queue/foreach_destroy - teardown /queue/foreach_destroy - teardown complete /queue/foreach_destroy - done /queue/foreach_remove - init /queue/foreach_remove - setup /queue/foreach_remove - setup complete /queue/foreach_remove - run /queue/foreach_remove - test passed /queue/foreach_remove - teardown /queue/foreach_remove - teardown complete /queue/foreach_remove - done /queue/foreach_remove_all - init /queue/foreach_remove_all - setup /queue/foreach_remove_all - setup complete /queue/foreach_remove_all - run /queue/foreach_remove_all - test passed /queue/foreach_remove_all - teardown /queue/foreach_remove_all - teardown complete /queue/foreach_remove_all - done /queue/foreach_remove_backward - init /queue/foreach_remove_backward - setup /queue/foreach_remove_backward - setup complete /queue/foreach_remove_backward - run /queue/foreach_remove_backward - test passed /queue/foreach_remove_backward - teardown /queue/foreach_remove_backward - teardown complete /queue/foreach_remove_backward - done /queue/destroy_remove - init /queue/destroy_remove - setup /queue/destroy_remove - setup complete /queue/destroy_remove - run /queue/destroy_remove - test passed /queue/destroy_remove - teardown /queue/destroy_remove - teardown complete /queue/destroy_remove - done /queue/push_after - init /queue/push_after - setup /queue/push_after - setup complete /queue/push_after - run /queue/push_after - test passed /queue/push_after - teardown /queue/push_after - teardown complete /queue/push_after - done /queue/remove_all - init /queue/remove_all - setup /queue/remove_all - setup complete /queue/remove_all - run /queue/remove_all - test passed /queue/remove_all - teardown /queue/remove_all - teardown complete /queue/remove_all - done  Test Summary ------------ /queue/basic Passed  0.033 seconds /queue/foreach_destroy Passed  0.000 seconds /queue/foreach_remove Passed  0.000 seconds /queue/foreach_remove_all Passed  0.000 seconds /queue/foreach_remove_backward Passed  0.000 seconds /queue/destroy_remove Passed  0.000 seconds /queue/push_after Passed  0.000 seconds /queue/remove_all Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 8, Passed: 8 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.033 seconds PASS: test-queue /ringbuf/power2 - init /ringbuf/power2 - setup /ringbuf/power2 - setup complete /ringbuf/power2 - run /ringbuf/power2 - test passed /ringbuf/power2 - teardown /ringbuf/power2 - teardown complete /ringbuf/power2 - done /ringbuf/alloc - init /ringbuf/alloc - setup /ringbuf/alloc - setup complete /ringbuf/alloc - run /ringbuf/alloc - test passed /ringbuf/alloc - teardown /ringbuf/alloc - teardown complete /ringbuf/alloc - done /ringbuf/printf - init /ringbuf/printf - setup /ringbuf/printf - setup complete /ringbuf/printf - run /ringbuf/printf - test passed /ringbuf/printf - teardown /ringbuf/printf - teardown complete /ringbuf/printf - done  Test Summary ------------ /ringbuf/power2 Passed  1.674 seconds /ringbuf/alloc Passed  0.015 seconds /ringbuf/printf Passed  0.024 seconds Total: 3, Passed: 3 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 1.71 seconds PASS: test-ringbuf bluetoothd[1974]: Bluetooth daemon 5.62 /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C - done /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - init /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - setup /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - run /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-16 - test passed 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/TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 - done /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - init /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - setup /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - run /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - test passed /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 - done /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - init /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - setup /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - run /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - test passed /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 - done /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - init /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - setup /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - setup complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - run /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - test passed /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR16 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR16 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR16 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/sdp/DE/ATTR/INT32 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT32 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT32 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT32 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 - done /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 - init /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 - setup /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 - setup complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 - run /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 - test passed /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 - teardown /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 - teardown complete /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128bluetoothd[1974]: ../bluez-5.62/src/sdpd-request.c:service_attr_req() NULL cache buffer and non-NULL continuation state  - done /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - init /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - setup /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - setup complete /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - run /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - test passed /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - teardown /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - teardown complete /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C - done  Test Summary ------------ /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-01-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-03-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BV-04-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-01-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SS/BI-02-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-03-C Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-04-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-05-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-06-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-07-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-08-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-09-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-10-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-11-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-12-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-13-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-14-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-15-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-16-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-17-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-18-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-19-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-20-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BV-21-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-01-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-02-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SA/BI-03-C Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-01-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-02-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-03-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-04-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-06-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-06-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-06-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-07-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-07-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-07-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-08-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-08-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-08-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-09-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-09-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-09-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-10-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-10-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-10-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-11-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-11-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-11-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-12-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-12-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-12-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-13-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-13-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-13-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-14-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-14-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-14-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-15-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-15-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-15-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-16-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-16-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-16-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-17-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-17-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-17-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-18-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-18-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-18-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-19-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-19-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-19-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-20-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-21-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-22-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BV-23-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-01-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/SSA/BI-02-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-01-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-16 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-32 Passed  0.001 seconds /TP/SERVER/BRW/BV-02-C/UUID-128 Passed  0.001 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8/empty Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR8 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/TEXT_STR16 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR8 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/URL_STR16 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/NIL Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT8 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT8 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/BOOL Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT16 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT16 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT32 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT32 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT64 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT64 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/UINT128 Passed  0.000 seconds /sdp/DE/ATTR/INT128 Passed  0.000 seconds /TP/SERVER/ROB/BI-01-C Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 134, Passed: 134 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.0384 seconds PASS: test-sdp /textfile/pagesize - init /textfile/pagesize - setup /textfile/pagesize - setup complete /textfile/pagesize - run /textfile/pagesize - test passed /textfile/pagesize - teardown /textfile/pagesize - teardown complete /textfile/pagesize - done /textfile/delete - init /textfile/delete - setup /textfile/delete - setup complete /textfile/delete - run /textfile/delete - test passed /textfile/delete - teardown /textfile/delete - teardown complete /textfile/delete - done /textfile/overwrite - init /textfile/overwrite - setup /textfile/overwrite - setup complete /textfile/overwrite - run /textfile/overwrite - test passed /textfile/overwrite - teardown /textfile/overwrite - teardown complete /textfile/overwrite - done /textfile/multiple - init /textfile/multiple - setup /textfile/multiple - setup complete /textfile/multiple - run /textfile/multiple - test passed /textfile/multiple - teardown /textfile/multiple - teardown complete /textfile/multiple - done  Test Summary ------------ /textfile/pagesize Passed  0.000 seconds /textfile/delete Passed  0.000 seconds /textfile/overwrite Passed  0.000 seconds /textfile/multiple Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 4, Passed: 4 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.0013 seconds PASS: test-textfile /uhid/command/create - init /uhid/command/create - setup /uhid/command/create - setup complete /uhid/command/create - run /uhid/command/create - test passed /uhid/command/create - teardown /uhid/command/create - teardown complete /uhid/command/create - done /uhid/command/destroy - init /uhid/command/destroy - setup /uhid/command/destroy - setup complete /uhid/command/destroy - run /uhid/command/destroy - test passed /uhid/command/destroy - teardown /uhid/command/destroy - teardown complete /uhid/command/destroy - done /uhid/command/feature_answer - init /uhid/command/feature_answer - setup /uhid/command/feature_answer - setup complete /uhid/command/feature_answer - run /uhid/command/feature_answer - test passed /uhid/command/feature_answer - teardown /uhid/command/feature_answer - teardown complete /uhid/command/feature_answer - done /uhid/command/input - init /uhid/command/input - setup /uhid/command/input - setup complete /uhid/command/input - run /uhid/command/input - test passed /uhid/command/input - teardown /uhid/command/input - teardown complete /uhid/command/input - done /uhid/event/output - init /uhid/event/output - setup /uhid/event/output - setup complete /uhid/event/output - run /uhid/event/output - test passed /uhid/event/output - teardown /uhid/event/output - teardown complete /uhid/event/output - done /uhid/event/feature - init /uhid/event/feature - setup /uhid/event/feature - setup complete /uhid/event/feature - run /uhid/event/feature - test passed /uhid/event/feature - teardown /uhid/event/feature - teardown complete /uhid/event/feature - done  Test Summary ------------ /uhid/command/create Passed  0.000 seconds /uhid/command/destroy Passed  0.000 seconds /uhid/command/feature_answer Passed  0.000 seconds /uhid/command/input Passed  0.000 seconds /uhid/event/output Passed  0.001 seconds /uhid/event/feature Passed  0.001 seconds Total: 6, Passed: 6 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.00295 seconds PASS: test-uhid /uuid/base - init /uuid/base - setup /uuid/base - setup complete /uuid/base - run /uuid/base - test passed /uuid/base - teardown /uuid/base - teardown complete /uuid/base - done /uuid/base/str - init /uuid/base/str - setup /uuid/base/str - setup complete /uuid/base/str - run /uuid/base/str - test passed /uuid/base/str - teardown /uuid/base/str - teardown complete /uuid/base/str - done /uuid/base/cmp - init /uuid/base/cmp - setup /uuid/base/cmp - setup complete /uuid/base/cmp - run /uuid/base/cmp - test passed /uuid/base/cmp - teardown /uuid/base/cmp - teardown complete /uuid/base/cmp - done /uuid/sixteen1 - init /uuid/sixteen1 - setup /uuid/sixteen1 - setup complete /uuid/sixteen1 - run /uuid/sixteen1 - test passed /uuid/sixteen1 - teardown /uuid/sixteen1 - teardown complete /uuid/sixteen1 - done /uuid/sixteen1/str - init /uuid/sixteen1/str - setup /uuid/sixteen1/str - setup complete /uuid/sixteen1/str - run /uuid/sixteen1/str - test passed /uuid/sixteen1/str - teardown /uuid/sixteen1/str - teardown complete /uuid/sixteen1/str - done /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - init /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - setup /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - setup complete /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - run /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - test passed /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - teardown /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - teardown complete /uuid/sixteen1/cmp - done /uuid/sixteen2 - init /uuid/sixteen2 - setup /uuid/sixteen2 - setup complete /uuid/sixteen2 - run /uuid/sixteen2 - test passed /uuid/sixteen2 - teardown /uuid/sixteen2 - teardown complete /uuid/sixteen2 - done /uuid/sixteen2/str - init /uuid/sixteen2/str - setup /uuid/sixteen2/str - setup complete /uuid/sixteen2/str - run /uuid/sixteen2/str - test passed /uuid/sixteen2/str - teardown /uuid/sixteen2/str - teardown complete /uuid/sixteen2/str - done /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - init /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - setup /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - setup complete /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - run /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - test passed /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - teardown /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - teardown complete /uuid/sixteen2/cmp - done /uuid/thirtytwo1 - init /uuid/thirtytwo1 - setup /uuid/thirtytwo1 - setup complete /uuid/thirtytwo1 - run /uuid/thirtytwo1 - test passed /uuid/thirtytwo1 - teardown /uuid/thirtytwo1 - teardown complete /uuid/thirtytwo1 - done /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - init /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - setup /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - setup complete /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - run /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - test passed /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - teardown /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - teardown complete /uuid/thirtytwo1/str - done /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - init /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - setup /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - setup complete /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - run /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - test passed /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - teardown /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - teardown complete /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp - done /uuid/thirtytwo2 - init /uuid/thirtytwo2 - setup /uuid/thirtytwo2 - setup complete /uuid/thirtytwo2 - run /uuid/thirtytwo2 - test passed /uuid/thirtytwo2 - teardown /uuid/thirtytwo2 - teardown complete /uuid/thirtytwo2 - done /uuid/thritytwo2/str - init /uuid/thritytwo2/str - setup /uuid/thritytwo2/str - setup complete /uuid/thritytwo2/str - run /uuid/thritytwo2/str - test passed /uuid/thritytwo2/str - teardown /uuid/thritytwo2/str - teardown complete /uuid/thritytwo2/str - done /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - init /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - setup /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - setup complete /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - run /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - test passed /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - teardown /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - teardown complete /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp - done /uuid/onetwentyeight - init /uuid/onetwentyeight - setup /uuid/onetwentyeight - setup complete /uuid/onetwentyeight - run /uuid/onetwentyeight - test passed /uuid/onetwentyeight - teardown /uuid/onetwentyeight - teardown complete /uuid/onetwentyeight - done /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - init /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - setup /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - setup complete /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - run /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - test passed /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - teardown /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - teardown complete /uuid/onetwentyeight/str - done /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - init /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - setup /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - setup complete /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - run /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - test passed /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - teardown /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - teardown complete /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp - done /uuid/malformed/0 - init /uuid/malformed/0 - setup /uuid/malformed/0 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/0 - run /uuid/malformed/0 - test passed /uuid/malformed/0 - teardown /uuid/malformed/0 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/0 - done /uuid/malformed/01 - init /uuid/malformed/01 - setup /uuid/malformed/01 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/01 - run /uuid/malformed/01 - test passed /uuid/malformed/01 - teardown /uuid/malformed/01 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/01 - done /uuid/malformed/012 - init /uuid/malformed/012 - setup /uuid/malformed/012 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/012 - run /uuid/malformed/012 - test passed /uuid/malformed/012 - teardown /uuid/malformed/012 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/012 - done /uuid/malformed/xxxx - init /uuid/malformed/xxxx - setup /uuid/malformed/xxxx - setup complete /uuid/malformed/xxxx - run /uuid/malformed/xxxx - test passed /uuid/malformed/xxxx - teardown /uuid/malformed/xxxx - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/xxxx - done /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - init /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - setup /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - setup complete /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - run /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - test passed /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - teardown /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/xxxxx - done /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - init /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - setup /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - setup complete /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - run /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - test passed /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - teardown /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx - done /uuid/malformed/0123456 - init /uuid/malformed/0123456 - setup /uuid/malformed/0123456 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/0123456 - run /uuid/malformed/0123456 - test passed /uuid/malformed/0123456 - teardown /uuid/malformed/0123456 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/0123456 - done /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - init /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - setup /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - run /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - test passed /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - teardown /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/012g4567 - done /uuid/malformed/012345678 - init /uuid/malformed/012345678 - setup /uuid/malformed/012345678 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/012345678 - run /uuid/malformed/012345678 - test passed /uuid/malformed/012345678 - teardown /uuid/malformed/012345678 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/012345678 - done /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - init /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - setup /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - run /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - test passed /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - teardown /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 - done /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - init /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - setup /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - setup complete /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - run /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - test passed /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - teardown /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/01234567890 - done /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - init /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - setup /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - setup complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - run /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - test passed /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - teardown /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F - done /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - init /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - setup /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - setup complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - run /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - test passed /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - teardown /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB - done /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - init /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - setup /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - setup complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - run /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - test passed /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - teardown /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC - done /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - init /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - setup /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - setup complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - run /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - test passed /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - teardown /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - teardown complete /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB - done /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - init /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - setup /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - setup complete /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - run /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - test passed /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - teardown /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - teardown complete /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - done /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - init /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - setup /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - setup complete /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - run /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - test passed /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - teardown /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - teardown complete /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - done /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - init /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - setup /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - setup complete /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - run /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - test passed /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - teardown /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - teardown complete /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB - done /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - init /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - setup /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - setup complete /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - run /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - test passed /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - teardown /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - teardown complete /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb - done  Test Summary ------------ /uuid/base Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/base/str Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/base/cmp Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/sixteen1 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/sixteen1/str Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/sixteen1/cmp Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/sixteen2 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/sixteen2/str Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/sixteen2/cmp Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/thirtytwo1 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/thirtytwo1/str Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/thirtytwo1/cmp Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/thirtytwo2 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/thritytwo2/str Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/thirtytwo2/cmp Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/onetwentyeight Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/onetwentyeight/str Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/onetwentyeight/cmp Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/0 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/01 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/012 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/xxxx Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/xxxxx Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/0xxxxx Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/0123456 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/012g4567 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/012345678 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/0x234567u9 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/01234567890 Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000 00805F9B34FB Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBC Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/malformed/00001234-0000-1000-800G-00805F9B34FB Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/compress/00001234-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/compress/0000FFFF-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB Passed  0.000 seconds /uuid/compress/F0000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb Passed  0.000 seconds Total: 37, Passed: 37 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Overall execution time: 0.00118 seconds PASS: test-uuid All 25 tests passed DURATION: 8 END: /usr/lib/bluez5/ptest 2021-10-26T02:10 2021-10-26T02:10 BEGIN: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest ./bzip2 -1 < sample1.ref > sample1.rb2 ./bzip2 -2 < sample2.ref > sample2.rb2 ./bzip2 -3 < sample3.ref > sample3.rb2 ./bzip2 -d < sample1.bz2 > sample1.tst ./bzip2 -d < sample2.bz2 > sample2.tst ./bzip2 -ds < sample3.bz2 > sample3.tst PASS: sample1 compress PASS: sample2 compress PASS: sample3 compress PASS: sample1 decompress PASS: sample2 decompress PASS: sample3 decompress ./bzip2-tests/ --without-valgrind --tests-dir="/usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests" Testing bzip2 in directory /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests Using valgrind: No Checking md5 sums: Yes Testing decompression and recompression... PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/empty.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-fb.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/510B.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/45MB-00.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/aaa.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/hello-world.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/pyflate/765B.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/COMPRESS-131.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.xml.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/bla.tar.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/zip64support.tar.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/commons-compress/multiple.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/e.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-random1.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/ md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/pass-sawtooth.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: 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Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/regexp/re2-exhaustive.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/regexp/re2-exhaustive.txt.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/regexp/re2-exhaustive.txt.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/regexp/re2-exhaustive.txt.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/regexp/re2-exhaustive.txt.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/regexp/re2-exhaustive.txt.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/empty.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/repet.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/gap.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/idx899999.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/rand.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/32767.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/incomp-1.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/concat.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/concat.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: 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/usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/fib.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/ch255.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample2.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/sample1.bz2 md5sum ReMatched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ Decompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ md5sum Matched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ Recompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ Redecompress PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ md5sum ReMatched PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ Decompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ Md5sum Matched (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ Recompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ Redecompress (small) PASS: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/dotnetzip/ md5sum ReMatched (small) All .bz files decompressed and recompressed correctly. Testing detection of bad input data... PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/fail-issue5747.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/go/compress/fail-issue5747.bz2.bad (small) PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/crc2.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/crc2.bz2.bad (small) PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/cve.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/cve.bz2.bad (small) PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/cve2.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/cve2.bz2.bad (small) PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/crc1.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/crc1.bz2.bad (small) PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/void.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/void.bz2.bad (small) PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/overrun.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/overrun.bz2.bad (small) PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/overrun2.bz2.bad PASS: Correctly found data integrity errors in /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest/bzip2-tests/lbzip2/overrun2.bz2.bad (small) Correctly found all bad file data integrity errors. All tests passed DURATION: 74 END: /usr/lib/bzip2/ptest 2021-10-26T02:11 2021-10-26T02:11 BEGIN: /usr/lib/diffstat/ptest Checking /usr/bin/diffstat testing case01 PASS: case01 PASS: case01p1 PASS: case01p9 PASS: case01f0 PASS: case01u PASS: case01k PASS: case01r1 PASS: case01r2 PASS: case01b PASS: case01R PASS: case01Rp0 testing case02 PASS: case02 PASS: case02p1 PASS: case02p9 PASS: case02f0 PASS: case02u PASS: case02k PASS: case02r1 PASS: case02r2 PASS: case02b PASS: case02R PASS: case02Rp0 testing case03 PASS: case03 PASS: case03p1 PASS: case03p9 PASS: case03f0 PASS: case03u PASS: case03k PASS: case03r1 PASS: case03r2 PASS: case03b PASS: case03R PASS: case03Rp0 testing case04 PASS: case04 PASS: case04p1 PASS: case04p9 PASS: case04f0 PASS: case04u PASS: case04k PASS: case04r1 PASS: case04r2 PASS: case04b PASS: case04R PASS: case04Rp0 testing case05 PASS: case05 PASS: case05p1 PASS: case05p9 PASS: case05f0 PASS: case05u PASS: case05k PASS: case05r1 PASS: case05r2 PASS: case05b PASS: case05R PASS: case05Rp0 testing case06 PASS: case06 PASS: case06p1 PASS: case06p9 PASS: case06f0 PASS: case06u PASS: case06k PASS: case06r1 PASS: case06r2 PASS: case06b PASS: case06R PASS: case06Rp0 testing case07 PASS: case07 PASS: case07p1 PASS: case07p9 PASS: case07f0 PASS: case07u PASS: case07k PASS: case07r1 PASS: case07r2 PASS: case07b PASS: case07R PASS: case07Rp0 testing case08 PASS: case08 PASS: case08p1 PASS: case08p9 PASS: case08f0 PASS: case08u PASS: case08k PASS: case08r1 PASS: case08r2 PASS: case08b PASS: case08R PASS: case08Rp0 testing case09 PASS: case09 PASS: case09p1 PASS: case09p9 PASS: case09f0 PASS: case09u PASS: case09k PASS: case09r1 PASS: case09r2 PASS: case09b PASS: case09R PASS: case09Rp0 testing case10 PASS: case10 PASS: case10p1 PASS: case10p9 PASS: case10f0 PASS: case10u PASS: case10k PASS: case10r1 PASS: case10r2 PASS: case10b PASS: case10R PASS: case10Rp0 testing case11 PASS: case11 PASS: case11p1 PASS: case11p9 PASS: case11f0 PASS: case11u PASS: case11k PASS: case11r1 PASS: case11r2 PASS: case11b PASS: case11R PASS: case11Rp0 testing case12 PASS: case12 PASS: case12p1 PASS: case12p9 PASS: case12f0 PASS: case12u PASS: case12k PASS: case12r1 PASS: case12r2 PASS: case12b PASS: case12R PASS: case12Rp0 testing case13 PASS: case13 PASS: case13p1 PASS: case13p9 PASS: case13f0 PASS: case13u PASS: case13k PASS: case13r1 PASS: case13r2 PASS: case13b PASS: case13R PASS: case13Rp0 testing case14 PASS: case14 PASS: case14p1 PASS: case14p9 PASS: case14f0 PASS: case14u PASS: case14k PASS: case14r1 PASS: case14r2 PASS: case14b PASS: case14R PASS: case14Rp0 testing case15 PASS: case15 PASS: case15p1 PASS: case15p9 PASS: case15f0 PASS: case15u PASS: case15k PASS: case15r1 PASS: case15r2 PASS: case15b PASS: case15R PASS: case15Rp0 testing case16 PASS: case16 PASS: case16p1 PASS: case16p9 PASS: case16f0 PASS: case16u PASS: case16k PASS: case16r1 PASS: case16r2 PASS: case16b PASS: case16R PASS: case16Rp0 testing case17 PASS: case17 PASS: case17p1 PASS: case17p9 PASS: case17f0 PASS: case17u PASS: case17k PASS: case17r1 PASS: case17r2 PASS: case17b PASS: case17R PASS: case17Rp0 testing case18 PASS: case18 PASS: case18p1 PASS: case18p9 PASS: case18f0 PASS: case18u PASS: case18k PASS: case18r1 PASS: case18r2 PASS: case18b PASS: case18R PASS: case18Rp0 testing case19 PASS: case19 PASS: case19p1 PASS: case19p9 PASS: case19f0 PASS: case19u PASS: case19k PASS: case19r1 PASS: case19r2 PASS: case19b PASS: case19R PASS: case19Rp0 testing case20 PASS: case20 PASS: case20p1 PASS: case20p9 PASS: case20f0 PASS: case20u PASS: case20k PASS: case20r1 PASS: case20r2 PASS: case20b PASS: case20R PASS: case20Rp0 testing case21 PASS: case21 PASS: case21p1 PASS: case21p9 PASS: case21f0 PASS: case21u PASS: case21k PASS: case21r1 PASS: case21r2 PASS: case21b PASS: case21R PASS: case21Rp0 testing case22 PASS: case22 PASS: case22p1 PASS: case22p9 PASS: case22f0 PASS: case22u PASS: case22k PASS: case22r1 PASS: case22r2 PASS: case22b PASS: case22R PASS: case22Rp0 testing case23 PASS: case23 PASS: case23p1 PASS: case23p9 PASS: case23f0 PASS: case23u PASS: case23k PASS: case23r1 PASS: case23r2 PASS: case23b PASS: case23R PASS: case23Rp0 testing case24 PASS: case24 PASS: case24p1 PASS: case24p9 PASS: case24f0 PASS: case24u PASS: case24k PASS: case24r1 PASS: case24r2 PASS: case24b PASS: case24R PASS: case24Rp0 testing case25 PASS: case25 PASS: case25p1 PASS: case25p9 PASS: case25f0 PASS: case25u PASS: case25k PASS: case25r1 PASS: case25r2 PASS: case25b PASS: case25R PASS: case25Rp0 testing case26 PASS: case26 PASS: case26p1 PASS: case26p9 PASS: case26f0 PASS: case26u PASS: case26k PASS: case26r1 PASS: case26r2 PASS: case26b PASS: case26R PASS: case26Rp0 testing case27 PASS: case27 PASS: case27p1 PASS: case27p9 PASS: case27f0 PASS: case27u PASS: case27k PASS: case27r1 PASS: case27r2 PASS: case27b PASS: case27R PASS: case27Rp0 testing case28 PASS: case28 PASS: case28p1 PASS: case28p9 PASS: case28f0 PASS: case28u PASS: case28k PASS: case28r1 PASS: case28r2 PASS: case28b PASS: case28R PASS: case28Rp0 testing case29 PASS: case29 PASS: case29p1 PASS: case29p9 PASS: case29f0 PASS: case29u PASS: case29k PASS: case29r1 PASS: case29r2 PASS: case29b PASS: case29R PASS: case29Rp0 testing case31 PASS: case31 PASS: case31p1 PASS: case31p9 PASS: case31f0 PASS: case31u PASS: case31k PASS: case31r1 PASS: case31r2 PASS: case31b PASS: case31R PASS: case31Rp0 testing case31l PASS: case31l PASS: case31lp1 PASS: case31lp9 PASS: case31lf0 PASS: case31lu PASS: case31lk PASS: case31lr1 PASS: case31lr2 PASS: case31lb PASS: case31lR PASS: case31lRp0 testing case31u PASS: case31u PASS: case31up1 PASS: case31up9 PASS: case31uf0 PASS: case31uu PASS: case31uk PASS: case31ur1 PASS: case31ur2 PASS: case31ub PASS: case31uR PASS: case31uRp0 testing case32 PASS: case32 PASS: case32p1 PASS: case32p9 PASS: case32f0 PASS: case32u PASS: case32k PASS: case32r1 PASS: case32r2 PASS: case32b PASS: case32R PASS: case32Rp0 testing case33 PASS: case33 PASS: case33p1 PASS: case33p9 PASS: case33f0 PASS: case33u PASS: case33k PASS: case33r1 PASS: case33r2 PASS: case33b PASS: case33R PASS: case33Rp0 testing case34 PASS: case34 PASS: case34p1 PASS: case34p9 PASS: case34f0 PASS: case34u PASS: case34k PASS: case34r1 PASS: case34r2 PASS: case34b PASS: case34R PASS: case34Rp0 testing case35 PASS: case35 PASS: case35p1 PASS: case35p9 PASS: case35f0 PASS: case35u PASS: case35k PASS: case35r1 PASS: case35r2 PASS: case35b PASS: case35R PASS: case35Rp0 testing case36 PASS: case36 PASS: case36p1 PASS: case36p9 PASS: case36f0 PASS: case36u PASS: case36k PASS: case36r1 PASS: case36r2 PASS: case36b PASS: case36R PASS: case36Rp0 testing case37 PASS: case37 PASS: case37p1 PASS: case37p9 PASS: case37f0 PASS: case37u PASS: case37k PASS: case37r1 PASS: case37r2 PASS: case37b PASS: case37R PASS: case37Rp0 testing case38l PASS: case38l PASS: case38lp1 PASS: case38lp9 PASS: case38lf0 PASS: case38lu PASS: case38lk PASS: case38lr1 PASS: case38lr2 PASS: case38lb PASS: case38lR PASS: case38lRp0 testing case38r PASS: case38r PASS: case38rp1 PASS: case38rp9 PASS: case38rf0 PASS: case38ru PASS: case38rk PASS: case38rr1 PASS: case38rr2 PASS: case38rb PASS: case38rR PASS: case38rRp0 testing case39 PASS: case39 PASS: case39p1 PASS: case39p9 PASS: case39f0 PASS: case39u PASS: case39k PASS: case39r1 PASS: case39r2 PASS: case39b PASS: case39R PASS: case39Rp0 testing case40 PASS: case40 PASS: case40p1 PASS: case40p9 PASS: case40f0 PASS: case40u PASS: case40k PASS: case40r1 PASS: case40r2 PASS: case40b PASS: case40R PASS: case40Rp0 testing case41 PASS: case41 PASS: case41p1 PASS: case41p9 PASS: case41f0 PASS: case41u PASS: case41k PASS: case41r1 PASS: case41r2 PASS: case41b PASS: case41R PASS: case41Rp0 DURATION: 6 END: /usr/lib/diffstat/ptest 2021-10-26T02:11 2021-10-26T02:11 BEGIN: /usr/lib/diffutils/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' PASS: basic PASS: bignum PASS: binary PASS: brief-vs-stat-zero-kernel-lies PASS: cmp PASS: colliding-file-names PASS: diff3 PASS: excess-slash PASS: help-version PASS: invalid-re PASS: function-line-vs-leading-space PASS: ignore-matching-lines PASS: label-vs-func XFAIL: large-subopt PASS: new-file PASS: no-dereference PASS: no-newline-at-eof PASS: stdin PASS: strcoll-0-names PASS: filename-quoting PASS: colors ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for GNU diffutils 3.8 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 21 # PASS: 20 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 1 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/diffutils/ptest/tests' DURATION: 2 END: /usr/lib/diffutils/ptest 2021-10-26T02:11 2021-10-26T02:11 BEGIN: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest make \ TESTS_ENVIRONMENT="libdir='/usr/lib'; bindir='/usr/bin'; LC_ALL=C; LANG=C; VALGRIND_CMD=''; abs_srcdir='/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests'; abs_builddir='/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests'; abs_top_builddir='/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/../'; export abs_srcdir; export abs_builddir; export abs_top_builddir; export libdir; export bindir; export LC_ALL; export LANG; export VALGRIND_CMD; unset DEBUGINFOD_URLS; NM='x86_64-poky-linux-gcc-nm'; export NM; CC='gcc'; export CC;" \ LOG_COMPILER="/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/ installed no 's,^,eu-,'" check-TESTS make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests' make runtest-TESTS make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests' PASS: SKIP: Make a sorted list of the just build src .o files. nm.o size.o strip.o Create a new ar file with the .o files. eu-ar: creating List the ar file contents. Delete all objects again. Check new ar file is now empty PASS: PASS: newfile PASS: test-nlist PASS: update1 PASS: update2 PASS: update3 PASS: update4 PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: hash long_bit: 64 space_available: 1 Not enough disk space, need at least 10GB available SKIP: PASS: newscn PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: /usr/bin/gcc PASS: /usr/bin/gcc Create debug a.out. strip -g to file with debug file [27] .symtab SYMTAB 0000000000000000 00003040 00000360 24 28 19 8 0 1 arm strip -g to file with debug file [28] .symtab SYMTAB 00000000 000750 000750 16 29 89 4 0 1 aarch64 strip -g to file with debug file [27] .symtab SYMTAB 0000000000000000 00000920 000009c0 24 28 78 8 0 1 PASS: PASS: PASS: runtest hello_i386.ko runtest hello_x86_64.ko runtest hello_ppc64.ko runtest hello_s390.ko runtest hello_aarch64.ko runtest hello_m68k.ko runtest hello_riscv64.ko runtest hello_csky.ko runtest /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/strip runtest /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/strip.o runtest strip-uncompressed.o runtest strip-compressed.o runtest testfile-debug-rel-ppc64.o runtest testfile-debug-rel-ppc64-z.o runtest testfile-debug-rel-ppc64-g.o PASS: elflint /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//tests/elfstrmerge No errors elfstrmerge elflint merged.elf No errors strip elflint merged.elf.stripped No errors elflint merged.elf.debug No errors unstrip elflint remerged.elf No errors elfcmp elflint /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//tests/elfstrmerge.o No errors elfstrmerge elflint merged.elf No errors strip elflint merged.elf.stripped No errors elflint merged.elf.debug No errors unstrip elflint remerged.elf No errors elfcmp PASS: PASS: strip --keep-section=.strtab testfile elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug strip --keep-section=.symtab testfile elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug strip --keep-section=.strtab elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug strip --keep-section=.symtab --remove-comment elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug strip -g --remove-section=.symtab testfile elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug strip -g --remove-section=.s[yt][mr]tab --keep-section=.stab* testfile elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug strip -g --remove-section=.symtab elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug strip -g --remove-section=.s[yt][mr]tab --keep-section=.comment elflint testfile.elf No errors elflint testfile.debug No errors readelf testfile.elf readelf testfile.debug PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: merging string tables testfile4 -> testfile4.merged WARNING: symbol table [34] contains section symbol 33 for old shdrstrndx 33 No errors merging string tables testfile12 -> testfile12.merged WARNING: symbol table [32] contains section symbol 31 for old shdrstrndx 31 No errors PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: Could not find split unit 'testfile-hello5.dwo', id: c422aa5c31fec205 DWARF section [28] '.debug_info' at offset 0x3102: [Offset] Compilation unit at offset 0: Version: 5, Abbreviation section offset: 0, Address size: 8, Offset size: 4 Unit type: skeleton (4), Unit id: 0xc422aa5c31fec205 [ 14] skeleton_unit abbrev: 1 low_pc (addr) 0x0000000000401160 high_pc (data8) 81 (0x00000000004011b1) stmt_list (sec_offset) 0 dwo_name (strp) "testfile-hello5.dwo" comp_dir (strp) "/home/mark/src/elfutils/tests" GNU_pubnames (flag_present) yes addr_base (sec_offset) address base [ 8] Compilation unit at offset 53: Version: 5, Abbreviation section offset: 21, Address size: 8, Offset size: 4 Unit type: skeleton (4), Unit id: 0xb6c8b9d97e6dfdfe [ 49] skeleton_unit abbrev: 1 ranges (sec_offset) range list [ 24] low_pc (addr) 000000000000000000 stmt_list (sec_offset) 655 dwo_name (strp) "testfile-world5.dwo" comp_dir (strp) "/home/mark/src/elfutils/tests" GNU_pubnames (flag_present) yes addr_base (sec_offset) address base [ a8] rnglists_base (sec_offset) range list [ c] Split compilation unit at offset 53: Version: 5, Abbreviation section offset: 0, Address size: 8, Offset size: 4 Unit type: skeleton (4), Unit id: 0xb6c8b9d97e6dfdfe { 14} compile_unit abbrev: 8 producer (strx) "GNU C17 9.0.0 20180515 (experimental) -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -gdwarf-5 -gsplit-dwarf -gno-as-loc-support -gno-variable-location-views -O2" language (data1) C11 (29) name (strx) "world.c" comp_dir (strx) "/home/mark/src/elfutils/tests" loclists_base (sec_offset) location list [ 0] { 1d} variable abbrev: 9 name (string) "m" decl_file (data1) hello.h (2) decl_line (data1) 1 decl_column (data1) 12 type (ref4) { 27} external (flag_present) yes declaration (flag_present) yes { 27} base_type abbrev: 10 byte_size (data1) 4 encoding (data1) signed (5) name (string) "int" { 2e} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 8 encoding (data1) unsigned (7) name (strx) "long unsigned int" { 32} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 1 encoding (data1) unsigned_char (8) name (strx) "unsigned char" { 36} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 2 encoding (data1) unsigned (7) name (strx) "short unsigned int" { 3a} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 4 encoding (data1) unsigned (7) name (strx) "unsigned int" { 3e} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 1 encoding (data1) signed_char (6) name (strx) "signed char" { 42} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 2 encoding (data1) signed (5) name (strx) "short int" { 46} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 8 encoding (data1) signed (5) name (strx) "long int" { 4a} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 1 encoding (data1) signed_char (6) name (strx) "char" { 4e} const_type abbrev: 11 type (ref4) { 4a} { 53} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 8 encoding (data1) signed (5) name (strx) "long long int" { 57} base_type abbrev: 1 byte_size (data1) 8 encoding (data1) unsigned (7) name (strx) "long long unsigned int" { 5b} subprogram abbrev: 3 external (flag_present) yes name (strx) "main" decl_file (implicit_const) world.c (1) decl_line (data1) 14 decl_column (implicit_const) 1 prototyped (flag_present) yes type (ref4) { 27} low_pc (addrx) [c] 0x0000000000401060
high_pc (data8) 32 (0x0000000000401080 <_start>) frame_base (exprloc) [ 0] call_frame_cfa call_all_calls (flag_present) yes sibling (ref4) { 9b} { 71} formal_parameter abbrev: 2 name (strx) "argc" decl_file (implicit_const) world.c (1) decl_line (data1) 14 decl_column (data1) 11 type (ref4) { 27} location (loclistx) location index [ 0] { 7a} formal_parameter abbrev: 2 name (strx) "argv" decl_file (implicit_const) world.c (1) decl_line (data1) 14 decl_column (data1) 30 type (ref4) { 9b} location (loclistx) location index [ 1] { 83} variable abbrev: 12 name (string) "n" decl_file (data1) world.c (1) decl_line (data1) 16 decl_column (data1) 15 type (ref4) { a0} location (loclistx) location index [ 2] { 8e} call_site abbrev: 4 call_return_pc (addrx) [5] 0x0000000000401079 call_origin (ref4) { a5} { 94} call_site abbrev: 4 call_return_pc (addrx) [a] 0x0000000000401080 <_start> call_origin (ref4) { 114} { 9b} pointer_type abbrev: 5 byte_size (implicit_const) 8 type (ref4) { a0} { a0} pointer_type abbrev: 5 byte_size (implicit_const) 8 type (ref4) { 4e} { a5} subprogram abbrev: 3 external (flag_present) yes name (strx) "calc" decl_file (implicit_const) world.c (1) decl_line (data1) 5 decl_column (implicit_const) 1 prototyped (flag_present) yes type (ref4) { 27} low_pc (addrx) [b] 0x00000000004011c0 high_pc (data8) 43 (0x00000000004011eb) frame_base (exprloc) [ 0] call_frame_cfa call_all_calls (flag_present) yes sibling (ref4) { eb} { bb} formal_parameter abbrev: 2 name (strx) "word" decl_file (implicit_const) world.c (1) decl_line (data1) 5 decl_column (data1) 19 type (ref4) { a0} location (loclistx) location index [ 3] { c4} inlined_subroutine abbrev: 13 abstract_origin (ref4) { eb} entry_pc (addrx) [6] 0x00000000004011d3 ranges (rnglistx) range index [ 0] call_file (data1) world.c (1) call_line (data1) 10 call_column (data1) 10 { ce} formal_parameter abbrev: 6 abstract_origin (ref4) { 101} location (loclistx) location index [ 4] { d4} formal_parameter abbrev: 6 abstract_origin (ref4) { f9} location (loclistx) location index [ 5] { da} lexical_block abbrev: 14 ranges (rnglistx) range index [ 0] { dc} variable abbrev: 15 abstract_origin (ref4) { 109} location (loclistx) location index [ 6] { e2} call_site abbrev: 16 call_return_pc (addrx) [1] 0x00000000004011e4 call_tail_call (flag_present) yes call_origin (ref4) { 11b} { eb} subprogram abbrev: 17 name (strx) "frob" decl_file (data1) hello.h (2) decl_line (data1) 5 decl_column (data1) 1 prototyped (flag_present) yes type (ref4) { 27} inline (data1) declared_inlined (3) sibling (ref4) { 114} { f9} formal_parameter abbrev: 7 name (string) "a" decl_file (implicit_const) hello.h (2) decl_line (implicit_const) 5 decl_column (data1) 11 type (ref4) { 27} { 101} formal_parameter abbrev: 7 name (string) "b" decl_file (implicit_const) hello.h (2) decl_line (implicit_const) 5 decl_column (data1) 18 type (ref4) { 27} { 109} variable abbrev: 18 name (string) "c" decl_file (data1) hello.h (2) decl_line (data1) 7 decl_column (data1) 7 type (ref4) { 27} { 114} subprogram abbrev: 19 external (flag_present) yes declaration (flag_present) yes linkage_name (strx) "exit" name (strx) "exit" decl_file (data1) stdlib.h (3) decl_line (data2) 542 decl_column (data1) 13 { 11b} subprogram abbrev: 20 external (flag_present) yes declaration (flag_present) yes linkage_name (string) "baz" name (string) "baz" decl_file (data1) hello.h (2) decl_line (data1) 2 decl_column (data1) 12 PASS: elfutils built without bzip2 support SKIP: PASS: module 'addr2line' [c] CU 'start.S'@2660 module 'addr2line' [549] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/src/addr2line.c'@0 [2002] function 'handle_address'@2d50 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2023] parameter 'string' [2d50,2d88) {reg5} [2d88,2dc9) {reg3} [2dc9,3063) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3063,3188) {reg3} [3188,332d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [332d,33cc) {reg3} [33cc,3568) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3568,358c) {reg3} [358c,3b3a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3b3a,3b4d) {reg3} [3b4d,3cf4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2037] parameter 'dwfl' [2d50,2d88) {reg4} [2d88,2de0) {reg6} [2de0,3063) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3063,3188) {reg6} [3188,332d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [332d,33cc) {reg6} [33cc,3568) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3568,35dc) {reg6} [35dc,3b3a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3b3a,3b4d) {reg6} [3b4d,3cf4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [204b] variable 'endp' [2d50,3cf4) {fbreg(-320)} [205b] variable 'addr' [2d50,3cf4) {fbreg(-312)} [206b] variable 'mod' [2de0,2de6) {reg0} [2de6,3052) {reg6} [31be,32df) {reg6} [32df,32f7) {reg0} [32f7,332d) {reg6} [33cc,33df) {reg0} [33df,3568) {reg6} [35dc,3631) {reg6} [37bc,3b3a) {reg6} [3c19,3cb7) {reg6} [3cbc,3cf4) {reg6} [207f] variable 'line' [2eb3,2ed5) {reg0} [2ed5,2f20) {reg12} [31be,31d1) {reg12} [2093] variable 'src' [2edc,2ee9) {reg0} [2ee9,2ff1) {reg13} [369d,36e2) {lit0, stack_value} [36e2,3765) {reg13} [38cb,39ad) {reg13} [3b4d,3b63) {lit0, stack_value} [3b63,3b68) {reg0} [3b68,3b79) {reg13} [3ccb,3cea) {reg13} [20a7] variable 'lineno' [2d50,3cf4) {fbreg(-328)} [20b7] variable 'linecol' [2d50,3cf4) {fbreg(-324)} [20c7] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [2d50,3cf4) {addr(0x4100)} [28c5] inlined function 'show_int'@2fa2 [28df] parameter 'name' [2fa2,2fc0) {addr(0x4540), stack_value} [398d,39ad) {addr(0x4540), stack_value} [28ec] parameter 'info' [2fa2,2fc0) {reg12} [398d,39ad) {reg12} [28f9] parameter 'get' [2989] inlined function 'show_int'@2fc0 [29a3] parameter 'name' [2fc0,2fde) {addr(0x454d), stack_value} [396a,3988) {addr(0x454d), stack_value} [29b0] parameter 'info' [2fc0,2fde) {reg12} [396a,3988) {reg12} [29bd] parameter 'get' [2578] inlined function 'show_note'@2f26 [2592] parameter 'note' [2f26,2f4b) {addr(0x4504), stack_value} [38f2,391a) {addr(0x4504), stack_value} [259f] parameter 'info' [2f26,2f38) {reg0} [2f38,2f4b) {reg12} [38f2,391a) {reg12} [25ac] parameter 'get' [25bf] inlined function 'show_note'@38f8 [25e5] parameter 'get' [25ea] parameter 'info' [38f2,391a) {reg12} [25f7] parameter 'note' [38f2,391a) {addr(0x4504), stack_value} [2604] variable 'flag' [264c] inlined function 'show_note'@2f4b [2666] parameter 'note' [2f4b,2f68) {addr(0x450f), stack_value} [38cb,38f2) {addr(0x450f), stack_value} [2673] parameter 'info' [2f4b,2f68) {reg12} [38cb,38f2) {reg12} [2680] parameter 'get' [2693] inlined function 'show_note'@38d0 [26b9] parameter 'get' [26be] parameter 'info' [38cb,38f2) {reg12} [26cb] parameter 'note' [38cb,38f2) {addr(0x450f), stack_value} [26d8] variable 'flag' [271f] inlined function 'show_note'@2f68 [2739] parameter 'note' [2f68,2f85) {addr(0x451e), stack_value} [3942,396a) {addr(0x451e), stack_value} [2746] parameter 'info' [2f68,2f85) {reg12} [3942,396a) {reg12} [2753] parameter 'get' [2766] inlined function 'show_note'@3948 [278c] parameter 'get' [2791] parameter 'info' [3942,396a) {reg12} [279e] parameter 'note' [3942,396a) {addr(0x451e), stack_value} [27ab] variable 'flag' [27f2] inlined function 'show_note'@2f85 [280c] parameter 'note' [2f85,2fa2) {addr(0x452e), stack_value} [391a,3942) {addr(0x452e), stack_value} [2819] parameter 'info' [2f85,2fa2) {reg12} [391a,3942) {reg12} [2826] parameter 'get' [2839] inlined function 'show_note'@3920 [285f] parameter 'get' [2864] parameter 'info' [391a,3942) {reg12} [2871] parameter 'note' [391a,3942) {addr(0x452e), stack_value} [287e] variable 'flag' [23d8] inlined function 'get_addr_width'@32e0 [23f2] parameter 'mod' [32df,32f7) {reg0} (32f7,32f7) [33cc,33df) {reg0} [33df,340e) {reg6} [3847,3884) {reg6} [3b5f] function 'print_src'@2b00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3b7e] parameter 'src' [2b00,2b34) {reg5} [2b34,2b5e) {reg8} [2b7c,2bab) {reg8} [2bac,2bcd) {reg8} [2bcd,2bf5) {fbreg(-72)} [2bf5,2bfc) {reg5} [2bfc,2c07) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2c07,2c0f) {reg0} [3b92] parameter 'lineno' [2b00,2b40) {reg4} [2b40,2b7b) {reg6} [2b7b,2b7c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2b7c,2ba7) {reg6} [2ba7,2bab) {reg9} [2bab,2bac) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2bac,2bc0) {reg4} [2bc0,2bf5) {reg6} [2bf5,2bfc) {reg4} [2bfc,2c14) {reg6} [3ba6] parameter 'linecol' [2b00,2b3e) {reg1} [2b3e,2b7a) {reg3} [2b7a,2b7c) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2b7c,2b9d) {reg3} [2b9d,2bac) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2bac,2bf5) {reg3} [2bf5,2bfc) {reg1} [2bfc,2c14) {reg3} [3bba] parameter 'cu' [2b00,2b3b) {reg2} [2b3b,2b40) {reg5} [2b40,2bac) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [2bac,2bcd) {reg5} [2bcd,2bf5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [2bf5,2bfc) {reg2} [2bfc,2c14) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3bcd] variable 'comp_dir' [2b1d,2b40) {addr(0x468f), stack_value} [2b40,2b5e) {reg1} [2b7c,2bab) {reg1} [2bac,2be0) {addr(0x468f), stack_value} [2be0,2bec) {reg0} [2bec,2bf5) {reg1} [2bf5,2c0f) {addr(0x468f), stack_value} [3be1] variable 'comp_dir_sep' [2b1d,2b40) {addr(0x468f), stack_value} [2b40,2b5e) {reg2} [2b7c,2bab) {reg2} [2bac,2c0f) {addr(0x468f), stack_value} [3d08] function 'adjust_to_section'@2980 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3d29] parameter 'name' [2980,2998) {reg5} [2998,2a3e) {reg13} [2a3e,2a43) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2a43,2af9) {reg13} [3d3d] parameter 'addr' [2980,2990) {reg4} [2990,2a42) {reg15} [2a42,2a43) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2a43,2af9) {reg15} [3d51] parameter 'dwfl' [2980,29c2) {reg1} [29c2,2af9) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3d65] variable 'mod' [2980,2af9) {fbreg(-160)} [3d75] variable 'nscn' [29eb,29ef) {reg0} [29ef,2a20) {reg12} [2a43,2a7e) {reg12} [3ff9] function 'find_symbol'@28a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [401a] parameter 'mod' [28a0,28c5) {reg5} [28c5,2957) {reg6} [2957,2960) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2960,2968) {reg6} [2968,2971) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [402e] parameter 'userdata' [28a0,28c5) {reg4} [28c5,2971) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4042] parameter 'name' [28a0,28c5) {reg1} [28c5,2971) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4056] parameter 'start' [28a0,28c5) {reg2} [28c5,2971) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [406a] parameter 'arg' [28a0,28c5) {reg8} [28c5,2971) {fbreg(-72)} [407e] variable 'looking_for' [28b4,295f) {reg15} [2960,2970) {reg15} [4092] variable 'symbol' [28b8,2956) {reg3} [2960,2967) {reg3} [40a6] variable 'value' [28c1,295b) {reg13} [2960,296c) {reg13} [40ba] variable 'n' [28c6,28da) {reg0} [28da,2959) {reg12} [4177] function 'see_one_module'@2880 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4198] parameter 'mod' [2880,2896) {reg5} [41a6] parameter 'userdata' [2880,2896) {reg4} [41b4] parameter 'name' [2880,2896) {reg1} [41c2] parameter 'start' [2880,2896) {reg2} [41d0] parameter 'arg' [2880,2896) {reg8} [41de] variable 'result' [2880,2896) {reg8} [2f5b] inlined function 'print_addrsym'@2e0a [2f75] parameter 'addr' [2e0a,2e2a) {reg4} [2f82] parameter 'mod' [2e05,2e83) {reg6} [340e,344e) {reg6} [354c,3568) {reg6} [37bc,3847) {reg6} [3884,38cb) {reg6} [3366] inlined function 'print_dwarf_function'@31dd [3380] parameter 'addr' [31dd,31fb) {reg3} [338d] parameter 'mod' [31dd,32a0) {reg6} [344e,34a4) {reg6} [34fc,3547) {reg6} [39ad,3b3a) {reg6} [3c19,3cb7) {reg6} [3cbc,3ccb) {reg6} [485a] inlined function 'get_diename'@2c98 [4880] parameter 'die' [2c98,2cb0) {reg6} [488d] variable 'attr' [4892] variable 'name' [4945] inlined function 'symname'@2d0e [496b] parameter 'name' [2d0e,2d2d) {reg5} [2d2d,2d3d) {reg12} [2d3d,2d40) {reg0} [441e] function 'parse_opt'@2750 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4440] parameter 'key' [2750,2762) {reg5} [2762,2786) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2786,27c0) {reg5} [27c0,2861) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2861,2872) {reg5} [4454] parameter 'arg' [2750,2872) {reg4} [4462] parameter 'state' [2750,276e) {reg1} [276e,2786) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2786,27ac) {reg1} [27ac,27b2) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [27b2,27c0) {reg1} [27c0,2861) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2861,2872) {reg1} [4476] function 'main'@2470 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4498] parameter 'argc' [2470,2490) {reg5} [2490,257e) {reg3} [257e,2582) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2582,2651) {reg3} [44ab] parameter 'argv' [2470,2482) {reg4} [2482,257f) {reg6} [257f,2582) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2582,2651) {reg6} [44be] variable 'remaining' [2470,2651) {fbreg(-68)} [44cd] variable 'result' [24a0,2521) {lit0, stack_value} [2521,252d) {reg12} [253d,2541) {reg0} [2541,2581) {reg12} [2581,2582) {reg0} [2582,25c1) {lit0, stack_value} [25c1,25f3) {reg12} [25f3,25f7) {reg0} [25f7,2619) {reg12} [2628,264c) {lit0, stack_value} [264c,2651) {reg12} [44e0] variable 'dwfl' [2470,2651) {fbreg(-64)} [44ee] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [2470,2651) {addr(0x410f)} [215c] inlined function 'error'@316b [2176] parameter '__format' [316b,3170) {reg0} [3170,3174) {reg1} [2183] parameter '__errnum' [316b,3175) {lit0, stack_value} [2190] parameter '__status' [316b,3175) {lit0, stack_value} [21bc] inlined function 'error'@35ae [21d6] parameter '__format' [35ae,35b3) {reg0} [35b3,35b7) {reg1} [21e3] parameter '__errnum' [35ae,35bd) {lit0, stack_value} [21f0] parameter '__status' [35ae,35bd) {lit0, stack_value} [3e16] inlined function 'error'@2abd [3e30] parameter '__format' [2abd,2ac1) {reg0} [2ac1,2ac5) {reg1} [3e3d] parameter '__errnum' [2abd,2acb) {lit0, stack_value} [3e4a] parameter '__status' [2abd,2acb) {lit0, stack_value} [3f2e] inlined function 'error'@2af2 [3f48] parameter '__format' [2af2,2af4) {reg0} [2af4,2af8) {reg1} [3f55] parameter '__errnum' [3f5b] parameter '__status' [247a] inlined function 'printf'@32f7 [2491] parameter '__fmt' [32f7,332d) {addr(0x4489), stack_value} [24dd] inlined function 'printf'@34f2 [24f7] parameter '__fmt' [34f2,34fc) {addr(0x4493), stack_value} [290c] inlined function 'printf'@3990 [2932] parameter '__fmt' [398d,39ad) {addr(0x4544), stack_value} [29d0] inlined function 'printf'@3970 [29f6] parameter '__fmt' [396a,3988) {addr(0x4544), stack_value} [2c03] inlined function 'printf'@3c0d [2c1d] parameter '__fmt' [3c0d,3c19) {addr(0x44af), stack_value} [2cd7] inlined function 'printf'@37a4 [2cfd] parameter '__fmt' [37a4,37bc) {addr(0x4560), stack_value} [2fb3] inlined function 'printf'@2e4f [2fd9] parameter '__fmt' [2e4f,2e62) {addr(0x44b1), stack_value} [3007] inlined function 'printf'@2e7e [302d] parameter '__fmt' [2e7e,2e83) {implicit_pointer([49e2],0) {implicit_value(3){256300}}} [3062] inlined function 'printf'@3444 [307c] parameter '__fmt' [3444,344e) {addr(0x44d8), stack_value} [30aa] inlined function 'printf'@389e [30c4] parameter '__fmt' [389e,38cb) {addr(0x44dd), stack_value} [312b] inlined function 'printf'@3550 [3151] parameter '__fmt' [354c,3568) {addr(0x44e9), stack_value} [320c] inlined function 'printf'@383b [3226] parameter '__fmt' [383b,3842) {addr(0x44f1), stack_value} [341a] inlined function 'printf'@3460 [3434] parameter '__fmt' [3460,3467) {addr(0x449c), stack_value} [345b] inlined function 'printf'@347e [3475] parameter '__fmt' [347e,348d) {addr(0x44d3), stack_value} [349c] inlined function 'printf'@3536 [34b6] parameter '__fmt' [3536,353d) {addr(0x4498), stack_value} [3599] inlined function 'printf'@3b17 [35bf] parameter '__fmt' [3b17,3b35) {addr(0x44c2), stack_value} [35ed] inlined function 'printf'@3c53 [3613] parameter '__fmt' [3c53,3c6e) {addr(0x44b4), stack_value} [3641] inlined function 'printf'@3c6e [3667] parameter '__fmt' [3c6e,3c89) {addr(0x44a7), stack_value} [37e3] inlined function 'printf'@328c [37fd] parameter '__fmt' [328c,3296) {addr(0x4493), stack_value} [38cd] inlined function 'printf'@32c7 [38f3] parameter '__fmt' [32c7,32df) {addr(0x4450), stack_value} [3c44] inlined function 'printf'@2b44 [3c6a] parameter '__fmt' [2b44,2b7c) {addr(0x4431), stack_value} [3c9e] inlined function 'printf'@2b80 [3cb8] parameter '__fmt' [2b7c,2bac) {addr(0x443e), stack_value} [4545] inlined function 'feof_unlocked'@25ac [455f] parameter '__stream' (25ac,25ac) (25ff,25ff) [456d] inlined function 'getline'@2604 [4593] parameter '__stream' [2604,2613) {reg2} [45a0] parameter '__n' [2604,2614) {fbreg(-48), stack_value} [45ad] parameter '__lineptr' [2604,2614) {fbreg(-56), stack_value} [2c90] inlined function 'putchar'@3754 [2cb6] parameter '__c' [3754,3765) {lit10, stack_value} [331f] inlined function 'putchar'@2fe0 [3345] parameter '__c' [2fde,2ff1) {lit10, stack_value} [481d] function 'get_diename'@2c20 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4838] parameter 'die' [2c20,2c49) {reg5} [2c49,2c71) {reg6} [2c71,2c74) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2c74,2cb5) {reg6} [4845] variable 'attr' [2c20,2cb5) {fbreg(-64)} [484d] variable 'name' [2c57,2c5c) {reg0} [2c90,2c9f) {reg0} [491d] function 'symname'@2cc0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4938] parameter 'name' [2cc0,2ce7) {reg5} [2ce7,2d00) {reg12} [2d00,2d01) {reg0} [2d01,2d2d) {reg5} [2d2d,2d40) {reg12} [2d40,2d42) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2d42,2d47) {reg12} module 'addr2line' [4a08] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c'@3d00 [4f1b] function 'print_version'@3d00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4f39] parameter 'stream' [3d00,3d28) {reg5} [3d28,3d45) {reg6} [3d45,3d61) {reg5} [3d61,3d62) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4f4b] parameter 'state' [3d00,3d16) {reg4} [3d16,3d62) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4f5d] inlined function 'fprintf'@3d0a [4f74] parameter '__fmt' [3d0a,3d29) {addr(0x4684), stack_value} [4f81] parameter '__stream' [3d0a,3d28) {reg5} [3d28,3d29) {reg6} [4fcf] inlined function 'fprintf'@3d4d [4fe6] parameter '__fmt' [3d4d,3d4f) {reg0} [3d4f,3d61) {reg1} [4ff3] parameter '__stream' module 'elfclassify' [c] CU 'start.S'@24d0 module 'elfclassify' [549] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/src/elfclassify.c'@0 [195d] inlined function 'process_stdin'@23d7 [1977] parameter 'status' [23d7,2480) {fbreg(-2132), stack_value} [248a,24bc) {fbreg(-2132), stack_value} (24c1,24c1) [2280,2285) {fbreg(-2132), stack_value} [1b4b] function 'process_current_path'@2860 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1b6a] parameter 'status' [2860,28ab) {reg5} [28ab,3b4a) {fbreg(-352)} [1b7e] variable 'checks_passed' [2888,2ac2) {lit1, stack_value} [2ac2,2ae3) {reg3} [2b55,2b8c) {lit1, stack_value} [2b8c,2bc9) {lit0, stack_value} [2ca7,2e90) {lit1, stack_value} [2e90,2eb9) {reg3} [2ebb,3b39) {lit1, stack_value} [3b3e,3b4a) {lit1, stack_value} [38ec] inlined function 'parse_opt'@26c0 [3903] parameter 'arg' [26be,272d) {reg4} [272e,27cd) {reg4} [3910] parameter 'state' [26be,26e6) {reg1} [26e6,26ef) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [26ef,272d) {reg1} [272e,274a) {reg1} [274a,27ba) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [27ba,27cd) {reg1} [391d] parameter 'key' [26be,26d6) {reg5} [26d6,26ea) {breg0(2000), stack_value} [26ea,26ef) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [26ef,272d) {reg5} [272e,274a) {reg5} [274a,27cd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [38b8] inlined function 'classify_check_negative'@26a0 [38de] parameter 'key' (269e,269e) [3884] inlined function 'classify_check_positive'@2680 [38aa] parameter 'key' (2680,2680) [1d69] inlined function 'is_linux_kernel_module'@2dbb [1d41] inlined function 'is_library'@2d7c [1d0d] inlined function 'is_program'@2d2e [1ccc] inlined function 'is_executable'@2d11 [396f] inlined function 'is_shared'@2843 [1d98] inlined function 'is_debug_only'@2dc6 [1c85] inlined function 'is_unstripped'@2a24 [3947] inlined function 'is_loadable'@27d0 [1c56] inlined function 'is_core'@2a0b [1c27] inlined function 'is_elf_archive'@29f4 [1bf8] inlined function 'is_elf_file'@29dd [1bc9] inlined function 'is_elf'@29c4 [24dd] inlined function 'run_classify'@2944 [2d16] inlined function 'elf_type_string'@3673 [2d30] parameter 'type' [3673,3697) {reg12} [376a,379a) {reg12} [3b3e,3b4a) {reg12} [252c] inlined function 'elf_kind_string'@2ec0 [2545] parameter 'kind' [2ebb,2ee2) {reg0} [2ee2,2ee6) {reg3} [2fda,2feb) {reg0} [2feb,2ff4) {reg3} [32e2] inlined function 'close_elf'@2ad7 [2275] inlined function 'open_elf'@2888 [2478] inlined function 'close_file'@2a99 [32fc] inlined function 'close_file'@2af3 [228f] inlined function 'open_file'@2888 [23c4] inlined function 'elf_issue'@3008 [23dd] parameter 'msg' [3001,301c) {addr(0x4094), stack_value} [3104,3139) {addr(0x4094), stack_value} [2600] inlined function 'elf_issue'@3149 [261a] parameter 'msg' [3149,3157) {addr(0x40cd), stack_value} [3608,3628) {addr(0x40cd), stack_value} [2699] inlined function 'elf_issue'@35da [26bf] parameter 'msg' [35da,3608) {addr(0x40bd), stack_value} [274e] inlined function 'elf_issue'@381d [2768] parameter 'msg' [381d,3850) {addr(0x40dc), stack_value} [2985] inlined function 'elf_issue'@37b7 [29ab] parameter 'msg' [37b7,37ea) {addr(0x40ec), stack_value} [2a0e] inlined function 'elf_issue'@37ea [2a34] parameter 'msg' [37ea,381d) {addr(0x44f8), stack_value} [2bf0] inlined function 'elf_issue'@3922 [2c16] parameter 'msg' [3922,3955) {addr(0x44d0), stack_value} [2c8e] inlined function 'elf_issue'@3595 [2cb3] parameter 'msg' [3595,35c3) {addr(0x40b2), stack_value} [3644] function 'issue'@25c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3662] parameter 'e' [25c0,25ea) {reg5} [25ea,25ee) {reg4} [25ee,25fb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [25fb,261d) {reg5} [261d,2621) {reg4} [2621,262e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3672] parameter 'msg' [25c0,25e6) {reg4} [25e6,25ee) {reg2} [25ee,25fb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [25fb,2608) {reg4} [2608,2621) {reg2} [2621,262e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [230e] inlined function 'open'@28b0 [2327] parameter '__oflag' [28b0,28c1) {addr(0x7890), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, lit17, shl, stack_value} [28c1,28c5) {reg4} [2334] parameter '__path' [28b0,28c5) {addr(0x7898)} [1df7] inlined function 'fprintf'@33b8 [1e1d] parameter '__fmt' [33b8,33de) {addr(0x42aa), stack_value} [1e2a] parameter '__stream' [1e50] inlined function 'fprintf'@33de [1e76] parameter '__fmt' [33de,3404) {addr(0x4293), stack_value} [1e83] parameter '__stream' [1ea9] inlined function 'fprintf'@3404 [1ecf] parameter '__fmt' [3404,342a) {addr(0x4768), stack_value} [1edc] parameter '__stream' [1f02] inlined function 'fprintf'@342a [1f28] parameter '__fmt' [342a,3450) {addr(0x427f), stack_value} [1f35] parameter '__stream' [1f5b] inlined function 'fprintf'@3450 [1f81] parameter '__fmt' [3450,3476) {addr(0x426c), stack_value} [1f8e] parameter '__stream' [1fb4] inlined function 'fprintf'@3476 [1fda] parameter '__fmt' [3476,349c) {addr(0x4258), stack_value} [1fe7] parameter '__stream' [200d] inlined function 'fprintf'@349c [2033] parameter '__fmt' [349c,34c2) {addr(0x4241), stack_value} [2040] parameter '__stream' [2066] inlined function 'fprintf'@34c2 [208c] parameter '__fmt' [34c2,34e8) {addr(0x422a), stack_value} [2099] parameter '__stream' [20bf] inlined function 'fprintf'@34e8 [20e5] parameter '__fmt' [34e8,350e) {addr(0x4219), stack_value} [20f2] parameter '__stream' [2118] inlined function 'fprintf'@350e [213e] parameter '__fmt' [350e,3534) {addr(0x4201), stack_value} [214b] parameter '__stream' [2171] inlined function 'fprintf'@3534 [2197] parameter '__fmt' [3534,355a) {addr(0x41ec), stack_value} [21a4] parameter '__stream' [21ca] inlined function 'fprintf'@355a [21f0] parameter '__fmt' [355a,3580) {addr(0x41dc), stack_value} [21fd] parameter '__stream' [22b6] inlined function 'fprintf'@2891 [22db] parameter '__fmt' [2891,28b0) {addr(0x4068), stack_value} [22e8] parameter '__stream' [2553] inlined function 'fprintf'@2ee6 [2578] parameter '__fmt' [2ee6,2f14) {addr(0x44b0), stack_value} [2585] parameter '__stream' [2926] inlined function 'fprintf'@3370 [294c] parameter '__fmt' [3366,3396) {addr(0x4518), stack_value} [2959] parameter '__stream' [2d3e] inlined function 'fprintf'@3697 [2d64] parameter '__fmt' [3697,36bb) {addr(0x4620), stack_value} [2d71] parameter '__stream' [2df0] inlined function 'fprintf'@38ea [2e0a] parameter '__fmt' [38ea,3912) {addr(0x45f0), stack_value} [2e17] parameter '__stream' [2e82] inlined function 'fprintf'@3955 [2ea8] parameter '__fmt' [3955,397b) {addr(0x4670), stack_value} [2eb5] parameter '__stream' [2edb] inlined function 'fprintf'@397b [2f01] parameter '__fmt' [397b,39a1) {addr(0x4640), stack_value} [2f0e] parameter '__stream' [2f34] inlined function 'fprintf'@39a1 [2f5a] parameter '__fmt' [39a1,39c7) {addr(0x4174), stack_value} [2f67] parameter '__stream' [2f8d] inlined function 'fprintf'@39c7 [2fb3] parameter '__fmt' [39c7,39ed) {addr(0x415b), stack_value} [2fc0] parameter '__stream' [2fe6] inlined function 'fprintf'@39ed [300c] parameter '__fmt' [39ed,3a0e) {addr(0x4730), stack_value} [3019] parameter '__stream' [303f] inlined function 'fprintf'@3a21 [3065] parameter '__fmt' [3a21,3a47) {addr(0x4708), stack_value} [3072] parameter '__stream' [3098] inlined function 'fprintf'@3a47 [30be] parameter '__fmt' [3a47,3a6d) {addr(0x46e0), stack_value} [30cb] parameter '__stream' [30f1] inlined function 'fprintf'@3a6d [3117] parameter '__fmt' [3a6d,3a93) {addr(0x41be), stack_value} [3124] parameter '__stream' [314a] inlined function 'fprintf'@3a93 [3170] parameter '__fmt' [3a93,3ab9) {addr(0x41a4), stack_value} [317d] parameter '__stream' [31a3] inlined function 'fprintf'@3ab9 [31c9] parameter '__fmt' [3ab9,3adf) {addr(0x46c0), stack_value} [31d6] parameter '__stream' [31fc] inlined function 'fprintf'@3adf [3222] parameter '__fmt' [3adf,3b05) {addr(0x418c), stack_value} [322f] parameter '__stream' [3255] inlined function 'fprintf'@3b05 [327b] parameter '__fmt' [3b05,3b2b) {addr(0x4698), stack_value} [3288] parameter '__stream' [2858] inlined function 'startswith'@3257 [287e] parameter 'prefix' [3257,326b) {addr(0x4127), stack_value} [288b] parameter 'str' [3257,326b) {reg6} [28bf] inlined function 'startswith'@326f [28e5] parameter 'prefix' [326f,3283) {addr(0x412f), stack_value} [28f2] parameter 'str' [326f,3283) {reg6} [23ea] inlined function 'error'@3115 [2403] parameter '__format' [3115,3139) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [2410] parameter '__errnum' [3115,3139) {lit0, stack_value} [241d] parameter '__status' [3115,3139) {lit0, stack_value} [2627] inlined function 'error'@3619 [2640] parameter '__format' [3619,3628) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [264d] parameter '__errnum' [3619,3628) {lit0, stack_value} [265a] parameter '__status' [3619,3628) {lit0, stack_value} [26cc] inlined function 'error'@35f9 [26e5] parameter '__format' [35f9,3608) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [26f2] parameter '__errnum' [35f9,3608) {lit0, stack_value} [26ff] parameter '__status' [35f9,3608) {lit0, stack_value} [2775] inlined function 'error'@383e [278e] parameter '__format' [383e,3850) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [279b] parameter '__errnum' [383e,3850) {lit0, stack_value} [27a8] parameter '__status' [383e,3850) {lit0, stack_value} [29b8] inlined function 'error'@37d8 [29d1] parameter '__format' [37d8,37ea) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [29de] parameter '__errnum' [37d8,37ea) {lit0, stack_value} [29eb] parameter '__status' [37d8,37ea) {lit0, stack_value} [2a41] inlined function 'error'@380b [2a5a] parameter '__format' [380b,381d) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [2a67] parameter '__errnum' [380b,381d) {lit0, stack_value} [2a74] parameter '__status' [380b,381d) {lit0, stack_value} [2c23] inlined function 'error'@3943 [2c3c] parameter '__format' [3943,3955) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [2c49] parameter '__errnum' [3943,3955) {lit0, stack_value} [2c56] parameter '__status' [3943,3955) {lit0, stack_value} [2cc0] inlined function 'error'@35b6 [2cd9] parameter '__format' [35b6,35c3) {addr(0x40a5), stack_value} [2ce6] parameter '__errnum' [35b6,35c3) {lit0, stack_value} [2cf3] parameter '__status' [35b6,35c3) {lit0, stack_value} [3684] inlined function 'error'@25dd [36a9] parameter '__format' [25dd,25ef) {addr(0x4007), stack_value} [36b6] parameter '__errnum' [25dd,25ea) {reg5} [25ea,25ee) {reg4} [25ee,25ef) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [36c3] parameter '__status' [25dd,25ef) {lit0, stack_value} [36ff] inlined function 'error'@2610 [3721] parameter '__format' [2608,2622) {addr(0x4004), stack_value} [372e] parameter '__errnum' [2608,261d) {reg5} [261d,2621) {reg4} [2621,2622) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [373b] parameter '__status' [2608,2622) {lit0, stack_value} [381f] function 'is_loadable'@2630 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3848] function 'parse_opt'@2680 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3863] parameter 'key' [2680,26d6) {reg5} [26d6,26ea) {breg0(2000), stack_value} [26ea,26ef) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [26ef,274a) {reg5} [274a,27cd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3870] parameter 'arg' [2680,27cd) {reg4} [3877] parameter 'state' [2680,2692) {reg1} [2692,269e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [269e,26b2) {reg1} [26b2,26be) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [26be,26e6) {reg1} [26e6,26ef) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [26ef,274a) {reg1} [274a,27ba) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [27ba,27cd) {reg1} [392c] function 'is_shared'@27d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} module 'elfclassify' [39bb] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c'@3b50 [3ece] function 'print_version'@3b50 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3eec] parameter 'stream' [3b50,3b78) {reg5} [3b78,3b95) {reg6} [3b95,3bb1) {reg5} [3bb1,3bb2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3efe] parameter 'state' [3b50,3b66) {reg4} [3b66,3bb2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3f10] inlined function 'fprintf'@3b5a [3f27] parameter '__fmt' [3b5a,3b79) {addr(0x5327), stack_value} [3f34] parameter '__stream' [3b5a,3b78) {reg5} [3b78,3b79) {reg6} [3f82] inlined function 'fprintf'@3b9d [3f99] parameter '__fmt' [3b9d,3b9f) {reg0} [3b9f,3bb1) {reg1} [3fa6] parameter '__stream' module 'stack' [c] CU 'start.S'@2770 module 'stack' [549] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/src/stack.c'@0 [2637] function 'parse_opt'@2f30 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [265a] parameter 'key' [2f30,2f4a) {reg5} [2f4a,2f71) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2f71,2fac) {reg5} [2fac,307b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [307b,309b) {reg5} [309b,31fc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [31fc,3207) {reg5} [3207,3269) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3269,3288) {reg5} [3288,3359) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3359,3373) {reg5} [3373,34b2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [266e] parameter 'arg' [2f30,2f66) {reg4} [2f66,2f71) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2f71,2fac) {reg4} [2fac,307b) {reg12} [307b,3102) {reg4} [3102,311d) {reg12} [311d,312b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [312b,3132) {reg4} [3132,3144) {reg12} [3144,3162) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3162,3202) {reg4} [3202,3269) {reg12} [3269,3285) {reg4} [3285,3359) {reg12} [3359,3373) {reg4} [3373,338a) {reg12} [338a,338f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [338f,34b2) {reg12} [2682] parameter 'state' [2f30,2f56) {reg1} [2f56,2f6e) {reg6} [2f6e,2f71) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2f71,2fa4) {reg1} [2fa4,307b) {reg6} [307b,309b) {reg1} [309b,3128) {reg6} [3128,312b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [312b,31fc) {reg6} [31fc,320b) {reg1} [320b,3269) {reg6} [3269,328e) {reg1} [328e,3359) {reg6} [3359,3373) {reg1} [3373,34b2) {reg6} [2f92] function 'print_frames'@34c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2fb1] parameter 'frames' [34c0,3507) {reg5} [3507,3a36) {fbreg(-184)} [2fc5] parameter 'tid' [34c0,3513) {reg4} [3513,3518) {reg0} [3518,351c) {reg1} [351c,3a36) {fbreg(-144)} [2fd9] parameter 'dwflerr' [34c0,3516) {reg1} [3516,3a36) {fbreg(-148)} [2fed] parameter 'what' [34c0,34d8) {reg2} [34d8,3a36) {fbreg(-136)} [3001] variable 'frame_nr' [351d,3545) {lit0, stack_value} [3545,35c9) {reg15} [35c9,35db) {reg13} [35db,3619) {reg15} [36cc,36e8) {reg15} [371d,3891) {reg15} [3891,38d5) {reg3} [38d5,38e9) {reg15} [38e9,3935) {reg6} [3935,394a) {reg0} [394a,395c) {fbreg(-192)} [395c,3986) {reg6} [3986,399f) {fbreg(-192)} [399f,39d8) {reg15} [39d8,39dc) {reg8} [3a29,3a31) {reg3} [31e5] inlined function 'print_inline_frames'@381a [31ff] parameter 'die' [381a,383e) {fbreg(-112), stack_value} [387b,399f) {fbreg(-112), stack_value} [3a29,3a31) {fbreg(-112), stack_value} [320c] parameter 'cudie' [381a,383e) {fbreg(-160)} [387b,399f) {fbreg(-160)} [3a29,3a31) {fbreg(-160)} [3219] parameter 'symname' [381a,3827) {reg9} [3827,3834) {fbreg(-200)} [387b,38e6) {fbreg(-200)} [392e,3931) {reg0} [3931,394a) {reg9} [3a29,3a31) {fbreg(-200)} [3226] parameter 'mod' [381a,3834) {reg14} [387b,38f1) {reg14} [38f1,3981) {reg15} [3986,399a) {reg15} [3a29,3a31) {reg14} [3233] parameter 'pc_adjusted' [381a,3834) {reg12} [387b,38f4) {reg12} [38f4,399f) {reg14} [3a29,3a31) {reg12} [3240] parameter 'isactivation' [381a,3834) {reg3} [387b,3891) {reg3} [3891,38a4) {reg1} [38a4,399f) {fbreg(-152)} [3a29,3a31) {fbreg(-152)} [324d] parameter 'pc' [381a,3834) {reg6} [387b,38e1) {reg6} [38e1,38ee) {fbreg(-176)} [38ee,399f) {fbreg(-168)} [3a29,3a31) {reg6} [325a] parameter 'nr' [381a,383e) {implicit_pointer([3001],0) {reg15}} [387b,399f) {implicit_pointer([3001],0) {reg15}} [3a29,3a31) {implicit_pointer([3001],0) {reg3}} [37a6] function 'print_frame'@2b80 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [37c4] parameter 'nr' [2b80,2b8c) {reg5} [2b8c,2cde) {reg13} [2cde,2ce3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2ce3,2f2d) {reg13} [37d6] parameter 'pc' [2b80,2bca) {reg4} [2bca,2c7d) {reg3} [2c7d,2ce3) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2ce3,2d9a) {reg3} [2d9a,2f2d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [37e8] parameter 'isactivation' [2b80,2bca) {reg1} [2bca,2f2d) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [37fb] parameter 'pc_adjusted' [2b80,2bca) {reg2} [2bca,2f2d) {fbreg(-136)} [380e] parameter 'mod' [2b80,2bca) {reg8} [2bca,2cb6) {reg6} [2cb6,2ce3) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [2ce3,2e55) {reg6} [2e55,2e84) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [2e84,2f28) {reg6} [2f28,2f2d) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3821] parameter 'symname' [2b80,2bca) {reg9} [2bca,2c7d) {reg12} [2ce3,2d35) {reg12} [2d35,2d3d) {reg0} [2d3d,2d7a) {reg12} [3834] parameter 'cudie' [2b80,2f2d) {fbreg(0)} [3843] parameter 'die' [2b80,2f2d) {fbreg(8)} [3852] variable 'width' [2bdf,2be1) {reg0} [2be1,2be5) {reg2} [3865] variable 'fname' [2c5c,2c7d) {reg0} [2d3d,2d51) {reg0} [2d51,2d55) {reg1} [3878] variable 'start' [2b80,2f2d) {fbreg(-120)} [3f1d] function 'die_name'@2910 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3f3d] parameter 'die' [2910,2939) {reg5} [2939,2961) {reg6} [2961,2964) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2964,2997) {reg6} [3f50] variable 'attr' [2910,2997) {fbreg(-64)} [3f5e] variable 'name' [2947,2964) {reg0} [2980,298f) {reg0} [2990,2996) {reg0} [45f3] inlined function 'frame_callback'@3acc [460c] parameter 'state' [3acc,3ae4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3aef,3b35) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4619] parameter 'arg' [3acc,3ae3) {reg3} [3ae3,3ae4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3aef,3b35) {reg3} [403b] function 'module_callback'@29a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [405b] parameter 'mod' [29a0,29d3) {reg5} [29d3,2a7d) {reg6} [2a7d,2af8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2af8,2b3a) {reg6} [2b3a,2b7b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [406e] parameter 'userdata' [29a0,29d3) {reg4} [29d3,2b7b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4081] parameter 'name' [29a0,29d3) {reg1} [29d3,2af7) {reg15} [2af7,2af8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2af8,2b7b) {reg15} [4094] parameter 'start' [29a0,29d3) {reg2} [29d3,2a73) {reg3} [2a73,2af8) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [2af8,2b20) {reg3} [2b20,2b7b) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [40a7] parameter 'arg' [29a0,29d3) {reg8} [29d3,2b7b) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [40ba] variable 'bias' [29a0,2b7b) {fbreg(-120)} [40c9] variable 'elf' [29dd,29e1) {reg0} [29e1,2af3) {reg13} [2af8,2b7b) {reg13} [40dc] variable 'dwarf' [29ef,2a07) {reg0} [2a07,2af1) {reg12} [2af8,2b7b) {reg12} [40ef] variable 'end' [29a0,2b7b) {fbreg(-112)} [40fe] variable 'mainfile' [29a0,2b7b) {fbreg(-104)} [410d] variable 'debugfile' [29a0,2b7b) {fbreg(-96)} [411c] variable 'modname' [2a08,2a1d) {reg0} [412f] variable 'width' [2a34,2a38) {reg0} [2a38,2af5) {reg14} [2b20,2b7b) {reg14} [4142] variable 'id' [29a0,2b7b) {fbreg(-88)} [4150] variable 'id_vaddr' [29a0,2b7b) {fbreg(-80)} [415f] variable 'id_len' [2a73,2a74) {reg0} [2a74,2aee) {reg3} [2b20,2b60) {reg3} [2b60,2b63) {breg3(-1), stack_value} [2b63,2b7b) {reg3} [4433] function 'get_addr_width'@2860 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4453] parameter 'mod' [2860,2885) {reg5} [2885,28a9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [28a9,28b9) {reg5} [28b9,2901) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4466] variable 'width' [2860,2901) {addr(0x73f0)} [22b3] inlined function 'error'@26bb [22cd] parameter '__format' [26bb,26c7) {addr(0x41a7), stack_value} [22da] parameter '__errnum' [26bb,26c7) {lit0, stack_value} [22e7] parameter '__status' [26bb,26c7) {lit0, stack_value} [231a] inlined function 'error'@2725 [2334] parameter '__format' [2725,272c) {addr(0x415a), stack_value} [2341] parameter '__errnum' [2725,272c) {lit0, stack_value} [234e] parameter '__status' [2725,272c) {lit2, stack_value} [2381] inlined function 'error'@2731 [23a7] parameter '__format' [2731,2746) {addr(0x416e), stack_value} [23b4] parameter '__errnum' [2731,2741) {breg0(0)} [2741,2745) {reg4} [23c1] parameter '__status' [2731,2746) {lit2, stack_value} [23ef] inlined function 'error'@274b [2409] parameter '__format' [274b,2760) {addr(0x41bb), stack_value} [2416] parameter '__errnum' [274b,2760) {lit0, stack_value} [2423] parameter '__status' [274b,2760) {lit2, stack_value} [26b3] inlined function 'error'@33da [26cd] parameter '__format' [33da,33f9) {addr(0x43a0), stack_value} [26da] parameter '__errnum' [33da,33f9) {lit0, stack_value} [26e7] parameter '__status' [33da,33f9) {lit2, stack_value} [271a] inlined function 'error'@3496 [2734] parameter '__format' [3496,3496) {addr(0x43c8), stack_value} [349d,34b2) {addr(0x43c8), stack_value} [2744] parameter '__errnum' [3496,34a6) {reg0} [34a6,34b1) {reg4} [2751] parameter '__status' [27d6] inlined function 'error'@338f [27f0] parameter '__format' [338f,33ab) {addr(0x4410), stack_value} [27fd] parameter '__errnum' [338f,339f) {reg0} [339f,33aa) {reg4} [280a] parameter '__status' [338f,33ab) {lit2, stack_value} [2838] inlined function 'error'@33b3 [2852] parameter '__format' [33b3,33d2) {addr(0x43e8), stack_value} [285f] parameter '__errnum' [33b3,33d2) {lit0, stack_value} [286c] parameter '__status' [33b3,33d2) {lit2, stack_value} [28cb] inlined function 'error'@3074 [28e5] parameter '__format' [3074,307b) {addr(0x40ef), stack_value} [28f2] parameter '__errnum' [3074,307b) {lit0, stack_value} [28ff] parameter '__status' [3074,307b) {lit2, stack_value} [2a24] inlined function 'error'@324e [2a3e] parameter '__format' [324e,3269) {addr(0x4080), stack_value} [2a4b] parameter '__errnum' [324e,3269) {lit0, stack_value} [2a58] parameter '__status' [324e,3269) {lit2, stack_value} [2a91] inlined function 'error'@33fe [2ab7] parameter '__format' [33fe,3416) {addr(0x4065), stack_value} [2ac4] parameter '__errnum' [33fe,3411) {breg0(0)} [3411,3415) {reg4} [2ad1] parameter '__status' [33fe,3416) {lit2, stack_value} [2b05] inlined function 'error'@342f [2b1f] parameter '__format' [342f,3436) {addr(0x40d5), stack_value} [2b2c] parameter '__errnum' [342f,3436) {lit0, stack_value} [2b39] parameter '__status' [342f,3436) {lit2, stack_value} [2b6c] inlined function 'error'@344f [2b86] parameter '__format' [344f,3456) {addr(0x40a7), stack_value} [2b93] parameter '__errnum' [344f,3456) {lit0, stack_value} [2ba0] parameter '__status' [344f,3456) {lit2, stack_value} [2bd3] inlined function 'error'@346f [2bed] parameter '__format' [346f,3476) {addr(0x4098), stack_value} [2bfa] parameter '__errnum' [346f,3476) {lit0, stack_value} [2c07] parameter '__status' [346f,3476) {lit2, stack_value} [2c3a] inlined function 'error'@348f [2c54] parameter '__format' [348f,3496) {addr(0x40c1), stack_value} [2c61] parameter '__errnum' [348f,3496) {lit0, stack_value} [2c6e] parameter '__status' [348f,3496) {lit2, stack_value} [34a6] inlined function 'error'@36a7 [34cc] parameter '__format' [36a7,36c8) {addr(0x4478), stack_value} [34d9] parameter '__errnum' [36a7,36c8) {lit0, stack_value} [34e6] parameter '__status' [36a7,36c8) {lit0, stack_value} [35da] inlined function 'error'@399f [35f4] parameter '__format' [399f,39dd) {addr(0x4430), stack_value} [3601] parameter '__errnum' [399f,39dd) {lit0, stack_value} [360e] parameter '__status' [399f,39dd) {lit0, stack_value} [3649] inlined function 'error'@39e9 [3663] parameter '__format' [39e9,3a29) {addr(0x4112), stack_value} [3670] parameter '__errnum' [39e9,3a29) {lit0, stack_value} [367d] parameter '__status' [39e9,3a29) {lit0, stack_value} [4635] inlined function 'error'@3b13 [465a] parameter '__format' [3b13,3b28) {addr(0x4138), stack_value} [4667] parameter '__errnum' [3b13,3b23) {breg0(0)} [3b23,3b27) {reg4} [4674] parameter '__status' [3b13,3b28) {lit2, stack_value} [29ca] inlined function 'open'@3200 [29f0] parameter '__oflag' [31fc,320c) {lit0, stack_value} [29fd] parameter '__path' [31fc,3202) {reg4} [3202,320c) {reg12} [2932] inlined function 'atoi'@3100 [2958] parameter '__nptr' [3100,3102) {reg4} [3102,310f) {reg12} [2984] inlined function 'atoi'@3130 [299e] parameter '__nptr' [312b,3132) {reg4} [3132,3144) {reg12} [2217] inlined function 'printf'@2545 [2231] parameter '__fmt' [2545,255e) {addr(0x4670), stack_value} [2265] inlined function 'printf'@25e5 [227f] parameter '__fmt' [25e5,25fe) {addr(0x4198), stack_value} [358a] inlined function 'printf'@350c [35a4] parameter '__fmt' [350c,351d) {addr(0x4107), stack_value} [392f] inlined function 'printf'@2d80 [3955] parameter '__fmt' [2d80,2d9a) {addr(0x4043), stack_value} [3983] inlined function 'printf'@2db6 [399d] parameter '__fmt' [2db6,2dc0) {addr(0x401a), stack_value} [39c4] inlined function 'printf'@2dcb [39de] parameter '__fmt' [2dcb,2de6) {addr(0x404a), stack_value} [3c23] inlined function 'printf'@2e2c [3c49] parameter '__fmt' [2e2c,2e42) {addr(0x4059), stack_value} [3c7d] inlined function 'printf'@2e4e [3ca3] parameter '__fmt' [2e4e,2e64) {addr(0x4061), stack_value} [3cca] inlined function 'printf'@2e70 [3ced] parameter '__fmt' [2e70,2e7f) {addr(0x4061), stack_value} [3d15] inlined function 'printf'@2bdf [3d2e] parameter '__fmt' [2bdf,2be6) {addr(0x402b), stack_value} [3d68] inlined function 'printf'@2c12 [3d81] parameter '__fmt' [2c12,2c19) {addr(0x4039), stack_value} [3dd1] inlined function 'printf'@2c2b [3df6] parameter '__fmt' [2c2b,2c41) {addr(0x405d), stack_value} [3e2a] inlined function 'printf'@2cb6 [3e50] parameter '__fmt' [2cb6,2cc0) {implicit_pointer([46e6],0) {implicit_value(2){0a00}}} [3e71] inlined function 'printf'@2d40 [3e96] parameter '__fmt' [2d3d,2d56) {addr(0x403d), stack_value} [4172] inlined function 'printf'@2a39 [4197] parameter '__fmt' [2a39,2a5f) {addr(0x4006), stack_value} [41d7] inlined function 'printf'@2aa1 [41f0] parameter '__fmt' [2aa1,2aa8) {addr(0x4021), stack_value} [421e] inlined function 'printf'@2acc [4237] parameter '__fmt' [2acc,2ad3) {addr(0x4021), stack_value} [4265] inlined function 'printf'@2b20 [428a] parameter '__fmt' [2b20,2b3a) {addr(0x4046), stack_value} [42b8] inlined function 'printf'@2b56 [42d1] parameter '__fmt' [2b56,2b60) {addr(0x401a), stack_value} [42f8] inlined function 'printf'@2b65 [431d] parameter '__fmt' [2b65,2b76) {implicit_pointer([46f5],0) {implicit_value(3){5d0a00}}} [45a4] function 'frame_callback'@3ab0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [45bf] parameter 'state' [3ab0,3ac7) {reg5} [3ac7,3b37) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [45cc] parameter 'arg' [3ab0,3ab7) {reg4} [3ab7,3ae3) {reg3} [3ae3,3ae4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3ae4,3aee) {reg3} [3aee,3aef) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3aef,3b36) {reg3} [3b36,3b37) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [45d9] variable 'frames' [3ab0,3ab7) {reg4} [3ab7,3ae3) {reg3} [3ae3,3ae4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3ae4,3aee) {reg3} [3aee,3aef) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3aef,3b36) {reg3} [3b36,3b37) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [45e6] variable 'nr' [3ab0,3ab1) {breg4(0)} module 'stack' [4712] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c'@3b40 [4c25] function 'print_version'@3b40 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4c43] parameter 'stream' [3b40,3b68) {reg5} [3b68,3b85) {reg6} [3b85,3ba1) {reg5} [3ba1,3ba2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4c55] parameter 'state' [3b40,3b56) {reg4} [3b56,3ba2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4c67] inlined function 'fprintf'@3b4a [4c7e] parameter '__fmt' [3b4a,3b69) {addr(0x4b27), stack_value} [4c8b] parameter '__stream' [3b4a,3b68) {reg5} [3b68,3b69) {reg6} [4cd9] inlined function 'fprintf'@3b8d [4cf0] parameter '__fmt' [3b8d,3b8f) {reg0} [3b8f,3ba1) {reg1} [4cfd] parameter '__stream' module 'unstrip' [c] CU 'start.S'@2de0 module 'unstrip' [549] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/src/unstrip.c'@0 [21f7] function 'main'@25b0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [221a] parameter 'argc' [25b0,25d2) {reg5} [25d2,2806) {reg6} [2806,2977) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2977,29ca) {reg6} [29ca,2b5e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2b5e,2ba1) {reg6} [2ba1,2c13) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2c13,2d59) {reg6} [2d59,2d87) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2d87,2dd3) {reg6} [222e] parameter 'argv' [25b0,25c0) {reg4} [25c0,2806) {reg12} [2806,2977) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2977,2b26) {reg12} [2b26,2b5e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2b5e,2d59) {reg12} [2d59,2d87) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2d87,2dd3) {reg12} [2242] variable 'argp_children' [25b0,2dd3) {fbreg(-144)} [2252] variable 'argp' [25b0,2dd3) {fbreg(-208)} [2262] variable 'remaining' [25b0,2dd3) {fbreg(-348)} [2272] variable 'info' [25b0,2dd3) {fbreg(-256)} [2282] variable 'result' [273b,2761) {reg0} [2761,29ca) {reg3} [2b5e,2b9a) {reg3} [2b9a,2b9f) {reg0} [2b9f,2ba1) {reg3} [2c13,2c40) {reg0} [2c40,2d54) {reg3} [2d59,2d82) {reg3} [2d87,2da6) {reg3} [2da6,2dc4) {reg0} [2dc4,2dd3) {reg3} [2296] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [25b0,2dd3) {addr(0xa905)} [234f] inlined function 'handle_implicit_modules'@2782 [2369] parameter 'info' [2782,2b26) {fbreg(-256), stack_value} [2ba1,2c13) {fbreg(-256), stack_value} [2cea,2d59) {fbreg(-256), stack_value} [2dc5,2dd3) {fbreg(-256), stack_value} [2c05] function 'match_module'@3bc0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2c26] parameter 'mod' [3bc0,3be6) {reg5} [3be6,3c3f) {reg13} [3c3f,3c40) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3c40,3cae) {reg13} [2c3a] parameter 'userdata' [3bc0,3bf7) {reg4} [3bf7,3c40) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3c40,3c4c) {reg4} [3c4c,3cae) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2c4e] parameter 'name' [3bc0,3bf7) {reg1} [3bf7,3c1b) {reg6} [3c40,3c4c) {reg1} [3c4c,3c7f) {reg6} [3c84,3c8d) {reg6} [3c8d,3c92) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3c92,3ca9) {reg6} [2c62] parameter 'start' [3bc0,3bf7) {reg2} [3bf7,3c40) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3c40,3c4c) {reg2} [3c4c,3cae) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [2c76] parameter 'arg' [3bc0,3bf7) {reg8} [3bf7,3c3d) {reg12} [3c3d,3c40) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3c40,3c4c) {reg8} [3c4c,3cae) {reg12} [2c8a] variable 'info' [3be3,3bf7) {reg8} [3bf7,3c3d) {reg12} [3c3d,3c40) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3c40,3c4c) {reg8} [3c4c,3cae) {reg12} [2565] inlined function 'list_module'@29d8 [257f] parameter 'mod' [29d8,2afe) {reg15} [2ba1,2c13) {reg15} [2391] inlined function 'handle_output_dir_module'@290e [23ab] parameter 'relocate' [2806,282e) {fbreg(-219)} [282e,28a8) {fbreg(-416)} [290e,2930) {fbreg(-219)} [2930,2977) {fbreg(-416)} [23b8] parameter 'modnames' [2806,282e) {fbreg(-221)} [290e,2930) {fbreg(-221)} [23c5] parameter 'ignore' [2806,28a8) {reg6} [290e,2977) {reg6} [23d2] parameter 'all' [2806,282e) {fbreg(-223)} [282e,28a8) {reg14} [290e,2930) {fbreg(-223)} [2930,2977) {reg14} [23df] parameter 'force' [2806,282e) {fbreg(-218)} [282e,28a8) {reg15} [290e,2930) {fbreg(-218)} [2930,2977) {reg15} [23ec] parameter 'mod' [2806,28a8) {reg12} [290e,2977) {reg12} [23f9] parameter 'output_dir' [2806,282e) {reg11} [282e,2851) {fbreg(-408)} [290e,2930) {reg11} [2930,2977) {fbreg(-392)} [2ec7] function 'handle_dwfl_module'@8300 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2ee4] parameter 'output_file' [8300,8326) {reg5} [8326,8685) {fbreg(-208)} [2ef8] parameter 'create_dirs' [8300,8350) {reg4} [8350,8685) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2f0c] parameter 'force' [8300,8350) {reg1} [8350,8685) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2f20] parameter 'mod' [8300,8350) {reg2} [8350,83a6) {reg6} [83a6,83af) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [83af,8465) {reg6} [8465,849a) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [849a,84d9) {reg6} [84d9,84ea) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [84ea,8685) {reg6} [2f34] parameter 'all' [8300,8350) {reg8} [8350,8685) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [2f48] parameter 'ignore' [8300,8350) {reg9} [8350,8685) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [2f5c] parameter 'relocate' [8300,8685) {fbreg(0)} [2f6b] variable 'bias' [8300,8685) {fbreg(-168)} [2f7b] variable 'stripped' [8351,8367) {reg0} [8367,8386) {reg12} [83af,8420) {reg12} [8420,8443) {reg0} [849a,84c3) {reg12} [84ea,8501) {reg12} [853f,8597) {reg12} [85b9,85d9) {reg12} [85fe,8630) {reg12} [8653,8683) {reg12} [2f8f] variable 'debug' [8376,8386) {reg0} [83af,83c6) {reg0} [83c6,83cd) {reg8} [83cd,8420) {fbreg(-184)} [849a,84b8) {reg0} [84ea,8501) {reg0} [853f,8597) {fbreg(-184)} [85b9,85f9) {fbreg(-184)} [85fe,8630) {fbreg(-184)} [8653,866e) {reg0} [2fa3] variable 'stripped_ehdr' [8300,8685) {fbreg(-144)} [34f7] function 'handle_explicit_files'@8030 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3514] parameter 'output_file' [8030,804f) {reg5} [804f,82fe) {fbreg(-232)} [3528] parameter 'create_dirs' [8030,8055) {reg4} [8055,82fe) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [353c] parameter 'force' [8030,8070) {reg1} [8070,82fe) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3550] parameter 'stripped_file' [8030,8070) {reg2} [8070,81ca) {reg14} [81ca,81cd) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [81cd,82fe) {reg14} [3564] parameter 'unstripped_file' [8030,8070) {reg8} [8070,81c6) {reg12} [81c6,81cd) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [81cd,82c9) {reg12} [82c9,82e9) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [82e9,82fe) {reg12} [3578] variable 'stripped_fd' [8089,808d) {reg0} [808d,81c4) {reg6} [81cd,82e9) {reg6} [82f1,82fe) {reg6} [358c] variable 'stripped' [8097,809b) {reg0} [809b,81c8) {reg13} [81cd,82e9) {reg13} [82f1,82fe) {reg13} [35a0] variable 'stripped_ehdr' [8030,82fe) {fbreg(-208)} [35b0] variable 'unstripped_fd' [80a5,80d0) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [80d0,80e8) {reg0} [80e8,824d) {fbreg(-220)} [824d,8260) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [8260,82a8) {fbreg(-220)} [82f1,82f6) {fbreg(-220)} [82f6,82fe) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [35c4] variable 'unstripped' [80a5,80f4) {lit0, stack_value} [80f4,80f8) {reg0} [80f8,81cc) {reg15} [81cd,824d) {reg15} [824d,8260) {lit0, stack_value} [8260,82a8) {reg15} [82f1,82f6) {reg15} [82f6,82fe) {lit0, stack_value} [3aa9] function 'warn'@3300 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3ac6] parameter 'msg' [3300,332d) {reg5} [332d,3360) {reg6} [3360,3365) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3365,3376) {reg5} [3376,3384) {reg6} [3ada] parameter 'force' [3300,3326) {reg4} [3326,3365) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3365,336f) {reg4} [336f,3384) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3aee] parameter 'stripped_file' [3300,330f) {reg1} [330f,3362) {reg12} [3362,3365) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3365,3384) {reg12} [3b02] parameter 'unstripped_file' [3300,3331) {reg2} [3331,3364) {reg13} [3364,3365) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3365,337a) {reg2} [337a,3384) {reg13} [35f1] inlined function 'open_file'@80ae [360b] parameter 'writable' [80ae,80d0) {fbreg(-232), deref, lit0, eq, stack_value} [82f6,82fe) {fbreg(-232), deref, lit0, eq, stack_value} [3618] parameter 'file' [80ae,80d0) {reg12} [82f6,82fe) {reg12} [390e] inlined function 'open_file'@806c [3928] parameter 'writable' [806c,8089) {lit0, stack_value} [82e9,82f1) {lit0, stack_value} [3935] parameter 'file' [806c,8070) {reg2} [8070,8089) {reg14} [82e9,82f1) {reg14} [3c1b] function 'handle_file'@7d00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3c38] parameter 'output_file' [7d00,7d0c) {reg5} [7d0c,7db0) {reg13} [7db0,7dd0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7dd0,7e2b) {reg13} [7e2b,7e91) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7e91,7f10) {reg13} [7f10,7f6d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7f6d,7fc7) {reg13} [7fc7,7ff3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7ff3,8027) {reg13} [3c4c] parameter 'create_dirs' [7d00,7d42) {reg4} [7d42,8027) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3c60] parameter 'stripped' [7d00,7d42) {reg1} [7d42,7e88) {reg6} [7e88,7e91) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7e91,8027) {reg6} [3c74] parameter 'stripped_ehdr' [7d00,7d42) {reg2} [7d42,8027) {fbreg(-232)} [3c88] parameter 'unstripped' [7d00,7d42) {reg8} [7d42,7db0) {reg12} [7db0,7dd0) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [7dd0,7e8a) {reg12} [7e8a,7e91) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [7e91,7f68) {reg12} [7f68,7f6d) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [7f6d,7f89) {reg12} [7f89,7f8e) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [7f8e,7fe9) {reg12} [7fe9,7fee) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [7fee,800e) {reg12} [800e,8027) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3c9c] variable 'phnum' [7d00,8027) {fbreg(-200)} [3cac] variable 'bias' [7d4b,7db0) {lit0, stack_value} [7ea5,7ecf) {lit0, stack_value} [7ecf,7ed3) {breg3(0), breg0(16), deref, minus, stack_value} [7ed3,7f0b) {reg3} [7f8e,7faf) {reg3} [420b] function 'copy_elided_sections'@5180 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4228] parameter 'unstripped' [5180,51ca) {reg5} [51ca,5352) {fbreg(-352)} [5352,538b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [538b,745f) {fbreg(-352)} [745f,761d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [761d,782a) {fbreg(-352)} [782a,785e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [785e,7a47) {fbreg(-352)} [7a47,7cf8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [423c] parameter 'stripped' [5180,51a9) {reg4} [51a9,5352) {fbreg(-344)} [5352,538b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [538b,745f) {fbreg(-344)} [745f,761d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [761d,782a) {fbreg(-344)} [782a,785e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [785e,7a47) {fbreg(-344)} [7a47,7cf8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4250] parameter 'stripped_ehdr' [5180,51ca) {reg1} [51ca,5352) {fbreg(-360)} [5352,538b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [538b,745f) {fbreg(-360)} [745f,761d) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [761d,782a) {fbreg(-360)} [782a,785e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [785e,7a47) {fbreg(-360)} [7a47,7cf8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4264] parameter 'bias' [5180,51ca) {reg2} [51ca,5352) {fbreg(-376)} [5352,538b) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [538b,60b5) {fbreg(-376)} [60b5,60d3) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [60d3,6811) {fbreg(-376)} [6811,68b7) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [68b7,6fa1) {fbreg(-376)} [6fa1,761d) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [761d,782a) {fbreg(-376)} [782a,785e) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [785e,787e) {fbreg(-376)} [787e,7cf8) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4278] variable 'unstripped_shstrndx' [5180,7cf8) {fbreg(-304)} [4288] variable 'stripped_shstrndx' [5180,7cf8) {fbreg(-296)} [4298] variable 'unstripped_shnum' [5180,7cf8) {fbreg(-288)} [42a8] variable 'stripped_shnum' [5180,7cf8) {fbreg(-280)} [42b8] variable 'max_off' [5257,5274) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [5274,5352) {fbreg(-408)} [538b,53ba) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [53ba,53c1) {reg0} [53c1,53c6) {fbreg(-408)} [540e,561f) {fbreg(-408)} [5649,60b5) {fbreg(-408)} [60d3,6699) {fbreg(-408)} [68b7,6fa1) {fbreg(-408)} [761d,7787) {fbreg(-408)} [779c,782a) {fbreg(-408)} [785e,787e) {fbreg(-408)} [42cc] variable 'sections' [529b,5352) {breg7(0)} [540e,561f) {breg7(0)} [5649,5808) {breg7(0)} [5808,5947) {fbreg(-368), deref} [5947,5953) {breg7(0)} [5953,597a) {fbreg(-368), deref} [597a,5998) {breg7(0)} [5998,59ad) {fbreg(-368), deref} [59ad,5a29) {breg7(0)} [5a29,5a47) {fbreg(-368), deref} [5a47,5eb4) {breg7(0)} [5eb4,5eca) {fbreg(-368), deref} [5eca,6017) {breg7(0)} [6017,619a) {fbreg(-368), deref} [619a,61c4) {breg7(0)} [61c4,61d5) {fbreg(-368), deref} [61d5,6207) {breg7(0)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-368), deref} [6313,6344) {breg7(0)} [6344,6900) {fbreg(-368), deref} [6900,6c79) {breg7(0)} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-368), deref} [6db6,6e05) {breg7(0)} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-368), deref} [6e31,6e7e) {breg7(0)} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-368), deref} [6f3b,6fa1) {breg7(0)} [6fa1,745f) {fbreg(-368), deref} [761d,76d0) {fbreg(-368), deref} [76d0,76e1) {breg7(0)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-368), deref} [76e9,772b) {breg7(0)} [772b,777f) {fbreg(-368), deref} [777f,7787) {breg7(0)} [7787,782a) {fbreg(-368), deref} [785e,7a47) {fbreg(-368), deref} [42e0] variable 'scn' [529b,529d) {lit0, stack_value} [529d,531c) {reg12} [531c,5329) {reg0} [5329,5352) {reg12} [540e,5417) {reg0} [5417,54fc) {reg12} [54fc,5515) {reg15} [5515,5529) {reg0} [5529,55b5) {reg15} [55be,561f) {reg15} [5649,568f) {reg15} [568f,5779) {fbreg(-456)} [57b6,57cf) {reg12} [57cf,57e7) {reg0} [5947,5953) {reg15} [59ad,59c0) {reg15} [59c0,5a0f) {fbreg(-384)} [5a0f,5a29) {fbreg(-456)} [5a47,5a59) {reg0} [5a59,5a92) {reg15} [5ea1,5eb4) {reg12} [5eca,5ed6) {fbreg(-384)} [619a,61c4) {fbreg(-456)} [6bf4,6c1c) {reg12} [6e6b,6e7e) {reg15} [7558,755c) {reg0} [755c,761d) {reg15} [7a90,7b11) {reg15} [7c28,7c44) {reg15} [42f4] variable 'stripped_symtab' [540e,5471) {lit0, stack_value} [5471,54a1) {reg2} [57b6,57cf) {reg2} [5ea1,5eb4) {lit0, stack_value} [63b5,6900) {fbreg(-440)} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-440)} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-440)} [6fa1,7451) {fbreg(-440)} [761d,7671) {fbreg(-440)} [7676,76d0) {fbreg(-440)} [775c,777f) {fbreg(-440)} [7787,77a7) {fbreg(-440)} [77b7,782a) {fbreg(-440)} [785e,7879) {fbreg(-440)} [787e,7a47) {fbreg(-440)} [4308] variable 'nalloc' [5454,545b) {breg0(-1), stack_value} [545b,5471) {reg1} (5471,5471) [5471,5498) {reg1} [5498,54a1) {reg14} [57b6,57cf) {reg1} [5ea1,5eb4) {reg1} [431c] variable 'shstrtab' [54c8,54fc) {reg0} [54fc,561f) {fbreg(-328)} [5649,57b6) {fbreg(-328)} [57cf,5ea1) {fbreg(-328)} [5eb4,6bf4) {fbreg(-328)} [6c3f,71d8) {fbreg(-328)} [761d,782a) {fbreg(-328)} [785e,78db) {fbreg(-328)} [78fa,799d) {fbreg(-328)} [7a08,7a47) {fbreg(-328)} [4330] variable 'check_prelink' [54fc,561f) {fbreg(-464)} [5649,57b6) {fbreg(-464)} [57cf,594e) {fbreg(-464)} [594e,5953) {lit1, stack_value} [5953,597a) {fbreg(-464)} [5998,5ea1) {fbreg(-464)} [5eb4,60b5) {fbreg(-464)} [60d3,66e0) {fbreg(-464)} [68b7,6bf4) {fbreg(-464)} [6c3f,6fa1) {fbreg(-464)} [761d,782a) {fbreg(-464)} [785e,787e) {fbreg(-464)} [4344] variable 'unstripped_symtab' [54fc,55be) {fbreg(-424)} [55be,55d6) {reg15} [55d6,561f) {fbreg(-424)} [5649,57b6) {fbreg(-424)} [57cf,597a) {fbreg(-424)} [5998,5ea1) {fbreg(-424)} [5eb4,6bf4) {fbreg(-424)} [6c3f,745f) {fbreg(-424)} [761d,77b2) {fbreg(-424)} [77b7,782a) {fbreg(-424)} [785e,7a47) {fbreg(-424)} [4358] variable 'unstripped_strndx' [54fc,55d1) {fbreg(-336)} [55d1,55d6) {reg0} [55d6,561f) {fbreg(-336)} [5649,57b6) {fbreg(-336)} [57cf,597a) {fbreg(-336)} [5998,5ea1) {fbreg(-336)} [5eb4,6017) {fbreg(-336)} [60d3,60f7) {fbreg(-336)} [619a,6207) {fbreg(-336)} [6313,636c) {fbreg(-336)} [6900,6bf4) {fbreg(-336)} [6c3f,6c79) {fbreg(-336)} [6db6,6e05) {fbreg(-336)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-336)} [6f3b,6fa1) {fbreg(-336)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-336)} [76e9,772b) {fbreg(-336)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-336)} [436c] variable 'alloc_avail' [54fc,560b) {fbreg(-432)} [560b,561f) {reg13} [5649,577c) {fbreg(-432)} [57cf,57e7) {fbreg(-432)} [5947,5953) {fbreg(-432)} [59ad,5a29) {fbreg(-432)} [5a47,5c34) {fbreg(-432)} [5eca,5eeb) {fbreg(-432)} [619a,61c4) {fbreg(-432)} [6e6b,6e7e) {fbreg(-432)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-432)} [4380] variable 'split_bss' [57cf,57e7) {lit0, stack_value} [57e7,5947) {fbreg(-416)} [5953,597a) {fbreg(-416)} [5998,59ad) {fbreg(-416)} [5a29,5a47) {fbreg(-416)} [5a47,5ea1) {lit0, stack_value} [5eb4,5eca) {fbreg(-416)} [5ed6,6017) {lit0, stack_value} [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-416)} [60d3,619a) {fbreg(-416)} [61c4,61d5) {fbreg(-416)} [61d5,6207) {lit0, stack_value} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-416)} [6313,6344) {lit0, stack_value} [6344,6811) {fbreg(-416)} [68b7,6900) {fbreg(-416)} [6900,6bf4) {lit0, stack_value} [6c3f,6c79) {lit0, stack_value} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-416)} [6db6,6e05) {lit0, stack_value} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-416)} [6e31,6e7e) {lit0, stack_value} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-416)} [6f3b,6fa1) {lit0, stack_value} [761d,76d0) {fbreg(-416)} [76d0,76e1) {lit0, stack_value} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-416)} [76e9,7723) {lit0, stack_value} [772b,777f) {fbreg(-416)} [777f,7787) {lit0, stack_value} [7787,782a) {fbreg(-416)} [785e,787e) {fbreg(-416)} [4394] variable 'stripped_dynsym' [57e7,5947) {lit0, stack_value} [5953,597a) {lit0, stack_value} [5998,59ad) {lit0, stack_value} [5a29,5a47) {lit0, stack_value} [5eb4,5eca) {lit0, stack_value} [6017,60b5) {lit0, stack_value} [60d3,619a) {lit0, stack_value} [61c4,61d5) {lit0, stack_value} [6207,6313) {lit0, stack_value} [6344,63fb) {lit0, stack_value} [63fb,6617) {fbreg(-456)} [68b7,6900) {fbreg(-456)} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-456)} [6e05,6e31) {lit0, stack_value} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-456)} [761d,765e) {fbreg(-456)} [765e,7663) {reg15} [7663,76d0) {fbreg(-456)} [76e1,76e9) {lit0, stack_value} [772b,775c) {lit0, stack_value} [775c,777f) {fbreg(-456)} [43a8] variable 'debuglink' [57e7,5845) {lit0, stack_value} [5845,5947) {fbreg(-392)} [5953,597a) {fbreg(-392)} (5998,5998) [5998,59ad) {reg3} [5a29,5a47) {fbreg(-392)} [5eb4,5eca) {fbreg(-392)} [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-392)} [60d3,619a) {fbreg(-392)} [61c4,61d5) {fbreg(-392)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-392)} [6344,636c) {lit0, stack_value} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-392)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-392)} [772b,775c) {fbreg(-392)} [43bc] variable 'ndx_sec_num' [5801,5813) {reg2} [5813,5947) {fbreg(-432)} [5953,597a) {fbreg(-432)} [5998,59ad) {fbreg(-432)} [5a29,5a47) {fbreg(-432)} [5eb4,5eca) {fbreg(-432)} [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-432)} [60d3,619a) {fbreg(-432)} [61c4,61d5) {fbreg(-432)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-432)} [6344,6703) {fbreg(-432)} [68b7,6900) {fbreg(-432)} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-432)} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-432)} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-432)} [761d,76d0) {fbreg(-432)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-432)} [772b,777f) {fbreg(-432)} [7787,782a) {fbreg(-432)} [785e,787e) {fbreg(-432)} [43d0] variable 'ndx_section' [5816,5947) {breg7(0)} [5953,597a) {breg7(0)} [5998,59ad) {breg7(0)} [5a29,5a47) {breg7(0)} [5eb4,5eca) {breg7(0)} [6017,60b5) {breg14(0)} [60d3,6124) {breg7(0)} [6124,619a) {breg14(0)} [61c4,61d5) {breg7(0)} [6207,6313) {breg14(0)} [6344,636c) {breg7(0)} [636c,6780) {breg14(0)} [68b7,6900) {breg14(0)} [6c79,6db6) {breg14(0)} [6e05,6e15) {breg7(0)} [6e15,6e31) {breg14(0)} [6e7e,6f3b) {breg14(0)} [761d,76d0) {breg14(0)} [76e1,76e9) {breg14(0)} [772b,777f) {breg14(0)} [7787,787e) {breg14(0)} [43e4] variable 'strtab' [5816,5845) {lit0, stack_value} [5845,5947) {fbreg(-384)} [5953,597a) {fbreg(-384)} [5998,59ad) {fbreg(-384)} [5a29,5a47) {fbreg(-384)} [5eb4,5ec5) {fbreg(-384)} [5ec5,5eca) {reg0} [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-384)} [60d3,619a) {fbreg(-384)} [61c4,61d5) {fbreg(-384)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-384)} [6344,636c) {lit0, stack_value} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-384)} [7191,7343) {fbreg(-384)} [735f,748c) {fbreg(-384)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-384)} [772b,775c) {fbreg(-384)} [78db,790d) {fbreg(-384)} [7985,7a08) {fbreg(-384)} [7a37,7a47) {lit0, stack_value} [43f8] variable 'strtab_data' [6373,6900) {fbreg(-448)} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-448)} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-448)} [6fa1,745f) {fbreg(-448)} [761d,76d0) {fbreg(-448)} [775c,777f) {fbreg(-448)} [7787,782a) {fbreg(-448)} [785e,7a47) {fbreg(-448)} [440c] variable 'placed' [63b0,63b4) {breg5(0)} [63b4,6739) {breg7(0)} [6739,6757) {fbreg(-472), deref} [6757,67b9) {breg7(0)} [67b9,6811) {fbreg(-472), deref} [6811,6900) {breg7(0)} [6c79,6db6) {breg7(0)} [6e7e,6f3b) {breg7(0)} [6fa1,7164) {breg7(0)} [7164,745f) {fbreg(-472), deref} [761d,76d0) {breg7(0)} [775c,777f) {breg7(0)} [7787,782a) {breg7(0)} [784e,78db) {breg7(0)} [78db,7a47) {fbreg(-472), deref} [4420] variable 'offset' [63b5,63fb) {lit0, stack_value} [63fb,6617) {fbreg(-336)} [68b7,6900) {fbreg(-336)} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-336)} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-336)} [74f7,75c4) {reg3} [75ca,761d) {reg3} [761d,76d0) {fbreg(-336)} [775c,777f) {fbreg(-336)} [7a69,7a6e) {reg0} [7a6e,7ace) {reg3} [7ace,7ae8) {reg0} [7ae8,7b3c) {reg3} [7c0c,7c55) {reg3} [4434] variable 'symdata' [6617,68b7) {lit0, stack_value} [6fa1,713f) {lit0, stack_value} [713f,7143) {reg0} [7143,7343) {fbreg(-416)} [735f,745f) {fbreg(-416)} [7787,78db) {lit0, stack_value} [78db,7a47) {fbreg(-416)} [4448] variable 'symstrtab' [6617,68b7) {lit0, stack_value} [6fa1,7019) {lit0, stack_value} [7019,702e) {reg0} [702e,70e7) {fbreg(-376)} [70e7,7106) {lit0, stack_value} [7106,7343) {fbreg(-376)} [735f,745f) {fbreg(-376)} [745f,748c) {fbreg(-424)} [7787,787e) {lit0, stack_value} [787e,7a47) {fbreg(-376)} [445c] variable 'symstrdata' [6617,68b7) {lit0, stack_value} [6fa1,714e) {lit0, stack_value} [714e,7155) {reg0} [7155,7343) {fbreg(-464)} [735f,745f) {fbreg(-464)} [745f,748c) {fbreg(-440)} [7787,78db) {lit0, stack_value} [78db,7a47) {fbreg(-464)} [4470] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [5180,7cf8) {addr(0xa8f0)} [4483] variable 'skip_reloc' (74f7,74f7) [74f7,7618) {breg12(0), not, stack_value} [7a6e,7a7f) {breg12(0), not, stack_value} [7a90,7b0c) {breg12(0), not, stack_value} [7c28,7c3f) {breg12(0), not, stack_value} [4497] variable 'phnum' [5180,7cf8) {fbreg(-272)} [697d] variable '' [5801,5845) {fbreg(-280), deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [5845,5947) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [5953,597a) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [5998,59ad) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [5a29,5a47) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [5eb4,5eca) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [60d3,619a) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [61c4,61d5) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6344,636c) {fbreg(-280), deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [636c,6703) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [68b7,6900) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6c79,6db6) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6e7e,6f3b) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [761d,76d0) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [772b,777f) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [7787,782a) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [785e,787e) {fbreg(-432), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [698a] variable '' [639b,639f) {breg0(-2), stack_value} [639f,63b4) {fbreg(-400), deref, deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [6a51] variable '' [5d58,5e3b) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [5e51,5ea1) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [61d5,61df) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6a5e] variable '' [5d58,5e3b) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [5e51,5ea1) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [61d5,61df) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-392), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6ee2] variable '' [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-448), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [610b,6119) {breg0(-1), stack_value} [6119,612e) {fbreg(-400), deref, deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [612e,619a) {fbreg(-448), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6207,623b) {fbreg(-448), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-448), deref, lit1, minus, stack_value} [6a6b] inlined function 'new_shstrtab'@6105 [6a85] parameter 'strtab' [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-384)} [6105,619a) {fbreg(-384)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-384)} [6344,636c) {lit0, stack_value} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-384)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-384)} [772b,775c) {fbreg(-384)} [6a92] parameter 'stripped_shnum' [6105,611d) {reg12} [611d,612e) {fbreg(-280)} [6344,636c) {fbreg(-280)} [6e05,6e15) {reg12} [6a9f] parameter 'sections' [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-368)} [6105,619a) {fbreg(-368)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-368)} [6344,6373) {fbreg(-368)} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-368)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-368)} [772b,775c) {fbreg(-368)} [6aac] parameter 'unstripped_shstrndx' [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-336)} [6105,612e) {fbreg(-304)} [612e,619a) {fbreg(-336)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-336)} [6344,636c) {fbreg(-304)} [6e05,6e15) {fbreg(-304)} [6e15,6e31) {fbreg(-336)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-336)} [772b,775c) {fbreg(-336)} [6ab9] parameter 'shstrtab' [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-328)} [6105,619a) {fbreg(-328)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-328)} [6344,6373) {fbreg(-328)} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-328)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-328)} [772b,775c) {fbreg(-328)} [6ac6] parameter 'unstripped_shnum' [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-448)} [6105,6119) {reg0} [6119,612e) {fbreg(-400), deref} [612e,619a) {fbreg(-448)} [6207,623b) {fbreg(-448)} [6344,636c) {fbreg(-400), deref} [6e05,6e15) {reg0} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-448)} [6ad3] parameter 'unstripped' [6017,60b5) {fbreg(-352)} [6105,619a) {fbreg(-352)} [6207,6313) {fbreg(-352)} [6344,6373) {fbreg(-352)} [6e05,6e31) {fbreg(-352)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-352)} [772b,775c) {fbreg(-352)} [4aba] inlined function 'find_alloc_sections_prelink'@5a7f [4ad4] parameter 'nsections' [5a7f,5ab3) {reg1} [5ab3,5aef) {reg15} [5ed6,5eeb) {reg15} [6e6b,6e7e) {reg1} [4ae1] parameter 'nalloc' [5a7f,5ab3) {reg14} [5ab3,5b07) {fbreg(-384)} [5ed6,5eeb) {fbreg(-384)} [6e6b,6e7e) {reg14} [4aee] parameter 'sections' [5a7f,5ea1) {fbreg(-368)} [5ed6,6017) {fbreg(-368)} [61d5,6207) {fbreg(-368)} [6313,6344) {fbreg(-368)} [6900,6bf4) {fbreg(-368)} [6c3f,6c79) {fbreg(-368)} [6db6,6e05) {fbreg(-368)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-368)} [6f3b,6fa1) {fbreg(-368)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-368)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-368)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-368)} [4afb] parameter 'bias' [5a7f,5ea1) {fbreg(-376)} [5ed6,6017) {fbreg(-376)} [61d5,6207) {fbreg(-376)} [6313,6344) {fbreg(-376)} [6900,6bf4) {fbreg(-376)} [6c3f,6c79) {fbreg(-376)} [6db6,6e05) {fbreg(-376)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-376)} [6f3b,6fa1) {fbreg(-376)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-376)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-376)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-376)} [4b08] parameter 'main_shstrtab' [5a7f,5ea1) {fbreg(-416)} [5ed6,6017) {fbreg(-416)} [61d5,6207) {fbreg(-416)} [6313,6344) {fbreg(-416)} [6900,690e) {fbreg(-416)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-416)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-416)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-416)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-416)} [4b15] parameter 'main_ehdr' [5a7f,5ea1) {fbreg(-360)} [5ed6,6017) {fbreg(-360)} [61d5,6207) {fbreg(-360)} [6313,6344) {fbreg(-360)} [6900,6bf4) {fbreg(-360)} [6c3f,6c79) {fbreg(-360)} [6db6,6e05) {fbreg(-360)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-360)} [6f3b,6fa1) {fbreg(-360)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-360)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-360)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-360)} [4b22] parameter 'main' [5a7f,5ea1) {fbreg(-344)} [5ed6,6017) {fbreg(-344)} [61d5,6207) {fbreg(-344)} [6313,6344) {fbreg(-344)} [6900,6bf4) {fbreg(-344)} [6c3f,6c79) {fbreg(-344)} [6db6,6e05) {fbreg(-344)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-344)} [6f3b,6fa1) {fbreg(-344)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-344)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-344)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-344)} [4b2f] parameter 'debug_shstrtab' [5a7f,5ea1) {fbreg(-328)} [5ed6,6017) {fbreg(-328)} [61d5,6207) {fbreg(-328)} [6313,6344) {fbreg(-328)} [6900,6bf4) {fbreg(-328)} [6c3f,6c79) {fbreg(-328)} [6db6,6e05) {fbreg(-328)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-328)} [6f3b,6fa1) {fbreg(-328)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-328)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-328)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-328)} [4b3c] parameter 'debug' [5a7f,5ea1) {fbreg(-352)} [5ed6,6017) {fbreg(-352)} [61d5,6207) {fbreg(-352)} [6313,6344) {fbreg(-352)} [6900,6bf4) {fbreg(-352)} [6c3f,6c79) {fbreg(-352)} [6db6,6e05) {fbreg(-352)} [6e31,6e7e) {fbreg(-352)} [6f3b,6fa1) {fbreg(-352)} [76d0,76e1) {fbreg(-352)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-352)} [777f,7787) {fbreg(-352)} [5202] inlined function 'check_match'@5fc6 [521f] parameter 'name' [5fc6,6012) {reg15} [522c] parameter 'scn' [5fc6,6012) {reg13} [5239] parameter 'match' [523e] inlined function 'check_match'@5fc6 [5260] parameter 'match' [5265] parameter 'name' [5fc6,6005) {reg15} [5272] parameter 'scn' [5fc6,6005) {reg13} [5496] inlined function 'check_match'@6a60 [54ac] parameter 'name' (6a60,6a60) [6aa3,6af9) {fbreg(-456)} [54b9] parameter 'scn' (6a60,6a60) [6aa3,6af9) {fbreg(-472)} [54c6] parameter 'match' (6a60,6a60) [6aa3,6af9) {breg14(0), lit0, eq, stack_value} [54d3] inlined function 'check_match'@6aa8 [54f5] parameter 'match' [6aa3,6ae7) {breg14(0), lit0, eq, stack_value} [5502] parameter 'name' [6aa3,6ae7) {fbreg(-456)} [550f] parameter 'scn' [6aa3,6ae7) {fbreg(-472)} [44d6] inlined function 'get_group_sig'@52f1 [44f0] parameter 'shdr' [52f1,52fd) {reg8} [52fd,52fe) {fbreg(-336)} [44fd] parameter 'elf' [52f1,52fe) {reg15} [486a] inlined function 'get_group_sig'@5650 [4890] parameter 'shdr' [5649,5677) {reg3} [489d] parameter 'elf' [5649,5677) {fbreg(-352)} [48aa] variable 'symscn' [48af] variable 'symshdr_mem' [48b4] variable 'symshdr' [48b9] variable 'symdata' [48be] variable 'sym_mem' [48c3] variable 'sym' [48c8] variable 'sig' [4e52] inlined function 'get_group_sig'@5e10 [4e6c] parameter 'shdr' [5e10,5e1d) {breg14(40), stack_value} [5e1d,5e21) {reg4} [5e21,5e22) {breg14(40), stack_value} [4e79] parameter 'elf' [5e10,5e22) {fbreg(-344)} [490c] inlined function 'get_section_name'@555a [4932] parameter 'shstrtab' [555a,5578) {fbreg(-328)} [493f] parameter 'shdr' [555a,5578) {reg3} [494c] parameter 'ndx' [555a,5575) {reg0} [4d1b] inlined function 'get_section_name'@5dcb [4d35] parameter 'shstrtab' [5dcb,5dd9) {fbreg(-416)} [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-416)} [4d42] parameter 'shdr' [5dcb,5dd9) {breg14(40), stack_value} [76e9,7723) {breg14(40), stack_value} [4d4f] parameter 'ndx' [5dcb,5dd9) {breg13(1), stack_value} [76e9,7723) {breg13(1), stack_value} [4d5c] inlined function 'get_section_name'@76e9 [4d7e] parameter 'shdr' [76e9,7723) {breg14(40), stack_value} [4d8b] parameter 'shstrtab' [76e9,7723) {fbreg(-416)} [4d98] parameter 'ndx' [76e9,7723) {breg13(1), stack_value} [512b] inlined function 'get_section_name'@5f44 [5145] parameter 'shstrtab' [5f44,5f74) {fbreg(-328)} [5152] parameter 'shdr' [5f44,5f74) {fbreg(-392)} [515f] parameter 'ndx' [5f44,5f66) {reg0} [5f27] inlined function 'get_section_name'@7943 [5f41] parameter 'shstrtab' [7943,7956) {fbreg(-328)} [7a08,7a10) {fbreg(-328)} [5f4e] parameter 'shdr' [7943,794c) {reg0} [5f5b] parameter 'ndx' [7943,7956) {reg13} [7a08,7a10) {reg13} [6b56] inlined function 'get_section_name'@6082 [6b70] parameter 'shstrtab' [6082,6095) {fbreg(-328)} [76e1,76e9) {fbreg(-328)} [6b7d] parameter 'shdr' [6082,608b) {reg0} [6b8a] parameter 'ndx' [6082,6095) {breg15(1), stack_value} [76e1,76e9) {breg15(1), stack_value} [780c] function 'find_alloc_section'@3fe0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [782d] parameter 'shdr' [3fe0,402c) {reg5} [402c,403c) {reg13} [403c,4041) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4041,407e) {reg5} [407e,40b7) {reg13} [7841] parameter 'bias' [3fe0,4003) {reg4} [4003,40b7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7855] parameter 'name' [3fe0,3fed) {reg1} [3fed,403e) {reg14} [403e,4041) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4041,40b7) {reg14} [7869] parameter 'sections' [3fe0,3ff9) {reg2} [3ff9,403a) {reg12} [403a,4041) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4041,40b7) {reg12} [787d] parameter 'nalloc' [3fe0,402c) {reg8} [402c,4040) {reg15} [4040,4041) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4041,4079) {reg8} [4079,40b7) {reg15} [7891] variable 'addr' [4006,402c) {reg4} [402c,4038) {reg6} [4041,407e) {reg4} [407e,40b7) {reg6} [78a5] variable 'l' [4006,4008) {lit0, stack_value} [4008,402c) {reg2} [4041,407e) {reg2} [78b7] variable 'u' [4006,4008) {reg8} [4008,402c) {reg1} [4041,407e) {reg1} [7908] function 'sections_match'@3f40 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7929] parameter 'sections' [3f40,3f4a) {reg5} [3f4a,3fd1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [793d] parameter 'i' [3f40,3f44) {reg4} [3f44,3fd1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [794f] parameter 'shdr' [3f40,3f66) {reg1} [3f66,3f67) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3f67,3f74) {reg1} [3f74,3fad) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3fad,3fc1) {reg1} [3fc1,3fd1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7963] parameter 'name' [3f40,3f51) {reg2} [3f51,3fa2) {reg8} [3fa2,3fad) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3fad,3fd1) {reg8} [7977] inlined function 'sections_flags_match'@3f55 [7991] parameter 'sh_type' [3f55,3f5f) {reg2} [3fad,3fb8) {reg2} [799e] parameter 'sh_flags2' [3f55,3f5f) {reg4} [3fad,3fb8) {reg4} [79ab] parameter 'sh_flags1' [3f55,3f5f) {reg9} [3fad,3fb8) {reg9} [7a31] function 'compare_symbols_output'@3220 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7a52] parameter 'a' [3220,32cd) {reg5} [32cd,32d4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [32d4,32ed) {reg5} [32ed,32f4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7a64] parameter 'b' [3220,32c8) {reg4} [32c8,32d4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [32d4,32e8) {reg4} [32e8,32f4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7a76] variable 's1' [3220,32cd) {reg5} [32cd,32d4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [32d4,32ed) {reg5} [32ed,32f4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7a89] variable 's2' [3220,32c8) {reg4} [32c8,32d4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [32d4,32e8) {reg4} [32e8,32f4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7a9c] variable 'cmp' [3232,3244) {reg0} [3244,325d) {breg5(8), deref, lit0, eq, const1u(255), and, breg4(8), deref, lit0, eq, minus, stack_value} [325d,3269) {reg0} [3269,3277) {breg4(36), deref_size(1), lit4, shr, const1u(255), and, lit0, eq, const1u(255), and, breg8(0), const1u(255), and, lit0, eq, minus, stack_value} [3277,3279) {breg0(0), const1u(255), and, breg2(0), const1u(255), and, minus, stack_value} [3279,3293) {reg0} [3298,32a5) {reg0} [32aa,32cf) {reg0} [32d5,32dd) {reg0} [32df,32ef) {reg0} [9fad] inlined function 'compare_symbols'@3db2 [9fc3] parameter 'b' [3db2,3dc2) {reg4} [3dce,3dd4) {reg4} [3dd4,3ddd) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9fd0] parameter 'a' [3db2,3dc2) {reg5} [3dce,3dd8) {reg5} [3dd8,3ddd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7bc8] function 'collect_symbols'@3880 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7be5] parameter 'outelf' [3880,38a4) {reg5} [38a4,3bb2) {fbreg(-216)} [7bf9] parameter 'rel' [3880,38ab) {reg4} [38ab,3bb2) {fbreg(-197)} [7c0d] parameter 'symscn' [3880,38ed) {reg1} [38ed,3bb2) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7c21] parameter 'strscn' [3880,38ed) {reg2} [38ed,390c) {reg6} [390c,3b39) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3b39,3b5e) {reg6} [3b5e,3bb2) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [7c35] parameter 'nent' [3880,38ed) {reg8} [38ed,3bb2) {fbreg(-264)} [7c49] parameter 'bias' [3880,38ed) {reg9} [38ed,3bb2) {fbreg(-224)} [7c5d] parameter 'scnmap' [3880,3bb2) {fbreg(0)} [7c6c] parameter 'table' [3880,3bb2) {fbreg(8)} [7c7b] parameter 'map' [3880,3bb2) {fbreg(16)} [7c8b] parameter 'split_bss' [3880,3bb2) {fbreg(24)} [7c9a] variable 'symdata' [38f6,3905) {reg0} [3905,3b39) {fbreg(-256)} [3b39,3b49) {reg0} [3b49,3bb2) {fbreg(-256)} [7cae] variable 'strdata' [390c,394a) {reg0} [394a,3ab1) {reg6} [3ad1,3b30) {reg6} [3b5e,3b69) {reg0} [3b69,3bb2) {reg6} [7cc2] variable 'shndxdata' [7f2d] function 'compare_sections_nonrel'@41c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7f4e] parameter 'a' [41c0,41c6) {reg5} [41c6,41c7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7f60] parameter 'b' [41c0,41c6) {reg4} [41c6,41c7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7f94] function 'compare_sections_rel'@41d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7fb5] parameter 'a' [41d0,41d9) {reg5} [41d9,41da) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7fc7] parameter 'b' [41d0,41d9) {reg4} [41d9,41da) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a266] inlined function 'compare_sections'@40ec [a280] parameter 'rel' [40ec,412a) {reg1} [412a,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4167,4175) {reg1} [4193,41aa) {reg1} [41aa,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [a28d] parameter 'b' [40ec,4125) {reg3} [4125,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4167,4175) {reg3} [4193,41a5) {reg3} [41a5,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a29a] parameter 'a' [40ec,4124) {reg5} [4124,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4167,4175) {reg5} [4193,41a0) {reg5} [41a0,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4796] inlined function 'compare_unalloc_sections'@5724 [47ac] parameter 'sig2' [56bc,56ee) {reg4} [56ee,56f2) {breg13(0), const1u(104), mul, breg14(0), plus, plus_uconst(16)} [5724,572e) {reg4} [47b9] parameter 'sig1' [56bc,56fa) {fbreg(-392)} [5724,572e) {fbreg(-392)} [47c6] parameter 'name2' [56bc,56f2) {reg8} [5724,572e) {reg8} [47d3] parameter 'name1' [56bc,56fa) {fbreg(-416)} [5724,572e) {fbreg(-416)} [47e0] parameter 'shdr2' [56bc,56fa) {breg13(0), const1u(104), mul, breg14(0), plus, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [5724,572e) {breg13(0), const1u(104), mul, breg14(0), plus, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [47ed] parameter 'shdr1' [47f2] inlined function 'compare_unalloc_sections'@56cc [4814] parameter 'shdr1' [4819] parameter 'shdr2' [56cc,56fa) {breg13(0), const1u(104), mul, breg14(0), plus, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [4826] parameter 'sig2' [56cc,56ee) {reg4} [56ee,56f2) {breg13(0), const1u(104), mul, breg14(0), plus, plus_uconst(16)} [4833] parameter 'sig1' [56cc,56fa) {fbreg(-392)} [4840] parameter 'name2' [56cc,56f2) {reg8} [484d] parameter 'name1' [56cc,56fa) {fbreg(-416)} [a2b6] inlined function 'compare_unalloc_sections'@40ec [a2cc] parameter 'sig2' [40ec,4125) {breg3(16)} [4125,412a) {reg4} [4167,4175) {breg3(16)} [4193,419c) {reg4} [419c,41a5) {breg3(16)} [41a5,41aa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(16)} [a2d9] parameter 'sig1' [40ec,4124) {breg5(16)} [4124,412a) {reg5} [4167,4175) {breg5(16)} [4193,41aa) {reg8} [a2e6] parameter 'name2' [40ec,4125) {breg3(8)} [4125,412a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(8)} [4167,4175) {breg3(8)} [4193,41a5) {breg3(8)} [41a5,41aa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(8)} [a2f3] parameter 'name1' [40ec,4124) {breg5(8)} [4124,412a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(8)} [4167,4175) {breg5(8)} [4193,41a0) {breg5(8)} [41a0,41aa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(8)} [a300] parameter 'shdr2' [40ec,4125) {breg3(40), stack_value} [4125,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [4167,4175) {breg3(40), stack_value} [4193,41a5) {breg3(40), stack_value} [41a5,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [a30d] parameter 'shdr1' [40ec,4124) {breg5(40), stack_value} [4124,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [4167,4175) {breg5(40), stack_value} [4193,41a0) {breg5(40), stack_value} [41a0,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [a31a] inlined function 'compare_unalloc_sections'@410b [a330] parameter 'shdr1' [410b,4124) {breg5(40), stack_value} [4124,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [4193,41a0) {breg5(40), stack_value} [41a0,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [a33d] parameter 'shdr2' [410b,4125) {breg3(40), stack_value} [4125,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [4193,41a5) {breg3(40), stack_value} [41a5,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(40), stack_value} [a34a] parameter 'sig2' [410b,4125) {breg3(16)} [4125,412a) {reg4} [4193,419c) {reg4} [419c,41a5) {breg3(16)} [41a5,41aa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(16)} [a357] parameter 'sig1' [410b,4124) {breg5(16)} [4124,412a) {reg5} [4193,41aa) {reg8} [a364] parameter 'name2' [410b,4125) {breg3(8)} [4125,412a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(8)} [4193,41a5) {breg3(8)} [41a5,41aa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(8)} [a371] parameter 'name1' [410b,4124) {breg5(8)} [4124,412a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(8)} [4193,41a0) {breg5(8)} [41a0,41aa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(8)} [a39c] inlined function 'compare_alloc_sections'@4130 [a3b2] parameter 'rel' [412b,414c) {reg1} [414c,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [a3bf] parameter 's2' [412b,4162) {reg3} [4162,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a3cc] parameter 's1' [412b,4148) {reg5} [4148,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [82c7] function 'adjust_all_relocs'@4950 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [82e4] parameter 'elf' [4950,4965) {reg5} [4965,4a0e) {reg6} [4a0e,4a17) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4a17,4a5e) {reg6} [82f8] parameter 'symtab' [4950,498f) {reg4} [498f,4a0d) {reg3} [4a0d,4a17) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4a17,4a5e) {reg3} [830c] parameter 'symshdr' [4950,498f) {reg1} [498f,4a16) {reg15} [4a16,4a17) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4a17,4a5e) {reg15} [8320] parameter 'map' [4950,498f) {reg2} [498f,4a5e) {fbreg(-160)} [8334] parameter 'map_size' [4950,498f) {reg8} [498f,4a5e) {fbreg(-152)} [8348] variable 'new_sh_link' (4993,4993) [4993,4a12) {reg13} [4a17,4a5e) {reg13} [835c] variable 'scn' (4993,4993) [4993,49a9) {reg14} [49a9,49ba) {reg0} [49ba,49f1) {reg14} [49f1,4a06) {reg0} [4a06,4a14) {reg14} [4a17,4a5e) {reg14} [85cf] inlined function 'adjust_reloc'@45f0 [85e9] parameter 'map_size' [45f0,461b) {reg14} [85f6] parameter 'map' [45f0,461b) {reg12} [8603] parameter 'info' [45f0,45f4) {breg0(8), stack_value} [45f4,461b) {breg1(8), stack_value} [8622] inlined function 'adjust_reloc'@4886 [8644] parameter 'map_size' [4886,489b) {reg14} [8651] parameter 'map' [4886,489b) {reg12} [865e] parameter 'info' [8663] variable 'ndx' [8760] inlined function 'adjust_reloc'@46a4 [8786] parameter 'map_size' [46a4,46cf) {reg14} [8793] parameter 'map' [46a4,46cf) {reg12} [87a0] parameter 'info' [46a4,46a8) {breg0(8), stack_value} [46a8,46cf) {breg1(8), stack_value} [87ad] variable 'ndx' [46af,46c2) {reg2} [46c2,46c4) {breg0(0), const1u(32), shr, stack_value} [46c4,46cf) {breg1(8), deref, const1u(32), shr, stack_value} [a555] inlined function 'update_sh_size'@4240 [a57b] parameter 'outscn' [423b,4259) {reg6} [a588] parameter 'data' [423b,4259) {reg3} [a595] variable 'shdr_mem' [a59a] variable 'newshdr' [6ced] inlined function 'update_shdr'@6280 [6d07] parameter 'newshdr' [627f,6290) {fbreg(-472)} [6e15,6e31) {fbreg(-472)} [6d14] parameter 'outscn' [627f,6290) {reg13} [6e15,6e31) {reg13} [6d21] inlined function 'update_shdr'@6e15 [6d47] parameter 'outscn' [6e15,6e31) {reg13} [6d54] parameter 'newshdr' [6e15,6e31) {fbreg(-472)} [9e69] inlined function 'update_shdr'@3d50 [9e8f] parameter 'outscn' [3d50,3d89) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9e9c] parameter 'newshdr' [3d50,3d89) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a440] inlined function 'update_shdr'@4219 [a45a] parameter 'newshdr' [4219,421d) {reg4} [a467] parameter 'outscn' [4219,4238) {reg6} [4238,423b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4279,42a0) {reg6} [a474] inlined function 'update_shdr'@4280 [a49a] parameter 'outscn' [4279,429b) {reg6} [a4a7] parameter 'newshdr' [ab89] inlined function 'symtab_count_leading_section_symbols'@4f2d [aba3] parameter 'newsymdata' [4f2d,4f31) {reg0} [4f31,501f) {fbreg(-264)} [5068,50eb) {fbreg(-264)} [abb0] parameter 'shnum' [4f2d,501f) {reg14} [5068,50eb) {reg14} [abbd] parameter 'scn' [4f2d,4f44) {reg3} [4f44,501f) {fbreg(-216)} [5068,50eb) {fbreg(-216)} [abca] parameter 'elf' [4f2d,501f) {reg13} [5068,50eb) {reg13} [79b9] inlined function 'section_can_shrink'@3f7c [79d3] parameter 'shdr' [79d8] parameter 'shdr' [3f7c,3f93) {breg5(40), stack_value} [3fc1,3fd1) {breg5(40), stack_value} [6f4a] inlined function 'free_new_data'@7b9c [6f70] variable 'list' [7ba3,7bbb) {reg12} [7bbb,7bbe) {reg3} [7bbe,7bce) {reg12} [61f2] inlined function 'record_new_data'@7234 [620c] parameter 'data' [7234,723f) {reg0} [723f,7268) {fbreg(-480)} [89c0] inlined function 'record_new_data'@4405 [89da] parameter 'data' [4405,4428) {reg14} [8ba8] inlined function 'record_new_data'@47bd [8bc2] parameter 'data' [47bd,47e0) {reg14} [8e22] inlined function 'record_new_data'@47e8 [8e3c] parameter 'data' [47e5,480b) {reg15} [a6bf] inlined function 'record_new_data'@4b6b [a6d9] parameter 'data' [4b6b,4b6f) {reg0} [4b6f,4b7f) {reg14} [4b7f,4b91) {breg0(0)} [92fb] function 'make_directories'@3390 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9318] parameter 'path' [3390,33a0) {reg5} [33a0,33d8) {reg6} [33d8,341c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [341c,3422) {reg6} [3422,3482) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [932c] variable 'lastslash' [33a1,33c7) {reg0} [341c,3425) {reg0} [9340] variable 'dir' [33d8,33da) {reg0} [33da,3415) {reg6} [3415,341b) {reg5} [3425,3451) {reg6} [3451,3468) {reg0} [3468,3482) {reg6} [9506] function 'copy_elf'@3490 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9524] parameter 'outelf' [3490,349e) {reg5} [349e,3662) {reg12} [3662,3664) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3664,36d8) {reg12} [36d8,3700) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3700,3719) {reg12} [3719,371b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [371b,3739) {reg12} [3739,373b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [373b,3759) {reg12} [3759,375b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [375b,3779) {reg12} [3779,377e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [377e,3799) {reg12} [3799,379e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [379e,37b9) {reg12} [37b9,37be) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [37be,37d9) {reg12} [37d9,37de) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [37de,37f9) {reg12} [37f9,37fe) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [37fe,381e) {reg12} [381e,3825) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3825,3841) {reg12} [3841,3846) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3846,3869) {reg12} [3869,386e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [386e,3873) {reg12} [9537] parameter 'inelf' [3490,34c1) {reg4} [34c1,381b) {reg3} [381b,3825) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3825,3873) {reg3} [954a] variable 'shstrndx' [3490,3873) {fbreg(-224)} [9559] variable 'ehdr_mem' [3490,3873) {fbreg(-144)} [9568] variable 'ehdr' [34fb,3505) {reg0} [3505,3552) {reg6} [35f6,36d8) {reg6} [379e,37a9) {reg0} [37a9,37fe) {reg6} [3825,386e) {reg6} [957b] variable 'phnum' [3490,3873) {fbreg(-216)} [958b] variable 'scn' [3552,3563) {reg6} [3563,3570) {reg0} [3570,35f6) {reg6} [3700,375b) {reg6} [37fe,3811) {reg0} [3811,381c) {reg6} [386e,3873) {reg6} [9a1d] function 'parse_opt'@2ed0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9a3f] parameter 'key' [2ed0,2f08) {reg5} [2f08,2f4c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2f4c,2f5f) {reg5} [2f5f,3074) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3074,308b) {reg5} [308b,3212) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9a52] parameter 'arg' [2ed0,2f26) {reg4} [2f26,2f4c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2f4c,2f95) {reg4} [2f95,2fd1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2fd1,30ae) {reg4} [30ae,310a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [310a,3117) {reg4} [3117,3121) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3121,312f) {reg4} [312f,31ea) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [31ea,3212) {reg4} [9a65] parameter 'state' [2ed0,2f14) {reg1} [2f14,2f49) {reg6} [2f49,2f4c) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2f4c,2f6f) {reg1} [2f6f,3074) {reg6} [3074,308b) {reg1} [308b,3212) {reg6} [9a78] variable 'info' [2ef5,2f26) {reg3} [2f4c,3080) {reg3} [3080,3086) {breg1(40)} [3086,308b) {breg3(-16), stack_value} [308b,30d5) {reg3} [310a,31e5) {reg3} [31ea,3212) {reg3} [2829] inlined function 'error'@2d7b [2843] parameter '__format' [2d7b,2d7d) {reg0} [2d7d,2d81) {reg1} [2850] parameter '__errnum' [2d7b,2d82) {lit0, stack_value} [285d] parameter '__status' [2d7b,2d82) {lit1, stack_value} [3064] inlined function 'error'@848c [307e] parameter '__format' [848c,8495) {reg0} [8495,8499) {reg1} [308b] parameter '__errnum' [848c,849a) {lit0, stack_value} [3098] parameter '__status' [848c,849a) {lit1, stack_value} [30d0] inlined function 'error'@8533 [30ea] parameter '__format' [8533,853a) {reg0} [853a,853e) {reg1} [30f7] parameter '__errnum' [8533,853f) {lit0, stack_value} [3104] parameter '__status' [8533,853f) {lit1, stack_value} [32c2] inlined function 'error'@85f2 [32dc] parameter '__format' [85f2,85f4) {reg0} [85f4,85f8) {reg1} [32e9] parameter '__errnum' [85f2,85f9) {lit0, stack_value} [32f6] parameter '__status' [85f2,85f9) {lit1, stack_value} [3322] inlined function 'error'@8647 [333c] parameter '__format' [8647,864e) {reg0} [864e,8652) {reg1} [3349] parameter '__errnum' [8647,8653) {lit0, stack_value} [3356] parameter '__status' [8647,8653) {lit1, stack_value} [36b1] inlined function 'error'@82e2 [36cb] parameter '__format' [82e2,82e4) {reg0} [82e4,82e8) {reg1} [36d8] parameter '__errnum' [82e2,82e9) {lit0, stack_value} [36e5] parameter '__status' [82e2,82e9) {lit1, stack_value} [3b16] inlined function 'error'@333c [3b30] parameter '__format' [333c,335a) {addr(0x909e), stack_value} [3b3d] parameter '__errnum' [333c,335a) {lit0, stack_value} [3b4a] parameter '__status' [333c,333f) {breg3(0), not, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [3d5f] inlined function 'error'@7dc9 [3d79] parameter '__format' [7dc9,7dcb) {reg0} [7dcb,7dcf) {reg1} [3d86] parameter '__errnum' [7dc9,7dd0) {lit0, stack_value} [3d93] parameter '__status' [7dc9,7dd0) {lit1, stack_value} [3e98] inlined function 'error'@8013 [3ebe] parameter '__format' [8013,8027) {reg12} [3ecb] parameter '__errnum' [8013,8022) {breg0(0)} [8022,8026) {reg4} [3ed8] parameter '__status' [407e] inlined function 'error'@7f04 [4098] parameter '__format' [7f04,7f06) {reg0} [7f06,7f0a) {reg1} [40a5] parameter '__errnum' [7f04,7f0b) {lit0, stack_value} [40b2] parameter '__status' [7f04,7f0b) {lit0, stack_value} [40de] inlined function 'error'@7fa8 [40f8] parameter '__format' [7fa8,7faa) {reg0} [7faa,7fae) {reg1} [4105] parameter '__errnum' [7fa8,7faf) {lit0, stack_value} [4112] parameter '__status' [7fa8,7faf) {lit0, stack_value} [4550] inlined function 'error'@6c33 [456a] parameter '__format' [6c33,6c3a) {reg0} [6c3a,6c3e) {reg1} [4577] parameter '__errnum' [6c33,6c3f) {lit0, stack_value} [4584] parameter '__status' [6c33,6c3f) {lit1, stack_value} [495a] inlined function 'error'@57aa [4974] parameter '__format' [57aa,57b1) {reg0} [57b1,57b5) {reg1} [4981] parameter '__errnum' [57aa,57b6) {lit0, stack_value} [498e] parameter '__status' [57aa,57b6) {lit1, stack_value} [4da5] inlined function 'error'@7717 [4dbf] parameter '__format' [7717,771e) {reg0} [771e,7722) {reg1} [4dcc] parameter '__errnum' [7717,7723) {lit0, stack_value} [4dd9] parameter '__status' [7717,7723) {lit1, stack_value} [4eea] inlined function 'error'@6e57 [4f04] parameter '__format' [6e57,6e5e) {reg0} [6e5e,6e62) {reg1} [4f11] parameter '__errnum' [6e57,6e63) {lit0, stack_value} [4f1e] parameter '__status' [6e57,6e63) {lit1, stack_value} [527f] inlined function 'error'@5ffb [5299] parameter '__format' [5ffb,6000) {reg0} [6000,6004) {reg1} [52a6] parameter '__errnum' [5ffb,6005) {lit0, stack_value} [52b3] parameter '__status' [5ffb,6005) {lit0, stack_value} [551c] inlined function 'error'@6add [5536] parameter '__format' [6add,6ae2) {reg0} [6ae2,6ae6) {reg1} [5543] parameter '__errnum' [6add,6ae7) {lit0, stack_value} [5550] parameter '__status' [6add,6ae7) {lit0, stack_value} [5832] inlined function 'error'@76c9 [584c] parameter '__format' [76c9,76d0) {addr(0x9cf0), stack_value} [5859] parameter '__errnum' [76c9,76d0) {lit0, stack_value} [5866] parameter '__status' [76c9,76d0) {lit1, stack_value} [5995] inlined function 'error'@761d [59b7] parameter '__format' [761d,7632) {addr(0x9d20), stack_value} [59c4] parameter '__errnum' [761d,7632) {lit0, stack_value} [59d1] parameter '__status' [761d,7632) {lit1, stack_value} [5a3b] inlined function 'error'@76a6 [5a55] parameter '__format' [76a6,76ad) {addr(0x9cc8), stack_value} [5a62] parameter '__errnum' [76a6,76ad) {lit0, stack_value} [5a6f] parameter '__status' [76a6,76ad) {lit1, stack_value} [5aa8] inlined function 'error'@7778 [5ac2] parameter '__format' [7778,777f) {addr(0x9ca0), stack_value} [5acf] parameter '__errnum' [7778,777f) {lit0, stack_value} [5adc] parameter '__status' [7778,777f) {lit1, stack_value} [6282] inlined function 'error'@7787 [62a8] parameter '__format' [7787,779c) {addr(0x9da0), stack_value} [62b5] parameter '__errnum' [7787,779c) {lit0, stack_value} [62c2] parameter '__status' [7787,779c) {lit1, stack_value} [62f5] inlined function 'error'@78fa [631b] parameter '__format' [78fa,790d) {addr(0x9e00), stack_value} [6328] parameter '__errnum' [78fa,790d) {lit0, stack_value} [6335] parameter '__status' [78fa,790d) {lit1, stack_value} [6997] inlined function 'error'@5384 [69b1] parameter '__format' [5384,5386) {reg0} [5386,538a) {reg1} [69be] parameter '__errnum' [5384,538b) {lit0, stack_value} [69cb] parameter '__status' [5384,538b) {lit1, stack_value} [69f7] inlined function 'error'@5642 [6a11] parameter '__format' [5642,5644) {reg0} [5644,5648) {reg1} [6a1e] parameter '__errnum' [5642,5649) {lit0, stack_value} [6a2b] parameter '__status' [5642,5649) {lit1, stack_value} [6dda] inlined function 'error'@772b [6e00] parameter '__format' [772b,7740) {addr(0x9c70), stack_value} [6e0d] parameter '__errnum' [772b,7740) {lit0, stack_value} [6e1a] parameter '__status' [772b,7740) {lit1, stack_value} [7ab0] inlined function 'error'@32bf [7ad6] parameter '__format' [32bf,32d4) {addr(0x95e0), stack_value} [7ae3] parameter '__errnum' [32bf,32d4) {lit0, stack_value} [7af0] parameter '__status' [32bf,32d4) {lit1, stack_value} [7b23] inlined function 'error'@32df [7b45] parameter '__format' [32df,32f4) {addr(0x9074), stack_value} [7b55] parameter '__errnum' [7b5b] parameter '__status' [7e30] inlined function 'error'@3aca [7e4a] parameter '__format' [3aca,3acc) {reg0} [3acc,3ad0) {reg1} [7e57] parameter '__errnum' [3aca,3ad1) {lit0, stack_value} [7e64] parameter '__status' [3aca,3ad1) {lit1, stack_value} [839d] inlined function 'error'@4a52 [83b7] parameter '__format' [4a52,4a54) {reg0} [4a54,4a58) {reg1} [83c4] parameter '__errnum' [4a52,4a59) {lit0, stack_value} [83d1] parameter '__status' [4a52,4a59) {lit1, stack_value} [8668] inlined function 'error'@4886 [868a] parameter '__format' [4886,489b) {addr(0x91bf), stack_value} [8697] parameter '__errnum' [4886,489b) {lit0, stack_value} [86a4] parameter '__status' [4886,489b) {lit1, stack_value} [8a0e] inlined function 'error'@48bd [8a34] parameter '__format' [48bd,48d2) {addr(0x9988), stack_value} [8a41] parameter '__errnum' [48bd,48d2) {lit0, stack_value} [8a4e] parameter '__status' [48bd,48d2) {lit1, stack_value} [8c10] inlined function 'error'@4837 [8c36] parameter '__format' [4837,484c) {addr(0x9900), stack_value} [8c43] parameter '__errnum' [4837,484c) {lit0, stack_value} [8c50] parameter '__status' [4837,484c) {lit1, stack_value} [8c83] inlined function 'error'@48d2 [8ca9] parameter '__format' [48d2,48e7) {addr(0x9960), stack_value} [8cb6] parameter '__errnum' [48d2,48e7) {lit0, stack_value} [8cc3] parameter '__status' [48d2,48e7) {lit1, stack_value} [8cf6] inlined function 'error'@491b [8d1c] parameter '__format' [491b,4930) {addr(0x9930), stack_value} [8d29] parameter '__errnum' [491b,4930) {lit0, stack_value} [8d36] parameter '__status' [491b,4930) {lit1, stack_value} [8e70] inlined function 'error'@484c [8e96] parameter '__format' [484c,4861) {addr(0x99b0), stack_value} [8ea3] parameter '__errnum' [484c,4861) {lit0, stack_value} [8eb0] parameter '__status' [484c,4861) {lit1, stack_value} [8f7a] inlined function 'error'@4548 [8f94] parameter '__format' [4548,454a) {reg0} [454a,454e) {reg1} [8fa1] parameter '__errnum' [4548,454f) {lit0, stack_value} [8fae] parameter '__status' [4548,454f) {lit1, stack_value} [8fda] inlined function 'error'@4906 [9000] parameter '__format' [4906,491b) {addr(0x98a8), stack_value} [900d] parameter '__errnum' [4906,491b) {lit0, stack_value} [901a] parameter '__status' [4906,491b) {lit1, stack_value} [904d] inlined function 'error'@4930 [9067] parameter '__format' [4930,4945) {addr(0x98d0), stack_value} [9074] parameter '__errnum' [4930,4945) {lit0, stack_value} [9081] parameter '__status' [4930,4945) {lit1, stack_value} [9354] inlined function 'error'@344a [936e] parameter '__format' [344a,344c) {reg0} [344c,3450) {reg1} [937b] parameter '__errnum' [344a,3450) {reg4} [9388] parameter '__status' [344a,3451) {lit1, stack_value} [93af] inlined function 'error'@3471 [93d5] parameter '__format' [3471,3482) {reg12} [93e2] parameter '__errnum' [3471,347d) {breg0(0)} [347d,3481) {reg4} [93ef] parameter '__status' [984f] inlined function 'error'@36f9 [9869] parameter '__format' [36f9,36fb) {reg0} [36fb,36ff) {reg1} [9876] parameter '__errnum' [36f9,3700) {lit0, stack_value} [9883] parameter '__status' [36f9,3700) {lit1, stack_value} [9caf] inlined function 'error'@3cdb [9cd5] parameter '__format' [3cdb,3cef) {reg12} [9ce2] parameter '__errnum' [3cdb,3cea) {breg0(0)} [3cea,3cee) {reg4} [9cef] parameter '__status' [9d96] inlined function 'error'@3d2a [9db0] parameter '__format' [3d2a,3d31) {reg0} [3d31,3d35) {reg1} [9dbd] parameter '__errnum' [9dc3] parameter '__status' [9ea9] inlined function 'error'@3d82 [9ec3] parameter '__format' [3d82,3d84) {reg0} [3d84,3d88) {reg1} [9ed0] parameter '__errnum' [9ed6] parameter '__status' [a084] inlined function 'error'@3ec1 [a09e] parameter '__format' [3ec1,3ec3) {reg0} [3ec3,3ec7) {reg1} [a0ab] parameter '__errnum' [3ec1,3ec8) {lit0, stack_value} [a0b8] parameter '__status' [3ec1,3ec8) {lit1, stack_value} [a4ac] inlined function 'error'@4272 [a4c6] parameter '__format' [4272,4274) {reg0} [4274,4278) {reg1} [a4d3] parameter '__errnum' [4272,4279) {lit0, stack_value} [a4e0] parameter '__status' [4272,4279) {lit1, stack_value} [a74f] inlined function 'error'@4e12 [a769] parameter '__format' [4e12,4e14) {reg0} [4e14,4e18) {reg1} [a776] parameter '__errnum' [4e12,4e19) {lit0, stack_value} [a783] parameter '__status' [4e12,4e19) {lit1, stack_value} [a9a7] inlined function 'error'@4e8e [a9cd] parameter '__format' [4e8e,4ea3) {addr(0x9a40), stack_value} [a9da] parameter '__errnum' [4e8e,4ea3) {lit0, stack_value} [a9e7] parameter '__status' [4e8e,4ea3) {lit1, stack_value} [ac47] inlined function 'error'@50a2 [ac61] parameter '__format' [50a2,50a4) {reg0} [50a4,50a8) {reg1} [ac6e] parameter '__errnum' [50a2,50a9) {lit0, stack_value} [ac7b] parameter '__status' [50a2,50a9) {lit1, stack_value} [6240] inlined function 'memset'@7272 [625a] parameter '__len' [7272,727b) {lit24, stack_value} [6267] parameter '__ch' [7272,727b) {lit0, stack_value} [6274] parameter '__dest' [7272,727b) {reg1} [6c06] inlined function 'memset'@6127 [6c20] parameter '__len' [6127,612e) {reg1} [612e,612f) {fbreg(-448), deref, lit3, shl, stack_value} [6c2d] parameter '__ch' [6127,612f) {lit0, stack_value} [6c3a] parameter '__dest' [6127,612f) {reg3} [6eef] inlined function 'memset'@63b0 [6f09] parameter '__len' [63b0,63b4) {reg1} [6f16] parameter '__ch' [63b0,63b5) {lit0, stack_value} [6f23] parameter '__dest' [63b0,63b4) {reg5} [63b4,63b5) {reg7} [3637] inlined function 'open'@80ae [3651] parameter '__oflag' [80ae,80ca) {fbreg(-232), deref, lit0, eq, const1u(255), and, lit1, shl, stack_value} [365e] parameter '__path' [80ae,80ca) {reg12} [3954] inlined function 'open'@806c [396e] parameter '__oflag' [806c,8071) {lit0, stack_value} [397b] parameter '__path' [806c,8070) {reg2} [8070,8071) {reg14} [3e49] inlined function 'open'@7e05 [3e63] parameter '__oflag' [7e05,7e11) {const1u(66), stack_value} [3e70] parameter '__path' [7e05,7e0b) {reg5} [7e0b,7e11) {reg13} [22c2] inlined function 'asprintf'@2c62 [22e8] parameter '__fmt' [2c62,2c80) {addr(0x9421), stack_value} [22f5] parameter '__ptr' [2c62,2c80) {fbreg(-288), stack_value} [242a] inlined function 'asprintf'@2851 [2450] parameter '__fmt' [2851,286a) {addr(0x9421), stack_value} [245d] parameter '__ptr' [2851,286a) {fbreg(-296), stack_value} [2604] inlined function 'printf'@2a77 [261e] parameter '__fmt' [2a77,2a81) {addr(0x9441), stack_value} [264c] inlined function 'printf'@2aac [2666] parameter '__fmt' [2aac,2ab6) {addr(0x944c), stack_value} [268d] inlined function 'printf'@2ae8 [26b3] parameter '__fmt' [2ae8,2afe) {addr(0x9457), stack_value} [272f] inlined function 'printf'@2bfb [2755] parameter '__fmt' [2bfb,2c13) {addr(0x9451), stack_value} [26e7] inlined function 'putchar'@2be5 [270d] parameter '__c' [2be5,2bfb) {const1u(45), stack_value} [9c75] function 'open_file'@3cb0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9c90] parameter 'file' [3cb0,3cca) {reg5} [3cca,3cef) {reg13} [9c9d] variable 'fd' [9ca2] parameter 'writable' [3cb0,3cef) {GNU_parameter_ref[3c03], stack_value} [9d54] function 'get_section_name'@3cf0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9d6f] parameter 'ndx' [3cf0,3cfa) {reg5} [3cfa,3d36) {reg12} [9d7c] parameter 'shstrtab' [3cf0,3d36) {GNU_parameter_ref[77ff], stack_value} [9d89] parameter 'shdr' [3cf0,3d36) {GNU_parameter_ref[77f3], stack_value} [9e34] function 'update_shdr'@3d40 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9e4f] parameter 'outscn' [3d40,3d46) {reg5} [3d46,3d89) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9e5c] parameter 'newshdr' [3d40,3d46) {reg4} [3d46,3d89) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9f5e] function 'compare_symbols'@3d90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9f79] parameter 'a' [3d90,3dd8) {reg5} [3dd8,3ddd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3ddd,3de6) {reg5} [9f86] parameter 'b' [3d90,3dd4) {reg4} [3dd4,3ddd) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3ddd,3de6) {reg4} [9f93] variable 's1' [3d90,3dd8) {reg5} [3dd8,3ddd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3ddd,3de6) {reg5} [9fa0] variable 's2' [3d90,3dd4) {reg4} [3dd4,3ddd) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3ddd,3de6) {reg4} [9ffc] function 'get_group_sig'@3df0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [a017] parameter 'elf' [3df0,3e17) {reg5} [3e17,3e8e) {reg12} [3e8e,3e91) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3e91,3ea8) {reg12} [3ea8,3ec8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3ec8,3ee4) {reg12} [3ee4,3ee6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3ee6,3efd) {reg12} [3efd,3eff) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3eff,3f16) {reg12} [3f16,3f18) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3f18,3f2f) {reg12} [3f2f,3f34) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a024] parameter 'shdr' [3df0,3e03) {reg4} [3e03,3e8b) {reg3} [3e8b,3e91) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3e91,3f34) {reg3} [a031] variable 'symscn' [3e18,3e2c) {reg0} [3e2c,3e8c) {reg6} [3e91,3e98) {reg0} [3ec8,3f34) {reg6} [a03e] variable 'symshdr_mem' [3df0,3f34) {fbreg(-128)} [a047] variable 'symshdr' [3e33,3e42) {reg0} [3e42,3e90) {reg13} [3ec8,3f18) {reg13} [3f18,3f1f) {reg0} [3f1f,3f34) {reg13} [a054] variable 'symdata' [3e49,3e59) {reg0} [3eff,3f06) {reg0} [a061] variable 'sym_mem' [3df0,3f34) {fbreg(-160)} [a06a] variable 'sym' [3e5a,3e70) {reg0} [3ee6,3eed) {reg0} [a077] variable 'sig' [3e71,3e91) {reg0} [3ec8,3ecc) {reg0} [3ecd,3ed4) {reg0} [a20a] function 'compare_sections'@40c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [a225] parameter 'a' [40c0,4124) {reg5} [4124,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [412b,4148) {reg5} [4148,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4167,41a0) {reg5} [41a0,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [41ab,41b2) {reg5} [a232] parameter 'b' [40c0,40d7) {reg4} [40d7,4125) {reg3} [4125,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [412b,4162) {reg3} [4162,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4167,417a) {reg3} [417a,417c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [417c,418e) {reg3} [418e,4193) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4193,41a5) {reg3} [41a5,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [41ab,41b2) {reg3} [a23f] parameter 'rel' [40c0,412a) {reg1} [412a,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [412b,414c) {reg1} [414c,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4167,41aa) {reg1} [41aa,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [41ab,41b2) {reg1} [a24c] variable 's1' [40c5,4124) {reg5} [4124,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [412b,4148) {reg5} [4148,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4167,41a0) {reg5} [41a0,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [41ab,41b2) {reg5} [a259] variable 's2' [40c5,40d7) {reg4} [40d7,4125) {reg3} [4125,412b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [412b,4162) {reg3} [4162,4167) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4167,417a) {reg3} [417a,417c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [417c,418e) {reg3} [418e,4193) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4193,41a5) {reg3} [41a5,41ab) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [41ab,41b2) {reg3} [a3f5] function 'update_sh_size'@41e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [a410] parameter 'outscn' [41e0,4205) {reg5} [4205,4238) {reg6} [4238,423b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [423b,42a0) {reg6} [a41d] parameter 'data' [41e0,4205) {reg4} [4205,4237) {reg3} [4237,423b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [423b,42a0) {reg3} [a42a] variable 'shdr_mem' [41e0,42a0) {fbreg(-112)} [a433] variable 'newshdr' [4206,4212) {reg0} [4212,421d) {reg4} [423b,4249) {reg0} [a5e1] function 'add_new_section_symbols'@4a60 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [a5fc] parameter 'old_symscn' [4a60,4a70) {reg5} [4a70,4b78) {reg13} [4b78,4b95) {reg5} [4b95,4e8e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4e8e,4ea3) {reg13} [4ea3,4ea8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a609] parameter 'old_shnum' [4a60,4a99) {reg4} [4a99,4dde) {fbreg(-248)} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-240)} [4ddf,4ea8) {fbreg(-248)} [a616] parameter 'elf' [4a60,4ac0) {reg1} [4ac0,4dde) {fbreg(-296)} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-288)} [4ddf,4ea8) {fbreg(-296)} [a623] parameter 'rel' [4a60,4ac0) {reg2} [4ac0,4dde) {fbreg(-297)} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-289)} [4ddf,4ea8) {fbreg(-297)} [a630] parameter 'symscn' [4a60,4ac0) {reg8} [4ac0,4dde) {fbreg(-280)} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-272)} [4ddf,4ea8) {fbreg(-280)} [a63d] parameter 'shnum' [4a60,4a8b) {reg9} [4a8b,4d19) {fbreg(-288)} [4d19,4e3b) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4e3b,4ea3) {fbreg(-288)} [4ea3,4ea8) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [a64a] variable 'added' [4abc,4ac0) {reg9} [4ac0,4dde) {fbreg(-272)} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-264)} [4ddf,4ea8) {fbreg(-272)} [a657] variable 'shdr_mem' [4a60,4ea8) {fbreg(-208)} [a660] variable 'shdr' [4ac1,4ae3) {reg0} [4ae3,4bb1) {reg12} [4bb1,4c1f) {fbreg(-320)} [4e8e,4e9e) {reg0} [4e9e,4ea3) {reg12} [a66d] variable 'nsym' [4af1,4af9) {reg0} [4af9,4dde) {fbreg(-312)} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-304)} [4ddf,4df9) {fbreg(-312)} [4e19,4e68) {fbreg(-312)} [4ea3,4ea8) {fbreg(-312)} [a67a] variable '' [4af1,4af9) {breg0(-2), stack_value} [4af9,4dde) {fbreg(-312), deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-304), deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [4ddf,4df9) {fbreg(-312), deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [4e19,4e68) {fbreg(-312), deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [4ea3,4ea8) {fbreg(-312), deref, lit2, minus, stack_value} [a687] variable 'symndx_map' [4b21,4dd4) {breg7(0)} [4dd4,4dde) {fbreg(-264), deref} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-256), deref} [4ddf,4df9) {breg7(0)} [4e19,4e68) {breg7(0)} [4ea3,4ea8) {breg7(0)} [a698] variable 'symdata' [4b50,4b58) {reg0} [4b58,4dd5) {reg3} [4ddf,4df9) {reg3} [4e19,4e68) {reg3} [4ea3,4ea8) {reg3} [a6a5] variable 'shndxdata' [4b50,4df9) {lit0, stack_value} [4e19,4e68) {lit0, stack_value} [4ea3,4ea8) {lit0, stack_value} [a6b2] variable 'old_symdata' [4ba5,4bb1) {reg0} [4bb1,4dde) {fbreg(-256)} [4dde,4ddf) {breg7(-248)} [4ddf,4df9) {fbreg(-256)} [4e19,4e68) {fbreg(-256)} [4ea3,4ea8) {fbreg(-256)} [aafb] function 'check_symtab_section_symbols'@4eb0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [ab16] parameter 'elf' [4eb0,4ebc) {reg5} [4ebc,504d) {reg13} [504d,5067) {reg1} [5067,5068) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5068,5135) {reg13} [5135,513a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [513a,5172) {reg13} [ab23] parameter 'rel' [4eb0,4ed8) {reg4} [4ed8,5172) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ab30] parameter 'scn' [4eb0,4f22) {reg1} [4f22,5172) {fbreg(-224)} [ab3d] parameter 'shnum' [4eb0,4f22) {reg2} [4f22,5172) {fbreg(-200)} [ab4a] parameter 'shstrndx' [4eb0,4f22) {reg8} [4f22,5172) {fbreg(-208)} [ab57] parameter 'oscn' [4eb0,4f22) {reg9} [4f22,4f44) {reg3} [4f44,5172) {fbreg(-216)} [ab64] parameter 'oshnum' [4eb0,5172) {fbreg(0)} [ab6c] parameter 'oshstrndx' [4eb0,5172) {fbreg(8)} [ab74] parameter 'debuglink' [4eb0,5172) {fbreg(16)} [ab7c] variable 'n' [501f,504d) {fbreg(-256)} [504d,5067) {reg4} [50eb,5131) {reg6} [513a,516d) {reg6} module 'unstrip' [ae2e] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/lib/xmalloc.c'@0 [af61] function 'xrealloc'@8710 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [af81] parameter 'p' [8710,8718) {reg5} [8718,8719) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8719,873a) {reg0} [af92] parameter 'n' [8710,8718) {reg4} [8718,874c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b03a] function 'xcalloc'@86d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [b05a] parameter 'n' [86d0,86d8) {reg5} [86d8,870c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b06b] parameter 's' [86d0,86d8) {reg4} [86d8,870c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b07c] variable 'p' [86d9,86fa) {reg0} [b123] function 'xmalloc'@8690 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [b143] parameter 'n' [8690,8698) {reg5} [8698,86cc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b154] variable 'p' [8699,86ba) {reg0} [afa3] inlined function 'error'@8745 [afba] parameter '__format' [8745,8747) {reg0} [8747,874b) {reg1} [afc7] parameter '__errnum' [afcd] parameter '__status' [b08c] inlined function 'error'@8705 [b0a3] parameter '__format' [8705,8707) {reg0} [8707,870b) {reg1} [b0b0] parameter '__errnum' [b0b6] parameter '__status' [b164] inlined function 'error'@86c5 [b17b] parameter '__format' [86c5,86c7) {reg0} [86c7,86cb) {reg1} [b188] parameter '__errnum' [b18e] parameter '__status' module 'unstrip' [b22a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c'@8750 [b73d] function 'print_version'@8750 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [b75b] parameter 'stream' [8750,8778) {reg5} [8778,8795) {reg6} [8795,87b1) {reg5} [87b1,87b2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b76d] parameter 'state' [8750,8766) {reg4} [8766,87b2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b77f] inlined function 'fprintf'@875a [b796] parameter '__fmt' [875a,8779) {addr(0xa910), stack_value} [b7a3] parameter '__stream' [875a,8778) {reg5} [8778,8779) {reg6} [b7f1] inlined function 'fprintf'@879d [b808] parameter '__fmt' [879d,879f) {reg0} [879f,87b1) {reg1} [b815] parameter '__stream' module '' [2f] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_version.c'@3430 [30a] inlined function 'elf_version'@3439 [31f] parameter 'version' [3439,3449) {reg5} [3451,3461) {reg5} [3461,346d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2e6] function 'elf_version'@3430 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2fd] parameter 'version' [3430,3461) {reg5} [3461,346d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} module '' [34e] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_hash.c'@3470 [3cc] function 'elf_hash'@3470 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3ee] parameter 'string' [3470,34e8) {reg5} [3fc] inlined function '_dl_elf_hash'@3470 [41d] parameter 'name_arg' [3470,34e7) {reg5} [42a] variable 'name' [3470,34b8) {reg5} [34b8,34e7) {reg2} [437] variable 'hash' [3473,3484) {reg0} [3484,3487) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [3487,3493) {reg0} [3493,3496) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, lit4, shl, breg5(1), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, stack_value} [3496,34a2) {reg0} [34a2,34a5) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, lit4, shl, breg5(1), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, lit4, shl, breg5(2), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, stack_value} [34a5,34b5) {reg0} [34b5,34b8) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, lit4, shl, breg5(1), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, lit4, shl, breg5(2), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, lit4, shl, breg5(3), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, stack_value} [34b8,34c4) {reg0} [34cb,34e7) {reg0} (34e7,34e7) module '' [4bc] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_error.c'@34f0 [7f1] function 'elf_errmsg'@3550 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [814] parameter 'error' [3550,355f) {reg5} [355f,3589) {reg3} [3589,3627) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [828] variable 'last_error' [3569,3588) {reg0} [3588,358a) {reg1} [358a,35a6) {reg0} [35a6,35ce) {form_tls_address, const8u(0)} [35cf,35e8) {reg0} [35e9,3607) {reg0} [3608,3626) {form_tls_address, const8u(0)} [83d] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [3550,3627) {addr(0x130a0)} [937] function '__libelf_seterrno'@3520 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [956] parameter 'value' [3520,3539) {reg5} [3539,3542) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [96b] function 'elf_errno'@34f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [989] variable 'result' [3507,3519) {reg8} module '' [9ab] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_fill.c'@3630 [af0] function 'elf_fill'@3630 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [b0a] parameter 'fill' [3630,3637) {reg5} module '' [b26] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_begin.c'@3640 [2013] function 'elf_begin'@4d50 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2034] parameter 'fildes' [4d50,4da2) {reg5} [4da2,4da5) {reg12} [4da5,4da9) {reg5} [4da9,4daa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4daa,4db6) {reg5} [4db6,4dd3) {reg12} [4dd3,4dd4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4dd4,4e4e) {reg12} [4e4e,4e4f) {breg0(36)} [4e4f,4e70) {reg5} [4e70,4e79) {reg12} [4e79,4e7a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4e7a,4e89) {reg5} [4e89,4ea1) {reg12} [4ea1,4ea5) {reg5} [4ea5,4ea6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4ea6,4ebb) {reg5} [4ebb,4edc) {reg12} [4edc,4ee5) {reg5} [4ee5,4ef4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4ef4,4f47) {reg12} [2048] parameter 'cmd' [4d50,4d9f) {reg4} [4d9f,4da3) {reg6} [4da3,4da9) {reg4} [4da9,4daa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4daa,4db6) {reg4} [4db6,4dd1) {reg6} [4dd1,4dd4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4dd4,4e4c) {reg6} [4e4c,4e4f) {breg0(28)} [4e4f,4e70) {reg4} [4e70,4e77) {reg6} [4e77,4e7a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4e7a,4e89) {reg4} [4e89,4e93) {reg6} [4e93,4ea5) {reg2} [4ea5,4ea6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4ea6,4eb7) {reg4} [4eb7,4edc) {reg6} [4edc,4ee9) {reg4} [4ee9,4ef4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4ef4,4f47) {reg6} [205c] parameter 'ref' [4d50,4da9) {reg1} [4da9,4daa) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4daa,4db6) {reg1} [4db6,4e4f) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4e4f,4e70) {reg1} [4e70,4e7a) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4e7a,4e89) {reg1} [4e89,4ea6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4ea6,4ebb) {reg1} [4ebb,4edc) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4edc,4ee9) {reg1} [4ee9,4f47) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2070] variable 'retval' [4dca,4dcc) {lit0, stack_value} [2084] inlined function 'lock_dup_elf'@4d99 [209e] parameter 'ref' [4d99,4da9) {reg1} [4da9,4daa) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [20ab] parameter 'cmd' [4d99,4da9) {reg4} [4da9,4daa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [20b8] parameter 'fildes' [4d99,4da9) {reg5} [4da9,4daa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [20e9] inlined function 'write_file'@4dd8 [2103] parameter 'cmd' [4dd4,4e4c) {reg6} [4e4c,4e4f) {breg0(28)} [4f2e,4f47) {reg6} [2110] parameter 'fd' [4dd4,4e4e) {reg12} [4e4e,4e4f) {breg0(36)} [4f2e,4f47) {reg12} [2313] function 'dup_elf'@4c60 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2334] parameter 'fildes' [4c60,4c96) {reg5} [4c96,4ceb) {reg6} [4cf0,4d00) {reg6} [4d05,4d0a) {reg5} [4d0a,4d2e) {reg6} [4d2e,4d33) {reg5} [4d33,4d4c) {reg6} [2348] parameter 'cmd' [4c60,4cb1) {reg4} [4cb1,4cef) {reg13} [4cef,4cf0) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4cf0,4d27) {reg4} [4d27,4d2e) {reg13} [4d2e,4d3a) {reg4} [4d3a,4d3d) {reg13} [4d3d,4d49) {reg4} [4d49,4d4c) {reg13} [235c] parameter 'ref' [4c60,4c91) {reg1} [4c91,4cea) {reg3} [4cea,4cf0) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4cf0,4cfc) {reg3} [4cfc,4d02) {reg12} [4d02,4d05) {reg0} [4d05,4d10) {reg1} [4d10,4d2e) {reg3} [4d2e,4d3a) {reg1} [4d3a,4d4c) {reg3} [2370] variable 'result' [4cd3,4cd9) {reg0} [4cd9,4ce2) {reg12} [23eb] function '__libelf_next_arhdr_wrlock'@4580 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [240c] parameter 'elf' [4580,45d6) {reg5} [45d6,46bd) {reg3} [46bd,46c7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [46c7,4c55) {reg3} [2420] variable 'ar_hdr' [45d6,468e) {reg14} [46c7,4894) {reg14} [48a2,4c50) {reg14} [2434] variable 'elf_ar_hdr' [45f6,467c) {breg3(120), stack_value} [46c7,4894) {breg3(120), stack_value} [48ff,499a) {breg3(120), stack_value} [49b5,4c50) {breg3(120), stack_value} [2448] variable 'maxsize' [4837,484c) {reg1} [24bf] inlined function 'read_long_names' [24d0] parameter 'elf' [3086] function 'read_file'@4170 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [30a7] parameter 'fildes' [4170,4200) {reg5} [4200,422e) {reg13} [422e,4233) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4233,4242) {reg5} [4242,44fc) {reg13} [44fc,4509) {reg5} [4509,4537) {reg13} [4537,4551) {reg5} [4551,4556) {reg13} [4556,4570) {reg5} [4570,4575) {reg13} [30bb] parameter 'offset' [4170,41ef) {reg4} [41ef,4200) {reg1} [4200,420a) {reg14} [420a,4233) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4233,4242) {reg4} [4242,4493) {reg14} [4493,44d1) {breg0(40)} [44d1,44fc) {reg14} [44fc,4509) {reg4} [4509,4521) {reg14} [4521,4526) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4526,4537) {reg14} [4537,454a) {reg4} [454a,4556) {reg14} [4556,4569) {reg4} [4569,4575) {reg14} [30cf] parameter 'maxsize' [4170,41ec) {reg1} [41ec,4233) {fbreg(-248)} [4233,4242) {reg1} [4242,44fc) {fbreg(-248)} [44fc,4509) {reg1} [4509,451c) {fbreg(-248)} [451c,4521) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4521,4537) {fbreg(-248)} [4537,4543) {reg1} [4543,4556) {fbreg(-248)} [4556,4562) {reg1} [4562,4575) {fbreg(-248)} [30e3] parameter 'cmd' [4170,41fc) {reg2} [41fc,4200) {reg8} [4200,4233) {fbreg(-228)} [4233,4242) {reg2} [4242,44fc) {fbreg(-228)} [44fc,4509) {reg2} [4509,4537) {fbreg(-228)} [4537,453e) {reg2} [453e,4556) {fbreg(-228)} [4556,455d) {reg2} [455d,4575) {fbreg(-228)} [30f7] parameter 'parent' [4170,41f7) {reg8} [41f7,4200) {reg0} [4200,4233) {fbreg(-240)} [4233,4242) {reg8} [4242,44fc) {fbreg(-240)} [44fc,4509) {reg8} [4509,4537) {fbreg(-240)} [4537,4555) {reg8} [4555,4556) {fbreg(-240)} [4556,4574) {reg0} [4574,4575) {fbreg(-240)} [310b] variable 'map_address' [41ab,41d1) {lit0, stack_value} [41d1,420a) {reg6} [4233,4280) {lit0, stack_value} [4280,4284) {reg0} [4284,428e) {reg6} [4367,43c1) {reg6} [44fc,4521) {lit0, stack_value} [4537,4556) {lit0, stack_value} [4556,4575) {reg6} [311f] variable 'use_mmap' [41ab,420a) {breg3(0), const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [420a,4233) {fbreg(-228), deref_size(4), lit8, minus, const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [4233,429a) {breg3(0), const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [429a,4367) {fbreg(-228), deref_size(4), lit8, minus, const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [4367,4375) {breg3(0), const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [4375,4392) {fbreg(-228), deref_size(4), lit8, minus, const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [4392,43c1) {breg3(0), const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [43c1,44fc) {fbreg(-228), deref_size(4), lit8, minus, const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [44fc,4521) {breg3(0), const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [4521,4537) {fbreg(-228), deref_size(4), lit8, minus, const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [4537,4575) {breg3(0), const4u(4294967295), and, lit3, le, const1u(255), and, stack_value} [3133] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [4170,4575) {addr(0x13878)} [3271] inlined function 'read_unmmaped_file'@4290 [328b] parameter 'parent' [428e,4362) {fbreg(-240)} [43c1,44fc) {fbreg(-240)} [4526,4537) {fbreg(-240)} [3298] parameter 'cmd' [428e,4362) {fbreg(-228)} [43c1,44fc) {fbreg(-228)} [4526,4537) {fbreg(-228)} [32a5] parameter 'maxsize' [428e,4362) {fbreg(-248)} [43c1,44fc) {fbreg(-248)} [4526,4537) {fbreg(-248)} [32b2] parameter 'offset' [428e,4362) {reg14} [43c1,4493) {reg14} [4493,44d1) {breg0(40)} [44d1,44fc) {reg14} [4526,4537) {reg14} [32bf] parameter 'fildes' [428e,4362) {reg13} [43c1,44fc) {reg13} [4526,4537) {reg13} [385e] function '__libelf_read_mmaped_file'@4020 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [387f] parameter 'fildes' [4020,4050) {reg5} [4050,4086) {reg13} [4086,408b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [408b,40ea) {reg5} [40ea,40f7) {reg13} [40f7,40fc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [40fc,410a) {reg5} [410a,4159) {reg13} [4159,415e) {breg0(36)} [415e,416f) {reg13} [3893] parameter 'map_address' [4020,404b) {reg4} [404b,4082) {reg6} [4082,408b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [408b,40ea) {reg4} [40ea,40f3) {reg6} [40f3,40fc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [40fc,4105) {reg4} [4105,4155) {reg6} [4155,415e) {breg0(0)} [415e,416f) {reg6} [38a7] parameter 'offset' [4020,4046) {reg1} [4046,4084) {reg12} [4084,408b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [408b,4094) {reg1} [4094,40f5) {reg12} [40f5,40fc) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [40fc,4123) {reg12} [4123,415e) {breg0(40)} [415e,416f) {reg12} [38bb] parameter 'maxsize' [4020,4054) {reg2} [4054,4081) {reg3} [4081,408b) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [408b,40e6) {reg2} [40e6,40f2) {reg3} [40f2,40fc) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [40fc,410e) {reg2} [410e,4154) {reg3} [4154,415e) {breg0(48)} [415e,416f) {reg3} [38cf] parameter 'cmd' [4020,4054) {reg8} [4054,408a) {reg15} [408a,408b) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [408b,40e3) {reg8} [40e3,40fb) {reg15} [40fb,40fc) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [40fc,410e) {reg8} [410e,415d) {reg15} [415d,415e) {breg0(28)} [415e,416f) {reg15} [38e3] parameter 'parent' [4020,4054) {reg9} [4054,4088) {reg14} [4088,408b) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [408b,40e0) {reg9} [40e0,40f9) {reg14} [40f9,40fc) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [40fc,410e) {reg9} [410e,415b) {reg14} [415b,415e) {breg0(8)} [415e,416f) {reg14} [38f7] variable 'e_ident' [4020,4046) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [4046,404b) {breg4(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [404b,4082) {breg6(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [4082,4084) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [4084,408b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [408b,4094) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [4094,40ea) {breg4(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [40ea,40f3) {breg6(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [40f3,40f5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [40f5,40fc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [40fc,4105) {breg4(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [4105,4123) {breg6(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [4123,4155) {breg6(0), breg0(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [4155,415e) {breg0(0), deref, breg0(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [415e,416f) {breg6(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [390b] variable 'kind' [40d7,40fc) {lit3, stack_value} [40fc,415e) {lit1, stack_value} [3bf5] function 'file_read_elf'@3640 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3c16] parameter 'fildes' [3640,36f3) {reg5} [36f3,3737) {reg10} [3737,38e7) {fbreg(-200)} [38e7,38fa) {reg5} [38fa,392f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [392f,3a72) {fbreg(-200)} [3a72,3a9f) {reg10} [3a9f,3b04) {fbreg(-200)} [3b04,3b49) {reg5} [3b49,3b6e) {reg10} [3b6e,3bf1) {fbreg(-200)} [3bf1,3c07) {reg5} [3c07,3cec) {fbreg(-200)} [3cec,3d25) {reg5} [3d25,3d44) {reg10} [3d44,3d60) {fbreg(-200)} [3d60,3d9c) {reg5} [3d9c,3da5) {reg10} [3da5,3e5a) {fbreg(-200)} [3e5a,3e8d) {reg5} [3e8d,3eee) {reg6} [3eee,3f1e) {reg5} [3f1e,3f90) {reg6} [3f90,3faf) {reg10} [3faf,3fce) {reg6} [3fce,3ff2) {reg10} [3ff2,3ff7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3ff7,400e) {fbreg(-200)} [400e,4019) {reg6} [3c2a] parameter 'map_address' [3640,36f3) {reg4} [36f3,38e7) {reg12} [38e7,38fa) {reg4} [38fa,392f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [392f,3b04) {reg12} [3b04,3b40) {reg4} [3b40,3bf1) {reg12} [3bf1,3c07) {reg4} [3c07,3cec) {reg12} [3cec,3d25) {reg4} [3d25,3e5a) {reg12} [3e5a,3e8d) {reg4} [3e8d,3ff2) {reg12} [3ff2,3ff7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3ff7,4019) {reg12} [3c3e] parameter 'e_ident' [3640,3679) {reg1} [3679,36f3) {reg3} [36f3,38e7) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [38e7,38fa) {reg3} [38fa,3b04) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3b04,3b49) {reg3} [3b49,3bf1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3bf1,3c07) {reg3} [3c07,3cec) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3cec,3d25) {reg3} [3d25,3d60) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3d60,3d9c) {reg3} [3d9c,3e5a) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3e5a,3e6f) {reg3} [3e6f,3eee) {fbreg(-176)} [3eee,3f03) {reg3} [3f03,3f79) {fbreg(-184)} [3f79,3fba) {fbreg(-176)} [3fba,3ff2) {fbreg(-184)} [3ff2,400e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [400e,4019) {fbreg(-184)} [3c52] parameter 'offset' [3640,3689) {reg2} [3689,38fa) {reg13} [38fa,392f) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [392f,3ff2) {reg13} [3ff2,3ff7) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3ff7,4019) {reg13} [3c66] parameter 'maxsize' [3640,3676) {reg8} [3676,36f3) {reg6} [36f3,38e7) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [38e7,38fa) {reg6} [38fa,3b04) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3b04,3b49) {reg6} [3b49,3bf1) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3bf1,3c07) {reg6} [3c07,3cec) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3cec,3d25) {reg6} [3d25,3d60) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3d60,3d9c) {reg6} [3d9c,3e5a) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3e5a,3e7f) {reg6} [3e7f,3eee) {fbreg(-168)} [3eee,3f14) {reg6} [3f14,3f79) {fbreg(-176)} [3f79,3fba) {fbreg(-168)} [3fba,3ff2) {fbreg(-176)} [3ff2,400e) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [400e,4019) {fbreg(-176)} [3c7a] parameter 'cmd' [3640,36e7) {reg9} [36e7,38e7) {reg14} [38e7,38fa) {reg9} [38fa,392f) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [392f,3b04) {reg14} [3b04,3b17) {reg9} [3b17,3b20) {reg14} [3b20,3b49) {reg9} [3b49,3bf1) {reg14} [3bf1,3c07) {reg9} [3c07,3d60) {reg14} [3d60,3d9c) {reg9} [3d9c,3eee) {reg14} [3eee,3ef6) {reg9} [3ef6,3ff2) {reg14} [3ff2,3ff7) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3ff7,4019) {reg14} [3c8e] parameter 'parent' [3640,38e5) {fbreg(0)} [38e7,3906) {fbreg(0)} [392f,3a6d) {fbreg(0)} [3a72,3ff2) {fbreg(0)} [3ff7,4019) {fbreg(0)} [3ca2] variable 'scncnt' [3904,3906) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [3a8e,3a9f) {reg1} [3ee7,3eee) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [3cb6] variable 'scnmax' [3728,3737) {reg1} [3737,38e7) {fbreg(-208)} [392f,3a72) {fbreg(-208)} [3a9f,3b04) {fbreg(-208)} [3b6e,3bf1) {fbreg(-208)} [3c07,3cec) {fbreg(-208)} [3d44,3d60) {fbreg(-208)} [3da5,3e5a) {fbreg(-208)} [3ff7,4000) {fbreg(-208)} [3cca] variable 'elf' [377f,38e5) {reg0} [392f,3a6d) {reg0} [3a9f,3b04) {reg0} [3b6e,3bf1) {reg0} [3c07,3c21) {reg0} [3c27,3cec) {reg0} [3d44,3d60) {reg0} [3da5,3e5a) {reg0} [4005,400e) {lit0, stack_value} [3cde] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [4331] inlined function 'get_shnum'@36a0 [434b] parameter 'maxsize' [36a0,36f3) {reg6} [36f3,36fc) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [38e7,38fa) {reg6} [3a72,3a8e) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3b04,3b49) {reg6} [3b49,3b6e) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3bf1,3c07) {reg6} [3cec,3d25) {reg6} [3d25,3d44) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3d60,3d9c) {reg6} [3d9c,3da5) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3e5a,3e7f) {reg6} [3e7f,3ee7) {fbreg(-168)} [3eee,3f14) {reg6} [3f14,3f79) {fbreg(-176)} [3f79,3fba) {fbreg(-168)} [3fba,3ff2) {fbreg(-176)} [400e,4019) {fbreg(-176)} [4358] parameter 'offset' [36a0,36fc) {reg13} [38e7,38fa) {reg13} [3a72,3a8e) {reg13} [3b04,3b6e) {reg13} [3bf1,3c07) {reg13} [3cec,3d44) {reg13} [3d60,3da5) {reg13} [3e5a,3ee7) {reg13} [3eee,3ff2) {reg13} [400e,4019) {reg13} [4365] parameter 'fildes' [36a0,36f3) {reg5} [36f3,36fc) {reg10} [38e7,38fa) {reg5} [3a72,3a8e) {reg10} [3b04,3b49) {reg5} [3b49,3b6e) {reg10} [3bf1,3c07) {reg5} [3cec,3d25) {reg5} [3d25,3d44) {reg10} [3d60,3d9c) {reg5} [3d9c,3da5) {reg10} [3e5a,3e8d) {reg5} [3e8d,3ee7) {reg6} [3eee,3f1e) {reg5} [3f1e,3f90) {reg6} [3f90,3faf) {reg10} [3faf,3fce) {reg6} [3fce,3ff2) {reg10} [400e,4019) {reg6} [4372] parameter 'e_ident' [36a0,36f3) {reg3} [36f3,36fc) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [38e7,38fa) {reg3} [3a72,3a8e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3b04,3b49) {reg3} [3b49,3b6e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3bf1,3c07) {reg3} [3cec,3d25) {reg3} [3d25,3d44) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3d60,3d9c) {reg3} [3d9c,3da5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3e5a,3e6f) {reg3} [3e6f,3ee7) {fbreg(-176)} [3eee,3f03) {reg3} [3f03,3f79) {fbreg(-184)} [3f79,3fba) {fbreg(-176)} [3fba,3ff2) {fbreg(-184)} [400e,4019) {fbreg(-184)} [437f] parameter 'map_address' [36a0,36f3) {reg4} [36f3,36fc) {reg12} [38e7,38fa) {reg4} [3a72,3a8e) {reg12} [3b04,3b40) {reg4} [3b40,3b6e) {reg12} [3bf1,3c07) {reg4} [3cec,3d25) {reg4} [3d25,3d44) {reg12} [3d60,3da5) {reg12} [3e5a,3e8d) {reg4} [3e8d,3ee7) {reg12} [3eee,3ff2) {reg12} [400e,4019) {reg12} [358c] inlined function 'file_read_ar'@4468 [35a6] parameter 'parent' [4462,44d1) {fbreg(-240)} [35b3] parameter 'cmd' [4462,44d1) {fbreg(-228)} [35c0] parameter 'maxsize' [4462,44d1) {fbreg(-248)} [35cd] parameter 'offset' [4462,4493) {reg14} [4493,44d1) {breg0(40)} [35da] parameter 'map_address' [4462,44d1) {lit0, stack_value} [35e7] parameter 'fildes' [4462,44d1) {reg13} [3a84] inlined function 'file_read_ar'@4100 [3a9e] parameter 'parent' [40fc,410e) {reg9} [410e,415b) {reg14} [415b,415e) {breg0(8)} [3aab] parameter 'cmd' [40fc,410e) {reg8} [410e,415d) {reg15} [415d,415e) {breg0(28)} [3ab8] parameter 'maxsize' [40fc,410e) {reg2} [410e,4154) {reg3} [4154,415e) {breg0(48)} [3ac5] parameter 'offset' [40fc,4123) {reg12} [4123,415e) {breg0(40)} [3ad2] parameter 'map_address' [40fc,4105) {reg4} [4105,4155) {reg6} [4155,415e) {breg0(0)} [3adf] parameter 'fildes' [40fc,410a) {reg5} [410a,4159) {reg13} [4159,415e) {breg0(36)} [212f] inlined function 'allocate_elf'@4dd8 [2146] parameter 'extra' [4dd4,4e1e) {const2u(2080), stack_value} [4f2e,4f3d) {const2u(2080), stack_value} [2153] parameter 'kind' [4dd4,4e1e) {lit3, stack_value} [4f2e,4f3d) {lit3, stack_value} [2160] parameter 'parent' [4dd4,4e1e) {lit0, stack_value} [4f2e,4f3d) {lit0, stack_value} [216d] parameter 'cmd' [4dd4,4e1e) {reg6} [4f2e,4f3d) {reg6} [217a] parameter 'maxsize' [4dd4,4e1e) {lit0, stack_value} [4f2e,4f3d) {lit0, stack_value} [2187] parameter 'offset' [4dd4,4e1e) {lit0, stack_value} [4f2e,4f3d) {lit0, stack_value} [2194] parameter 'map_address' [4dd4,4e1e) {lit0, stack_value} [4f2e,4f3d) {lit0, stack_value} [21a1] parameter 'fildes' [4dd4,4e1e) {reg12} [4f2e,4f3d) {reg12} [34d6] inlined function 'allocate_elf'@431b [34fc] parameter 'extra' [431b,4362) {lit0, stack_value} [3509] parameter 'kind' [431b,4362) {lit0, stack_value} [3516] parameter 'parent' [431b,4362) {fbreg(-240)} [3523] parameter 'cmd' [431b,4362) {fbreg(-228)} [3530] parameter 'maxsize' [431b,4362) {fbreg(-248)} [353d] parameter 'offset' [431b,4362) {reg14} [354a] parameter 'map_address' [431b,4362) {lit0, stack_value} [3557] parameter 'fildes' [431b,4362) {reg13} [3564] variable 'result' [432a,4362) {reg0} [3606] inlined function 'allocate_elf'@4468 [3619] parameter 'extra' [4462,44cc) {lit0, stack_value} [3626] parameter 'kind' [4462,44cc) {lit1, stack_value} [3633] parameter 'parent' [4462,44cc) {fbreg(-240)} [3640] parameter 'cmd' [4462,44cc) {fbreg(-228)} [364d] parameter 'maxsize' [4462,44cc) {fbreg(-248)} [365a] parameter 'offset' [4462,4493) {reg14} [4493,44cc) {breg0(40)} [3667] parameter 'map_address' [4462,44cc) {lit0, stack_value} [3674] parameter 'fildes' [4462,44cc) {reg13} [39ce] inlined function 'allocate_elf'@4046 [39f4] parameter 'extra' [4046,407c) {lit0, stack_value} [3a01] parameter 'kind' [4046,407c) {lit0, stack_value} [3a0e] parameter 'parent' [4046,4054) {reg9} [4054,407c) {reg14} [3a1b] parameter 'cmd' [4046,4054) {reg8} [4054,407c) {reg15} [3a28] parameter 'maxsize' [4046,4054) {reg2} [4054,407c) {reg3} [3a35] parameter 'offset' [4046,407c) {reg12} [3a42] parameter 'map_address' [4046,404b) {reg4} [404b,407c) {reg6} [3a4f] parameter 'fildes' [4046,4050) {reg5} [4050,407c) {reg13} [3a5c] variable 'result' [4055,407c) {reg0} [3afe] inlined function 'allocate_elf'@4100 [3b11] parameter 'extra' [40fc,4144) {lit0, stack_value} [3b1e] parameter 'kind' [40fc,4144) {lit1, stack_value} [3b2b] parameter 'parent' [40fc,410e) {reg9} [410e,4144) {reg14} [3b38] parameter 'cmd' [40fc,410e) {reg8} [410e,4144) {reg15} [3b45] parameter 'maxsize' [40fc,410e) {reg2} [410e,4144) {reg3} [3b52] parameter 'offset' [40fc,4123) {reg12} [4123,4144) {breg0(40)} [3b5f] parameter 'map_address' [40fc,4105) {reg4} [4105,4144) {reg6} [3b6c] parameter 'fildes' [40fc,410a) {reg5} [410a,4144) {reg13} [4794] inlined function 'allocate_elf'@3728 [47ae] parameter 'extra' [3728,3733) {reg4} [3733,3737) {breg4(-264), stack_value} [3737,377f) {fbreg(-208), deref, const1u(208), mul, stack_value} [3ff7,4000) {fbreg(-208), deref, const1u(208), mul, stack_value} [47bb] parameter 'kind' [3728,377f) {lit3, stack_value} [3ff7,4005) {lit3, stack_value} [47c8] parameter 'parent' [3728,3737) {reg8} [3737,377f) {fbreg(-192)} [3ff7,4005) {fbreg(-192)} [47d5] parameter 'cmd' [3728,377f) {reg14} [3ff7,4005) {reg14} [47e2] parameter 'maxsize' [3728,377f) {reg6} [3ff7,4005) {reg6} [47ef] parameter 'offset' [3728,377f) {reg13} [3ff7,4005) {reg13} [47fc] parameter 'map_address' [3728,377f) {reg12} [3ff7,4005) {reg12} [4809] parameter 'fildes' [3728,377f) {fbreg(-200)} [3ff7,4005) {fbreg(-200)} [340e] inlined function 'determine_kind'@4311 [3428] parameter 'len' [342d] parameter 'buf' [4311,431b) {fbreg(-224), stack_value} [43cb,441d) {fbreg(-224), stack_value} [44d1,44fc) {fbreg(-224), stack_value} [343a] inlined function 'determine_kind'@43ee [3460] parameter 'len' [3465] parameter 'buf' [43ee,441d) {fbreg(-224), stack_value} [391f] inlined function 'determine_kind'@4020 [3939] parameter 'len' [4020,4046) {reg2} [408b,40d7) {reg2} [3946] parameter 'buf' [4020,4046) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [408b,4094) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [4094,40d7) {breg4(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [3953] inlined function 'determine_kind'@40b1 [3975] parameter 'len' [40b1,40d7) {reg2} [3982] parameter 'buf' [40b1,40d7) {breg4(0), breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [2479] inlined function 'atol'@4656 [2493] parameter '__nptr' [4656,465a) {breg14(1), stack_value} [465a,4665) {reg5} [4665,466d) {breg14(1), stack_value} [2696] inlined function 'atol'@4a61 [26b8] parameter '__nptr' [4a61,4a6c) {reg5} [4a6c,4a70) {breg12(48), stack_value} [2a59] inlined function 'atol'@472d [2a7b] parameter '__nptr' [472d,4738) {reg5} [4738,4739) {breg14(16), stack_value} [2b17] inlined function 'atol'@4766 [2b39] parameter '__nptr' [4766,4771) {reg5} [4771,4772) {breg14(28), stack_value} [2bd5] inlined function 'atol'@479e [2bf7] parameter '__nptr' [479e,47a9) {reg5} [47a9,47aa) {breg14(34), stack_value} [2c51] inlined function 'atol'@47ce [2c73] parameter '__nptr' [47ce,47d9) {reg5} [47d9,47da) {breg14(40), stack_value} [2d0f] inlined function 'atol'@4807 [2d31] parameter '__nptr' [4807,4812) {reg5} [4812,4813) {breg14(48), stack_value} [253a] inlined function 'pread_retry'@4b36 [2554] parameter 'off' [4939,494e) {fbreg(-184)} [4b36,4b3e) {reg0} [4b3e,4b82) {fbreg(-184)} [2561] parameter 'len' [4939,494e) {const1u(60), stack_value} [4b33,4b82) {const1u(60), stack_value} [256e] parameter 'buf' [4939,494e) {fbreg(-160), stack_value} [4b33,4b82) {fbreg(-160), stack_value} [257b] parameter 'fd' [4939,494e) {reg13} [4b33,4b82) {reg13} [280e] inlined function 'pread_retry'@4bc9 [2828] parameter 'off' (4bc9,4bc9) [4bc9,4c24) {fbreg(-176)} [4c45,4c50) {fbreg(-176)} [2835] parameter 'len' [4bc9,4c24) {reg15} [4c45,4c50) {reg15} [2842] parameter 'buf' [4bc9,4c24) {reg13} [4c45,4c50) {reg13} [284f] parameter 'fd' (4bc9,4bc9) [4bc9,4c24) {fbreg(-184)} [4c45,4c50) {fbreg(-184)} [2d5e] inlined function 'pread_retry'@48ae [2d78] parameter 'off' (48ae,48ae) [2d85] parameter 'len' [467c,468e) {const1u(60), stack_value} [48ae,48f0) {const1u(60), stack_value} [2d92] parameter 'buf' [467c,468e) {reg14} [48ae,48f0) {reg14} [2d9f] parameter 'fd' [467c,468e) {fbreg(-192)} (48ae,48ae) [48ae,48f0) {fbreg(-192)} [32f4] inlined function 'pread_retry'@42a4 [330e] parameter 'off' [42a4,42fa) {reg14} [430b,4311) {reg14} [331b] parameter 'len' [42a4,42fa) {reg3} [430b,4311) {reg3} [3328] parameter 'buf' [42a4,42fa) {fbreg(-224), stack_value} [430b,4311) {fbreg(-224), stack_value} [3335] parameter 'fd' [42a4,42fa) {reg13} [430b,4311) {reg13} [446c] inlined function 'pread_retry'@3f00 [4486] parameter 'off' [3f00,3f1e) {reg0} [3f1e,3f6a) {fbreg(-192)} [3fba,3fd3) {fbreg(-192)} [400e,4019) {fbreg(-192)} [4493] parameter 'len' [3f00,3f6a) {lit4, stack_value} [3fba,3fd3) {lit4, stack_value} [400e,4019) {lit4, stack_value} [44a0] parameter 'buf' [3f00,3f6a) {fbreg(-152), stack_value} [3fba,3fd3) {fbreg(-152), stack_value} [400e,4019) {fbreg(-152), stack_value} [44ad] parameter 'fd' [3f00,3f1e) {reg5} [3f1e,3f6a) {reg6} [3fba,3fce) {reg6} [3fce,3fd3) {reg10} [400e,4019) {reg6} [4662] inlined function 'pread_retry'@3e7c [467c] parameter 'off' [3e7c,3e8d) {reg0} [3e8d,3edd) {fbreg(-192)} [3f79,3f95) {fbreg(-192)} [3faf,3fba) {fbreg(-192)} [4689] parameter 'len' [3e7c,3edd) {lit8, stack_value} [3f79,3f95) {lit8, stack_value} [3faf,3fba) {lit8, stack_value} [4696] parameter 'buf' [3e7c,3edd) {fbreg(-152), stack_value} [3f79,3f95) {fbreg(-152), stack_value} [3faf,3fba) {fbreg(-152), stack_value} [46a3] parameter 'fd' [3e7c,3e8d) {reg5} [3e8d,3edd) {reg6} [3f79,3f90) {reg6} [3f90,3f95) {reg10} [3faf,3fba) {reg6} [415c] inlined function '__bswap_64'@3850 [4182] parameter '__bsx' [3850,385a) {breg0(160)} [4190] inlined function '__bswap_64'@3861 [41b6] parameter '__bsx' [3861,386b) {breg0(168)} [41c4] inlined function '__bswap_64'@3872 [41ea] parameter '__bsx' [3872,387c) {breg0(176)} [43f5] inlined function '__bswap_64'@36e2 [440f] parameter '__bsx' [462e] inlined function '__bswap_64'@3d25 [4654] parameter '__bsx' [3d25,3d28) {fbreg(-152)} [3ddb] inlined function '__bswap_32'@399f [3df5] parameter '__bsx' [399f,39a9) {reg2} [3e37] inlined function '__bswap_32'@39da [3e5d] parameter '__bsx' [39da,39e2) {breg0(160)} [3e6b] inlined function '__bswap_32'@39e8 [3e91] parameter '__bsx' [39e8,39f0) {breg0(164)} [3e9f] inlined function '__bswap_32'@39f6 [3ec5] parameter '__bsx' [39f6,39fe) {breg0(168)} [3ed3] inlined function '__bswap_32'@3a04 [3ef9] parameter '__bsx' [3a04,3a0c) {breg0(172)} [4100] inlined function '__bswap_32'@3815 [411a] parameter '__bsx' [3815,381f) {reg2} [41f8] inlined function '__bswap_32'@3883 [421e] parameter '__bsx' [3883,388b) {breg0(184)} [4438] inlined function '__bswap_32'@3d9c [445e] parameter '__bsx' [3d9c,3d9e) {fbreg(-152)} [45e6] inlined function '__bswap_32'@3b37 [4600] parameter '__bsx' [3da7] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3989 [3dcd] parameter '__bsx' (3989,3989) [3e03] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3997 [3e29] parameter '__bsx' (3997,3997) [3f07] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3a12 [3f2d] parameter '__bsx' [3f33] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3a12 [3f59] parameter '__bsx' [3f5f] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3a12 [3f85] parameter '__bsx' [3f8b] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3a12 [3fb1] parameter '__bsx' [3fb7] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3a12 [3fdd] parameter '__bsx' [3fe3] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3a12 [4009] parameter '__bsx' [40cc] inlined function '__bswap_16'@37ff [40f2] parameter '__bsx' (37ff,37ff) [4128] inlined function '__bswap_16'@380d [414e] parameter '__bsx' (380d,380d) [422c] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3891 [4252] parameter '__bsx' [4258] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3891 [427e] parameter '__bsx' [4284] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3891 [42aa] parameter '__bsx' [42b0] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3891 [42d6] parameter '__bsx' [42dc] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3891 [4302] parameter '__bsx' [4308] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3891 [432a] parameter '__bsx' [43c1] inlined function '__bswap_16'@36d6 [43e7] parameter '__bsx' [36d6,36da) {breg3(60)} [45b2] inlined function '__bswap_16'@3b2c [45d8] parameter '__bsx' [3b2c,3b30) {breg3(48)} [25c6] inlined function 'pread'@4b40 [25e0] parameter '__offset' [4b3e,4b5b) {fbreg(-184), deref, breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [25ed] parameter '__nbytes' [4b3e,4b52) {const1u(60), breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [4b52,4b5a) {reg1} [4b5a,4b5b) {const1u(60), breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [25fa] parameter '__buf' [4b3e,4b5b) {fbreg(0), breg15(0), plus, const1u(160), minus, stack_value} [2607] parameter '__fd' [4b3e,4b5b) {reg13} [289a] inlined function 'pread'@4bd0 [28b4] parameter '__offset' [4bc9,4bed) {fbreg(-176), deref, breg6(0), plus, stack_value} [28c1] parameter '__nbytes' [4bc9,4be1) {breg15(0), breg6(0), minus, stack_value} [4be1,4be5) {reg1} [4be5,4bed) {breg15(0), breg6(0), minus, stack_value} [28ce] parameter '__buf' [4bc9,4bed) {breg13(0), breg6(0), plus, stack_value} [28db] parameter '__fd' [4bc9,4bed) {fbreg(-184)} [2dea] inlined function 'pread'@48b0 [2e04] parameter '__offset' [48ae,48c6) {breg6(0), breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [2e11] parameter '__nbytes' [48ae,48c1) {const1u(60), breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [48c1,48c5) {reg1} [48c5,48c6) {const1u(60), breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [2e1e] parameter '__buf' [48ae,48c6) {breg14(0), breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [2e2b] parameter '__fd' [48ae,48c6) {fbreg(-192)} [3380] inlined function 'pread'@42c3 [339a] parameter '__offset' [42c3,42cc) {breg14(0), breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [33a7] parameter '__nbytes' [42c3,42cb) {reg1} [42cb,42cc) {breg3(0), breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [33b4] parameter '__buf' [42c3,42cc) {fbreg(0), breg15(0), plus, const1u(224), minus, stack_value} [33c1] parameter '__fd' [42c3,42cb) {reg5} [42cb,42cc) {reg13} [44f8] inlined function 'pread'@3f1e [4512] parameter '__offset' [3f1e,3f3a) {fbreg(-192), deref, breg3(0), plus, stack_value} [451f] parameter '__nbytes' [3f1e,3f31) {lit4, breg3(0), minus, stack_value} [3f31,3f39) {reg1} [3f39,3f3a) {lit4, breg3(0), minus, stack_value} [452c] parameter '__buf' [3f1e,3f3a) {fbreg(0), breg3(0), plus, const1u(152), minus, stack_value} [4539] parameter '__fd' [3f1e,3f3a) {reg6} [46ee] inlined function 'pread'@3e8d [4708] parameter '__offset' [3e8d,3ea9) {fbreg(-192), deref, breg3(0), plus, stack_value} [4715] parameter '__nbytes' [3e8d,3ea0) {lit8, breg3(0), minus, stack_value} [3ea0,3ea8) {reg1} [3ea8,3ea9) {lit8, breg3(0), minus, stack_value} [4722] parameter '__buf' [3e8d,3ea9) {fbreg(0), breg3(0), plus, const1u(152), minus, stack_value} [472f] parameter '__fd' [3e8d,3ea9) {reg6} [2780] inlined function 'memset'@4b13 [27a6] parameter '__len' [4b13,4b25) {reg12} [27b3] parameter '__ch' [4b13,4b25) {lit0, stack_value} [27c0] parameter '__dest' [4b13,4b25) {reg13} [2654] inlined function 'mempcpy'@4a44 [266e] parameter '__len' [4a44,4a61) {lit10, stack_value} [267b] parameter '__src' [4a44,4a61) {reg5} [2688] parameter '__dest' [4a44,4a61) {fbreg(-85), stack_value} [2a17] inlined function 'mempcpy'@4713 [2a31] parameter '__len' [4713,472d) {lit12, stack_value} [2a3e] parameter '__src' [4713,472d) {reg5} [2a4b] parameter '__dest' [4713,472d) {fbreg(-85), stack_value} [2ad5] inlined function 'mempcpy'@474b [2aef] parameter '__len' [474b,4766) {lit6, stack_value} [2afc] parameter '__src' [474b,4766) {reg5} [2b09] parameter '__dest' [474b,4766) {fbreg(-85), stack_value} [2b93] inlined function 'mempcpy'@4783 [2bad] parameter '__len' [4783,479e) {lit6, stack_value} [2bba] parameter '__src' [4783,479e) {reg5} [2bc7] parameter '__dest' [4783,479e) {fbreg(-85), stack_value} [2ccd] inlined function 'mempcpy'@47eb [2ce7] parameter '__len' [47eb,4807) {lit10, stack_value} [2cf4] parameter '__src' [47eb,4807) {reg5} [2d01] parameter '__dest' [47eb,4807) {fbreg(-85), stack_value} [26ff] inlined function 'memcpy'@4ac5 [2719] parameter '__len' [4ac5,4ad5) {reg15} [2726] parameter '__src' [4ac5,4aca) {breg12(0), breg6(0), plus, plus_uconst(60), stack_value} [4aca,4ad4) {reg4} [4ad4,4ad5) {breg12(0), breg6(0), plus, plus_uconst(60), stack_value} [2733] parameter '__dest' [4ac5,4ad4) {reg0} [4ad4,4ad5) {reg13} [2e76] inlined function 'memcpy'@4877 [2e9c] parameter '__len' [4877,488f) {lit8, stack_value} [2ea9] parameter '__src' [4877,488f) {implicit_pointer([4c8e],0) {implicit_value(8){2f53594d36342f00}}} [2eb6] parameter '__dest' [4877,488f) {breg3(228), stack_value} [2ec4] inlined function 'memcpy'@4921 [2eea] parameter '__len' [4921,4928) {lit2, stack_value} [2ef7] parameter '__src' [4921,4928) {implicit_pointer([4c9a],0) {implicit_value(2){2f00}}} [2f04] parameter '__dest' [4921,4928) {breg3(228), stack_value} [2f12] inlined function 'memcpy'@49c8 [2f38] parameter '__len' [49c8,49df) {lit3, stack_value} [2f45] parameter '__src' [49c8,49df) {implicit_pointer([4ca0],0) {implicit_value(3){2f2f00}}} [2f52] parameter '__dest' [49c8,49cf) {breg3(228), stack_value} [49cf,49df) {reg6} [3d65] inlined function 'memcpy'@3946 [3d7f] parameter '__len' [3946,3985) {const1u(52), stack_value} [3a9f,3af9) {const1u(52), stack_value} [3d8c] parameter '__src' [3946,3985) {reg3} [3a9f,3af9) {reg3} [3d99] parameter '__dest' [3946,3950) {breg0(136), stack_value} [3950,3985) {reg1} [3a9f,3aaa) {breg0(136), stack_value} [3aaa,3af9) {reg1} [408a] inlined function 'memcpy'@37b2 [40a4] parameter '__len' [37b2,37fb) {const1u(64), stack_value} [3b7d,3be6) {const1u(64), stack_value} [40b1] parameter '__src' [37b2,37fb) {reg3} [3b7d,3be6) {reg3} [40be] parameter '__dest' [37b2,37bc) {breg0(136), stack_value} [37bc,37fb) {reg1} [3b7d,3b8a) {breg0(136), stack_value} [3b8a,3be6) {reg1} module '' [4cbd] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_next.c'@4f50 [5c1f] function 'elf_next'@4f50 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5c41] parameter 'elf' [4f50,4f77) {reg5} [4f77,4fa5) {reg6} [4fa5,4fa6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4fa6,4fbd) {reg6} [4fbd,4fbe) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4fbe,4feb) {reg5} [4feb,4ff0) {reg6} [5c55] variable 'parent' [4f67,4fa4) {reg3} [4fa6,4fbc) {reg3} [4fd1,4ff0) {reg3} [5c69] variable 'ret' [4fb3,4fbe) {reg0} [5c7d] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [4f50,4ff0) {addr(0x138c8)} module '' [5d06] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rand.c'@4ff0 [6c3d] function 'elf_rand'@4ff0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6c5b] parameter 'elf' [4ff0,5006) {reg5} [5006,500b) {reg3} [500b,500d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [500d,503a) {reg3} [503a,5043) {reg5} [6c6f] parameter 'offset' [4ff0,5006) {reg4} [5006,500d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [500d,5022) {reg4} [5022,502e) {reg6} [502e,5038) {reg0} [5038,503a) {reg6} [503a,5043) {reg4} module '' [6ca5] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_end.c'@5050 [7c40] function 'elf_end'@5050 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7c62] parameter 'elf' [5050,506a) {reg5} [506a,5382) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7c76] variable 'parent' [5094,5268) {reg15} [5279,52ed) {reg15} [531c,5382) {reg15} [7c89] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [5050,5382) {addr(0x13928)} module '' [7f2e] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_kind.c'@5390 [8e4e] function 'elf_kind'@5390 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [8e6c] parameter 'elf' [5390,539b) {reg5} module '' [8e88] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getclass.c'@53a0 [9da8] function 'gelf_getclass'@53a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [9dc6] parameter 'elf' [53a0,53b4) {reg5} module '' [9de2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getbase.c'@53c0 [ad02] function 'elf_getbase'@53c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [ad20] parameter 'elf' [53c0,53d2) {reg5} module '' [ad3c] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getident.c'@53e0 [bc5c] function 'elf_getident'@53e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [bc7e] parameter 'elf' [53e0,540f) {reg5} [bc8a] parameter 'ptr' [53e0,540f) {reg4} module '' [bca9] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_fsize.c'@5410 [bf68] function 'elf32_fsize'@5410 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [bf86] parameter 'type' [5410,542f) {reg5} [542f,5434) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5434,543d) {reg5} [543d,5449) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5449,5455) {reg5} [5455,545e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [bf98] parameter 'count' [5410,542c) {reg4} [542c,5434) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5434,5441) {reg4} [5441,5449) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5449,5459) {reg4} [5459,545e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [bfaa] parameter 'version' [5410,542f) {reg1} [542f,5434) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5434,5441) {reg1} [5441,5449) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5449,5459) {reg1} [5459,545e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} module '' [bff4] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_fsize.c'@5460 [c2b3] function 'elf64_fsize'@5460 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [c2d1] parameter 'type' [5460,5483) {reg5} [5483,5488) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5488,5495) {reg5} [5495,54a1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [54a1,54ad) {reg5} [54ad,54b6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c2e3] parameter 'count' [5460,5480) {reg4} [5480,5488) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5488,5499) {reg4} [5499,54a1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [54a1,54b1) {reg4} [54b1,54b6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [c2f5] parameter 'version' [5460,5483) {reg1} [5483,5488) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5488,5499) {reg1} [5499,54a1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [54a1,54b1) {reg1} [54b1,54b6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} module '' [c33f] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_fsize.c'@54c0 [d47f] inlined function 'gelf_fsize'@54ce [d498] parameter 'version' [54ce,54fa) {lit1, stack_value} [5511,5529) {lit1, stack_value} [d4a5] parameter 'count' [54ce,54f2) {reg1} [54f2,54fa) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5511,5521) {reg1} [5521,5529) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [d4b2] parameter 'type' [54ce,54fa) {reg4} [5511,5521) {reg4} [5521,5529) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [d4bf] parameter 'elf' [54ce,54fa) {reg5} [5511,551d) {reg5} [551d,5529) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [d434] function 'gelf_fsize'@54c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [d44b] parameter 'elf' [54c0,5505) {reg5} [5505,5511) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5511,551d) {reg5} [551d,5529) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5529,5533) {reg5} [d458] parameter 'type' [54c0,5509) {reg4} [5509,5511) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5511,5521) {reg4} [5521,5529) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5529,5533) {reg4} [d465] parameter 'count' [54c0,54f2) {reg1} [54f2,54fa) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [54fa,5509) {reg1} [5509,5511) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5511,5521) {reg1} [5521,5529) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5529,5533) {reg1} [d472] parameter 'version' [54c0,54dd) {reg2} [54dd,54fa) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [54fa,5509) {reg2} [5509,5511) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [5511,5521) {reg2} [5521,5529) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [5529,5533) {reg2} module '' [d501] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_xlatetof.c'@5540 [d898] function 'elf32_xlatetof'@5540 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [d8ba] parameter 'dest' [5540,5553) {reg5} [5553,55b8) {reg3} [55b8,55ba) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [55ba,55f1) {reg3} [55f1,55f3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [55f3,561e) {reg3} [d8cd] parameter 'src' [5540,5599) {reg4} [5599,55b9) {reg6} [55b9,55ba) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [55ba,55c6) {reg4} [55c6,55dc) {reg6} [55dc,55e9) {reg4} [55e9,55f2) {reg6} [55f2,55f3) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [55f3,5601) {reg4} [5601,5606) {reg6} [5606,5619) {reg4} [5619,561e) {reg6} [d8e1] parameter 'encode' [5540,5545) {reg1} [5545,559e) {reg2} [559e,55ba) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [55ba,55d2) {reg2} [55d2,55dc) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [55dc,55e9) {reg2} [55e9,55f3) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [55f3,5601) {reg2} [5601,5606) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5606,5619) {reg2} [5619,561e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [d8f4] variable 'recsize' [d92f] inlined function 'memmove'@55c8 [d948] parameter '__len' [55c8,55d2) {reg8} [d955] parameter '__src' [55c8,55d2) {breg6(0)} [d962] parameter '__dest' [55c8,55d2) {breg3(0)} module '' [da0f] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_xlatetom.c'@5620 [dda6] function 'elf32_xlatetom'@5620 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [ddc8] parameter 'dest' [5620,5645) {reg5} [5645,56a8) {reg3} [56a8,56aa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [56aa,56e1) {reg3} [56e1,56e3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [56e3,570e) {reg3} [dddb] parameter 'src' [5620,562d) {reg4} [562d,56a9) {reg6} [56a9,56aa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [56aa,56e2) {reg6} [56e2,56e3) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [56e3,570e) {reg6} [ddef] parameter 'encode' [5620,5652) {reg1} [5652,568e) {reg4} [568e,56aa) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [56aa,56bb) {reg4} [56bb,56bf) {breg0(1), stack_value} [56bf,56c9) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [56c9,56d9) {reg4} [56d9,56e3) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [56e3,56f1) {reg4} [56f1,56f6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [56f6,5709) {reg4} [5709,570e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [de02] variable 'recsize' [5645,567d) {reg5} [56c9,56d5) {reg5} [56e3,56ed) {reg5} [56f6,5705) {reg5} [de47] inlined function 'memmove'@56b5 [de60] parameter '__len' [56b5,56bf) {breg6(16)} [de6d] parameter '__src' [56b5,56bf) {breg6(0)} [de7a] parameter '__dest' [56b5,56bf) {breg3(0)} module '' [df27] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_xlatetof.c'@5710 [e2be] function 'elf64_xlatetof'@5710 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [e2e0] parameter 'dest' [5710,5723) {reg5} [5723,5790) {reg3} [5790,5792) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5792,57c9) {reg3} [57c9,57cb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [57cb,57ee) {reg3} [e2f3] parameter 'src' [5710,5732) {reg4} [5732,5791) {reg6} [5791,5792) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5792,57ca) {reg6} [57ca,57cb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [57cb,57ee) {reg6} [e307] parameter 'encode' [5710,5718) {reg1} [5718,5776) {reg2} [5776,5792) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5792,57a7) {reg2} [57a7,57b1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [57b1,57c1) {reg2} [57c1,57cb) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [57cb,57d9) {reg2} [57d9,57de) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [57de,57e9) {reg2} [57e9,57ee) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [e31a] variable 'recsize' [e355] inlined function 'memmove'@579d [e36e] parameter '__len' [579d,57a7) {reg8} [e37b] parameter '__src' [579d,57a7) {breg6(0)} [e388] parameter '__dest' [579d,57a7) {breg3(0)} module '' [e435] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_xlatetom.c'@57f0 [e7cc] function 'elf64_xlatetom'@57f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [e7ee] parameter 'dest' [57f0,5819) {reg5} [5819,587c) {reg3} [587c,587e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [587e,58b1) {reg3} [58b1,58b3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [58b3,58de) {reg3} [e801] parameter 'src' [57f0,57fd) {reg4} [57fd,587d) {reg6} [587d,587e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [587e,58b2) {reg6} [58b2,58b3) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [58b3,58de) {reg6} [e815] parameter 'encode' [57f0,5826) {reg1} [5826,585e) {reg4} [585e,587e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [587e,588b) {reg4} [588b,588f) {breg0(1), stack_value} [588f,5899) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5899,58a9) {reg4} [58a9,58b3) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [58b3,58c1) {reg4} [58c1,58c6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [58c6,58d9) {reg4} [58d9,58de) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [e828] variable 'recsize' [5819,584d) {reg5} [5899,58a5) {reg5} [58b3,58bd) {reg5} [58c6,58d5) {reg5} [e86d] inlined function 'memmove'@5885 [e886] parameter '__len' [5885,588f) {breg6(16)} [e893] parameter '__src' [5885,588f) {breg6(0)} [e8a0] parameter '__dest' [5885,588f) {breg3(0)} module '' [e94d] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlate.c'@58e0 [13fa1] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_chdr'@6670 [13fb6] parameter 'encode' [13fbb] parameter 'len' [6670,667d) {reg1} [667d,668c) {reg3} [668c,668e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [668e,66b5) {reg3} [13fc8] parameter 'src' [6670,667d) {reg4} [667d,668d) {reg6} [668d,668e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [668e,66b5) {reg6} [13fd5] parameter 'dest' [6670,667d) {reg5} [667d,66b5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [142ab] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_chdr'@694d [142c0] parameter 'encode' [694d,695a) {reg2} [695a,6987) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [142cd] parameter 'len' [694d,695a) {reg1} [695a,6969) {reg3} [6969,696b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [696b,6987) {reg3} [142da] parameter 'src' [694d,695a) {reg4} [695a,696a) {reg6} [696a,696b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [696b,6987) {reg6} [142e7] parameter 'dest' [694d,695a) {reg5} [695a,6987) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f750] function 'elf_cvt_note8'@6840 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [f76e] parameter 'dest' [6840,684a) {reg5} [684a,684b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f782] parameter 'src' [6840,684a) {reg4} [684a,684b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f796] parameter 'len' [6840,684a) {reg1} [684a,684b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f7aa] parameter 'encode' [6840,684a) {reg2} [684a,684b) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [f7ee] function 'elf_cvt_note4'@6850 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [f80c] parameter 'dest' [6850,6857) {reg5} [6857,6858) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f820] parameter 'src' [6850,6857) {reg4} [6857,6858) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f834] parameter 'len' [6850,6857) {reg1} [6857,6858) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f848] parameter 'encode' [6850,6857) {reg2} [6857,6858) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [f88c] function 'elf_cvt_note'@6710 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [f8aa] parameter 'dest' [6710,6737) {reg5} [6737,6779) {reg6} [6779,6786) {reg5} [6786,6790) {breg6(12), stack_value} [6790,67c7) {reg6} [67c7,67ce) {reg1} [67ce,6804) {reg6} [6804,681d) {reg5} [681d,6825) {reg6} [6825,683a) {reg5} [f8be] parameter 'src' [6710,6737) {reg4} [6737,6779) {reg12} [6779,6786) {reg4} [6786,678d) {breg12(12), stack_value} [678d,6804) {reg12} [6804,681d) {reg4} [681d,6825) {reg12} [6825,683a) {reg4} [f8d2] parameter 'len' [6710,6737) {reg1} [6737,678a) {reg13} [6790,6818) {reg13} [681d,6832) {reg13} [6832,683a) {reg1} [f8e6] parameter 'encode' [6710,6737) {reg2} [6737,6813) {reg3} [6813,681d) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [681d,682d) {reg3} [682d,683b) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [f8fa] parameter 'nhdr8' [6710,6737) {reg8} [6737,681a) {reg14} [681a,681d) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [681d,6834) {reg14} [6834,683b) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [f90e] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [fba7] function 'elf_cvt_gnuhash'@5c10 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [fbc5] parameter 'dest' [5c10,5c8e) {reg5} [5c8e,5cc2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5cc2,5cd1) {reg5} [fbd9] parameter 'src' [5c10,5c8b) {reg4} [5c8b,5cc2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5cc2,5cd1) {reg4} [fbed] parameter 'len' [5c10,5c19) {reg1} [fc01] parameter 'encode' [5c10,5c5b) {reg2} [5c5b,5cc2) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [5cc2,5cd1) {reg2} [fc15] variable 'dest32' [5c10,5ca6) {reg5} (5ca6,5ca6) [5ca6,5cbc) {breg5(0), breg0(0), plus, plus_uconst(4), stack_value} [5cbc,5cc1) {breg5(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [5cc2,5cd1) {reg5} [fc29] variable 'src32' [5c10,5ca6) {reg4} (5ca6,5ca6) [5ca6,5cbc) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, plus_uconst(4), stack_value} [5cbc,5cc1) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [5cc2,5cd1) {reg4} [fc3d] variable 'save_src32_2' [5c14,5c44) {reg9} [5cc2,5ccc) {reg9} [fc51] variable 'bitmask_words' [5c44,5cc1) {reg9} [fc65] variable 'dest64' [5c44,5c8e) {breg5(16), stack_value} [5c8e,5cc1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(16), stack_value} [fc79] variable 'src64' [5c44,5c8b) {breg4(16), stack_value} [5c8b,5cc1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus_uconst(16), stack_value} [1384a] inlined function 'elf_cvt_Verneed'@6378 [1385f] parameter 'encode' [6378,6464) {reg6} [6464,6467) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [6467,64d0) {reg6} [1386c] parameter 'len' [6378,6380) {reg1} [6380,6463) {reg3} [6463,6467) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6467,64d0) {reg3} [13879] parameter 'src' [6378,6466) {reg12} [6466,6467) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6467,64d0) {reg12} [13886] parameter 'dest' [6378,6380) {reg5} [6380,64d0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [13c02] inlined function 'elf_cvt_Verdef'@64ed [13c17] parameter 'encode' [64ed,65d0) {reg12} [65d0,65d5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [65d5,665d) {reg12} [13c24] parameter 'len' [64ed,64f5) {reg1} [64f5,65cd) {reg3} [65cd,65d5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [65d5,665d) {reg3} [13c31] parameter 'src' [64ed,65ce) {reg6} [65ce,65d5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [65d5,665d) {reg6} [13c3e] parameter 'dest' [14050] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Chdr'@6690 [14066] parameter 'len' [1406b] parameter 'encode' [14070] parameter 'src' [14075] parameter 'dest' [1407a] variable 'tdest' [668e,66b5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} (66b5,66b5) [14087] variable 'tsrc' [668e,66b5) {reg6} (66b5,66b5) [14094] variable 'n' [668e,66b5) {lit1, stack_value} (66b5,66b5) [ffe3] function 'Elf64_cvt_Move'@5f20 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [10001] parameter 'dest' [5f20,5f86) {reg5} [1000d] parameter 'src' [5f20,5f37) {reg4} [5f37,5f86) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10021] parameter 'len' [5f20,5f24) {reg1} [5f24,5f86) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10035] parameter 'encode' [5f20,5f2a) {reg2} [5f2a,5f86) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10049] variable 'tdest' [5f20,5f37) {reg5} [5f37,5f47) {reg0} [5f47,5f80) {breg0(-32), stack_value} [5f80,5f86) {reg0} [1005d] variable 'tsrc' [5f2a,5f37) {reg4} [5f37,5f4b) {reg2} [5f4b,5f80) {breg2(-32), stack_value} [5f80,5f86) {reg2} [10071] variable 'n' [5f2a,5f33) {reg1} [5f33,5f37) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, lit5, shr, stack_value} [102e0] function 'Elf64_cvt_Rela'@5ce0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [102fe] parameter 'dest' [5ce0,5ce6) {reg5} [5ce6,5d08) {reg2} [5d08,5d3e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10312] parameter 'src' [5ce0,5d08) {reg4} [5d08,5d3e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10326] parameter 'len' [5ce0,5cf0) {reg1} [5cf0,5d3e) {reg5} [1033a] parameter 'encode' [5ce0,5ce3) {reg2} [5ce3,5d3e) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [1034e] variable 'tdest' [5ce3,5ce6) {reg5} [5ce6,5d17) {reg2} [5d17,5d38) {breg2(-24), stack_value} [5d38,5d3e) {reg2} [10362] variable 'tsrc' [5ce3,5d1b) {reg4} [5d1b,5d38) {breg4(-24), stack_value} [5d38,5d3e) {reg4} [10376] variable 'n' [5cfa,5d08) {reg1} [104f1] function 'Elf64_cvt_Sym'@5f90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1050f] parameter 'dest' [5f90,5f96) {reg5} [5f96,5fb8) {reg2} [5fb8,6005) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10523] parameter 'src' [5f90,5fb8) {reg4} [5fb8,6005) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10537] parameter 'len' [5f90,5fa0) {reg1} [5fa0,6005) {reg5} [1054b] parameter 'encode' [5f90,5f93) {reg2} [5f93,6005) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [1055f] variable 'tdest' [5f93,5f96) {reg5} [5f96,5fc6) {reg2} [5fc6,5fff) {breg2(-24), stack_value} [5fff,6005) {reg2} [10573] variable 'tsrc' [5f93,5fca) {reg4} [5fca,5fff) {breg4(-24), stack_value} [5fff,6005) {reg4} [10587] variable 'n' [5faa,5fb8) {reg1} [106eb] function 'Elf64_cvt_Shdr'@5d40 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [10709] parameter 'dest' [5d40,5dcf) {reg5} [10715] parameter 'src' [5d40,5d57) {reg4} [5d57,5dcf) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10729] parameter 'len' [5d40,5d44) {reg1} [5d44,5dcf) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1073d] parameter 'encode' [5d40,5d4a) {reg2} [5d4a,5dcf) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10751] variable 'tdest' [5d40,5d57) {reg5} [5d57,5d66) {reg0} [5d66,5dc9) {breg0(-64), stack_value} [5dc9,5dcf) {reg0} [10765] variable 'tsrc' [5d4a,5d57) {reg4} [5d57,5d6a) {reg2} [5d6a,5dc9) {breg2(-64), stack_value} [5dc9,5dcf) {reg2} [10779] variable 'n' [5d4a,5d53) {reg1} [5d53,5d57) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, lit6, shr, stack_value} [10aee] function 'Elf64_cvt_Phdr'@5dd0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [10b0c] parameter 'dest' [5dd0,5de0) {reg5} [5de0,5df7) {reg2} [5df7,5e5f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10b20] parameter 'src' [5dd0,5df7) {reg4} [5df7,5e5f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10b34] parameter 'len' [5dd0,5de4) {reg1} [5de4,5e5f) {reg5} [10b48] parameter 'encode' [5dd0,5ddd) {reg2} [5ddd,5e5f) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10b5c] variable 'tdest' [5ddd,5de0) {reg5} [5de0,5e06) {reg2} [5e06,5e59) {breg2(-56), stack_value} [5e59,5e5f) {reg2} [10b70] variable 'tsrc' [5ddd,5e0a) {reg4} [5e0a,5e59) {breg4(-56), stack_value} [5e59,5e5f) {reg4} [10b84] variable 'n' [5dea,5df4) {reg1} [5df4,5df7) {breg5(0), lit3, shr, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[e976]}, convert{__int128 unsigned,unsigned,128@[e96f]}, breg8(0), convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[e976]}, convert{__int128 unsigned,unsigned,128@[e96f]}, mul, const1u(64), convert{__int128 unsigned,unsigned,128@[e96f]}, shr, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[e976]}, convert[0], stack_value} [10e4b] function 'Elf64_cvt_Ehdr'@6010 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [10e69] parameter 'dest' [6010,60db) {reg5} [10e75] parameter 'src' [6010,602b) {reg4} [602b,60db) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10e89] parameter 'len' [6010,6014) {reg1} [6014,60db) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10e9d] parameter 'encode' [6010,601a) {reg2} [601a,60db) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10eb1] variable 'tdest' [6010,602b) {reg5} [602b,6038) {reg0} [6038,60d1) {breg0(-64), stack_value} [60d1,60db) {reg0} [10ec5] variable 'tsrc' [601a,602b) {reg4} [602b,603c) {reg2} [603c,60d1) {breg2(-64), stack_value} [60d1,60db) {reg2} [10ed9] variable 'n' [601a,6027) {reg1} [6027,602b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, lit6, shr, stack_value} [10436] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Sxword1'@5d2d [10457] parameter 'ptr' [1045c] parameter 'dest' [10083] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5f40 [1009c] parameter 'ptr' [5f37,5f4b) {reg2} [5f4b,5f52) {breg2(-32), stack_value} [100a9] parameter 'dest' [5f37,5f47) {reg0} [5f47,5f52) {breg0(-32), stack_value} [100da] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5f52 [100ff] parameter 'ptr' [10104] parameter 'dest' [10131] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5f5d [10156] parameter 'ptr' [1015b] parameter 'dest' [103df] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5d22 [10404] parameter 'ptr' [10409] parameter 'dest' [10692] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5ff4 [106b3] parameter 'ptr' [106b8] parameter 'dest' [10839] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5d77 [1085e] parameter 'ptr' [10863] parameter 'dest' [1093e] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5d98 [10963] parameter 'ptr' [10968] parameter 'dest' [10a43] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5db3 [10a68] parameter 'ptr' [10a6d] parameter 'dest' [10a9a] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5dbe [10abb] parameter 'ptr' [10ac0] parameter 'dest' [10d49] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5e38 [10d6e] parameter 'ptr' [10d73] parameter 'dest' [10da0] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5e43 [10dc5] parameter 'ptr' [10dca] parameter 'dest' [10df7] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5e4e [10e18] parameter 'ptr' [10e1d] parameter 'dest' [13689] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@5bf2 [136aa] parameter 'ptr' [136af] parameter 'dest' [1417f] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@669f [141a4] parameter 'ptr' [669f,66aa) {breg6(8), stack_value} [141b1] parameter 'dest' [669f,66aa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(8), stack_value} [141ee] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Xword1'@66aa [1420f] parameter 'ptr' [66aa,66b5) {breg6(16), stack_value} [1421c] parameter 'dest' [66aa,66b5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(16), stack_value} [10599] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@5fc0 [105b2] parameter 'ptr' [5fb8,5fca) {reg4} [5fca,5fcf) {breg4(-24), stack_value} [105bf] parameter 'dest' [5fb8,5fc6) {reg2} [5fc6,5fcf) {breg2(-24), stack_value} [1078b] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@5d60 [107a4] parameter 'ptr' [5d57,5d6a) {reg2} [5d6a,5d6f) {breg2(-64), stack_value} [107b1] parameter 'dest' [5d57,5d66) {reg0} [5d66,5d6f) {breg0(-64), stack_value} [107e2] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@5d6f [10807] parameter 'ptr' [1080c] parameter 'dest' [10995] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@5da3 [109ba] parameter 'ptr' [109bf] parameter 'dest' [109ec] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@5dab [10a11] parameter 'ptr' [10a16] parameter 'dest' [10b96] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@5e00 [10baf] parameter 'ptr' [5df7,5e0a) {reg4} [5e0a,5e0f) {breg4(-56), stack_value} [10bbc] parameter 'dest' [5df7,5e06) {reg2} [5e06,5e0f) {breg2(-56), stack_value} [10bed] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@5e0f [10c12] parameter 'ptr' [10c17] parameter 'dest' [10fc2] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@6058 [10fe7] parameter 'ptr' [10fec] parameter 'dest' [1111e] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@6081 [11143] parameter 'ptr' [11148] parameter 'dest' [140a1] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@6690 [140c6] parameter 'ptr' [668e,6697) {reg6} [140d3] parameter 'dest' [668e,6697) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [14110] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Word1'@6697 [14135] parameter 'ptr' [6697,669f) {breg6(4), stack_value} [14142] parameter 'dest' [6697,669f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(4), stack_value} [10188] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@5f68 [101ad] parameter 'ptr' [101b2] parameter 'dest' [101d3] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@5f74 [101f4] parameter 'ptr' [101f9] parameter 'dest' [105f0] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@5fdd [10615] parameter 'ptr' [1061a] parameter 'dest' [10f2c] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@6040 [10f51] parameter 'ptr' [10f56] parameter 'dest' [10f77] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@604c [10f9c] parameter 'ptr' [10fa1] parameter 'dest' [11175] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@6089 [1119a] parameter 'ptr' [1119f] parameter 'dest' [111c0] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@6095 [111e5] parameter 'ptr' [111ea] parameter 'dest' [1120b] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@60a1 [11230] parameter 'ptr' [11235] parameter 'dest' [11256] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@60ad [1127b] parameter 'ptr' [11280] parameter 'dest' [112a1] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@60b9 [112c6] parameter 'ptr' [112cb] parameter 'dest' [112ec] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Half1'@60c5 [1130d] parameter 'ptr' [11312] parameter 'dest' [108e7] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Off1'@5d8d [1090c] parameter 'ptr' [10911] parameter 'dest' [10c44] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Off1'@5e17 [10c69] parameter 'ptr' [10c6e] parameter 'dest' [11070] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Off1'@606b [11095] parameter 'ptr' [1109a] parameter 'dest' [110c7] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Off1'@6076 [110ec] parameter 'ptr' [110f1] parameter 'dest' [10388] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Addr1'@5d10 [103a1] parameter 'ptr' [5d08,5d1b) {reg4} [5d1b,5d22) {breg4(-24), stack_value} [103ae] parameter 'dest' [5d08,5d17) {reg2} [5d17,5d22) {breg2(-24), stack_value} [1063b] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Addr1'@5fe9 [10660] parameter 'ptr' [10665] parameter 'dest' [10890] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Addr1'@5d82 [108b5] parameter 'ptr' [108ba] parameter 'dest' [10c9b] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Addr1'@5e22 [10cc0] parameter 'ptr' [10cc5] parameter 'dest' [10cf2] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Addr1'@5e2d [10d17] parameter 'ptr' [10d1c] parameter 'dest' [11019] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Addr1'@6060 [1103e] parameter 'ptr' [11043] parameter 'dest' [13632] inlined function 'Elf64_cvt_Addr1'@5be0 [1364b] parameter 'ptr' [5be0,5beb) {reg4} [5beb,5bf2) {breg4(-16), stack_value} [13658] parameter 'dest' [5be0,5be7) {reg5} [5be7,5bf2) {breg5(-16), stack_value} [116cc] function 'Elf32_cvt_Lib'@5900 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [116ea] parameter 'dest' [5900,5906) {reg5} [5906,5928) {reg2} [5928,5965) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [116fe] parameter 'src' [5900,5928) {reg4} [5928,5965) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11712] parameter 'len' [5900,5910) {reg1} [5910,5965) {reg5} [11726] parameter 'encode' [5900,5903) {reg2} [5903,5965) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [1173a] variable 'tdest' [5903,5906) {reg5} [5906,5936) {reg2} [5936,595f) {breg2(-20), stack_value} [595f,5965) {reg2} [1174e] variable 'tsrc' [5903,593a) {reg4} [593a,595f) {breg4(-20), stack_value} [595f,5965) {reg4} [11762] variable 'n' [591a,5928) {reg1} [11929] function 'Elf32_cvt_Move'@60e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [11947] parameter 'dest' [60e0,60e6) {reg5} [60e6,6108) {reg2} [6108,6156) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1195b] parameter 'src' [60e0,6108) {reg4} [6108,6156) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1196f] parameter 'len' [60e0,60f0) {reg1} [60f0,6156) {reg5} [11983] parameter 'encode' [60e0,60e3) {reg2} [60e3,6156) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [11997] variable 'tdest' [60e3,60e6) {reg5} [60e6,6117) {reg2} [6117,6150) {breg2(-24), stack_value} [6150,6156) {reg2} [119ab] variable 'tsrc' [60e3,611b) {reg4} [611b,6150) {breg4(-24), stack_value} [6150,6156) {reg4} [119bf] variable 'n' [60fa,6108) {reg1} [f9bb] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Rela' [f9c7] parameter 'encode' [f9cc] parameter 'len' [f9d1] parameter 'src' [f9d6] parameter 'dest' [14362] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Rela'@6970 [14378] parameter 'encode' [1437d] parameter 'len' [14382] parameter 'src' [14387] parameter 'dest' [1438c] variable 'tdest' [696b,6987) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} (6987,6987) [14399] variable 'tsrc' [696b,6987) {reg6} (6987,6987) [143a6] variable 'n' [696b,6987) {lit1, stack_value} (6987,6987) [11d54] function 'Elf32_cvt_Sym'@61a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [11d72] parameter 'dest' [61a0,61ff) {reg5} [11d7e] parameter 'src' [61a0,61b7) {reg4} [61b7,61ff) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11d92] parameter 'len' [61a0,61a4) {reg1} [61a4,61ff) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [11da6] parameter 'encode' [61a0,61aa) {reg2} [61aa,61ff) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [11dba] variable 'tdest' [61a0,61b7) {reg5} [61b7,61c6) {reg0} [61c6,61f9) {breg0(-16), stack_value} [61f9,61ff) {reg0} [11dce] variable 'tsrc' [61aa,61b7) {reg4} [61b7,61ca) {reg2} [61ca,61f9) {breg2(-16), stack_value} [61f9,61ff) {reg2} [11de2] variable 'n' [61aa,61b3) {reg1} [61b3,61b7) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, lit4, shr, stack_value} [11f46] function 'Elf32_cvt_Shdr'@5ad0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [11f64] parameter 'dest' [5ad0,5ad6) {reg5} [5ad6,5af8) {reg2} [5af8,5b5d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11f78] parameter 'src' [5ad0,5af8) {reg4} [5af8,5b5d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11f8c] parameter 'len' [5ad0,5ae0) {reg1} [5ae0,5b5d) {reg5} [11fa0] parameter 'encode' [5ad0,5ad3) {reg2} [5ad3,5b5d) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [11fb4] variable 'tdest' [5ad3,5ad6) {reg5} [5ad6,5b06) {reg2} [5b06,5b57) {breg2(-40), stack_value} [5b57,5b5d) {reg2} [11fc8] variable 'tsrc' [5ad3,5b0a) {reg4} [5b0a,5b57) {breg4(-40), stack_value} [5b57,5b5d) {reg4} [11fdc] variable 'n' [5aea,5af8) {reg1} [12351] function 'Elf32_cvt_Phdr'@5b60 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1236f] parameter 'dest' [5b60,5bcd) {reg5} [1237b] parameter 'src' [5b60,5b77) {reg4} [5b77,5bcd) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1238f] parameter 'len' [5b60,5b64) {reg1} [5b64,5bcd) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [123a3] parameter 'encode' [5b60,5b6a) {reg2} [5b6a,5bcd) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [123b7] variable 'tdest' [5b60,5b77) {reg5} [5b77,5b86) {reg0} [5b86,5bc7) {breg0(-32), stack_value} [5bc7,5bcd) {reg0} [123cb] variable 'tsrc' [5b6a,5b77) {reg4} [5b77,5b8a) {reg2} [5b8a,5bc7) {breg2(-32), stack_value} [5bc7,5bcd) {reg2} [123df] variable 'n' [5b6a,5b73) {reg1} [5b73,5b77) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, lit5, shr, stack_value} [126a6] function 'Elf32_cvt_Ehdr'@6280 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [126c4] parameter 'dest' [6280,6286) {reg5} [6286,62ab) {reg2} [62ab,6352) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [126d8] parameter 'src' [6280,62ab) {reg4} [62ab,6352) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [126ec] parameter 'len' [6280,6290) {reg1} [6290,6352) {reg5} [12700] parameter 'encode' [6280,6283) {reg2} [6283,6352) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [12714] variable 'tdest' [6283,6286) {reg5} [6286,62b8) {reg2} [62b8,6348) {breg2(-52), stack_value} [6348,6352) {reg2} [12728] variable 'tsrc' [6283,62bc) {reg4} [62bc,6348) {breg4(-52), stack_value} [6348,6352) {reg4} [1273c] variable 'n' [629a,62a8) {reg1} [62a8,62ab) {breg5(0), convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[e976]}, convert{__int128 unsigned,unsigned,128@[e96f]}, constu(5675921253449092805), convert{__int128 unsigned,unsigned,128@[e96f]}, mul, const1u(64), convert{__int128 unsigned,unsigned,128@[e96f]}, shr, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[e976]}, convert[0], lit4, shr, stack_value} [12bff] function 'Elf32_cvt_Xword'@5e60 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [12c1d] parameter 'dest' [5e60,5e66) {reg5} [5e66,5e82) {reg2} [5e82,5e93) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [5e93,5e97) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, plus_uconst(8), stack_value} [5e97,5e9d) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} (5e9d,5e9d) [5e9d,5eac) {breg2(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [5eac,5eb2) {breg2(0), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} (5eb2,5eb2) [5eb2,5ec7) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit3, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [5ec7,5ec9) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, plus_uconst(1), lit3, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [12c31] parameter 'ptr' [5e60,5e82) {reg4} [5e82,5e93) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [5e93,5e97) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, plus_uconst(8), stack_value} [5e97,5e9d) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, stack_value} (5e9d,5e9d) [5e9d,5eac) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [5eac,5eaf) {breg4(0), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [5eaf,5eb2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} (5eb2,5eb2) [5eb2,5ec7) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit3, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [5ec7,5ec9) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, plus_uconst(1), lit3, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [12c45] parameter 'len' [5e60,5e82) {reg1} [5e82,5e9d) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5e9d,5eac) {reg1} [5eac,5eca) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [12c59] parameter 'encode' [5e60,5e63) {reg2} [5e63,5eca) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [12c6d] variable 'n' [5e6a,5e73) {reg5} [5e73,5e82) {breg5(-1), stack_value} (5e9d,5e9d) [5e9d,5ea8) {breg5(-1), stack_value} [5ea8,5eb2) {breg5(0), not, stack_value} [5eb2,5ec7) {reg0} [5ec7,5ec9) {breg0(1), stack_value} [119d1] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Xword1'@6110 [119ea] parameter 'ptr' [6108,611b) {reg4} [611b,6122) {breg4(-24), stack_value} [119f7] parameter 'dest' [6108,6117) {reg2} [6117,6122) {breg2(-24), stack_value} [11a28] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Xword1'@6122 [11a4d] parameter 'ptr' [11a52] parameter 'dest' [11a7f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Xword1'@612d [11aa4] parameter 'ptr' [11aa9] parameter 'dest' [12c7f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Xword1'@5e88 [12ca4] parameter 'ptr' [5e82,5e93) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [12cb1] parameter 'dest' [5e82,5e93) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [12cee] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Xword1'@5eb8 [12d0f] parameter 'ptr' [5eb2,5ec3) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit3, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [12d1c] parameter 'dest' [5eb2,5ec3) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit3, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [facd] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Sword1'@67b8 [faee] parameter 'ptr' [67b8,67c2) {breg12(8), stack_value} [fafb] parameter 'dest' [67b8,67c2) {breg6(8), stack_value} [1356e] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Sword1'@5ab7 [1358f] parameter 'ptr' [13594] parameter 'dest' [14491] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Sword1'@697f [144b2] parameter 'ptr' [697f,6987) {breg6(8), stack_value} [144bf] parameter 'dest' [697f,6987) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(8), stack_value} [fa5e] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@67ae [fa83] parameter 'ptr' [67ae,67b8) {breg12(4), stack_value} [fa90] parameter 'dest' [67ae,67b8) {breg6(4), stack_value} [11774] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5930 [1178d] parameter 'ptr' [5928,593a) {reg4} [593a,593f) {breg4(-20), stack_value} [1179a] parameter 'dest' [5928,5936) {reg2} [5936,593f) {breg2(-20), stack_value} [117cb] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@593f [117f0] parameter 'ptr' [117f5] parameter 'dest' [11822] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5947 [11847] parameter 'ptr' [1184c] parameter 'dest' [11879] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@594f [1189e] parameter 'ptr' [118a3] parameter 'dest' [118d0] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5957 [118f1] parameter 'ptr' [118f6] parameter 'dest' [11df4] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@61c0 [11e0d] parameter 'ptr' [61b7,61ca) {reg2} [61ca,61cf) {breg2(-16), stack_value} [11e1a] parameter 'dest' [61b7,61c6) {reg0} [61c6,61cf) {breg0(-16), stack_value} [11ea2] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@61d7 [11ec7] parameter 'ptr' [11ecc] parameter 'dest' [11fee] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b00 [12007] parameter 'ptr' [5af8,5b0a) {reg4} [5b0a,5b0f) {breg4(-40), stack_value} [12014] parameter 'dest' [5af8,5b06) {reg2} [5b06,5b0f) {breg2(-40), stack_value} [12045] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b0f [1206a] parameter 'ptr' [1206f] parameter 'dest' [1209c] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b17 [120c1] parameter 'ptr' [120c6] parameter 'dest' [121a1] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b2f [121c6] parameter 'ptr' [121cb] parameter 'dest' [121f8] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b37 [1221d] parameter 'ptr' [12222] parameter 'dest' [1224f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b3f [12274] parameter 'ptr' [12279] parameter 'dest' [122a6] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b47 [122cb] parameter 'ptr' [122d0] parameter 'dest' [122fd] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b4f [1231e] parameter 'ptr' [12323] parameter 'dest' [123f1] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5b80 [1240a] parameter 'ptr' [5b77,5b8a) {reg2} [5b8a,5b8f) {breg2(-32), stack_value} [12417] parameter 'dest' [5b77,5b86) {reg0} [5b86,5b8f) {breg0(-32), stack_value} [1254d] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5ba7 [12572] parameter 'ptr' [12577] parameter 'dest' [125a4] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5baf [125c9] parameter 'ptr' [125ce] parameter 'dest' [125fb] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5bb7 [12620] parameter 'ptr' [12625] parameter 'dest' [12652] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5bbf [12673] parameter 'ptr' [12678] parameter 'dest' [12825] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@62d8 [1284a] parameter 'ptr' [1284f] parameter 'dest' [12981] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@62f8 [129a6] parameter 'ptr' [129ab] parameter 'dest' [133f6] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@599f [13417] parameter 'ptr' [1341c] parameter 'dest' [13517] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@5aaf [1353c] parameter 'ptr' [13541] parameter 'dest' [14422] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Word1'@6977 [14447] parameter 'ptr' [6977,697f) {breg6(4), stack_value} [14454] parameter 'dest' [6977,697f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(4), stack_value} [12e4f] function 'Elf32_cvt_Half'@6200 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [12e6d] parameter 'dest' [6200,6206) {reg5} [6206,621d) {reg2} [621d,622c) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [622c,6230) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, plus_uconst(2), stack_value} [6230,6236) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} (6236,6236) [6236,624c) {breg2(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [624c,6252) {breg2(0), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} (6252,6252) [6252,6268) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit1, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [6268,626a) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, plus_uconst(1), lit1, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [12e81] parameter 'ptr' [6200,621d) {reg4} [621d,622c) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [622c,6230) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, plus_uconst(2), stack_value} [6230,6236) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, stack_value} (6236,6236) [6236,624c) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [624c,624f) {breg4(0), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [624f,6252) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} (6252,6252) [6252,6268) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit1, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [6268,626a) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, plus_uconst(1), lit1, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [12e95] parameter 'len' [6200,621d) {reg1} [621d,6236) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6236,624c) {reg1} [624c,626b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [12ea9] parameter 'encode' [6200,6203) {reg2} [6203,626b) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [12ebd] variable 'n' [6209,6212) {reg5} [6212,621d) {breg5(-1), stack_value} (6236,6236) [6236,6248) {breg5(-1), stack_value} [6248,6252) {breg5(0), not, stack_value} [6252,6268) {reg0} [6268,626a) {breg0(1), stack_value} [11ad6] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6138 [11afb] parameter 'ptr' [11b00] parameter 'dest' [11b21] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6144 [11b42] parameter 'ptr' [11b47] parameter 'dest' [11ef9] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@61ed [11f1a] parameter 'ptr' [11f1f] parameter 'dest' [1278f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@62c0 [127b4] parameter 'ptr' [127b9] parameter 'dest' [127da] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@62cc [127ff] parameter 'ptr' [12804] parameter 'dest' [129d8] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6300 [129fd] parameter 'ptr' [12a02] parameter 'dest' [12a23] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@630c [12a48] parameter 'ptr' [12a4d] parameter 'dest' [12a6e] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6318 [12a93] parameter 'ptr' [12a98] parameter 'dest' [12ab9] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6324 [12ade] parameter 'ptr' [12ae3] parameter 'dest' [12b04] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6330 [12b29] parameter 'ptr' [12b2e] parameter 'dest' [12b4f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@633c [12b70] parameter 'ptr' [12b75] parameter 'dest' [12ecf] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6220 [12ef4] parameter 'ptr' [621d,622c) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [12f01] parameter 'dest' [621d,622c) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [12f32] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6258 [12f53] parameter 'ptr' [6252,6264) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit1, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [12f60] parameter 'dest' [6252,6264) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit1, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [1374d] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6170 [13766] parameter 'ptr' [616d,617b) {reg4} [617b,6183) {breg4(-4), stack_value} [13773] parameter 'dest' [616d,6177) {reg5} [6177,6183) {breg5(-4), stack_value} [137a4] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Half1'@6183 [137c5] parameter 'ptr' [137ca] parameter 'dest' [1214a] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Off1'@5b27 [1216f] parameter 'ptr' [12174] parameter 'dest' [12448] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Off1'@5b8f [1246d] parameter 'ptr' [12472] parameter 'dest' [128d3] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Off1'@62e8 [128f8] parameter 'ptr' [128fd] parameter 'dest' [1292a] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Off1'@62f0 [1294f] parameter 'ptr' [12954] parameter 'dest' [1301f] function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr'@59b0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1303d] parameter 'dest' [59b0,59b6) {reg5} [59b6,59d2) {reg2} [59d2,59e0) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [59e0,59e4) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, plus_uconst(4), stack_value} [59e4,59ea) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} (59ea,59ea) [59ea,59fc) {breg2(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [59fc,5a02) {breg2(0), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} (5a02,5a02) [5a02,5a14) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit2, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [5a14,5a16) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, plus_uconst(1), lit2, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [13051] parameter 'ptr' [59b0,59d2) {reg4} [59d2,59e0) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [59e0,59e4) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, plus_uconst(4), stack_value} [59e4,59ea) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, stack_value} (59ea,59ea) [59ea,59fc) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus, stack_value} [59fc,59ff) {breg4(0), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [59ff,5a02) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} (5a02,5a02) [5a02,5a14) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit2, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [5a14,5a16) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, plus_uconst(1), lit2, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [13065] parameter 'len' [59b0,59d2) {reg1} [59d2,59ea) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [59ea,59fc) {reg1} [59fc,5a17) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [13079] parameter 'encode' [59b0,59b3) {reg2} [59b3,5a17) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [1308d] variable 'n' [59ba,59c3) {reg5} [59c3,59d2) {breg5(-1), stack_value} (59ea,59ea) [59ea,59f8) {breg5(-1), stack_value} [59f8,5a02) {breg5(0), not, stack_value} [5a02,5a14) {reg0} [5a14,5a16) {breg0(1), stack_value} [fa07] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@679a [fa20] parameter 'ptr' [679a,67ae) {reg12} [fa2d] parameter 'dest' [679a,67ae) {reg6} [11e4b] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@61cf [11e70] parameter 'ptr' [11e75] parameter 'dest' [120f3] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@5b1f [12118] parameter 'ptr' [1211d] parameter 'dest' [1249f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@5b97 [124c4] parameter 'ptr' [124c9] parameter 'dest' [124f6] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@5b9f [1251b] parameter 'ptr' [12520] parameter 'dest' [1287c] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@62e0 [128a1] parameter 'ptr' [128a6] parameter 'dest' [1309f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@59d8 [130c4] parameter 'ptr' [59d2,59e0) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [130d1] parameter 'dest' [59d2,59e0) {breg2(0), breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [1310e] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@5a08 [1312f] parameter 'ptr' [5a02,5a10) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit2, shl, entry_value(1) {reg4}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [1313c] parameter 'dest' [5a02,5a10) {breg0(0), breg5(0), plus, lit2, shl, entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus, entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus, stack_value} [1339f] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@5990 [133b8] parameter 'ptr' [598d,599a) {reg4} [599a,599f) {breg4(-8), stack_value} [133c5] parameter 'dest' [598d,5996) {reg5} [5996,599f) {breg5(-8), stack_value} [134c0] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@5aa0 [134d9] parameter 'ptr' [5a98,5aaa) {reg4} [5aaa,5aaf) {breg4(-12), stack_value} [134e6] parameter 'dest' [5a98,5aa6) {reg2} [5aa6,5aaf) {breg2(-12), stack_value} [143b3] inlined function 'Elf32_cvt_Addr1'@6970 [143d8] parameter 'ptr' [696b,6977) {reg6} [143e5] parameter 'dest' [696b,6977) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1319f] function 'elf_cvt_Byte'@58e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [131bd] parameter 'dest' [58e0,58f4) {reg5} [58f4,58f5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [131d1] parameter 'src' [58e0,58f4) {reg4} [58f4,58f5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [131e5] parameter 'n' [58e0,58f4) {reg1} [58f4,58f5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [131f7] parameter 'encode' [58e0,58f4) {reg2} [58f4,58f5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10eeb] inlined function 'memmove'@6030 [10f04] parameter '__len' [602b,6040) {lit16, stack_value} [10f11] parameter '__src' [602b,603c) {reg2} [603c,6040) {breg2(-64), stack_value} [10f1e] parameter '__dest' [602b,6038) {reg0} [6038,6040) {breg0(-64), stack_value} [1274e] inlined function 'memmove'@62b0 [12767] parameter '__len' [62ab,62c0) {lit16, stack_value} [12774] parameter '__src' [62ab,62bc) {reg4} [62bc,62c0) {breg4(-52), stack_value} [12781] parameter '__dest' [62ab,62b8) {reg2} [62b8,62c0) {breg2(-52), stack_value} [1320b] inlined function 'memmove'@58f0 [1322c] parameter '__len' [58f0,58f4) {reg1} [58f4,58f5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [13239] parameter '__src' [58f0,58f4) {reg4} [58f4,58f5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [13246] parameter '__dest' [58f0,58f4) {reg5} [58f4,58f5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [138bf] inlined function 'memmove'@6378 [138d8] parameter '__len' [6378,6380) {reg1} [6380,6387) {reg3} [138e5] parameter '__src' [6378,6387) {reg12} [138f2] parameter '__dest' [6378,6380) {reg5} [6380,6387) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [13c6f] inlined function 'memmove'@64ed [13c88] parameter '__len' [64ed,64f5) {reg1} [64f5,64fc) {reg3} [13c95] parameter '__src' [64ed,64fc) {reg6} [13ca2] parameter '__dest' [13fe2] inlined function 'memmove'@6679 [14007] parameter '__len' [6679,667d) {reg1} [667d,6681) {reg3} [14014] parameter '__src' [6679,667d) {reg4} [667d,6681) {reg6} [14021] parameter '__dest' [6679,667d) {reg5} [667d,6681) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [142f4] inlined function 'memmove'@6956 [14319] parameter '__len' [6956,695a) {reg1} [695a,695e) {reg3} [14326] parameter '__src' [6956,695a) {reg4} [695a,695e) {reg6} [14333] parameter '__dest' [6956,695a) {reg5} [695a,695e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f95a] inlined function 'memcpy'@677e [f973] parameter '__len' [677e,6782) {breg15(-12), stack_value} [6782,6786) {reg1} [6786,6787) {breg15(-12), stack_value} [f980] parameter '__src' [677e,6786) {reg4} [6786,6787) {breg12(12), stack_value} [f98d] parameter '__dest' [677e,6786) {reg5} [6786,6787) {breg6(12), stack_value} [fb3b] inlined function 'memcpy'@6825 [fb50] parameter '__len' [6825,6832) {reg13} [6832,683a) {reg1} [fb5d] parameter '__src' [6825,683a) {reg4} [fb6a] parameter '__dest' [6825,683a) {reg5} [fcf7] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5c6a [fd0c] parameter '__bsx' [5c6a,5c79) {breg1(0), breg4(0), plus, plus_uconst(16)} [100b6] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5f40 [100cb] parameter '__bsx' [5f37,5f4b) {breg2(0)} [5f4b,5f4e) {reg1} [10109] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5f52 [1012a] parameter '__bsx' [10160] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5f5d [10181] parameter '__bsx' [103bb] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5d10 [103d0] parameter '__bsx' [5d08,5d1b) {breg4(0)} [5d1b,5d1e) {reg0} [1040e] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5d22 [1042f] parameter '__bsx' [10461] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5d2d [10482] parameter '__bsx' [1066a] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5fe9 [1068b] parameter '__bsx' [106bd] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5ff4 [106de] parameter '__bsx' [10868] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5d77 [10889] parameter '__bsx' [108bf] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5d82 [108e0] parameter '__bsx' [10916] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5d8d [10937] parameter '__bsx' [1096d] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5d98 [1098e] parameter '__bsx' [10a72] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5db3 [10a93] parameter '__bsx' [10ac5] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5dbe [10ae6] parameter '__bsx' [10c73] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5e17 [10c94] parameter '__bsx' [10cca] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5e22 [10ceb] parameter '__bsx' [10d21] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5e2d [10d42] parameter '__bsx' [10d78] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5e38 [10d99] parameter '__bsx' [10dcf] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5e43 [10df0] parameter '__bsx' [10e22] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5e4e [10e43] parameter '__bsx' [11048] inlined function '__bswap_64'@6060 [11069] parameter '__bsx' [1109f] inlined function '__bswap_64'@606b [110c0] parameter '__bsx' [110f6] inlined function '__bswap_64'@6076 [11117] parameter '__bsx' [11a04] inlined function '__bswap_64'@6110 [11a19] parameter '__bsx' [6108,611b) {breg4(0)} [611b,611e) {reg0} [11a57] inlined function '__bswap_64'@6122 [11a78] parameter '__bsx' [11aae] inlined function '__bswap_64'@612d [11acf] parameter '__bsx' [12cbe] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5e88 [12cdf] parameter '__bsx' [5e82,5e8f) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus} [12d29] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5eb8 [12d4a] parameter '__bsx' [5eb2,5ebf) {breg0(0), lit3, shl, breg4(0), plus} [13665] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5be0 [1367a] parameter '__bsx' [5be0,5beb) {breg4(0)} [5beb,5bee) {reg0} [136b4] inlined function '__bswap_64'@5bf2 [136d5] parameter '__bsx' [141be] inlined function '__bswap_64'@669f [141df] parameter '__bsx' [669f,66a6) {breg6(8)} [14229] inlined function '__bswap_64'@66aa [1424a] parameter '__bsx' [66aa,66b1) {breg6(16)} [fa3a] inlined function '__bswap_32'@679a [fa4f] parameter '__bsx' [679a,67ab) {breg12(0)} [fa9d] inlined function '__bswap_32'@67ae [fabe] parameter '__bsx' [67ae,67b5) {breg12(4)} [fb08] inlined function '__bswap_32'@67b8 [fb29] parameter '__bsx' [67b8,67bf) {breg12(8)} [fcaa] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5c23 [fcbf] parameter '__bsx' [5c23,5c2e) {breg4(0), breg1(0), plus} [fd1b] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5cb0 [fd3c] parameter '__bsx' [5ca6,5cb5) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus} [105cc] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5fc0 [105e1] parameter '__bsx' [5fb8,5fca) {breg4(0)} [5fca,5fcc) {reg0} [107be] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5d60 [107d3] parameter '__bsx' [5d57,5d6a) {breg2(0)} [5d6a,5d6c) {reg1} [10811] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5d6f [10832] parameter '__bsx' [109c4] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5da3 [109e5] parameter '__bsx' [10a1b] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5dab [10a3c] parameter '__bsx' [10bc9] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5e00 [10bde] parameter '__bsx' [5df7,5e0a) {breg4(0)} [5e0a,5e0c) {reg0} [10c1c] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5e0f [10c3d] parameter '__bsx' [10ff1] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6058 [11012] parameter '__bsx' [1114d] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6081 [1116e] parameter '__bsx' [117a7] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5930 [117bc] parameter '__bsx' [5928,593a) {breg4(0)} [593a,593c) {reg0} [117fa] inlined function '__bswap_32'@593f [1181b] parameter '__bsx' [11851] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5947 [11872] parameter '__bsx' [118a8] inlined function '__bswap_32'@594f [118c9] parameter '__bsx' [118fb] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5957 [1191c] parameter '__bsx' [11e27] inlined function '__bswap_32'@61c0 [11e3c] parameter '__bsx' [61b7,61ca) {breg2(0)} [61ca,61cc) {reg1} [11e7a] inlined function '__bswap_32'@61cf [11e9b] parameter '__bsx' [11ed1] inlined function '__bswap_32'@61d7 [11ef2] parameter '__bsx' [12021] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b00 [12036] parameter '__bsx' [5af8,5b0a) {breg4(0)} [5b0a,5b0c) {reg0} [12074] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b0f [12095] parameter '__bsx' [120cb] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b17 [120ec] parameter '__bsx' [12122] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b1f [12143] parameter '__bsx' [12179] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b27 [1219a] parameter '__bsx' [121d0] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b2f [121f1] parameter '__bsx' [12227] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b37 [12248] parameter '__bsx' [1227e] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b3f [1229f] parameter '__bsx' [122d5] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b47 [122f6] parameter '__bsx' [12328] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b4f [12349] parameter '__bsx' [12424] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b80 [12439] parameter '__bsx' [5b77,5b8a) {breg2(0)} [5b8a,5b8c) {reg1} [12477] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b8f [12498] parameter '__bsx' [124ce] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b97 [124ef] parameter '__bsx' [12525] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5b9f [12546] parameter '__bsx' [1257c] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5ba7 [1259d] parameter '__bsx' [125d3] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5baf [125f4] parameter '__bsx' [1262a] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5bb7 [1264b] parameter '__bsx' [1267d] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5bbf [1269e] parameter '__bsx' [12854] inlined function '__bswap_32'@62d8 [12875] parameter '__bsx' [128ab] inlined function '__bswap_32'@62e0 [128cc] parameter '__bsx' [12902] inlined function '__bswap_32'@62e8 [12923] parameter '__bsx' [12959] inlined function '__bswap_32'@62f0 [1297a] parameter '__bsx' [129b0] inlined function '__bswap_32'@62f8 [129d1] parameter '__bsx' [130de] inlined function '__bswap_32'@59d8 [130ff] parameter '__bsx' [59d2,59dd) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus} [13149] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5a08 [1316a] parameter '__bsx' [5a02,5a0d) {breg0(0), lit2, shl, breg4(0), plus} [133d2] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5990 [133e7] parameter '__bsx' [598d,599a) {breg4(0)} [599a,599c) {reg0} [13421] inlined function '__bswap_32'@599f [13442] parameter '__bsx' [134f3] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5aa0 [13508] parameter '__bsx' [5a98,5aaa) {breg4(0)} [5aaa,5aac) {reg0} [13546] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5aaf [13567] parameter '__bsx' [13599] inlined function '__bswap_32'@5ab7 [135ba] parameter '__bsx' [1396b] inlined function '__bswap_32'@63dd [13984] parameter '__bsx' [139b1] inlined function '__bswap_32'@63cd [139ca] parameter '__bsx' [63cd,63d9) {breg10(4)} [139d8] inlined function '__bswap_32'@63dd [139fd] parameter '__bsx' [63dd,63e3) {breg10(12)} [13a25] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6414 [13a3e] parameter '__bsx' [6414,641c) {breg2(0)} [13a4c] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6459 [13a65] parameter '__bsx' [13ab9] inlined function '__bswap_32'@643d [13ace] parameter '__bsx' [643d,6455) {breg2(8)} [13b04] inlined function '__bswap_32'@64ce [13b1d] parameter '__bsx' [13b4a] inlined function '__bswap_32'@64b6 [13b6f] parameter '__bsx' [64b6,64bc) {breg10(4)} [13b7d] inlined function '__bswap_32'@64c0 [13b92] parameter '__bsx' [64c0,64ca) {breg10(8)} [13d0c] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6571 [13d25] parameter '__bsx' [13da0] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6561 [13db9] parameter '__bsx' [6561,656d) {breg10(8)} [13dc7] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6571 [13dec] parameter '__bsx' [6571,6577) {breg10(16)} [13e14] inlined function '__bswap_32' [13e24] parameter '__bsx' [13e2a] inlined function '__bswap_32' [13e36] parameter '__bsx' [13e64] inlined function '__bswap_32'@665b [13e7d] parameter '__bsx' [13ef8] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6643 [13f1d] parameter '__bsx' [6643,6649) {breg10(8)} [13f2b] inlined function '__bswap_32'@664d [13f40] parameter '__bsx' [664d,6657) {breg10(12)} [140e0] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6690 [14101] parameter '__bsx' [668e,6695) {breg6(0)} [1414f] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6697 [14170] parameter '__bsx' [6697,669c) {breg6(4)} [143f2] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6970 [14413] parameter '__bsx' [696b,6975) {breg6(0)} [14461] inlined function '__bswap_32'@6977 [14482] parameter '__bsx' [6977,697c) {breg6(4)} [144cc] inlined function '__bswap_32'@697f [144ed] parameter '__bsx' [697f,6984) {breg6(8)} [101b7] inlined function '__bswap_16'@5f68 [101cc] parameter '__bsx' [101fe] inlined function '__bswap_16'@5f74 [10213] parameter '__bsx' [1061f] inlined function '__bswap_16'@5fdd [10634] parameter '__bsx' [10f5b] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6040 [10f70] parameter '__bsx' [10fa6] inlined function '__bswap_16'@604c [10fbb] parameter '__bsx' [111a4] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6089 [111b9] parameter '__bsx' [111ef] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6095 [11204] parameter '__bsx' [1123a] inlined function '__bswap_16'@60a1 [1124f] parameter '__bsx' [11285] inlined function '__bswap_16'@60ad [1129a] parameter '__bsx' [112d0] inlined function '__bswap_16'@60b9 [112e5] parameter '__bsx' [11317] inlined function '__bswap_16'@60c5 [1132c] parameter '__bsx' [11b05] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6138 [11b1a] parameter '__bsx' [11b4c] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6144 [11b61] parameter '__bsx' [11f24] inlined function '__bswap_16'@61ed [11f39] parameter '__bsx' [127be] inlined function '__bswap_16'@62c0 [127d3] parameter '__bsx' [12809] inlined function '__bswap_16'@62cc [1281e] parameter '__bsx' [12a07] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6300 [12a1c] parameter '__bsx' [12a52] inlined function '__bswap_16'@630c [12a67] parameter '__bsx' [12a9d] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6318 [12ab2] parameter '__bsx' [12ae8] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6324 [12afd] parameter '__bsx' [12b33] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6330 [12b48] parameter '__bsx' [12b7a] inlined function '__bswap_16'@633c [12b8f] parameter '__bsx' [12f0e] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6220 [12f23] parameter '__bsx' [621d,6228) {breg4(0), breg0(0), plus} [12f6d] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6258 [12f82] parameter '__bsx' [6252,6260) {breg0(0), lit1, shl, breg4(0), plus} [13780] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6170 [13795] parameter '__bsx' [616d,617b) {breg4(0)} [617b,617f) {breg4(-4)} [137cf] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6183 [137e4] parameter '__bsx' [13944] inlined function '__bswap_16'@63b1 [1395d] parameter '__bsx' [63b1,63bb) {breg10(0)} [1398a] inlined function '__bswap_16'@63bf [139a3] parameter '__bsx' [63bf,63c8) {breg10(2)} [13a6b] inlined function '__bswap_16'@641f [13a84] parameter '__bsx' [641f,6429) {breg2(4)} [13a92] inlined function '__bswap_16'@642e [13aab] parameter '__bsx' [642e,6438) {breg2(6)} [13add] inlined function '__bswap_16'@649a [13af6] parameter '__bsx' [649a,64a4) {breg10(0)} [13b23] inlined function '__bswap_16'@64a8 [13b3c] parameter '__bsx' [64a8,64b1) {breg10(2)} [13ce5] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6528 [13cfe] parameter '__bsx' [6528,6532) {breg10(0)} [13d2b] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6537 [13d44] parameter '__bsx' [6537,6540) {breg10(2)} [13d52] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6545 [13d6b] parameter '__bsx' [6545,654e) {breg10(4)} [13d79] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6553 [13d92] parameter '__bsx' [6553,655c) {breg10(6)} [13e3d] inlined function '__bswap_16'@660a [13e56] parameter '__bsx' [660a,6614) {breg10(0)} [13e83] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6619 [13e9c] parameter '__bsx' [6619,6622) {breg10(2)} [13eaa] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6627 [13ec3] parameter '__bsx' [6627,6630) {breg10(4)} [13ed1] inlined function '__bswap_16'@6635 [13eea] parameter '__bsx' [6635,663e) {breg10(6)} [1332f] function 'Elf32_cvt_Rel'@5980 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1334a] parameter 'dest' [5980,598d) {reg5} [598d,59ad) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [13357] parameter 'src' [5980,598d) {reg4} [598d,59ad) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [13364] parameter 'len' [5980,5984) {reg1} [5984,59ad) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [13371] parameter 'encode' [5980,59ad) {reg2} [13378] variable 'tdest' [5980,5996) {reg5} [5996,59a7) {breg5(-8), stack_value} [59a7,59ad) {reg5} [13385] variable 'tsrc' [5980,599a) {reg4} [599a,59a7) {breg4(-8), stack_value} [59a7,59ad) {reg4} [13392] variable 'n' [5984,598d) {reg1} [1344a] function 'Elf32_cvt_Rela'@5a70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [13465] parameter 'dest' [5a70,5a76) {reg5} [5a76,5a98) {reg2} [5a98,5ac5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [13472] parameter 'src' [5a70,5a98) {reg4} [5a98,5ac5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1347f] parameter 'len' [5a70,5a80) {reg1} [5a80,5ac5) {reg5} [1348c] parameter 'encode' [5a70,5a73) {reg2} [5a73,5ac5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [13499] variable 'tdest' [5a73,5a76) {reg5} [5a76,5aa6) {reg2} [5aa6,5abf) {breg2(-12), stack_value} [5abf,5ac5) {reg2} [134a6] variable 'tsrc' [5a73,5aaa) {reg4} [5aaa,5abf) {breg4(-12), stack_value} [5abf,5ac5) {reg4} [134b3] variable 'n' [5a8a,5a98) {reg1} [135c2] function 'Elf64_cvt_Rel'@5bd0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [135dd] parameter 'dest' [5bd0,5be0) {reg5} [5be0,5c03) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [135ea] parameter 'src' [5bd0,5be0) {reg4} [5be0,5c03) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [135f7] parameter 'len' [5bd0,5bd4) {reg1} [5bd4,5c03) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [13604] parameter 'encode' [5bd0,5c03) {reg2} [1360b] variable 'tdest' [5bd0,5be7) {reg5} [5be7,5bfd) {breg5(-16), stack_value} [5bfd,5c03) {reg5} [13618] variable 'tsrc' [5bd0,5beb) {reg4} [5beb,5bfd) {breg4(-16), stack_value} [5bfd,5c03) {reg4} [13625] variable 'n' [5bd4,5bdd) {reg1} [5bdd,5be0) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, lit4, shr, stack_value} [136dd] function 'Elf32_cvt_Syminfo'@6160 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [136f8] parameter 'dest' [6160,616d) {reg5} [616d,6195) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [13705] parameter 'src' [6160,616d) {reg4} [616d,6195) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [13712] parameter 'len' [6160,6164) {reg1} [6164,6195) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1371f] parameter 'encode' [6160,6195) {reg2} [13726] variable 'tdest' [6160,6177) {reg5} [6177,618f) {breg5(-4), stack_value} [618f,6195) {reg5} [13733] variable 'tsrc' [6160,617b) {reg4} [617b,618f) {breg4(-4), stack_value} [618f,6195) {reg4} [13740] variable 'n' [6164,616d) {reg1} [137ec] function 'elf_cvt_Verneed'@6360 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [13807] parameter 'dest' [6360,6380) {reg5} [6380,64d0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [13814] parameter 'src' [6360,6380) {reg4} [6380,6466) {reg12} [6466,6467) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6467,64d0) {reg12} [13821] parameter 'len' [6360,6380) {reg1} [6380,6463) {reg3} [6463,6467) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6467,64d0) {reg3} [1382e] parameter 'encode' [6360,6380) {reg2} [6380,6464) {reg6} [6464,6467) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [6467,64d0) {reg6} [1383b] variable 'need_offset' [13840] variable 'ndest' [13845] variable 'nsrc' [13ba4] function 'elf_cvt_Verdef'@64d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [13bbf] parameter 'dest' [64d0,64f5) {reg5} [64f5,665d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [13bcc] parameter 'src' [64d0,64f5) {reg4} [64f5,65ce) {reg6} [65ce,65d5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [65d5,665d) {reg6} [13bd9] parameter 'len' [64d0,64f5) {reg1} [64f5,65cd) {reg3} [65cd,65d5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [65d5,665d) {reg3} [13be6] parameter 'encode' [64d0,64f5) {reg2} [64f5,65d0) {reg12} [65d0,65d5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [65d5,665d) {reg12} [13bf3] variable 'def_offset' [13bf8] variable 'ddest' [13bfd] variable 'dsrc' [13f52] function 'Elf64_cvt_chdr'@6660 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [13f6d] parameter 'dest' [6660,667d) {reg5} [667d,66bc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [66bc,66c1) {reg5} [13f7a] parameter 'src' [6660,667d) {reg4} [667d,668d) {reg6} [668d,668e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [668e,66bb) {reg6} [66bb,66bc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [66bc,66c1) {reg4} [13f87] parameter 'len' [6660,667d) {reg1} [667d,668c) {reg3} [668c,668e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [668e,66ba) {reg3} [66ba,66bc) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [66bc,66c1) {reg1} [13f94] parameter 'encode' [6660,6669) {reg2} [6669,66bc) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [66bc,66c1) {reg2} [1425c] function 'Elf32_cvt_chdr'@6940 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [14277] parameter 'dest' [6940,695a) {reg5} [695a,698e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [698e,6991) {reg5} [14284] parameter 'src' [6940,695a) {reg4} [695a,696a) {reg6} [696a,696b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [696b,698d) {reg6} [698d,698e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [698e,6991) {reg4} [14291] parameter 'len' [6940,695a) {reg1} [695a,6969) {reg3} [6969,696b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [696b,698c) {reg3} [698c,698e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [698e,6991) {reg1} [1429e] parameter 'encode' [6940,695a) {reg2} [695a,698e) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [698e,6991) {reg2} module '' [1451e] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getehdr.c'@69a0 [15598] function 'elf32_getehdr'@6a00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [155b8] parameter 'elf' [6a00,6a21) {reg5} [6a21,6a26) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6a26,6a3d) {reg5} [6a3d,6a46) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6a46,6a5a) {reg5} [6a5a,6a63) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [155cb] variable 'result' [15676] function '__elf32_getehdr_wrlock'@69a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [15696] parameter 'elf' [69a0,69c1) {reg5} [69c1,69c6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [69c6,69d5) {reg5} [69d5,69de) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [69de,69f2) {reg5} [69f2,69fb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [155d7] inlined function 'getehdr_impl'@6a05 [155eb] parameter 'wrlock' [6a05,6a26) {lit0, stack_value} [6a33,6a63) {lit0, stack_value} [155f8] parameter 'elf' [6a05,6a21) {reg5} [6a21,6a26) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6a33,6a3d) {reg5} [6a3d,6a46) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6a46,6a5a) {reg5} [6a5a,6a63) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [15617] inlined function 'getehdr_impl' [15627] parameter 'wrlock' [6a0f,6a16) {lit0, stack_value} [6a16,6a1d) {lit1, stack_value} [6a46,6a63) {lit0, stack_value} [15634] parameter 'elf' [156a9] inlined function 'getehdr_impl'@69a0 [156bd] parameter 'wrlock' [69a0,69e2) {lit1, stack_value} [69e3,69fb) {lit1, stack_value} [156ca] parameter 'elf' [69a0,69c1) {reg5} [69c1,69c6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [69c6,69d5) {reg5} [69d5,69de) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [69de,69e2) {reg5} [69e3,69f2) {reg5} [69f2,69fb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [156e9] inlined function 'getehdr_impl'@69af [15702] parameter 'wrlock' [69af,69c1) {lit1, stack_value} [69e3,69fb) {lit1, stack_value} [1570f] parameter 'elf' [69af,69c1) {reg5} [69e3,69f2) {reg5} [69f2,69fb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} module '' [15794] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getehdr.c'@6a70 [1680e] function 'elf64_getehdr'@6ad0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1682e] parameter 'elf' [6ad0,6af1) {reg5} [6af1,6af6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6af6,6b0d) {reg5} [6b0d,6b16) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6b16,6b2a) {reg5} [6b2a,6b33) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [16841] variable 'result' [168ec] function '__elf64_getehdr_wrlock'@6a70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1690c] parameter 'elf' [6a70,6a91) {reg5} [6a91,6a96) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6a96,6aa5) {reg5} [6aa5,6aae) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6aae,6ac2) {reg5} [6ac2,6acb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1684d] inlined function 'getehdr_impl'@6ad5 [16861] parameter 'wrlock' [6ad5,6af6) {lit0, stack_value} [6b03,6b33) {lit0, stack_value} [1686e] parameter 'elf' [6ad5,6af1) {reg5} [6af1,6af6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6b03,6b0d) {reg5} [6b0d,6b16) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6b16,6b2a) {reg5} [6b2a,6b33) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1688d] inlined function 'getehdr_impl' [1689d] parameter 'wrlock' [6adf,6ae6) {lit0, stack_value} [6ae6,6aed) {lit1, stack_value} [6b16,6b33) {lit0, stack_value} [168aa] parameter 'elf' [1691f] inlined function 'getehdr_impl'@6a70 [16933] parameter 'wrlock' [6a70,6ab2) {lit1, stack_value} [6ab3,6acb) {lit1, stack_value} [16940] parameter 'elf' [6a70,6a91) {reg5} [6a91,6a96) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6a96,6aa5) {reg5} [6aa5,6aae) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6aae,6ab2) {reg5} [6ab3,6ac2) {reg5} [6ac2,6acb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1695f] inlined function 'getehdr_impl'@6a7f [16978] parameter 'wrlock' [6a7f,6a91) {lit1, stack_value} [6ab3,6acb) {lit1, stack_value} [16985] parameter 'elf' [6a7f,6a91) {reg5} [6ab3,6ac2) {reg5} [6ac2,6acb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} module '' [16a0a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getehdr.c'@6b40 [17aa0] function 'gelf_getehdr'@6c80 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [17ac0] parameter 'elf' [6c80,6c89) {reg5} [6c89,6c8a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6c8a,6c93) {reg5} [17ad3] parameter 'dest' [6c80,6c89) {reg4} [6c89,6c8a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6c8a,6c93) {reg4} [17ae6] variable 'result' [17b14] function '__gelf_getehdr_rdlock'@6b40 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [17b34] parameter 'elf' [6b40,6bb1) {reg5} [6bb1,6bb7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6bb7,6c55) {reg5} [6c55,6c62) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6c62,6c75) {reg5} [6c75,6c7f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [17b47] parameter 'dest' [6b40,6bb1) {reg4} [6bb1,6bb7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6bb7,6c5c) {reg4} [6c5c,6c62) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6c62,6c79) {reg4} [6c79,6c7f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [17b5a] variable 'result' [6b40,6bb1) {lit0, stack_value} [6bb7,6c4c) {lit0, stack_value} [6c4c,6c4d) {reg4} [6c4d,6c6b) {lit0, stack_value} [6c70,6c7f) {lit0, stack_value} [17b89] inlined function 'memcpy'@6bc0 [17baa] parameter '__len' [6bb7,6bc9) {lit16, stack_value} [17bb7] parameter '__src' [6bb7,6bc9) {reg12} [17bc4] parameter '__dest' [6bb7,6bc9) {reg4} [17bd3] inlined function 'memcpy'@6b68 [17bf8] parameter '__len' [6b68,6bb1) {const1u(64), stack_value} [17c05] parameter '__src' [6b68,6bad) {reg12} [17c12] parameter '__dest' [6b68,6bb1) {reg4} module '' [17c81] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_newehdr.c'@6ca0 [18d19] function 'elf32_newehdr'@6ca0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [18d3b] parameter 'elf' [6ca0,6cc7) {reg5} [6cc7,6ccf) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6ccf,6d19) {reg1} [6d19,6d1f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6d1f,6d23) {reg5} [6d23,6d31) {reg1} [6d31,6d37) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [18d4f] variable 'result' [6d05,6d0a) {breg1(72)} [6d32,6d37) {lit0, stack_value} [18d6b] inlined function 'memset'@6cf5 [18d84] parameter '__len' [6cf5,6d01) {const1u(52), stack_value} [18d91] parameter '__ch' [6cf5,6d01) {lit0, stack_value} [18d9e] parameter '__dest' [6cf5,6cf8) {reg5} [6cf8,6d01) {reg8} module '' [18e0d] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_newehdr.c'@6d40 [19ea5] function 'elf64_newehdr'@6d40 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [19ec7] parameter 'elf' [6d40,6d67) {reg5} [6d67,6d6f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6d6f,6db1) {reg1} [6db1,6db7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6db7,6dc3) {reg5} [6dc3,6dd1) {reg1} [6dd1,6dd7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [19edb] variable 'result' [6d9f,6da4) {breg1(72)} [6dd2,6dd7) {lit0, stack_value} [19ef7] inlined function 'memset'@6d95 [19f10] parameter '__len' [6d95,6d98) {const1u(64), stack_value} [19f1d] parameter '__ch' [6d95,6d98) {lit0, stack_value} [19f2a] parameter '__dest' [6d95,6d98) {reg5} module '' [19f99] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_newehdr.c'@6de0 [1aee3] function 'gelf_newehdr'@6de0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1af01] parameter 'elf' [6de0,6de9) {reg5} [6de9,6dea) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6dea,6df4) {reg5} [6df4,6df5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1af15] parameter 'class' [6de0,6de9) {reg4} [6de9,6dea) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6dea,6df4) {reg4} [6df4,6df5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [1af5d] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_ehdr.c'@6e00 [1c011] function 'gelf_update_ehdr'@6e00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1c033] parameter 'elf' [6e00,6e77) {reg5} [6e77,6e7c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6e7c,6f19) {reg1} [6f19,6f21) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6f21,6f2b) {reg5} [6f2b,6f39) {reg1} [6f39,6f41) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6f41,6f51) {reg1} [6f51,6f59) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1c045] parameter 'src' [6e00,6e33) {reg4} [6e33,6e6a) {reg0} [6e6a,6e7c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6e7c,6f00) {reg0} [6f00,6f0d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6f0d,6f19) {reg0} [6f19,6f21) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6f21,6f2b) {reg4} [6f2b,6f39) {reg0} [6f39,6f41) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6f41,6f51) {reg4} [6f51,6f59) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1c057] variable 'result' [6e00,6e72) {lit0, stack_value} [6e72,6e77) {lit1, stack_value} [6e7c,6f2a) {lit0, stack_value} [6f2b,6f59) {lit0, stack_value} [1c08e] inlined function 'memcpy'@6ea0 [1c0b3] parameter '__len' [6ea0,6ea7) {lit16, stack_value} [1c0c0] parameter '__src' [6ea0,6ea7) {reg0} [1c0cd] parameter '__dest' [6ea0,6ea7) {breg1(72)} [1c12f] inlined function 'memcpy'@6e30 [1c150] parameter '__len' [6e30,6e6e) {const1u(64), stack_value} [1c15d] parameter '__src' [6e30,6e33) {reg4} [6e33,6e6a) {reg0} [6e6a,6e6e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1c16a] parameter '__dest' [6e30,6e6e) {reg2} module '' [1c1c8] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getphdr.c'@6f60 [1d3b5] function 'elf32_getphdr'@72a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1d3d5] parameter 'elf' [72a0,72c1) {reg5} [72c1,72cd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [72cd,72dc) {reg5} [72dc,72dd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1d3e8] variable 'result' [72af,72b5) {reg0} [72d3,72dc) {reg0} [1d420] function '__elf32_getphdr_wrlock'@6f60 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1d440] parameter 'elf' [6f60,6f87) {reg5} [6f87,6fad) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6fad,6fcd) {reg5} [6fcd,7044) {reg15} [7044,7056) {reg5} [7056,725c) {reg15} [725c,7261) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7261,729e) {reg15} [1d453] variable 'result' [6f82,6f87) {reg14} [6fad,703f) {reg14} [7044,705b) {reg14} [705b,7060) {lit0, stack_value} [7060,710b) {reg14} [7110,71db) {reg14} [724d,725c) {reg14} [7261,729e) {reg14} [1d46e] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [6f60,729e) {addr(0x13b30)} [1d8c5] inlined function 'pread_retry'@7159 [1d8de] parameter 'off' [7159,715c) {reg0} [715c,71aa) {fbreg(-88)} [71ca,71ce) {fbreg(-88)} [1d8eb] parameter 'len' [7159,71aa) {reg6} [71ca,71ce) {reg6} [1d8f8] parameter 'buf' [7159,715c) {reg4} [715c,71aa) {fbreg(-96)} [71ca,71ce) {fbreg(-96)} [1d905] parameter 'fd' [7159,71aa) {fbreg(-100)} [71ca,71ce) {fbreg(-100)} [1d950] inlined function 'pread'@7160 [1d969] parameter '__offset' [715c,7176) {fbreg(-88), deref, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [1d976] parameter '__nbytes' [715c,7171) {breg6(0), breg12(0), minus, stack_value} [7171,7175) {reg1} [7175,7176) {breg6(0), breg12(0), minus, stack_value} [1d983] parameter '__buf' [715c,7176) {fbreg(-96), deref, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [1d990] parameter '__fd' [715c,7176) {fbreg(-100)} [1d549] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70b8 [1d562] parameter '__bsx' [70b8,70c2) {breg0(0)} [70c2,70c8) {reg2} [1d570] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70cb [1d594] parameter '__bsx' [1d59a] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70d3 [1d5be] parameter '__bsx' [1d5c4] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70db [1d5e8] parameter '__bsx' [1d5ee] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70e3 [1d612] parameter '__bsx' [1d618] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70eb [1d63c] parameter '__bsx' [1d642] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70f3 [1d666] parameter '__bsx' [1d66c] inlined function '__bswap_32'@70fb [1d68c] parameter '__bsx' [1d77a] inlined function '__bswap_32'@7200 [1d793] parameter '__bsx' [71fa,7206) {breg0(0)} [7206,7208) {reg1} [1d7a1] inlined function '__bswap_32'@720b [1d7c5] parameter '__bsx' [1d7cb] inlined function '__bswap_32'@7213 [1d7ef] parameter '__bsx' [1d7f5] inlined function '__bswap_32'@721b [1d819] parameter '__bsx' [1d81f] inlined function '__bswap_32'@7223 [1d843] parameter '__bsx' [1d849] inlined function '__bswap_32'@722b [1d86d] parameter '__bsx' [1d873] inlined function '__bswap_32'@7233 [1d897] parameter '__bsx' [1d89d] inlined function '__bswap_32'@723b [1d8bd] parameter '__bsx' module '' [1dbc3] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getphdr.c'@72e0 [1edb0] function 'elf64_getphdr'@7640 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1edd0] parameter 'elf' [7640,7661) {reg5} [7661,766d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [766d,767c) {reg5} [767c,767d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1ede3] variable 'result' [764f,7655) {reg0} [7673,767c) {reg0} [1ee1b] function '__elf64_getphdr_wrlock'@72e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1ee3b] parameter 'elf' [72e0,7307) {reg5} [7307,732d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [732d,734d) {reg5} [734d,73c3) {reg15} [73c3,73d6) {reg5} [73d6,75fe) {reg15} [75fe,7603) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7603,7640) {reg15} [1ee4e] variable 'result' [7302,7307) {reg14} [732d,73be) {reg14} [73c3,73db) {reg14} [73db,73e0) {lit0, stack_value} [73e0,749d) {reg14} [74a2,756b) {reg14} [75ef,75fe) {reg14} [7603,7640) {reg14} [1ee69] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [72e0,7640) {addr(0x13b50)} [1f2c0] inlined function 'pread_retry'@74ec [1f2d9] parameter 'off' [74ec,74ef) {reg0} [74ef,753a) {fbreg(-88)} [755a,755e) {fbreg(-88)} [1f2e6] parameter 'len' [74ec,753a) {reg6} [755a,755e) {reg6} [1f2f3] parameter 'buf' [74ec,74ef) {reg4} [74ef,753a) {fbreg(-96)} [755a,755e) {fbreg(-96)} [1f300] parameter 'fd' [74ec,753a) {fbreg(-100)} [755a,755e) {fbreg(-100)} [1f34b] inlined function 'pread'@74f0 [1f364] parameter '__offset' [74ef,7506) {fbreg(-88), deref, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [1f371] parameter '__nbytes' [74ef,7501) {breg6(0), breg12(0), minus, stack_value} [7501,7505) {reg1} [7505,7506) {breg6(0), breg12(0), minus, stack_value} [1f37e] parameter '__buf' [74ef,7506) {fbreg(-96), deref, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [1f38b] parameter '__fd' [74ef,7506) {fbreg(-100)} [1ef6b] inlined function '__bswap_64'@744b [1ef8f] parameter '__bsx' [1ef95] inlined function '__bswap_64'@7456 [1efb9] parameter '__bsx' [1efbf] inlined function '__bswap_64'@7461 [1efe3] parameter '__bsx' [1efe9] inlined function '__bswap_64'@746c [1f00d] parameter '__bsx' [1f013] inlined function '__bswap_64'@7477 [1f037] parameter '__bsx' [1f067] inlined function '__bswap_64'@748a [1f087] parameter '__bsx' [1f19c] inlined function '__bswap_64'@759b [1f1c0] parameter '__bsx' [1f1c6] inlined function '__bswap_64'@75a6 [1f1ea] parameter '__bsx' [1f1f0] inlined function '__bswap_64'@75b1 [1f214] parameter '__bsx' [1f21a] inlined function '__bswap_64'@75bc [1f23e] parameter '__bsx' [1f244] inlined function '__bswap_64'@75c7 [1f268] parameter '__bsx' [1f298] inlined function '__bswap_64'@75da [1f2b8] parameter '__bsx' [1ef44] inlined function '__bswap_32'@7438 [1ef5d] parameter '__bsx' [7438,7442) {breg0(0)} [7442,7448) {reg2} [1f03d] inlined function '__bswap_32'@7482 [1f061] parameter '__bsx' [1f175] inlined function '__bswap_32'@7590 [1f18e] parameter '__bsx' [758a,7596) {breg0(0)} [7596,7598) {reg1} [1f26e] inlined function '__bswap_32'@75d2 [1f292] parameter '__bsx' module '' [1f5da] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getphdr.c'@7680 [206bc] function 'gelf_getphdr'@7680 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [206de] parameter 'elf' [7680,76d9) {reg5} [76d9,7750) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7750,7759) {reg5} [7759,77d3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [77d3,77e1) {reg5} [77e1,780a) {fbreg(-56)} [780a,7819) {reg5} [7819,7830) {fbreg(-56)} [7830,7835) {reg5} [7835,7842) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7842,7855) {reg5} [7855,7867) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [206f0] parameter 'ndx' [7680,76d9) {reg4} [76d9,7730) {reg6} [7730,7750) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7750,7759) {reg4} [7759,77d3) {reg6} [77d3,77e1) {reg4} [77e1,780a) {reg6} [780a,7819) {reg4} [7819,7830) {reg6} [7830,783c) {reg4} [783c,7842) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7842,785c) {reg4} [785c,7867) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [20702] parameter 'dst' [7680,76d9) {reg1} [76d9,7730) {reg3} [7730,7750) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7750,7759) {reg1} [7759,77d3) {reg3} [77d3,77e1) {reg1} [77e1,780a) {reg3} [780a,7819) {reg1} [7819,7830) {reg3} [7830,783c) {reg1} [783c,7842) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7842,785c) {reg1} [785c,7862) {reg3} [7862,7867) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [20714] variable 'result' [7698,76fa) {lit0, stack_value} [76fa,7730) {reg3} [7750,7787) {lit0, stack_value} [7787,77d3) {reg3} [77d3,784b) {lit0, stack_value} [7850,7862) {lit0, stack_value} [207af] inlined function 'memcpy'@76f0 [207c8] parameter '__len' [76f0,76fa) {const1u(56), stack_value} [207d5] parameter '__src' [76f0,76f4) {breg0(0), const1u(56), mul, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [76f4,76f7) {breg6(0), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, const1u(56), mul, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} [76f7,76fa) {reg0} [207e2] parameter '__dest' [76f0,76fa) {reg3} module '' [208df] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_newphdr.c'@7870 [21a1b] function 'elf32_newphdr'@7870 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [21a3d] parameter 'elf' [7870,78c8) {reg5} [78c8,7922) {reg3} [7922,7928) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7928,79f3) {reg3} [79f3,79f9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [79f9,7a0a) {reg3} [7a0a,7a1b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7a1b,7b65) {reg3} [21a51] parameter 'count' [7870,78db) {reg4} [78db,791a) {reg6} [791a,7928) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7928,7979) {reg4} [7979,798a) {reg6} [798a,79ab) {reg4} [79ab,79f4) {reg6} [79f4,79f9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [79f9,7a0a) {reg6} [7a0a,7a1b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7a1b,7a33) {reg6} [7a33,7a3c) {reg4} [7a3c,7a46) {reg6} [7a46,7a5c) {reg4} [7a5c,7a62) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7a62,7a74) {reg4} [7a74,7a7a) {reg6} [7a7a,7a89) {reg4} [7a89,7a8f) {reg6} [7a8f,7a9c) {reg4} [7a9c,7aa2) {reg6} [7aa2,7ac2) {reg4} [7ac2,7b18) {reg6} [7b18,7b21) {reg4} [7b21,7b27) {reg6} [7b27,7b3a) {reg4} [7b3a,7b65) {reg6} [21a65] variable 'result' [7974,7984) {reg2} [79b6,79bc) {reg0} [79bc,79f6) {reg12} [79f6,7a09) {reg0} [7a09,7a0a) {reg12} [7a8a,7a8f) {lit0, stack_value} [7a9d,7aa2) {lit0, stack_value} [7acd,7ad9) {reg0} [7ad9,7b18) {reg12} [7b22,7b27) {lit0, stack_value} [7b46,7b65) {reg12} [21a80] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [7870,7b65) {addr(0x13c28)} [21aaf] inlined function 'memset'@79c4 [21ad4] parameter '__len' [79c4,79d1) {reg13} [21ae1] parameter '__ch' [79c4,79d1) {lit0, stack_value} [21aee] parameter '__dest' [79c4,79d1) {reg12} [21bb6] inlined function 'memset'@7974 [21bcf] parameter '__len' [7974,7979) {breg4(0), lit5, shl, stack_value} [7979,7980) {breg1(0), lit5, shl, stack_value} [7980,7984) {reg1} [7984,7988) {breg6(0), lit5, shl, stack_value} [21bdc] parameter '__ch' [7974,7988) {lit0, stack_value} [21be9] parameter '__dest' [7974,7984) {reg2} module '' [21d29] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_newphdr.c'@7b70 [22e65] function 'elf64_newphdr'@7b70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [22e87] parameter 'elf' [7b70,7bc8) {reg5} [7bc8,7c22) {reg3} [7c22,7c28) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7c28,7cf0) {reg3} [7cf0,7cf6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7cf6,7d0a) {reg3} [7d0a,7d1b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7d1b,7e62) {reg3} [22e9b] parameter 'count' [7b70,7bdb) {reg4} [7bdb,7c1a) {reg6} [7c1a,7c28) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7c28,7c7a) {reg4} [7c7a,7c87) {reg6} [7c87,7ca8) {reg4} [7ca8,7cf1) {reg6} [7cf1,7cf6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7cf6,7d0a) {reg6} [7d0a,7d1b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7d1b,7d33) {reg6} [7d33,7d3c) {reg4} [7d3c,7d46) {reg6} [7d46,7d5c) {reg4} [7d5c,7d62) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7d62,7d74) {reg4} [7d74,7d7a) {reg6} [7d7a,7d89) {reg4} [7d89,7d8f) {reg6} [7d8f,7d9c) {reg4} [7d9c,7da2) {reg6} [7da2,7dbf) {reg4} [7dbf,7e15) {reg6} [7e15,7e1e) {reg4} [7e1e,7e24) {reg6} [7e24,7e37) {reg4} [7e37,7e62) {reg6} [22eaf] variable 'result' [7c74,7c81) {reg2} [7cb3,7cb9) {reg0} [7cb9,7cf3) {reg12} [7cf3,7d09) {reg0} [7d09,7d0a) {reg12} [7d8a,7d8f) {lit0, stack_value} [7d9d,7da2) {lit0, stack_value} [7dca,7dd6) {reg0} [7dd6,7e15) {reg12} [7e1f,7e24) {lit0, stack_value} [7e43,7e62) {reg12} [22eca] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [7b70,7e62) {addr(0x13c38)} [22ef9] inlined function 'memset'@7cc1 [22f1e] parameter '__len' [7cc1,7cce) {reg13} [22f2b] parameter '__ch' [7cc1,7cce) {lit0, stack_value} [22f38] parameter '__dest' [7cc1,7cce) {reg12} [23000] inlined function 'memset'@7c74 [23019] parameter '__len' [7c74,7c78) {breg4(0), const1u(56), mul, stack_value} [7c78,7c81) {reg1} [7c81,7c85) {breg6(0), const1u(56), mul, stack_value} [23026] parameter '__ch' [7c74,7c85) {lit0, stack_value} [23033] parameter '__dest' [7c74,7c81) {reg2} module '' [23174] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_newphdr.c'@7e70 [240c8] function 'gelf_newphdr'@7e70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [240e6] parameter 'elf' [7e70,7e7a) {reg5} [7e7a,7e7b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7e7b,7e84) {reg5} [7e84,7e85) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [240fa] parameter 'phnum' [7e70,7e7a) {reg4} [7e7a,7e7b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7e7b,7e84) {reg4} [7e84,7e85) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [24149] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_phdr.c'@7e90 [25249] function 'gelf_update_phdr'@7e90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2526b] parameter 'elf' [7e90,7edd) {reg5} [7edd,7f7a) {reg3} [7f7a,7f9b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7f9b,80d6) {reg3} [80d6,80db) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2527d] parameter 'ndx' [7e90,7edd) {reg4} [7edd,7f7a) {reg13} [7f7a,7f9b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7f9b,7fde) {reg4} [7fde,803c) {reg13} [803c,8049) {reg4} [8049,8058) {reg13} [8058,8064) {reg4} [8064,8076) {reg13} [8076,8089) {reg4} [8089,8091) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [8091,80bd) {reg13} [80bd,80c4) {reg4} [80c4,80d6) {reg13} [80d6,80db) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2528f] parameter 'src' [7e90,7edd) {reg1} [7edd,7f7a) {reg6} [7f7a,7f9b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7f9b,7fde) {reg1} [7fde,803c) {reg6} [803c,8049) {reg1} [8049,8058) {reg6} [8058,8064) {reg1} [8064,8076) {reg6} [8076,8089) {reg1} [8089,8091) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [8091,80bd) {reg6} [80bd,80c4) {reg1} [80c4,80d6) {reg6} [80d6,80db) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [252a1] variable 'result' [7eaa,7f7c) {lit0, stack_value} [7f9b,8032) {lit0, stack_value} [8032,803c) {lit1, stack_value} [803c,80d6) {lit0, stack_value} [25352] inlined function 'memcpy'@7f0c [2536b] parameter '__len' [7f0c,7f51) {const1u(56), stack_value} [25378] parameter '__src' [7f0c,7f51) {reg6} [25385] parameter '__dest' [7f0c,7f13) {breg13(0), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, const1u(56), mul, breg12(0), plus, stack_value} module '' [25443] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getarhdr.c'@80e0 [264ff] function 'elf_getarhdr'@80e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [26521] parameter 'elf' [80e0,80f8) {reg5} [80f8,810a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [810a,8113) {reg5} [8113,8135) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8135,813d) {reg5} [813d,8163) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [26535] variable 'parent' [80eb,8104) {reg12} [810a,8128) {reg12} [8135,8163) {reg12} [26549] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [80e0,8163) {addr(0x13c78)} module '' [2662b] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getarsym.c'@8170 [27841] function 'elf_getarsym'@8170 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [27863] parameter 'elf' [8170,81c0) {reg5} [81c0,81f5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [81f5,827f) {reg3} [827f,828e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [828e,8324) {reg3} [8324,832d) {reg5} [832d,833a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [833a,847c) {reg3} [847c,85bd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [85bd,86ba) {reg3} [86ba,86cc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [86cc,87ae) {reg3} [87ae,87c0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [87c0,87f8) {reg3} [87f8,8875) {fbreg(-120)} [8875,8888) {reg3} [8888,88b0) {fbreg(-120)} [88b0,88b5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [88b5,8916) {reg3} [27876] parameter 'ptr' [8170,81c0) {reg4} [81c0,81f5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [81f5,822b) {reg4} [822b,827f) {reg14} [827f,828e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [828e,82bc) {reg4} [82bc,8324) {reg14} [8324,8334) {reg4} [8334,833a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [833a,84a4) {reg14} [84a4,857a) {fbreg(-168)} [857a,85a9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [85a9,85bd) {fbreg(-168)} [85bd,85f8) {reg14} [85f8,860c) {reg4} [860c,88b0) {reg14} [88b0,88b5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [88b5,88f7) {reg14} [88f7,890a) {reg4} [890a,8916) {reg14} [27889] variable 'result' [81bb,81cc) {reg15} [81f5,831a) {reg15} [833a,8469) {reg15} [85bd,85f8) {reg15} [8612,86ba) {reg15} [86cc,8728) {reg15} [88b5,88bd) {reg15} [88c7,88d0) {reg15} [88d0,88d8) {breg3(80)} [88f7,8916) {reg15} [2789c] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [8170,8916) {addr(0x13cc8)} [27f57] inlined function 'read_number_entries'@8371 [27f71] parameter 'index64_p' (8371,8371) [864f,8654) {lit1, stack_value} [27f7e] parameter 'offp' [8371,83a6) {implicit_pointer([2791d],0) {reg0}} [85bd,85c9) {implicit_pointer([2791d],0) {fbreg(-168), deref, fbreg(-160), deref, plus, stack_value}} [864f,86ba) {implicit_pointer([2791d],0) {reg0}} [86cc,86db) {implicit_pointer([2791d],0) {fbreg(-160)}} [27f8b] parameter 'elf' [8371,83a6) {reg3} [85bd,85c9) {reg3} [864f,86ba) {reg3} [86cc,86db) {reg3} [27f98] parameter 'nump' [8371,83a6) {implicit_pointer([2790c],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [85bd,85c9) {implicit_pointer([2790c],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [864f,86ba) {implicit_pointer([2790c],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [86cc,86db) {implicit_pointer([2790c],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [27d85] inlined function '_dl_elf_hash'@84c0 [27dab] parameter 'name_arg' [84c0,8549) {reg5} [27db8] variable 'name' [84c0,8510) {reg5} [8510,8549) {reg8} [27dc5] variable 'hash' [84c3,84d9) {reg0} [84d9,84dc) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [84dc,84e9) {reg0} [84e9,84ec) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, lit4, shl, breg5(1), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, stack_value} [84ec,84f9) {reg0} [84f9,84fc) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, lit4, shl, breg5(1), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, lit4, shl, breg5(2), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, stack_value} [84fc,850d) {reg0} [850d,8510) {breg5(0), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, lit4, shl, breg5(1), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, lit4, shl, breg5(2), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, lit4, shl, breg5(3), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, plus, stack_value} [8510,8524) {reg0} [852b,8549) {reg0} [27a41] inlined function 'pread_retry'@874b [27a5b] parameter 'off' [874b,87aa) {fbreg(-184)} [87c0,87ca) {fbreg(-184)} [8875,8888) {fbreg(-184)} [27a68] parameter 'len' [874b,87aa) {reg6} [87c0,87ca) {reg6} [8875,8888) {reg6} [27a75] parameter 'buf' [874b,8756) {reg2} [8756,87aa) {fbreg(-176)} [87c0,87ca) {fbreg(-176)} [8875,8888) {fbreg(-176)} [27a82] parameter 'fd' [874b,8750) {reg0} [8750,87aa) {fbreg(-168)} [87c0,87ca) {fbreg(-168)} [8875,8888) {fbreg(-168)} [27b59] inlined function 'pread_retry'@87ff [27b73] parameter 'off' (87ff,87ff) [87ff,8859) {fbreg(-168)} [8888,88b0) {fbreg(-168)} [27b80] parameter 'len' [87ff,8859) {fbreg(-160)} [8888,88b0) {fbreg(-160)} [27b8d] parameter 'buf' [27b92] parameter 'fd' (87ff,87ff) [87ff,8859) {fbreg(-184)} [8888,88b0) {fbreg(-184)} [27e3f] inlined function 'pread_retry'@82b7 [27e59] parameter 'off' [82b7,82bc) {reg12} [82bc,8312) {fbreg(-160)} [27e66] parameter 'len' [82b3,8312) {const1u(60), stack_value} [27e73] parameter 'buf' [82b3,82bc) {reg6} [82bc,8312) {fbreg(-184)} [27e80] parameter 'fd' [82b3,82bc) {breg3(36)} [82bc,8312) {fbreg(-168)} [28073] inlined function 'pread_retry'@866b [28089] parameter 'off' (866b,866b) [866b,86ba) {fbreg(-160)} [86cc,86ce) {fbreg(-160)} [28096] parameter 'len' [866b,86ba) {fbreg(-168)} [86cc,86ce) {fbreg(-168)} [280a3] parameter 'buf' [866b,86ba) {fbreg(-104), stack_value} [86cc,86ce) {fbreg(-104), stack_value} [280b0] parameter 'fd' (866b,866b) [866b,86ba) {fbreg(-152)} [86cc,86ce) {fbreg(-152)} [27acd] inlined function 'pread'@8760 [27ae7] parameter '__offset' [8756,8775) {fbreg(-184), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [27af4] parameter '__nbytes' [8756,8770) {breg6(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [8770,8774) {reg1} [8774,8775) {breg6(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [27b01] parameter '__buf' [8756,8775) {fbreg(-176), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [27b0e] parameter '__fd' [8756,8775) {fbreg(-168)} [27bdd] inlined function 'pread'@8800 [27bf7] parameter '__offset' [87ff,881e) {fbreg(-168), deref, breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [27c04] parameter '__nbytes' [87ff,8812) {fbreg(-160), deref, breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [8812,8816) {reg1} [8816,881e) {fbreg(-160), deref, breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [27c11] parameter '__buf' [87ff,881e) {breg13(0), breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [27c1e] parameter '__fd' [87ff,881e) {fbreg(-184)} [27ecb] inlined function 'pread'@82c0 [27ee5] parameter '__offset' [82bc,82d7) {fbreg(-160), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [27ef2] parameter '__nbytes' [82bc,82d2) {const1u(60), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [82d2,82d6) {reg1} [82d6,82d7) {const1u(60), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [27eff] parameter '__buf' [82bc,82d7) {fbreg(-184), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [27f0c] parameter '__fd' [82bc,82d7) {fbreg(-168)} [280fb] inlined function 'pread'@8670 [28115] parameter '__offset' [866b,8689) {fbreg(-160), deref, breg6(0), plus, stack_value} [28122] parameter '__nbytes' [866b,8684) {fbreg(-168), deref, breg6(0), minus, stack_value} [8684,8688) {reg1} [8688,8689) {fbreg(-168), deref, breg6(0), minus, stack_value} [2812f] parameter '__buf' [866b,8689) {fbreg(0), breg6(0), plus, const1u(104), minus, stack_value} [2813c] parameter '__fd' [866b,8689) {fbreg(-152)} [27fc0] inlined function 'memcpy'@8382 [27fe5] parameter '__len' [8382,8390) {lit8, stack_value} [27ff2] parameter '__src' [8382,838b) {breg0(0), fbreg(-160), deref, plus, stack_value} [838b,8390) {fbreg(-176), deref, fbreg(-160), deref, plus, stack_value} [27fff] parameter '__dest' [8382,8390) {fbreg(-104), stack_value} [2818e] inlined function 'memcpy'@83a6 [281a8] parameter '__len' [83a6,83ce) {lit10, stack_value} [281b5] parameter '__src' [83a6,83ce) {fbreg(-184), deref, plus_uconst(48), stack_value} [281c2] parameter '__dest' [83a6,83ce) {fbreg(-96), stack_value} [281d0] inlined function 'atol'@83ce [281ea] parameter '__nptr' [83ce,83d6) {fbreg(-96), stack_value} [27d53] inlined function '__bswap_64'@84b4 [27d76] parameter '__bsx' [84b4,84bc) {breg3(0), lit3, shl, breg6(0), plus} [2800d] inlined function '__bswap_64'@839b [28032] parameter '__bsx' [839b,83a6) {fbreg(-104)} [27df6] inlined function '__bswap_32'@85b0 [27e1c] parameter '__bsx' [85a9,85b6) {breg3(0), lit2, shl, breg6(0), plus} [28040] inlined function '__bswap_32'@85c0 [28065] parameter '__bsx' [85bd,85c6) {fbreg(-104)} module '' [2853b] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rawfile.c'@8920 [295cc] function 'elf_rawfile'@8920 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [295ee] parameter 'elf' [8920,8935) {reg5} [8935,894c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [894c,8959) {reg5} [8959,8969) {fbreg(-24)} [8969,8975) {reg5} [8975,898b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [29600] parameter 'ptr' [8920,8935) {reg4} [8935,894b) {reg6} [894b,894c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [894c,8959) {reg4} [8959,8969) {reg6} [8969,8979) {reg4} [8979,898b) {reg6} [29612] variable 'result' (8946,8946) module '' [29675] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_readall.c'@8990 [2a94d] function '__libelf_readall'@8aa0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2a96f] parameter 'elf' [8aa0,8acc) {reg5} [8acc,8af8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8af8,8b11) {reg5} [8b11,8cd7) {reg3} [8cd7,8cdc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8cdc,8cee) {reg3} [2ac33] function 'set_address'@8990 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2ac51] parameter 'elf' [8990,89b3) {reg5} [89b3,89c4) {reg6} [89c4,89c7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [89c7,89f2) {reg6} [2ac64] parameter 'offset' [8990,89b3) {reg4} [89b3,89c6) {reg12} [89c6,89c7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [89c7,89f2) {reg12} [2a9e9] inlined function 'libelf_acquire_all'@8b11 [2aa02] parameter 'elf' [8b11,8b1b) {reg3} [8b9a,8bc6) {reg3} [8c62,8c75) {reg3} [2ab49] inlined function 'libelf_acquire_all'@8c20 [2ab62] parameter 'elf' [8c20,8c4e) {reg3} [8c55,8c62) {reg3} [2addd] inlined function 'libelf_acquire_all'@8a38 [2adfc] parameter 'elf' [8a32,8a92) {reg3} [2ae2b] inlined function 'libelf_acquire_all'@8a60 [2ae4a] parameter 'elf' [8a60,8a92) {reg6} [2aa3b] inlined function 'pread_retry'@8b53 [2aa54] parameter 'off' (8b53,8b53) [8b53,8b9a) {fbreg(-240)} [8bc6,8be8) {fbreg(-240)} [8c4e,8c55) {fbreg(-240)} [8cba,8cc3) {fbreg(-240)} [2aa61] parameter 'len' [2aa66] parameter 'buf' (8b53,8b53) [8b53,8b9a) {reg15} [8bc6,8be8) {reg15} [8c4e,8c55) {reg15} [8cba,8cc3) {reg15} [2aa73] parameter 'fd' (8b53,8b53) [8b53,8b9a) {fbreg(-244)} [8bc6,8be8) {fbreg(-244)} [8c4e,8c55) {fbreg(-244)} [8cba,8cc3) {fbreg(-244)} [2aabe] inlined function 'pread'@8b58 [2aad7] parameter '__offset' [8b53,8b74) {fbreg(-240), deref, breg14(0), plus, stack_value} [2aae4] parameter '__nbytes' [8b53,8b68) {breg6(0), breg14(0), minus, stack_value} [8b68,8b6c) {reg1} [8b6c,8b74) {breg6(0), breg14(0), minus, stack_value} [2aaf1] parameter '__buf' [8b53,8b74) {breg15(0), breg14(0), plus, stack_value} [2aafe] parameter '__fd' [8b53,8b74) {fbreg(-244)} [2ad9f] function 'libelf_acquire_all'@8a00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2adba] parameter 'elf' [8a00,8a1d) {reg5} [8a1d,8a92) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} module '' [2aea9] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_cntl.c'@8cf0 [2bf3a] function 'elf_cntl'@8cf0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2bf58] parameter 'elf' [8cf0,8d10) {reg5} [8d10,8d1f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8d1f,8d26) {reg5} [8d26,8d34) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8d34,8d41) {reg5} [8d41,8d4e) {fbreg(-24)} [8d4e,8d53) {reg5} [8d53,8d62) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8d62,8d66) {reg5} [2bf6a] parameter 'cmd' [8cf0,8d14) {reg4} [8d14,8d1f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [8d1f,8d26) {reg4} [8d26,8d34) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [8d34,8d41) {reg4} [8d41,8d4e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [8d4e,8d5b) {reg4} [8d5b,8d62) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [8d62,8d66) {reg4} [2bf7c] variable 'result' [8cf0,8d15) {lit0, stack_value} [8d15,8d1a) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [8d1f,8d66) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [2bfe1] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getscn.c'@8d70 [2d0b4] function 'elf_getscn'@8d70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2d0d2] parameter 'elf' [8d70,8dca) {reg5} [8dca,8e53) {reg12} [8e53,8e54) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8e54,8e68) {reg12} [8e68,8e69) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8e69,8e75) {reg5} [8e75,8e7e) {reg12} [8e7e,8e83) {reg5} [8e83,8e91) {reg12} [2d0e4] parameter 'idx' [8d70,8dbe) {reg4} [8dbe,8e4a) {reg6} [8e54,8e66) {reg6} [8e69,8e79) {reg4} [8e79,8e7e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [8e7e,8e83) {reg4} [8e83,8e91) {reg6} [2d0f6] variable 'result' [8d97,8e4f) {lit0, stack_value} [8e54,8e69) {lit0, stack_value} [8e83,8e91) {lit0, stack_value} [2d109] variable 'runp' [8d97,8e2c) {reg3} [8e2f,8e4f) {reg3} [8e54,8e63) {reg3} [8e83,8e91) {reg3} module '' [2d1a3] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_nextscn.c'@8ea0 [2e19d] inlined function 'elf_nextscn'@8f10 [2e1b2] parameter 'elf' [8f10,8f2b) {reg5} [8f2b,8f30) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2e1bf] parameter 'scn' [2e152] function 'elf_nextscn'@8ea0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2e169] parameter 'elf' [8ea0,8f2b) {reg5} [8f2b,8f30) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2e176] parameter 'scn' [8ea0,8eb1) {reg4} [8efb,8f0e) {reg4} [8f0e,8f10) {breg1(16), stack_value} [2e183] variable 'list' [8eb1,8ee3) {reg1} [8ee3,8ef2) {reg0} [8ef2,8ef3) {breg0(-16), stack_value} [8f07,8f10) {reg1} (8f10,8f10) [2e190] variable 'result' [8ea0,8ef2) {lit0, stack_value} [8ef2,8ef3) {reg0} [8ef3,8efa) {lit0, stack_value} [8efb,8f30) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [2e21e] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_ndxscn.c'@8f30 [2f13e] function 'elf_ndxscn'@8f30 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2f15c] parameter 'scn' [8f30,8f43) {reg5} module '' [2f178] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_newscn.c'@8f50 [30276] function 'elf_newscn'@8f50 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [30298] parameter 'elf' [8f50,8f6d) {reg5} [8f6d,908e) {reg3} [908e,909c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [909c,90bb) {reg3} [90bb,90c5) {reg5} [90c5,910f) {reg3} [302ac] variable 'result' [8f50,8f6d) {lit0, stack_value} [8f6d,908e) {reg12} [909c,90bb) {reg12} [90bb,90c3) {lit0, stack_value} [90c5,910f) {reg12} [302bf] variable 'first' [8f50,902c) {lit0, stack_value} [902c,908e) {reg13} [909c,90c5) {lit0, stack_value} [90d1,910f) {lit0, stack_value} [302d2] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [8f50,910f) {addr(0x13d90)} module '' [3040a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getshdr.c'@9110 [315d9] function 'elf32_getshdr'@95f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [315fc] parameter 'scn' [95f0,9615) {reg5} [9615,9616) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9616,9625) {reg5} [9625,9631) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9631,963d) {reg5} [963d,9644) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9644,964b) {reg5} [31611] variable 'result' [3161c] inlined function 'scn_valid'@95f0 [31637] parameter 'scn' [95f0,960d) {reg5} [9616,9625) {reg5} [9625,962a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9631,963d) {reg5} [963d,9642) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9644,964b) {reg5} [32026] inlined function 'scn_valid'@9510 [32040] parameter 'scn' [9510,952f) {reg5} [9540,9542) {reg5} [9551,955d) {reg5} [955d,9567) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [956e,9575) {reg5} [9575,957a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [316fd] function 'load_shdr_wrlock'@9110 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3171f] parameter 'scn' [9110,9145) {reg5} [9145,916b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [916b,917b) {reg5} [917b,94f9) {reg14} [94f9,94fe) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [94fe,950d) {reg14} [31733] variable 'result' [9143,916a) {reg15} [916a,916b) {reg0} [916b,950d) {reg15} [31746] variable 'elf' [913c,9161) {reg3} [916b,950d) {reg3} [31759] variable 'ehdr' [9143,9145) {reg6} [916b,9372) {reg6} [93d6,9450) {reg6} [94be,94f9) {reg6} [94fe,950d) {reg6} [3177c] variable 'shnum' [9110,950d) {fbreg(-80)} [3178c] variable 'size' [91a1,94f9) {reg12} [94fe,950d) {reg12} [3179f] variable 'shdr' [91b5,91d1) {reg0} [91d1,92c4) {fbreg(-120)} [92c4,92cb) {reg0} [92cb,937b) {fbreg(-120)} [93d6,94f9) {fbreg(-120)} [94fe,9507) {reg0} [9507,950d) {fbreg(-120)} [317c2] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [9110,950d) {addr(0x13eb0)} [31cce] inlined function 'pread_retry'@92e7 [31ce8] parameter 'off' [92e7,92f1) {reg0} [92f1,9354) {fbreg(-88)} [940e,941e) {fbreg(-88)} [942a,942e) {fbreg(-88)} [31cf5] parameter 'len' [92e7,9354) {reg12} [940e,941e) {reg12} [942a,942e) {reg12} [31d02] parameter 'buf' [92e7,9354) {fbreg(-120)} [940e,941e) {fbreg(-120)} [942a,942e) {fbreg(-120)} [31d0f] parameter 'fd' [92e7,92f6) {breg3(36)} [92f6,9354) {fbreg(-92)} [940e,941e) {fbreg(-92)} [942a,942e) {fbreg(-92)} [31a33] inlined function 'memcpy'@9360 [31a58] parameter '__len' [9360,936d) {reg12} [31a65] parameter '__src' [9360,936c) {reg4} [31a72] parameter '__dest' [9360,936d) {fbreg(-120)} [31842] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9252 [31867] parameter '__bsx' [9252,9256) {breg4(0)} [31875] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9258 [3189a] parameter '__bsx' [9258,925d) {breg4(4)} [318a8] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9260 [318c2] parameter '__bsx' [9260,9268) {breg4(8)} [318d0] inlined function '__bswap_32'@926b [318f5] parameter '__bsx' [926b,9270) {breg4(12)} [31903] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9273 [31928] parameter '__bsx' [9273,9278) {breg4(16)} [31936] inlined function '__bswap_32'@927b [3195b] parameter '__bsx' [927b,9280) {breg4(20)} [31969] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9283 [3198e] parameter '__bsx' [9283,9288) {breg4(24)} [3199c] inlined function '__bswap_32'@928b [319c1] parameter '__bsx' [928b,9290) {breg4(28)} [319cf] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9293 [319f4] parameter '__bsx' [9293,9298) {breg4(32)} [31a02] inlined function '__bswap_32'@929b [31a23] parameter '__bsx' [929b,92a0) {breg4(36)} [31b26] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9460 [31b40] parameter '__bsx' [945a,9467) {breg6(0)} [9467,9469) {reg0} [31b4e] inlined function '__bswap_32'@946c [31b73] parameter '__bsx' [31b79] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9474 [31b9e] parameter '__bsx' [31ba4] inlined function '__bswap_32'@947c [31bc9] parameter '__bsx' [31bcf] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9484 [31bf4] parameter '__bsx' [31bfa] inlined function '__bswap_32'@948c [31c1f] parameter '__bsx' [31c25] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9494 [31c4a] parameter '__bsx' [31c50] inlined function '__bswap_32'@949c [31c75] parameter '__bsx' [31c7b] inlined function '__bswap_32'@94a4 [31ca0] parameter '__bsx' [31ca6] inlined function '__bswap_32'@94ac [31cc7] parameter '__bsx' [31d5a] inlined function 'pread'@9300 [31d74] parameter '__offset' [92f6,9319) {fbreg(-88), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [31d81] parameter '__nbytes' [92f6,9310) {breg12(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [9310,9318) {reg1} [9318,9319) {breg12(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [31d8e] parameter '__buf' [92f6,9319) {fbreg(-120), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [31d9b] parameter '__fd' [92f6,9319) {fbreg(-92)} [31ff1] function '__elf32_getshdr_rdlock'@9510 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3200c] parameter 'scn' [9510,953b) {reg5} [953b,9540) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9540,9550) {reg5} [9550,9551) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9551,955d) {reg5} [955d,956e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [956e,9575) {reg5} [9575,957e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [32019] variable 'result' [9536,953b) {reg0} (9543,9543) [9543,9551) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [320a7] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getshdr.c'@9650 [33276] function 'elf64_getshdr'@9b70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [33299] parameter 'scn' [9b70,9b95) {reg5} [9b95,9b96) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9b96,9ba5) {reg5} [9ba5,9bb1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9bb1,9bbd) {reg5} [9bbd,9bc4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9bc4,9bcb) {reg5} [332ae] variable 'result' [332b9] inlined function 'scn_valid'@9b70 [332d4] parameter 'scn' [9b70,9b8d) {reg5} [9b96,9ba5) {reg5} [9ba5,9baa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9bb1,9bbd) {reg5} [9bbd,9bc2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9bc4,9bcb) {reg5} [33cc2] inlined function 'scn_valid'@9a90 [33cdc] parameter 'scn' [9a90,9aaf) {reg5} [9ac0,9ac2) {reg5} [9ad1,9add) {reg5} [9add,9ae7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9aee,9af5) {reg5} [9af5,9afa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3339a] function 'load_shdr_wrlock'@9650 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [333bc] parameter 'scn' [9650,9686) {reg5} [9686,96ac) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [96ac,96bb) {reg5} [96bb,9a7b) {reg14} [9a7b,9a80) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9a80,9a8f) {reg14} [333d0] variable 'result' [9684,96ab) {reg15} [96ab,96ac) {reg0} [96ac,9a8f) {reg15} [333e3] variable 'elf' [967c,96a5) {reg12} [96ac,9a8f) {reg12} [333f6] variable 'ehdr' [9684,96a2) {reg3} [96ac,9a8f) {reg3} [33419] variable 'shnum' [9650,9a8f) {fbreg(-80)} [33429] variable 'size' [96df,98d2) {reg6} [9936,99af) {reg6} [9a38,9a7b) {reg6} [9a80,9a8f) {reg6} [3343c] variable 'shdr' [96f4,9714) {reg0} [9714,9822) {fbreg(-120)} [9822,982d) {reg0} [982d,98dc) {fbreg(-120)} [9936,9a7b) {fbreg(-120)} [9a80,9a89) {reg0} [9a89,9a8f) {fbreg(-120)} [3345f] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [9650,9a8f) {addr(0x13ed0)} [3394d] inlined function 'pread_retry'@984b [33967] parameter 'off' [984b,9855) {reg0} [9855,98b4) {fbreg(-88)} [9971,9986) {fbreg(-88)} [9992,9996) {fbreg(-88)} [33974] parameter 'len' [984b,98b4) {reg6} [9971,9986) {reg6} [9992,9996) {reg6} [33981] parameter 'buf' [984b,98b4) {fbreg(-120)} [9971,9986) {fbreg(-120)} [9992,9996) {fbreg(-120)} [3398e] parameter 'fd' [984b,985a) {breg12(36)} [985a,98b4) {fbreg(-92)} [9971,9986) {fbreg(-92)} [9992,9996) {fbreg(-92)} [336b2] inlined function 'memcpy'@98c0 [336d7] parameter '__len' [98c0,98cd) {reg6} [336e4] parameter '__src' [98c0,98cc) {reg4} [336f1] parameter '__dest' [98c0,98cd) {fbreg(-120)} [3353a] inlined function '__bswap_64'@97b7 [33554] parameter '__bsx' [3355a] inlined function '__bswap_64'@97b7 [33574] parameter '__bsx' [97b7,97bd) {breg4(16)} [33582] inlined function '__bswap_64'@97c1 [335a7] parameter '__bsx' [97c1,97c8) {breg4(24)} [335b5] inlined function '__bswap_64'@97cc [335da] parameter '__bsx' [97cc,97d3) {breg4(32)} [3364e] inlined function '__bswap_64'@97e7 [33673] parameter '__bsx' [97e7,97ee) {breg4(48)} [33681] inlined function '__bswap_64'@97f2 [336a2] parameter '__bsx' [97f2,97f9) {breg4(56)} [337f8] inlined function '__bswap_64'@99dc [3381d] parameter '__bsx' [33823] inlined function '__bswap_64'@99e7 [33848] parameter '__bsx' [3384e] inlined function '__bswap_64'@99f2 [33873] parameter '__bsx' [33879] inlined function '__bswap_64'@99fd [3389e] parameter '__bsx' [338fa] inlined function '__bswap_64'@9a18 [3391f] parameter '__bsx' [33925] inlined function '__bswap_64'@9a23 [33946] parameter '__bsx' [334df] inlined function '__bswap_32'@979a [33504] parameter '__bsx' [979a,979e) {breg4(0)} [33512] inlined function '__bswap_32'@97a0 [3352c] parameter '__bsx' [97a0,97ae) {breg4(4)} [97ae,97b4) {reg2} [335e8] inlined function '__bswap_32'@97d7 [3360d] parameter '__bsx' [97d7,97dc) {breg4(40)} [3361b] inlined function '__bswap_32'@97df [33640] parameter '__bsx' [97df,97e4) {breg4(44)} [337a5] inlined function '__bswap_32'@99c8 [337bf] parameter '__bsx' [99c2,99cf) {breg6(0)} [99cf,99d1) {reg0} [337cd] inlined function '__bswap_32'@99d4 [337f2] parameter '__bsx' [338a4] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9a08 [338c9] parameter '__bsx' [338cf] inlined function '__bswap_32'@9a10 [338f4] parameter '__bsx' [339d9] inlined function 'pread'@9860 [339f3] parameter '__offset' [985a,9879) {fbreg(-88), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [33a00] parameter '__nbytes' [985a,9870) {breg6(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [9870,9878) {reg1} [9878,9879) {breg6(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [33a0d] parameter '__buf' [985a,9879) {fbreg(-120), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [33a1a] parameter '__fd' [985a,9879) {fbreg(-92)} [33c8d] function '__elf64_getshdr_rdlock'@9a90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [33ca8] parameter 'scn' [9a90,9abb) {reg5} [9abb,9ac0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9ac0,9ad0) {reg5} [9ad0,9ad1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9ad1,9add) {reg5} [9add,9aee) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9aee,9af5) {reg5} [9af5,9afe) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [33cb5] variable 'result' [9ab6,9abb) {reg0} (9ac3,9ac3) [9ac3,9ad1) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [33d43] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getshdr.c'@9bd0 [34e03] function 'gelf_getshdr'@9bd0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [34e25] parameter 'scn' [9bd0,9c03) {reg5} [9c03,9c49) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9c49,9c59) {reg5} [9c59,9ca1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9ca1,9cb1) {reg5} [9cb1,9cd1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9cd1,9ce9) {reg5} [9ce9,9cf9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [34e37] parameter 'dst' [9bd0,9c03) {reg4} [9c03,9c49) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9c49,9c59) {reg4} [9c59,9ca1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9ca1,9cb1) {reg4} [9cb1,9cc0) {fbreg(-24)} [9cc0,9cd1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9cd1,9ce9) {reg4} [9ce9,9cf9) {fbreg(-24)} [34e49] variable 'result' [9bd0,9c44) {lit0, stack_value} [9c44,9c49) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9c49,9c99) {lit0, stack_value} [9c99,9ca1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9ca1,9cda) {lit0, stack_value} [9cdb,9cf9) {lit0, stack_value} [34eaa] inlined function 'memcpy'@9c03 [34ecf] parameter '__len' [9c03,9c44) {const1u(64), stack_value} [34edc] parameter '__src' [9c03,9c3d) {reg0} [34ee9] parameter '__dest' [9c03,9c44) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [34f54] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_shdr.c'@9d00 [36032] function 'gelf_update_shdr'@9d00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [36054] parameter 'scn' [9d00,9d3b) {reg5} [9d3b,9d8b) {reg6} [9d8b,9d8c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9d8c,9d99) {reg5} [9d99,9e04) {reg6} [9e04,9e11) {reg5} [9e11,9e29) {reg6} [9e29,9e34) {reg5} [9e34,9e50) {reg6} [9e50,9e51) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9e51,9e64) {reg5} [9e64,9e6f) {reg6} [36066] parameter 'src' [9d00,9d3b) {reg4} [9d3b,9d8a) {reg3} [9d8a,9d8c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9d8c,9e0f) {reg3} [9e0f,9e11) {reg4} [9e11,9e4f) {reg3} [9e4f,9e51) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [9e51,9e5b) {reg4} [9e5b,9e6f) {reg3} [36078] variable 'result' [9d00,9d80) {lit0, stack_value} [9d80,9d85) {lit1, stack_value} [9d8c,9e0e) {lit0, stack_value} [9e11,9e5a) {lit0, stack_value} [9e5b,9e6f) {lit0, stack_value} [3608b] variable 'elf' [9d25,9d3b) {reg1} [9d8c,9d99) {reg1} [9e29,9e34) {reg1} [9e5b,9e64) {reg1} [36118] inlined function 'memcpy'@9d3b [3613d] parameter '__len' [9d3b,9d79) {const1u(64), stack_value} [3614a] parameter '__src' [9d3b,9d79) {reg3} [36157] parameter '__dest' [9d3b,9d79) {reg0} module '' [361af] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_strptr.c'@9e70 [372c0] function 'elf_strptr'@9e70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [372e2] parameter 'elf' [9e70,9efa) {reg5} [9efa,9fd5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9fd5,9fd8) {reg5} [9fd8,9ff5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [9ff5,9ffd) {reg5} [9ffd,a00a) {breg3(-200), stack_value} [a00a,a019) {reg5} [a019,a0ec) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a0ec,a0ef) {reg5} [a0ef,a11b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [372f5] parameter 'idx' [9e70,9eaf) {reg4} (9eaf,9eaf) [9eaf,9eb7) {breg6(0), breg0(0), minus, stack_value} [9eb7,9f3a) {reg6} [9fd5,9ff5) {reg6} [9ff5,a004) {reg4} [a004,a097) {reg6} [a0a2,a102) {reg6} [37308] parameter 'offset' [9e70,9efa) {reg1} [9efa,9f7d) {reg12} [9f7d,9fa3) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [9fa3,9fcb) {reg12} [9fcb,9fd5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [9fd5,9fdc) {reg1} [9fdc,9ff5) {reg12} [9ff5,a004) {reg1} [a004,a00a) {reg12} [a00a,a019) {reg1} [a019,a0ec) {reg12} [a0ec,a0f3) {reg1} [a0f3,a116) {reg12} [a116,a11b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3731c] variable 'result' [37327] variable 'strscn' [9ee3,9f61) {reg14} [9fd5,9ff5) {reg14} [a00a,a102) {reg14} [3733a] variable 'runp' [3734d] variable 'sh_size' [9ee3,9f12) {lit0, stack_value} [9f12,9f33) {reg1} [9fd5,9ff5) {lit0, stack_value} [a00a,a048) {lit0, stack_value} [a048,a06a) {reg1} [a06a,a07d) {fbreg(-104)} [a07d,a083) {lit0, stack_value} [a083,a091) {reg1} [a0a2,a102) {lit0, stack_value} [3747f] inlined function 'validate_str'@a102 [37494] parameter 'to' [a102,a108) {reg1} [a108,a116) {breg14(16)} [374a1] parameter 'from' [a102,a10b) {breg12(0), breg0(0), minus, stack_value} [a10b,a111) {reg13} [a111,a116) {breg12(0), breg0(0), minus, stack_value} [374ae] parameter 'str' [a102,a116) {breg14(0)} [374d6] inlined function 'validate_str'@9f54 [374fa] parameter 'to' [9f54,9f5e) {reg1} [37507] parameter 'from' [9f54,9f61) {reg12} [37514] parameter 'str' [3751a] inlined function 'validate_str'@a097 [3753e] parameter 'to' [a097,a09d) {reg1} [3754b] parameter 'from' [a097,a0a2) {reg12} [37558] parameter 'str' [a097,a09a) {reg13} [a09a,a0a2) {breg3(192)} [3737c] inlined function 'get_zdata'@a0a2 [373a0] parameter 'strscn' [a0a2,a0e7) {reg14} [373ad] variable 'zsize' [a0a2,a0e7) {fbreg(-88)} [373b6] variable 'zalign' [a0a2,a0e7) {fbreg(-80)} [373bf] variable 'zdata' [a0ba,a0cc) {reg0} [a0cc,a0e7) {reg13} module '' [37641] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rawdata.c'@a120 [38751] inlined function 'elf_rawdata'@a136 [3876a] parameter 'data' [a136,a14b) {reg4} [a14b,a14f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a169,a179) {reg4} [a179,a185) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a187,a199) {reg4} [a199,a1a1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [38777] parameter 'scn' [a136,a14b) {reg5} [a14b,a14f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a169,a179) {reg5} [a179,a185) {fbreg(-24)} [a187,a195) {reg5} [a195,a1a1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [38720] function 'elf_rawdata'@a120 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [38737] parameter 'scn' [a120,a14b) {reg5} [a14b,a154) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a154,a15d) {reg5} [a15d,a169) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a169,a179) {reg5} [a179,a187) {fbreg(-24)} [a187,a195) {reg5} [a195,a1a1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [38744] parameter 'data' [a120,a14b) {reg4} [a14b,a154) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a154,a161) {reg4} [a161,a169) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a169,a179) {reg4} [a179,a187) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a187,a199) {reg4} [a199,a1a1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [387d2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getdata.c'@a1b0 [39ab4] function 'elf_getdata'@a9e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [39ad5] parameter 'scn' [a9e0,a9e9) {reg5} [a9e9,a9ea) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a9ea,a9f3) {reg5} [39ae9] parameter 'data' [a9e0,a9e9) {reg4} [a9e9,a9ea) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a9ea,a9f3) {reg4} [39afd] variable 'result' [39b2b] function '__elf_getdata_rdlock'@a900 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [39b4c] parameter 'scn' [a900,a937) {reg5} [a937,a95f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a95f,a969) {reg5} [a969,a989) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a989,a999) {reg5} [a999,a9aa) {fbreg(-24)} [a9aa,a9b5) {reg5} [a9b5,a9cf) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a9cf,a9d3) {reg5} [39b60] parameter 'data' [a900,a957) {reg4} [a957,a95f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a95f,a965) {reg4} [a965,a978) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a978,a989) {reg4} [a989,a9aa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a9aa,a9b9) {reg4} [a9b9,a9cf) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a9cf,a9d3) {reg4} [39b74] variable 'result' [a900,a973) {lit0, stack_value} [a978,a9d3) {lit0, stack_value} [39b88] variable 'elf' [a91e,a937) {breg5(136)} [a937,a957) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(136)} [a95f,a969) {breg5(136)} [a978,a989) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(136)} [a989,a999) {breg5(136)} [39b9c] variable 'locked' [a900,a958) {lit0, stack_value} [a95f,a969) {lit0, stack_value} [a969,a970) {reg4} [a978,a989) {lit0, stack_value} [a989,a9aa) {lit1, stack_value} [a9aa,a9be) {lit0, stack_value} [a9be,a9c7) {reg4} [a9cf,a9d3) {lit0, stack_value} [39c30] function '__libelf_set_data_list_rdlock'@a710 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [39c4f] parameter 'scn' [a710,a75c) {reg5} [a75c,a765) {reg3} [a765,a76f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a76f,a8f9) {reg3} [39c63] parameter 'wrlocked' [a710,a75c) {reg4} [a75c,a76f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a76f,a7ce) {reg4} [a7ce,a83a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a83a,a857) {reg4} [a857,a8ba) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a8ba,a8c7) {reg4} [a8c7,a8f9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [39e87] function '__libelf_set_rawdata'@a6f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [39ea8] parameter 'scn' [a6f0,a6f9) {reg5} [a6f9,a6fa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a6fa,a706) {reg5} [39ebc] variable 'result' [39ede] function '__libelf_set_rawdata_wrlock'@a220 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [39f00] parameter 'scn' [a220,a269) {reg5} [a269,a39a) {reg14} [a39a,a39d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [a39d,a3ca) {reg14} [a3ca,a3d9) {reg5} [a3d9,a400) {reg14} [a400,a404) {reg5} [a404,a5dc) {reg14} [a5dc,a5e4) {reg5} [a5e4,a6f0) {reg14} [39f14] variable 'offset' [a270,a34b) {reg6} [a39d,a3ca) {reg6} [a3df,a3fb) {reg6} [a418,a5dc) {reg6} [a5f3,a6d7) {reg6} [a6dc,a6f0) {reg6} [39f27] variable 'size' [a274,a374) {reg12} [a39d,a3ca) {reg12} [a3e3,a400) {reg12} [a418,a5dc) {reg12} [a5f3,a6d7) {reg12} [a6dc,a6f0) {reg12} [39f3a] variable 'align' [a280,a2c6) {reg3} [a30b,a34b) {reg3} [a34b,a374) {reg6} [a39d,a3ca) {reg3} [a3ea,a400) {reg3} [a418,a476) {reg3} [a595,a5c0) {reg3} [a5f3,a63a) {reg3} [a665,a6b0) {reg3} [39f4d] variable 'flags' [a280,a28f) {reg0} [a3ed,a3f2) {reg0} [39f60] variable 'type' (a280,a280) [a280,a374) {fbreg(-176)} [a39d,a3ca) {fbreg(-176)} [a3ea,a3f2) {reg4} [a3f2,a400) {fbreg(-176)} [a418,a5dc) {fbreg(-176)} [a5f3,a6d7) {fbreg(-176)} [a6dc,a6f0) {fbreg(-176)} [39f73] variable 'elf' [a24e,a39c) {reg15} [a39d,a6f0) {reg15} [39c9c] inlined function 'convert_data'@a78c [39cb2] parameter 'type' [a78c,a8f9) {reg15} [39cbf] parameter 'size' [a78c,a8f9) {reg12} [39ccc] parameter 'data' [a78c,a7ce) {breg1(72), deref, plus_uconst(5), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [a83a,a857) {breg1(72), deref, plus_uconst(5), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [a8ba,a8c7) {breg1(72), deref, plus_uconst(5), deref_size(1), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [39cd9] parameter 'eclass' [a78c,a798) {reg0} [a798,a7ce) {breg1(32)} [a7ce,a838) {breg13(1), stack_value} [a83a,a857) {breg1(32)} [a881,a8ba) {breg13(1), stack_value} [a8ba,a8c7) {breg1(32)} [39ce6] parameter 'scn' [a78c,a8f9) {reg3} [3a49c] inlined function '__libelf_data_type'@a204 [3a4bd] parameter 'ehdr' [3a4c2] parameter 'ehdr' [3a4c7] parameter 'sh_type' [3a4cd] parameter 'align' [a204,a20d) {reg1} [a20d,a21e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3a084] inlined function 'pread_retry'@a4da [3a09e] parameter 'off' [a4da,a4e4) {reg0} [a4e4,a55c) {fbreg(-160)} [a6b0,a6c1) {fbreg(-160)} [3a0ab] parameter 'len' [a4da,a55c) {reg12} [a6b0,a6c1) {reg12} [3a0b8] parameter 'buf' [a4da,a55c) {fbreg(-168)} [a6b0,a6c1) {fbreg(-168)} [3a0c5] parameter 'fd' [a4da,a55c) {fbreg(-172)} [a6b0,a6c1) {fbreg(-172)} [3a110] inlined function 'pread'@a4f0 [3a129] parameter '__offset' [a4e9,a510) {fbreg(-160), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [3a136] parameter '__nbytes' [a4e9,a500) {breg12(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [a500,a508) {reg1} [a508,a510) {breg12(0), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [3a143] parameter '__buf' [a4e9,a510) {fbreg(-168), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [3a150] parameter '__fd' [a4e9,a510) {fbreg(-172)} [39d24] inlined function 'memcpy'@a89e [39d47] parameter '__len' [a89e,a8ba) {reg12} [39d54] parameter '__src' [a89e,a8ba) {fbreg(-72)} [39d61] parameter '__dest' [a89e,a8ad) {reg0} [39df3] inlined function 'memcpy'@a8d4 [39e16] parameter '__len' [a8d4,a8ea) {reg12} [39e23] parameter '__src' [a8d4,a8e5) {reg13} [39e30] parameter '__dest' [a8d4,a8e1) {reg0} [3a445] function '__libelf_data_type'@a1b0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3a460] parameter 'ehdr' [a1b0,a21e) {reg5} [3a467] parameter 'sh_type' [a1b0,a1c0) {reg4} [a1c0,a1c1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a1c1,a1e0) {reg4} [a1e0,a1ff) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a1ff,a21e) {reg4} [3a474] parameter 'align' [a1b0,a1fb) {reg1} [a1fb,a1ff) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [a1ff,a20d) {reg1} [a20d,a21e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} module '' [3a4fd] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_newdata.c'@aa00 [3b5fb] function 'elf_newdata'@aa00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3b61d] parameter 'scn' [aa00,aa53) {reg5} [aa53,aa99) {reg3} [aa99,aa9c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [aa9c,aaaf) {reg3} [aaaf,aaba) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [aaba,ab27) {reg3} [ab27,ab38) {reg5} [ab38,ab61) {reg3} [3b631] variable 'result' [aa00,aa62) {lit0, stack_value} [aa62,aa98) {reg0} [aa98,aa9b) {reg12} [aa9b,aa9c) {reg0} [aa9c,aaaf) {lit0, stack_value} [aaba,aae1) {lit0, stack_value} [aae1,aaf8) {reg12} [aaf8,ab4f) {lit0, stack_value} [ab4f,ab5b) {reg0} module '' [3b712] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getdata_rawchunk.c'@ab70 [3c96e] function 'elf_getdata_rawchunk'@ab70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3c990] parameter 'elf' [ab70,ac38) {reg5} [ac38,ac49) {reg6} [ac49,accd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [accd,acd5) {reg5} [acd5,acdd) {reg6} [acdd,acef) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [acef,acfa) {reg5} [acfa,ad12) {reg6} [ad12,ad1b) {reg5} [ad1b,ad52) {reg6} [ad52,ade8) {fbreg(-72)} [ade8,adf3) {reg5} [adf3,ae23) {reg6} [ae23,ae4b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ae4b,ae65) {reg5} [ae65,ae72) {reg6} [ae72,ae7d) {reg5} [ae7d,ae8a) {reg6} [ae8a,aebf) {fbreg(-72)} [aebf,aee2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [aee2,aef9) {fbreg(-72)} [3c9a4] parameter 'offset' [ab70,ac14) {reg4} [ac14,accd) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [accd,acdc) {reg4} [acdc,ad12) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ad12,ad23) {reg4} [ad23,ad47) {fbreg(-112)} [ad47,ae4b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ae4b,ae6c) {reg4} [ae6c,ae72) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ae72,ae84) {reg4} [ae84,aef9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3c9b6] parameter 'size' [ab70,abe0) {reg1} [abe0,ac91) {reg3} [ac91,accd) {breg0(16)} [accd,acdc) {reg1} [acdc,acef) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [acef,ae4b) {reg3} [ae4b,ae6c) {reg1} [ae6c,ae72) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [ae72,ae84) {reg1} [ae84,aef9) {reg3} [3c9c8] parameter 'type' [ab70,abcf) {reg2} [abcf,accd) {fbreg(-104)} [accd,acdc) {reg2} [acdc,ae4b) {fbreg(-104)} [ae4b,ae6c) {reg2} [ae6c,ae72) {fbreg(-104)} [ae72,ae84) {reg2} [ae84,aef9) {fbreg(-104)} [3c9da] variable 'rawchunk' [ac27,ac6c) {reg14} [acef,ad12) {reg14} [ad2e,ad43) {reg0} [ad43,ade8) {reg13} [adfe,ae11) {reg0} [ae11,ae4b) {reg13} [ae8a,aebf) {reg13} [aee2,aef9) {reg13} [3c9ed] variable 'flags' [abc8,ac49) {lit0, stack_value} [ac49,ac89) {const1u(128), stack_value} [acef,adcb) {lit0, stack_value} [adcb,ade8) {const1u(128), stack_value} [ade8,ae12) {lit0, stack_value} [ae12,ae4b) {const1u(128), stack_value} [ae8a,ae9d) {lit0, stack_value} [ae9d,aeae) {const1u(128), stack_value} [aeae,aebf) {lit0, stack_value} [aebf,aec7) {const1u(128), stack_value} [aee2,aef9) {lit0, stack_value} [3ca00] variable 'result' [abc8,accb) {lit0, stack_value} [accb,accd) {reg0} [acef,ae4b) {lit0, stack_value} [ae8a,aef9) {lit0, stack_value} [3ca13] variable 'align' [ac07,ac2b) {reg0} [ac2b,accd) {fbreg(-96)} [acef,ad12) {fbreg(-96)} [ad12,ad23) {reg0} [ad23,ade8) {fbreg(-96)} [ade8,adf7) {reg0} [adf7,ae4b) {fbreg(-96)} [ae8a,aef9) {fbreg(-96)} [3ca3e] variable 'buffer' [ac43,ac49) {reg0} [ac49,accd) {reg13} [acef,ad12) {reg14} [aebf,aec7) {reg13} [3ca51] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [ab70,aef9) {addr(0x14000)} [3ca64] variable 'chunk' [ac7b,accd) {reg0} [acff,ad12) {reg0} [aebf,aec6) {reg0} [3cb15] inlined function 'pread_retry'@ad56 [3cb2e] parameter 'off' (ad56,ad56) [ad56,adc2) {fbreg(-88)} [ae8a,ae9d) {fbreg(-88)} [aeae,aebf) {fbreg(-88)} [3cb3b] parameter 'len' [ad56,adc2) {reg3} [ae8a,ae9d) {reg3} [aeae,aebf) {reg3} [3cb48] parameter 'buf' [ad56,adc2) {reg13} [ae8a,ae9d) {reg13} [aeae,aebf) {reg13} [3cb55] parameter 'fd' (ad56,ad56) [ad56,adc2) {fbreg(-100)} [ae8a,ae9d) {fbreg(-100)} [aeae,aebf) {fbreg(-100)} [3cba0] inlined function 'pread'@ad60 [3cbb9] parameter '__offset' [ad56,ad7d) {fbreg(-88), deref, breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [3cbc6] parameter '__nbytes' [ad56,ad71) {breg3(0), breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [ad71,ad75) {reg1} [ad75,ad7d) {breg3(0), breg15(0), minus, stack_value} [3cbd3] parameter '__buf' [ad56,ad7d) {breg13(0), breg15(0), plus, stack_value} [3cbe0] parameter '__fd' [ad56,ad7d) {fbreg(-100)} [3ca93] inlined function 'memcpy'@ae04 [3cab8] parameter '__len' [ae04,ae12) {reg3} [3cac5] parameter '__src' [ae04,ae12) {reg14} [3cad2] parameter '__dest' [ae04,ae11) {reg0} [ae11,ae12) {reg13} module '' [3cea2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagelf.c'@af00 [3df3a] function 'elf_flagelf'@af00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3df58] parameter 'elf' [af00,af1f) {reg5} [af1f,af24) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [af24,af35) {reg5} [af35,af3e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [af3e,af59) {reg5} [af59,af62) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3df6a] parameter 'cmd' [af00,af1f) {reg4} [af1f,af24) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [af24,af39) {reg4} [af39,af3e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [af3e,af5d) {reg4} [af5d,af62) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3df7c] parameter 'flags' [af00,af1a) {reg1} [af1a,af24) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [af24,af39) {reg1} [af39,af3e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [af3e,af5d) {reg1} [af5d,af62) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3df90] variable 'result' [af52,af54) {reg0} module '' [3dfdc] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagehdr.c'@af70 [3f074] function 'elf_flagehdr'@af70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [3f092] parameter 'elf' [af70,af8f) {reg5} [af8f,af94) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [af94,afa5) {reg5} [afa5,afae) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [afae,afcd) {reg5} [afcd,afd6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3f0a4] parameter 'cmd' [af70,af8f) {reg4} [af8f,af94) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [af94,afa9) {reg4} [afa9,afae) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [afae,afd1) {reg4} [afd1,afd6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3f0b6] parameter 'flags' [af70,af8a) {reg1} [af8a,af94) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [af94,afa9) {reg1} [afa9,afae) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [afae,afd1) {reg1} [afd1,afd6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3f0ca] variable 'result' [afc2,afc4) {reg0} module '' [3f116] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagphdr.c'@afe0 [401ae] function 'elf_flagphdr'@afe0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [401cc] parameter 'elf' [afe0,afff) {reg5} [afff,b004) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b004,b015) {reg5} [b015,b01e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b01e,b039) {reg5} [b039,b042) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [401de] parameter 'cmd' [afe0,afff) {reg4} [afff,b004) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b004,b019) {reg4} [b019,b01e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b01e,b03d) {reg4} [b03d,b042) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [401f0] parameter 'flags' [afe0,affa) {reg1} [affa,b004) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b004,b019) {reg1} [b019,b01e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b01e,b03d) {reg1} [b03d,b042) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [40204] variable 'result' [b032,b034) {reg0} module '' [40250] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagscn.c'@b050 [412e8] function 'elf_flagscn'@b050 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [41306] parameter 'scn' [b050,b07c) {reg5} [b07c,b081) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b081,b095) {reg5} [b095,b09e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b09e,b0bf) {reg5} [b0bf,b0c8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [41318] parameter 'cmd' [b050,b07c) {reg4} [b07c,b081) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b081,b099) {reg4} [b099,b09e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b09e,b0c3) {reg4} [b0c3,b0c8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4132a] parameter 'flags' [b050,b074) {reg1} [b074,b081) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b081,b099) {reg1} [b099,b09e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b09e,b0c3) {reg1} [b0c3,b0c8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4133e] variable 'result' [b0b8,b0ba) {reg0} module '' [4138a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagshdr.c'@b0d0 [42422] function 'elf_flagshdr'@b0d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [42440] parameter 'scn' [b0d0,b0fc) {reg5} [b0fc,b101) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b101,b115) {reg5} [b115,b11e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b11e,b13f) {reg5} [b13f,b148) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [42452] parameter 'cmd' [b0d0,b0fc) {reg4} [b0fc,b101) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b101,b119) {reg4} [b119,b11e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b11e,b143) {reg4} [b143,b148) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [42464] parameter 'flags' [b0d0,b0f4) {reg1} [b0f4,b101) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b101,b119) {reg1} [b119,b11e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b11e,b143) {reg1} [b143,b148) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [42478] variable 'result' [b138,b13a) {reg0} module '' [424c4] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagdata.c'@b150 [4355c] function 'elf_flagdata'@b150 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4357e] parameter 'data' [b150,b180) {reg5} [b180,b185) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b185,b195) {reg5} [b195,b19e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b19e,b1bf) {reg5} [b1bf,b1c8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [43590] parameter 'cmd' [b150,b180) {reg4} [b180,b185) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b185,b199) {reg4} [b199,b19e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b19e,b1c3) {reg4} [b1c3,b1c8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [435a4] parameter 'flags' [b150,b178) {reg1} [b178,b185) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b185,b199) {reg1} [b199,b19e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b19e,b1c3) {reg1} [b1c3,b1c8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [435b6] variable 'data_scn' [b155,b180) {reg5} [b180,b185) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b18b,b195) {reg5} [b195,b19e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b19e,b1bf) {reg5} [b1bf,b1c8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [435c9] variable 'result' [b1b8,b1ba) {reg0} module '' [4361e] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_memory.c'@b1d0 [446c8] function 'elf_memory'@b1d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [446e6] parameter 'image' [b1d0,b1eb) {reg5} [b1eb,b1ef) {reg4} [b1ef,b1f0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b1f0,b1f9) {reg5} [b1f9,b205) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [446f8] parameter 'size' [b1d0,b1de) {reg4} [b1de,b1ef) {reg2} [b1ef,b1f0) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b1f0,b1fd) {reg4} [b1fd,b205) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [44760] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_update.c'@b210 [45aef] function 'elf_update'@b210 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [45b11] parameter 'elf' [b210,b244) {reg5} [b244,b27a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b27a,b29b) {reg5} [b29b,b5ee) {reg3} [b5ee,b5f3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [45b24] parameter 'cmd' [b210,b24f) {reg4} [b24f,b27a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b27a,b2ec) {reg4} [b2ec,b338) {reg6} [b338,b3dc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b3dc,b3e4) {reg4} [b3e4,b3ed) {reg6} [b3ed,b513) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b513,b52e) {reg6} [b52e,b573) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b573,b58e) {reg6} [b58e,b59e) {reg4} [b59e,b5a4) {reg6} [b5a4,b5cc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b5cc,b5dc) {reg4} [b5dc,b5e2) {reg6} [b5e2,b5f3) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [45b37] variable 'shnum' [b2d3,b368) {reg13} [b368,b36c) {reg1} [b36c,b3ca) {reg13} [b3dc,b3e4) {reg1} [b3e4,b3ed) {reg13} [b3ed,b3f4) {reg1} [b3f4,b58e) {reg13} [b5a4,b5cc) {reg13} [b5e2,b5ee) {reg13} [45b4a] variable 'size' [b2f0,b3ca) {reg12} [b3ed,b524) {reg12} [b529,b52e) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [b52e,b56e) {reg12} [b573,b584) {reg12} [b589,b58e) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [b5a4,b5cc) {reg12} [b5dd,b5e2) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [b5e2,b5ee) {reg12} [45b5d] variable 'change_bo' [b210,b5f3) {fbreg(-212)} [45b75] inlined function 'write_file'@b335 [45b8e] parameter 'shnum' [b335,b368) {reg13} [b368,b36c) {reg1} [b36c,b3ca) {reg13} [b3ed,b3f4) {reg1} [b3f4,b513) {reg13} [b52e,b56e) {reg13} [b5a4,b5cc) {reg13} [b5e2,b5ee) {reg13} [45b9b] parameter 'change_bo' [b335,b368) {reg14} [b368,b36c) {reg4} [b36c,b3ca) {reg14} [b3ed,b3f4) {reg4} [b3f4,b513) {reg14} [b52e,b56e) {reg14} [b5a4,b5cc) {reg14} [b5e2,b5ee) {reg14} [45ba8] parameter 'size' [b335,b3ca) {reg12} [b3ed,b513) {reg12} [b52e,b56e) {reg12} [b5a4,b5cc) {reg12} [b5e2,b5ee) {reg12} [45bb5] parameter 'elf' [b335,b3ca) {reg3} [b3ed,b513) {reg3} [b52e,b56e) {reg3} [b5a4,b5cc) {reg3} [b5e2,b5ee) {reg3} module '' [45e51] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_updatenull.c'@b600 [470a3] function '__elf32_updatenull_wrlock'@b600 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [470c5] parameter 'elf' [b600,b62b) {reg5} [b62b,b7bc) {reg3} [b7bc,b83c) {reg6} [b83c,b88a) {reg3} [b88a,b8ad) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b8ad,b8d1) {reg3} [b8d1,bac9) {reg6} [bac9,bae6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [bae6,baff) {reg3} [baff,bb1a) {reg6} [bb1a,bb2c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [bb2c,bc73) {reg6} [bc73,bd0e) {reg3} [bd0e,bd1b) {reg6} [bd1b,bd34) {reg3} [bd34,bdcc) {reg6} [bdcc,bdd1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [bdd1,bdd9) {reg6} [bdd9,be22) {reg3} [be22,be41) {reg6} [be41,be82) {reg3} [be82,bea1) {reg6} [470d9] parameter 'change_bop' [b600,b62b) {reg4} [b62b,b6b1) {reg12} [b6b1,bae6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [bae6,baff) {reg12} [baff,bc91) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [bc91,bcf8) {reg12} [bcf8,bea1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [470ec] parameter 'shnum' [b600,b62b) {reg1} [b62b,b7a6) {reg15} [b7a6,b83c) {fbreg(-88)} [b83c,b883) {reg15} [b883,b8ad) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b8ad,b8d1) {reg15} [b8d1,bac9) {fbreg(-88)} [bac9,bae6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [bae6,baff) {reg15} [baff,bb1a) {fbreg(-88)} [bb1a,bb2c) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [bb2c,bc73) {fbreg(-88)} [bc73,bd0e) {reg15} [bd0e,bd1b) {fbreg(-88)} [bd1b,bd34) {reg15} [bd34,bdcc) {fbreg(-88)} [bdcc,bdd1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [bdd1,be41) {fbreg(-88)} [be41,be60) {reg15} [be60,bea1) {fbreg(-88)} [470ff] variable 'ehdr' [b635,b64d) {reg0} [b64d,b7a3) {reg6} [b7a3,b83c) {fbreg(-112)} [b83c,b883) {reg6} [b8ad,b8d1) {reg6} [b8d1,bac9) {fbreg(-112)} [bae6,baff) {reg0} [baff,bb1a) {fbreg(-112)} [bb2c,bc73) {fbreg(-112)} [bc73,bd0e) {reg6} [bd0e,bd1b) {fbreg(-112)} [bd1b,bd34) {reg6} [bd34,bdcc) {fbreg(-112)} [bdd1,be41) {fbreg(-112)} [be41,be60) {reg6} [be60,bea1) {fbreg(-112)} [47112] variable 'changed' [b627,b7bc) {lit0, stack_value} [b7bc,b83c) {fbreg(-120)} [b83c,b883) {lit0, stack_value} [b8ad,b8d1) {lit0, stack_value} [b8d1,ba94) {fbreg(-120)} [ba94,ba9c) {lit1, stack_value} [ba9c,bac9) {fbreg(-120)} [bae6,baff) {lit0, stack_value} [baff,bb1a) {fbreg(-120)} [bb2c,bb77) {fbreg(-120)} [bb77,bb8f) {lit1, stack_value} [bbca,bc73) {fbreg(-120)} [bc73,bd0e) {lit0, stack_value} [bd0e,bd1b) {fbreg(-120)} [bd1b,bd34) {lit0, stack_value} [bd34,bd9f) {fbreg(-120)} [bd9f,bdcc) {lit1, stack_value} [bdd1,be41) {fbreg(-120)} [be41,be60) {lit0, stack_value} [be60,bea1) {fbreg(-120)} [47125] variable 'ehdr_flags' [b627,b719) {lit0, stack_value} [b719,b781) {reg11} [b83c,b87a) {lit0, stack_value} [b87a,b88a) {reg11} [b8ad,b8b9) {lit0, stack_value} [b8b9,b8bf) {lit1, stack_value} [b8bf,b8d1) {reg11} [bae6,baff) {lit0, stack_value} [bc73,bc91) {reg11} [bc91,bd0e) {lit0, stack_value} [bd1b,bd29) {reg11} [bd29,bd34) {fbreg(-120)} [bdfa,be00) {lit1, stack_value} [be00,be22) {reg11} [be41,be5f) {reg11} [be60,be82) {reg11} [47138] variable 'size' [b6d1,b70c) {reg12} [b70c,b7bc) {reg14} [b7bc,b83c) {reg15} [b859,b883) {reg12} [b883,b88a) {reg14} [b8ad,b8cc) {reg12} [b8cc,b8d1) {reg0} [b8d1,b94b) {reg15} [b971,bac9) {reg15} [baff,bb1a) {reg15} [bb46,bb67) {reg15} [bb6d,bc73) {reg15} [bc73,bc91) {reg14} [bd0e,bd1b) {reg15} [bd1b,bd34) {reg14} [bd34,bdcc) {reg15} [bdd1,bded) {reg15} [bded,be1d) {reg14} [be22,be41) {reg15} [be41,be69) {reg14} [be69,be7d) {reg1} [be7d,be82) {reg0} [be82,bea1) {reg15} [4714b] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [b600,bea1) {addr(0x14110)} [476bb] inlined function 'default_ehdr32'@b635 [476d5] parameter 'change_bop' [b635,b6b1) {reg12} [b6b1,b6c9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b83c,b859) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [bae6,baff) {reg12} [bc91,bcca) {reg12} [bcd6,bcf8) {reg12} [bcf8,bd0e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [476e2] parameter 'shnum' [b635,b6c9) {reg15} [b83c,b859) {reg15} [bae6,baff) {reg15} [bc91,bcca) {reg15} [bcd6,bd0e) {reg15} [476ef] parameter 'ehdr' [b635,b64d) {reg0} [b64d,b6c9) {reg6} [b83c,b859) {reg6} [bae6,baff) {reg0} [bc91,bcca) {reg6} [bcd6,bd0e) {reg6} [476fc] parameter 'elf' [b635,b6c9) {reg3} [b83c,b859) {reg3} [bae6,baff) {reg3} [bc91,bcca) {reg3} [bcd6,bd0e) {reg3} [477cd] inlined function 'memcpy'@baf0 [477f3] parameter '__len' [bae6,baf6) {lit4, stack_value} [47800] parameter '__src' [bae6,baf6) {implicit_pointer([479a8],0) {implicit_value(5){7f454c4600}}} [4780d] parameter '__dest' [bae6,baf6) {reg0} module '' [479c7] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_updatenull.c'@beb0 [48c27] function '__elf64_updatenull_wrlock'@beb0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [48c49] parameter 'elf' [beb0,bedd) {reg5} [bedd,c07c) {reg12} [c07c,c0fb) {reg13} [c0fb,c150) {reg12} [c150,c173) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c173,c18f) {reg12} [c18f,c388) {reg13} [c388,c3a6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c3a6,c3c1) {reg12} [c3c1,c3e2) {reg13} [c3e2,c3f4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c3f4,c534) {reg13} [c534,c5d0) {reg12} [c5d0,c5dc) {reg13} [c5dc,c5f4) {reg12} [c5f4,c68c) {reg13} [c68c,c691) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c691,c699) {reg13} [c699,c6dd) {reg12} [c6dd,c6fc) {reg13} [c6fc,c73c) {reg12} [c73c,c75b) {reg13} [48c5d] parameter 'change_bop' [beb0,bedd) {reg4} [bedd,bffb) {reg3} [bffb,c0fb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [c0fb,c148) {reg3} [c148,c173) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [c173,c18f) {reg3} [c18f,c3a6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [c3a6,c3c1) {reg3} [c3c1,c552) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [c552,c5d0) {reg3} [c5d0,c6fc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [c6fc,c71b) {reg3} [c71b,c75b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [48c70] parameter 'shnum' [beb0,bedd) {reg1} [bedd,c75b) {fbreg(-120)} [48c83] variable 'ehdr' [bee7,bf04) {reg0} [bf04,c06e) {reg13} [c06e,c0fb) {fbreg(-104)} [c0fb,c148) {reg13} [c173,c18f) {reg13} [c18f,c388) {fbreg(-104)} [c3a6,c3c1) {reg0} [c3c1,c3e2) {fbreg(-104)} [c3f4,c534) {fbreg(-104)} [c534,c5d0) {reg13} [c5d0,c5dc) {fbreg(-104)} [c5dc,c5f4) {reg13} [c5f4,c68c) {fbreg(-104)} [c691,c6fc) {fbreg(-104)} [c6fc,c71b) {reg13} [c71b,c75b) {fbreg(-104)} [48c96] variable 'changed' [bed9,c07c) {lit0, stack_value} [c07c,c0fb) {fbreg(-112)} [c0fb,c148) {lit0, stack_value} [c173,c18f) {lit0, stack_value} [c18f,c354) {fbreg(-112)} [c354,c35c) {lit1, stack_value} [c35c,c388) {fbreg(-112)} [c3a6,c3c1) {lit0, stack_value} [c3c1,c3e2) {fbreg(-112)} [c3f4,c437) {fbreg(-112)} [c437,c44f) {lit1, stack_value} [c487,c534) {fbreg(-112)} [c534,c5d0) {lit0, stack_value} [c5d0,c5dc) {fbreg(-112)} [c5dc,c5f4) {lit0, stack_value} [c5f4,c660) {fbreg(-112)} [c660,c68c) {lit1, stack_value} [c691,c6fc) {fbreg(-112)} [c6fc,c71b) {lit0, stack_value} [c71b,c75b) {fbreg(-112)} [48ca9] variable 'ehdr_flags' [bed9,bfda) {lit0, stack_value} [bfda,c049) {reg11} [c0fb,c13c) {lit0, stack_value} [c13c,c150) {reg11} [c173,c181) {lit0, stack_value} [c181,c187) {lit1, stack_value} [c187,c18f) {reg11} [c3a6,c3c1) {lit0, stack_value} [c534,c552) {reg11} [c552,c5d0) {lit0, stack_value} [c5dc,c5e9) {reg11} [c5e9,c5f4) {fbreg(-112)} [c6b4,c6ba) {lit1, stack_value} [c6ba,c6dd) {reg11} [c6fc,c71a) {reg11} [c71b,c73c) {reg11} [48cbc] variable 'size' [bf8f,c0fb) {reg6} [c119,c150) {reg6} [c173,c205) {reg6} [c230,c388) {reg6} [c3c1,c3f4) {reg6} [c40e,c427) {reg6} [c42d,c552) {reg6} [c5d0,c68c) {reg6} [c691,c71f) {reg6} [c71f,c723) {breg6(-7), stack_value} [c723,c75b) {reg6} [48ccf] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [beb0,c75b) {addr(0x14180)} [49263] inlined function 'default_ehdr64'@bee7 [4927d] parameter 'change_bop' [bee7,bf8f) {reg3} [c0fb,c119) {reg3} [c3a6,c3c1) {reg3} [c552,c592) {reg3} [c59e,c5d0) {reg3} [4928a] parameter 'shnum' [bee7,bf8f) {fbreg(-120)} [c0fb,c119) {fbreg(-120)} [c3a6,c3c1) {fbreg(-120)} [c552,c592) {fbreg(-120)} [c59e,c5d0) {fbreg(-120)} [49297] parameter 'ehdr' [bee7,bf04) {reg0} [bf04,bf8f) {reg13} [c0fb,c119) {reg13} [c3a6,c3c1) {reg0} [c552,c592) {reg13} [c59e,c5d0) {reg13} [492a4] parameter 'elf' [bee7,bf8f) {reg12} [c0fb,c119) {reg12} [c3a6,c3c1) {reg12} [c552,c592) {reg12} [c59e,c5d0) {reg12} [49375] inlined function 'memcpy'@c3b0 [4939b] parameter '__len' [c3a6,c3b6) {lit4, stack_value} [493a8] parameter '__src' [c3a6,c3b6) {implicit_pointer([49550],0) {implicit_value(5){7f454c4600}}} [493b5] parameter '__dest' [c3a6,c3b6) {reg0} module '' [4956f] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_updatefile.c'@c760 [4adb6] function '__elf32_updatefile'@d470 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4add9] parameter 'elf' [d470,d4d7) {reg5} [d4d7,d53b) {fbreg(-37136)} [d53b,d545) {reg5} [d545,de60) {fbreg(-37136)} [de60,de7a) {reg5} [de7a,de84) {fbreg(-37136)} [4aded] parameter 'change_bo' [d470,d4e3) {reg4} [d4e3,d53b) {fbreg(-37100)} [d53b,d545) {reg4} [d545,dcd8) {fbreg(-37100)} [dcd8,dcdc) {reg4} [dcdc,dcf6) {reg5} [dcf6,de60) {fbreg(-37100)} [de60,de73) {reg4} [de73,de84) {fbreg(-37100)} [4ae01] parameter 'shnum' [d470,d4e3) {reg1} [d4e3,d53b) {fbreg(-37088)} [d53b,d545) {reg1} [d545,dcd8) {fbreg(-37088)} [dcd8,dce6) {reg1} [dce6,de60) {fbreg(-37088)} [de60,de6c) {reg1} [de6c,de84) {fbreg(-37088)} [4ae15] variable 'fillbuf' [d470,de84) {fbreg(-36944)} [4ae26] variable 'filled' [d470,de84) {fbreg(-37024)} [4ae37] variable 'previous_scn_changed' [d4b9,d545) {lit0, stack_value} [d545,d644) {fbreg(-37089)} [d648,d653) {lit1, stack_value} [d653,d709) {fbreg(-37089)} [d736,d927) {fbreg(-37089)} [d92c,d96d) {fbreg(-37089)} [d96d,d98d) {lit0, stack_value} [d98d,d9b5) {fbreg(-37089)} [d9b5,d9c7) {lit0, stack_value} [d9c7,d9d1) {fbreg(-37089)} [d9d6,db7b) {fbreg(-37089)} [db80,dbfe) {fbreg(-37089)} [dc08,dcd8) {fbreg(-37089)} [dcd8,dcfc) {lit0, stack_value} [dcfc,de60) {fbreg(-37089)} [de60,de7f) {lit0, stack_value} [4ae4b] variable 'ehdr' [d4b9,d4e3) {reg2} [d4e3,d53b) {reg13} [d53b,d545) {reg2} [d545,d6da) {fbreg(-37152)} [d736,d81b) {fbreg(-37152)} [d96d,d98d) {reg13} [d98d,d9b5) {fbreg(-37152)} [d9b5,d9d6) {reg13} [dbbd,dbcc) {fbreg(-37152)} [dc4f,dcaf) {fbreg(-37152)} [dcd8,dce1) {reg2} [dce1,dcfc) {reg13} [dd96,ddd8) {fbreg(-37152)} [de0b,de22) {fbreg(-37152)} [de41,de60) {fbreg(-37152)} [de60,de67) {reg2} [de67,de7f) {fbreg(-37152)} [4ae5f] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [d470,de84) {addr(0x14430)} [4ae72] variable 'phnum' [d470,de84) {fbreg(-37016)} [4ae83] variable 'last_offset' [d669,d6da) {reg12} [d736,d922) {reg12} [d92c,d96d) {reg12} [d9d6,d9e8) {reg12} [d9e8,da54) {reg4} [da6a,dab4) {breg15(24), deref, fbreg(-37112), deref, plus, stack_value} [db6b,db80) {reg4} [dbc7,dbf9) {reg12} [dc03,dc08) {reg12} [dc08,dc22) {breg15(24), deref, fbreg(-37112), deref, plus, stack_value} [dc8e,dcaf) {reg12} [dcaf,dcb6) {breg15(24), deref, fbreg(-37112), deref, plus, stack_value} [dcfc,dd34) {reg12} [ddd8,de0b) {reg12} [de22,de41) {reg12} [4b878] function 'fill'@c7c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4b89b] parameter 'fd' [c7c0,c7fa) {reg5} [c7fa,c895) {reg14} [c895,c898) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c898,c8c3) {reg14} [c8c3,c8c6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c8c6,c8cc) {reg14} [c8cc,c8ea) {reg5} [c8ea,c901) {reg14} [4b8ae] parameter 'pos' [c7c0,c7fa) {reg4} [c7fa,c893) {reg13} [c898,c8c1) {reg13} [c8c6,c8cc) {reg13} [c8cc,c8df) {reg4} [c8df,c901) {reg13} [4b8c2] parameter 'len' [c7c0,c7fa) {reg1} [c7fa,c87c) {fbreg(-80)} [c87c,c881) {fbreg(-80), deref, breg3(0), minus, stack_value} [c881,c8cc) {fbreg(-80)} [c8cc,c8d2) {reg1} [c8d2,c901) {fbreg(-80)} [4b8d6] parameter 'fillbuf' [c7c0,c7e7) {reg2} [c7e7,c901) {fbreg(-96)} [4b8ea] parameter 'filledp' [c7c0,c7fa) {reg8} [c7fa,c8cc) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [c8cc,c8ee) {reg8} [c8ee,c901) {fbreg(-88)} [4b8fe] variable 'filled' [c7f4,c7fa) {reg2} [c7fa,c8cc) {fbreg(-72)} [c8cc,c8ee) {reg2} [c8ee,c8ef) {fbreg(-72)} [c8ef,c901) {reg3} [4b912] variable 'fill_len' [c7f4,c7fa) {reg0} [c7fa,c8cc) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, const2u(4096), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), consts(-9223372036854771712), le, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [c8cc,c8d5) {reg0} [c8d5,c8e2) {reg1} [c8e2,c901) {reg3} [4ba7d] function '__elf32_updatemmap'@c910 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4ba9f] parameter 'elf' [c910,c96e) {reg5} [c96e,ccee) {reg14} [ccee,ccf3) {reg0} [ccf3,cda7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [cda7,cdc3) {reg14} [cdc3,cf5c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [cf5c,cf64) {reg5} [cf64,d19c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [d19c,d1f1) {reg14} [d1f1,d27e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [d27e,d28e) {reg14} [d28e,d3e8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [d3e8,d402) {reg5} [d402,d464) {reg14} [4bab2] parameter 'change_bo' [c910,c9bb) {reg4} [c9bb,cf5c) {fbreg(-196)} [cf5c,cf64) {reg4} [cf64,d1c6) {fbreg(-196)} [d1c6,d1cb) {reg4} [d1cb,d3e8) {fbreg(-196)} [d3e8,d3fb) {reg4} [d3fb,d464) {fbreg(-196)} [4bac5] parameter 'shnum' [c910,c92c) {reg1} [c92c,d464) {fbreg(-152)} [4bad8] variable 'previous_scn_changed' [c9cb,ca43) {reg15} [ca43,ca49) {lit1, stack_value} [ca49,cb4e) {reg15} [cb4e,ccf3) {fbreg(-105)} [ccf3,cd97) {reg14} [cd9a,cda7) {reg14} [cda7,cdb1) {fbreg(-105)} [cdf0,cdf7) {reg14} [cf64,cf6b) {reg14} [d155,d19c) {reg14} [d19c,d1c6) {reg15} [d1e4,d1f1) {reg15} [d27e,d28e) {reg15} [d3c9,d3e8) {reg14} [d407,d445) {fbreg(-105)} [d445,d464) {reg15} [4baeb] variable 'ehdr' [c94a,c94d) {reg0} [c94d,c96e) {breg5(72)} [c96e,c989) {breg14(72)} [c989,c9bb) {reg2} [c9bb,cf5c) {fbreg(-160)} [cf5c,cf64) {breg5(72)} [cf64,d1c6) {fbreg(-160)} [d1c6,d1da) {breg14(72)} [d1da,d3e8) {fbreg(-160)} [d3e8,d402) {breg5(72)} [d402,d406) {breg14(72)} [d406,d464) {fbreg(-160)} [4bafe] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [c910,d464) {addr(0x14450)} [4bb11] variable 'phnum' [c910,d464) {fbreg(-88)} [4bb21] variable 'last_position' [ccf3,cd75) {reg5} [cd9a,cda7) {reg5} [cdf0,ce13) {reg5} [cf64,cf86) {reg5} [cf86,cfae) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [cfae,d036) {reg5} [d048,d061) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [d061,d066) {reg6} [d066,d0b1) {reg5} [d107,d13d) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [d150,d169) {reg5} [d206,d249) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [d262,d274) {reg5} [d28e,d2a8) {reg5} [d2ad,d2c7) {reg5} [d2cc,d2e6) {reg5} [d2eb,d305) {reg5} [d30a,d31f) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [d379,d387) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [d3c9,d3e3) {reg5} [4bb44] variable 'msync_start' [cf33,cf56) {reg5} [4bb58] variable 'msync_end' [cf33,cf3f) {fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(46), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(32), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, plus, breg14(0), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [cf3f,cf45) {breg0(0), fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(32), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, plus, breg14(0), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [cf45,cf56) {fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(46), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(32), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, plus, breg14(0), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [4bfb5] inlined function 'fill_mmap'@cd5c [4bfcf] parameter 'shdr_end' [cd5c,cd8b) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [d155,d19c) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [4bfdc] parameter 'shdr_start' [cd5c,cd8b) {fbreg(-208)} [d155,d19c) {fbreg(-208)} [4bfe9] parameter 'scn_start' [cd5c,cd8b) {reg12} [d155,d19c) {reg12} [4bff6] parameter 'last_position' [cd5c,cd75) {reg5} [d155,d169) {reg5} [4c003] parameter 'offset' [cd5c,cd8b) {lit0, stack_value} [d155,d19c) {lit0, stack_value} [4c0c1] inlined function 'fill_mmap'@d00f [4c0db] parameter 'shdr_end' [d00f,d048) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [d096,d107) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [4c0e8] parameter 'shdr_start' [d00f,d048) {fbreg(-208)} [d096,d0b1) {reg0} [d0b1,d107) {fbreg(-208)} [4c0f5] parameter 'scn_start' [d00f,d048) {reg12} [d096,d107) {reg12} [4c102] parameter 'last_position' [d00f,d036) {reg5} [d096,d0b1) {reg5} [4c10f] parameter 'offset' [d00f,d013) {reg0} [d013,d036) {breg3(24)} [d03c,d048) {breg3(24)} [d096,d0b1) {breg3(24)} [d0f1,d107) {breg3(24)} [4b659] inlined function 'sort_sections'@d7a8 [4b676] parameter 'list' [d7a3,d7ff) {reg6} [4b683] parameter 'scns' [4b688] variable 'scnp' [d7a3,d7f0) {reg4} [4c473] inlined function 'sort_sections'@cadb [4c498] parameter 'list' [cadb,cb2f) {reg6} [4c4a5] parameter 'scns' [cadb,cb2f) {fbreg(-144)} [4c4b2] variable 'scnp' [cadb,cb20) {reg4} [4c819] function 'compare_sections'@c760 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4c83b] parameter 'a' [c760,c763) {reg5} [c763,c7bb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4c84c] parameter 'b' [c760,c76b) {reg4} [c76b,c7bb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4c85d] variable 'scna' [c760,c763) {reg5} [c763,c7bb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4c870] variable 'scnb' [c760,c76b) {reg4} [c76b,c7bb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4aee5] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@d4f7 [4aeff] parameter 'off' [d4f7,d53b) {lit0, stack_value} [d96d,d97e) {lit0, stack_value} [4af0c] parameter 'len' [d4f7,d53b) {const1u(52), stack_value} [d96d,d97e) {const1u(52), stack_value} [4af19] parameter 'buf' [d4f7,d53b) {reg13} [d96d,d97e) {reg13} [4af26] parameter 'fd' [d4f7,d53b) {reg12} [d96d,d97e) {reg12} [4b072] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@d5e4 [4b08c] parameter 'off' (d5e4,d5e4) [d5e4,d627) {fbreg(-37144)} [d98d,d99e) {fbreg(-37144)} [4b099] parameter 'len' [d5e4,d627) {reg3} [d98d,d99e) {reg3} [4b0a6] parameter 'buf' [d5e4,d627) {reg13} [d98d,d99e) {reg13} [4b0b3] parameter 'fd' [d5e4,d627) {reg15} [d98d,d99e) {reg15} [4b31c] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@dac9 [4b336] parameter 'off' [4b33b] parameter 'len' [dac9,db29) {reg12} [db80,db86) {reg12} [4b348] parameter 'buf' [dac9,db29) {fbreg(-37144)} [db80,db86) {fbreg(-37144)} [4b355] parameter 'fd' [dac9,db29) {reg14} [db80,db86) {reg14} [4b58f] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@dd45 [4b5a9] parameter 'off' [d6da,d6de) {fbreg(-37028), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, fbreg(-37040), deref, plus, stack_value} [dd45,dd96) {fbreg(-37028), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, fbreg(-37040), deref, plus, stack_value} [4b5b6] parameter 'len' [d6da,d6de) {reg6} [dd45,dd96) {reg6} [4b5c3] parameter 'buf' [d6da,d6de) {fbreg(-37072)} (dd45,dd45) [dd45,dd96) {fbreg(-37072)} [4b5d0] parameter 'fd' [d6da,d6de) {reg14} [dd45,dd96) {reg14} [4b941] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@c818 [4b95b] parameter 'off' [c818,c874) {reg13} [c898,c8a3) {reg13} [c8c6,c8cc) {reg13} [4b968] parameter 'len' [c818,c874) {reg3} [c898,c8a3) {reg3} [c8c6,c8cc) {reg3} [4b975] parameter 'buf' [c818,c81b) {reg6} [c81b,c874) {fbreg(-96)} [c898,c8a3) {fbreg(-96)} [c8c6,c8cc) {fbreg(-96)} [4b982] parameter 'fd' [c818,c874) {reg14} [c898,c8a3) {reg14} [c8c6,c8cc) {reg14} [4ba1f] inlined function 'memset'@c8e7 [4ba36] parameter '__len' [4ba3b] parameter '__ch' [c8e7,c8ee) {reg4} [4ba48] parameter '__dest' [c8e7,c8ef) {fbreg(-96), deref, fbreg(-72), deref, plus, stack_value} [4c03c] inlined function 'memset'@cd75 [4c050] parameter '__len' [cd75,cd81) {breg12(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [cd81,cd85) {reg1} [4c05d] parameter '__ch' [4c062] parameter '__dest' [cd75,cd85) {reg5} [4c07e] inlined function 'memset'@d155 [4c092] parameter '__len' [d155,d165) {fbreg(-208), deref, breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [d165,d169) {reg1} [4c09f] parameter '__ch' [4c0a4] parameter '__dest' [d155,d169) {reg5} [4c12e] inlined function 'memset'@d026 [4c147] parameter '__len' [d026,d032) {breg6(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [d032,d036) {reg1} [d096,d0ad) {fbreg(-208), deref, breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [d0ad,d0b1) {reg1} [4c154] parameter '__ch' [4c159] parameter '__dest' [d026,d036) {reg5} [d096,d0b1) {reg5} [4c197] inlined function 'memset'@d0e9 [4c1ab] parameter '__len' [d0e9,d0ec) {breg1(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [d0ec,d0f0) {reg1} [d0f0,d102) {breg6(0), fbreg(-176), deref, breg12(0), fbreg(-176), deref, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), breg12(0), plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), ge, bra(1), swap, drop, minus, stack_value} [4c1b8] parameter '__ch' [d0e9,d0f0) {reg4} [4c1c5] parameter '__dest' [d0e9,d0f0) {reg5} [d0f0,d107) {fbreg(-176), deref, breg12(0), fbreg(-176), deref, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), breg12(0), plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), ge, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [4c50d] inlined function 'memset'@d267 [4c527] parameter '__len' [d267,d270) {breg1(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [d270,d274) {reg1} [4c534] parameter '__ch' [4c539] parameter '__dest' [d267,d274) {reg5} [4c62a] inlined function 'memset'@d19c [4c643] parameter '__len' [d19c,d1a6) {breg0(0), breg5(0), minus, const4u(4294967295), and, stack_value} [d1a6,d1b4) {reg1} [4c650] parameter '__ch' [4c655] parameter '__dest' [d19c,d1ad) {breg5(0), const2u(65535), and, breg14(0), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [4c23f] inlined function 'memmove'@d133 [4c259] parameter '__len' [d133,d13d) {reg1} [4c266] parameter '__src' [d133,d13d) {reg4} [4c273] parameter '__dest' [d133,d13d) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [4c5d0] inlined function 'memmove'@ca39 [4c5f5] parameter '__len' [ca39,ca3d) {fbreg(-88), deref, lit5, shl, stack_value} [4c602] parameter '__src' [ca39,ca3d) {breg14(88)} [4c60f] parameter '__dest' [ca39,ca3d) {fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(28), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, breg14(0), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [4b468] inlined function 'memcpy'@d84b [4b482] parameter '__len' [d84b,d891) {const1u(40), stack_value} [4b48f] parameter '__src' [d84b,d871) {fbreg(-37128), deref, plus_uconst(144)} [d871,d88d) {reg1} [4b49c] parameter '__dest' [d84b,d871) {fbreg(-37128), deref, plus_uconst(128), deref, const1u(40), mul, fbreg(-37072), deref, plus, stack_value} [4bc0f] inlined function 'memcpy'@cbd2 [4bc35] parameter '__len' [cbd2,cbf9) {const1u(40), stack_value} [4bc42] parameter '__src' [cbd2,cbf9) {reg6} [4bc4f] parameter '__dest' [cbd2,cbf9) {reg0} [4bd38] inlined function 'memcpy'@cc76 [4bd5e] parameter '__len' [cc76,cc7a) {reg1} [cc7a,cc7b) {fbreg(-176)} [4bd6b] parameter '__src' [cc76,cc7a) {reg4} [cc7a,cc7b) {fbreg(-136)} [4bd78] parameter '__dest' [cc76,cc7a) {reg0} [4bec4] inlined function 'memcpy'@d357 [4beea] parameter '__len' [4beef] parameter '__src' [d357,d367) {reg15} [4befc] parameter '__dest' [4c401] inlined function 'memcpy'@ce66 [4c427] parameter '__len' [ce66,ce8c) {const1u(40), stack_value} [4c434] parameter '__src' [ce66,ce8c) {reg4} [4c441] parameter '__dest' [ce66,ce6c) {breg3(128), deref, const1u(40), mul, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [4c583] inlined function 'memcpy'@c983 [4c5a8] parameter '__len' [c983,c9bb) {const1u(52), stack_value} [4c5b5] parameter '__src' [c983,c989) {breg14(72)} [c989,c9bb) {reg2} [4c5c2] parameter '__dest' [c983,c989) {breg14(0), deref, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} module '' [4c9b9] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_updatefile.c'@de90 [4e200] function '__elf64_updatefile'@ebd0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4e223] parameter 'elf' [ebd0,ec37) {reg5} [ec37,ec9b) {fbreg(-37136)} [ec9b,eca5) {reg5} [eca5,f5cd) {fbreg(-37136)} [f5cd,f5e7) {reg5} [f5e7,f5f1) {fbreg(-37136)} [4e237] parameter 'change_bo' [ebd0,ec43) {reg4} [ec43,ec9b) {fbreg(-37104)} [ec9b,eca5) {reg4} [eca5,f447) {fbreg(-37104)} [f447,f44b) {reg4} [f44b,f465) {reg5} [f465,f5cd) {fbreg(-37104)} [f5cd,f5e0) {reg4} [f5e0,f5f1) {fbreg(-37104)} [4e24b] parameter 'shnum' [ebd0,ec43) {reg1} [ec43,ec9b) {fbreg(-37096)} [ec9b,eca5) {reg1} [eca5,f447) {fbreg(-37096)} [f447,f455) {reg1} [f455,f5cd) {fbreg(-37096)} [f5cd,f5d9) {reg1} [f5d9,f5f1) {fbreg(-37096)} [4e25f] variable 'fillbuf' [ebd0,f5f1) {fbreg(-36944)} [4e270] variable 'filled' [ebd0,f5f1) {fbreg(-37024)} [4e281] variable 'previous_scn_changed' [ec19,eca5) {lit0, stack_value} [eca5,edac) {fbreg(-37085)} [edb0,edc3) {lit1, stack_value} [edc3,ee69) {fbreg(-37085)} [ee96,f091) {fbreg(-37085)} [f095,f0d9) {fbreg(-37085)} [f0d9,f0fd) {lit0, stack_value} [f0fd,f125) {fbreg(-37085)} [f125,f137) {lit0, stack_value} [f137,f141) {fbreg(-37085)} [f146,f2eb) {fbreg(-37085)} [f2f0,f36f) {fbreg(-37085)} [f378,f447) {fbreg(-37085)} [f447,f46b) {lit0, stack_value} [f46b,f5cd) {fbreg(-37085)} [f5cd,f5ec) {lit0, stack_value} [4e295] variable 'ehdr' [ec19,ec4e) {reg3} [ec4e,ec9b) {reg13} [ec9b,eca5) {reg3} [eca5,ee3e) {fbreg(-37152)} [ee96,ef6b) {fbreg(-37152)} [f0d9,f0fd) {reg13} [f0fd,f125) {fbreg(-37152)} [f125,f146) {reg13} [f32a,f33c) {fbreg(-37152)} [f3c3,f41e) {fbreg(-37152)} [f447,f46b) {reg3} [f503,f545) {fbreg(-37152)} [f578,f58f) {fbreg(-37152)} [f5ae,f5cd) {fbreg(-37152)} [f5cd,f5ec) {reg3} [4e2a9] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [ebd0,f5f1) {addr(0x14470)} [4e2bc] variable 'phnum' [ebd0,f5f1) {fbreg(-37016)} [4e2cd] variable 'last_offset' [edcf,ee3e) {reg12} [ee96,f08c) {reg12} [f095,f0d9) {reg12} [f146,f158) {reg12} [f158,f1c4) {reg4} [f1da,f224) {breg15(24), deref, fbreg(-37112), deref, plus, stack_value} [f2db,f2f0) {reg4} [f337,f36a) {reg12} [f373,f378) {reg12} [f378,f392) {breg15(24), deref, fbreg(-37112), deref, plus, stack_value} [f3fd,f41e) {reg12} [f41e,f425) {breg15(24), deref, fbreg(-37112), deref, plus, stack_value} [f46b,f4a9) {reg12} [f545,f578) {reg12} [f58f,f5ae) {reg12} [4ecc3] function 'fill'@def0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4ece6] parameter 'fd' [def0,df2a) {reg5} [df2a,dfc5) {reg14} [dfc5,dfc8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [dfc8,dff3) {reg14} [dff3,dff6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [dff6,dffc) {reg14} [dffc,e01a) {reg5} [e01a,e031) {reg14} [4ecf9] parameter 'pos' [def0,df2a) {reg4} [df2a,dfc3) {reg13} [dfc8,dff1) {reg13} [dff6,dffc) {reg13} [dffc,e00f) {reg4} [e00f,e031) {reg13} [4ed0d] parameter 'len' [def0,df2a) {reg1} [df2a,dfac) {fbreg(-80)} [dfac,dfb1) {fbreg(-80), deref, breg3(0), minus, stack_value} [dfb1,dffc) {fbreg(-80)} [dffc,e002) {reg1} [e002,e031) {fbreg(-80)} [4ed21] parameter 'fillbuf' [def0,df17) {reg2} [df17,e031) {fbreg(-96)} [4ed35] parameter 'filledp' [def0,df2a) {reg8} [df2a,dffc) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [dffc,e01e) {reg8} [e01e,e031) {fbreg(-88)} [4ed49] variable 'filled' [df24,df2a) {reg2} [df2a,dffc) {fbreg(-72)} [dffc,e01e) {reg2} [e01e,e01f) {fbreg(-72)} [e01f,e031) {reg3} [4ed5d] variable 'fill_len' [df24,df2a) {reg0} [df2a,dffc) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, const2u(4096), entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), consts(-9223372036854771712), le, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [dffc,e005) {reg0} [e005,e012) {reg1} [e012,e031) {reg3} [4eec8] function '__elf64_updatemmap'@e040 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4eeea] parameter 'elf' [e040,e09e) {reg5} [e09e,e445) {reg14} [e445,e44a) {reg0} [e44a,e4ff) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [e4ff,e51b) {reg14} [e51b,e6c7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [e6c7,e6cf) {reg5} [e6cf,e8fc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [e8fc,e954) {reg14} [e954,e9e6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [e9e6,e9f6) {reg14} [e9f6,eb54) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [eb54,eb6e) {reg5} [eb6e,ebd0) {reg14} [4eefd] parameter 'change_bo' [e040,e0f5) {reg4} [e0f5,e6c7) {fbreg(-196)} [e6c7,e6cf) {reg4} [e6cf,e929) {fbreg(-196)} [e929,e92e) {reg4} [e92e,eb54) {fbreg(-196)} [eb54,eb67) {reg4} [eb67,ebd0) {fbreg(-196)} [4ef10] parameter 'shnum' [e040,e05c) {reg1} [e05c,ebd0) {fbreg(-152)} [4ef23] variable 'previous_scn_changed' [e105,e17d) {reg15} [e17d,e183) {lit1, stack_value} [e183,e28e) {reg15} [e28e,e44a) {fbreg(-105)} [e44a,e4ef) {reg14} [e4f2,e4ff) {reg14} [e4ff,e509) {fbreg(-105)} [e548,e54f) {reg14} [e6cf,e6d3) {reg14} [e8b5,e8fc) {reg14} [e8fc,e929) {reg15} [e947,e954) {reg15} [e9e6,e9f6) {reg15} [eb35,eb54) {reg14} [eb73,ebb1) {fbreg(-105)} [ebb1,ebd0) {reg15} [4ef36] variable 'ehdr' [e07a,e07d) {reg0} [e07d,e09e) {breg5(72)} [e09e,e0b9) {breg14(72)} [e0b9,e0f5) {reg2} [e0f5,e6c7) {fbreg(-160)} [e6c7,e6cf) {breg5(72)} [e6cf,e929) {fbreg(-160)} [e929,e93d) {breg14(72)} [e93d,eb54) {fbreg(-160)} [eb54,eb6e) {breg5(72)} [eb6e,eb72) {breg14(72)} [eb72,ebd0) {fbreg(-160)} [4ef49] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [e040,ebd0) {addr(0x14490)} [4ef5c] variable 'phnum' [e040,ebd0) {fbreg(-88)} [4ef6c] variable 'last_position' [e44a,e4cd) {reg5} [e4f2,e4ff) {reg5} [e548,e56c) {reg5} [e6cf,e6ee) {reg5} [e6ee,e70e) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [e70e,e796) {reg5} [e7a8,e7c1) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [e7c1,e7c6) {reg6} [e7c6,e811) {reg5} [e867,e89d) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [e8b0,e8c9) {reg5} [e969,e9b1) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [e9ca,e9dc) {reg5} [e9f6,ea10) {reg5} [ea15,ea2f) {reg5} [ea34,ea4e) {reg5} [ea53,ea6d) {reg5} [ea72,ea87) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [eae5,eaf3) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [eb35,eb4f) {reg5} [4ef8f] variable 'msync_start' [e69d,e6c1) {reg5} [4efa3] variable 'msync_end' [e69d,e6aa) {fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(58), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, breg14(0), deref, plus, fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(40), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [e6aa,e6b0) {breg0(0), fbreg(-152), deref, mul, breg14(0), deref, plus, fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(40), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [e6b0,e6c1) {fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(58), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, breg14(0), deref, plus, fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(40), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [4f400] inlined function 'fill_mmap'@e4b4 [4f41a] parameter 'shdr_end' [e4b4,e4e3) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [e8b5,e8fc) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [4f427] parameter 'shdr_start' [e4b4,e4e3) {fbreg(-208)} [e8b5,e8fc) {fbreg(-208)} [4f434] parameter 'scn_start' [e4b4,e4e3) {reg12} [e8b5,e8fc) {reg12} [4f441] parameter 'last_position' [e4b4,e4cd) {reg5} [e8b5,e8c9) {reg5} [4f44e] parameter 'offset' [e4b4,e4e3) {lit0, stack_value} [e8b5,e8fc) {lit0, stack_value} [4f50c] inlined function 'fill_mmap'@e76f [4f526] parameter 'shdr_end' [e76f,e7a8) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [e7f6,e867) {fbreg(-108), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, fbreg(-152), deref, mul, fbreg(-208), deref, plus, stack_value} [4f533] parameter 'shdr_start' [e76f,e7a8) {fbreg(-208)} [e7f6,e811) {reg0} [e811,e867) {fbreg(-208)} [4f540] parameter 'scn_start' [e76f,e7a8) {reg12} [e7f6,e867) {reg12} [4f54d] parameter 'last_position' [e76f,e796) {reg5} [e7f6,e811) {reg5} [4f55a] parameter 'offset' [e76f,e773) {reg0} [e773,e796) {breg3(24)} [e79c,e7a8) {breg3(24)} [e7f6,e811) {breg3(24)} [e851,e867) {breg3(24)} [4eaa6] inlined function 'sort_sections'@ef00 [4eac3] parameter 'list' [eeff,ef4f) {reg6} [4ead0] parameter 'scns' [4ead5] variable 'scnp' [eeff,ef40) {reg4} [4f8be] inlined function 'sort_sections'@e217 [4f8e3] parameter 'list' [e217,e26f) {reg6} [4f8f0] parameter 'scns' [e217,e26f) {fbreg(-144)} [4f8fd] variable 'scnp' [e217,e260) {reg4} [4fc64] function 'compare_sections'@de90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4fc86] parameter 'a' [de90,de93) {reg5} [de93,deed) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4fc97] parameter 'b' [de90,de9b) {reg4} [de9b,deed) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4fca8] variable 'scna' [de90,de93) {reg5} [de93,deed) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4fcbb] variable 'scnb' [de90,de9b) {reg4} [de9b,deed) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4e32f] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@ec57 [4e349] parameter 'off' [ec57,ec9b) {lit0, stack_value} [f0d9,f0ee) {lit0, stack_value} [4e356] parameter 'len' [ec57,ec9b) {const1u(64), stack_value} [f0d9,f0ee) {const1u(64), stack_value} [4e363] parameter 'buf' (ec57,ec57) [ec57,ec9b) {reg13} [f0d9,f0ee) {reg13} [4e370] parameter 'fd' [ec57,ec9b) {reg12} [f0d9,f0ee) {reg12} [4e4bc] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@ed46 [4e4d6] parameter 'off' (ed46,ed46) [ed46,ed8f) {fbreg(-37144)} [f0fd,f10e) {fbreg(-37144)} [4e4e3] parameter 'len' [ed46,ed8f) {reg3} [f0fd,f10e) {reg3} [4e4f0] parameter 'buf' [ed46,ed8f) {reg13} [f0fd,f10e) {reg13} [4e4fd] parameter 'fd' [ed46,ed8f) {reg14} [f0fd,f10e) {reg14} [4e766] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@f239 [4e780] parameter 'off' [4e785] parameter 'len' [f239,f299) {reg12} [f2f0,f2f6) {reg12} [4e792] parameter 'buf' [f239,f299) {fbreg(-37144)} [f2f0,f2f6) {fbreg(-37144)} [4e79f] parameter 'fd' [f239,f299) {reg14} [f2f0,f2f6) {reg14} [4e9dc] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@f4b1 [4e9f6] parameter 'off' [ee3e,ee42) {fbreg(-37040), deref, fbreg(-37032), deref, plus, stack_value} [f4b1,f503) {fbreg(-37040), deref, fbreg(-37032), deref, plus, stack_value} [4ea03] parameter 'len' [ee3e,ee42) {reg3} [f4b1,f503) {reg3} [4ea10] parameter 'buf' [ee3e,ee42) {fbreg(-37072)} [f4ad,f4b1) {reg12} [f4b1,f503) {fbreg(-37072)} [4ea1d] parameter 'fd' [ee3e,ee42) {reg14} [f4ad,f503) {reg14} [4ed8c] inlined function 'pwrite_retry'@df48 [4eda6] parameter 'off' [df48,dfa4) {reg13} [dfc8,dfd3) {reg13} [dff6,dffc) {reg13} [4edb3] parameter 'len' [df48,dfa4) {reg3} [dfc8,dfd3) {reg3} [dff6,dffc) {reg3} [4edc0] parameter 'buf' [df48,df4b) {reg6} [df4b,dfa4) {fbreg(-96)} [dfc8,dfd3) {fbreg(-96)} [dff6,dffc) {fbreg(-96)} [4edcd] parameter 'fd' [df48,dfa4) {reg14} [dfc8,dfd3) {reg14} [dff6,dffc) {reg14} [4ee6a] inlined function 'memset'@e017 [4ee81] parameter '__len' [4ee86] parameter '__ch' [e017,e01e) {reg4} [4ee93] parameter '__dest' [e017,e01f) {fbreg(-96), deref, fbreg(-72), deref, plus, stack_value} [4f487] inlined function 'memset'@e4cd [4f49b] parameter '__len' [e4cd,e4d9) {breg12(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [e4d9,e4dd) {reg1} [4f4a8] parameter '__ch' [4f4ad] parameter '__dest' [e4cd,e4dd) {reg5} [4f4c9] inlined function 'memset'@e8b5 [4f4dd] parameter '__len' [e8b5,e8c5) {fbreg(-208), deref, breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [e8c5,e8c9) {reg1} [4f4ea] parameter '__ch' [4f4ef] parameter '__dest' [e8b5,e8c9) {reg5} [4f579] inlined function 'memset'@e786 [4f592] parameter '__len' [e786,e792) {breg6(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [e792,e796) {reg1} [e7f6,e80d) {fbreg(-208), deref, breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [e80d,e811) {reg1} [4f59f] parameter '__ch' [4f5a4] parameter '__dest' [e786,e796) {reg5} [e7f6,e811) {reg5} [4f5e2] inlined function 'memset'@e849 [4f5f6] parameter '__len' [e849,e84c) {breg1(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [e84c,e850) {reg1} [e850,e862) {breg6(0), fbreg(-176), deref, breg12(0), fbreg(-176), deref, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), breg12(0), plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), ge, bra(1), swap, drop, minus, stack_value} [4f603] parameter '__ch' [e849,e850) {reg4} [4f610] parameter '__dest' [e849,e850) {reg5} [e850,e867) {fbreg(-176), deref, breg12(0), fbreg(-176), deref, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), breg12(0), plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), ge, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [4f958] inlined function 'memset'@e9cf [4f972] parameter '__len' [e9cf,e9d8) {breg1(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [e9d8,e9dc) {reg1} [4f97f] parameter '__ch' [4f984] parameter '__dest' [e9cf,e9dc) {reg5} [4fa75] inlined function 'memset'@e8fc [4fa8e] parameter '__len' [e8fc,e8ff) {breg0(0), breg2(0), minus, stack_value} [e8ff,e916) {reg0} [4fa9b] parameter '__ch' [4faa0] parameter '__dest' [e8fc,e903) {breg14(0), deref, breg2(0), plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [e903,e916) {fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(52), deref_size(2), const2u(65535), and, breg14(0), deref, plus, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [4f68a] inlined function 'memmove'@e893 [4f6a4] parameter '__len' [e893,e89d) {reg1} [4f6b1] parameter '__src' [e893,e89d) {reg4} [4f6be] parameter '__dest' [e893,e89d) {breg12(0), breg3(24), deref, plus, stack_value} [4fa1b] inlined function 'memmove'@e173 [4fa40] parameter '__len' [e173,e177) {fbreg(-88), deref, const1u(56), mul, stack_value} [4fa4d] parameter '__src' [e173,e177) {breg14(88)} [4fa5a] parameter '__dest' [e173,e177) {breg14(0), deref, breg14(40), deref, plus, fbreg(-160), deref, plus_uconst(32), deref, plus, stack_value} [4e8a4] inlined function 'memcpy'@ef9b [4e8be] parameter '__len' [ef9b,eff9) {const1u(64), stack_value} [4e8cb] parameter '__src' [ef9b,efc1) {fbreg(-37128), deref, plus_uconst(144)} [efc1,eff5) {reg1} [4e8d8] parameter '__dest' [ef9b,efbe) {fbreg(-37128), deref, plus_uconst(128), deref, lit6, shl, fbreg(-37072), deref, plus, stack_value} [efbe,eff9) {reg0} [4f05a] inlined function 'memcpy'@e312 [4f080] parameter '__len' [e312,e351) {const1u(64), stack_value} [4f08d] parameter '__src' [e312,e351) {reg6} [4f09a] parameter '__dest' [e312,e351) {reg0} [4f183] inlined function 'memcpy'@e3cf [4f1a9] parameter '__len' [e3cf,e3d3) {reg1} [e3d3,e3d4) {fbreg(-176)} [4f1b6] parameter '__src' [e3cf,e3d3) {reg4} [e3d3,e3d4) {fbreg(-136)} [4f1c3] parameter '__dest' [e3cf,e3d3) {reg0} [4f30f] inlined function 'memcpy'@eac3 [4f335] parameter '__len' [4f33a] parameter '__src' [eac3,ead3) {reg15} [4f347] parameter '__dest' [4f84c] inlined function 'memcpy'@e5bc [4f872] parameter '__len' [e5bc,e5fa) {const1u(64), stack_value} [4f87f] parameter '__src' [e5bc,e5fa) {reg4} [4f88c] parameter '__dest' [e5bc,e5c2) {breg3(128), deref, lit6, shl, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [4f9ce] inlined function 'memcpy'@e0b3 [4f9f3] parameter '__len' [e0b3,e0f5) {const1u(64), stack_value} [4fa00] parameter '__src' [e0b3,e0b9) {breg14(72)} [e0b9,e0f5) {reg2} [4fa0d] parameter '__dest' [e0b3,e0b9) {breg14(0), deref, breg14(40), deref, plus, stack_value} module '' [4fe04] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsym.c'@f600 [50f7d] function 'gelf_getsym'@f600 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [50f9f] parameter 'data' [f600,f672) {reg5} [f672,f677) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f677,f6cd) {reg5} [f6cd,f6d6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f6d6,f6e5) {reg5} [f6e5,f6ee) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f6ee,f6f3) {reg5} [50fb3] parameter 'ndx' [f600,f672) {reg4} [f672,f677) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f677,f690) {reg4} [f690,f6c3) {reg8} [f6c3,f6d1) {reg4} [f6d1,f6d6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f6d6,f6e9) {reg4} [f6e9,f6ee) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f6ee,f6f3) {reg4} [50fc5] parameter 'dst' [f600,f625) {reg1} [f625,f672) {reg2} [f672,f677) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f677,f6d1) {reg2} [f6d1,f6d6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f6d6,f6e9) {reg1} [f6e9,f6ee) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f6ee,f6f3) {reg1} [50fd7] variable 'data_scn' [f600,f672) {reg5} [f672,f677) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f677,f6cd) {reg5} [f6cd,f6d6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f6d6,f6e5) {reg5} [f6e5,f6ee) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f6ee,f6f3) {reg5} [50fea] variable 'result' [f600,f6f2) {lit0, stack_value} [51005] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [51089] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_sym.c'@f700 [5221b] function 'gelf_update_sym'@f700 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5223d] parameter 'data' [f700,f77e) {reg5} [f77e,f783) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f783,f7e5) {reg5} [f7e5,f7ee) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f7ee,f7fd) {reg5} [f7fd,f809) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f809,f815) {reg5} [f815,f821) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [52251] parameter 'ndx' [f700,f720) {reg4} [f720,f771) {reg2} [f771,f783) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f783,f7b8) {reg2} [f7b8,f7dc) {reg10} [f7dc,f7e9) {reg2} [f7e9,f7ee) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f7ee,f801) {reg4} [f801,f809) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f809,f819) {reg2} [f819,f821) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [52263] parameter 'src' [f700,f737) {reg1} [f737,f77e) {reg4} [f77e,f783) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f783,f78c) {reg1} [f78c,f7e9) {reg4} [f7e9,f7ee) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f7ee,f801) {reg1} [f801,f809) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f809,f819) {reg4} [f819,f821) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [52275] variable 'data_scn' [f700,f77e) {reg5} [f77e,f783) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f783,f7e5) {reg5} [f7e5,f7ee) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f7ee,f7fd) {reg5} [f7fd,f809) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f809,f815) {reg5} [f815,f821) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [52288] variable 'scn' [f720,f77e) {reg8} [f783,f7e9) {reg8} [f809,f819) {reg8} [5229b] variable 'result' [f700,f771) {lit0, stack_value} [f771,f77e) {lit1, stack_value} [f783,f7f2) {lit0, stack_value} [f7f3,f821) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [52333] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getversym.c'@f830 [533ca] function 'gelf_getversym'@f830 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [533ec] parameter 'data' [f830,f85d) {reg5} [f85d,f862) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f862,f86d) {reg5} [f86d,f876) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f876,f88d) {reg5} [f88d,f896) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [53400] parameter 'ndx' [f830,f85d) {reg4} [f85d,f862) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f862,f871) {reg4} [f871,f876) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f876,f891) {reg4} [f891,f896) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [53412] parameter 'dst' [f830,f85d) {reg1} [f85d,f862) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f862,f871) {reg1} [f871,f876) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f876,f891) {reg1} [f891,f896) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [53424] variable 'data_scn' [f830,f85d) {reg5} [f85d,f862) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f862,f86d) {reg5} [f86d,f876) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f876,f88d) {reg5} [f88d,f896) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [53437] variable 'scn' [f83f,f85d) {breg5(40)} [f883,f88d) {breg5(40)} [f88d,f891) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(40)} [5344b] variable 'result' [f85a,f85d) {reg1} [f892,f896) {lit0, stack_value} [5345e] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [534c3] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverneed.c'@f8a0 [545bb] function 'gelf_getverneed'@f8a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [545dd] parameter 'data' [f8a0,f8d3) {reg5} [f8d3,f8d8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f8d8,f8e5) {reg5} [f8e5,f8f1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f8f1,f8fd) {reg5} [f8fd,f906) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f906,f913) {reg5} [545ef] parameter 'offset' [f8a0,f8c3) {reg4} [f8c3,f8d0) {reg0} [f8d0,f8f1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f8f1,f901) {reg4} [f901,f906) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f906,f913) {reg4} [54601] parameter 'dst' [f8a0,f8d3) {reg1} [f8d3,f8d8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f8d8,f8e9) {reg1} [f8e9,f8f1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f8f1,f901) {reg1} [f901,f906) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f906,f913) {reg1} [54615] variable 'result' [f8c5,f8d3) {reg1} [f8ea,f8f1) {lit0, stack_value} [54629] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [546b2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getvernaux.c'@f920 [557aa] function 'gelf_getvernaux'@f920 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [557cc] parameter 'data' [f920,f953) {reg5} [f953,f958) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f958,f965) {reg5} [f965,f971) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f971,f97d) {reg5} [f97d,f986) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f986,f993) {reg5} [557de] parameter 'offset' [f920,f943) {reg4} [f943,f950) {reg0} [f950,f971) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f971,f981) {reg4} [f981,f986) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f986,f993) {reg4} [557f0] parameter 'dst' [f920,f953) {reg1} [f953,f958) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f958,f969) {reg1} [f969,f971) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f971,f981) {reg1} [f981,f986) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f986,f993) {reg1} [55804] variable 'result' [f945,f953) {reg1} [f96a,f971) {lit0, stack_value} [55818] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [558a1] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverdef.c'@f9a0 [569b5] function 'gelf_getverdef'@f9a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [569d7] parameter 'data' [f9a0,f9df) {reg5} [f9df,f9e4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f9e4,f9ed) {reg5} [f9ed,f9f9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [f9f9,fa05) {reg5} [fa05,fa0e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fa0e,fa13) {reg5} [569e9] parameter 'offset' [f9a0,f9c3) {reg4} [f9c3,f9c8) {reg0} [f9c8,f9cb) {breg2(-20), stack_value} [f9cb,f9f9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [f9f9,fa09) {reg4} [fa09,fa0e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fa0e,fa13) {reg4} [569fb] parameter 'dst' [f9a0,f9df) {reg1} [f9df,f9e4) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f9e4,f9f1) {reg1} [f9f1,f9f9) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [f9f9,fa09) {reg1} [fa09,fa0e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fa0e,fa13) {reg1} [56a0f] variable 'result' [f9f2,f9f9) {lit0, stack_value} [56a23] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [56a2c] inlined function 'memcpy'@f9c5 [56a45] parameter '__len' [f9c5,f9df) {lit20, stack_value} [56a52] parameter '__src' [f9c5,f9c8) {breg5(0), deref, breg0(0), plus, stack_value} [f9c8,f9d9) {reg0} [56a5f] parameter '__dest' [f9c5,f9df) {reg1} module '' [56aed] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverdaux.c'@fa20 [57bbb] function 'gelf_getverdaux'@fa20 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [57bdd] parameter 'data' [fa20,fa52) {reg5} [fa52,fa57) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fa57,fa65) {reg5} [fa65,fa71) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fa71,fa7d) {reg5} [fa7d,fa86) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fa86,fa93) {reg5} [57bef] parameter 'offset' [fa20,fa43) {reg4} [fa43,fa4c) {reg0} [fa4c,fa71) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fa71,fa81) {reg4} [fa81,fa86) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fa86,fa93) {reg4} [57c01] parameter 'dst' [fa20,fa52) {reg1} [fa52,fa57) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fa57,fa69) {reg1} [fa69,fa71) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fa71,fa81) {reg1} [fa81,fa86) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fa86,fa93) {reg1} [57c15] variable 'result' [fa4f,fa52) {reg1} [fa6a,fa71) {lit0, stack_value} [57c29] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [57cb2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getrel.c'@faa0 [58dae] function 'gelf_getrel'@faa0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [58dd0] parameter 'data' [faa0,fac8) {reg5} [fac8,faef) {reg2} [faef,faf4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [faf4,fb0e) {reg2} [fb0e,fb2b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fb2b,fb39) {reg2} [fb39,fb3e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fb3e,fb49) {reg2} [fb49,fb4e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fb4e,fb53) {reg5} [58de4] parameter 'ndx' [faa0,fae5) {reg4} [fae5,faef) {reg8} [faef,faf4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [faf4,fb39) {reg4} [fb39,fb3e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fb3e,fb49) {reg4} [fb49,fb4e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fb4e,fb53) {reg4} [58df6] parameter 'dst' [faa0,fac1) {reg1} [fac1,faef) {reg0} [faef,faf4) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [faf4,fb39) {reg0} [fb39,fb3e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fb3e,fb49) {reg1} [fb49,fb4e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fb4e,fb53) {reg1} [58e08] variable 'data_scn' [faa0,fac8) {reg5} [fac8,faef) {reg2} [faef,faf4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [faf4,fb0e) {reg2} [fb0e,fb2b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fb2b,fb39) {reg2} [fb39,fb3e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fb3e,fb49) {reg2} [fb49,fb4e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fb4e,fb53) {reg5} [58e1b] variable 'scn' [fabd,fac8) {breg5(40)} [fac8,facf) {reg5} [facf,faef) {breg2(40)} [faf4,fb0e) {breg2(40)} [fb0e,fb2b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(40)} [fb2b,fb39) {breg2(40)} [58e2e] variable 'result' [fb26,fb2b) {reg0} [fb3a,fb3e) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [58edf] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getrela.c'@fb60 [5a027] function 'gelf_getrela'@fb60 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5a049] parameter 'data' [fb60,fbd2) {reg5} [fbd2,fbd7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fbd7,fc2d) {reg5} [fc2d,fc36) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fc36,fc45) {reg5} [fc45,fc4e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fc4e,fc53) {reg5} [5a05d] parameter 'ndx' [fb60,fbd2) {reg4} [fbd2,fbd7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fbd7,fbfa) {reg4} [fbfa,fc25) {reg8} [fc25,fc31) {reg4} [fc31,fc36) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fc36,fc49) {reg4} [fc49,fc4e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fc4e,fc53) {reg4} [5a06f] parameter 'dst' [fb60,fb8f) {reg1} [fb8f,fbd2) {reg2} [fbd2,fbd7) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fbd7,fc31) {reg2} [fc31,fc36) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fc36,fc49) {reg1} [fc49,fc4e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fc4e,fc53) {reg1} [5a081] variable 'data_scn' [fb60,fbd2) {reg5} [fbd2,fbd7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fbd7,fc2d) {reg5} [fc2d,fc36) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fc36,fc45) {reg5} [fc45,fc4e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fc4e,fc53) {reg5} [5a094] variable 'scn' [fb7e,fb96) {reg0} [fb96,fbbf) {breg5(40)} [fbd7,fc1d) {breg5(40)} [fc25,fc2d) {breg5(40)} [fc2d,fc31) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, plus_uconst(40)} [5a0a7] variable 'result' [fc1d,fc25) {reg2} [fc32,fc36) {lit0, stack_value} [5a0e3] inlined function 'memcpy'@fbab [5a0fc] parameter '__len' [fbab,fbd2) {lit24, stack_value} [5a109] parameter '__src' [fbab,fbbf) {breg4(0), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, lit24, mul, breg5(0), deref, plus, stack_value} [5a116] parameter '__dest' [fbab,fbd2) {reg2} module '' [5a199] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_rel.c'@fc60 [5b2a3] function 'gelf_update_rel'@fc60 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5b2c5] parameter 'dst' [fc60,fc85) {reg5} [fc85,fcb0) {reg0} [fcb0,fcc1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fcc1,fd04) {reg0} [fd04,fd1c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fd1c,fd29) {reg0} [fd29,fd2e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fd2e,fd33) {reg5} [fd33,fd41) {reg0} [fd41,fd49) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fd49,fd59) {reg0} [fd59,fd61) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5b2d7] parameter 'ndx' [fc60,fcaa) {reg4} [fcaa,fcb0) {reg8} [fcb0,fcc1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fcc1,fd29) {reg4} [fd29,fd2e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fd2e,fd41) {reg4} [fd41,fd49) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fd49,fd59) {reg4} [fd59,fd61) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5b2e9] parameter 'src' [fc60,fcb0) {reg1} [fcb0,fcc1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fcc1,fcdc) {reg1} [fcdc,fd2e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fd2e,fd41) {reg1} [fd41,fd61) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5b2fb] variable 'data_scn' [fc60,fc85) {reg5} [fc85,fcb0) {reg0} [fcb0,fcc1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fcc1,fd04) {reg0} [fd04,fd1c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fd1c,fd29) {reg0} [fd29,fd2e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fd2e,fd33) {reg5} [fd33,fd41) {reg0} [fd41,fd49) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fd49,fd59) {reg0} [fd59,fd61) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5b30e] variable 'scn' [fc7e,fcbc) {reg2} [fcc1,fd29) {reg2} [fd49,fd59) {reg2} [5b321] variable 'result' [fc60,fcb0) {lit0, stack_value} [fcb0,fcbc) {lit1, stack_value} [fcc1,fd32) {lit0, stack_value} [fd33,fd61) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [5b3b9] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_rela.c'@fd70 [5c50f] function 'gelf_update_rela'@fd70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5c531] parameter 'dst' [fd70,fd91) {reg5} [fd91,fdef) {reg2} [fdef,fdf4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fdf4,fe89) {reg2} [fe89,fe91) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fe91,fea9) {reg2} [fea9,feb1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [feb1,fec1) {reg2} [fec1,fec9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5c543] parameter 'ndx' [fd70,fde2) {reg4} [fde2,fdf4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fdf4,fe89) {reg4} [fe89,fe91) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [fe91,fea9) {reg4} [fea9,feb1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [feb1,fec1) {reg4} [fec1,fec9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5c555] parameter 'src' [fd70,fda8) {reg1} [fda8,fde2) {reg5} [fde2,fdf4) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fdf4,fe00) {reg1} [fe00,fe26) {reg5} [fe26,fe91) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [fe91,fea9) {reg1} [fea9,fec9) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5c567] variable 'data_scn' [fd70,fd91) {reg5} [fd91,fdef) {reg2} [fdef,fdf4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fdf4,fe89) {reg2} [fe89,fe91) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [fe91,fea9) {reg2} [fea9,feb1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [feb1,fec1) {reg2} [fec1,fec9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5c57a] variable 'scn' [fd91,fdef) {reg8} [fdf4,fe89) {reg8} [feb1,fec1) {reg8} [5c58d] variable 'result' [fd70,fde2) {lit0, stack_value} [fde2,fdef) {lit1, stack_value} [fdf4,fe9a) {lit0, stack_value} [fe9b,fec9) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [5c625] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getdyn.c'@fed0 [5d794] function 'gelf_getdyn'@fed0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5d7b6] parameter 'data' [fed0,fef4) {reg5} [fef4,ff1b) {reg2} [ff1b,ff20) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff20,ff36) {reg2} [ff36,ff45) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff45,ff51) {reg2} [ff51,ff56) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff56,ff69) {reg2} [ff69,ff6e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff6e,ff73) {reg5} [5d7ca] parameter 'ndx' [fed0,ff11) {reg4} [ff11,ff1b) {reg8} [ff1b,ff20) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ff20,ff51) {reg4} [ff51,ff56) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ff56,ff69) {reg4} [ff69,ff6e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ff6e,ff73) {reg4} [5d7dc] parameter 'dst' [fed0,feed) {reg1} [feed,ff1b) {reg0} [ff1b,ff20) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [ff20,ff51) {reg0} [ff51,ff56) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [ff56,ff69) {reg1} [ff69,ff6e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [ff6e,ff73) {reg1} [5d7ee] variable 'data_scn' [fed0,fef4) {reg5} [fef4,ff1b) {reg2} [ff1b,ff20) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff20,ff36) {reg2} [ff36,ff45) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff45,ff51) {reg2} [ff51,ff56) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff56,ff69) {reg2} [ff69,ff6e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ff6e,ff73) {reg5} [5d801] variable 'result' [fed0,ff72) {lit0, stack_value} [5d814] variable 'elf' [fee9,fef4) {breg5(40), deref, plus_uconst(136)} [fef4,fefb) {breg5(136)} [fefb,ff1b) {reg5} [ff20,ff4d) {reg5} [ff4d,ff51) {breg2(40), deref, plus_uconst(136)} [5d82f] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [5d8b2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_dyn.c'@ff80 [5ea3a] function 'gelf_update_dyn'@ff80 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5ea5c] parameter 'data' [ff80,ffa7) {reg5} [ffa7,ffdd) {reg2} [ffdd,ffe2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ffe2,10039) {reg2} [10039,1003e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1003e,10043) {reg5} [10043,10051) {reg2} [10051,10056) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10056,10069) {reg2} [10069,10071) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5ea70] parameter 'ndx' [ff80,ffa0) {reg4} [ffa0,ffcb) {reg0} [ffcb,ffd1) {reg8} [ffd1,ffe2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ffe2,10020) {reg0} [10020,10028) {reg8} [10028,10039) {reg0} [10039,1003e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1003e,10051) {reg4} [10051,10056) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10056,10069) {reg0} [10069,10071) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5ea82] parameter 'src' [ff80,ffd1) {reg1} [ffd1,ffe2) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [ffe2,1000b) {reg1} [1000b,10028) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10028,10039) {reg1} [10039,1003e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1003e,10051) {reg1} [10051,10071) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5ea94] variable 'data_scn' [ff80,ffa7) {reg5} [ffa7,ffdd) {reg2} [ffdd,ffe2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [ffe2,10039) {reg2} [10039,1003e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1003e,10043) {reg5} [10043,10051) {reg2} [10051,10056) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10056,10069) {reg2} [10069,10071) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5eaa7] variable 'scn' [ffa0,ffdd) {reg4} [ffe2,10039) {reg4} [10056,10069) {reg4} [5eaba] variable 'result' [ff80,ffd1) {lit0, stack_value} [ffd1,ffdd) {lit1, stack_value} [ffe2,10042) {lit0, stack_value} [10043,10071) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [5eb52] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getmove.c'@10080 [5fc60] function 'gelf_getmove'@10080 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5fc82] parameter 'data' [10080,100a9) {reg5} [100a9,100ae) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [100ae,100b5) {reg5} [100b5,100c1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [100c1,100cb) {reg5} [5fc96] parameter 'ndx' [10080,100a2) {reg4} [100a2,100ae) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [100ae,100b9) {reg4} [100b9,100c1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [100c1,100cb) {reg4} [5fca8] parameter 'dst' [10080,1009b) {reg1} [1009b,100ae) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [100ae,100b9) {reg1} [100b9,100c1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [100c1,100cb) {reg1} [5fcba] variable 'result' [5fcc7] variable 'elf' [5fcd3] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [10080,100cb) {addr(0x14508)} module '' [5fd6d] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_move.c'@100d0 [60e86] function 'gelf_update_move'@100d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [60ea8] parameter 'data' [100d0,100f3) {reg5} [100f3,100f8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [60ebc] parameter 'ndx' [100d0,100ec) {reg4} [100ec,100f8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [60ece] parameter 'src' [100d0,100e5) {reg1} [100e5,100f8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [60ee0] variable 'data_scn' [100d0,100f3) {reg5} [100f3,100f8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [60ef4] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [100d0,100f8) {addr(0x14550)} module '' [60f74] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsyminfo.c'@10100 [62032] function 'gelf_getsyminfo'@10100 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [62054] parameter 'data' [10100,1012c) {reg5} [1012c,10131) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10131,1013d) {reg5} [1013d,10146) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10146,1015d) {reg5} [1015d,10166) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [62068] parameter 'ndx' [10100,1012c) {reg4} [1012c,10131) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10131,10141) {reg4} [10141,10146) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10146,10161) {reg4} [10161,10166) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6207a] parameter 'dst' [10100,1012c) {reg1} [1012c,10131) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10131,10141) {reg1} [10141,10146) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10146,10161) {reg1} [10161,10166) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6208c] variable 'result' [10100,10129) {lit0, stack_value} [10129,1012c) {reg1} [10131,10152) {lit0, stack_value} [10153,10166) {lit0, stack_value} [620a0] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [62108] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_syminfo.c'@10170 [631e4] function 'gelf_update_syminfo'@10170 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [63206] parameter 'data' [10170,101aa) {reg5} [101aa,101af) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [101af,101bd) {reg5} [101bd,101c6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [101c6,101d5) {reg5} [101d5,101de) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6321a] parameter 'ndx' [10170,101aa) {reg4} [101aa,101af) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [101af,101c1) {reg4} [101c1,101c6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [101c6,101d9) {reg4} [101d9,101de) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6322c] parameter 'src' [10170,1019b) {reg1} [1019b,101af) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [101af,101c1) {reg1} [101c1,101c6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [101c6,101d9) {reg1} [101d9,101de) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6323e] variable 'data_scn' [10170,101aa) {reg5} [101aa,101af) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [101af,101bd) {reg5} [101bd,101c6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [101c6,101d5) {reg5} [101d5,101de) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [63251] variable 'scn' [1018a,101aa) {reg2} [101c6,101d9) {reg2} [63265] variable 'result' [10170,1019e) {lit0, stack_value} [1019e,101aa) {lit1, stack_value} [101af,101b2) {lit0, stack_value} [101b3,101de) {lit0, stack_value} [63278] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [632e5] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getauxv.c'@101e0 [6441a] function 'gelf_getauxv'@101e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6443c] parameter 'data' [101e0,10226) {reg5} [10226,1022b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1022b,1025d) {reg5} [1025d,10266) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10266,10275) {reg5} [10275,1027e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1027e,10283) {reg5} [64450] parameter 'ndx' [101e0,101fa) {reg4} [101fa,10212) {breg4(-1), stack_value} [10212,10266) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10266,10279) {reg4} [10279,1027e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1027e,10283) {reg4} [64462] parameter 'dst' [101e0,10226) {reg1} [10226,1022b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1022b,10261) {reg1} [10261,10266) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10266,10279) {reg1} [10279,1027e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1027e,10283) {reg1} [64474] variable 'data_scn' [101e0,10226) {reg5} [10226,1022b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1022b,1025d) {reg5} [1025d,10266) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10266,10275) {reg5} [10275,1027e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1027e,10283) {reg5} [64487] variable 'result' [101e0,10282) {lit0, stack_value} [6449a] variable 'elf' [101f3,10226) {breg5(40), deref, plus_uconst(136)} [1022b,1023c) {reg0} [1023c,10255) {breg5(40), deref, plus_uconst(136)} [10255,10261) {reg0} [644b5] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [644ee] inlined function 'memcpy'@10217 [64513] parameter '__len' [10217,10226) {lit16, stack_value} [64520] parameter '__src' [10217,10226) {breg5(0), deref, breg4(0), plus, lit16, minus, stack_value} [6452d] parameter '__dest' [10217,10226) {reg1} module '' [645ae] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_auxv.c'@10290 [656ec] function 'gelf_update_auxv'@10290 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6570e] parameter 'data' [10290,102bd) {reg5} [102bd,102d6) {reg0} [102d6,102f0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [102f0,10319) {reg0} [10319,10326) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10326,10333) {reg5} [10333,10349) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10349,10359) {reg0} [10359,1035e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1035e,10369) {reg0} [10369,10371) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [65722] parameter 'ndx' [10290,102c6) {reg4} [102c6,102cd) {breg4(-1), stack_value} [102cd,102f0) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [102f0,10309) {reg4} [10309,10310) {breg4(-1), stack_value} [10310,10326) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10326,10333) {reg4} [10333,10349) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10349,10359) {reg4} [10359,1035e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1035e,10369) {reg4} [10369,10371) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [65734] parameter 'src' [10290,102df) {reg1} [102df,102f0) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [102f0,10301) {reg1} [10301,10326) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10326,10333) {reg1} [10333,10349) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10349,10359) {reg1} [10359,10371) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [65746] variable 'data_scn' [10290,102bd) {reg5} [102bd,102d6) {reg0} [102d6,102f0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [102f0,10319) {reg0} [10319,10326) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10326,10333) {reg5} [10333,10349) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10349,10359) {reg0} [10359,1035e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1035e,10369) {reg0} [10369,10371) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [65759] variable 'scn' [102b6,102eb) {reg2} [102f0,10326) {reg2} [1035e,10369) {reg2} [6576d] variable 'result' [10290,102df) {lit0, stack_value} [102df,102eb) {lit1, stack_value} [102f0,10332) {lit0, stack_value} [10333,10371) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [65805] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getnote.c'@10380 [668e2] function 'gelf_getnote'@10380 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [66904] parameter 'data' [10380,10393) {reg5} [10393,103cd) {reg0} [103cd,103d4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [103d4,103ed) {reg0} [103ed,10437) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10437,10449) {reg0} [10449,1044c) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1044c,10459) {reg0} [10459,10461) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10461,1046b) {reg5} [1046b,1048a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [66917] parameter 'offset' [10380,103c8) {reg4} [103c8,103cd) {reg10} [103d4,103f8) {reg10} [103f8,10409) {reg2} [10409,1040f) {breg2(-3), stack_value} [1040f,10428) {reg2} [10428,10435) {reg0} [10437,10449) {reg4} [10449,1044c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1044c,10459) {reg4} [10459,1045a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1045a,10461) {lit0, stack_value} [10461,1046b) {reg4} [1046b,10478) {reg2} [10478,1047e) {breg2(-7), stack_value} [1047e,1048a) {reg2} [6692a] parameter 'result' [10380,103a8) {reg1} [103a8,103cd) {reg9} [103cd,103d4) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [103d4,10437) {reg9} [10437,10449) {reg1} [10449,1044c) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1044c,10459) {reg9} [10459,10461) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10461,1046b) {reg1} [1046b,1048a) {reg9} [6693d] parameter 'name_offset' [10380,103cd) {reg2} [103cd,103d4) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [103d4,103e5) {reg2} [103e5,10437) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10437,10449) {reg2} [10449,1044c) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [1044c,10459) {reg2} [10459,10461) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10461,1046b) {reg2} [1046b,1048a) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [66950] parameter 'desc_offset' [10380,103cd) {reg8} [103cd,103d4) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [103d4,10449) {reg8} [10449,1044c) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [1044c,10459) {reg8} [10459,10461) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [10461,1048a) {reg8} [66963] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [66a03] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlatetof.c'@10490 [67970] function 'gelf_xlatetof'@10490 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6798e] parameter 'elf' [10490,10496) {reg5} [10496,104aa) {reg0} [104aa,104ab) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [104ab,104b4) {reg0} [104b4,104b5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [104b5,104ba) {reg0} [104ba,104bb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [679a0] parameter 'dest' [10490,10499) {reg4} [10499,104aa) {reg5} [104aa,104ab) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [104ab,104b4) {reg5} [104b4,104b5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [104b5,104bb) {reg5} [679b3] parameter 'src' [10490,1049e) {reg1} [1049e,104aa) {reg4} [104aa,104ab) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [104ab,104b4) {reg4} [104b4,104b5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [104b5,104bb) {reg4} [679c5] parameter 'encode' [10490,104aa) {reg2} [104aa,104ab) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [104ab,104b4) {reg1} [104b4,104b5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [104b5,104bb) {reg1} module '' [67a1a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlatetom.c'@104c0 [68987] function 'gelf_xlatetom'@104c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [689a5] parameter 'elf' [104c0,104c6) {reg5} [104c6,104da) {reg0} [104da,104db) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [104db,104e4) {reg0} [104e4,104e5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [104e5,104ea) {reg0} [104ea,104eb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [689b7] parameter 'dest' [104c0,104c9) {reg4} [104c9,104da) {reg5} [104da,104db) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [104db,104e4) {reg5} [104e4,104e5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [104e5,104eb) {reg5} [689ca] parameter 'src' [104c0,104ce) {reg1} [104ce,104da) {reg4} [104da,104db) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [104db,104e4) {reg4} [104e4,104e5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [104e5,104eb) {reg4} [689dc] parameter 'encode' [104c0,104da) {reg2} [104da,104db) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [104db,104e4) {reg1} [104e4,104e5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [104e5,104eb) {reg1} module '' [68a31] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/nlist.c'@104f0 [69e38] function 'nlist'@105f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [69e5a] parameter 'filename' [105f0,1061d) {reg5} [1061d,10978) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [69e6e] parameter 'nl' [105f0,105f7) {reg4} [105f7,106cd) {reg15} [106cd,106e1) {breg15(-24), stack_value} [106e1,10716) {reg15} [10717,108f1) {reg15} [108f1,108fb) {breg15(-24), stack_value} [108fb,10978) {reg15} [69e81] variable 'fd' [10625,10634) {reg0} [10634,108af) {fbreg(-212)} [108af,108b9) {reg0} [108b9,10978) {fbreg(-212)} [69e94] variable 'elf' [1064b,10659) {reg0} [10659,106b5) {reg6} [10717,108af) {reg6} [108bf,10973) {reg6} [69ea8] variable 'scn' [10619,10659) {lit0, stack_value} [10659,1066a) {reg0} [1066a,10697) {reg13} [10697,106a2) {reg0} [10717,1072c) {reg0} [1072c,1073c) {reg13} [108af,108bf) {lit0, stack_value} [69ebc] variable 'symscn' [10619,10659) {lit0, stack_value} [10659,106a2) {reg3} [108af,108bf) {lit0, stack_value} [69ed0] variable 'shdr_mem' [105f0,10978) {fbreg(-144)} [69edf] variable 'shdr' [10619,10659) {lit0, stack_value} [10671,10676) {reg0} [10676,10686) {reg12} [10733,1073c) {reg0} [1073c,108af) {reg12} [108af,108bf) {lit0, stack_value} [108bf,10973) {reg12} [69ef3] variable 'data' [1074c,10772) {reg0} [10772,108af) {reg13} [108bf,10973) {reg13} [69f07] variable 'table' [107ec,1080e) {reg0} [1080e,108af) {reg14} [108bf,10959) {reg14} (10964,10964) [69f1b] variable 'nsyms' [10773,10783) {fbreg(-208)} [69f2f] variable 'cnt' [107ec,1080e) {lit0, stack_value} [1080e,108af) {reg3} [6a0ad] inlined function 'nlist_fshash_find'@1090d [6a0c2] parameter 'len' (108ce,108ce) [1090d,10926) {lit0, stack_value} [6a0cf] parameter 'data' (108ce,108ce) [1090d,10926) {fbreg(-176), stack_value} [6a0dc] parameter 'str' [1090d,10911) {reg5} [6a0e9] parameter 'htab' (108ce,108ce) [1090d,10926) {reg14} [69fa2] inlined function 'nlist_fshash_overwrite'@10831 [69fc6] parameter 'len' [10831,10877) {lit0, stack_value} [69fd3] parameter 'data' [10831,10877) {fbreg(-176), stack_value} [69fe0] parameter 'str' [10831,10835) {reg0} [69fed] parameter 'htab' [10831,10877) {reg14} [69ffa] variable 'hval' [10836,1084a) {reg0} [1084a,10877) {fbreg(-192)} [6a007] variable 'slot' [1084b,10877) {reg0} [6a52e] function 'nlist_fshash_lookup'@104f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6a550] parameter 'htab' [104f0,10532) {reg5} [10532,105ab) {reg13} [105ab,105b0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [105b0,105bc) {reg5} [105bc,105dc) {reg13} [105dc,105e1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6a564] parameter 'hval' [104f0,10532) {reg4} [10532,105af) {reg15} [105af,105b0) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [105b0,105b9) {reg4} [105b9,105c9) {reg15} [105c9,105e1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6a578] parameter 'data' [104f0,1050e) {reg1} [1050e,105e1) {fbreg(-72)} [6a58c] variable 'idx' [10519,1056d) {reg3} [1056d,10584) {reg0} [10584,105a6) {reg3} [105b0,105d2) {reg3} [6a248] inlined function 'nlist_fshash_fini'@1089a [6a26c] parameter 'htab' [1089a,108a2) {reg14} [6a28e] inlined function 'nlist_fshash_fini'@10939 [6a2b2] parameter 'htab' [10939,10941) {reg14} [6a18c] inlined function 'nlist_fshash_init'@10773 [6a1a4] parameter 'nelems' [10773,10783) {fbreg(-208)} [107c6,107cb) {reg0} [107cb,107ec) {reg3} [6a13f] inlined function 'open'@10619 [6a157] parameter '__oflag' [10619,10625) {lit0, stack_value} [6a164] parameter '__path' [10619,1061d) {reg5} [1061d,10625) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} module '' [6a661] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsymshndx.c'@10980 [6b7da] function 'gelf_getsymshndx'@10980 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6b7fc] parameter 'symdata' [10980,10a7d) {reg5} [10a7d,10a89) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10a89,10a95) {reg5} [10a95,10aa1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10aa1,10ac6) {reg5} [6b80f] parameter 'shndxdata' [10980,1099d) {reg4} [1099d,109da) {reg9} [109da,10aa1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10aa1,10aab) {reg4} [10aab,10aba) {reg9} [10aba,10ac6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6b822] parameter 'ndx' [10980,109d3) {reg1} [109d3,10a23) {reg4} [10a23,10a72) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10a72,10a81) {reg1} [10a81,10aa1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10aa1,10ac6) {reg1} [6b835] parameter 'dst' [10980,10a2b) {reg2} [10a2b,10a33) {reg0} [10a33,10a81) {reg2} [10a81,10a89) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10a89,10a99) {reg2} [10a99,10aa1) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10aa1,10ac6) {reg2} [6b848] parameter 'dstshndx' [10980,10a81) {reg8} [10a81,10a89) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [10a89,10a99) {reg8} [10a99,10aa1) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [10aa1,10ac6) {reg8} [6b85b] variable 'symdata_scn' [10980,10a7d) {reg5} [10a7d,10a89) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10a89,10a95) {reg5} [10a95,10aa1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10aa1,10ac6) {reg5} [6b86e] variable 'shndxdata_scn' [10980,1099d) {reg4} [1099d,109da) {reg9} [109da,10aa1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10aa1,10aab) {reg4} [10aab,10aba) {reg9} [10aba,10ac6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6b881] variable 'result' [6b88e] variable 'shndx' [10980,109da) {lit0, stack_value} [109da,10a72) {reg9} [10a72,10a89) {lit0, stack_value} [10aa1,10ac6) {lit0, stack_value} [6b8a9] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [6b936] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_symshndx.c'@10ad0 [6cac8] function 'gelf_update_symshndx'@10ad0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6caea] parameter 'symdata' [10ad0,10bee) {reg5} [10bee,10bf7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10bf7,10c0d) {reg5} [10c0d,10c16) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10c16,10c25) {reg5} [10c25,10c2e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6cafd] parameter 'shndxdata' [10ad0,10aed) {reg4} [10aed,10b13) {reg9} [10b13,10bdb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10bdb,10be9) {reg9} [10be9,10bf7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10bf7,10c11) {reg4} [10c11,10c2e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6cb10] parameter 'ndx' [10ad0,10af7) {reg1} [10af7,10b62) {reg4} [10b62,10b79) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10b79,10bb7) {reg4} [10bb7,10bdb) {reg3} [10bdb,10bf2) {reg4} [10bf2,10bf7) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10bf7,10c11) {reg1} [10c11,10c16) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10c16,10c29) {reg4} [10c29,10c2e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6cb23] parameter 'src' [10ad0,10bf2) {reg2} [10bf2,10bf7) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10bf7,10c11) {reg2} [10c11,10c16) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [10c16,10c29) {reg2} [10c29,10c2e) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [6cb36] parameter 'srcshndx' [10ad0,10bf2) {reg8} [10bf2,10bf7) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [10bf7,10c11) {reg8} [10c11,10c16) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [10c16,10c29) {reg8} [10c29,10c2e) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [6cb49] variable 'symdata_scn' [10ad0,10bee) {reg5} [10bee,10bf7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10bf7,10c0d) {reg5} [10c0d,10c16) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10c16,10c25) {reg5} [10c25,10c2e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6cb5c] variable 'shndxdata_scn' [10ad0,10aed) {reg4} [10aed,10b13) {reg9} [10b13,10bdb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10bdb,10be9) {reg9} [10be9,10bf7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10bf7,10c11) {reg4} [10c11,10c2e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6cb6f] variable 'scn' [10aed,10bf2) {reg10} [10c16,10c29) {reg10} [6cb82] variable 'shndx' [10ad0,10b18) {lit0, stack_value} [10b18,10bdb) {reg9} [10bdb,10be9) {lit0, stack_value} [10bf7,10c16) {lit0, stack_value} [10c16,10c29) {reg9} [6cb95] variable 'result' [10ad0,10b6a) {lit0, stack_value} [10b6a,10b79) {lit1, stack_value} [10b79,10c02) {lit0, stack_value} [10c03,10c2e) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [6cc32] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_versym.c'@10c30 [6dce7] function 'gelf_update_versym'@10c30 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6dd09] parameter 'data' [10c30,10c6a) {reg5} [10c6a,10c6f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10c6f,10c7d) {reg5} [10c7d,10c86) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10c86,10c95) {reg5} [10c95,10c9e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6dd1d] parameter 'ndx' [10c30,10c6a) {reg4} [10c6a,10c6f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10c6f,10c81) {reg4} [10c81,10c86) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10c86,10c99) {reg4} [10c99,10c9e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6dd2f] parameter 'src' [10c30,10c5a) {reg1} [10c5a,10c6f) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10c6f,10c81) {reg1} [10c81,10c86) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10c86,10c99) {reg1} [10c99,10c9e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6dd41] variable 'data_scn' [10c30,10c6a) {reg5} [10c6a,10c6f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10c6f,10c7d) {reg5} [10c7d,10c86) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10c86,10c95) {reg5} [10c95,10c9e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6dd55] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' module '' [6ddba] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verneed.c'@10ca0 [6eed0] function 'gelf_update_verneed'@10ca0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6eef2] parameter 'data' [10ca0,10ce3) {reg5} [10ce3,10ce8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10ce8,10cfd) {reg5} [10cfd,10d09) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10d09,10d15) {reg5} [10d15,10d1e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6ef04] parameter 'offset' [10ca0,10ce3) {reg4} [10ce3,10ce8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10ce8,10cf3) {reg4} [10cf3,10d1e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6ef16] parameter 'src' [10ca0,10ce3) {reg1} [10ce3,10ce8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10ce8,10d01) {reg1} [10d01,10d09) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10d09,10d19) {reg1} [10d19,10d1e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6ef2a] variable 'data_scn' [10ca0,10ce3) {reg5} [10ce3,10ce8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10ce8,10cfd) {reg5} [10cfd,10d09) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10d09,10d15) {reg5} [10d15,10d1e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6ef3e] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [6ef47] inlined function 'memcpy'@10cc0 [6ef6c] parameter '__len' [10cc0,10cd3) {lit16, stack_value} [6ef79] parameter '__src' [10cc0,10cd3) {reg1} [6ef86] parameter '__dest' [10cc0,10cce) {breg5(0), deref, breg4(0), plus, stack_value} [10cce,10cd3) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, stack_value} module '' [6f019] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_vernaux.c'@10d20 [7012f] function 'gelf_update_vernaux'@10d20 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [70151] parameter 'data' [10d20,10d63) {reg5} [10d63,10d68) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10d68,10d7d) {reg5} [10d7d,10d89) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10d89,10d95) {reg5} [10d95,10d9e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [70163] parameter 'offset' [10d20,10d63) {reg4} [10d63,10d68) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10d68,10d73) {reg4} [10d73,10d9e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [70175] parameter 'src' [10d20,10d63) {reg1} [10d63,10d68) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10d68,10d81) {reg1} [10d81,10d89) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10d89,10d99) {reg1} [10d99,10d9e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [70189] variable 'data_scn' [10d20,10d63) {reg5} [10d63,10d68) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10d68,10d7d) {reg5} [10d7d,10d89) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10d89,10d95) {reg5} [10d95,10d9e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7019d] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [701a6] inlined function 'memcpy'@10d40 [701cb] parameter '__len' [10d40,10d53) {lit16, stack_value} [701d8] parameter '__src' [10d40,10d53) {reg1} [701e5] parameter '__dest' [10d40,10d4e) {breg5(0), deref, breg4(0), plus, stack_value} [10d4e,10d53) {breg0(0), breg4(0), plus, stack_value} module '' [70278] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verdef.c'@10da0 [713aa] function 'gelf_update_verdef'@10da0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [713cc] parameter 'data' [10da0,10de7) {reg5} [10de7,10dec) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10dec,10dfd) {reg5} [10dfd,10e09) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10e09,10e15) {reg5} [10e15,10e1e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [713de] parameter 'offset' [10da0,10dc6) {reg4} [10dc6,10dec) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10dec,10df3) {reg4} [10df3,10e1e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [713f0] parameter 'src' [10da0,10de7) {reg1} [10de7,10dec) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10dec,10e01) {reg1} [10e01,10e09) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10e09,10e19) {reg1} [10e19,10e1e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [71404] variable 'data_scn' [10da0,10de7) {reg5} [10de7,10dec) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10dec,10dfd) {reg5} [10dfd,10e09) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10e09,10e15) {reg5} [10e15,10e1e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [71418] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [71421] inlined function 'memcpy'@10dc0 [7143a] parameter '__len' [10dc0,10dd7) {lit20, stack_value} [71447] parameter '__src' [10dc0,10dd7) {reg1} [71454] parameter '__dest' [10dc0,10dc6) {breg5(0), deref, breg4(0), plus, stack_value} [10dc6,10dd7) {reg4} module '' [714e7] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verdaux.c'@10e20 [725d3] function 'gelf_update_verdaux'@10e20 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [725f5] parameter 'data' [10e20,10e5a) {reg5} [10e5a,10e5f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10e5f,10e6d) {reg5} [10e6d,10e79) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10e79,10e85) {reg5} [10e85,10e8e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [72607] parameter 'offset' [10e20,10e5a) {reg4} [10e5a,10e5f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10e5f,10e63) {reg4} [10e63,10e8e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [72619] parameter 'src' [10e20,10e46) {reg1} [10e46,10e5f) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10e5f,10e71) {reg1} [10e71,10e79) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [10e79,10e89) {reg1} [10e89,10e8e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7262d] variable 'data_scn' [10e20,10e5a) {reg5} [10e5a,10e5f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10e5f,10e6d) {reg5} [10e6d,10e79) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10e79,10e85) {reg5} [10e85,10e8e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [72641] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [7264a] inlined function 'memcpy'@10e40 [7266f] parameter '__len' [10e40,10e4a) {lit8, stack_value} [7267c] parameter '__src' [10e40,10e46) {reg1} [10e46,10e4a) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [72689] parameter '__dest' [10e40,10e4a) {breg5(0), deref, breg4(0), plus, stack_value} module '' [7271c] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getphdrnum.c'@10e90 [737c5] function 'elf_getphdrnum'@11030 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [737e5] parameter 'elf' [11030,1103f) {reg5} [1103f,11040) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11040,11049) {reg5} [11049,11058) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11058,1105e) {reg5} [737f8] parameter 'dst' [11030,1103f) {reg4} [1103f,11040) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11040,1104d) {reg4} [1104d,11058) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11058,1105e) {reg4} [7380b] variable 'result' [73850] function '__elf_getphdrnum_chk_rdlock'@10f80 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [73870] parameter 'elf' [10f80,10f90) {reg5} [10f90,10fa3) {reg3} [10fa3,10fa5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10fa5,1102d) {reg3} [73883] parameter 'dst' [10f80,10f90) {reg4} [10f90,10fa4) {reg6} [10fa4,10fa5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10fa5,1102d) {reg6} [73896] variable 'result' [10f99,10f9b) {reg0} [10fa5,10fab) {reg0} [10fab,11011) {reg8} [1101a,1102d) {reg8} [73914] function '__elf_getphdrnum_rdlock'@10e90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [73934] parameter 'elf' [10e90,10eb2) {reg5} [10eb2,10eb9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10eb9,10ed6) {reg5} [10ed6,10ede) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10ede,10f05) {reg5} [10f05,10f0f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10f0f,10f1c) {reg5} [10f1c,10f2b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10f2b,10f37) {reg5} [10f37,10f40) {breg5(-216), stack_value} [10f40,10f51) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [10f51,10f5f) {reg5} [10f5f,10f68) {breg5(-216), stack_value} [10f68,10f79) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [73947] parameter 'dst' [10e90,10eb2) {reg4} [10eb2,10eb9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10eb9,10ed6) {reg4} [10ed6,10ede) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10ede,10f05) {reg4} [10f05,10f0f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10f0f,10f20) {reg4} [10f20,10f2b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [10f2b,10f40) {reg4} [10f40,10f51) {fbreg(-24)} [10f51,10f68) {reg4} [10f68,10f79) {fbreg(-24)} module '' [73a2e] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getshdrnum.c'@11060 [74aa8] function 'elf_getshdrnum'@110d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [74aca] parameter 'elf' [110d0,110d9) {reg5} [110d9,110da) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [110da,110e0) {reg5} [74add] parameter 'dst' [110d0,110d9) {reg4} [110d9,110da) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [110da,110e0) {reg4} [74af0] variable 'result' [74b1e] function '__elf_getshdrnum_rdlock'@11060 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [74b3c] parameter 'elf' [11060,11075) {reg5} [11075,11093) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11093,1109f) {reg5} [1109f,110ac) {breg5(-200), stack_value} [110ac,110b9) {reg5} [110b9,110c8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [110c8,110ce) {reg5} [74b4f] parameter 'dst' [11060,110bd) {reg4} [110bd,110c8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [110c8,110ce) {reg4} [74b62] variable 'result' [74b6f] variable 'idx' [11071,11078) {reg0} [11078,11093) {breg1(0)} [11093,110ac) {reg0} module '' [74ba4] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getshdrstrndx.c'@110e0 [75cc9] function 'elf_getshdrstrndx'@110e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [75ceb] parameter 'elf' [110e0,11136) {reg5} [11136,1113d) {reg3} [1113d,11160) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11160,11274) {reg3} [11274,1127e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1127e,1138d) {reg3} [1138d,11392) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [75cfd] parameter 'dst' [110e0,11136) {reg4} [11136,1113d) {reg14} [1113d,11160) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11160,111b9) {reg4} [111b9,111c4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [111c4,111d1) {reg4} [111d1,111dc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [111dc,111e5) {reg4} [111e5,111f0) {reg14} [111f0,1121c) {reg4} [1121c,11274) {reg14} [11274,1127e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1127e,112ad) {reg4} [112ad,11334) {reg14} [11334,11351) {reg4} [11351,11370) {reg14} [11370,1138d) {reg4} [1138d,11392) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [75d0f] variable 'result' [110fe,1113d) {lit0, stack_value} [11160,111d2) {lit0, stack_value} [111d2,111dc) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [111dc,111e6) {lit0, stack_value} [111e6,111f0) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [111f0,11274) {lit0, stack_value} [1127e,1132f) {lit0, stack_value} [1132f,11334) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [11334,1138d) {lit0, stack_value} [75d22] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [75da3] inlined function 'pread_retry'@112a2 [75db8] parameter 'off' [112a2,112ad) {reg0} [112ad,11300) {fbreg(-152)} [75dc5] parameter 'len' [1129a,11300) {const1u(40), stack_value} [75dd2] parameter 'buf' [1129a,11300) {fbreg(-144), stack_value} [75ddf] parameter 'fd' [1129a,11300) {reg15} [75f07] inlined function 'pread_retry'@1120f [75f20] parameter 'off' [1120f,1126a) {fbreg(-152)} [75f2d] parameter 'len' [1120f,1126a) {const1u(64), stack_value} [75f3a] parameter 'buf' [1120f,1126a) {fbreg(-144), stack_value} [75f47] parameter 'fd' [1120f,1126a) {reg15} [75e2a] inlined function 'pread'@112b0 [75e43] parameter '__offset' [112ad,112c7) {fbreg(-152), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [75e50] parameter '__nbytes' [112ad,112c2) {const1u(40), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [112c2,112c6) {reg1} [112c6,112c7) {const1u(40), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [75e5d] parameter '__buf' [112ad,112c7) {fbreg(0), breg13(0), plus, const1u(144), minus, stack_value} [75e6a] parameter '__fd' [112ad,112c7) {reg15} [75f92] inlined function 'pread'@11220 [75fab] parameter '__offset' [1121c,11237) {fbreg(-152), deref, breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [75fb8] parameter '__nbytes' [1121c,11232) {const1u(64), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [11232,11236) {reg1} [11236,11237) {const1u(64), breg13(0), minus, stack_value} [75fc5] parameter '__buf' [1121c,11237) {fbreg(0), breg13(0), plus, const1u(144), minus, stack_value} [75fd2] parameter '__fd' [1121c,11237) {reg15} [7601d] inlined function '__bswap_32'@11318 [76036] parameter '__bsx' [11318,1131a) {reg1} [11369,1136b) {fbreg(-104)} module '' [76198] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_checksum.c'@113a0 [770e2] function 'gelf_checksum'@113a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [77100] parameter 'elf' [113a0,113af) {reg5} [113af,113b0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [113b0,113b4) {reg5} [113b4,113b5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [113b5,113bd) {reg5} module '' [77148] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_checksum.c'@113c0 [7831d] function 'elf32_checksum'@113c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7833f] parameter 'elf' [113c0,113f3) {reg5} [113f3,1152a) {reg13} [1152a,11553) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11553,11572) {reg13} [11572,11577) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [78353] variable 'shstrndx' [113c0,11577) {fbreg(-152)} [78362] variable 'scn' (1140a,1140a) [1140a,11421) {reg6} [11421,11433) {reg0} [11433,1152a) {reg6} [11553,1155f) {reg6} [78376] variable 'result' [113de,1140a) {lit0, stack_value} [1140a,1152a) {reg12} [11553,1155d) {reg12} [1155d,1155f) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [1155f,11572) {lit0, stack_value} [78389] variable 'ident' [11400,1152a) {reg14} [11553,1155f) {reg14} [7839c] variable 'same_byte_order' [1140a,1152a) {breg3(0), const1u(255), and, lit1, eq, stack_value} [11553,1155f) {breg3(0), const1u(255), and, lit1, eq, stack_value} module '' [785a3] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_checksum.c'@11580 [79778] function 'elf64_checksum'@11580 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7979a] parameter 'elf' [11580,115b3) {reg5} [115b3,116ea) {reg13} [116ea,11713) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11713,11732) {reg13} [11732,11737) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [797ae] variable 'shstrndx' [11580,11737) {fbreg(-152)} [797bd] variable 'scn' (115ca,115ca) [115ca,115e1) {reg6} [115e1,115f3) {reg0} [115f3,116ea) {reg6} [11713,1171f) {reg6} [797d1] variable 'result' [1159e,115ca) {lit0, stack_value} [115ca,116ea) {reg12} [11713,1171d) {reg12} [1171d,1171f) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [1171f,11732) {lit0, stack_value} [797e4] variable 'ident' [115c0,116ea) {reg14} [11713,1171f) {reg14} [797f7] variable 'same_byte_order' [115ca,116ea) {breg3(0), const1u(255), and, lit1, eq, stack_value} [11713,1171f) {breg3(0), const1u(255), and, lit1, eq, stack_value} module '' [799fe] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/libelf_crc32.c'@11740 [79ac1] function '__libelf_crc32'@11740 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [79ae3] parameter 'crc' [11740,1174a) {reg5} [1174a,11764) {reg0} [1176a,11771) {reg0} [11771,11772) {breg0(0), not, stack_value} [11772,1177a) {reg0} [1177a,1177b) {breg5(0), not, stack_value} [79af5] parameter 'buf' [11740,1175f) {reg4} [1175f,1176a) {breg4(-1), stack_value} [1176a,1177b) {reg4} [79b07] parameter 'len' [11740,11743) {reg1} [11743,1177b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [79b19] variable 'end' [1174a,1177b) {reg1} module '' [79b41] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/libelf_next_prime.c'@11780 [79b82] function '__libelf_next_prime'@11780 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [79ba4] parameter 'seed' [11780,1178e) {reg5} [1178e,11791) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} (11791,11791) [11791,1181b) {reg8} [79bb8] inlined function 'is_prime'@11798 [79bcd] parameter 'candidate' [11791,117f7) {reg8} [11814,1181b) {reg8} module '' [79c5d] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_clone.c'@11820 [7ad16] function 'elf_clone'@11820 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7ad38] parameter 'elf' [11820,11875) {reg5} [11875,118d8) {reg3} [118d8,118e2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [118e2,118eb) {reg5} [118eb,118ff) {reg3} [7ad4a] parameter 'cmd' [11820,1184b) {reg4} [1184b,118e2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [118e2,118eb) {reg4} [118eb,118ff) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7ad5c] variable 'retval' [11820,118bf) {lit0, stack_value} [118bf,118d3) {reg0} [118e2,118ea) {lit0, stack_value} [118eb,118ff) {lit0, stack_value} [7ad78] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [7ad81] inlined function 'allocate_elf'@11878 [7ad96] parameter 'extra' [7ad9b] parameter 'kind' [11878,11883) {breg3(24)} [7ada8] parameter 'parent' [11878,118bf) {reg12} [118eb,118f9) {reg12} [7adb5] parameter 'cmd' [11878,11883) {breg3(28)} [7adc2] parameter 'maxsize' [11878,118bf) {reg14} [118eb,118f9) {reg14} [7adcf] parameter 'offset' [11878,118bf) {reg15} [118eb,118f9) {reg15} [7addc] parameter 'map_address' [11878,118bf) {reg13} [118eb,118f9) {reg13} [7ade9] parameter 'fildes' [11878,11883) {reg1} [11883,118bf) {fbreg(-80)} [118eb,118f4) {fbreg(-80)} module '' [7aedf] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getlib.c'@11900 [7bfc7] function 'gelf_getlib'@11900 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7bfe9] parameter 'data' [11900,11953) {reg5} [11953,11958) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11958,11965) {reg5} [11965,1196e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1196e,1197d) {reg5} [1197d,11986) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7bffd] parameter 'ndx' [11900,11953) {reg4} [11953,11958) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11958,11969) {reg4} [11969,1196e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1196e,11981) {reg4} [11981,11986) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7c00f] parameter 'dst' [11900,1191c) {reg1} [1191c,11953) {reg2} [11953,11958) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [11958,11969) {reg1} [11969,1196e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1196e,11973) {reg1} [11973,11981) {reg2} [11981,11986) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7c021] variable 'data_scn' [11912,11953) {reg5} [11973,1197d) {reg5} [1197d,11986) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7c034] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [7c03d] variable 'result' [11912,11950) {lit0, stack_value} [11950,11953) {reg2} [11973,11986) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [7c0ac] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_lib.c'@11990 [7d1ad] function 'gelf_update_lib'@11990 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7d1cf] parameter 'data' [11990,119a5) {reg5} [119a5,119f4) {reg2} [119f4,119f9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [119f9,11a11) {reg2} [11a11,11a16) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11a16,11a29) {reg2} [11a29,11a2e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7d1e3] parameter 'ndx' [11990,119f4) {reg4} [119f4,119f9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [119f9,11a11) {reg4} [11a11,11a16) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11a16,11a29) {reg4} [11a29,11a2e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7d1f5] parameter 'src' [11990,119b3) {reg1} [119b3,119f4) {reg5} [119f4,119f9) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [119f9,11a11) {reg1} [11a11,11a16) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [11a16,11a25) {reg5} [11a25,11a2e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7d207] variable 'data_scn' [11998,119a5) {reg5} [119a5,119f4) {reg2} [119f4,119f9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11a03,11a11) {reg2} [11a11,11a16) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11a16,11a29) {reg2} [11a29,11a2e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7d21a] variable 'scn' [119a9,119f4) {reg8} [11a16,11a29) {reg8} [7d22e] variable 'result' [119a9,119e7) {lit0, stack_value} [119e7,119f4) {lit1, stack_value} [11a16,11a2e) {lit0, stack_value} module '' [7d288] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_offscn.c'@11a30 [7e319] function 'elf32_offscn'@11a30 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7e337] parameter 'elf' [11a30,11a5c) {reg5} [11a5c,11a5e) {breg3(-200), stack_value} [11a5e,11ad5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11ad5,11aea) {reg5} [11aea,11af2) {breg5(-216), stack_value} [11af2,11b02) {breg3(-200), stack_value} [11b02,11b0d) {reg5} [11b0d,11b1f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11b1f,11b22) {reg5} [7e34b] parameter 'offset' [11a30,11a5c) {reg4} [11a5c,11ad5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11ad5,11af2) {reg4} [11af2,11b02) {fbreg(-36)} [11b02,11b11) {reg4} [11b11,11b1f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11b1f,11b22) {reg4} [7e35f] variable 'runp' [11a57,11ad3) {reg3} [11ad5,11b02) {reg3} [7e372] variable 'result' [11a5e,11a9a) {reg6} [11a9a,11aaa) {reg0} [11aaa,11acb) {reg6} module '' [7e406] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_offscn.c'@11b30 [7f497] function 'elf64_offscn'@11b30 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7f4b5] parameter 'elf' [11b30,11b5a) {reg5} [11b5a,11b5c) {breg3(-200), stack_value} [11b5c,11bd6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11bd6,11beb) {reg5} [11beb,11bf4) {breg5(-216), stack_value} [11bf4,11c05) {breg3(-200), stack_value} [11c05,11c0d) {reg5} [11c0d,11c1f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11c1f,11c22) {reg5} [7f4c9] parameter 'offset' [11b30,11b5a) {reg4} [11b5a,11bd6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11bd6,11bf4) {reg4} [11bf4,11c05) {fbreg(-40)} [11c05,11c11) {reg4} [11c11,11c1f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11c1f,11c22) {reg4} [7f4dd] variable 'runp' [11b56,11bd4) {reg3} [11bd6,11c05) {reg3} [7f4f0] variable 'result' [11b5c,11b9b) {reg6} [11b9b,11bab) {reg0} [11bab,11bcc) {reg6} module '' [7f584] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_offscn.c'@11c30 [8063e] function 'gelf_offscn'@11c30 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [8065c] parameter 'elf' [11c30,11c41) {reg5} [11c41,11c42) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11c42,11c51) {reg5} [11c51,11c5d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11c5d,11c64) {reg5} [11c64,11c65) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [80670] parameter 'offset' [11c30,11c41) {reg4} [11c41,11c42) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11c42,11c55) {reg4} [11c55,11c5d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11c5d,11c64) {reg4} [11c64,11c65) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [806d7] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getaroff.c'@11c70 [81622] function 'elf_getaroff'@11c70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [81644] parameter 'elf' [11c70,11cb6) {reg5} [11cb6,11cbb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [81658] variable 'parent' [11c7e,11c91) {reg1} [11c9b,11ca8) {reg1} [8166c] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [11c70,11cbb) {addr(0x149b0)} module '' [816dd] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_gnu_hash.c'@11cc0 [81763] function 'elf_gnu_hash'@11cc0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [81781] parameter 'string' [11cc0,11cd7) {reg5} [11cd7,11ce1) {breg5(-1), stack_value} [11ce1,11cf1) {reg5} [81795] variable 'h' [11cc0,11ccc) {const2u(5381), stack_value} [11ccc,11cde) {reg0} [11ce1,11cea) {reg0} [11ceb,11cf1) {const2u(5381), stack_value} module '' [817cb] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_scnshndx.c'@11d00 [82718] function 'elf_scnshndx'@11d00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [8273a] parameter 'scn' [11d00,11d19) {reg5} [11d19,11d2e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11d2e,11d3e) {reg5} [11d3e,11d49) {fbreg(-104)} [11d49,11d4e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} module '' [827b5] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getchdr.c'@11d50 [838a6] function 'elf32_getchdr'@11d50 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [838c8] parameter 'scn' [11d50,11d58) {reg5} [11d58,11d93) {reg6} [11d93,11d94) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11d94,11da5) {reg6} [11da5,11da6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11da6,11dbd) {reg6} [11dbd,11dbe) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11dbe,11dcd) {reg6} [11dcd,11dce) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11dce,11ddd) {reg6} [11ddd,11dde) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [838dc] variable 'shdr' [11d59,11d7d) {reg0} [11da6,11db9) {reg0} [11dbe,11dc9) {reg0} [11dce,11dd9) {reg0} [838f0] variable 'd' [11d7e,11d8d) {reg0} module '' [839a6] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getchdr.c'@11de0 [84aa5] function 'elf64_getchdr'@11de0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [84ac7] parameter 'scn' [11de0,11de8) {reg5} [11de8,11e24) {reg6} [11e24,11e25) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11e25,11e35) {reg6} [11e35,11e36) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11e36,11e4d) {reg6} [11e4d,11e4e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11e4e,11e5d) {reg6} [11e5d,11e5e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11e5e,11e6d) {reg6} [11e6d,11e6e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [84adb] variable 'shdr' [11de9,11e0e) {reg0} [11e36,11e49) {reg0} [11e4e,11e59) {reg0} [11e5e,11e69) {reg0} [84aef] variable 'd' [11e0f,11e1e) {reg0} module '' [84ba5] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getchdr.c'@11e70 [85cef] function 'gelf_getchdr'@11e70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [85d11] parameter 'scn' [11e70,11e8f) {reg5} [11e8f,11eb0) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11eb0,11eb4) {reg5} [11eb4,11ed1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11ed1,11edd) {reg5} [11edd,11ee6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11ee6,11ef3) {reg5} [85d25] parameter 'dest' [11e70,11e8f) {reg4} [11e8f,11eaf) {reg3} [11eaf,11eb0) {reg0} [11eb0,11ed0) {reg3} [11ed0,11ed1) {reg0} [11ed1,11ee5) {reg3} [11ee5,11ee6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11ee6,11ef3) {reg4} module '' [85dd1] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_compress.c'@11f00 [87309] function 'elf_compress'@12690 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [8732a] parameter 'scn' [12690,126e3) {reg5} [126e3,12774) {reg6} [12774,12778) {reg5} [12778,127da) {reg6} [127da,1280e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1280e,12815) {reg5} [12815,12821) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [12821,1293a) {reg6} [1293a,12944) {reg5} [12944,1298c) {reg6} [1298c,12994) {reg5} [12994,12aa7) {reg6} [12aa7,12aac) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [8733e] parameter 'type' [12690,126e7) {reg4} [126e7,127da) {reg12} [127da,1280e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1280e,12819) {reg4} [12819,12821) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12821,12861) {reg12} [12861,1293a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1293a,12a24) {reg12} [12a24,12aac) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [87352] parameter 'flags' [12690,126e7) {reg1} [126e7,127da) {reg3} [127da,1280e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1280e,12819) {reg1} [12819,12aa7) {reg3} [12aa7,12aac) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [87366] variable 'force' [126dd,127da) {reg3} [12821,12aa7) {reg3} [8737a] variable 'elf' [126dd,126f5) {reg14} [8738f] variable 'ehdr' [12690,12aac) {fbreg(-144)} [8739f] variable 'elfclass' [126f5,127da) {reg14} [12821,12aa7) {reg14} [873b3] variable 'elfdata' [126fe,127da) {breg15(0), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [12821,12aa7) {breg15(0), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [873c7] variable 'sh_flags' [1271a,1274e) {reg1} [127ce,127d9) {reg1} [12821,12834) {reg1} [12951,12969) {reg1} [12974,12981) {reg1} [873db] variable 'sh_type' [1271e,12762) {reg8} [127ce,127d9) {reg8} [12821,1285d) {reg8} [12955,12969) {reg8} [12974,12981) {reg8} [129ba,129d6) {reg8} [129d6,12a09) {fbreg(-216)} [12a09,12a19) {reg8} [873ef] variable 'sh_addralign' [12722,12762) {reg10} [127ce,127d9) {reg10} [12821,1285d) {reg10} [1285d,1293a) {fbreg(-216)} [12959,12969) {reg10} [12974,12981) {reg10} [129ba,129d6) {reg10} [12a09,12a19) {reg10} [12a24,12aa7) {fbreg(-216)} [87403] variable 'compressed' [12738,1274e) {breg1(0), const2u(2048), and, stack_value} [127ce,127d9) {breg1(0), const2u(2048), and, stack_value} [12821,12834) {breg1(0), const2u(2048), and, stack_value} [8788d] function '__libelf_reset_rawdata'@125d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [878ac] parameter 'scn' [125d0,12611) {reg5} [12611,12682) {reg6} [12682,12686) {reg5} [12686,12687) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [878c0] parameter 'buf' [125d0,1261d) {reg4} [1261d,12681) {reg3} [12681,12686) {breg5(160)} [12686,12687) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [878d4] parameter 'size' [125d0,1261d) {reg1} [1261d,12687) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [878e8] parameter 'align' [125d0,1261d) {reg2} [1261d,12687) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [878fc] parameter 'type' [125d0,125e7) {reg8} [125e7,12611) {breg5(80)} [12611,1261d) {breg6(80)} [1261d,12687) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [87945] function '__libelf_decompress_elf'@124f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [87966] parameter 'scn' [124f0,12518) {reg5} [12518,12599) {reg3} [12599,1259d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1259d,125c3) {reg3} [8797a] parameter 'size_out' [124f0,12518) {reg4} [12518,1259c) {reg12} [1259c,1259d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1259d,125c3) {reg12} [8798e] parameter 'addralign' [124f0,12518) {reg1} [12518,1259a) {reg6} [1259a,1259d) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1259d,125c3) {reg6} [879a2] variable 'chdr' [124f0,125c3) {fbreg(-64)} [879b1] variable 'data' [12540,12571) {reg0} [879c5] variable 'elfclass' [12545,12571) {breg3(136), deref, plus_uconst(32)} [879d9] variable 'hsize' [12562,1256d) {reg5} [1256d,12571) {lit12, lit24, breg3(136), deref, plus_uconst(32), deref_size(4), lit1, eq, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [879ed] variable 'size_in' [12562,1256a) {breg4(0), breg5(0), minus, stack_value} [1256a,12571) {reg4} [87a01] variable 'buf_in' [12562,1256d) {breg0(0), deref, breg5(0), plus, stack_value} [1256d,12571) {reg5} [87a15] variable 'buf_out' [12572,12584) {reg0} [87ab4] function '__libelf_decompress'@12390 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [87ad4] parameter 'buf_in' [12390,123d8) {reg5} [123d8,12476) {reg6} [12476,12497) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [12497,124b7) {reg6} [124b7,124c5) {reg5} [124c5,124cf) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [124cf,124dc) {reg6} [124dc,124e1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [87ae7] parameter 'size_in' [12390,123e3) {reg4} [123e3,12476) {reg13} [12476,12497) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12497,124b7) {reg13} [124b7,124cc) {reg4} [124cc,124cf) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [124cf,124dc) {reg13} [124dc,124e1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [87afa] parameter 'size_out' [12390,123a3) {reg1} [123a3,12491) {reg3} [12491,12497) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [12497,124e1) {reg3} [87b0d] variable 'buf_out' [123ea,123f2) {reg0} [123f2,12476) {reg12} [12497,124a6) {reg12} [124a6,124aa) {reg5} [124ab,124b7) {lit0, stack_value} [124cf,124d9) {reg0} [124d9,124dc) {reg12} [87b20] variable 'z' [12390,124e1) {fbreg(-176)} [87b2c] variable 'zrc' [12428,12434) {reg0} [12434,12453) {lit0, stack_value} [12453,1245f) {reg0} [12460,1246c) {reg0} [87c3b] function '__libelf_compress'@11f00 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [87c5b] parameter 'scn' [11f00,11f4f) {reg5} [11f4f,12028) {reg6} [12028,1226f) {fbreg(-280)} [1226f,1227c) {reg6} [1227c,12360) {fbreg(-280)} [12360,12372) {reg6} [12372,12381) {fbreg(-280)} [87c6f] parameter 'hsize' [11f00,11f07) {reg4} [11f07,1202e) {reg15} [1202e,1226f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1226f,1227c) {reg15} [1227c,12360) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12360,12372) {reg15} [12372,12381) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [87c82] parameter 'ei_data' [11f00,11f4f) {reg1} [11f4f,12381) {fbreg(-256)} [87c95] parameter 'orig_size' [11f00,11f4f) {reg2} [11f4f,12381) {fbreg(-312)} [87ca8] parameter 'orig_addralign' [11f00,11f4f) {reg8} [11f4f,12381) {fbreg(-288)} [87cbb] parameter 'new_size' [11f00,11f4f) {reg9} [11f4f,12381) {fbreg(-248)} [87cce] parameter 'force' [11f00,12381) {fbreg(0)} [87cdd] variable 'data' [11f56,11f66) {reg0} [11f66,12026) {reg14} [12026,1207b) {reg1} [1209c,120d0) {reg2} [120d0,12159) {fbreg(-296)} [1215e,121a0) {fbreg(-296)} [121dc,121e9) {reg1} [121e9,12225) {fbreg(-272)} [12232,1224b) {reg2} [1224b,1226f) {fbreg(-296)} [1226f,12277) {reg14} [1227c,122e6) {fbreg(-296)} [122f8,12315) {fbreg(-296)} [12315,1231b) {fbreg(-272)} [12337,12360) {fbreg(-296)} [12360,12368) {reg14} [12377,12381) {fbreg(-272)} [87cf0] variable 'next_data' [11f74,11f84) {reg0} [11f84,120d6) {fbreg(-296)} [120d6,121a0) {fbreg(-264)} [121dc,1224b) {fbreg(-296)} [1224b,1226f) {fbreg(-264)} [1226f,1227c) {fbreg(-296)} [1227c,122e6) {fbreg(-264)} [122f8,12315) {fbreg(-264)} [12315,1231b) {fbreg(-296)} [12337,12360) {fbreg(-264)} [12360,12372) {fbreg(-296)} [12377,12381) {fbreg(-296)} [87d03] variable 'block' [11fb6,11fbd) {reg0} [11fbd,121b0) {fbreg(-304)} [121dc,1226f) {fbreg(-304)} [1227c,12372) {fbreg(-304)} [12377,12381) {fbreg(-304)} [87d16] variable 'out_size' [11fb6,12165) {reg3} [12181,121b0) {reg3} [121dc,1226f) {reg3} [1227c,1231b) {reg3} [12360,12372) {reg3} [12377,12381) {reg3} [87d29] variable 'out_buf' [11fc4,1200e) {reg0} [1200e,1217c) {reg12} [12181,121b0) {reg12} [121dc,1226f) {reg12} [1227c,12360) {reg12} [12360,1236c) {reg0} [1236c,12372) {reg12} [12377,12381) {reg12} [87d3c] variable 'used' [11fca,1202e) {reg15} [1202e,120ed) {reg14} [12117,12181) {reg14} [121dc,1224b) {reg14} [1227c,122b9) {reg14} [122c3,122d2) {reg14} [122f8,12310) {reg14} [12310,12315) {breg0(0)} [12315,12318) {reg14} [12337,1233f) {reg14} [12377,12381) {reg14} [87d4f] variable 'z' [11f00,12381) {fbreg(-192)} [87d5b] variable 'zrc' [1200f,1202e) {reg0} [12101,12141) {reg0} [1215e,1216f) {reg0} [12181,12191) {reg0} [1227c,12289) {reg0} [12289,1229c) {fbreg(-272)} [1229c,122ae) {reg0} [122c3,122c7) {reg0} [87d6d] variable 'cdata' [11f00,12381) {fbreg(-240)} [87d7d] variable 'flush' [12020,1202e) {lit0, stack_value} [1202e,121a0) {reg6} [121dc,12246) {reg6} [1224b,1226f) {reg6} [1227c,122e6) {reg6} [122f8,12360) {reg6} [12377,12381) {reg6} [87dc8] inlined function 'do_deflate_cleanup'@1231b [87de0] parameter 'cdatap' [1231b,12337) {fbreg(-240), stack_value} [1234e,12360) {lit0, stack_value} [87ded] parameter 'out_buf' [1231b,12337) {reg12} [1234e,12360) {reg12} [87dfa] parameter 'z' [1231b,12337) {fbreg(-192), stack_value} [1234e,12360) {fbreg(-192), stack_value} [87e07] parameter 'result' [1231b,12337) {lit0, stack_value} [1234e,12360) {lit0, stack_value} [87ea5] inlined function 'do_deflate_cleanup'@12250 [87ebd] parameter 'cdatap' [1224b,1226f) {fbreg(-240), stack_value} [87eca] parameter 'out_buf' [1224b,1226f) {reg12} [87ed7] parameter 'z' [1224b,1226f) {fbreg(-192), stack_value} [87ee4] parameter 'result' [1224b,1226f) {lit0, stack_value} [87f24] inlined function 'do_deflate_cleanup'@122aa [87f3c] parameter 'cdatap' [122aa,122c3) {lit0, stack_value} [122c3,122e6) {fbreg(-240), stack_value} [87f49] parameter 'out_buf' [122aa,122e6) {reg12} [87f56] parameter 'z' [122aa,122e6) {fbreg(-192), stack_value} [87f63] parameter 'result' [122aa,122e6) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [87fd3] inlined function 'do_deflate_cleanup'@12318 [87feb] parameter 'cdatap' [12318,1231b) {fbreg(-240), stack_value} [87ff8] parameter 'out_buf' [12318,1231b) {reg12} [88005] parameter 'z' [12318,1231b) {fbreg(-192), stack_value} [88012] parameter 'result' [12318,1231b) {lit0, stack_value} [880bd] inlined function 'do_deflate_cleanup'@122f0 [880d5] parameter 'cdatap' [122f0,122f8) {lit0, stack_value} [880e2] parameter 'out_buf' [122f0,122f8) {reg12} [880ef] parameter 'z' [122f0,122f8) {fbreg(-192), stack_value} [880fc] parameter 'result' [122f0,122f8) {lit0, stack_value} [87536] inlined function 'memcpy'@12a57 [8754a] parameter '__len' [12a57,12a6c) {lit12, stack_value} [87557] parameter '__src' [12a57,12a6c) {fbreg(-176), stack_value} [87564] parameter '__dest' [12a57,12a6c) {reg12} [875d0] inlined function 'memcpy'@128c0 [875e4] parameter '__len' [128c0,128e0) {lit24, stack_value} [875f1] parameter '__src' [128c0,128e0) {fbreg(-176), stack_value} [875fe] parameter '__dest' [128c0,128e0) {reg12} [8758c] inlined function '__bswap_64'@128b6 [875a4] parameter '__bsx' (128b6,128b6) [875b2] inlined function '__bswap_64'@128bb [875ca] parameter '__bsx' [874fa] inlined function '__bswap_32'@12a4f [87512] parameter '__bsx' [87518] inlined function '__bswap_32'@12a53 [87530] parameter '__bsx' module '' [882be] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_compress_gnu.c'@12ab0 [894a7] function 'elf_compress_gnu'@12ab0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [894c9] parameter 'scn' [12ab0,12b00) {reg5} [12b00,12c5a) {reg3} [12c5a,12c8b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [12c8b,12c95) {reg5} [12c95,12ca1) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [12ca1,12dd0) {reg3} [12dd0,12dd5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [894dd] parameter 'inflate' [12ab0,12b04) {reg4} [12b04,12bb1) {reg12} [12bb1,12c49) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12c49,12c5a) {reg12} [12c5a,12c8b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12c8b,12c99) {reg4} [12c99,12cb9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12cb9,12da7) {reg12} [12da7,12dc1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12dc1,12dd0) {reg12} [12dd0,12dd5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [894ef] parameter 'flags' [12ab0,12b04) {reg1} [12b04,12be1) {reg6} [12be1,12c49) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [12c49,12c5a) {reg6} [12c5a,12c8b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [12c8b,12c99) {reg1} [12c99,12d38) {reg6} [12d38,12dd5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [89501] variable 'force' [12afa,12be1) {reg6} [12be1,12c49) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [12c49,12c5a) {reg6} [12ca1,12d38) {reg6} [12d38,12dd0) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [89514] variable 'elf' [12afa,12b12) {reg14} [89528] variable 'ehdr' [12ab0,12dd5) {fbreg(-144)} [89537] variable 'elfclass' [12b12,12c5a) {reg14} [12ca1,12dd0) {reg14} [8954a] variable 'elfdata' [12b1b,12c5a) {breg15(0), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [12ca1,12dd0) {breg15(0), const1u(255), and, stack_value} [8955d] variable 'sh_flags' [12b37,12b7d) {reg1} [12c49,12c59) {reg1} [12ccd,12ce9) {reg1} [12cf4,12d01) {reg1} [12d0c,12d1d) {reg1} [89570] variable 'sh_type' [12b3b,12b7d) {reg8} [12b7d,12bba) {fbreg(-192)} [12c49,12c59) {reg8} [12c59,12c5a) {fbreg(-192)} [12cd1,12ce9) {reg8} [12cf4,12d01) {reg8} [12d0c,12d34) {reg8} [89583] variable 'sh_addralign' [12b3f,12b7d) {reg2} [12b7d,12bb6) {fbreg(-184)} [12c49,12c59) {reg2} [12c59,12c5a) {fbreg(-184)} [12cd4,12ce9) {reg2} [12cf4,12d01) {reg2} [12d0c,12d34) {reg2} [896f9] inlined function 'memmove'@12d64 [89711] parameter '__len' (12d64,12d64) [8971e] parameter '__src' (12d64,12d64) [8972b] parameter '__dest' (12d64,12d64) [89739] inlined function 'memmove'@12d64 [8975e] parameter '__len' [12d64,12d68) {lit8, stack_value} [8976b] parameter '__src' [12d64,12d68) {implicit_pointer([89659],0) {reg0}} [89778] parameter '__dest' [12d64,12d68) {breg6(4), stack_value} [896d3] inlined function '__bswap_64'@12d4e [896eb] parameter '__bsx' [12d4e,12d61) {fbreg(-168)} [12d61,12d64) {reg0} [898e2] inlined function '__bswap_64'@12bba [898fa] parameter '__bsx' [12bba,12bbd) {reg12} module '' [2f] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_begin.c'@24a0 [be1] function 'asm_begin'@24a0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [c03] parameter 'fname' [24a0,24e6) {reg5} [24e6,252c) {reg6} [252c,2622) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2622,262b) {reg5} [262b,26ec) {reg6} [26ec,2720) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2720,274d) {reg6} [274d,278a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [c16] parameter 'ebl' [24a0,24ea) {reg4} [24ea,261f) {reg14} [261f,2622) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2622,262f) {reg4} [262f,278a) {reg14} [c2a] parameter 'textp' [24a0,24ea) {reg1} [24ea,2622) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2622,262f) {reg1} [262f,278a) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [c3d] variable 'fname_len' [24e1,251a) {lit0, stack_value} [263b,263f) {reg0} [263f,26d5) {reg13} [26d5,26ec) {lit0, stack_value} [2720,2766) {reg13} [c50] variable 'result' [24f1,251a) {reg0} [251a,25fc) {reg12} [2646,265d) {reg0} [265d,26d5) {reg12} [26d5,26df) {reg0} [26df,2715) {reg12} [2720,272f) {reg12} [272f,2733) {reg5} [2733,2739) {breg15(-120), stack_value} [2739,274b) {reg12} [274b,2754) {reg5} [2754,2766) {breg15(-120), stack_value} [276b,278a) {reg12} [cc5] inlined function 'prepare_binary_output'@251a [cdd] parameter 'ebl' [251a,25fc) {reg14} [26ec,2715) {reg14} [276b,278a) {reg14} [cea] parameter 'result' [251a,25fc) {reg12} [26ec,2715) {reg12} [276b,278a) {reg12} [fc4] inlined function 'prepare_text_output'@26ad [fdc] parameter 'result' [26ad,26d5) {reg12} [2720,272f) {reg12} [272f,2733) {reg5} [2733,2734) {breg15(-120), stack_value} [2734,2739) {lit0, stack_value} [efd] inlined function 'mempcpy'@2650 [f22] parameter '__len' [2650,265e) {reg13} [f2f] parameter '__src' [2650,265e) {reg6} [f3c] parameter '__dest' [2650,265e) {reg15} [d2c] inlined function 'memcpy'@25a1 [d44] parameter '__len' (25a1,25a1) [d51] parameter '__src' (25a1,25a1) [d5e] parameter '__dest' (25a1,25a1) [f6a] inlined function 'memcpy'@267b [f82] parameter '__len' [267b,267f) {reg1} [267f,2680) {breg13(1), stack_value} [f8f] parameter '__src' [267b,2680) {reg6} [f9c] parameter '__dest' [267b,267f) {reg5} module '' [1206] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_abort.c'@2790 [19d7] function 'asm_abort'@2790 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [19f5] parameter 'ctx' [2790,27a3) {reg5} [27a3,27c2) {reg6} [27c2,27c3) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [27c3,27c9) {reg5} module '' [1a51] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_end.c'@27d0 [29aa] function '__libasm_finictx'@28e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [29c9] parameter 'ctx' [28e0,2910) {reg5} [2910,2b6d) {fbreg(-104)} [29dd] variable 'scn' [2907,2ae9) {reg3} [29f0] variable 'runp' [28e0,2b6d) {fbreg(-80)} [2a01] variable 'sym' [2ac0,2ac4) {reg0} [2ad6,2adf) {reg0} [2a14] variable 'scngrp' [2ae9,2b17) {reg3} [2b58,2b68) {reg3} [2a51] inlined function 'free_section'@2917 [2a74] parameter 'scnp' [2917,2a9e) {reg6} [2a81] variable 'oldp' [2a80,2a88) {reg12} [2a88,2a96) {reg13} [2a8e] variable 'data' [2a72,2a9e) {reg12} [2a9b] inlined function 'free_section'@2924 [2abe] parameter 'scnp' [2924,2a6e) {reg12} [2acb] variable 'oldp' [2a50,2a57) {reg13} [2a57,2a66) {reg15} [2ad8] variable 'data' [2a42,2a6e) {reg13} [2ae5] inlined function 'free_section'@2932 [2b08] parameter 'scnp' [2932,2a3d) {reg13} [2b15] variable 'oldp' [2a20,2a27) {reg15} [2a27,2a35) {reg14} [2b22] variable 'data' [2a16,2a3d) {reg15} [2b2f] inlined function 'free_section'@2943 [2b52] parameter 'scnp' [2943,2947) {reg0} [2947,2a12) {fbreg(-112)} [2b5f] variable 'oldp' [29f0,29f7) {reg14} [29f7,2a09) {reg15} [2b6c] variable 'data' [29e4,2a12) {reg14} [2b79] inlined function 'free_section'@2955 [2b9c] parameter 'scnp' [2955,2959) {reg0} [2959,2970) {fbreg(-112), deref, plus_uconst(72)} [2970,29dc) {fbreg(-96)} [2ba9] variable 'oldp' [29b8,29bf) {reg14} [29bf,29d2) {reg15} [2bb6] variable 'data' [29ad,29dc) {reg14} [2bc3] inlined function 'free_section'@2963 [2be6] parameter 'scnp' [2963,2970) {reg0} [2970,29a4) {fbreg(-88)} [2bf3] variable 'oldp' [2980,2987) {reg14} [2987,299a) {reg15} [2c00] variable 'data' [297a,29a4) {reg14} [40ee] inlined function 'free_section'@27ee [4111] parameter 'scnp' [27ee,289d) {reg13} [411e] variable 'oldp' [2880,2887) {reg3} [2887,2895) {reg6} [412b] variable 'data' [2871,289d) {reg3} [4138] inlined function 'free_section'@27f7 [415b] parameter 'scnp' [27f7,286d) {reg14} [4168] variable 'oldp' [2850,2857) {reg3} [2857,2865) {reg6} [4175] variable 'data' [2841,286d) {reg3} [4182] inlined function 'free_section'@2800 [41a5] parameter 'scnp' [2800,283d) {reg15} [41b2] variable 'oldp' [2820,2827) {reg3} [2827,2835) {reg6} [41bf] variable 'data' [2812,283d) {reg3} [2e3e] function 'asm_end'@2b70 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [2e61] parameter 'ctx' [2b70,2bb3) {reg5} [2bb3,2f2f) {reg6} [2f2f,2f5b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2f5b,2f5f) {reg5} [2f5f,33c2) {reg6} [33c2,33cd) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [33cd,35c1) {reg6} [35c1,35c6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [35c6,3821) {reg6} [2e75] variable 'result' (2f2f,2f2f) [33ba,33c2) {reg3} [33c2,33cd) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [3542,3547) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [3753,3758) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [2e89] inlined function 'binary_end'@2baa [2ea1] parameter 'ctx' [2baa,2bb3) {reg5} [2bb3,2f2f) {reg6} [2fa3,33ba) {reg6} [33cd,34fe) {reg6} [3528,3542) {reg6} [3547,35c1) {reg6} [35c6,3745) {reg6} [3758,3821) {reg6} [3cf9] inlined function 'text_end'@2f5b [3d11] parameter 'ctx' [2f5b,2f5f) {reg5} [2f5f,2f6c) {reg6} [3745,3753) {reg6} [3106] inlined function 'startswith'@2df0 [312c] parameter 'prefix' [2df0,2df9) {implicit_pointer([4297],0) {implicit_value(3){2e4c00}}} [3139] parameter 'str' [2df0,2df9) {reg0} [30c4] inlined function 'memset'@2d59 [30de] parameter '__len' [2d59,2d91) {lit24, stack_value} [30eb] parameter '__ch' [2d59,2d91) {lit0, stack_value} [30f8] parameter '__dest' [2d59,2d91) {fbreg(-240), stack_value} [40ac] function 'free_section'@27d0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [40c7] parameter 'scnp' [27d0,2804) {reg5} [2804,28d1) {reg12} [28d1,28db) {reg5} [28db,28dc) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [40d4] variable 'oldp' [28b0,28b7) {reg3} [28b7,28c6) {reg6} [40e1] variable 'data' [28a2,28ce) {reg3} module '' [42ab] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_error.c'@3830 [43f9] function 'asm_errmsg'@3880 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [441b] parameter 'error' [3880,388f) {reg5} [388f,38b6) {reg3} [38b6,3903) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [442e] variable 'last_error' [389a,38ca) {reg0} [38cb,38e8) {reg0} [38e9,38f2) {reg0} [38f2,38f4) {form_tls_address, const8u(0)} [38f4,3902) {reg0} [44aa] function '__libasm_seterrno'@3860 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [44c8] parameter 'value' [3860,386e) {reg5} [386e,3876) {reg3} [3876,3877) {form_tls_address, const8u(0)} [44dc] function 'asm_errno'@3830 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [44fa] variable 'result' [3847,3859) {reg8} module '' [451a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_getelf.c'@3910 [4ca1] function 'asm_getelf'@3910 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [4cbf] parameter 'ctx' [3910,3923) {reg5} module '' [4cdb] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscn.c'@3930 [5702] function 'asm_newscn'@3930 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [5724] parameter 'ctx' [3930,3948) {reg5} [3948,3a95) {reg3} [3a95,3a9f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3a9f,3bad) {reg3} [5738] parameter 'scnname' [3930,3966) {reg4} [3966,3a30) {reg14} [3a30,3a9f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3a9f,3b5e) {reg14} [3b5e,3b7a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3b7a,3b89) {reg14} [3b89,3b8e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3b8e,3bad) {reg14} [574b] parameter 'type' [3930,3966) {reg1} [3966,3a96) {reg6} [3a96,3a9f) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3a9f,3bad) {reg6} [575e] parameter 'flags' [3930,3966) {reg2} [3966,3a66) {reg13} [3a66,3a9f) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3a9f,3b10) {reg13} [3b10,3b5e) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3b5e,3b7a) {reg13} [3b7a,3b8e) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3b8e,3bad) {reg13} [5771] variable 'scnname_len' [3967,3981) {breg0(1), stack_value} [3981,3a73) {reg15} [3a9f,3aac) {breg0(1), stack_value} [3ab5,3b89) {reg15} [3b8e,3bad) {reg15} [5784] variable 'result' [399e,39b5) {reg0} [39b5,3a73) {reg12} [3ab5,3b66) {reg12} [3b66,3b6a) {reg5} [3b75,3b7a) {lit0, stack_value} [3b7a,3b89) {reg12} [3b8e,3bad) {reg12} [57f8] inlined function 'binary_newscn'@39c7 [5810] parameter 'scnname_len' [39c7,3a66) {reg15} [3b5e,3b75) {reg15} [3b8e,3bad) {reg15} [581d] parameter 'flags' [39c7,3a66) {reg13} [3b5e,3b75) {reg13} [3b8e,3bad) {reg13} [582a] parameter 'type' [39c7,3a66) {reg6} [3b5e,3b75) {reg6} [3b8e,3bad) {reg6} [5837] parameter 'result' [39c7,3a66) {reg12} [3b5e,3b66) {reg12} [3b66,3b6a) {reg5} [3b8e,3bad) {reg12} [5929] inlined function 'text_newscn'@3ab8 [5941] parameter 'flags' [3ab5,3b10) {reg13} [3b10,3b59) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3b7a,3b89) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [594e] parameter 'type' [3ab5,3b59) {reg6} [3b7a,3b89) {reg6} [595b] parameter 'result' [3ab5,3b59) {reg12} [3b7a,3b89) {reg12} [59d0] inlined function 'fprintf'@3b3e [59e5] parameter '__fmt' [3b3e,3b59) {addr(0x628f), stack_value} [59f2] parameter '__stream' [3b3e,3b58) {reg5} [5990] inlined function 'stpcpy'@3ab8 [59b5] parameter '__src' [3ab5,3ac4) {implicit_pointer([5bfa],0) {implicit_value(4){2c202200}}} [59c2] parameter '__dest' [3ab5,3ac4) {fbreg(-144), stack_value} [5797] inlined function 'memcpy'@39a8 [57af] parameter '__len' [39a8,39c1) {reg15} [57bc] parameter '__src' [39a8,39c1) {reg14} [57c9] parameter '__dest' [39a8,39b5) {reg10} [39b5,39c1) {breg12(88), stack_value} module '' [5c18] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscn_ingrp.c'@3bb0 [64e7] function 'asm_newscn_ingrp'@3bb0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6509] parameter 'ctx' [3bb0,3bd2) {reg5} [3bd2,3c46) {reg3} [3c46,3c4a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3c4a,3c9f) {reg3} [651c] parameter 'scnname' [3bb0,3bd2) {reg4} [3bd2,3c9f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [652f] parameter 'type' [3bb0,3bd2) {reg1} [3bd2,3c9f) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6542] parameter 'flags' [3bb0,3bd2) {reg2} [3bd2,3c9f) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [6555] parameter 'grp' [3bb0,3bd2) {reg8} [3bd2,3c47) {reg6} [3c47,3c4a) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3c4a,3c9f) {reg6} [6568] variable 'result' [3bd9,3bdf) {reg0} [3bdf,3c49) {reg12} [3c49,3c4a) {reg0} [3c4a,3c9f) {reg12} [657b] variable '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' [3bb0,3c9f) {addr(0x6370)} module '' [66c2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newsubscn.c'@3ca0 [6e60] function 'asm_newsubscn'@3ca0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [6e7e] parameter 'asmscn' [3ca0,3ce8) {reg5} [3ce8,3cf6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3cf6,3d05) {reg5} [3d05,3d6e) {reg13} [3d6e,3d77) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6e92] parameter 'nr' [3ca0,3ce8) {reg4} [3ce8,3cf6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3cf6,3d09) {reg4} [3d09,3d6a) {reg6} [3d6a,3d6f) {breg0(8)} [3d6f,3d77) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6ea5] variable 'runp' [3ccb,3ce8) {reg12} [3cf6,3d2d) {reg12} [3d2d,3d32) {reg1} [3d32,3d65) {reg12} [6eb7] variable 'newp' [3d0a,3d6f) {reg0} module '' [6eeb] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newsym.c'@3d80 [77f4] function 'asm_newsym'@3d80 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [7816] parameter 'asmscn' [3d80,3dbf) {reg5} [3dbf,3e87) {reg3} [3e87,3eb6) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3eb6,3f3a) {reg3} [3f3a,3f42) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [3f42,400e) {reg3} [400e,4013) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7829] parameter 'name' [3d80,3dbf) {reg4} [3dbf,3e87) {reg13} [3e87,3eb6) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3eb6,3ed7) {reg4} [3ed7,3ef8) {reg13} [3ef8,3efd) {fbreg(-85), stack_value} [3efd,3f30) {reg13} [3f30,3f39) {reg4} [3f39,3f3a) {reg13} [3f3a,3f42) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3f42,400e) {reg13} [400e,4013) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [783c] parameter 'size' [3d80,3dbf) {reg1} [3dbf,3e87) {reg15} [3e87,3eb6) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3eb6,3ee9) {reg1} [3ee9,3f30) {reg15} [3f30,3f39) {reg1} [3f39,3f3a) {reg15} [3f3a,3f42) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [3f42,400e) {reg15} [400e,4013) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [784f] parameter 'type' [3d80,3dbf) {reg2} [3dbf,3e87) {reg14} [3e87,3eb6) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3eb6,3ed2) {reg2} [3ed2,3f30) {reg14} [3f30,3f39) {reg2} [3f39,3f3a) {reg14} [3f3a,3f42) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3f42,400e) {reg14} [400e,4013) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [7862] parameter 'binding' [3d80,3dbf) {reg8} [3dbf,3e87) {reg6} [3e87,3eb6) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3eb6,3f3a) {reg6} [3f3a,3f42) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3f42,400e) {reg6} [400e,4013) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [7875] variable 'tempsym' [3d80,4013) {fbreg(-85)} [7885] variable 'result' [3dde,3deb) {reg0} [3deb,3e87) {reg12} [3efd,3f10) {reg12} [3f10,3f14) {reg5} [3f15,3f1a) {lit0, stack_value} [3f1a,3f30) {reg12} [3f42,400e) {reg12} [7898] variable 'name_len' [3dd3,3dd7) {reg1} [3dd7,3e4b) {fbreg(-112)} [3f42,400e) {fbreg(-112)} [790d] inlined function 'startswith'@3e75 [7931] parameter 'prefix' [3e75,3e80) {implicit_pointer([7d2b],0) {implicit_value(3){2e4c00}}} [793e] parameter 'str' [3e75,3e80) {reg13} [78ab] inlined function 'memcpy'@3e1c [78c3] parameter '__len' [3e1c,3e20) {reg1} [3e20,3e29) {fbreg(-112)} [78d0] parameter '__src' [3e1c,3e29) {reg13} [78dd] parameter '__dest' [3e1c,3e20) {reg5} [3e20,3e29) {breg12(48), stack_value} [79bd] inlined function 'fprintf'@3f6a [79e1] parameter '__fmt' [3f6a,3f8f) {addr(0x63c7), stack_value} [79ee] parameter '__stream' [3f6a,3f7e) {breg1(8)} [7a2e] inlined function 'fprintf'@3f90 [7a46] parameter '__fmt' [3f8f,3fab) {addr(0x6388), stack_value} [7a53] parameter '__stream' [3f8f,3f97) {breg1(8)} [3f97,3fa5) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [7a87] inlined function 'fprintf'@3fb0 [7a9f] parameter '__fmt' [3fab,3fcb) {addr(0x639f), stack_value} [7aac] parameter '__stream' [3fab,3fc5) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [7ae0] inlined function 'fprintf'@3fd0 [7af8] parameter '__fmt' [3fcb,3fee) {addr(0x6394), stack_value} [7b05] parameter '__stream' [3fcb,3fd7) {breg1(8)} [3fd7,3fe5) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [7b39] inlined function 'fprintf'@3ff0 [7b51] parameter '__fmt' [3fee,400e) {addr(0x63b2), stack_value} [7b5e] parameter '__stream' [3fee,4005) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [794c] inlined function 'snprintf'@3eec [7964] parameter '__fmt' [3eec,3ef8) {addr(0x6381), stack_value} [7971] parameter '__n' [3eec,3ef8) {lit13, stack_value} [797e] parameter '__s' [3eec,3ef8) {fbreg(-85), stack_value} module '' [7d51] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newcomsym.c'@4020 [8678] function 'asm_newcomsym'@4020 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [869a] parameter 'ctx' [4020,4045) {reg5} [4045,40ca) {reg3} [40ca,40d5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [40d5,40e0) {reg3} [40e0,40e8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [40e8,40f5) {reg5} [40f5,4109) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4109,4126) {reg3} [4126,4131) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4131,415d) {reg3} [86ae] parameter 'name' [4020,404f) {reg4} [404f,40d2) {reg13} [40d2,40d5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [40d5,40e5) {reg13} [40e5,40e8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [40e8,40f9) {reg4} [40f9,40fa) {reg13} [40fa,4109) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4109,412e) {reg13} [412e,4131) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4131,415d) {reg13} [86c1] parameter 'size' [4020,404f) {reg1} [404f,40d4) {reg14} [40d4,40d5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [40d5,40e7) {reg14} [40e7,40e8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [40e8,40f9) {reg1} [40f9,4109) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4109,4130) {reg14} [4130,4131) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [4131,415d) {reg14} [86d4] parameter 'align' [4020,404f) {reg2} [404f,40ce) {reg6} [40ce,40d5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [40d5,40e1) {reg6} [40e1,40e8) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [40e8,40f9) {reg2} [40f9,4109) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4109,412a) {reg6} [412a,4131) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4131,415d) {reg6} [86e7] variable 'result' [4056,4067) {reg0} [4067,40d0) {reg12} [40d0,40d5) {reg0} [40d5,40dc) {reg12} [4109,4120) {reg12} [4120,4124) {reg5} [4125,4131) {lit0, stack_value} [4131,415d) {reg12} [86fb] inlined function 'startswith'@40bb [871f] parameter 'prefix' [40bb,40c2) {implicit_pointer([88a5],0) {implicit_value(3){2e4c00}}} [872c] parameter 'str' [40bb,40c2) {reg13} [873a] inlined function 'fprintf'@4138 [875e] parameter '__fmt' [4138,415d) {addr(0x63da), stack_value} [876e] parameter '__stream' [4131,4157) {breg3(8)} module '' [88b9] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newabssym.c'@4160 [91c8] function 'asm_newabssym'@4160 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [91ea] parameter 'ctx' [4160,4190) {reg5} [4190,4211) {reg3} [4211,4223) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4223,422e) {reg3} [422e,4235) {reg5} [4235,423f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [423f,434f) {reg3} [91fe] parameter 'name' [4160,419d) {reg4} [419d,4211) {reg12} [4211,4223) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4223,422e) {reg12} [422e,4239) {reg4} [4239,423a) {reg12} [423a,423f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [423f,434f) {reg12} [9211] parameter 'size' [4160,419d) {reg1} [419d,422e) {fbreg(-72)} [422e,4239) {reg1} [4239,434f) {fbreg(-72)} [9224] parameter 'value' [4160,419d) {reg2} [419d,4211) {reg15} [4211,4223) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4223,422e) {reg15} [422e,4239) {reg2} [4239,423f) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [423f,434f) {reg15} [9237] parameter 'type' [4160,419d) {reg8} [419d,4211) {reg6} [4211,4223) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4223,422e) {reg6} [422e,4239) {reg8} [4239,423f) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [423f,434f) {reg6} [924a] parameter 'binding' [4160,419d) {reg9} [419d,4211) {reg13} [4211,4223) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4223,422e) {reg13} [422e,4239) {reg9} [4239,423f) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [423f,434f) {reg13} [925d] variable 'result' [41a4,41b1) {reg0} [41b1,4211) {reg14} [4223,422c) {reg14} [423f,4250) {reg14} [4250,4254) {reg5} [4255,4257) {lit0, stack_value} [4257,434f) {reg14} [9271] inlined function 'startswith'@4202 [9295] parameter 'prefix' [4202,4209) {implicit_pointer([9616],0) {implicit_value(3){2e4c00}}} [92a2] parameter 'str' [4202,4209) {reg12} [92b0] inlined function 'fprintf'@4286 [92d4] parameter '__fmt' [4286,429f) {addr(0x6497), stack_value} [92e1] parameter '__stream' [4286,429e) {breg3(8)} [931b] inlined function 'fprintf'@42ab [933f] parameter '__fmt' [42ab,42cf) {addr(0x64a2), stack_value} [934c] parameter '__stream' [42ab,42c9) {breg3(8)} [9388] inlined function 'fprintf'@42d0 [93ac] parameter '__fmt' [42cf,42ec) {addr(0x646f), stack_value} [93b9] parameter '__stream' [42cf,42e5) {breg3(8)} [93ed] inlined function 'fprintf'@42f0 [9411] parameter '__fmt' [42ec,430f) {addr(0x6458), stack_value} [941e] parameter '__stream' [42ec,4305) {breg3(8)} [9452] inlined function 'fprintf'@4310 [9476] parameter '__fmt' [430f,432f) {addr(0x6482), stack_value} [9483] parameter '__stream' [430f,4325) {breg3(8)} [94b7] inlined function 'fprintf'@4330 [94db] parameter '__fmt' [4330,434f) {addr(0x6464), stack_value} [94eb] parameter '__stream' [432f,4345) {breg3(8)} module '' [962a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscngrp.c'@0 [9f79] inlined function 'memcpy'@43c3 [9f92] parameter '__len' [43c3,43c8) {reg15} [9f9f] parameter '__src' [43c3,43c8) {reg14} [9fac] parameter '__dest' [43c3,43c7) {reg5} [43c7,43c8) {breg12(56), stack_value} module '' [a116] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_scngrp_newsignature.c'@4490 [a8a9] function 'asm_scngrp_newsignature'@4490 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [a8cb] parameter 'grp' [4490,44ae) {reg5} [a8d9] parameter 'signature' [4490,44ae) {reg4} module '' [a8fa] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_fill.c'@44b0 [b0d2] function 'asm_fill'@44b0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [b0f4] parameter 'asmscn' [44b0,44ce) {reg5} [44ce,450c) {reg3} [450c,451a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [451a,452c) {reg3} [452c,4534) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [b106] parameter 'bytes' [44b0,44d5) {reg4} [44d5,450c) {reg13} [450c,451a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [451a,452c) {reg4} [452c,4534) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b118] parameter 'len' [44b0,44d5) {reg1} [44d5,44f7) {reg12} [44f7,451a) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [451a,452c) {reg1} [452c,4534) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [b12c] variable 'pattern' [44dc,44ef) {reg0} [44ef,450c) {reg6} [4527,452c) {reg6} [b13e] variable 'old_pattern' [44fb,450b) {reg5} [b150] inlined function 'memcpy'@44e1 [b175] parameter '__len' [44e1,44f7) {reg12} [b182] parameter '__src' [44e1,44f7) {reg13} [b18f] parameter '__dest' [44e1,44e5) {breg0(8), stack_value} [44e5,44ef) {reg5} [44ef,44f7) {breg6(8), stack_value} module '' [b228] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_align.c'@4540 [ba9e] function '__libasm_ensure_section_space'@4540 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [babe] parameter 'asmscn' [4540,4565) {reg5} [4565,456a) {reg6} [456a,456d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [456d,457e) {reg5} [457e,45c8) {reg6} [45c8,45cb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [45cb,45de) {reg5} [45de,4606) {reg6} [bad1] parameter 'len' [4540,4565) {reg4} [4565,456d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [456d,458b) {reg4} [458b,45cb) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [45cb,45e9) {reg4} [45e9,4606) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [bae5] variable 'size' [4595,45c7) {reg3} [45e5,4606) {reg3} [bb48] function 'asm_align'@4610 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [bb68] parameter 'asmscn' [4610,4643) {reg5} [4643,464b) {reg3} [464b,4650) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4650,46da) {reg3} [46da,46e5) {reg5} [46e5,46f4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [46f4,47dc) {reg3} [47dc,47e2) {reg5} [bb7b] parameter 'value' [4610,4643) {reg4} [4643,464b) {reg12} [464b,4650) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4650,466b) {reg12} [466b,4678) {reg4} [4678,46da) {reg12} [46da,46e9) {reg4} [46e9,46f4) {reg12} [46f4,470c) {reg4} [470c,474d) {reg12} [474d,47a5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [47a5,47dc) {reg12} [47dc,47e2) {reg4} [bb8e] variable 'result' [463b,464b) {lit0, stack_value} [4650,467d) {lit0, stack_value} [467d,469b) {reg0} [bbd1] inlined function 'fprintf'@4758 [bbe6] parameter '__fmt' [4753,4778) {addr(0x657e), stack_value} [bbf3] parameter '__stream' [4753,4777) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [bc6b] inlined function 'fprintf'@46f8 [bc90] parameter '__fmt' [46f4,4711) {addr(0x6566), stack_value} [bc9d] parameter '__stream' [46f4,4703) {breg1(8)} [4703,4710) {reg5} [bd18] inlined function 'fprintf'@47a8 [bd30] parameter '__fmt' [47a5,47cd) {addr(0x6573), stack_value} [bd3d] parameter '__stream' [47a5,47c5) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [bcd1] inlined function 'fputc_unlocked'@4726 [bce9] parameter '__stream' [4726,473f) {reg5} [47cd,47d6) {reg5} [bcf6] parameter '__c' [4726,473f) {const1u(34), stack_value} [47cd,47dc) {const1u(34), stack_value} module '' [be15] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addstrz.c'@47f0 [c68f] function 'asm_addstrz'@47f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [c6b1] parameter 'asmscn' [47f0,481b) {reg5} [481b,485f) {reg15} [485f,4871) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4871,487b) {reg5} [487b,4886) {reg15} [4886,48a5) {reg5} [48a5,48aa) {reg15} [48aa,48b2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [48b2,4a00) {reg15} [4a00,4a27) {reg5} [c6c5] parameter 'str' [47f0,481b) {reg4} [481b,485f) {reg14} [4871,487f) {reg4} [487f,4886) {reg14} [4886,48a9) {reg4} [48a9,48aa) {reg14} [48aa,48b2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [48b2,4a00) {reg14} [4a00,4a27) {reg4} [c6d7] parameter 'len' [47f0,481b) {reg1} [481b,485f) {reg3} [4871,487f) {reg1} [487f,4886) {reg3} [4886,48a0) {reg1} [48a0,48aa) {reg3} [48b2,4909) {reg3} [4909,490d) {breg3(-1), stack_value} [490d,4a00) {reg3} [4a00,4a04) {reg1} [4a04,4a27) {reg3} [c84c] inlined function 'memcpy'@4841 [c864] parameter '__len' [4841,4854) {reg3} [c871] parameter '__src' [4841,4854) {reg14} [c87e] parameter '__dest' [4841,484c) {breg0(0), breg0(0), deref, plus, plus_uconst(24), stack_value} [484c,4853) {reg5} [c730] inlined function 'fprintf'@4998 [c748] parameter '__fmt' [4993,49b5) {addr(0x6597), stack_value} [c755] parameter '__stream' [4993,49ad) {breg15(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} module '' [c977] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint8.c'@4a30 [d1ee] function 'asm_addint8'@4a30 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [d210] parameter 'asmscn' [4a30,4a60) {reg5} [4a60,4a8d) {reg3} [4a8d,4a8f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4a8f,4ac1) {reg3} [4ac1,4ac5) {reg5} [d224] parameter 'num' [4a30,4a5d) {reg4} [4a5d,4a8f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4a8f,4a9d) {reg4} [4a9d,4aaf) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4aaf,4ab9) {reg4} [4ab9,4ac1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4ac1,4ac5) {reg4} [d2da] inlined function 'fprintf'@4a90 [d2f3] parameter '__fmt' [4a8f,4aaf) {addr(0x65a4), stack_value} [d300] parameter '__stream' [4a8f,4a9f) {breg0(8)} [4a9f,4aaa) {reg5} [d273] inlined function 'memcpy'@4a76 [d298] parameter '__len' [4a76,4a7f) {lit1, stack_value} [d2a5] parameter '__src' [4a76,4a7f) {implicit_pointer([d25f],0) {reg6}} [d2b2] parameter '__dest' [4a76,4a7f) {breg1(0), breg2(0), plus, plus_uconst(24), stack_value} module '' [d3c3] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint8.c'@4ad0 [db7e] function 'asm_adduint8'@4ad0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [db9c] parameter 'asmscn' [4ad0,4ad8) {reg5} [4ad8,4ad9) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [dbb0] parameter 'num' [4ad0,4ad8) {reg4} [4ad8,4ad9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [dbf4] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint16.c'@4ae0 [e497] function 'asm_addint16'@4ae0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [e4b9] parameter 'asmscn' [4ae0,4b15) {reg5} [4b15,4b65) {reg3} [4b65,4b6b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4b6b,4ba1) {reg3} [4ba1,4ba5) {reg5} [e4cd] parameter 'num' [4ae0,4b19) {reg4} [4b19,4b44) {reg13} [4b44,4b6b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4b6b,4b78) {reg4} [4b78,4b8a) {reg13} [4b8a,4b99) {reg4} [4b99,4ba1) {reg13} [4ba1,4ba5) {reg4} [e5ae] inlined function 'fprintf'@4b70 [e5c7] parameter '__fmt' [4b6b,4b8a) {addr(0x65af), stack_value} [e5d4] parameter '__stream' [4b6b,4b7a) {breg0(8)} [4b7a,4b85) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [e530] inlined function 'memcpy'@4b4d [e555] parameter '__len' [4b4d,4b57) {lit2, stack_value} [e562] parameter '__src' [4b4d,4b57) {implicit_pointer([e51c],0) {reg13}} [e56f] parameter '__dest' [4b4d,4b57) {breg1(0), breg2(0), plus, plus_uconst(24), stack_value} module '' [e6b1] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint16.c'@4bb0 [ee84] function 'asm_adduint16'@4bb0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [eea2] parameter 'asmscn' [4bb0,4bb7) {reg5} [4bb7,4bb8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [eeb6] parameter 'num' [4bb0,4bb7) {reg4} [4bb7,4bb8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [eefa] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint32.c'@4bc0 [f791] function 'asm_addint32'@4bc0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [f7b3] parameter 'asmscn' [4bc0,4bec) {reg5} [4bec,4c37) {reg3} [4c37,4c3b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4c3b,4c71) {reg3} [4c71,4c75) {reg5} [f7c7] parameter 'num' [4bc0,4bf0) {reg4} [4bf0,4c17) {reg12} [4c17,4c3b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4c3b,4c48) {reg4} [4c48,4c5a) {reg12} [4c5a,4c69) {reg4} [4c69,4c71) {reg12} [4c71,4c75) {reg4} [f8ca] inlined function 'fprintf'@4c40 [f8e3] parameter '__fmt' [4c3b,4c5a) {addr(0x65c5), stack_value} [f8f0] parameter '__stream' [4c3b,4c4a) {breg0(8)} [4c4a,4c55) {breg3(0), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [f84c] inlined function 'memcpy'@4c24 [f871] parameter '__len' [4c24,4c2d) {lit4, stack_value} [f87e] parameter '__src' [4c24,4c2d) {implicit_pointer([f816],0) {reg12}} [f88b] parameter '__dest' [4c24,4c2d) {breg1(0), breg2(0), plus, plus_uconst(24), stack_value} [f82a] inlined function '__bswap_32'@4c0a [f846] parameter '__bsx' module '' [f9c7] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint32.c'@4c80 [10182] function 'asm_adduint32'@4c80 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [101a0] parameter 'asmscn' [4c80,4c84) {reg5} [4c84,4c85) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [101b4] parameter 'num' [4c80,4c84) {reg4} [4c84,4c85) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [101f2] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint64.c'@4c90 [10aa1] function 'asm_addint64'@4c90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [10ac3] parameter 'asmscn' [4c90,4cbf) {reg5} [4cbf,4d0e) {reg3} [4d0e,4d12) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4d12,4d89) {reg3} [4d89,4d8d) {reg5} [10ad7] parameter 'num' [4c90,4cb7) {reg4} [4cb7,4cee) {reg6} [4cee,4d12) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4d12,4d73) {reg6} [4d73,4d81) {reg4} [4d81,4d89) {reg6} [4d89,4d8d) {reg4} [10b07] inlined function 'fprintf'@4d28 [10b20] parameter '__fmt' [4d28,4d73) {addr(0x65bb), stack_value} [10b2d] parameter '__stream' [4d28,4d43) {breg1(8)} [4d43,4d6e) {reg5} [10bc7] inlined function 'memcpy'@4cfb [10bec] parameter '__len' [4cfb,4d04) {lit8, stack_value} [10bf9] parameter '__src' [4cfb,4d04) {implicit_pointer([10b91],0) {reg6}} [10c06] parameter '__dest' [4cfb,4d04) {breg1(0), breg2(0), plus, plus_uconst(24), stack_value} [10ba5] inlined function '__bswap_64'@4ce0 [10bc1] parameter '__bsx' module '' [10ce8] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint64.c'@4d90 [114a3] function 'asm_adduint64'@4d90 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [114c1] parameter 'asmscn' [4d90,4d94) {reg5} [4d94,4d95) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [114d5] parameter 'num' [4d90,4d94) {reg4} [4d94,4d95) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} module '' [11513] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduleb128.c'@4da0 [11d5a] function 'asm_adduleb128'@4da0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [11d7c] parameter 'asmscn' [4da0,4e1f) {reg5} [4e1f,4e59) {reg6} [4e59,4e77) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4e77,4e84) {reg5} [4e84,4e9c) {reg6} [4e9c,4ea1) {reg5} [4ea1,4eae) {reg6} [4eae,4ebb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11d90] parameter 'num' [4da0,4df1) {reg4} [4df1,4e0f) {reg2} [4e0f,4e12) {reg0} [4e12,4e29) {reg2} [4e77,4e99) {reg2} [4e99,4e9c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4e9c,4eab) {reg2} [4eab,4eae) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [11e76] inlined function 'fprintf'@4e80 [11e8e] parameter '__fmt' [4e77,4e9c) {addr(0x65d0), stack_value} [11e9b] parameter '__stream' [4e77,4e8d) {breg0(8)} [4e8d,4e99) {reg5} [11e01] inlined function 'memcpy'@4e3e [11e19] parameter '__len' [4e3e,4e52) {reg3} [11e26] parameter '__src' [4e3e,4e52) {fbreg(-61), stack_value} [11e33] parameter '__dest' [4e3e,4e43) {breg1(0), breg0(0), plus, plus_uconst(24), stack_value} [4e43,4e4d) {reg5} module '' [11f87] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addsleb128.c'@4ec0 [127e6] function 'asm_addsleb128'@4ec0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [12808] parameter 'asmscn' [4ec0,4f3f) {reg5} [4f3f,4f7d) {reg6} [4f7d,4f9b) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [4f9b,4fc4) {reg5} [4fc4,4fdc) {reg6} [4fdc,4fe1) {reg5} [4fe1,4fee) {reg6} [4fee,4ffb) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1281c] parameter 'num' [4ec0,4f11) {reg4} [4f11,4f17) {reg1} (4f17,4f17) [4f17,4f2f) {reg2} [4f2f,4f32) {reg1} [4f32,4f49) {reg2} [4f9b,4fd9) {reg2} [4fd9,4fdc) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4fdc,4feb) {reg2} [4feb,4fee) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [12909] inlined function 'fprintf'@4fc0 [12921] parameter '__fmt' [4fc0,4fdc) {addr(0x65de), stack_value} [1292e] parameter '__stream' [4fc0,4fcd) {breg0(8)} [4fcd,4fd9) {reg5} [12894] inlined function 'memcpy'@4f62 [128ac] parameter '__len' [4f62,4f76) {reg3} [128b9] parameter '__src' [4f62,4f76) {fbreg(-61), stack_value} [128c6] parameter '__dest' [4f62,4f67) {breg1(0), breg0(0), plus, plus_uconst(24), stack_value} [4f67,4f71) {reg5} module '' [12a1a] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_begin.c'@5000 [13a4e] function 'disasm_begin'@5000 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [13a70] parameter 'ebl' [5000,501f) {reg5} [501f,503f) {reg3} [503f,5043) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5043,504b) {reg5} [504b,5074) {reg3} [13a82] parameter 'elf' [5000,5029) {reg4} [5029,503a) {reg12} [503a,5043) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5043,5059) {reg4} [5059,505e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [505e,5074) {reg12} [13a94] parameter 'symcb' [5000,5029) {reg1} [5029,503a) {reg6} [503a,5043) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5043,5059) {reg1} [5059,505e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [505e,5074) {reg6} [13aa8] variable 'ctx' [502a,503a) {reg0} [505e,506c) {reg0} [506c,5074) {fbreg(-40)} module '' [13b10] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_cb.c'@5080 [14cc7] function 'disasm_cb'@50c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [14ce9] parameter 'ctx' [50c0,511b) {reg5} [511b,5157) {reg3} [5157,51c7) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [51c7,51e9) {reg3} [51e9,52f2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [14cfc] parameter 'startp' [50c0,5133) {reg4} [5133,51c6) {reg15} [51c6,51c7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [51c7,52f2) {reg15} [14d0f] parameter 'end' [50c0,50f0) {reg1} [50f0,52f2) {fbreg(-336)} [14d22] parameter 'addr' [50c0,5133) {reg2} [5133,5157) {reg12} [5157,51c7) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [51c7,51e9) {reg12} [51e9,52f2) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [14d35] parameter 'fmt' [50c0,5133) {reg8} [5133,52f2) {fbreg(-328)} [14d48] parameter 'outcb' [50c0,5133) {reg9} [5133,5157) {reg13} [5157,51c7) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [51c7,51e9) {reg13} [51e9,52f2) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [14d5b] parameter 'outcbarg' [50c0,52f2) {fbreg(0)} [14d69] parameter 'symcbarg' [50c0,5173) {fbreg(8)} (5173,5173) [5173,51c4) {reg14} [51c7,52ed) {fbreg(8)} [52ed,52f2) {reg14} [14d7c] variable 'symtoken' [50c0,52f2) {fbreg(-208)} [14d8c] variable 'getsym' [5122,5133) {reg0} [5173,5199) {reg0} [14fc8] function 'null_elf_getsym'@50b0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [14fe8] parameter 'addr' [50b0,50b6) {reg5} [14ff5] parameter 'scnndx' [50b0,50b6) {reg4} [15002] parameter 'value' [50b0,50b6) {reg1} [1500f] parameter 'buf' [50b0,50b6) {reg2} [1501c] parameter 'buflen' [50b0,50b6) {reg8} [15029] parameter 'arg' [50b0,50b6) {reg9} [14d9e] inlined function 'read_symtab'@5127 [14db7] parameter 'ctx' [5127,5157) {reg3} [51c7,51e9) {reg3} [51e9,52ed) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [14ddf] inlined function 'read_symtab_exec'@51d8 [14dfb] parameter 'ctx' [14e00] variable 'scn' [51e9,5202) {reg6} [5202,5214) {reg0} [5214,529b) {reg6} [529b,52ed) {fbreg(-304)} [150f8] function 'default_elf_getsym'@5080 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [15118] parameter 'addr' [5080,5095) {reg5} [5095,50a5) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [50a5,50ab) {reg5} [1512b] parameter 'scnndx' [5080,5095) {reg4} [5095,50a5) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [50a5,50ab) {reg4} [1513e] parameter 'value' [5080,5095) {reg1} [5095,50a5) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [50a5,50ab) {reg1} [15151] parameter 'buf' [5080,5095) {reg2} [5095,50a5) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [50a5,50ab) {reg2} [15164] parameter 'buflen' [5080,5095) {reg8} [5095,50a5) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [50a5,50ab) {reg8} [15177] parameter 'arg' [5080,5094) {reg9} [5094,50a5) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [50a5,50ab) {reg9} [1518a] variable 'symtoken' [5080,5094) {reg9} [5094,50a5) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [50a5,50ab) {reg9} module '' [151ff] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_end.c'@5300 [15399] function 'disasm_end'@5300 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [153bb] parameter 'ctx' [5300,5308) {reg5} [5308,5310) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} module '' [153f7] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_str.c'@5310 [15647] function 'disasm_str'@5350 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [15669] parameter 'ctx' [5350,538c) {reg5} [538c,53b2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1567c] parameter 'startp' [5350,538c) {reg4} [538c,53b2) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1568f] parameter 'end' [5350,538c) {reg1} [538c,53b2) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [156a2] parameter 'addr' [5350,538c) {reg2} [538c,53b2) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [156b5] parameter 'fmt' [5350,538c) {reg8} [538c,53b2) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [156c8] parameter 'bufp' [5350,5370) {reg9} [5370,53ac) {reg3} [53ac,53ad) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [53ad,53b2) {reg3} [156db] parameter 'len' [5350,53b2) {fbreg(0)} [156ea] parameter 'symcbarg' [5350,53b2) {fbreg(8)} [156f9] variable 'buffer' [5350,53b2) {fbreg(-48)} [15708] variable 'res' [538d,53b1) {reg0} [15834] inlined function 'buffer_cb'@5330 [15849] parameter 'arg' [5330,5347) {reg6} [15856] parameter 'len' [5330,5347) {reg3} [15863] parameter 'str' [5330,533a) {reg5} [533a,533e) {reg4} [533e,5347) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1587a] inlined function 'mempcpy'@5330 [1589b] parameter '__len' [5330,533f) {reg3} [158a8] parameter '__src' [5330,533a) {reg5} [533a,533e) {reg4} [533e,533f) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [158b5] parameter '__dest' [5330,533e) {breg6(0)} [157e5] function 'buffer_cb'@5310 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [15800] parameter 'str' [5310,533a) {reg5} [533a,533e) {reg4} [533e,5350) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1580d] parameter 'len' [5310,5330) {reg4} [5330,534e) {reg3} [534e,534f) {breg6(8)} [534f,5350) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, plus_uconst(8)} [1581a] parameter 'arg' [5310,5320) {reg1} [5320,532f) {reg6} [532f,5330) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5330,534f) {reg6} [534f,5350) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [15827] variable 'buffer' [5310,5320) {reg1} [5320,532f) {reg6} [532f,5330) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [5330,534f) {reg6} [534f,5350) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} module '' [15902] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/symbolhash.c'@53c0 [16382] inlined function '__libasm_next_prime'@5670 [1639b] parameter 'seed' [5670,567e) {reg4} [567e,5685) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} (5685,5685) [5685,5708) {reg8} [5735,573c) {reg8} [164a2] inlined function '__libasm_next_prime' [164b2] parameter 'seed' [5555,555e) {reg8} [5569,55e9) {reg8} [163a8] inlined function 'is_prime'@5688 [163ba] parameter 'candidate' [5685,56ef) {reg8} [5735,573c) {reg8} [164bf] inlined function 'is_prime'@5581 [164d1] parameter 'candidate' [5569,556e) {reg8} [5581,55e9) {reg8} [16686] inlined function 'is_prime'@5858 [16698] parameter 'candidate' [5851,58b7) {reg8} [58d4,58db) {reg8} [16152] function 'asm_symbol_tab_iterate'@5800 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [16175] parameter 'htab' [5800,5838) {reg5} [16184] parameter 'ptr' [5800,5838) {reg4} [16193] variable 'p' [5803,581f) {reg0} [581f,5820) {breg4(0)} [5820,5838) {reg0} [161b0] function 'asm_symbol_tab_find'@57c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [161d0] parameter 'htab' [57c0,57d4) {reg5} [57d4,57ec) {reg3} [57ec,57ed) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [57ed,57f3) {reg3} [57f3,57f4) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [161e3] parameter 'hval' (57c0,57c0) [57c0,57d0) {breg4(0), dup, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), lit1, swap, over, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), gt, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [57d0,57f4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, dup, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), lit1, swap, over, plus_uconst(9223372036854775808), gt, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [161f6] parameter 'val' [57c0,57d4) {reg1} [57d4,57f4) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [16209] variable 'idx' [57d5,57dd) {reg0} [1624b] function 'asm_symbol_tab_insert'@5760 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1626b] parameter 'htab' [5760,5781) {reg5} [5781,57a8) {reg6} [57a8,57ad) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [57ad,57b7) {reg6} [1627e] parameter 'hval' [5760,577a) {reg4} [577a,577d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [577d,5781) {reg0} [5781,57aa) {reg12} [57aa,57ad) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, lit1, entry_value(1) {reg4}, lit0, ne, bra(1), swap, drop, stack_value} [57ad,57b7) {reg12} [16291] parameter 'data' [5760,5781) {reg1} [5781,57ac) {reg13} [57ac,57ad) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [57ad,57b7) {reg13} [162a4] variable 'idx' [5782,57a4) {reg0} [57ad,57b5) {reg0} [162fb] function 'asm_symbol_tab_free'@5740 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1631b] parameter 'htab' [5740,5748) {reg5} [5748,5754) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1633c] function 'asm_symbol_tab_init'@5670 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1635c] parameter 'htab' [5670,5685) {reg5} [5685,5732) {reg3} [5732,5735) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5735,573c) {reg3} [1636f] parameter 'init_size' [5670,567e) {reg4} [567e,5708) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5708,5728) {reg8} [5735,573c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [16414] function 'insert_entry_2'@5500 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [16432] parameter 'htab' [5500,555e) {reg5} [555e,5563) {reg3} [5563,5569) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5569,565b) {reg3} [565b,5665) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5665,566e) {reg3} [16445] parameter 'hval' [5500,555e) {reg4} [555e,566e) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [16458] parameter 'idx' [5500,5524) {reg1} [5524,566e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1646b] parameter 'data' [5500,555e) {reg2} [555e,566e) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [16579] function 'lookup'@53c0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1659b] parameter 'htab' [53c0,540d) {reg5} [540d,545f) {reg14} [545f,5462) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5462,54ab) {reg14} [54ab,54b4) {reg5} [54b4,54f5) {reg14} [165ae] parameter 'hval' [53c0,53f3) {reg4} [53f3,545d) {reg13} [545d,5462) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [5462,54f5) {reg13} [165c1] parameter 'val' [53c0,53e8) {reg1} [53e8,540d) {reg8} [540d,54ab) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [54ab,54bc) {reg8} [54bc,54f5) {fbreg(-80)} [165d4] variable 'idx' [53ef,545b) {reg12} [545b,5462) {reg0} [5462,54f5) {reg12} [16662] function '__libasm_next_prime'@5840 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [16679] parameter 'seed' [5840,584e) {reg5} [584e,5851) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} (5851,5851) [5851,58db) {reg8} module '' [166eb] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libebl/eblelfclass.c'@58e0 [17661] function 'ebl_get_elfclass'@58e0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1767f] parameter 'ebl' [58e0,58e5) {reg5} module '' [1769b] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libebl/eblelfdata.c'@58f0 [18611] function 'ebl_get_elfdata'@58f0 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [1862f] parameter 'ebl' [58f0,58f5) {reg5} module '' [1864b] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/libebl/eblelfmachine.c'@5900 [195c1] function 'ebl_get_elfmachine'@5900 frame_base: {call_frame_cfa {bregx(7,8)}} [195df] parameter 'ebl' [5900,5904) {reg5} module 'size.o' [c] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/src/size.c'@0 producer (strp) language (data1) name (line_strp) comp_dir (line_strp) ranges (sec_offset) low_pc (addr) stmt_list (sec_offset) [2a] typedef "size_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [36] base_type "long unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [3d] base_type "unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [44] pointer_type byte_size (data1) [46] restrict_type type (ref4) [4b] base_type "unsigned char" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [52] base_type "short unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [59] base_type "signed char" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [60] base_type "short int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [67] base_type "int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (string) [6e] const_type type (ref4) [73] typedef "__uint32_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7f] typedef "__int64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [8b] base_type "long int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [92] typedef "__uint64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [9e] typedef "__uintmax_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [aa] typedef "__uid_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [b6] typedef "__gid_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [c2] typedef "__mode_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [ce] typedef "__off_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [da] typedef "__off64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e6] typedef "__time_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [f2] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [f7] base_type "char" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [fe] const_type type (ref4) [103] structure_type "_IO_FILE" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [10f] member "_flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [11c] member "_IO_read_ptr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [129] member "_IO_read_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [136] member "_IO_read_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [143] member "_IO_write_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [150] member "_IO_write_ptr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [15d] member "_IO_write_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [16a] member "_IO_buf_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [177] member "_IO_buf_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(64)} [184] member "_IO_save_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(72)} [191] member "_IO_backup_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(80)} [19e] member "_IO_save_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(88)} [1ab] member "_markers" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(96)} [1b8] member "_chain" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(104)} [1c5] member "_fileno" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(112)} [1d2] member "_flags2" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(116)} [1df] member "_old_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(120)} [1ec] member "_cur_column" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(128)} [1f9] member "_vtable_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(130)} [206] member "_shortbuf" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(131)} [213] member "_lock" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(136)} [220] member "_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(144)} [22d] member "_codecvt" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(152)} [23a] member "_wide_data" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(160)} [247] member "_freeres_list" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(168)} [254] member "_freeres_buf" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(176)} [261] member "__pad5" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(184)} [26e] member "_mode" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(192)} [27b] member "_unused2" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(196)} [289] typedef "FILE" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [295] typedef "_IO_lock_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) [29d] structure_type "_IO_marker" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [2a2] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2a7] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2ac] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2b5] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [2bc] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2c1] structure_type "_IO_codecvt" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [2c6] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2cb] structure_type "_IO_wide_data" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [2d0] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2d5] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2de] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [2e5] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2ea] const_type type (ref4) [2ef] restrict_type type (ref4) [2f4] variable "stdin" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [2fe] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [303] restrict_type type (ref4) [308] variable "stdout" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [312] variable "stderr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [31c] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [321] restrict_type type (ref4) [326] typedef "error_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [332] structure_type "argp_option" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [33e] member "name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [34b] member "key" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [357] member "arg" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [363] member "flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [370] member "doc" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [37c] member "group" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [38a] const_type type (ref4) [38f] typedef "argp_parser_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [39b] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [3a0] subroutine_type prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3a9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [3ae] formal_parameter type (ref4) [3b3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [3b9] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [3be] restrict_type type (ref4) [3c3] structure_type "argp_state" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3d1] member "root_argp" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [3df] member "argc" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [3ed] member "argv" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [3fb] member "next" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [409] member "flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(28)} [417] member "arg_num" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [425] member "quoted" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(36)} [433] member "input" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [441] member "child_inputs" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [44f] member "hook" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [45d] member "name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(64)} [46b] member "err_stream" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(72)} [479] member "out_stream" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(80)} [487] member "pstate" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(88)} [496] structure_type "argp" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [4a2] member "options" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [4af] member "parser" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [4bc] member "args_doc" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [4c9] member "doc" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [4d5] member "children" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [4e2] member "help_filter" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [4ef] member "argp_domain" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [4fd] const_type type (ref4) [502] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [507] structure_type "argp_child" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [513] member "argp" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [520] member "flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [52d] member "header" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [53b] member "group" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [54a] const_type type (ref4) [54f] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [554] subroutine_type prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [55d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [562] formal_parameter type (ref4) [567] formal_parameter type (ref4) [56d] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [572] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [577] restrict_type type (ref4) [57c] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [581] restrict_type type (ref4) [586] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [58b] typedef "mode_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [597] typedef "time_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [5a3] typedef "int64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [5af] typedef "uint32_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [5bb] typedef "uint64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [5c7] typedef "uintmax_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [5d3] typedef "gid_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [5df] typedef "uid_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [5eb] base_type "long long unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [5f2] base_type "long long int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [5f9] typedef "Elf64_Word" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [605] typedef "Elf64_Xword" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [611] typedef "Elf64_Addr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [61d] typedef "Elf64_Off" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [629] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [631] member "sh_name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [63f] member "sh_type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(4)} [64d] member "sh_flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [65b] member "sh_addr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [669] member "sh_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [677] member "sh_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [685] member "sh_link" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [693] member "sh_info" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(44)} [6a1] member "sh_addralign" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [6af] member "sh_entsize" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [6be] typedef "Elf64_Shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [6c9] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [6d1] member "p_type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [6df] member "p_flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(4)} [6ed] member "p_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [6fb] member "p_vaddr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [709] member "p_paddr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [717] member "p_filesz" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [725] member "p_memsz" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [733] member "p_align" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [742] typedef "Elf64_Phdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [74d] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [758] enumerator "ELF_C_NULL" name (strp) const_value (data1) [75e] enumerator "ELF_C_READ" name (strp) const_value (data1) [764] enumerator "ELF_C_RDWR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [76a] enumerator "ELF_C_WRITE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [770] enumerator "ELF_C_CLR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [776] enumerator "ELF_C_SET" name (strp) const_value (data1) [77c] enumerator "ELF_C_FDDONE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [782] enumerator "ELF_C_FDREAD" name (strp) const_value (data1) [788] enumerator "ELF_C_READ_MMAP" name (strp) const_value (data1) [78e] enumerator "ELF_C_RDWR_MMAP" name (strp) const_value (data1) [794] enumerator "ELF_C_WRITE_MMAP" name (strp) const_value (data1) [79a] enumerator "ELF_C_READ_MMAP_PRIVATE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7a0] enumerator "ELF_C_EMPTY" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7a6] enumerator "ELF_C_NUM" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7ad] typedef "Elf_Cmd" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7b9] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [7c4] enumerator "ELF_K_NONE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7ca] enumerator "ELF_K_AR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7d0] enumerator "ELF_K_COFF" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7d6] enumerator "ELF_K_ELF" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7dc] enumerator "ELF_K_NUM" name (strp) const_value (data1) [7e3] typedef "Elf_Kind" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7ef] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7f8] member "ar_name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [805] member "ar_date" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [812] member "ar_uid" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [81f] member "ar_gid" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(20)} [82c] member "ar_mode" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [839] member "ar_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [846] member "ar_rawname" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [854] typedef "Elf_Arhdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [860] typedef "Elf" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [86c] structure_type "Elf" name (string) declaration (flag_present) [871] typedef "Elf_Scn" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [87d] structure_type "Elf_Scn" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [882] typedef "GElf_Off" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [88e] typedef "GElf_Shdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [89a] typedef "GElf_Phdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [8a6] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [8b1] enumerator "FSETLOCKING_QUERY" name (strp) const_value (data1) [8b7] enumerator "FSETLOCKING_INTERNAL" name (strp) const_value (data1) [8bd] enumerator "FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER" name (strp) const_value (data1) [8c4] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [8c9] restrict_type type (ref4) [8ce] const_type [8cf] subroutine_type prototyped (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [8d4] formal_parameter type (ref4) [8d9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [8df] variable "apvh" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) linkage_name (strp) type (ref4) external (flag_present) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1e18)} [8f7] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [8fc] const_type type (ref4) [901] variable "apba__" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) linkage_name (strp) type (ref4) external (flag_present) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1e10)} [919] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [922] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [929] const_type type (ref4) [92e] variable "options" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1ba0)} [943] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [94c] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [953] const_type type (ref4) [958] variable "doc" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1780)} [96e] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [977] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [97e] const_type type (ref4) [983] variable "args_doc" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1758)} [998] variable "argp" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1b60)} [9ad] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [9b8] enumerator "format_bsd" name (strp) const_value (data1) [9be] enumerator "format_sysv" name (strp) const_value (data1) [9c4] enumerator "format_sysv_one_line" name (strp) const_value (data1) [9ca] enumerator "format_segments" name (strp) const_value (data1) [9d1] variable "format" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1374)} [9e6] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [9f1] enumerator "radix_decimal" name (strp) const_value (data1) [9f7] enumerator "radix_hex" name (strp) const_value (data1) [9fd] enumerator "radix_octal" name (strp) const_value (data1) [a04] variable "radix" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1370)} [a19] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [a22] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [a28] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [a2f] const_type type (ref4) [a34] variable "length_map" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1740)} [a49] variable "totals" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x136c)} [a5e] base_type "_Bool" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [a65] variable "totals_class" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1368)} [a7a] variable "total_textsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1360)} [a90] variable "total_datasize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1358)} [aa6] variable "total_bsssize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1350)} [abc] subprogram "elf_next" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [acc] formal_parameter type (ref4) [ad2] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [ad7] subprogram "elf_getarhdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [ae8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [aee] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [af3] subprogram "gelf_getphdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [b03] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b08] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b0d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b13] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [b18] subprogram "elf_getphdrnum" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [b29] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b2e] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b34] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [b39] subprogram "__printf_chk" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [b49] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b4e] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b53] unspecified_parameters [b55] subprogram "strrchr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [b66] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b6b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b71] subprogram "fputs_unlocked" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [b82] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b87] formal_parameter type (ref4) [b8d] subprogram "elf_nextscn" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [b9e] formal_parameter type (ref4) [ba3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [ba9] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [bae] subprogram "elf_strptr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [bbf] formal_parameter type (ref4) [bc4] formal_parameter type (ref4) [bc9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [bcf] subprogram "gelf_getshdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [bdf] formal_parameter type (ref4) [be4] formal_parameter type (ref4) [bea] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [bef] subprogram "elf_getshdrstrndx" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [c00] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c05] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c0b] subprogram "gelf_getclass" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [c1b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c21] subprogram "strlen" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [c32] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c38] subprogram "__open_alias" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) linkage_name (strp) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [c4c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c51] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c56] unspecified_parameters [c58] subprogram "__open_2" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [c68] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c6d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c73] subprogram "__open_missing_mode" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [c79] subprogram "__open_too_many_args" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [c7f] subprogram "close" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [c90] formal_parameter type (ref4) [c96] subprogram "elf_errmsg" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [ca7] formal_parameter type (ref4) [cad] subprogram "elf_end" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [cbd] formal_parameter type (ref4) [cc3] subprogram "elf_kind" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [cd3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [cd9] subprogram "elf_begin" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [ce9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [cee] formal_parameter type (ref4) [cf3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [cf9] subprogram "__errno_location" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) [d05] subprogram "__error_alias" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) linkage_name (strp) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [d15] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d1a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d1f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d24] unspecified_parameters [d26] subprogram "__error_noreturn" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) linkage_name (strp) prototyped (flag_present) noreturn (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [d36] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d3b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d40] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d45] unspecified_parameters [d47] subprogram "dcgettext" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [d57] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d5c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d61] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d67] subprogram "strcmp" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [d77] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d7c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d82] subprogram "elf_version" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [d93] formal_parameter type (ref4) [d99] subprogram "argp_parse" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [daa] formal_parameter type (ref4) [daf] formal_parameter type (ref4) [db4] formal_parameter type (ref4) [db9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [dbe] formal_parameter type (ref4) [dc3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [dc9] subprogram "textdomain" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [dd9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [ddf] subprogram "bindtextdomain" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [def] formal_parameter type (ref4) [df4] formal_parameter type (ref4) [dfa] subprogram "setlocale" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [e0a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [e0f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [e15] subprogram "__fsetlocking" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [e25] formal_parameter type (ref4) [e2a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [e30] subprogram "print_version" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [e3c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [e41] formal_parameter type (ref4) [e47] subprogram "handle_elf" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [e66] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [270,2b3) {reg5} [2b3,646) {reg15} [646,648) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [648,657) {reg5} [657,f2b) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [e7a] formal_parameter "prefix" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [270,2ba) {reg4} [2ba,2f2) {reg3} [2f2,626) {fbreg(-184)} [626,648) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [648,65b) {reg4} [65b,893) {fbreg(-184)} [893,a33) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [a33,d49) {fbreg(-184)} [d49,d8f) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [d8f,d9d) {fbreg(-184)} [d9d,de3) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-184)} [e1d,e32) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [e32,ead) {fbreg(-184)} [ead,ef1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [ef1,f22) {fbreg(-184)} [f22,f2b) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [e8e] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [270,2ba) {reg1} [2ba,2f2) {reg14} [2f2,408) {fbreg(-168)} [408,509) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [509,626) {fbreg(-168)} [626,648) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [648,65b) {reg1} [65b,67a) {fbreg(-168)} [67a,6b4) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [6b4,76c) {fbreg(-168)} [76c,788) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [788,79a) {fbreg(-168)} [79a,7b2) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [7b2,8f3) {fbreg(-168)} [8f3,a33) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [a33,d49) {fbreg(-168)} [d49,d8f) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [d8f,d9d) {fbreg(-168)} [d9d,de3) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-168)} [e1d,e32) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [e32,e6e) {fbreg(-168)} [e6e,ef1) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [ef1,f22) {fbreg(-168)} [f22,f2b) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [ea2] variable "prefix_len" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c1,2c5) {reg0} [2c5,2f2) {reg12} [648,67a) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [eb6] variable "fname_len" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2d0,2f2) {reg13} [660,67a) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [eca] variable "fullname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e6,2ea) {breg5(0)} [2ea,2f2) {breg7(0)} [66e,67a) {breg5(0)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [ede] variable "cp" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e6,2ea) {reg5} [2ea,2eb) {reg7} [2eb,2ef) {reg0} [2ef,300) {reg5} [66e,67a) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [ef1] variable type (ref4) artificial (flag_present) location (sec_offset) [2d0,2f2) {breg12(0), breg13(0), plus, stack_value} [660,67a) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [efe] inlined_subroutine "mempcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [f18] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e6,2eb) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [f25] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e6,2eb) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [f32] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e6,2ea) {reg5} [2ea,2eb) {reg7} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [f3f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [f4c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg7(0)} [f52] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [f58] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [f60] inlined_subroutine "memcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [f86] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2f2,301) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [f93] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2f2,301) {fbreg(-168)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [fa0] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2f2,300) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [fad] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [fba] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-168), deref} [fc2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [fca] inlined_subroutine "print_header" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [fe4] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [322,337) {reg15} [b0f,d0a) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [ff1] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [ff6] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) [100b] variable "ddigits" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [b30,c05) {reg14} [c05,d0a) {breg12(2), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1018] variable "xdigits" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [b4b,bd2) {reg12} [bd2,be6) {breg0(2), stack_value} [be6,d0a) {fbreg(-188), deref_size(4), plus_uconst(2), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1025] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1032] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [b6e,b9a) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [103f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1050] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1058] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [105e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1064] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1071] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1079] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1086] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ba8,bc4) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1093] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [10a4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [10ac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [10b2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [10b8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [10c5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [10cd] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [10da] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [bf4,c23) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [10e7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [10f8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1100] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1106] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [110c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1119] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1121] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [112e] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c31,c5c) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [113b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [114c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [1152] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [1158] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [115e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [116b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1173] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1180] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c6a,c8b) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [118d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [119e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [11a4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [11aa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [11b0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [11bd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [11c5] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [11d2] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c99,cca) {reg0} [cca,cd5) {breg2(-1), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [11df] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [11f0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [11f6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x147e)} [1203] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1209] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1216] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [121e] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1238] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [cd5,cf7) {addr(0x1520), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1245] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1252] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1257] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1520)} [1264] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [126a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1270] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [1278] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1289] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1290] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [129d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [12a7] inlined_subroutine "show_bsd" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [12c1] formal_parameter "fullname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [337,3d6) {fbreg(-216)} [509,626) {fbreg(-216)} [d0a,d1d) {fbreg(-216)} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-216)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [12ce] formal_parameter "fname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [337,3d6) {fbreg(-168)} [509,626) {fbreg(-168)} [d0a,d1d) {fbreg(-168)} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-168)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [12db] formal_parameter "prefix" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [337,3d6) {fbreg(-184)} [509,626) {fbreg(-184)} [d0a,d1d) {fbreg(-184)} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-184)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [12e8] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [337,3d6) {reg15} [509,626) {reg15} [d0a,d1d) {reg15} [de3,e1d) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [12f5] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [12fa] variable "textsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [337,387) {lit0, stack_value} [387,3d6) {reg12} [509,626) {reg12} [d0a,d1d) {reg12} [de3,e1d) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1307] variable "datasize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [337,387) {lit0, stack_value} [387,3d6) {reg13} [509,626) {reg13} [d0a,d1d) {reg13} [de3,e1d) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1314] variable "bsssize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [337,387) {lit0, stack_value} [387,3d6) {fbreg(-176)} [509,527) {fbreg(-176)} [52c,626) {fbreg(-176)} [d0a,d1d) {fbreg(-176)} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-176)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1321] variable "ddigits" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [360,364) {reg0} [364,3d6) {fbreg(-188)} [509,626) {fbreg(-188)} [d0a,d1d) {fbreg(-188)} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-188)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [132e] variable "xdigits" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [387,387) {reg0} [387,3d6) {fbreg(-200)} [509,626) {fbreg(-200)} [d0a,d1d) {fbreg(-200)} [de3,e1d) {fbreg(-200)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [133b] variable "scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [387,387) {lit0, stack_value} [387,3a1) {reg14} [3a1,3b1) {reg0} [3b1,3d6) {reg14} [509,52c) {reg14} [52c,537) {reg0} [537,626) {reg14} [d0a,d1d) {reg14} [de3,e1d) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1348] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1355] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [135e] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3b2,3d6) {reg0} [509,52c) {reg0} [de3,dec) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [136b] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1385] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e1d,e1d) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1392] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e1d,e1d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [139f] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e1d,e1d) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [13ad] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [13be] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [13c4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [13cb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [13dc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [13e3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [13f0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [13fd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [140a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1411] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1437] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [575,59e) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1444] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1451] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1456] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-188), deref_size(4), lit2, minus} [1461] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1467] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-188), deref_size(4), lit2, minus} [1472] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [147a] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1494] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5d2,5d4) {reg0} [5d4,5d8) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [14a1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [14ae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [14b3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [14bb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [14cc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [14d3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [14e4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [14eb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [14fc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1502] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [1509] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [151a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [1527] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x14a9)} [1534] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [153a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [154b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit10} [1551] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1562] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1569] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1576] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [157f] inlined_subroutine "show_segments" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1599] formal_parameter "fullname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d6,509) {fbreg(-216)} [67a,696) {fbreg(-216)} [e6e,ead) {fbreg(-216)} [ef1,f22) {fbreg(-216)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [15a6] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d6,509) {reg15} [67a,696) {reg15} [e6e,ead) {reg15} [ef1,f2b) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [15b3] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [15b8] variable "phnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-152)} [15c1] variable "total" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f7,42a) {lit0, stack_value} [42a,4a0) {fbreg(-168)} [4a0,4af) {fbreg(-168), deref, breg12(40), deref, plus, stack_value} [4af,509) {fbreg(-168)} [e6e,ead) {fbreg(-168)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [15ce] variable "first" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f7,42a) {lit1, stack_value} [42a,42a) {reg13} [42a,4af) {lit0, stack_value} [4af,509) {reg13} [e6e,ead) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [15db] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [15e8] variable "cnt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f7,42a) {lit0, stack_value} [42a,509) {reg3} [e6e,e87) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [15f5] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [15fe] variable "phdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [1607] variable "phdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [42a,4c0) {reg12} [4d3,503) {reg0} [503,509) {reg12} [e6e,e77) {reg0} [e77,ead) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1614] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [163a] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [494,49f) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1647] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1654] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [165b] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1675] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ea8,ead) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1682] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ea8,ead) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [168f] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ea8,ead) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [169d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [16ae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [16b4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [16ba] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [16c1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [16d2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1503)} [16df] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [16e4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit3} [16ea] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [16fb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [1702] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [170f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [171c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [1729] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1731] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [174b] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [79a,7b2) {addr(0x1507), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1758] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1765] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [176a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1507)} [1779] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [179f] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [69e,6b4) {addr(0x1510), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [17ac] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [17b9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [17be] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1510)} [17cd] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [17f3] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [76c,783) {addr(0x1518), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1800] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [180d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1812] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1518)} [1821] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [183b] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f25,f2b) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1848] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [184e] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [1855] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1866] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [186c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-152)} [1874] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1885] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [188c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1899] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [18a6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [18b3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [18bb] inlined_subroutine "show_sysv" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [18d5] formal_parameter "fullname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6b4,76c) {fbreg(-216)} [7b2,a33) {fbreg(-216)} [d49,d8f) {fbreg(-216)} [d9d,de3) {fbreg(-216)} [e32,e6e) {fbreg(-216)} [ead,eec) {fbreg(-216)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [18e2] formal_parameter "fname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6b4,76c) {fbreg(-168)} [7b2,8f3) {fbreg(-168)} [e32,e6e) {fbreg(-168)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [18ef] formal_parameter "prefix" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6b4,76c) {fbreg(-184)} [7b2,893) {fbreg(-184)} [e32,e6e) {fbreg(-184)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [18fc] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6b4,76c) {reg15} [7b2,a33) {reg15} [d49,d8f) {reg15} [d9d,de3) {reg15} [e32,e6e) {reg15} [ead,eec) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1909] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [190e] variable "maxlen" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6b4,706) {lit10, stack_value} [706,76c) {reg12} [7b2,a33) {reg12} [d49,d8f) {reg12} [d9d,de3) {reg12} [e32,e6e) {reg12} [ead,eec) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [191b] variable "digits" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6f9,6fd) {reg0} [6fd,76c) {fbreg(-188)} [7b2,a33) {fbreg(-188)} [d49,d8f) {fbreg(-188)} [d9d,de3) {fbreg(-188)} [e32,e6e) {fbreg(-188)} [ead,eec) {fbreg(-188)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1928] variable "shstrndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-152)} [1931] variable "scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [706,721) {reg14} [721,731) {reg0} [731,76c) {reg14} [7b2,7ca) {reg0} [7ca,909) {reg14} [909,919) {reg0} [919,9bb) {reg14} [9bb,9c6) {reg0} [9c6,a33) {reg14} [d49,d8f) {reg14} [d9d,de3) {reg14} [e32,e6e) {reg14} [ead,eec) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [193e] variable "total" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [8e4,8f3) {lit0, stack_value} [8f3,9a9) {fbreg(-208)} [9a9,9b5) {fbreg(-208), deref, breg13(32), deref, plus, stack_value} [9b5,a33) {fbreg(-208)} [d49,d8f) {fbreg(-208)} [d9d,de3) {fbreg(-208)} [ead,eec) {fbreg(-208)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [194b] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1958] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [1961] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [738,74e) {reg0} [74e,76c) {reg13} [e32,e3b) {reg0} [e3b,e6e) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [196e] variable "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [74f,762) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [197b] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1995] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e6c,e6e) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [19a2] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e6c,e6e) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [19af] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e6c,e6e) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [19bd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [19ce] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [19d4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [19db] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [19ec] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [19f3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1a00] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1a11] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [1a18] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1a25] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [1a32] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [1a3f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1a46] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1a60] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [801,803) {reg0} [803,807) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1a6d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1a7a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1a7f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [1a87] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1a94] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [830,855) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1aa1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1ab2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1aba] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [1ac0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1ac6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1ad3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1adb] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1ae8] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [863,87e) {reg0} [87e,88a) {breg1(-1), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1af5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1b06] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1b0e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [1b14] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1b1a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1b27] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1b2f] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1b3c] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [8a5,8ce) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1b49] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1b5a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1b62] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x13cc)} [1b6f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1b75] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1b82] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1b8a] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1ba4] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [8c5,8e4) {addr(0x14b2), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1bb1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1bbe] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1bc3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x14b2)} [1bd0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1bd6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-184), deref_size(4)} [1be1] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1bee] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [1bf7] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [920,952) {reg0} [952,9bb) {reg13} [ead,eb6) {reg0} [eb6,eec) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1c04] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1c2a] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [98a,9a8) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1c37] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1c44] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1c49] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1c4f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-184), deref_size(4)} [1c5a] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1c74] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ee7,eec) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1c81] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ee7,eec) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1c8e] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ee7,eec) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1c9b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1ca8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1cad] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [1cb2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-216), deref} [1cbc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1ccd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [1cd3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [1cda] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1ceb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1cf2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1d03] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [1d0a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1d17] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1d1f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [1d2c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1d33] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1d40] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [daf,dd2) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1d4d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1d5a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1d67] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1d6f] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1d7c] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [9ff,a22) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1d89] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1d9a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1da2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [1da8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1dae] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1dbb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1dc3] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1ddd] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [a20,a33) {addr(0x14cf), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1dea] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1df7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1dfc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x14cf)} [1e09] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1e0f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-184), deref_size(4)} [1e18] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-208), deref} [1e22] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [1e2f] variable "__res" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d5b,d7e) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1e3c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1e49] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1e56] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(124)} [1e5e] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1e78] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d7c,d8a) {addr(0x14dc), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1e85] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1e92] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1e97] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x14dc)} [1ea4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1eaa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-184), deref_size(4)} [1eb3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-208), deref} [1ebd] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1ed7] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [dd0,de3) {addr(0x14c2), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1ee4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1ef1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [1ef6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x14c2)} [1f03] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [1f09] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-184), deref_size(4)} [1f12] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-208), deref} [1f1c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1f2d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1f34] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1f45] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1f4b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-152)} [1f53] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1f64] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1f6a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [1f71] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1f82] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-168), deref} [1f8b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [1f9c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-200), deref} [1fa4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x14a9)} [1fb1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [1fb7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [1fc4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [1fca] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [1fd3] inlined_subroutine "show_sysv_one_line" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1fed] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [788,79a) {reg15} [a33,b0f) {reg15} [d1d,d2c) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [1ffa] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [1fff] variable "shstrndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-152)} [2008] variable "total" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [788,79a) {reg13} [a60,b0f) {reg13} [d1d,d2c) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2015] variable "first" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [788,79a) {reg3} [a60,a99) {reg3} [a99,aef) {lit0, stack_value} [aef,b0f) {reg3} [d1d,d2c) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2022] variable "scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [788,78e) {reg0} [78e,79a) {reg12} [a60,a71) {reg12} [a71,a82) {reg0} [a82,b0f) {reg12} [d1d,d2c) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [202f] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (data1) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [204c] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) [2052] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [205f] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [2068] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [a89,a99) {reg0} [a99,aef) {reg14} [aef,b0c) {reg0} [b0c,b0f) {reg14} [d1d,d2c) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2075] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [209b] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ad8,ae3) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [20a8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [20b5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [20bc] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [20d6] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d42,d44) {reg0} [d44,d48) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [20e3] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d42,d49) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [20f0] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d42,d49) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [20fd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [210a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [210f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2116] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2127] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [212d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [2135] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2146] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [214d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [215e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1503)} [216b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [2170] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit3} [2176] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2183] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [2192] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [21a3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [21a9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-152)} [21b1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [21be] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [21c4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [21cd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [21de] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [21e5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [21f6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [21fd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [220e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-168), deref} [2217] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2225] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [222e] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (ref4) [2238] subprogram "show_segments" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [2243] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [224f] formal_parameter "fullname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [225b] variable "phnum" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2267] variable "total" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2273] variable "first" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [227f] lexical_block [2280] variable "cnt" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [228c] lexical_block [228d] variable "phdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2299] variable "phdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22a8] subprogram "show_bsd_totals" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [22b3] variable "ddigits" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22bf] variable "xdigits" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22cc] subprogram "show_bsd" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [22d7] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22e3] formal_parameter "prefix" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22ef] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22fb] formal_parameter "fullname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2307] variable "textsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2313] variable "datasize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [231f] variable "bsssize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [232b] variable "ddigits" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2337] variable "xdigits" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2343] variable "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [234f] lexical_block [2350] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [235c] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [236a] subprogram "show_sysv_one_line" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [2375] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2381] variable "shstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [238d] variable "total" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2399] variable "first" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [23a5] variable "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [23b1] lexical_block [23b2] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [23be] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [23cc] subprogram "show_sysv" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [23d7] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [23e3] formal_parameter "prefix" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [23ef] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [23fb] formal_parameter "fullname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2407] variable "maxlen" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2413] variable "digits" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [241f] variable "shstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [242b] variable "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2437] variable "total" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2443] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [2448] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2454] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2460] variable "name" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [246d] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [2472] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [247f] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [2484] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2491] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [2496] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24a3] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [24a8] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24b4] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24c1] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [24c6] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24d3] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [24d8] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24e5] lexical_block [24e6] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24f4] subprogram "handle_ar" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [2515] formal_parameter "fd" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f30,f6d) {reg5} [f6d,1068) {reg12} [1068,1070) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1070,10bc) {reg12} [10bc,10c4) {reg5} [10c4,113c) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2528] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f30,f74) {reg4} [f74,106a) {reg13} [106a,1070) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1070,10bc) {reg13} [10bc,10c8) {reg4} [10c8,113c) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [253c] formal_parameter "prefix" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f30,f74) {reg1} [f74,fb0) {reg14} [fb0,106f) {fbreg(-104)} [106f,1070) {breg7(-96)} [1070,10bc) {fbreg(-104)} [10bc,10c8) {reg1} [10c8,113c) {fbreg(-104)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2550] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f30,f74) {reg2} [f74,fa0) {reg15} [fa0,106f) {fbreg(-88)} [106f,1070) {breg7(-80)} [1070,10bc) {fbreg(-88)} [10bc,10c8) {reg2} [10c8,113c) {fbreg(-88)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2564] variable "prefix_len" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f7b,f7f) {reg0} [f7f,fb0) {reg3} [10bc,10e3) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2578] variable "fname_len" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f93,fa4) {reg8} [fa4,fb0) {fbreg(-96)} [10cd,10e3) {reg8} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [258c] variable "new_prefix" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fa0,fa4) {breg5(0)} [fa4,fb0) {breg7(0)} [10db,10e3) {breg5(0)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [25a0] variable "cp" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fa0,fa4) {reg5} [fa4,fa5) {reg7} [fa5,fad) {reg0} [fad,fc0) {reg5} [10db,10e3) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [25b3] variable "result" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fc1,fca) {lit0, stack_value} [fca,106f) {fbreg(-96)} [106f,1070) {breg7(-88)} [1070,10bc) {fbreg(-96)} [10e3,113c) {fbreg(-96)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [25c7] variable "subelf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fca,fff) {reg14} [1012,101b) {reg0} [101b,103c) {reg14} [103c,104b) {reg0} [104b,106c) {reg14} [1070,10bc) {reg14} [10e3,10ef) {reg0} [10ef,113c) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [25db] variable "cmd" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fc1,fca) {lit8, stack_value} [ff6,ffa) {reg0} [ffa,1022) {reg3} [103c,1066) {reg3} [1070,1089) {reg3} [10e3,1111) {reg3} [1137,113c) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [25ef] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [25f8] variable "arhdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fca,ff6) {reg3} [1022,1026) {reg0} [1026,103c) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [260c] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2626] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [10aa,10aa) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2633] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [10aa,10aa) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2640] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [10aa,10aa) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [264e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [265f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2665] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [266b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg7(0)} [2672] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2683] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [268a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [269b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [26a2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [26b3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [26ba] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [26cb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [26d2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [26e3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [26e9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg7(0)} [26f0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2701] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [2708] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2715] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [2722] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [272f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [2736] variable type (ref4) artificial (flag_present) location (sec_offset) [f93,fa4) {breg3(0), breg8(0), plus, stack_value} [fa4,fb0) {breg3(0), fbreg(-96), deref, plus, stack_value} [10cd,10e3) {reg8} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2743] inlined_subroutine "mempcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [275d] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fa0,fa5) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [276a] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fa0,fa5) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2777] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fa0,fa4) {reg5} [fa4,fa5) {reg7} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2784] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2791] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg7(0)} [2797] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [279d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [27a5] inlined_subroutine "memcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [27bf] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fb0,fc0) {reg8} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [27cc] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fb0,fc1) {fbreg(-88)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [27d9] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fb0,fc0) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [27e6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [27f3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-88), deref} [27fd] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2817] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1132,1137) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2824] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1132,1137) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2831] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1132,1137) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [283e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [284b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [2850] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2855] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-88), deref} [285f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2870] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [2877] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2888] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [288f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [28a0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [28a6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [28ac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [28b3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [28c4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-88), deref} [28cd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [28de] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [28e5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [28f6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [28fd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [290e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [291b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [2928] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [292e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [293c] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2945] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (ref4) [294f] subprogram "print_header" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [295a] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2966] variable "done" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x1348)} [297c] lexical_block [297d] variable "ddigits" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2989] variable "xdigits" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2995] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [299a] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [29a7] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [29ac] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [29b9] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [29be] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [29cb] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [29d0] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [29dd] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [29e2] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [29ef] lexical_block [29f0] variable "__res" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [29ff] subprogram "process_file" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [2a20] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1140,1150) {reg5} [1150,11b1) {reg13} [11b1,11b2) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [11b2,1272) {reg13} [1272,1273) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1273,12b7) {reg13} [12b7,12b8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [12b8,1344) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a34] variable "fd" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1151,1169) {reg0} [1169,11aa) {reg6} [11b2,126b) {reg6} [1273,128f) {reg0} [12b8,12d1) {reg6} [1303,1321) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a47] variable "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1170,117d) {reg0} [117d,11a0) {reg12} [11b2,11e1) {reg12} [1217,124d) {reg12} [12b8,1344) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a5b] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [2a64] variable "result" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [11a0,11a4) {reg0} [11a4,11a9) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a78] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2a89] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2a8f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2a95] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2a9a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [2aa1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2aae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2ab6] inlined_subroutine "open" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2ad0] formal_parameter "__oflag" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1149,1151) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2add] formal_parameter "__path" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1149,1150) {reg5} [1150,1151) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2aea] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2af7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [2afd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2b04] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2b2a] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1203,1217) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b37] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1203,1212) {breg0(0)} [1212,1216) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b44] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1203,1217) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b51] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2b5e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [2b63] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2b69] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [2b71] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2b8b] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1263,1265) {reg0} [1265,1269) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b98] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1263,126a) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ba5] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1263,126a) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2bb2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2bbf] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2bc4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2bc9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [2bd1] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2beb] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1298,12a8) {reg12} [12a8,12ae) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2bf8] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1298,12aa) {breg0(0)} [12aa,12ae) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c05] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1298,12af) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c12] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2c1f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2c24] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [2c2c] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2c46] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [12f2,12f2) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c53] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [12f2,12f2) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c60] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [12f2,12f2) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c6d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2c7a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [2c7f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2c84] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [2c8c] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2ca6] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1342,1344) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2cb3] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [2cb9] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [2cc0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2cd1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2cd7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit8} [2cdc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2ce2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2cf3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2cfa] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2d0b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2d11] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2d16] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [2d1d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2d2e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2d35] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2d46] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2d4d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2d5e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [2d6b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1549)} [2d79] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2d86] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2d97] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2d9e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2daf] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2db6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2dc7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [2dd4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1840)} [2de1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [2de7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2df8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [2e05] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1538)} [2e12] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [2e18] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2e25] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2e36] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [2e3d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2e4e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [2e5b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [2e68] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [2e6e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2e7f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [2e86] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2e93] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [2ea0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1820)} [2ead] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [2eb4] subprogram "parse_opt" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [2ed6] formal_parameter "key" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [0,16) {reg5} [16,36) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [36,a1) {reg5} [a1,125) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [125,132) {reg5} [132,187) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [187,208) {reg5} [208,254) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [254,268) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ee9] formal_parameter "arg" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [0,12f) {reg4} [12f,186) {reg12} [186,187) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [187,1fc) {reg4} [1fc,254) {reg12} [254,268) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2efc] formal_parameter "state" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [0,22) {reg1} [22,36) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [36,6e) {reg1} [6e,a0) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [a0,a1) {reg1} [a1,125) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [125,136) {reg1} [136,187) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [187,19f) {reg1} [19f,25e) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [25e,268) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f0f] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data1) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2f28] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [21a,21c) {reg0} [21c,220) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f35] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [21a,221) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f42] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [21a,221) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f4f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2f5c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [2f61] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2f66] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2f6e] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data1) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2f87] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [24d,24f) {reg0} [24f,253) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f94] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [24d,254) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2fa1] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [24d,254) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2fae] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2fbb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [2fc0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2fc5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2fcd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2fde] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2fe4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1378)} [2ff2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3003] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [3009] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x137c)} [3017] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3028] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [302e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1385)} [303c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [304d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [305a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x13a6)} [3067] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [306d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [307a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x139d)} [3087] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x138a)} [3094] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [309b] subprogram "main" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [30bd] formal_parameter "argc" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [19a0,19c5) {reg5} [19c5,1a88) {reg3} [1a88,1aaa) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1aaa,1ad8) {reg3} [1ad8,1b2d) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1b2d,1b41) {reg3} [1b41,1b46) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [30d0] formal_parameter "argv" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [19a0,19b7) {reg4} [19b7,1a88) {reg6} [1a88,1aaa) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1aaa,1adb) {reg6} [1adb,1b2d) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1b2d,1b41) {reg6} [1b41,1b46) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [30e3] variable "remaining" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-60)} [30f1] variable "result" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [19d5,1a55) {lit0, stack_value} [1a55,1aa7) {reg12} [1aa7,1aaa) {reg0} [1aaa,1b2d) {reg12} [1b2d,1b3c) {lit0, stack_value} [1b3c,1b41) {reg0} [1b41,1b46) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3105] inlined_subroutine "show_bsd_totals" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data1) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [311e] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [3123] variable "ddigits" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1ad8,1b28) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3130] variable "xdigits" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1adb,1b06) {reg6} [1b06,1b28) {breg6(2), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [313d] inlined_subroutine "printf" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3157] formal_parameter "__fmt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b01,1b24) {addr(0x157f), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3164] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3171] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [3176] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x157f)} [3183] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(-2)} [3189] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(-2)} [3191] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [319e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [31a4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1575)} [31b1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [31b9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [31ca] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit2} [31d0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [31e1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit2} [31e7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [31f8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit2} [31fe] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [320f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit6} [3214] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x155c)} [3222] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3233] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [3239] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x155d)} [3247] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3258] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [325f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3270] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x1b60)} [327d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [3283] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [3289] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [328f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-60)} [3295] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [329c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [32ad] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [32b3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [32c0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [32d1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x156f)} [32df] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [32ed] subprogram "error" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) inline (data1) sibling (ref4) [32fa] formal_parameter "__status" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3306] formal_parameter "__errnum" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3312] formal_parameter "__format" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [331e] unspecified_parameters [3320] subprogram "mempcpy" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [332f] formal_parameter "__dest" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [333b] formal_parameter "__src" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3347] formal_parameter "__len" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3354] subprogram "memcpy" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [3363] formal_parameter "__dest" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [336f] formal_parameter "__src" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [337b] formal_parameter "__len" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3388] subprogram "open" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [3397] formal_parameter "__path" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [33a3] formal_parameter "__oflag" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [33af] unspecified_parameters [33b1] subprogram "printf" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [33c0] formal_parameter "__fmt" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [33cc] unspecified_parameters [33ce] subprogram "__builtin_mempcpy" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) [33d7] subprogram "__builtin_memcpy" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) [33e0] subprogram "__builtin_fputc_unlocked" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) [33e9] subprogram "__builtin_fwrite_unlocked" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) [33f2] subprogram "__stack_chk_fail" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) module 'strip.o' [c] CU '../../elfutils-0.185/src/strip.c'@0 producer (strp) language (data1) name (line_strp) comp_dir (line_strp) ranges (sec_offset) low_pc (addr) stmt_list (sec_offset) [2a] base_type "long unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [31] typedef "size_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3d] const_type type (ref4) [42] base_type "unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [49] const_type type (ref4) [4e] pointer_type byte_size (data1) [50] restrict_type type (ref4) [55] base_type "unsigned char" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [5c] base_type "short unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [63] base_type "signed char" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [6a] typedef "__uint8_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [76] base_type "short int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [7d] typedef "__uint16_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [89] typedef "__int32_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [95] base_type "int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (string) [9c] typedef "__uint32_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [a8] typedef "__int64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [b4] base_type "long int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [bb] typedef "__uint64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [c7] typedef "__dev_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [d3] typedef "__uid_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [df] typedef "__gid_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [eb] typedef "__ino_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [f7] typedef "__mode_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [103] typedef "__nlink_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [10f] typedef "__off_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [11b] typedef "__off64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [127] typedef "__time_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [133] typedef "__blksize_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [13f] typedef "__blkcnt_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [14b] typedef "__ssize_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [157] typedef "__syscall_slong_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [163] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [168] restrict_type type (ref4) [16d] base_type "char" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [174] const_type type (ref4) [179] structure_type "_IO_FILE" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [185] member "_flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [192] member "_IO_read_ptr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [19f] member "_IO_read_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [1ac] member "_IO_read_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [1b9] member "_IO_write_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [1c6] member "_IO_write_ptr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [1d3] member "_IO_write_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [1e0] member "_IO_buf_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [1ed] member "_IO_buf_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(64)} [1fa] member "_IO_save_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(72)} [207] member "_IO_backup_base" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(80)} [214] member "_IO_save_end" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(88)} [221] member "_markers" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(96)} [22e] member "_chain" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(104)} [23b] member "_fileno" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(112)} [248] member "_flags2" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(116)} [255] member "_old_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(120)} [262] member "_cur_column" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(128)} [26f] member "_vtable_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(130)} [27c] member "_shortbuf" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(131)} [289] member "_lock" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(136)} [296] member "_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(144)} [2a3] member "_codecvt" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(152)} [2b0] member "_wide_data" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(160)} [2bd] member "_freeres_list" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(168)} [2ca] member "_freeres_buf" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(176)} [2d7] member "__pad5" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(184)} [2e4] member "_mode" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(192)} [2f1] member "_unused2" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(196)} [2ff] typedef "FILE" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [30b] typedef "_IO_lock_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) [313] structure_type "_IO_marker" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [318] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [31d] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [322] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [32b] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [332] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [337] structure_type "_IO_codecvt" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [33c] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [341] structure_type "_IO_wide_data" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [346] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [34b] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [354] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [35b] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [360] const_type type (ref4) [365] restrict_type type (ref4) [36a] typedef "off_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [376] typedef "ssize_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [382] variable "stdin" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [38c] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [391] restrict_type type (ref4) [396] variable "stdout" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [3a0] variable "stderr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [3aa] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [3af] restrict_type type (ref4) [3b4] typedef "error_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3c0] structure_type "argp_option" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [3cc] member "name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [3d9] member "key" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [3e5] member "arg" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [3f1] member "flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [3fe] member "doc" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [40a] member "group" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [418] const_type type (ref4) [41d] typedef "argp_parser_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [429] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [42e] subroutine_type prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [437] formal_parameter type (ref4) [43c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [441] formal_parameter type (ref4) [447] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [44c] restrict_type type (ref4) [451] structure_type "argp_state" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [45f] member "root_argp" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [46d] member "argc" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [47b] member "argv" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [489] member "next" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [497] member "flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(28)} [4a5] member "arg_num" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [4b3] member "quoted" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(36)} [4c1] member "input" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [4cf] member "child_inputs" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [4dd] member "hook" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [4eb] member "name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(64)} [4f9] member "err_stream" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(72)} [507] member "out_stream" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(80)} [515] member "pstate" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(88)} [524] const_type type (ref4) [529] structure_type "argp" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [535] member "options" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [542] member "parser" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [54f] member "args_doc" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [55c] member "doc" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [568] member "children" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [575] member "help_filter" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [582] member "argp_domain" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [590] const_type type (ref4) [595] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [59a] structure_type "argp_child" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [5a6] member "argp" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [5b3] member "flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [5c0] member "header" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [5ce] member "group" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [5dd] const_type type (ref4) [5e2] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [5e7] subroutine_type prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5f0] formal_parameter type (ref4) [5f5] formal_parameter type (ref4) [5fa] formal_parameter type (ref4) [600] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [605] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [60a] restrict_type type (ref4) [60f] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [614] restrict_type type (ref4) [619] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [61e] typedef "mode_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [62a] structure_type "timespec" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [636] member "tv_sec" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [643] member "tv_nsec" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [651] const_type type (ref4) [656] structure_type "stat" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [662] member "st_dev" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [66f] member "st_ino" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [67c] member "st_nlink" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [689] member "st_mode" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [696] member "st_uid" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(28)} [6a3] member "st_gid" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [6b0] member "__pad0" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(36)} [6bd] member "st_rdev" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [6ca] member "st_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [6d7] member "st_blksize" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [6e4] member "st_blocks" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(64)} [6f1] member "st_atim" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(72)} [6fe] member "st_mtim" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(88)} [70b] member "st_ctim" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(104)} [718] member "__glibc_reserved" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(120)} [726] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [72f] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [736] typedef "int32_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [742] typedef "int64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [74e] typedef "uint8_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [75a] typedef "uint16_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [766] typedef "uint32_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [772] typedef "uint64_t" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [77e] base_type "long long unsigned int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [785] base_type "long long int" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [78c] typedef "Elf32_Half" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [798] const_type type (ref4) [79d] typedef "Elf64_Half" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7a9] const_type type (ref4) [7ae] typedef "Elf32_Word" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7ba] const_type type (ref4) [7bf] typedef "Elf64_Word" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7cb] typedef "Elf64_Sword" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7d7] typedef "Elf64_Xword" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7e3] typedef "Elf64_Sxword" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7ef] typedef "Elf64_Addr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [7fb] typedef "Elf32_Off" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [807] const_type type (ref4) [80c] typedef "Elf64_Off" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [818] const_type type (ref4) [81d] typedef "Elf64_Section" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [829] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [832] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [839] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [841] member "e_ident" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [84e] member "e_type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [85b] member "e_machine" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(18)} [868] member "e_version" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(20)} [875] member "e_entry" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [882] member "e_phoff" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [88f] member "e_shoff" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [89c] member "e_flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [8a9] member "e_ehsize" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(52)} [8b6] member "e_phentsize" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(54)} [8c3] member "e_phnum" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [8d0] member "e_shentsize" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(58)} [8dd] member "e_shnum" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(60)} [8ea] member "e_shstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(62)} [8f8] typedef "Elf64_Ehdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [904] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [90c] member "sh_name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [91a] member "sh_type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(4)} [928] member "sh_flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [936] member "sh_addr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [944] member "sh_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [952] member "sh_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [960] member "sh_link" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [96e] member "sh_info" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(44)} [97c] member "sh_addralign" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [98a] member "sh_entsize" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(56)} [999] typedef "Elf64_Shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [9a4] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [9ac] member "ch_type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [9ba] member "ch_reserved" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(4)} [9c8] member "ch_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [9d6] member "ch_addralign" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [9e5] typedef "Elf64_Chdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [9f0] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [9f8] member "st_name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [a06] member "st_info" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(4)} [a14] member "st_other" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(5)} [a22] member "st_shndx" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(6)} [a30] member "st_value" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [a3e] member "st_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [a4d] typedef "Elf64_Sym" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [a58] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [a60] member "r_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [a6e] member "r_info" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [a7d] typedef "Elf64_Rel" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [a88] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [a90] member "r_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [a9e] member "r_info" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [aac] member "r_addend" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [abb] typedef "Elf64_Rela" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [ac6] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [ace] member "p_type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [adc] member "p_flags" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(4)} [aea] member "p_offset" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [af8] member "p_vaddr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [b06] member "p_paddr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [b14] member "p_filesz" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [b22] member "p_memsz" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(40)} [b30] member "p_align" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(48)} [b3f] typedef "Elf64_Phdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [b4a] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [b55] enumerator "ELF_T_BYTE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b5b] enumerator "ELF_T_ADDR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b61] enumerator "ELF_T_DYN" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b67] enumerator "ELF_T_EHDR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b6d] enumerator "ELF_T_HALF" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b73] enumerator "ELF_T_OFF" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b79] enumerator "ELF_T_PHDR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b7f] enumerator "ELF_T_RELA" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b85] enumerator "ELF_T_REL" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b8b] enumerator "ELF_T_SHDR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b91] enumerator "ELF_T_SWORD" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b97] enumerator "ELF_T_SYM" name (strp) const_value (data1) [b9d] enumerator "ELF_T_WORD" name (strp) const_value (data1) [ba3] enumerator "ELF_T_XWORD" name (strp) const_value (data1) [ba9] enumerator "ELF_T_SXWORD" name (strp) const_value (data1) [baf] enumerator "ELF_T_VDEF" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bb5] enumerator "ELF_T_VDAUX" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bbb] enumerator "ELF_T_VNEED" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bc1] enumerator "ELF_T_VNAUX" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bc7] enumerator "ELF_T_NHDR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bcd] enumerator "ELF_T_SYMINFO" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bd3] enumerator "ELF_T_MOVE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bd9] enumerator "ELF_T_LIB" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bdf] enumerator "ELF_T_GNUHASH" name (strp) const_value (data1) [be5] enumerator "ELF_T_AUXV" name (strp) const_value (data1) [beb] enumerator "ELF_T_CHDR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bf1] enumerator "ELF_T_NHDR8" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bf7] enumerator "ELF_T_NUM" name (strp) const_value (data1) [bfe] typedef "Elf_Type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [c0a] structure_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [c12] member "d_buf" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [c1f] member "d_type" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [c2c] member "d_version" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(12)} [c39] member "d_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(16)} [c46] member "d_off" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(24)} [c53] member "d_align" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(32)} [c61] typedef "Elf_Data" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [c6d] const_type type (ref4) [c72] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [c7d] enumerator "ELF_C_NULL" name (strp) const_value (data1) [c83] enumerator "ELF_C_READ" name (strp) const_value (data1) [c89] enumerator "ELF_C_RDWR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [c8f] enumerator "ELF_C_WRITE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [c95] enumerator "ELF_C_CLR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [c9b] enumerator "ELF_C_SET" name (strp) const_value (data1) [ca1] enumerator "ELF_C_FDDONE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [ca7] enumerator "ELF_C_FDREAD" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cad] enumerator "ELF_C_READ_MMAP" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cb3] enumerator "ELF_C_RDWR_MMAP" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cb9] enumerator "ELF_C_WRITE_MMAP" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cbf] enumerator "ELF_C_READ_MMAP_PRIVATE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cc5] enumerator "ELF_C_EMPTY" name (strp) const_value (data1) [ccb] enumerator "ELF_C_NUM" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cd2] typedef "Elf_Cmd" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [cde] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [ce9] enumerator "ELF_F_DIRTY" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cef] enumerator "ELF_F_LAYOUT" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cf5] enumerator "ELF_F_PERMISSIVE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [cfc] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [d07] enumerator "ELF_CHF_FORCE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [d0e] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [d19] enumerator "ELF_K_NONE" name (strp) const_value (data1) [d1f] enumerator "ELF_K_AR" name (strp) const_value (data1) [d25] enumerator "ELF_K_COFF" name (strp) const_value (data1) [d2b] enumerator "ELF_K_ELF" name (strp) const_value (data1) [d31] enumerator "ELF_K_NUM" name (strp) const_value (data1) [d38] typedef "Elf_Kind" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [d44] typedef "Elf" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [d4f] structure_type "Elf" name (string) declaration (flag_present) [d54] typedef "Elf_Scn" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [d60] structure_type "Elf_Scn" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [d65] typedef "GElf_Half" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [d71] typedef "GElf_Word" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [d7d] typedef "GElf_Sword" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [d89] typedef "GElf_Xword" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [d95] typedef "GElf_Sxword" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [da1] const_type type (ref4) [da6] typedef "GElf_Addr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [db2] typedef "GElf_Off" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [dbe] typedef "GElf_Ehdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [dca] typedef "GElf_Shdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [dd6] const_type type (ref4) [ddb] typedef "GElf_Section" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [de7] typedef "GElf_Sym" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [df3] const_type type (ref4) [df8] typedef "GElf_Rel" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e04] typedef "GElf_Rela" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e10] typedef "GElf_Phdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e1c] typedef "GElf_Chdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e28] enumeration_type encoding (implicit_const) byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [e33] enumerator "FSETLOCKING_QUERY" name (strp) const_value (data1) [e39] enumerator "FSETLOCKING_INTERNAL" name (strp) const_value (data1) [e3f] enumerator "FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER" name (strp) const_value (data1) [e46] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [e4b] restrict_type type (ref4) [e50] const_type [e51] typedef "Ebl" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) type (ref4) [e5c] structure_type "ebl" name (string) declaration (flag_present) [e61] base_type "_Bool" byte_size (data1) encoding (data1) name (strp) [e68] const_type type (ref4) [e6d] typedef "Dwelf_Strtab" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e79] structure_type "Dwelf_Strtab" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [e7e] typedef "Dwelf_Strent" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e8a] structure_type "Dwelf_Strent" name (strp) declaration (flag_present) [e8f] typedef "GElf_Byte" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [e9b] subroutine_type prototyped (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [ea0] formal_parameter type (ref4) [ea5] formal_parameter type (ref4) [eab] variable "apvh" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) linkage_name (strp) type (ref4) external (flag_present) location (exprloc) {addr(0x68a8)} [ec3] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [ec8] const_type type (ref4) [ecd] variable "apba__" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) linkage_name (strp) type (ref4) external (flag_present) location (exprloc) {addr(0x68a0)} [ee5] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [eee] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [ef5] const_type type (ref4) [efa] variable "options" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x6540)} [f0f] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [f18] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [f1f] const_type type (ref4) [f24] variable "doc" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x62c0)} [f3a] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [f43] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [f4a] const_type type (ref4) [f4f] variable "args_doc" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x62b0)} [f64] variable "argp" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x6500)} [f79] variable "debug_fd" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x548c)} [f8e] variable "tmp_debug_fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54c0)} [fa3] variable "output_fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54b8)} [fb8] variable "debug_fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54b0)} [fcd] variable "debug_fname_embed" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a8)} [fe2] variable "preserve_dates" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a6)} [ff7] variable "remove_comment" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a5)} [100c] variable "remove_debug" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a4)} [1021] variable "remove_shdrs" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a3)} [1036] variable "permissive" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a2)} [104b] variable "reloc_debug" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a1)} [1060] variable "reloc_debug_only" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x54a0)} [1075] structure_type "section_pattern" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [1081] member "pattern" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [108e] member "next" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [109c] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [10a1] variable "keep_secs" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x5498)} [10b6] variable "remove_secs" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {addr(0x5490)} [10cb] subprogram "pwrite" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [10dc] formal_parameter type (ref4) [10e1] formal_parameter type (ref4) [10e6] formal_parameter type (ref4) [10eb] formal_parameter type (ref4) [10f1] subprogram "abort" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) noreturn (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [10fa] subprogram "__assert_fail" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) noreturn (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1106] formal_parameter type (ref4) [110b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1110] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1115] formal_parameter type (ref4) [111b] subprogram "gelf_xlatetom" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [112b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1130] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1135] formal_parameter type (ref4) [113a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1140] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1145] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [114a] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [114f] subprogram "strncmp" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [115f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1164] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1169] formal_parameter type (ref4) [116f] subprogram "ebl_reloc_simple_type" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [117f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1184] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1189] formal_parameter type (ref4) [118f] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1194] subprogram "elf_compress" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [11a5] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11aa] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11af] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11b5] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [11ba] subprogram "gelf_getchdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [11ca] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11cf] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11d5] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [11da] subprogram "elf_compress_gnu" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [11eb] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11f0] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11f5] formal_parameter type (ref4) [11fb] subprogram "ebl_debugscn_p" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [120b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1210] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1216] subprogram "futimens" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1227] formal_parameter type (ref4) [122c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1232] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1237] subprogram "ebl_closebackend" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1243] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1249] subprogram "dwelf_strtab_free" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1255] formal_parameter type (ref4) [125b] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1260] subprogram "ftruncate" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1271] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1276] formal_parameter type (ref4) [127c] subprogram "elf_flagelf" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [128d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1292] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1297] formal_parameter type (ref4) [129d] subprogram "elf_cntl" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [12ae] formal_parameter type (ref4) [12b3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [12b9] subprogram "gelf_xlatetof" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [12c9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [12ce] formal_parameter type (ref4) [12d3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [12d8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [12de] subprogram "unlink" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [12ef] formal_parameter type (ref4) [12f5] subprogram "crc32_file" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1305] formal_parameter type (ref4) [130a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1310] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1315] subprogram "fchmod" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1326] formal_parameter type (ref4) [132b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1331] subprogram "rename" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1341] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1346] formal_parameter type (ref4) [134c] subprogram "elf_update" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [135c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1361] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1367] subprogram "elf_hash" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1378] formal_parameter type (ref4) [137e] subprogram "gelf_getsym" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [138e] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1393] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1398] formal_parameter type (ref4) [139e] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [13a3] subprogram "gelf_update_rela" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [13b3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [13b8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [13bd] formal_parameter type (ref4) [13c3] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [13c8] subprogram "gelf_getrela" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [13d8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [13dd] formal_parameter type (ref4) [13e2] formal_parameter type (ref4) [13e8] subprogram "gelf_update_rel" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [13f8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [13fd] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1402] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1408] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [140d] subprogram "gelf_getrel" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [141d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1422] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1427] formal_parameter type (ref4) [142d] subprogram "free" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1439] formal_parameter type (ref4) [143f] subprogram "gelf_update_sym" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [144f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1454] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1459] formal_parameter type (ref4) [145f] subprogram "gelf_update_symshndx" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [146f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1474] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1479] formal_parameter type (ref4) [147e] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1483] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1489] subprogram "dwelf_strent_off" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1499] formal_parameter type (ref4) [149f] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [14a4] subprogram "elf_getscn" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [14b5] formal_parameter type (ref4) [14ba] formal_parameter type (ref4) [14c0] subprogram "dwelf_strtab_finalize" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [14d0] formal_parameter type (ref4) [14d5] formal_parameter type (ref4) [14db] subprogram "basename" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [14ec] formal_parameter type (ref4) [14f2] subprogram "dwelf_strtab_add_len" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1502] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1507] formal_parameter type (ref4) [150c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1512] subprogram "dwelf_strtab_add" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1522] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1527] formal_parameter type (ref4) [152d] subprogram "dwelf_strtab_init" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [153d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1543] subprogram "gelf_update_ehdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1553] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1558] formal_parameter type (ref4) [155e] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1563] subprogram "elf_newdata" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1574] formal_parameter type (ref4) [157a] subprogram "gelf_update_shdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [158a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [158f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1595] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [159a] subprogram "elf_newscn" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [15ab] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15b1] subprogram "ebl_data_marker_symbol" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [15c1] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15c6] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15cb] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15d1] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [15d6] subprogram "gelf_getsymshndx" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [15e6] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15eb] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15f0] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15f5] formal_parameter type (ref4) [15fa] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1600] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1605] subprogram "gelf_fsize" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1615] formal_parameter type (ref4) [161a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [161f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1624] formal_parameter type (ref4) [162a] subprogram "ebl_section_strip_p" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [163a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [163f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1644] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1649] formal_parameter type (ref4) [164e] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1654] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1659] subprogram "elf_nextscn" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [166a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [166f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1675] subprogram "elf_getdata" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1686] formal_parameter type (ref4) [168b] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1691] subprogram "elf_strptr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [16a2] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16a7] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16ac] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16b2] subprogram "gelf_getshdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [16c2] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16c7] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16cd] subprogram "elf_ndxscn" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [16de] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16e4] subprogram "xcalloc" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [16f4] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16f9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [16ff] subprogram "elf_getshdrnum" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1710] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1715] formal_parameter type (ref4) [171b] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1720] subprogram "gelf_update_phdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1730] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1735] formal_parameter type (ref4) [173a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1740] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1745] subprogram "gelf_getphdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1755] formal_parameter type (ref4) [175a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [175f] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1765] subprogram "gelf_newphdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1775] formal_parameter type (ref4) [177a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1780] subprogram "gelf_newehdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1790] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1795] formal_parameter type (ref4) [179b] subprogram "gelf_getclass" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [17ab] formal_parameter type (ref4) [17b1] subprogram "elf_clone" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [17c1] formal_parameter type (ref4) [17c6] formal_parameter type (ref4) [17cc] subprogram "elf_getphdrnum" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [17dd] formal_parameter type (ref4) [17e2] formal_parameter type (ref4) [17e8] subprogram "elf_getshdrstrndx" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [17f9] formal_parameter type (ref4) [17fe] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1804] subprogram "gelf_getehdr" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1814] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1819] formal_parameter type (ref4) [181f] subprogram "mkstemp" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1830] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1836] subprogram "ebl_openbackend" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1846] formal_parameter type (ref4) [184c] subprogram "strlen" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [185d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1863] subprogram "__open_alias" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) linkage_name (strp) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1877] formal_parameter type (ref4) [187c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1881] unspecified_parameters [1883] subprogram "__open_2" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1893] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1898] formal_parameter type (ref4) [189e] subprogram "__open_missing_mode" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [18a4] subprogram "__open_too_many_args" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) [18aa] subprogram "elf_errmsg" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [18bb] formal_parameter type (ref4) [18c1] subprogram "elf_end" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [18d1] formal_parameter type (ref4) [18d7] subprogram "elf_kind" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [18e7] formal_parameter type (ref4) [18ed] subprogram "elf_begin" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [18fd] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1902] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1907] formal_parameter type (ref4) [190d] subprogram "close" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [191e] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1924] subprogram "fstat" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1934] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1939] formal_parameter type (ref4) [193f] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [1944] restrict_type type (ref4) [1949] subprogram "__errno_location" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) [1955] subprogram "stat" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1965] formal_parameter type (ref4) [196a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1970] subprogram "__error_alias" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) linkage_name (strp) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1980] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1985] formal_parameter type (ref4) [198a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [198f] unspecified_parameters [1991] subprogram "__error_noreturn" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) linkage_name (strp) prototyped (flag_present) noreturn (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [19a1] formal_parameter type (ref4) [19a6] formal_parameter type (ref4) [19ab] formal_parameter type (ref4) [19b0] unspecified_parameters [19b2] subprogram "xstrdup" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [19c2] formal_parameter type (ref4) [19c8] subprogram "xmalloc" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [19d8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [19de] subprogram "argp_error" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [19ea] formal_parameter type (ref4) [19ef] formal_parameter type (ref4) [19f4] unspecified_parameters [19f6] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [19fb] restrict_type type (ref4) [1a00] subprogram "fnmatch" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1a10] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a15] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a1a] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a20] subprogram "elf_version" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1a31] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a37] subprogram "dcgettext" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1a47] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a4c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a51] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a57] subprogram "argp_parse" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1a68] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a6d] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a72] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a77] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a7c] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a81] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a87] subprogram "textdomain" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1a97] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1a9d] subprogram "bindtextdomain" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1aad] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1ab2] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1ab8] subprogram "setlocale" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1ac8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1acd] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1ad3] subprogram "__fsetlocking" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1ae3] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1ae8] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1aee] subprogram "print_version" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [1afa] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1aff] formal_parameter type (ref4) [1b05] subprogram "cleanup_debug" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) inline (data1) [1b0f] subprogram "handle_elf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [1b1e] formal_parameter "fd" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b29] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b35] formal_parameter "prefix" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b41] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b4d] formal_parameter "mode" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b59] formal_parameter "tvp" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b65] variable "prefix_len" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b71] variable "fname_len" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b7d] variable "fullname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b89] variable "cp" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1b94] variable "debugelf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ba0] variable "result" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1bac] variable "shdridx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1bb8] variable "lastsec_offset" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1bc4] variable "lastsec_size" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1bd0] variable "shstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1bdc] structure_type "shdr_info" name (strp) byte_size (data1) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [1bea] member "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(0)} [1bf7] member "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(8)} [1c05] member "data" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(72)} [1c13] member "debug_data" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(80)} [1c21] member "name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(88)} [1c2f] member "idx" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(96)} [1c3c] member "old_sh_link" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(100)} [1c4a] member "symtab_idx" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(104)} [1c58] member "version_idx" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(108)} [1c66] member "group_idx" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(112)} [1c74] member "group_cnt" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(116)} [1c82] member "newscn" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(120)} [1c90] member "se" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(128)} [1c9c] member "newsymidx" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) data_member_location (data1) {plus_uconst(136)} [1cab] variable "shdr_info" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1cb7] variable "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1cc3] variable "cnt" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ccf] variable "idx" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1cdb] variable "changes" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ce7] variable "newehdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1cf3] variable "newehdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1cff] variable "debugehdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d0b] variable "debugehdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d17] variable "shst" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d23] variable "debuglink_crc_data" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d2f] variable "any_symtab_changes" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d3b] variable "shstrtab_data" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d47] variable "debuglink_buf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d53] variable "ebl" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d5f] label "fail" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) [1d66] variable "ehdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d72] variable "ehdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d7e] variable "phnum" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d8a] variable "newelf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1d96] label "fail_close" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) [1d9d] label "done" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) [1da4] variable "shnum" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1db0] label "illformed" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) [1db7] variable "seen_allocated" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1dc3] variable "seen_unallocated" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1dcf] variable "mixed_allocated_unallocated" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ddb] variable "removing_sections" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1de7] variable "lastoffset" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1df3] variable "offsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1dff] variable "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" name (strp) type (ref4) artificial (flag_present) [1e08] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1e0d] variable "debug_fname_len" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e1a] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1e1f] variable "phdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e2b] variable "phdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e38] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1e3d] variable "phdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e49] variable "phdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e56] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1e5b] variable "grpref" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e67] variable "inner" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e74] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1e79] variable "is_comdat" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e86] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1e8b] variable "grpref" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1e97] lexical_block [1e98] variable "in" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ea5] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1eaa] variable "symdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1eb6] variable "xndxdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ec2] variable "elsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ece] lexical_block [1ecf] variable "inner" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1edb] lexical_block [1edc] variable "sym_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ee8] variable "xndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ef4] variable "sym" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f00] variable "scnidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f0f] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1f14] variable "shdr_indices" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f20] variable "n" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f2a] lexical_block [1f2b] variable "j" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f35] lexical_block [1f36] variable "i" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f43] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1f48] variable "shdrstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f54] lexical_block [1f55] variable "discard_section" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f61] variable "debugshdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f6d] variable "debugdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f7b] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1f80] variable "debug_basename" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f8c] variable "crc_offset" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1f99] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1f9e] variable "newdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1faa] variable "sh_link" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1fb6] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1fbb] variable "grpref" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1fc7] lexical_block [1fc8] variable "inner" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1fd6] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [1fdb] variable "versiondata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1fe7] variable "shndxdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1ff3] variable "elsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [1fff] variable "last_was_local" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [200b] variable "destidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2017] variable "inner" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2023] lexical_block [2024] variable "sec" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2030] variable "sym_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [203c] variable "xshndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2048] variable "sym" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2054] variable "sidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2060] lexical_block [2061] variable "nshndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [206d] variable "nxshndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [207c] lexical_block [207d] variable "filesz" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [208b] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [2090] variable "filesz" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [209d] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [20a2] variable "info" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [20ae] variable "symtabidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [20ba] variable "newsymidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [20c6] lexical_block [20c7] variable "d" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [20d1] variable "nrels" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [20dd] variable "symsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [20e9] variable "symidxn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [20f5] variable "symd" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2101] variable "hashd" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [210d] variable "symz" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2119] variable "syms" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2125] variable "verd" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2131] variable "verstab" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [213d] variable "elsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2149] variable "vers" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2155] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2161] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [216d] variable "symsz" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2179] variable "symn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2185] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [218a] variable "relidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2196] lexical_block [2197] variable "rel_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [21a3] variable "symidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [21b1] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [21b6] variable "relidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [21c2] lexical_block [21c3] variable "rel_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [21cf] variable "symidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [21dd] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [21e2] variable "bucket" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [21ee] variable "strshndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [21fa] variable "elsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2206] variable "nchain" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2212] variable "nbucket" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [221e] variable "used_buf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [222a] variable "chain" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2236] variable "n_size" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2242] lexical_block [2243] variable "inner" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [224f] lexical_block [2250] variable "sym_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [225c] variable "sym" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2268] variable "name" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2274] variable "hidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2283] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [2288] variable "bucket" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2294] variable "strshndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22a0] variable "elsize" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22ac] variable "nbucket" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22b8] variable "nchain" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22c4] variable "maxwords" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22d0] variable "chain" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22dc] variable "n_size" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22e8] lexical_block [22e9] variable "inner" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [22f5] lexical_block [22f6] variable "sym_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2302] variable "sym" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [230e] variable "name" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [231a] variable "hidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2329] lexical_block [232a] variable "inner" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2339] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [233e] variable "debug_crc" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [234a] variable "debug_crc_data" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2357] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [235c] variable "zero_off" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2368] variable "zero" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2375] lexical_block [2376] variable "zero_off" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2382] variable "zero" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2390] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2395] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [239a] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [23a3] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [23aa] const_type type (ref4) [23af] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [23b8] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [23bf] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [23c4] const_type type (ref4) [23c9] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [23ce] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [23d3] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [23dc] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [23e3] const_type type (ref4) [23e8] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [23f1] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [23f8] const_type type (ref4) [23fd] subprogram "update_section_size" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) inline (data1) sibling (ref4) [240b] formal_parameter "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2417] formal_parameter "newdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2423] formal_parameter "debugelf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [242f] formal_parameter "cnt" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [243b] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2447] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2453] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [245f] lexical_block [2460] variable "debugdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [246c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [247d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [2483] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [248a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2497] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [249f] subprogram "handle_debug_relocs" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [24ae] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24ba] formal_parameter "ebl" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24c6] formal_parameter "new_elf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24d2] formal_parameter "ehdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24de] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24ea] formal_parameter "shstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [24f6] formal_parameter "last_offset" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2502] formal_parameter "last_size" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [250e] variable "lastoffset" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [251a] variable "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2526] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [252b] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2537] variable "new_scn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2543] variable "data" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [254f] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [2554] variable "new_data" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2561] lexical_block [2562] variable "filesz" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2570] lexical_block [2571] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [257d] lexical_block [257e] variable "filesz" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [258d] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2592] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [2597] subprogram "process_file" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [25b8] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [51c0,51ec) {reg5} [51ec,5333) {reg12} [5333,5338) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [5338,548c) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [25cc] variable "pre_st" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [25dc] variable "tv" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-384)} [25eb] label "again" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) low_pc (addr) [25fb] variable "fd" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [520d,5221) {reg0} [5221,5258) {reg6} [528e,530e) {reg6} [5379,538e) {reg0} [538e,53f4) {reg6} [547b,5487) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [260e] variable "st" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [261d] variable "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [52af,52b3) {reg0} [52b3,530e) {reg14} [538e,5487) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2631] variable "result" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [52f7,52f7) {reg0} [52f7,530e) {reg13} [53db,53e0) {lit1, stack_value} [53ee,53ff) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2645] inlined_subroutine "open" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [265f] formal_parameter "__oflag" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [51ec,5207) {addr(0x54b8), deref, lit0, eq, const1u(255), and, lit1, shl, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [266c] formal_parameter "__path" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [51ec,520d) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2679] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2686] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [268e] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [26a8] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5360,5372) {reg13} [5372,5376) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [26b5] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5360,536c) {breg0(0)} [536c,5376) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [26c2] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5360,5377) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [26cf] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [26dc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [26e1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [26e9] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2703] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [53d4,53d6) {reg0} [53d6,53da) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2710] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [53d4,53db) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [271d] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [53d4,53db) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [272a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2737] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [273c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [2741] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2749] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [276f] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [2791] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [27a2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [27a9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [27ba] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [27c1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [27ce] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [27d7] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [27f1] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5461,5476) {reg0} [5476,547a) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [27fe] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5461,547b) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [280b] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5461,547b) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2818] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2825] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [282a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [282f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2835] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {const2u(824)} [283c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e11)} [284b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [285c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2862] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [286a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [287b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2882] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2893] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [2899] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [28a0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [28b1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [28b7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [28bd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [28ce] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [28d5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [28e6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [28ec] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [28f2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [28f7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [28fe] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [290f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [2916] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2927] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [292e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [293f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [294d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [295a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [296b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [2979] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [298a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [2991] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [29a2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [29af] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [29bc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [29c2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [29d0] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [29d9] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [29e0] subprogram "remove_debug_relocations" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) ranges (sec_offset) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [29f3] formal_parameter "ebl" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [500,544) {reg5} [544,10f1) {fbreg(-584)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-584)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a07] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [500,544) {reg4} [544,b2e) {reg14} [b2e,b31) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [b31,10f1) {reg14} [62e3,62e8) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a1b] formal_parameter "ehdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [500,544) {reg1} [544,10f1) {fbreg(-464)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-464)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a2f] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [500,544) {reg2} [544,10f1) {fbreg(-456)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-456)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a43] formal_parameter "shstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [500,544) {reg8} [544,10f1) {fbreg(-512)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-512)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a57] variable "scn" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [544,544) {lit0, stack_value} [544,559) {reg13} [559,56e) {reg0} [56e,75f) {reg13} [75f,8f2) {fbreg(-480)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-480)} [b02,b19) {reg0} [b19,b2c) {reg13} [b31,b4a) {reg13} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-480)} [c84,ce9) {reg13} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-480)} [d38,d97) {reg13} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-480)} [e58,f24) {reg13} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-480)} [fc5,10a9) {reg13} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-480)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-480)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2a6b] label "relocate_failed" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) low_pc (addr) [2a7b] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [2a84] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-336)} [2a94] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [572,575) {reg0} [575,75f) {reg15} [75f,8f2) {fbreg(-472)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-472)} [b31,b4a) {reg15} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-472)} [c84,ce9) {reg15} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-472)} [d38,d97) {reg15} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-472)} [e58,f24) {reg15} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-472)} [fc5,10a4) {reg15} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-472)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-472)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2aa8] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [2ab1] variable "tscn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [59b,59f) {reg0} [59f,b02) {fbreg(-600)} [b31,10a4) {fbreg(-600)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-600)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-600)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ac5] variable "tshdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-272)} [2ad5] variable "tshdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5a0,5c8) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ae9] variable "tname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5cf,5e1) {reg0} [5e1,6b6) {reg6} [b31,b4a) {reg6} [d38,d97) {reg6} [e58,eb3) {reg6} [1056,10a4) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2afd] variable "reldata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [600,623) {reg0} [623,b02) {fbreg(-496)} [b31,1056) {fbreg(-496)} [1056,105c) {reg0} [105c,10a4) {fbreg(-496)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-496)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-496)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b11] variable "tchdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-432)} [2b21] variable "tcompress_type" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [610,660) {lit0, stack_value} [660,664) {reg0} [664,984) {fbreg(-488)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-488)} [b31,b4a) {lit0, stack_value} [b4a,d38) {fbreg(-488)} [d38,d97) {lit0, stack_value} [d97,1056) {fbreg(-488)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-488)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-488)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b35] variable "is_gnu_compressed" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [610,673) {lit0, stack_value} [673,984) {fbreg(-529)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-529)} [b31,b4a) {lit0, stack_value} [b4a,d38) {fbreg(-529)} [d38,d38) {lit0, stack_value} [d38,d97) {lit1, stack_value} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-529)} [e58,ea0) {lit0, stack_value} [ea0,1056) {fbreg(-529)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-529)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-529)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b49] variable "tdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [687,69a) {reg0} [69a,984) {fbreg(-504)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-504)} [b4a,d38) {fbreg(-504)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-504)} [ea0,1056) {fbreg(-504)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-504)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-504)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b5d] variable "symt" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6a2,6ad) {breg15(40)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b71] variable "symdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6c3,6d7) {reg0} [6d7,984) {fbreg(-544)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-544)} [b4a,d38) {fbreg(-544)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-544)} [f24,1056) {fbreg(-544)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-544)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-544)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b85] variable "xndxdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6f0,984) {fbreg(-520)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-520)} [b4a,c84) {fbreg(-520)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-520)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-520)} [f24,1056) {fbreg(-520)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-520)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-520)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2b99] variable "symscn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6b6,6ba) {reg0} [6ba,74a) {reg6} [c84,ce9) {reg6} [fc5,ff6) {reg6} [100d,1056) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2bad] variable "nrels" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [71a,71e) {reg0} [71e,8f2) {fbreg(-576)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-576)} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-576)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-576)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-576)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-576)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-576)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-576)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2bc1] variable "next" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [71a,75f) {lit0, stack_value} [75f,8f2) {fbreg(-608)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-608)} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-608)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-608)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-608)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-608)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-608)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-608)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2bd5] variable "is_rela" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [725,72d) {breg0(0), const1u(32), shl, lit16, lit30, shl, eq, stack_value} [72d,75f) {breg15(4), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [75f,984) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [b4a,c84) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2be9] variable "ei_data" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [735,75f) {reg0} [75f,984) {fbreg(-484)} [99a,b02) {fbreg(-484)} [b4a,c84) {fbreg(-484)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-484)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-484)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-484)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-484)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-484)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2bfd] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [2c06] variable "relidx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [735,75f) {lit0, stack_value} [75f,8f2) {reg6} [99a,b02) {reg6} [b4a,c1f) {reg6} [ce9,d38) {reg6} [d97,e58) {reg6} [f24,fc5) {reg6} [10a9,10f1) {reg6} [62e3,62e8) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c1a] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [2c1f] variable "rtype" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [78e,792) {reg0} [792,7b9) {reg4} [ad8,adc) {reg0} [adc,ae4) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c33] variable "symndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [795,795) {reg0} [795,7f3) {reg13} [adf,ae4) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c47] variable "offset" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [788,889) {reg12} [889,899) {reg0} [99a,a32) {reg0} [aa5,aba) {reg0} [acb,af4) {reg12} [b4a,b72) {reg0} [f8b,f9b) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c5b] variable "addend" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [788,795) {lit0, stack_value} [795,8c6) {fbreg(-588)} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-588)} [ad2,ad6) {reg0} [ad6,b02) {fbreg(-588)} [b4a,b72) {fbreg(-588)} [ce9,cf5) {fbreg(-588)} [d97,dac) {fbreg(-588)} [f8b,fc5) {fbreg(-588)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2c6f] union_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2c78] member "rela" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2c84] member "rel" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [2c92] variable "mem" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-400)} [2ca2] variable "rel_p" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [795,8bc) {reg15} [8bc,8c0) {reg1} [8c0,8c6) {reg15} [99a,a7e) {reg15} [aa5,aba) {reg15} [adf,af4) {reg15} [af4,afc) {reg1} [afc,b02) {reg15} [b4a,b72) {reg15} [ce9,d1d) {reg15} [f24,fc5) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2cb6] variable "addsub" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-448)} [2cc6] variable "type" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [7c1,7e8) {reg0} [7e8,8c6) {fbreg(-536)} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-536)} [ae4,b02) {fbreg(-536)} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-536)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-536)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-536)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-536)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-536)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-536)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2cda] variable "sym_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-368)} [2cea] variable "xndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-444)} [2cfa] variable "sym" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [7f3,805) {reg0} [805,899) {reg13} [99a,9d8) {reg13} [aa5,aba) {reg13} [ae4,af4) {reg13} [b4a,b72) {reg13} [f8b,fc5) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2d0e] variable "sec" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [7ff,805) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2d22] variable "dbg_scn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [86e,879) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2d36] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [2d3f] variable "r" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ac8,ace) {reg0} [ace,ae4) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2d51] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2d5f] lexical_block low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) sibling (ref4) [2d74] variable "r" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [788,78c) {reg0} [78c,795) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2d86] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2d93] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [2d99] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [2d9f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-568), deref} [2da9] inlined_subroutine "secndx_name" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2dc3] formal_parameter "ndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [7ff,801) {breg4(0), const4u(4294967295), and, stack_value} [801,805) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2dd0] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [7ff,805) {reg5} [805,864) {reg14} [ae4,af4) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ddd] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [2de2] variable "shstrndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [2deb] variable "mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [2df4] variable "sec" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [809,81d) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2e01] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [81e,838) {reg0} [838,864) {fbreg(-528)} [ae4,af4) {fbreg(-528)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2e0e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2e1f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [2e26] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2e37] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [2e3f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2e50] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [2e56] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-552), deref} [2e5f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2e6c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [2e75] inlined_subroutine "relocate" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2e8f] formal_parameter "type" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [881,890) {reg2} [890,899) {fbreg(-536)} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-536)} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-536)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-536)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-536)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-536)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-536)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-536)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2e9c] formal_parameter "addsub" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [881,899) {reg8} [99a,aba) {reg8} [b4a,b72) {reg8} [ce9,d03) {reg8} [d03,d38) {fbreg(-588)} [d97,dba) {reg8} [dba,e02) {fbreg(-588)} [e0f,e58) {fbreg(-588)} [f24,f8b) {fbreg(-588)} [f8b,f9b) {reg8} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ea9] formal_parameter "sym" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {reg13} [99a,9d8) {reg13} [aa5,aba) {reg13} [b4a,b72) {reg13} [f8b,fc5) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2eb6] formal_parameter "is_rela" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-592), deref_size(4), lit4, eq, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ec3] formal_parameter "fname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {fbreg(-456)} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-456)} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-456)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-456)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-456)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-456)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-456)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-456)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ed0] formal_parameter "ei_data" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {fbreg(-484)} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-484)} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-484)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-484)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-484)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-484)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-484)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-484)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2edd] formal_parameter "tdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {fbreg(-504)} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-504)} [b4a,c1f) {fbreg(-504)} [ce9,d38) {fbreg(-504)} [d97,e58) {fbreg(-504)} [f24,fc5) {fbreg(-504)} [10a9,10f1) {fbreg(-504)} [62e3,62e8) {fbreg(-504)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2eea] formal_parameter "addend" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {fbreg(-588), deref_size(4), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, stack_value} [99a,aba) {fbreg(-588), deref_size(4), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, stack_value} [b4a,b72) {fbreg(-588), deref_size(4), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, stack_value} [ce9,cf5) {fbreg(-588), deref_size(4), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, stack_value} [d97,dac) {fbreg(-588), deref_size(4), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, stack_value} [f8b,fc5) {fbreg(-588), deref_size(4), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2ef7] formal_parameter "offset" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {reg0} [99a,a32) {reg0} [aa5,aba) {reg0} [b4a,b72) {reg0} [f8b,f9b) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f04] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [879,899) {reg14} [99a,aba) {reg14} [b4a,c1f) {reg14} [ce9,d38) {reg14} [d97,e58) {reg14} [f24,fc5) {reg14} [10a9,10f1) {reg14} [62e3,62e8) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f11] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [2f16] variable "size" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [99a,9b1) {lit8, stack_value} [9b1,a9c) {reg2} [a9c,aa5) {fbreg(-192)} [aa5,aba) {lit4, stack_value} [b4a,b60) {lit2, stack_value} [b60,b72) {lit1, stack_value} [ce9,ced) {reg2} [ced,d03) {fbreg(-192)} [d97,da4) {reg2} [da4,dba) {fbreg(-192)} [f8b,f9b) {reg2} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f23] variable "tmpbuf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-440)} [2f2c] variable "tmpdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [2f35] variable "rdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [2f3e] variable "value" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [a81,aa5) {reg13} [b72,c1f) {reg13} [d1d,d38) {reg13} [d97,e58) {reg13} [10a9,10f1) {reg13} [62e3,62e8) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f4b] variable "s" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ba7,bd9) {reg0} [10a9,10b6) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f58] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [2f65] variable "d" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d04,d1d) {reg0} [f24,f31) {reg0} [f6c,f8a) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2f72] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2f98] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [2fa6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [2fc0] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f66,f6c) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2fcd] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f66,f6c) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2fda] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f66,f6c) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [2fe8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [2ff9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [2fff] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-552), deref} [3007] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-560), deref} [300f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-484), deref_size(4)} [3019] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [302a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3031] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3042] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [304f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [305c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3062] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [306f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e89)} [307c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5518)} [3089] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const2u(537)} [3090] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x62a0)} [309f] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [30ac] variable "d" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [dbb,dee) {reg0} [e0f,e1c) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [30b9] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [30df] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [30ed] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3107] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e4c,e58) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3114] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e4c,e58) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3121] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e4c,e58) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [312f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3140] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [3146] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-552), deref} [314e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-560), deref} [3156] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-484), deref_size(4)} [3160] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3171] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e89)} [317e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5518)} [318b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const2u(524)} [3192] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x62a0)} [31a0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [31b1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [31b8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [31c5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [31d2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [31df] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [31e6] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [320c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [321a] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3234] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fbe,fc0) {reg0} [fc0,fc4) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3241] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fbe,fc5) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [324e] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [fbe,fc5) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [325b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3268] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [326d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3274] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [329a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [32a8] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [32c2] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [10eb,10f1) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [32cf] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [10eb,10f1) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [32dc] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [10eb,10f1) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [32ea] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [32fb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [3301] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-560), deref} [3309] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-552), deref} [3311] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-484), deref_size(4)} [331b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [332c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e97)} [3339] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5518)} [3346] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const2u(561)} [334d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x62a0)} [335b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [336c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3379] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e7a)} [3386] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [338c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [339d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [33a4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [33b5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [33c2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [33cf] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [33d5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [33e4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [33f5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [33fd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-448)} [3405] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3416] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-544), deref} [341e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-520), deref} [3426] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [342c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-368)} [3433] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444)} [343b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [344c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [3455] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3466] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [346c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-608), deref_size(4)} [3475] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [347c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [348b] inlined_subroutine "startswith" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [34a5] formal_parameter "prefix" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [610,62a) {addr(0x5e72), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [34b2] formal_parameter "str" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [610,62a) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [34bf] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [34cc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [34d2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e72)} [34df] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit7} [34e6] inlined_subroutine "get_xndxdata" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3500] formal_parameter "symscn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6c3,6f0) {reg6} [c84,ce9) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [350d] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6c3,6f0) {reg14} [c84,ce9) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [351a] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [351f] variable "xndxdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6c3,6f0) {lit0, stack_value} [6f0,6f0) {fbreg(-520)} [c84,ce4) {lit0, stack_value} [ce4,ce9) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [352c] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [3535] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6d8,6e7) {reg0} [c84,c92) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3542] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) sibling (ref4) [355b] variable "scnndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c9e,c9e) {reg0} [c9e,ce9) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3568] variable "xndxscn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c9e,c9e) {lit0, stack_value} [c9e,cb1) {reg12} [cb1,cc1) {reg0} [cc1,ce9) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3575] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [3582] variable "xndxshdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [358b] variable "xndxshdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [cc2,cd0) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3598] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [35a9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [35af] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [35b6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [35c3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [35c9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [35d0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [35e1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [35e8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [35f5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [35fb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [3603] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3610] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [3616] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [3620] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3646] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3654] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [366e] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [982,982) {reg0} [982,984) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [367b] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [982,984) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3688] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [982,984) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3696] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [36b0] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d90,d90) {reg0} [d90,d97) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [36bd] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d90,d97) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [36ca] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [d90,d97) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [36d7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [36e4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [36e9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [36ee] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-456), deref} [36f8] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [371e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [372c] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3746] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c7e,c84) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3753] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c7e,c84) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3760] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [c7e,c84) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [376e] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3794] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [37a2] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [37c8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [37d6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [37f0] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e99,e99) {reg0} [e99,ea0) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [37fd] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e99,ea0) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [380a] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e99,ea0) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3818] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [383e] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [3860] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3871] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [3878] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3889] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [3890] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [389d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [38a6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [38c0] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f1f,f24) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [38cd] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f1f,f24) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [38da] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [f1f,f24) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [38e8] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [390e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [391c] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3936] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1007,100d) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3943] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1007,100d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3950] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1007,100d) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [395e] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3984] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3992] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [39ac] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1050,1056) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [39b9] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1050,1056) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [39c6] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1050,1056) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [39d4] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [39fa] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3a08] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3a22] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [109f,10a4) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3a2f] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [109f,10a4) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3a3c] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [109f,10a4) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [3a4a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3a5b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [3a62] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3a73] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-600), deref} [3a7b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-272)} [3a83] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3a94] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [3a9a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-512), deref} [3aa3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3ab4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [3abc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [3ac3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3ad4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [3ada] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3ae0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3af1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [3af7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-432)} [3aff] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3b10] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [3b16] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3b1b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3b21] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3b32] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-600), deref} [3b3a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3b40] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3b51] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [3b58] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3b69] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [3b6f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3b75] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3b86] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [3b8c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [3b93] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3ba4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-600), deref} [3bac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-488), deref_size(4)} [3bb5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [3bbb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3bcc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3bd3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3be4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3bf1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3bfe] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3c04] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3c15] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-600), deref} [3c1d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [3c22] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [3c28] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3c39] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3c40] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3c51] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3c5e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3c6b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3c71] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3c82] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-600), deref} [3c8a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3c8f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [3c95] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3ca6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3cad] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3cbe] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3ccb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3cd8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3cde] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3cef] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3cf6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3d07] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3d14] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3d21] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3d27] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3d38] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3d3f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3d50] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3d5d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3d6a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3d70] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3d81] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3d88] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3d99] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3da6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3db3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3db9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3dca] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3dd1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3de2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3def] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3dfc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3e02] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3e13] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [3e1a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3e27] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [3e34] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [3e41] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [3e48] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3e55] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [3e5b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-336)} [3e64] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3e75] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [3e7b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [3e82] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [3e90] subprogram "relocate" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [3e9f] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3eab] formal_parameter "offset" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3eb7] formal_parameter "addend" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3ec3] formal_parameter "tdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3ecf] formal_parameter "ei_data" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3edb] formal_parameter "fname" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3ee7] formal_parameter "is_rela" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3ef3] formal_parameter "sym" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3eff] formal_parameter "addsub" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f0b] formal_parameter "type" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f17] variable "size" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f23] union_type byte_size (data1) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [3f2c] member "Byte" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f38] member "Half" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f44] member "Word" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f50] member "Sword" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f5c] member "Xword" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f68] member "Sxword" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f75] variable "tmpbuf" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f81] variable "tmpdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f8d] variable "rdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3f99] variable "value" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3fa5] variable "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" name (strp) type (ref4) artificial (flag_present) location (exprloc) {addr(0x62a0)} [3fb8] variable "s" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3fc2] lexical_block sibling (ref4) [3fc7] variable "d" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3fd2] lexical_block [3fd3] variable "d" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [3fdf] array_type type (ref4) sibling (ref4) [3fe8] subrange_type type (ref4) upper_bound (data1) [3fef] const_type type (ref4) [3ff4] subprogram "update_shdrstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [4015] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [0,32) {reg5} [32,75) {reg6} [75,7a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [7a,d2) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4029] formal_parameter "shdrstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [0,32) {reg4} [32,74) {reg3} [74,7a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [7a,d2) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [403d] variable "ehdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-128)} [404d] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [4056] variable "scn0" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [9d,a1) {reg0} [a1,aa) {reg13} [b1,cd) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [406a] variable "shdr0_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-192)} [407a] variable "shdr0" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [a8,aa) {reg0} [b1,c2) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [408e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [409f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [40a5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [40ab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [40bc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [40c2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-192)} [40ca] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [40d7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [40df] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [40f0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [40f6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-128)} [40fe] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [410f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [4115] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [411c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [412a] subprogram "get_xndxdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [4139] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4145] formal_parameter "symscn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4151] variable "xndxdata" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [415d] variable "shdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4169] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4175] lexical_block [4176] variable "scnndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4182] variable "xndxscn" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [418e] lexical_block [418f] variable "xndxshdr_mem" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [419b] variable "xndxshdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [41aa] subprogram "secndx_name" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) sibling (ref4) [41b9] formal_parameter "elf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [41c5] formal_parameter "ndx" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [41d1] variable "shstrndx" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [41dd] variable "mem" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [41e9] variable "sec" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [41f5] variable "shdr" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4202] subprogram "parse_opt" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [4223] formal_parameter "key" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [250,26a) {reg5} [26a,28a) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [28a,296) {reg5} [296,2af) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [2af,2c5) {reg5} [2c5,44e) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [44e,46c) {reg5} [46c,4f8) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4237] formal_parameter "arg" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [250,285) {reg4} [285,28a) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [28a,2c5) {reg4} [2c5,2c9) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2c9,2f9) {reg4} [2f9,323) {reg6} [323,374) {reg4} [374,388) {reg6} [388,3c7) {reg4} [3c7,412) {reg6} [412,42c) {reg4} [42c,440) {reg6} [440,46c) {reg4} [46c,4c1) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4c1,4cf) {reg4} [4cf,4f8) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [424b] formal_parameter "state" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data2) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [250,276) {reg1} [276,28a) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [28a,2a6) {reg1} [2a6,2af) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [2af,2c5) {reg1} [2c5,440) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [440,46c) {reg1} [46c,4c1) {reg12} [4c1,4f8) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [425f] inlined_subroutine "add_pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4279] formal_parameter "pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2f0,2f9) {reg4} [2f9,323) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4286] formal_parameter "patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2f0,323) {addr(0x5498), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4293] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [4298] variable "p" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [300,304) {reg0} [304,323) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [42a5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [42b6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit16} [42bc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [42c9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [42d2] inlined_subroutine "add_pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [42ec] formal_parameter "pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3df,412) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [42f9] formal_parameter "patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3df,412) {addr(0x5490), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4306] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [430b] variable "p" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ef,3f3) {reg0} [3f3,412) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4318] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4329] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit16} [432f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [433c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [4345] inlined_subroutine "section_name_matches" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [436b] formal_parameter "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [457,492) {addr(0x5e65), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4378] formal_parameter "patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [457,46c) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4385] variable "pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [457,492) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4392] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [439f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [43a5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(32)} [43ad] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [43c7] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4e7,4e9) {reg0} [4e9,4ed) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [43d4] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4e7,4ee) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [43e1] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4e7,4ee) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [43ee] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [43fb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [4400] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [4407] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4418] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [441e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e65)} [442b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(32)} [4432] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4443] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [4450] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54e8)} [445d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [4463] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4474] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [447b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4488] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [4497] subprogram "main" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [44b9] formal_parameter "argc" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [62f0,6312) {reg5} [6312,646a) {reg3} [646a,6470) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [6470,64fa) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [44cc] formal_parameter "argv" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [62f0,6304) {reg4} [6304,646b) {reg6} [646b,6470) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [6470,64fa) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [44df] variable "remaining" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-60)} [44ed] variable "result" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [6322,6412) {lit0, stack_value} [6412,644e) {reg12} [6470,64e2) {lit0, stack_value} [64e2,64e7) {reg0} [64ec,64fa) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4500] inlined_subroutine "free_patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4526] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4533] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4541] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (data1) call_line (data1) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [455b] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [64b1,64b3) {reg0} [64b3,64b7) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4568] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [64b1,64b8) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4575] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [64b1,64b8) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4582] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [458f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [4594] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [459b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [45ac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit2} [45b2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [45c3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit2} [45c9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [45da] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit2} [45e0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [45f1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit6} [45f6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5feb)} [4604] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4615] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [461b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5fec)} [4629] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [463a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [4641] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4652] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x6500)} [465f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [4665] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [466b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [4670] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-60)} [4676] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [467c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [468d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [4693] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [46a0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [46b1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [46b8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [46c9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5ffe)} [46d7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [46e5] subprogram "section_name_matches" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (data1) sibling (ref4) [46f5] formal_parameter "patterns" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4701] formal_parameter "name" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [470d] variable "pattern" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [471a] subprogram "free_patterns" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) inline (data1) [4723] subprogram "free_sec_patterns" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [4741] formal_parameter "patterns" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e0,ee) {reg5} [ee,114) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [114,115) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4754] variable "pattern" name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [e0,ee) {reg5} [ee,112) {reg3} [114,115) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4767] lexical_block low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) [4778] variable "p" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) location (sec_offset) [ee,f7) {reg3} [f7,113) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [478a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4797] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [47a4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [47ad] subprogram "add_pattern" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) inline (data1) sibling (ref4) [47ba] formal_parameter "patterns" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [47c6] formal_parameter "pattern" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [47d2] variable "p" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [47dd] pointer_type byte_size (implicit_const) type (ref4) [47e2] subprogram "pwrite_retry" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (data1) sibling (ref4) [47f2] formal_parameter "fd" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [47fc] formal_parameter "buf" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4807] formal_parameter "len" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4812] formal_parameter "off" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [481d] variable "recvd" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4829] lexical_block [482a] variable "ret" name (string) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4836] lexical_block [4837] variable "__result" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4846] subprogram "startswith" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (data1) sibling (ref4) [4856] formal_parameter "str" name (string) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4861] formal_parameter "prefix" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [486e] subprogram "error" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) prototyped (flag_present) inline (data1) sibling (ref4) [487b] formal_parameter "__status" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4887] formal_parameter "__errnum" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4893] formal_parameter "__format" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [489f] unspecified_parameters [48a1] subprogram "strcpy" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [48b0] formal_parameter "__dest" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [48bc] formal_parameter "__src" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [48c9] subprogram "memset" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [48d8] formal_parameter "__dest" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [48e4] formal_parameter "__ch" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [48f0] formal_parameter "__len" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [48fd] subprogram "mempcpy" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [490c] formal_parameter "__dest" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4918] formal_parameter "__src" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4924] formal_parameter "__len" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4931] subprogram "memcpy" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [4940] formal_parameter "__dest" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [494c] formal_parameter "__src" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4958] formal_parameter "__len" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4965] subprogram "open" external (flag_present) name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (implicit_const) prototyped (flag_present) type (ref4) inline (implicit_const) artificial (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [4974] formal_parameter "__path" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [4980] formal_parameter "__oflag" name (strp) decl_file (data1) decl_line (data1) decl_column (data1) type (ref4) [498c] unspecified_parameters [498e] subprogram "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [49a9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [49ba] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [49c1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [49d2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [49d9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [49e7] subprogram "update_section_size" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [4a02] formal_parameter "scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [160,192) {reg5} [192,1e3) {reg6} [1e3,1ea) {entry_value(1) {reg5}, stack_value} [1ea,243) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4a0f] formal_parameter "newdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [160,192) {reg4} [192,1e2) {reg3} [1e2,1ea) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1ea,214) {reg3} [214,243) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4a1c] formal_parameter "debugelf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [160,192) {reg1} [192,1e9) {reg14} [1e9,1ea) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} [1ea,243) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4a29] formal_parameter "cnt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [160,192) {reg2} [192,1e5) {reg12} [1e5,1ea) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [1ea,243) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4a36] formal_parameter "fname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [160,192) {reg8} [192,1e7) {reg13} [1e7,1ea) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [1ea,243) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4a43] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-128)} [4a4c] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [199,19d) {reg0} [19d,1a5) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4a59] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [4a66] variable "debugdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1c0,1cd) {reg0} [1ef,1fc) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4a73] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [4a95] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4aa4] inlined_subroutine "update_section_size" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4aca] formal_parameter "scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fd,243) {reg6} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4ad7] formal_parameter "newdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fd,214) {reg3} [214,243) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4ae4] formal_parameter "debugelf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fd,243) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4af1] formal_parameter "cnt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fd,243) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4afe] formal_parameter "fname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fd,243) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4b0b] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) [4b10] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) [4b15] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) [4b2a] variable "debugdata" abstract_origin (ref4) [4b2f] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4b49] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [235,23a) {reg0} [23a,242) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4b56] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [4b5c] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [4b62] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4b6f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [4b74] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [4b79] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [4b7f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {const2u(962)} [4b86] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg9} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e11)} [4b95] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4ba6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [4bad] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4bba] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [4bc7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [4bd4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [4bdc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4bed] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [4bf3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-128)} [4bfb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [4c0c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg6(0)} [4c13] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4c21] subprogram "handle_elf" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) frame_base (exprloc) {call_frame_cfa {...}} call_all_calls (flag_present) sibling (ref4) [4c3c] formal_parameter "fd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1100,1126) {reg5} [1126,119e) {fbreg(-444)} [119e,11a4) {reg0} [11a4,16f7) {fbreg(-444)} [16f7,16f8) {breg7(-436)} [16f8,180b) {fbreg(-444)} [1820,19e0) {fbreg(-444)} [19e0,19fe) {reg0} [19fe,3090) {fbreg(-444)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-444)} [3115,3174) {fbreg(-444)} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-444)} [31cc,38e1) {fbreg(-444)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-444)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-444)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-444)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-444)} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-444)} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-444)} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-444)} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-444)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-444)} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-444)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-444)} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-444)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-444)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-444)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-444)} [4f80,5009) {fbreg(-444)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-444)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-444)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-444)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-444)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-444)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4c49] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1100,114e) {reg4} [114e,13df) {reg14} [13df,155b) {fbreg(-488)} [155b,16f8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {reg14} [180b,1820) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1820,1860) {reg14} [1860,18f0) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [18f0,1a27) {reg14} [1a27,1adc) {fbreg(-488)} [1adc,1b07) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1b07,1c4e) {reg14} [1c4e,1ca8) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1ca8,1ce3) {reg14} [1ce3,1d87) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1d87,1e02) {fbreg(-488)} [1e02,1e23) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1e23,1e4e) {fbreg(-488)} [1e4e,1e61) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1e61,1eb2) {reg14} [1eb2,1ecf) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1ecf,1f38) {reg14} [1f38,1f62) {fbreg(-488)} [1f62,1fb2) {reg14} [1fb2,1ff7) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [1ff7,206e) {reg14} [206e,2083) {fbreg(-488)} [2083,20e2) {reg14} [20e2,20e5) {fbreg(-488)} [20e5,2103) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2103,2148) {reg14} [2148,2307) {fbreg(-488)} [2307,2350) {reg14} [2350,236c) {fbreg(-488)} [236c,2927) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2927,294b) {reg14} [294b,2963) {fbreg(-488)} [2963,2968) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2968,2a98) {reg14} [2a98,2e1c) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [2e1c,2e40) {reg14} [2e40,3013) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [3013,3037) {reg14} [3037,32d4) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [32d4,32f3) {reg14} [32f3,4853) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4853,488d) {fbreg(-488)} [488d,4f37) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-488)} [4f71,4f80) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} [4f80,4fc8) {reg14} [4fc8,51be) {entry_value(1) {reg4}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4c56] formal_parameter "prefix" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1100,114e) {reg1} [114e,51be) {entry_value(1) {reg1}, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4c63] formal_parameter "fname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1100,114e) {reg2} [114e,12df) {reg3} [12df,16f7) {fbreg(-496)} [16f7,16f8) {breg7(-488)} [16f8,1745) {reg3} [1745,180b) {fbreg(-496)} [180b,1820) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [1820,1839) {reg3} [1839,19e0) {fbreg(-496)} [19e0,1a27) {reg3} [1a27,1e61) {fbreg(-496)} [1e61,1eb2) {reg3} [1eb2,1ecf) {fbreg(-496)} [1ecf,1f0c) {reg3} [1f0c,1f62) {fbreg(-496)} [1f62,1f82) {reg3} [1f82,1ff7) {fbreg(-496)} [1ff7,205e) {reg3} [205e,3090) {fbreg(-496)} [3090,3099) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-496)} [310c,3115) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3115,3174) {fbreg(-496)} [3174,3184) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-496)} [31c3,31cc) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [31cc,32d4) {fbreg(-496)} [32d4,32f3) {reg3} [32f3,38e1) {fbreg(-496)} [38e1,38f0) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-496)} [3b8d,3b9d) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-496)} [3c5c,3c65) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-496)} [3c9f,3cae) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-496)} [3cee,3cf7) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-496)} [3d9c,3da2) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-496)} [3f6f,3f78) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-496)} [4804,480d) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-496)} [488d,489c) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-496)} [48db,48e4) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-496)} [4caa,4cb9) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-496)} [4dc7,4dd6) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-496)} [4e9d,4ea6) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-496)} [4ee0,4eef) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-496)} [4f2e,4f37) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-496)} [4f71,4f80) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [4f80,4fa5) {reg3} [4fa5,5009) {fbreg(-496)} [5009,5018) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-496)} [5062,5068) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-496)} [50aa,50b0) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-496)} [5109,510f) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-496)} [51a7,51ad) {entry_value(1) {reg2}, stack_value} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-496)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4c70] formal_parameter "mode" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1100,114e) {reg8} [114e,13df) {reg15} [13df,16f7) {fbreg(-448)} [16f7,16f8) {breg7(-440)} [16f8,180b) {reg15} [180b,1820) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [1820,1847) {reg15} [1847,18f0) {fbreg(-448)} [18f0,1a27) {reg15} [1a27,1b07) {fbreg(-448)} [1b07,1b51) {reg15} [1b51,1e61) {fbreg(-448)} [1e61,1eb2) {reg15} [1eb2,1ecf) {fbreg(-448)} [1ecf,1f38) {reg15} [1f38,1f62) {fbreg(-448)} [1f62,1fb2) {reg15} [1fb2,1ff7) {fbreg(-448)} [1ff7,206e) {reg15} [206e,2083) {fbreg(-448)} [2083,20e2) {reg15} [20e2,2103) {fbreg(-448)} [2103,2148) {reg15} [2148,2307) {fbreg(-448)} [2307,232c) {reg15} [232c,3090) {fbreg(-448)} [3090,3099) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-448)} [310c,3115) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3115,3174) {fbreg(-448)} [3174,3184) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-448)} [31c3,31cc) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [31cc,32d4) {fbreg(-448)} [32d4,32f3) {reg15} [32f3,38e1) {fbreg(-448)} [38e1,38f0) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-448)} [3b8d,3b9d) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-448)} [3c5c,3c65) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-448)} [3c9f,3cae) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-448)} [3cee,3cf7) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-448)} [3d9c,3da2) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-448)} [3f6f,3f78) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-448)} [4804,480d) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-448)} [488d,489c) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-448)} [48db,48e4) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-448)} [4caa,4cb9) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-448)} [4dc7,4dd6) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-448)} [4e9d,4ea6) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-448)} [4ee0,4eef) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-448)} [4f2e,4f37) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-448)} [4f71,4f80) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [4f80,4fc8) {reg15} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-448)} [5009,5018) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-448)} [5062,5068) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-448)} [50aa,50b0) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-448)} [5109,510f) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-448)} [51a7,51ad) {entry_value(1) {reg8}, stack_value} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-448)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4c7d] formal_parameter "tvp" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1100,114e) {reg9} [114e,16f7) {fbreg(-512)} [16f7,16f8) {breg7(-504)} [16f8,180b) {fbreg(-512)} [180b,1820) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [1820,3090) {fbreg(-512)} [3090,3099) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-512)} [310c,3115) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3115,3174) {fbreg(-512)} [3174,3184) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-512)} [31c3,31cc) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [31cc,38e1) {fbreg(-512)} [38e1,38f0) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-512)} [3b8d,3b9d) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-512)} [3c5c,3c65) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-512)} [3c9f,3cae) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-512)} [3cee,3cf7) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-512)} [3d9c,3da2) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-512)} [3f6f,3f78) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-512)} [4804,480d) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-512)} [488d,489c) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-512)} [48db,48e4) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-512)} [4caa,4cb9) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-512)} [4dc7,4dd6) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-512)} [4e9d,4ea6) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-512)} [4ee0,4eef) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-512)} [4f2e,4f37) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-512)} [4f71,4f80) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [4f80,5009) {fbreg(-512)} [5009,5018) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-512)} [5062,5068) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-512)} [50aa,50b0) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-512)} [5109,510f) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-512)} [51a7,51ad) {entry_value(1) {reg9}, stack_value} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-512)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4c8a] variable "prefix_len" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [4c90] variable "fname_len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [114f,1171) {breg0(1), stack_value} [1171,1179) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4c9d] variable "fullname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,1179) {reg5} [1179,13a2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [16f8,17fa) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1820,1860) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [18f0,19ca) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [19e0,1a27) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1b07,1c4e) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1ca8,1ce3) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1e61,1eb2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1ecf,1f1b) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1f62,1fb2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1ff7,206e) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2083,20e2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2103,2148) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2307,2350) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2927,294b) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2968,2a98) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2e1c,2e40) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [3013,3037) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [32d4,32f3) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [4f80,4fc2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4caa] variable "cp" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,1179) {reg5} [1179,13a2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [16f8,17fa) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1820,1860) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [18f0,19ca) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [19e0,1a27) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1b07,1c4e) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1ca8,1ce3) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1e61,1eb2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1ecf,1f1b) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1f62,1fb2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [1ff7,206e) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2083,20e2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2103,2148) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2307,2350) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2927,294b) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2968,2a98) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [2e1c,2e40) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [3013,3037) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [32d4,32f3) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} [4f80,4fc2) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4cb7] variable "debugelf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,131e) {lit0, stack_value} [131e,1322) {reg0} [1322,1346) {reg3} [1346,155b) {fbreg(-536)} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,1839) {lit0, stack_value} [1839,18f0) {fbreg(-536)} [18f0,1915) {reg3} [1915,19e0) {fbreg(-536)} [19e0,1a27) {lit0, stack_value} [1a27,1adc) {fbreg(-536)} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d74) {fbreg(-536)} [1d87,1e4e) {fbreg(-536)} [1e61,1eb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ecf,1f0c) {lit0, stack_value} [1f0c,1f62) {fbreg(-536)} [1f62,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,206e) {lit0, stack_value} [206e,2083) {fbreg(-536)} [2083,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} [20a7,20dd) {fbreg(-536)} [20e2,2103) {fbreg(-536)} [2103,2123) {reg3} [2123,2143) {fbreg(-536)} [2148,2307) {fbreg(-536)} [2307,2327) {reg3} [2327,232c) {fbreg(-536)} [232c,2350) {lit0, stack_value} [2350,2927) {fbreg(-536)} [2927,294b) {lit0, stack_value} [294b,2968) {fbreg(-536)} [2968,2a98) {lit0, stack_value} [2a98,2e1c) {fbreg(-536)} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,3013) {fbreg(-536)} [3013,3032) {lit0, stack_value} [3037,3090) {fbreg(-536)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-536)} [3115,3136) {fbreg(-536)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-536)} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-536)} [31cc,32d4) {fbreg(-536)} [32d4,32f3) {lit0, stack_value} [32f3,38e1) {fbreg(-536)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-536)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-536)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-536)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-536)} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-536)} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-536)} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-536)} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-536)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-536)} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-536)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-536)} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-536)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-536)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-536)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-536)} [4f80,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-536)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-536)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-536)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-536)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-536)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-536)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4cc4] variable "result" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,152e) {lit0, stack_value} [152e,155b) {lit1, stack_value} [15c2,15f2) {fbreg(-464)} [16a2,16b7) {lit1, stack_value} [16f8,188d) {lit0, stack_value} [188d,18a4) {fbreg(-464)} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1adc,1b07) {fbreg(-464)} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1c99,1ca8) {lit1, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1ce3,1cf2) {lit1, stack_value} [1cf2,1d74) {lit0, stack_value} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1efd) {lit0, stack_value} [1efd,1f0c) {lit1, stack_value} [1f0c,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1fb2,1ff7) {fbreg(-464)} [1ff7,202f) {lit0, stack_value} [202f,203e) {lit1, stack_value} [203e,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} [20a2,20a2) {lit1, stack_value} [20a7,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} [20e2,2143) {lit0, stack_value} [2148,2302) {lit0, stack_value} [2302,2307) {lit1, stack_value} [2307,2bd7) {lit0, stack_value} [2bd7,2c7c) {fbreg(-464)} [2cb3,2cc2) {lit1, stack_value} [2cc2,2de0) {lit0, stack_value} [2de0,2def) {lit1, stack_value} [2def,2e1c) {fbreg(-464)} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,2f39) {fbreg(-464)} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [2f95,3013) {fbreg(-464)} [3013,3032) {lit0, stack_value} [3037,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,33d2) {lit0, stack_value} [33d2,33fa) {lit1, stack_value} [33fa,3d32) {lit0, stack_value} [3d32,3d37) {lit1, stack_value} [3d37,3fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [3fb2,3fc3) {lit1, stack_value} [3fc3,3ff4) {lit0, stack_value} [3ff4,3ff6) {lit1, stack_value} [3ff6,4034) {lit0, stack_value} [4034,4039) {lit1, stack_value} [4039,51be) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4cd1] variable "shdridx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,155b) {lit0, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,1860) {lit0, stack_value} [1860,18f0) {reg13} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d36) {reg13} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1eb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ecf,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} [20a7,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} [20e2,2143) {lit0, stack_value} [2148,2a98) {lit0, stack_value} [2a98,2d24) {reg13} [2d65,2e1c) {reg13} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,2f39) {reg13} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [2f95,3013) {reg13} [3013,3032) {lit0, stack_value} [3037,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,3184) {lit0, stack_value} [3184,31cc) {reg13} [31cc,341f) {lit0, stack_value} [343f,3491) {lit0, stack_value} [3491,35c6) {reg13} [35c6,376a) {fbreg(-520)} [376a,37b8) {lit0, stack_value} [37b8,3897) {fbreg(-520)} [3897,38a7) {lit0, stack_value} [38a7,38e1) {fbreg(-520)} [38f0,391d) {fbreg(-520)} [3cf7,3da2) {lit0, stack_value} [3fb2,3fc3) {reg13} [45f5,48e4) {lit0, stack_value} [48e4,4948) {fbreg(-520)} [4948,4991) {reg13} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-520)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-520)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-520)} [4e47,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-520)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-520)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-520)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-520)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-520)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-520)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4cde] variable "lastsec_offset" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,155b) {lit0, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,188d) {lit0, stack_value} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d74) {fbreg(-520)} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,232c) {lit0, stack_value} [2350,2927) {lit0, stack_value} [294b,29d5) {lit0, stack_value} [29d5,2a56) {fbreg(-520)} [2a5a,2a5f) {reg0} [2a5f,2e1c) {fbreg(-520)} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,2f39) {fbreg(-520)} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [2f95,3013) {fbreg(-520)} [3013,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,3184) {lit0, stack_value} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-520)} [31cc,3e7a) {lit0, stack_value} [3e7a,3e7f) {reg2} [3e7f,51be) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4ceb] variable "lastsec_size" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,155b) {lit0, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,188d) {lit0, stack_value} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d42) {reg12} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,232c) {lit0, stack_value} [2350,2927) {lit0, stack_value} [294b,29d5) {lit0, stack_value} [29d5,2a38) {reg12} [2a5a,2bd7) {reg12} [2cc2,2cd3) {reg12} [2d65,2d76) {reg12} [2d95,2da6) {reg12} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [3013,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,3184) {lit0, stack_value} [3184,31cc) {reg12} [31cc,3e7a) {lit0, stack_value} [3e7a,3e7f) {reg12} [3e7f,51be) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4cf8] variable "shstrndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-424)} [4d01] variable "shdr_info" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,13a2) {lit0, stack_value} [13a2,155b) {fbreg(-504)} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,1860) {lit0, stack_value} [1860,18f0) {fbreg(-504)} [18f0,1a27) {lit0, stack_value} [1a27,1adc) {fbreg(-504)} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d74) {fbreg(-504)} [1d87,1e4e) {fbreg(-504)} [1e61,1eb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ecf,1f2e) {lit0, stack_value} [1f2e,1f32) {reg0} [1f32,1f62) {fbreg(-504)} [1f62,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,206e) {lit0, stack_value} [206e,2083) {fbreg(-504)} [2083,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} [20a7,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} [20e2,2103) {fbreg(-504)} [2103,2143) {lit0, stack_value} [2148,2307) {fbreg(-504)} [2307,2350) {lit0, stack_value} [2350,28ae) {fbreg(-504)} [28ae,28b3) {fbreg(-568), deref, const1u(144), minus, stack_value} [28b3,2927) {fbreg(-504)} [2927,294b) {lit0, stack_value} [294b,2968) {fbreg(-504)} [2968,2a98) {lit0, stack_value} [2a98,2e1c) {fbreg(-504)} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,3013) {fbreg(-504)} [3013,3032) {lit0, stack_value} [3037,3090) {fbreg(-504)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-504)} [3115,3136) {fbreg(-504)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-504)} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-504)} [31cc,32d4) {fbreg(-504)} [32d4,32f3) {lit0, stack_value} [32f3,38e1) {fbreg(-504)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-504)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-504)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-504)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-504)} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-504)} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-504)} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-504)} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-504)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-504)} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-504)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-504)} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-504)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-504)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-504)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-504)} [4f80,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-504)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-504)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-504)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-504)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-504)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-504)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d0e] variable "scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [13a2,13df) {lit0, stack_value} [13df,13f5) {reg12} [13f5,1402) {reg0} [1402,1505) {reg12} [1a27,1adc) {reg12} [1d87,1e02) {reg12} [1e23,1e4e) {reg12} [1f38,1f62) {reg12} [206e,2083) {reg12} [2148,214f) {reg0} [214f,216d) {reg12} [22c4,2307) {reg12} [24e0,24f8) {reg0} [24f8,253c) {reg13} [31cc,31d0) {reg0} [31d0,3215) {reg13} [3609,361a) {reg0} [361a,376a) {fbreg(-632)} [381c,3834) {reg0} [3834,385a) {reg5} [3a62,3a68) {reg5} [4054,4058) {reg0} [4058,424c) {reg15} [4273,4277) {reg0} [4277,44c9) {reg15} [4577,457b) {reg0} [457b,45d1) {reg15} [4853,4884) {reg12} [48e4,4948) {fbreg(-632)} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-632)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-632)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-632)} [4e47,4eef) {reg13} [4f37,4f80) {reg12} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-632)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-632)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-632)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-632)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-632)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-632)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d1b] variable "cnt" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [13a2,13df) {lit1, stack_value} [13df,154d) {fbreg(-480)} [1735,1754) {lit0, stack_value} [1754,17ea) {reg3} [189b,18b7) {lit1, stack_value} [18b7,18f0) {reg3} [1905,1924) {lit0, stack_value} [1924,19ba) {reg3} [1a27,1abc) {fbreg(-480)} [1ac8,1adc) {fbreg(-480)} [1d87,1e02) {fbreg(-480)} [1e23,1e4e) {fbreg(-480)} [1f38,1f62) {fbreg(-480)} [206e,2083) {fbreg(-480)} [20e2,20e5) {reg12} [2148,2156) {fbreg(-480)} [2156,217d) {lit1, stack_value} [217d,22c4) {reg12} [22c4,2307) {fbreg(-480)} [2350,2357) {reg12} [236c,2396) {lit1, stack_value} [2396,2459) {fbreg(-488)} [2467,24af) {reg2} [24af,25a2) {reg12} [25a2,28a7) {fbreg(-488)} [28b3,2927) {fbreg(-488)} [294b,2968) {reg12} [2f39,2f95) {fbreg(-488)} [3037,3090) {fbreg(-488)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-488)} [3115,3126) {fbreg(-488)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-488)} [31cc,3215) {reg12} [3215,322a) {lit1, stack_value} [3254,3262) {lit1, stack_value} [3262,32d4) {reg13} [33d2,33fa) {lit1, stack_value} [343f,35c4) {reg13} [35c4,35c6) {lit1, stack_value} [35c6,35ce) {fbreg(-592)} [35dc,35e9) {reg0} [35e9,376a) {fbreg(-592)} [376a,37b8) {reg13} [37b8,37e3) {reg0} [3897,38a7) {reg13} [393a,394d) {fbreg(-576)} [395f,396c) {reg0} [396c,3b8d) {fbreg(-576)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-576)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-576)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-576)} [3da2,3db0) {reg0} [3fb2,3fc3) {lit1, stack_value} [4039,45f5) {fbreg(-576)} [4649,4721) {reg13} [4721,47c0) {breg13(-1), stack_value} [47c0,47c5) {reg13} [47c5,481d) {reg12} [481d,4853) {reg13} [4853,488d) {fbreg(-480)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-488)} [48e4,4948) {fbreg(-592)} [4948,49bb) {reg13} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-592)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-592)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-592)} [4e47,4f37) {reg12} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-480)} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-592)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-592)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-592)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-592)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-592)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-592)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d28] variable "idx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1cf2,1d74) {fbreg(-560)} [225b,2262) {reg0} [227a,2283) {reg0} [2a98,2a98) {reg0} [2a98,2e1c) {fbreg(-560)} [2e40,2f39) {fbreg(-560)} [2f95,3013) {fbreg(-560)} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-560)} [3254,3262) {lit1, stack_value} [3262,3292) {reg0} [3292,32d4) {reg3} [343f,345c) {reg0} [345c,376a) {fbreg(-560)} [376a,3775) {reg0} [3775,38e1) {fbreg(-560)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-560)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-560)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-560)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-560)} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-560)} [3f78,45f5) {fbreg(-560)} [4649,467a) {fbreg(-560)} [467a,47c5) {reg3} [481d,4853) {reg3} [48e4,4991) {fbreg(-560)} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-560)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-560)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-560)} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-560)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-560)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-560)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-560)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-560)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-560)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d35] variable "changes" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [236c,2396) {lit0, stack_value} [2396,25ff) {fbreg(-576)} [2604,2927) {fbreg(-576)} [2f39,2f95) {fbreg(-576)} [3037,3090) {fbreg(-576)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-576)} [3115,3136) {fbreg(-576)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-576)} [31cc,3215) {fbreg(-576)} [3215,322a) {lit0, stack_value} [47c5,4804) {fbreg(-576)} [480d,481d) {fbreg(-576)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-576)} [4e47,4e9d) {fbreg(-576)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-576)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-576)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d42] variable "newehdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-272)} [4d4b] variable "newehdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1cf2,1d0b) {reg3} [2ab1,2ad6) {reg0} [2ad6,2bf8) {reg3} [2cc2,2ce2) {reg3} [2d65,2d85) {reg3} [2d95,2def) {reg3} [2e40,2e4a) {reg3} [3184,3191) {reg0} [3191,31b0) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d58] variable "debugehdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [4d61] variable "debugehdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [330c,332b) {reg0} [332b,3356) {reg4} [3d5a,3d67) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d6e] variable "shst" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,155b) {lit0, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,1860) {lit0, stack_value} [1860,18f0) {reg15} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d74) {reg15} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1eb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ecf,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} [20a7,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} [20e2,20e5) {lit0, stack_value} [2103,2143) {lit0, stack_value} [2148,2a98) {lit0, stack_value} [2a98,2e1c) {reg15} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,2f39) {reg15} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [2f95,3013) {reg15} [3013,3032) {lit0, stack_value} [3037,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,3184) {lit0, stack_value} [3184,31cc) {reg15} [31cc,323a) {lit0, stack_value} [323a,3247) {reg0} [3247,32d4) {reg15} [32d4,33fa) {lit0, stack_value} [343f,35c6) {reg15} [35c6,376a) {fbreg(-576)} [376a,37b8) {reg15} [37b8,3897) {fbreg(-576)} [3897,38a7) {reg15} [38a7,38e1) {fbreg(-576)} [38f0,3916) {fbreg(-576)} [3cf7,3da2) {lit0, stack_value} [3fb2,3fc3) {reg15} [45f5,4602) {reg0} [4602,47c5) {reg15} [47c5,481d) {lit0, stack_value} [481d,4853) {reg15} [4853,48e4) {lit0, stack_value} [48e4,4948) {fbreg(-576)} [4948,49bb) {reg15} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-576)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-576)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-576)} [4e47,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-576)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-576)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-576)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-576)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-576)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-576)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d7b] variable "debuglink_crc_data" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-400)} [4d84] variable "any_symtab_changes" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,155b) {lit0, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,1860) {lit0, stack_value} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1b07,1c4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ce3) {lit0, stack_value} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,2a98) {lit0, stack_value} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [3013,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,3184) {lit0, stack_value} [31cc,35c6) {lit0, stack_value} [35c6,376a) {fbreg(-642)} [376a,37b8) {lit0, stack_value} [37b8,3897) {fbreg(-642)} [3897,38a7) {lit0, stack_value} [38a7,38e1) {fbreg(-642)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-642)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-642)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-642)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-642)} [3cf7,3da2) {lit0, stack_value} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-642)} [3f78,45f5) {fbreg(-642)} [45f5,48e4) {lit0, stack_value} [48e4,4948) {fbreg(-642)} [4948,49bb) {lit0, stack_value} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-642)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-642)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-642)} [4e47,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-642)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-642)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-642)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-642)} [510f,512e) {fbreg(-642)} [512e,5140) {lit1, stack_value} [5140,51a7) {fbreg(-642)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-642)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d91] variable "shstrtab_data" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,155b) {lit0, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,1860) {lit0, stack_value} [1860,18f0) {fbreg(-480)} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d74) {fbreg(-480)} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1eb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ecf,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} [20a7,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} [20e2,2143) {lit0, stack_value} [2148,2a98) {lit0, stack_value} [2a98,2e1c) {fbreg(-480)} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,2f39) {fbreg(-480)} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [2f95,3013) {fbreg(-480)} [3013,3032) {lit0, stack_value} [3037,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,3184) {lit0, stack_value} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-480)} [31cc,341f) {lit0, stack_value} [343f,3557) {lit0, stack_value} [3557,356b) {reg0} [356b,376a) {fbreg(-480)} [376a,37b8) {lit0, stack_value} [37b8,3897) {fbreg(-480)} [3897,38a7) {lit0, stack_value} [38a7,38e1) {fbreg(-480)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-480)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-480)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-480)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-480)} [3cf7,3da2) {lit0, stack_value} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-480)} [3f78,45f5) {fbreg(-480)} [45f5,48e4) {lit0, stack_value} [48e4,4967) {fbreg(-480)} [4967,4974) {reg0} [4974,4991) {fbreg(-480)} [4991,49bb) {lit0, stack_value} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-480)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-480)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-480)} [4e47,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-480)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-480)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-480)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-480)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-480)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-480)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4d9e] variable "debuglink_buf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,155b) {lit0, stack_value} [16f8,180b) {lit0, stack_value} [1820,1860) {lit0, stack_value} [1860,18f0) {fbreg(-488)} [18f0,1adc) {lit0, stack_value} [1b07,1c43) {lit0, stack_value} [1ca8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} [1cf2,1d74) {fbreg(-488)} [1d87,1e4e) {lit0, stack_value} [1e61,1eb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ecf,1fb2) {lit0, stack_value} [1ff7,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} [20a7,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} [20e2,2143) {lit0, stack_value} [2148,2a98) {lit0, stack_value} [2a98,2e1c) {fbreg(-488)} [2e1c,2e40) {lit0, stack_value} [2e40,2f39) {fbreg(-488)} [2f39,2f95) {lit0, stack_value} [2f95,3013) {fbreg(-488)} [3013,3032) {lit0, stack_value} [3037,3136) {lit0, stack_value} [313b,3184) {lit0, stack_value} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-488)} [31cc,341f) {lit0, stack_value} [343f,3491) {lit0, stack_value} [3491,376a) {fbreg(-488)} [376a,37b8) {lit0, stack_value} [37b8,3897) {fbreg(-488)} [3897,38a7) {lit0, stack_value} [38a7,38e1) {fbreg(-488)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-488)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-488)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-488)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-488)} [3cf7,3da2) {lit0, stack_value} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-488)} [3f78,45f5) {fbreg(-488)} [45f5,4778) {lit0, stack_value} [4778,4780) {reg0} [4780,47c5) {fbreg(-488)} [47c5,48e4) {lit0, stack_value} [48e4,4991) {fbreg(-488)} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-488)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-488)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-488)} [4e47,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-488)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-488)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-488)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-488)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-488)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-488)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4dab] variable "ebl" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [11b5,11d6) {lit0, stack_value} [11d6,11dc) {reg0} [11dc,15f2) {fbreg(-528)} [16f8,171d) {lit0, stack_value} [171d,180b) {fbreg(-528)} [1820,19e0) {fbreg(-528)} [1a27,1adc) {fbreg(-528)} [1b07,1d74) {fbreg(-528)} [1d87,1ecf) {fbreg(-528)} [1ecf,1ee6) {reg0} [1ee6,1efd) {fbreg(-528)} [1efd,1f0c) {lit0, stack_value} [1f0c,3090) {fbreg(-528)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-528)} [3115,3136) {fbreg(-528)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-528)} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-528)} [31cc,38e1) {fbreg(-528)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-528)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-528)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-528)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-528)} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-528)} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-528)} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-528)} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-528)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-528)} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-528)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-528)} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-528)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-528)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-528)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-528)} [4f80,5009) {fbreg(-528)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-528)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-528)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-528)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-528)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-528)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4db8] label "fail" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) [4dc5] variable "ehdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [4dce] variable "ehdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [124f,1263) {reg0} [1263,15de) {fbreg(-552)} [171d,180b) {fbreg(-552)} [1820,19e0) {fbreg(-552)} [1a27,1adc) {fbreg(-552)} [1b07,1d74) {fbreg(-552)} [1d87,1ecf) {fbreg(-552)} [1f0c,1ff7) {fbreg(-552)} [203e,3090) {fbreg(-552)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-552)} [3115,3136) {fbreg(-552)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-552)} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-552)} [31cc,38e1) {fbreg(-552)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-552)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-552)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-552)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-552)} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-552)} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-552)} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-552)} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-552)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-552)} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-552)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-552)} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-552)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-552)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-552)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-552)} [4f80,4f8d) {reg0} [4f8d,5009) {fbreg(-552)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-552)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-552)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-552)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-552)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-552)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4ddb] variable "phnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-416)} [4de4] variable "newelf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [12b0,15de) {fbreg(-440)} [171d,180b) {fbreg(-440)} [1834,1839) {reg0} [1839,19e0) {fbreg(-440)} [1a27,1adc) {fbreg(-440)} [1b07,1d74) {fbreg(-440)} [1d87,1e61) {fbreg(-440)} [1f0c,1ff7) {fbreg(-440)} [203e,3090) {fbreg(-440)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-440)} [3115,3136) {fbreg(-440)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-440)} [3184,31c3) {fbreg(-440)} [31cc,32d4) {fbreg(-440)} [32f3,38e1) {fbreg(-440)} [38f0,3b8d) {fbreg(-440)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-440)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-440)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-440)} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-440)} [3da2,3f6f) {fbreg(-440)} [3f78,4804) {fbreg(-440)} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-440)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-440)} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-440)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-440)} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-440)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-440)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-440)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-440)} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-440)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-440)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-440)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-440)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-440)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-440)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4df1] label "fail_close" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) [4dfe] label "done" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) [4e0b] variable "shnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-408)} [4e14] label "illformed" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) [4e21] variable "seen_allocated" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [13a2,13df) {lit0, stack_value} [13df,1441) {reg13} [1460,155b) {reg13} [1a27,1adc) {reg13} [1d87,1e02) {reg13} [1e23,1e4e) {reg13} [1f38,1f62) {reg13} [206e,2083) {reg13} [2148,217d) {reg13} [22c4,2307) {reg13} [4853,489c) {reg13} [4f37,4f80) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4e2e] variable "seen_unallocated" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [13a2,13df) {lit0, stack_value} [13df,145a) {fbreg(-520)} [1460,155b) {fbreg(-520)} [1a27,1ad7) {fbreg(-520)} [1d87,1e02) {fbreg(-520)} [1e23,1e4e) {fbreg(-520)} [1f38,1f62) {fbreg(-520)} [206e,2083) {fbreg(-520)} [20e2,20e5) {fbreg(-520)} [2148,2307) {fbreg(-520)} [2350,236c) {fbreg(-520)} [294b,2968) {fbreg(-520)} [4853,488d) {fbreg(-520)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-520)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4e3b] variable "mixed_allocated_unallocated" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [13a2,13df) {lit0, stack_value} [13df,155b) {fbreg(-544)} [1a27,1adc) {fbreg(-544)} [1d87,1e4e) {fbreg(-544)} [1f38,1f62) {fbreg(-544)} [206e,2083) {fbreg(-544)} [20e2,2103) {fbreg(-544)} [2148,2307) {fbreg(-544)} [2350,2927) {fbreg(-544)} [294b,2968) {fbreg(-544)} [2f39,2f95) {fbreg(-544)} [3037,3090) {fbreg(-544)} [3099,310c) {fbreg(-544)} [3115,3136) {fbreg(-544)} [313b,3174) {fbreg(-544)} [31cc,32d4) {fbreg(-544)} [32f3,38e1) {fbreg(-544)} [38f0,390b) {fbreg(-544)} [3cf7,3d9c) {fbreg(-544)} [45f5,4804) {fbreg(-544)} [480d,488d) {fbreg(-544)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-544)} [48e4,4caa) {fbreg(-544)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-544)} [4dd6,4e9d) {fbreg(-544)} [4ea6,4ee0) {fbreg(-544)} [4eef,4f2e) {fbreg(-544)} [4f37,4f71) {fbreg(-544)} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-544)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-544)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-544)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-544)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-544)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-544)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4e48] variable "removing_sections" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [345c,3491) {lit1, stack_value} [3787,37b8) {lit0, stack_value} [3897,38a7) {lit0, stack_value} [4649,47c5) {lit1, stack_value} [481d,4853) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4e55] variable "lastoffset" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [35c4,35c6) {lit0, stack_value} [35c6,3765) {fbreg(-584)} [37b8,3892) {fbreg(-584)} [38a7,38e1) {fbreg(-584)} [38f0,3938) {fbreg(-584)} [48e4,4948) {fbreg(-584)} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-584)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-584)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-584)} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-584)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-584)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-584)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-584)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-584)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-584)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4e62] variable "offsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2b0f,2b2e) {reg0} [2b2e,2b31) {breg0(0), neg, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4e6f] formal_parameter "prefix" abstract_origin (ref4) const_value (data1) [4e75] inlined_subroutine "memcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4e8f] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,1179) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4e9c] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,117a) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4ea9] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1175,1179) {reg5} [1179,117a) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4eb6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4ec3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg7(15), const1s(-16), and} [4ecc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [4ed4] inlined_subroutine "open" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4eee] formal_parameter "__oflag" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1186,119e) {const1u(66), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4efb] formal_parameter "__path" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1186,1194) {reg5} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4f08] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4f15] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(66)} [4f1b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [4f23] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [4f30] variable "debug_fname_len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [11f4,11f8) {reg0} [11f8,1239) {reg13} [1ff7,2003) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4f3d] inlined_subroutine "mempcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4f57] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1210,1215) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4f64] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1210,1214) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4f71] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1210,1214) {reg0} [1214,1215) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4f7e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [4f8b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [4f91] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [4f99] inlined_subroutine "strcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4fb3] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1215,1225) {implicit_pointer([9d42],0) {implicit_value(8){2e58585858585800}}} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4fc0] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1215,1225) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [4fce] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [4ff4] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [201e,202f) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5001] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [201e,202a) {breg0(0)} [202a,202e) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [500e] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [201e,202f) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [501b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5028] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [502d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5033] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [503b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5048] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5059] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(8)} [5060] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5071] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5078] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5089] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [5096] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5ea3)} [50a3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [50a9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [50b7] inlined_subroutine "section_name_matches" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [50dd] formal_parameter "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [148d,1497) {reg0} [1497,14c1) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [50ea] formal_parameter "patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [148d,1497) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [50f7] variable "pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [148d,14c1) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5104] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5111] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [5117] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(32)} [511f] inlined_subroutine "section_name_matches" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5145] formal_parameter "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [14d6,1501) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5152] formal_parameter "patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [14d6,14e0) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [515f] variable "pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [14d6,1501) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [516c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5179] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [517f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(32)} [5187] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [51a1] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1524,1529) {reg0} [1529,152d) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [51ae] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1524,152e) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [51bb] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1524,152e) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [51c8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [51d5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [51da] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [51df] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [51e7] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [520d] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [522f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5240] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5247] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5258] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [525f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [526c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5275] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [529b] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1691,16a2) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [52a8] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1691,169d) {breg0(0)} [169d,16a1) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [52b5] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1691,16a2) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [52c2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [52cf] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [52d4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [52da] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [52e2] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [52ef] variable "phdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [52f8] variable "phdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [177c,1787) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5305] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [532b] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [534d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [535e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5365] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5376] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [537d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [538a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5393] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [53ad] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [180b,180b) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [53ba] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [180b,180b) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [53c7] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [180b,180b) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [53d4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [53e1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [53e6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [53eb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [53f5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5406] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [540c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5412] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5419] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [542a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5430] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5437] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5448] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [544f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [545c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [5469] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [5476] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [547d] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5497] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1886,1888) {reg0} [1888,188c) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [54a4] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1886,188d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [54b1] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1886,188d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [54be] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [54cb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [54d0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [54d5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [54df] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [54ec] variable "zero_off" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [54f5] variable "zero" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-278)} [54fe] inlined_subroutine "pwrite_retry" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5518] formal_parameter "off" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c0a,2c69) {const1u(40), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5525] formal_parameter "len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c0a,2c69) {lit8, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5532] formal_parameter "buf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c0a,2c11) {fbreg(-352), stack_value} [2c11,2c69) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [553f] formal_parameter "fd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c0a,2c69) {fbreg(-444)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [554c] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [5551] variable "recvd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c0a,2c1b) {lit0, stack_value} [2c1b,2c69) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [555e] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [5567] variable "ret" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c40,2c5c) {reg0} [2ebb,2ee0) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5574] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [557d] variable "__result" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2c3a,2c60) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [558a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [559b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444), deref_size(4)} [55a4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0), breg14(0), plus} [55ad] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit8, breg14(0), minus} [55b5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [55bc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [55cd] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [55e7] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2ca6,2cab) {reg0} [2cab,2cb2) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [55f4] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2ca6,2cb2) {breg8(0)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5601] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2ca6,2cb3) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [560e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [561b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5620] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5628] inlined_subroutine "pwrite_retry" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (data1) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5645] formal_parameter "off" abstract_origin (ref4) [564a] formal_parameter "len" abstract_origin (ref4) [564f] formal_parameter "buf" abstract_origin (ref4) [5654] formal_parameter "fd" abstract_origin (ref4) [5659] variable "recvd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2ee0,2f39) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5666] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [566f] variable "ret" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2f02,2f1d) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [567c] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [5685] variable "__result" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2efc,2f1d) {reg0} [2f26,2f2a) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5692] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [56a3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444), deref_size(4)} [56ac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0), breg12(0), plus} [56b5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0), breg12(0), minus} [56be] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-544), deref} [56c7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [56d7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [56e8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [56f5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5fa9)} [5702] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [5708] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5715] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444), deref_size(4)} [571e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-520), deref} [5728] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [5735] variable "phdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [573e] variable "phdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [194c,1957) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [574b] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5771] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [5793] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [57a4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [57ab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [57bc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [57c3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [57d0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [57d9] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [57f3] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [19db,19e0) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5800] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [19db,19e0) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [580d] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [19db,19e0) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [581b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [582c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [5832] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5838] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [583f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5850] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5856] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [585d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [586e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [5875] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5882] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [588f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [589c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [58a3] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [58c9] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1a07,1a18) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [58d6] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1a07,1a13) {breg0(0)} [1a13,1a17) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [58e3] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1a07,1a18) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [58f0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [58fd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5902] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5908] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5910] inlined_subroutine "handle_debug_relocs" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [592a] formal_parameter "last_size" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1c43) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [1ca8,1ccf) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [2083,20a2) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [232c,2350) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) } [2927,294b) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) } [2968,2a66) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [2e1c,2e40) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [3013,3032) {implicit_pointer([4ceb],0) {lit0, stack_value}} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5937] formal_parameter "last_offset" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1c43) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [1ca8,1ccf) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [2083,20a2) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [232c,2350) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) } [2927,294b) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) } [2968,2a66) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [2e1c,2e40) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) {lit0, stack_value}} [3013,3032) {implicit_pointer([4cde],0) {lit0, stack_value}} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5944] formal_parameter "shstrndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1b3a) {reg0} [1b3a,1c43) {fbreg(-480)} [1ca8,1ccf) {fbreg(-480)} [2083,20a2) {fbreg(-480)} [232c,2350) {fbreg(-480)} [2927,294b) {fbreg(-480)} [2968,2a66) {fbreg(-480)} [2e1c,2e40) {fbreg(-480)} [3013,3032) {fbreg(-480)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5951] formal_parameter "fname" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1c43) {fbreg(-496)} [1ca8,1ccf) {fbreg(-496)} [2083,20a2) {fbreg(-496)} [232c,2350) {fbreg(-496)} [2927,294b) {fbreg(-496)} [2968,2a66) {fbreg(-496)} [2e1c,2e40) {fbreg(-496)} [3013,3032) {fbreg(-496)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [595e] formal_parameter "ehdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1b3a) {reg4} [1b3a,1c43) {fbreg(-552)} [1ca8,1ccf) {fbreg(-552)} [2083,20a2) {fbreg(-552)} [232c,2350) {fbreg(-552)} [2927,294b) {fbreg(-552)} [2968,2a66) {fbreg(-552)} [2e1c,2e40) {fbreg(-552)} [3013,3032) {fbreg(-552)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [596b] formal_parameter "new_elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1b3a) {reg5} [1b3a,1c43) {fbreg(-440)} [1ca8,1ccf) {fbreg(-440)} [2083,20a2) {fbreg(-440)} [232c,2350) {fbreg(-440)} [2927,294b) {fbreg(-440)} [2968,2a66) {fbreg(-440)} [2e1c,2e40) {fbreg(-440)} [3013,3032) {fbreg(-440)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5978] formal_parameter "ebl" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1c43) {fbreg(-528)} [1ca8,1ccf) {fbreg(-528)} [2083,20a2) {fbreg(-528)} [232c,2350) {fbreg(-528)} [2927,294b) {fbreg(-528)} [2968,2a66) {fbreg(-528)} [2e1c,2e40) {fbreg(-528)} [3013,3032) {fbreg(-528)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5985] formal_parameter "elf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b36,1c43) {reg14} [1ca8,1ccf) {reg14} [2083,20a2) {reg14} [232c,2350) {reg14} [2927,294b) {reg14} [2968,2a66) {reg14} [2e1c,2e40) {reg14} [3013,3032) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5992] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [5997] variable "lastoffset" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b58,1c3e) {fbreg(-464)} [1c3e,1c43) {reg0} [1ca8,1ccf) {fbreg(-464)} [2968,29d5) {fbreg(-464)} [29d5,2a66) {reg13} [2e1c,2e40) {fbreg(-464)} [3013,3032) {fbreg(-464)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [59a4] variable "scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b58,1b69) {reg15} [1b69,1b79) {reg0} [1b79,1c43) {reg15} [1ca8,1ccf) {reg15} [232c,2350) {reg15} [2927,294b) {reg15} [2968,2988) {reg0} [2988,29c3) {reg15} [29c3,29d5) {lit0, stack_value} [29d5,29ea) {reg15} [29ea,29f6) {reg0} [29f6,2a5f) {reg15} [2a5f,2a66) {reg0} [2e1c,2e40) {reg15} [3013,3032) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [59b1] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [59be] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [59c7] variable "new_scn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1b95,1ba5) {reg0} [1ba5,1c43) {reg3} [1ca8,1ccf) {reg3} [2e1c,2e25) {reg0} [2e25,2e40) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [59d4] variable "data" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1bb3,1bbf) {reg0} [1bbf,1c01) {reg13} [1c01,1c12) {reg0} [1c12,1c43) {reg13} [1ca8,1ccf) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [59e1] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [59ee] variable "new_data" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1bc0,1bf0) {reg0} [1ca8,1cb9) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [59fb] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5a15] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1cc8,1ccf) {addr(0x55f0), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5a22] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1cc8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5a2f] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1cc8,1ccf) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5a3c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5a49] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref_size(4)} [5a52] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref_size(4)} [5a5b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x55f0)} [5a6a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5a7b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5a82] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5a8f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [5a97] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) sibling (ref4) [5ab0] variable "filesz" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1c22,1c30) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5abe] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5ad8] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e34,2e3b) {addr(0x55d0), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5ae5] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e34,2e3b) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5af2] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e34,2e3b) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5aff] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5b0c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref_size(4)} [5b15] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref_size(4)} [5b1e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x55d0)} [5b2d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5b3e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [5b44] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5b4b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5b5c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [5b65] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5b76] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5b7c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5b83] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5b94] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [5b9a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5ba1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5bae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [5bb6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5bd0] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [209b,20a2) {addr(0x5ee7), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5bdd] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [209b,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5bea] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [209b,20a2) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5bf7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5c04] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5c0a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [5c10] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5ee7)} [5c1f] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [5c2c] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [5c35] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5c4f] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2344,234b) {addr(0x5f04), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5c5c] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2344,234b) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5c69] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2344,234b) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5c76] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5c83] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5c88] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5c8d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f04)} [5c9c] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [5ca9] variable "filesz" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2a48,2a5f) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5cb6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5cd0] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [293f,2946) {addr(0x5f1a), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5cdd] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [293f,2946) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5cea] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [293f,2946) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5cf7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5d04] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5d09] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5d0e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f1a)} [5d1d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5d2e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [5d35] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5d42] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [5d48] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5d50] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5d61] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [5d68] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5d75] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [5d7b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5d83] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5d9d] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [302b,3032) {addr(0x5f33), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5daa] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [302b,3032) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5db7] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [302b,3032) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5dc4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5dd1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5dd6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5ddb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f33)} [5dea] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5dfb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [5e03] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-552), deref} [5e0c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5e1d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [5e23] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [5e2a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5e3b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [5e42] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5e53] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [5e5b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-480), deref} [5e64] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5e75] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-528), deref} [5e7d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [5e85] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-552), deref} [5e8d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [5e95] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-480), deref} [5e9e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5eaf] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [5eb7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [5ebe] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5ecb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [5ed4] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5eee] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1c8d,1c94) {reg0} [1c94,1c98) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5efb] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1c8d,1c99) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5f08] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1c8d,1c99) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5f15] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5f22] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5f27] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5f2c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5f32] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5f3a] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5f54] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1d25,1d2a) {reg0} [1d2a,1d2e) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5f61] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1d25,1d2f) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5f6e] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1d25,1d2f) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [5f7b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [5f88] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5f8d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [5f92] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [5f9a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [5fa2] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [5fbc] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (implicit_const) call_column (implicit_const) [5fcf] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5fe0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5fe7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [5ff8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [5fff] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [600c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [6015] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [6022] variable "grpref" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1db3,1e02) {reg4} [206e,2083) {reg4} [22c4,22d9) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [602f] variable "inner" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1db3,1dd9) {lit1, stack_value} [1dd9,1de8) {reg0} [1de8,1df4) {breg0(-1), stack_value} [1df4,1e02) {reg0} [206e,207b) {reg0} [22c4,22cd) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [603c] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6062] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6070] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [608a] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4896,489c) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6097] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4896,489c) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [60a4] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4896,489c) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [60b2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [60c3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [60c9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [60da] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [60e1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [60ee] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [60fb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [6108] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [610f] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6135] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [6157] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6168] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [616f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6180] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [6187] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6194] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [619d] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [61b7] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1ec8,1eca) {reg0} [1eca,1ece) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [61c4] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1ec8,1ecf) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [61d1] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1ec8,1ecf) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [61de] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [61eb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [61f0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [61f7] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [621d] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1eef,1efd) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [622a] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1eef,1ef8) {breg0(0)} [1ef8,1efc) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6237] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1eef,1efd) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6244] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6251] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6256] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [625e] inlined_subroutine "memset" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6278] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1f2e,1f32) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6285] formal_parameter "__ch" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1f2e,1f38) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6292] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1f2e,1f32) {reg0} [1f32,1f38) {fbreg(-504)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [629f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [62ac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-504), deref} [62b4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [62bb] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [62d5] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fa4,1fa8) {reg0} [1fa8,1fac) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [62e2] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fa4,1fad) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [62ef] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fa4,1fad) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [62fc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6309] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [630e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6313] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [6319] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [6321] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [633b] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fe8,1fed) {reg0} [1fed,1ff1) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6348] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fe8,1ff7) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6355] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [1fe8,1ff7) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6362] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [636f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6374] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6379] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [637f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [6387] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [63a1] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [20d6,20d8) {reg0} [20d8,20dc) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [63ae] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [20d6,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [63bb] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [20d6,20dd) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [63c8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [63d5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [63da] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [63df] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [63e7] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6401] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [213a,213e) {reg0} [213e,2142) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [640e] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [213a,2143) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [641b] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [213a,2143) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6428] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6435] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [643a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [643f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [6445] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [644d] inlined_subroutine "section_name_matches" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6473] formal_parameter "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [21e1,21e8) {breg12(0), const1u(144), mul, breg15(0), plus, plus_uconst(88)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6480] formal_parameter "patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [21e1,21e8) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [648d] variable "pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [21e1,220d) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [649a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [64a7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [64ad] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(32)} [64b5] inlined_subroutine "section_name_matches" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [64db] formal_parameter "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [221b,2245) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [64e8] formal_parameter "patterns" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2217,2222) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [64f5] variable "pattern" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [221b,2245) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6502] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [650f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [6515] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(32)} [651d] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [652a] variable "is_comdat" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [22b0,22b6) {breg2(0), lit1, and, stack_value} [22b6,22b9) {breg1(0), deref, deref_size(4), lit1, and, stack_value} [22b9,22bc) {breg0(72), deref, deref, deref_size(4), lit1, and, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6538] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6552] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [22fb,22fd) {reg0} [22fd,2301) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [655f] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [22fb,2302) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [656c] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [22fb,2302) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6579] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6586] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [658b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6590] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [6598] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [65a5] variable "shdr_indices" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [65ae] variable "n" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [23e7,2408) {lit1, stack_value} [2408,240d) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [65bb] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [65c4] variable "j" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2408,240d) {lit0, stack_value} [2418,2445) {reg12} [2445,244c) {breg12(1), stack_value} [25de,2604) {reg12} [28f5,2927) {reg12} [313b,3184) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [65d1] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [65da] variable "i" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2418,2445) {breg12(0), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, lit3, shl, fbreg(0), plus, const1u(208), minus} [25de,25eb) {breg12(0), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, lit3, shl, fbreg(0), plus, const1u(208), minus} [28f5,2904) {breg12(0), const1u(32), shl, const1u(32), shra, lit3, shl, fbreg(0), plus, const1u(208), minus} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [65e7] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [660d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [661b] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6635] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [317e,3184) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6642] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [317e,3184) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [664f] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [317e,3184) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [665d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [666e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6674] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6685] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [668c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6699] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [66a6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [66b3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [66bc] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [66c9] variable "shdrstrndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [66d2] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [66df] variable "discard_section" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [24f8,250c) {lit0, stack_value} [31ef,3215) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [66ec] variable "debugshdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [66f5] variable "debugdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [24af,24b6) {reg0} [24b6,24c1) {reg13} [253c,2586) {reg0} [2586,25a2) {reg13} [47c5,47d2) {reg0} [47d2,480d) {reg13} [480d,481d) {reg0} [4eef,4efc) {reg0} [4efc,4f37) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6702] inlined_subroutine "memcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [671c] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2594,2598) {reg1} [2598,2599) {fbreg(-488)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6729] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2594,2599) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6736] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2594,2598) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6743] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6750] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [6756] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-488), deref} [6760] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6786] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6794] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [67ae] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4807,480d) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [67bb] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4807,480d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [67c8] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4807,480d) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [67d6] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [67fc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [680a] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6824] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ea0,4ea6) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6831] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ea0,4ea6) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [683e] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ea0,4ea6) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [684c] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6872] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6880] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [689a] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ee3,4eef) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [68a7] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ee3,4eef) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [68b4] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ee3,4eef) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [68c2] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [68e8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [68f6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6910] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4f31,4f37) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [691d] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4f31,4f37) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [692a] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4f31,4f37) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6938] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6949] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [6952] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6963] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [6969] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-480), deref} [6972] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6983] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [698a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [699b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-488), deref} [69a4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [69b5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [69bc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [69cd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [69da] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [69e7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [69ed] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [69fe] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6a04] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6a15] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6a1c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6a2d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [6a3a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [6a47] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [6a4d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6a5e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6a65] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6a76] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [6a83] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [6a90] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [6a96] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6aa7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6aae] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6abb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [6ac8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [6ad5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [6adc] inlined_subroutine "memcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6af6] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3312,3327) {lit16, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6b03] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3312,3327) {fbreg(-552)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6b10] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3312,3327) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6b1e] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6b38] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [33c9,33cd) {reg0} [33cd,33d1) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6b45] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [33c9,33d2) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6b52] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [33c9,33d2) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6b5f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6b6c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6b71] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6b76] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [6b7c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [6b84] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6b9e] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d28,3d2d) {reg0} [3d2d,3d31) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6bab] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d28,3d32) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6bb8] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d28,3d32) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6bc5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6bd2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6bd7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [6bdc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [6be4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [6bec] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6c12] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6c20] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6c3a] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d9b,3d9b) {reg0} [3d9b,3da2) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6c47] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d9b,3da2) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6c54] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3d9b,3da2) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6c62] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6c73] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [6c7b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-208)} [6c83] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6c94] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [6c9d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6cae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [6cb4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [6cbb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6ccc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [6cd5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6ce6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6ced] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6cfe] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [6d0c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6d1d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6d24] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6d35] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [6d42] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x56b8)} [6d4f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [6d55] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6d66] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6d6d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6d7e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6d85] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6d92] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [6d9f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [6dac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [6db3] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [6dc0] variable "grpref" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [25a2,25ab) {breg3(72), deref} [2701,270f) {reg4} [270f,274f) {breg3(72), deref} [2f48,2f59) {breg3(72), deref} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6dcd] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [6dd6] variable "in" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2701,271a) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6de5] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [6df2] variable "symdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [276a,2789) {breg3(72)} [3099,30af) {breg3(72)} [3115,3136) {breg3(72)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6dff] variable "xndxdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2789,27a6) {breg3(104), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, const1u(144), mul, breg13(0), plus, plus_uconst(72)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6e0c] variable "elsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [27b8,27bc) {reg0} [27bc,27e6) {reg2} [27e6,28f5) {fbreg(-520)} [2f39,2f48) {fbreg(-520)} [2f59,2f95) {fbreg(-520)} [489c,48db) {fbreg(-520)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6e19] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [6e26] variable "inner" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [27b8,27e6) {lit0, stack_value} [27e6,289c) {reg13} [28b3,28f5) {reg13} [2f39,2f40) {reg13} [2f59,2f95) {reg13} [489c,48e4) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6e33] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [6e3c] variable "sym_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [6e45] variable "xndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-400)} [6e4e] variable "sym" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [27e6,2800) {reg9} [283c,2846) {reg0} [2846,28dc) {reg9} [28dc,28ec) {fbreg(-600)} [2f59,2f63) {fbreg(-600)} [489c,48a9) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6e5b] variable "scnidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [27e6,27ea) {reg0} [2846,2896) {reg0} [2896,28b3) {fbreg(-560), deref, deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6e68] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6e8e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6e9c] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6eb6] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [48de,48e4) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6ec3] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [48de,48e4) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6ed0] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [48de,48e4) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [6ede] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6eef] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [6ef5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [6efb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [6f01] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [6f07] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-560), deref} [6f10] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6f21] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-528), deref} [6f2a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6f3b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [6f44] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6f55] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-528), deref} [6f5d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-600), deref} [6f66] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [6f77] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [6f7e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6f8b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [6f98] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [6fa5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [6fad] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6fd3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [6fe1] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [6ffb] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3093,3099) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7008] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3093,3099) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7015] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3093,3099) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7023] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7049] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7057] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7071] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [310f,3115) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [707e] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [310f,3115) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [708b] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [310f,3115) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7099] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [70aa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [70b2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit11} [70b7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [70bc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [70c2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [70d3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [70d9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [70ea] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [70f1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7102] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [710f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [711c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7122] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7133] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [7139] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [714a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7151] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [715e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [716b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7178] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [717f] inlined_subroutine "memcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7199] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2ab7,2ad2) {lit16, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [71a6] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2ab7,2ad2) {fbreg(-552)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [71b3] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2ab7,2ad2) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [71c1] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [71db] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2d03,2d08) {reg0} [2d08,2d0c) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [71e8] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2d03,2d0d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [71f5] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2d03,2d0d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7202] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [720f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [7214] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [7219] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [721f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [7227] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7241] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (implicit_const) call_column (implicit_const) [7254] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7265] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [726c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [727d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [7284] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7291] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [729a] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [72b4] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2dd4,2ddb) {reg0} [2ddb,2ddf) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [72c1] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2dd4,2de0) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [72ce] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2dd4,2de0) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [72db] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [72e8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [72ed] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [72f2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [72f8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [7300] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [730d] variable "zero_off" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [7316] variable "zero" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-278)} [731f] inlined_subroutine "pwrite_retry" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7339] formal_parameter "off" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e5b,2ebb) {const1u(32), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7346] formal_parameter "len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e5b,2ebb) {lit4, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7353] formal_parameter "buf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e5b,2e62) {fbreg(-352), stack_value} [2e62,2ebb) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7360] formal_parameter "fd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e5b,2ebb) {fbreg(-444)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [736d] lexical_block ranges (sec_offset) [7372] variable "recvd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e5b,2e6c) {lit0, stack_value} [2e6c,2ebb) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [737f] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [7388] variable "ret" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e8c,2ea8) {reg0} [2f95,2fba) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7395] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [739e] variable "__result" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2e86,2eac) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [73ab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [73bc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444), deref_size(4)} [73c5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0), breg14(0), plus} [73ce] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit4, breg14(0), minus} [73d6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [73dd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [73ee] inlined_subroutine "pwrite_retry" abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (data1) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) [7407] formal_parameter "off" abstract_origin (ref4) [740c] formal_parameter "len" abstract_origin (ref4) [7411] formal_parameter "buf" abstract_origin (ref4) [7416] formal_parameter "fd" abstract_origin (ref4) [741b] variable "recvd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2fba,3013) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7428] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [7431] variable "ret" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2fdc,2ff7) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [743e] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [7447] variable "__result" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [2fd6,2ff7) {reg0} [3000,3004) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7454] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7465] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444), deref_size(4)} [746e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0), breg12(0), plus} [7477] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0), breg12(0), minus} [7480] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-544), deref} [7489] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [749a] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [74c0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [74ce] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [74e8] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [31c6,31cc) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [74f5] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [31c6,31cc) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7502] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [31c6,31cc) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7510] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7536] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7544] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [756a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7578] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7592] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3438,343a) {reg0} [343a,343e) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [759f] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3438,343f) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [75ac] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3438,343f) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [75b9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [75c6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [75cb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [75d0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [75d8] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [75e5] variable "newdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [36af,36b9) {reg0} [36b9,36f0) {fbreg(-640)} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-640)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-640)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-640)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-640)} [5068,5075) {reg0} [5075,50aa) {fbreg(-640)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-640)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-640)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [75f2] variable "sh_link" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [362c,363c) {reg2} [363c,376a) {fbreg(-656)} [48e4,4935) {fbreg(-656)} [49bb,4caa) {fbreg(-656)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-656)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-656)} [4fc8,5009) {fbreg(-656)} [5018,5062) {fbreg(-656)} [5068,50aa) {fbreg(-656)} [50b0,5109) {fbreg(-656)} [510f,51a7) {fbreg(-656)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-656)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [75ff] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [760c] variable "versiondata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [49bb,4a74) {lit0, stack_value} [4a74,4a95) {reg0} [5018,5020) {lit0, stack_value} [5140,5149) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7619] variable "shndxdata" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [49bb,4a16) {lit0, stack_value} [4a16,4a34) {reg0} [4a34,4e47) {reg12} [5018,5020) {lit0, stack_value} [5020,5068) {reg12} [510f,51be) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7626] variable "elsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [49e0,49e4) {reg0} [49e4,4ab8) {reg3} [4ab8,4caa) {fbreg(-568)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-568)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-568)} [5018,5020) {reg3} [5020,5062) {fbreg(-568)} [510f,5140) {fbreg(-568)} [5140,5149) {reg3} [5149,51a7) {fbreg(-568)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-568)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7633] variable "last_was_local" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ad8,4b03) {lit1, stack_value} [4b03,4b51) {fbreg(-608)} [4b51,4b5b) {lit0, stack_value} [4b5f,4c55) {fbreg(-608)} [4c55,4c64) {lit0, stack_value} [4c64,4caa) {fbreg(-608)} [4cb9,4dc7) {fbreg(-608)} [4dd6,4e47) {fbreg(-608)} [5020,5062) {fbreg(-608)} [510f,5140) {fbreg(-608)} [5149,51a7) {fbreg(-608)} [51ad,51be) {fbreg(-608)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7640] variable "destidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ad8,4b03) {lit1, stack_value} [4b03,4b38) {reg13} [4b38,4b66) {reg0} [4b66,4c31) {reg13} [4c31,4c40) {breg13(1), stack_value} [4c40,4d5a) {reg13} [4d5a,4d69) {breg13(1), stack_value} [4d69,4e47) {reg13} [5020,5068) {reg13} [510f,5140) {reg13} [5149,51be) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [764d] variable "inner" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4ad8,4b03) {lit1, stack_value} [4b03,4c95) {reg3} [4cb9,4db2) {reg3} [4dd6,4e47) {reg3} [5020,5045) {reg3} [510f,5140) {reg3} [5149,518a) {reg3} [51ad,51be) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [765a] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [7667] variable "sec" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4beb,4c16) {reg8} [4cb9,4cd8) {reg8} [4cea,4d27) {reg8} [4dd6,4e27) {reg8} [51ad,51b9) {reg8} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7674] variable "sym_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [767d] variable "xshndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-428)} [7686] variable "sym" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4b03,4b66) {reg15} [4b9a,4baa) {reg0} [4baa,4ca1) {reg15} [4cb9,4e47) {reg15} [5020,5068) {reg15} [5165,5172) {reg0} [5172,51be) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7693] variable "sidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4bcc,4be0) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [76a0] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [76ad] variable "nshndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4c07,4c16) {reg0} [4cb9,4cd8) {const1s(-1), stack_value} [51ad,51be) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [76ba] variable "nxshndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4c07,4c16) {lit0, stack_value} [4cb9,4cd8) {reg8} [51ad,51be) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [76c7] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [76ed] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [76fb] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7715] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4cb3,4cb9) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7722] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4cb3,4cb9) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [772f] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4cb3,4cb9) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [773d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [774e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [7754] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [775a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [7761] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7772] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7779] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7786] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7793] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [77a0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [77a7] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [77c1] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4d36,4d3b) {reg0} [4d3b,4d3f) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [77ce] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4d36,4d40) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [77db] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4d36,4d40) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [77e8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [77f5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [77fa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [77ff] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [7805] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-592), deref} [780f] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7835] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7843] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [785d] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4dd0,4dd6) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [786a] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4dd0,4dd6) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7877] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4dd0,4dd6) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7885] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [78ab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [78b9] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [78d3] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5061,5061) {reg0} [5061,5068) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [78e0] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5061,5068) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [78ed] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5061,5068) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [78fb] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7921] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [792f] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7949] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [51a6,51a6) {reg0} [51a6,51ad) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7956] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [51a6,51ad) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7963] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [51a6,51ad) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7971] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7982] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [7988] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [798e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [7995] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [79a6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [79ac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [79b2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-672), deref} [79ba] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-664), deref} [79c3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [79d4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [79e1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x57d8)} [79ee] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [79f4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7a05] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [7a0b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [7a12] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7a23] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7a2a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7a3b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7a48] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7a55] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7a5b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7a6c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-624), deref} [7a74] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-656), deref} [7a7d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7a8e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-528), deref} [7a96] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [7a9d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7aae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7ab5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7ac6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7ad3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7ae0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7ae6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7af7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7afe] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7b0b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7b18] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7b25] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7b2c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7b3d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-624), deref} [7b45] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit11} [7b4a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [7b4f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [7b55] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7b66] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [7b6c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7b7d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [7b83] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7b94] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit4} [7b9a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7ba8] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [7bb5] variable "filesz" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [374c,3757) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7bc2] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7be8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7bf6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7c10] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5012,5018) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7c1d] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5012,5018) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7c2a] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5012,5018) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7c38] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7c49] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-632), deref} [7c51] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(8)} [7c58] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7c69] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7c70] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7c7d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7c8a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7c97] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7c9e] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) sibling (ref4) [7cb7] variable "grpref" abstract_origin (ref4) [7cbc] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) [7cd1] variable "inner" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [490b,4935) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7ce0] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7d06] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7d14] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7d2e] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [50a9,50a9) {reg0} [50a9,50b0) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7d3b] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [50a9,50b0) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7d48] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [50a9,50b0) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7d56] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7d7c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7d8a] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7da4] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5108,5108) {reg0} [5108,510f) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7db1] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5108,510f) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7dbe] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [5108,510f) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7dcc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7ddd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [7de6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7df3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7e04] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-632), deref} [7e0d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7e1e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7e25] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7e36] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7e43] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7e50] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7e56] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7e67] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [7e6d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7e7e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7e85] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7e92] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7e9f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7eac] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7eb3] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [7ec0] variable "filesz" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3872,3881) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7ecd] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7ef3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7f01] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [7f1b] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [38ea,38f0) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7f28] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [38ea,38f0) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7f35] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [38ea,38f0) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7f43] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7f54] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(152)} [7f5c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [7f6d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [7f74] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [7f81] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [7f8e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [7f9b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [7fa2] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [7faf] variable "info" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [393a,3958) {fbreg(-568), deref, lit12, minus, stack_value} [396c,3b8d) {fbreg(-568), deref, lit12, minus, stack_value} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-568), deref, lit12, minus, stack_value} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-568), deref, lit12, minus, stack_value} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-568), deref, lit12, minus, stack_value} [4039,45f5) {fbreg(-568), deref, lit12, minus, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7fbc] variable "symtabidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [393a,3945) {fbreg(-568), deref, plus_uconst(88)} [3984,39ff) {fbreg(-568), deref, plus_uconst(88)} [3a05,3a23) {fbreg(-568), deref, plus_uconst(88)} [3a36,3a5e) {fbreg(-568), deref, plus_uconst(88)} [4039,4049) {breg2(88)} [424c,4268) {breg2(88)} [454e,455c) {breg2(88)} [455c,4569) {fbreg(-568), deref, plus_uconst(88)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7fc9] variable "newsymidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [393a,3945) {reg12} [39bb,3a23) {reg12} [3a36,3cf7) {reg12} [4039,4114) {reg12} [424c,4360) {reg12} [43d9,4421) {reg12} [454e,45d1) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7fd6] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [7fdf] variable "d" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3a6f,3a7e) {reg0} [3a7e,3b79) {reg3} [3b9d,3c41) {reg3} [3c65,3c8a) {reg3} [3cae,3cd3) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7fec] variable "nrels" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3aa9,3aad) {reg0} [3aad,3b8d) {fbreg(-592)} [3b9d,3c5c) {fbreg(-592)} [3c65,3c9f) {fbreg(-592)} [3cae,3cee) {fbreg(-592)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [7ff9] variable "symsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ab3,3ab7) {reg0} [3ab7,3ad5) {reg8} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8006] variable "symidxn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ac4,3cf7) {reg15} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8013] variable "symd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4069,4082) {reg0} [4082,424c) {reg3} [4288,42ae) {reg0} [42ae,454e) {reg3} [45d1,45f5) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8020] variable "hashd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4089,40a2) {reg0} [40a2,40e9) {reg9} [40e9,4162) {fbreg(-592)} [43d9,440c) {reg9} [440c,4460) {fbreg(-592)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [802d] variable "symz" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [42b9,42bd) {reg0} [42bd,42cf) {reg9} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [803a] variable "syms" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [42b9,42cb) {fbreg(-592)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8047] variable "verd" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [42d6,4303) {reg0} [4303,43b1) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8054] variable "verstab" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [42ef,4303) {reg9} [4303,43b1) {fbreg(-608)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8061] variable "elsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [430f,4313) {reg0} [4313,4364) {reg10} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [806e] variable "vers" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4324,4326) {reg0} [4326,4352) {reg5} [4352,4364) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [807b] variable "shdr_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [8084] variable "shdr" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4582,459e) {reg0} [459e,45d1) {reg3} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8091] variable "symsz" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [45a7,45ab) {reg0} [45ab,45cb) {reg8} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [809e] variable "symn" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [45a7,45ab) {breg13(72), deref, plus_uconst(16), deref, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, breg0(0), convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, div, convert[0], stack_value} [45ab,45cb) {breg13(72), deref, plus_uconst(16), deref, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, breg8(0), convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, div, convert[0], stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [80ab] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [80b8] variable "bucket" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [40c8,40e9) {reg8} [40e9,414e) {fbreg(-608)} [4155,419f) {reg9} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [80c5] variable "strshndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [40e5,40e9) {reg0} [40e9,424c) {fbreg(-624)} [43b1,43d9) {fbreg(-624)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [80d2] variable "elsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [40ed,40f1) {reg0} [40f1,418a) {reg4} [418a,424c) {fbreg(-608)} [43b1,43d9) {fbreg(-608)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [80df] variable "nbucket" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4114,424c) {reg12} [43b1,43d9) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [80ec] variable "nchain" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4126,418d) {reg5} [418d,424c) {fbreg(-632)} [43b1,43d9) {fbreg(-632)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [80f9] variable "maxwords" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4126,4130) {reg1} [4130,413c) {breg1(2), stack_value} [413c,4194) {breg2(0), lit3, shr, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8106] variable "chain" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4155,419f) {breg12(0), lit3, shl, breg9(0), plus, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8113] variable "n_size" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4172,419f) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8120] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [812d] variable "inner" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [41ca,424c) {reg13} [43b1,43d9) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [813a] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [8143] variable "sym_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [814c] variable "sym" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [41fb,4214) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8159] variable "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [421b,422e) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8166] variable "hidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [422f,4234) {breg0(0), breg12(0), mod, stack_value} [4234,423f) {reg1} [43ba,43c4) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8173] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8184] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [818a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [8190] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [8199] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [81aa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [81b0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-624), deref} [81b9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [81c8] inlined_subroutine "memset" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [81e2] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [41a0,41c5) {breg3(16), deref, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, fbreg(-608), deref, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, div, convert[0], breg12(0), plus, lit3, shl, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [81ef] formal_parameter "__ch" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [41a0,41c6) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [81fc] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [41a0,41c6) {fbreg(-592)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8209] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8216] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-592), deref} [821e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [8225] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8236] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [823c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit11} [8241] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8246] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [824c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8259] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [825f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [8267] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-576), deref} [826f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [8279] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [8286] variable "relidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3b9d,3c65) {reg13} [3cae,3cf7) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8293] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [829c] variable "rel_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [82a5] variable "symidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3bae,3bde) {reg2} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [82b2] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [82d8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [82e6] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8300] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3c5f,3c65) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [830d] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3c5f,3c65) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [831a] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3c5f,3c65) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8328] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [834e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [835c] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8376] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3cf1,3cf7) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8383] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3cf1,3cf7) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8390] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3cf1,3cf7) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [839e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [83af] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [83b5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [83be] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [83cf] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [83d5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [83db] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [83e4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [83f5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [83fc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [840d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [841a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [8427] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [842d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [843e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [8445] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8452] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [845f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [846c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [8474] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [8481] variable "relidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ad5,3b9d) {reg13} [3c65,3cae) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [848e] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [8497] variable "rel_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [84a0] variable "symidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ae6,3b16) {reg2} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [84ad] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [84d3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [84e1] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [84fb] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3b97,3b9d) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8508] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3b97,3b9d) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8515] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3b97,3b9d) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8523] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8549] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8557] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8571] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ca2,3cae) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [857e] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ca2,3cae) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [858b] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3ca2,3cae) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8599] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [85aa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [85b0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [85b9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [85ca] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [85d0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [85d6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [85df] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [85f0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [85f7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8608] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [8615] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [8622] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [8628] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8639] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [8640] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [864d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [865a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [8667] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [866f] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [867c] variable "inner" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4324,4328) {lit1, stack_value} [4328,435c) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [868a] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [8697] variable "bucket" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [43eb,4455) {fbreg(-608)} [4467,448a) {reg5} [448a,454e) {fbreg(-592)} [45d1,45f5) {fbreg(-592)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86a4] variable "strshndx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4408,440c) {reg0} [440c,454e) {fbreg(-624)} [45d1,45f5) {fbreg(-624)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86b1] variable "elsize" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [441e,4425) {reg0} [4425,4487) {reg4} [4487,454e) {fbreg(-608)} [45d1,45f5) {fbreg(-608)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86be] variable "nchain" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4436,443b) {reg0} [443b,454e) {fbreg(-632)} [45d1,45f5) {fbreg(-632)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86cb] variable "nbucket" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4436,454e) {reg12} [45d1,45f5) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86d8] variable "used_buf" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4436,443b) {breg0(0), const4u(4294967295), and, breg12(0), plus, plus_uconst(2), lit2, shl, stack_value} [443b,454e) {fbreg(-632), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, breg12(0), plus, plus_uconst(2), lit2, shl, stack_value} [45d1,45f5) {fbreg(-632), deref_size(4), const4u(4294967295), and, breg12(0), plus, plus_uconst(2), lit2, shl, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86e5] variable "chain" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4467,448a) {breg12(0), lit2, shl, breg5(0), plus, stack_value} [448a,454e) {breg12(0), lit2, shl, fbreg(-592), deref, plus, stack_value} [45d1,45f5) {breg12(0), lit2, shl, fbreg(-592), deref, plus, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86f2] variable "n_size" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4470,449c) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [86ff] inlined_subroutine "memset" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8719] formal_parameter "__len" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [449d,44c2) {breg3(16), deref, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, fbreg(-608), deref, convert{long unsigned int,unsigned,64@[2a]}, div, convert[0], breg12(0), plus, lit2, shl, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8726] formal_parameter "__ch" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [449d,44c3) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8733] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [449d,44c3) {fbreg(-592)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8740] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [874d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-592), deref} [8755] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [875c] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [8769] variable "inner" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [44c7,454e) {reg13} [45d1,45f5) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8776] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) [877f] variable "sym_mem" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [8788] variable "sym" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [44fb,4514) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8795] variable "name" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [451b,4532) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [87a2] variable "hidx" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4533,4538) {breg0(0), breg12(0), mod, stack_value} [4538,4543) {reg1} [45d9,45e3) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [87af] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [87c0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [87c6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [87cc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [87d5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [87e6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [87ec] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-624), deref} [87f5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8804] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8815] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [881b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit11} [8820] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8825] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [882b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8838] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [883e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [8846] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-576), deref} [884e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [8858] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8869] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [8872] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8883] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [888b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-576), deref} [8894] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [88a5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [88ab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [88bc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [88c2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit11} [88c7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [88cc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [88d2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [88e3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [88ea] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [88fb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [8902] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8913] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [8919] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [892a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [8930] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [8936] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8947] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [894e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [895f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [8966] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8977] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [897d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [898e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [8994] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit11} [8999] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [899e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [89a4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [89b5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [89bb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [89c1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [89d2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [89d8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [89dd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [89e3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [89f4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [89fa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [89ff] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8a05] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8a16] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [8a1e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8a24] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8a35] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [8a3b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [8a41] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [8a49] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-576), deref} [8a51] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [8a5a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8a6b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [8a74] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8a85] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [8a8b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-584), deref} [8a94] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8aa5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [8aab] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit11} [8ab0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8ab5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8abb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8ac8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [8ace] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [8ad7] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) sibling (ref4) [8af0] variable "debug_crc" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-428)} [8af9] variable "debug_crc_data" abstract_origin (ref4) location (exprloc) {fbreg(-352)} [8b02] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8b28] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8b36] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8b50] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f72,3f78) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8b5d] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f72,3f78) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8b6a] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f72,3f78) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8b78] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8b9e] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f98,3fa6) {reg12} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8bab] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f98,3fa1) {breg0(0)} [3fa1,3fa5) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8bb8] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3f98,3fa6) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8bc5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8bd2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [8bd7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [8bdf] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8bf0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [8bf6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-428)} [8bfe] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8c0f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [8c17] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [8c1d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [8c24] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8c35] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [8c3c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8c4d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [8c5a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [8c67] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [8c6d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8c7e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [8c8b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5818)} [8c98] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [8c9e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8cab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8cb9] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8cdf] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3fe3,3ff4) {reg14} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8cec] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3fe3,3fef) {breg0(0)} [3fef,3ff3) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8cf9] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [3fe3,3ff4) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8d06] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8d13] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [8d18] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [8d1e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [8d26] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8d40] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [402a,402f) {reg0} [402f,4033) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8d4d] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [402a,4034) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8d5a] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [402a,4034) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8d67] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8d74] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [8d79] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [8d7e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [8d84] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg8} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [8d8c] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8db2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8dc0] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8de6] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4635,4649) {reg13} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8df3] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4635,4644) {breg0(0)} [4644,4648) {reg4} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8e00] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4635,4649) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8e0d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8e1a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8e1f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {breg13(0)} [8e25] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [8e2d] lexical_block abstract_origin (ref4) ranges (sec_offset) sibling (ref4) [8e3a] variable "debug_basename" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [471d,472f) {reg0} [472f,47c5) {fbreg(-520)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8e47] variable "crc_offset" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4730,4739) {breg0(1), stack_value} [473c,4741) {breg0(4), stack_value} [4741,4761) {breg1(4), stack_value} [4761,47c5) {fbreg(-480), deref, plus_uconst(4), stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8e54] inlined_subroutine "strcpy" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8e6e] formal_parameter "__src" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [477c,4780) {reg4} [4780,4781) {fbreg(-520)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8e7b] formal_parameter "__dest" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [477c,4780) {reg0} [4780,4781) {fbreg(-488)} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [8e88] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8e95] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-488), deref} [8e9d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-520), deref} [8ea7] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8ecd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8edb] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8eec] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [8ef2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f65)} [8eff] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit15} [8f05] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8f16] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [8f1f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8f2c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8f39] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8f46] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8f57] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-520), deref} [8f60] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [8f71] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [8f76] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-480), deref, plus_uconst(8)} [8f81] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8f8e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [8f96] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8fbc] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8fca] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [8ff0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [8ffe] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [9024] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9032] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [9058] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9066] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [9080] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4f7a,4f80) {reg0} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [908d] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4f7a,4f80) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [909a] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4f7a,4f80) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [90a8] inlined_subroutine "cleanup_debug" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) low_pc (addr) high_pc (data8) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [90ce] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [90dc] inlined_subroutine "error" abstract_origin (ref4) entry_pc (addr) GNU_entry_view (data2) ranges (sec_offset) call_file (implicit_const) call_line (data2) call_column (data1) sibling (ref4) [90f6] formal_parameter "__format" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4fc1,4fc1) {reg0} [4fc1,4fc8) {reg1} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [9103] formal_parameter "__errnum" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4fc1,4fc8) {lit0, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [9110] formal_parameter "__status" abstract_origin (ref4) location (sec_offset) [4fc1,4fc8) {lit1, stack_value} GNU_locviews (sec_offset) [911e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [912f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [9136] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9147] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [914e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [915f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [9165] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-144)} [916d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [917e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [9184] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-424)} [918c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [919d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [91a3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-416)} [91ab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [91bc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444), deref_size(4)} [91c5] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit10} [91ca] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [91d0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [91e1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [91e8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [91f9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [9202] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9213] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit3} [9218] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit0} [921e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [922f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [9236] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9247] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [924e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [925f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [9265] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-408)} [926d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [927e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {const1u(144)} [9285] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9296] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-488), deref} [929e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [92a5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [92b6] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [92bd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [92ce] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [92d4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(8)} [92db] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [92ec] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-488), deref} [92f5] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9306] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9313] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x58e8)} [9320] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9326] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9337] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-488), deref} [9340] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [934d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [935e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [9365] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9376] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [937f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9390] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [9399] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [93aa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-528), deref} [93b3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [93c4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [93ca] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-512), deref} [93d3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [93e4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [93f1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x58b8)} [93fe] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9404] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9411] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9422] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [9429] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9436] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9447] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [9450] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9461] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [9467] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit12} [946d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [947e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [948b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f51)} [9498] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [949e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [94ab] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [94b8] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [94c9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [94d2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [94e3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [94f0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5ea3)} [94fd] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9503] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9510] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9521] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-444), deref_size(4)} [952b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [953c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9543] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9554] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9561] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5898)} [956e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9574] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9585] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [958e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [959f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [95a6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [95b7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [95c4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5870)} [95d1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [95d7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [95e8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-504), deref} [95f1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9602] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9610] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9621] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [962e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5eb4)} [963b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9641] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [964e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [965f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9666] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9677] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9685] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9696] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [969d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [96ae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [96bb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5898)} [96c8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [96ce] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [96df] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [96e6] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [96f7] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [96fe] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [970f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [971c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5618)} [9729] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [972f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9740] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9747] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9758] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9766] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9777] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-528), deref} [977f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [9786] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9797] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [97a4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5640)} [97b1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [97b7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [97c8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [97cf] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [97e0] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [97e8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-272)} [97f0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9801] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [9807] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [980c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [9811] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [9817] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9828] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [982e] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit9} [9833] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [9838] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [983e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [984f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [9857] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [985e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [986f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [9877] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-560), deref} [9880] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9891] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [9897] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit6} [989d] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [98ae] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [98b4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [98ba] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [98cb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg14(0)} [98d1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit3} [98d7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [98e8] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [98ef] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9900] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [990e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [991f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9926] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9937] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [993e] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [994f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [995c] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f7e)} [9969] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [996f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [997c] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9989] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [999a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [99a1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [99b2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [99bf] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [99cc] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [99d2] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [99e3] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {lit1} [99e9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [99fa] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [9a03] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9a10] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9a21] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [9a28] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9a39] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9a40] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9a51] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9a5f] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9a70] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [9a76] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f74)} [9a83] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit10} [9a89] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9a9a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [9aa3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9ab0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9abd] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9ace] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg15(0)} [9ad4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-480), deref} [9add] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9aee] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-440), deref} [9af7] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9b08] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [9b10] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {lit3} [9b16] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9b27] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-464), deref} [9b2f] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {breg12(0)} [9b36] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9b47] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {breg3(0)} [9b4d] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-448), deref_size(4)} [9b57] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9b68] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-464), deref} [9b71] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9b82] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-528), deref} [9b8a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-536), deref} [9b92] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-552), deref} [9b9a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg2} call_value (exprloc) {fbreg(-496), deref} [9ba3] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9bb4] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9bc1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f95)} [9bce] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9bd4] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9be1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9bf2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9bf9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9c0a] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9c17] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5f7e)} [9c24] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9c2a] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9c3b] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9c48] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5708)} [9c55] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9c5b] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9c68] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9c79] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9c80] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9c91] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9c98] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9ca9] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9cb0] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9cc1] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9cce] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [9cdb] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9ce1] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) sibling (ref4) [9cf2] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {const1s(-1)} [9cf9] call_site call_return_pc (addr) call_origin (ref4) [9d06] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg5} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x5e08)} [9d13] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg4} call_value (exprloc) {addr(0x54c8)} [9d20] call_site_parameter location (exprloc) {reg1} call_value (exprloc) {lit5} [9d27] subprogram "__stack_chk_fail" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) [9d30] subprogram "__builtin_memcpy" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) [9d39] subprogram "__builtin_mempcpy" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) [9d42] dwarf_procedure location (exprloc) {implicit_value(8){2e58585858585800}} [9d4e] subprogram "__builtin_memset" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) [9d57] subprogram "__builtin_strcpy" external (flag_present) declaration (flag_present) linkage_name (strp) name (strp) decl_file (implicit_const) decl_line (implicit_const) PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: No errors PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: dwfl-bug-addr-overflow PASS: PASS: dwfl-bug-fd-leak PASS: dwfl-bug-report PASS: dwfl-report-segment-contiguous PASS: PASS: /usr/bin/gcc PASS: /usr/bin/gcc PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: [b] main.c [2d] main [b] Following split subdie: hello.c [b] hello.c [4e] foo [6a] baz [90] frob [bd] foo [16a] baz Done subdie: hello.c [3f] Following split subdie: world.c [b] world.c [56] main [af] calc [10a] frob Done subdie: world.c [14] Following split subdie: hello.c [14] hello.c [53] foo [6d] baz [90] frob [bc] foo [154] baz Done subdie: hello.c [49] Following split subdie: world.c [14] world.c [5b] main [a5] calc [eb] frob Done subdie: world.c [c] start.S [34] ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c [4e5] init.c [526] crti.S [549] ../../elfutils-0.185/src/addr2line.c [2002] handle_address [3a4d] show_int [3aa3] show_note [3af9] get_addr_width [3b5f] print_src [3d08] adjust_to_section [3ff9] find_symbol [4177] see_one_module [41f8] print_addrsym [429d] print_dwarf_function [43b4] get_diename [43e8] symname [441e] parse_opt [4476] main [4764] error [4797] printf [47b6] feof_unlocked [47d1] getline [4803] putchar [481d] get_diename [491d] symname [4a08] ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c [4f1b] print_version [505b] fprintf [508d] crtn.S [c] start.S [34] ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c [4e5] init.c [526] crti.S [549] ../../elfutils-0.185/src/elfclassify.c [18ad] main [1afe] process_stdin [1b4b] process_current_path [33c9] parse_opt [33fd] classify_check_negative [3419] classify_check_positive [3435] is_linux_kernel_module [3440] is_library [344b] is_program [3456] is_executable [3461] is_shared [346c] is_debug_only [3477] is_unstripped [3482] is_loadable [348d] is_core [3498] is_elf_archive [34a3] is_elf_file [34ae] is_elf [34b9] run_classify [35bb] elf_type_string [35d8] elf_kind_string [35f5] close_elf [35fb] open_elf [3608] close_file [360e] open_file [362a] elf_issue [3644] issue [3771] open [379a] fprintf [37c3] startswith [37ec] error [381f] is_loadable [3848] parse_opt [392c] is_shared [39bb] ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c [3ece] print_version [400e] fprintf [4040] crtn.S [c] start.S [34] ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c [4e5] init.c [526] crti.S [549] ../../elfutils-0.185/src/stack.c [2125] main [2637] parse_opt [2e89] thread_callback [2f92] print_frames [36e9] print_inline_frames [37a6] print_frame [3f1d] die_name [3ffa] frame_callback [403b] module_callback [4433] get_addr_width [450b] error [453e] open [4567] atoi [4587] printf [45a4] frame_callback [4712] ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c [4c25] print_version [4d65] fprintf [4d97] crtn.S [c] start.S [34] ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c [4e5] init.c [526] crti.S [549] ../../elfutils-0.185/src/unstrip.c [21f7] main [2bcf] handle_implicit_modules [2c05] match_module [2d98] list_module [2e34] handle_output_dir_module [2ec7] handle_dwfl_module [34f7] handle_explicit_files [3aa9] warn [3be7] open_file [3c1b] handle_file [420b] copy_elided_sections [7394] new_shstrtab [74a6] find_alloc_sections_prelink [7725] check_match [775a] get_group_sig [77d7] get_section_name [780c] find_alloc_section [7908] sections_match [79fc] sections_flags_match [7a31] compare_symbols_output [7b8d] compare_symbols [7bc8] collect_symbols [7f2d] compare_sections_nonrel [7f94] compare_sections_rel [7ffb] compare_sections [8042] compare_unalloc_sections [809b] compare_alloc_sections [80ce] check_symtab_section_symbols [8155] add_new_section_symbols [82c7] adjust_all_relocs [84d9] adjust_relocs [914b] adjust_reloc [918d] update_sh_size [91ca] update_shdr [91ef] symtab_count_leading_section_symbols [9292] section_can_shrink [92af] free_new_data [92d6] record_new_data [92fb] make_directories [9506] copy_elf [9a1d] parse_opt [9b81] error [9bb4] memset [9be8] open [9c11] asprintf [9c3a] printf [9c57] putchar [9c75] open_file [9d54] get_section_name [9e34] update_shdr [9f5e] compare_symbols [9ffc] get_group_sig [a20a] compare_sections [a3f5] update_sh_size [a5e1] add_new_section_symbols [aafb] check_symtab_section_symbols [ae2e] ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/xmalloc.c [af61] xrealloc [b03a] xcalloc [b123] xmalloc [b1f4] error [b22a] ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c [b73d] print_version [b87d] fprintf [b8af] crtn.S [c] crti.S [2f] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_version.c [2c8] elf_version [2e6] elf_version [34e] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_hash.c [3cc] elf_hash [469] _dl_elf_hash [4bc] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_error.c [7f1] elf_errmsg [937] __libelf_seterrno [96b] elf_errno [9ab] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_fill.c [af0] elf_fill [b26] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_begin.c [2013] elf_begin [228b] lock_dup_elf [22c1] write_file [2313] dup_elf [23eb] __libelf_next_arhdr_wrlock [2ff3] read_long_names [3086] read_file [37b5] read_unmmaped_file [385e] __libelf_read_mmaped_file [3bf5] file_read_elf [4885] get_shnum [498b] file_read_ar [49f0] allocate_elf [4a72] determine_kind [4ac1] atol [4ae1] pread_retry [4b49] __bswap_64 [4b66] __bswap_32 [4b83] __bswap_16 [4ba0] pread [4be0] memset [4c14] mempcpy [4c48] memcpy [4cbd] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_next.c [5c1f] elf_next [5d06] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rand.c [6c3d] elf_rand [6ca5] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_end.c [7c40] elf_end [7f2e] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_kind.c [8e4e] elf_kind [8e88] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getclass.c [9da8] gelf_getclass [9de2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getbase.c [ad02] elf_getbase [ad3c] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getident.c [bc5c] elf_getident [bca9] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_fsize.c [bf68] elf32_fsize [bff4] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_fsize.c [c2b3] elf64_fsize [c33f] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_fsize.c [d3f8] gelf_fsize [d434] gelf_fsize [d501] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_xlatetof.c [d898] elf32_xlatetof [d9ca] memmove [da0f] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_xlatetom.c [dda6] elf32_xlatetom [dee2] memmove [df27] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_xlatetof.c [e2be] elf64_xlatetof [e3f0] memmove [e435] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_xlatetom.c [e7cc] elf64_xlatetom [e908] memmove [e94d] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlate.c [f6d6] Elf64_cvt_chdr [f713] Elf32_cvt_chdr [f750] elf_cvt_note8 [f7ee] elf_cvt_note4 [f88c] elf_cvt_note [fba7] elf_cvt_gnuhash [fd5f] elf_cvt_Verneed [fe10] elf_cvt_Verdef [fec1] Elf64_cvt_Chdr [ff23] Elf64_cvt_auxv_t [ff83] Elf64_cvt_Lib [ffe3] Elf64_cvt_Move [10220] Elf64_cvt_Syminfo [10280] Elf64_cvt_Dyn [102e0] Elf64_cvt_Rela [1048f] Elf64_cvt_Rel [104f1] Elf64_cvt_Sym [106eb] Elf64_cvt_Shdr [10aee] Elf64_cvt_Phdr [10e4b] Elf64_cvt_Ehdr [11334] Elf64_cvt_Sxword [11377] Elf64_cvt_Sxword1 [1139c] Elf64_cvt_Xword [113df] Elf64_cvt_Xword1 [11404] Elf64_cvt_Sword [11447] Elf64_cvt_Sword1 [1146c] Elf64_cvt_Word [114af] Elf64_cvt_Word1 [114d4] Elf64_cvt_Half [11517] Elf64_cvt_Half1 [1153c] Elf64_cvt_Off [1157f] Elf64_cvt_Off1 [115a4] Elf64_cvt_Addr [115e7] Elf64_cvt_Addr1 [1160c] Elf32_cvt_Chdr [1166c] Elf32_cvt_auxv_t [116cc] Elf32_cvt_Lib [11929] Elf32_cvt_Move [11b6e] Elf32_cvt_Syminfo [11bd0] Elf32_cvt_Dyn [11c30] Elf32_cvt_Nhdr [11c90] Elf32_cvt_Rela [11cf2] Elf32_cvt_Rel [11d54] Elf32_cvt_Sym [11f46] Elf32_cvt_Shdr [12351] Elf32_cvt_Phdr [126a6] Elf32_cvt_Ehdr [12b97] Elf32_cvt_Sxword [12bda] Elf32_cvt_Sxword1 [12bff] Elf32_cvt_Xword [12d5a] Elf32_cvt_Xword1 [12d7f] Elf32_cvt_Sword [12dc2] Elf32_cvt_Sword1 [12de7] Elf32_cvt_Word [12e2a] Elf32_cvt_Word1 [12e4f] Elf32_cvt_Half [12f92] Elf32_cvt_Half1 [12fb7] Elf32_cvt_Off [12ffa] Elf32_cvt_Off1 [1301f] Elf32_cvt_Addr [1317a] Elf32_cvt_Addr1 [1319f] elf_cvt_Byte [13278] memmove [132ab] memcpy [132de] __bswap_64 [132f9] __bswap_32 [13314] __bswap_16 [1332f] Elf32_cvt_Rel [1344a] Elf32_cvt_Rela [135c2] Elf64_cvt_Rel [136dd] Elf32_cvt_Syminfo [137ec] elf_cvt_Verneed [13ba4] elf_cvt_Verdef [13f52] Elf64_cvt_chdr [1425c] Elf32_cvt_chdr [1451e] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getehdr.c [15598] elf32_getehdr [15676] __elf32_getehdr_wrlock [15759] getehdr_impl [15794] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getehdr.c [1680e] elf64_getehdr [168ec] __elf64_getehdr_wrlock [169cf] getehdr_impl [16a0a] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getehdr.c [17aa0] gelf_getehdr [17b14] __gelf_getehdr_rdlock [17c4b] memcpy [17c81] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_newehdr.c [18d19] elf32_newehdr [18dd7] memset [18e0d] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_newehdr.c [19ea5] elf64_newehdr [19f63] memset [19f99] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_newehdr.c [1aee3] gelf_newehdr [1af5d] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_ehdr.c [1c011] gelf_update_ehdr [1c192] memcpy [1c1c8] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getphdr.c [1d3b5] elf32_getphdr [1d420] __elf32_getphdr_wrlock [1dabe] pread_retry [1db1d] memcpy [1db51] pread [1db91] __bswap_32 [1dbc3] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getphdr.c [1edb0] elf64_getphdr [1ee1b] __elf64_getphdr_wrlock [1f4b9] pread_retry [1f518] memcpy [1f54c] pread [1f58c] __bswap_64 [1f5a8] __bswap_32 [1f5da] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getphdr.c [206bc] gelf_getphdr [2089c] memcpy [208df] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_newphdr.c [21a1b] elf32_newphdr [21ce4] memset [21d29] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_newphdr.c [22e65] elf64_newphdr [2312f] memset [23174] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_newphdr.c [240c8] gelf_newphdr [24149] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_phdr.c [25249] gelf_update_phdr [25400] memcpy [25443] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getarhdr.c [264ff] elf_getarhdr [2662b] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getarsym.c [27841] elf_getarsym [2832e] read_number_entries [283a8] _dl_elf_hash [283ef] pread_retry [28457] pread [28497] memcpy [284cb] atol [284eb] __bswap_64 [28508] __bswap_32 [2853b] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rawfile.c [295cc] elf_rawfile [29675] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_readall.c [2a94d] __libelf_readall [2ac33] set_address [2acad] libelf_release_all [2acd4] libelf_acquire_all [2acfc] pread_retry [2ad65] pread [2ad9f] libelf_acquire_all [2aea9] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_cntl.c [2bf3a] elf_cntl [2bfe1] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getscn.c [2d0b4] elf_getscn [2d1a3] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_nextscn.c [2e0ee] elf_nextscn [2e152] elf_nextscn [2e21e] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_ndxscn.c [2f13e] elf_ndxscn [2f178] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_newscn.c [30276] elf_newscn [3040a] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getshdr.c [315d9] elf32_getshdr [31685] __elf32_getshdr_wrlock [316af] __elf32_getshdr_rdlock [316d9] scn_valid [316fd] load_shdr_wrlock [31ef8] pread_retry [31f60] memcpy [31f94] __bswap_32 [31fb1] pread [31ff1] __elf32_getshdr_rdlock [320a7] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getshdr.c [33276] elf64_getshdr [33322] __elf64_getshdr_wrlock [3334c] __elf64_getshdr_rdlock [33376] scn_valid [3339a] load_shdr_wrlock [33b77] pread_retry [33bdf] memcpy [33c13] __bswap_64 [33c30] __bswap_32 [33c4d] pread [33c8d] __elf64_getshdr_rdlock [33d43] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getshdr.c [34e03] gelf_getshdr [34f1e] memcpy [34f54] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_shdr.c [36032] gelf_update_shdr [36179] memcpy [361af] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_strptr.c [372c0] elf_strptr [375ba] validate_str [375ef] get_zdata [37641] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rawdata.c [386f1] elf_rawdata [38720] elf_rawdata [387d2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getdata.c [39ab4] elf_getdata [39b2b] __elf_getdata_rdlock [39c30] __libelf_set_data_list_rdlock [39e87] __libelf_set_rawdata [39ede] __libelf_set_rawdata_wrlock [3a2b7] convert_data [3a326] __libelf_data_type [3a368] pread_retry [3a3d1] pread [3a411] memcpy [3a445] __libelf_data_type [3a4fd] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_newdata.c [3b5fb] elf_newdata [3b712] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getdata_rawchunk.c [3c96e] elf_getdata_rawchunk [3cdb7] pread_retry [3ce16] pread [3ce56] memcpy [3cea2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagelf.c [3df3a] elf_flagelf [3dfdc] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagehdr.c [3f074] elf_flagehdr [3f116] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagphdr.c [401ae] elf_flagphdr [40250] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagscn.c [412e8] elf_flagscn [4138a] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagshdr.c [42422] elf_flagshdr [424c4] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagdata.c [4355c] elf_flagdata [4361e] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_memory.c [446c8] elf_memory [44760] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_update.c [45aef] elf_update [45de8] write_file [45e51] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_updatenull.c [470a3] __elf32_updatenull_wrlock [478bf] default_ehdr32 [47972] memcpy [479c7] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_updatenull.c [48c27] __elf64_updatenull_wrlock [49467] default_ehdr64 [4951a] memcpy [4956f] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_updatefile.c [4adb6] __elf32_updatefile [4b878] fill [4ba7d] __elf32_updatemmap [4c779] fill_mmap [4c7db] sort_sections [4c819] compare_sections [4c88e] pwrite_retry [4c8ef] memset [4c922] memmove [4c955] memcpy [4c9b9] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_updatefile.c [4e200] __elf64_updatefile [4ecc3] fill [4eec8] __elf64_updatemmap [4fbc4] fill_mmap [4fc26] sort_sections [4fc64] compare_sections [4fcd9] pwrite_retry [4fd3a] memset [4fd6d] memmove [4fda0] memcpy [4fe04] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsym.c [50f7d] gelf_getsym [51089] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_sym.c [5221b] gelf_update_sym [52333] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getversym.c [533ca] gelf_getversym [534c3] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverneed.c [545bb] gelf_getverneed [5467c] memcpy [546b2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getvernaux.c [557aa] gelf_getvernaux [5586b] memcpy [558a1] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverdef.c [569b5] gelf_getverdef [56ab7] memcpy [56aed] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverdaux.c [57bbb] gelf_getverdaux [57c7c] memcpy [57cb2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getrel.c [58dae] gelf_getrel [58ea9] memcpy [58edf] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getrela.c [5a027] gelf_getrela [5a163] memcpy [5a199] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_rel.c [5b2a3] gelf_update_rel [5b3b9] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_rela.c [5c50f] gelf_update_rela [5c625] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getdyn.c [5d794] gelf_getdyn [5d8b2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_dyn.c [5ea3a] gelf_update_dyn [5eb52] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getmove.c [5fc60] gelf_getmove [5fd6d] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_move.c [60e86] gelf_update_move [60f74] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsyminfo.c [62032] gelf_getsyminfo [62108] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_syminfo.c [631e4] gelf_update_syminfo [632e5] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getauxv.c [6441a] gelf_getauxv [64578] memcpy [645ae] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_auxv.c [656ec] gelf_update_auxv [65805] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getnote.c [668e2] gelf_getnote [66a03] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlatetof.c [67970] gelf_xlatetof [67a1a] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlatetom.c [68987] gelf_xlatetom [68a31] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/nlist.c [69e38] nlist [6a479] nlist_fshash_find [6a4db] nlist_fshash_overwrite [6a52e] nlist_fshash_lookup [6a5d5] nlist_fshash_fini [6a5ef] nlist_fshash_init [6a620] open [6a661] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsymshndx.c [6b7da] gelf_getsymshndx [6b936] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_symshndx.c [6cac8] gelf_update_symshndx [6cc32] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_versym.c [6dce7] gelf_update_versym [6ddba] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verneed.c [6eed0] gelf_update_verneed [6efe3] memcpy [6f019] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_vernaux.c [7012f] gelf_update_vernaux [70242] memcpy [70278] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verdef.c [713aa] gelf_update_verdef [714b1] memcpy [714e7] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verdaux.c [725d3] gelf_update_verdaux [726e6] memcpy [7271c] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getphdrnum.c [737c5] elf_getphdrnum [73850] __elf_getphdrnum_chk_rdlock [73914] __elf_getphdrnum_rdlock [73a2e] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getshdrnum.c [74aa8] elf_getshdrnum [74b1e] __elf_getshdrnum_rdlock [74ba4] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getshdrstrndx.c [75cc9] elf_getshdrstrndx [760c7] pread_retry [76124] pread [76166] __bswap_32 [76198] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_checksum.c [770e2] gelf_checksum [77148] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_checksum.c [7831d] elf32_checksum [785a3] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_checksum.c [79778] elf64_checksum [799fe] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/libelf_crc32.c [79ac1] __libelf_crc32 [79b41] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/libelf_next_prime.c [79b82] __libelf_next_prime [79c13] is_prime [79c5d] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_clone.c [7ad16] elf_clone [7ae56] allocate_elf [7aedf] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getlib.c [7bfc7] gelf_getlib [7c0ac] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_lib.c [7d1ad] gelf_update_lib [7d288] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_offscn.c [7e319] elf32_offscn [7e406] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_offscn.c [7f497] elf64_offscn [7f584] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_offscn.c [8063e] gelf_offscn [806d7] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getaroff.c [81622] elf_getaroff [816dd] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_gnu_hash.c [81763] elf_gnu_hash [817cb] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_scnshndx.c [82718] elf_scnshndx [827b5] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getchdr.c [838a6] elf32_getchdr [839a6] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getchdr.c [84aa5] elf64_getchdr [84ba5] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getchdr.c [85cef] gelf_getchdr [85dd1] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_compress.c [87309] elf_compress [8788d] __libelf_reset_rawdata [87945] __libelf_decompress_elf [87ab4] __libelf_decompress [87c3b] __libelf_compress [881f9] do_deflate_cleanup [88238] memcpy [8826e] __bswap_64 [8828b] __bswap_32 [882be] ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_compress_gnu.c [894a7] elf_compress_gnu [89a2a] memmove [89a5d] memcpy [89a90] __bswap_64 [89acd] crtn.S [c] crti.S [2f] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_begin.c [be1] asm_begin [10b5] prepare_binary_output [112d] prepare_text_output [1148] stpcpy [116f] mempcpy [11a2] memcpy [1206] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_abort.c [19d7] asm_abort [1a51] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_end.c [29aa] __libasm_finictx [2e0a] free_section [2e3e] asm_end [3dc5] binary_end [4030] text_end [404d] startswith [4076] memset [40ac] free_section [42ab] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_error.c [43f9] asm_errmsg [44aa] __libasm_seterrno [44dc] asm_errno [451a] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_getelf.c [4ca1] asm_getelf [4cdb] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscn.c [5702] asm_newscn [5a7f] binary_newscn [5b07] text_newscn [5b6a] fprintf [5b93] stpcpy [5bbb] memcpy [5c18] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscn_ingrp.c [64e7] asm_newscn_ingrp [66c2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newsubscn.c [6e60] asm_newsubscn [6eeb] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newsym.c [77f4] asm_newsym [7c66] startswith [7c90] memcpy [7cc4] fprintf [7ced] snprintf [7d51] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newcomsym.c [8678] asm_newcomsym [8850] startswith [887a] fprintf [88b9] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newabssym.c [91c8] asm_newabssym [95c1] startswith [95eb] fprintf [962a] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscngrp.c [9edd] asm_newscngrp [a0d1] memcpy [a116] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_scngrp_newsignature.c [a8a9] asm_scngrp_newsignature [a8fa] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_fill.c [b0d2] asm_fill [b1e3] memcpy [b228] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_align.c [ba9e] __libasm_ensure_section_space [bb48] asm_align [bda8] fprintf [bdd3] fputc_unlocked [be15] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addstrz.c [c68f] asm_addstrz [c8f0] memcpy [c92f] fprintf [c977] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint8.c [d1ee] asm_addint8 [d34e] fprintf [d377] memcpy [d3c3] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint8.c [db7e] asm_adduint8 [dbf4] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint16.c [e497] asm_addint16 [e622] fprintf [e64b] memcpy [e68a] __bswap_16 [e6b1] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint16.c [ee84] asm_adduint16 [eefa] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint32.c [f791] asm_addint32 [f938] fprintf [f961] memcpy [f9a0] __bswap_32 [f9c7] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint32.c [10182] asm_adduint32 [101f2] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addint64.c [10aa1] asm_addint64 [10c59] fprintf [10c82] memcpy [10cc1] __bswap_64 [10ce8] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduint64.c [114a3] asm_adduint64 [11513] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_adduleb128.c [11d5a] asm_adduleb128 [11efe] fprintf [11f27] memcpy [11f87] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_addsleb128.c [127e6] asm_addsleb128 [12991] fprintf [129ba] memcpy [12a1a] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_begin.c [13a4e] disasm_begin [13b10] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_cb.c [14cc7] disasm_cb [14fc8] null_elf_getsym [15037] read_symtab [15063] read_symtab_exec [150f8] default_elf_getsym [151ff] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_end.c [15399] disasm_end [153f7] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/disasm_str.c [15647] disasm_str [1576c] buffer_cb [157ad] mempcpy [157e5] buffer_cb [15902] ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/symbolhash.c [160f3] __libasm_next_prime [16110] is_prime [16152] asm_symbol_tab_iterate [161b0] asm_symbol_tab_find [1624b] asm_symbol_tab_insert [162fb] asm_symbol_tab_free [1633c] asm_symbol_tab_init [16414] insert_entry_2 [16579] lookup [16662] __libasm_next_prime [166eb] ../../elfutils-0.185/libebl/eblelfclass.c [17661] ebl_get_elfclass [1769b] ../../elfutils-0.185/libebl/eblelfdata.c [18611] ebl_get_elfdata [1864b] ../../elfutils-0.185/libebl/eblelfmachine.c [195c1] ebl_get_elfmachine [195fb] crtn.S [c] ../../elfutils-0.185/src/size.c [e47] handle_elf [2238] show_segments [22a8] show_bsd_totals [22cc] show_bsd [236a] show_sysv_one_line [23cc] show_sysv [24f4] handle_ar [294f] print_header [29ff] process_file [2eb4] parse_opt [309b] main [32ed] error [3320] mempcpy [3354] memcpy [3388] open [33b1] printf [c] ../../elfutils-0.185/src/strip.c [1b05] cleanup_debug [1b0f] handle_elf [23fd] update_section_size [249f] handle_debug_relocs [2597] process_file [29e0] remove_debug_relocations [3e90] relocate [3ff4] update_shdrstrndx [412a] get_xndxdata [41aa] secndx_name [4202] parse_opt [4497] main [46e5] section_name_matches [471a] free_patterns [4723] free_sec_patterns [47ad] add_pattern [47e2] pwrite_retry [4846] startswith [486e] error [48a1] strcpy [48c9] memset [48fd] mempcpy [4931] memcpy [4965] open [498e] cleanup_debug [49e7] update_section_size [4c21] handle_elf PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: # Everything on the command line # Everything from stdin (with newlines). # stdin without newline address, just EOF. # stdin without newline symbol, just EOF. # Everything on the command line with addresses # Everything from stdin (with newlines) with addresses. # Pretty with functions and addresses. PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: 0x56164a0ba000 0x56164a0bf000 /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace-child 0x7fd25a9a0000 0x7fd25ab91000 /lib/ 0x7fd25aba4000 0x7fd25abd8000 /lib/ 0x7fff6b1fa000 0x7fff6b1fc000 [vdso: 13968] TID 13968: # 0 0x7fd25aa2c163 pthread_kill@GLIBC_2.2.5 # 1 0x7fd25a9e1306 - 1 raise # 2 0x56164a0bb237 - 1 main # 3 0x7fd25a9cd52b - 1 __libc_start_call_main # 4 0x7fd25a9cd5dc - 1 __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 # 5 0x56164a0bb335 - 1 _start TID 13969: # 0 0x7fd25aa2c163 pthread_kill@GLIBC_2.2.5 # 1 0x7fd25a9e1306 - 1 raise # 2 0x56164a0bb45b - 1 sigusr2 # 3 0x56164a0bb4fa - 1 stdarg # 4 0x56164a0bb510 - 1 backtracegen # 5 0x56164a0bb519 - 1 start # 6 0x7fd25aa2a4af - 1 start_thread # 7 0x7fd25aaaace0 - 1 __clone3 # 2 0x56164a0bb237 - 1 main PASS: # 0 0x7fe396359163 pthread_kill@GLIBC_2.2.5 # 1 0x7fe39630e306 - 1 raise # 2 0x558f25149450 - 1 main # 3 0x7fe3962fa52b - 1 __libc_start_call_main # 4 0x7fe3962fa5dc - 1 __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 # 5 0x558f251495f5 - 1 _start # 2 0x558f25149450 - 1 main PASS: 0x7f37a0a15163 pthread_kill@GLIBC_2.2.5 0x7f37a09ca306 raise 0x7f37a09b57a3 abort 0x55db55772216 callme 0x55db5577221e doit 0x55db5577274c main 0x55db5577274c main PASS: biarch testing disabled SKIP: flock: invalid option -- 'w' BusyBox v1.34.1 () multi-call binary. Usage: flock [-sxun] FD | { FILE [-c] PROG ARGS } SKIP: biarch testing disabled SKIP: ./backtrace ./backtrace.x86_64.exec ./backtrace.x86_64.core 0x400000 0x6e0000 /home/jkratoch/redhat/elfutils/tests/backtrace.x86_64.exec 0x7fff1bdcc000 0x7fff1bdce000 TID 23097: # 0 0x40a62b raise # 1 0x401e3d - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x401f88 - 1 stdarg # 3 0x401fa6 - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x401fbd - 1 start # 5 0x403773 - 1 start_thread # 6 0x444239 - 1 __clone TID 23096: # 0 0x404880 pthread_join # 1 0x4021f9 - 1 main # 2 0x40ba94 - 1 __libc_start_main # 3 0x401d0d - 1 _start # 1 0x4021f9 - 1 main # 3 0x401fa6 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.x86_64.fp.exec ./backtrace.x86_64.fp.core 0x400000 0x6ca000 /home/ulf/dev/elfutils/tests/backtrace.x86_64.fp.exec 0x7fff6f250000 0x7fff6f252000 TID 28872: # 0 0x40545b raise # 1 0x401b0d - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x401bb0 - 1 stdarg # 3 0x401c00 - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x401c09 - 1 start # 5 0x402d74 - 1 start_thread # 6 0x4383b9 - 1 __clone TID 28871: # 0 0x4040f4 pthread_join # 1 0x401677 - 1 main # 2 0x4066a0 - 1 __libc_start_main # 3 0x4019b7 - 1 _start # 1 0x401677 - 1 main # 3 0x401c00 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.aarch64.fp.exec ./backtrace.aarch64.fp.core 0x400000 0x4a3000 /home/ulf/backtrace.aarch64.fp.exec 0x7fb6380000 0x7fb6381000 TID 350: # 0 0x40583c raise # 1 0x401aac - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x401aac - 1 sigusr2 # 3 0x401ba8 - 1 stdarg # 4 0x401c04 - 1 backtracegen # 5 0x401c10 - 1 start # 6 0x402f44 - 1 start_thread TID 349: # 0 0x403fcc pthread_join # 1 0x401810 - 1 main # 2 0x401810 - 1 main # 3 0x406544 - 1 __libc_start_main # 4 0x401918 - 1 $x /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: no matching address range # 1 0x401810 - 1 main # 2 0x401810 - 1 main # 4 0x401c04 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.ppc64le.fp.exec ./backtrace.ppc64le.fp.core 0x10000000 0x10100000 /root/mjw/elfutils/tests/backtrace.ppc64le.fp.exec 0x3fffa9410000 0x3fffa9420000 TID 23728: # 0 0x100104bc raise # 1 0x10002a1c - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x10002a1c - 1 sigusr2 # 3 0x10002b38 - 1 stdarg # 4 0x10002bc4 - 1 backtracegen # 5 0x10002bf0 - 1 start # 6 0x10004c28 - 1 start_thread TID 23727: # 0 0x10006034 pthread_join # 1 0x100025bc - 1 main # 2 0x100025bc - 1 main # 3 0x100123c4 - 1 generic_start_main # 4 0x10012570 - 1 __libc_start_main /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found # 1 0x100025bc - 1 main # 2 0x100025bc - 1 main # 4 0x10002bc4 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.x32.exec ./backtrace.x32.core 0x400000 0x6da000 /export/gnu/import/git/elfutils/tests/backtrace.x32.exe 0xfff64000 0xfff65000 TID 3843: # 0 0x40b2a2 raise # 1 0x400e9c - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x400f2b - 1 stdarg # 3 0x400f9f - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x400fa8 - 1 start # 5 0x402964 - 1 start_thread # 6 0x44c8c9 - 1 __clone TID 3842: # 0 0x4039ea pthread_join # 1 0x400a12 - 1 main # 2 0x411d0c - 1 __libc_start_main # 3 0x400d43 - 1 _start # 1 0x400a12 - 1 main # 3 0x400f9f - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.i386.exec ./backtrace.i386.core 0x8048000 0x8110000 /home/jkratoch/redhat/elfutils/tests/backtrace.i386.exec 0xf77f7000 0xf77f8000 TID 23101: # 0 0xf77f7430 __kernel_vsyscall # 1 0x8052207 - 1 raise # 2 0x8049a8a - 1 sigusr2 # 3 0x8049b84 - 1 stdarg # 4 0x8049ba0 - 1 backtracegen # 5 0x8049bb0 - 1 start # 6 0x804b1c0 - 1 start_thread # 7 0x807f3fe - 1 __clone TID 23100: # 0 0xf77f7430 __kernel_vsyscall # 1 0x804c25d - 1 pthread_join # 2 0x8049e20 - 1 main # 3 0x805351a - 1 __libc_start_main # 4 0x804993d - 1 _start /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found # 2 0x8049e20 - 1 main # 4 0x8049ba0 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.i386.fp.exec ./backtrace.i386.fp.core 0x8a7000 0x8a8000 0x8048000 0x80f9000 [exe] TID 12045: # 0 0x8a7416 __kernel_vsyscall # 1 0x8051ab9 - 1 raise # 2 0x80485c1 - 1 sigusr2 # 3 0x8048699 - 1 stdarg # 4 0x8048702 - 1 backtracegen # 5 0x804871b - 1 start # 6 0x804a7cf - 1 start_thread # 7 0x80746fe - 1 __clone TID 12044: # 0 0x8a7416 __kernel_vsyscall # 1 0x804ae30 - 1 pthread_join # 2 0x804847c - 1 main # 3 0x8053188 - 1 __libc_start_main # 4 0x80481e1 - 1 _start /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found # 2 0x804847c - 1 main # 4 0x8048702 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.ppc.exec ./backtrace.ppc.core 0x100000 0x110000 0x10000000 0x100e0000 /home/mark/elfutils/tests/backtrace.ppc.exec TID 17198: # 0 0x1000e1f0 raise # 1 0x10001f78 - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x10002104 - 1 stdarg # 3 0x10002144 - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x1000217c - 1 start # 5 0x1000406c - 1 start_thread # 6 0x100347a0 - 1 __clone TID 17197: # 0 0x10005534 pthread_join # 1 0x1000241c - 1 main # 2 0x10010094 - 1 generic_start_main # 3 0x100101f0 - 1 __libc_start_main /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: no matching address range # 1 0x1000241c - 1 main # 3 0x10002144 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.s390x.exec ./backtrace.s390x.core 0x80000000 0x800ca000 [exe] TID 58546: # 0 0x8000ed50 raise # 1 0x800003c6 - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x8000051e - 1 stdarg # 3 0x80000552 - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x80000584 - 1 start # 5 0x800040a4 - 1 start_thread # 6 0x80030cec - 1 thread_start TID 58545: # 0 0x80004f7e pthread_join # 1 0x80000894 - 1 main # 2 0x80010b64 - 1 __libc_start_main # 3 0x8000022e - 1 _start /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found # 1 0x80000894 - 1 main # 3 0x80000552 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.s390.exec ./backtrace.s390.core 0x400000 0x4af000 [exe] TID 58560: # 0 0x40c4a2 raise # 1 0x4003e0 - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x4004f8 - 1 stdarg # 3 0x400520 - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x400540 - 1 start # 5 0x4033e0 - 1 start_thread # 6 0x428e18 - 1 thread_start TID 58559: # 0 0x404058 pthread_join # 1 0x4007d8 - 1 main # 2 0x40dc1a - 1 __libc_start_main # 3 0x400290 - 1 _start /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found # 1 0x4007d8 - 1 main # 3 0x400520 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.aarch64.exec ./backtrace.aarch64.core 0x400000 0x4c0000 /tmp/elfutils/tests/backtrace-child 0x7f818e1000 0x7f818e2000 TID 24044: # 0 0x40c6d0 raise # 1 0x401ee0 - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x401fe0 - 1 stdarg # 3 0x402038 - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x402044 - 1 start # 5 0x4038d0 - 1 start_thread # 6 0x42d3a0 - 1 __clone TID 24043: # 0 0x4048bc pthread_join # 1 0x401c00 - 1 main # 2 0x40dc60 - 1 __libc_start_main # 3 0x401d34 - 1 $x # 4 0x401d34 - 1 $x /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: address out of range # 1 0x401c00 - 1 main # 3 0x402038 - 1 backtracegen PASS: ./backtrace ./backtrace.sparc.exec ./backtrace.sparc.core 0x100000 0x2b2000 [exe] 0xfffffc011c9a0000 0xfffffc011c9a2000 TID 21612: # 0 0x10c488 raise # 1 0x1005dc - 1 sigusr2 # 2 0x1006f0 - 1 stdarg # 3 0x10076c - 1 backtracegen # 4 0x10078c - 1 start # 5 0x103384 - 1 start_thread # 6 0x1311b8 - 1 __thread_start TID 21611: # 0 0x103920 pthread_join # 1 0x100924 - 1 main # 2 0x10e0a8 - 1 __libc_start_main # 3 0x100434 - 1 _start /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: no matching address range /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/backtrace: dwfl_thread_getframes: no matching address range # 1 0x100924 - 1 main # 3 0x10076c - 1 backtracegen PASS: PID 18460 - core TID 18460: #0 0x00000000004005bc cxxfunc(int) #1 0x00000000004005d2 f /usr/bin/eu-stack: tid 18460: shown max number of frames (2, use -n 0 for unlimited) /usr/bin/eu-stack: tid 18460: shown max number of frames (2, use -n 0 for unlimited) #1 0x00000000004005d2 f #0 0x00000000004005bc cxxfunc(int) PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PID 14549 - process TID 14549: #0 0x00007fb562ed96ca clock_nanosleep@GLIBC_2.2.5 #1 0x00007fb562edde77 __nanosleep #2 0x00007fb562edddbe sleep #3 0x00007fb56300911e libfunc #4 0x000055acd05671c3 main #5 0x00007fb562e3352b __libc_start_call_main #6 0x00007fb562e335dc __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 #7 0x000055acd05671f5 _start PASS: /usr/bin/eu-stack: dwfl_thread_getframes tid 3130 at 0x3fdf821d64 in /usr/lib64/ Callback returned failure PID 3130 - core TID 3130: #0 0x00007f08bc24d681 libfunc - .//////////////////////////////////// #1 0x00000000004006b4 main - linkmap-cut #2 0x0000003fdf821d65 - /usr/lib64/ PASS: PASS: PASS: module name: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/vdsosyms module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /lib/ module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /lib/ module name: /usr/lib/ module name: /lib/ module name: [vdso: 14621] vdso syms: 12 0: '' 0 (0) 1: 'clock_gettime' 920 (7ffe0ccfd920) 2: '__vdso_gettimeofday' 6b0 (7ffe0ccfd6b0) 3: 'clock_getres' c20 (7ffe0ccfdc20) 4: '__vdso_clock_getres' c20 (7ffe0ccfdc20) 5: 'gettimeofday' 6b0 (7ffe0ccfd6b0) 6: '__vdso_time' 8f0 (7ffe0ccfd8f0) 7: 'time' 8f0 (7ffe0ccfd8f0) 8: '__vdso_clock_gettime' 920 (7ffe0ccfd920) 9: 'LINUX_2.6' 0 (0) 10: '__vdso_getcpu' c80 (7ffe0ccfdc80) 11: 'getcpu' c80 (7ffe0ccfdc80) PASS: vdsosyms PASS: PASS: PASS: check_elf: newdata.elf32 Adding 16 bytes. OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. elf_rawdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF elf_getdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF check_elf: newdata.elf32.mmap Adding 16 bytes. OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. elf_rawdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF elf_getdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF check_elf: newdata.elf64 Adding 16 bytes. OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. elf_rawdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF elf_getdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF check_elf: newdata.elf64.mmap Adding 16 bytes. OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. elf_rawdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Reading ELF file OK 16 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF elf_getdata Adding 16 bytes. OK 32 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF Adding 16 bytes. OK 48 bytes. OK, section data item 0 (d_off: 0, d_size: 16) 0 data (d_off: 0, len * i: 0): (0x564362735ca0 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 1 (d_off: 16, d_size: 16) 1 data (d_off: 16, len * i: 16): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF OK, section data item 2 (d_off: 32, d_size: 16) 2 data (d_off: 32, len * i: 32): (0x5643627313c4 + 0) 123456789ABCDEF PASS: newdata fname: strtab.elf.32 add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strings', stridx: 10, lastidx: 1 add_string: 'elfutils', stridx: 19, lastidx: 10 add_string: 'strtabelf', stridx: 29, lastidx: 19 add_string: 'three', stridx: 35, lastidx: 29 checking orig strings: first elf_update, before write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' checking orig strings: first elf_update, after write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' add_string: 'elfutils2', stridx: 45, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'strtabelf2', stridx: 56, lastidx: 45 add_string: 'three2', stridx: 63, lastidx: 56 checking orig strings: first extra strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' 'elfutils2' 'strtabelf2' 'three2' checking orig strings: read ELF file, orig strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' sh_size: 35 add_string: '0123456789', stridx: 46, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', stridx: 81, lastidx: 46 add_string: 'forty-two', stridx: 91, lastidx: 81 checking orig strings: read file, added strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' checking orig strings: all together now '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' fname: strtab.elf.32.mmap add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strings', stridx: 10, lastidx: 1 add_string: 'elfutils', stridx: 19, lastidx: 10 add_string: 'strtabelf', stridx: 29, lastidx: 19 add_string: 'three', stridx: 35, lastidx: 29 checking orig strings: first elf_update, before write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' checking orig strings: first elf_update, after write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' add_string: 'elfutils2', stridx: 45, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'strtabelf2', stridx: 56, lastidx: 45 add_string: 'three2', stridx: 63, lastidx: 56 checking orig strings: first extra strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' 'elfutils2' 'strtabelf2' 'three2' checking orig strings: read ELF file, orig strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' sh_size: 35 add_string: '0123456789', stridx: 46, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', stridx: 81, lastidx: 46 add_string: 'forty-two', stridx: 91, lastidx: 81 checking orig strings: read file, added strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' checking orig strings: all together now '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' fname: strtab.elf.64 add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strings', stridx: 10, lastidx: 1 add_string: 'elfutils', stridx: 19, lastidx: 10 add_string: 'strtabelf', stridx: 29, lastidx: 19 add_string: 'three', stridx: 35, lastidx: 29 checking orig strings: first elf_update, before write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' checking orig strings: first elf_update, after write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' add_string: 'elfutils2', stridx: 45, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'strtabelf2', stridx: 56, lastidx: 45 add_string: 'three2', stridx: 63, lastidx: 56 checking orig strings: first extra strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' 'elfutils2' 'strtabelf2' 'three2' checking orig strings: read ELF file, orig strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' sh_size: 35 add_string: '0123456789', stridx: 46, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', stridx: 81, lastidx: 46 add_string: 'forty-two', stridx: 91, lastidx: 81 checking orig strings: read file, added strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' checking orig strings: all together now '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' fname: strtab.elf.64.mmap add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strings', stridx: 10, lastidx: 1 add_string: 'elfutils', stridx: 19, lastidx: 10 add_string: 'strtabelf', stridx: 29, lastidx: 19 add_string: 'three', stridx: 35, lastidx: 29 checking orig strings: first elf_update, before write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' checking orig strings: first elf_update, after write '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' add_string: 'elfutils2', stridx: 45, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'strtabelf2', stridx: 56, lastidx: 45 add_string: 'three2', stridx: 63, lastidx: 56 checking orig strings: first extra strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' 'elfutils2' 'strtabelf2' 'three2' checking orig strings: read ELF file, orig strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' sh_size: 35 add_string: '0123456789', stridx: 46, lastidx: 35 add_string: 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', stridx: 81, lastidx: 46 add_string: 'forty-two', stridx: 91, lastidx: 81 checking orig strings: read file, added strings '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' checking orig strings: all together now '' '.strings' 'elfutils' 'strtabelf' 'three' '0123456789' 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' 'forty-two' PASS: elfstrtab thread tid: 14690 thread tid: 14691 thread tid: 14692 PASS: dwfl-proc-attach open OK elf_begin OK testing ELF class: 1, layout: 0 gelf_newehdr OK gelf_getclass OK elf_flagelf OK gelf_getehdr OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK gelf_update_ehdr OK elf_update OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK elf_newscn OK gelf_newphdr OK elf_update OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 1 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 1 OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 2 OK e_phnum == 1 OK e_shoff != 0 OK e_phoff != 0 OK e_shentsize OK e_phentsize OK elf_begin OK testing ELF class: 1, layout: 1 gelf_newehdr OK gelf_getclass OK elf_flagelf OK gelf_getehdr OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK gelf_update_ehdr OK elf_update OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK elf_newscn OK gelf_newphdr OK gelf_getehdr OK gelf_update_ehdr OK elf_update OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 1 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 1 OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 2 OK e_phnum == 1 OK e_shoff != 0 OK e_phoff != 0 OK e_shentsize OK e_phentsize OK elf_begin OK testing ELF class: 2, layout: 0 gelf_newehdr OK gelf_getclass OK elf_flagelf OK gelf_getehdr OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK gelf_update_ehdr OK elf_update OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK elf_newscn OK gelf_newphdr OK elf_update OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 1 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 1 OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 2 OK e_phnum == 1 OK e_shoff != 0 OK e_phoff != 0 OK e_shentsize OK e_phentsize OK elf_begin OK testing ELF class: 2, layout: 1 gelf_newehdr OK gelf_getclass OK elf_flagelf OK gelf_getehdr OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK gelf_update_ehdr OK elf_update OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 0 OK e_phnum == 0 OK e_shoff == 0 OK e_phoff == 0 OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 0 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 0 OK elf_newscn OK gelf_newphdr OK gelf_getehdr OK gelf_update_ehdr OK elf_update OK elf_getshdrnum OK shnum == 1 OK elf_getphdrnum OK phnum == 1 OK gelf_getehdr OK EI_DATA OK e_version OK e_shnum == 2 OK e_phnum == 1 OK e_shoff != 0 OK e_phoff != 0 OK e_shentsize OK e_phentsize OK PASS: elfshphehdr LFS testing is irrelevant on this system SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: uncompress testfile4 -> testfile4.uncompressed processing: testfile4 [27] .debug_aranges already decompressed [28] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [29] .debug_info already decompressed [30] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [31] .debug_line already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfile4.uncompressed -> testfile4.gnu processing: testfile4.uncompressed [27] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (56 => 55 98.21%) [28] .debug_pubnames compressed -> .zdebug_pubnames (93 => 84 90.32%) [29] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (960 => 634 66.04%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (405 => 225 55.56%) [31] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (189 => 131 69.31%) [33] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile4.gnu -> testfile4.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile4.gnu [27] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (55 => 56 101.82%) [28] .zdebug_pubnames decompressed -> .debug_pubnames (84 => 93 110.71%) [29] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (634 => 960 151.42%) [30] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (225 => 405 180.00%) [31] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (131 => 189 144.27%) [33] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile4.uncompressed -> testfile4.gabi processing: testfile4.uncompressed [27] .debug_aranges compressed (56 => 55 98.21%) [28] .debug_pubnames compressed (93 => 84 90.32%) [29] .debug_info compressed (960 => 634 66.04%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed (405 => 225 55.56%) [31] .debug_line compressed (189 => 131 69.31%) No errors uncompress testfile4.gabi -> testfile4.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile4.gabi [27] .debug_aranges decompressed (55 => 56 101.82%) [28] .debug_pubnames decompressed (84 => 93 110.71%) [29] .debug_info decompressed (634 => 960 151.42%) [30] .debug_abbrev decompressed (225 => 405 180.00%) [31] .debug_line decompressed (131 => 189 144.27%) merging string tables testfile4 -> testfile4.merged WARNING: symbol table [34] contains section symbol 33 for old shdrstrndx 33 uncompress testfile4.merged -> testfile4.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile4.merged [27] .debug_aranges already decompressed [28] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [29] .debug_info already decompressed [30] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [31] .debug_line already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfile4.merged.uncompressed -> testfile4.merged.gnu processing: testfile4.merged.uncompressed [27] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (56 => 55 98.21%) [28] .debug_pubnames compressed -> .zdebug_pubnames (93 => 84 90.32%) [29] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (960 => 634 66.04%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (405 => 225 55.56%) [31] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (189 => 131 69.31%) [34] Updating section string table [33] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile4.merged.gnu -> testfile4.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile4.merged.gnu [27] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (55 => 56 101.82%) [28] .zdebug_pubnames decompressed -> .debug_pubnames (84 => 93 110.71%) [29] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (634 => 960 151.42%) [30] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (225 => 405 180.00%) [31] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (131 => 189 144.27%) [34] Updating section string table [33] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile4.merged.uncompressed -> testfile4.merged.gabi processing: testfile4.merged.uncompressed [27] .debug_aranges compressed (56 => 55 98.21%) [28] .debug_pubnames compressed (93 => 84 90.32%) [29] .debug_info compressed (960 => 634 66.04%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed (405 => 225 55.56%) [31] .debug_line compressed (189 => 131 69.31%) No errors uncompress testfile4.merged.gabi -> testfile4.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile4.merged.gabi [27] .debug_aranges decompressed (55 => 56 101.82%) [28] .debug_pubnames decompressed (84 => 93 110.71%) [29] .debug_info decompressed (634 => 960 151.42%) [30] .debug_abbrev decompressed (225 => 405 180.00%) [31] .debug_line decompressed (131 => 189 144.27%) uncompress testfile12 -> testfile12.uncompressed processing: testfile12 [23] .debug_aranges already decompressed [24] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [25] .debug_info already decompressed [26] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [27] .debug_line already decompressed [28] .debug_frame already decompressed [29] .debug_str already decompressed [30] .debug_macinfo already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfile12.uncompressed -> testfile12.gnu processing: testfile12.uncompressed [23] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (192 => 83 43.23%) [24] .debug_pubnames NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [25] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (3468 => 1879 54.18%) [26] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (341 => 202 59.24%) [27] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (709 => 371 52.33%) [28] .debug_frame NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [29] .debug_str compressed -> .zdebug_str (2235 => 986 44.12%) [30] .debug_macinfo compressed -> .zdebug_macinfo (10518 => 4360 41.45%) [31] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile12.gnu -> testfile12.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile12.gnu [24] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [28] .debug_frame already decompressed [23] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (83 => 192 231.33%) [25] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (1879 => 3468 184.57%) [26] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (202 => 341 168.81%) [27] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (371 => 709 191.11%) [29] .zdebug_str decompressed -> .debug_str (986 => 2235 226.67%) [30] .zdebug_macinfo decompressed -> .debug_macinfo (4360 => 10518 241.24%) [31] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile12.uncompressed -> testfile12.gabi processing: testfile12.uncompressed [23] .debug_aranges compressed (192 => 95 49.48%) [24] .debug_pubnames NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [25] .debug_info compressed (3468 => 1891 54.53%) [26] .debug_abbrev compressed (341 => 214 62.76%) [27] .debug_line compressed (709 => 383 54.02%) [28] .debug_frame NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [29] .debug_str compressed (2235 => 998 44.65%) [30] .debug_macinfo compressed (10518 => 4372 41.57%) No errors uncompress testfile12.gabi -> testfile12.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile12.gabi [24] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [28] .debug_frame already decompressed [23] .debug_aranges decompressed (95 => 192 202.11%) [25] .debug_info decompressed (1891 => 3468 183.40%) [26] .debug_abbrev decompressed (214 => 341 159.35%) [27] .debug_line decompressed (383 => 709 185.12%) [29] .debug_str decompressed (998 => 2235 223.95%) [30] .debug_macinfo decompressed (4372 => 10518 240.58%) merging string tables testfile12 -> testfile12.merged WARNING: symbol table [32] contains section symbol 31 for old shdrstrndx 31 uncompress testfile12.merged -> testfile12.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile12.merged [23] .debug_aranges already decompressed [24] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [25] .debug_info already decompressed [26] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [27] .debug_line already decompressed [28] .debug_frame already decompressed [29] .debug_str already decompressed [30] .debug_macinfo already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfile12.merged.uncompressed -> testfile12.merged.gnu processing: testfile12.merged.uncompressed [23] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (192 => 83 43.23%) [24] .debug_pubnames NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [25] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (3468 => 1879 54.18%) [26] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (341 => 202 59.24%) [27] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (709 => 371 52.33%) [28] .debug_frame NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [29] .debug_str compressed -> .zdebug_str (2235 => 986 44.12%) [30] .debug_macinfo compressed -> .zdebug_macinfo (10518 => 4360 41.45%) [32] Updating section string table [31] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile12.merged.gnu -> testfile12.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile12.merged.gnu [24] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [28] .debug_frame already decompressed [23] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (83 => 192 231.33%) [25] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (1879 => 3468 184.57%) [26] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (202 => 341 168.81%) [27] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (371 => 709 191.11%) [29] .zdebug_str decompressed -> .debug_str (986 => 2235 226.67%) [30] .zdebug_macinfo decompressed -> .debug_macinfo (4360 => 10518 241.24%) [32] Updating section string table [31] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile12.merged.uncompressed -> testfile12.merged.gabi processing: testfile12.merged.uncompressed [23] .debug_aranges compressed (192 => 95 49.48%) [24] .debug_pubnames NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [25] .debug_info compressed (3468 => 1891 54.53%) [26] .debug_abbrev compressed (341 => 214 62.76%) [27] .debug_line compressed (709 => 383 54.02%) [28] .debug_frame NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [29] .debug_str compressed (2235 => 998 44.65%) [30] .debug_macinfo compressed (10518 => 4372 41.57%) No errors uncompress testfile12.merged.gabi -> testfile12.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile12.merged.gabi [24] .debug_pubnames already decompressed [28] .debug_frame already decompressed [23] .debug_aranges decompressed (95 => 192 202.11%) [25] .debug_info decompressed (1891 => 3468 183.40%) [26] .debug_abbrev decompressed (214 => 341 159.35%) [27] .debug_line decompressed (383 => 709 185.12%) [29] .debug_str decompressed (998 => 2235 223.95%) [30] .debug_macinfo decompressed (4372 => 10518 240.58%) uncompress testfileppc64 -> testfileppc64.uncompressed processing: testfileppc64 [26] .debug_aranges already decompressed [27] .debug_info already decompressed [28] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [29] .debug_line already decompressed [30] .debug_frame already decompressed [31] .debug_str already decompressed [32] .debug_loc already decompressed [33] .debug_ranges already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfileppc64.uncompressed -> testfileppc64.gnu processing: testfileppc64.uncompressed [26] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 53 55.21%) [27] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (363 => 211 58.13%) [28] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (315 => 194 61.59%) [29] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (119 => 89 74.79%) [30] .debug_frame compressed -> .zdebug_frame (96 => 73 76.04%) [31] .debug_str compressed -> .zdebug_str (174 => 155 89.08%) [32] .debug_loc compressed -> .zdebug_loc (171 => 73 42.69%) [33] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [34] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfileppc64.gnu -> testfileppc64.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfileppc64.gnu [33] .debug_ranges already decompressed [26] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (53 => 96 181.13%) [27] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (211 => 363 172.04%) [28] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (194 => 315 162.37%) [29] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 119 133.71%) [30] .zdebug_frame decompressed -> .debug_frame (73 => 96 131.51%) [31] .zdebug_str decompressed -> .debug_str (155 => 174 112.26%) [32] .zdebug_loc decompressed -> .debug_loc (73 => 171 234.25%) [34] Updating section string table compress gabi testfileppc64.uncompressed -> testfileppc64.gabi processing: testfileppc64.uncompressed [26] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 65 67.71%) [27] .debug_info compressed (363 => 223 61.43%) [28] .debug_abbrev compressed (315 => 206 65.40%) [29] .debug_line compressed (119 => 101 84.87%) [30] .debug_frame compressed (96 => 85 88.54%) [31] .debug_str compressed (174 => 167 95.98%) [32] .debug_loc compressed (171 => 85 49.71%) [33] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller No errors uncompress testfileppc64.gabi -> testfileppc64.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfileppc64.gabi [33] .debug_ranges already decompressed [26] .debug_aranges decompressed (65 => 96 147.69%) [27] .debug_info decompressed (223 => 363 162.78%) [28] .debug_abbrev decompressed (206 => 315 152.91%) [29] .debug_line decompressed (101 => 119 117.82%) [30] .debug_frame decompressed (85 => 96 112.94%) [31] .debug_str decompressed (167 => 174 104.19%) [32] .debug_loc decompressed (85 => 171 201.18%) merging string tables testfileppc64 -> testfileppc64.merged uncompress testfileppc64.merged -> testfileppc64.merged.uncompressed processing: testfileppc64.merged [26] .debug_aranges already decompressed [27] .debug_info already decompressed [28] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [29] .debug_line already decompressed [30] .debug_frame already decompressed [31] .debug_str already decompressed [32] .debug_loc already decompressed [33] .debug_ranges already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfileppc64.merged.uncompressed -> testfileppc64.merged.gnu processing: testfileppc64.merged.uncompressed [26] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 53 55.21%) [27] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (363 => 211 58.13%) [28] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (315 => 194 61.59%) [29] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (119 => 89 74.79%) [30] .debug_frame compressed -> .zdebug_frame (96 => 73 76.04%) [31] .debug_str compressed -> .zdebug_str (174 => 155 89.08%) [32] .debug_loc compressed -> .zdebug_loc (171 => 73 42.69%) [33] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [35] Updating section string table [34] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfileppc64.merged.gnu -> testfileppc64.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfileppc64.merged.gnu [33] .debug_ranges already decompressed [26] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (53 => 96 181.13%) [27] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (211 => 363 172.04%) [28] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (194 => 315 162.37%) [29] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 119 133.71%) [30] .zdebug_frame decompressed -> .debug_frame (73 => 96 131.51%) [31] .zdebug_str decompressed -> .debug_str (155 => 174 112.26%) [32] .zdebug_loc decompressed -> .debug_loc (73 => 171 234.25%) [35] Updating section string table [34] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfileppc64.merged.uncompressed -> testfileppc64.merged.gabi processing: testfileppc64.merged.uncompressed [26] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 65 67.71%) [27] .debug_info compressed (363 => 223 61.43%) [28] .debug_abbrev compressed (315 => 206 65.40%) [29] .debug_line compressed (119 => 101 84.87%) [30] .debug_frame compressed (96 => 85 88.54%) [31] .debug_str compressed (174 => 167 95.98%) [32] .debug_loc compressed (171 => 85 49.71%) [33] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller No errors uncompress testfileppc64.merged.gabi -> testfileppc64.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfileppc64.merged.gabi [33] .debug_ranges already decompressed [26] .debug_aranges decompressed (65 => 96 147.69%) [27] .debug_info decompressed (223 => 363 162.78%) [28] .debug_abbrev decompressed (206 => 315 152.91%) [29] .debug_line decompressed (101 => 119 117.82%) [30] .debug_frame decompressed (85 => 96 112.94%) [31] .debug_str decompressed (167 => 174 104.19%) [32] .debug_loc decompressed (85 => 171 201.18%) uncompress testfileppc32 -> testfileppc32.uncompressed processing: testfileppc32 [28] .debug_aranges already decompressed [29] .debug_info already decompressed [30] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [31] .debug_line already decompressed [32] .debug_frame already decompressed [33] .debug_str already decompressed [34] .debug_loc already decompressed [35] .debug_ranges already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfileppc32.uncompressed -> testfileppc32.gnu processing: testfileppc32.uncompressed [28] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 48 75.00%) [29] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (319 => 208 65.20%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (318 => 197 61.95%) [31] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (109 => 85 77.98%) [32] .debug_frame compressed -> .zdebug_frame (64 => 53 82.81%) [33] .debug_str compressed -> .zdebug_str (179 => 159 88.83%) [34] .debug_loc compressed -> .zdebug_loc (99 => 68 68.69%) [35] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [36] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfileppc32.gnu -> testfileppc32.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfileppc32.gnu [35] .debug_ranges already decompressed [28] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (48 => 64 133.33%) [29] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (208 => 319 153.37%) [30] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (197 => 318 161.42%) [31] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (85 => 109 128.24%) [32] .zdebug_frame decompressed -> .debug_frame (53 => 64 120.75%) [33] .zdebug_str decompressed -> .debug_str (159 => 179 112.58%) [34] .zdebug_loc decompressed -> .debug_loc (68 => 99 145.59%) [36] Updating section string table compress gabi testfileppc32.uncompressed -> testfileppc32.gabi processing: testfileppc32.uncompressed [28] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 48 75.00%) [29] .debug_info compressed (319 => 208 65.20%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed (318 => 197 61.95%) [31] .debug_line compressed (109 => 85 77.98%) [32] .debug_frame compressed (64 => 53 82.81%) [33] .debug_str compressed (179 => 159 88.83%) [34] .debug_loc compressed (99 => 68 68.69%) [35] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller No errors uncompress testfileppc32.gabi -> testfileppc32.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfileppc32.gabi [35] .debug_ranges already decompressed [28] .debug_aranges decompressed (48 => 64 133.33%) [29] .debug_info decompressed (208 => 319 153.37%) [30] .debug_abbrev decompressed (197 => 318 161.42%) [31] .debug_line decompressed (85 => 109 128.24%) [32] .debug_frame decompressed (53 => 64 120.75%) [33] .debug_str decompressed (159 => 179 112.58%) [34] .debug_loc decompressed (68 => 99 145.59%) merging string tables testfileppc32 -> testfileppc32.merged uncompress testfileppc32.merged -> testfileppc32.merged.uncompressed processing: testfileppc32.merged [28] .debug_aranges already decompressed [29] .debug_info already decompressed [30] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [31] .debug_line already decompressed [32] .debug_frame already decompressed [33] .debug_str already decompressed [34] .debug_loc already decompressed [35] .debug_ranges already decompressed No errors compress gnu testfileppc32.merged.uncompressed -> testfileppc32.merged.gnu processing: testfileppc32.merged.uncompressed [28] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 48 75.00%) [29] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (319 => 208 65.20%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed -> .zdebug_abbrev (318 => 197 61.95%) [31] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (109 => 85 77.98%) [32] .debug_frame compressed -> .zdebug_frame (64 => 53 82.81%) [33] .debug_str compressed -> .zdebug_str (179 => 159 88.83%) [34] .debug_loc compressed -> .zdebug_loc (99 => 68 68.69%) [35] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [37] Updating section string table [36] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfileppc32.merged.gnu -> testfileppc32.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfileppc32.merged.gnu [35] .debug_ranges already decompressed [28] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (48 => 64 133.33%) [29] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (208 => 319 153.37%) [30] .zdebug_abbrev decompressed -> .debug_abbrev (197 => 318 161.42%) [31] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (85 => 109 128.24%) [32] .zdebug_frame decompressed -> .debug_frame (53 => 64 120.75%) [33] .zdebug_str decompressed -> .debug_str (159 => 179 112.58%) [34] .zdebug_loc decompressed -> .debug_loc (68 => 99 145.59%) [37] Updating section string table [36] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfileppc32.merged.uncompressed -> testfileppc32.merged.gabi processing: testfileppc32.merged.uncompressed [28] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 48 75.00%) [29] .debug_info compressed (319 => 208 65.20%) [30] .debug_abbrev compressed (318 => 197 61.95%) [31] .debug_line compressed (109 => 85 77.98%) [32] .debug_frame compressed (64 => 53 82.81%) [33] .debug_str compressed (179 => 159 88.83%) [34] .debug_loc compressed (99 => 68 68.69%) [35] .debug_ranges NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller No errors uncompress testfileppc32.merged.gabi -> testfileppc32.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfileppc32.merged.gabi [35] .debug_ranges already decompressed [28] .debug_aranges decompressed (48 => 64 133.33%) [29] .debug_info decompressed (208 => 319 153.37%) [30] .debug_abbrev decompressed (197 => 318 161.42%) [31] .debug_line decompressed (85 => 109 128.24%) [32] .debug_frame decompressed (53 => 64 120.75%) [33] .debug_str decompressed (159 => 179 112.58%) [34] .debug_loc decompressed (68 => 99 145.59%) uncompress testfile-zgnu64 -> testfile-zgnu64.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64 [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (50 => 96 192.00%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 170 153.15%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [6] Updating section string table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu64.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu64.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 50 52.08%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (170 => 111 65.29%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [6] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64.gnu -> testfile-zgnu64.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (50 => 96 192.00%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 170 153.15%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [6] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgnu64.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu64.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 62 64.58%) [3] .debug_info compressed (170 => 123 72.35%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64.gabi -> testfile-zgnu64.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (62 => 96 154.84%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (123 => 170 138.21%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) merging string tables testfile-zgnu64 -> testfile-zgnu64.merged uncompress testfile-zgnu64.merged -> testfile-zgnu64.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64.merged [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (50 => 96 192.00%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 170 153.15%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu64.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu64.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 50 52.08%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (170 => 111 65.29%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgnu64.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64.merged.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (50 => 96 192.00%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 170 153.15%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgnu64.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu64.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 62 64.58%) [3] .debug_info compressed (170 => 123 72.35%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgnu64.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64.merged.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (62 => 96 154.84%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (123 => 170 138.21%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) uncompress testfile-zgnu64be -> testfile-zgnu64be.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64be [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (52 => 96 184.62%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (89 => 126 141.57%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [7] Updating section string table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu64be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64be.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu64be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 52 54.17%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (126 => 89 70.63%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [7] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64be.gnu -> testfile-zgnu64be.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64be.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (52 => 96 184.62%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (89 => 126 141.57%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [7] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgnu64be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64be.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu64be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 64 66.67%) [4] .debug_info compressed (126 => 101 80.16%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64be.gabi -> testfile-zgnu64be.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64be.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (64 => 96 150.00%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (101 => 126 124.75%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) merging string tables testfile-zgnu64be -> testfile-zgnu64be.merged uncompress testfile-zgnu64be.merged -> testfile-zgnu64be.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64be.merged [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (52 => 96 184.62%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (89 => 126 141.57%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu64be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu64be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 52 54.17%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (126 => 89 70.63%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (52 => 96 184.62%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (89 => 126 141.57%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgnu64be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu64be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 64 66.67%) [4] .debug_info compressed (126 => 101 80.16%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu64be.merged.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (64 => 96 150.00%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (101 => 126 124.75%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) uncompress testfile-zgabi64 -> testfile-zgabi64.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64 [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (62 => 96 154.84%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (123 => 170 138.21%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi64.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi64.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 50 52.08%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (170 => 111 65.29%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [6] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64.gnu -> testfile-zgabi64.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (50 => 96 192.00%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 170 153.15%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [6] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgabi64.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi64.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 62 64.58%) [3] .debug_info compressed (170 => 123 72.35%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64.gabi -> testfile-zgabi64.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (62 => 96 154.84%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (123 => 170 138.21%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) merging string tables testfile-zgabi64 -> testfile-zgabi64.merged uncompress testfile-zgabi64.merged -> testfile-zgabi64.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64.merged [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (62 => 96 154.84%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (123 => 170 138.21%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi64.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi64.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 50 52.08%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (170 => 111 65.29%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgabi64.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64.merged.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (50 => 96 192.00%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 170 153.15%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgabi64.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi64.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 62 64.58%) [3] .debug_info compressed (170 => 123 72.35%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgabi64.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64.merged.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (62 => 96 154.84%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (123 => 170 138.21%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) uncompress testfile-zgabi64be -> testfile-zgabi64be.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64be [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (64 => 96 150.00%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (101 => 126 124.75%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi64be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64be.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi64be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 52 54.17%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (126 => 89 70.63%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [7] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64be.gnu -> testfile-zgabi64be.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64be.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (52 => 96 184.62%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (89 => 126 141.57%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [7] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgabi64be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64be.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi64be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 64 66.67%) [4] .debug_info compressed (126 => 101 80.16%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64be.gabi -> testfile-zgabi64be.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64be.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (64 => 96 150.00%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (101 => 126 124.75%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) merging string tables testfile-zgabi64be -> testfile-zgabi64be.merged uncompress testfile-zgabi64be.merged -> testfile-zgabi64be.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64be.merged [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (64 => 96 150.00%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (101 => 126 124.75%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi64be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi64be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (96 => 52 54.17%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (126 => 89 70.63%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (141 => 91 64.54%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (52 => 96 184.62%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (89 => 126 141.57%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (91 => 141 154.95%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgabi64be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi64be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (96 => 64 66.67%) [4] .debug_info compressed (126 => 101 80.16%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (141 => 103 73.05%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi64be.merged.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (64 => 96 150.00%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (101 => 126 124.75%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (103 => 141 136.89%) uncompress testfile-zgnu32 -> testfile-zgnu32.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32 [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (90 => 133 147.78%) [6] Updating section string table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu32.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu32.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 90 67.67%) [6] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32.gnu -> testfile-zgnu32.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (90 => 133 147.78%) [6] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgnu32.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu32.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (133 => 90 67.67%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32.gabi -> testfile-zgnu32.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (90 => 133 147.78%) merging string tables testfile-zgnu32 -> testfile-zgnu32.merged uncompress testfile-zgnu32.merged -> testfile-zgnu32.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32.merged [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (90 => 133 147.78%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu32.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu32.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 90 67.67%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgnu32.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32.merged.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (90 => 133 147.78%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgnu32.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu32.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (133 => 90 67.67%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgnu32.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32.merged.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (90 => 133 147.78%) uncompress testfile-zgnu32be -> testfile-zgnu32be.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32be [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 133 149.44%) [7] Updating section string table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu32be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32be.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu32be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 89 66.92%) [7] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32be.gnu -> testfile-zgnu32be.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32be.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 133 149.44%) [7] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgnu32be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32be.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu32be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (133 => 89 66.92%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32be.gabi -> testfile-zgnu32be.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32be.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (89 => 133 149.44%) merging string tables testfile-zgnu32be -> testfile-zgnu32be.merged uncompress testfile-zgnu32be.merged -> testfile-zgnu32be.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32be.merged [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 133 149.44%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table No errors compress gnu testfile-zgnu32be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgnu32be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 89 66.92%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 133 149.44%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgnu32be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgnu32be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (133 => 89 66.92%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgnu32be.merged.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (89 => 133 149.44%) uncompress testfile-zgabi32 -> testfile-zgabi32.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32 [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (90 => 133 147.78%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi32.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi32.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 90 67.67%) [6] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32.gnu -> testfile-zgabi32.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (90 => 133 147.78%) [6] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgabi32.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi32.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (133 => 90 67.67%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32.gabi -> testfile-zgabi32.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (90 => 133 147.78%) merging string tables testfile-zgabi32 -> testfile-zgabi32.merged uncompress testfile-zgabi32.merged -> testfile-zgabi32.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32.merged [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (90 => 133 147.78%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi32.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi32.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 90 67.67%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgabi32.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32.merged.gnu [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (90 => 133 147.78%) [7] Updating section string table [6] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgabi32.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi32.merged.uncompressed [2] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 49 76.56%) [3] .debug_info compressed (154 => 111 72.08%) [4] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [5] .debug_line compressed (133 => 90 67.67%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgabi32.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32.merged.gabi [4] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [2] .debug_aranges decompressed (49 => 64 130.61%) [3] .debug_info decompressed (111 => 154 138.74%) [5] .debug_line decompressed (90 => 133 147.78%) uncompress testfile-zgabi32be -> testfile-zgabi32be.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32be [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (89 => 133 149.44%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi32be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32be.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi32be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 89 66.92%) [7] Updating section string table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32be.gnu -> testfile-zgabi32be.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32be.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 133 149.44%) [7] Updating section string table compress gabi testfile-zgabi32be.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32be.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi32be.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (133 => 89 66.92%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32be.gabi -> testfile-zgabi32be.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32be.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (89 => 133 149.44%) merging string tables testfile-zgabi32be -> testfile-zgabi32be.merged uncompress testfile-zgabi32be.merged -> testfile-zgabi32be.merged.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32be.merged [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (89 => 133 149.44%) No errors compress gnu testfile-zgabi32be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gnu processing: testfile-zgabi32be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed -> .zdebug_aranges (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed -> .zdebug_info (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed -> .zdebug_line (133 => 89 66.92%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gnu -> testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gnu.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gnu [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .zdebug_aranges decompressed -> .debug_aranges (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .zdebug_info decompressed -> .debug_info (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .zdebug_line decompressed -> .debug_line (89 => 133 149.44%) [8] Updating section string table [7] Updating symbol table compress gabi testfile-zgabi32be.merged.uncompressed -> testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gabi processing: testfile-zgabi32be.merged.uncompressed [3] .debug_aranges compressed (64 => 51 79.69%) [4] .debug_info compressed (110 => 88 80.00%) [5] .debug_abbrev NOT compressed, wouldn't be smaller [6] .debug_line compressed (133 => 89 66.92%) No errors uncompress testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gabi -> testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gabi.uncompressed processing: testfile-zgabi32be.merged.gabi [5] .debug_abbrev already decompressed [3] .debug_aranges decompressed (51 => 64 125.49%) [4] .debug_info decompressed (88 => 110 125.00%) [6] .debug_line decompressed (89 => 133 149.44%) PASS: PASS: PASS: fname: empty.elf.32 add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 fname: empty.elf.32.mmap add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 fname: empty.elf.64 add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 fname: empty.elf.64.mmap add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 PASS: emptyfile fname: vendor.elf.32 fname: vendor.elf.32.mmap fname: vendor.elf.64 fname: vendor.elf.64.mmap PASS: vendorelf fname: fill.elf.32 add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 Add data section .data1 add_string: '.data1', stridx: 16, lastidx: 9 Add data section .data2 add_string: '.data2', stridx: 23, lastidx: 16 Add data section .data3 add_string: '.data3', stridx: 30, lastidx: 23 Add data section .data4 add_string: '.data4', stridx: 37, lastidx: 30 Rereading fill.elf.32 shdrstrndx: 1 check data .data3 [1,2,3,4,5] Rereading fill.elf.32 again check data .data1 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data2 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data3 [5,4,3,2,1] check data .data4 [1,2,3,4,5] fname: fill.elf.32.mmap add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 Add data section .data1 add_string: '.data1', stridx: 16, lastidx: 9 Add data section .data2 add_string: '.data2', stridx: 23, lastidx: 16 Add data section .data3 add_string: '.data3', stridx: 30, lastidx: 23 Add data section .data4 add_string: '.data4', stridx: 37, lastidx: 30 Rereading fill.elf.32.mmap shdrstrndx: 1 check data .data3 [1,2,3,4,5] Rereading fill.elf.32.mmap again check data .data1 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data2 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data3 [5,4,3,2,1] check data .data4 [1,2,3,4,5] fname: fill.elf.64 add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 Add data section .data1 add_string: '.data1', stridx: 16, lastidx: 9 Add data section .data2 add_string: '.data2', stridx: 23, lastidx: 16 Add data section .data3 add_string: '.data3', stridx: 30, lastidx: 23 Add data section .data4 add_string: '.data4', stridx: 37, lastidx: 30 Rereading fill.elf.64 shdrstrndx: 1 check data .data3 [1,2,3,4,5] Rereading fill.elf.64 again check data .data1 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data2 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data3 [5,4,3,2,1] check data .data4 [1,2,3,4,5] fname: fill.elf.64.mmap add_string: '', stridx: 1, lastidx: 0 add_string: '.strtab', stridx: 9, lastidx: 1 Add data section .data1 add_string: '.data1', stridx: 16, lastidx: 9 Add data section .data2 add_string: '.data2', stridx: 23, lastidx: 16 Add data section .data3 add_string: '.data3', stridx: 30, lastidx: 23 Add data section .data4 add_string: '.data4', stridx: 37, lastidx: 30 Rereading fill.elf.64.mmap shdrstrndx: 1 check data .data3 [1,2,3,4,5] Rereading fill.elf.64.mmap again check data .data1 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data2 [1,2,3,4,5] check data .data3 [5,4,3,2,1] check data .data4 [1,2,3,4,5] PASS: fillfile Ada83: 1 Ada95: 1 BLISS: 0 C: 0 C11: 0 C89: 0 C99: 0 C_plus_plus: 0 C_plus_plus_03: 0 C_plus_plus_11: 0 C_plus_plus_14: 0 Cobol74: 1 Cobol85: 1 D: 0 Dylan: 0 Fortran03: 1 Fortran08: 1 Fortran77: 1 Fortran90: 1 Fortran95: 1 Go: 0 Haskell: 0 Java: 0 Julia: 1 Mips_Assembler: Modula2: 1 Modula3: 1 OCaml: 0 ObjC: 0 ObjC_plus_plus: 0 OpenCL: 0 PLI: 1 Pascal83: 1 Python: 0 RenderScript: 0 Rust: 0 Swift: 0 UPC: 0 PASS: dwarf_default_lower_bound checking testfile-debug-types checking CU at 0 checking TU at 0 checking Type DIE at 4f checking TU at 43 checking Type DIE at 7f checking 2 subdie checking 2 subdie checking testfile_multi_main checking CU at 0 checking alt debug checking CU at 0 checking testfilebazdbgppc64.debug checking CU at 0 checking CU at 90 checking testfile-dwarf-4 checking CU at 0 checking CU at 211 checking testfile-dwarf-5 checking CU at 0 checking CU at 20c checking testfile-splitdwarf-4 checking CU at 0 checking CU at 34 checking 4 subdie checking 4 subdie checking testfile-splitdwarf-5 checking CU at 0 checking CU at 35 checking 4 subdie checking 4 subdie checking testfile-hello4.dwo checking CU at 0 checking testfile-world4.dwo checking CU at 0 checking testfile-hello5.dwo checking CU at 0 checking testfile-world5.dwo checking CU at 0 checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/addr2line checking CU at 0 checking CU at 28 checking CU at 4d9 checking CU at 51a checking CU at 53d checking CU at 49fc checking CU at 5081 checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/elfclassify checking CU at 0 checking CU at 28 checking CU at 4d9 checking CU at 51a checking CU at 53d checking CU at 39af checking CU at 4034 checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/stack checking CU at 0 checking CU at 28 checking CU at 4d9 checking CU at 51a checking CU at 53d checking CU at 4706 checking CU at 4d8b checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/unstrip checking CU at 0 checking CU at 28 checking CU at 4d9 checking CU at 51a checking CU at 53d checking CU at ae22 checking CU at b21e checking CU at b8a3 checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libelf/ checking CU at 0 checking CU at 23 checking CU at 342 checking CU at 4b0 checking CU at 99f checking CU at b1a checking CU at 4cb1 checking CU at 5cfa checking CU at 6c99 checking CU at 7f22 checking CU at 8e7c checking CU at 9dd6 checking CU at ad30 checking CU at bc9d checking CU at bfe8 checking CU at c333 checking CU at d4f5 checking CU at da03 checking CU at df1b checking CU at e429 checking CU at e941 checking CU at 14512 checking CU at 15788 checking CU at 169fe checking CU at 17c75 checking CU at 18e01 checking CU at 19f8d checking CU at 1af51 checking CU at 1c1bc checking CU at 1dbb7 checking CU at 1f5ce checking CU at 208d3 checking CU at 21d1d checking CU at 23168 checking CU at 2413d checking CU at 25437 checking CU at 2661f checking CU at 2852f checking CU at 29669 checking CU at 2ae9d checking CU at 2bfd5 checking CU at 2d197 checking CU at 2e212 checking CU at 2f16c checking CU at 303fe checking CU at 3209b checking CU at 33d37 checking CU at 34f48 checking CU at 361a3 checking CU at 37635 checking CU at 387c6 checking CU at 3a4f1 checking CU at 3b706 checking CU at 3ce96 checking CU at 3dfd0 checking CU at 3f10a checking CU at 40244 checking CU at 4137e checking CU at 424b8 checking CU at 43612 checking CU at 44754 checking CU at 45e45 checking CU at 479bb checking CU at 49563 checking CU at 4c9ad checking CU at 4fdf8 checking CU at 5107d checking CU at 52327 checking CU at 534b7 checking CU at 546a6 checking CU at 55895 checking CU at 56ae1 checking CU at 57ca6 checking CU at 58ed3 checking CU at 5a18d checking CU at 5b3ad checking CU at 5c619 checking CU at 5d8a6 checking CU at 5eb46 checking CU at 5fd61 checking CU at 60f68 checking CU at 620fc checking CU at 632d9 checking CU at 645a2 checking CU at 657f9 checking CU at 669f7 checking CU at 67a0e checking CU at 68a25 checking CU at 6a655 checking CU at 6b92a checking CU at 6cc26 checking CU at 6ddae checking CU at 6f00d checking CU at 7026c checking CU at 714db checking CU at 72710 checking CU at 73a22 checking CU at 74b98 checking CU at 7618c checking CU at 7713c checking CU at 78597 checking CU at 799f2 checking CU at 79b35 checking CU at 79c51 checking CU at 7aed3 checking CU at 7c0a0 checking CU at 7d27c checking CU at 7e3fa checking CU at 7f578 checking CU at 806cb checking CU at 816d1 checking CU at 817bf checking CU at 827a9 checking CU at 8399a checking CU at 84b99 checking CU at 85dc5 checking CU at 882b2 checking CU at 89ac1 checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libasm/ checking CU at 0 checking CU at 23 checking CU at 11fa checking CU at 1a45 checking CU at 429f checking CU at 450e checking CU at 4ccf checking CU at 5c0c checking CU at 66b6 checking CU at 6edf checking CU at 7d45 checking CU at 88ad checking CU at 961e checking CU at a10a checking CU at a8ee checking CU at b21c checking CU at be09 checking CU at c96b checking CU at d3b7 checking CU at dbe8 checking CU at e6a5 checking CU at eeee checking CU at f9bb checking CU at 101e6 checking CU at 10cdc checking CU at 11507 checking CU at 11f7b checking CU at 12a0e checking CU at 13b04 checking CU at 151f3 checking CU at 153eb checking CU at 158f6 checking CU at 166df checking CU at 1768f checking CU at 1863f checking CU at 195ef checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/size.o checking CU at 0 checking /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/strip.o checking CU at 0 PASS: file: testfile-debug-types Got cudie: (null), unit_type: 1 Got cudie: (null), unit_type: 2 subdie: B Got cudie: (null), unit_type: 2 subdie: A file: testfile_multi_main Got cudie: main.c, unit_type: 1 file: testfilebazdbgppc64.debug Got cudie: foo.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: bar.c, unit_type: 1 file: testfile-dwarf-4 Got cudie: hello.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: world.c, unit_type: 1 file: testfile-dwarf-5 Got cudie: hello.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: world.c, unit_type: 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/addr2line Got cudie: start.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: init.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crti.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/src/addr2line.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crtn.S, unit_type: 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/elfclassify Got cudie: start.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: init.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crti.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/src/elfclassify.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crtn.S, unit_type: 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/stack Got cudie: start.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: init.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crti.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/src/stack.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crtn.S, unit_type: 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/unstrip Got cudie: start.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../sysdeps/x86/abi-note.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: init.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crti.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/src/unstrip.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/xmalloc.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/lib/printversion.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crtn.S, unit_type: 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libelf/ Got cudie: crti.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_version.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_hash.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_error.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_fill.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_begin.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_next.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rand.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_end.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_kind.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getclass.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getbase.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getident.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_fsize.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_fsize.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_fsize.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_xlatetof.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_xlatetom.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_xlatetof.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_xlatetom.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlate.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_newehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_newehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_newehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_ehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getphdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getphdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getphdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_newphdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_newphdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_newphdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_phdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getarhdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getarsym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rawfile.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_readall.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_cntl.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_nextscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_ndxscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_newscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getshdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getshdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getshdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_shdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_strptr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_rawdata.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getdata.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_newdata.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getdata_rawchunk.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagelf.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagehdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagphdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagshdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_flagdata.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_memory.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_update.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_updatenull.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_updatenull.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_updatefile.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_updatefile.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_sym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getversym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverneed.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getvernaux.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverdef.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getverdaux.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getrel.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getrela.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_rel.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_rela.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getdyn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_dyn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getmove.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_move.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsyminfo.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_syminfo.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getauxv.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_auxv.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getnote.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlatetof.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_xlatetom.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/nlist.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getsymshndx.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_symshndx.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_versym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verneed.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_vernaux.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verdef.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_verdaux.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getphdrnum.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getshdrnum.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getshdrstrndx.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_checksum.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_checksum.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_checksum.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/libelf_crc32.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/libelf_next_prime.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_clone.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getlib.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_update_lib.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_offscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_offscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_offscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_getaroff.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_gnu_hash.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_scnshndx.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf32_getchdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf64_getchdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/gelf_getchdr.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_compress.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libelf/elf_compress_gnu.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: crtn.S, unit_type: 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libasm/ Got cudie: crti.S, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_begin.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_abort.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_end.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_error.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_getelf.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscn_ingrp.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newsubscn.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newsym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newcomsym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newabssym.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_newscngrp.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_scngrp_newsignature.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_fill.c, unit_type: 1 Got cudie: ../../elfutils-0.185/libasm/asm_align.c, 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Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 rechecking: testfile_multi_main Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 file: testfilebazdbgppc64.debug Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 rechecking: testfilebazdbgppc64.debug Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 file: testfile-dwarf-4 Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 rechecking: testfile-dwarf-4 Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 4, unit_type 1 file: testfile-dwarf-5 Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 rechecking: testfile-dwarf-5 Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/addr2line Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 rechecking: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/addr2line Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/elfclassify Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 rechecking: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/elfclassify Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/stack Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 rechecking: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/stack Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 re 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subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 7 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libelf/ Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 7 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 8 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 9 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 10 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 11 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 12 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 13 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 14 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 15 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 16 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 17 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 18 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 19 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 20 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 21 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 22 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 23 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 24 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 25 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 26 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 27 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 28 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 29 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 30 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 31 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 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subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 71 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 72 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 73 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 74 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 75 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 76 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 77 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 78 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 79 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 80 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 81 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 82 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 83 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 84 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 85 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 86 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 87 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 88 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 89 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 90 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 91 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 92 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 93 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 94 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 95 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 96 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 97 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 98 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 99 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 100 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 101 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 102 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 103 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 104 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 105 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 106 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 107 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 108 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 109 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 110 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 111 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 112 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 113 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 114 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 115 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 116 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 117 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 rechecking: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libelf/ Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 7 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 8 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 9 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 10 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 11 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 12 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 13 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 14 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 15 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 16 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 17 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 18 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 19 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 20 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 21 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 22 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 23 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 24 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 25 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 26 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 27 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 28 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 29 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 30 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 31 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 32 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 33 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 34 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 35 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 36 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 37 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 38 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 39 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 40 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 41 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 42 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 43 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 44 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 45 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 46 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 47 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 48 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 49 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 50 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 51 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 52 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 53 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 54 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 55 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 56 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 57 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 58 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 59 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 60 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 61 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 62 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 63 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 64 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 65 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 66 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 67 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 68 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 69 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 70 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 71 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 72 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 73 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 74 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 75 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 76 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 77 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 78 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 79 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 80 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 81 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 82 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 83 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 84 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 85 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 86 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 87 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 88 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 89 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 90 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 91 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 92 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 93 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 94 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 95 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 96 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 97 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 98 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 99 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 100 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 101 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 102 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 103 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 104 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 105 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 106 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 107 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 108 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 109 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 110 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 111 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 112 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 113 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 114 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 115 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 116 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 117 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 file: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libasm/ Iterate getting all info, compare with dwarf_cu_info. 0 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 7 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 8 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 9 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 10 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 11 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 12 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 13 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 14 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 15 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 16 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 17 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 18 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 19 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 20 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 21 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 22 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 23 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 24 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 25 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 26 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 27 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 28 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 29 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 30 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 31 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 32 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 33 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 34 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 35 cu dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 rechecking: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libasm/ Iterate no info, compare recorded info with dwarf_cu_info. 0 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 1 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 2 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 3 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 4 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 5 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 6 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 7 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 8 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 9 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 10 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 11 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 12 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 13 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 14 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 15 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 16 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 17 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 18 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 19 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 20 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 21 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 22 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 23 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 24 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 25 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 26 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 27 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 28 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 29 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 30 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 31 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 32 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 33 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 34 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 35 re dietag: 11, subtag: 0, version 5, unit_type 1 PASS: PASS: PASS: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/addr2line .eh_frame [0] CIE augmentation="zR" [24] FDE cie=[0] [48] FDE cie=[0] [88] FDE cie=[0] [112] FDE cie=[0] [132] FDE cie=[0] [152] FDE cie=[0] [260] FDE cie=[0] [336] FDE cie=[0] [404] FDE cie=[0] [448] FDE cie=[0] 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cie=[0] [5468] FDE cie=[0] [5568] FDE cie=[0] [5648] FDE cie=[0] [5728] FDE cie=[0] [5748] FDE cie=[0] [5848] FDE cie=[0] [5928] FDE cie=[0] [6008] FDE cie=[0] [6048] FDE cie=[0] [6088] FDE cie=[0] [6120] FDE cie=[0] [6160] FDE cie=[0] [6200] FDE cie=[0] [6240] FDE cie=[0] [6280] FDE cie=[0] [6320] FDE cie=[0] [6360] FDE cie=[0] [6400] FDE cie=[0] [6440] FDE cie=[0] [6480] FDE cie=[0] [6520] FDE cie=[0] [6544] FDE cie=[0] [6568] FDE cie=[0] [6600] FDE cie=[0] [6632] FDE cie=[0] [6672] FDE cie=[0] [6712] FDE cie=[0] [6752] FDE cie=[0] [6776] FDE cie=[0] [6800] FDE cie=[0] [6896] FDE cie=[0] [6976] FDE cie=[0] [7016] FDE cie=[0] [7072] FDE cie=[0] [7104] FDE cie=[0] [7136] FDE cie=[0] [7168] FDE cie=[0] [7208] FDE cie=[0] [7240] FDE cie=[0] [7276] FDE cie=[0] [7320] FDE cie=[0] [7344] FDE cie=[0] [7368] FDE cie=[0] [7392] FDE cie=[0] [7472] FDE cie=[0] [7496] FDE cie=[0] [7576] FDE cie=[0] [7656] FDE cie=[0] [7680] FDE cie=[0] [7704] FDE cie=[0] [7800] FDE cie=[0] [7840] FDE cie=[0] [7872] FDE cie=[0] [7928] FDE cie=[0] [7984] FDE cie=[0] [8008] FDE cie=[0] [8032] FDE cie=[0] [8056] FDE cie=[0] [8088] FDE cie=[0] [8144] FDE cie=[0] [8200] FDE cie=[0] [8240] FDE cie=[0] [8320] FDE cie=[0] [8380] FDE cie=[0] [8432] FDE cie=[0] [8472] FDE cie=[0] [8568] FDE cie=[0] /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libasm/ .eh_frame [0] CIE augmentation="zR" [24] FDE cie=[0] [64] FDE cie=[0] [88] FDE cie=[0] [168] FDE cie=[0] [200] FDE cie=[0] [272] FDE cie=[0] [348] FDE cie=[0] [432] FDE cie=[0] [456] FDE cie=[0] [484] FDE cie=[0] [528] FDE cie=[0] [552] FDE cie=[0] [632] FDE cie=[0] [688] FDE cie=[0] [768] FDE cie=[0] [848] FDE cie=[0] [968] FDE cie=[0] [1048] FDE cie=[0] [1124] FDE cie=[0] [1160] FDE cie=[0] [1184] FDE cie=[0] [1248] FDE cie=[0] [1308] FDE cie=[0] [1360] FDE cie=[0] [1440] FDE cie=[0] [1488] FDE cie=[0] [1512] FDE cie=[0] [1584] FDE cie=[0] [1608] FDE cie=[0] [1664] FDE cie=[0] [1688] FDE cie=[0] [1744] FDE cie=[0] [1768] FDE cie=[0] [1832] FDE cie=[0] [1896] FDE cie=[0] [1960] FDE cie=[0] [1984] FDE cie=[0] [2004] FDE cie=[0] [2104] FDE cie=[0] [2128] FDE cie=[0] [2180] FDE cie=[0] [2232] FDE cie=[0] [2308] FDE cie=[0] [2388] FDE cie=[0] [2420] FDE cie=[0] [2444] FDE cie=[0] [2488] FDE cie=[0] [2520] FDE cie=[0] [2540] FDE cie=[0] [2560] FDE cie=[0] [2584] FDE cie=[0] [2608] FDE cie=[0] /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/size.o .eh_frame [0] CIE augmentation="zR" [24] FDE cie=[0] [68] FDE cie=[0] [116] FDE cie=[0] [164] FDE cie=[0] [252] FDE cie=[0] /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/strip.o .eh_frame [0] CIE augmentation="zR" [24] FDE cie=[0] [84] FDE cie=[0] [128] FDE cie=[0] [156] FDE cie=[0] [236] FDE cie=[0] [280] FDE cie=[0] [488] FDE cie=[0] [520] FDE cie=[0] [568] FDE cie=[0] [652] FDE cie=[0] PASS: copy_elf: testfile29 -> testfile29.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 4 Swapping offsets of section 1 and 2 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile29.rev No errors copy_elf: testfile23 -> testfile23.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 21 Swapping offsets of section 4 and 5 Swapping offsets of section 19 and 20 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile23.rev No errors copy_elf: testfile9 -> testfile9.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 13 Swapping offsets of section 12 and 13 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile9.rev No errors copy_elf: testfile38 -> testfile38.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 5 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile38.rev No errors copy_elf: testfile26 -> testfile26.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 25 Swapping offsets of section 24 and 25 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile26.rev No errors copy_elf: testfile27 -> testfile27.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 25 Swapping offsets of section 24 and 25 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile27.rev No errors copy_elf: testfile -> testfile.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 32 Swapping offsets of section 24 and 25 Swapping offsets of section 26 and 27 Swapping offsets of section 28 and 29 Swapping offsets of section 30 and 31 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile.rev No errors copy_elf: testfile13 -> testfile13.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 23 Swapping offsets of section 22 and 23 No errors elfrdwrdnop testfile13.rev No errors PASS: copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/addr2line -> addr2line.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 38 Swapping offsets of section 29 and 30 Swapping offsets of section 31 and 32 Swapping offsets of section 33 and 34 Swapping offsets of section 37 and 38 No errors elfrdwrdnop addr2line.rev No errors copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/elfclassify -> elfclassify.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 38 Swapping offsets of section 29 and 30 Swapping offsets of section 31 and 32 Swapping offsets of section 33 and 34 Swapping offsets of section 37 and 38 No errors elfrdwrdnop elfclassify.rev No errors copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/stack -> stack.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 38 Swapping offsets of section 29 and 30 Swapping offsets of section 31 and 32 Swapping offsets of section 33 and 34 Swapping offsets of section 37 and 38 No errors elfrdwrdnop stack.rev No errors copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/unstrip -> unstrip.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 38 Swapping offsets of section 29 and 30 Swapping offsets of section 31 and 32 Swapping offsets of section 33 and 34 Swapping offsets of section 37 and 38 No errors elfrdwrdnop unstrip.rev No errors copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libelf/ -> (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 38 Swapping offsets of section 29 and 30 Swapping offsets of section 31 and 32 Swapping offsets of section 33 and 34 Swapping offsets of section 37 and 38 No errors elfrdwrdnop No errors copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//libasm/ -> (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 38 Swapping offsets of section 29 and 30 Swapping offsets of section 31 and 32 Swapping offsets of section 33 and 34 Swapping offsets of section 37 and 38 No errors elfrdwrdnop No errors copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/size.o -> size.o.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 37 Swapping offsets of section 30 and 31 No errors elfrdwrdnop size.o.rev No errors copy_elf: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests/..//src/strip.o -> strip.o.rev (read,reverse) setshstrndx: 39 Swapping offsets of section 32 and 33 No errors elfrdwrdnop strip.o.rev No errors PASS: copy_elf: testfile29 -> testfile29.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 4 add_sections 'testfile29.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 10 copy_elf: testfile29 -> testfile29.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 4 add_sections 'testfile29.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 8 copy_elf: testfile23 -> testfile23.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 21 add_sections 'testfile23.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 27 copy_elf: testfile23 -> testfile23.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 21 add_sections 'testfile23.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 25 copy_elf: testfile9 -> testfile9.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 13 add_sections 'testfile9.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 17 copy_elf: testfile9 -> testfile9.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 13 add_sections 'testfile9.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 15 copy_elf: testfile38 -> testfile38.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 5 add_sections 'testfile38.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 11 copy_elf: testfile38 -> testfile38.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 5 add_sections 'testfile38.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 9 copy_elf: testfile26 -> testfile26.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 25 add_sections 'testfile26.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 31 copy_elf: testfile26 -> testfile26.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 25 add_sections 'testfile26.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 29 copy_elf: testfile27 -> testfile27.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 25 add_sections 'testfile27.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 31 copy_elf: testfile27 -> testfile27.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 25 add_sections 'testfile27.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 29 copy_elf: testfile -> testfile.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 32 add_sections 'testfile.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 38 copy_elf: testfile -> testfile.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 32 add_sections 'testfile.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 36 copy_elf: testfile10 -> testfile10.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 30 add_sections 'testfile10.copy': 3 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 36 copy_elf: testfile10 -> testfile10.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 30 add_sections 'testfile10.copy.mmap': 1 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 34 PASS: copy_elf: testfile29 -> testfile29.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 4 add_sections 'testfile29.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65542 copy_elf: testfile29 -> testfile29.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 4 copy_elf: testfile29.copy -> testfile29.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65542 add_sections 'testfile29.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131078 copy_elf: testfile29.copy -> testfile29.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65542 copy_elf: testfile23 -> testfile23.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 21 add_sections 'testfile23.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65559 copy_elf: testfile23 -> testfile23.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 21 copy_elf: testfile23.copy -> testfile23.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65559 add_sections 'testfile23.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131095 copy_elf: testfile23.copy -> testfile23.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65559 copy_elf: testfile9 -> testfile9.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 13 add_sections 'testfile9.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65549 copy_elf: testfile9 -> testfile9.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 13 copy_elf: testfile9.copy -> testfile9.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65549 add_sections 'testfile9.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131085 copy_elf: testfile9.copy -> testfile9.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65549 copy_elf: testfile38 -> testfile38.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 5 add_sections 'testfile38.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65543 copy_elf: testfile38 -> testfile38.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 5 copy_elf: testfile38.copy -> testfile38.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65543 add_sections 'testfile38.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131079 copy_elf: testfile38.copy -> testfile38.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65543 copy_elf: testfile26 -> testfile26.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 25 add_sections 'testfile26.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65563 copy_elf: testfile26 -> testfile26.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 25 copy_elf: testfile26.copy -> testfile26.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65563 add_sections 'testfile26.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131099 copy_elf: testfile26.copy -> testfile26.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65563 copy_elf: testfile27 -> testfile27.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 25 add_sections 'testfile27.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65563 copy_elf: testfile27 -> testfile27.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 25 copy_elf: testfile27.copy -> testfile27.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65563 add_sections 'testfile27.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131099 copy_elf: testfile27.copy -> testfile27.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65563 copy_elf: testfile -> testfile.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 32 add_sections 'testfile.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65570 copy_elf: testfile -> testfile.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 32 copy_elf: testfile.copy -> testfile.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65570 add_sections 'testfile.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131106 copy_elf: testfile.copy -> testfile.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65570 copy_elf: testfile10 -> testfile10.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 30 add_sections 'testfile10.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65568 copy_elf: testfile10 -> testfile10.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 30 copy_elf: testfile10.copy -> testfile10.copy.copy (read,same) setshstrndx: 65568 add_sections 'testfile10.copy.copy': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 131104 copy_elf: testfile10.copy -> testfile10.copy.copy.mmap (mmap,same) setshstrndx: 65568 PASS: add_sections 'testfile-debug-types': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65571 PASS: Adding sections to testfile add_sections 'testfile': 65535 (sec_size: 0) setshstrndx: 65570 Testing strip -o elflint testfile1.strip elflint testfile1.debug unstrip elfcmp Testing strip -g elflint testfile2.strip elflint testfile2.debug Testing strip in-place original size 3035912 stripped size 3196 elflint in-place PASS: No errors No errors PASS: PASS: PASS: 0x0 None 0x1 WE32100 0x2 SPARC 0x3 Intel 80386 0x4 M68K 0x5 M88K 0x6 Intel MCU 0x7 Intel 80860 0x8 MIPS R3000 0x9 IBM System/370 0xa MIPS R3000 0xf HPPA 0x11 Fujitsu VPP500 0x12 SPARC v8+ 0x13 Intel 80960 0x14 PowerPC 0x15 PowerPC64 0x16 IBM S/390 0x17 IBM SPU/SPC 0x24 NEC V800 0x25 Fujitsu FR20 0x26 TRW RH-32 0x27 Motorola RCE 0x28 ARM 0x29 Digital Alpha 0x2a SH 0x2b SPARC v9 0x2c Siemens Tricore 0x2d ARC 0x2e H8/300 0x2f H8/300H 0x30 H8S 0x31 H8/500 0x32 Intel IA-64 0x33 Stanford MIPS-X 0x34 Motorola Coldfire 0x35 Motorola M68HC12 0x36 Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator 0x37 Siemens PCP 0x38 Sony nCPU embedded RISC 0x39 Denso NDR1 microprocessor 0x3a Motorola Star*Core processor 0x3b Toyota ME16 processor 0x3c STMicroelectronic ST100 0x3d Advanced Logic Corporation Tinyj 0x3e AMD x86-64 0x3f Sony DSP Processor 0x40 Digital PDP-10 0x41 Digital PDP-11 0x42 Siemens FX66 microcontroller 0x43 STMicroelectronics ST9+ 0x44 STMicroelectronics ST7 0x45 Motorola MC68HC16 microcontroller 0x46 Motorola MC68HC11 microcontroller 0x47 Motorola MC68HC08 microcontroller 0x48 Motorola MC68HC05 microcontroller 0x49 Silicon Graphics SVx 0x4a STMicroelectronics ST19 0x4b Digital VAX 0x4c Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor 0x4d Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded processor 0x4e Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor 0x4f LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor 0x50 Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor 0x51 Harvard University machine-independent object 0x52 SiTera Prism 0x53 Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller 0x54 Fujitsu FR30 0x55 Mitsubishi D10V 0x56 Mitsubishi D30V 0x57 NEC v850 0x58 Mitsubishi M32R 0x59 Matsushita MN10300 0x5a Matsushita MN10200 0x5b picoJava 0x5c OpenRISC 0x5d ARC International ARCompact 0x5e Tensilica Xtensa Architecture 0x5f Alphamosaic VideoCore 0x60 Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor 0x61 National Semiconductor 32000 0x62 Tenor Network TPC 0x63 Trebia SNP 1000 0x64 STMicroelectronics ST200 0x65 Ubicom IP2xxx 0x66 MAX processor 0x67 National Semiconductor CompactRISC 0x68 Fujitsu F2MC16 0x69 Texas Instruments msp430 0x6a Analog Devices Blackfin DSP 0x6b Seiko Epson S1C33 0x6c Sharp embedded microprocessor 0x6d Arca RISC 0x6e Unicore 0x6f eXcess configurable CPU 0x70 Icera Semiconductor Deep Execution Processor 0x71 Altera Nios II 0x72 National Semiconductor CompactRISC CRX 0x73 Motorola XGATE 0x74 Infineon C16x/XC16x 0x75 Renesas M16C 0x76 Microchip Technology dsPIC30F 0x77 Freescale Communication Engine RISC 0x78 Renesas M32C 0x83 Altium TSK3000 0x84 Freescale RS08 0x85 Analog Devices SHARC 0x86 Cyan Technology eCOG2 0x87 Sunplus S+core7 RISC 0x88 New Japan Radio (NJR) 24-bit DSP 0x89 Broadcom VideoCore III 0x8a RISC for Lattice FPGA 0x8b Seiko Epson C17 0x8c Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 DSP 0x8d Texas Instruments TMS320C2000 DSP 0x8e Texas Instruments TMS320C55x DSP 0x8f Texas Instruments Application Specific RISC 0x90 Texas Instruments Programmable Realtime Unit 0xa0 STMicroelectronics 64bit VLIW DSP 0xa1 Cypress M8C 0xa2 Renesas R32C 0xa3 NXP Semiconductors TriMedia 0xa4 QUALCOMM DSP6 0xa5 Intel 8051 and variants 0xa6 STMicroelectronics STxP7x 0xa7 Andes Technology compact code size embedded RISC 0xa8 Cyan Technology eCOG1X 0xa9 Dallas Semiconductor MAXQ30 0xaa New Japan Radio (NJR) 16-bit DSP 0xab M2000 Reconfigurable RISC 0xac Cray NV2 vector architecture 0xad Renesas RX 0xae Imagination Technologies META 0xaf MCST Elbrus 0xb0 Cyan Technology eCOG16 0xb1 National Semiconductor CompactRISC 0xb2 Freescale Extended Time Processing Unit 0xb3 Infineon Technologies SLE9X 0xb4 Intel L10M 0xb5 Intel K10M 0xb7 AARCH64 0xb9 Amtel AVR32 0xba STMicroelectronics STM8 0xbb Tilera TILE64 0xbc Tilera TILEPro 0xbd Xilinx MicroBlaze 0xbe NVIDIA CUDA 0xbf Tilera TILE-Gx 0xc0 CloudShield 0xc1 KIPO-KAIST Core-A 1st gen 0xc2 KIPO-KAIST Core-A 2nd gen 0xc3 Synopsys ARCv2 ISA 0xc4 Open8 RISC 0xc5 Renesas RL78 0xc6 Broadcom VideoCore V 0xc7 Renesas 78KOR 0xc8 Freescale 56800EX DSC 0xc9 Beyond BA1 0xca Beyond BA2 0xcb XMOS xCORE 0xcc Microchip 8-bit PIC 0xd2 KM211 KM32 0xd3 KM211 KMX32 0xd4 KM211 KMX16 0xd5 KM211 KMX8 0xd6 KM211 KVARC 0xd7 Paneve CDP 0xd8 Cognitive Smart Memory Processor 0xd9 Bluechip CoolEngine 0xda Nanoradio Optimized RISC 0xdb CSR Kalimba 0xdc Zilog Z80 0xdd CDS VISIUMcore 0xde FTDI Chip FT32 0xdf Moxie 0xe0 AMD GPU 0xf3 RISC-V 0xf7 BPF 0xfc C-SKY 0x5d ARC International ARCompact 0x9026 Alpha PASS: elfclassify --core core files are not programs core files are not shared core files are not kernel-modules core files are not debug-only elfclassify --elf-file object files are not archives object files are not core files object files are not program files object files are not shared files object files are not kernel modules object files are not debug-only files elfclassify --elf-archive archives are not elf-files archives are not core files archives are not program files archives are not shared files elfclassify --shared shared files are loadable shared files are not executables shared files are not debug-only shared files are not kernel modules elfclassify --program programs are executables (in this case) programs are not shared libraries (in this case) programs are not kernel-modules programs are not debug-only elfclassify --linux-kernel-module kmods are unstripped kmods are not debug-only kmods are not loabable (in the normal sense) gnu compressed kmods are unstripped elfclassify --debug-only debug-only files are unstripped debug-only files are not programs debug-only files are not shared compress the debug sections and try again again unstripped again debug-only PASS: PASS: PASS: No errors No errors PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: leb128 PASS: read_unaligned PASS: msg_tst PASS: system-elf-libelf-test PASS: asm-tst1 PASS: asm-tst2 PASS: asm-tst3 PASS: asm-tst4 PASS: asm-tst5 PASS: asm-tst6 PASS: asm-tst7 PASS: asm-tst8 PASS: asm-tst9 PASS: [b] primes.c [304] main [42f] is_prime [45e] atoi [47e] is_prime PASS: PASS: elfutils built without zstd support SKIP: need curl SKIP: ====================== All 216 tests passed (9 tests were not run) ====================== make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/elfutils/ptest/tests' DURATION: 40 END: /usr/lib/elfutils/ptest 2021-10-26T02:12 2021-10-26T02:12 BEGIN: /usr/lib/ethtool/ptest PASS: test-cmdline ============= 1 test passed ============= DURATION: 0 END: /usr/lib/ethtool/ptest 2021-10-26T02:12 2021-10-26T02:12 BEGIN: /usr/lib/expat/ptest runtests Expat version: expat_2.4.1 PASS: test_accounting_precision PASS: test_billion_laughs_attack_protection_api PASS: test_helper_unsigned_char_to_printable PASS: test_nsalloc_xmlns PASS: test_nsalloc_parse_buffer PASS: test_nsalloc_long_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_long_uri PASS: test_nsalloc_long_attr PASS: test_nsalloc_long_attr_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_attributes PASS: test_nsalloc_long_element PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_binding_uri PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_longer_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_long_namespace PASS: test_nsalloc_less_long_namespace PASS: test_nsalloc_long_context PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_2 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_3 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_4 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_5 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_6 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_7 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_ge_name PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_in_dtd PASS: test_nsalloc_long_default_in_ext PASS: test_nsalloc_long_systemid_in_ext PASS: test_nsalloc_prefixed_element PASS: test_alloc_parse_xdecl PASS: test_alloc_parse_xdecl_2 PASS: test_alloc_parse_pi PASS: test_alloc_parse_pi_2 PASS: test_alloc_parse_pi_3 PASS: test_alloc_parse_comment PASS: test_alloc_parse_comment_2 PASS: test_alloc_create_external_parser PASS: test_alloc_run_external_parser PASS: test_alloc_dtd_copy_default_atts PASS: test_alloc_external_entity PASS: test_alloc_ext_entity_set_encoding PASS: test_alloc_internal_entity PASS: test_alloc_dtd_default_handling PASS: test_alloc_explicit_encoding PASS: test_alloc_set_base PASS: test_alloc_realloc_buffer PASS: test_alloc_ext_entity_realloc_buffer PASS: test_alloc_realloc_many_attributes PASS: test_alloc_public_entity_value PASS: test_alloc_realloc_subst_public_entity_value PASS: test_alloc_parse_public_doctype PASS: test_alloc_parse_public_doctype_long_name PASS: test_alloc_set_foreign_dtd PASS: test_alloc_attribute_enum_value PASS: test_alloc_realloc_attribute_enum_value PASS: test_alloc_realloc_implied_attribute PASS: test_alloc_realloc_default_attribute PASS: test_alloc_notation PASS: test_alloc_public_notation PASS: test_alloc_system_notation PASS: test_alloc_nested_groups PASS: test_alloc_realloc_nested_groups PASS: test_alloc_large_group PASS: test_alloc_realloc_group_choice PASS: test_alloc_pi_in_epilog PASS: test_alloc_comment_in_epilog PASS: test_alloc_realloc_long_attribute_value PASS: test_alloc_attribute_whitespace PASS: test_alloc_attribute_predefined_entity PASS: test_alloc_long_attr_default_with_char_ref PASS: test_alloc_long_attr_value PASS: test_alloc_nested_entities PASS: test_alloc_realloc_param_entity_newline PASS: test_alloc_realloc_ce_extends_pe PASS: test_alloc_realloc_attributes PASS: test_alloc_long_doc_name PASS: test_alloc_long_base PASS: test_alloc_long_public_id PASS: test_alloc_long_entity_value PASS: test_alloc_long_notation PASS: test_misc_alloc_create_parser PASS: test_misc_alloc_create_parser_with_encoding PASS: test_misc_null_parser PASS: test_misc_error_string PASS: test_misc_version PASS: test_misc_features PASS: test_misc_attribute_leak PASS: test_misc_utf16le PASS: test_misc_stop_during_end_handler_issue_240_1 PASS: test_misc_stop_during_end_handler_issue_240_2 PASS: test_misc_deny_internal_entity_closing_doctype_issue_317 PASS: test_return_ns_triplet PASS: test_ns_tagname_overwrite PASS: test_ns_tagname_overwrite_triplet PASS: test_start_ns_clears_start_element PASS: test_default_ns_from_ext_subset_and_ext_ge PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_1 PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_2 PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_3 PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_4 PASS: test_ns_unbound_prefix PASS: test_ns_default_with_empty_uri PASS: test_ns_duplicate_attrs_diff_prefixes PASS: test_ns_duplicate_hashes PASS: test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_attribute PASS: test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_element PASS: test_return_ns_triplet PASS: test_ns_long_element PASS: test_ns_mixed_prefix_atts PASS: test_ns_extend_uri_buffer PASS: test_ns_reserved_attributes PASS: test_ns_reserved_attributes_2 PASS: test_ns_extremely_long_prefix PASS: test_ns_unknown_encoding_success PASS: test_ns_double_colon PASS: test_ns_double_colon_element PASS: test_ns_bad_attr_leafname PASS: test_ns_bad_element_leafname PASS: test_ns_utf16_leafname PASS: test_ns_utf16_element_leafname PASS: test_ns_utf16_doctype PASS: test_ns_invalid_doctype PASS: test_ns_double_colon_doctype PASS: test_nul_byte PASS: test_u0000_char PASS: test_siphash_self PASS: test_siphash_spec PASS: test_bom_utf8 PASS: test_bom_utf16_be PASS: test_bom_utf16_le PASS: test_nobom_utf16_le PASS: test_illegal_utf8 PASS: test_utf8_auto_align PASS: test_utf16 PASS: test_utf16_le_epilog_newline PASS: test_not_utf16 PASS: test_bad_encoding PASS: test_latin1_umlauts PASS: test_long_utf8_character PASS: test_long_latin1_attribute PASS: test_long_ascii_attribute PASS: test_danish_latin1 PASS: test_french_charref_hexidecimal PASS: test_french_charref_decimal PASS: test_french_latin1 PASS: test_french_utf8 PASS: test_utf8_false_rejection PASS: test_line_number_after_parse PASS: test_column_number_after_parse PASS: test_line_and_column_numbers_inside_handlers PASS: test_line_number_after_error PASS: test_column_number_after_error PASS: test_really_long_lines PASS: test_really_long_encoded_lines PASS: test_end_element_events PASS: test_attr_whitespace_normalization PASS: test_xmldecl_misplaced PASS: test_xmldecl_invalid PASS: test_xmldecl_missing_attr PASS: test_xmldecl_missing_value PASS: test_unknown_encoding_internal_entity PASS: test_unrecognised_encoding_internal_entity PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_unread_external_subset PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_no_external_subset PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_standalone PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset PASS: test_not_standalone_handler_reject PASS: test_not_standalone_handler_accept PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset_standalone PASS: test_entity_with_external_subset_unless_standalone PASS: test_wfc_no_recursive_entity_refs PASS: test_ext_entity_set_encoding PASS: test_ext_entity_no_handler PASS: test_ext_entity_set_bom PASS: test_ext_entity_bad_encoding PASS: test_ext_entity_bad_encoding_2 PASS: test_ext_entity_invalid_parse PASS: test_ext_entity_invalid_suspended_parse PASS: test_dtd_default_handling PASS: test_dtd_attr_handling PASS: test_empty_ns_without_namespaces PASS: test_ns_in_attribute_default_without_namespaces PASS: test_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls PASS: test_suspend_parser_between_char_data_calls PASS: test_repeated_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls PASS: test_good_cdata_ascii PASS: test_good_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_good_cdata_utf16_le PASS: test_long_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_multichar_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_utf16_bad_surrogate_pair PASS: test_bad_cdata PASS: test_bad_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_stop_parser_between_cdata_calls PASS: test_suspend_parser_between_cdata_calls PASS: test_memory_allocation PASS: test_default_current PASS: test_dtd_elements PASS: test_set_foreign_dtd PASS: test_foreign_dtd_not_standalone PASS: test_invalid_foreign_dtd PASS: test_foreign_dtd_with_doctype PASS: test_foreign_dtd_without_external_subset PASS: test_empty_foreign_dtd PASS: test_set_base PASS: test_attributes PASS: test_reset_in_entity PASS: test_resume_invalid_parse PASS: test_resume_resuspended PASS: test_cdata_default PASS: test_subordinate_reset PASS: test_subordinate_suspend PASS: test_subordinate_xdecl_suspend PASS: test_subordinate_xdecl_abort PASS: test_explicit_encoding PASS: test_trailing_cr PASS: test_ext_entity_trailing_cr PASS: test_trailing_rsqb PASS: test_ext_entity_trailing_rsqb PASS: test_ext_entity_good_cdata PASS: test_user_parameters PASS: test_ext_entity_ref_parameter PASS: test_empty_parse PASS: test_get_buffer_1 PASS: test_get_buffer_2 PASS: test_byte_info_at_end PASS: test_byte_info_at_error PASS: test_byte_info_at_cdata PASS: test_predefined_entities PASS: test_invalid_tag_in_dtd PASS: test_not_predefined_entities PASS: test_ignore_section PASS: test_ignore_section_utf16 PASS: test_ignore_section_utf16_be PASS: test_bad_ignore_section PASS: test_external_entity_values PASS: test_ext_entity_not_standalone PASS: test_ext_entity_value_abort PASS: test_bad_public_doctype PASS: test_attribute_enum_value PASS: test_predefined_entity_redefinition PASS: test_dtd_stop_processing PASS: test_public_notation_no_sysid PASS: test_nested_groups PASS: test_group_choice PASS: test_standalone_parameter_entity PASS: test_skipped_parameter_entity PASS: test_recursive_external_parameter_entity PASS: test_undefined_ext_entity_in_external_dtd PASS: test_suspend_xdecl PASS: test_abort_epilog PASS: test_abort_epilog_2 PASS: test_suspend_epilog PASS: test_suspend_in_sole_empty_tag PASS: test_unfinished_epilog PASS: test_partial_char_in_epilog PASS: test_hash_collision PASS: test_suspend_resume_internal_entity PASS: test_resume_entity_with_syntax_error PASS: test_suspend_resume_parameter_entity PASS: test_restart_on_error PASS: test_reject_lt_in_attribute_value PASS: test_reject_unfinished_param_in_att_value PASS: test_trailing_cr_in_att_value PASS: test_standalone_internal_entity PASS: test_skipped_external_entity PASS: test_skipped_null_loaded_ext_entity PASS: test_skipped_unloaded_ext_entity PASS: test_param_entity_with_trailing_cr PASS: test_invalid_character_entity PASS: test_invalid_character_entity_2 PASS: test_invalid_character_entity_3 PASS: test_invalid_character_entity_4 PASS: test_pi_handled_in_default PASS: test_comment_handled_in_default PASS: test_pi_yml PASS: test_pi_xnl PASS: test_pi_xmm PASS: test_utf16_pi PASS: test_utf16_be_pi PASS: test_utf16_be_comment PASS: test_utf16_le_comment PASS: test_missing_encoding_conversion_fn PASS: test_failing_encoding_conversion_fn PASS: test_unknown_encoding_success PASS: test_unknown_encoding_bad_name PASS: test_unknown_encoding_bad_name_2 PASS: test_unknown_encoding_long_name_1 PASS: test_unknown_encoding_long_name_2 PASS: test_invalid_unknown_encoding PASS: test_unknown_ascii_encoding_ok PASS: test_unknown_ascii_encoding_fail PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_length PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_topbit PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_surrogate PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_high PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_attr_value PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom2 PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom2 PASS: test_ext_entity_utf16_be PASS: test_ext_entity_utf16_le PASS: test_ext_entity_utf16_unknown PASS: test_ext_entity_utf8_non_bom PASS: test_utf8_in_cdata_section PASS: test_utf8_in_cdata_section_2 PASS: test_trailing_spaces_in_elements PASS: test_utf16_attribute PASS: test_utf16_second_attr PASS: test_attr_after_solidus PASS: test_utf16_pe PASS: test_bad_attr_desc_keyword PASS: test_bad_attr_desc_keyword_utf16 PASS: test_bad_doctype PASS: test_bad_doctype_utf16 PASS: test_bad_doctype_plus PASS: test_bad_doctype_star PASS: test_bad_doctype_query PASS: test_unknown_encoding_bad_ignore PASS: test_entity_in_utf16_be_attr PASS: test_entity_in_utf16_le_attr PASS: test_entity_public_utf16_be PASS: test_entity_public_utf16_le PASS: test_short_doctype PASS: test_short_doctype_2 PASS: test_short_doctype_3 PASS: test_long_doctype PASS: test_bad_entity PASS: test_bad_entity_2 PASS: test_bad_entity_3 PASS: test_bad_entity_4 PASS: test_bad_notation PASS: test_default_doctype_handler PASS: test_empty_element_abort 100%: Checks: 335, Failed: 0 PASS: runtests ============================ Execution time: 0.71 s runtestspp Expat version: expat_2.4.1 PASS: test_accounting_precision PASS: test_billion_laughs_attack_protection_api PASS: test_helper_unsigned_char_to_printable PASS: test_nsalloc_xmlns PASS: test_nsalloc_parse_buffer PASS: test_nsalloc_long_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_long_uri PASS: test_nsalloc_long_attr PASS: test_nsalloc_long_attr_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_attributes PASS: test_nsalloc_long_element PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_binding_uri PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_longer_prefix PASS: test_nsalloc_long_namespace PASS: test_nsalloc_less_long_namespace PASS: test_nsalloc_long_context PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_2 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_3 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_4 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_5 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_6 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_7 PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_ge_name PASS: test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_in_dtd PASS: test_nsalloc_long_default_in_ext PASS: test_nsalloc_long_systemid_in_ext PASS: test_nsalloc_prefixed_element PASS: test_alloc_parse_xdecl PASS: test_alloc_parse_xdecl_2 PASS: test_alloc_parse_pi PASS: test_alloc_parse_pi_2 PASS: test_alloc_parse_pi_3 PASS: test_alloc_parse_comment PASS: test_alloc_parse_comment_2 PASS: test_alloc_create_external_parser PASS: test_alloc_run_external_parser PASS: test_alloc_dtd_copy_default_atts PASS: test_alloc_external_entity PASS: test_alloc_ext_entity_set_encoding PASS: test_alloc_internal_entity PASS: test_alloc_dtd_default_handling PASS: test_alloc_explicit_encoding PASS: test_alloc_set_base PASS: test_alloc_realloc_buffer PASS: test_alloc_ext_entity_realloc_buffer PASS: test_alloc_realloc_many_attributes PASS: test_alloc_public_entity_value PASS: test_alloc_realloc_subst_public_entity_value PASS: test_alloc_parse_public_doctype PASS: test_alloc_parse_public_doctype_long_name PASS: test_alloc_set_foreign_dtd PASS: test_alloc_attribute_enum_value PASS: test_alloc_realloc_attribute_enum_value PASS: test_alloc_realloc_implied_attribute PASS: test_alloc_realloc_default_attribute PASS: test_alloc_notation PASS: test_alloc_public_notation PASS: test_alloc_system_notation PASS: test_alloc_nested_groups PASS: test_alloc_realloc_nested_groups PASS: test_alloc_large_group PASS: test_alloc_realloc_group_choice PASS: test_alloc_pi_in_epilog PASS: test_alloc_comment_in_epilog PASS: test_alloc_realloc_long_attribute_value PASS: test_alloc_attribute_whitespace PASS: test_alloc_attribute_predefined_entity PASS: test_alloc_long_attr_default_with_char_ref PASS: test_alloc_long_attr_value PASS: test_alloc_nested_entities PASS: test_alloc_realloc_param_entity_newline PASS: test_alloc_realloc_ce_extends_pe PASS: test_alloc_realloc_attributes PASS: test_alloc_long_doc_name PASS: test_alloc_long_base PASS: test_alloc_long_public_id PASS: test_alloc_long_entity_value PASS: test_alloc_long_notation PASS: test_misc_alloc_create_parser PASS: test_misc_alloc_create_parser_with_encoding PASS: test_misc_null_parser PASS: test_misc_error_string PASS: test_misc_version PASS: test_misc_features PASS: test_misc_attribute_leak PASS: test_misc_utf16le PASS: test_misc_stop_during_end_handler_issue_240_1 PASS: test_misc_stop_during_end_handler_issue_240_2 PASS: test_misc_deny_internal_entity_closing_doctype_issue_317 PASS: test_return_ns_triplet PASS: test_ns_tagname_overwrite PASS: test_ns_tagname_overwrite_triplet PASS: test_start_ns_clears_start_element PASS: test_default_ns_from_ext_subset_and_ext_ge PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_1 PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_2 PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_3 PASS: test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_4 PASS: test_ns_unbound_prefix PASS: test_ns_default_with_empty_uri PASS: test_ns_duplicate_attrs_diff_prefixes PASS: test_ns_duplicate_hashes PASS: test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_attribute PASS: test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_element PASS: test_return_ns_triplet PASS: test_ns_long_element PASS: test_ns_mixed_prefix_atts PASS: test_ns_extend_uri_buffer PASS: test_ns_reserved_attributes PASS: test_ns_reserved_attributes_2 PASS: test_ns_extremely_long_prefix PASS: test_ns_unknown_encoding_success PASS: test_ns_double_colon PASS: test_ns_double_colon_element PASS: test_ns_bad_attr_leafname PASS: test_ns_bad_element_leafname PASS: test_ns_utf16_leafname PASS: test_ns_utf16_element_leafname PASS: test_ns_utf16_doctype PASS: test_ns_invalid_doctype PASS: test_ns_double_colon_doctype PASS: test_nul_byte PASS: test_u0000_char PASS: test_siphash_self PASS: test_siphash_spec PASS: test_bom_utf8 PASS: test_bom_utf16_be PASS: test_bom_utf16_le PASS: test_nobom_utf16_le PASS: test_illegal_utf8 PASS: test_utf8_auto_align PASS: test_utf16 PASS: test_utf16_le_epilog_newline PASS: test_not_utf16 PASS: test_bad_encoding PASS: test_latin1_umlauts PASS: test_long_utf8_character PASS: test_long_latin1_attribute PASS: test_long_ascii_attribute PASS: test_danish_latin1 PASS: test_french_charref_hexidecimal PASS: test_french_charref_decimal PASS: test_french_latin1 PASS: test_french_utf8 PASS: test_utf8_false_rejection PASS: test_line_number_after_parse PASS: test_column_number_after_parse PASS: test_line_and_column_numbers_inside_handlers PASS: test_line_number_after_error PASS: test_column_number_after_error PASS: test_really_long_lines PASS: test_really_long_encoded_lines PASS: test_end_element_events PASS: test_attr_whitespace_normalization PASS: test_xmldecl_misplaced PASS: test_xmldecl_invalid PASS: test_xmldecl_missing_attr PASS: test_xmldecl_missing_value PASS: test_unknown_encoding_internal_entity PASS: test_unrecognised_encoding_internal_entity PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_unread_external_subset PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_no_external_subset PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_standalone PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset PASS: test_not_standalone_handler_reject PASS: test_not_standalone_handler_accept PASS: test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset_standalone PASS: test_entity_with_external_subset_unless_standalone PASS: test_wfc_no_recursive_entity_refs PASS: test_ext_entity_set_encoding PASS: test_ext_entity_no_handler PASS: test_ext_entity_set_bom PASS: test_ext_entity_bad_encoding PASS: test_ext_entity_bad_encoding_2 PASS: test_ext_entity_invalid_parse PASS: test_ext_entity_invalid_suspended_parse PASS: test_dtd_default_handling PASS: test_dtd_attr_handling PASS: test_empty_ns_without_namespaces PASS: test_ns_in_attribute_default_without_namespaces PASS: test_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls PASS: test_suspend_parser_between_char_data_calls PASS: test_repeated_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls PASS: test_good_cdata_ascii PASS: test_good_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_good_cdata_utf16_le PASS: test_long_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_multichar_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_utf16_bad_surrogate_pair PASS: test_bad_cdata PASS: test_bad_cdata_utf16 PASS: test_stop_parser_between_cdata_calls PASS: test_suspend_parser_between_cdata_calls PASS: test_memory_allocation PASS: test_default_current PASS: test_dtd_elements PASS: test_set_foreign_dtd PASS: test_foreign_dtd_not_standalone PASS: test_invalid_foreign_dtd PASS: test_foreign_dtd_with_doctype PASS: test_foreign_dtd_without_external_subset PASS: test_empty_foreign_dtd PASS: test_set_base PASS: test_attributes PASS: test_reset_in_entity PASS: test_resume_invalid_parse PASS: test_resume_resuspended PASS: test_cdata_default PASS: test_subordinate_reset PASS: test_subordinate_suspend PASS: test_subordinate_xdecl_suspend PASS: test_subordinate_xdecl_abort PASS: test_explicit_encoding PASS: test_trailing_cr PASS: test_ext_entity_trailing_cr PASS: test_trailing_rsqb PASS: test_ext_entity_trailing_rsqb PASS: test_ext_entity_good_cdata PASS: test_user_parameters PASS: test_ext_entity_ref_parameter PASS: test_empty_parse PASS: test_get_buffer_1 PASS: test_get_buffer_2 PASS: test_byte_info_at_end PASS: test_byte_info_at_error PASS: test_byte_info_at_cdata PASS: test_predefined_entities PASS: test_invalid_tag_in_dtd PASS: test_not_predefined_entities PASS: test_ignore_section PASS: test_ignore_section_utf16 PASS: test_ignore_section_utf16_be PASS: test_bad_ignore_section PASS: test_external_entity_values PASS: test_ext_entity_not_standalone PASS: test_ext_entity_value_abort PASS: test_bad_public_doctype PASS: test_attribute_enum_value PASS: test_predefined_entity_redefinition PASS: test_dtd_stop_processing PASS: test_public_notation_no_sysid PASS: test_nested_groups PASS: test_group_choice PASS: test_standalone_parameter_entity PASS: test_skipped_parameter_entity PASS: test_recursive_external_parameter_entity PASS: test_undefined_ext_entity_in_external_dtd PASS: test_suspend_xdecl PASS: test_abort_epilog PASS: test_abort_epilog_2 PASS: test_suspend_epilog PASS: test_suspend_in_sole_empty_tag PASS: test_unfinished_epilog PASS: test_partial_char_in_epilog PASS: test_hash_collision PASS: test_suspend_resume_internal_entity PASS: test_resume_entity_with_syntax_error PASS: test_suspend_resume_parameter_entity PASS: test_restart_on_error PASS: test_reject_lt_in_attribute_value PASS: test_reject_unfinished_param_in_att_value PASS: test_trailing_cr_in_att_value PASS: test_standalone_internal_entity PASS: test_skipped_external_entity PASS: test_skipped_null_loaded_ext_entity PASS: test_skipped_unloaded_ext_entity PASS: test_param_entity_with_trailing_cr PASS: test_invalid_character_entity PASS: test_invalid_character_entity_2 PASS: test_invalid_character_entity_3 PASS: test_invalid_character_entity_4 PASS: test_pi_handled_in_default PASS: test_comment_handled_in_default PASS: test_pi_yml PASS: test_pi_xnl PASS: test_pi_xmm PASS: test_utf16_pi PASS: test_utf16_be_pi PASS: test_utf16_be_comment PASS: test_utf16_le_comment PASS: test_missing_encoding_conversion_fn PASS: test_failing_encoding_conversion_fn PASS: test_unknown_encoding_success PASS: test_unknown_encoding_bad_name PASS: test_unknown_encoding_bad_name_2 PASS: test_unknown_encoding_long_name_1 PASS: test_unknown_encoding_long_name_2 PASS: test_invalid_unknown_encoding PASS: test_unknown_ascii_encoding_ok PASS: test_unknown_ascii_encoding_fail PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_length PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_topbit PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_surrogate PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_high PASS: test_unknown_encoding_invalid_attr_value PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom2 PASS: test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom2 PASS: test_ext_entity_utf16_be PASS: test_ext_entity_utf16_le PASS: test_ext_entity_utf16_unknown PASS: test_ext_entity_utf8_non_bom PASS: test_utf8_in_cdata_section PASS: test_utf8_in_cdata_section_2 PASS: test_trailing_spaces_in_elements PASS: test_utf16_attribute PASS: test_utf16_second_attr PASS: test_attr_after_solidus PASS: test_utf16_pe PASS: test_bad_attr_desc_keyword PASS: test_bad_attr_desc_keyword_utf16 PASS: test_bad_doctype PASS: test_bad_doctype_utf16 PASS: test_bad_doctype_plus PASS: test_bad_doctype_star PASS: test_bad_doctype_query PASS: test_unknown_encoding_bad_ignore PASS: test_entity_in_utf16_be_attr PASS: test_entity_in_utf16_le_attr PASS: test_entity_public_utf16_be PASS: test_entity_public_utf16_le PASS: test_short_doctype PASS: test_short_doctype_2 PASS: test_short_doctype_3 PASS: test_long_doctype PASS: test_bad_entity PASS: test_bad_entity_2 PASS: test_bad_entity_3 PASS: test_bad_entity_4 PASS: test_bad_notation PASS: test_default_doctype_handler PASS: test_empty_element_abort 100%: Checks: 335, Failed: 0 PASS: runtestspp ============================ Execution time: 0.71 s DURATION: 2 END: /usr/lib/expat/ptest 2021-10-26T02:12 2021-10-26T02:12 BEGIN: /usr/lib/flex/ptest Makefile:3079: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3082: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3109: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' Makefile:3079: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3082: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3109: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition touch alloc_extra.log touch array_nr.log touch array_r.log touch basic_nr.log touch basic_r.log touch bison_nr.log touch bison_yylloc.log touch bison_yylval.log touch c_cxx_nr.log touch c_cxx_r.log touch ccl.log touch cxx_basic.log touch cxx_multiple_scanners.log touch cxx_restart.log touch debug_nr.log touch debug_r.log touch extended.log touch header_nr.log touch header_r.log touch mem_nr.log touch mem_r.log touch multiple_scanners_nr.log touch multiple_scanners_r.log touch posix.log touch posixly_correct.log touch prefix_nr.log touch prefix_r.log touch quote_in_comment.log touch quotes.log touch string_nr.log touch string_r.log touch top.log touch yyextra.log touch reject_nr.log touch reject_r.log touch reject_ver.log touch reject_ser.log touch include_by_buffer.log touch include_by_push.log touch include_by_reentrant.log touch rescan_nr.log touch rescan_r.log touch cxx_yywrap.log touch pthread.log touch lineno_nr.log touch lineno_r.log touch lineno_trailing.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Ca.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Ce.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cf.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-CF.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cm.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cem.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cae.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Caef.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-CaeF.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cam.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Caem.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Ca.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Ce.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cf.log touch tableopts_opt_r-CF.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cm.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cem.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cae.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Caef.log touch tableopts_opt_r-CaeF.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cam.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Caem.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Ca.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Ce.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cf.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-CF.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cm.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cem.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cae.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Caef.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cam.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Caem.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Ca.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Ce.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cf.log touch tableopts_ser_r-CF.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cm.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cem.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cae.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Caef.log touch tableopts_ser_r-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cam.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Caem.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Ca.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Ce.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cf.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-CF.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cm.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cem.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cae.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Caef.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cam.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Caem.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Ca.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Ce.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cf.log touch tableopts_ver_r-CF.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cm.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cem.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cae.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Caef.log touch tableopts_ver_r-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cam.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Caem.log touch options.log make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' Makefile:3079: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3082: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3109: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition touch alloc_extra.log touch array_nr.log touch array_r.log touch basic_nr.log touch basic_r.log touch bison_nr.log touch bison_yylloc.log touch bison_yylval.log touch c_cxx_nr.log touch c_cxx_r.log touch ccl.log touch cxx_basic.log touch cxx_multiple_scanners.log touch cxx_restart.log touch debug_nr.log touch debug_r.log touch extended.log touch header_nr.log touch header_r.log touch mem_nr.log touch mem_r.log touch multiple_scanners_nr.log touch multiple_scanners_r.log touch posix.log touch posixly_correct.log touch prefix_nr.log touch prefix_r.log touch quote_in_comment.log touch quotes.log touch string_nr.log touch string_r.log touch top.log touch yyextra.log touch reject_nr.log touch reject_r.log touch reject_ver.log touch reject_ser.log touch include_by_buffer.log touch include_by_push.log touch include_by_reentrant.log touch rescan_nr.log touch rescan_r.log touch cxx_yywrap.log touch pthread.log touch lineno_nr.log touch lineno_r.log touch lineno_trailing.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Ca.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Ce.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cf.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-CF.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cm.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cem.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cae.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Caef.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-CaeF.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Cam.log touch tableopts_opt_nr-Caem.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Ca.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Ce.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cf.log touch tableopts_opt_r-CF.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cm.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cem.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cae.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Caef.log touch tableopts_opt_r-CaeF.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Cam.log touch tableopts_opt_r-Caem.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Ca.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Ce.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cf.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-CF.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cm.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cem.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cae.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Caef.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Cam.log touch tableopts_ser_nr-Caem.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Ca.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Ce.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cf.log touch tableopts_ser_r-CF.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cm.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cem.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cae.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Caef.log touch tableopts_ser_r-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Cam.log touch tableopts_ser_r-Caem.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Ca.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Ce.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cf.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-CF.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cm.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cem.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cae.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Caef.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Cam.log touch tableopts_ver_nr-Caem.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Ca.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Ce.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cf.log touch tableopts_ver_r-CF.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cm.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cem.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cae.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Caef.log touch tableopts_ver_r-CaeF.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Cam.log touch tableopts_ver_r-Caem.log touch options.log make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create alloc_extra.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create array_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create array_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create basic_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create basic_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create bison_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create bison_yylloc.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create bison_yylval.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create c_cxx_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create c_cxx_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create ccl.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create cxx_basic.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create cxx_multiple_scanners.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create cxx_restart.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create debug_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create debug_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create extended.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create header_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create header_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create mem_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create mem_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create multiple_scanners_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create multiple_scanners_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create posix.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create posixly_correct.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create prefix_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create prefix_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create quote_in_comment.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create quotes.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create string_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create string_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create top.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create yyextra.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create reject_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create reject_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create reject_ver.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create reject_ser.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create include_by_buffer.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create include_by_push.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create include_by_reentrant.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create rescan_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create rescan_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create cxx_yywrap.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create pthread.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create lineno_nr.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create lineno_r.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create lineno_trailing.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Ca.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Ce.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Cf.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-CF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Cm.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Cem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Cae.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Caef.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-CaeF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Cam.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_nr-Caem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Ca.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Ce.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Cf.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-CF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Cm.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Cem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Cae.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Caef.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-CaeF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Cam.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_opt_r-Caem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Ca.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Ce.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Cf.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-CF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Cm.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Cem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Cae.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Caef.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-CaeF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Cam.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_nr-Caem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Ca.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Ce.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Cf.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-CF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Cm.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Cem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Cae.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Caef.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-CaeF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Cam.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ser_r-Caem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Ca.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Ce.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Cf.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-CF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Cm.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Cem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Cae.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Caef.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-CaeF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Cam.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_nr-Caem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Ca.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Ce.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Cf.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-CF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Cm.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Cem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Cae.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Caef.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-CaeF.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Cam.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create tableopts_ver_r-Caem.trs fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create options.trs make[1]: *** [Makefile:2238: test-suite.log] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' make: *** [Makefile:2347: check-TESTS] Error 2 Makefile:3079: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3082: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3109: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' Makefile:3079: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3082: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition Makefile:3109: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition PASS: alloc_extra PASS: array_nr PASS: array_r PASS: basic_nr PASS: basic_r PASS: bison_nr PASS: bison_yylloc PASS: bison_yylval PASS: c_cxx_nr PASS: c_cxx_r PASS: ccl PASS: cxx_basic PASS: cxx_multiple_scanners PASS: cxx_restart PASS: debug_nr PASS: debug_r PASS: extended PASS: header_nr PASS: header_r PASS: mem_nr PASS: mem_r PASS: multiple_scanners_nr PASS: multiple_scanners_r PASS: posix PASS: posixly_correct PASS: prefix_nr PASS: prefix_r PASS: quote_in_comment PASS: quotes PASS: string_nr PASS: string_r PASS: top PASS: yyextra PASS: reject_nr.reject PASS: reject_r.reject PASS: reject_ver.table PASS: reject_ser.table PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: cxx_yywrap.i3 PASS: pthread.pthread PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Ca.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Ce.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cf.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-CF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cm.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cem.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cae.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Caef.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-CaeF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Cam.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_nr-Caem.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Ca.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Ce.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cf.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-CF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cm.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cem.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cae.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Caef.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-CaeF.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Cam.opt PASS: tableopts_opt_r-Caem.opt PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Ca.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Ce.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cf.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-CF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cm.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cem.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cae.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Caef.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-CaeF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Cam.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_nr-Caem.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Ca.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Ce.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cf.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-CF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cm.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cem.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cae.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Caef.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-CaeF.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Cam.ser PASS: tableopts_ser_r-Caem.ser PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Ca.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Ce.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cf.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-CF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cm.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cem.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cae.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Caef.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-CaeF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Cam.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_nr-Caem.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Ca.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Ce.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cf.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-CF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cm.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cem.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cae.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Caef.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-CaeF.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Cam.ver PASS: tableopts_ver_r-Caem.ver PASS: ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for the fast lexical analyser generator 2.6.4 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 114 # PASS: 114 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/flex/ptest' DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/flex/ptest 2021-10-26T02:12 2021-10-26T02:12 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gawk/ptest PASS: addcomma PASS: anchgsub PASS: anchor PASS: arrayind1 PASS: arrayind2 PASS: arrayind3 PASS: arrayparm PASS: arrayprm2 PASS: arrayprm3 PASS: arrayref PASS: arrymem1 PASS: arryref2 PASS: arryref3 PASS: arryref4 PASS: arryref5 PASS: arynasty PASS: aryprm1 PASS: aryprm2 PASS: aryprm3 PASS: aryprm4 PASS: aryprm5 PASS: aryprm6 PASS: aryprm7 PASS: aryprm8 PASS: aryprm9 PASS: arysubnm PASS: aryunasgn PASS: asgext PASS: assignnumfield PASS: assignnumfield2 PASS: back89 PASS: backgsub PASS: badassign1 PASS: badbuild PASS: callparam PASS: childin PASS: closebad PASS: clsflnam PASS: compare2 PASS: concat1 PASS: concat2 PASS: concat3 PASS: concat4 PASS: concat5 PASS: convfmt PASS: datanonl PASS: defref PASS: delargv PASS: delarpm2 PASS: delarprm PASS: delfunc PASS: dfamb1 PASS: dfastress PASS: dynlj PASS: escapebrace PASS: eofsplit PASS: exit2 PASS: exitval2 PASS: exitval3 PASS: fcall_exit PASS: fcall_exit2 PASS: fldchg PASS: fldchgnf PASS: fldterm PASS: fnamedat PASS: fnarray PASS: fnarray2 PASS: fnaryscl PASS: fnasgnm PASS: fnmisc PASS: fordel PASS: forref PASS: forsimp PASS: fsbs PASS: fscaret PASS: fsnul1 PASS: fsrs PASS: fstabplus PASS: funsemnl PASS: funsmnam PASS: funstack PASS: getline PASS: getline3 PASS: getline4 PASS: getline5 PASS: getnr2tb PASS: getnr2tm PASS: gsubasgn PASS: gsubtest PASS: gsubtst2 PASS: gsubtst3 PASS: gsubtst4 PASS: gsubtst5 PASS: gsubtst6 PASS: gsubtst7 PASS: gsubtst8 PASS: hex PASS: hex2 PASS: hsprint PASS: inpref PASS: inputred PASS: intest PASS: intprec PASS: iobug1 PASS: leaddig PASS: leadnl PASS: litoct PASS: longsub PASS: manglprm PASS: math PASS: membug1 PASS: memleak PASS: minusstr PASS: mmap8k PASS: nasty PASS: nasty2 PASS: negexp PASS: negrange PASS: nested PASS: nfldstr PASS: nfloop PASS: nfneg PASS: nfset PASS: nlfldsep PASS: nlinstr PASS: nlstrina PASS: noeffect PASS: nofmtch PASS: noloop1 PASS: noloop2 PASS: nonl PASS: noparms PASS: nulinsrc PASS: nulrsend PASS: numindex PASS: numrange PASS: numstr1 PASS: numsubstr PASS: octsub PASS: ofmt PASS: ofmta PASS: ofmtbig PASS: ofmtfidl PASS: ofmts PASS: ofmtstrnum PASS: ofs1 PASS: onlynl PASS: opasnidx PASS: opasnslf PASS: paramasfunc1 PASS: paramasfunc2 PASS: paramdup PASS: paramres PASS: paramtyp PASS: paramuninitglobal PASS: parse1 PASS: parsefld PASS: parseme PASS: pcntplus PASS: posix2008sub PASS: prdupval PASS: prec PASS: printf0 PASS: printf1 PASS: printfchar PASS: prmarscl PASS: prmreuse PASS: prt1eval PASS: prtoeval PASS: rand PASS: randtest PASS: range1 PASS: range2 PASS: readbuf PASS: rebrackloc PASS: rebt8b1 PASS: rebuild PASS: regeq PASS: regexpbrack PASS: regexpbrack2 PASS: regexprange PASS: regrange PASS: reindops PASS: reparse PASS: resplit PASS: rri1 PASS: rs PASS: rscompat PASS: rsnul1nl PASS: rsnulw PASS: rstest1 PASS: rstest2 PASS: rstest3 PASS: rstest4 PASS: rstest5 PASS: rswhite PASS: scalar PASS: sclforin PASS: sclifin PASS: setrec0 PASS: setrec1 PASS: sigpipe1 PASS: sortempty PASS: sortglos PASS: splitargv PASS: splitarr PASS: splitdef PASS: splitvar PASS: splitwht PASS: status-close PASS: strcat1 PASS: strnum1 PASS: strnum2 PASS: strtod PASS: subamp PASS: subback PASS: subi18n PASS: subsepnm PASS: subslash PASS: substr PASS: swaplns PASS: synerr1 PASS: synerr2 PASS: synerr3 PASS: tailrecurse PASS: tradanch PASS: trailbs PASS: uninit2 PASS: uninit3 PASS: uninit4 PASS: uninit5 PASS: uninitialized PASS: unterm PASS: uparrfs PASS: uplus PASS: wideidx PASS: wideidx2 PASS: widesub PASS: widesub2 PASS: widesub3 PASS: widesub4 PASS: wjposer1 PASS: zero2 PASS: zeroe0 PASS: zeroflag PASS: fflush PASS: getlnhd PASS: localenl PASS: rtlen PASS: rtlen01 PASS: aadelete1 PASS: aadelete2 PASS: aarray1 PASS: aasort PASS: aasorti PASS: arraysort PASS: arraysort2 PASS: arraytype PASS: backw PASS: clos1way PASS: clos1way2 PASS: clos1way3 PASS: clos1way4 PASS: clos1way5 PASS: clos1way6 PASS: crlf PASS: dbugeval2 PASS: dbugeval3 PASS: dbugtypedre1 PASS: dbugtypedre2 PASS: delsub PASS: dfacheck1 PASS: exit PASS: fieldwdth PASS: forcenum PASS: fpat1 PASS: fpat2 PASS: fpat3 PASS: fpat4 PASS: fpat5 PASS: fpat6 PASS: fpat7 PASS: fpat8 PASS: fpatnull PASS: fsfwfs PASS: funlen PASS: functab1 PASS: functab2 PASS: functab3 PASS: fwtest PASS: fwtest2 PASS: fwtest3 PASS: fwtest4 PASS: fwtest5 PASS: fwtest6 PASS: fwtest7 PASS: fwtest8 PASS: gensub PASS: gensub2 PASS: gensub3 PASS: getlndir PASS: gnuops2 PASS: gnuops3 PASS: gnureops PASS: gsubind PASS: icasefs PASS: icasers PASS: id PASS: igncdym PASS: igncfs PASS: ignrcas2 PASS: ignrcas4 PASS: ignrcase PASS: include PASS: indirectbuiltin PASS: indirectcall PASS: indirectcall2 PASS: intarray PASS: isarrayunset PASS: lint PASS: lintexp PASS: lintindex PASS: lintint PASS: lintlength PASS: lintold PASS: lintset PASS: lintwarn PASS: match1 PASS: match2 PASS: match3 PASS: mbstr1 PASS: mbstr2 PASS: mktime PASS: muldimposix PASS: nastyparm PASS: next PASS: nondec PASS: nondec2 PASS: nonfatal2 PASS: nonfatal3 PASS: nsbad PASS: nsforloop PASS: nsfuncrecurse PASS: nsindirect1 PASS: nsindirect2 PASS: nsprof1 PASS: nsprof2 PASS: patsplit PASS: posix PASS: printfbad1 PASS: printfbad3 PASS: printfbad4 PASS: printhuge PASS: procinfs PASS: profile4 PASS: profile8 PASS: profile9 PASS: profile10 PASS: profile11 PASS: profile13 PASS: regnul1 PASS: regnul2 PASS: regx8bit PASS: reint PASS: reint2 PASS: rsgetline PASS: rsstart1 PASS: rsstart2 PASS: rstest6 PASS: sandbox1 PASS: shadow PASS: shadowbuiltin PASS: sortfor PASS: sortfor2 PASS: sortu PASS: split_after_fpat PASS: splitarg4 PASS: strftfld PASS: strtonum PASS: strtonum1 PASS: stupid1 PASS: stupid2 PASS: stupid3 PASS: stupid4 PASS: switch2 PASS: symtab1 PASS: symtab2 PASS: symtab3 PASS: symtab4 PASS: symtab5 PASS: symtab7 PASS: symtab10 PASS: symtab11 PASS: timeout PASS: typedregex1 PASS: typedregex2 PASS: typedregex3 PASS: typedregex5 PASS: typedregex6 PASS: typeof1 PASS: typeof2 PASS: typeof3 PASS: typeof4 PASS: typeof5 PASS: double1 PASS: double2 PASS: intformat PASS: asort PASS: asorti PASS: backbigs1 PASS: backsmalls1 PASS: backsmalls2 PASS: fmttest PASS: fnarydel PASS: fnparydl PASS: lc_num1 PASS: mbfw1 PASS: mbprintf1 PASS: mbprintf2 PASS: mbprintf3 PASS: mbprintf4 PASS: mtchi18n PASS: rebt8b2 PASS: sort1 PASS: sprintfc PASS: apiterm PASS: fnmatch PASS: fork PASS: fork2 PASS: functab4 PASS: ordchr PASS: revout PASS: revtwoway PASS: rwarray PASS: time gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in # of digits = 4 +inf ... +inf floating-point computation with precision = 14.2877 # of digits = 4 +inf ... +inf SKIP: mpfrbigint gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in 146727939091013287542784 146727939091013287542784 146727939091013287542784 SKIP: mpfrbigint2 gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in min 0 SKIP: mpfrfield gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in -0 -> -0.000000, -0.0 -> -0.000000 atan2(+0, -0) = 3.141593 atan2(+0.0, -0.0) = 3.141593 atan2(-0, -0) = -3.141593 atan2(-0.0, -0.0) = -3.141593 atan2(+0, +0) = 0.000000 atan2(+0.0, +0.0) = 0.000000 atan2(-0, +0) = -0.000000 atan2(-0.0, +0.0) = -0.000000 SKIP: mpfrnegzero gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in 2147483650 3 -9223372036854775808 -18446744073709551616 SKIP: mpfrnr gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in 15 % 7 = 1 15 % -7 = 1 -15 % 7 = -1 -15 % -7 = -1 SKIP: mpfrrem gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in 3.1416 2.7183 1.618 Variable pi U: 3 Variable pi D: 3 Literal pi U: 3 Literal pi D: 3 Variable e D: 3 Variable e U: 3 Literal e D: 3 Literal e U: 3 Variable golden N: 2 Variable golden Z: 2 Literal golden N: 2 Literal golden Z: 2 SKIP: mpfrrndeval gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in 11111111111111111261130863809439559987542611609749437808640 11111111111111111261130863809439559987542611609749437808640 SKIP: mpfrsqrt gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in 11 9 SKIP: mpfrstrtonum gawk: warning: -M ignored: MPFR/GMP support not compiled in string SKIP: mpgforcenum DURATION: 25 END: /usr/lib/gawk/ptest 2021-10-26T02:12 2021-10-26T02:12 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gdbm/ptest ## --------------------- ## ## gdbm 1.19 test suite. ## ## --------------------- ## PASS: gdbm version GDBM interface PASS: create database PASS: fetch a record PASS: fetch: nonexisting record PASS: delete a record PASS: delete: non existing record PASS: delete: all records PASS: gdbm_close error Block size selection PASS: block size adjustment PASS: exact blocksize PASS: incorrect blocksize Compatibility library (dbm/ndbm) PASS: create database PASS: converting a 1.8-style database PASS: fetch a record PASS: fetch: nonexisting record PASS: fetch from a read-only database PASS: fetch from a read-only 1.8-style database PASS: delete a record PASS: delete: non existing record PASS: delete: all records DB options PASS: setopt PASS: setopt: mmap options Cloexec PASS: cloexec: gdbm_open PASS: cloexec: gdbm_reorganize PASS: cloexec: dbm_open PASS: cloexec: dbm_open -creat gdbmtool PASS: Input from file PASS: Input from stdin PASS: Input from command line PASS: Initialization file ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## All 30 tests were successful. DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/gdbm/ptest 2021-10-26T02:12 2021-10-26T02:12 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf/ptest Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-save.test # random seed: R02S77a389fb12526557eac586987e3d0144 1..3 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of save tests ok 1 /pixbuf/save/roundtrip ok 2 /pixbuf/save/options ok 3 /pixbuf/save/ico # End of save tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-save.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-pixdata.test # random seed: R02S664a2d87285dc358219b080ef2216a9a 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 1 /pixbuf/pixdata # Start of pixdata tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 89 x 96 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 356, Length: 34200 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding rle # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 89 x 96 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 356, Length: 8406 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 2 /pixbuf/pixdata/success # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == true # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 3 /pixbuf/pixdata/bug775693 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == true # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 4144 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 256, Length: 80 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 4 /pixbuf/pixdata/bug775229 # End of pixdata tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-pixdata.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icon-serialize.test # random seed: R02S490fd534573d9de9a8a06a16299356f8 1..1 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of icon tests ok 1 /pixbuf/icon/serialize # End of icon tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icon-serialize.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-reftest.test # random seed: R02S7b2e3cdbb91c2154abd910261612dce7 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? 1..52 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of reftest tests # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/bug696331.png.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/bug696331.png' ok 1 /pixbuf/reftest/bug696331.png # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/bug785447.ico.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/bug785447.ico' ok 2 /pixbuf/reftest/bug785447.ico # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/cat.jpg.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/cat.jpg' ok 3 /pixbuf/reftest/cat.jpg # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/colormap-too-small.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/colormap-too-small.tga' ok 4 /pixbuf/reftest/colormap-too-small.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/mandatory-bitmasks.bmp.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/mandatory-bitmasks.bmp' ok 5 /pixbuf/reftest/mandatory-bitmasks.bmp # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/rle-too-many-pixels-2.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/rle-too-many-pixels-2.tga' ok 6 /pixbuf/reftest/rle-too-many-pixels-2.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/rle-too-many-pixels.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/rle-too-many-pixels.tga' ok 7 /pixbuf/reftest/rle-too-many-pixels.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/squares.ico.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/squares.ico' ok 8 /pixbuf/reftest/squares.ico # Start of tga tests # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 9 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 10 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-left.tga' ok 11 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-right.tga' ok 12 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-16bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 13 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 14 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-left.tga' ok 15 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-right.tga' ok 16 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-24bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 17 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 18 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-left.tga' ok 19 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-right.tga' ok 20 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-32bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 21 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 22 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-left.tga' ok 23 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-right.tga' ok 24 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-8bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 25 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 26 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga' ok 27 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga' ok 28 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-cmap-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 29 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 30 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-left.tga' ok 31 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-right.tga' ok 32 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-16bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 33 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 34 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-left.tga' ok 35 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-right.tga' ok 36 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-8bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 37 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 38 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-left.tga' ok 39 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-right.tga' ok 40 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-16bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 41 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 42 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga' ok 43 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga' ok 44 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-gray-rle-8bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 45 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 46 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-left.tga' ok 47 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-right.tga' ok 48 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-24bpp-top-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-left.tga' ok 49 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-right.tga' ok 50 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-bottom-right.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-left.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-left.tga' ok 51 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-left.tga # Loading ref file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-right.tga.ref.png' for test file '/usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/reftests/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-right.tga' ok 52 /pixbuf/reftest/tga/gtk-logo-rle-32bpp-top-right.tga # End of tga tests # End of reftest tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-reftest.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-area-updated.test # random seed: R02Sd3df8617a8a186050f4809dc92de5e42 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of area-updated tests ok 1 /pixbuf/area-updated/ico ok 2 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif ok 3 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif2 ok 4 /pixbuf/area-updated/gif3 # End of area-updated tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-area-updated.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-short-gif-write.test # random seed: R02Sb7e7dfd96e769bbe366038eb2937998c 1..2 # Start of animation tests ok 1 /animation/short_gif_write ok 2 /animation/load_first_frame # End of animation tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-short-gif-write.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-construction.test # random seed: R02S7671e45a0acb2aa3727d1a74c67a392f 1..3 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of construction tests ok 1 /pixbuf/construction/no_construct_properties ok 2 /pixbuf/construction/pixels ok 3 /pixbuf/construction/bytes # End of construction tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-construction.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-gif.test # random seed: R02S0ecfdb65cb1b945549cafe97ed1b52ba 1..69 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of gif tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? ok 1 /pixbuf/gif/depth1 ok 2 /pixbuf/gif/depth2 ok 3 /pixbuf/gif/depth3 ok 4 /pixbuf/gif/depth4 ok 5 /pixbuf/gif/depth5 ok 6 /pixbuf/gif/depth6 ok 7 /pixbuf/gif/depth7 ok 8 /pixbuf/gif/depth8 ok 9 /pixbuf/gif/four-colors ok 10 /pixbuf/gif/local-color-table ok 11 /pixbuf/gif/no-global-color-table ok 12 /pixbuf/gif/zero-width ok 13 /pixbuf/gif/zero-height ok 14 /pixbuf/gif/zero-size ok 15 /pixbuf/gif/invalid-background ok 16 /pixbuf/gif/all-reds ok 17 /pixbuf/gif/all-greens ok 18 /pixbuf/gif/all-blues ok 19 /pixbuf/gif/interlace ok 20 /pixbuf/gif/image-inside-bg ok 21 /pixbuf/gif/image-overlap-bg ok 22 /pixbuf/gif/image-outside-bg ok 23 /pixbuf/gif/missing-pixels ok 24 /pixbuf/gif/extra-pixels ok 25 /pixbuf/gif/extra-data ok 26 /pixbuf/gif/no-clear ok 27 /pixbuf/gif/no-eoi ok 28 /pixbuf/gif/no-clear-and-eoi ok 29 /pixbuf/gif/many-clears ok 30 /pixbuf/gif/double-clears ok 31 /pixbuf/gif/invalid-colors ok 32 /pixbuf/gif/max-width ok 33 /pixbuf/gif/max-height ok 34 /pixbuf/gif/4095-codes-clear ok 35 /pixbuf/gif/4095-codes ok 36 /pixbuf/gif/255-codes ok 37 /pixbuf/gif/large-codes ok 38 /pixbuf/gif/max-codes ok 39 /pixbuf/gif/transparent ok 40 /pixbuf/gif/invalid-transparent ok 41 /pixbuf/gif/disabled-transparent ok 42 /pixbuf/gif/loop-infinite ok 43 /pixbuf/gif/loop-once ok 44 /pixbuf/gif/loop-max ok 45 /pixbuf/gif/loop-buffer ok 46 /pixbuf/gif/loop-buffer_max ok 47 /pixbuf/gif/loop-animexts ok 48 /pixbuf/gif/animation ok 49 /pixbuf/gif/animation-speed ok 50 /pixbuf/gif/animation-no-delays ok 51 /pixbuf/gif/animation-zero-delays ok 52 /pixbuf/gif/dispose-none ok 53 /pixbuf/gif/dispose-keep ok 54 /pixbuf/gif/dispose-restore-background ok 55 /pixbuf/gif/comment ok 56 /pixbuf/gif/large-comment ok 57 /pixbuf/gif/nul-comment ok 58 /pixbuf/gif/invalid-ascii-comment ok 59 /pixbuf/gif/invalid-utf8-comment ok 60 /pixbuf/gif/plain-text ok 61 /pixbuf/gif/xmp-data ok 62 /pixbuf/gif/xmp-data-empty ok 63 /pixbuf/gif/icc-color-profile ok 64 /pixbuf/gif/icc-color-profile-empty ok 65 /pixbuf/gif/unknown-extension ok 66 /pixbuf/gif/unknown-application-extension ok 67 /pixbuf/gif/nul-application-extension ok 68 /pixbuf/gif/gif87a ok 69 /pixbuf/gif/gif87a-animation # End of gif tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-gif.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-threads.test # random seed: R02S622b930036d7fbc6fd1ccfefae81a712 1..1 # Start of pixbuf tests # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.jpeg # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.gif # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.bmp # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.2.jpeg # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.png # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.xpm # reading /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gdk-pixbuf/test-images/randomly-modified/valid.1.tga ok 1 /pixbuf/threads # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-threads.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale.test # random seed: R02S1ae21640a0863d85260f6a2ffcaa44a1 1..18 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of scale tests ok 1 /pixbuf/scale/png ok 2 /pixbuf/scale/bmp ok 3 /pixbuf/scale/gif ok 4 /pixbuf/scale/jpeg ok 5 /pixbuf/scale/tga ok 6 /pixbuf/scale/xpm ok 7 /pixbuf/scale/xbm # Start of halve-checkerboard tests ok 8 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/nearest ok 9 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/tiles ok 10 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/bilinear ok 11 /pixbuf/scale/halve-checkerboard/hyper # End of halve-checkerboard tests # Start of offset tests ok 12 /pixbuf/scale/offset/nearest ok 13 /pixbuf/scale/offset/tiles ok 14 /pixbuf/scale/offset/bilinear ok 15 /pixbuf/scale/offset/hyper # End of offset tests # Start of dest tests ok 16 /pixbuf/scale/dest/nearest ok 17 /pixbuf/scale/dest/tiles ok 18 /pixbuf/scale/dest/bilinear # End of dest tests # End of scale tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-gif-circular-table.test # random seed: R02S4107f4020b107a66801ba1cfc66e8231 1..1 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of gif tests ok 1 /pixbuf/gif/circular-table # End of gif tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-gif-circular-table.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-fail.test # random seed: R02Sddc52c7c924494f98b83e0949bcf667b # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? 1..76 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of fail_tiny tests ok 1 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 2 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/DoS.tga ok 3 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 4 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug776694.bmp ok 5 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug777315.bmp ok 6 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug778204.ico ok 7 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug778584.gif ok 8 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug779012.ico ok 9 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug779016-infinite.icns ok 10 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug780269.tif # SKIP format not supported ok 11 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 12 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug785973.gif ok 13 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/bug793470-crasher.png ok 14 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 15 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/empty-file.tga ok 16 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/hang_114.gif ok 17 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.bmp ok 18 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.gif ok 19 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.ico ok 20 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.png ok 21 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.1.ppm ok 22 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.gif ok 23 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.png ok 24 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.2.ppm ok 25 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.gif ok 26 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.ico ok 27 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.png ok 28 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.3.ppm ok 29 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.4.gif ok 30 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.4.png ok 31 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.5.ppm ok 32 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.6.ppm ok 33 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.7.ppm ok 34 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/invalid.8.ppm ok 35 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/issue-95-too-narrow.xpm ok 36 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/issue-95-too-short.xpm ok 37 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/issue-95.xpm ok 38 /pixbuf/fail_tiny/overflow.tga # End of fail_tiny tests # Start of fail_huge tests ok 39 /pixbuf/fail_huge/CVE-2017-2862.jpg ok 40 /pixbuf/fail_huge/DoS.tga ok 41 /pixbuf/fail_huge/androstanRezeptor.tga ok 42 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug776694.bmp ok 43 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug777315.bmp ok 44 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug778204.ico ok 45 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug778584.gif ok 46 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug779012.ico ok 47 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug779016-infinite.icns ok 48 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug780269.tif # SKIP format not supported ok 49 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug784903-overflow-dimensions.tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 50 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug785973.gif ok 51 /pixbuf/fail_huge/bug793470-crasher.png ok 52 /pixbuf/fail_huge/colormap-image-without-colormap.tga ok 53 /pixbuf/fail_huge/empty-file.tga ok 54 /pixbuf/fail_huge/hang_114.gif ok 55 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.bmp ok 56 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.gif ok 57 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.ico ok 58 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.png ok 59 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.1.ppm ok 60 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.gif ok 61 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.png ok 62 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.2.ppm ok 63 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.gif ok 64 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.ico ok 65 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.png ok 66 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.3.ppm ok 67 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.4.gif ok 68 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.4.png ok 69 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.5.ppm ok 70 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.6.ppm ok 71 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.7.ppm ok 72 /pixbuf/fail_huge/invalid.8.ppm ok 73 /pixbuf/fail_huge/issue-95-too-narrow.xpm ok 74 /pixbuf/fail_huge/issue-95-too-short.xpm ok 75 /pixbuf/fail_huge/issue-95.xpm ok 76 /pixbuf/fail_huge/overflow.tga # End of fail_huge tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-fail.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-readonly-to-mutable.test # random seed: R02S97fe3c500c61104be18e20439d51da39 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of readonly tests ok 1 /pixbuf/readonly/mutate ok 2 /pixbuf/readonly/readpixelbytes # End of readonly tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-readonly-to-mutable.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-composite.test # random seed: R02Sc7afea0fad95043f91d062b05411d3f3 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests ok 1 /pixbuf/composite1 ok 2 /pixbuf/composite2 # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-composite.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-dpi.test # random seed: R02S2eebf2ea8d42fa0ec5c9db116e700b72 1..6 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of dpi tests ok 1 /pixbuf/dpi/png ok 2 /pixbuf/dpi/png-incremental ok 3 /pixbuf/dpi/jpeg ok 4 /pixbuf/dpi/jpeg-incremental ok 5 /pixbuf/dpi/tiff # SKIP format not supported ok 6 /pixbuf/dpi/tiff-incremental # SKIP format not supported # End of dpi tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-dpi.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-resource.test # random seed: R02Sc9ab594452897c63ee007dfa71ed7e81 1..2 # Start of pixbuf tests # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on: # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Encoding raw # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Dimensions: 48 x 48 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Rowstride: 192, Length: 9240 # GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: Copy pixels == false ok 1 /pixbuf/resource # Start of resource tests ok 2 /pixbuf/resource/at-scale # End of resource tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-resource.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/animation.test # random seed: R02Sb72a6fe31ca2781d5ec4f2eb0e7ac6fe 1..2 # Start of animation tests ok 1 /animation/gif ok 2 /animation/ani # End of animation tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/animation.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icc.test # random seed: R02Sdc9d3642a2b56eedf0872c05d3c122c0 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of icc tests ok 1 /pixbuf/icc/png ok 2 /pixbuf/icc/jpeg # Start of png tests ok 3 /pixbuf/icc/png/incremental # End of png tests # Start of jpeg tests ok 4 /pixbuf/icc/jpeg/incremental # End of jpeg tests # End of icc tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-icc.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/cve-2015-4491.test # random seed: R02S1f43e1a688047fa7622da70372665b4c 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of cve-2015-4491 tests ok 1 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/original ok 2 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-overflow ok 3 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-x-overflow ok 4 /pixbuf/cve-2015-4491/scale-y-overflow # End of cve-2015-4491 tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/cve-2015-4491.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-jpeg.test # random seed: R02Se85a3ee63710548a9f51b7f879c9a194 1..6 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of jpeg tests ok 1 /pixbuf/jpeg/inverted_cmyk_jpeg ok 2 /pixbuf/jpeg/type9_rotation_exif_tag ok 3 /pixbuf/jpeg/bug775218 ok 4 /pixbuf/jpeg/comment ok 5 /pixbuf/jpeg/at_size ok 6 /pixbuf/jpeg/issue70 # End of jpeg tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-jpeg.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-stream.test # random seed: R02Se89dc43a5958d5274d69c2e2d2d6aac1 1..4 # Start of pixbuf tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? ok 1 /pixbuf/stream # Start of stream tests ok 2 /pixbuf/stream/async ok 3 /pixbuf/stream/scale # Start of scale tests ok 4 /pixbuf/stream/scale/async # End of scale tests # End of stream tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-stream.test Running test: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale-two-step.test # random seed: R02Sa043f9da7f11cf8d9e06abeabf12524d 1..9 # Start of pixbuf tests # Start of scale tests # Start of two-step tests ok 1 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/tiles ok 2 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/bilinear ok 3 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/hyper # Start of offset tests ok 4 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/tiles ok 5 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/bilinear ok 6 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/offset/hyper # End of offset tests # Start of dest tests ok 7 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/tiles ok 8 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/bilinear ok 9 /pixbuf/scale/two-step/dest/hyper # End of dest tests # End of two-step tests # End of scale tests # End of pixbuf tests PASS: gdk-pixbuf/pixbuf-scale-two-step.test SUMMARY: total=22; passed=22; skipped=0; failed=0; user=1.2s; system=0.1s; maxrss=50016 DURATION: 2 END: /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf/ptest 2021-10-26T02:12 2021-10-26T02:12 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gettext/ptest PASS: gettext-1 PASS: gettext-2 PASS: intl-1 PASS: intl-2 PASS: intl-3 PASS: intl-4 PASS: intl-5 PASS: intl-6 PASS: intl-setlocale-1 PASS: intl-setlocale-2 PASS: intl-thread-1 PASS: intl-thread-2 PASS: intl-thread-3 PASS: intl-version PASS: msgattrib-1 PASS: msgattrib-2 PASS: msgattrib-3 PASS: msgattrib-4 PASS: msgattrib-5 PASS: msgattrib-6 PASS: msgattrib-7 PASS: msgattrib-8 PASS: msgattrib-9 PASS: msgattrib-10 PASS: msgattrib-11 PASS: msgattrib-12 PASS: msgattrib-13 PASS: msgattrib-14 PASS: msgattrib-15 PASS: msgattrib-16 PASS: msgattrib-17 PASS: msgattrib-18 PASS: msgattrib-19 PASS: msgattrib-properties-1 PASS: msgcat-1 PASS: msgcat-2 PASS: msgcat-3 PASS: msgcat-4 PASS: msgcat-5 PASS: msgcat-6 PASS: msgcat-7 PASS: msgcat-8 PASS: msgcat-9 PASS: msgcat-10 PASS: msgcat-11 PASS: msgcat-12 PASS: msgcat-13 PASS: msgcat-14 PASS: msgcat-15 PASS: msgcat-16 PASS: msgcat-17 PASS: msgcat-18 PASS: msgcat-19 PASS: msgcat-20 PASS: msgcat-21 PASS: msgcat-properties-1 PASS: msgcat-properties-2 PASS: msgcat-stringtable-1 PASS: msgcmp-1 PASS: msgcmp-2 PASS: msgcmp-3 PASS: msgcmp-4 PASS: msgcomm-1 PASS: msgcomm-2 PASS: msgcomm-3 PASS: msgcomm-4 PASS: msgcomm-5 PASS: msgcomm-6 PASS: msgcomm-7 PASS: msgcomm-8 PASS: msgcomm-9 PASS: msgcomm-10 PASS: msgcomm-11 PASS: msgcomm-12 PASS: msgcomm-13 PASS: msgcomm-14 PASS: msgcomm-15 PASS: msgcomm-16 PASS: msgcomm-17 PASS: msgcomm-18 PASS: msgcomm-19 PASS: msgcomm-20 PASS: msgcomm-21 PASS: msgcomm-22 PASS: msgcomm-23 PASS: msgcomm-24 PASS: msgcomm-25 PASS: msgcomm-26 PASS: msgcomm-27 PASS: msgcomm-28 PASS: msgconv-1 PASS: msgconv-2 PASS: msgconv-3 PASS: msgconv-4 PASS: msgconv-5 PASS: msgconv-6 PASS: msgconv-7 PASS: msgen-1 PASS: msgen-2 PASS: msgen-3 PASS: msgen-4 PASS: msgexec-1 PASS: msgexec-2 PASS: msgexec-3 PASS: msgexec-4 PASS: msgexec-5 PASS: msgexec-6 PASS: msgfilter-1 PASS: msgfilter-2 PASS: msgfilter-3 PASS: msgfilter-4 PASS: msgfilter-5 PASS: msgfilter-6 PASS: msgfilter-7 PASS: msgfilter-8 PASS: msgfilter-sr-latin-1 PASS: msgfilter-quote-1 PASS: msgfmt-1 PASS: msgfmt-2 PASS: msgfmt-3 PASS: msgfmt-4 PASS: msgfmt-5 PASS: msgfmt-6 PASS: msgfmt-7 PASS: msgfmt-8 PASS: msgfmt-9 PASS: msgfmt-10 PASS: msgfmt-11 PASS: msgfmt-12 PASS: msgfmt-13 PASS: msgfmt-14 PASS: msgfmt-15 PASS: msgfmt-16 PASS: msgfmt-17 PASS: msgfmt-18 PASS: msgfmt-19 PASS: msgfmt-properties-1 PASS: msgfmt-qt-1 PASS: msgfmt-qt-2 PASS: msgfmt-desktop-1 PASS: msgfmt-desktop-2 PASS: msgfmt-desktop-3 PASS: msgfmt-xml-1 PASS: msgfmt-xml-2 PASS: msggrep-1 PASS: msggrep-2 PASS: msggrep-3 PASS: msggrep-4 PASS: msggrep-5 PASS: msggrep-6 PASS: msggrep-7 PASS: msggrep-8 PASS: msggrep-9 PASS: msggrep-10 PASS: msggrep-11 PASS: msginit-1 PASS: msginit-2 PASS: msginit-3 PASS: msginit-4 PASS: msgmerge-1 PASS: msgmerge-2 PASS: msgmerge-3 PASS: msgmerge-4 PASS: msgmerge-5 PASS: msgmerge-6 PASS: msgmerge-7 PASS: msgmerge-8 PASS: msgmerge-9 PASS: msgmerge-10 PASS: msgmerge-11 PASS: msgmerge-12 PASS: msgmerge-13 PASS: msgmerge-14 PASS: msgmerge-15 PASS: msgmerge-16 PASS: msgmerge-17 PASS: msgmerge-18 PASS: msgmerge-19 PASS: msgmerge-20 PASS: msgmerge-21 PASS: msgmerge-22 PASS: msgmerge-23 PASS: msgmerge-24 PASS: msgmerge-25 PASS: msgmerge-26 PASS: msgmerge-27 PASS: msgmerge-28 PASS: msgmerge-29 PASS: msgmerge-compendium-1 PASS: msgmerge-compendium-2 PASS: msgmerge-compendium-3 PASS: msgmerge-compendium-4 PASS: msgmerge-compendium-5 PASS: msgmerge-compendium-6 PASS: msgmerge-properties-1 PASS: msgmerge-properties-2 PASS: msgmerge-update-1 PASS: msgmerge-update-2 PASS: msgmerge-update-3 PASS: msgmerge-update-4 PASS: msgunfmt-1 PASS: msgunfmt-2 PASS: msgunfmt-3 Skipping test: configured with --disable-csharp SKIP: msgunfmt-csharp-1 Skipping test: configured with --disable-java SKIP: msgunfmt-java-1 PASS: msgunfmt-properties-1 Skipping test: tclsh not found or Tcl too old SKIP: msgunfmt-tcl-1 PASS: msguniq-1 PASS: msguniq-2 PASS: msguniq-3 PASS: msguniq-4 PASS: msguniq-5 PASS: msguniq-6 PASS: msguniq-7 PASS: recode-sr-latin-1 Skipping test: no japanese EUC-JP locale is supported SKIP: recode-sr-latin-2 PASS: xgettext-2 PASS: xgettext-3 PASS: xgettext-4 PASS: xgettext-5 PASS: xgettext-6 PASS: xgettext-7 PASS: xgettext-8 PASS: xgettext-9 PASS: xgettext-10 PASS: xgettext-11 xg-test12.c:1: ambiguous argument specification for keyword 'ngettext' xg-test12.c:2: ambiguous argument specification for keyword 'ngettext' PASS: xgettext-12 PASS: xgettext-13 PASS: xgettext-14 xgettext: warning: msgid 'Language' is used without plural and with plural. xgettext: warning: msgid 'Language' is used without plural and with plural. PASS: xgettext-15 PASS: xgettext-appdata-1 PASS: xgettext-awk-1 PASS: xgettext-awk-2 PASS: xgettext-c-2 PASS: xgettext-c-3 PASS: xgettext-c-4 PASS: xgettext-c-5 PASS: xgettext-c-6 PASS: xgettext-c-comment-1 PASS: xgettext-c-comment-2 PASS: xgettext-c-comment-3 PASS: xgettext-c-comment-4 PASS: xgettext-c-comment-5 PASS: xgettext-c-comment-6 err1.c:2: warning: invalid Unicode character xg-c-escape-1.c:10: warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\a' escape sequence xg-c-escape-1.c:10: warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\b' escape sequence xg-c-escape-1.c:10: warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\f' escape sequence xg-c-escape-1.c:10: warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\r' escape sequence xg-c-escape-1.c:10: warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\v' escape sequence PASS: xgettext-c-escape-1 PASS: xgettext-c-escape-2 PASS: xgettext-c-escape-3 PASS: xgettext-c-format-1 PASS: xgettext-c-format-2 PASS: xgettext-c-format-3 PASS: xgettext-c-format-4 PASS: xgettext-c-format-5 PASS: xgettext-c-ctxt-1 PASS: xgettext-c-ctxt-2 PASS: xgettext-c-ctxt-3 warning: unterminated string literal warning: unterminated string literal warning: unterminated raw string literal PASS: xgettext-c-c++-1 PASS: xgettext-c-c++-2 PASS: xgettext-csharp-1 PASS: xgettext-csharp-2 PASS: xgettext-csharp-3 PASS: xgettext-csharp-4 PASS: xgettext-csharp-5 PASS: xgettext-csharp-6 PASS: xgettext-csharp-7 PASS: xgettext-csharp-8 err1.desktop:2:0: warning: missing '=' after "This" err2.desktop:2:0: warning: unterminated group name err3.desktop:3:0: warning: invalid non-blank line err4.desktop:2:0: warning: invalid non-blank character PASS: xgettext-desktop-1 PASS: xgettext-desktop-2 PASS: xgettext-elisp-1 PASS: xgettext-elisp-2 PASS: xgettext-glade-1 PASS: xgettext-glade-2 PASS: xgettext-glade-3 PASS: xgettext-glade-4 PASS: xgettext-glade-5 PASS: xgettext-glade-6 PASS: xgettext-glade-7 PASS: xgettext-gsettings-1 PASS: xgettext-its-1 PASS: xgettext-its-2 PASS: xgettext-java-1 PASS: xgettext-java-2 PASS: xgettext-java-3 PASS: xgettext-java-4 PASS: xgettext-java-5 PASS: xgettext-java-6 PASS: xgettext-java-7 PASS: xgettext-javascript-1 PASS: xgettext-javascript-2 PASS: xgettext-javascript-3 PASS: xgettext-javascript-4 PASS: xgettext-javascript-5 PASS: xgettext-javascript-6 PASS: xgettext-javascript-7 PASS: xgettext-librep-1 PASS: xgettext-librep-2 PASS: xgettext-lisp-1 PASS: xgettext-lisp-2 PASS: xgettext-lua-1 PASS: xgettext-lua-2 PASS: xgettext-objc-1 PASS: xgettext-objc-2 PASS: xgettext-perl-1 PASS: xgettext-perl-2 PASS: xgettext-perl-3 PASS: xgettext-perl-4 PASS: xgettext-perl-5 PASS: xgettext-perl-6 PASS: xgettext-perl-7 PASS: xgettext-perl-8 PASS: xgettext-php-1 PASS: xgettext-php-2 PASS: xgettext-php-3 PASS: xgettext-php-4 PASS: xgettext-po-1 PASS: xgettext-po-2 PASS: xgettext-properties-1 PASS: xgettext-properties-2 PASS: xgettext-properties-3 PASS: xgettext-properties-4 PASS: xgettext-rst-1 PASS: xgettext-rst-2 PASS: xgettext-python-1 PASS: xgettext-python-2 PASS: xgettext-python-3 PASS: xgettext-python-4 Skipping test: rxgettext not found SKIP: xgettext-ruby-1 PASS: xgettext-scheme-1 PASS: xgettext-scheme-2 PASS: xgettext-scheme-3 PASS: xgettext-scheme-4 warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\a' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\b' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\f' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\r' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\v' escape sequence PASS: xgettext-sh-1 PASS: xgettext-sh-2 warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\a' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\b' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\f' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\r' escape sequence warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\v' escape sequence PASS: xgettext-sh-3 PASS: xgettext-sh-4 PASS: xgettext-sh-5 PASS: xgettext-sh-6 PASS: xgettext-sh-7 PASS: xgettext-smalltalk-1 PASS: xgettext-smalltalk-2 PASS: xgettext-stringtable-1 PASS: xgettext-tcl-1 PASS: xgettext-tcl-2 PASS: xgettext-tcl-3 PASS: xgettext-tcl-4 xg-vala-1.err.vala:3: warning: regular expression literal terminated too early PASS: xgettext-vala-1 PASS: xgettext-vala-2 PASS: xgettext-ycp-1 PASS: xgettext-ycp-2 PASS: xgettext-ycp-3 PASS: xgettext-ycp-4 PASS: format-awk-1 PASS: format-awk-2 PASS: format-boost-1 PASS: format-boost-2 PASS: format-c-1 PASS: format-c-2 PASS: format-c-3 PASS: format-c-4 Skipping test: locale fa_IR not supported SKIP: format-c-5 PASS: format-csharp-1 PASS: format-csharp-2 PASS: format-elisp-1 PASS: format-elisp-2 PASS: format-gcc-internal-1 PASS: format-gcc-internal-2 PASS: format-gfc-internal-1 PASS: format-gfc-internal-2 PASS: format-java-1 PASS: format-java-2 PASS: format-java-printf-1 PASS: format-java-printf-2 PASS: format-javascript-1 PASS: format-javascript-2 PASS: format-kde-1 PASS: format-kde-2 warning: Although being used in a format string position, the msgid is not a valid KDE KUIT format string. Reason: error while parsing: Premature end of data in tag kuit line 1 warning: Although being used in a format string position, the msgid is not a valid KDE KUIT format string. Reason: error while parsing: Premature end of data in tag kuit line 1 warning: Although being used in a format string position, the msgid is not a valid KDE KUIT format string. Reason: error while parsing: Opening and ending tag mismatch: filename line 1 and xfilename PASS: format-kde-kuit-1 PASS: format-kde-kuit-2 PASS: format-librep-1 PASS: format-librep-2 PASS: format-lisp-1 PASS: format-lisp-2 PASS: format-lua-1 PASS: format-lua-2 PASS: format-php-1 PASS: format-php-2 PASS: format-python-1 PASS: format-python-2 PASS: format-python-brace-1 PASS: format-python-brace-2 PASS: format-pascal-1 PASS: format-pascal-2 PASS: format-perl-1 PASS: format-perl-2 PASS: format-perl-brace-1 PASS: format-perl-brace-2 PASS: format-perl-mixed-1 PASS: format-perl-mixed-2 PASS: format-qt-1 PASS: format-qt-2 PASS: format-qt-plural-1 PASS: format-qt-plural-2 Skipping test: rxgettext not found SKIP: format-ruby-1 PASS: format-ruby-2 PASS: format-scheme-1 PASS: format-scheme-2 PASS: format-sh-1 PASS: format-sh-2 PASS: format-tcl-1 PASS: format-tcl-2 PASS: format-ycp-1 PASS: format-ycp-2 PASS: plural-1 PASS: plural-2 PASS: gettextpo-1 PASS: sentence-1 PASS: lang-po Skipping test: configured with --disable-libasprintf SKIP: lang-c++ Skipping test: Objective C compiler not found SKIP: lang-objc Skipping test: python not found SKIP: lang-python-1 Skipping test: python not found SKIP: lang-python-2 Skipping test: configured with --disable-java SKIP: lang-java Skipping test: configured with --disable-csharp SKIP: lang-csharp Skipping test: gjs not found SKIP: lang-javascript Skipping test: guile not found SKIP: lang-guile Skipping test: clisp not found SKIP: lang-clisp PASS: lang-elisp Skipping test: rep not found SKIP: lang-librep PASS: lang-sh PASS: lang-bash Skipping test: gawk was built without i18n support SKIP: lang-gawk Skipping test: lua gettext module not found SKIP: lang-lua Skipping test: Pascal compiler ppc386 or ppcx64 not found SKIP: lang-pascal Skipping test: gst not found SKIP: lang-smalltalk Skipping test: valac not found SKIP: lang-vala Skipping test: tclsh not found or msgcat extension not present SKIP: lang-tcl Skipping test: perl package Locale::Messages is not installed SKIP: lang-perl-1 Skipping test: perl package libintl-perl is not installed SKIP: lang-perl-2 Skipping test: php not found SKIP: lang-php PASS: lang-ycp PASS: lang-rst Copying file ABOUT-NLS Copying file config.rpath Copying file intl/ChangeLog Copying file intl/ Copying file intl/bindtextdom.c Copying file intl/config.charset Copying file intl/dcgettext.c Copying file intl/dcigettext.c Copying file intl/dcngettext.c Copying file intl/dgettext.c Copying file intl/dngettext.c Copying file intl/eval-plural.h Copying file intl/explodename.c Copying file intl/export.h Copying file intl/finddomain.c Copying file intl/gettext.c Copying file intl/gettextP.h Copying file intl/gmo.h Copying file intl/hash-string.c Copying file intl/hash-string.h Copying file intl/intl-compat.c Copying file intl/intl-exports.c Copying file intl/l10nflist.c Copying file intl/langprefs.c Copying file intl/ Copying file intl/loadinfo.h Copying file intl/loadmsgcat.c Copying file intl/localcharset.c Copying file intl/localcharset.h Copying file intl/locale.alias Copying file intl/localealias.c Copying file intl/localename.c Copying file intl/lock.c Copying file intl/lock.h Copying file intl/log.c Copying file intl/ngettext.c Copying file intl/os2compat.c Copying file intl/os2compat.h Copying file intl/osdep.c Copying file intl/plural-exp.c Copying file intl/plural-exp.h Copying file intl/plural.c Copying file intl/plural.y Copying file intl/printf-args.c Copying file intl/printf-args.h Copying file intl/printf-parse.c Copying file intl/printf-parse.h Copying file intl/printf.c Copying file intl/ref-add.sin Copying file intl/ref-del.sin Copying file intl/relocatable.c Copying file intl/relocatable.h Copying file intl/textdomain.c Copying file intl/vasnprintf.c Copying file intl/vasnprintf.h Copying file intl/vasnwprintf.h Copying file intl/version.c Copying file intl/wprintf-parse.h Copying file intl/xsize.h Creating directory m4 Copying file m4/codeset.m4 Copying file m4/gettext.m4 Copying file m4/glibc2.m4 Copying file m4/glibc21.m4 Copying file m4/iconv.m4 Copying file m4/intdiv0.m4 Copying file m4/intmax.m4 Copying file m4/inttypes-h.m4 Copying file m4/inttypes-pri.m4 Copying file m4/inttypes_h.m4 Copying file m4/lcmessage.m4 Copying file m4/lib-ld.m4 Copying file m4/lib-link.m4 Copying file m4/lib-prefix.m4 Copying file m4/lock.m4 Copying file m4/longdouble.m4 Copying file m4/longlong.m4 Copying file m4/nls.m4 Copying file m4/po.m4 Copying file m4/printf-posix.m4 Copying file m4/progtest.m4 Copying file m4/signed.m4 Copying file m4/size_max.m4 Copying file m4/stdint_h.m4 Copying file m4/uintmax_t.m4 Copying file m4/ulonglong.m4 Copying file m4/visibility.m4 Copying file m4/wchar_t.m4 Copying file m4/wint_t.m4 Copying file m4/xsize.m4 Creating directory po Copying file po/ Copying file po/Makevars.template Copying file po/Rules-quot Copying file po/boldquot.sed Copying file po/en@boldquot.header Copying file po/en@quot.header Copying file po/insert-header.sin Copying file po/quot.sed Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin PASS: autopoint-1 PASS: autopoint-2 PASS: autopoint-3 PASS: cldr-plurals-1 ======================= All 418 tests passed (26 tests were not run) ======================= DURATION: 73 END: /usr/lib/gettext/ptest 2021-10-26T02:13 2021-10-26T02:13 BEGIN: /usr/lib/glib-networking/ptest Running test: glib-networking/certificate-openssl.test # random seed: R02S08d7b771c017f071bb19ed5084b6548b # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation openssl (GTlsBackendOpenssl) for ?gio-tls-backend? 1..26 # Start of tls tests # Start of openssl tests # Start of certificate tests ok 1 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-pem ok 2 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-der ok 3 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-with-key-pem ok 4 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-with-key-der ok 5 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-with-issuer ok 6 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-with-garbage-input ok 7 /tls/openssl/certificate/pkcs11 # SKIP This backend does not support PKCS #11 ok 8 /tls/openssl/certificate/private-key ok 9 /tls/openssl/certificate/private-key-pkcs11 # SKIP This backend does not support PKCS #11 ok 10 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-chain ok 11 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-no-chain ok 12 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-list ok 13 /tls/openssl/certificate/create-list-bad ok 14 /tls/openssl/certificate/verify-good ok 15 /tls/openssl/certificate/verify-bad-identity ok 16 /tls/openssl/certificate/verify-bad-ca ok 17 /tls/openssl/certificate/verify-bad-before ok 18 /tls/openssl/certificate/verify-bad-expired ok 19 /tls/openssl/certificate/verify-bad-combo ok 20 /tls/openssl/certificate/is-same ok 21 /tls/openssl/certificate/not-valid-before ok 22 /tls/openssl/certificate/not-valid-after ok 23 /tls/openssl/certificate/subject-name ok 24 /tls/openssl/certificate/issuer-name ok 25 /tls/openssl/certificate/dns-names ok 26 /tls/openssl/certificate/ip-addresses # End of certificate tests # End of openssl tests # End of tls tests PASS: glib-networking/certificate-openssl.test Running test: glib-networking/file-database-openssl.test # random seed: R02S666d49ee54dc203496087ac000d5e012 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation openssl (GTlsBackendOpenssl) for ?gio-tls-backend? 1..12 # Start of tls tests # Start of openssl tests # Start of backend tests ok 1 /tls/openssl/backend/default-database-is-singleton # End of backend tests # Start of database tests ok 2 /tls/openssl/database/verify-good ok 3 /tls/openssl/database/verify-bad-identity ok 4 /tls/openssl/database/verify-bad-ca ok 5 /tls/openssl/database/verify-bad-before ok 6 /tls/openssl/database/verify-bad-expired ok 7 /tls/openssl/database/verify-bad-combo ok 8 /tls/openssl/database/verify-with-incorrect-root-in-chain # End of database tests # Start of file-database tests ok 9 /tls/openssl/file-database/anchors-property ok 10 /tls/openssl/file-database/lookup-certificates-issued-by ok 11 /tls/openssl/file-database/test-handle ok 12 /tls/openssl/file-database/test-handle-invalid # End of file-database tests # End of openssl tests # End of tls tests PASS: glib-networking/file-database-openssl.test Running test: glib-networking/connection-openssl.test # random seed: R02S157079dbe3fb26af378a71ada25121a8 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation openssl (GTlsBackendOpenssl) for ?gio-tls-backend? 1..44 # Start of tls tests # Start of openssl tests # Start of connection tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation dummy (GDummyProxyResolver) for ?gio-proxy-resolver? ok 1 /tls/openssl/connection/basic ok 2 /tls/openssl/connection/verified ok 3 /tls/openssl/connection/verified-chain ok 4 /tls/openssl/connection/verified-chain-with-redundant-root-cert ok 5 /tls/openssl/connection/verified-chain-with-duplicate-server-cert ok 6 /tls/openssl/connection/verified-unordered-chain ok 7 /tls/openssl/connection/verified-chain-with-alternative-ca-cert ok 8 /tls/openssl/connection/invalid-chain-with-alternative-ca-cert ok 9 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth ok 10 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth-rehandshake ok 11 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth-failure # Bug Reference: ok 12 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth-fail-missing-client-private-key ok 13 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth-request-cert ok 14 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth-request-fail ok 15 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth-request-none ok 16 /tls/openssl/connection/client-auth-pkcs11 # SKIP This backend does not support PKCS #11 ok 17 /tls/openssl/connection/no-database ok 18 /tls/openssl/connection/failed # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TLS handshake # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TLS handshake succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Connection successful! ok 19 /tls/openssl/connection/socket-client # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TLS handshake # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TLS handshake failed: Unacceptable TLS certificate # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Address enumeration completed (out of addresses) # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Address enumeration failed: (null) # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Connection failed: Unacceptable TLS certificate ok 20 /tls/openssl/connection/socket-client-failed # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TLS handshake # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TLS handshake succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Connection successful! ok 21 /tls/openssl/connection/read-time-out-then-write ok 22 /tls/openssl/connection/simultaneous-async ok 23 /tls/openssl/connection/simultaneous-sync ok 24 /tls/openssl/connection/simultaneous-async-rehandshake ok 25 /tls/openssl/connection/simultaneous-sync-rehandshake ok 26 /tls/openssl/connection/close-immediately # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TLS handshake # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TLS handshake succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Connection successful! # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Starting TLS handshake # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: TLS handshake succeeded # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: GSocketClient: Connection successful! ok 27 /tls/openssl/connection/unclean-close-by-server # Bug Reference: ok 28 /tls/openssl/connection/async-implicit-handshake ok 29 /tls/openssl/connection/output-stream-close # SKIP this is not supported with openssl 1.1.1 ok 30 /tls/openssl/connection/garbage-database # Bug Reference: ok 31 /tls/openssl/connection/readwrite-after-connection-destroyed ok 32 /tls/openssl/connection/sync-op-during-handshake ok 33 /tls/openssl/connection/socket-timeout ok 34 /tls/openssl/connection/missing-server-identity ok 35 /tls/openssl/connection/peer-certificate-notify ok 36 /tls/openssl/connection/tls-info # Start of alpn tests ok 37 /tls/openssl/connection/alpn/match ok 38 /tls/openssl/connection/alpn/no-match ok 39 /tls/openssl/connection/alpn/client-only ok 40 /tls/openssl/connection/alpn/server-only # End of alpn tests # Start of binding tests ok 41 /tls/openssl/connection/binding/match-tls-unique ok 42 /tls/openssl/connection/binding/match-tls-server-end-point ok 43 /tls/openssl/connection/binding/match-tls-exporter # End of binding tests # Start of oscp tests ok 44 /tls/openssl/connection/oscp/must-staple # SKIP OCSP Must-Staple is not supported with the openssl backend # End of oscp tests # End of connection tests # End of openssl tests # End of tls tests PASS: glib-networking/connection-openssl.test SUMMARY: total=3; passed=3; skipped=0; failed=0; user=1.5s; system=0.1s; maxrss=11748 DURATION: 4 END: /usr/lib/glib-networking/ptest 2021-10-26T02:13 2021-10-26T02:13 BEGIN: /usr/lib/gzip/ptest make check-TESTS make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' PASS: gzip-env PASS: helin-segv PASS: help-version PASS: hufts PASS: keep PASS: list PASS: memcpy-abuse PASS: mixed PASS: null-suffix-clobber PASS: reproducible PASS: stdin PASS: timestamp PASS: two-files PASS: trailing-nul PASS: unpack-invalid PASS: unpack-valid PASS: upper-suffix PASS: z-suffix PASS: zdiff PASS: zgrep-f PASS: zgrep-context PASS: zgrep-signal PASS: znew-k ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for gzip 1.11 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 23 # PASS: 23 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/gzip/ptest/src/tests' DURATION: 4 END: /usr/lib/gzip/ptest 2021-10-26T02:14 2021-10-26T02:14 BEGIN: /usr/lib/json-glib/ptest Running test: json-glib-1.0/serialize-complex.test # random seed: R02Sd31ea676bf73b487fb0ac7c23fc11f90 1..1 # Start of serialize tests ok 1 /serialize/gobject-boxed # End of serialize tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/serialize-complex.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/boxed.test # random seed: R02S0d833ddb3a5984eb870157d9ca59451d 1..2 # Start of boxed tests ok 1 /boxed/serialize-property ok 2 /boxed/deserialize-property # End of boxed tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/boxed.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/parser.test # random seed: R02S3dc20b8212c508d05016547a2c5c0eaf 1..15 # Start of parser tests ok 1 /parser/empty-string ok 2 /parser/base-value ok 3 /parser/empty-array ok 4 /parser/simple-array ok 5 /parser/nested-array ok 6 /parser/empty-object ok 7 /parser/simple-object ok 8 /parser/nested-object ok 9 /parser/assignment ok 10 /parser/unicode-escape # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? ok 11 /parser/stream-sync ok 12 /parser/stream-async ok 13 /parser/mapped # Start of mapped tests ok 14 /parser/mapped/file-error ok 15 /parser/mapped/json-error # End of mapped tests # End of parser tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/parser.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/reader.test # random seed: R02S984392c2f263904bf409019dc108e1eb 1..5 # Start of reader tests ok 1 /reader/base-array ok 2 /reader/base-object ok 3 /reader/level # Bug Reference: ok 4 /reader/null-value ok 5 /reader/bom # End of reader tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/reader.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/serialize-simple.test # random seed: R02S6597d98e1de176f39a9119df80b17827 1..1 # Start of serialize tests ok 1 /serialize/gobject # End of serialize tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/serialize-simple.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/serialize-full.test # random seed: R02S97af8e97fe9e912cc7c1b2f909a6db7a 1..1 # Start of deserialize tests ok 1 /deserialize/json-to-gobject # End of deserialize tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/serialize-full.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/node.test # random seed: R02Sdbcc6c5dfcf9d1fdc2ee780ab0598dde 1..27 # Start of nodes tests ok 1 /nodes/gvalue # Start of init tests ok 2 /nodes/init/int ok 3 /nodes/init/double ok 4 /nodes/init/boolean ok 5 /nodes/init/string ok 6 /nodes/init/null # End of init tests # Start of copy tests ok 7 /nodes/copy/null ok 8 /nodes/copy/value ok 9 /nodes/copy/object # End of copy tests # Start of get tests ok 10 /nodes/get/int ok 11 /nodes/get/double # End of get tests # Start of gvalue tests ok 12 /nodes/gvalue/autopromotion # End of gvalue tests # Start of seal tests ok 13 /nodes/seal/int ok 14 /nodes/seal/double ok 15 /nodes/seal/boolean ok 16 /nodes/seal/string ok 17 /nodes/seal/null ok 18 /nodes/seal/object ok 19 /nodes/seal/array # End of seal tests # Start of immutable tests ok 20 /nodes/immutable/int ok 21 /nodes/immutable/double ok 22 /nodes/immutable/boolean ok 23 /nodes/immutable/string ok 24 /nodes/immutable/object ok 25 /nodes/immutable/array ok 26 /nodes/immutable/value ok 27 /nodes/immutable/parent # End of immutable tests # End of nodes tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/node.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/array.test # random seed: R02Sf7c77cc25c024681f68bdd0b2b3d3d12 1..4 # Start of array tests ok 1 /array/empty-array ok 2 /array/add-element ok 3 /array/remove-element ok 4 /array/foreach-element # End of array tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/array.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/invalid.test # random seed: R02S8b35785a8b3b87b5de4e43f6fcbb365d 1..29 # Start of invalid tests # Start of json tests ok 1 /invalid/json/bareword-1 ok 2 /invalid/json/bareword-2 ok 3 /invalid/json/bareword-3 ok 4 /invalid/json/bareword-4 ok 5 /invalid/json/bareword-5 ok 6 /invalid/json/bareword-6 ok 7 /invalid/json/values-1 ok 8 /invalid/json/values-2 ok 9 /invalid/json/values-3 ok 10 /invalid/json/values-4 ok 11 /invalid/json/assignment-1 ok 12 /invalid/json/assignment-2 ok 13 /invalid/json/assignment-3 ok 14 /invalid/json/assignment-4 ok 15 /invalid/json/assignment-5 ok 16 /invalid/json/array-1 ok 17 /invalid/json/array-2 ok 18 /invalid/json/array-3 ok 19 /invalid/json/object-1 ok 20 /invalid/json/object-2 ok 21 /invalid/json/object-3 ok 22 /invalid/json/object-4 ok 23 /invalid/json/object-5 ok 24 /invalid/json/object-6 ok 25 /invalid/json/object-7 ok 26 /invalid/json/missing-comma-1 ok 27 /invalid/json/missing-comma-2 ok 28 /invalid/json/trailing-comma-1 ok 29 /invalid/json/trailing-comma-2 # End of json tests # End of invalid tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/invalid.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/gvariant.test # random seed: R02Se95996eb956b22de9835b5238473b031 1..89 # Start of gvariant tests # Start of to-json tests ok 1 /gvariant/to-json/boolean ok 2 /gvariant/to-json/byte ok 3 /gvariant/to-json/int16 ok 4 /gvariant/to-json/uint16 ok 5 /gvariant/to-json/int32 ok 6 /gvariant/to-json/uint32 ok 7 /gvariant/to-json/int64 ok 8 /gvariant/to-json/uint64 ok 9 /gvariant/to-json/handle ok 10 /gvariant/to-json/double ok 11 /gvariant/to-json/double-whole ok 12 /gvariant/to-json/string ok 13 /gvariant/to-json/object-path ok 14 /gvariant/to-json/signature ok 15 /gvariant/to-json/tuple ok 16 /gvariant/to-json/deep-nesting ok 17 /gvariant/to-json/mixed1 ok 18 /gvariant/to-json/mixed2 # Start of maybe tests # Start of simple tests ok 19 /gvariant/to-json/maybe/simple/null ok 20 /gvariant/to-json/maybe/simple/string # End of simple tests # Start of container tests ok 21 /gvariant/to-json/maybe/container/null ok 22 /gvariant/to-json/maybe/container/tuple # End of container tests # Start of variant tests ok 23 /gvariant/to-json/maybe/variant/boolean # End of variant tests # End of maybe tests # Start of array tests ok 24 /gvariant/to-json/array/empty ok 25 /gvariant/to-json/array/byte ok 26 /gvariant/to-json/array/string ok 27 /gvariant/to-json/array/variant # Start of array tests ok 28 /gvariant/to-json/array/array/int32 # End of array tests # End of array tests # Start of dictionary tests ok 29 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/empty ok 30 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/single-entry ok 31 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/string-int32 ok 32 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/string-variant ok 33 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/int64-variant ok 34 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/uint64-boolean ok 35 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/boolean-variant ok 36 /gvariant/to-json/dictionary/double-string # End of dictionary tests # Start of variant tests ok 37 /gvariant/to-json/variant/string ok 38 /gvariant/to-json/variant/dictionary # Start of maybe tests ok 39 /gvariant/to-json/variant/maybe/null # End of maybe tests # Start of variant tests ok 40 /gvariant/to-json/variant/variant/array # End of variant tests # End of variant tests # End of to-json tests # Start of from-json tests ok 41 /gvariant/from-json/boolean ok 42 /gvariant/from-json/byte ok 43 /gvariant/from-json/int16 ok 44 /gvariant/from-json/uint16 ok 45 /gvariant/from-json/int32 ok 46 /gvariant/from-json/uint32 ok 47 /gvariant/from-json/int64 ok 48 /gvariant/from-json/uint64 ok 49 /gvariant/from-json/handle ok 50 /gvariant/from-json/double ok 51 /gvariant/from-json/double-whole ok 52 /gvariant/from-json/string ok 53 /gvariant/from-json/object-path ok 54 /gvariant/from-json/signature ok 55 /gvariant/from-json/tuple ok 56 /gvariant/from-json/deep-nesting ok 57 /gvariant/from-json/mixed1 ok 58 /gvariant/from-json/mixed2 ok 59 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-boolean ok 60 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-byte ok 61 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-int16 ok 62 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-uint16 ok 63 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-int32 ok 64 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-int64 ok 65 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-uint64 ok 66 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-double ok 67 /gvariant/from-json/string-to-double-whole # Start of maybe tests # Start of simple tests ok 68 /gvariant/from-json/maybe/simple/null ok 69 /gvariant/from-json/maybe/simple/string # End of simple tests # Start of container tests ok 70 /gvariant/from-json/maybe/container/null ok 71 /gvariant/from-json/maybe/container/tuple # End of container tests # Start of variant tests ok 72 /gvariant/from-json/maybe/variant/boolean # End of variant tests # End of maybe tests # Start of array tests ok 73 /gvariant/from-json/array/empty ok 74 /gvariant/from-json/array/byte ok 75 /gvariant/from-json/array/string ok 76 /gvariant/from-json/array/variant # Start of array tests ok 77 /gvariant/from-json/array/array/int32 # End of array tests # End of array tests # Start of dictionary tests ok 78 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/empty ok 79 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/single-entry ok 80 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/string-int32 ok 81 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/string-variant ok 82 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/int64-variant ok 83 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/uint64-boolean ok 84 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/boolean-variant ok 85 /gvariant/from-json/dictionary/double-string # End of dictionary tests # Start of variant tests ok 86 /gvariant/from-json/variant/string ok 87 /gvariant/from-json/variant/dictionary # Start of maybe tests ok 88 /gvariant/from-json/variant/maybe/null # End of maybe tests # Start of variant tests ok 89 /gvariant/from-json/variant/variant/array # End of variant tests # End of variant tests # End of from-json tests # End of gvariant tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/gvariant.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/generator.test # random seed: R02S9986ef4be341b1ad0d60697d32c826cb 1..15 # Start of generator tests ok 1 /generator/empty-array ok 2 /generator/empty-object ok 3 /generator/simple-array ok 4 /generator/nested-array ok 5 /generator/simple-object ok 6 /generator/nested-object ok 7 /generator/decimal-separator ok 8 /generator/double-stays-double # checking pretty printing: [] expected: [] # checking pretty printing: {} expected: {} # checking pretty printing: [ # true, # false, # null, # "hello" # ] expected: [ # true, # false, # null, # "hello" # ] # checking pretty printing: { # "foo" : 42, # "bar" : true, # "baz" : null # } expected: { # "foo" : 42, # "bar" : true, # "baz" : null # } ok 9 /generator/pretty # Start of string tests ok 10 /generator/string/abc ok 11 /generator/string/a\177xc ok 12 /generator/string/a\033xc ok 13 /generator/string/a\nxc ok 14 /generator/string/a\\xc ok 15 /generator/string/Barney B\303\244r # End of string tests # End of generator tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/generator.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/path.test # random seed: R02S96186c39d8879476db3dfb103eed66a4 1..32 # Start of path tests # Start of expressions tests # Start of valid tests ok 1 /path/expressions/valid/1 ok 2 /path/expressions/valid/2 ok 3 /path/expressions/valid/3 ok 4 /path/expressions/valid/4 ok 5 /path/expressions/valid/5 ok 6 /path/expressions/valid/6 ok 7 /path/expressions/valid/7 ok 8 /path/expressions/valid/8 ok 9 /path/expressions/valid/9 ok 10 /path/expressions/valid/10 ok 11 /path/expressions/valid/11 ok 12 /path/expressions/valid/12 ok 13 /path/expressions/valid/13 # End of valid tests # Start of invalid tests ok 14 /path/expressions/invalid/1 ok 15 /path/expressions/invalid/2 ok 16 /path/expressions/invalid/3 ok 17 /path/expressions/invalid/4 ok 18 /path/expressions/invalid/5 ok 19 /path/expressions/invalid/6 ok 20 /path/expressions/invalid/7 # End of invalid tests # End of expressions tests # Start of match tests ok 21 /path/match/1 ok 22 /path/match/2 ok 23 /path/match/3 ok 24 /path/match/4 ok 25 /path/match/5 ok 26 /path/match/6 ok 27 /path/match/7 ok 28 /path/match/8 ok 29 /path/match/9 ok 30 /path/match/10 ok 31 /path/match/11 ok 32 /path/match/12 # End of match tests # End of path tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/path.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/builder.test # random seed: R02S572909a84fe1733c04a74fbe7376c4dd 1..3 # Start of builder tests ok 1 /builder/complex ok 2 /builder/empty ok 3 /builder/reset # End of builder tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/builder.test Running test: json-glib-1.0/object.test # random seed: R02S6ace4c4563f289cd626e24732809fd31 1..9 # Start of object tests ok 1 /object/empty-object ok 2 /object/add-member ok 3 /object/set-member ok 4 /object/get-member-default ok 5 /object/remove-member ok 6 /object/foreach-member ok 7 /object/iter ok 8 /object/ordered-iter ok 9 /object/empty-member # End of object tests PASS: json-glib-1.0/object.test SUMMARY: total=14; passed=14; skipped=0; failed=0; user=0.1s; system=0.1s; maxrss=5672 DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/json-glib/ptest 2021-10-26T02:14 2021-10-26T02:14 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libconvert-asn1-perl/ptest 1..10 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 PASS: t/10choice 1..13 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 PASS: t/08set 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 PASS: t/07io 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/09contr 1..186 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 # NULL ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 # BOOLEAN 0 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 # BOOLEAN 1 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 # BOOLEAN -99 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 # INTEGER -255 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 # INTEGER -128 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 # INTEGER -457 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 # INTEGER 1073741824 ok 51 ok 52 ok 53 ok 54 # INTEGER -1073741824 ok 55 ok 56 ok 57 ok 58 # INTEGER 6715289 ok 59 ok 60 ok 61 ok 62 # INTEGER 0 ok 63 ok 64 ok 65 ok 66 # INTEGER 128 ok 67 ok 68 ok 69 ok 70 ok 71 ok 72 ok 73 ok 74 # STRING 'A string' ok 75 ok 76 ok 77 ok 78 # STRING '' ok 79 ok 80 ok 81 ok 82 # OBJECT_ID 2.5.457 ok 83 ok 84 ok 85 ok 86 # OBJECT_ID 2.99999.99 ok 87 ok 88 ok 89 ok 90 # OBJECT_ID ok 91 ok 92 ok 93 ok 94 # OBJECT_ID ok 95 ok 96 ok 97 ok 98 # ENUM -99 ok 99 ok 100 ok 101 ok 102 # ENUM 6573456 ok 103 ok 104 ok 105 ok 106 # ENUM 0 ok 107 ok 108 ok 109 ok 110 # BIT STRING 011011111101110111000000 7 ok 111 ok 112 ok 113 ok 114 ok 115 # BIT STRING 00110011 3 ok 116 ok 117 ok 118 ok 119 ok 120 # BIT STRING 011011100101110111000000 21 ok 121 ok 122 ok 123 ok 124 ok 125 # BIT STRING 00000000 1 ok 126 ok 127 ok 128 ok 129 ok 130 # REAL -Inf ok 131 ok 132 ok 133 ok 134 # REAL 0 ok 135 ok 136 ok 137 ok 138 # REAL -5.5 ok 139 ok 140 ok 141 ok 142 # REAL Inf ok 143 ok 144 ok 145 ok 146 # REAL 1.5 ok 147 ok 148 ok 149 ok 150 # RELATIVE-OID ok 151 ok 152 ok 153 ok 154 # RELATIVE-OID 2.5.457 ok 155 ok 156 ok 157 ok 158 # RELATIVE-OID ok 159 ok 160 ok 161 ok 162 # BCDString 2.2 ok 163 ok 164 ok 165 ok 166 # BCDString 123456789123456789 ok 167 ok 168 ok 169 ok 170 # BCDString 12345678 ok 171 ok 172 ok 173 ok 174 # BCDString 0 ok 175 ok 176 ok 177 ok 178 # BCDString -1 ok 179 ok 180 ok 181 ok 182 # BCDString 564 ok 183 ok 184 ok 185 ok 186 PASS: t/00prim 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/99misc 1..24 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 PASS: t/05time 1..12 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 PASS: t/13utf8 1..26 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 # t/aj.cer ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 # t/aj2.cer ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 # t/allianz_root.cer ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 # t/dsacert.der ok 13 ok 14 # t/new_root_ca.cer ok 15 ok 16 # t/pgpextension.der ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 # t/subca_2.cer ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 # t/telesec_799972029.crt ok 23 ok 24 # t/verisign.der ok 25 ok 26 PASS: t/x509 1..19 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 PASS: t/17extchoice 1..25 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 PASS: t/18tagdefault 1..27 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 PASS: t/16extset 1..18 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 PASS: t/12der 1..27 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 PASS: t/15extseq 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 PASS: t/04opt 1..7 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 PASS: t/11indef 1..35 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 PASS: t/03seqof 1..67 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 # INTEGER -1073741824 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 # INTEGER -4294967296 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 # INTEGER -2147483648 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 # INTEGER 2147483648 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 ok 51 # INTEGER 1073741824 ok 52 ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 # INTEGER 4294967296 ok 56 ok 57 ok 58 ok 59 # BCDString -1073741824 ok 60 ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 # BCDString 1073741824 ok 64 ok 65 ok 66 ok 67 PASS: t/06bigint 1..21 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 PASS: t/14any 1..21 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 PASS: t/01tag 1..18 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 PASS: t/02seq 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/19issue14 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/11explicit DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/libconvert-asn1-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:14 2021-10-26T02:14 BEGIN: /usr/lib/liberror-perl/ptest 1..4 ok 1 - Error rethrown ok 2 - Thrown Error::Simple ok 3 - die foobar ok 4 - throw Error::Simple PASS: t/11rethrow 1..2 ok 1 - Testing for thrown exception ok 2 - No Errors caught. PASS: t/03throw-non-Error 1..2 ok 1 - Error thrown in the catch clause is registered ok 2 - Error thrown in the otherwise clause is registered PASS: t/10throw-in-catch 1..1 ok 1 - Testing that the VERSION was not overrided PASS: t/14Error-Simple-VERSION 1..1 ok 1 - Testing that the use base worked. PASS: t/04use-base-Error-Simple 1..8 ok 1 - defined( $_[0] ) after throw/catch ok 2 - defined( $@ ) after throw/catch ok 3 - $_[0]->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/catch ok 4 - $@->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/catch ok 5 - defined( $_[0] ) after throw/otherwise ok 6 - defined( $@ ) after throw/otherwise ok 7 - $_[0]->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/otherwise ok 8 - $@->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/otherwise PASS: t/09dollar-at 1..1 ok 1 - Testing that the excpetion is not trampeled PASS: t/07try-in-obj-destructor 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/01throw 1..3 ok 1 - Error was auto-converted to Error::Simple ok 2 - Error was auto-converted to MyError::Bar ok 3 - Text of the error is correct PASS: t/06customize-text-throw 1..2 ok 1 - Checking that eval { ... } is sane # Error::THROWN = This is caught by eval, not by try. at t/12wrong-error-var.t line 12. # Error::THROWN = # E = This is a simple 'die' exception. at t/12wrong-error-var.t line 22. ok 2 - Checking that the argument to otherwise is the thrown exception PASS: t/12wrong-error-var 1..2 ok 1 - loaded ok ok 2 - Error/ loaded ok PASS: t/00-compile 1..2 ok 1 - defined( $_[0] ) after throw/except ok 2 - $_[0]->isa( "Error::Simple" ) after throw/except PASS: t/13except-arg0 1..21 ok 1 - Loaded ok 2 - Test framework STDERR ok 3 - Test framework felloffcode ok 4 - warn \n-terminated STDERR ok 5 - warn \n-terminated felloffcode ok 6 - warn unterminated STDERR ok 7 - warn unterminated felloffcode ok 8 - die \n-terminated STDERR ok 9 - die \n-terminated felloffcode ok 10 - die unterminated STDERR ok 11 - die unterminated felloffcode ok 12 - Error STDOUT ok 13 - Error felloffcode ok 14 - Custom warn test STDERR ok 15 - Custom warn test felloffcode ok 16 - Custom die test STDERR ok 17 - Custom die test felloffcode ok 18 - Custom warn STDERR ok 19 - Custom warn felloffcode ok 20 - Custom die STDERR ok 21 - Custom die felloffcode PASS: t/08warndie 1..4 readline() on closed filehandle I at t/lib/ line 10. ok 1 - Not MyError::Foo ok 2 - Testing ok 3 - Testing for correct line number ok 4 - Testing for correct module PASS: t/05text-errors-with-file-handles 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 PASS: t/02order DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/liberror-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:14 2021-10-26T02:14 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest 1..7 ok 1 t/ .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=2, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.00 sys + 0.09 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.12 CPU) Result: PASS ok 2 - called once ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - called again ok 6 ok 7 - called a third time PASS: t/test_type 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - API does not expand tildes ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 PASS: t/tilde 1..6 ok 1 - Built etc/config ok 2 - Built shared/data ok 3 - Built shared/html ok 4 - installed etc/config ok 5 - installed shared/data ok 6 - installed shared/html PASS: t/install_extra_target 1..29 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 ok 2 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 - Check version used to create META.yml: 0.4231 == 0.4231 Creating Simple-0.01 Creating Simple-0.01.tar.gz ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 - should rewrite the shebang line Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 # skip Windows-only test ok 27 # skip Windows-only test ok 28 # skip Windows-only test ok 29 # skip Windows-only test PASS: t/runthrough 1..18 ok 1 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' Created META.yml and META.json ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - Creating Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' Creating README using Pod::Text ok 6 - Generating README from .pm ok 7 - Extracting AUTHOR from .pm ok 8 - Extracting abstract from .pm ok 9 - Creating ok 10 - Creating Simple.pod Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' Creating README using Pod::Text ok 11 - Generating README from .pod ok 12 - Extracting AUTHOR from .pod ok 13 - Extracting abstract from .pod ok 14 - Creating ok 15 - Creating Simple.pod Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' Creating README using Pod::Text ok 16 - Generating README from .pod over .pm ok 17 - Extracting AUTHOR from .pod over .pm ok 18 - Extracting abstract from .pod over .pm PASS: t/metadata2 1..14 ok 1 - object created ok 2 - author ok 3 - abstract ok 4 - object created ok 5 - author ok 6 - abstract ok 7 - object created ok 8 - author ok 9 - abstract ok 10 - object created ok 11 - author ok 12 - abstract ok 13 - object created ok 14 - abstract PASS: t/pod_parser x86_64-poky-linux-gcc -m64 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.34.0/x86_64-linux/CORE -fPIC -Wno-unused-function -c -O2 -pipe -g -feliminate-unused-debug-types -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -o /tmp/MB-d0JOFx72/test.o /tmp/MB-d0JOFx72/test.c x86_64-poky-linux-gcc -m64 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -o /tmp/MB-d0JOFx72/test /tmp/MB-d0JOFx72/test.o 1..22 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 - Can't build xs under pureperl ok 18 - Can't build xs under pureperl, unless allow_pureperl ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 PASS: t/xs 1..1 ok 1 - found nested ACTION_* debug statements PASS: t/debug 1..6 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - cpan_client is mocked with perl ok 3 - ran mocked Build installdeps ok 4 - saw File::Spec prereq ok 5 - saw Getopt::Long prereq ok 6 - Build installdeps with bad cpan_client fails PASS: t/actions/installdeps 1..7 ok 1 - MANIFEST.SKIP doesn't exist at start ok 2 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 3 - 'Build manifest_skip' creates MANIFEST.SKIP ok 4 - Saw creation message ok 5 - Running it again warns about pre-existing MANIFEST.SKIP ok 6 - File does not appear modified ok 7 - MANIFEST.SKIP still exists after distclean PASS: t/actions/manifest_skip 1..4 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 - runtime prereqs in MYMETA ok 2 - test prereqs in MYMETA ok 3 - runtime prereqs in META ok 4 - test prereqs in META PASS: t/test_reqs 1..1 ok 1 PASS: t/add_property_array 1..21 ok 1 - bindoc_dirs ok 2 - libdoc_dirs Building Simple ok 3 ok 4 - lib/Simple/ should not contain POD ok 5 - lib/Simple/AllPod.pod should contain POD ok 6 - Created blib/libdoc/Simple::AllPod.3 manpage ok 7 - bin/ should contain POD ok 8 - Created blib/bindoc/ manpage ok 9 - lib/ should contain POD ok 10 - Created blib/libdoc/Simple.3 manpage ok 11 - bin/ should not contain POD Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/man/man1/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/html/bin/haspod.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/lib/perl5/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/lib/perl5/Simple/AllPod.pod Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/lib/perl5/Simple/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/man/man3/Simple::AllPod.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/man/man3/Simple.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/html/site/lib/Simple.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/html/site/lib/Simple/AllPod.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/bin/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/bin/ ok 12 - Created /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/man/man3/Simple::AllPod.3 manpage ok 13 - Created /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/man/man1/ manpage ok 14 - Created /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6113/man/man3/Simple.3 manpage Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 15 - override libdoc_dirs ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 - =item testcover # # [version 0.26] # # Runs the C action using C, generating a # code-coverage report showing which parts of the code were actually # exercised during the tests. # # To pass options to C, set the C<$DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS> # environment variable: # # DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS=-ignore,Build ./Build testcover # # ok 20 ok 21 - =item disttest # # [version 0.05] # # Performs the 'distdir' action, then switches into that directory and runs a # C, followed by the 'build' and 'test' actions in that directory. # Use PERL_MB_OPT or F<.modulebuildrc> to set options that should be applied # during subprocesses # # # PASS: t/manifypods 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - dist_name is 'Simple' ok 3 - resume added @INC addition to @INC PASS: t/resume x86_64-poky-linux-gcc -m64 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.34.0/x86_64-linux/CORE -fPIC -Wno-unused-function -c -O2 -pipe -g -feliminate-unused-debug-types -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -o /tmp/MB-bm9bJcD2/test.o /tmp/MB-bm9bJcD2/test.c x86_64-poky-linux-gcc -m64 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -o /tmp/MB-bm9bJcD2/test /tmp/MB-bm9bJcD2/test.o 1..12 ok 1 Using default codebase 'PPM-Simple-0.01.tar.gz' ok 2 ok 3 - blib/arch/auto/Simple/ ok 4 - blib/lib/ ok 5 - blib/script/hello ok 6 - blib/man3/Simple.3 ok 7 - blib/man1/hello.1 ok 8 - blib/html/site/lib/Simple.html ok 9 - blib/html/bin/hello.html Using default codebase 'PPM-Simple-0.01.tar.gz' ok 10 ok 11 - blib/html/site/lib/Simple.html ok 12 - blib/html/bin/hello.html PASS: t/ppm x86_64-poky-linux-gcc -m64 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.34.0/x86_64-linux/CORE -fPIC -Wno-unused-function -c -O2 -pipe -g -feliminate-unused-debug-types -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -o /tmp/MB-ZRbvrrZ0/test.o /tmp/MB-ZRbvrrZ0/test.c x86_64-poky-linux-gcc -m64 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -o /tmp/MB-ZRbvrrZ0/test /tmp/MB-ZRbvrrZ0/test.o 1..0 # SKIP PAR::Dist 0.17 or up not installed to check .par's. PASS: t/par 1..27 ok 1 - Create new build object ok 2 - Property "foo" should be undef ok 3 - Set "foo" ok 4 - Now "foo" should have new value ok 5 - Property "bar" should be its default ok 6 - Set "bar" ok 7 - Now "bar" should have new value ok 8 - Property "check" should be its default ok 9 - Should get an error for an invalid value ok 10 - It should be the correct error ok 11 - Property "code" should have its code value ok 12 - Property "hash" should be default ok 13 - Should be able to get key in hash ok 14 - Add a key to the hash prop ok 15 - New key should be in hash ok 16 - Should get exception for assigning invalid hash ok 17 - It should be the correct error ok 18 - Should get exception for assigning an array for a hash ok 19 - It should be the proper error ok 20 - Should be able to set hash to undef ok 21 - Property "installdirs" should be default ok 22 - Set "installdirst" to "core" ok 23 - Now "installdirs" should be "core" ok 24 - Should have caught exception setting "installdirs" to "perl" ok 25 - And it should suggest "core" in the error message ok 26 - Should catch exception for invalid "installdirs" value ok 27 - And it should suggest the proper values in the error message PASS: t/add_property 1..12 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 - ./Build distdir --sign 0 does not sign ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - Build.PL --sign=1 signs PASS: t/signature 1..2 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - dist_name is 'Simple' PASS: t/sample 1..63 ok 1 ok 2 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 3 - MBB->can('ACTION_loop') ok 4 - MBB->can('ACTION_loop2') ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - The foo element should be in build_elements only once Building Simple ok 13 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 - An object of class 'MBSub' isa 'Module::Build' ok 21 - An object of class 'MBSub' isa 'MBSub' ok 22 ok 23 - MBSub->can('module_name') ok 24 - MBSub->can('foo') ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 - MBSub->can('bar') ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 - MBSub->can('hash') ok 34 - A reference of type 'HASH' isa 'HASH' ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 - MBSub->can('hash') ok 39 - A reference of type 'HASH' isa 'HASH' ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 - An object of class 'MBSub2' isa 'Module::Build' ok 44 - An object of class 'MBSub2' isa 'MBSub2' ok 45 ok 46 - MBSub2->can('bar') ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 ok 51 ok 52 ok 53 - prompt() requires a prompt ok 54 - y_n() requires a prompt ok 55 - y_n() requires a default of 'y' or 'n' Is this a question? ok 56 - Do not allow default-less y_n() for unattended builds Is this a question? ok 57 - Do not allow default-less prompt() for unattended builds Is this a question? ok 58 - prompt() doesn't require default for interactive builds Say yes ok 59 - y_n() doesn't require default for interactive build Is this a question ok 60 - default for prompt() without a default is '' Is this a question [y ]y ok 61 - prompt() with a default Is this a question [y ]y ok 62 - y_n() with a default Is this a question [] ok 63 - prompt() with undef() default PASS: t/extend 1..41 ok 1 - META.yml doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 2 - MYMETA.yml doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 3 - META.json doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 4 - MYMETA.json doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 5 - Ran Build.PL and saw MYMETA.yml creation message ok 6 - MYMETA.yml exists ok 7 - MYMETA.json exists ok 8 - Ran Build distmeta to create META.yml ok 9 - Re-ran Build.PL and regenerated MYMETA.yml based on META.yml ok 10 - META.yml 'dynamic_config' is 1 ok 11 - MYMETA.yml 'dynamic_config' is 0 ok 12 - Other generated MYMETA.yml matches generated META.yml ok 13 - CPAN meta spec mentioned in meta-spec URL ok 14 - META.json 'dynamic_config' is 1 ok 15 - MYMETA.json 'dynamic_config' is 0 ok 16 - Other generated MYMETA.json matches generated META.json ok 17 - CPAN meta spec mentioned in meta-spec URL ok 18 - Ran realclean ok 19 - Build file removed ok 20 - MYMETA.yml file removed ok 21 - MYMETA.json file removed ok 22 - Ran Build.PL with dynamic config ok 23 - MYMETA.yml exists ok 24 - MYMETA.json exists ok 25 - MYMETA.yml requires differs from META.yml ok 26 - MYMETA.json requires differs from META.json ok 27 - Ran realclean ok 28 - Build file removed ok 29 - MYMETA file removed ok 30 - MYMETA file removed ok 31 - Wrote manually modified META.yml ok 32 - Wrote manually modified META.json ok 33 - Ran Build.PL ok 34 - MYMETA.yml preserved META.yml modifications ok 35 - MYMETA.json preserved META.json modifications ok 36 - MANIFEST.SKIP created for distcheck ok 37 - MYMETA not flagged by distcheck ok 38 - Ran Build.PL and saw MYMETA.yml creation message ok 39 - No MYMETA.yml after distclean ok 40 - No MYMETA.json after distclean ok 41 - No MANIFEST.SKIP after distclean PASS: t/mymeta 1..34 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/tmp/MB-bmscq0WO/site/man/man3/Simple.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/share/doc/perl/html/site/lib/Simple.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/bin/script ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/x86_64-linux/auto/Simple/.packlist should be written Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/lib/perl5/5.34.0/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/tmp/MB-bmscq0WO/man/man3/Simple.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/share/doc/perl/html/lib/Simple.html ok 6 ok 7 Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/bar/ ok 8 ok 9 Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/base/lib/perl5/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/base/man/man3/Simple.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/base/html/lib/Simple.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/base/html/site/lib/Simple.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/base/bin/script ok 10 ok 11 Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/Simple/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/tmp/MB-bmscq0WO/site/man/man3/Simple::ConfigData.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/share/doc/perl/html/site/lib/Simple/ConfigData.html ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 20 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 21 Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/lib/ Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/share/man/man3/Simple.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/share/doc/perl/html/site/lib/Simple.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/usr/bin/script ok 22 ok 23 Building Simple Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/bar/man/man3/Simple.3 Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/bar/html/site/lib/Simple.html Installing /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/bar/bin/script ok 24 ok 25 - Look for file at /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest/t/install_test6342/foo/lib/ Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 PASS: t/install 1..11 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 10 ok 11 PASS: t/notes 1..8 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - dist_name is 'Simple' ok 3 - set for no recursive testing ok 4 - recursive tests run via PERL_MB_OPT Checking whether your kit is complete... Looks good Checking prerequisites... Looks good Deleting MYMETA.json Removed previous 'MYMETA.json' Deleting MYMETA.yml Removed previous 'MYMETA.yml' Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Deleting Build Removed previous script 'Build' Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 5 - PERL_MB_OPT set recusive tests in Build.PL ok 6 - PERL_MB_OPT set verbose in Build.PL ok 7 - PERL_MB_OPT cleared ok 8 - recursive tests run via Build object PASS: t/perl_mb_opt 1..23 ok 1 ok 2 - MyModuleBuilder->can('ACTION_foo') ok 3 - got doc for 'foo' ok 4 - got the right doc ok 5 - got doc for 'bar' ok 6 - got the right doc ok 7 - got doc for 'baz' ok 8 - got the right doc ok 9 - slap ok 10 - informative error ok 11 - got doc for 'help' not ok 12 - got the right doc # TODO Do we allow overrides on just docs? # Failed (TODO) test 'got the right doc' # at t/help.t line 93. # '=item help # # Does the help thing. # # You should probably not be seeing this. That is, we haven't # overridden the help action, but we're able to override just the # docs? That almost seems reasonable, but is probably wrong. # # =item help # # [version 0.03] # # This action will simply print out a message that is meant to help you # use the build process. It will show you a list of available build # actions too. # # With an optional argument specifying an action name (e.g. C), the 'help' action will show you any POD documentation it can # find for that action. # # ' # matches '(?^s:^=\w+ help\n\nDoes the help thing\.)' not ok 13 - got doc for 'foo' # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got doc for 'foo'' # at t/help.t line 182. not ok 14 - got the right doc # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got the right doc' # at t/help.t line 183. # 'undef' # doesn't match '(?^s:^=\w+ foo\n\nDoes the foo thing\.)' not ok 15 - got doc for 'bar' # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got doc for 'bar'' # at t/help.t line 182. not ok 16 - got the right doc # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got the right doc' # at t/help.t line 183. # 'undef' # doesn't match '(?^s:^=\w+ bar\n\nDoes the bar thing\.)' ok 17 - got doc for 'foo' ok 18 - got the right doc ok 19 - got doc for 'bar' ok 20 - got the right doc ok 21 - got doc for 'baz' ok 22 - got the right doc ok 23 - nothing after uplevel PASS: t/help 1..3 ok 1 - Makefile.PL exit ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/compat/exit ok 1 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 2 - small Makefile.PL created ok 3 - Makefile.PL does not require a perl version ok 4 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 5 - Makefile exists ok 6 - (skipping cleanup) ok 7 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 8 - make ran without error ok 9 - make test ran without error ok 10 - make test output indicated success ok 11 - make realclean ran without error ok 12 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 13 - Makefile exists ok 14 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 15 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 16 - Makefile exists ok 17 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 18 - cleaned up Makefile ok 19 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 20 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 21 - Makefile.PL does not require a perl version ok 22 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 23 - Makefile exists ok 24 - (skipping cleanup) ok 25 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 26 - make ran without error ok 27 - make test ran without error ok 28 - make test output indicated success ok 29 - make realclean ran without error ok 30 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 31 - Makefile exists ok 32 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 33 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 34 - Makefile exists ok 35 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 36 - cleaned up Makefile ok 37 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 38 - traditional Makefile.PL created ok 39 - Makefile.PL does not require a perl version ok 40 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 41 - Makefile exists ok 42 - (skipping cleanup) ok 43 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 44 - Found WriteMakefile arguments ok 45 - Makefile.PL has correct PL_FILES line ok 46 - make ran without error ok 47 - make test ran without error ok 48 - make test output indicated success ok 49 - make realclean ran without error ok 50 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 51 - Makefile exists ok 52 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 53 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 54 - Makefile exists ok 55 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 56 - cleaned up Makefile ok 57 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 58 - small Makefile.PL created ok 59 - Makefile.PL has 'require 5.034000;' ok 60 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 61 - Makefile exists ok 62 - (skipping cleanup) ok 63 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 64 - make ran without error ok 65 - PL_files generated - foo ok 66 - make test ran without error ok 67 - make test output indicated success ok 68 - make realclean ran without error ok 69 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 70 - Makefile exists ok 71 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 72 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 73 - Makefile exists ok 74 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 75 - cleaned up Makefile ok 76 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 77 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 78 - Makefile.PL has 'require 5.034000;' ok 79 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 80 - Makefile exists ok 81 - (skipping cleanup) ok 82 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 83 - make ran without error ok 84 - PL_files generated - foo ok 85 - make test ran without error ok 86 - make test output indicated success ok 87 - make realclean ran without error ok 88 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 89 - Makefile exists ok 90 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 91 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 92 - Makefile exists ok 93 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 94 - cleaned up Makefile ok 95 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 96 - traditional Makefile.PL created ok 97 - Makefile.PL has 'require 5.034000;' ok 98 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 99 - Makefile exists ok 100 - (skipping cleanup) ok 101 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 102 - Found WriteMakefile arguments ok 103 - Makefile.PL has correct PL_FILES line ok 104 - make ran without error ok 105 - PL_files generated - foo ok 106 - make test ran without error ok 107 - make test output indicated success ok 108 - make realclean ran without error ok 109 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 110 - Makefile exists ok 111 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 112 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 113 - Makefile exists ok 114 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 115 - cleaned up Makefile ok 116 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 117 - fake_makefile lived ok 118 - found 'realclean' in fake_makefile output ok 119 - saw warning about 'build_class' ok 120 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 121 - Makefile.PL failed ok 122 - custom builder wasn't found ok 123 - small Makefile.PL created ok 124 - Makefile.PL failed ok 125 - custom builder wasn't found ok 126 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 127 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 128 - small Makefile.PL created ok 129 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 130 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 131 - passthrough Makefile.PL ran with arguments ok 132 - Build.PL generated ok 133 - installdirs is core ok 134 - tests set for verbose ok 135 - custom libdir ok 136 - PERL_POLLUTE set ok 137 - make test ran without error ok 138 - Should be verbose ok 139 - make test without verbose ran ok ok 140 - Should be non-verbose ok 141 - fakeinstall INSTALLDIRS=vendor ran ok ok 142 - Saw destination directory for INSTALLDIRS=vendor ok 143 - fakeinstall PREFIX=$libdir2 ran ok ok 144 - Saw destination directory for PREFIX=$libdir2 ok 145 - fakeinstall PREFIX=$libdir2 LIB=mylib ran ok ok 146 - Saw destination directory for PREFIX=$libdir2 LIB=mylib ok 147 - Makefile shouldn't exist ok 148 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 149 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 150 - install_base set ok 151 - Tildes should be expanded ok 152 - Makefile shouldn't exist ok 153 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 154 - traditional Makefile.PL created ok 155 - Found WriteMakefile arguments ok 156 - Makefile.PL has correct TESTS line for recursive test files ok 157 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 158 - Makefile.PL created ok 159 - Correctly complains and converts dotted-decimal ok 160 - Properly converted dotted-decimal ok 161 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 162 - Makefile.PL doesn't exist before we start ok 163 - Correctly dies when it encounters invalid prereq ok 164 - Makefile.PL NOT created ok 165 - Makefile.PL cleaned up 1..165 PASS: t/compat 1..3 ok 1 - Construct build object with test_file_exts parameter ok 2 - Should see first test output ok 3 - Should see second test output PASS: t/test_file_exts 1..113 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build::Base' ok 2 - install_path() accessor ok 3 - returns assigned path ok 4 - can read stored path ok 5 - can access map ok 6 - can delete a path element ok 7 - deletes path from map ok 8 - install_base_relpaths() accessor ok 9 - emits error if path not relative ok 10 - returns assigned path ok 11 - can read stored path ok 12 - can access map ok 13 - can delete a path element ok 14 - deletes path from map ok 15 - prefix_relpaths() accessor ok 16 - defaults to 'site' ok 17 - emits error if path not relative ok 18 - returns assigned path ok 19 - can read stored path ok 20 - can access map ok 21 - can delete a path element ok 22 - deletes path from map ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 - script destination ok 27 - binhtml destination ok 28 - libhtml destination ok 29 - arch destination ok 30 - libdoc destination ok 31 - lib destination ok 32 - bindoc destination ok 33 - bin destination ok 34 ok 35 - libhtml destination ok 36 - binhtml destination ok 37 - script destination ok 38 - bin destination ok 39 - bindoc destination ok 40 - lib destination ok 41 - arch destination ok 42 - libdoc destination ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 - libhtml destination ok 47 - binhtml destination ok 48 - script destination ok 49 - bin destination ok 50 - bindoc destination ok 51 - lib destination ok 52 - libdoc destination ok 53 - arch destination ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 - lib prefixed ok 57 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/lib/perl5/site_perl + some/prefix = some/prefix/lib/perl5/site_perl) ok 58 - arch prefixed ok 59 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/x86_64-linux + some/prefix = some/prefix/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/x86_64-linux) ok 60 - bin prefixed ok 61 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/bin + some/prefix = some/prefix/bin) ok 62 - script prefixed ok 63 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/bin + some/prefix = some/prefix/bin) ok 64 - bindoc prefixed ok 65 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/man/man1 + some/prefix = some/prefix/man/man1) ok 66 - libdoc prefixed ok 67 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/man/man3 + some/prefix = some/prefix/man/man3) ok 68 - binhtml prefixed ok 69 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/html + some/prefix = some/prefix/html) ok 70 - libhtml prefixed ok 71 - suffix correctish (/tmp/MB-_Bj9jG15/site/html + some/prefix = some/prefix/html) ok 72 ok 73 - lib prefixed ok 74 # skip 'lib' not configured ok 75 - arch prefixed ok 76 # skip 'arch' not configured ok 77 - bin prefixed ok 78 # skip 'bin' not configured ok 79 - script prefixed ok 80 # skip 'script' not configured ok 81 - bindoc prefixed ok 82 # skip 'bindoc' not configured ok 83 - libdoc prefixed ok 84 # skip 'libdoc' not configured ok 85 - binhtml prefixed ok 86 # skip 'binhtml' not configured ok 87 - libhtml prefixed ok 88 # skip 'libhtml' not configured ok 89 ok 90 - lib prefixed ok 91 - suffix correctish (/foo/bar/lib/perl5/site_perl + another/prefix = another/prefix/lib/perl5/site_perl) ok 92 - arch prefixed ok 93 - suffix correctish (/biz/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/x86_64-linux + another/prefix = another/prefix/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/x86_64-linux) ok 94 - bin prefixed ok 95 - suffix correctish (/foo/bar/bin + another/prefix = another/prefix/bin) ok 96 - script prefixed ok 97 - suffix correctish (/foo/bar/bin + another/prefix = another/prefix/bin) ok 98 - bindoc prefixed ok 99 - suffix correctish (/foo/bar/man/man1 + another/prefix = another/prefix/man/man1) ok 100 - libdoc prefixed ok 101 - suffix correctish (/man/man3 + another/prefix = another/prefix/man/man3) ok 102 - binhtml prefixed ok 103 - suffix correctish (/foo/bar/html + another/prefix = another/prefix/html) ok 104 - libhtml prefixed ok 105 - suffix correctish (/foo/bar/html + another/prefix = another/prefix/html) ok 106 - libdoc destination ok 107 - arch destination ok 108 - lib destination ok 109 - bindoc destination ok 110 - bin destination ok 111 - script destination ok 112 - binhtml destination ok 113 - libhtml destination PASS: t/destinations 1..9 ok 1 - Construct build object with test_file_exts parameter ok 2 - Should see first test output ok 3 - Should see test success message ok 4 - Construct build object with test_file_exts parameter ok 5 - Should not see first test output ok 6 - Should see test success message ok 7 - Construct build object after setting tests to fail ok 8 - 'Build test' had non-zero exit code ok 9 - Saw emulated Test::Harness die() message PASS: t/use_tap_harness 1..19 ok 1 - Default Build.PL ok 2 - needs_compiler is false ok 3 - ExtUtils::CBuilder is not in build_requires ok 4 - Build.PL with c_source ok 5 - c_source is set ok 6 - needs_compiler is true ok 7 - ExtUtils::CBuilder was added to build_requires ok 8 - Build.PL with xs files ok 9 - needs_compiler is true ok 10 - ExtUtils::CBuilder was added to build_requires ok 11 - Build.PL with xs files, but needs_compiler => 0 ok 12 - needs_compiler is false ok 13 - ExtUtils::CBuilder is not in build_requires ok 14 - Build.PL with xs files, build_requires EU::CB 0.2 ok 15 - needs_compiler is true ok 16 - build_requires for ExtUtils::CBuilder is correct version ok 17 - Build.PL while hiding compiler ok 18 - hidden compiler resulted in warning message during Build.PL ok 19 - hidden compiler resulted in fatal message during Build PASS: t/properties/needs_compiler ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - license 'perl' is valid ok 3 - META license will be 'perl' ok 4 - META license URL is correct ok 5 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 6 - license 'VaporWare' is valid ok 7 - META license will be 'unrestricted' ok 8 - META license URL is correct 1..8 PASS: t/properties/license ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - regular version has release_status 'stable' ok 3 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 4 - dotted-decimal version has release_status 'stable' ok 5 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 6 - alpha version has release_status 'testing' ok 7 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 8 - explicit 'unstable' keeps release_status 'unstable' ok 9 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 10 - regular version marked 'testing' gets 'TRIAL' suffix ok 11 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 12 - dotted version marked 'testing' gets 'TRIAL' suffix ok 13 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 14 - regular version marked 'unstable' gets 'TRIAL' suffix ok 15 - Got error message for illegal release_status ok 16 - Got error message for illegal 'stable' with alpha version ok 17 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 18 - non-standard dist_version does not get a suffix ok 19 - non-standard dist_version defaults to stable release_status 1..19 PASS: t/properties/release_status 1..4 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - module_name guessed from dist_name ok 3 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 4 - module_name guessed from dist_version_from PASS: t/properties/module_name 1..2 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - dist_suffix set correctly PASS: t/properties/dist_suffix 1..4 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - undef prereq converted to 0 ok 3 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 4 - empty string prereq converted to 0 PASS: t/properties/requires 1..23 ok 1 - Created Module::Build object ok 2 - default share_dir undef if no 'share' dir exists ok 3 - File::ShareDir not added to 'requires' ok 4 - Created 'share' directory ok 5 - Created 'share/subdir/share' directory ok 6 - Created 'share/subdir/whatever' directory ok 7 - Created 'other/share' directory ok 8 - Default share_dir is undef even if 'share' exists ok 9 - File::ShareDir not added to 'requires' ok 10 - Scalar share_dir set as dist-type share ok 11 - Arrayref share_dir set as dist-type share ok 12 - Hashref share_dir w/ scalar dist set as dist-type share ok 13 - Hashref share_dir w/ arrayref dist set as dist-type share ok 14 - Hashref share_dir w/ both dist and module shares (scalar-form) ok 15 - Hashref share_dir w/ both dist and module shares (array-form) ok 16 - share_dir filemap for copying to lib complete ok 17 - Build ran and blib exists ok 18 - blib/lib/auto/share exists ok 19 - share_dir files copied to blib ok 20 - temp install dir created ok 21 - share_dir files correctly installed ok 22 # skip needs File::ShareDir 1.00 ok 23 # skip needs File::ShareDir 1.00 PASS: t/properties/share_dir 1..4 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/files 1..0 # SKIP $ENV{MB_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL} is not set PASS: t/bundle_inc 1..2 Building Simple ok 1 - Manpage is found at blib/libdoc/Simple::PodWithUtf8.3 ok 2 - POD should contain special characters PASS: t/manifypods_with_utf8 1..9 ok 1 - runtests ran with expected parameters ok 2 - runtests ran with expected parameters ok 3 - switches are undef ok 4 - switches are undef ok 5 - run_test_harness should not produce warning if Test::Harness::[Ss]witches are undef and harness_switches() return empty list ok 6 - runtests ran with expected parameters ok 7 - runtests ran with expected parameters ok 8 - switches are empty string ok 9 - switches are empty string PASS: t/unit_run_test_harness 1..2 ok 1 - version_from_file ok 2 - compare: 1.0_01 > 1.0 PASS: t/versions 1..58 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files Checking whether your kit is complete... Looks good Checking prerequisites... Looks good Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 - bar ok 30 - bat ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 - dist_author converted to array if simple string ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 - Should split shell string into list ok 47 - Should split shell string into list Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 48 ok 49 - Should split shell string into list ok 50 - Should split shell string into list ok 51 ok 52 - Should have include dirs ok 53 ok 54 - Should have string include dir Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 55 ok 56 - Should have include dirs Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 57 ok 58 - Should have single include dir PASS: t/basic 1..1 ok 1 PASS: t/add_property_hash 1..19 ok 1 - compiling lib/Module/ ok 2 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 3 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 4 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 5 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 6 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 7 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 8 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 9 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 10 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 11 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 12 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 13 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 14 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 15 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 16 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 17 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 18 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 19 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ PASS: t/00-compile 1..225 ok 1 - Split using Module::Build ok 2 - Split using Module::Build ok 3 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Unix ok 4 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Unix ok 5 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Windows ok 6 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Windows ok 7 - 'one t'wo th'ree f"o\"ur " "five" ' result all defined ok 8 ok 9 - ' foo bar ' result all defined ok 10 ok 11 - ' D\'oh f{g\'h\"i\]\* ' result all defined ok 12 ok 13 - ' D\$foo ' result all defined ok 14 ok 15 - 'one\\ # two' result all defined ok 16 ok 17 - 'a" "b\c" "d' result all defined ok 18 ok 19 - '"a b\c d"' result all defined ok 20 ok 21 - '"a b"\"c d"' result all defined ok 22 ok 23 - '"a b"\\"c d"' result all defined ok 24 ok 25 - '"a"\"b" "a\"b"' result all defined ok 26 ok 27 - '"a"\\"b" "a\\"b"' result all defined ok 28 ok 29 - '"a"\"b a\"b"' result all defined ok 30 ok 31 - 'a"\"b" "a\"b' result all defined ok 32 ok 33 - 'a"\"b" "a\"b' result all defined ok 34 ok 35 - 'a b' result all defined ok 36 ok 37 - 'a"\"b a\"b' result all defined ok 38 ok 39 - '"a""b" "a"b"' result all defined ok 40 ok 41 - '\"a\"' result all defined ok 42 ok 43 - '"a"" "b"' result all defined ok 44 ok 45 - 'a"b' result all defined ok 46 ok 47 - 'a""b' result all defined ok 48 ok 49 - 'a"""b' result all defined ok 50 ok 51 - 'a""""b' result all defined ok 52 ok 53 - 'a"""""b' result all defined ok 54 ok 55 - 'a""""""b' result all defined ok 56 ok 57 - '"a"b"' result all defined ok 58 ok 59 - '"a""b"' result all defined ok 60 ok 61 - '"a"""b"' result all defined ok 62 ok 63 - '"a""""b"' result all defined ok 64 ok 65 - '"a"""""b"' result all defined ok 66 ok 67 - '"a""""""b"' result all defined ok 68 ok 69 - '' result all defined ok 70 ok 71 - ' ' result all defined ok 72 ok 73 - '""' result all defined ok 74 ok 75 - '" "' result all defined ok 76 ok 77 - '""a' result all defined ok 78 ok 79 - '""a b' result all defined ok 80 ok 81 - 'a""' result all defined ok 82 ok 83 - 'a"" b' result all defined ok 84 ok 85 - '"" a' result all defined ok 86 ok 87 - 'a ""' result all defined ok 88 ok 89 - 'a "" b' result all defined ok 90 ok 91 - 'a " " b' result all defined ok 92 ok 93 - 'a " b " c' result all defined ok 94 ok 95 - 'a "0" c' result all defined ok 96 ok 97 - '"a\b"' result all defined ok 98 ok 99 - '"a\\b"' result all defined ok 100 ok 101 - '"a\\\b"' result all defined ok 102 ok 103 - '"a\\\\b"' result all defined ok 104 ok 105 - '"a\"' result all defined ok 106 ok 107 - '"a\\"' result all defined ok 108 ok 109 - '"a\\\"' result all defined ok 110 ok 111 - '"a\\\\"' result all defined ok 112 ok 113 - '"a\\\""' result all defined ok 114 ok 115 ok 116 ok 117 - perl round trip for {one}{two three}{fo"ur }{five} ok 118 - perl round trip for {foo}{bar} ok 119 - perl round trip for {D'oh}{f{g'h"i]*} ok 120 - perl round trip for {D$foo} ok 121 - perl round trip for {one # two} ok 122 - perl round trip for {a b\c d} ok 123 - perl round trip for {a b\c d} ok 124 - perl round trip for {a b"c}{d} ok 125 - perl round trip for {a b\c d} ok 126 - perl round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 127 - perl round trip for {a\b}{a\b} ok 128 - perl round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 129 - perl round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 130 - perl round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 131 - perl round trip for {a}{b} ok 132 - perl round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 133 - perl round trip for {a"b ab} ok 134 - perl round trip for {"a"} ok 135 - perl round trip for {a"}{b} ok 136 - perl round trip for {ab} ok 137 - perl round trip for {ab} ok 138 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 139 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 140 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 141 - perl round trip for {a""b} ok 142 - perl round trip for {ab} ok 143 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 144 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 145 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 146 - perl round trip for {a""b} ok 147 - perl round trip for {a""b} ok 148 - perl round trip for ok 149 - perl round trip for ok 150 - perl round trip for {} ok 151 - perl round trip for { } ok 152 - perl round trip for {a} ok 153 - perl round trip for {a}{b} ok 154 - perl round trip for {a} ok 155 - perl round trip for {a}{b} ok 156 - perl round trip for {}{a} ok 157 - perl round trip for {a}{} ok 158 - perl round trip for {a}{}{b} ok 159 - perl round trip for {a}{ }{b} ok 160 - perl round trip for {a}{ b }{c} ok 161 - perl round trip for {a}{0}{c} ok 162 - perl round trip for {a\b} ok 163 - perl round trip for {a\\b} ok 164 - perl round trip for {a\\\b} ok 165 - perl round trip for {a\\\\b} ok 166 - perl round trip for {a"} ok 167 - perl round trip for {a\} ok 168 - perl round trip for {a\"} ok 169 - perl round trip for {a\\} ok 170 - perl round trip for {a\"} ok 171 - backticks round trip for {one}{two three}{fo"ur }{five} ok 172 - backticks round trip for {foo}{bar} ok 173 - backticks round trip for {D'oh}{f{g'h"i]*} ok 174 - backticks round trip for {D$foo} ok 175 - backticks round trip for {one # two} ok 176 - backticks round trip for {a b\c d} ok 177 - backticks round trip for {a b\c d} ok 178 - backticks round trip for {a b"c}{d} ok 179 - backticks round trip for {a b\c d} ok 180 - backticks round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 181 - backticks round trip for {a\b}{a\b} ok 182 - backticks round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 183 - backticks round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 184 - backticks round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 185 - backticks round trip for {a}{b} ok 186 - backticks round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 187 - backticks round trip for {a"b ab} ok 188 - backticks round trip for {"a"} ok 189 - backticks round trip for {a"}{b} ok 190 - backticks round trip for {ab} ok 191 - backticks round trip for {ab} ok 192 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 193 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 194 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 195 - backticks round trip for {a""b} ok 196 - backticks round trip for {ab} ok 197 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 198 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 199 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 200 - backticks round trip for {a""b} ok 201 - backticks round trip for {a""b} ok 202 - backticks round trip for ok 203 - backticks round trip for ok 204 - backticks round trip for {} ok 205 - backticks round trip for { } ok 206 - backticks round trip for {a} ok 207 - backticks round trip for {a}{b} ok 208 - backticks round trip for {a} ok 209 - backticks round trip for {a}{b} ok 210 - backticks round trip for {}{a} ok 211 - backticks round trip for {a}{} ok 212 - backticks round trip for {a}{}{b} ok 213 - backticks round trip for {a}{ }{b} ok 214 - backticks round trip for {a}{ b }{c} ok 215 - backticks round trip for {a}{0}{c} ok 216 - backticks round trip for {a\b} ok 217 - backticks round trip for {a\\b} ok 218 - backticks round trip for {a\\\b} ok 219 - backticks round trip for {a\\\\b} ok 220 - backticks round trip for {a"} ok 221 - backticks round trip for {a\} ok 222 - backticks round trip for {a\"} ok 223 - backticks round trip for {a\\} ok 224 - backticks round trip for {a\"} ok 225 PASS: t/ext ok 1 - Default maniskip written ok 2 - default MANIFEST.SKIP used ok 3 - Module::Build specific entries ok 4 - distribution tarball entry 1..4 PASS: t/write_default_maniskip 1..14 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' ok 1 - saw warning about M::B not in configure_requires ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 - Add M::B to configure_requires ok 8 - Test::More was required by ->new ok 9 ok 10 - 'meta-spec' -> 'version' field present in META.yml ok 11 - 'meta-spec' -> 'url' field present in META.yml ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - Add M::B to configure_requires PASS: t/metadata Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'bin-foo' version '0.01' ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 1..8 PASS: t/script_dist 1..2 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 - dodged the bullet ok 2 PASS: t/new_from_context 1..8 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' Building Simple Installing test_install/lib/perl5/ Installing test_install/lib/perl5/ Installing test_install/man/man3/Simple.3 Installing test_install/html/site/lib/Simple.html Installing test_install/bin/foo ok 1 - Generated PL_files installed from bin ok 2 - and from lib ok 3 - PL_files not installed from bin ok 4 - nor from lib ok 5 - Generated bin contains correct content ok 6 - so does the lib Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 7 - special PL file ran ok 8 - generated special file not added to cleanup PASS: t/PL_files 1..26 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 PASS: t/parents 1..25 ok 1 ok 2 - saw expected output from first test ok 3 - saw expected output from second test ok 4 - we have some test output ok 5 - saw expected output from first test ok 6 - saw expected output from second test ok 7 - expected output from basic.t ok 8 - expected output from basic.t ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 - saw expected output from first test ok 16 - saw expected output from second test ok 17 - we have some test output ok 18 - saw expected output from first test ok 19 - saw expected output from second test ok 20 - expected output from basic.t ok 21 - expected output from basic.t ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 PASS: t/test_types DURATION: 53 END: /usr/lib/libmodule-build-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:14 2021-10-26T02:14 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libnl/ptest Running suite(s): main Abstract addresses Netlink attributes Clone ematch tree 100%: Checks: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 PASS: check-all DURATION: 0 END: /usr/lib/libnl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:14 2021-10-26T02:14 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libpcre/ptest make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/libpcre/ptest' PASS: pcre_stringpiece_unittest PASS: RunTest PASS: RunGrepTest ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for PCRE 8.36 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 3 # PASS: 3 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/libpcre/ptest' DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/libpcre/ptest 2021-10-26T02:14 2021-10-26T02:14 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libssh2/ptest PASS: simple PASS: DURATION: 5 END: /usr/lib/libssh2/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libtest-needs-perl/ptest 1..36 ok 1 - 5 parses correctly as 5.000000 ok 2 - v5 parses correctly as 5.000000 ok 3 - "5" parses correctly as 5.000000 ok 4 - "v5" parses correctly as 5.000000 ok 5 - 5.008000 parses correctly as 5.008000 ok 6 - 5.8.0 parses correctly as 5.008000 ok 7 - v5.8.0 parses correctly as 5.008000 ok 8 - "5.8.0" parses correctly as 5.008000 ok 9 - "v5.8.0" parses correctly as 5.008000 ok 10 - 5.010 parses correctly as 5.010000 ok 11 - v5.10 parses correctly as 5.010000 ok 12 - "v5.10" parses correctly as 5.010000 ok 13 - 5.999000 parses correctly as 5.999000 ok 14 - 5.999.0 parses correctly as 5.999000 ok 15 - v5.999.0 parses correctly as 5.999000 ok 16 - "5.999.0" parses correctly as 5.999000 ok 17 - "v5.999.0" parses correctly as 5.999000 ok 18 - 6 parses correctly as 6.000000 ok 19 - v6 parses correctly as 6.000000 ok 20 - "6" parses correctly as 6.000000 ok 21 - "v6" parses correctly as 6.000000 ok 22 - 6.999000 parses correctly as 6.999000 ok 23 - 6.999.0 parses correctly as 6.999000 ok 24 - v6.999.0 parses correctly as 6.999000 ok 25 - "6.999.0" parses correctly as 6.999000 ok 26 - "v6.999.0" parses correctly as 6.999000 ok 27 - 7 parses correctly as 7.000000 ok 28 - v7 parses correctly as 7.000000 ok 29 - "7" parses correctly as 7.000000 ok 30 - "v7" parses correctly as 7.000000 ok 31 - 7.999000 parses correctly as 7.999000 ok 32 - 7.999.0 parses correctly as 7.999000 ok 33 - v7.999.0 parses correctly as 7.999000 ok 34 - "7.999.0" parses correctly as 7.999000 ok 35 - "v7.999.0" parses correctly as 7.999000 ok 36 - no warnings PASS: t/numify_version 1..24 ok 1 - perl prereq of 5.033 passed ok 2 - perl prereq of "5.33.0" passed ok 3 - perl prereq of "v5.33.0" passed ok 4 - perl prereq of v5.33.0 passed ok 5 - perl prereq of version->new("5.33.0") passed ok 6 - perl prereq of 5.034000 passed ok 7 - perl prereq of "5.34.0" passed ok 8 - perl prereq of "v5.34.0" passed ok 9 - perl prereq of v5.34.0 passed ok 10 - perl prereq of version->new("5.34.0") passed ok 11 - perl prereq of 5.035 failed ok 12 - perl prereq of "5.35.0" failed ok 13 - perl prereq of "v5.35.0" failed ok 14 - perl prereq of v5.35.0 failed ok 15 - perl prereq of version->new("5.35.0") failed ok 16 - existing module accepted ok 17 - existing module with version accepted ok 18 - missing module rejected ok 19 - missing module with version rejected ok 20 - existing module with old version rejected ok 21 - missing module rejected (arrayref) ok 22 - missing module with version rejected (arrayref) ok 23 - broken module dies ok 24 - broken module dies again PASS: t/find_missing 1..113 ok 1 - standalone: Missing module SKIPs - exit status ok 2 - standalone: Missing module SKIPs ok 3 - standalone: Broken module dies - exit status ok 4 - standalone: Broken module dies ok 5 - standalone: Working module runs - exit status ok 6 - standalone: Working module runs ok 7 - standalone: Outdated module SKIPs - exit status ok 8 - standalone: Outdated module SKIPs ok 9 - standalone: Missing module fails with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 10 - standalone: Missing module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 11 - standalone: Broken module dies with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 12 - standalone: Broken module dies with RELEASE_TESTING ok 13 - standalone: Working module runs with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 14 - standalone: Working module runs with RELEASE_TESTING ok 15 - standalone: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 16 - standalone: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 17 - standalone: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING # Checking against Test2::API 1.302183 ok 18 - Test2: Missing module SKIPs - exit status ok 19 - Test2: Missing module SKIPs ok 20 - Test2: Broken module dies - exit status ok 21 - Test2: Broken module dies ok 22 - Test2: Working module runs - exit status ok 23 - Test2: Working module runs ok 24 - Test2: Outdated module SKIPs - exit status ok 25 - Test2: Outdated module SKIPs ok 26 - Test2: Missing module fails with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 27 - Test2: Missing module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 28 - Test2: Broken module dies with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 29 - Test2: Broken module dies with RELEASE_TESTING ok 30 - Test2: Working module runs with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 31 - Test2: Working module runs with RELEASE_TESTING ok 32 - Test2: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 33 - Test2: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 34 - Test2: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 35 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan - exit status ok 36 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan ok 37 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan - exit status ok 38 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan ok 39 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests - exit status ok 40 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests ok 41 - Test2: Missing module passes with plan and tests - exit status ok 42 - Test2: Missing module passes with plan and tests ok 43 - Test2: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests - exit status ok 44 - Test2: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests ok 45 - Test2: Missing module skips in subtest - exit status ok 46 - Test2: Missing module skips in subtest ok 47 - Test2: Broken module dies in subtest - exit status ok 48 - Test2: Broken module dies in subtest ok 49 - Test2: Working module runs in subtest - exit status ok 50 - Test2: Working module runs in subtest ok 51 - Test2: Working module runs in subtest ok 52 - Test2: Outdated module skips in subtest - exit status ok 53 - Test2: Outdated module skips in subtest ok 54 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan in subtest - exit status ok 55 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan in subtest ok 56 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest - exit status ok 57 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest ok 58 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests in subtest - exit status ok 59 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests in subtest ok 60 - Test2: Missing module passes with plan and tests in subtest - exit status ok 61 - Test2: Missing module passes with plan and tests in subtest ok 62 - Test2: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests in subtest - exit status ok 63 - Test2: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests in subtest ok 64 - Test2: Missing module fails in subtest with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 65 - Test2: Missing module fails in subtest with RELEASE_TESTING # Checking against Test::Builder 1.302183 ok 66 - Test::Builder: Missing module SKIPs - exit status ok 67 - Test::Builder: Missing module SKIPs ok 68 - Test::Builder: Broken module dies - exit status ok 69 - Test::Builder: Broken module dies ok 70 - Test::Builder: Working module runs - exit status ok 71 - Test::Builder: Working module runs ok 72 - Test::Builder: Outdated module SKIPs - exit status ok 73 - Test::Builder: Outdated module SKIPs ok 74 - Test::Builder: Missing module fails with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 75 - Test::Builder: Missing module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 76 - Test::Builder: Broken module dies with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 77 - Test::Builder: Broken module dies with RELEASE_TESTING ok 78 - Test::Builder: Working module runs with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 79 - Test::Builder: Working module runs with RELEASE_TESTING ok 80 - Test::Builder: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 81 - Test::Builder: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 82 - Test::Builder: Outdated module fails with RELEASE_TESTING ok 83 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan - exit status ok 84 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan ok 85 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan - exit status ok 86 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan ok 87 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests - exit status ok 88 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests ok 89 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with plan and tests - exit status ok 90 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with plan and tests ok 91 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests - exit status ok 92 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests ok 93 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips in subtest - exit status ok 94 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips in subtest ok 95 - Test::Builder: Broken module dies in subtest - exit status ok 96 - Test::Builder: Broken module dies in subtest ok 97 - Test::Builder: Working module runs in subtest - exit status ok 98 - Test::Builder: Working module runs in subtest ok 99 - Test::Builder: Working module runs in subtest ok 100 - Test::Builder: Outdated module skips in subtest - exit status ok 101 - Test::Builder: Outdated module skips in subtest ok 102 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan in subtest - exit status ok 103 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan in subtest ok 104 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest - exit status ok 105 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest ok 106 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests in subtest - exit status ok 107 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests in subtest ok 108 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with plan and tests in subtest - exit status ok 109 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with plan and tests in subtest ok 110 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests in subtest - exit status ok 111 - Test::Builder: Missing module passes with no_plan and tests in subtest ok 112 - Test::Builder: Missing module fails in subtest with RELEASE_TESTING - exit status ok 113 - Test::Builder: Missing module fails in subtest with RELEASE_TESTING ok 1 - standalone: Missing module SKIPs - exit status ok 2 - standalone: Missing module SKIPs ok 7 - standalone: Outdated module SKIPs - exit status ok 8 - standalone: Outdated module SKIPs ok 18 - Test2: Missing module SKIPs - exit status ok 19 - Test2: Missing module SKIPs ok 24 - Test2: Outdated module SKIPs - exit status ok 25 - Test2: Outdated module SKIPs ok 35 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan - exit status ok 36 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan ok 37 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan - exit status ok 38 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan ok 39 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests - exit status ok 40 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests ok 45 - Test2: Missing module skips in subtest - exit status ok 46 - Test2: Missing module skips in subtest ok 52 - Test2: Outdated module skips in subtest - exit status ok 53 - Test2: Outdated module skips in subtest ok 54 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan in subtest - exit status ok 55 - Test2: Missing module skips with plan in subtest ok 56 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest - exit status ok 57 - Test2: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest ok 58 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests in subtest - exit status ok 59 - Test2: Missing module skips with tests in subtest ok 66 - Test::Builder: Missing module SKIPs - exit status ok 67 - Test::Builder: Missing module SKIPs ok 72 - Test::Builder: Outdated module SKIPs - exit status ok 73 - Test::Builder: Outdated module SKIPs ok 83 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan - exit status ok 84 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan ok 85 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan - exit status ok 86 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan ok 87 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests - exit status ok 88 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests ok 93 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips in subtest - exit status ok 94 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips in subtest ok 100 - Test::Builder: Outdated module skips in subtest - exit status ok 101 - Test::Builder: Outdated module skips in subtest ok 102 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan in subtest - exit status ok 103 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with plan in subtest ok 104 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest - exit status ok 105 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with no_plan in subtest ok 106 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests in subtest - exit status ok 107 - Test::Builder: Missing module skips with tests in subtest SKIP: t/basic DURATION: 3 END: /usr/lib/libtest-needs-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libtimedate-perl/ptest 1..146 # offset = 3155760000 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 1 1995-01-24 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3946665600.000000 Mon Jan 24 00:00:00 2095 Got: 790905600.000000 Tue Jan 24 00:00:00 1995 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 2 1995-06-24 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3959712000.000000 Fri Jun 24 00:00:00 2095 Got: 803952000.000000 Sat Jun 24 00:00:00 1995 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 3 92/01/02 12:01 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3850113660.000000 Wed Jan 2 12:01:00 2092 Got: 694353660.000000 Thu Jan 2 12:01:00 1992 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 4 92/01/02 12:01 AM Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3850070460.000000 Wed Jan 2 00:01:00 2092 Got: 694310460.000000 Thu Jan 2 00:01:00 1992 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 5 92/01/02 12:01 PM Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3850113660.000000 Wed Jan 2 12:01:00 2092 Got: 694353660.000000 Thu Jan 2 12:01:00 1992 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 6 2002-11-02 11pm GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4192038000.000000 Fri Nov 3 23:00:00 2102 Got: 1036278000.000000 Sat Nov 2 23:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 7 2002-11-02 11 pm GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4192038000.000000 Fri Nov 3 23:00:00 2102 Got: 1036278000.000000 Sat Nov 2 23:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 8 1995-01-24 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3946665600.000000 Mon Jan 24 00:00:00 2095 Got: 790905600.000000 Tue Jan 24 00:00:00 1995 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 9 1995-01-24 BST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3946662000.000000 Sun Jan 23 23:00:00 2095 Got: 790902000.000000 Mon Jan 23 23:00:00 1995 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 10 1995-06-24 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3959712000.000000 Fri Jun 24 00:00:00 2095 Got: 803952000.000000 Sat Jun 24 00:00:00 1995 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 11 1995-06-24 BST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3959708400.000000 Thu Jun 23 23:00:00 2095 Got: 803948400.000000 Fri Jun 23 23:00:00 1995 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 12 1992-1-2 12:01 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3850113660.000000 Wed Jan 2 12:01:00 2092 Got: 694353660.000000 Thu Jan 2 12:01:00 1992 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 13 1992-1-2-12:01:00 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3850113660.000000 Wed Jan 2 12:01:00 2092 Got: 694353660.000000 Thu Jan 2 12:01:00 1992 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 14 Wed, 16 Jun 94 07:29:35 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3927533375.000000 Wed Jun 16 13:29:35 2094 Got: 771773375.000000 Thu Jun 16 13:29:35 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 15 Wed,16 Jun 94 07:29:35 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3927533375.000000 Wed Jun 16 13:29:35 2094 Got: 771773375.000000 Thu Jun 16 13:29:35 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 16 Wed, 16 Nov 94 07:29:35 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940752575.000000 Tue Nov 16 13:29:35 2094 Got: 784992575.000000 Wed Nov 16 13:29:35 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 17 Mon, 21 Nov 94 07:42:23 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941185343.000000 Sun Nov 21 13:42:23 2094 Got: 785425343.000000 Mon Nov 21 13:42:23 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 18 Mon, 21 Nov 94 04:28:18 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941173698.000000 Sun Nov 21 10:28:18 2094 Got: 785413698.000000 Mon Nov 21 10:28:18 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 19 Tue, 15 Nov 94 09:15:10 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940650910.000000 Mon Nov 15 09:15:10 2094 Got: 784890910.000000 Tue Nov 15 09:15:10 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 20 Wed, 16 Nov 94 09:39:49 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940738789.000000 Tue Nov 16 09:39:49 2094 Got: 784978789.000000 Wed Nov 16 09:39:49 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 21 Wed, 16 Nov 94 09:23:17 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940737797.000000 Tue Nov 16 09:23:17 2094 Got: 784977797.000000 Wed Nov 16 09:23:17 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 22 Wed, 16 Nov 94 12:39:49 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940749589.000000 Tue Nov 16 12:39:49 2094 Got: 784989589.000000 Wed Nov 16 12:39:49 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 23 Wed, 16 Nov 94 14:03:06 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940754586.000000 Tue Nov 16 14:03:06 2094 Got: 784994586.000000 Wed Nov 16 14:03:06 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 24 Wed, 16 Nov 94 05:30:51 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940745451.000000 Tue Nov 16 11:30:51 2094 Got: 784985451.000000 Wed Nov 16 11:30:51 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 25 Thu, 17 Nov 94 03:19:30 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940823970.000000 Wed Nov 17 09:19:30 2094 Got: 785063970.000000 Thu Nov 17 09:19:30 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 26 1994:11:21T14:05:32+0000 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941186732.000000 Sun Nov 21 14:05:32 2094 Got: 785426732.000000 Mon Nov 21 14:05:32 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 27 Mon, 21 Nov 94 14:05:32 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941186732.000000 Sun Nov 21 14:05:32 2094 Got: 785426732.000000 Mon Nov 21 14:05:32 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 28 Mon, 14 Nov 94 15:08:49 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940607329.000000 Sun Nov 14 21:08:49 2094 Got: 784847329.000000 Mon Nov 14 21:08:49 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 29 Wed, 16 Nov 94 14:48:06 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940757286.000000 Tue Nov 16 14:48:06 2094 Got: 784997286.000000 Wed Nov 16 14:48:06 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 30 Thu, 17 Nov 94 14:22:03 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940842123.000000 Wed Nov 17 14:22:03 2094 Got: 785082123.000000 Thu Nov 17 14:22:03 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 31 Wed, 16 Nov 94 14:36:00 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940756560.000000 Tue Nov 16 14:36:00 2094 Got: 784996560.000000 Wed Nov 16 14:36:00 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 32 Wed, 16 Nov 94 09:23:17 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940737797.000000 Tue Nov 16 09:23:17 2094 Got: 784977797.000000 Wed Nov 16 09:23:17 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 33 Wed, 16 Nov 94 10:01:43 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940740103.000000 Tue Nov 16 10:01:43 2094 Got: 784980103.000000 Wed Nov 16 10:01:43 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 34 Wed, 16 Nov 94 15:03:35 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940758215.000000 Tue Nov 16 15:03:35 2094 Got: 784998215.000000 Wed Nov 16 15:03:35 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 35 Mon, 21 Nov 94 13:55:19 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941186119.000000 Sun Nov 21 13:55:19 2094 Got: 785426119.000000 Mon Nov 21 13:55:19 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 36 Wed, 16 Nov 94 08:46:11 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940757171.000000 Tue Nov 16 14:46:11 2094 Got: 784997171.000000 Wed Nov 16 14:46:11 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 37 Wed, 9 Nov 1994 09:50:32 -0500 (EST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940152632.000000 Tue Nov 9 14:50:32 2094 Got: 784392632.000000 Wed Nov 9 14:50:32 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 38 Thu, 13 Oct 94 10:13:13 -0700 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3937828393.000000 Wed Oct 13 17:13:13 2094 Got: 782068393.000000 Thu Oct 13 17:13:13 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 39 Sat, 19 Nov 1994 16:59:14 +0100 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941020754.000000 Fri Nov 19 15:59:14 2094 Got: 785260754.000000 Sat Nov 19 15:59:14 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 40 Thu, 3 Nov 94 14:10:47 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939649847.000000 Wed Nov 3 19:10:47 2094 Got: 783889847.000000 Thu Nov 3 19:10:47 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 41 Thu, 3 Nov 94 21:51:09 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939677469.000000 Thu Nov 4 02:51:09 2094 Got: 783917469.000000 Fri Nov 4 02:51:09 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 42 Fri, 4 Nov 94 9:24:52 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939719092.000000 Thu Nov 4 14:24:52 2094 Got: 783959092.000000 Fri Nov 4 14:24:52 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 43 Wed, 9 Nov 94 09:38:54 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940151934.000000 Tue Nov 9 14:38:54 2094 Got: 784391934.000000 Wed Nov 9 14:38:54 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 44 Mon, 14 Nov 94 13:20:12 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940597212.000000 Sun Nov 14 18:20:12 2094 Got: 784837212.000000 Mon Nov 14 18:20:12 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 45 Wed, 16 Nov 94 17:09:13 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940783753.000000 Tue Nov 16 22:09:13 2094 Got: 785023753.000000 Wed Nov 16 22:09:13 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 46 Tue, 15 Nov 94 12:27:01 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940691221.000000 Mon Nov 15 20:27:01 2094 Got: 784931221.000000 Tue Nov 15 20:27:01 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 47 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 07:34:05 -0600 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940925645.000000 Thu Nov 18 13:34:05 2094 Got: 785165645.000000 Fri Nov 18 13:34:05 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 48 Mon, 21 Nov 94 14:34:28 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941206468.000000 Sun Nov 21 19:34:28 2094 Got: 785446468.000000 Mon Nov 21 19:34:28 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 49 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 12:05:47 -0800 (PST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940949147.000000 Thu Nov 18 20:05:47 2094 Got: 785189147.000000 Fri Nov 18 20:05:47 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 50 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 12:36:26 -0800 (PST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940950986.000000 Thu Nov 18 20:36:26 2094 Got: 785190986.000000 Fri Nov 18 20:36:26 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 51 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 15:58:58 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940761538.000000 Tue Nov 16 15:58:58 2094 Got: 785001538.000000 Wed Nov 16 15:58:58 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 52 Sun, 06 Nov 94 14:27:40 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939910060.000000 Sat Nov 6 19:27:40 2094 Got: 784150060.000000 Sun Nov 6 19:27:40 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 53 Mon, 07 Nov 94 08:20:13 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939974413.000000 Sun Nov 7 13:20:13 2094 Got: 784214413.000000 Mon Nov 7 13:20:13 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 54 Mon, 07 Nov 94 16:48:42 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940004922.000000 Sun Nov 7 21:48:42 2094 Got: 784244922.000000 Mon Nov 7 21:48:42 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 55 Wed, 09 Nov 94 15:46:16 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940173976.000000 Tue Nov 9 20:46:16 2094 Got: 784413976.000000 Wed Nov 9 20:46:16 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 56 Sun, 6 Nov 1994 02:38:17 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939878297.000000 Sat Nov 6 10:38:17 2094 Got: 784118297.000000 Sun Nov 6 10:38:17 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 57 Tue, 1 Nov 1994 13:53:49 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939476029.000000 Mon Nov 1 18:53:49 2094 Got: 783716029.000000 Tue Nov 1 18:53:49 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 58 Tue, 15 Nov 94 08:31:59 +0100 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940644719.000000 Mon Nov 15 07:31:59 2094 Got: 784884719.000000 Tue Nov 15 07:31:59 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 59 Sun, 6 Nov 1994 11:09:12 -0500 (IST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939898152.000000 Sat Nov 6 16:09:12 2094 Got: 784138152.000000 Sun Nov 6 16:09:12 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 60 Fri, 4 Nov 94 12:52:10 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939731530.000000 Thu Nov 4 17:52:10 2094 Got: 783971530.000000 Fri Nov 4 17:52:10 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 61 Mon, 31 Oct 1994 14:17:39 -0500 (EST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939391059.000000 Sun Oct 31 19:17:39 2094 Got: 783631059.000000 Mon Oct 31 19:17:39 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 62 Mon, 14 Nov 94 11:25:00 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940593900.000000 Sun Nov 14 17:25:00 2094 Got: 784833900.000000 Mon Nov 14 17:25:00 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 63 Mon, 14 Nov 94 13:26:29 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940601189.000000 Sun Nov 14 19:26:29 2094 Got: 784841189.000000 Mon Nov 14 19:26:29 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 64 Fri, 18 Nov 94 8:42:47 CST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940929767.000000 Thu Nov 18 14:42:47 2094 Got: 785169767.000000 Fri Nov 18 14:42:47 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 65 Thu, 17 Nov 94 14:32:01 +0900 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940810321.000000 Wed Nov 17 05:32:01 2094 Got: 785050321.000000 Thu Nov 17 05:32:01 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 66 Wed, 2 Nov 94 18:16:31 +0100 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939556591.000000 Tue Nov 2 17:16:31 2094 Got: 783796591.000000 Wed Nov 2 17:16:31 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 67 Fri, 18 Nov 94 10:46:26 +0100 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940911986.000000 Thu Nov 18 09:46:26 2094 Got: 785151986.000000 Fri Nov 18 09:46:26 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 68 Tue, 8 Nov 1994 22:39:28 +0200 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940087168.000000 Mon Nov 8 20:39:28 2094 Got: 784327168.000000 Tue Nov 8 20:39:28 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 69 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 10:01:08 -0500 (EST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940758068.000000 Tue Nov 16 15:01:08 2094 Got: 784998068.000000 Wed Nov 16 15:01:08 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 70 Wed, 2 Nov 1994 16:59:42 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939584382.000000 Wed Nov 3 00:59:42 2094 Got: 783824382.000000 Thu Nov 3 00:59:42 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 71 Wed, 9 Nov 94 10:00:23 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940164023.000000 Tue Nov 9 18:00:23 2094 Got: 784404023.000000 Wed Nov 9 18:00:23 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 72 Fri, 18 Nov 94 17:01:43 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940966903.000000 Fri Nov 19 01:01:43 2094 Got: 785206903.000000 Sat Nov 19 01:01:43 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 73 Mon, 14 Nov 1994 14:47:46 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940602466.000000 Sun Nov 14 19:47:46 2094 Got: 784842466.000000 Mon Nov 14 19:47:46 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 74 Mon, 21 Nov 1994 04:56:04 -0500 (EST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941171764.000000 Sun Nov 21 09:56:04 2094 Got: 785411764.000000 Mon Nov 21 09:56:04 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 75 Mon, 21 Nov 1994 11:50:12 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941207412.000000 Sun Nov 21 19:50:12 2094 Got: 785447412.000000 Mon Nov 21 19:50:12 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 76 Sat, 5 Nov 1994 14:04:16 -0600 (CST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939825856.000000 Fri Nov 5 20:04:16 2094 Got: 784065856.000000 Sat Nov 5 20:04:16 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 77 Sat, 05 Nov 94 13:10:13 MST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939826213.000000 Fri Nov 5 20:10:13 2094 Got: 784066213.000000 Sat Nov 5 20:10:13 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 78 Wed, 02 Nov 94 10:47:48 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939562068.000000 Tue Nov 2 18:47:48 2094 Got: 783802068.000000 Wed Nov 2 18:47:48 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 79 Wed, 02 Nov 94 13:19:15 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939571155.000000 Tue Nov 2 21:19:15 2094 Got: 783811155.000000 Wed Nov 2 21:19:15 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 80 Thu, 03 Nov 94 15:27:07 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939665227.000000 Wed Nov 3 23:27:07 2094 Got: 783905227.000000 Thu Nov 3 23:27:07 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 81 Fri, 04 Nov 94 09:12:12 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939729132.000000 Thu Nov 4 17:12:12 2094 Got: 783969132.000000 Fri Nov 4 17:12:12 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 82 Wed, 9 Nov 1994 10:13:03 +0000 (GMT) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940135983.000000 Tue Nov 9 10:13:03 2094 Got: 784375983.000000 Wed Nov 9 10:13:03 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 83 Wed, 9 Nov 1994 15:28:37 +0000 (GMT) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940154917.000000 Tue Nov 9 15:28:37 2094 Got: 784394917.000000 Wed Nov 9 15:28:37 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 84 Wed, 2 Nov 1994 17:37:41 +0100 (MET) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939554261.000000 Tue Nov 2 16:37:41 2094 Got: 783794261.000000 Wed Nov 2 16:37:41 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 85 05 Nov 94 14:22:19 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939834139.000000 Fri Nov 5 22:22:19 2094 Got: 784074139.000000 Sat Nov 5 22:22:19 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 86 16 Nov 94 22:28:20 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940813700.000000 Wed Nov 17 06:28:20 2094 Got: 785053700.000000 Thu Nov 17 06:28:20 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 87 Tue, 1 Nov 1994 19:51:15 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939508275.000000 Tue Nov 2 03:51:15 2094 Got: 783748275.000000 Wed Nov 2 03:51:15 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 88 Wed, 2 Nov 94 12:21:23 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939538883.000000 Tue Nov 2 12:21:23 2094 Got: 783778883.000000 Wed Nov 2 12:21:23 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 89 Fri, 18 Nov 94 18:07:03 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940942023.000000 Thu Nov 18 18:07:03 2094 Got: 785182023.000000 Fri Nov 18 18:07:03 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 90 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 11:26:27 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940763187.000000 Tue Nov 16 16:26:27 2094 Got: 785003187.000000 Wed Nov 16 16:26:27 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 91 Sun, 6 Nov 1994 13:48:49 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939907729.000000 Sat Nov 6 18:48:49 2094 Got: 784147729.000000 Sun Nov 6 18:48:49 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 92 Tue, 8 Nov 1994 13:19:37 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940089577.000000 Mon Nov 8 21:19:37 2094 Got: 784329577.000000 Tue Nov 8 21:19:37 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 93 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 11:01:12 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940945272.000000 Thu Nov 18 19:01:12 2094 Got: 785185272.000000 Fri Nov 18 19:01:12 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 94 Mon, 21 Nov 1994 00:47:58 -0500 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3941156878.000000 Sun Nov 21 05:47:58 2094 Got: 785396878.000000 Mon Nov 21 05:47:58 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 95 Mon, 7 Nov 1994 14:22:48 -0800 (PST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940006968.000000 Sun Nov 7 22:22:48 2094 Got: 784246968.000000 Mon Nov 7 22:22:48 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 96 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 15:56:45 -0800 (PST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940790205.000000 Tue Nov 16 23:56:45 2094 Got: 785030205.000000 Wed Nov 16 23:56:45 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 97 Thu, 3 Nov 1994 13:17:47 +0000 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939628667.000000 Wed Nov 3 13:17:47 2094 Got: 783868667.000000 Thu Nov 3 13:17:47 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 98 Wed, 9 Nov 1994 17:32:50 -0500 (EST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940180370.000000 Tue Nov 9 22:32:50 2094 Got: 784420370.000000 Wed Nov 9 22:32:50 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 99 Wed, 9 Nov 94 16:31:52 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940187512.000000 Wed Nov 10 00:31:52 2094 Got: 784427512.000000 Thu Nov 10 00:31:52 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 100 Wed, 09 Nov 94 10:41:10 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940166470.000000 Tue Nov 9 18:41:10 2094 Got: 784406470.000000 Wed Nov 9 18:41:10 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 101 Wed, 9 Nov 94 08:42:22 MST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940155742.000000 Tue Nov 9 15:42:22 2094 Got: 784395742.000000 Wed Nov 9 15:42:22 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 102 Mon, 14 Nov 1994 08:32:13 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940590733.000000 Sun Nov 14 16:32:13 2094 Got: 784830733.000000 Mon Nov 14 16:32:13 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 103 Mon, 14 Nov 1994 11:34:32 -0500 (EST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940590872.000000 Sun Nov 14 16:34:32 2094 Got: 784830872.000000 Mon Nov 14 16:34:32 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 104 Mon, 14 Nov 94 16:48:09 GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940591689.000000 Sun Nov 14 16:48:09 2094 Got: 784831689.000000 Mon Nov 14 16:48:09 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 105 Tue, 15 Nov 1994 10:27:33 +0000 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940655253.000000 Mon Nov 15 10:27:33 2094 Got: 784895253.000000 Tue Nov 15 10:27:33 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 106 Wed, 02 Nov 94 13:56:54 MST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939569814.000000 Tue Nov 2 20:56:54 2094 Got: 783809814.000000 Wed Nov 2 20:56:54 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 107 Thu, 03 Nov 94 15:24:45 MST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939661485.000000 Wed Nov 3 22:24:45 2094 Got: 783901485.000000 Thu Nov 3 22:24:45 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 108 Thu, 3 Nov 1994 15:13:53 -0700 (MST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939660833.000000 Wed Nov 3 22:13:53 2094 Got: 783900833.000000 Thu Nov 3 22:13:53 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 109 Fri, 04 Nov 94 08:15:13 MST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939722113.000000 Thu Nov 4 15:15:13 2094 Got: 783962113.000000 Fri Nov 4 15:15:13 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 110 Thu, 3 Nov 94 18:15:47 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939664547.000000 Wed Nov 3 23:15:47 2094 Got: 783904547.000000 Thu Nov 3 23:15:47 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 111 Tue, 08 Nov 94 07:02:33 MST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940063353.000000 Mon Nov 8 14:02:33 2094 Got: 784303353.000000 Tue Nov 8 14:02:33 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 112 Thu, 3 Nov 94 18:15:47 EST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939664547.000000 Wed Nov 3 23:15:47 2094 Got: 783904547.000000 Thu Nov 3 23:15:47 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 113 Tue, 15 Nov 94 07:26:05 MST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940669565.000000 Mon Nov 15 14:26:05 2094 Got: 784909565.000000 Tue Nov 15 14:26:05 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 114 Wed, 2 Nov 1994 00:00:55 -0600 (CST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939516055.000000 Tue Nov 2 06:00:55 2094 Got: 783756055.000000 Wed Nov 2 06:00:55 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 115 Sun, 6 Nov 1994 01:19:13 -0600 (CST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939866353.000000 Sat Nov 6 07:19:13 2094 Got: 784106353.000000 Sun Nov 6 07:19:13 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 116 Mon, 7 Nov 1994 23:16:57 -0600 (CST) Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940031817.000000 Mon Nov 8 05:16:57 2094 Got: 784271817.000000 Tue Nov 8 05:16:57 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 117 Tue, 08 Nov 1994 13:21:21 -0600 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940082481.000000 Mon Nov 8 19:21:21 2094 Got: 784322481.000000 Tue Nov 8 19:21:21 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 118 Mon, 07 Nov 94 13:47:37 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940004857.000000 Sun Nov 7 21:47:37 2094 Got: 784244857.000000 Mon Nov 7 21:47:37 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 119 Tue, 08 Nov 94 11:23:19 PST Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940082599.000000 Mon Nov 8 19:23:19 2094 Got: 784322599.000000 Tue Nov 8 19:23:19 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 120 Tue, 01 Nov 1994 11:28:25 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3939478105.000000 Mon Nov 1 19:28:25 2094 Got: 783718105.000000 Tue Nov 1 19:28:25 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 121 Tue, 15 Nov 1994 13:11:47 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940693907.000000 Mon Nov 15 21:11:47 2094 Got: 784933907.000000 Tue Nov 15 21:11:47 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 122 Tue, 15 Nov 1994 13:18:38 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940694318.000000 Mon Nov 15 21:18:38 2094 Got: 784934318.000000 Tue Nov 15 21:18:38 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 123 Tue, 15 Nov 1994 0:18:38 -0800 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 3940647518.000000 Mon Nov 15 08:18:38 2094 Got: 784887518.000000 Tue Nov 15 08:18:38 1994 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 124 Jul 13 1999 1:23P GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4087632180.000000 Mon Jul 13 13:23:00 2099 Got: 931872180.000000 Tue Jul 13 13:23:00 1999 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 125 Jul 13 1999 1:23P.M GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4087632180.000000 Mon Jul 13 13:23:00 2099 Got: 931872180.000000 Tue Jul 13 13:23:00 1999 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 126 Jul 13 1999 1:23P.M. GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4087632180.000000 Mon Jul 13 13:23:00 2099 Got: 931872180.000000 Tue Jul 13 13:23:00 1999 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 127 Jul-13-1999 1:23P.M GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4087632180.000000 Mon Jul 13 13:23:00 2099 Got: 931872180.000000 Tue Jul 13 13:23:00 1999 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 128 Jul/13/1999 1:23P.M. GMT Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4087632180.000000 Mon Jul 13 13:23:00 2099 Got: 931872180.000000 Tue Jul 13 13:23:00 1999 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 129 2001-02-26T13:44:12-0700 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4138980252.000000 Sun Feb 27 20:44:12 2101 Got: 983220252.000000 Mon Feb 26 20:44:12 2001 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 130 2001-02-26T13:44-0700 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4138980240.000000 Sun Feb 27 20:44:00 2101 Got: 983220240.000000 Mon Feb 26 20:44:00 2001 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 131 2001-02-26T13-0700 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4138977600.000000 Sun Feb 27 20:00:00 2101 Got: 983217600.000000 Mon Feb 26 20:00:00 2001 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 132 2001-02-26T13-44-12-0700 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4138980252.000000 Sun Feb 27 20:44:12 2101 Got: 983220252.000000 Mon Feb 26 20:44:12 2001 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 133 2001-02-26T13-44-0700 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4138980240.000000 Sun Feb 27 20:44:00 2101 Got: 983220240.000000 Mon Feb 26 20:44:00 2001 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 134 2001-02-26T13-0700 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4138977600.000000 Sun Feb 27 20:00:00 2101 Got: 983217600.000000 Mon Feb 26 20:00:00 2001 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 135 07/Nov/2000:16:45:56 +0100 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4129371956.000000 Mon Nov 8 15:45:56 2100 Got: 973611956.000000 Tue Nov 7 15:45:56 2000 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 136 2002-11-07T23:31:49-05:00 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4192489909.000000 Thu Nov 9 04:31:49 2102 Got: 1036729909.000000 Fri Nov 8 04:31:49 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 137 2003-02-17T07:45:56Z Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4201227956.000000 Sun Feb 18 07:45:56 2103 Got: 1045467956.000000 Mon Feb 17 07:45:56 2003 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 138 2003-02-17T08:14:07.198189+0000 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4201229647.198189 Sun Feb 18 08:14:07 2103 Got: 1045469647.198189 Mon Feb 17 08:14:07 2003 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 139 20020722T100000Z Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183092000.000000 Sun Jul 23 10:00:00 2102 Got: 1027332000.000000 Mon Jul 22 10:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 140 Jul 22 10:00:00 UTC 2002 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183092000.000000 Sun Jul 23 10:00:00 2102 Got: 1027332000.000000 Mon Jul 22 10:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 141 2002-07-22 10:00:00Z Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183092000.000000 Sun Jul 23 10:00:00 2102 Got: 1027332000.000000 Mon Jul 22 10:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 142 2002-07-22 10:00:00 Z Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183092000.000000 Sun Jul 23 10:00:00 2102 Got: 1027332000.000000 Mon Jul 22 10:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 143 2002-07-22 10:00 Z Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183092000.000000 Sun Jul 23 10:00:00 2102 Got: 1027332000.000000 Mon Jul 22 10:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 144 2002-07-22 10:00Z Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183092000.000000 Sun Jul 23 10:00:00 2102 Got: 1027332000.000000 Mon Jul 22 10:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 145 2002-07-22 10:00 +100 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183088400.000000 Sun Jul 23 09:00:00 2102 Got: 1027328400.000000 Mon Jul 22 09:00:00 2002 -------------------------------------------------- FAIL 146 2002-07-22 10:00 +0100 Diff: -3155760000 Expect: 4183088400.000000 Sun Jul 23 09:00:00 2102 Got: 1027328400.000000 Mon Jul 22 09:00:00 2002 PASS: t/getdate Redundant argument in printf at t/date.t line 180. 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Redundant argument in printf at t/date.t line 180. 1..148 ok 1 1995-01-24 Tue Jan 24 00:00:00 1995 GMT ok 2 1995-01-24T09:08:17.1823213 Tue Jan 24 09:08:17 1995 GMT ok 3 1935-01-24T09:08:17 Wed Jan 24 09:08:17 2035 GMT ok 4 Fri Dec 17 00:00:00 1901 GMT Mon Dec 17 00:00:00 2001 GMT ok 5 Tue Jan 16 23:59:59 2038 GMT Sat Jan 16 23:59:59 2038 GMT ok 6 2001-02-02 00:00:00 GMT Fri Feb 2 00:00:00 2001 GMT ok 7 2035-02-02 00:00:00 GMT Fri Feb 2 00:00:00 2035 GMT ok 8 16 Jun 33 07:29:35 CST Thu Jun 16 13:29:35 2033 GMT ok 9 2002-02-26-10:37:21.141 GMT Tue Feb 26 10:37:21 2002 GMT ok 10 Wed, 16 Jun 94 07:29:35 CST Thu Jun 16 13:29:35 1994 GMT ok 11 Wed, 16 Nov 94 07:29:35 CST Wed Nov 16 13:29:35 1994 GMT ok 12 Mon, 21 Nov 94 07:42:23 CST Mon Nov 21 13:42:23 1994 GMT ok 13 Mon, 21 Nov 94 04:28:18 CST Mon Nov 21 10:28:18 1994 GMT ok 14 Tue, 15 Nov 94 09:15:10 GMT Tue Nov 15 09:15:10 1994 GMT ok 15 Wed, 16 Nov 94 09:39:49 GMT Wed Nov 16 09:39:49 1994 GMT ok 16 Wed, 16 Nov 94 09:23:17 GMT Wed Nov 16 09:23:17 1994 GMT ok 17 Wed, 16 Nov 94 12:39:49 GMT Wed Nov 16 12:39:49 1994 GMT ok 18 Wed, 16 Nov 94 14:03:06 GMT Wed Nov 16 14:03:06 1994 GMT ok 19 Wed, 16 Nov 94 05:30:51 CST Wed Nov 16 11:30:51 1994 GMT ok 20 Thu, 17 Nov 94 03:19:30 CST Thu Nov 17 09:19:30 1994 GMT ok 21 Mon, 21 Nov 94 14:05:32 GMT Mon Nov 21 14:05:32 1994 GMT ok 22 Mon, 14 Nov 94 15:08:49 CST Mon Nov 14 21:08:49 1994 GMT ok 23 Wed, 16 Nov 94 14:48:06 GMT Wed Nov 16 14:48:06 1994 GMT ok 24 Thu, 17 Nov 94 14:22:03 GMT Thu Nov 17 14:22:03 1994 GMT ok 25 Wed, 16 Nov 94 14:36:00 GMT Wed Nov 16 14:36:00 1994 GMT ok 26 Wed, 16 Nov 94 09:23:17 GMT Wed Nov 16 09:23:17 1994 GMT ok 27 Wed, 16 Nov 94 10:01:43 GMT Wed Nov 16 10:01:43 1994 GMT ok 28 Wed, 16 Nov 94 15:03:35 GMT Wed Nov 16 15:03:35 1994 GMT ok 29 Mon, 21 Nov 94 13:55:19 GMT Mon Nov 21 13:55:19 1994 GMT ok 30 Wed, 16 Nov 94 08:46:11 CST Wed Nov 16 14:46:11 1994 GMT ok 31 21 dec 17:05 Mon Dec 21 17:05:00 2020 GMT ok 32 21-dec 17:05 Mon Dec 21 17:05:00 2020 GMT ok 33 21/dec 17:05 Mon Dec 21 17:05:00 2020 GMT ok 34 21/dec/93 17:05 Tue Dec 21 17:05:00 1993 GMT ok 35 dec/21/93 17:05 Tue Dec 21 17:05:00 1993 GMT ok 36 Dec/21/1993 17:05:00 Tue Dec 21 17:05:00 1993 GMT ok 37 dec-21-1993 17:05 Tue Dec 21 17:05:00 1993 GMT ok 38 Dec-21-93 17:05:00 Tue Dec 21 17:05:00 1993 GMT ok 39 dec 21 1994 17:05 Wed Dec 21 17:05:00 1994 GMT ok 40 dec 21 94 17:05 Wed Dec 21 17:05:00 1994 GMT ok 41 dec 21 94 17:05 GMT Wed Dec 21 17:05:00 1994 GMT ok 42 dec 21 94 17:05 BST Wed Dec 21 16:05:00 1994 GMT ok 43 dec 21 94 00:05 -1700 Wed Dec 21 17:05:00 1994 GMT ok 44 dec 21 94 17:05 -1700 Thu Dec 22 10:05:00 1994 GMT ok 45 Wed, 9 Nov 1994 09:50:32 -0500 (EST) Wed Nov 9 14:50:32 1994 GMT ok 46 Thu, 13 Oct 94 10:13:13 -0700 Thu Oct 13 17:13:13 1994 GMT ok 47 Sat, 19 Nov 1994 16:59:14 +0100 Sat Nov 19 15:59:14 1994 GMT ok 48 Thu, 3 Nov 94 14:10:47 EST Thu Nov 3 19:10:47 1994 GMT ok 49 Thu, 3 Nov 94 21:51:09 EST Fri Nov 4 02:51:09 1994 GMT ok 50 Fri, 4 Nov 94 9:24:52 EST Fri Nov 4 14:24:52 1994 GMT ok 51 Wed, 9 Nov 94 09:38:54 EST Wed Nov 9 14:38:54 1994 GMT ok 52 Mon, 14 Nov 94 13:20:12 EST Mon Nov 14 18:20:12 1994 GMT ok 53 Wed, 16 Nov 94 17:09:13 EST Wed Nov 16 22:09:13 1994 GMT ok 54 Tue, 15 Nov 94 12:27:01 PST Tue Nov 15 20:27:01 1994 GMT ok 55 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 07:34:05 -0600 Fri Nov 18 13:34:05 1994 GMT ok 56 Mon, 21 Nov 94 14:34:28 -0500 Mon Nov 21 19:34:28 1994 GMT ok 57 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 12:05:47 -0800 (PST) Fri Nov 18 20:05:47 1994 GMT ok 58 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 12:36:26 -0800 (PST) Fri Nov 18 20:36:26 1994 GMT ok 59 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 15:58:58 GMT Wed Nov 16 15:58:58 1994 GMT ok 60 1999 10:02:18 "GMT" Tue Oct 26 10:02:18 1999 GMT ok 61 Sun, 06 Nov 94 14:27:40 -0500 Sun Nov 6 19:27:40 1994 GMT ok 62 Mon, 07 Nov 94 08:20:13 -0500 Mon Nov 7 13:20:13 1994 GMT ok 63 Mon, 07 Nov 94 16:48:42 -0500 Mon Nov 7 21:48:42 1994 GMT ok 64 Wed, 09 Nov 94 15:46:16 -0500 Wed Nov 9 20:46:16 1994 GMT ok 65 Fri, 4 Nov 94 16:17:40 "PST Sat Nov 5 00:17:40 1994 GMT ok 66 Wed, 16 Nov 94 12:43:37 "PST Wed Nov 16 20:43:37 1994 GMT ok 67 Sun, 6 Nov 1994 02:38:17 -0800 Sun Nov 6 10:38:17 1994 GMT ok 68 Tue, 1 Nov 1994 13:53:49 -0500 Tue Nov 1 18:53:49 1994 GMT ok 69 Tue, 15 Nov 94 08:31:59 +0100 Tue Nov 15 07:31:59 1994 GMT ok 70 Sun, 6 Nov 1994 11:09:12 -0500 (IST) Sun Nov 6 16:09:12 1994 GMT ok 71 Fri, 4 Nov 94 12:52:10 EST Fri Nov 4 17:52:10 1994 GMT ok 72 Mon, 31 Oct 1994 14:17:39 -0500 (EST) Mon Oct 31 19:17:39 1994 GMT ok 73 Mon, 14 Nov 94 11:25:00 CST Mon Nov 14 17:25:00 1994 GMT ok 74 Mon, 14 Nov 94 13:26:29 CST Mon Nov 14 19:26:29 1994 GMT ok 75 Fri, 18 Nov 94 8:42:47 CST Fri Nov 18 14:42:47 1994 GMT ok 76 Thu, 17 Nov 94 14:32:01 +0900 Thu Nov 17 05:32:01 1994 GMT ok 77 Wed, 2 Nov 94 18:16:31 +0100 Wed Nov 2 17:16:31 1994 GMT ok 78 Fri, 18 Nov 94 10:46:26 +0100 Fri Nov 18 09:46:26 1994 GMT ok 79 Tue, 8 Nov 1994 22:39:28 +0200 Tue Nov 8 20:39:28 1994 GMT ok 80 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 10:01:08 -0500 (EST) Wed Nov 16 15:01:08 1994 GMT ok 81 Wed, 2 Nov 1994 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PST Sat Nov 5 22:22:19 1994 GMT ok 97 16 Nov 94 22:28:20 PST Thu Nov 17 06:28:20 1994 GMT ok 98 Tue, 1 Nov 1994 19:51:15 -0800 Wed Nov 2 03:51:15 1994 GMT ok 99 Wed, 2 Nov 94 12:21:23 GMT Wed Nov 2 12:21:23 1994 GMT ok 100 Fri, 18 Nov 94 18:07:03 GMT Fri Nov 18 18:07:03 1994 GMT ok 101 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 11:26:27 -0500 Wed Nov 16 16:26:27 1994 GMT ok 102 Sun, 6 Nov 1994 13:48:49 -0500 Sun Nov 6 18:48:49 1994 GMT ok 103 Tue, 8 Nov 1994 13:19:37 -0800 Tue Nov 8 21:19:37 1994 GMT ok 104 Fri, 18 Nov 1994 11:01:12 -0800 Fri Nov 18 19:01:12 1994 GMT ok 105 Mon, 21 Nov 1994 00:47:58 -0500 Mon Nov 21 05:47:58 1994 GMT ok 106 Mon, 7 Nov 1994 14:22:48 -0800 (PST) Mon Nov 7 22:22:48 1994 GMT ok 107 Wed, 16 Nov 1994 15:56:45 -0800 (PST) Wed Nov 16 23:56:45 1994 GMT ok 108 Thu, 3 Nov 1994 13:17:47 +0000 Thu NoRedundant argument in printf at t/date.t line 180. 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%y ok 2 - %Y ok 3 - %% ok 4 - %a ok 5 - %A ok 6 - %b ok 7 - %B ok 8 - %c ok 9 - %C ok 10 - %d ok 11 - %e ok 12 - %D ok 13 - %G ok 14 - %h ok 15 - %H ok 16 - %I ok 17 - %j ok 18 - %k ok 19 - %l ok 20 - %L ok 21 - %m ok 22 - %M ok 23 - %o ok 24 - %p ok 25 - %q ok 26 - %r ok 27 - %R ok 28 - %s ok 29 - %S ok 30 - %T ok 31 - %U ok 32 - %w ok 33 - %W ok 34 - %x ok 35 - %X ok 36 - %y ok 37 - %Y ok 38 - %Z ok 39 - %z ok 40 - %Od ok 41 - %Oe ok 42 - %OH ok 43 - %OI ok 44 - %Oj ok 45 - %Ok ok 46 - %Ol ok 47 - %Om ok 48 - %OM ok 49 - %Oq ok 50 - %OY ok 51 - %Oy ok 52 - %y ok 53 - %Y ok 54 - %% ok 55 - %a ok 56 - %A ok 57 - %b ok 58 - %B ok 59 - %c ok 60 - %C ok 61 - %d ok 62 - %e ok 63 - %D ok 64 - %h ok 65 - %H ok 66 - %I ok 67 - %j ok 68 - %k ok 69 - %l ok 70 - %L ok 71 - %m ok 72 - %M ok 73 - %o ok 74 - %p ok 75 - %q ok 76 - %r ok 77 - %R ok 78 - %s ok 79 - %S ok 80 - %T ok 81 - %U ok 82 - %w ok 83 - %W ok 84 - %x ok 85 - %X ok 86 - %y ok 87 - %Y ok 88 - %Z ok 89 - %z ok 90 - %Od ok 91 - %Oe ok 92 - %OH ok 93 - %OI ok 94 - %Oj ok 95 - %Ok ok 96 - %Ol ok 97 - %Om ok 98 - %OM ok 99 - %Oq ok 100 - %OY ok 101 - %Oy ok 102 - %y ok 103 - %Y ok 104 - %% ok 105 - %a ok 106 - %A ok 107 - %b ok 108 - %B ok 109 - %c ok 110 - %C ok 111 - %d ok 112 - %e ok 113 - %D ok 114 - %h ok 115 - %H ok 116 - %I ok 117 - %j ok 118 - %k ok 119 - %l ok 120 - %L ok 121 - %m ok 122 - %M ok 123 - %o ok 124 - %p ok 125 - %q ok 126 - %r ok 127 - %R ok 128 - %s ok 129 - %S ok 130 - %T ok 131 - %U ok 132 - %w ok 133 - %W ok 134 - %x ok 135 - %X ok 136 - %y ok 137 - %Y ok 138 - %Z ok 139 - %z ok 140 - %Od ok 141 - %Oe ok 142 - %OH ok 143 - %OI ok 144 - %Oj ok 145 - %Ok ok 146 - %Ol ok 147 - %Om ok 148 - %OM ok 149 - %Oq ok 150 - %OY ok 151 - %Oy ok 152 - %G ok 153 - %y ok 154 - %Y ok 155 - %% ok 156 - %a ok 157 - %A ok 158 - %b ok 159 - %B ok 160 - %c ok 161 - %C ok 162 - %d ok 163 - %e ok 164 - %D ok 165 - %G ok 166 - %h ok 167 - %H ok 168 - %I ok 169 - %j ok 170 - %k ok 171 - %l ok 172 - %L ok 173 - %m ok 174 - %M ok 175 - %o ok 176 - %p ok 177 - %q ok 178 - %r ok 179 - %R ok 180 - %s ok 181 - %S ok 182 - %T ok 183 - %U ok 184 - %w ok 185 - %W ok 186 - %x ok 187 - %X ok 188 - %Z ok 189 - %z ok 190 - %z ok 191 - %Od ok 192 - %Oe ok 193 - %OH ok 194 - %OI ok 195 - %Oj ok 196 - %Ok ok 197 - %Ol ok 198 - %Om ok 199 - %OM ok 200 - %Oq ok 201 - %OY ok 202 - %Oy PASS: t/format 1..8 # -0430 => -0430 -0430 ok 1 # -0445 => -0445 -0445 ok 2 # 2008.11.30 22:35 CET => -:35:22:30:10:108:3600 ok 3 # 2008-11-30 22:35 CET => -:35:22:30:10:108:3600 ok 4 # 4/3/2005 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 PASS: t/cpanrt 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/lang DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/libtimedate-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/liburi-perl/ptest 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 PASS: t/rel 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/urn-oid # Turn lib path . into /usr/lib/liburi-perl/ptest/. # Self tests for URI::URL version 5.08... # Subtest: scheme tests # Testing 'file://host/fseg/fs?g/fseg' ok 1 - URI::URL->host ok 2 - URI::URL->path ok 3 - URI::URL->as_string # Testing 'ftp://0%3A:%40@h:0/0?0' ok 4 - URI::URL->port ok 5 - URI::URL->user ok 6 - URI::URL->password ok 7 - URI::URL->host ok 8 - URI::URL->path ok 9 - URI::URL->as_string ok 10 - URI::URL->scheme ok 11 - URI::URL->netloc ok 12 - URI::URL->params ok 13 - URI::URL->query # Testing 'ftp://host/a/b' ok 14 - URI::URL->user ok 15 - URI::URL->path ok 16 - URI::URL->as_string ok 17 - URI::URL->port ok 18 - URI::URL->host # Testing 'ftp://usr:pswd@web:1234/a/b;type=i' ok 19 - URI::URL->password ok 20 - URI::URL->port ok 21 - URI::URL->user ok 22 - URI::URL->params ok 23 - URI::URL->host ok 24 - URI::URL->path ok 25 - URI::URL->as_string # Testing 'gopher://gopher/2a_selector' ok 26 - URI::URL->as_string ok 27 - URI::URL->gtype ok 28 - URI::URL->selector # Testing 'gopher://host' ok 29 - URI::URL->as_string ok 30 - URI::URL->gtype # Testing 'gopher://host/' ok 31 - URI::URL->gtype ok 32 - URI::URL->as_string # Testing 'hTTp://' ok 33 - URI::URL->host ok 34 - URI::URL->full_path ok 35 - URI::URL->as_string ok 36 - URI::URL->epath ok 37 - URI::URL->equery ok 38 - URI::URL->port ok 39 - URI::URL->path ok 40 - URI::URL->scheme ok 41 - URI::URL->params ok 42 - URI::URL->query ok 43 - URI::URL->frag ok 44 - URI::URL->eparams # Testing 'http://0:0/0/0;0?0#0' ok 45 - URI::URL->port ok 46 - URI::URL->query ok 47 - URI::URL->netloc ok 48 - URI::URL->params ok 49 - URI::URL->scheme ok 50 - URI::URL->frag ok 51 - URI::URL->host ok 52 - URI::URL->path ok 53 - URI::URL->as_string # Testing '' ok 54 - URI::URL->query ok 55 - URI::URL->scheme ok 56 - URI::URL->frag ok 57 - URI::URL->full_path ok 58 - URI::URL->host ok 59 - URI::URL->as_string ok 60 - URI::URL->path ok 61 - URI::URL->port # Testing '' ok 62 - URI::URL->scheme ok 63 - URI::URL->query ok 64 - URI::URL->frag ok 65 - URI::URL->host ok 66 - URI::URL->full_path ok 67 - URI::URL->path ok 68 - URI::URL->as_string ok 69 - URI::URL->port # Testing 'http://web:1/a?query+text' ok 70 - URI::URL->frag ok 71 - URI::URL->scheme ok 72 - URI::URL->query ok 73 - URI::URL->path ok 74 - URI::URL->host ok 75 - URI::URL->port # Testing 'http:/0?0' ok 76 - URI::URL->scheme ok 77 - URI::URL->query ok 78 - URI::URL->path ok 79 - URI::URL->as_string ok 80 - URI::URL->full_path # Testing 'http:0' ok 81 - URI::URL->as_string ok 82 - URI::URL->path ok 83 - URI::URL->full_path ok 84 - URI::URL->scheme ok 85 - URI::URL->query # Testing '' ok 86 - URI::URL->address ok 87 - URI::URL->as_string ok 88 - URI::URL->encoded822addr # Testing 'news:*' ok 89 - URI::URL->groupart ok 90 - URI::URL->group ok 91 - URI::URL->as_string # Testing 'news:comp.lang.perl' ok 92 - URI::URL->group # Testing 'news:perl-faq/' ok 93 - URI::URL->article # Testing 'nntp://' ok 94 - URI::URL->group # Testing 'rlogin://' ok 95 - URI::URL->user ok 96 - URI::URL->host # Testing 'telnet://usr:pswd@web:12345/' ok 97 - URI::URL->user ok 98 - URI::URL->host ok 99 - URI::URL->password 1..99 ok 1 - scheme tests # Subtest: parts test ok 1 - URI::URL->as_string ok 2 - URI::URL->full_path ok 3 - URI::URL->as_string ok 4 - URI::URL->full_path ok 5 - URI::URL->as_string ok 6 - URI::URL->as_string ok 7 - URI::URL->as_string ok 8 - URI::URL->as_string ok 9 - URI::URL->as_string ok 10 - $url->keywords ok 11 - URI::URL->as_string ok 12 - $url->query_form ok 13 - URI::URL->as_string ok 14 - length ok 15 - query_form ok 16 - length ok 17 - sequence ok 18 - URI::URL->as_string # Subtest: netloc_test ok 1 - URI::URL->as_string ok 2 - URI::URL->as_string ok 3 - URI::URL->as_string ok 4 - URI::URL->as_string ok 5 - URI::URL->as_string ok 6 - URI::URL->as_string ok 7 - URI::URL->as_string ok 8 - URI::URL->as_string ok 9 - URI::URL->as_string ok 10 - URI::URL->as_string ok 11 - URI::URL->as_string ok 12 - URI::URL->as_string ok 13 - URI::URL->as_string ok 14 - URI::URL->as_string ok 15 - URI::URL->as_string ok 16 - URI::URL->as_string 1..16 ok 19 - netloc_test # Subtest: port_test ok 1 - port ok 2 - string ok 3 - port ok 4 - string ok 5 - port ok 6 - string ok 7 - port ok 8 - string 1..8 ok 20 - port_test ok 21 - URI::URL->as_string ok 22 - URI::URL->as_string ok 23 - URI::URL->as_string ok 24 - URI::URL->as_string ok 25 - URI::URL->as_string ok 26 - URI::URL->as_string ok 27 - URI::URL->as_string ok 28 - URI::URL->as_string ok 29 - URI::URL->as_string: "<" and ">" are gone ok 30 - 9 elements # Cracked result: http*UNDEF*UNDEF*host*80*/path*param*query*frag ok 31 - crack result ok 32 - 9 elements # Cracked result: UNDEF*anonymous*anonymous@*UNDEF*21*foo/bar*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF ok 33 - 9 elements # Cracked result: ftp*u*p*host*21*/q?path*UNDEF*path*UNDEF ok 34 - crack result ok 35 - 9 elements ok 36 - passwd in anonymous crack # Cracked result: ftp*anonymous*passwd**21*/pub*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF ok 37 - crack result ok 38 - 9 elements # Cracked result: mailto*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF*/*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF ok 39 - 9 elements # Cracked result: news*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF*119*comp.lang.perl.misc*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF ok 40 - crack result 1..40 ok 2 - parts test # Subtest: escape test ok 1 - URI::URL->as_string ok 2 - URI::URL->as_string ok 3 - URI::URL->as_string ok 4 - uri_escape->uri_unescape ok 5 - URI::URL->as_string ok 6 - URI::URL->as_string 1..6 ok 3 - escape test # Subtest: newlocal test ok 1 - URI::URL->as_string # Local directory is /var/volatile/tmp/17seeRjZ75/ ok 2 - URI::URL->as_string ok 3 - URI::URL->as_string ok 4 - URI::URL->as_string ok 5 - URI::URL->as_string ok 6 - URI::URL->as_string ok 7 - URI::URL->as_string ok 8 - URI::URL->as_string ok 9 - URI::URL->as_string ok 10 - URI::URL->as_string ok 11 - URI::URL->as_string ok 12 - URI::URL->as_string ok 13 - URI::URL->as_string ok 14 - URI::URL->as_string ok 15 - URI::URL->as_string ok 16 - URI::URL->as_string ok 17 - URI::URL->as_string ok 18 - URI::URL->as_string ok 19 - URI::URL->as_string ok 20 - URI::URL->as_string 1..20 ok 4 - newlocal test # Subtest: Test relative/absolute URI::URL parsing # Relative + Base => Expected Absolute URL # ------------------------------------------------ # g:h + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => g:h ok 1 - URI::URL->as_string # g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g ok 2 - URI::URL->as_string # ./g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g ok 3 - URI::URL->as_string # g/ + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g/ ok 4 - URI::URL->as_string # /g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/g ok 5 - URI::URL->as_string # //g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://g ok 6 - URI::URL->as_string # g?y + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g?y ok 7 - URI::URL->as_string # g?y/./x + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g?y/./x ok 8 - URI::URL->as_string # #s + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s ok 9 - URI::URL->as_string # g#s + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g#s ok 10 - URI::URL->as_string # g#s/./x + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g#s/./x ok 11 - URI::URL->as_string # g?y#s + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g?y#s ok 12 - URI::URL->as_string # g;x + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g;x ok 13 - URI::URL->as_string # g;x?y#s + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s ok 14 - URI::URL->as_string # . + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/ ok 15 - URI::URL->as_string # ./ + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/ ok 16 - URI::URL->as_string # .. + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/ ok 17 - URI::URL->as_string # ../ + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/ ok 18 - URI::URL->as_string # ../g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/g ok 19 - URI::URL->as_string # ../.. + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/ ok 20 - URI::URL->as_string # ../../ + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/ ok 21 - URI::URL->as_string # ../../g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/g ok 22 - URI::URL->as_string # + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f ok 23 - URI::URL->as_string # /./g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/./g ok 24 - URI::URL->as_string # /../g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/../g ok 25 - URI::URL->as_string # g. + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g. ok 26 - URI::URL->as_string # .g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/.g ok 27 - URI::URL->as_string # g.. + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g.. ok 28 - URI::URL->as_string # ..g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/..g ok 29 - URI::URL->as_string # ./../g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/g ok 30 - URI::URL->as_string # ./g/. + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g/ ok 31 - URI::URL->as_string # g/./h + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/g/h ok 32 - URI::URL->as_string # g/../h + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/h ok 33 - URI::URL->as_string # http:g + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http:g ok 34 - URI::URL->as_string # http: + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http: ok 35 - URI::URL->as_string # x/y//../z + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/x/y/z ok 36 - URI::URL->as_string # 1 + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/1 ok 37 - URI::URL->as_string # 0 + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/b/c/0 ok 38 - URI::URL->as_string # /0 + http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f => http://a/0 ok 39 - URI::URL->as_string ok 40 - identity ok 41 - URL canonicalised # -------- # http://abc/ + news:45664545 => http://abc/ ok 42 - ->as_string # news:abc + http://abc/ => news:abc ok 43 - ->as_string # abc + file:/test?aas => file:/abc ok 44 - ->as_string # ?foo + file:/abc => file:/abc?foo ok 45 - ->as_string # #foo + http://abc/a => http://abc/a#foo ok 46 - ->as_string # #foo + file:a => file:a#foo ok 47 - ->as_string # #foo + file:/a => file:/a#foo ok 48 - ->as_string # #foo + file:/a => file:/a#foo ok 49 - ->as_string # #foo + file://localhost/a => file://localhost/a#foo ok 50 - ->as_string # + news:comp.lang.perl.misc => news:/ ok 51 - ->as_string # no.perl + => news:/no.perl ok 52 - ->as_string # => ok 53 - ->as_string # http:foo + http://h/a/b => http://h/a/foo ok 54 - ->as_string # http:/foo + http://h/a/b => http://h/foo ok 55 - ->as_string # http:?foo + http://h/a/b => http://h/a/b?foo ok 56 - ->as_string # http:#foo + http://h/a/b => http://h/a/b#foo ok 57 - ->as_string # http:?foo#bar+ http://h/a/b => http://h/a/b?foo#bar ok 58 - ->as_string # file:/foo + http://h/a/b => file:/foo ok 59 - ->as_string # absolute test ok ok 60 - url('http://abc/a', 'http://abc')->rel = 'a' ok 61 - url('http://abc/a', 'http://abc/b')->rel = 'a' ok 62 - url('http://abc/a?q', 'http://abc/b')->rel = 'a?q' ok 63 - url('http://abc/a;p', 'http://abc/b')->rel = 'a;p' ok 64 - url('http://abc/a', 'http://abc/a/b/c/')->rel = '../../../a' ok 65 - url('http://abc/a/', 'http://abc/a/')->rel = './' ok 66 - url('http://abc/a\#f', 'http://abc/a')->rel = '\#f' ok 67 - url('file:/etc/motd', 'file:/')->rel = 'etc/motd' ok 68 - url('file:/etc/motd', 'file:/etc/passwd')->rel = 'motd' ok 69 - url('file:/etc/motd', 'file:/etc/rc2.d/')->rel = '../motd' ok 70 - url('file:/etc/motd', 'file:/usr/lib/doc')->rel = '../../etc/motd' ok 71 - url('file:', 'file:/etc/')->rel = '../' ok 72 - url('file:foo', 'file:/etc/')->rel = '../foo' ok 73 - url('mailto:aas', 'http://abc')->rel = 'mailto:aas' ok 74 - url('', '')->rel = '../mail/top.html' # relative test ok 1..74 ok 5 - Test relative/absolute URI::URL parsing # Subtest: eq test ok 1 - 1: ne ok 2 - 2: ne ok 3 - 3: ne ok 4 - 4: ne ok 5 - 5: ne ok 6 - 6: ne ok 7 - 7: ok 8 - 8: ok 9 - 10: ftp://ftp/%2Fetc ok 10 - 11: ftp://ftp/%2Fetc 1..10 ok 6 - eq test ok 7 - URI::URL->as_string ok 8 - URI::URL->path ok 9 - wash&go # URI::URL version 5.08 ok 1..9 PASS: t/old-base 1..7 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 PASS: t/mailto not ok 1 - correctly created a URI from a utf8-upgraded string # TODO URI::Escape::escape_char misunderstands utf8 # Failed (TODO) test 'correctly created a URI from a utf8-upgraded string' # at t/escape-char.t line 17. # got: 'http://foo/%C3%A9' # expected: 'http://foo/%E9' ok 2 - correctly created a URI from a utf8-downgrade string 1..2 PASS: t/escape-char 1..19 ok 1 - query_form_hash get ok 2 - query_form_hash set ok 3 - query_param list keys ok 4 - query_param scalar return ok 5 - query_param list return ok 6 - query_param set return ok 7 - param order ok 8 - old values returned ok 9 ok 10 - query_param_delete ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - delete by assigning empty list ok 14 - query_param from scratch ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 PASS: t/query-param ok 1 - path_segments in list context ok 2 - path_segments in scalar context ok 3 - set path_segments in list context ok 4 - set path_segments in scalar context ok 5 - set path_segments in void context ok 6 - escaping special characters ok 7 - An object of class 'URI::_segment' isa 'URI::_segment' ok 8 - dealing with URI segments 1..8 PASS: t/path-segments ok 1 - host ok 2 - port 1..2 PASS: t/ipv6 1..24 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ldap://LDAP-HOST:389/o=University%20of%20Michigan,c=US?postalAddress?base?ObjectClass=*?FOO=Bar,bindname=CN%3DManager%CO%3dFoo ldap://ldap-host/o=University%20of%20Michigan,c=US?postaladdress???foo=Bar,bindname=CN=Manager%CO=Foo ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 PASS: t/ldap 1..12 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 PASS: t/old-file 1..1 # # Versions for all modules listed in static metadata (including optional ones): # # === Configure Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- ---- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.62 # # === Configure Suggests === # # Module Want Have # -------- ------- ---- # JSON::PP 2.27300 4.06 # # === Test Requires === # # Module Want Have # --------------------- ---- -------- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.62 # File::Spec any 3.80 # File::Spec::Functions any 3.80 # File::Temp any 0.2311 # Test any 1.31 # Test::More 0.96 1.302183 # Test::Needs any 0.002009 # utf8 any 1.24 # # === Test Recommends === # # Module Want Have # ---------- -------- -------- # CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150010 # # === Runtime Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------ ---- ----- # Carp any 1.52 # Cwd any 3.80 # Data::Dumper any 2.179 # Encode any 3.08 # Exporter 5.57 5.76 # MIME::Base64 2 3.16 # Net::Domain any 3.13 # Scalar::Util any 1.55 # constant any 1.33 # integer any 1.01 # overload any 1.33 # parent any 0.238 # strict any 1.12 # utf8 any 1.24 # warnings any 1.51 # ok 1 - Reported prereqs PASS: t/00-report-prereqs 1..23 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 PASS: t/query 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 PASS: t/mix ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 1..5 PASS: t/utf8 1..12 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 PASS: t/escape 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 uri:/foo ok 4 ok 5 PASS: t/old-relbase 1..22 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 PASS: t/data 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 PASS: t/http 1..8 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 PASS: t/mms 1..0 # SKIP Need Business::ISBN 1..0 # SKIP Need Business::ISBN SKIP: t/urn-isbn 1..45 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 In the following cases we did not get back to where we started with rel() 3: URI->new("http://a/b/c/g", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "g" (not "./g") 5: URI->new("http://a/g", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "../../g" (not "/g") 6: URI->new("http://g", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "http://g" (not "//g") 7: URI->new("http://a/b/c/d;p?y", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "d;p?y" (not "?y") 9: URI->new("http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "d;p?q#s" (not "#s") 15: URI->new("http://a/b/c/", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "./" (not ".") 17: URI->new("http://a/b/", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "../" (not "..") 20: URI->new("http://a/", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "../../" (not "../..") 23: URI->new("http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "d;p?q" (not "<>") 26: URI->new("http://a/./g", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "../.././g" (not "/./g") 27: URI->new("http://a/../g", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "../../../g" (not "/../g") 32: URI->new("http://a/b/g", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "../g" (not "./../g") 33: URI->new("http://a/b/c/g/", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "g/" (not "./g/.") 34: URI->new("http://a/b/c/g/h", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "g/h" (not "g/./h") 35: URI->new("http://a/b/c/h", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "h" (not "g/../h") 36: URI->new("http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "g;x=1/y" (not "g;x=1/./y") 37: URI->new("http://a/b/c/y", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "y" (not "g;x=1/../y") 44: URI->new("http://a/b/c/d;p?q#foo?", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "d;p?q#foo?" (not "#foo?") 45: URI->new("http://a/b/c/d;p?#foo", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q")->rel ==> "d;p?#foo" (not "?#foo") PASS: t/abs 1..26 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 not ok 22 # TODO some chars (like U+202E, RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE) need to stay escaped # Failed (TODO) test at t/iri.t line 65. # got: 'http://納豆‮' # expected: 'http://納豆' ok 23 ok 24 not ok 25 # TODO should ihost decode UTF8 bytes? # Failed (TODO) test at t/iri.t line 74. # got: 'üüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüü' # expected: 'üüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüü' ok 26 PASS: t/iri 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 PASS: t/sip 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/rsync 1..48 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 PASS: t/gopher 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/clone 1..19 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 PASS: t/rfc2732 ok 1 - == ok 2 - != 1..2 PASS: t/num_eq 1..8 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 PASS: t/news 1..8 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 PASS: t/pop 1..17 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 PASS: t/split 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 PASS: t/old-absconf ok 1 - Query parameters are sorted 1..1 PASS: t/sort-hash-query-form 1..4 ok 1 - no exception when trying to load a scheme handler class ok 2 - but URI still instantiated as foreign ok 3 - no exception when trying to load a scheme handler class ok 4 - but URI still instantiated as foreign PASS: t/scheme-exceptions 1..7 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 PASS: t/idna 1..26 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 PASS: t/heuristic 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 PASS: t/rtsp 1..3 # store # retrieve ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/storable 1..102 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:09 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:09 2021 # Using version 1.31 # t/roytest1.html ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 # t/roytest2.html ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 ok 51 ok 52 ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 ok 57 ok 58 ok 59 # t/roytest3.html ok 60 ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 ok 64 ok 65 ok 66 ok 67 ok 68 ok 69 ok 70 ok 71 ok 72 # t/roytest4.html ok 73 ok 74 ok 75 ok 76 ok 77 ok 78 ok 79 ok 80 ok 81 ok 82 ok 83 ok 84 ok 85 ok 86 ok 87 # t/roytest5.html ok 88 ok 89 ok 90 ok 91 ok 92 ok 93 ok 94 ok 95 ok 96 ok 97 ok 98 ok 99 ok 100 ok 101 ok 102 PASS: t/roy-test 1..13 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 PASS: t/ftp 1..48 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 PASS: t/generic 1..15 ok 1 - example encode ok 2 - example decode ok 3 - A encode ok 4 - A decode ok 5 - B encode ok 6 - B decode ok 7 - E encode ok 8 - E decode ok 9 - J encode ok 10 - J decode ok 11 - K encode ok 12 - K decode ok 13 - O encode ok 14 - O decode ok 15 - S encode PASS: t/punycode DURATION: 2 END: /usr/lib/liburi-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libusb1/ptest ---------------------------- libusb1 tests --------------------------- Starting test run: init_and_exit... Success (0) PASS: init_and_exit Starting test run: get_device_list... Success (0) PASS: get_device_list Starting test run: many_device_lists... Success (0) PASS: many_device_lists Starting test run: default_context_change... Success (0) PASS: default_context_change --- Ran 4 tests Passed 4 tests Failed 0 tests Error in 0 tests Skipped 0 tests DURATION: 8 END: /usr/lib/libusb1/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml-namespacesupport-perl/ptest 1..49 ok 1 ok 2 - xml xmlns ok 3 ok 4 - ok 5 ok 6 - no declared_prefixes ok 7 - xml xmlns ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - icl icl2 ok 13 - icl icl2 xml xmlns ok 14 - icl icl2 ok 15 ok 16 - ok 17 - el1 icl:el1 ok 18 - icl el1 ok 19 ok 20 - undef el1 ok 21 - xml el1 ok 22 ok 23 - icl att1 ok 24 ok 25 - undef undef att1 ok 26 - xml att1 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 - undef undef undef ok 32 - icl icl2 ok 33 - perl ok 34 - icl el1 ok 35 ok 36 - undef el1 ok 37 - perl el1 ok 38 - icl att1 ok 39 ok 40 - undef undef att1 ok 41 - perl att1 ok 42 ok 43 - icl icl2 ok 44 ok 45 - xml xmlns ok 46 ok 47 - xml xmlns ok 48 ok 49 - get_declared_prefixes raises error without context on stack PASS: t/00base DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/libxml-namespacesupport-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml-parser-perl/ptest 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/stream 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/cdata 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 PASS: t/encoding 1..27 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 PASS: t/astress 1..1 ok 1 PASS: t/file_open_scalar 1..13 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:18 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:18 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 PASS: t/styles 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/defaulted 1..4 Couldn't load LWP based external entity handler Switching to file-based external entity handler (To avoid this message, use NoLWP option to XML::Parser) ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/external_ent 1..13 ok 1 - doctype called Couldn't load LWP based external entity handler Switching to file-based external entity handler (To avoid this message, use NoLWP option to XML::Parser) ok 2 - when el eq foo ok 3 - when el eq bar ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 - got 'more' ok 9 ok 10 - internal exists ok 11 - doctype called ok 12 - when el eq foo ok 13 PASS: t/parament 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/finish 1..1 ok 1 PASS: t/file 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/partial 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 PASS: t/namespaces 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/skip 1..40 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 PASS: t/decl DURATION: 0 END: /usr/lib/libxml-parser-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml-perl/ptest 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/amsterdam 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 PASS: t/stream 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 PASS: t/canon_xml_writer 1..15 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 PASS: t/xp_sax 1..10 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 PASS: t/subs 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/schema DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/libxml-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml-sax-base-perl/ptest 1..10 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 PASS: t/10dochdriver 1..3 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/14downstreamswitch 1..0 # SKIP these tests are for release candidate testing 1..0 # SKIP these tests are for release candidate testing SKIP: t/release-pod-syntax 1..1 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 PASS: t/01simpledriver 1..33 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 PASS: t/12sax2multiclass 1..14 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 PASS: t/01exception 1..5 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 PASS: t/07declhdriver 1..3 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/15parentswitch 1..1 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 PASS: t/02simplefilter 1..8 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 PASS: t/06lexhdriver 1..2 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/09resoldriver 1..3 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/13handlerswitch 1..4 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/08errorhdriver 1..12 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 PASS: t/03chdriver 1..1 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 PASS: t/00basic 1..7 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 PASS: t/05dtdhdriver 1..12 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 PASS: t/04chfilter 1..16 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 PASS: t/11sax1multiclass 1..2 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/16gethandlers DURATION: 0 END: /usr/lib/libxml-sax-base-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml-sax-perl/ptest 1..8 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 could not find ParserDetails.ini in /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34.0/XML/SAX ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 Unable to provide SAX.ini required features. Using fallback ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 PASS: t/21saxini 1..3 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/01known 1..2 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/19pi 1..9 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:19 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 PASS: t/14encoding 1..5 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 PASS: t/10xmldecl1 1..3 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 parsed 80085 bytes in 0 seconds ok 3 PASS: t/16large 1..4 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/42entities 1..5 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 PASS: t/30parse_file 1..4 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 PASS: t/40cdata 1..1 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 not ok 1 # Test 1 got: "0" (t/99cleanup.t at line 4) # Expected: "1" (delete ParserDetails.ini) # t/99cleanup.t line 4 is: ok(unlink( PASS: t/99cleanup 1..2 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 PASS: t/00basic 1..32 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 PASS: t/15element 1..6 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 PASS: t/12miscstart 1..16 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:20 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 PASS: t/20factory 1..10 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:21 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:21 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 XML Declaration lacks required version attribute, or version attribute does not match XML specification [Ln: 1, Col: 6] ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 Only XML version 1.0 supported. Saw: '2.0' [Ln: 1, Col: 19] ok 9 ok 10 PASS: t/11xmldecl2 1..3 # Running under perl version 5.034000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Oct 26 02:15:21 2021 # Current time GMT: Tue Oct 26 02:15:21 2021 # Using version 1.31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 PASS: t/13int_ent DURATION: 2 END: /usr/lib/libxml-sax-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml-simple-perl/ptest 1..23 ok 1 - copied known good source file ok 2 - no cache files lying around ok 3 - parsed expected data from file ok 4 - and no cache file was created ok 5 - parsed expected data from file (again) ok 6 - but this time a cache file was created ok 7 - got expected data from cache ok 8 - and cache timestamp has not changed ok 9 - parsed in expected value again ok 10 - and this time the cache timestamp has changed ok 11 - deleted the source file ok 12 - recreated the source file ok 13 - but with nothing in it ok 14 - got the expected data from the cache ok 15 - parsed in expected data from file ok 16 - and the cache file was not touched ok 17 - parsed expected data through cache ok 18 - and the cache was updated ok 19 - copied back the original file ok 20 - parsed expected data in through cache ok 21 - scheme name is case-insensitive ok 22 - bad cache scheme names are trapped ok 23 - with correct error message PASS: t/3_Storable 1..7 ok 1 - copied source XML file ok 2 - parsed expected data through the cache ok 3 - deleted the source XML file ok 4 - got what we expected from the cache ok 5 - even though the source XML file is empty ok 6 - parsed expected data through cache ok 7 - cache not modified PASS: t/5_MemCopy 1..14 ok 1 - Parsing caused warning (as expected) ok 2 - Message contained expected text ok 3 - Parsing was successful ok 4 - Using ParserOpts caused warning (as expected) ok 5 - Message contained expected text ok 6 - Parsing was successful ok 7 - ParserOpts warning uppressed successfully ok 8 - Parsing was successful ok 9 - No error when parsing ok 10 - matches expectations (attributes) ok 11 - XML::Parser didn't choke on named external file ok 12 - and contents parsed as expected ok 13 - XML::Parser didn't choke on an IO::File object ok 14 - and it parsed the right file PASS: t/A_XMLParser 1..1 # # Package Version # perl 5.34.0 # XML::Simple 2.25 # Storable 3.23 # XML::Parser 2.46 # XML::SAX 1.02 # XML::NamespaceSupport 1.12 ok 1 - Dumped config PASS: t/0_Config 1..37 ok 1 - invalid number of options are trapped ok 2 - with correct error message ok 3 - 'object one' isa 'XML::Simple' ok 4 - 'object two' isa 'XML::Simple' ok 5 - 'object three' isa 'XML::Simple' ok 6 - options hash was not corrupted ok 7 - parsed expected data via object 1 ok 8 - parsed expected data via object 2 ok 9 - parsed expected data via object 3 ok 10 - successfully merged options ok 11 - defaults were not affected by merge ok 12 - t1 ok 13 - t2 ok 14 - t3 ok 15 - t4 ok 16 - t5 ok 17 - t6 ok 18 - t7 ok 19 - t8 ok 20 - t9 ok 21 - t10 ok 22 - t11 ok 23 - t12 ok 24 - ttl ok 25 - cddbid ok 26 - id ok 27 - artist ok 28 - disc ok 29 - database ok 30 - XMLout() method call with no args proves fatal ok 31 - with correct error message ok 32 - inheritance works with build_tree() overridden ok 33 - inheritance works with escape_value() overridden ok 34 - variables from XML merged with predefined variables ok 35 - variables from XML merged with predefined variables ok 36 - unrecognised option caught by constructor ok 37 - correct message in exception PASS: t/6_ObjIntf 1..0 # SKIP these tests are for testing by the author 1..0 # SKIP these tests are for testing by the author SKIP: t/author-pod-syntax 1..201 ok 1 - call with no args proves fatal ok 2 - with correct error message ok 3 - XMLout did not crash ok 4 - and it returned an XML string ok 5 - which parses back OK ok 6 - encoded a hash ok 7 - first key encoded OK ok 8 - second key encoded OK ok 9 - third key encoded OK ok 10 - no other attributes encoded ok 11 - encoded a hash with nested array ok 12 - array elements encoded in correct order ok 13 - no other spurious encodings ok 14 - encoded nested hashes ok 15 - nested hash 1 ok ok 16 - nested hash 2 ok ok 17 - whole OK ok 18 - encoded anonymous array ok 19 - output matches expectations ok 20 - encoded nested anonymous arrays ok 21 - output matches expectations ok 22 - encoded hash of hashes with folding disabled ok 23 - nested hash 1 ok ok 24 - nested hash 2 ok ok 25 - nested hash 3 ok ok 26 - container hash ok ok 27 - document ok ok 28 - encoded hash of hashes with explicit folding enabled ok 29 - output as expected ok 30 - still works when keyattr is scalar ok 31 - still works when keyattr is hash ok 32 - still works when keyattr is hash with leading '+' ok 33 - still works when keyattr is hash with leading '-' ok 34 - encoded hash of hashes with default folding enabled ok 35 - expected output with default keyattr ok 36 - single nested hash unfolded ok 37 - attr 1 ok ok 38 - attr 2 ok ok 39 - element ok ok 40 - document ok ok 41 - generated doc with XML declaration ok 42 - XML declaration OK ok 43 - data OK too ok 44 - generated doc with custom XML declaration ok 45 - XML declaration OK ok 46 - data OK too ok 47 - generated document with escaping ok 48 - angle brackets escaped OK ok 49 - double quotes escaped OK ok 50 - ampersands escaped OK ok 51 - data OK too ok 52 - generated unescaped angle brackets ok 53 - generated unescaped double quotes ok 54 - generated unescaped ampersands ok 55 - data OK too ok 56 - Unescaped scalar as expected too ok 57 - caught circular data structure ok 58 - with correct error message ok 59 - repetitive (non-circular) data structure not fatal ok 60 - and encodes as expected ok 61 - caught blessed non array/hash reference in data structure ok 62 - with correct error message ok 63 - generated document with named root element ok 64 - parsed it back correctly ok 65 - XML as expected ok 66 - same again but encoded a hash ok 67 - first key encoded OK ok 68 - second key encoded OK ok 69 - third key encoded OK ok 70 - XML looks OK ok 71 - same again but with array in hash ok 72 - array encoded in correct order ok 73 - only expected root element left ok 74 - same again but with nested hashes ok 75 - hash 1 encoded OK ok 76 - hash 2 encoded OK ok 77 - document OK ok 78 - same again but with nested anonymous array ok 79 - document OK ok 80 - encoded scalar with no root element ok 81 - same again but with rootname = undef ok 82 - generated doc with no root element from hash ok 83 - first key encoded OK ok 84 - second key encoded OK ok 85 - third key encoded OK ok 86 - document OK ok 87 - generated docucment with no root element from nested hashes ok 88 - first element OK ok 89 - second element OK ok 90 - third element OK ok 91 - document OK ok 92 - generated doc with no root name from array ok 93 - document OK ok 94 - caught attempt to specify searchpath on XMLout ok 95 - with correct error message ok 96 - caught attempt to specify odd number of option args ok 97 - with correct error message ok 98 - output file does not exist ok 99 - created xml output file ok 100 - Contents match expectations ok 101 ok 102 - create XML output file via IO::File ok 103 - Contents match expectations ok 104 - original data not corrupted ok 105 - skipped hashkeys with '-' prefix ok 106 - generated document from complex nested hash with unfolding ok 107 - element 1 attribute 1 OK ok 108 - element 1 attribute 2 OK ok 109 - element 1 attribute 3 OK ok 110 - element 1.1 attribute 1 OK ok 111 - element 1.1 attribute 2 OK ok 112 - element 1.1 attribute 3 OK ok 113 - elements 1 and 1.1 OK ok 114 - element 2 attribute 1 OK ok 115 - element 2 attribute 2 OK ok 116 - element 2 attribute 3 OK ok 117 - element 2.1 attribute 1 OK ok 118 - element 2.1 attribute 2 OK ok 119 - element 2.1 attribute 3 OK ok 120 - element 2.1 OK ok 121 - element 2.2 attribute 1 OK ok 122 - element 2.2 attribute 2 OK ok 123 - element 2.2 attribute 3 OK ok 124 - element 2.2 OK ok 125 - element 2.3 attribute 1 OK ok 126 - element 2.3 attribute 2 OK ok 127 - element 2.3 attribute 3 OK ok 128 - element 2.3 OK ok 129 - element 2 OK ok 130 - document OK ok 131 - nested empty hash OK ok 132 - array OK ok 133 - scalar OK ok 134 - nesting OK ok 135 - empty hash OK ok 136 - document OK ok 137 - caught warning re uninitialised value ok 138 - undef maps to any empty attribute by default ok 139 - no warning re uninitialised value if warnings off ok 140 - undef still maps to any empty attribute ok 141 - uninitialiased values successfully mapped to empty elements ok 142 - uninitialiased values successfully skipped ok 143 - uninitialiased value in array is empty element ok 144 - uninitialiased value in array is skipped ok 145 - keeproot works as expected ok 146 - content keys mapped OK ok 147 - even when name changed ok 148 - even with "-" prefix ok 149 - no warnings with suppress_empty => undef ok 150 - undef does not cause content tags in output ok 151 - generated document with no attributes ok 152 - parses ok ok 153 - scalar 1 mapped ok ok 154 - scalar 2 mapped ok ok 155 - array mapped ok ok 156 - document OK ok 157 - same again but with unfolding too ok 158 - parsed OK ok 159 - scalar 1.1 mapped OK ok 160 - scalar 1.2 mapped OK ok 161 - scalar 1.3 mapped OK ok 162 - element 1 OK ok 163 - scalar 2.1 mapped OK ok 164 - scalar 2.1 mapped OK ok 165 - scalar 2.1 mapped OK ok 166 - element 2 OK ok 167 - document OK ok 168 - bad GroupTags value was caught ok 169 - error message looks good ok 170 - good GroupTags value caused no error ok 171 - prefix OK ok 172 - suffix OK ok 173 - list OK ok 174 - group OK ok 175 - document OK ok 176 - original ref is not messed with ok 177 - list 1 OK ok 178 - group 1 OK ok 179 - list 2 OK ok 180 - group 2 OK ok 181 - document OK ok 182 - item 1 OK ok 183 - item 2 OK ok 184 - group OK ok 185 - document OK ok 186 - Failed to unwrap/group stripped content - as expected ok 187 - parses ok ok 188 - NoIndent worked ok ok 189 - parses ok ok 190 - NoIndent worked ok with KeyAttr ok 191 - AttrIndent seems to work ok 192 - sorting by default key attribute works ok 193 - sorting by specified key attributes works ok 194 - sorting with no key attribute works ok 195 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 196 - Correct attributes inserted when ValueAttr specified ok 197 - No numeric escaping by default ok 198 - No numeric escaping: explicit ok 199 - Level 2 numeric escaping looks good ok 200 - Level 1 numeric escaping looks good ok 201 - large datastructure mapped to XML and back OK ok 105 - skipped hashkeys with '-' prefix ok 142 - uninitialiased values successfully skipped ok 144 - uninitialiased value in array is skipped ok 195 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed SKIP: t/2_XMLout 1..8 ok 1 - qnames are not expanded by default ok 2 - qnames are expanded on request ok 3 - clarkian names not converted to qnames on output by default ok 4 - clarkian names are converted to qnames on output on request ok 5 - expansion of default namespace works ok 6 - default namespaces are output correctly too ok 7 - namespace prefixes are generated automatically (part 1) ok 8 - namespace prefixes are generated automatically (part 2) PASS: t/8_Namespaces 1..2 ok 1 - External entity not retrieved ok 2 - External entity left as URL PASS: t/C_External_Entities 1..8 ok 1 - copied known good source file ok 2 - parsed expected data from file ok 3 - deleted the XML source file ok 4 - and recreated it (empty) ok 5 - got expected values from the cache ok 6 - even though the XML file is empty ok 7 - parsed new data through cache ok 8 - cache was modified PASS: t/4_MemShare 1..44 ok 1 - XML::Simple loads ok with qw(:strict) ok 2 - XMLin() did not fail ok 3 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 4 - omitting forcearray was a fatal error ok 5 - with the correct error message ok 6 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 7 - with the correct error message ok 8 - omitting forcearray for elements in keyattr was a fatal error ok 9 - with the correct error message ok 10 - omitting keyattr elements from forcearray was a fatal error ok 11 - with the correct error message ok 12 - key attribute missing from names element was a fatal error ok 13 - with the correct error message ok 14 - non-unique key attribute values was a fatal error ok 15 - with the correct error message ok 16 - key attribute not a scalar was a fatal error ok 17 - with the correct error message ok 18 - XMLout() did not fail ok 19 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 20 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 21 - with the correct error message ok 22 - omitting forcearray was not a fatal error on output ok 23 - $xs->XMLin() did not fail ok 24 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 25 - omitting forcearray was a fatal error ok 26 - with the correct error message ok 27 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 28 - with the correct error message ok 29 - omitting forcearray for elements in keyattr was a fatal error ok 30 - with the correct error message ok 31 - omitting keyattr elements from forcearray was a fatal error ok 32 - with the correct error message ok 33 - key attribute missing from names element was a fatal error ok 34 - with the correct error message ok 35 - key attribute not a scalar was a fatal error ok 36 - with the correct error message ok 37 - XMLout() did not fail ok 38 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 39 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 40 - with the correct error message ok 41 - other namespaces do not have strict mode forced upon them ok 42 - other namespaces do not have strict mode forced upon them ok 43 - with the correct error message ok 44 - other namespaces do not have strict mode forced upon them PASS: t/9_Strict 1..12 ok 1 - use XML::Simple; ok 2 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 3 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 4 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 5 - 'object of class ElbarotsXS' isa 'XML::Simple' ok 6 - default storable cache filename looks good ok 7 - overridden storable cache filename looks good ok 8 - overridden cache file does not exist before parse ok 9 - overridden cache file does exist after parse ok 10 - bad cache scheme was rejected ok 11 - custom cache scheme was not rejected ok 12 - custom cache reading method delivered the goods ok 2 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 3 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 4 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed SKIP: t/B_Hooks 1..14 ok 1 - created source XML file ok 2 - deleted old cache files ok 3 - parsed expected value from file ok 4 - '$fh' isa 'IO::File' ok 5 - parsed expected value from IO::File object ok 6 - parsed expected value from string ok 7 - parsed expected value from STDIN ('-') ok 8 - XML::Simple as a SAX handler returned expected value ok 9 - options passed to handler contructor work ok 10 - driving a SAX pipeline with XML::Simple worked ok 11 - 'handler' is a synonym for 'Handler' ok 12 - 'DataHandler' option works ok 13 - 'datahandler' is a synonym for 'DataHandler' ok 14 - keeproot works with SAX pipelines PASS: t/7_SaxStuff 1..132 ok 1 - Module compiled OK # Warning: XML::Simple::VERSION = 2.25 (Changes version: unknown) ok 2 - XMLin() didn't crash ok 3 - and it returned a value ok 4 - and a hasref at that ok 5 - matches expectations (attributes) ok 6 - same again with nested elements ok 7 - attributes in empty element ok 8 - repeated child elements give arrays of scalars ok 9 - nested element gives hash ok 10 - repeated child elements give list of hashes ok 11 - array folded on default key 'name' ok 12 - not folded when keyattr turned off ok 13 - still works when keyattr is empty hash ok 14 - folded on default key 'key' ok 15 - folded on default key 'id' ok 16 - folded on non-default key 'xname' ok 17 - same again but keyattr set with hash ok 18 - keyattr as array with value in second position ok 19 - keyattr as scalar ok 20 - KeyAttr as scalar ok 21 - key_attr as scalar ok 22 - fold same array on two different keys ok 23 - same again but with priority switch ok 24 - folded on multi-key keyattr hash ok 25 - same again but with '+' prefix to copy keys ok 26 - did not fold on default key with non-scalar value ok 27 - no warning issued ok 28 - did not fold on specific key with non-scalar value ok 29 - warning issued as expected ok 30 - text in warning is correct ok 31 - same again but with keyattr as array ok 32 - warning issued as expected ok 33 - text in warning is correct ok 34 - did not fold on specific key with non-scalar value ok 35 - no warning issued (as expected) ok 36 - did not fold when element missing key attribute ok 37 - expected warning issued ok 38 - same again ok 39 - but with no warning this time ok 40 - folded elements despite non-unique key attribute ok 41 - expected warning issued ok 42 - same again but with keyattr as array ok 43 - expected warning issued ok 44 - same again ok 45 - but with no warning this time ok 46 - keeproot option works ok 47 - CDATA section parsed correctly ok 48 - CDATA section containing markup characters parsed correctly ok 49 - XMLin didn't choke on named external file ok 50 - and contents parsed as expected ok 51 - XMLin didn't choke on un-named (default) external file ok 52 - and contents parsed as expected ok 53 - XMLin found file using searchpath ok 54 - and contents parsed as expected ok 55 - XMLin choked on nonexistant file ok 56 - with the expected message ok 57 - nonexistant file not found in current directory ok 58 - with the expected message ok 59 - search path ignored when pathname supplied ok 60 - failed with expected message ok 61 - XMLin didn't choke on an IO::File object ok 62 - and it parsed the right file ok 63 - XMLin didn't choke on STDIN ('-') ok 64 - and data parsed correctly ok 65 - anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 66 - anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 67 - top level anonymous array returned arrayref ok 68 - nested anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 69 - 'content' key appears as expected ok 70 - 'content' key successfully renamed to 'text' ok 71 - 'content' key not munged by forcearray ok 72 - gratuitous use of content key works as expected ok 73 - even when we change it's name to 'text' ok 74 - spurious content keys not eliminated after folding ok 75 - spurious content keys not eliminated after folding ok 76 - mixed content doesn't work - no surprises there ok 77 - nested element rolls up to scalar ok 78 - except when forcearray is enabled ok 79 - array folding works with single nested hash ok 80 - but not if forcearray is turned off ok 81 - selective application of forcearray successful ok 82 - forcearray using regex successful ok 83 - forcearray using a single regex successful ok 84 - attributes successfully skipped ok 85 - noattr does not intefere with array folding ok 86 - empty elements parse to hashrefs ok 87 - or are suppressed ok 88 - or parse to 'undef' ok 89 - or parse to an empty string ok 90 - empty document parses to undef ok 91 - grouped tags parse normally ok 92 - disintermediation of grouped tags works ok 93 - disintermediation works with multiple groups ok 94 - folding and ungrouping work together ok 95 - folding, ungrouping and content stripping work together ok 96 - folding without forcearray but with ungrouping fails as expected ok 97 - folding with forcearray and ungrouping works ok 98 - undefined variables are left untouched ok 99 - substitution of pre-defined variables works ok 100 - variables defined in XML work ok 101 - variables defined in XML merged successfully with predefined vars ok 102 - variables are expanded in later variable definitions ok 103 - grouptags requires a hash ok 104 - with correct error message ok 105 - variables requires a hash ok 106 - with correct error message ok 107 - disintermediation using wrong child key - as expected ok 108 - invalid options are trapped ok 109 - with correct error message ok 110 - invalid number of options are trapped ok 111 - with correct error message ok 112 - NS-1: folding OK ok 113 - NS-2: space normalised in hash key ok 114 - NS-3: space normalised in hash key ok 115 - NS-4: space not normalised in hash value ok 116 - NS-1a: folding OK ok 117 - NS-2a: space normalised in hash key ok 118 - NS-3a: space normalised in hash key ok 119 - NS-4a: space not normalised in hash value ok 120 - NS-5: folding OK ok 121 - NS-6: space normalised in hash key ok 122 - NS-7: space normalised in attribute value ok 123 - NS-8: space normalised in hash key ok 124 - NS-9: space normalised in element text content ok 125 - NS-10: space normalised in anonymous array ok 126 - NS-11: space normalized in anonymous array ok 127 - Nothing special about 'value' attributes ok 128 - ValueAttr as arrayref works ok 129 - ValueAttr as arrayref works ok 130 - ValueAttr as hashref works too ok 131 - ValueAttr as hashref works too ok 132 - successfully read an SRT config file ok 84 - attributes successfully skipped SKIP: t/1_XMLin DURATION: 12 END: /usr/lib/libxml-simple-perl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libxml2/ptest [ -d test ] || ln -s ../libxml2-2.9.12/test . [ -d result ] || ln -s ../libxml2-2.9.12/result . ./runtest && \ ./testrecurse && \ ASAN_OPTIONS="$ASAN_OPTIONS:detect_leaks=0" ./testapi && \ ./testchar && \ ./testdict && \ ./runxmlconf ## XML regression tests PASS: XML regression tests ## XML regression tests on memory PASS: XML regression tests on memory ## XML entity subst regression tests PASS: XML entity subst regression tests ## XML Namespaces regression tests PASS: XML Namespaces regression tests ## Error cases regression tests PASS: Error cases regression tests ## Error cases regression tests with entity substitution PASS: Error cases regression tests with entity substitution ## Error cases regression tests (old 1.0) PASS: Error cases regression tests (old 1.0) ## Error cases stream regression tests PASS: Error cases stream regression tests ## Reader regression tests PASS: Reader regression tests ## Reader entities substitution regression tests PASS: Reader entities substitution regression tests ## Reader on memory regression tests PASS: Reader on memory regression tests ## Walker regression tests PASS: Walker regression tests ## SAX1 callbacks regression tests PASS: SAX1 callbacks regression tests ## SAX2 callbacks regression tests PASS: SAX2 callbacks regression tests ## SAX2 callbacks regression tests with entity substitution PASS: SAX2 callbacks regression tests with entity substitution ## XML push regression tests PASS: XML push regression tests ## HTML regression tests PASS: HTML regression tests ## Push HTML regression tests PASS: Push HTML regression tests ## HTML SAX regression tests PASS: HTML SAX regression tests ## Valid documents regression tests PASS: Valid documents regression tests ## Validity checking regression tests PASS: Validity checking regression tests ## Streaming validity checking regression tests PASS: Streaming validity checking regression tests ## Streaming validity error checking regression tests PASS: Streaming validity error checking regression tests ## General documents valid regression tests PASS: General documents valid regression tests ## XInclude regression tests PASS: XInclude regression tests ## XInclude xmlReader regression tests PASS: XInclude xmlReader regression tests ## XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes PASS: XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes ## XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes PASS: XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes ## URI parsing tests PASS: URI parsing tests ## URI base composition tests PASS: URI base composition tests ## Path URI conversion tests PASS: Path URI conversion tests ## Schemas regression tests PASS: Schemas regression tests ## Relax-NG regression tests PASS: Relax-NG regression tests ## Relax-NG streaming regression tests PASS: Relax-NG streaming regression tests ## Pattern regression tests PASS: Pattern regression tests ## C14N with comments regression tests PASS: C14N with comments regression tests ## C14N without comments regression tests PASS: C14N without comments regression tests ## C14N exclusive without comments regression tests PASS: C14N exclusive without comments regression tests ## C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests PASS: C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests ## Catalog and Threads regression tests PASS: Catalog and Threads regression tests Total 2865 tests, no errors PASS: runtest ......... ## Parsing recursive test cases PASS: Parsing recursive test cases ## Parsing non-recursive test cases PASS: Parsing non-recursive test cases ## Parsing non-recursive huge case PASS: Parsing non-recursive huge case Total 9 tests, no errors PASS: testrecurse Testing HTMLparser : 32 of 38 functions ... PASS: HTMLparser Testing HTMLtree : 18 of 18 functions ... PASS: HTMLtree Testing SAX2 : 38 of 38 functions ... PASS: SAX2 Testing c14n : 3 of 4 functions ... PASS: c14n Testing catalog : 27 of 36 functions ... PASS: catalog Testing chvalid : 9 of 9 functions ... PASS: chvalid Testing debugXML : 25 of 28 functions ... PASS: debugXML Testing dict : 10 of 13 functions ... PASS: dict Testing encoding : 16 of 19 functions ... PASS: encoding Testing entities : 13 of 17 functions ... PASS: entities Testing hash : 17 of 25 functions ... PASS: hash Testing list : 19 of 26 functions ... PASS: list Testing nanoftp : 14 of 22 functions ... PASS: nanoftp Testing nanohttp : 13 of 17 functions ... PASS: nanohttp Testing parser : 61 of 70 functions ... PASS: parser Testing parserInternals : 33 of 90 functions ... PASS: parserInternals Testing pattern : 10 of 15 functions ... PASS: pattern Testing relaxng : 14 of 24 functions ... PASS: relaxng Testing schemasInternals : 0 of 2 functions ... PASS: schemasInternals Testing schematron : 1 of 10 functions ... PASS: schematron Testing tree : 142 of 164 functions ... PASS: tree Testing uri : 10 of 15 functions ... PASS: uri Testing valid : 50 of 70 functions ... PASS: valid Testing xinclude : 8 of 10 functions ... PASS: xinclude Testing xmlIO : 41 of 51 functions ... PASS: xmlIO Testing xmlautomata : 3 of 19 functions ... PASS: xmlautomata Testing xmlerror : 7 of 15 functions ... PASS: xmlerror Testing xmlmodule : 2 of 4 functions ... PASS: xmlmodule Testing xmlreader : 76 of 86 functions ... PASS: xmlreader Testing xmlregexp : 16 of 30 functions ... PASS: xmlregexp Testing xmlsave : 4 of 10 functions ... PASS: xmlsave Testing xmlschemas : 16 of 27 functions ... PASS: xmlschemas Testing xmlschemastypes : 26 of 34 functions ... PASS: xmlschemastypes Testing xmlstring : 26 of 30 functions ... PASS: xmlstring Testing xmlunicode : 166 of 166 functions ... PASS: xmlunicode Testing xmlwriter : 52 of 80 functions ... PASS: xmlwriter Testing xpath : 32 of 40 functions ... PASS: xpath Testing xpathInternals : 106 of 117 functions ... PASS: xpathInternals Testing xpointer : 17 of 21 functions ... PASS: xpointer Total: 1130 functions, 280550 tests, 0 errors PASS: testapi testing char range: 1 2 3 4 done testing 1 byte char in document: 1 2 3 4 done testing 2 byte char in document: 1 2 3 4 done PASS: testchar dictionary tests succeeded 20000 strings PASS: testdict Test suite: XML 1.0 (2nd edition) W3C Conformance Test Suite, 6 October 2000 Test cases: James Clark XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: Fuji Xerox Japanese Text Tests XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: Sun Microsystems XML Tests Test cases: 159 tests Test cases: OASIS/NIST XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: IBM XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: IBM XML 1.1 Tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.0 2nd edition errata test suite 21 Jul 2003 Test cases: 34 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.1 test suite 13 Feb 2003 Test cases: 57 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.0 test suite 14 Feb 2003 Test cases: 46 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.1 test suite 14 Feb 2003 Test cases: 6 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.0 3rd edition errata test suite 1 June 2006 Test cases: 13 tests Test cases: University of Edinburgh tests for XML 1.0 5th edition Test cases: 392 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.0/1.1 2nd edition test suite 1 June 2006 Test cases: 3 tests Ran 2269 tests, 15 errors, 0 leaks Total 2269 tests, 15 errors, 0 leaks See runxmlconf.log for detailed output 15 errors were expected PASS: runxmlconf make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python' cd tests && make tests make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python/tests' ## running Python regression tests PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python/tests' make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/libxml2/ptest/python' DURATION: 14 END: /usr/lib/libxml2/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/lua/ptest ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Lua warning: #This is an expected warning Lua warning: #This is another one .......--- test output --- Starting Tests random seeds: 1635214547, 94869013676712 current path: ****/usr/share/lua/5.4/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.4/?/init.lua;/usr/lib/lua/5.4/?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/5.4/?/init.lua;./?.lua;./?/init.lua**** ---- total memory: 44.6K, max memory: 44.6K ---- time: 4.8e-05 (+4.8e-05) ***** FILE 'main.lua'***** ***** FILE 'gc.lua'***** testing incremental garbage collection creating many objects functions with errors long strings steps steps (2) clearing tables weak tables + self-referenced threads OK ---- total memory: 1.4M, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.158257 (+0.158209) ***** FILE 'db.lua'***** testing debug library and debug information + testing inspection of parameters/returned values + + testing traceback sizes testing debug functions on chunk without debug info OK ---- total memory: 147.5K, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.241518 (+0.083261) ***** FILE 'calls.lua'***** testing functions and calls + + testing tail calls + + testing binary chunks OK testing strings and string library testing 'format %a %A' OK testing scanner + + + + + OK ---- total memory: 269.8K, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.335571 (+0.094053) ***** FILE 'tpack.lua'***** testing pack/unpack platform: short 2, int 4, long 8, size_t 8, float 4, double 8, lua Integer 8, lua Number 8 little endian alignment: 8 testing invalid formats testing pack/unpack of floating-point numbers testing pack/unpack of strings testing alignment OK ---- total memory: 313.7K, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.336933 (+0.001362) ***** FILE 'attrib.lua'***** testing require package config: /|;|?|!|-| testing 'require' message + testing assignments, logical operators, and constructors + OK ---- total memory: 318.0K, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.339267 (+0.002334) ***** FILE 'gengc.lua'***** testing generational garbage collection + OK ---- total memory: 124.7K, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.339892 (+0.000625) ***** FILE 'locals.lua'***** testing local variables and environments + testing to-be-closed variables testing errors in __close to-be-closed variables in coroutines OK ---- total memory: 174.1K, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.465258 (+0.125366) ***** FILE 'constructs.lua'***** testing syntax + testing short-circuit optimizations (1) + OK ---- total memory: 946.5K, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.504803 (+0.039545) ***** FILE 'code.lua'***** ---- total memory: 1.1M, max memory: 1.4M ---- time: 0.505789 (+0.000986) ***** FILE 'cstack.lua'***** testing stack overflow detection testing stack overflow in message handling final count: 250036 testing recursion inside pattern matching testing stack-overflow in recursive 'gsub' final count: 197 testing stack-overflow in recursive 'gsub' with metatables final count: 99 testing limits in coroutines inside deep calls final count: 196 nesting of resuming yielded coroutines final count: 195 OK ---- total memory: 13.9M, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.568424 (+0.062635) ***** FILE 'nextvar.lua'***** testing tables, next, and for + + + testing next x GC of deleted keys + testing floats in numeric for OK ---- total memory: 133.5K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.58963 (+0.021206) ***** FILE 'pm.lua'***** testing pattern matching + + + + OK ---- total memory: 168.2K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.591019 (+0.001389) ***** FILE 'utf8.lua'***** testing UTF-8 library ok ---- total memory: 156.3K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.591755 (+0.000736) ***** FILE 'api.lua'***** ---- total memory: 357.2K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.593285 (+0.00153) ***** FILE 'events.lua'***** testing metatables + + OK ---- total memory: 136.8K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.594886 (+0.001601) ***** FILE 'vararg.lua'***** testing vararg + + + OK ---- total memory: 171.6K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.595203 (+0.000317) ***** FILE 'closure.lua'***** testing closures + OK ---- total memory: 242.2K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.597838 (+0.002635) ***** FILE 'coroutine.lua'***** testing coroutines to-be-closed variables in coroutines testing 'coroutine.close' + testing yields inside metamethods + testing yields inside 'for' iterators OK ---- total memory: 219.7K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.60016 (+0.002322) ***** FILE 'goto.lua'***** OK ---- total memory: 140.1K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.600577 (+0.000417) ***** FILE 'errors.lua'***** testing errors + testing tokens in error messages + OK ---- total memory: 215.9K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.607252 (+0.006675) ***** FILE 'math.lua'***** testing numbers and math lib 64-bit integers, 53-bit (mantissa) floats testing order (floats cannot represent all integers) testing -0 and NaN testing 'math.random' float random range in 21200 calls: [0.000011, 0.999968] integer random range in 32000 calls: [minint + 38ppm, maxint - 4ppm] OK ---- total memory: 166.3K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.62531 (+0.018058) ***** FILE 'sort.lua'***** testing (parts of) table library testing unpack testing pack testing sort sorting 5000 random elements in 1.54 msec. re-sorting 5000 sorted elements in 1.13 msec. Invert-sorting other 5000 elements in 4.68 msec., with 64794 comparisons sorting 5000 equal elements in 2.63 msec. OK ---- total memory: 259.6K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.640736 (+0.015426) ***** FILE 'bitwise.lua'***** testing bitwise operations + testing bitwise library + + OK ---- total memory: 327.1K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.641634 (+0.000898) ***** FILE 'verybig.lua'***** testing RK ---- total memory: 125.3K, max memory: 13.9M ---- time: 0.641899 (+0.000265) ***** FILE 'files.lua'***** testing i/o + + + + + + testing date/time test done on 26/10/2021, at 02:15:48 Lua 5.4 (there should be two warnings now) 64-bit integers, 64-bit floats cleaning all!!!! ---- total memory: 58.5K, max memory: 13.9M ---- total time: 0.66s (wall time: 1s) final OK !!! >>> closing state <<< --- ptest result --- PASS: lua DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/lua/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/lzo/ptest LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-1 | services 12813 1 7796 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | services 12813 1 7684 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | services 12813 1 7621 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | services 12813 1 7474 58.3 123.129 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | services 12813 1 7387 57.7 119.254 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | services 12813 1 7297 56.9 115.608 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | services 12813 1 7272 56.8 90.284 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | services 12813 1 7194 56.1 88.068 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | services 12813 1 7149 55.8 96.177 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | services 12813 1 7718 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | services 12813 1 7604 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | services 12813 1 7544 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | services 12813 1 7389 57.7 116.878 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | services 12813 1 7305 57.0 117.481 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | services 12813 1 7210 56.3 113.003 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | services 12813 1 7181 56.0 89.224 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | services 12813 1 7097 55.4 82.478 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | services 12813 1 7046 55.0 94.013 0.000 | LZO1-1 | services 12813 1 7893 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | services 12813 1 7807 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | services 12813 1 7692 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | services 12813 1 7778 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | services 12813 1 7785 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | services 12813 1 7977 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | services 12813 1 7875 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | services 12813 1 7796 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | services 12813 1 7038 54.9 71.522 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | services 12813 1 6779 52.9 35.572 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | services 12813 1 6936 54.1 76.067 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | services 12813 1 6664 52.0 36.604 0.000 | LZO1-99 | services 12813 1 7103 55.4 71.237 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | services 12813 1 7040 54.9 69.112 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | services 12813 1 6205 48.4 27.935 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | services 12813 1 6578 51.3 30.331 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | services 12813 1 6449 50.3 13.582 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | services 12813 1 6450 50.3 13.723 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | services 12813 1 6461 50.4 13.492 0.000 | memcpy() | services 12813 1 12813 100 0.000 0.000 | lzotest: execution time: 0 seconds PASS: lzotest LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1-1 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 416 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | input.conf 927 1 726 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | build 486 1 262 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1277 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 67 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1868 36.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | session.conf 838 1 644 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | system.conf 833 1 641 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 614 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rcS 1313 1 1016 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rng-tools 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | useradd 115 1 117 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 00_core 1637 1 1038 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 99_mandb 35 1 34 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ethertypes 1816 1 1383 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | README 978 1 740 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1481 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | fstab 650 1 396 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | group 513 1 465 90.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | gshadow 429 1 313 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | hostname 11 1 12 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | hosts 258 1 203 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 492 1 305 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bluetooth 1253 1 786 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1258 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 2017 1 1402 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 3595 1 2353 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dbus-1 2893 1 1832 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 526 1 391 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 352 1 250 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | functions 2141 1 1363 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | halt 510 1 402 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 2541 1 1346 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1326 1 847 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1173 1 907 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1589 1 962 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | networking 1956 1 1021 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 7801 1 3614 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rc 4407 1 2673 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1273 1 886 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rng-tools 1021 1 491 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 429 1 321 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sendsigs 438 1 302 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sshd 2029 1 1068 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 1046 1 526 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | syslog 2066 1 1168 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | udev 2778 1 1686 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 711 1 526 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | urandom 1473 1 949 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | inittab 1140 1 794 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1100 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | issue 49 1 51 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 13153 1 5887 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 33 1 35 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | classid 1130 1 643 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | pktloc 1532 1 896 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | limits 827 1 646 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | login.access 2006 1 1340 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | login.defs 13627 1 7732 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 115 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2876 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 490 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | netconfig 767 1 480 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | nfsroot 809 1 552 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 338 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | arch.conf 88 1 70 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | opkg.conf 845 1 605 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | passwd 808 1 559 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | profile 1822 1 1333 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 114 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 106 1 73 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 757 1 233 30.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | protocols 2932 1 2129 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rpc 887 1 675 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | securetty 1848 1 1236 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | services 12813 1 7893 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | shadow 518 1 189 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | .profile 241 1 224 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1063 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | moduli 578094 3 52183 9.0 341.926 630.576 | LZO1-1 | ssh_config 1548 1 1067 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 454 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 177 1 169 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 97 1 99 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2580 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 569 1 574 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sshd_config 3177 1 2063 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2067 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 157043 80.3 43.291 0.000 | LZO1-1 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6552 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | ansi 1481 1 792 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | linux 1730 1 1083 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | rxvt 2222 1 1573 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | screen 1573 1 964 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | screen-256color 1687 1 1031 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | sun 1004 1 542 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt100 1190 1 786 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt102 1184 1 789 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt200 1377 1 967 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt220 1377 1 967 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | vt52 470 1 249 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2675 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 839 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1446 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | local.rules 885 1 675 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | 50default 2652 1 1201 45.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1460 27.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-1 | xattr.conf 681 1 415 60.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2439 69.2 76.852 630.576 LZO1-1 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 331712 33.9 76.852 630.576 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1A-1 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 415 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | input.conf 927 1 713 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | build 486 1 260 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1276 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 67 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1863 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | session.conf 838 1 641 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | system.conf 833 1 638 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 613 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rcS 1313 1 1011 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rng-tools 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | useradd 115 1 117 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 00_core 1637 1 1036 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 99_mandb 35 1 34 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ethertypes 1816 1 1374 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | README 978 1 737 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1470 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | fstab 650 1 393 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | group 513 1 460 89.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | gshadow 429 1 313 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | hostname 11 1 12 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | hosts 258 1 203 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 492 1 304 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bluetooth 1253 1 782 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1253 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 2017 1 1395 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 3595 1 2340 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dbus-1 2893 1 1824 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 526 1 390 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 352 1 250 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | functions 2141 1 1359 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 2541 1 1339 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1326 1 843 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1173 1 902 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1589 1 957 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | networking 1956 1 1019 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 7801 1 3595 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rc 4407 1 2658 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1273 1 881 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rng-tools 1021 1 489 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 429 1 320 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | single 578 1 427 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sshd 2029 1 1060 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 1046 1 526 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | syslog 2066 1 1166 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | udev 2778 1 1679 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | umountfs 540 1 404 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 711 1 525 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | urandom 1473 1 944 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | inittab 1140 1 790 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1093 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | issue 49 1 51 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 13153 1 5711 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 33 1 35 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | classid 1130 1 640 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | pktloc 1532 1 888 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | limits 827 1 641 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | login.access 2006 1 1324 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | login.defs 13627 1 7664 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2853 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 487 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | netconfig 767 1 479 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | nfsroot 809 1 549 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 337 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | arch.conf 88 1 69 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | opkg.conf 845 1 604 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | passwd 808 1 554 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | profile 1822 1 1323 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 114 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 106 1 73 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 757 1 233 30.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | protocols 2932 1 2112 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rpc 887 1 672 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | securetty 1848 1 1234 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | services 12813 1 7807 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | shadow 518 1 189 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | .bashrc 410 1 327 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | .profile 241 1 224 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1056 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | moduli 578094 3 51694 8.9 369.332 621.684 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_config 1548 1 1062 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 454 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 177 1 169 95.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 97 1 99 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2579 99.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 569 1 574 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sshd_config 3177 1 2043 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2046 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 156815 80.2 42.116 364.928 | LZO1A-1 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6497 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 547 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | ansi 1481 1 767 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | linux 1730 1 1065 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | rxvt 2222 1 1537 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | screen 1573 1 941 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | screen-256color 1687 1 1009 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | sun 1004 1 526 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt102 1184 1 765 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt200 1377 1 942 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt220 1377 1 942 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | vt52 470 1 246 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2631 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 823 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1414 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | local.rules 885 1 671 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | 50default 2652 1 1197 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1457 27.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-1 | xattr.conf 681 1 414 60.8 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2425 68.9 75.610 459.896 LZO1A-1 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 329883 33.7 75.610 459.896 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-1 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 417 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | input.conf 927 1 715 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | build 486 1 258 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1294 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1883 36.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | session.conf 838 1 635 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | system.conf 833 1 633 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 623 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rcS 1313 1 1027 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 00_core 1637 1 1061 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ethertypes 1816 1 1383 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | README 978 1 741 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1493 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | fstab 650 1 398 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | group 513 1 464 90.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | gshadow 429 1 318 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | hosts 258 1 208 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 492 1 310 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bluetooth 1253 1 793 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1257 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 2017 1 1409 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 3595 1 2351 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dbus-1 2893 1 1822 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 526 1 394 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 352 1 255 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | functions 2141 1 1365 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | halt 510 1 410 80.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 580 1 432 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 2541 1 1357 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1326 1 846 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1173 1 916 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1589 1 969 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | networking 1956 1 1038 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 7801 1 3623 46.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rc 4407 1 2677 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rcS 525 1 448 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1273 1 885 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | reboot 289 1 227 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 585 1 384 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rng-tools 1021 1 504 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 429 1 323 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sendsigs 438 1 311 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | single 578 1 432 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sshd 2029 1 1063 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 1046 1 535 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | syslog 2066 1 1170 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | udev 2778 1 1678 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | umountfs 540 1 410 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 711 1 533 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | urandom 1473 1 960 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | inittab 1140 1 801 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1080 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 13153 1 5003 38.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | classid 1130 1 650 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | pktloc 1532 1 875 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | limits 827 1 643 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | login.access 2006 1 1336 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | login.defs 13627 1 7629 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2883 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 492 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | netconfig 767 1 476 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | nfsroot 809 1 549 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 342 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | arch.conf 88 1 69 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | opkg.conf 845 1 606 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | passwd 808 1 560 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | profile 1822 1 1343 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 117 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 757 1 241 31.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | protocols 2932 1 2138 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rpc 887 1 680 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | securetty 1848 1 1309 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | services 12813 1 7796 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | shadow 518 1 190 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | .bashrc 410 1 333 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1066 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | moduli 578094 3 30229 5.2 470.056 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_config 1548 1 1077 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 452 89.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 177 1 172 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 321 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2571 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sshd_config 3177 1 2070 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2069 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 152775 78.2 54.931 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6454 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | ansi 1481 1 779 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | dumb 308 1 76 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | linux 1730 1 1057 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | rxvt 2222 1 1542 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | screen 1573 1 943 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | screen-256color 1687 1 1006 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | sun 1004 1 537 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt100 1190 1 766 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt102 1184 1 769 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt200 1377 1 945 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt220 1377 1 945 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | vt52 470 1 250 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2689 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 818 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1424 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | local.rules 885 1 670 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | 50default 2652 1 1203 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1421 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-1 | xattr.conf 681 1 424 62.3 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2238 70.6 98.367 0.000 LZO1B-1 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 304448 31.1 98.367 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-2 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 424 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | input.conf 927 1 711 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | build 486 1 259 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1272 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 71 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1856 36.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | session.conf 838 1 636 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | system.conf 833 1 634 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 621 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rcS 1313 1 1023 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 00_core 1637 1 1049 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ethertypes 1816 1 1381 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | README 978 1 739 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1483 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | fstab 650 1 395 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | group 513 1 463 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | gshadow 429 1 318 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 492 1 304 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bluetooth 1253 1 789 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | bootlogd 1997 1 1256 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 2017 1 1388 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 3595 1 2343 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dbus-1 2893 1 1817 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 526 1 395 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 352 1 252 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | functions 2141 1 1356 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | halt 510 1 409 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 2541 1 1344 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1326 1 850 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1173 1 912 77.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1589 1 947 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | networking 1956 1 1038 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 7801 1 3579 45.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rc 4407 1 2624 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rcS 525 1 448 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1273 1 880 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | reboot 289 1 226 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 585 1 386 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rng-tools 1021 1 501 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 429 1 326 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | single 578 1 432 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sshd 2029 1 1064 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 1046 1 524 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | syslog 2066 1 1154 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | udev 2778 1 1675 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | umountfs 540 1 410 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 711 1 532 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | urandom 1473 1 960 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | inittab 1140 1 801 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | inputrc 1633 1 1071 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 13153 1 4927 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | classid 1130 1 652 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | pktloc 1532 1 872 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | limits 827 1 642 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | login.access 2006 1 1323 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | login.defs 13627 1 7538 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2858 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 490 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | netconfig 767 1 469 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | nfsroot 809 1 546 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 343 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | arch.conf 88 1 69 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | opkg.conf 845 1 606 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | passwd 808 1 560 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | profile 1822 1 1345 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 114 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 757 1 239 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | protocols 2932 1 2130 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rpc 887 1 676 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | securetty 1848 1 1306 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | services 12813 1 7684 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | shadow 518 1 188 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | .bashrc 410 1 333 81.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1056 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | moduli 578094 3 30081 5.2 427.845 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_config 1548 1 1068 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 456 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 177 1 172 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2572 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sshd_config 3177 1 2049 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2053 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 151530 77.5 51.603 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6368 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | ansi 1481 1 768 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | dumb 308 1 73 23.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | linux 1730 1 1033 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | rxvt 2222 1 1538 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | screen 1573 1 931 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | screen-256color 1687 1 993 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | sun 1004 1 523 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt100 1190 1 755 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt102 1184 1 761 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt200 1377 1 939 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt220 1377 1 939 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | vt52 470 1 239 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2671 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xterm-color 1551 1 803 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1401 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | local.rules 885 1 669 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | 50default 2652 1 1180 44.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1423 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-2 | xattr.conf 681 1 422 62.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2220 70.3 92.098 0.000 LZO1B-2 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 302043 30.9 92.098 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-3 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 429 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | input.conf 927 1 711 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | build 486 1 262 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1266 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 71 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1843 35.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | session.conf 838 1 633 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | system.conf 833 1 631 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 621 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rcS 1313 1 1018 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 00_core 1637 1 1049 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ethertypes 1816 1 1378 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | README 978 1 735 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1480 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | fstab 650 1 400 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | group 513 1 463 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | gshadow 429 1 318 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 492 1 304 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bluetooth 1253 1 787 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | bootlogd 1997 1 1238 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 2017 1 1393 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 3595 1 2332 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dbus-1 2893 1 1815 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 526 1 395 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 352 1 252 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | functions 2141 1 1353 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | halt 510 1 409 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 2541 1 1344 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1326 1 844 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1173 1 908 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1589 1 947 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | networking 1956 1 1038 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 7801 1 3550 45.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rc 4407 1 2613 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rcS 525 1 448 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1273 1 879 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | reboot 289 1 226 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 585 1 384 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rng-tools 1021 1 501 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 429 1 327 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sshd 2029 1 1062 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 1046 1 519 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | syslog 2066 1 1152 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | udev 2778 1 1662 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 711 1 529 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | urandom 1473 1 960 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | inittab 1140 1 799 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | inputrc 1633 1 1065 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 13153 1 4961 37.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | classid 1130 1 652 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | pktloc 1532 1 869 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | limits 827 1 642 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | login.access 2006 1 1318 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | login.defs 13627 1 7457 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2844 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 487 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | netconfig 767 1 471 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | nfsroot 809 1 544 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 343 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | arch.conf 88 1 69 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | opkg.conf 845 1 606 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | passwd 808 1 555 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | profile 1822 1 1341 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 114 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 757 1 239 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | protocols 2932 1 2126 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rpc 887 1 676 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | securetty 1848 1 1302 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | services 12813 1 7621 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | shadow 518 1 188 36.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | .bashrc 410 1 332 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1056 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | moduli 578094 3 30037 5.2 563.900 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_config 1548 1 1068 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 456 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 177 1 172 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2572 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sshd_config 3177 1 2040 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2042 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 150981 77.2 61.324 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6317 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | ansi 1481 1 767 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | dumb 308 1 73 23.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | linux 1730 1 1029 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | rxvt 2222 1 1532 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | screen 1573 1 933 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | screen-256color 1687 1 996 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | sun 1004 1 521 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt100 1190 1 755 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt102 1184 1 760 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt200 1377 1 936 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt220 1377 1 936 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | vt52 470 1 239 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2661 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xterm-color 1551 1 803 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1400 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | local.rules 885 1 669 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | 50default 2652 1 1174 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1433 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-3 | xattr.conf 681 1 420 61.7 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2213 70.2 110.619 0.000 LZO1B-3 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 301055 30.8 110.619 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-4 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 412 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | input.conf 927 1 700 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | build 486 1 256 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1256 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1859 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | session.conf 838 1 633 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | system.conf 833 1 632 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 610 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rcS 1313 1 997 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 00_core 1637 1 1017 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ethertypes 1816 1 1349 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | README 978 1 728 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1443 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | fstab 650 1 392 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | group 513 1 458 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 492 1 298 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bluetooth 1253 1 782 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | bootlogd 1997 1 1243 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 2017 1 1368 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 3595 1 2279 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dbus-1 2893 1 1789 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 526 1 386 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 352 1 247 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | functions 2141 1 1346 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | halt 510 1 403 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 580 1 427 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 2541 1 1317 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1326 1 829 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1173 1 894 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1589 1 938 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | networking 1956 1 1018 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 7801 1 3497 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rc 4407 1 2564 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1273 1 874 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 585 1 381 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rng-tools 1021 1 486 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 429 1 321 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sshd 2029 1 1041 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 1046 1 521 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | syslog 2066 1 1134 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | udev 2778 1 1654 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | umountfs 540 1 406 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 711 1 521 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | urandom 1473 1 928 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | inittab 1140 1 785 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | inputrc 1633 1 1054 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 13153 1 4839 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | classid 1130 1 635 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | pktloc 1532 1 878 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | limits 827 1 635 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | login.access 2006 1 1303 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | login.defs 13627 1 7259 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2757 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 487 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | netconfig 767 1 457 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | nfsroot 809 1 541 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 340 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | opkg.conf 845 1 604 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | passwd 808 1 548 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | profile 1822 1 1321 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 111 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | gawk.csh 1107 1 289 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 757 1 234 30.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | protocols 2932 1 2078 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rpc 887 1 667 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | securetty 1848 1 1222 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | services 12813 1 7474 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | shadow 518 1 186 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | .bashrc 410 1 329 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1040 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | moduli 578094 3 29394 5.1 539.513 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_config 1548 1 1065 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 451 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2574 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sshd_config 3177 1 1986 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1986 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 151454 77.5 70.255 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6160 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 544 83.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | ansi 1481 1 752 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | linux 1730 1 1039 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | rxvt 2222 1 1515 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | screen 1573 1 925 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | screen-256color 1687 1 980 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | sun 1004 1 514 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt100 1190 1 732 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt102 1184 1 742 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt200 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt220 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2595 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xterm-color 1551 1 801 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1386 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | local.rules 885 1 667 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | 50default 2652 1 1150 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1450 27.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-4 | xattr.conf 681 1 417 61.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2197 69.4 124.322 0.000 LZO1B-4 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 298922 30.5 124.322 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-5 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 418 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | input.conf 927 1 693 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | build 486 1 256 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1252 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1823 35.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | session.conf 838 1 629 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | system.conf 833 1 625 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 610 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rcS 1313 1 995 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 00_core 1637 1 1010 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ethertypes 1816 1 1342 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | README 978 1 723 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1433 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | fstab 650 1 394 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 492 1 298 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bluetooth 1253 1 777 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | bootlogd 1997 1 1224 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 2017 1 1347 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 3595 1 2261 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dbus-1 2893 1 1778 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 526 1 386 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | functions 2141 1 1322 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | halt 510 1 403 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 2541 1 1297 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1326 1 833 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1173 1 883 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1589 1 924 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | networking 1956 1 1014 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 7801 1 3425 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rc 4407 1 2545 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1273 1 868 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rng-tools 1021 1 483 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 429 1 323 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | single 578 1 426 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sshd 2029 1 1041 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 1046 1 523 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | syslog 2066 1 1136 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | udev 2778 1 1623 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | umountfs 540 1 404 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 711 1 521 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | urandom 1473 1 928 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | inittab 1140 1 784 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | inputrc 1633 1 1050 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 13153 1 5292 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | classid 1130 1 639 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | pktloc 1532 1 873 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | limits 827 1 633 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | login.access 2006 1 1275 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | login.defs 13627 1 7092 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2727 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 480 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | netconfig 767 1 457 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | nfsroot 809 1 529 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | interfaces 129 1 126 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 339 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | passwd 808 1 536 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | profile 1822 1 1325 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 111 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | gawk.csh 1107 1 300 27.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 757 1 242 32.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | protocols 2932 1 2063 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rpc 887 1 667 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | securetty 1848 1 1211 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | services 12813 1 7387 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | shadow 518 1 184 35.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1031 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | moduli 578094 3 29215 5.1 645.632 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_config 1548 1 1055 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 452 89.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 323 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2571 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sshd_config 3177 1 1962 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1958 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 150992 77.3 78.266 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6053 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 542 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | ansi 1481 1 753 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | linux 1730 1 1020 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | rxvt 2222 1 1492 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | screen 1573 1 925 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | screen-256color 1687 1 987 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | sun 1004 1 501 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt100 1190 1 732 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt102 1184 1 739 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt200 1377 1 923 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt220 1377 1 923 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2571 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xterm-color 1551 1 796 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1371 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | local.rules 885 1 662 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | 50default 2652 1 1144 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1418 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-5 | xattr.conf 681 1 415 60.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2188 69.2 139.608 0.000 LZO1B-5 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 297689 30.4 139.608 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-6 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 412 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | input.conf 927 1 691 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | build 486 1 260 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1235 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1798 34.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | session.conf 838 1 625 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | system.conf 833 1 620 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 612 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rcS 1313 1 986 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 00_core 1637 1 1000 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ethertypes 1816 1 1325 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | README 978 1 722 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1415 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | fstab 650 1 390 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 492 1 296 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bluetooth 1253 1 776 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | bootlogd 1997 1 1217 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 2017 1 1347 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 3595 1 2223 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dbus-1 2893 1 1761 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 526 1 386 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | functions 2141 1 1322 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 580 1 424 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 2541 1 1301 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1326 1 833 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1173 1 882 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1589 1 915 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | networking 1956 1 1001 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 7801 1 3388 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rc 4407 1 2504 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1273 1 867 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rng-tools 1021 1 485 47.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 429 1 321 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sendsigs 438 1 301 68.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sshd 2029 1 1026 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 1046 1 518 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | syslog 2066 1 1121 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | udev 2778 1 1613 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | umountfs 540 1 404 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 711 1 522 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | urandom 1473 1 924 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | inittab 1140 1 780 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | inputrc 1633 1 1031 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 13153 1 5116 38.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | classid 1130 1 636 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | pktloc 1532 1 863 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | limits 827 1 634 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | login.access 2006 1 1264 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | login.defs 13627 1 7043 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2698 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 473 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | netconfig 767 1 452 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | nfsroot 809 1 534 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | interfaces 129 1 126 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 334 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | opkg.conf 845 1 601 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | passwd 808 1 519 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | profile 1822 1 1312 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 108 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | gawk.csh 1107 1 294 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 757 1 235 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | protocols 2932 1 2051 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rpc 887 1 667 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | securetty 1848 1 1205 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | services 12813 1 7297 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | shadow 518 1 184 35.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1031 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | moduli 578094 3 29192 5.0 909.104 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_config 1548 1 1045 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 451 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2572 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sshd_config 3177 1 1950 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1950 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 150510 77.0 106.344 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5955 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 540 82.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | ansi 1481 1 751 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | linux 1730 1 1014 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | rxvt 2222 1 1492 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | screen 1573 1 920 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | screen-256color 1687 1 978 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | sun 1004 1 502 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt100 1190 1 731 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt102 1184 1 739 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt200 1377 1 920 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt220 1377 1 920 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2551 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xterm-color 1551 1 791 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1364 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | local.rules 885 1 654 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | 50default 2652 1 1130 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1432 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-6 | xattr.conf 681 1 412 60.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2177 68.9 190.414 0.000 LZO1B-6 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 296180 30.3 190.414 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-7 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 409 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | input.conf 927 1 689 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | build 486 1 256 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1256 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1813 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | session.conf 838 1 625 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | system.conf 833 1 623 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 612 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rcS 1313 1 990 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 00_core 1637 1 1003 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ethertypes 1816 1 1341 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | README 978 1 718 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1412 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | fstab 650 1 392 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | group 513 1 453 88.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 492 1 298 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bluetooth 1253 1 775 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | bootlogd 1997 1 1215 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 2017 1 1343 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 3595 1 2233 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dbus-1 2893 1 1751 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 526 1 387 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | functions 2141 1 1331 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | halt 510 1 402 78.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 2541 1 1298 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1326 1 835 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1173 1 884 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1589 1 920 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | networking 1956 1 1011 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 7801 1 3390 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rc 4407 1 2504 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1273 1 859 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | reboot 289 1 222 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rng-tools 1021 1 482 47.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 429 1 320 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sshd 2029 1 1020 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 1046 1 517 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | syslog 2066 1 1121 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | udev 2778 1 1614 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | umountfs 540 1 406 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 711 1 522 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | urandom 1473 1 921 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | inittab 1140 1 784 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | inputrc 1633 1 1028 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 13153 1 4853 36.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | classid 1130 1 636 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | pktloc 1532 1 861 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | limits 827 1 631 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | login.access 2006 1 1260 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | login.defs 13627 1 7000 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2682 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 479 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | netconfig 767 1 458 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | nfsroot 809 1 532 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 338 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | opkg.conf 845 1 600 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | passwd 808 1 532 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | profile 1822 1 1317 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 111 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 757 1 231 30.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | protocols 2932 1 2054 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rpc 887 1 667 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | securetty 1848 1 1203 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | services 12813 1 7272 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | shadow 518 1 184 35.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1025 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | moduli 578094 3 29376 5.1 634.771 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_config 1548 1 1054 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2570 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sshd_config 3177 1 1936 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1940 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 150486 77.0 76.519 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5951 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 542 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | ansi 1481 1 759 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | linux 1730 1 1015 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | rxvt 2222 1 1492 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | screen 1573 1 928 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | screen-256color 1687 1 977 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | sun 1004 1 505 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt100 1190 1 728 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt102 1184 1 737 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt200 1377 1 917 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt220 1377 1 917 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | vt52 470 1 235 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2553 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xterm-color 1551 1 791 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1363 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | local.rules 885 1 662 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | 50default 2652 1 1135 42.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1339 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-7 | xattr.conf 681 1 415 60.9 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2176 68.9 136.574 0.000 LZO1B-7 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 295971 30.2 136.574 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-8 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 412 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | input.conf 927 1 688 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | build 486 1 256 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1239 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1803 35.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | session.conf 838 1 619 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | system.conf 833 1 614 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 610 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rcS 1313 1 977 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 00_core 1637 1 997 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ethertypes 1816 1 1324 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | README 978 1 716 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1416 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | fstab 650 1 389 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 492 1 294 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bluetooth 1253 1 776 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | bootlogd 1997 1 1211 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 2017 1 1340 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 3595 1 2212 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dbus-1 2893 1 1743 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 526 1 380 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 352 1 246 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | functions 2141 1 1315 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | halt 510 1 399 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 2541 1 1287 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1326 1 824 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1173 1 876 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1589 1 907 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | networking 1956 1 1003 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 7801 1 3342 42.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rc 4407 1 2472 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rcS 525 1 446 85.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1273 1 859 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rng-tools 1021 1 494 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 429 1 319 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sendsigs 438 1 298 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sshd 2029 1 1011 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 1046 1 514 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | syslog 2066 1 1115 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | udev 2778 1 1604 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 711 1 521 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | urandom 1473 1 925 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | inittab 1140 1 779 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | inputrc 1633 1 1024 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 13153 1 5175 39.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | classid 1130 1 634 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | pktloc 1532 1 842 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | limits 827 1 630 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | login.access 2006 1 1253 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | login.defs 13627 1 6943 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2648 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 472 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | netconfig 767 1 444 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | nfsroot 809 1 526 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | interfaces 129 1 126 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 334 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | opkg.conf 845 1 601 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | passwd 808 1 513 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | profile 1822 1 1290 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 109 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | gawk.csh 1107 1 281 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 757 1 230 30.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | protocols 2932 1 2044 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rpc 887 1 666 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | securetty 1848 1 1204 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | services 12813 1 7194 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | shadow 518 1 186 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | .bashrc 410 1 330 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1026 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | moduli 578094 3 29335 5.1 687.555 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_config 1548 1 1044 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2567 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sshd_config 3177 1 1935 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1940 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 149766 76.6 81.528 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5875 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 540 82.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | ansi 1481 1 749 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | linux 1730 1 1012 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | rxvt 2222 1 1489 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | screen 1573 1 911 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | screen-256color 1687 1 970 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | sun 1004 1 500 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt100 1190 1 731 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt102 1184 1 734 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt200 1377 1 915 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt220 1377 1 915 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | vt52 470 1 238 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2520 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xterm-color 1551 1 786 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1360 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | local.rules 885 1 652 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | 50default 2652 1 1128 42.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1401 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-8 | xattr.conf 681 1 412 60.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2167 68.7 145.770 0.000 LZO1B-8 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 294805 30.1 145.770 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-9 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 408 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | input.conf 927 1 684 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | build 486 1 257 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1227 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1733 33.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | session.conf 838 1 617 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | system.conf 833 1 614 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 606 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rcS 1313 1 977 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 00_core 1637 1 1000 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ethertypes 1816 1 1316 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | README 978 1 714 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1393 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | fstab 650 1 386 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | gshadow 429 1 314 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 492 1 293 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bluetooth 1253 1 775 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | bootlogd 1997 1 1202 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 2017 1 1340 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 3595 1 2196 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dbus-1 2893 1 1745 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 526 1 380 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | functions 2141 1 1308 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | halt 510 1 399 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 2541 1 1258 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1326 1 817 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1173 1 878 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1589 1 899 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | networking 1956 1 992 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 7801 1 3321 42.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rc 4407 1 2468 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1273 1 852 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 585 1 377 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rng-tools 1021 1 477 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 429 1 317 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sshd 2029 1 1017 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 1046 1 506 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | syslog 2066 1 1116 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | udev 2778 1 1585 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 711 1 519 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | urandom 1473 1 911 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | inittab 1140 1 776 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | inputrc 1633 1 1006 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 13153 1 5062 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | classid 1130 1 625 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | pktloc 1532 1 840 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | limits 827 1 629 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | login.access 2006 1 1253 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | login.defs 13627 1 6902 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2613 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 472 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | netconfig 767 1 442 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | nfsroot 809 1 523 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 334 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | opkg.conf 845 1 598 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | passwd 808 1 514 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | profile 1822 1 1288 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 104 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | gawk.csh 1107 1 279 25.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 757 1 229 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | protocols 2932 1 2046 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rpc 887 1 667 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | securetty 1848 1 1200 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | services 12813 1 7149 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | shadow 518 1 186 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1008 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | moduli 578094 3 27584 4.8 330.643 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_config 1548 1 1038 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2567 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sshd_config 3177 1 1919 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1929 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 149820 76.7 94.096 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5829 47.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 539 82.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | ansi 1481 1 738 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | linux 1730 1 1012 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | rxvt 2222 1 1480 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | screen 1573 1 901 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | screen-256color 1687 1 959 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | sun 1004 1 497 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt100 1190 1 723 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt102 1184 1 728 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt200 1377 1 903 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt220 1377 1 903 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | vt52 470 1 233 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2511 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xterm-color 1551 1 784 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1352 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | local.rules 885 1 654 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | 50default 2652 1 1114 42.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1336 25.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-9 | xattr.conf 681 1 410 60.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2148 68.4 146.500 0.000 LZO1B-9 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 292223 29.9 146.500 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-1 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 416 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | input.conf 927 1 714 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | build 486 1 258 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1249 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1842 35.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | session.conf 838 1 634 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | system.conf 833 1 632 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 621 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rcS 1313 1 1027 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 00_core 1637 1 1052 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ethertypes 1816 1 1380 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | README 978 1 734 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1486 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | fstab 650 1 395 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | group 513 1 464 90.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | gshadow 429 1 318 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | hosts 258 1 208 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 492 1 308 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bluetooth 1253 1 786 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1242 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 2017 1 1389 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 3595 1 2339 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dbus-1 2893 1 1811 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 526 1 393 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 352 1 254 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | functions 2141 1 1349 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | halt 510 1 407 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 580 1 429 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 2541 1 1348 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1326 1 838 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1173 1 913 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1589 1 959 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | networking 1956 1 1036 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 7801 1 3586 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rc 4407 1 2650 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rcS 525 1 447 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1273 1 879 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | reboot 289 1 225 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rng-tools 1021 1 498 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 429 1 322 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sendsigs 438 1 310 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sshd 2029 1 1046 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 1046 1 529 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | syslog 2066 1 1158 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | udev 2778 1 1662 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | umountfs 540 1 407 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 711 1 529 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | urandom 1473 1 954 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | inittab 1140 1 797 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1073 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 13153 1 4861 37.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | classid 1130 1 649 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | pktloc 1532 1 854 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | limits 827 1 638 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | login.access 2006 1 1329 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | login.defs 13627 1 7571 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2862 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 491 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | netconfig 767 1 475 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | nfsroot 809 1 546 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 339 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | arch.conf 88 1 69 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | passwd 808 1 559 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | profile 1822 1 1337 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 115 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 757 1 238 31.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | protocols 2932 1 2130 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rpc 887 1 677 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | securetty 1848 1 1304 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | services 12813 1 7716 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | shadow 518 1 182 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | .bashrc 410 1 332 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1052 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | moduli 578094 3 33959 5.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_config 1548 1 1074 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 452 89.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 177 1 172 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 321 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2571 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sshd_config 3177 1 2056 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2055 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 153475 78.5 99.843 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6375 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | ansi 1481 1 772 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | dumb 308 1 75 24.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | linux 1730 1 1047 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | rxvt 2222 1 1538 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | screen 1573 1 937 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | screen-256color 1687 1 997 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | sun 1004 1 528 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt100 1190 1 762 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt102 1184 1 765 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt200 1377 1 938 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt220 1377 1 938 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | vt52 470 1 247 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2676 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 815 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1416 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | local.rules 885 1 665 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | 50default 2652 1 1188 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1405 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-1 | xattr.conf 681 1 423 62.1 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2263 70.2 99.843 0.000 LZO1C-1 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 307825 31.5 99.843 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-2 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 423 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | input.conf 927 1 710 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | build 486 1 259 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1225 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1814 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | session.conf 838 1 635 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | system.conf 833 1 633 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 619 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rcS 1313 1 1023 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 00_core 1637 1 1041 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ethertypes 1816 1 1380 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | README 978 1 732 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1477 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | fstab 650 1 391 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | group 513 1 463 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | gshadow 429 1 318 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 492 1 302 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bluetooth 1253 1 782 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | bootlogd 1997 1 1240 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 2017 1 1370 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 3595 1 2327 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dbus-1 2893 1 1805 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 526 1 394 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 352 1 251 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | functions 2141 1 1341 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | halt 510 1 406 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 2541 1 1334 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1326 1 843 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1173 1 909 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1589 1 937 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | networking 1956 1 1036 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 7801 1 3538 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rc 4407 1 2602 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rcS 525 1 447 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1273 1 873 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | reboot 289 1 224 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 585 1 381 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rng-tools 1021 1 495 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 429 1 324 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sendsigs 438 1 306 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | single 578 1 430 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sshd 2029 1 1048 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 1046 1 518 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | syslog 2066 1 1142 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | udev 2778 1 1657 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | umountfs 540 1 407 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | urandom 1473 1 954 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | inittab 1140 1 797 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | inputrc 1633 1 1066 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 13153 1 4790 36.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | classid 1130 1 650 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | pktloc 1532 1 849 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | limits 827 1 637 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | login.access 2006 1 1314 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | login.defs 13627 1 7482 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2835 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 489 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | netconfig 767 1 469 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | nfsroot 809 1 543 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 339 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | arch.conf 88 1 69 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | passwd 808 1 559 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | profile 1822 1 1340 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 111 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 757 1 236 31.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | protocols 2932 1 2123 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rpc 887 1 673 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | securetty 1848 1 1301 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | services 12813 1 7604 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | shadow 518 1 179 34.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | .bashrc 410 1 332 81.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1040 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | moduli 578094 3 29865 5.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_config 1548 1 1065 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 456 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 177 1 172 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 321 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2572 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sshd_config 3177 1 2036 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2040 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 152633 78.1 98.824 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6299 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | ansi 1481 1 761 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | linux 1730 1 1024 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | rxvt 2222 1 1534 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | screen 1573 1 923 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | screen-256color 1687 1 984 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | sun 1004 1 515 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt100 1190 1 750 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt102 1184 1 756 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt200 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt220 1377 1 932 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | vt52 470 1 234 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2658 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xterm-color 1551 1 797 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1395 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | local.rules 885 1 664 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | 50default 2652 1 1166 44.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1408 26.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-2 | xattr.conf 681 1 420 61.7 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2219 69.9 98.824 0.000 LZO1C-2 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 301879 30.8 98.824 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-3 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 428 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | input.conf 927 1 710 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | build 486 1 262 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1215 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 70 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1803 35.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | session.conf 838 1 632 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | system.conf 833 1 630 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 619 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rcS 1313 1 1017 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 00_core 1637 1 1041 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ethertypes 1816 1 1377 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | README 978 1 728 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1474 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | fstab 650 1 396 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | group 513 1 463 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | gshadow 429 1 318 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 492 1 302 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bluetooth 1253 1 780 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | bootlogd 1997 1 1224 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 2017 1 1375 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 3595 1 2315 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dbus-1 2893 1 1802 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 526 1 394 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 352 1 251 71.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | functions 2141 1 1338 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | halt 510 1 406 79.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 2541 1 1334 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1326 1 838 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1173 1 905 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1589 1 937 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | networking 1956 1 1036 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 7801 1 3513 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rc 4407 1 2589 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rcS 525 1 447 85.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1273 1 872 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | reboot 289 1 224 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 585 1 379 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rng-tools 1021 1 495 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 429 1 325 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sendsigs 438 1 306 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | single 578 1 428 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sshd 2029 1 1046 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 1046 1 513 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | syslog 2066 1 1140 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | udev 2778 1 1644 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | umountfs 540 1 405 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 711 1 524 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | urandom 1473 1 954 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | inittab 1140 1 795 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | inputrc 1633 1 1059 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 13153 1 4838 36.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | classid 1130 1 650 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | pktloc 1532 1 846 55.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | limits 827 1 637 77.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | login.access 2006 1 1309 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | login.defs 13627 1 7411 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 118 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2822 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 486 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | netconfig 767 1 470 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | nfsroot 809 1 541 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | interfaces 129 1 123 95.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 339 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | arch.conf 88 1 69 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | passwd 808 1 554 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | profile 1822 1 1336 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 111 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | gawk.csh 1107 1 291 26.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 757 1 236 31.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | protocols 2932 1 2120 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rpc 887 1 673 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | securetty 1848 1 1297 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | services 12813 1 7544 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | shadow 518 1 179 34.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | .bashrc 410 1 331 80.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | .profile 241 1 226 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1042 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | moduli 578094 3 31848 5.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_config 1548 1 1065 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 456 90.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 177 1 172 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 321 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2572 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sshd_config 3177 1 2025 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2027 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 152463 78.0 98.531 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6245 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | ansi 1481 1 760 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | linux 1730 1 1020 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | rxvt 2222 1 1529 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | screen 1573 1 925 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | screen-256color 1687 1 987 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | sun 1004 1 513 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt100 1190 1 750 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt102 1184 1 755 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt200 1377 1 929 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt220 1377 1 929 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | vt52 470 1 234 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2648 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xterm-color 1551 1 797 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1394 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | local.rules 885 1 664 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | 50default 2652 1 1161 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1416 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-3 | xattr.conf 681 1 418 61.4 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2230 69.8 98.531 0.000 LZO1C-3 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 303318 31.0 98.531 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-4 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 410 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | input.conf 927 1 697 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | build 486 1 255 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1203 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1818 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | session.conf 838 1 630 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | system.conf 833 1 630 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 604 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rcS 1313 1 997 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 00_core 1637 1 1011 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ethertypes 1816 1 1345 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | README 978 1 717 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1436 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | fstab 650 1 387 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | group 513 1 458 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 492 1 295 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bluetooth 1253 1 775 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | bootlogd 1997 1 1231 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 2017 1 1346 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 3595 1 2263 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dbus-1 2893 1 1776 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 526 1 383 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 352 1 246 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | functions 2141 1 1332 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 580 1 424 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 2541 1 1308 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1326 1 818 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1173 1 888 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1589 1 929 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | networking 1956 1 1014 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 7801 1 3455 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rc 4407 1 2539 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1273 1 867 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 585 1 376 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rng-tools 1021 1 481 47.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 429 1 319 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | single 578 1 421 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sshd 2029 1 1027 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 1046 1 516 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | syslog 2066 1 1122 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | udev 2778 1 1634 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | umountfs 540 1 403 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 711 1 514 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | urandom 1473 1 921 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | inittab 1140 1 778 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | inputrc 1633 1 1047 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 13153 1 4627 35.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | classid 1130 1 633 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | pktloc 1532 1 855 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | limits 827 1 629 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | login.access 2006 1 1295 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | login.defs 13627 1 7215 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2729 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 486 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | netconfig 767 1 456 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | nfsroot 809 1 539 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 337 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | opkg.conf 845 1 601 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | passwd 808 1 545 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | profile 1822 1 1313 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 108 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | gawk.csh 1107 1 283 25.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 757 1 231 30.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | protocols 2932 1 2062 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rpc 887 1 664 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | securetty 1848 1 1218 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | services 12813 1 7389 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | shadow 518 1 177 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | .bashrc 410 1 327 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1028 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | moduli 578094 3 29134 5.0 1063.162 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_config 1548 1 1061 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 451 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2574 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sshd_config 3177 1 1976 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1976 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 151974 77.8 76.650 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6091 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 543 83.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | ansi 1481 1 741 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | linux 1730 1 1029 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | rxvt 2222 1 1510 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | screen 1573 1 917 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | screen-256color 1687 1 969 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | sun 1004 1 504 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt100 1190 1 726 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt102 1184 1 736 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt200 1377 1 925 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt220 1377 1 925 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | vt52 470 1 230 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2582 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xterm-color 1551 1 795 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1377 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | local.rules 885 1 661 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | 50default 2652 1 1132 42.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1440 27.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-4 | xattr.conf 681 1 414 60.8 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2191 69.0 142.991 0.000 LZO1C-4 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 297992 30.4 142.991 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-5 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 416 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | input.conf 927 1 691 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | build 486 1 255 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1197 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1784 34.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | session.conf 838 1 627 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | system.conf 833 1 623 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 604 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rcS 1313 1 994 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 00_core 1637 1 1003 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ethertypes 1816 1 1339 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | README 978 1 712 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1424 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | fstab 650 1 389 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 492 1 296 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bluetooth 1253 1 770 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | bootlogd 1997 1 1213 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 2017 1 1327 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 3595 1 2241 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dbus-1 2893 1 1764 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 526 1 384 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | functions 2141 1 1307 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | halt 510 1 401 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 580 1 424 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 2541 1 1284 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1326 1 823 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1173 1 877 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1589 1 915 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | networking 1956 1 1010 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 7801 1 3391 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rc 4407 1 2519 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1273 1 860 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rng-tools 1021 1 477 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 429 1 321 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sshd 2029 1 1027 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 1046 1 518 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | syslog 2066 1 1124 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | udev 2778 1 1603 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 711 1 514 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | urandom 1473 1 921 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | inittab 1140 1 777 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | inputrc 1633 1 1042 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 13153 1 5179 39.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | classid 1130 1 637 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | pktloc 1532 1 848 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | limits 827 1 627 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | login.access 2006 1 1269 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | login.defs 13627 1 7048 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2699 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 478 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | netconfig 767 1 456 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | nfsroot 809 1 526 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | interfaces 129 1 126 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 336 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | opkg.conf 845 1 601 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | passwd 808 1 534 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | profile 1822 1 1315 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 108 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | gawk.csh 1107 1 294 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 757 1 239 31.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | protocols 2932 1 2051 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rpc 887 1 664 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | securetty 1848 1 1205 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | services 12813 1 7304 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | shadow 518 1 174 33.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1021 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | moduli 578094 3 32669 5.7 948.573 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_config 1548 1 1051 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 452 89.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 322 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2571 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sshd_config 3177 1 1954 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1948 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 151703 77.6 69.801 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5987 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 541 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | ansi 1481 1 743 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | linux 1730 1 1009 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | rxvt 2222 1 1488 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | screen 1573 1 917 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | screen-256color 1687 1 977 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | sun 1004 1 492 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt100 1190 1 726 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt102 1184 1 733 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt200 1377 1 916 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt220 1377 1 916 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | vt52 470 1 229 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2558 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xterm-color 1551 1 790 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1363 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | local.rules 885 1 656 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | 50default 2652 1 1128 42.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1408 26.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-5 | xattr.conf 681 1 412 60.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2211 68.8 130.034 0.000 LZO1C-5 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 300775 30.7 130.034 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-6 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 410 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | input.conf 927 1 689 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | build 486 1 259 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1177 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1761 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | session.conf 838 1 622 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | system.conf 833 1 618 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 606 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rcS 1313 1 984 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 00_core 1637 1 994 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ethertypes 1816 1 1322 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | README 978 1 711 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1408 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | fstab 650 1 386 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 492 1 294 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bluetooth 1253 1 770 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | bootlogd 1997 1 1206 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 2017 1 1326 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 3595 1 2206 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dbus-1 2893 1 1750 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 526 1 384 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | functions 2141 1 1310 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | halt 510 1 400 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 2541 1 1291 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1326 1 825 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1173 1 876 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1589 1 907 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | networking 1956 1 998 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 7801 1 3359 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rc 4407 1 2480 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1273 1 860 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rng-tools 1021 1 479 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 429 1 319 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sendsigs 438 1 300 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | single 578 1 421 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sshd 2029 1 1011 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 1046 1 513 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | syslog 2066 1 1111 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | udev 2778 1 1593 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 711 1 516 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | urandom 1473 1 917 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | inittab 1140 1 772 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | inputrc 1633 1 1022 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 13153 1 5058 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | classid 1130 1 634 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | pktloc 1532 1 837 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | limits 827 1 629 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | login.access 2006 1 1258 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | login.defs 13627 1 6997 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2668 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 472 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | netconfig 767 1 451 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | nfsroot 809 1 531 65.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | interfaces 129 1 126 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 332 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | opkg.conf 845 1 599 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | passwd 808 1 516 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | profile 1822 1 1304 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 106 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 757 1 232 30.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | protocols 2932 1 2036 69.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rpc 887 1 664 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | securetty 1848 1 1198 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | services 12813 1 7213 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | shadow 518 1 174 33.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1020 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | moduli 578094 3 32633 5.6 946.452 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_config 1548 1 1040 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 451 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2572 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sshd_config 3177 1 1942 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1941 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 151251 77.4 73.151 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5895 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 539 82.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | ansi 1481 1 740 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | linux 1730 1 1002 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | rxvt 2222 1 1488 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | screen 1573 1 912 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | screen-256color 1687 1 966 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | sun 1004 1 493 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt100 1190 1 725 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt102 1184 1 733 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt200 1377 1 914 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt220 1377 1 914 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | vt52 470 1 229 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2538 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xterm-color 1551 1 785 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1356 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | 50default 2652 1 1113 42.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1428 27.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-6 | xattr.conf 681 1 409 60.1 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2201 68.5 135.805 0.000 LZO1C-6 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 299368 30.6 135.805 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-7 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 407 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | input.conf 927 1 687 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | build 486 1 256 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1200 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1779 34.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | session.conf 838 1 624 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | system.conf 833 1 621 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 604 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rcS 1313 1 989 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 00_core 1637 1 996 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ethertypes 1816 1 1335 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | README 978 1 707 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1404 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | fstab 650 1 388 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | group 513 1 453 88.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 492 1 296 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bluetooth 1253 1 768 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | bootlogd 1997 1 1204 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 2017 1 1322 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 3595 1 2215 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dbus-1 2893 1 1738 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 526 1 385 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | functions 2141 1 1316 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | halt 510 1 400 78.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 2541 1 1286 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1326 1 826 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1173 1 878 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1589 1 911 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | networking 1956 1 1007 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 7801 1 3351 43.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rc 4407 1 2481 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1273 1 851 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rng-tools 1021 1 476 46.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 429 1 318 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sendsigs 438 1 299 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | single 578 1 421 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sshd 2029 1 1006 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 1046 1 511 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | syslog 2066 1 1109 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | udev 2778 1 1592 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | umountfs 540 1 402 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 711 1 515 72.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | urandom 1473 1 914 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | inittab 1140 1 777 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | inputrc 1633 1 1020 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 13153 1 4623 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | classid 1130 1 633 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | pktloc 1532 1 838 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | limits 827 1 625 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | login.access 2006 1 1253 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | login.defs 13627 1 6947 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2655 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 477 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | netconfig 767 1 457 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | nfsroot 809 1 529 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 335 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | opkg.conf 845 1 598 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | passwd 808 1 529 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | profile 1822 1 1308 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 109 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | gawk.csh 1107 1 285 25.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 757 1 228 30.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | protocols 2932 1 2040 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rpc 887 1 664 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | securetty 1848 1 1197 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | services 12813 1 7182 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | shadow 518 1 174 33.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1017 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | moduli 578094 3 32742 5.7 714.217 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_config 1548 1 1050 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 318 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2570 98.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sshd_config 3177 1 1928 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1930 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 151372 77.4 49.765 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5889 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 541 83.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | ansi 1481 1 750 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | linux 1730 1 1003 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | rxvt 2222 1 1488 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | screen 1573 1 919 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | screen-256color 1687 1 966 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | sun 1004 1 496 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt100 1190 1 723 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt102 1184 1 732 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt200 1377 1 911 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt220 1377 1 911 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | vt52 470 1 231 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2539 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xterm-color 1551 1 783 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1354 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | local.rules 885 1 656 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | 50default 2652 1 1117 42.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1323 25.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-7 | xattr.conf 681 1 412 60.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2198 68.5 93.046 0.000 LZO1C-7 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 299010 30.6 93.046 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-8 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 410 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | input.conf 927 1 686 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | build 486 1 255 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1183 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1760 34.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | session.conf 838 1 617 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | system.conf 833 1 612 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 604 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rcS 1313 1 975 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 00_core 1637 1 990 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ethertypes 1816 1 1319 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | README 978 1 705 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1408 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | fstab 650 1 385 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | gshadow 429 1 316 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 492 1 291 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bluetooth 1253 1 769 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | bootlogd 1997 1 1199 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 2017 1 1320 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 3595 1 2193 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dbus-1 2893 1 1730 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | functions 2141 1 1302 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 580 1 423 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 2541 1 1277 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1326 1 814 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1173 1 870 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1589 1 899 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | networking 1956 1 999 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 7801 1 3311 42.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rc 4407 1 2447 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rcS 525 1 445 84.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1273 1 851 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rng-tools 1021 1 488 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 429 1 317 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sshd 2029 1 995 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 1046 1 509 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | syslog 2066 1 1105 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | udev 2778 1 1582 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 711 1 514 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | urandom 1473 1 917 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | inittab 1140 1 773 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | inputrc 1633 1 1017 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 13153 1 5131 39.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | classid 1130 1 631 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | pktloc 1532 1 819 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | limits 827 1 625 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | login.access 2006 1 1247 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | login.defs 13627 1 6898 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2616 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 471 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | netconfig 767 1 443 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | nfsroot 809 1 523 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | interfaces 129 1 126 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 332 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | opkg.conf 845 1 599 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | passwd 808 1 509 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | profile 1822 1 1280 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 107 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | gawk.csh 1107 1 275 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 757 1 226 29.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | protocols 2932 1 2029 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rpc 887 1 663 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | securetty 1848 1 1198 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | services 12813 1 7102 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | shadow 518 1 177 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | .bashrc 410 1 329 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1013 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | moduli 578094 3 32655 5.6 680.324 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_config 1548 1 1039 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2567 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sshd_config 3177 1 1925 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1930 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 150566 77.0 48.965 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5816 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 539 82.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | ansi 1481 1 738 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | linux 1730 1 1000 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | rxvt 2222 1 1485 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | screen 1573 1 903 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | screen-256color 1687 1 958 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | sun 1004 1 491 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt100 1190 1 725 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt102 1184 1 728 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt200 1377 1 909 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt220 1377 1 909 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | vt52 470 1 232 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2507 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xterm-color 1551 1 779 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1352 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | local.rules 885 1 647 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | 50default 2652 1 1112 41.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1391 26.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-8 | xattr.conf 681 1 409 60.1 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2190 68.3 91.355 0.000 LZO1C-8 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 297905 30.4 91.355 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-9 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 406 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | input.conf 927 1 681 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | build 486 1 256 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1169 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1699 33.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | session.conf 838 1 615 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | system.conf 833 1 612 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 598 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rcS 1313 1 975 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 00_core 1637 1 993 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ethertypes 1816 1 1313 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | README 978 1 703 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1385 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | fstab 650 1 382 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | group 513 1 454 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | gshadow 429 1 314 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 492 1 290 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bluetooth 1253 1 768 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | bootlogd 1997 1 1198 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 2017 1 1318 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 3595 1 2178 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dbus-1 2893 1 1723 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | functions 2141 1 1294 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 2541 1 1248 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1326 1 808 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1173 1 874 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1589 1 892 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | networking 1956 1 987 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 7801 1 3295 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rc 4407 1 2450 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rcS 525 1 442 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1273 1 845 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 585 1 372 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rng-tools 1021 1 471 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 429 1 315 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sendsigs 438 1 296 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sshd 2029 1 1003 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 1046 1 501 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | syslog 2066 1 1105 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | udev 2778 1 1566 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 711 1 512 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | urandom 1473 1 903 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | inittab 1140 1 769 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | inputrc 1633 1 1010 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 13153 1 5009 38.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | classid 1130 1 623 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | pktloc 1532 1 816 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | limits 827 1 624 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | login.access 2006 1 1247 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | login.defs 13627 1 6873 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2582 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 471 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | netconfig 767 1 441 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | nfsroot 809 1 520 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 332 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | opkg.conf 845 1 595 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | passwd 808 1 510 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | profile 1822 1 1279 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 103 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | gawk.csh 1107 1 274 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 757 1 225 29.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | protocols 2932 1 2031 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rpc 887 1 664 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | securetty 1848 1 1193 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | services 12813 1 7058 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | shadow 518 1 177 34.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | slsh.rc 2030 1 996 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | moduli 578094 3 27172 4.7 342.172 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_config 1548 1 1032 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2567 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 569 1 577 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sshd_config 3177 1 1924 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1919 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 150372 76.9 70.490 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5767 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 538 82.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | ansi 1481 1 725 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | linux 1730 1 1000 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | rxvt 2222 1 1485 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | screen 1573 1 897 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | screen-256color 1687 1 947 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | sun 1004 1 487 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt100 1190 1 717 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt102 1184 1 722 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt200 1377 1 896 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt220 1377 1 896 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | vt52 470 1 228 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2506 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xterm-color 1551 1 777 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1344 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | 50default 2652 1 1098 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1327 25.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-9 | xattr.conf 681 1 406 59.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2142 68.0 116.899 0.000 LZO1C-9 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 291412 29.8 116.899 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1F-1 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 409 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | input.conf 927 1 699 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | build 486 1 257 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1196 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1821 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | session.conf 838 1 621 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | system.conf 833 1 619 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 617 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | postinst 52 1 57 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rcS 1313 1 1006 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 00_core 1637 1 1028 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 67 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ethertypes 1816 1 1348 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | README 978 1 713 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1461 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | fstab 650 1 393 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | group 513 1 449 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | gshadow 429 1 301 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | hosts 258 1 206 79.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 492 1 305 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bluetooth 1253 1 776 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1208 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 2017 1 1369 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 3595 1 2271 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dbus-1 2893 1 1770 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 526 1 388 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 352 1 250 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | functions 2141 1 1325 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | halt 510 1 404 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 580 1 426 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 2541 1 1322 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1326 1 830 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1173 1 894 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1589 1 939 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | networking 1956 1 1014 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 7801 1 3613 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rc 4407 1 2608 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rcS 525 1 441 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1273 1 862 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | reboot 289 1 224 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 585 1 377 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rng-tools 1021 1 487 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 429 1 317 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | single 578 1 424 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sshd 2029 1 1020 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 1046 1 522 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | syslog 2066 1 1135 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | udev 2778 1 1620 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | umountfs 540 1 400 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 711 1 525 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | urandom 1473 1 931 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | inittab 1140 1 789 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1043 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 13153 1 4832 36.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | classid 1130 1 635 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | pktloc 1532 1 822 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | limits 827 1 632 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | login.access 2006 1 1287 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | login.defs 13627 1 7623 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2834 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 485 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | netconfig 767 1 467 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | nfsroot 809 1 534 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | interfaces 129 1 122 94.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 333 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | arch.conf 88 1 66 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | opkg.conf 845 1 591 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | passwd 808 1 548 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | profile 1822 1 1311 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 114 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 287 25.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 757 1 237 31.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | protocols 2932 1 2087 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rpc 887 1 654 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | securetty 1848 1 1128 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | services 12813 1 7698 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | shadow 518 1 182 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | shells 52 1 50 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | .bashrc 410 1 330 80.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1025 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | moduli 578094 3 33948 5.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_config 1548 1 1051 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 447 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 318 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2569 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 569 1 574 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sshd_config 3177 1 1998 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1997 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 153494 78.5 98.893 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6381 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 542 83.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | ansi 1481 1 747 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | dumb 308 1 75 24.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | linux 1730 1 992 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | rxvt 2222 1 1452 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | screen 1573 1 902 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | screen-256color 1687 1 960 56.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | sun 1004 1 498 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt100 1190 1 735 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt102 1184 1 735 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt200 1377 1 899 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt220 1377 1 899 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | vt52 470 1 239 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2495 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 773 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1322 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | 50default 2652 1 1169 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1401 26.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-1 | xattr.conf 681 1 421 61.8 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2247 69.1 98.893 0.000 LZO1F-1 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 305600 31.2 98.893 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 435 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | input.conf 927 1 708 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | build 486 1 282 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1208 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 75 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1850 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 635 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rcS 1313 1 1032 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | useradd 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 00_core 1637 1 1069 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 99_mandb 35 1 39 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ethertypes 1816 1 1366 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | README 978 1 735 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1498 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | fstab 650 1 408 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | group 513 1 469 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | gshadow 429 1 307 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bluetooth 1253 1 798 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1218 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 2017 1 1404 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 3595 1 2318 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dbus-1 2893 1 1804 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 526 1 402 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | functions 2141 1 1366 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | halt 510 1 416 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 580 1 435 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 2541 1 1337 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1326 1 854 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1173 1 918 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1589 1 951 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | networking 1956 1 1028 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 7801 1 3649 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rc 4407 1 2664 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1273 1 1225 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rng-tools 1021 1 509 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 429 1 333 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | single 578 1 437 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sshd 2029 1 1056 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 1046 1 533 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | syslog 2066 1 1146 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | udev 2778 1 1647 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | urandom 1473 1 943 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | inittab 1140 1 818 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1062 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 13153 1 4906 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 33 1 37 112 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | pktloc 1532 1 859 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | limits 827 1 653 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | login.access 2006 1 1317 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | login.defs 13627 1 7707 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2862 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 516 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | netconfig 767 1 487 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | nfsroot 809 1 547 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | interfaces 129 1 128 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 368 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | arch.conf 88 1 70 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | passwd 808 1 556 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | profile 1822 1 1340 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 120 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 106 1 89 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | protocols 2932 1 2132 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rpc 887 1 669 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | securetty 1848 1 1145 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | services 12813 1 7778 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | shadow 518 1 193 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1061 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | moduli 578094 3 51710 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_config 1548 1 1070 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 482 95.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 177 1 173 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2607 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sshd_config 3177 1 2027 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2026 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 159388 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6457 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | linux 1730 1 1022 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | rxvt 2222 1 1493 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | screen 1573 1 920 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | screen-256color 1687 1 978 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt200 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt220 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2526 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 804 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1348 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | 50default 2652 1 1188 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1420 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1 | xattr.conf 681 1 429 63.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2442 71.4 0.000 0.000 LZO1X-1 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 332135 33.9 0.000 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1Y-1 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 434 81.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | input.conf 927 1 701 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | build 486 1 281 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1137 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 73 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1792 34.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | session.conf 838 1 635 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | system.conf 833 1 637 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 628 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rcS 1313 1 1022 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | useradd 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 00_core 1637 1 1045 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 99_mandb 35 1 39 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ethertypes 1816 1 1355 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | README 978 1 722 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1495 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | fstab 650 1 401 61.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | group 513 1 469 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | gshadow 429 1 307 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | hosts 258 1 204 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 492 1 316 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bluetooth 1253 1 789 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | bootlogd 1997 1 1205 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 2017 1 1376 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 3595 1 2332 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dbus-1 2893 1 1797 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 526 1 398 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 352 1 261 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | functions 2141 1 1341 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | halt 510 1 411 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 2541 1 1325 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1326 1 831 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1173 1 906 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1589 1 930 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | networking 1956 1 1028 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 7801 1 3631 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rc 4407 1 2676 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rcS 525 1 469 89.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1273 1 1222 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | reboot 289 1 226 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 585 1 380 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rng-tools 1021 1 502 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 429 1 327 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sendsigs 438 1 307 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | single 578 1 432 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sshd 2029 1 1036 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 1046 1 516 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | syslog 2066 1 1123 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | udev 2778 1 1632 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | umountfs 540 1 401 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 711 1 519 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | urandom 1473 1 929 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | inittab 1140 1 810 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | inputrc 1633 1 1054 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 13153 1 4683 35.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 33 1 37 112 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | classid 1130 1 658 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | pktloc 1532 1 830 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | limits 827 1 646 78.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | login.access 2006 1 1310 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | login.defs 13627 1 7817 57.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2896 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 507 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | netconfig 767 1 480 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | nfsroot 809 1 539 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | interfaces 129 1 127 98.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 359 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | arch.conf 88 1 70 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | opkg.conf 845 1 592 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | passwd 808 1 548 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | profile 1822 1 1330 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 120 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 106 1 88 83.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | gawk.csh 1107 1 288 26.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 757 1 244 32.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | protocols 2932 1 2137 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rpc 887 1 661 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | securetty 1848 1 1137 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | services 12813 1 7785 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | shadow 518 1 192 37.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | .bashrc 410 1 338 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1057 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | moduli 578094 3 51688 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_config 1548 1 1059 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 480 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 177 1 172 97.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 334 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2607 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sshd_config 3177 1 2034 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2035 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 159533 81.6 284.876 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6486 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 548 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | ansi 1481 1 757 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | linux 1730 1 1011 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | rxvt 2222 1 1493 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | screen 1573 1 919 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | screen-256color 1687 1 974 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | sun 1004 1 518 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt100 1190 1 752 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt102 1184 1 762 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt200 1377 1 918 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt220 1377 1 918 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | vt52 470 1 238 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2546 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xterm-color 1551 1 801 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1341 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | local.rules 885 1 670 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | 50default 2652 1 1176 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1373 26.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-1 | xattr.conf 681 1 421 61.8 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2436 70.8 284.876 0.000 LZO1Y-1 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 331359 33.9 284.876 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1(11) | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 435 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | input.conf 927 1 721 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | build 486 1 282 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1212 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | busybox.links.suid 91 1 75 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1862 36.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 637 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rcS 1313 1 1043 79.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | useradd 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 00_core 1637 1 1071 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 99_mandb 35 1 39 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ethertypes 1816 1 1378 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | README 978 1 741 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | fonts.conf 2532 1 1498 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | fstab 650 1 408 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | group 513 1 469 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | gshadow 429 1 307 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bluetooth 1253 1 802 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | bootlogd 1997 1 1230 61.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 2017 1 1409 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 3595 1 2349 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dbus-1 2893 1 1825 63.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 526 1 406 77.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | functions 2141 1 1380 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | halt 510 1 418 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 580 1 436 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 2541 1 1351 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1326 1 860 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1173 1 926 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1589 1 957 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | networking 1956 1 1035 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 7801 1 3726 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rc 4407 1 2707 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1273 1 1225 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rng-tools 1021 1 511 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 429 1 333 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | single 578 1 438 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sshd 2029 1 1079 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 1046 1 534 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | syslog 2066 1 1149 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | udev 2778 1 1670 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 711 1 530 74.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | urandom 1473 1 945 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | inittab 1140 1 821 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | inputrc 1633 1 1074 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 13153 1 4933 37.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 33 1 37 112 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | pktloc 1532 1 864 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | limits 827 1 655 79.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | login.access 2006 1 1326 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | login.defs 13627 1 7989 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | man_db.conf 5165 1 2917 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | mke2fs.conf 782 1 519 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | netconfig 767 1 488 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | nfsroot 809 1 546 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | interfaces 129 1 128 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | nsswitch.conf 465 1 369 79.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | arch.conf 88 1 70 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | passwd 808 1 557 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | profile 1822 1 1352 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | debuginfod.csh 215 1 120 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 106 1 89 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | protocols 2932 1 2168 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rpc 887 1 672 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | securetty 1848 1 1148 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | services 12813 1 7977 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | shadow 518 1 193 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | slsh.rc 2030 1 1076 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | moduli 578094 3 51725 8.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_config 1548 1 1072 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 482 95.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 177 1 173 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2607 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sshd_config 3177 1 2055 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2048 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 167529 85.7 345.044 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6695 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | linux 1730 1 1023 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | rxvt 2222 1 1497 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | screen 1573 1 922 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | screen-256color 1687 1 980 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt200 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt220 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xterm-256color 3780 1 2557 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xterm-color 1551 1 805 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1351 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | 50default 2652 1 1193 45.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | volatile.cache 5263 1 1424 27.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(11) | xattr.conf 681 1 429 63.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2512 71.7 345.044 0.000 LZO1X-1(11) ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 341680 34.9 345.044 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1(12) | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 435 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | input.conf 927 1 711 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | build 486 1 282 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1212 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | busybox.links.suid 91 1 75 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1844 35.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 636 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rcS 1313 1 1036 78.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | useradd 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 00_core 1637 1 1070 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 99_mandb 35 1 39 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ethertypes 1816 1 1373 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | README 978 1 740 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | fonts.conf 2532 1 1500 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | fstab 650 1 408 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | group 513 1 469 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | gshadow 429 1 307 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bluetooth 1253 1 801 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | bootlogd 1997 1 1219 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 2017 1 1411 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 3595 1 2329 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dbus-1 2893 1 1814 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 526 1 404 76.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | functions 2141 1 1368 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | halt 510 1 418 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 580 1 436 75.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 2541 1 1346 53.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1326 1 858 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1173 1 921 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1589 1 957 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | networking 1956 1 1031 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 7801 1 3676 47.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rc 4407 1 2689 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1273 1 1225 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rng-tools 1021 1 511 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 429 1 333 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | single 578 1 437 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sshd 2029 1 1063 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 1046 1 534 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | syslog 2066 1 1146 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | udev 2778 1 1661 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | urandom 1473 1 945 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | inittab 1140 1 818 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | inputrc 1633 1 1069 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 13153 1 4916 37.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 33 1 37 112 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | pktloc 1532 1 863 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | limits 827 1 653 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | login.access 2006 1 1328 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | login.defs 13627 1 7848 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | man_db.conf 5165 1 2884 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | mke2fs.conf 782 1 519 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | netconfig 767 1 487 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | nfsroot 809 1 547 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | interfaces 129 1 128 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | nsswitch.conf 465 1 369 79.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | arch.conf 88 1 70 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | passwd 808 1 556 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | profile 1822 1 1352 74.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | debuginfod.csh 215 1 120 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 106 1 89 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | protocols 2932 1 2148 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rpc 887 1 669 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | securetty 1848 1 1147 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | services 12813 1 7875 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | shadow 518 1 193 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | slsh.rc 2030 1 1063 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | moduli 578094 3 51787 9.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_config 1548 1 1070 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 482 95.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 177 1 173 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2607 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sshd_config 3177 1 2047 64.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2038 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 161996 82.9 364.619 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6568 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | linux 1730 1 1022 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | rxvt 2222 1 1494 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | screen 1573 1 922 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | screen-256color 1687 1 980 58.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt200 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt220 1377 1 926 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xterm-256color 3780 1 2555 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xterm-color 1551 1 804 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1351 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | 50default 2652 1 1183 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | volatile.cache 5263 1 1421 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(12) | xattr.conf 681 1 429 63.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2466 71.5 364.619 0.000 LZO1X-1(12) ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 335491 34.3 364.619 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-1(15) | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 435 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | input.conf 927 1 708 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | network.conf 120 1 124 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | build 486 1 282 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1211 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | busybox.links.suid 91 1 75 82.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1850 35.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | session.conf 838 1 643 76.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | system.conf 833 1 644 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 636 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | devpts 93 1 97 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rcS 1313 1 1032 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | useradd 115 1 119 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 00_core 1637 1 1069 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 01_bootlogd 36 1 40 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 99_dbus 48 1 48 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 99_mandb 35 1 39 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 99_sshd 75 1 72 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ethertypes 1816 1 1368 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | README 978 1 736 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | fonts.conf 2532 1 1503 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | fstab 650 1 408 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | group 513 1 469 91.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | gshadow 429 1 307 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | hosts 258 1 207 80.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 492 1 324 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bluetooth 1253 1 799 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | bootlogd 1997 1 1218 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 2017 1 1406 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 3595 1 2323 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dbus-1 2893 1 1807 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 526 1 402 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 352 1 267 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | functions 2141 1 1366 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | halt 510 1 418 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 580 1 435 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 2541 1 1338 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1326 1 857 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1173 1 919 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1589 1 951 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | networking 1956 1 1028 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 7801 1 3650 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rc 4407 1 2673 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rcS 525 1 472 89.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1273 1 1225 96.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | reboot 289 1 231 79.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 585 1 390 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rng-tools 1021 1 509 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 429 1 333 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sendsigs 438 1 314 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | single 578 1 437 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sshd 2029 1 1063 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 1046 1 533 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | syslog 2066 1 1146 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | udev 2778 1 1659 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | umountfs 540 1 408 75.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 711 1 528 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | urandom 1473 1 944 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | inittab 1140 1 818 71.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | inputrc 1633 1 1068 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 13153 1 4908 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 33 1 37 112 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | classid 1130 1 670 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | pktloc 1532 1 860 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | limits 827 1 653 79.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | login.access 2006 1 1322 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | login.defs 13627 1 7744 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 119 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | man_db.conf 5165 1 2867 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | mke2fs.conf 782 1 517 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | netconfig 767 1 487 63.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | nfsroot 809 1 547 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | interfaces 129 1 128 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | nsswitch.conf 465 1 368 79.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | arch.conf 88 1 70 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | opkg.conf 845 1 603 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | passwd 808 1 556 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | profile 1822 1 1342 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | debuginfod.csh 215 1 120 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 106 1 89 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | gawk.csh 1107 1 296 26.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 757 1 248 32.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | protocols 2932 1 2140 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rpc 887 1 669 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | securetty 1848 1 1145 62.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | services 12813 1 7796 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | shadow 518 1 193 37.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | shells 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | .bashrc 410 1 343 83.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | .profile 241 1 237 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | slsh.rc 2030 1 1062 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | moduli 578094 3 51779 9.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_config 1548 1 1070 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 482 95.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 177 1 173 97.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 335 81.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 97 1 102 105 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2607 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sshd_config 3177 1 2031 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 2030 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 160148 81.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | openssl.cnf 12292 1 6479 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 550 84.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | syslog.conf 69 1 73 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | ansi 1481 1 769 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | dumb 308 1 83 26.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | linux 1730 1 1022 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | rxvt 2222 1 1494 67.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | screen 1573 1 920 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | screen-256color 1687 1 978 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | sun 1004 1 525 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt100 1190 1 758 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt102 1184 1 767 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt200 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt220 1377 1 924 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | vt52 470 1 243 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xterm-256color 3780 1 2554 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xterm-color 1551 1 804 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1348 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | local.rules 885 1 678 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | 50default 2652 1 1188 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | volatile.cache 5263 1 1420 27.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-1(15) | xattr.conf 681 1 429 63.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2449 71.4 0.000 0.000 LZO1X-1(15) ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 333169 34.0 0.000 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1-99 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 406 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | input.conf 927 1 690 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | build 486 1 253 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1225 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 66 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1705 33.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | session.conf 838 1 614 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | system.conf 833 1 613 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 595 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rcS 1313 1 976 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rng-tools 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | useradd 115 1 117 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 00_core 1637 1 993 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 99_mandb 35 1 34 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 62 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ethertypes 1816 1 1323 72.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | README 978 1 714 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1391 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | fstab 650 1 388 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | group 513 1 452 88.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | gshadow 429 1 311 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | hostname 11 1 12 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | hosts 258 1 199 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 492 1 289 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bluetooth 1253 1 774 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1193 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 2017 1 1341 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 3595 1 2185 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dbus-1 2893 1 1726 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 352 1 242 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | functions 2141 1 1294 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | halt 510 1 397 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 2541 1 1250 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1326 1 816 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1173 1 878 74.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1589 1 898 56.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | networking 1956 1 985 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 7801 1 3283 42.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rc 4407 1 2469 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1273 1 846 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | reboot 289 1 219 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 585 1 375 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rng-tools 1021 1 472 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 429 1 315 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sendsigs 438 1 295 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sshd 2029 1 996 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 1046 1 503 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | syslog 2066 1 1113 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | udev 2778 1 1577 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | umountfs 540 1 400 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 711 1 517 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | urandom 1473 1 912 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | inittab 1140 1 777 68.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | inputrc 1633 1 1009 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | issue 49 1 51 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 13153 1 4696 35.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 33 1 35 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | classid 1130 1 623 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | pktloc 1532 1 835 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | limits 827 1 630 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | login.access 2006 1 1257 62.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | login.defs 13627 1 6868 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 115 95.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2602 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 469 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | netconfig 767 1 435 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | nfsroot 809 1 519 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | interfaces 129 1 118 91.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 332 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | arch.conf 88 1 65 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | opkg.conf 845 1 591 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | passwd 808 1 514 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | profile 1822 1 1286 70.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 101 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 106 1 73 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 273 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 757 1 222 29.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | protocols 2932 1 2053 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rpc 887 1 665 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | securetty 1848 1 1198 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | services 12813 1 7103 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | shadow 518 1 183 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | .profile 241 1 222 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1005 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | moduli 578094 3 31647 5.5 202.591 1135.236 | LZO1-99 | ssh_config 1548 1 1038 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 447 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 177 1 168 94.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 316 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 97 1 98 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2565 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 569 1 573 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sshd_config 3177 1 1922 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1916 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 152102 77.8 38.917 0.000 | LZO1-99 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5819 47.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 535 82.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | ansi 1481 1 751 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | linux 1730 1 1019 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | rxvt 2222 1 1498 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | screen 1573 1 907 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | screen-256color 1687 1 966 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | sun 1004 1 509 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt100 1190 1 747 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt102 1184 1 749 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt200 1377 1 921 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt220 1377 1 921 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | vt52 470 1 231 49.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2546 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 788 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1373 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | local.rules 885 1 652 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | 50default 2652 1 1094 41.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1286 24.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1-99 | xattr.conf 681 1 405 59.5 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2189 66.9 65.292 1135.236 LZO1-99 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 297828 30.4 65.292 1135.236 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1A-99 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 404 75.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | input.conf 927 1 681 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | network.conf 120 1 117 97.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | build 486 1 252 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1224 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 66 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1702 33.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | session.conf 838 1 612 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | system.conf 833 1 611 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 591 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | devpts 93 1 91 97.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | postinst 52 1 53 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rcS 1313 1 972 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rng-tools 27 1 28 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | useradd 115 1 117 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 00_core 1637 1 991 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 34 94.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 41 85.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 99_mandb 35 1 34 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 62 82.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ethertypes 1816 1 1311 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | README 978 1 711 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1381 54.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | fstab 650 1 383 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | group 513 1 450 87.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | gshadow 429 1 311 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | host.conf 26 1 27 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | hostname 11 1 12 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | hosts 258 1 199 77.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 492 1 288 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bluetooth 1253 1 770 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1191 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 2017 1 1335 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 3595 1 2172 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dbus-1 2893 1 1718 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 526 1 377 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 352 1 242 68.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | functions 2141 1 1288 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | halt 510 1 396 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 2541 1 1243 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1326 1 813 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1173 1 873 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1589 1 892 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | networking 1956 1 983 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 7801 1 3265 41.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rc 4407 1 2453 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rcS 525 1 441 84.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1273 1 842 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | reboot 289 1 218 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rng-tools 1021 1 470 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 429 1 314 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sendsigs 438 1 294 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sshd 2029 1 992 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 1046 1 503 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | syslog 2066 1 1111 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | udev 2778 1 1575 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | umountfs 540 1 399 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 711 1 516 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | urandom 1473 1 906 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | inittab 1140 1 772 67.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | inputrc 1633 1 1002 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | issue 49 1 51 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 46 1 48 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 13153 1 4524 34.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 33 1 35 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | classid 1130 1 619 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | pktloc 1532 1 830 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | limits 827 1 626 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | login.access 2006 1 1242 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | login.defs 13627 1 6809 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2585 50.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 468 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | motd 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | netconfig 767 1 432 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | nfsroot 809 1 517 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | interfaces 129 1 118 91.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 331 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | arch.conf 88 1 64 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | opkg.conf 845 1 590 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | passwd 808 1 509 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | profile 1822 1 1278 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 101 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 106 1 73 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 273 24.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 757 1 222 29.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | protocols 2932 1 2039 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rpc 887 1 662 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | securetty 1848 1 1197 64.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | services 12813 1 7040 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | shadow 518 1 183 35.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | .bashrc 410 1 325 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | .profile 241 1 222 92.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 1001 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | moduli 578094 3 31135 5.4 129.339 729.502 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_config 1548 1 1033 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 447 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 177 1 168 94.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 316 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 97 1 98 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2564 98.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 569 1 573 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sshd_config 3177 1 1906 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1899 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 151820 77.7 28.279 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5773 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 534 82.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 67 97.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | ansi 1481 1 728 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | dumb 308 1 68 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | linux 1730 1 1003 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | rxvt 2222 1 1469 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | screen 1573 1 887 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | screen-256color 1687 1 947 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | sun 1004 1 491 48.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt100 1190 1 719 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt102 1184 1 724 61.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt200 1377 1 895 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt220 1377 1 895 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | vt52 470 1 229 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2504 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 774 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1345 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | timestamp 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | local.rules 885 1 647 73.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | udev.conf 49 1 50 102 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | 50default 2652 1 1090 41.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | version 15 1 16 107 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1284 24.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1A-99 | xattr.conf 681 1 404 59.3 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2176 66.5 46.411 729.502 LZO1A-99 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 296030 30.2 46.411 729.502 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-99 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 407 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | input.conf 927 1 684 73.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | build 486 1 257 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1227 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1713 33.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | session.conf 838 1 615 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | system.conf 833 1 613 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 604 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rcS 1313 1 975 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 00_core 1637 1 984 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 65 86.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ethertypes 1816 1 1313 72.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | README 978 1 714 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1375 54.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | fstab 650 1 382 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | group 513 1 453 88.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | gshadow 429 1 314 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 492 1 293 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bluetooth 1253 1 775 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1191 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 2017 1 1334 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 3595 1 2177 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dbus-1 2893 1 1720 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 526 1 380 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | functions 2141 1 1295 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | halt 510 1 399 78.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 580 1 425 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 2541 1 1244 49.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1326 1 812 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1173 1 875 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1589 1 894 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | networking 1956 1 989 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 7801 1 3269 41.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rc 4407 1 2440 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rcS 525 1 444 84.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1273 1 842 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 585 1 375 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rng-tools 1021 1 477 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 429 1 317 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sshd 2029 1 998 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 1046 1 507 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | syslog 2066 1 1108 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | udev 2778 1 1574 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | umountfs 540 1 402 74.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 711 1 519 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | urandom 1473 1 910 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | inittab 1140 1 776 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | inputrc 1633 1 1004 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 13153 1 4439 33.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | classid 1130 1 623 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | pktloc 1532 1 834 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | limits 827 1 627 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | login.access 2006 1 1247 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | login.defs 13627 1 6780 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2597 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 471 60.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | netconfig 767 1 436 56.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | nfsroot 809 1 520 64.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 330 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | opkg.conf 845 1 594 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | passwd 808 1 509 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | profile 1822 1 1281 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 104 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 280 25.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 757 1 229 30.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | protocols 2932 1 2037 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rpc 887 1 665 75.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | securetty 1848 1 1200 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | services 12813 1 7038 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | shadow 518 1 184 35.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | .bashrc 410 1 328 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 999 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | moduli 578094 3 27114 4.7 205.951 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_config 1548 1 1034 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 320 77.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2567 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sshd_config 3177 1 1902 59.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1901 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 147145 75.3 31.879 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5743 46.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 537 82.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | ansi 1481 1 733 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | dumb 308 1 72 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | linux 1730 1 1008 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | rxvt 2222 1 1472 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | screen 1573 1 890 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | screen-256color 1687 1 951 56.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | sun 1004 1 497 49.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt100 1190 1 723 60.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt102 1184 1 728 61.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt200 1377 1 900 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt220 1377 1 900 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | vt52 470 1 232 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2509 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 777 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1345 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | local.rules 885 1 650 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | 50default 2652 1 1101 41.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1229 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-99 | xattr.conf 681 1 410 60.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2114 68.1 55.212 0.000 LZO1B-99 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 287509 29.4 55.212 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-99 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 405 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | input.conf 927 1 681 73.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | build 486 1 256 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1169 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1682 32.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | session.conf 838 1 613 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | system.conf 833 1 611 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 596 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rcS 1313 1 973 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 00_core 1637 1 979 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 37 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 99_dbus 48 1 44 91.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 99_mandb 35 1 37 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 99_sshd 75 1 64 85.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ethertypes 1816 1 1309 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | README 978 1 703 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1367 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | fstab 650 1 377 58.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | group 513 1 453 88.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | gshadow 429 1 314 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 492 1 290 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bluetooth 1253 1 768 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | bootlogd 1997 1 1182 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 2017 1 1313 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 3595 1 2161 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dbus-1 2893 1 1708 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 352 1 244 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | functions 2141 1 1280 59.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 580 1 422 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 2541 1 1232 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1326 1 802 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1173 1 869 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1589 1 887 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | networking 1956 1 986 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 7801 1 3239 41.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rc 4407 1 2415 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rcS 525 1 442 84.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1273 1 834 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 585 1 370 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rng-tools 1021 1 471 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 429 1 315 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sendsigs 438 1 296 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sshd 2029 1 983 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 1046 1 502 48.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | syslog 2066 1 1099 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | udev 2778 1 1555 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | umountfs 540 1 399 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 711 1 512 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | urandom 1473 1 901 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | inittab 1140 1 769 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | inputrc 1633 1 996 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 13153 1 4244 32.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 33 1 38 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | classid 1130 1 620 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | pktloc 1532 1 810 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | limits 827 1 621 75.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | login.access 2006 1 1242 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | login.defs 13627 1 6720 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2564 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 470 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | netconfig 767 1 435 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | nfsroot 809 1 517 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 328 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | opkg.conf 845 1 591 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | passwd 808 1 505 62.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | profile 1822 1 1271 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 103 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | gawk.csh 1107 1 275 24.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 757 1 225 29.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | protocols 2932 1 2021 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rpc 887 1 662 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | securetty 1848 1 1193 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | services 12813 1 6940 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | shadow 518 1 175 33.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | shells 52 1 49 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | .bashrc 410 1 326 79.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | slsh.rc 2030 1 988 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | moduli 578094 3 26706 4.6 257.763 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_config 1548 1 1028 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 450 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 319 77.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2567 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sshd_config 3177 1 1895 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1891 59.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 149099 76.3 38.590 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5677 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 535 82.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | ansi 1481 1 721 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | linux 1730 1 995 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | rxvt 2222 1 1473 66.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | screen 1573 1 880 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | screen-256color 1687 1 937 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | sun 1004 1 487 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt100 1190 1 717 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt102 1184 1 722 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt200 1377 1 894 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt220 1377 1 894 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | vt52 470 1 227 48.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2499 66.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xterm-color 1551 1 769 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1343 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | local.rules 885 1 644 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | 50default 2652 1 1084 40.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1233 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-99 | xattr.conf 681 1 406 59.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2116 67.7 67.131 0.000 LZO1C-99 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 287888 29.4 67.131 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1B-999 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 405 75.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | input.conf 927 1 669 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | build 486 1 249 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1202 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 69 75.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1647 31.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | session.conf 838 1 613 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | system.conf 833 1 611 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 600 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rcS 1313 1 963 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 00_core 1637 1 964 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 99_mandb 35 1 36 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 60 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ethertypes 1816 1 1299 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | README 978 1 706 72.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1357 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | fstab 650 1 365 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | group 513 1 441 86.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | gshadow 429 1 300 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 492 1 293 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bluetooth 1253 1 768 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1162 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 2017 1 1314 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 3595 1 2132 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dbus-1 2893 1 1688 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 526 1 378 71.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 352 1 245 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | functions 2141 1 1277 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | halt 510 1 398 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 580 1 421 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 2541 1 1222 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1326 1 803 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1173 1 871 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1589 1 878 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | networking 1956 1 973 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 7801 1 3134 40.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rc 4407 1 2362 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rcS 525 1 443 84.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1273 1 836 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | reboot 289 1 221 76.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 585 1 374 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rng-tools 1021 1 471 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 429 1 317 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sendsigs 438 1 297 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | single 578 1 423 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sshd 2029 1 977 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 1046 1 490 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | syslog 2066 1 1093 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | udev 2778 1 1542 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | umountfs 540 1 399 73.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 711 1 516 72.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | urandom 1473 1 899 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | inittab 1140 1 769 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | inputrc 1633 1 981 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 13153 1 4255 32.4 19.469 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 33 1 35 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | classid 1130 1 621 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | pktloc 1532 1 820 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | limits 827 1 623 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | login.access 2006 1 1210 60.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | login.defs 13627 1 6375 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2498 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 463 59.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | netconfig 767 1 424 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | nfsroot 809 1 515 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 330 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | opkg.conf 845 1 589 69.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | passwd 808 1 502 62.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | profile 1822 1 1273 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 99 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 106 1 76 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 272 24.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 757 1 220 29.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | protocols 2932 1 2006 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rpc 887 1 659 74.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | securetty 1848 1 1165 63.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | services 12813 1 6779 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | shadow 518 1 182 35.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | shells 52 1 48 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | .bashrc 410 1 325 79.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 987 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | moduli 578094 3 26565 4.6 70.448 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_config 1548 1 1025 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 447 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 316 76.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2565 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sshd_config 3177 1 1862 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1865 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 144456 73.9 20.195 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5474 44.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 531 81.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | ansi 1481 1 719 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | dumb 308 1 71 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | linux 1730 1 987 57.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | rxvt 2222 1 1444 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | screen 1573 1 884 56.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | screen-256color 1687 1 937 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | sun 1004 1 490 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt100 1190 1 706 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt102 1184 1 710 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt200 1377 1 888 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt220 1377 1 888 64.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | vt52 470 1 233 49.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2445 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 763 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1316 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | local.rules 885 1 649 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | 50default 2652 1 1078 40.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1161 22.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1B-999 | xattr.conf 681 1 410 60.2 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2070 67.2 26.069 0.000 LZO1B-999 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 281559 28.8 26.069 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1C-999 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 403 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | input.conf 927 1 665 71.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | build 486 1 248 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1136 46.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1597 31.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | session.conf 838 1 610 72.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | system.conf 833 1 608 73.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 592 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | devpts 93 1 94 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rcS 1313 1 961 73.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 00_core 1637 1 956 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 99_mandb 35 1 36 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 59 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ethertypes 1816 1 1293 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | README 978 1 695 71.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1348 53.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | fstab 650 1 358 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | group 513 1 441 86.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | gshadow 429 1 300 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | hosts 258 1 202 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 492 1 290 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bluetooth 1253 1 760 60.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1152 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 2017 1 1291 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 3595 1 2108 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dbus-1 2893 1 1671 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 526 1 376 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 352 1 243 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | functions 2141 1 1258 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | halt 510 1 397 77.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 580 1 418 72.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 2541 1 1212 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1326 1 791 59.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1173 1 865 73.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1589 1 872 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | networking 1956 1 967 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 7801 1 3095 39.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rc 4407 1 2333 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rcS 525 1 440 83.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1273 1 826 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | reboot 289 1 220 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 585 1 368 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rng-tools 1021 1 464 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 429 1 315 73.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sendsigs 438 1 296 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | single 578 1 420 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sshd 2029 1 961 47.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 1046 1 485 46.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | syslog 2066 1 1081 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | udev 2778 1 1517 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | umountfs 540 1 396 73.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 711 1 509 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | urandom 1473 1 889 60.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | inittab 1140 1 761 66.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | inputrc 1633 1 973 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 13153 1 4038 30.7 19.008 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 33 1 35 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | classid 1130 1 618 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | pktloc 1532 1 789 51.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | limits 827 1 617 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | login.access 2006 1 1203 60.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | login.defs 13627 1 6306 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 117 96.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2461 47.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 460 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | netconfig 767 1 419 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | nfsroot 809 1 512 63.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | interfaces 129 1 121 93.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 328 70.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | arch.conf 88 1 67 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | opkg.conf 845 1 586 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | passwd 808 1 496 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | profile 1822 1 1263 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 98 45.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 266 24.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 757 1 216 28.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | protocols 2932 1 1988 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rpc 887 1 656 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | securetty 1848 1 1156 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | services 12813 1 6664 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | shadow 518 1 172 33.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | shells 52 1 48 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | .bashrc 410 1 322 78.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | .profile 241 1 225 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 972 47.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | moduli 578094 3 26237 4.5 121.644 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_config 1548 1 1019 65.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 447 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 315 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2565 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 569 1 576 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sshd_config 3177 1 1850 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1853 58.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 147068 75.2 41.028 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5398 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 529 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | ansi 1481 1 707 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | linux 1730 1 971 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | rxvt 2222 1 1436 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | screen 1573 1 873 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | screen-256color 1687 1 922 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | sun 1004 1 480 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt100 1190 1 701 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt102 1184 1 704 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt200 1377 1 880 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt220 1377 1 880 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | vt52 470 1 228 48.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2424 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 754 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1305 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | local.rules 885 1 643 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | 50default 2652 1 1060 40.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1153 21.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1C-999 | xattr.conf 681 1 406 59.6 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2076 66.8 35.210 0.000 LZO1C-999 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 282436 28.9 35.210 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO2A-999 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 369 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | input.conf 927 1 574 61.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | network.conf 120 1 115 95.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | build 486 1 245 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1093 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 65 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1542 29.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | session.conf 838 1 536 64.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | system.conf 833 1 535 64.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 545 46.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | devpts 93 1 93 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | postinst 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rcS 1313 1 863 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rng-tools 27 1 33 122 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | useradd 115 1 124 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 00_core 1637 1 839 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 99_mandb 35 1 35 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 60 80.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ethertypes 1816 1 1164 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | README 978 1 610 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1211 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | fstab 650 1 348 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | group 513 1 352 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | gshadow 429 1 267 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | host.conf 26 1 32 123 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | hosts 258 1 187 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 492 1 277 56.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bluetooth 1253 1 697 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1044 52.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 2017 1 1178 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 3595 1 1938 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dbus-1 2893 1 1519 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 526 1 347 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 352 1 234 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | functions 2141 1 1147 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | halt 510 1 362 71.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 580 1 392 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 2541 1 1133 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1326 1 730 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1173 1 776 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1589 1 811 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | networking 1956 1 890 45.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 7801 1 2916 37.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rc 4407 1 2177 49.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rcS 525 1 402 76.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1273 1 759 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | reboot 289 1 208 72.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 585 1 344 58.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rng-tools 1021 1 421 41.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 429 1 300 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sendsigs 438 1 280 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | single 578 1 390 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sshd 2029 1 882 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 1046 1 457 43.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | syslog 2066 1 993 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | udev 2778 1 1413 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | umountfs 540 1 369 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 711 1 467 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | urandom 1473 1 824 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | inittab 1140 1 694 60.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | inputrc 1633 1 860 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | issue 49 1 56 114 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 46 1 53 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 13153 1 3973 30.2 15.031 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 33 1 36 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | classid 1130 1 549 48.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | pktloc 1532 1 737 48.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | limits 827 1 554 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | login.access 2006 1 1052 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | login.defs 13627 1 6010 44.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 113 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2265 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 417 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | netconfig 767 1 381 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | nfsroot 809 1 473 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | interfaces 129 1 113 87.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 298 64.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | arch.conf 88 1 63 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | opkg.conf 845 1 518 61.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | passwd 808 1 442 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | profile 1822 1 1141 62.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 96 44.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 106 1 78 73.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 256 23.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 757 1 213 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | protocols 2932 1 1793 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rpc 887 1 577 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | securetty 1848 1 969 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | services 12813 1 6205 48.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | shadow 518 1 174 33.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | shells 52 1 48 92.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | .bashrc 410 1 298 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | .profile 241 1 216 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 871 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | moduli 578094 3 23593 4.1 106.492 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_config 1548 1 913 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 458 90.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 177 1 184 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 318 77.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 97 1 107 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2719 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 569 1 619 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sshd_config 3177 1 1682 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1676 52.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 154857 79.2 33.549 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5086 41.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 482 74.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | ansi 1481 1 650 43.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | linux 1730 1 884 51.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | rxvt 2222 1 1272 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | screen 1573 1 792 50.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | screen-256color 1687 1 831 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | sun 1004 1 436 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt100 1190 1 637 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt102 1184 1 634 53.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt200 1377 1 781 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt220 1377 1 781 56.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | vt52 470 1 216 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2202 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 667 43.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1177 52.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | timestamp 15 1 20 133 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | local.rules 885 1 575 65.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | 50default 2652 1 987 37.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | version 15 1 20 133 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1131 21.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO2A-999 | xattr.conf 681 1 375 55.1 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2056 63.4 28.375 0.000 LZO2A-999 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 279618 28.6 28.375 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1F-999 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 389 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | input.conf 927 1 642 69.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | network.conf 120 1 120 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | build 486 1 247 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1098 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 68 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1577 30.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | session.conf 838 1 587 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | system.conf 833 1 584 70.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 583 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | devpts 93 1 93 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | postinst 52 1 55 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rcS 1313 1 925 70.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 00_core 1637 1 911 55.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 99_mandb 35 1 36 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 59 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ethertypes 1816 1 1241 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | README 978 1 664 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1301 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | fstab 650 1 355 54.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | group 513 1 409 79.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | gshadow 429 1 282 65.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | hosts 258 1 200 77.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 492 1 285 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bluetooth 1253 1 738 58.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1094 54.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 2017 1 1257 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 3595 1 2034 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dbus-1 2893 1 1600 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 526 1 370 70.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 352 1 238 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | functions 2141 1 1221 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | halt 510 1 389 76.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 580 1 413 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 2541 1 1175 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1326 1 776 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1173 1 835 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1589 1 841 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | networking 1956 1 934 47.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 7801 1 3067 39.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rc 4407 1 2246 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rcS 525 1 429 81.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1273 1 801 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | reboot 289 1 216 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 585 1 364 62.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rng-tools 1021 1 454 44.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 429 1 311 72.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sendsigs 438 1 292 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | single 578 1 410 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sshd 2029 1 927 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 1046 1 478 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | syslog 2066 1 1036 50.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | udev 2778 1 1470 52.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | umountfs 540 1 386 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 711 1 499 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | urandom 1473 1 865 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | inittab 1140 1 746 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | inputrc 1633 1 925 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | issue 49 1 54 110 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 46 1 51 111 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 13153 1 3965 30.1 15.834 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 33 1 34 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | classid 1130 1 602 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | pktloc 1532 1 761 49.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | limits 827 1 601 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | login.access 2006 1 1136 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | login.defs 13627 1 6345 46.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 116 95.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2399 46.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 452 57.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | netconfig 767 1 409 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | nfsroot 809 1 497 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | interfaces 129 1 118 91.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 322 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | arch.conf 88 1 64 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | opkg.conf 845 1 565 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | passwd 808 1 474 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | profile 1822 1 1216 66.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 97 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 106 1 75 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 259 23.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 757 1 215 28.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | protocols 2932 1 1896 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rpc 887 1 620 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | securetty 1848 1 1035 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | services 12813 1 6578 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | shadow 518 1 171 33.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | shells 52 1 47 90.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | .bashrc 410 1 320 78.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | .profile 241 1 224 92.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 931 45.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | moduli 578094 3 25139 4.3 116.834 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_config 1548 1 982 63.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 442 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 177 1 170 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 312 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2559 98.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 569 1 575 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sshd_config 3177 1 1756 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1761 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 149567 76.5 39.235 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5337 43.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 519 79.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 70 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | ansi 1481 1 662 44.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | dumb 308 1 70 22.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | linux 1730 1 906 52.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | rxvt 2222 1 1324 59.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | screen 1573 1 820 52.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | screen-256color 1687 1 865 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | sun 1004 1 445 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt100 1190 1 664 55.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt102 1184 1 663 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt200 1377 1 814 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt220 1377 1 814 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | vt52 470 1 220 46.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2213 58.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 696 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1194 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | local.rules 885 1 616 69.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | udev.conf 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | 50default 2652 1 1040 39.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1139 21.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1F-999 | xattr.conf 681 1 402 59.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2061 65.1 30.863 0.000 LZO1F-999 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 280429 28.7 30.863 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1X-999 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 381 71.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | input.conf 927 1 614 66.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | network.conf 120 1 119 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | build 486 1 250 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1071 44.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 65 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1545 30.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | session.conf 838 1 573 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | system.conf 833 1 571 68.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 576 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | devpts 93 1 92 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rcS 1313 1 901 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 00_core 1637 1 888 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 99_mandb 35 1 36 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 59 78.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ethertypes 1816 1 1215 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | README 978 1 641 65.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1270 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | fstab 650 1 351 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | group 513 1 391 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | gshadow 429 1 271 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | hosts 258 1 197 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 492 1 284 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bluetooth 1253 1 725 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1077 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 2017 1 1223 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 3595 1 1982 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dbus-1 2893 1 1552 53.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 526 1 363 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 352 1 236 67.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | functions 2141 1 1186 55.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | halt 510 1 384 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 580 1 407 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 2541 1 1145 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1326 1 758 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1173 1 815 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1589 1 826 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | networking 1956 1 919 47.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 7801 1 3002 38.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rc 4407 1 2223 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rcS 525 1 427 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1273 1 787 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | reboot 289 1 216 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 585 1 357 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rng-tools 1021 1 446 43.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 429 1 312 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sendsigs 438 1 291 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | single 578 1 404 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sshd 2029 1 912 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 1046 1 467 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | syslog 2066 1 1019 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | udev 2778 1 1435 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | umountfs 540 1 386 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 711 1 492 69.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | urandom 1473 1 840 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | inittab 1140 1 728 63.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | inputrc 1633 1 900 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 13153 1 3928 29.9 5.288 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 33 1 34 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | classid 1130 1 585 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | pktloc 1532 1 747 48.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | limits 827 1 585 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | login.access 2006 1 1102 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | login.defs 13627 1 6223 45.7 15.352 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2343 45.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 439 56.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | netconfig 767 1 400 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | nfsroot 809 1 486 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | interfaces 129 1 117 90.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 313 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | arch.conf 88 1 64 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | opkg.conf 845 1 548 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | passwd 808 1 465 57.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | profile 1822 1 1191 65.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 95 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 106 1 74 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 255 23.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 757 1 213 28.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | protocols 2932 1 1830 62.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rpc 887 1 600 67.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | securetty 1848 1 1025 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | services 12813 1 6449 50.3 13.642 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | shadow 518 1 169 32.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | .bashrc 410 1 312 76.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | .profile 241 1 220 91.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 905 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | moduli 578094 3 24450 4.2 78.573 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_config 1548 1 950 61.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 446 88.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 314 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2564 98.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 569 1 574 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sshd_config 3177 1 1712 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1715 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 143910 73.6 12.951 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5230 42.5 17.409 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 512 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 71 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | ansi 1481 1 660 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | linux 1730 1 900 52.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | rxvt 2222 1 1314 59.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | screen 1573 1 808 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | screen-256color 1687 1 855 50.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | sun 1004 1 442 44.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt100 1190 1 661 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt102 1184 1 657 55.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt200 1377 1 808 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt220 1377 1 808 58.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | vt52 470 1 217 46.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2206 58.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 694 44.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1190 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | local.rules 885 1 605 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | udev.conf 49 1 52 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | 50default 2652 1 1025 38.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1134 21.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1X-999 | xattr.conf 681 1 395 58.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2001 64.2 12.634 0.000 LZO1X-999 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 272181 27.8 12.634 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1Y-999 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 378 70.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | input.conf 927 1 605 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | network.conf 120 1 119 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | build 486 1 249 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 970 39.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 62 68.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1513 29.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | session.conf 838 1 561 66.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | system.conf 833 1 559 67.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 564 47.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | devpts 93 1 92 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rcS 1313 1 892 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 00_core 1637 1 865 52.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 42 87.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 99_mandb 35 1 36 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 58 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ethertypes 1816 1 1197 65.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | README 978 1 624 63.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1262 49.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | fstab 650 1 345 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | group 513 1 391 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | gshadow 429 1 271 63.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | hosts 258 1 193 74.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 492 1 275 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bluetooth 1253 1 714 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1061 53.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 2017 1 1196 59.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 3595 1 1978 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dbus-1 2893 1 1542 53.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 526 1 357 67.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 352 1 230 65.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | functions 2141 1 1159 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | halt 510 1 378 74.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 580 1 393 67.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 2541 1 1141 44.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1326 1 737 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1173 1 798 68.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1589 1 811 51.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | networking 1956 1 905 46.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 7801 1 2969 38.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rc 4407 1 2231 50.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rcS 525 1 423 80.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1273 1 771 60.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | reboot 289 1 210 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 585 1 348 59.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rng-tools 1021 1 440 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 429 1 304 70.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sendsigs 438 1 283 64.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | single 578 1 398 68.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sshd 2029 1 899 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 1046 1 449 42.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | syslog 2066 1 996 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | udev 2778 1 1413 50.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | umountfs 540 1 378 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 711 1 479 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | urandom 1473 1 824 55.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | inittab 1140 1 716 62.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | inputrc 1633 1 889 54.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 13153 1 3742 28.4 5.354 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 33 1 34 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | classid 1130 1 570 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | pktloc 1532 1 713 46.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | limits 827 1 579 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | login.access 2006 1 1087 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | login.defs 13627 1 6281 46.1 15.296 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 114 94.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2371 45.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 431 55.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | netconfig 767 1 393 51.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | nfsroot 809 1 477 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | interfaces 129 1 115 89.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 303 65.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | arch.conf 88 1 64 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | opkg.conf 845 1 537 63.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | passwd 808 1 449 55.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | profile 1822 1 1178 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 95 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 106 1 74 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 248 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 757 1 206 27.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | protocols 2932 1 1828 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rpc 887 1 591 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | securetty 1848 1 1015 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | services 12813 1 6450 50.3 13.863 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | shadow 518 1 169 32.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | .bashrc 410 1 306 74.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | .profile 241 1 219 90.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 900 44.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | moduli 578094 3 25370 4.4 77.323 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_config 1548 1 937 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 444 87.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 177 1 170 96.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 313 76.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2568 98.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 569 1 574 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sshd_config 3177 1 1722 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1725 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 144029 73.7 13.454 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5258 42.8 17.389 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 510 78.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 71 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | ansi 1481 1 648 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | linux 1730 1 892 51.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | rxvt 2222 1 1312 59.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | screen 1573 1 807 51.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | screen-256color 1687 1 852 50.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | sun 1004 1 439 43.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt100 1190 1 651 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt102 1184 1 648 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt200 1377 1 803 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt220 1377 1 803 58.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | vt52 470 1 215 45.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2214 58.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 692 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1181 52.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | local.rules 885 1 597 67.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | udev.conf 49 1 52 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | 50default 2652 1 1009 38.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1091 20.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Y-999 | xattr.conf 681 1 388 57.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 2000 63.5 12.792 0.000 LZO1Y-999 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 272121 27.8 12.792 0.000 LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. 262144 block-size LZO1Z-999 | bindresvport.blacklist 535 1 379 70.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | input.conf 927 1 612 66.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | network.conf 120 1 119 99.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | build 486 1 250 51.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | busybox.links.nosuid 2436 1 1068 43.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | busybox.links.suid 91 1 65 71.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ca-certificates.conf 5156 1 1545 30.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | session.conf 838 1 572 68.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | system.conf 833 1 570 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bluetooth.conf 1182 1 576 48.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | devpts 93 1 92 98.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | postinst 52 1 56 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rcS 1313 1 901 68.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rng-tools 27 1 31 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | useradd 115 1 120 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 00_core 1637 1 886 54.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 01_bootlogd 36 1 36 100 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 99_dbus 48 1 43 89.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 99_mandb 35 1 36 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 99_sshd 75 1 58 77.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ethertypes 1816 1 1209 66.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | README 978 1 635 64.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | fonts.conf 2532 1 1272 50.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | fstab 650 1 351 54.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | group 513 1 387 75.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | gshadow 429 1 270 62.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | host.conf 26 1 30 115 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | hostname 11 1 15 136 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | hosts 258 1 196 76.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 492 1 284 57.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bluetooth 1253 1 725 57.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | bootlogd 1997 1 1077 53.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 2017 1 1221 60.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 3595 1 1988 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dbus-1 2893 1 1556 53.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 526 1 363 69.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 352 1 234 66.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | functions 2141 1 1185 55.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | halt 510 1 384 75.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 580 1 407 70.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 2541 1 1145 45.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1326 1 758 57.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1173 1 815 69.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1589 1 825 51.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | networking 1956 1 917 46.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 7801 1 3013 38.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rc 4407 1 2223 50.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rcS 525 1 427 81.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1273 1 787 61.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | reboot 289 1 216 74.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 585 1 357 61.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rng-tools 1021 1 444 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 429 1 312 72.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sendsigs 438 1 291 66.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | single 578 1 404 69.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sshd 2029 1 910 44.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 1046 1 467 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | syslog 2066 1 1017 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | udev 2778 1 1438 51.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | umountfs 540 1 386 71.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 711 1 491 69.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | urandom 1473 1 840 57.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | inittab 1140 1 726 63.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | inputrc 1633 1 896 54.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | issue 49 1 53 108 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 46 1 50 109 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 13153 1 3927 29.9 5.222 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 33 1 34 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | classid 1130 1 584 51.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | pktloc 1532 1 739 48.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | limits 827 1 579 70.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | login.access 2006 1 1103 55.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | login.defs 13627 1 6251 45.9 15.196 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | logrotate-dmesg.conf 121 1 113 93.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | man_db.conf 5165 1 2366 45.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | mke2fs.conf 782 1 438 56.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | motd 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | netconfig 767 1 400 52.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | nfsroot 809 1 486 60.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | interfaces 129 1 117 90.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | nm-disabled-eth0 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | nsswitch.conf 465 1 313 67.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | arch.conf 88 1 63 71.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | opkg.conf 845 1 547 64.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | passwd 808 1 463 57.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | profile 1822 1 1187 65.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | debuginfod.csh 215 1 95 44.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 106 1 74 69.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | gawk.csh 1107 1 255 23.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 757 1 212 28.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | protocols 2932 1 1828 62.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rpc 887 1 598 67.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | securetty 1848 1 910 49.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | services 12813 1 6461 50.4 13.599 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | shadow 518 1 169 32.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | shells 52 1 46 88.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | .bashrc 410 1 311 75.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | .profile 241 1 220 91.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | slsh.rc 2030 1 906 44.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | moduli 578094 3 24580 4.3 79.190 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_config 1548 1 947 61.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_host_ecdsa_key 505 1 446 88.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 177 1 171 96.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_host_ed25519_key 411 1 314 76.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 97 1 101 104 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ssh_host_rsa_key 2602 1 2565 98.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 569 1 574 101 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sshd_config 3177 1 1722 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sshd_config_readonly 3186 1 1728 54.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ca-certificates.crt 195453 1 143879 73.6 13.486 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | openssl.cnf 12292 1 5264 42.8 17.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | syslog-startup.conf 651 1 512 78.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | syslog.conf 69 1 71 103 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | ansi 1481 1 638 43.1 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | dumb 308 1 69 22.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | linux 1730 1 879 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | rxvt 2222 1 1279 57.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | screen 1573 1 785 49.9 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | screen-256color 1687 1 831 49.3 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | sun 1004 1 424 42.2 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt100 1190 1 636 53.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt102 1184 1 636 53.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt200 1377 1 780 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt220 1377 1 780 56.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | vt52 470 1 216 46.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xterm-256color 3780 1 2066 54.7 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xterm-color 1551 1 675 43.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xterm-xfree86 2240 1 1139 50.8 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | timestamp 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 80-net-name-slot.rules 0 1 3 0.0 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | local.rules 885 1 605 68.4 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | udev.conf 49 1 52 106 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | 50default 2652 1 1024 38.6 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | version 15 1 19 127 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | volatile.cache 5263 1 1134 21.5 0.000 0.000 | LZO1Z-999 | xattr.conf 681 1 395 58.0 0.000 0.000 | [clock=2] ***AVG*** 7195 1.0 1998 63.9 12.594 0.000 LZO1Z-999 ***TOTALS*** 978636 138 271771 27.8 12.594 0.000 Done. Align init: 0x7f42e0479010 ( 0x7f42e0479010 ) Alignment test passed. PASS: align Checksum test passed. PASS: chksum LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. compressed 131072 bytes into 593 bytes decompressed 593 bytes back into 131072 bytes Simple compression test passed. PASS: simple LZO real-time data compression library (v2.10, Mar 01 2017). Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer All Rights Reserved. compressed 131072 bytes into 593 bytes decompressed 593 bytes back into 131072 bytes miniLZO simple compression test passed. PASS: testmini DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/lzo/ptest 2021-10-26T02:15 2021-10-26T02:15 BEGIN: /usr/lib/m4/ptest PASS: test-accept PASS: test-access PASS: test-alignof PASS: test-alloca-opt PASS: test-arpa_inet PASS: test-array_list PASS: test-array_oset PASS: test-asyncsafe-spin1 Skipping test: multithreading not enabled SKIP: test-asyncsafe-spin2 PASS: test-avltree_oset PASS: PASS: test-bind PASS: test-bitrotate PASS: PASS: PASS: test-c-ctype PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: test-calloc-gnu PASS: test-canonicalize-lgpl PASS: test-canonicalize PASS: test-chdir PASS: test-cloexec PASS: test-close PASS: PASS: test-connect PASS: test-creat PASS: test-ctype PASS: test-dirent PASS: test-dirname PASS: test-dup PASS: test-dup2 PASS: test-dynarray PASS: test-environ PASS: test-errno ./test-execute-main: test-execute-child subprocess failed: No such file or directory PASS: ./test-execute-script: executable-script subprocess failed: Exec format error ./test-execute-script: subprocess failed: Exec format error PASS: test-execute-script test_heap: address range is still mapped after free(). test_stack: count = 0 PASS: test-explicit_bzero PASS: test-fchdir PASS: test-fclose PASS: test-fcntl-h PASS: test-fcntl PASS: test-fdopen PASS: test-fdopendir PASS: test-fflush PASS: PASS: test-fgetc PASS: test-filenamecat PASS: test-float PASS: test-fopen-gnu PASS: test-fopen-safer PASS: test-fopen PASS: PASS: test-fpurge PASS: test-fputc PASS: test-fread PASS: PASS: test-freading PASS: test-free PASS: test-freopen PASS: test-frexp-nolibm PASS: test-frexpl-nolibm PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: test-fstat PASS: test-fstatat PASS: PASS: PASS: test-ftell3 PASS: PASS: PASS: test-ftello3 PASS: PASS: PASS: test-fwrite PASS: test-getcwd-lgpl PASS: PASS: test-getdtablesize PASS: test-getopt-gnu PASS: test-getprogname PASS: test-getrandom PASS: test-gettimeofday PASS: test-hard-locale PASS: test-hash PASS: test-iconv-h PASS: test-iconv PASS: test-ignore-value PASS: test-inet_pton PASS: test-intprops PASS: test-inttostr PASS: test-inttypes PASS: test-ioctl PASS: test-isblank PASS: test-isnand-nolibm PASS: test-isnanf-nolibm PASS: test-isnanl-nolibm PASS: test-iswblank PASS: PASS: PASS: test-langinfo PASS: test-limits-h PASS: test-link PASS: test-linked_list PASS: test-linkedhash_list PASS: test-listen PASS: test-locale PASS: test-localeconv PASS: test-localename PASS: PASS: test-lstat PASS: test-malloc-gnu PASS: test-malloca PASS: test-math PASS: PASS: Skipping test: no traditional japanese locale is supported SKIP: Skipping test: no transitional chinese locale is supported SKIP: PASS: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: PASS: PASS: test-mbsstr1 PASS: Skipping test: no chinese GB18030 locale is supported SKIP: PASS: test-memchr PASS: test-memchr2 PASS: test-memrchr PASS: test-mkdir PASS: test-nanosleep PASS: test-netinet_in PASS: Skipping test: multithreading not enabled SKIP: test-nl_langinfo-mt PASS: test-open PASS: test-openat PASS: test-pathmax PASS: PASS: test-perror2 PASS: test-pipe PASS: test-pipe2 PASS: test-posix_spawn-open1 PASS: test-posix_spawn-open2 PASS: test-posix_spawn-inherit0 PASS: test-posix_spawn-inherit1 PASS: test-posix_spawn-script PASS: test-posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir PASS: test-posix_spawn-chdir PASS: test-posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose PASS: test-posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2 PASS: test-posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen PASS: test-posix_spawn-dup2-stdout PASS: test-posix_spawn-dup2-stdin PASS: test-posix_spawnp-script PASS: test-printf-frexp PASS: test-printf-frexpl PASS: test-pthread PASS: test-pthread-thread PASS: test-pthread_sigmask1 Skipping test: POSIX threads not enabled SKIP: test-pthread_sigmask2 PASS: test-quotearg-simple PASS: test-raise PASS: test-rawmemchr PASS: test-read-file PASS: test-readlink PASS: test-realloc-gnu PASS: test-reallocarray PASS: test-regex PASS: test-rename PASS: test-rmdir PASS: test-sched PASS: test-scratch-buffer Invalid nfd test... passed Invalid fd test... passed Unconnected socket test... passed Connected sockets test... passed General socket test with fork... passed Pipe test... passed PASS: test-select PASS: PASS: PASS: test-setenv PASS: test-setlocale_null Skipping test: multithreading not enabled SKIP: test-setlocale_null-mt-one Skipping test: multithreading not enabled SKIP: test-setlocale_null-mt-all PASS: PASS: PASS: test-setsockopt PASS: test-sigaction PASS: test-signal-h PASS: test-signbit PASS: PASS: test-sigprocmask Test passed. PASS: test-sigsegv-catch-segv1 Doing SIGSEGV pass 1. Fault 1 caught. Doing SIGSEGV pass 2. Fault 2 caught. Test passed. PASS: test-sigsegv-catch-segv2 Starting recursion pass 1. Stack overflow 1 caught. Starting recursion pass 2. Stack overflow 2 caught. Test passed. PASS: test-sigsegv-catch-stackoverflow1 Starting recursion pass 1. Stack overflow 1 caught. Starting recursion pass 2. Stack overflow 2 caught. Segmentation violation correctly detected. Segmentation violation correctly detected. Test passed. PASS: test-sigsegv-catch-stackoverflow2 PASS: test-sleep PASS: test-snprintf PASS: test-sockets PASS: ./test-spawn-pipe-script: executable-script subprocess failed: Exec format error ./test-spawn-pipe-script: subprocess failed: Exec format error PASS: test-spawn-pipe-script PASS: test-spawn PASS: test-stat PASS: test-stat-time PASS: test-stdalign PASS: test-stdbool PASS: test-stddef PASS: test-stdint PASS: test-stdio PASS: test-stdlib PASS: test-strchrnul PASS: test-strerror PASS: test-strerror_r PASS: test-striconv PASS: test-string PASS: test-strnlen PASS: test-strsignal PASS: test-strstr PASS: test-strtod PASS: PASS: test-symlink PASS: test-sys_ioctl PASS: test-sys_random PASS: test-sys_select PASS: test-sys_socket PASS: test-sys_stat PASS: test-sys_time PASS: test-sys_types PASS: test-sys_uio PASS: test-sys_wait PASS: PASS: test-thread_self Skipping test: multithreading not enabled SKIP: test-thread_create PASS: test-time PASS: test-dup-safer PASS: test-unistd PASS: test-u8-mbtoucr PASS: test-u8-uctomb PASS: test-uc_width PASS: uniwidth/ PASS: test-unsetenv PASS: PASS: test-vasnprintf PASS: test-vasprintf-posix PASS: test-vasprintf skipped test: git not found in PATH SKIP: skipped test: cvs not found in PATH SKIP: PASS: test-verify skipped test: cannot compile error-free SKIP: PASS: PASS: test-wchar PASS: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: Skipping test: not a native Windows system SKIP: PASS: test-wctype-h PASS: test-wcwidth PASS: test-write PASS: PASS: test-xvasprintf ======================= All 241 tests passed (26 tests were not run) ======================= DURATION: 23 END: /usr/lib/m4/ptest 2021-10-26T02:16 2021-10-26T02:16 BEGIN: /usr/lib/nettle/ptest PASS: aes-test PASS: arcfour-test PASS: arctwo-test PASS: base16-test PASS: base64-test PASS: bcrypt-test PASS: bignum-test PASS: blowfish-test PASS: buffer-test PASS: camellia-test PASS: cast128-test PASS: cbc-test PASS: ccm-test PASS: cfb-test PASS: chacha-poly1305-test PASS: chacha-test PASS: cmac-test PASS: cnd-memcpy-test PASS: ctr-test PASS: curve25519-dh-test PASS: curve448-dh-test PASS: cxx-test PASS: des-test PASS: des3-test PASS: dlopen-test PASS: dsa-keygen-test PASS: dsa-test PASS: eax-test PASS: ecc-add-test PASS: ecc-dup-test PASS: ecc-mod-test PASS: ecc-modinv-test PASS: ecc-mul-a-test PASS: ecc-mul-g-test PASS: ecc-redc-test PASS: ecc-sqrt-test PASS: ecdh-test PASS: ecdsa-keygen-test PASS: ecdsa-sign-test PASS: ecdsa-verify-test PASS: ed25519-test PASS: ed448-test PASS: eddsa-compress-test PASS: eddsa-sign-test PASS: eddsa-verify-test PASS: gcm-test PASS: gostdsa-keygen-test PASS: gostdsa-sign-test PASS: gostdsa-verify-test PASS: gostdsa-vko-test PASS: gosthash94-test PASS: hkdf-test PASS: hmac-test PASS: knuth-lfib-test PASS: md2-test PASS: md4-test PASS: md5-compat-test PASS: md5-test PASS: memeql-test PASS: memxor-test PASS: meta-aead-test PASS: meta-armor-test PASS: meta-cipher-test PASS: meta-hash-test PASS: meta-mac-test PASS: nettle-pbkdf2-test PASS: pbkdf2-test SKIP: pkcs1-conv-test PASS: pkcs1-sec-decrypt-test PASS: pkcs1-test PASS: poly1305-test PASS: pss-mgf1-test PASS: pss-test PASS: random-prime-test PASS: ripemd160-test PASS: rsa-compute-root-test PASS: rsa-encrypt-test PASS: rsa-keygen-test PASS: rsa-pss-sign-tr-test PASS: rsa-sec-decrypt-test PASS: rsa-sign-tr-test PASS: rsa-test PASS: rsa2sexp-test PASS: salsa20-test PASS: serpent-test PASS: sexp-conv-test PASS: sexp-format-test PASS: sexp-test PASS: sexp2rsa-test SKIP: sha1-huge-test (skipped for ludicrous run time) PASS: sha1-test PASS: sha224-test PASS: sha256-test PASS: sha3-224-test PASS: sha3-256-test PASS: sha3-384-test PASS: sha3-512-test PASS: sha3-permute-test PASS: sha384-test PASS: sha512-224-test PASS: sha512-256-test PASS: sha512-test PASS: shake256-test PASS: siv-test PASS: streebog-test nm: '../libnettle.a': No such file nm: '../libnettle.a': No such file PASS: symbols-test PASS: twofish-test PASS: umac-test PASS: version-test SKIP: x86-ibt-test PASS: xts-test PASS: yarrow-test All 109 tests passed DURATION: 8 END: /usr/lib/nettle/ptest 2021-10-26T02:16 2021-10-26T02:16 BEGIN: /usr/lib/openssl/ptest SKIP: 00-prep_fipsmodule_cnf.t .. skipped: FIPS module config file only supported in a fips build Files=1, Tests=0, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.00 sys + 0.15 cusr 0.02 csys = 0.18 CPU) Result: NOTESTS PASS: 01-test_abort.t .................... ok SKIP: 01-test_fipsmodule_cnf.t ........... skipped: Test only supported in a fips build PASS: 01-test_sanity.t ................... ok PASS: 01-test_symbol_presence.t .......... ok PASS: 01-test_test.t ..................... ok PASS: 02-test_errstr.t ................... ok PASS: 02-test_internal_context.t ......... ok PASS: 02-test_internal_ctype.t ........... ok PASS: 02-test_internal_keymgmt.t ......... ok PASS: 02-test_internal_provider.t ........ ok PASS: 02-test_lhash.t .................... ok PASS: 02-test_ordinals.t ................. ok PASS: 02-test_sparse_array.t ............. ok PASS: 02-test_stack.t .................... ok PASS: 03-test_exdata.t ................... ok SKIP: 03-test_fipsinstall.t .............. skipped: Test only supported in a fips build PASS: 03-test_internal_asn1.t ............ ok PASS: 03-test_internal_asn1_dsa.t ........ ok PASS: 03-test_internal_bn.t .............. ok PASS: 03-test_internal_chacha.t .......... ok PASS: 03-test_internal_curve448.t ........ ok PASS: 03-test_internal_ec.t .............. ok PASS: 03-test_internal_ffc.t ............. ok PASS: 03-test_internal_mdc2.t ............ ok PASS: 03-test_internal_modes.t ........... ok PASS: 03-test_internal_namemap.t ......... ok PASS: 03-test_internal_poly1305.t ........ ok PASS: 03-test_internal_rsa_sp800_56b.t ... ok PASS: 03-test_internal_siphash.t ......... ok PASS: 03-test_internal_sm2.t ............. ok PASS: 03-test_internal_sm3.t ............. ok PASS: 03-test_internal_sm4.t ............. ok PASS: 03-test_internal_ssl_cert_table.t .. ok PASS: 03-test_internal_x509.t ............ ok PASS: 03-test_params_api.t ............... ok PASS: 03-test_property.t ................. ok PASS: 03-test_ui.t ....................... ok PASS: 04-test_asn1_decode.t .............. ok PASS: 04-test_asn1_encode.t .............. ok PASS: 04-test_asn1_string_table.t ........ ok PASS: 04-test_bio_callback.t ............. ok PASS: 04-test_bio_core.t ................. ok PASS: 04-test_bioprint.t ................. ok PASS: 04-test_conf.t ..................... ok PASS: 04-test_encoder_decoder.t .......... ok PASS: 04-test_encoder_decoder_legacy.t ... ok PASS: 04-test_err.t ...................... ok PASS: 04-test_hexstring.t ................ ok PASS: 04-test_param_build.t .............. ok PASS: 04-test_params.t ................... ok PASS: 04-test_params_conversion.t ........ ok PASS: 04-test_pem_read_depr.t ............ ok PASS: 04-test_pem_reading.t .............. ok PASS: 04-test_provfetch.t ................ ok PASS: 04-test_provider.t ................. ok PASS: 04-test_provider_fallback.t ........ ok PASS: 04-test_upcalls.t .................. ok PASS: 05-test_bf.t ....................... ok PASS: 05-test_cast.t ..................... ok PASS: 05-test_cmac.t ..................... ok PASS: 05-test_des.t ...................... ok PASS: 05-test_hmac.t ..................... ok PASS: 05-test_idea.t ..................... ok PASS: 05-test_pbe.t ...................... ok PASS: 05-test_rand.t ..................... ok PASS: 05-test_rc2.t ...................... ok PASS: 05-test_rc4.t ...................... ok SKIP: 05-test_rc5.t ...................... skipped: rc5 is not supported by this OpenSSL build PASS: 06-test_algorithmid.t .............. ok PASS: 06-test_rdrand_sanity.t ............ ok PASS: 10-test_bn.t ....................... ok PASS: 10-test_exp.t ...................... ok PASS: 15-test_dh.t ....................... ok PASS: 15-test_dsa.t ...................... ok PASS: 15-test_dsaparam.t ................. ok PASS: 15-test_ec.t ....................... ok PASS: 15-test_ecdsa.t .................... ok PASS: 15-test_ecparam.t .................. ok PASS: 15-test_gendh.t .................... ok PASS: 15-test_gendhparam.t ............... ok PASS: 15-test_gendsa.t ................... ok PASS: 15-test_genec.t .................... ok PASS: 15-test_genrsa.t ................... ok PASS: 15-test_mp_rsa.t ................... ok PASS: 15-test_out_option.t ............... ok PASS: 15-test_rsa.t ...................... ok PASS: 15-test_rsaoaep.t .................. ok PASS: 15-test_rsapss.t ................... ok PASS: 15-test_sha.t ...................... ok PASS: 20-test_app.t ...................... ok SKIP: 20-test_cli_fips.t ................. skipped: Test only supported in a fips build with security checks PASS: 20-test_dgst.t ..................... ok PASS: 20-test_dhparam.t .................. ok PASS: 20-test_dhparam_check.t ............ ok PASS: 20-test_enc.t ...................... ok PASS: 20-test_enc_more.t ................. ok PASS: 20-test_kdf.t ...................... ok PASS: 20-test_mac.t ...................... ok PASS: 20-test_passwd.t ................... ok PASS: 20-test_pkeyutl.t .................. ok PASS: 20-test_rand_config.t .............. ok PASS: 20-test_spkac.t .................... ok PASS: 25-test_crl.t ...................... ok PASS: 25-test_d2i.t ...................... ok PASS: 25-test_eai_data.t ................. ok PASS: 25-test_pkcs7.t .................... ok PASS: 25-test_req.t ...................... ok PASS: 25-test_rusext.t ................... ok PASS: 25-test_sid.t ...................... ok PASS: 25-test_verify.t ................... ok PASS: 25-test_verify_store.t ............. ok PASS: 25-test_x509.t ..................... ok SKIP: 30-test_acvp.t ..................... skipped: ACVP is not supported by this test PASS: 30-test_aesgcm.t ................... ok PASS: 30-test_afalg.t .................... ok PASS: 30-test_defltfips.t ................ ok PASS: 30-test_engine.t ................... ok PASS: 30-test_evp.t ...................... ok PASS: 30-test_evp_extra.t ................ ok PASS: 30-test_evp_fetch_prov.t ........... ok PASS: 30-test_evp_kdf.t .................. ok PASS: 30-test_evp_libctx.t ............... ok PASS: 30-test_evp_pkey_dparam.t .......... ok PASS: 30-test_evp_pkey_provided.t ........ ok PASS: 30-test_pbelu.t .................... ok PASS: 30-test_pkey_meth.t ................ ok PASS: 30-test_pkey_meth_kdf.t ............ ok PASS: 30-test_prov_config.t .............. ok PASS: 30-test_provider_status.t .......... ok PASS: 40-test_rehash.t ................... ok PASS: 60-test_x509_check_cert_pkey.t ..... ok PASS: 60-test_x509_dup_cert.t ............ ok PASS: 60-test_x509_store.t ............... ok PASS: 60-test_x509_time.t ................ ok PASS: 61-test_bio_prefix.t ............... ok PASS: 61-test_bio_readbuffer.t ........... ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_asn.t .................. ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_client.t ............... ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_ctx.t .................. ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_hdr.t .................. ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_msg.t .................. ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_protect.t .............. ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_server.t ............... ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_status.t ............... ok PASS: 65-test_cmp_vfy.t .................. ok PASS: 66-test_ossl_store.t ............... ok PASS: 70-test_asyncio.t .................. ok PASS: 70-test_bad_dtls.t ................. ok PASS: 70-test_clienthello.t .............. ok PASS: 70-test_comp.t ..................... ok PASS: 70-test_key_share.t ................ ok PASS: 70-test_packet.t ................... ok PASS: 70-test_recordlen.t ................ ok PASS: 70-test_renegotiation.t ............ ok PASS: 70-test_servername.t ............... ok PASS: 70-test_sslcbcpadding.t ............ ok PASS: 70-test_sslcertstatus.t ............ ok PASS: 70-test_sslextension.t ............. ok PASS: 70-test_sslmessages.t .............. ok PASS: 70-test_sslrecords.t ............... ok PASS: 70-test_sslsessiontick.t ........... ok PASS: 70-test_sslsigalgs.t ............... ok PASS: 70-test_sslsignature.t ............. ok PASS: 70-test_sslskewith0p.t ............. ok PASS: 70-test_sslversions.t .............. ok PASS: 70-test_sslvertol.t ................ ok PASS: 70-test_tls13alerts.t .............. ok PASS: 70-test_tls13cookie.t .............. ok PASS: 70-test_tls13downgrade.t ........... ok PASS: 70-test_tls13hrr.t ................. ok PASS: 70-test_tls13kexmodes.t ............ ok PASS: 70-test_tls13messages.t ............ ok PASS: 70-test_tls13psk.t ................. ok PASS: 70-test_tlsextms.t ................. ok PASS: 70-test_verify_extra.t ............. ok PASS: 70-test_wpacket.t .................. ok PASS: 71-test_ssl_ctx.t .................. ok PASS: 79-test_http.t ..................... ok PASS: 80-test_ca.t ....................... ok PASS: 80-test_cipherbytes.t .............. ok PASS: 80-test_cipherlist.t ............... ok PASS: 80-test_ciphername.t ............... ok # PASS: Killing mock server with pid=2189780-test_cmp_http.t ................. ok PASS: # 80-test_cms.t ...................... ok PASS: 80-test_cmsapi.t ................... ok PASS: 80-test_ct.t ....................... ok PASS: 80-test_dane.t ..................... ok PASS: 80-test_dtls.t ..................... ok PASS: 80-test_dtls_mtu.t ................. ok PASS: 80-test_dtlsv1listen.t ............. ok PASS: 80-test_ocsp.t ..................... ok PASS: 80-test_pkcs12.t ................... ok PASS: 80-test_ssl_new.t .................. ok PASS: 80-test_ssl_old.t .................. ok PASS: 80-test_ssl_test_ctx.t ............. ok PASS: 80-test_sslcorrupt.t ............... ok PASS: 80-test_tsa.t ...................... ok PASS: 80-test_x509aux.t .................. ok PASS: 81-test_cmp_cli.t .................. ok PASS: 90-test_asn1_time.t ................ ok PASS: 90-test_async.t .................... ok PASS: 90-test_bio_enc.t .................. ok PASS: 90-test_bio_memleak.t .............. ok PASS: 90-test_constant_time.t ............ ok PASS: 90-test_fatalerr.t ................. ok SKIP: 90-test_fipsload.t ................. skipped: Test is disabled with disabled fips PASS: 90-test_gmdiff.t ................... ok PASS: 90-test_ige.t ...................... ok PASS: 90-test_includes.t ................. ok PASS: 90-test_memleak.t .................. ok PASS: 90-test_overhead.t ................. ok PASS: 90-test_secmem.t ................... ok PASS: 90-test_shlibload.t ................ ok PASS: 90-test_srp.t ...................... ok PASS: 90-test_sslapi.t ................... ok PASS: 90-test_sslbuffers.t ............... ok PASS: 90-test_store.t .................... ok PASS: 90-test_sysdefault.t ............... ok PASS: 90-test_threads.t .................. ok PASS: 90-test_time_offset.t .............. ok PASS: 90-test_tls13ccs.t ................. ok PASS: 90-test_tls13encryption.t .......... ok PASS: 90-test_tls13secrets.t ............. ok PASS: 90-test_v3name.t ................... ok PASS: 91-test_pkey_check.t ............... ok SKIP: 95-test_external_gost_engine.t ..... skipped: No external tests in this configuration SKIP: 95-test_external_krb5.t ............ skipped: No external tests in this configuration SKIP: 95-test_external_pyca.t ............ skipped: No external tests in this configuration PASS: 99-test_ecstress.t ................. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_asn1.t ................ ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_asn1parse.t ........... ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_bignum.t .............. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_bndiv.t ............... ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_client.t .............. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_cmp.t ................. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_cms.t ................. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_conf.t ................ ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_crl.t ................. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_ct.t .................. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_server.t .............. ok PASS: 99-test_fuzz_x509.t ................ ok All tests successful. Files=241, Tests=3274, 526 wallclock secs ( 8.28 usr 0.64 sys + 453.53 cusr 71.94 csys = 534.39 CPU) Result: PASS DURATION: 526 END: /usr/lib/openssl/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/opkg/ptest make -C tests DATADIR=/usr/share SYSCONFDIR=/etc VARDIR=/var make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/opkg/ptest/tests' PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:core/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ regress/ Expected failure: [libsolv] Package 'a' upgraded despite not being listed in packages to upgrade. PASS:regress/ regress/ Expected failure: [libsolv] Package 'a' upgraded despite not being listed in packages to upgrade. PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:regress/ PASS:misc/ PASS:misc/ PASS:misc/ make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/opkg/ptest/tests' DURATION: 11 END: /usr/lib/opkg/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/pango/ptest Running test: pango/test-ellipsize.test # random seed: R02S197ab699ccae6243b67b19a0e0dc0789 1..3 # Start of layout tests # Start of ellipsize tests ok 1 /layout/ellipsize/height ok 2 /layout/ellipsize/crash ok 3 /layout/ellipsize/fully # End of ellipsize tests # End of layout tests PASS: pango/test-ellipsize.test Running test: pango/test-bidi.test # random seed: R02S3127c12915bf4b6508b45161abcb5c70 1..4 # Start of bidi tests ok 1 /bidi/mirror-char ok 2 /bidi/type-for-unichar ok 3 /bidi/unichar-direction ok 4 /bidi/embedding-levels # End of bidi tests PASS: pango/test-bidi.test Running test: pango/testmatrix.test # random seed: R02Sfa01ac2074edfbe86fbc1808debdddcc 1..9 # Start of matrix tests ok 1 /matrix/translate ok 2 /matrix/rotate ok 3 /matrix/scale ok 4 /matrix/concat ok 5 /matrix/font-scale ok 6 /matrix/transform-point ok 7 /matrix/transform-distance ok 8 /matrix/transform-rect ok 9 /matrix/transform-pixel-rect # End of matrix tests PASS: pango/testmatrix.test Running test: pango/testboundaries.test # random seed: R02Sceebce13e336cbb94737ef267430df2d 1..1 # Start of text tests # sample file: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/boundaries.utf8 # # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0067 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0061 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0067 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0021 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0068 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0072 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0021 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0061 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0029 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0068 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0079 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0029 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0068 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0072 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0067 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0068 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0022 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0022 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0072 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0027 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0068 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0022 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0067 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0067 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0623 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062b # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0646 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0631 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0627 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x064a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0629 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0646 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0627 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0627 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0649 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x060c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0645 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x064a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0633 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0629 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0649 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0629 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x060c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0627 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0646 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0645 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x064a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x064a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x060c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0627 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0635 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x064a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0629 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0639 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0631 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0647 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x062a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0627 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0648 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x00ab # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x064a # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0061 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0074 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0079 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0061 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0072 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0066 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006f # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0645 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0645 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0069 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x00fd # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0068 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0068 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x00df # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0069 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x03ac # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0283 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0064 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0069 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0144 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x00fd # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0067 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0029 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x05e1 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x05e2 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0067 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0065 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0073 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x006e # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x002c # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11b9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1000 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11b9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1161 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1160 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11b9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1160 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1160 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x094d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1100 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1166 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1161 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1000 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1166 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1000 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0ccd # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x094d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1101 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2f54 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2f54 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1101 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1100 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0ccd # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11b9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0ccd # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1160 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1160 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1000 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0ccd # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x094d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1166 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2f54 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1100 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1160 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2f54 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2f54 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1100 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1160 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0901 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1100 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1161 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1161 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1100 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x094d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x094d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1101 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x094d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1161 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1105 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1100 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1101 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1000 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x2029 # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a8 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0009 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x1161 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x094d # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000d # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Do not line break between \r and \n # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x000a # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x0020 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x11a9 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break lines before a space unless a mandatory break char precedes it or a combining mark follows; prev char was: 0x3080 # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # Line break after \n # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # first char in string should not be marked as a line break # mandatory breaks must also be marked as regular breaks # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence # can't break between two open punctuation chars # can't break between two close punctuation chars # can't break letter-quotemark sequence ok 1 /text/boundaries # End of text tests PASS: pango/testboundaries.test Running test: pango/testcontext.test # random seed: R02Sc7d4ad051419d2379939042bf1975ba2 1..6 # Start of context tests ok 1 /context/list-families ok 2 /context/set-language ok 3 /context/set-base-dir ok 4 /context/set-base-gravity ok 5 /context/set-gravity-hint ok 6 /context/set-round-glyph-positions # End of context tests PASS: pango/testcontext.test Running test: pango/test-ot-tags.test # random seed: R02S19dcbff9bed180e7b657b85da0996657 1..2 # Start of tags tests ok 1 /tags/script ok 2 /tags/language # End of tags tests PASS: pango/test-ot-tags.test Running test: pango/testscript.test # random seed: R02S5b940a1f3e5e79b0abdc73760b27b831 1..1 # Start of script tests # Total length: 125 # # Range: 0-23: 10 # # Range: 23-38: 2 # # Range: 38-53: 8 # # Range: 53-62: 25 # # Range: 62-71: 38 # # Range: 71-73: 25 # # Range: 73-79: 17 # # Range: 79-97: 20 # # Range: 97-109: 22 # # Range: 109-125: 9 # ok 1 /script/iter # End of script tests PASS: pango/testscript.test Running test: pango/testboundaries_ucd.test # random seed: R02S637f226477c5d52eebe89ef78713d2a4 1..6 # Start of text tests # Start of break tests # Filename: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/GraphemeBreakTest.txt # Parsing line: # GraphemeBreakTest-13.0.0.txt # Parsing line: # Date: 2019-11-15, 19:49:10 GMT # Parsing line: # ? 2019 Unicode?, Inc. # Parsing line: # Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. # Parsing line: # For terms of use, see # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Unicode Character Database # Parsing line: # For documentation, see # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Default Grapheme_Cluster_Break Test # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Format: # Parsing line: # (# )? # Parsing line: # contains hex Unicode code points, with # Parsing line: # ? wherever there is a break opportunity, and # Parsing line: # ? wherever there is not. # Parsing line: # the format can change, but currently it shows: # Parsing line: # - the sample character name # Parsing line: # - (x) the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property value for the sample character # Parsing line: # - [x] the rule that determines whether there is a break or not, # Parsing line: # as listed in the Rules section of GraphemeBreakTest.html # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # These samples may be extended or changed in the future. # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (Control) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 034F ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [12.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0600 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0903 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [6.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [6.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [6.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [6.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [7.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [7.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1160 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [8.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 11A8 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [7.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [7.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [8.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [5.0] (Control) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 034F ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 0600 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 0903 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 1160 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER (V) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 11A8 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? AC00 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? AC01 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0378 ? 0308 ? 0378 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000A ? 0061 ? 000A ? 0308 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.0] (LF) ? [4.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [5.0] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 200D ? 0646 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] ARABIC LETTER NOON (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0646 ? 200D ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC LETTER NOON (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] SPACE (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1100 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [6.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC00 ? 11A8 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GA (LV) ? [7.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? AC01 ? 11A8 ? 1100 ? # ? [0.2] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG (LVT) ? [8.0] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK (T) ? [999.0] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK (L) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [12.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [13.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 200D ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [13.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 200D ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [13.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 1F1E9 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [13.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [13.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER D (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0903 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.1] DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA (SpacingMark) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0600 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [999.0] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN (Prepend) ? [9.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F476 ? 1F3FF ? 1F476 ? # ? [0.2] BABY (ExtPict) ? [9.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend) ? [999.0] BABY (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F3FF ? 1F476 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend) ? [999.0] BABY (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F3FF ? 1F476 ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend) ? [999.0] BABY (ExtPict) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [11.0] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F476 ? 1F3FF ? 0308 ? 200D ? 1F476 ? 1F3FF ? # ? [0.2] BABY (ExtPict) ? [9.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend) ? [9.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_ExtCccZwj) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [11.0] BABY (ExtPict) ? [9.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F6D1 ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [11.0] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2701 ? 200D ? 2701 ? # ? [0.2] UPPER BLADE SCISSORS (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [11.0] UPPER BLADE SCISSORS (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 200D ? 2701 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Other) ? [9.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_ExtCccZwj) ? [999.0] UPPER BLADE SCISSORS (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Lines: 602 # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # EOF ok 1 /text/break/grapheme # Filename: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/WordBreakTest.txt # Parsing line: # WordBreakTest-13.0.0.txt # Parsing line: # Date: 2019-11-20, 22:27:23 GMT # Parsing line: # ? 2019 Unicode?, Inc. # Parsing line: # Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. # Parsing line: # For terms of use, see # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Unicode Character Database # Parsing line: # For documentation, see # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Default Word_Break Test # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Format: # Parsing line: # (# )? # Parsing line: # contains hex Unicode code points, with # Parsing line: # ? wherever there is a break opportunity, and # Parsing line: # ? wherever there is not. # Parsing line: # the format can change, but currently it shows: # Parsing line: # - the sample character name # Parsing line: # - (x) the Word_Break property value for the sample character # Parsing line: # - [x] the rule that determines whether there is a break or not, # Parsing line: # as listed in the Rules section of WordBreakTest.html # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # These samples may be extended or changed in the future. # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000B ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] (Newline) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [13.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [10.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [8.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [10.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [10.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 005F ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [15.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [15.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [5.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [7.1] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.1] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 231A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [3.4] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [7.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 0027 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 000B ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [3.2] (Newline) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 1F1E6 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 231A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] WATCH (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 200D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 0027 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 003A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0031 ? 002E ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [12.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000A ? 0061 ? 000A ? 0308 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.0] (LF) ? [3.1] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [3.2] (LF) ? [3.1] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 200D ? 0646 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] ARABIC LETTER NOON (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0646 ? 200D ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC LETTER NOON (ALetter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0041 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [5.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 003A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [6.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0027 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [7.1] APOSTROPHE (Single_Quote) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 05D0 ? 0022 ? 05D0 ? # ? [0.2] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [7.2] QUOTATION MARK (Double_Quote) ? [7.3] HEBREW LETTER ALEF (Hebrew_Letter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0030 ? 0030 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [9.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [8.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [10.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 002C ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [12.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 3031 ? 3031 ? # ? [0.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [13.0] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 005F ? 0030 ? 005F ? 3031 ? 005F ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK (Katakana) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 005F ? 005F ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [15.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [16.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 200D ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [16.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 200D ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [16.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1E7 ? 1F1E8 ? 1F1E9 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A (RI) ? [16.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B (RI) ? [999.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C (RI) ? [16.0] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER D (RI) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F476 ? 1F3FF ? 1F476 ? # ? [0.2] BABY (ExtPict) ? [4.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend_FE) ? [999.0] BABY (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F6D1 ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2701 ? 200D ? 2701 ? # ? [0.2] UPPER BLADE SCISSORS (Other) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] UPPER BLADE SCISSORS (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 200D ? 2701 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] UPPER BLADE SCISSORS (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F476 ? 1F3FF ? 0308 ? 200D ? 1F476 ? 1F3FF ? # ? [0.2] BABY (ExtPict) ? [4.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] BABY (ExtPict) ? [4.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F6D1 ? 1F3FF ? # ? [0.2] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [4.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? 1F3FF ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [4.0] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 200D ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [3.3] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 1F6D1 ? 1F6D1 ? # ? [0.2] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [999.0] OCTAGONAL SIGN (ExtPict) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 200D ? 0308 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [4.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (ZWJ_FE) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0020 ? 0020 ? 0062 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [3.4] SPACE (WSegSpace) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER B (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 003A ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002E ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 003A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COLON (MidLetter) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] FULL STOP (MidNumLet) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0031 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0031 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] DIGIT ONE (Numeric) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 005F ? 0061 ? 002C ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [13.1] LOW LINE (ExtendNumLet) ? [13.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] COMMA (MidNum) ? [999.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (ALetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Lines: 1823 # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # EOF ok 2 /text/break/word # Filename: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/SentenceBreakTest.txt # Parsing line: # SentenceBreakTest-13.0.0.txt # Parsing line: # Date: 2019-11-20, 22:27:22 GMT # Parsing line: # ? 2019 Unicode?, Inc. # Parsing line: # Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. # Parsing line: # For terms of use, see # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Unicode Character Database # Parsing line: # For documentation, see # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Default Sentence_Break Test # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Format: # Parsing line: # (# )? # Parsing line: # contains hex Unicode code points, with # Parsing line: # ? wherever there is a break opportunity, and # Parsing line: # ? wherever there is not. # Parsing line: # the format can change, but currently it shows: # Parsing line: # - the sample character name # Parsing line: # - (x) the Sentence_Break property value for the sample character # Parsing line: # - [x] the rule that determines whether there is a break or not, # Parsing line: # as listed in the Rules section of SentenceBreakTest.html # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # These samples may be extended or changed in the future. # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0001 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Other) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0085 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Sep) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0009 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0041 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 01BB ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0030 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [11.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [11.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [6.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [6.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.1] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.1] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.1] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.1] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.1] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.1] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002E ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [11.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [11.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [11.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [8.1] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.1] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [8.1] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.1] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [9.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [8.1] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.1] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0022 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 002C ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMMA (SContinue) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 00AD ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0001 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Other) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 000D ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (CR) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 000A ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0085 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sep) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0009 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0061 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0041 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 01BB ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT ZERO (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0021 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0022 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 002C ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] COMMA (SContinue) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 00AD ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] SOFT HYPHEN (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0300 ? 0308 ? 0300 ? # ? [0.2] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 000D ? 000A ? 0061 ? 000A ? 0308 ? # ? [0.2] (CR) ? [3.0] (LF) ? [4.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0061 ? 0308 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0020 ? 200D ? 0646 ? # ? [0.2] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] ARABIC LETTER NOON (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0646 ? 200D ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] ARABIC LETTER NOON (OLetter) ? [5.0] ZERO WIDTH JOINER (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0028 ? 0022 ? 0047 ? 006F ? 002E ? 0022 ? 0029 ? 0020 ? 0028 ? 0048 ? 0065 ? 0020 ? 0064 ? 0069 ? 0064 ? 002E ? 0029 ? # ? [0.2] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER O (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [11.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER I (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0028 ? 201C ? 0047 ? 006F ? 003F ? 201D ? 0029 ? 0020 ? 0028 ? 0048 ? 0065 ? 0020 ? 0064 ? 0069 ? 0064 ? 002E ? 0029 ? # ? [0.2] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [998.0] LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER O (Lower) ? [998.0] QUESTION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [11.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER I (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0055 ? 002E ? 0053 ? 002E ? 0041 ? 0300 ? 002E ? 0020 ? 0069 ? 0073 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER I (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER S (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0055 ? 002E ? 0053 ? 002E ? 0041 ? 0300 ? 003F ? 0020 ? 0048 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUESTION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0055 ? 002E ? 0053 ? 002E ? 0041 ? 0300 ? 002E ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0033 ? 002E ? 0034 ? # ? [0.2] DIGIT THREE (Numeric) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [6.0] DIGIT FOUR (Numeric) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0064 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0043 ? 002E ? 0064 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0044 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0043 ? 002E ? 0044 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C (Upper) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D (Upper) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 2019 ? 00A0 ? 0074 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [8.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [8.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 2019 ? 00A0 ? 0054 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [9.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 2019 ? 00A0 ? 2018 ? 0028 ? 0074 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [8.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [8.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [8.0] LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 2019 ? 00A0 ? 2018 ? 0028 ? 0054 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [9.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [11.0] LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [998.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 2019 ? 00A0 ? 0308 ? 0074 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [8.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [8.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 2019 ? 00A0 ? 0308 ? 0054 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [9.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 2019 ? 0308 ? 0054 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 0029 ? 000A ? 0308 ? 0054 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [9.0] (LF) ? [4.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0074 ? 0068 ? 0065 ? 0020 ? 0072 ? 0065 ? 0073 ? 0070 ? 002E ? 0020 ? 006C ? 0065 ? 0061 ? 0064 ? 0065 ? 0072 ? 0073 ? 0020 ? 0061 ? 0072 ? 0065 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER R (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER S (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER P (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER L (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER R (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER S (Lower) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER R (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 5B57 ? 002E ? 5B57 ? # ? [0.2] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57 (OLetter) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [11.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57 (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 5B83 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [11.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B83 (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0065 ? 0074 ? 0063 ? 002E ? 3002 ? # ? [0.2] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [8.1] IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP (STerm) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 5B57 ? 3002 ? 5B83 ? # ? [0.2] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57 (OLetter) ? [998.0] IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP (STerm) ? [11.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B83 (OLetter) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 0021 ? 0020 ? 0020 ? # ? [0.2] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [10.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0028 ? 2060 ? 0022 ? 2060 ? 0047 ? 2060 ? 006F ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0022 ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0028 ? 2060 ? 0048 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0064 ? 2060 ? 0069 ? 2060 ? 0064 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER O (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER I (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0028 ? 2060 ? 201C ? 2060 ? 0047 ? 2060 ? 006F ? 2060 ? 003F ? 2060 ? 201D ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0028 ? 2060 ? 0048 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0064 ? 2060 ? 0069 ? 2060 ? 0064 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER O (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] QUESTION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER I (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0055 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0053 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0041 ? 2060 ? 0300 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0069 ? 2060 ? 0073 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER I (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER S (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0055 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0053 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0041 ? 2060 ? 0300 ? 003F ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0048 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] QUESTION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0055 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0053 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0041 ? 2060 ? 0300 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (Extend_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0033 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0034 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] DIGIT THREE (Numeric) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [6.0] DIGIT FOUR (Numeric) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0064 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0043 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0064 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0044 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0043 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0044 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [7.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2019 ? 2060 ? 00A0 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2019 ? 2060 ? 00A0 ? 2060 ? 0054 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2019 ? 2060 ? 00A0 ? 2060 ? 2018 ? 2060 ? 0028 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2019 ? 2060 ? 00A0 ? 2060 ? 2018 ? 2060 ? 0028 ? 2060 ? 0054 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LEFT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2019 ? 2060 ? 00A0 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2019 ? 2060 ? 00A0 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0054 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] NO-BREAK SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 2019 ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 0054 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [11.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0029 ? 2060 ? 000A ? 2060 ? 0308 ? 2060 ? 0054 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Close) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] (LF) ? [4.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] COMBINING DIAERESIS (Extend_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T (Upper) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0068 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0072 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0073 ? 2060 ? 0070 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 006C ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0064 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0072 ? 2060 ? 0073 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0061 ? 2060 ? 0072 ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER H (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER R (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER S (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER P (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER L (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER D (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER R (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER S (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER A (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER R (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 5B57 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 5B57 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57 (OLetter) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57 (OLetter) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 5B83 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B83 (OLetter) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0065 ? 2060 ? 0074 ? 2060 ? 0063 ? 2060 ? 002E ? 2060 ? 3002 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER E (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER T (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] LATIN SMALL LETTER C (Lower) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] FULL STOP (ATerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [8.1] IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP (STerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 5B57 ? 2060 ? 3002 ? 2060 ? 5B83 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57 (OLetter) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP (STerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [11.0] CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B83 (OLetter) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: ? 2060 ? 0021 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 0020 ? 2060 ? 2060 ? # ? [0.2] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [998.0] EXCLAMATION MARK (STerm) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [9.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [10.0] SPACE (Sp) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [5.0] WORD JOINER (Format_FE) ? [0.3] # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # Lines: 502 # Parsing line: # # Parsing line: # EOF ok 3 /text/break/sentence ok 4 /text/break/line # SKIP Test file not found # Filename: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/EmojiBreakTest.txt # Parsing line: # As these sequences are not specified in Unicode, # Parsing line: # may change the test cases if needed. # Parsing line: # Parsing line: ? 1F3CC ? FE0F ? 200D ? 2642 ? FE0F ? # Parsing line: ? 1F3CC ? 200D ? 2642 ? # Parsing line: ? 1F468 ? 200D ? 2695 ? FE0F ? # man health worker # Parsing line: ? 1F468 ? 1F3FC ? 200D ? 2695 ? FE0F ? # man health worker: medium-light skin tone # Parsing line: ? 1F468 ? 200D ? 1F469 ? 200D ? 1F467 ? 200D ? 1F466 ? # family: man, woman, girl, boy # Parsing line: ? 1F1E6 ? 1F1FA ? # Australia # Parsing line: ? 0031 ? FE0F ? 20E3 ? # keycap: 1 # Parsing line: # Lines: 7 ok 5 /text/break/emoji # Filename: /usr/libexec/installed-tests/pango/CharBreakTest.txt # Parsing line: # As these sequences are not specified in Unicode, # Parsing line: # may change the test cases if needed. # Parsing line: # Parsing line: ? 0025 ? 0030 ? # Parsing line: ? 0025 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # Parsing line: ? 0024 ? 0030 ? # Parsing line: ? 0024 ? 0308 ? 0030 ? # Parsing line: ? 0028 ? 0030 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 0029 ? 002B ? 0028 ? 0032 ? 002C ? 0033 ? 0029 ? 2295 ? 0028 ? 2212 ? 0034 ? 002C ? 0035 ? 0029 ? 2296 ? 0028 ? 0036 ? 002C ? 0037 ? 0029 ? # Parsing line: ? 007B ? 0030 ? 002C ? 0031 ? 007D ? 002B ? 007B ? 0032 ? 002C ? 0033 ? 007D ? 2295 ? 007B ? 2212 ? 0034 ? 002C ? 0035 ? 007D ? 2296 ? 007B ? 0036 ? 002C ? 0037 ? 007D ? # Parsing line: ? 4F8B ? FF1A ? 00A3 ? 0032 ? 0033 ? # Parsing line: # Lines: 7 ok 6 /text/break/char # End of break tests # End of text tests PASS: pango/testboundaries_ucd.test Running test: pango/test-font.test # random seed: R02S861941a3a84bf25ee1b29894da0723fa 1..14 # Start of pango tests # Start of font tests # Cantarell 11 metrics # ascent: 14764 # descent: 3259 # height: 18023 # char width: 6768 # digit width: 9216 # underline position: -1502 # underline thickness: 751 # strikethrough position: 4340 # strikethrough thickness: 751 ok 1 /pango/font/metrics ok 2 /pango/font/extents ok 3 /pango/font/enumerate # 5 font families, 1 monospace, 0 variable ok 4 /pango/font/models ok 5 /pango/font/glyph-extents ok 6 /pango/font/font-metrics # Start of roundtrip tests ok 7 /pango/font/roundtrip/plain ok 8 /pango/font/roundtrip/emoji # End of roundtrip tests # End of font tests # Start of fontdescription tests ok 9 /pango/fontdescription/parse ok 10 /pango/fontdescription/roundtrip ok 11 /pango/fontdescription/variation ok 12 /pango/fontdescription/to-filename ok 13 /pango/fontdescription/set-gravity ok 14 /pango/fontdescription/match # End of fontdescription tests # End of pango tests PASS: pango/test-font.test Running test: pango/test-harfbuzz.test # random seed: R02Sf21858c183b028ccc7aa771e93ef0f80 1..1 # Start of harfbuzz tests ok 1 /harfbuzz/font # End of harfbuzz tests PASS: pango/test-harfbuzz.test Running test: pango/test-break.test # random seed: R02Sa6ad5e97446afd5622e78bc40cd87fcd 1..3 # Start of break tests ok 1 /break/three.break ok 2 /break/one.break ok 3 /break/two.break # End of break tests PASS: pango/test-break.test Running test: pango/testiter.test # random seed: R02S363513a9510ffb989010a9e2b90581cd 1..2 # Start of layout tests ok 1 /layout/iter ok 2 /layout/glyphitem-iter # End of layout tests PASS: pango/testiter.test Running test: pango/test-pangocairo-threads.test # random seed: R02S0689060fbbc14fe840cf73dd6aa2d558 1..1 # Start of pangocairo tests ok 1 /pangocairo/threads # End of pangocairo tests PASS: pango/test-pangocairo-threads.test Running test: pango/test-itemize.test # random seed: R02S6eda165c9b130b10f1a1a600a7ae52d8 1..1 # Start of itemize tests ok 1 /itemize/one.items # End of itemize tests PASS: pango/test-itemize.test Running test: pango/test-layout.test # random seed: R02Se8c018b92787e5b72e428bb4b60372b1 1..5 # Start of layout tests ok 1 /layout/valid-5.markup ok 2 /layout/valid-2.markup ok 3 /layout/valid-4.markup ok 4 /layout/valid-3.markup ok 5 /layout/valid-1.markup # End of layout tests PASS: pango/test-layout.test Running test: pango/testtabs.test # random seed: R02Sc9e2975ff52a85aa5704527b4e18e24e 1..3 # Start of tabs tests ok 1 /tabs/basic ok 2 /tabs/copy ok 3 /tabs/resize # End of tabs tests PASS: pango/testtabs.test Running test: pango/markup-parse.test # random seed: R02S2c1e7030865543fcd34434ffb14a1501 1..114 # Start of markup tests # Start of parse tests ok 1 /markup/parse/fail-16.markup ok 2 /markup/parse/fail-21.markup ok 3 /markup/parse/valid-5.markup ok 4 /markup/parse/fail-31.markup ok 5 /markup/parse/fail-22.markup ok 6 /markup/parse/fail-39.markup ok 7 /markup/parse/fail-1.markup ok 8 /markup/parse/valid-13.markup ok 9 /markup/parse/valid-15.markup ok 10 /markup/parse/fail-15.markup ok 11 /markup/parse/fail-19.markup ok 12 /markup/parse/fail-20.markup ok 13 /markup/parse/fail-4.markup ok 14 /markup/parse/fail-9.markup ok 15 /markup/parse/fail-25.markup ok 16 /markup/parse/valid-17.markup ok 17 /markup/parse/valid-19.markup ok 18 /markup/parse/fail-12.markup ok 19 /markup/parse/fail-17.markup ok 20 /markup/parse/valid-18.markup ok 21 /markup/parse/valid-7.markup ok 22 /markup/parse/valid-2.markup ok 23 /markup/parse/valid-12.markup ok 24 /markup/parse/valid-4.markup ok 25 /markup/parse/fail-24.markup ok 26 /markup/parse/fail-6.markup ok 27 /markup/parse/fail-11.markup ok 28 /markup/parse/fail-34.markup ok 29 /markup/parse/fail-37.markup ok 30 /markup/parse/fail-8.markup ok 31 /markup/parse/fail-30.markup ok 32 /markup/parse/fail-33.markup ok 33 /markup/parse/valid-8.markup ok 34 /markup/parse/fail-3.markup ok 35 /markup/parse/fail-28.markup ok 36 /markup/parse/valid-14.markup ok 37 /markup/parse/fail-2.markup ok 38 /markup/parse/fail-5.markup ok 39 /markup/parse/fail-38.markup ok 40 /markup/parse/valid-6.markup ok 41 /markup/parse/valid-3.markup ok 42 /markup/parse/valid-11.markup ok 43 /markup/parse/fail-23.markup ok 44 /markup/parse/valid-16.markup ok 45 /markup/parse/fail-10.markup ok 46 /markup/parse/fail-35.markup ok 47 /markup/parse/fail-27.markup ok 48 /markup/parse/fail-14.markup ok 49 /markup/parse/fail-36.markup ok 50 /markup/parse/fail-7.markup ok 51 /markup/parse/fail-26.markup ok 52 /markup/parse/fail-29.markup ok 53 /markup/parse/fail-13.markup ok 54 /markup/parse/fail-32.markup ok 55 /markup/parse/valid-1.markup ok 56 /markup/parse/valid-9.markup ok 57 /markup/parse/valid-10.markup # End of parse tests # Start of parse-incrementally tests ok 58 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-16.markup ok 59 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-21.markup ok 60 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-5.markup ok 61 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-31.markup ok 62 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-22.markup ok 63 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-39.markup ok 64 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-1.markup ok 65 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-13.markup ok 66 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-15.markup ok 67 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-15.markup ok 68 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-19.markup ok 69 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-20.markup ok 70 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-4.markup ok 71 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-9.markup ok 72 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-25.markup ok 73 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-17.markup ok 74 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-19.markup ok 75 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-12.markup ok 76 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-17.markup ok 77 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-18.markup ok 78 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-7.markup ok 79 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-2.markup ok 80 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-12.markup ok 81 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-4.markup ok 82 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-24.markup ok 83 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-6.markup ok 84 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-11.markup ok 85 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-34.markup ok 86 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-37.markup ok 87 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-8.markup ok 88 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-30.markup ok 89 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-33.markup ok 90 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-8.markup ok 91 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-3.markup ok 92 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-28.markup ok 93 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-14.markup ok 94 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-2.markup ok 95 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-5.markup ok 96 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-38.markup ok 97 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-6.markup ok 98 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-3.markup ok 99 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-11.markup ok 100 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-23.markup ok 101 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-16.markup ok 102 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-10.markup ok 103 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-35.markup ok 104 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-27.markup ok 105 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-14.markup ok 106 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-36.markup ok 107 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-7.markup ok 108 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-26.markup ok 109 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-29.markup ok 110 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-13.markup ok 111 /markup/parse-incrementally/fail-32.markup ok 112 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-1.markup ok 113 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-9.markup ok 114 /markup/parse-incrementally/valid-10.markup # End of parse-incrementally tests # End of markup tests PASS: pango/markup-parse.test Running test: pango/testlanguage.test # random seed: R02S924f40b8fed7630ca976e419e41dea25 1..2 # Start of language tests ok 1 /language/to-string ok 2 /language/language-env # End of language tests PASS: pango/testlanguage.test Running test: pango/testcolor.test # random seed: R02Sc18a71284ce3567e02088b5fd274d175 1..3 # Start of color tests ok 1 /color/parse ok 2 /color/copy ok 3 /color/serialize # End of color tests PASS: pango/testcolor.test Running test: pango/cxx-test.test PASS: pango/cxx-test.test Running test: pango/test-shape.test # random seed: R02S49fdc2ccc2a7942b71d0826e6e9f41d7 PASS: pango/test-shape.test Running test: pango/test-coverage.test # random seed: R02Sa2dd815edbf7bc710b3a71ed7e1ec445 1..2 # Start of coverage tests ok 1 /coverage/basic ok 2 /coverage/copy # End of coverage tests PASS: pango/test-coverage.test Running test: pango/testmisc.test # random seed: R02Sfc193198bb3a118544689cec18b3b3a1 1..14 ok 1 /version-info ok 2 /is-zerowidth # Start of layout tests ok 3 /layout/shape-tab-crash ok 4 /layout/itemize-empty-crash ok 5 /layout/itemize-utf8 ok 6 /layout/short-string-crash ok 7 /layout/line-height ok 8 /layout/fallback-shape # End of layout tests # Start of language tests ok 9 /language/emoji-crash ok 10 /language/to-tag # End of language tests # Start of attr-list tests ok 11 /attr-list/update # End of attr-list tests # Start of gravity tests ok 12 /gravity/to-rotation ok 13 /gravity/from-matrix ok 14 /gravity/for-script # End of gravity tests PASS: pango/testmisc.test Running test: pango/testattributes.test # random seed: R02S546dcaa115e7107ed26e8d291271e149 1..33 # Start of attributes tests ok 1 /attributes/basic ok 2 /attributes/equal ok 3 /attributes/register # Start of list tests ok 4 /attributes/list/basic ok 5 /attributes/list/change ok 6 /attributes/list/change2 ok 7 /attributes/list/change3 ok 8 /attributes/list/change4 ok 9 /attributes/list/change5 ok 10 /attributes/list/change6 ok 11 /attributes/list/change7 ok 12 /attributes/list/change8 ok 13 /attributes/list/change9 ok 14 /attributes/list/change10 ok 15 /attributes/list/change11 ok 16 /attributes/list/change12 ok 17 /attributes/list/splice ok 18 /attributes/list/splice2 ok 19 /attributes/list/splice3 ok 20 /attributes/list/filter ok 21 /attributes/list/update ok 22 /attributes/list/update2 ok 23 /attributes/list/update3 ok 24 /attributes/list/equal ok 25 /attributes/list/insert ok 26 /attributes/list/insert2 ok 27 /attributes/list/merge ok 28 /attributes/list/merge2 # End of list tests # Start of iter tests ok 29 /attributes/iter/basic ok 30 /attributes/iter/get ok 31 /attributes/iter/get_font ok 32 /attributes/iter/get_attrs ok 33 /attributes/iter/epsilon_zero # End of iter tests # End of attributes tests PASS: pango/testattributes.test SUMMARY: total=24; passed=24; skipped=0; failed=0; user=0.8s; system=0.3s; maxrss=23356 DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/pango/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/parted/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/parted/ptest/tests' PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: this test requires Perl's Digest::CRC module SKIP: skipped test: this test requires Perl's Digest::CRC module SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: PASS: : no btrfs support : no xfs support : no nilfs2 support : no ntfs support : no hfsplus support : no udf support : no f2fs support PASS: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: mkfs.hfs: command not found SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: this test requires XFS support SKIP: skipped test: this test requires XFS support SKIP: PASS: skipped test: This test requires an erasable device and you have not properly set the $DEVICE_TO_ERASE and $DEVICE_TO_ERASE_SIZE envvars. SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: no device-mapper support SKIP: skipped test: no device-mapper support SKIP: skipped test: no device-mapper support SKIP: skipped test: no device-mapper support SKIP: skipped test: no device-mapper support SKIP: skipped test: no device-mapper support SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: PASS: PASS: PASS: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: skipped test: you lack the scsi_debug kernel module SKIP: PASS: ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for GNU parted 3.4 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 85 # PASS: 57 # SKIP: 28 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/parted/ptest/tests' DURATION: 8 END: /usr/lib/parted/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python3-atomicwrites/ptest ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.0, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /usr/lib/python3-atomicwrites/ptest plugins: hypothesis-6.23.2 collected 6 items PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ ============================== 6 passed in 0.04s =============================== DURATION: 2 END: /usr/lib/python3-atomicwrites/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python3-hypothesis/ptest ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.0, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /usr/lib/python3-hypothesis/ptest plugins: hypothesis-6.23.2 collected 5 items PASS: examples/ PASS: examples/ PASS: examples/ PASS: examples/ PASS: examples/ ============================== 5 passed in 0.84s =============================== DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/python3-hypothesis/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python3-jinja2/ptest ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.0, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /usr/lib/python3-jinja2/ptest plugins: hypothesis-6.23.2 collected 826 items tests/ ................................. [ 3%] tests/ .................................................... [ 10%] .... [ 10%] tests/ ......................................... [ 15%] tests/ ... [ 16%] tests/ .. [ 16%] tests/ ................................................ [ 22%] .............. [ 23%] tests/ ....... [ 24%] tests/ ............................................... [ 30%] tests/ . [ 30%] tests/ .................................................. [ 36%] ...................................................................... [ 45%] tests/ ..... [ 45%] tests/ ............... [ 47%] tests/ ...................... [ 50%] tests/ ................................................ [ 55%] ........................................................................ [ 64%] .............................. [ 68%] tests/ ..................................... [ 72%] tests/ ........................ [ 75%] tests/ ............................................... [ 81%] ...... [ 82%] tests/ ....... [ 82%] tests/ ............... [ 84%] tests/ .................................................... [ 91%] ...................................................... [ 97%] tests/ .................... [100%] ============================= 826 passed in 3.90s ============================== DURATION: 5 END: /usr/lib/python3-jinja2/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python3-markupsafe/ptest ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.0, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /usr/lib/python3-markupsafe/ptest plugins: hypothesis-6.23.2 collected 51 items tests/ .......... [ 19%] tests/ . [ 21%] tests/ ...... [ 33%] tests/ .......... [ 52%] tests/ . [ 54%] tests/ ...... [ 66%] tests/ . [ 68%] tests/ ................ [100%] ============================== 51 passed in 0.27s ============================== DURATION: 0 END: /usr/lib/python3-markupsafe/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python3-more-itertools/ptest ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.0, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /usr/lib/python3-more-itertools/ptest plugins: hypothesis-6.23.2 collected 499 items PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ 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PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ 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=============================== tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/more_itertools/ DeprecationWarning: collate is no longer part of more_itertools, use heapq.merge warnings.warn( tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/ /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/more_itertools/ DeprecationWarning: zip_equal will be removed in a future version of more-itertools. Use the builtin zip function with strict=True instead. warnings.warn( -- Docs: ====================== 499 passed, 10 warnings in 10.45s ======================= DURATION: 11 END: /usr/lib/python3-more-itertools/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python3-pluggy/ptest ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.0, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /usr/lib/python3-pluggy/ptest plugins: hypothesis-6.23.2 collected 81 items PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/[True-hookwrapper] PASS: testing/[True-optionalhook] PASS: testing/[True-tryfirst] PASS: testing/[True-trylast] PASS: testing/[False-hookwrapper] PASS: testing/[False-optionalhook] PASS: testing/[False-tryfirst] PASS: testing/[False-trylast] PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/[ValueError] PASS: testing/[SystemExit] PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/[spec-is-class] PASS: testing/[spec-is-instance] PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/[spec-is-class] PASS: testing/[spec-is-instance] PASS: testing/[spec-is-class] PASS: testing/[spec-is-instance] PASS: testing/[spec-is-class] PASS: testing/[spec-is-instance] PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/[True] PASS: testing/[False] PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/[spec-is-class] PASS: testing/[spec-is-instance] PASS: testing/[spec-is-class] PASS: testing/[spec-is-instance] PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ PASS: testing/ ============================== 81 passed in 0.26s ============================== DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/python3-pluggy/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/python3-wcwidth/ptest ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.0, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /usr/lib/python3-wcwidth/ptest plugins: hypothesis-6.23.2 collected 22 items PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ ============================== 22 passed in 0.14s ============================== DURATION: 0 END: /usr/lib/python3-wcwidth/ptest 2021-10-26T02:25 2021-10-26T02:25 BEGIN: /usr/lib/qemu/ptest /usr/lib/qemu/ptest/run-ptest: line 12: ./data/test-qga-os-release: Permission denied /usr/lib/qemu/ptest/run-ptest: line 12: ./data/test-qga-config: Permission denied Environment variable QTEST_QEMU_BINARY required # random seed: R02S289f0add67dc3c8a8357a112ea1f91a5 Environment variable QTEST_QEMU_BINARY required # random seed: R02Sc60781f104fe06b9444e9b99f20d7f52 Environment variable QTEST_QEMU_BINARY required # random seed: R02S7fb876d7b8604523b58e873a94334a71 Environment variable QTEST_QEMU_BINARY required # random seed: R02S4c336aa4c68375041f1798debad4d1a7 Environment variable QTEST_QEMU_BINARY required # random seed: R02S4a8a990e16c3b3a13bc926480636dde1 Environment variable QTEST_QEMU_BINARY required # random seed: R02Se748359fc9266db6f4f5ada8a7f76efd 1..2 # Start of host-utils tests PASS: 1 /host-utils/test_lshift PASS: 2 /host-utils/test_rshift # End of host-utils tests # random seed: R02S0e515454051e479622835475d20fcd6e 1..6 # Start of xbzrle tests PASS: 1 /xbzrle/uleb PASS: 2 /xbzrle/encode_decode_zero PASS: 3 /xbzrle/encode_decode_unchanged PASS: 4 /xbzrle/encode_decode_1_byte PASS: 5 /xbzrle/encode_decode_overflow PASS: 6 /xbzrle/encode_decode # End of xbzrle tests # random seed: R02Sad6df24563ecec44fe6aacdd06264817 1..38 # Start of char tests PASS: 1 /char/null # # 'invalid' is not a valid char driver # # PASS: 2 /char/invalid PASS: 3 /char/ringbuf PASS: 4 /char/mux PASS: 5 /char/stdio PASS: 6 /char/pipe PASS: 7 /char/file PASS: 8 /char/file-fifo PASS: 9 /char/udp PASS: 10 /char/serial PASS: 11 /char/hotswap PASS: 12 /char/websocket # Start of stdio tests # End of stdio tests # Start of socket tests # Start of server tests # Start of mainloop tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 13 /char/socket/server/mainloop/tcp # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 14 /char/socket/server/mainloop/unix # End of mainloop tests # Start of wait-conn tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:tcp:,server=on # # # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:tcp:,server=on # # # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 15 /char/socket/server/wait-conn/tcp # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:unix:test-char.sock,server=on # # # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:unix:test-char.sock,server=on # # # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 16 /char/socket/server/wait-conn/unix # End of wait-conn tests # Start of mainloop-fdpass tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 17 /char/socket/server/mainloop-fdpass/tcp # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 18 /char/socket/server/mainloop-fdpass/unix # End of mainloop-fdpass tests # Start of wait-conn-fdpass tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:tcp:,server=on # # # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:tcp:,server=on # # # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 19 /char/socket/server/wait-conn-fdpass/tcp # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:unix:test-char.sock,server=on # # # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:unix:test-char.sock,server=on # # # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 20 /char/socket/server/wait-conn-fdpass/unix # End of wait-conn-fdpass tests # Start of two-clients tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:tcp:,server=on # # # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 21 /char/socket/server/two-clients/tcp # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # # info: # QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:unix:test-char.sock,server=on # # # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created PASS: 22 /char/socket/server/two-clients/unix # End of two-clients tests # End of server tests # Start of client tests # Start of mainloop tests PASS: 23 /char/socket/client/mainloop/tcp PASS: 24 /char/socket/client/mainloop/unix # End of mainloop tests # Start of wait-conn tests PASS: 25 /char/socket/client/wait-conn/tcp PASS: 26 /char/socket/client/wait-conn/unix # End of wait-conn tests # Start of mainloop-reconnect tests PASS: 27 /char/socket/client/mainloop-reconnect/tcp PASS: 28 /char/socket/client/mainloop-reconnect/unix # End of mainloop-reconnect tests # Start of wait-conn-reconnect tests PASS: 29 /char/socket/client/wait-conn-reconnect/tcp PASS: 30 /char/socket/client/wait-conn-reconnect/unix # End of wait-conn-reconnect tests # Start of mainloop-fdpass tests PASS: 31 /char/socket/client/mainloop-fdpass/tcp PASS: 32 /char/socket/client/mainloop-fdpass/unix # End of mainloop-fdpass tests # Start of wait-conn-fdpass tests PASS: 33 /char/socket/client/wait-conn-fdpass/tcp PASS: 34 /char/socket/client/wait-conn-fdpass/unix # End of wait-conn-fdpass tests # Start of reconnect-error tests PASS: 35 /char/socket/client/reconnect-error/tcp PASS: 36 /char/socket/client/reconnect-error/unix # End of reconnect-error tests # Start of dupid-reconnect tests PASS: 37 /char/socket/client/dupid-reconnect/tcp PASS: 38 /char/socket/client/dupid-reconnect/unix # End of dupid-reconnect tests # End of client tests # End of socket tests # End of char tests # random seed: R02Sf7d1fb89f03a0ec84b7115213dd417b1 1..52 # Start of visitor tests # Start of input tests PASS: 1 /visitor/input/int PASS: 2 /visitor/input/uint PASS: 3 /visitor/input/int_overflow PASS: 4 /visitor/input/int_keyval PASS: 5 /visitor/input/int_str_keyval PASS: 6 /visitor/input/int_str_fail PASS: 7 /visitor/input/bool PASS: 8 /visitor/input/bool_keyval PASS: 9 /visitor/input/bool_str_keyval PASS: 10 /visitor/input/bool_str_fail PASS: 11 /visitor/input/number PASS: 12 /visitor/input/large_number PASS: 13 /visitor/input/number_keyval PASS: 14 /visitor/input/number_str_keyval PASS: 15 /visitor/input/number_str_fail PASS: 16 /visitor/input/size_str_keyval PASS: 17 /visitor/input/size_str_fail PASS: 18 /visitor/input/string PASS: 19 /visitor/input/enum PASS: 20 /visitor/input/struct PASS: 21 /visitor/input/struct-nested PASS: 22 /visitor/input/list PASS: 23 /visitor/input/any PASS: 24 /visitor/input/null PASS: 25 /visitor/input/union-flat PASS: 26 /visitor/input/alternate PASS: 27 /visitor/input/errors PASS: 28 /visitor/input/wrong-type PASS: 29 /visitor/input/alternate-number PASS: 30 /visitor/input/qapi-introspect # Start of list_union tests PASS: 31 /visitor/input/list_union/int PASS: 32 /visitor/input/list_union/int8 PASS: 33 /visitor/input/list_union/int16 PASS: 34 /visitor/input/list_union/int32 PASS: 35 /visitor/input/list_union/int64 PASS: 36 /visitor/input/list_union/uint8 PASS: 37 /visitor/input/list_union/uint16 PASS: 38 /visitor/input/list_union/uint32 PASS: 39 /visitor/input/list_union/uint64 PASS: 40 /visitor/input/list_union/bool PASS: 41 /visitor/input/list_union/str PASS: 42 /visitor/input/list_union/number # End of list_union tests # Start of fail tests PASS: 43 /visitor/input/fail/struct PASS: 44 /visitor/input/fail/struct-nested PASS: 45 /visitor/input/fail/struct-in-list PASS: 46 /visitor/input/fail/struct-missing PASS: 47 /visitor/input/fail/list PASS: 48 /visitor/input/fail/list-nested PASS: 49 /visitor/input/fail/union-flat PASS: 50 /visitor/input/fail/union-flat-no-discriminator PASS: 51 /visitor/input/fail/alternate PASS: 52 /visitor/input/fail/union-list # End of fail tests # End of input tests # End of visitor tests # random seed: R02Sc9a322305a427f96b93a003de10caa50 1..7 # Start of visitor tests # Start of forward tests PASS: 1 /visitor/forward/struct PASS: 2 /visitor/forward/alternate PASS: 3 /visitor/forward/string PASS: 4 /visitor/forward/size PASS: 5 /visitor/forward/number PASS: 6 /visitor/forward/any PASS: 7 /visitor/forward/list # End of forward tests # End of visitor tests # random seed: R02Sb020a7b03c89ef45123a87e090c8504a 1..4 # Start of crypto tests # Start of hmac tests PASS: 1 /crypto/hmac/iov PASS: 2 /crypto/hmac/alloc PASS: 3 /crypto/hmac/prealloc PASS: 4 /crypto/hmac/digest # End of hmac tests # End of crypto tests # random seed: R02Se56304fe88b30db9e475b46e869160e8 1..8 # Start of crypto tests # Start of cipher tests PASS: 1 /crypto/cipher/aes-ecb-128 PASS: 2 /crypto/cipher/aes-ecb-192 PASS: 3 /crypto/cipher/aes-ecb-256 PASS: 4 /crypto/cipher/aes-cbc-128 PASS: 5 /crypto/cipher/aes-cbc-192 PASS: 6 /crypto/cipher/aes-cbc-256 PASS: 7 /crypto/cipher/null-iv PASS: 8 /crypto/cipher/short-plaintext # End of cipher tests # End of crypto tests # random seed: R02S723e05014cc283fca1b496c62039c32f 1..156 # Start of visitor tests # Start of serialization tests # Start of QMP tests PASS: 1 /visitor/serialization/QMP/struct PASS: 2 /visitor/serialization/QMP/nested_struct PASS: 3 /visitor/serialization/QMP/nested_struct_list # Start of primitives tests PASS: 4 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/string_empty PASS: 5 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/string_whitespace PASS: 6 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/string_newlines PASS: 7 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/string_commas PASS: 8 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/string_single_quoted PASS: 9 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/string_double_quoted PASS: 10 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/boolean_true1 PASS: 11 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/boolean_true2 PASS: 12 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/boolean_true3 PASS: 13 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/boolean_false1 PASS: 14 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/boolean_false2 PASS: 15 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/number_sanity1 PASS: 16 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/number_sanity2 PASS: 17 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/number_min PASS: 18 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/number_max PASS: 19 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/integer_sanity1 PASS: 20 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/integer_sanity2 PASS: 21 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/integer_min PASS: 22 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/integer_max PASS: 23 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint8_sanity1 PASS: 24 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint8_sanity2 PASS: 25 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint8_min PASS: 26 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint8_max PASS: 27 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint16_sanity1 PASS: 28 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint16_sanity2 PASS: 29 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint16_min PASS: 30 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint16_max PASS: 31 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint32_sanity1 PASS: 32 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint32_sanity2 PASS: 33 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint32_min PASS: 34 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint32_max PASS: 35 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint64_sanity1 PASS: 36 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint64_sanity2 PASS: 37 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint64_min PASS: 38 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/uint64_max PASS: 39 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int8_sanity1 PASS: 40 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int8_sanity2 PASS: 41 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int8_min PASS: 42 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int8_max PASS: 43 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int16_sanity1 PASS: 44 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int16_sanity2 PASS: 45 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int16_min PASS: 46 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int16_max PASS: 47 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int32_sanity1 PASS: 48 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int32_sanity2 PASS: 49 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int32_min PASS: 50 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int32_max PASS: 51 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int64_sanity1 PASS: 52 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int64_sanity2 PASS: 53 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int64_min PASS: 54 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitives/int64_max # End of primitives tests # Start of primitive_list tests PASS: 55 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/string_empty PASS: 56 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/string_whitespace PASS: 57 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/string_newlines PASS: 58 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/string_commas PASS: 59 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/string_single_quoted PASS: 60 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/string_double_quoted PASS: 61 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/boolean_true1 PASS: 62 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/boolean_true2 PASS: 63 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/boolean_true3 PASS: 64 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/boolean_false1 PASS: 65 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/boolean_false2 PASS: 66 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/number_sanity1 PASS: 67 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/number_sanity2 PASS: 68 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/number_min PASS: 69 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/number_max PASS: 70 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/integer_sanity1 PASS: 71 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/integer_sanity2 PASS: 72 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/integer_min PASS: 73 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/integer_max PASS: 74 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint8_sanity1 PASS: 75 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint8_sanity2 PASS: 76 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint8_min PASS: 77 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint8_max PASS: 78 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint16_sanity1 PASS: 79 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint16_sanity2 PASS: 80 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint16_min PASS: 81 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint16_max PASS: 82 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint32_sanity1 PASS: 83 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint32_sanity2 PASS: 84 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint32_min PASS: 85 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint32_max PASS: 86 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint64_sanity1 PASS: 87 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint64_sanity2 PASS: 88 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint64_min PASS: 89 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/uint64_max PASS: 90 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int8_sanity1 PASS: 91 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int8_sanity2 PASS: 92 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int8_min PASS: 93 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int8_max PASS: 94 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int16_sanity1 PASS: 95 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int16_sanity2 PASS: 96 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int16_min PASS: 97 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int16_max PASS: 98 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int32_sanity1 PASS: 99 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int32_sanity2 PASS: 100 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int32_min PASS: 101 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int32_max PASS: 102 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int64_sanity1 PASS: 103 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int64_sanity2 PASS: 104 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int64_min PASS: 105 /visitor/serialization/QMP/primitive_list/int64_max # End of primitive_list tests # End of QMP tests # Start of String tests # Start of primitives tests PASS: 106 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/string_empty PASS: 107 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/string_whitespace PASS: 108 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/string_newlines PASS: 109 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/string_commas PASS: 110 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/string_single_quoted PASS: 111 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/string_double_quoted PASS: 112 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/boolean_true1 PASS: 113 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/boolean_true2 PASS: 114 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/boolean_true3 PASS: 115 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/boolean_false1 PASS: 116 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/boolean_false2 PASS: 117 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/number_sanity1 PASS: 118 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/number_sanity2 PASS: 119 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/number_min PASS: 120 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/number_max PASS: 121 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/integer_sanity1 PASS: 122 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/integer_sanity2 PASS: 123 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/integer_min PASS: 124 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/integer_max PASS: 125 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint8_sanity1 PASS: 126 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint8_sanity2 PASS: 127 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint8_min PASS: 128 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint8_max PASS: 129 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint16_sanity1 PASS: 130 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint16_sanity2 PASS: 131 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint16_min PASS: 132 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint16_max PASS: 133 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint32_sanity1 PASS: 134 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint32_sanity2 PASS: 135 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint32_min PASS: 136 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint32_max PASS: 137 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint64_sanity1 PASS: 138 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint64_sanity2 PASS: 139 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint64_min PASS: 140 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/uint64_max PASS: 141 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int8_sanity1 PASS: 142 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int8_sanity2 PASS: 143 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int8_min PASS: 144 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int8_max PASS: 145 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int16_sanity1 PASS: 146 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int16_sanity2 PASS: 147 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int16_min PASS: 148 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int16_max PASS: 149 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int32_sanity1 PASS: 150 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int32_sanity2 PASS: 151 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int32_min PASS: 152 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int32_max PASS: 153 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int64_sanity1 PASS: 154 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int64_sanity2 PASS: 155 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int64_min PASS: 156 /visitor/serialization/String/primitives/int64_max # End of primitives tests # End of String tests # End of serialization tests # End of visitor tests # random seed: R02S67fbee9f2c6f225b883055a65aaa88ab 1..9 # Start of crypto tests # Start of ivgen tests # Start of plain tests PASS: 1 /crypto/ivgen/plain/1 PASS: 2 /crypto/ivgen/plain/1f2e3d4c PASS: 3 /crypto/ivgen/plain/1f2e3d4c5b6a7988 # End of plain tests # Start of plain64 tests PASS: 4 /crypto/ivgen/plain64/1 PASS: 5 /crypto/ivgen/plain64/1f2e3d4c PASS: 6 /crypto/ivgen/plain64/1f2e3d4c5b6a7988 # End of plain64 tests # Start of essiv tests PASS: 7 /crypto/ivgen/essiv/1 PASS: 8 /crypto/ivgen/essiv/1f2e3d4c PASS: 9 /crypto/ivgen/essiv/1f2e3d4c5b6a7988 # End of essiv tests # End of ivgen tests # End of crypto tests # random seed: R02Sf8ea4956169e66399a065b55e823a8ed 1..4 # Start of util tests # Start of base64 tests PASS: 1 /util/base64/good PASS: 2 /util/base64/embedded-nul PASS: 3 /util/base64/not-nul-terminated PASS: 4 /util/base64/invalid-chars # End of base64 tests # End of util tests # random seed: R02S0861d110ad8891e7767b6e2c4f21da7f 1..4 # Start of io tests # Start of channel tests # Start of command tests # Start of fifo tests PASS: 1 /io/channel/command/fifo/sync PASS: 2 /io/channel/command/fifo/async # End of fifo tests # Start of echo tests PASS: 3 /io/channel/command/echo/sync PASS: 4 /io/channel/command/echo/async # End of echo tests # End of command tests # End of channel tests # End of io tests # random seed: R02S01ea80af2f9bc5fd619fb7439dce76c4 1..2 # Start of bitmap tests PASS: 1 /bitmap/bitmap_copy_with_offset PASS: 2 /bitmap/bitmap_set # End of bitmap tests # random seed: R02S2ea2dc2c6db5071ec32460ece00e33a3 1..14 # Start of string-visitor tests # Start of output tests PASS: 1 /string-visitor/output/int PASS: 2 /string-visitor/output/int-human PASS: 3 /string-visitor/output/bool PASS: 4 /string-visitor/output/bool-human PASS: 5 /string-visitor/output/number PASS: 6 /string-visitor/output/number-human PASS: 7 /string-visitor/output/string PASS: 8 /string-visitor/output/string-human PASS: 9 /string-visitor/output/no-string PASS: 10 /string-visitor/output/no-string-human PASS: 11 /string-visitor/output/enum PASS: 12 /string-visitor/output/enum-human PASS: 13 /string-visitor/output/intList PASS: 14 /string-visitor/output/intList-human # End of output tests # End of string-visitor tests # random seed: R02S79722e72f69552eb5e67b84ca986d890 1..7 # Start of single tests PASS: 1 /single/success PASS: 2 /single/failure PASS: 3 /single/cancel # End of single tests # Start of pair tests PASS: 4 /pair/success PASS: 5 /pair/failure PASS: 6 /pair/cancel PASS: 7 /pair/fail-cancel-race # End of pair tests # random seed: R02S9760b70f070cb85dd164ba26c9f5a9ee 1..29 # Start of aio tests PASS: 1 /aio/acquire PASS: 2 /aio/external-client # Start of bh tests PASS: 3 /aio/bh/schedule PASS: 4 /aio/bh/schedule10 PASS: 5 /aio/bh/cancel PASS: 6 /aio/bh/delete PASS: 7 /aio/bh/flush # Start of callback-delete tests PASS: 8 /aio/bh/callback-delete/one PASS: 9 /aio/bh/callback-delete/many # End of callback-delete tests # End of bh tests # Start of event tests PASS: 10 /aio/event/add-remove PASS: 11 /aio/event/wait PASS: 12 /aio/event/flush # Start of wait tests PASS: 13 /aio/event/wait/no-flush-cb # End of wait tests # End of event tests # Start of timer tests PASS: 14 /aio/timer/schedule # End of timer tests # Start of coroutine tests PASS: 15 /aio/coroutine/queue-chaining PASS: 16 /aio/coroutine/worker-thread-co-enter # End of coroutine tests # End of aio tests # Start of aio-gsource tests PASS: 17 /aio-gsource/flush # Start of bh tests PASS: 18 /aio-gsource/bh/schedule PASS: 19 /aio-gsource/bh/schedule10 PASS: 20 /aio-gsource/bh/cancel PASS: 21 /aio-gsource/bh/delete PASS: 22 /aio-gsource/bh/flush # Start of callback-delete tests PASS: 23 /aio-gsource/bh/callback-delete/one PASS: 24 /aio-gsource/bh/callback-delete/many # End of callback-delete tests # End of bh tests # Start of event tests PASS: 25 /aio-gsource/event/add-remove PASS: 26 /aio-gsource/event/wait PASS: 27 /aio-gsource/event/flush # Start of wait tests PASS: 28 /aio-gsource/event/wait/no-flush-cb # End of wait tests # End of event tests # Start of timer tests PASS: 29 /aio-gsource/timer/schedule # End of timer tests # End of aio-gsource tests # random seed: R02S92c3736a6d505d2b1a3bcaf49ab755b5 1..26 # Start of visitor tests # Start of output tests PASS: 1 /visitor/output/int PASS: 2 /visitor/output/bool PASS: 3 /visitor/output/number PASS: 4 /visitor/output/string PASS: 5 /visitor/output/no-string PASS: 6 /visitor/output/enum PASS: 7 /visitor/output/struct PASS: 8 /visitor/output/struct-nested PASS: 9 /visitor/output/list PASS: 10 /visitor/output/any PASS: 11 /visitor/output/list-qapi-free PASS: 12 /visitor/output/union-flat PASS: 13 /visitor/output/alternate PASS: 14 /visitor/output/null # Start of list_union tests PASS: 15 /visitor/output/list_union/int PASS: 16 /visitor/output/list_union/int8 PASS: 17 /visitor/output/list_union/int16 PASS: 18 /visitor/output/list_union/int32 PASS: 19 /visitor/output/list_union/int64 PASS: 20 /visitor/output/list_union/uint8 PASS: 21 /visitor/output/list_union/uint16 PASS: 22 /visitor/output/list_union/uint32 PASS: 23 /visitor/output/list_union/uint64 PASS: 24 /visitor/output/list_union/bool PASS: 25 /visitor/output/list_union/string PASS: 26 /visitor/output/list_union/number # End of list_union tests # End of output tests # End of visitor tests Usage: ./unit/test-rcu-list duration nreaders # random seed: R02Scbc7025259e32876a99914ff1bde6081 1..5 # Start of bdrv-graph-mod tests PASS: 1 /bdrv-graph-mod/update-perm-tree PASS: 2 /bdrv-graph-mod/should-update-child PASS: 3 /bdrv-graph-mod/parallel-perm-update PASS: 4 /bdrv-graph-mod/parallel-exclusive-write PASS: 5 /bdrv-graph-mod/append-greedy-filter # End of bdrv-graph-mod tests # random seed: R02Sc7ad7b9bad10ca5985afaa93fb7afef9 1..7 # Start of visitor tests # Start of clone tests PASS: 1 /visitor/clone/struct PASS: 2 /visitor/clone/alternate PASS: 3 /visitor/clone/list_union PASS: 4 /visitor/clone/empty PASS: 5 /visitor/clone/complex1 PASS: 6 /visitor/clone/complex2 PASS: 7 /visitor/clone/complex3 # End of clone tests # End of visitor tests # random seed: R02S90bc7408de922d318342465809ae7b5d 1..13 # Start of keyval tests PASS: 1 /keyval/keyval_parse # Start of keyval_parse tests PASS: 2 /keyval/keyval_parse/list # End of keyval_parse tests # Start of visit tests PASS: 3 /keyval/visit/bool PASS: 4 /keyval/visit/number PASS: 5 /keyval/visit/size PASS: 6 /keyval/visit/dict PASS: 7 /keyval/visit/list PASS: 8 /keyval/visit/optional PASS: 9 /keyval/visit/alternate PASS: 10 /keyval/visit/any # End of visit tests # Start of merge tests PASS: 11 /keyval/merge/dict PASS: 12 /keyval/merge/list PASS: 13 /keyval/merge/conflict # End of merge tests # End of keyval tests # random seed: R02S56bea3bd1bc706e04db4cb6369b67bb7 1..4 # Start of qdev tests # Start of properties tests # Start of static tests PASS: 1 /qdev/properties/static/default PASS: 2 /qdev/properties/static/global # Start of default tests # End of default tests # Start of global tests # End of global tests # End of static tests # Start of dynamic tests PASS: 3 /qdev/properties/dynamic/global # Start of global tests # End of global tests # End of dynamic tests # Start of global tests PASS: 4 /qdev/properties/global/subclass # End of global tests # End of properties tests # End of qdev tests ** ERROR:../qemu-6.1.0/tests/unit/test-qga.c:75:fixture_setup: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to execute child process ?/usr/lib/qemu/ptest/tests/qga/qemu-ga? (No such file or directory) (g-exec-error-quark, 8) # random seed: R02S7d910d568861d77c5ed022af57fd8f10 Bail out! ERROR:../qemu-6.1.0/tests/unit/test-qga.c:75:fixture_setup: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to execute child process ?/usr/lib/qemu/ptest/tests/qga/qemu-ga? (No such file or directory) (g-exec-error-quark, 8) # random seed: R02S8c007fab925b0e5ca6ec3d2d9c1df33f 1..6 # Start of basic tests # Start of iov tests PASS: 1 /basic/iov/from-to-buf PASS: 2 /basic/iov/io PASS: 3 /basic/iov/discard-front PASS: 4 /basic/iov/discard-back PASS: 5 /basic/iov/discard-front-undo PASS: 6 /basic/iov/discard-back-undo # End of iov tests # End of basic tests # random seed: R02S7cdbcca4daa70f0e589b538a6466de6d 1..6 # Start of auth tests # Start of list tests PASS: 1 /auth/list/complex PASS: 2 /auth/list/add-remove # Start of default tests PASS: 3 /auth/list/default/deny PASS: 4 /auth/list/default/allow # End of default tests # Start of explicit tests PASS: 5 /auth/list/explicit/deny PASS: 6 /auth/list/explicit/allow # End of explicit tests # End of list tests # End of auth tests # random seed: R02S561f0819b6391c28f73309f67f3aad19 1..4 # Start of bitcnt tests PASS: 1 /bitcnt/ctpop8 PASS: 2 /bitcnt/ctpop16 PASS: 3 /bitcnt/ctpop32 PASS: 4 /bitcnt/ctpop64 # End of bitcnt tests # random seed: R02S8a6c15610a438efedbd39f002da40844 1..16 # Start of sync-op tests PASS: 1 /sync-op/pread PASS: 2 /sync-op/pwrite PASS: 3 /sync-op/load_vmstate PASS: 4 /sync-op/save_vmstate PASS: 5 /sync-op/pdiscard PASS: 6 /sync-op/truncate PASS: 7 /sync-op/block_status PASS: 8 /sync-op/flush PASS: 9 /sync-op/check PASS: 10 /sync-op/invalidate_cache # End of sync-op tests # Start of attach tests PASS: 11 /attach/blockjob PASS: 12 /attach/second_node PASS: 13 /attach/preserve_blk_ctx # End of attach tests # Start of propagate tests PASS: 14 /propagate/basic PASS: 15 /propagate/diamond PASS: 16 /propagate/mirror # End of propagate tests # random seed: R02Sf1cfd4cf951eb7fbff4d216422f43d15 1..10 # Start of int128 tests PASS: 1 /int128/int128_and PASS: 2 /int128/int128_add PASS: 3 /int128/int128_sub PASS: 4 /int128/int128_neg PASS: 5 /int128/int128_nz PASS: 6 /int128/int128_le PASS: 7 /int128/int128_lt PASS: 8 /int128/int128_ge PASS: 9 /int128/int128_gt PASS: 10 /int128/int128_rshift # End of int128 tests # random seed: R02S4dc15879d7ae0fa18af2b2f91304052e 1..8 # Start of string-visitor tests # Start of input tests PASS: 1 /string-visitor/input/int PASS: 2 /string-visitor/input/intList PASS: 3 /string-visitor/input/uintList PASS: 4 /string-visitor/input/bool PASS: 5 /string-visitor/input/number PASS: 6 /string-visitor/input/string PASS: 7 /string-visitor/input/enum PASS: 8 /string-visitor/input/fuzz # End of input tests # End of string-visitor tests # random seed: R02Sc6a9266612ebede3644c05ee615bda2e 1..13 # Start of replication tests # Start of primary tests PASS: 1 /replication/primary/read PASS: 2 /replication/primary/write PASS: 3 /replication/primary/start PASS: 4 /replication/primary/stop PASS: 5 /replication/primary/do_checkpoint PASS: 6 /replication/primary/get_error_all # End of primary tests # Start of secondary tests PASS: 7 /replication/secondary/read PASS: 8 /replication/secondary/write PASS: 9 /replication/secondary/start PASS: 10 /replication/secondary/stop PASS: 11 /replication/secondary/continuous_replication PASS: 12 /replication/secondary/do_checkpoint PASS: 13 /replication/secondary/get_error_all # End of secondary tests # End of replication tests # random seed: R02S06841483f05237af14b7327baddab4f4 1..2 # Start of block-backend tests PASS: 1 /block-backend/drain_aio_error PASS: 2 /block-backend/drain_all_aio_error # End of block-backend tests Usage: ./unit/test-rcu-simpleq duration nreaders # random seed: R02S17fce31beeb36a159e292dab274fd5ee 1..135 # Start of cutils tests # Start of parse_uint tests PASS: 1 /cutils/parse_uint/null PASS: 2 /cutils/parse_uint/empty PASS: 3 /cutils/parse_uint/whitespace PASS: 4 /cutils/parse_uint/invalid PASS: 5 /cutils/parse_uint/trailing PASS: 6 /cutils/parse_uint/correct PASS: 7 /cutils/parse_uint/octal PASS: 8 /cutils/parse_uint/decimal PASS: 9 /cutils/parse_uint/llong_max PASS: 10 /cutils/parse_uint/overflow PASS: 11 /cutils/parse_uint/negative # End of parse_uint tests # Start of parse_uint_full tests PASS: 12 /cutils/parse_uint_full/trailing PASS: 13 /cutils/parse_uint_full/correct # End of parse_uint_full tests # Start of qemu_strtoi tests PASS: 14 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/correct PASS: 15 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/null PASS: 16 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/empty PASS: 17 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/whitespace PASS: 18 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/invalid PASS: 19 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/trailing PASS: 20 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/octal PASS: 21 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/decimal PASS: 22 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/hex PASS: 23 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/max PASS: 24 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/overflow PASS: 25 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/underflow PASS: 26 /cutils/qemu_strtoi/negative # End of qemu_strtoi tests # Start of qemu_strtoi_full tests PASS: 27 /cutils/qemu_strtoi_full/correct PASS: 28 /cutils/qemu_strtoi_full/null PASS: 29 /cutils/qemu_strtoi_full/empty PASS: 30 /cutils/qemu_strtoi_full/negative PASS: 31 /cutils/qemu_strtoi_full/trailing PASS: 32 /cutils/qemu_strtoi_full/max # End of qemu_strtoi_full tests # Start of qemu_strtoui tests PASS: 33 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/correct PASS: 34 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/null PASS: 35 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/empty PASS: 36 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/whitespace PASS: 37 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/invalid PASS: 38 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/trailing PASS: 39 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/octal PASS: 40 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/decimal PASS: 41 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/hex PASS: 42 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/max PASS: 43 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/overflow PASS: 44 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/underflow PASS: 45 /cutils/qemu_strtoui/negative # End of qemu_strtoui tests # Start of qemu_strtoui_full tests PASS: 46 /cutils/qemu_strtoui_full/correct PASS: 47 /cutils/qemu_strtoui_full/null PASS: 48 /cutils/qemu_strtoui_full/empty PASS: 49 /cutils/qemu_strtoui_full/negative PASS: 50 /cutils/qemu_strtoui_full/trailing PASS: 51 /cutils/qemu_strtoui_full/max # End of qemu_strtoui_full tests # Start of qemu_strtol tests PASS: 52 /cutils/qemu_strtol/correct PASS: 53 /cutils/qemu_strtol/null PASS: 54 /cutils/qemu_strtol/empty PASS: 55 /cutils/qemu_strtol/whitespace PASS: 56 /cutils/qemu_strtol/invalid PASS: 57 /cutils/qemu_strtol/trailing PASS: 58 /cutils/qemu_strtol/octal PASS: 59 /cutils/qemu_strtol/decimal PASS: 60 /cutils/qemu_strtol/hex PASS: 61 /cutils/qemu_strtol/max PASS: 62 /cutils/qemu_strtol/overflow PASS: 63 /cutils/qemu_strtol/underflow PASS: 64 /cutils/qemu_strtol/negative # End of qemu_strtol tests # Start of qemu_strtol_full tests PASS: 65 /cutils/qemu_strtol_full/correct PASS: 66 /cutils/qemu_strtol_full/null PASS: 67 /cutils/qemu_strtol_full/empty PASS: 68 /cutils/qemu_strtol_full/negative PASS: 69 /cutils/qemu_strtol_full/trailing PASS: 70 /cutils/qemu_strtol_full/max # End of qemu_strtol_full tests # Start of qemu_strtoul tests PASS: 71 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/correct PASS: 72 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/null PASS: 73 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/empty PASS: 74 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/whitespace PASS: 75 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/invalid PASS: 76 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/trailing PASS: 77 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/octal PASS: 78 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/decimal PASS: 79 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/hex PASS: 80 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/max PASS: 81 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/overflow PASS: 82 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/underflow PASS: 83 /cutils/qemu_strtoul/negative # End of qemu_strtoul tests # Start of qemu_strtoul_full tests PASS: 84 /cutils/qemu_strtoul_full/correct PASS: 85 /cutils/qemu_strtoul_full/null PASS: 86 /cutils/qemu_strtoul_full/empty PASS: 87 /cutils/qemu_strtoul_full/negative PASS: 88 /cutils/qemu_strtoul_full/trailing PASS: 89 /cutils/qemu_strtoul_full/max # End of qemu_strtoul_full tests # Start of qemu_strtoi64 tests PASS: 90 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/correct PASS: 91 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/null PASS: 92 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/empty PASS: 93 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/whitespace PASS: 94 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/invalid PASS: 95 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/trailing PASS: 96 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/octal PASS: 97 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/decimal PASS: 98 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/hex PASS: 99 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/max PASS: 100 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/overflow PASS: 101 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/underflow PASS: 102 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64/negative # End of qemu_strtoi64 tests # Start of qemu_strtoi64_full tests PASS: 103 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64_full/correct PASS: 104 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64_full/null PASS: 105 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64_full/empty PASS: 106 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64_full/negative PASS: 107 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64_full/trailing PASS: 108 /cutils/qemu_strtoi64_full/max # End of qemu_strtoi64_full tests # Start of qemu_strtou64 tests PASS: 109 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/correct PASS: 110 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/null PASS: 111 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/empty PASS: 112 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/whitespace PASS: 113 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/invalid PASS: 114 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/trailing PASS: 115 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/octal PASS: 116 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/decimal PASS: 117 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/hex PASS: 118 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/max PASS: 119 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/overflow PASS: 120 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/underflow PASS: 121 /cutils/qemu_strtou64/negative # End of qemu_strtou64 tests # Start of qemu_strtou64_full tests PASS: 122 /cutils/qemu_strtou64_full/correct PASS: 123 /cutils/qemu_strtou64_full/null PASS: 124 /cutils/qemu_strtou64_full/empty PASS: 125 /cutils/qemu_strtou64_full/negative PASS: 126 /cutils/qemu_strtou64_full/trailing PASS: 127 /cutils/qemu_strtou64_full/max # End of qemu_strtou64_full tests # Start of strtosz tests PASS: 128 /cutils/strtosz/simple PASS: 129 /cutils/strtosz/hex PASS: 130 /cutils/strtosz/units PASS: 131 /cutils/strtosz/float PASS: 132 /cutils/strtosz/invalid PASS: 133 /cutils/strtosz/trailing PASS: 134 /cutils/strtosz/erange PASS: 135 /cutils/strtosz/metric # End of strtosz tests # End of cutils tests # random seed: R02Sa56ed7be9bfc316d221ccdf030c9e1b1 1..5 # Start of auth tests # Start of list tests PASS: 1 /auth/list/complex # Start of default tests PASS: 2 /auth/list/default/deny PASS: 3 /auth/list/default/allow # End of default tests # Start of explicit tests PASS: 4 /auth/list/explicit/deny PASS: 5 /auth/list/explicit/allow # End of explicit tests # End of list tests # End of auth tests Usage: ./unit/test-rcu-slist duration nreaders # random seed: R02S4654ae2b2e904f21945901cc8fd8cf41 1..2 # Start of write-threshold tests PASS: 1 /write-threshold/not-trigger PASS: 2 /write-threshold/trigger # End of write-threshold tests # random seed: R02S511e9909c83c539f2a9cc959f474aed8 1..6 # Start of bitops tests PASS: 1 /bitops/sextract32 PASS: 2 /bitops/sextract64 PASS: 3 /bitops/half_shuffle32 PASS: 4 /bitops/half_shuffle64 PASS: 5 /bitops/half_unshuffle32 PASS: 6 /bitops/half_unshuffle64 # End of bitops tests # random seed: R02S76185e230dcf7d412c66d7aee0dccaf8 1..1 # Start of timed-average tests PASS: 1 /timed-average/average # End of timed-average tests # random seed: R02S5a368a09055912bf8342161888ced3e1 1..6 # Start of event tests PASS: 1 /event/event_a PASS: 2 /event/event_b PASS: 3 /event/event_c PASS: 4 /event/event_d PASS: 5 /event/deprecated PASS: 6 /event/deprecated_data # End of event tests # random seed: R02S073d15fd0b3ac6342286ffcdda0c3614 1..9 # Start of io tests # Start of channel tests # Start of socket tests PASS: 1 /io/channel/socket/ipv4-sync PASS: 2 /io/channel/socket/ipv4-async PASS: 3 /io/channel/socket/ipv4-fd PASS: 4 /io/channel/socket/ipv6-sync PASS: 5 /io/channel/socket/ipv6-async PASS: 6 /io/channel/socket/unix-sync PASS: 7 /io/channel/socket/unix-async PASS: 8 /io/channel/socket/unix-fd-pass PASS: 9 /io/channel/socket/unix-listen-cleanup # End of socket tests # End of channel tests # End of io tests # random seed: R02S00afad5ad6f6725de42233cbde46a7a3 1..2 # Start of image-locking tests PASS: 1 /image-locking/basic PASS: 2 /image-locking/set-perm-abort # End of image-locking tests # random seed: R02S635f7ca5f8c07b33841bf58a6ad98f21 1..33 # Start of visitor tests # Start of opts tests # Start of flatten tests PASS: 1 /visitor/opts/flatten/value # End of flatten tests # Start of i64 tests # 'i64x=5-6': Parameter 'i64x' expects an int64 value PASS: 2 /visitor/opts/i64/nonlist # Start of val1 tests # 'i64=0x8000000000000000': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 3 /visitor/opts/i64/val1/errno # 'i64=': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 4 /visitor/opts/i64/val1/empty # 'i64=5z': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 5 /visitor/opts/i64/val1/trailing # End of val1 tests # Start of val2 tests # 'i64=0x7fffffffffffffff-0x8000000000000000': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 6 /visitor/opts/i64/val2/errno # 'i64=5-': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 7 /visitor/opts/i64/val2/empty # 'i64=5-6z': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 8 /visitor/opts/i64/val2/trailing # End of val2 tests # Start of range tests # 'i64=6-5': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 9 /visitor/opts/i64/range/empty PASS: 10 /visitor/opts/i64/range/minval PASS: 11 /visitor/opts/i64/range/maxval # Start of max tests # Start of pos tests PASS: 12 /visitor/opts/i64/range/max/pos/a PASS: 13 /visitor/opts/i64/range/max/pos/b # End of pos tests # Start of neg tests PASS: 14 /visitor/opts/i64/range/max/neg/a PASS: 15 /visitor/opts/i64/range/max/neg/b # End of neg tests # End of max tests # Start of 2big tests # 'i64=0x7ffffffffffeffff-0x7fffffffffffffff': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 16 /visitor/opts/i64/range/2big/pos # 'i64=-0x8000000000000000--0x7fffffffffff0000': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 17 /visitor/opts/i64/range/2big/neg # 'i64=-0x8000000000000000-0x7fffffffffffffff': Parameter 'i64' expects an int64 value or range PASS: 18 /visitor/opts/i64/range/2big/full # End of 2big tests # End of range tests # End of i64 tests # Start of u64 tests # 'u64x=5-6': Parameter 'u64x' expects a uint64 value PASS: 19 /visitor/opts/u64/nonlist # Start of val1 tests # 'u64=-1': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 20 /visitor/opts/u64/val1/errno # 'u64=': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 21 /visitor/opts/u64/val1/empty # 'u64=5z': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 22 /visitor/opts/u64/val1/trailing # End of val1 tests # Start of val2 tests # 'u64=0xffffffffffffffff-0x10000000000000000': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 23 /visitor/opts/u64/val2/errno # 'u64=5-': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 24 /visitor/opts/u64/val2/empty # 'u64=5-6z': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 25 /visitor/opts/u64/val2/trailing # End of val2 tests # Start of range tests # 'u64=6-5': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 26 /visitor/opts/u64/range/empty PASS: 27 /visitor/opts/u64/range/minval PASS: 28 /visitor/opts/u64/range/maxval PASS: 29 /visitor/opts/u64/range/max # 'u64=0-65536': Parameter 'u64' expects a uint64 value or range PASS: 30 /visitor/opts/u64/range/2big # End of range tests # End of u64 tests # Start of range tests PASS: 31 /visitor/opts/range/unvisited PASS: 32 /visitor/opts/range/beyond # End of range tests # Start of dict tests PASS: 33 /visitor/opts/dict/unvisited # End of dict tests # End of opts tests # End of visitor tests # random seed: R02S6a6567e09dbb3015642980041c431962 1..5 # Start of crypto tests # Start of hash tests PASS: 1 /crypto/hash/iov PASS: 2 /crypto/hash/alloc PASS: 3 /crypto/hash/prealloc PASS: 4 /crypto/hash/digest PASS: 5 /crypto/hash/base64 # End of hash tests # End of crypto tests Unexpected error in qio_channel_file_new_path() at ../qemu-6.1.0/io/channel-file.c:57: Unable to open tests/test-io-channel-file.txt: No such file or directory # random seed: R02Sa83d7bb935bcc0b3176ccd76e2741e57 1..5 # Start of io tests # Start of channel tests # random seed: R02S13c31f9498c6ac84b7f993c397c0b659 1..6 # Start of yank tests # Start of char_change tests # Start of success tests PASS: 1 /yank/char_change/success/to_yank PASS: 2 /yank/char_change/success/yank_to_yank PASS: 3 /yank/char_change/success/from_yank # End of success tests # Start of fail tests PASS: 4 /yank/char_change/fail/to_yank PASS: 5 /yank/char_change/fail/yank_to_yank PASS: 6 /yank/char_change/fail/from_yank # End of fail tests # End of char_change tests # End of yank tests # random seed: R02S5988cca498468f7855bc1a972377400e 1..5 # Start of crypto tests # Start of task tests PASS: 1 /crypto/task/complete PASS: 2 /crypto/task/datafree PASS: 3 /crypto/task/failure PASS: 4 /crypto/task/thread_complete PASS: 5 /crypto/task/thread_failure # End of task tests # End of crypto tests # random seed: R02S87a5a95ecb49eaee99f8b4ae74fceda0 1..6 # Start of aio tests # Start of multi tests PASS: 1 /aio/multi/lifecycle # scheduled 4, queued 5, retry 5, total 14 PASS: 2 /aio/multi/schedule # Start of mutex tests # 159546 iterations/second PASS: 3 /aio/multi/mutex/contended # 5862341 iterations/second PASS: 4 /aio/multi/mutex/handoff # 164821 iterations/second PASS: 5 /aio/multi/mutex/mcs # 9321634 iterations/second PASS: 6 /aio/multi/mutex/pthread # End of mutex tests # End of multi tests # End of aio tests # random seed: R02Sa48a2a0274bb250bbff73604b8005a16 1..5 # Start of uuid tests PASS: 1 /uuid/is_null PASS: 2 /uuid/generate PASS: 3 /uuid/parse PASS: 4 /uuid/unparse PASS: 5 /uuid/unparse_strdup # End of uuid tests # random seed: R02S75f79f3e860d458bc5158bd99380817e 1..1 # Start of crypto tests # Start of block tests PASS: 1 /crypto/block/qcow # End of block tests # End of crypto tests # random seed: R02S0fcf6071a217205a4808854adab2bfcc 1..2 # Start of qht tests # Start of mode tests PASS: 1 /qht/mode/default PASS: 2 /qht/mode/resize # End of mode tests # End of qht tests # random seed: R02Sf5a1234c97fc162cb7b307a4b85066a6 1..1 # Start of cpuid tests # Start of topology tests PASS: 1 /cpuid/topology/basic # End of topology tests # End of cpuid tests # random seed: R02S034bcecca1ffd37933e861448f7a7cd0 1..23 # Start of qgraph tests PASS: 1 /qgraph/init_nop PASS: 2 /qgraph/test_machine PASS: 3 /qgraph/test_contains PASS: 4 /qgraph/test_multiple_contains PASS: 5 /qgraph/test_produces PASS: 6 /qgraph/test_multiple_produces PASS: 7 /qgraph/test_consumes PASS: 8 /qgraph/test_multiple_consumes PASS: 9 /qgraph/test_driver PASS: 10 /qgraph/test_test PASS: 11 /qgraph/test_machine_contains_driver PASS: 12 /qgraph/test_driver_contains_driver PASS: 13 /qgraph/test_machine_produces_interface PASS: 14 /qgraph/test_driver_produces_interface PASS: 15 /qgraph/test_machine_consumes_interface PASS: 16 /qgraph/test_driver_consumes_interface PASS: 17 /qgraph/test_test_consumes_interface PASS: 18 /qgraph/test_full_sample PASS: 19 /qgraph/test_full_sample_raspi PASS: 20 /qgraph/test_cycle PASS: 21 /qgraph/test_two_test_same_interface PASS: 22 /qgraph/test_test_in_path PASS: 23 /qgraph/test_double_edge # End of qgraph tests # random seed: R02Sdc54e4a69274a5ab2bcb443c16b1d6ce 1..2 # Start of host-utils tests PASS: 1 /host-utils/mulu64 PASS: 2 /host-utils/muls64 # End of host-utils tests # random seed: R02Sd31f392dcbfc24bc1ec74eda178f1ab3 1..4 # Start of logging tests PASS: 1 /logging/parse_range PASS: 2 /logging/parse_path PASS: 3 /logging/logfile_write_path PASS: 4 /logging/logfile_lock_path # End of logging tests # random seed: R02S6078de1563e7588f3096d820631b07da 1..8 # Start of qdist tests PASS: 1 /qdist/none PASS: 2 /qdist/pr # Start of single tests PASS: 3 /qdist/single/empty PASS: 4 /qdist/single/full # End of single tests # Start of binning tests PASS: 5 /qdist/binning/simple PASS: 6 /qdist/binning/precision PASS: 7 /qdist/binning/expand PASS: 8 /qdist/binning/shrink # End of binning tests # End of qdist tests # random seed: R02Sa2beb3df565cedaabd3edcbdbb38107a 1..19 # Start of qemu-opts tests PASS: 1 /qemu-opts/find_unknown_opts PASS: 2 /qemu-opts/find_opts PASS: 3 /qemu-opts/opts_create PASS: 4 /qemu-opts/opt_get PASS: 5 /qemu-opts/opt_get_bool PASS: 6 /qemu-opts/opt_get_number PASS: 7 /qemu-opts/opt_get_size PASS: 8 /qemu-opts/opt_unset PASS: 9 /qemu-opts/opts_reset PASS: 10 /qemu-opts/has_help_option PASS: 11 /qemu-opts/append_to_null PASS: 12 /qemu-opts/append # Start of opts_parse tests PASS: 13 /qemu-opts/opts_parse/general PASS: 14 /qemu-opts/opts_parse/bool PASS: 15 /qemu-opts/opts_parse/number PASS: 16 /qemu-opts/opts_parse/size # End of opts_parse tests # Start of to_qdict tests PASS: 17 /qemu-opts/to_qdict/basic PASS: 18 /qemu-opts/to_qdict/filtered PASS: 19 /qemu-opts/to_qdict/duplicates # End of to_qdict tests # End of qemu-opts tests # random seed: R02S1b7ce543c40e8554193d62fc6c9dc236 1..6 # Start of thread-pool tests PASS: 1 /thread-pool/submit PASS: 2 /thread-pool/submit-aio PASS: 3 /thread-pool/submit-co PASS: 4 /thread-pool/submit-many PASS: 5 /thread-pool/cancel PASS: 6 /thread-pool/cancel-async # End of thread-pool tests # random seed: R02S1cf730077745ea639214e0a8e50e0c09 1..12 # Start of basic tests PASS: 1 /basic/no-dangling-access PASS: 2 /basic/lifecycle PASS: 3 /basic/yield PASS: 4 /basic/nesting PASS: 5 /basic/self PASS: 6 /basic/entered PASS: 7 /basic/in_coroutine PASS: 8 /basic/order # End of basic tests # Start of locking tests PASS: 9 /locking/co-mutex # Start of co-mutex tests PASS: 10 /locking/co-mutex/lockable # End of co-mutex tests # Start of co-rwlock tests PASS: 11 /locking/co-rwlock/upgrade PASS: 12 /locking/co-rwlock/downgrade # End of co-rwlock tests # End of locking tests # random seed: R02S081679d9db5c86e8c1f6fd54615e524a 1..9 # Start of blockjob tests PASS: 1 /blockjob/ids PASS: 2 /blockjob/complete_in_standby # Start of cancel tests PASS: 3 /blockjob/cancel/created PASS: 4 /blockjob/cancel/running PASS: 5 /blockjob/cancel/paused PASS: 6 /blockjob/cancel/ready PASS: 7 /blockjob/cancel/standby PASS: 8 /blockjob/cancel/pending PASS: 9 /blockjob/cancel/concluded # End of cancel tests # End of blockjob tests # random seed: R02Sb0549642762c5708b7413c77d20ba445 1..1 # Start of io tests # Start of channel tests PASS: 1 /io/channel/buf # End of channel tests # End of io tests # random seed: R02S94cd29ca7f3e0fe1626ce1bbf39bf40a 1..9 # Start of util tests # Start of socket tests PASS: 1 /util/socket/unix-abstract # Start of is-socket tests PASS: 2 /util/socket/is-socket/bad PASS: 3 /util/socket/is-socket/good # End of is-socket tests # End of socket tests # End of util tests # Start of socket tests # Start of fd-pass tests # Start of name tests PASS: 4 /socket/fd-pass/name/good PASS: 5 /socket/fd-pass/name/bad PASS: 6 /socket/fd-pass/name/nomon # End of name tests # Start of num tests PASS: 7 /socket/fd-pass/num/good PASS: 8 /socket/fd-pass/num/bad PASS: 9 /socket/fd-pass/num/nocli # End of num tests # End of fd-pass tests # End of socket tests # random seed: R02Sfa60bec82308082ab671dc0bbb148728 1..1 # Start of cutils tests PASS: 1 /cutils/bufferiszero # End of cutils tests # random seed: R02Sfcea56ae1af33b7b0e5a7d1ce78dbd7a 1..23 # Start of vmstate tests # # Failed to load test/with_tmp:a # # # # Failed to load test/tmp_child_parent:f # # # # Failed to load test/tmp_child:parent # # # # Failed to load test/with_tmp:tmp # # # # Failed to load test/tmp_child:diff # # # # Failed to load test/with_tmp:tmp # # # # Failed to load test/tmp_child:diff # # # # Failed to load test/with_tmp:tmp # # PASS: 1 /vmstate/tmp_struct # Start of simple tests # # Failed to load simple/primitive:b_1 # # # # Failed to load simple/primitive:i64_2 # # # # Failed to load simple/primitive:i32_1 # # # # Failed to load simple/primitive:i32_1 # # PASS: 2 /vmstate/simple/primitive # # Failed to load simple/array:u16_1 # # # # Failed to load simple/array:u16_1 # # # # Failed to load simple/array:u16_1 # # # # Failed to load simple/array:u16_1 # # PASS: 3 /vmstate/simple/array # End of simple tests # Start of versioned tests # Start of load tests PASS: 4 /vmstate/versioned/load/v1 PASS: 5 /vmstate/versioned/load/v2 # End of load tests # End of versioned tests # Start of field_exists tests # Start of load tests PASS: 6 /vmstate/field_exists/load/noskip PASS: 7 /vmstate/field_exists/load/skip # End of load tests # Start of save tests PASS: 8 /vmstate/field_exists/save/noskip PASS: 9 /vmstate/field_exists/save/skip # End of save tests # End of field_exists tests # Start of array tests # Start of ptr tests # Start of str tests # Start of no0 tests PASS: 10 /vmstate/array/ptr/str/no0/save PASS: 11 /vmstate/array/ptr/str/no0/load # End of no0 tests # Start of 0 tests PASS: 12 /vmstate/array/ptr/str/0/save PASS: 13 /vmstate/array/ptr/str/0/load # End of 0 tests # End of str tests # Start of prim tests # Start of 0 tests PASS: 14 /vmstate/array/ptr/prim/0/save PASS: 15 /vmstate/array/ptr/prim/0/load # End of 0 tests # End of prim tests # End of ptr tests # End of array tests # Start of qtailq tests # Start of save tests PASS: 16 /vmstate/qtailq/save/saveq # End of save tests # Start of load tests PASS: 17 /vmstate/qtailq/load/loadq # End of load tests # End of qtailq tests # Start of gtree tests # Start of save tests PASS: 18 /vmstate/gtree/save/savedomain PASS: 19 /vmstate/gtree/save/saveiommu # End of save tests # Start of load tests PASS: 20 /vmstate/gtree/load/loaddomain PASS: 21 /vmstate/gtree/load/loadiommu # End of load tests # End of gtree tests # Start of qlist tests # Start of save tests PASS: 22 /vmstate/qlist/save/saveqlist # End of save tests # Start of load tests PASS: 23 /vmstate/qlist/load/loadqlist # End of load tests # End of qlist tests # End of vmstate tests # random seed: R02S1b8ea04f911ab8f44c22a085ca78f516 1..10 # Start of qmp tests PASS: 1 /qmp/dispatch_cmd PASS: 2 /qmp/dispatch_cmd_oob PASS: 3 /qmp/dispatch_cmd_failure PASS: 4 /qmp/dispatch_cmd_io PASS: 5 /qmp/dispatch_cmd_success_response PASS: 6 /qmp/dispatch_cmd_deprecated PASS: 7 /qmp/dispatch_cmd_arg_deprecated PASS: 8 /qmp/dispatch_cmd_ret_deprecated PASS: 9 /qmp/dealloc_types PASS: 10 /qmp/dealloc_partial # End of qmp tests # random seed: R02Sae195d7d73e1861bd035d40f06b3c6bc 1..1 # Start of authz tests PASS: 1 /authz/simple # End of authz tests Usage: ./unit/test-rcu-tailq duration nreaders # random seed: R02S36010932232989fe63bdf450209234fd 1..42 # Start of bdrv-drain tests PASS: 1 /bdrv-drain/nested PASS: 2 /bdrv-drain/multiparent PASS: 3 /bdrv-drain/set_aio_context # Start of driver-cb tests PASS: 4 /bdrv-drain/driver-cb/drain_all PASS: 5 /bdrv-drain/driver-cb/drain PASS: 6 /bdrv-drain/driver-cb/drain_subtree # Start of co tests PASS: 7 /bdrv-drain/driver-cb/co/drain_all PASS: 8 /bdrv-drain/driver-cb/co/drain PASS: 9 /bdrv-drain/driver-cb/co/drain_subtree # End of co tests # End of driver-cb tests # Start of quiesce tests PASS: 10 /bdrv-drain/quiesce/drain_all PASS: 11 /bdrv-drain/quiesce/drain PASS: 12 /bdrv-drain/quiesce/drain_subtree # Start of co tests PASS: 13 /bdrv-drain/quiesce/co/drain_all PASS: 14 /bdrv-drain/quiesce/co/drain PASS: 15 /bdrv-drain/quiesce/co/drain_subtree # End of co tests # End of quiesce tests # Start of graph-change tests PASS: 16 /bdrv-drain/graph-change/drain_subtree PASS: 17 /bdrv-drain/graph-change/drain_all # End of graph-change tests # Start of iothread tests PASS: 18 /bdrv-drain/iothread/drain_all PASS: 19 /bdrv-drain/iothread/drain PASS: 20 /bdrv-drain/iothread/drain_subtree # End of iothread tests # Start of blockjob tests PASS: 21 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/drain_all PASS: 22 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/drain PASS: 23 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/drain_subtree PASS: 24 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/commit_by_drained_end # Start of error tests PASS: 25 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/error/drain_all PASS: 26 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/error/drain PASS: 27 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/error/drain_subtree # End of error tests # Start of iothread tests PASS: 28 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/iothread/drain_all PASS: 29 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/iothread/drain PASS: 30 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/iothread/drain_subtree # Start of error tests PASS: 31 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/iothread/error/drain_all PASS: 32 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/iothread/error/drain PASS: 33 /bdrv-drain/blockjob/iothread/error/drain_subtree # End of error tests # End of iothread tests # End of blockjob tests # Start of deletion tests PASS: 34 /bdrv-drain/deletion/drain # End of deletion tests # Start of detach tests PASS: 35 /bdrv-drain/detach/drain_all PASS: 36 /bdrv-drain/detach/drain PASS: 37 /bdrv-drain/detach/drain_subtree PASS: 38 /bdrv-drain/detach/parent_cb PASS: 39 /bdrv-drain/detach/driver_cb # End of detach tests # Start of attach tests PASS: 40 /bdrv-drain/attach/drain # End of attach tests # Start of bdrv_drop_intermediate tests PASS: 41 /bdrv-drain/bdrv_drop_intermediate/poll # End of bdrv_drop_intermediate tests # Start of replace_child tests PASS: 42 /bdrv-drain/replace_child/mid-drain # End of replace_child tests # End of bdrv-drain tests # random seed: R02S41bb288f1aa4af1ece31b03a8c790345 1..40 # Start of hbitmap tests PASS: 1 /hbitmap/granularity # Start of size tests PASS: 2 /hbitmap/size/0 PASS: 3 /hbitmap/size/unaligned # End of size tests # Start of iter tests PASS: 4 /hbitmap/iter/empty PASS: 5 /hbitmap/iter/partial PASS: 6 /hbitmap/iter/granularity PASS: 7 /hbitmap/iter/iter_and_reset # End of iter tests # Start of get tests PASS: 8 /hbitmap/get/all PASS: 9 /hbitmap/get/some # End of get tests # Start of set tests PASS: 10 /hbitmap/set/all PASS: 11 /hbitmap/set/one PASS: 12 /hbitmap/set/two-elem PASS: 13 /hbitmap/set/general PASS: 14 /hbitmap/set/twice PASS: 15 /hbitmap/set/overlap # End of set tests # Start of reset tests PASS: 16 /hbitmap/reset/empty PASS: 17 /hbitmap/reset/general PASS: 18 /hbitmap/reset/all # End of reset tests # Start of truncate tests PASS: 19 /hbitmap/truncate/nop # Start of grow tests PASS: 20 /hbitmap/truncate/grow/negligible PASS: 21 /hbitmap/truncate/grow/tiny PASS: 22 /hbitmap/truncate/grow/small PASS: 23 /hbitmap/truncate/grow/medium PASS: 24 /hbitmap/truncate/grow/large # End of grow tests # Start of shrink tests PASS: 25 /hbitmap/truncate/shrink/negligible PASS: 26 /hbitmap/truncate/shrink/tiny PASS: 27 /hbitmap/truncate/shrink/small PASS: 28 /hbitmap/truncate/shrink/medium PASS: 29 /hbitmap/truncate/shrink/large # End of shrink tests # End of truncate tests # Start of serialize tests PASS: 30 /hbitmap/serialize/align PASS: 31 /hbitmap/serialize/basic PASS: 32 /hbitmap/serialize/part PASS: 33 /hbitmap/serialize/zeroes # End of serialize tests # Start of next_zero tests PASS: 34 /hbitmap/next_zero/next_x_0 PASS: 35 /hbitmap/next_zero/next_x_4 PASS: 36 /hbitmap/next_zero/next_x_after_truncate # End of next_zero tests # Start of next_dirty_area tests PASS: 37 /hbitmap/next_dirty_area/next_dirty_area_0 PASS: 38 /hbitmap/next_dirty_area/next_dirty_area_1 PASS: 39 /hbitmap/next_dirty_area/next_dirty_area_4 PASS: 40 /hbitmap/next_dirty_area/next_dirty_area_after_truncate # End of next_dirty_area tests # End of hbitmap tests # random seed: R02Sbfd379c88e1c7373a182d354c0afcbe3 1..4 # Start of crypto tests # Start of afsplit tests # Start of sha256 tests PASS: 1 /crypto/afsplit/sha256/5 PASS: 2 /crypto/afsplit/sha256/5000 PASS: 3 /crypto/afsplit/sha256/big # End of sha256 tests # Start of sha1 tests PASS: 4 /crypto/afsplit/sha1/1000 # End of sha1 tests # End of afsplit tests # End of crypto tests # random seed: R02S7da92c62793edcae46fb37474657e1a8 1..2 # Start of qapi tests # Start of util tests PASS: 1 /qapi/util/qapi_enum_parse PASS: 2 /qapi/util/parse_qapi_name # End of util tests # End of qapi tests # random seed: R02S0466c8688bc8fde45a4e243a34c2a38e 1..16 # Start of crypto tests # Start of secret tests PASS: 1 /crypto/secret/direct # Start of indirect tests PASS: 2 /crypto/secret/indirect/good PASS: 3 /crypto/secret/indirect/badfile PASS: 4 /crypto/secret/indirect/emptyfile # End of indirect tests # Start of noconv tests PASS: 5 /crypto/secret/noconv/utf8 # Start of base64 tests PASS: 6 /crypto/secret/noconv/base64/good PASS: 7 /crypto/secret/noconv/base64/bad # End of base64 tests # End of noconv tests # Start of conv tests # Start of base64 tests PASS: 8 /crypto/secret/conv/base64/utf8valid PASS: 9 /crypto/secret/conv/base64/utf8invalid # End of base64 tests # Start of utf8 tests PASS: 10 /crypto/secret/conv/utf8/base64 # End of utf8 tests # End of conv tests # Start of crypt tests PASS: 11 /crypto/secret/crypt/raw PASS: 12 /crypto/secret/crypt/base64 PASS: 13 /crypto/secret/crypt/shortkey PASS: 14 /crypto/secret/crypt/shortiv PASS: 15 /crypto/secret/crypt/missingiv PASS: 16 /crypto/secret/crypt/badiv # End of crypt tests # End of secret tests # End of crypto tests # random seed: R02S08d5b82b707b528b8a9f230a424f66c4 1..15 # Start of throttle tests PASS: 1 /throttle/leak_bucket PASS: 2 /throttle/compute_wait PASS: 3 /throttle/init PASS: 4 /throttle/destroy PASS: 5 /throttle/have_timer PASS: 6 /throttle/detach_attach PASS: 7 /throttle/config_functions PASS: 8 /throttle/accounting PASS: 9 /throttle/groups # Start of config tests PASS: 10 /throttle/config/enabled PASS: 11 /throttle/config/conflicting PASS: 12 /throttle/config/is_valid PASS: 13 /throttle/config/ranges PASS: 14 /throttle/config/max PASS: 15 /throttle/config/iops_size # End of config tests # End of throttle tests DURATION: 24 END: /usr/lib/qemu/ptest 2021-10-26T02:26 2021-10-26T02:26 BEGIN: /usr/lib/quilt/ptest [add-filename-check.test] 6 commands (6 passed, 0 failed) PASS: add-filename-check.test [altered-series.test] 12 commands (12 passed, 0 failed) PASS: altered-series.test [annotate.test] 31 commands (31 passed, 0 failed) PASS: annotate.test [applied.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: applied.test [auto-refresh.test] 14 commands (14 passed, 0 failed) PASS: auto-refresh.test [backup-files.test] 119 commands (119 passed, 0 failed) PASS: backup-files.test [colon-in-patch-name.test] 23 commands (23 passed, 0 failed) PASS: colon-in-patch-name.test [comments.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: comments.test [conflicts.test] 39 commands (39 passed, 0 failed) PASS: conflicts.test [create-delete.test] 19 commands (19 passed, 0 failed) PASS: create-delete.test [dir-a-b.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: dir-a-b.test [dotglob.test] 7 commands (7 passed, 0 failed) PASS: dotglob.test [duplicate-patch-in-series.test] 9 commands (9 passed, 0 failed) PASS: duplicate-patch-in-series.test [edit.test] 30 commands (30 passed, 0 failed) PASS: edit.test [empty-files.test] 40 commands (40 passed, 0 failed) PASS: empty-files.test [empty.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: empty.test [example1.test] 30 commands (30 passed, 0 failed) PASS: example1.test [failbackup.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: failbackup.test [faildiff.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: faildiff.test [failpop.test] 13 commands (13 passed, 0 failed) PASS: failpop.test [fold.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: fold.test [formats.test] 13 commands (13 passed, 0 failed) PASS: formats.test [half-applies.test] 18 commands (18 passed, 0 failed) PASS: half-applies.test [hard-linked-patch.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: hard-linked-patch.test [header.test] 17 commands (17 passed, 0 failed) PASS: header.test [import.test] 83 commands (83 passed, 0 failed) PASS: import.test [import2.test] 40 commands (40 passed, 0 failed) PASS: import2.test [merge.test] 11 commands (11 passed, 0 failed) PASS: merge.test [missing-newline.test] 9 commands (9 passed, 0 failed) PASS: missing-newline.test [missing.test] 5 commands (5 passed, 0 failed) PASS: missing.test [new-nosubdir.test] 4 commands (4 passed, 0 failed) PASS: new-nosubdir.test [new.test] 9 commands (9 passed, 0 failed) PASS: new.test [no-file-to-patch.test] 5 commands (5 passed, 0 failed) PASS: no-file-to-patch.test [nolink.test] 28 commands (28 passed, 0 failed) PASS: nolink.test [null-bug.test] 9 commands (9 passed, 0 failed) PASS: null-bug.test [one.test] 44 commands (44 passed, 0 failed) PASS: one.test [patch-wrapper.test] 38 commands (38 passed, 0 failed) PASS: patch-wrapper.test [perms.test] 21 commands (21 passed, 0 failed) PASS: perms.test [project-settings.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: project-settings.test [refresh-z.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: refresh-z.test [refresh.test] 12 commands (12 passed, 0 failed) PASS: refresh.test [refresh_patch_order.test] 20 commands (20 passed, 0 failed) PASS: refresh_patch_order.test [remember-locations.test] 13 commands (13 passed, 0 failed) PASS: remember-locations.test [remove-trailing-ws.test] 44 commands (44 passed, 0 failed) PASS: remove-trailing-ws.test [rename.test] 18 commands (18 passed, 0 failed) PASS: rename.test [revert.test] 27 commands (27 passed, 0 failed) PASS: revert.test [setup.test] 64 commands (64 passed, 0 failed) PASS: setup.test [snapshot.test] 15 commands (15 passed, 0 failed) PASS: snapshot.test [snapshot2.test] 16 commands (16 passed, 0 failed) PASS: snapshot2.test [sort.test] 25 commands (25 passed, 0 failed) PASS: sort.test [space-in-filenames.test] 33 commands (33 passed, 0 failed) PASS: space-in-filenames.test [space-in-series.test] 31 commands (31 passed, 0 failed) PASS: space-in-series.test [space-in-work-dir.test] 20 commands (20 passed, 0 failed) PASS: space-in-work-dir.test [subdir.test] 18 commands (18 passed, 0 failed) PASS: subdir.test [symlink.test] 49 commands (49 passed, 0 failed) PASS: symlink.test [tester.test] 10 commands (10 passed, 0 failed) PASS: tester.test [three.test] 66 commands (66 passed, 0 failed) PASS: three.test [timestamps.test] 12 commands (12 passed, 0 failed) PASS: timestamps.test [trailing-ws.test] 21 commands (21 passed, 0 failed) PASS: trailing-ws.test [two.test] 57 commands (57 passed, 0 failed) PASS: two.test DURATION: 38 END: /usr/lib/quilt/ptest 2021-10-26T02:26 2021-10-26T02:26 BEGIN: /usr/lib/sed/ptest PASS: testsuite/ skipped test: requires a working valgrind SKIP: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ skipped test: requires a working valgrind SKIP: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ skipped test: this system lacks SELinux support SKIP: testsuite/ skipped test: requires a working valgrind SKIP: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ skipped test: ja_JP shift-jis locale not found SKIP: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ skipped test: requires a working valgrind SKIP: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ skipped test: platform does not enable O_TEXT by default SKIP: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ skipped test: very expensive: disabled by default SKIP: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ PASS: testsuite/ ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for GNU sed 4.8 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 67 # PASS: 59 # SKIP: 8 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ DURATION: 10 END: /usr/lib/sed/ptest 2021-10-26T02:26 2021-10-26T02:26 BEGIN: /usr/lib/slang/ptest make: Entering directory '/usr/lib/slang/ptest/test' /bin/rm -rf tmpfile*.* tmpdir*.* Running tests: Testing argv processing ...Ok Testing argv processing [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing syntax ...Ok Testing syntax [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Short Ciruit Operators ...Ok Testing Short Ciruit Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing _eqs ...Ok Testing _eqs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing sscanf ...Ok Testing sscanf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing looping constructs ...Ok Testing looping constructs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Arithmetic ...Ok Testing Arithmetic [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing array functions ...Ok Testing array functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing string functions ...Ok Testing string functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Binary Strings ...Ok Testing Binary Strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing pack and unpack functions ...Ok Testing pack and unpack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing stdio routines ...Ok Testing stdio routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Associative Arrays ...Ok Testing Associative Arrays [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing recursive function modifications ...Ok Testing recursive function modifications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing structures ...Ok Testing structures [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing NameSpace routines ...Ok Testing NameSpace routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing path ...Ok Testing path [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing #ifeval ...Ok Testing #ifeval [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Any_Type ...Ok Testing Any_Type [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Matrix Multiplications ...Ok Testing Matrix Multiplications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing time functions ...Ok Testing time functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing utf8 ...Ok Testing utf8 [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing exceptions ...Ok Testing exceptions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type PASS: Testing lists ...Ok Testing lists [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing regexp ...Ok Testing regexp [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing method calls ...Ok Testing method calls [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing dereferences ...Ok Testing dereferences [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing NaN and Inf ...Ok Testing NaN and Inf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing literal integer overflow ...Ok Testing literal integer overflow [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing sorting ...Ok Testing sorting [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing long long ...Ok Testing long long [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing signals ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok Testing signals [UTF-8 mode] ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok PASS: Testing dollar strings ...Ok Testing dollar strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing provide and require ...Ok Testing provide and require [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing doc functions ...Ok Testing doc functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing debugger support ...Ok Testing debugger support [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing qualifiers ...Ok Testing qualifiers [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Comparison Operators ...Ok Testing Comparison Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing break and continue N ...Ok Testing break and continue N [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Multiline strings ...Ok Testing Multiline strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing stack functions ...Ok Testing stack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing misc ...Ok Testing misc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing POSIX I/O routines ...Ok Testing POSIX I/O routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing posdir ...Ok Testing posdir [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing proc ...Ok Testing proc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing Math ...Ok Testing Math [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing autoload ...Ok Testing autoload [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing more NameSpace routines ...Ok Testing more NameSpace routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing slprep ...Ok Testing slprep [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: Testing argv processing ...Ok Testing argv processing [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: argv.slc Testing syntax ...Ok Testing syntax [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: syntax.slc Testing Short Ciruit Operators ...Ok Testing Short Ciruit Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: scircuit.slc Testing _eqs ...Ok Testing _eqs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: eqs.slc Testing sscanf ...Ok Testing sscanf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: sscanf.slc Testing looping constructs ...Ok Testing looping constructs [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: loops.slc Testing Arithmetic ...Ok Testing Arithmetic [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: arith.slc Testing array functions ...Ok Testing array functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: array.slc Testing string functions ...Ok Testing string functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: strops.slc Testing Binary Strings ...Ok Testing Binary Strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: bstring.slc Testing pack and unpack functions ...Ok Testing pack and unpack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: pack.slc Testing stdio routines ...Ok Testing stdio routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: stdio.slc Testing Associative Arrays ...Ok Testing Associative Arrays [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: assoc.slc Testing recursive function modifications ...Ok Testing recursive function modifications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: selfload.slc Testing structures ...Ok Testing structures [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: struct.slc Testing NameSpace routines ...Ok Testing NameSpace routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: nspace.slc Testing path ...Ok Testing path [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: path.slc Testing #ifeval ...Ok Testing #ifeval [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: ifeval.slc Testing Any_Type ...Ok Testing Any_Type [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: anytype.slc Testing Matrix Multiplications ...Ok Testing Matrix Multiplications [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: arrmult.slc Testing time functions ...Ok Testing time functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: time.slc Testing utf8 ...Ok Testing utf8 [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: utf8.slc Testing exceptions ...Ok Testing exceptions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: except.slc Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type Known Bugs or not yet implemented features: Range arrays of Short, Long, LongLong types converted to Int_Type PASS: bugs.slc Testing lists ...Ok Testing lists [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: list.slc Testing regexp ...Ok Testing regexp [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: regexp.slc Testing method calls ...Ok Testing method calls [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: method.slc Testing dereferences ...Ok Testing dereferences [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: deref.slc Testing NaN and Inf ...Ok Testing NaN and Inf [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: naninf.slc Testing literal integer overflow ...Ok Testing literal integer overflow [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: overflow.slc Testing sorting ...Ok Testing sorting [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: sort.slc Testing long long ...Ok Testing long long [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: longlong.slc Testing signals ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok Testing signals [UTF-8 mode] ... Pausing for 2 seconds for alarm test. Pausing for 2.5 seconds for setitimer test.. (make detected: skipping test_sigsuspend) Ok PASS: signal.slc Testing dollar strings ...Ok Testing dollar strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: dollar.slc Testing provide and require ...Ok Testing provide and require [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: req.slc Testing doc functions ...Ok Testing doc functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: docfun.slc Testing debugger support ...Ok Testing debugger support [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: debug.slc Testing qualifiers ...Ok Testing qualifiers [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: qualif.slc Testing Comparison Operators ...Ok Testing Comparison Operators [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: compare.slc Testing break and continue N ...Ok Testing break and continue N [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: break.slc Testing Multiline strings ...Ok Testing Multiline strings [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: multline.slc Testing stack functions ...Ok Testing stack functions [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: stack.slc Testing misc ...Ok Testing misc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: misc.slc Testing POSIX I/O routines ...Ok Testing POSIX I/O routines [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: posixio.slc Testing posdir ...Ok Testing posdir [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: posdir.slc Testing proc ...Ok Testing proc [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: proc.slc Testing Math ...Ok Testing Math [UTF-8 mode] ...Ok PASS: math.slc All tests passed. make: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/slang/ptest/test' DURATION: 21 END: /usr/lib/slang/ptest 2021-10-26T02:27 2021-10-26T02:27 BEGIN: /usr/lib/wayland/ptest test "array_for_each": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "array_copy": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "array_add": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "array_release": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "array_init": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 5 tests, 5 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/array-test test "client_destroy_listener": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 1 tests, 1 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/client-test test "new_resource": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "new_client_connect": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 2 tests, 2 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/compositor-introspection-test Timeout was set to 1 second from now. * bogus size 11 message too short, object (1), message sync(n) error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 10 message too short, object (1), message sync(n) error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 9 message too short, object (1), message sync(n) error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 8 message too short, object (1), message sync(n) error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 7 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 6 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 5 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 4 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 3 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 2 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 1 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" * bogus size 0 message too short, invalid header error in client communication (pid 10349) Received 60 bytes, object 1, opcode 0 Error event on object 1, code 1, message " invalid arguments for wl_display@1.sync" test "request_bogus_size": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- wl_display@1: error 2: no memory test "closure_leaks_after_error": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 2 seconds from now. test "closure_leaks": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "invoke_closure": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Data too big for buffer (5012 > 4096). test "connection_marshal_too_big": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_marshal_alot": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) message too short, object (0), message test(s) message too short, object (0), message test(a) test "connection_demarshal_failures": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_marshal_demarshal": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_demarshal": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- error marshalling arguments for test (signature o): null value passed for arg 0 error marshalling arguments for test (signature s): null value passed for arg 0 error marshalling arguments for test (signature a): null value passed for arg 0 test "connection_marshal_nullables": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_marshal": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "argument_from_va_list": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_queue": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_data": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_write": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "connection_create": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 16 tests, 16 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/connection-test PASS: tests/cpp-compile-test test "global_remove": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Error sending request: Resource temporarily unavailable Send loop failed on try 4096, err = 11, Resource temporarily unavailable test "send_overflow_disconnection": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- error in client communication (pid 10375) wl_registry@3: error 0: invalid interface for global 2: have wl_output, wanted wl_seat test "registry_bind_interface_mismatch": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "zombie_fd_errant_consumption": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "zombie_fd": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- error in client communication (pid 10381) wl_registry@3: error 0: invalid global wl_data_offer (2) test "bind_fails_on_filtered_global": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "filtered_global_is_hidden": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- [destroyed object]: error 23: Dummy error test "error_on_destroyed_object": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "versions": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- error in client communication (pid 10399) wl_seat@6: error 23: Dummy error error in client communication (pid 10399) wl_seat@6: error 23: Dummy error test "error_code_after_epipe": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 3 seconds from now. FD leak checks disabled test "threading_read_after_error_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 3 seconds from now. FD leak checks disabled test "threading_read_eagain_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 3 seconds from now. FD leak checks disabled test "threading_cancel_read_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 3 seconds from now. FD leak checks disabled test "threading_errors_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- wl_display@1: error 3: Error 20 Err is 71 test "post_internal_error_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- wl_display@1: error 2: no memory wl_display@1: error 2: no memory test "post_nomem_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- wl_seat@6: error 23: Dummy error wl_seat@6: error 23: Dummy error test "post_error_to_two_clients": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- wl_seat@6: error 23: Dummy error test "post_error_to_one_from_two_clients": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- wl_seat@6: error 23: Dummy error test "post_error_to_one_client": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "tc_leaks_tests": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "display_destroy_listener": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 21 tests, 21 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/display-test test "event_loop_destroy": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_timer_cancellation": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_timer_order": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_timer_updates": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_timer": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_multiple_same_signals": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_signal": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_free_source_with_data": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "event_loop_post_dispatch_check": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 9 tests, 9 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/event-loop-test test "fixed_int_conversions": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- double 62.125000 to fixed 3e20 double -1200.625000 to fixed fffb4f60 fixed 6b8b4567 to double 7048005.402344 fixed 12030 to double 288.187500 fixed 70000000 to double 7340032.000000 fixed fffedfd0 to double -288.187500 fixed 80000000 to double -8388608.000000 test "fixed_double_conversions": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 2 tests, 2 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/fixed-test PASS: tests/headers-test test "interface_equal": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 1 tests, 1 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/interface-test test "list_insert_list": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "list_remove": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "list_iterator": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "list_length": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "list_insert": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "list_init": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 6 tests, 6 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/list-test test "map_flags": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "map_remove": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "map_insert_at": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "map_insert_new": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 4 tests, 4 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/map-test test "message_count_arrays": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "message_version": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 2 tests, 2 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/message-test Timeout was set to 4 seconds from now. test "signal_get_listener": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 4 seconds from now. test "signal_readd_listener": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 4 seconds from now. test "signal_remove_listener": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "signal_emit_to_more_listeners": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "signal_emit_to_one_listener": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "signal_add_get": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "signal_init": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 7 tests, 7 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/newsignal-test test "os_wrappers_epoll_create_cloexec_fallback": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "os_wrappers_epoll_create_cloexec": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "os_wrappers_recvmsg_cloexec_fallback": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "os_wrappers_recvmsg_cloexec": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "os_wrappers_dupfd_cloexec_fallback": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "os_wrappers_dupfd_cloexec": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "os_wrappers_socket_cloexec_fallback": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "os_wrappers_socket_cloexec": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 8 tests, 8 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/os-wrappers-test Timeout was set to 1 second from now. test "logger": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 1 tests, 1 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/protocol-logger-test Timeout was set to 2 seconds from now. test "queue_set_queue_race": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 2 seconds from now. test "queue_set_queue_proxy_wrapper": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 2 seconds from now. test "queue_roundtrip": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 2 seconds from now. test "queue_multiple_queues": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 2 seconds from now. test "queue_proxy_destroy": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 5 tests, 5 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/queue-test test "free_without_remove": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "create_resource_with_same_id": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "destroy_res_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "create_resource_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 4 tests, 4 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/resources-test Timeout was set to 1 second from now. Timeout was set to 1 second from now. Timeout was re-set off. test "tc_timeout3_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 5 seconds from now. Timeout was re-set to 10 seconds from now. Timeout was re-set to 1 second from now. Test timed out. Client 'timeout_reset_tst' was killed by signal 6 Client 'timeout_reset_tst' failed 1 child(ren) failed test "tc_timeout2_tst": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 1 second from now. Test timed out. Client 'timeout_tst' was killed by signal 6 Client 'timeout_tst' failed 1 child(ren) failed test "tc_timeout_tst": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 1 second from now. Timeout was re-set off. test "timeout_turnoff": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 5 seconds from now. Timeout was re-set to 10 seconds from now. Timeout was re-set to 1 second from now. Test timed out. test "timeout_reset_tst": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 1 second from now. test "timeout2_tst": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- Timeout was set to 1 second from now. Test timed out. test "timeout_tst": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- fd leak detected in test. Opened 12 files, unclosed 2 Client 'sanity_fd_leak' was killed by signal 6 Client 'sanity_fd_leak' failed 1 child(ren) failed test "tc_client_fd_leaks_exec": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- fd leak detected in test. Opened 12 files, unclosed 2 Client 'sanity_fd_leak' was killed by signal 6 Client 'sanity_fd_leak' failed 1 child(ren) failed test "tc_client_fd_leaks": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "tc_client_no_fd_leaks": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "sanity_fd_exec": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "sanity_fd_leak_exec": exit status 1, pass. ---------------------------------------- fd leak detected in test. Opened 6 files, unclosed 2 test "sanity_fd_leak": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- sanity-test: ../wayland-1.19.0/tests/sanity-test.c:83: sanity_assert: Assertion `0' failed. test "sanity_assert": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "fail_segv": signal 11, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "fail_kill": signal 15, pass. ---------------------------------------- Abort the program test "fail_wl_abort": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "fail_abort": signal 6, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "exit_failure": exit status 1, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "exit_success": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "empty": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 21 tests, 21 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/sanity-test srcdir: scanner: wayland-scanner test_data_dir: tests/data test_output_dir: tests/output pwd: /usr/lib/wayland/ptest sed: sed Testing code generation: example.xml -> example-code.c Using "code" is deprecated - use private-code or public-code. See the help page for details. example.xml -> example-code.c PASS Testing client-header generation: example.xml -> example-client.h example.xml -> example-client.h PASS Testing server-header generation: example.xml -> example-server.h example.xml -> example-server.h PASS Testing code generation: small.xml -> small-code.c Using "code" is deprecated - use private-code or public-code. See the help page for details. small.xml -> small-code.c PASS Testing client-header generation: small.xml -> small-client.h small.xml -> small-client.h PASS Testing server-header generation: small.xml -> small-server.h small.xml -> small-server.h PASS Testing -c code generation: small.xml -> small-code-core.c Using "code" is deprecated - use private-code or public-code. See the help page for details. small.xml -> small-code-core.c PASS Testing -c client-header generation: small.xml -> small-client-core.h small.xml -> small-client-core.h PASS Testing -c server-header generation: small.xml -> small-server-core.h small.xml -> small-server-core.h PASS Testing code generation: small.xml -> small-code.c Using "code" is deprecated - use private-code or public-code. See the help page for details. small.xml -> small-code.c PASS Testing public-code generation: small.xml -> small-code.c small.xml -> small-code.c PASS Testing private-code generation: small.xml -> small-private-code.c small.xml -> small-private-code.c PASS Checking that reading bad-identifier-arg.xml gives an error on line 7 bad-identifier-arg.xml PASS Checking that reading bad-identifier-entry.xml gives an error on line 8 bad-identifier-entry.xml PASS Checking that reading bad-identifier-enum.xml gives an error on line 6 bad-identifier-enum.xml PASS Checking that reading bad-identifier-event.xml gives an error on line 6 bad-identifier-event.xml PASS Checking that reading bad-identifier-interface.xml gives an error on line 3 bad-identifier-interface.xml PASS Checking that reading bad-identifier-protocol.xml gives an error on line 2 bad-identifier-protocol.xml PASS Checking that reading bad-identifier-request.xml gives an error on line 6 bad-identifier-request.xml PASS PASS: tests/ test "signal_emit_to_more_listeners": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "signal_emit_to_one_listener": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "signal_add_get": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- test "signal_init": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 4 tests, 4 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/signal-test test "absolute_socket_path": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile 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unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile 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running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile 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running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-27.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-27.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-28.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-27.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-28.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-29.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-27.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-28.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-29.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-30.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-27.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-28.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-29.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-30.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-31.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-27.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-28.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-29.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-30.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-31.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-32.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-2.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-3.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-4.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-5.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-6.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-7.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-8.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-9.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-10.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-11.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-12.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-13.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-14.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-15.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-16.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-17.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-18.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-19.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-20.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-21.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-22.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-23.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-24.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-25.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-26.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-27.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-28.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-29.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-30.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-31.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-32.lock, maybe another compositor is running test "add_socket_auto": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-test-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running unable to lock lockfile /tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/wayland-test-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running test "add_existing_socket": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- error: socket path "/tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" plus null terminator exceeds 108 bytes test "socket_path_overflow_server_create": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- error: socket path "/tmp/wayland-tests-97cE47/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" plus null terminator exceeds 108 bytes test "socket_path_overflow_client_connect": exit status 0, pass. ---------------------------------------- 5 tests, 5 pass, 0 fail PASS: tests/socket-test DURATION: 6 END: /usr/lib/wayland/ptest PASS: tests/wayland-egl-symbols-check 2021-10-26T02:27 2021-10-26T02:27 BEGIN: /usr/lib/zlib/ptest zlib version 1.2.11 = 0x12b0, compile flags = 0xa9 uncompress(): hello, hello! gzread(): hello, hello! gzgets() after gzseek: hello! inflate(): hello, hello! large_inflate(): OK after inflateSync(): hello, hello! inflate with dictionary: hello, hello! PASS: zlib DURATION: 0 END: /usr/lib/zlib/ptest 2021-10-26T02:27 STOP: ptest-runner TOTAL: 57 FAIL: 0