START: ptest-runner 2024-03-29T08:39 BEGIN: /usr/lib/babeltrace2/ptest PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 1 - ARGS: path non-option arg PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 2 - ARGS: path non-option args PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 3 - ARGS: path non-option arg + named user source with --params PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 4 - ARGS: unnamed user source PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 5 - ARGS: path non-option arg + user source named `auto-disc-source-ctf-fs` PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 6 - ARGS: path non-option arg + user sink named `pretty` PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 7 - ARGS: path non-option arg + user filter named `muxer` PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 8 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --begin + user filter named `trimmer` PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 9 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --begin PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 10 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --begin --end PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 11 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --timerange PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 12 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --clock-cycles PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 13 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --clock-date PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 14 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --clock-force-correlate PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 15 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --clock-gmt PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 16 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --clock-offset PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 17 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --clock-offset-ns PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 18 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --clock-seconds PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 19 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --color PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 20 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --debug-info PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 21 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --debug-info-dir PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 22 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --debug-info-target-prefix PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 23 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --debug-info-full-path PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 24 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --fields=trace:domain,loglevel PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 25 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --fields=all PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 26 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --names=context,header PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 27 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --names=all PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 28 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --no-delta PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 29 - ARGS: path non-option arg + --output PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 30 - ARGS: path non-option arg + -i ctf PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 31 - ARGS: URL non-option arg + -i lttng-live PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 32 - ARGS: path non-option arg + -o dummy PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 33 - ARGS: path non-option arg + -o ctf + --output PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 34 - ARGS: path non-option arg + user sink with log level PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 35 - FAILS: bad --component format (plugin only) PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 36 - FAILS: bad --component format (name and plugin only) PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 37 - FAILS: bad --component format (name only) PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 38 - FAILS: bad --component format (extra dot found) PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 39 - FAILS: duplicate component name PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 40 - FAILS: unknown option PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 41 - FAILS: --params without current component PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 42 - FAILS: duplicate --begin PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 43 - FAILS: duplicate --end PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 44 - FAILS: --begin and --timerange PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 45 - FAILS: --end and --timerange PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 46 - FAILS: bad --timerange format (1) PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 47 - FAILS: bad --timerange format (2) PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 48 - FAILS: bad --timerange format (3) PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 49 - FAILS: bad --fields format PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 50 - FAILS: bad --names format PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 51 - FAILS: unknown -i PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 52 - FAILS: duplicate -i PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 53 - FAILS: unknown -o PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 54 - FAILS: duplicate -o PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 55 - FAILS: --run-args and --run-args-0 PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 56 - FAILS: -o ctf-metadata without path PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 57 - FAILS: -i lttng-live and implicit source.ctf.fs PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 58 - FAILS: implicit source.ctf.fs without path PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 59 - FAILS: implicit source.ctf.lttng-live without URL PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 60 - FAILS: no source PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 61 - FAILS: -o ctf without --output PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 62 - FAILS: -o ctf + --output with implicit sink.text.pretty PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 63 - FAILS: --stream-intersection PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 64 - FAILS: two sinks with -o dummy + --clock-seconds PASS: cli/convert/test_convert_args 65 - FAILS: path non-option arg + user sink + -o text PASS: cli/test_help 1 - help ctf plugin exit status PASS: cli/test_help 2 - help ctf plugin expected output PASS: cli/test_help 3 - help ctf plugin produces no error PASS: cli/test_help 4 - help src.ctf.fs component class exit status PASS: cli/test_help 5 - help src.ctf.fs component class expected output PASS: cli/test_help 6 - help src.ctf.fs component class produces no error PASS: cli/test_help 7 - help without parameter exit status PASS: cli/test_help 8 - help without parameter produces expected error PASS: cli/test_help 9 - help without parameter produces no output PASS: cli/test_help 10 - help with too many parameters exit status PASS: cli/test_help 11 - help with too many parameters produces expected error PASS: cli/test_help 12 - help with too many parameters produces no output PASS: cli/test_help 13 - help with unknown plugin name PASS: cli/test_help 14 - help with unknown plugin name produces expected error PASS: cli/test_help 15 - help with unknown plugin name produces no output PASS: cli/test_help 16 - help with unknown component class name PASS: cli/test_help 17 - help with unknown component class name produces expected error PASS: cli/test_help 18 - help with unknown component class name prints plugin help PASS: cli/test_help 19 - help with unknown component class plugin PASS: cli/test_help 20 - help with unknown component class plugin produces expected error PASS: cli/test_help 21 - help with unknown component class plugin produces no output PASS: cli/test_intersection 1 - run without --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 2 - 8 events in the whole trace PASS: cli/test_intersection 3 - run with --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 4 - 3 events in streams intersecting PASS: cli/test_intersection 5 - run without --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 6 - 8 events in the whole trace PASS: cli/test_intersection 7 - run with --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 8 - 3 events in streams intersecting PASS: cli/test_intersection 9 - run without --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 10 - 3 events in the whole trace PASS: cli/test_intersection 11 - run with --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 12 - 3 events in streams intersecting PASS: cli/test_intersection 13 - run without --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 14 - 6 events in the whole trace PASS: cli/test_intersection 15 - run with --stream-intersection fails PASS: cli/test_intersection 16 - stderr contains expected error message PASS: cli/test_intersection 17 - run without --stream-intersection PASS: cli/test_intersection 18 - 0 events in the whole trace PASS: cli/test_intersection 19 - run with --stream-intersection fails PASS: cli/test_intersection 20 - stderr contains expected error message PASS: cli/test_output_path_ctf_non_lttng_trace 1 - 3eventsintersect output trace exists PASS: cli/test_output_path_ctf_non_lttng_trace 2 - 3eventsintersectreverse output trace exists PASS: cli/test_output_path_ctf_non_lttng_trace 3 - nointersect output trace exists PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 1 - Trace parses PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 2 - No events lost PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 3 - Trace parses PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 4 - No events lost PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 5 - Trace parses PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 6 - Lost events string matches 2 PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 7 - Trace parses PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 8 - Lost events string matches 2 PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 9 - Trace parses PASS: cli/test_packet_seq_num 10 - Lost events string matches 2,3,1 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 1 - Copy trace 2packets with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 2 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.1OFd1lZrLS PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 3 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 4 - Copy trace array-align-elem with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 5 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.4vLI40uHmT PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 6 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 7 - Copy trace barectf-event-before-packet with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 8 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.TOxoTo9ui9 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 9 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 10 - Copy trace debug-info with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 11 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.QEHUPXgETd PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 12 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 13 - Copy trace env-warning with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 14 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.YSdhpFhnSy PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 15 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 16 - Copy trace ev-disc-no-ts-begin-end with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 17 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.bMbaNi7T8o PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 18 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 19 - Copy trace lttng-crash with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 20 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.abQq3GvJG0 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 21 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 22 - Copy trace lttng-event-after-packet with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 23 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.ekXXq38Ttp PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 24 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 25 - Copy trace lttng-tracefile-rotation with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 26 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.I9pct64zT6 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 27 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 28 - Empty trace meta-ctx-sequence, nothing to copy PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 29 - Copy trace meta-variant-no-underscore with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 30 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.yHnZbGWeiQ PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 31 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 32 - Copy trace meta-variant-one-underscore with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 33 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.EaLfBKlHhh PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 34 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 35 - Copy trace meta-variant-reserved-keywords with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 36 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.Bwiwgxgs58 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 37 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 38 - Copy trace meta-variant-same-with-underscore with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 39 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.bBz0QSNqYY PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 40 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 41 - Copy trace meta-variant-two-underscores with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 42 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.H73ME7MRgz PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 43 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 44 - Copy trace multi-domains with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 45 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.ILkEBXFntU PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 46 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 47 - Copy trace no-packet-context with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 48 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.rnPInlELPi PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 49 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 50 - Copy trace sequence with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 51 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.8vkuPkCCsB PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 52 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 53 - Copy trace session-rotation with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 54 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.IowNTvjEHE PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 55 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 56 - Copy trace smalltrace with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 57 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.pmBvGYnb37 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 58 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 59 - Copy trace struct-array-align-elem with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 60 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.fyhtO1BkZy PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 61 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 62 - Copy trace succeed1 with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 63 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.PxNioo3HQ7 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 64 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 65 - Copy trace succeed2 with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 66 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.0GphPpgGEF PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 67 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 68 - Copy trace succeed3 with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 69 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.c6plh6eA56 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 70 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 71 - Empty trace succeed4, nothing to copy PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 72 - Copy trace trace-with-index with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 73 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.cJswjnmU7D PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 74 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 75 - Copy trace warnings with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 76 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.7exGJBeA2N PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 77 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 78 - Copy trace wk-heartbeat-u with ctf-fs sink PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 79 - Read the new trace in /tmp/tmp.vaSRfy8vs4 PASS: cli/test_trace_copy 80 - Exact same content between the two traces PASS: cli/test_trace_read 1 - Run babeltrace2 with trace 2packets PASS: cli/test_trace_read 2 - Run babeltrace2 with trace array-align-elem PASS: cli/test_trace_read 3 - Run babeltrace2 with trace barectf-event-before-packet PASS: cli/test_trace_read 4 - Run babeltrace2 with trace debug-info PASS: cli/test_trace_read 5 - Run babeltrace2 with trace env-warning PASS: cli/test_trace_read 6 - Run babeltrace2 with trace ev-disc-no-ts-begin-end PASS: cli/test_trace_read 7 - Run babeltrace2 with trace lttng-crash PASS: cli/test_trace_read 8 - Run babeltrace2 with trace lttng-event-after-packet PASS: cli/test_trace_read 9 - Run babeltrace2 with trace lttng-tracefile-rotation PASS: cli/test_trace_read 10 - Run babeltrace2 with trace meta-ctx-sequence PASS: cli/test_trace_read 11 - Run babeltrace2 with trace meta-variant-no-underscore PASS: cli/test_trace_read 12 - Run babeltrace2 with trace meta-variant-one-underscore PASS: cli/test_trace_read 13 - Run babeltrace2 with trace meta-variant-reserved-keywords PASS: cli/test_trace_read 14 - Run babeltrace2 with trace meta-variant-same-with-underscore PASS: cli/test_trace_read 15 - Run babeltrace2 with trace meta-variant-two-underscores PASS: cli/test_trace_read 16 - Run babeltrace2 with trace multi-domains PASS: cli/test_trace_read 17 - Run babeltrace2 with trace no-packet-context PASS: cli/test_trace_read 18 - Run babeltrace2 with trace sequence PASS: cli/test_trace_read 19 - Run babeltrace2 with trace session-rotation PASS: cli/test_trace_read 20 - Run babeltrace2 with trace smalltrace PASS: cli/test_trace_read 21 - Run babeltrace2 with trace struct-array-align-elem PASS: cli/test_trace_read 22 - Run babeltrace2 with trace succeed1 PASS: cli/test_trace_read 23 - Run babeltrace2 with trace succeed2 PASS: cli/test_trace_read 24 - Run babeltrace2 with trace succeed3 PASS: cli/test_trace_read 25 - Run babeltrace2 with trace succeed4 PASS: cli/test_trace_read 26 - Run babeltrace2 with trace trace-with-index PASS: cli/test_trace_read 27 - Run babeltrace2 with trace warnings PASS: cli/test_trace_read 28 - Run babeltrace2 with trace wk-heartbeat-u PASS: cli/test_trace_read 29 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace fail1 PASS: cli/test_trace_read 30 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace fail2 PASS: cli/test_trace_read 31 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace integer-range PASS: cli/test_trace_read 32 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace invalid-packet-size PASS: cli/test_trace_read 33 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace lttng-modules-2.0-pre1 PASS: cli/test_trace_read 34 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace metadata-syntax-error PASS: cli/test_trace_read 35 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace packet-based-metadata PASS: cli/test_trace_read 36 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace smalltrace PASS: cli/test_trace_read 37 - Run babeltrace2 with invalid trace valid-events-then-invalid-events PASS: cli/test_trimmer 1 - trimmer: --begin, GMT relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 2 - trimmer: --begin, GMT relative timestamps: number of events (18) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 3 - trimmer: --end, GMT relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 4 - trimmer: --end, GMT relative timestamps: number of events (9) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 5 - trimmer: --begin and --end, GMT relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 6 - trimmer: --begin and --end, GMT relative timestamps: number of events (7) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 7 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, GMT relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 8 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, GMT relative timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 9 - trimmer: --end, out of range, GMT relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 10 - trimmer: --end, out of range, GMT relative timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 11 - trimmer: --begin, GMT absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 12 - trimmer: --begin, GMT absolute timestamps: number of events (18) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 13 - trimmer: --end, GMT absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 14 - trimmer: --end, GMT absolute timestamps: number of events (9) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 15 - trimmer: --begin and --end, GMT absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 16 - trimmer: --begin and --end, GMT absolute timestamps: number of events (7) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 17 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, GMT absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 18 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, GMT absolute timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 19 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, GMT absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 20 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, GMT absolute timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 21 - trimmer: --begin, EST relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 22 - trimmer: --begin, EST relative timestamps: number of events (18) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 23 - trimmer: --end, EST relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 24 - trimmer: --end, EST relative timestamps: number of events (9) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 25 - trimmer: --begin and --end, EST relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 26 - trimmer: --begin and --end, EST relative timestamps: number of events (7) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 27 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, EST relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 28 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, EST relative timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 29 - trimmer: --end, out of range, EST relative timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 30 - trimmer: --end, out of range, EST relative timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 31 - trimmer: --begin, EST absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 32 - trimmer: --begin, EST absolute timestamps: number of events (18) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 33 - trimmer: --end, EST absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 34 - trimmer: --end, EST absolute timestamps: number of events (9) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 35 - trimmer: --begin and --end, EST absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 36 - trimmer: --begin and --end, EST absolute timestamps: number of events (7) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 37 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, EST absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 38 - trimmer: --begin, out of range, EST absolute timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 39 - trimmer: --end, out of range, EST absolute timestamps: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 40 - trimmer: --end, out of range, EST absolute timestamps: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 41 - trimmer: date time format: partial nanosecond precision: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 42 - trimmer: date time format: partial nanosecond precision: number of events (13) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 43 - trimmer: date time format: second precision: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 44 - trimmer: date time format: second precision: number of events (11) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 45 - trimmer: date time format: minute precision: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 46 - trimmer: date time format: minute precision: number of events (11) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 47 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: nanosecond precision: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 48 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: nanosecond precision: number of events (11) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 49 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: partial nanosecond precision: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 50 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: partial nanosecond precision: number of events (11) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 51 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: second precision: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 52 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: second precision: number of events (11) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 53 - trimmer: date time format: too many nanosecond digits: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 54 - trimmer: date time format: too many nanosecond digits: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 55 - trimmer: date time format: too many nanosecond digits: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 56 - trimmer: date time format: missing nanoseconds: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 57 - trimmer: date time format: missing nanoseconds: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 58 - trimmer: date time format: missing nanoseconds: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 59 - trimmer: date time format: seconds with too many digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 60 - trimmer: date time format: seconds with too many digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 61 - trimmer: date time format: seconds with too many digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 62 - trimmer: date time format: seconds with missing digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 63 - trimmer: date time format: seconds with missing digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 64 - trimmer: date time format: seconds with missing digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 65 - trimmer: date time format: minutes with too many digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 66 - trimmer: date time format: minutes with too many digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 67 - trimmer: date time format: minutes with too many digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 68 - trimmer: date time format: minutes with missing digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 69 - trimmer: date time format: minutes with missing digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 70 - trimmer: date time format: minutes with missing digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 71 - trimmer: date time format: hours with too many digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 72 - trimmer: date time format: hours with too many digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 73 - trimmer: date time format: hours with too many digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 74 - trimmer: date time format: hours with missing digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 75 - trimmer: date time format: hours with missing digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 76 - trimmer: date time format: hours with missing digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 77 - trimmer: date time format: missing seconds: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 78 - trimmer: date time format: missing seconds: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 79 - trimmer: date time format: missing seconds: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 80 - trimmer: date time format: missing minutes 1: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 81 - trimmer: date time format: missing minutes 1: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 82 - trimmer: date time format: missing minutes 1: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 83 - trimmer: date time format: missing minutes 2: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 84 - trimmer: date time format: missing minutes 2: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 85 - trimmer: date time format: missing minutes 2: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 86 - trimmer: date time format: missing time: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 87 - trimmer: date time format: missing time: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 88 - trimmer: date time format: missing time: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 89 - trimmer: date time format: day with too many digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 90 - trimmer: date time format: day with too many digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 91 - trimmer: date time format: day with too many digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 92 - trimmer: date time format: day with missing digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 93 - trimmer: date time format: day with missing digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 94 - trimmer: date time format: day with missing digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 95 - trimmer: date time format: month with too many digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 96 - trimmer: date time format: month with too many digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 97 - trimmer: date time format: month with too many digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 98 - trimmer: date time format: month with missing digit: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 99 - trimmer: date time format: month with missing digit: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 100 - trimmer: date time format: month with missing digit: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 101 - trimmer: date time format: year with too many digits: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 102 - trimmer: date time format: year with too many digits: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 103 - trimmer: date time format: year with too many digits: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 104 - trimmer: date time format: year with missing digits: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 105 - trimmer: date time format: year with missing digits: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 106 - trimmer: date time format: year with missing digits: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 107 - trimmer: date time format: missing day 1: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 108 - trimmer: date time format: missing day 1: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 109 - trimmer: date time format: missing day 1: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 110 - trimmer: date time format: missing day 2: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 111 - trimmer: date time format: missing day 2: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 112 - trimmer: date time format: missing day 2: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 113 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: too many nanosecond digits: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 114 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: too many nanosecond digits: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 115 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: too many nanosecond digits: error message PASS: cli/test_trimmer 116 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: missing nanseconds: exit status PASS: cli/test_trimmer 117 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: missing nanseconds: number of events (0) PASS: cli/test_trimmer 118 - trimmer: seconds from origin format: missing nanseconds: error message PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 1 - bt_ctf_create succeeds in creating trace with path PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 2 - bt_ctf_writer_get_trace correctly handles NULL PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 3 - Cannot set a trace's byte order to BT_CTF_BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 4 - Cannot set a trace's byte order to BT_CTF_BYTE_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 5 - bt_ctf_writer_get_trace returns a bt_ctf_trace object PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 6 - Set a trace's byte order to big endian PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 7 - bt_ctf_trace_get_native_byte_order returns a correct endianness PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 8 - Add host (testhost) environment field to writer instance PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 9 - bt_ctf_writer_add_environment_field error with NULL writer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 10 - bt_ctf_writer_add_environment_field error with NULL field name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 11 - bt_ctf_writer_add_environment_field error with NULL field value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 12 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_integer handles a NULL trace correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 13 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_integer handles a NULL name correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 14 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_integer succeeds PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 15 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_string handles a NULL trace correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 16 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_string handles a NULL name correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 17 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_string handles a NULL value correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 18 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_string succeeds PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 19 - bt_ctf_trace_set_environment_field_integer succeeds with an existing name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 20 - Add sysname (GNU/Linux) environment field to writer instance PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 21 - Add nodename (testhost) environment field to writer instance PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 22 - Add release (4.4.0-87-generic) environment field to writer instance PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 23 - Add version (\#110-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 18 12:55:35 UTC 2017) environment field to writer instance PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 24 - Add machine (x86_64) environment field to writer istance PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 25 - Illegal clock name rejected PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 26 - Clock created sucessfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 27 - bt_ctf_clock_get_name returns a clock name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 28 - Returned clock name is valid PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 29 - bt_ctf_clock_get_description returns NULL on an unset description PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 30 - Clock description set successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 31 - bt_ctf_clock_get_description returns a description. PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 32 - Returned clock description is valid PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 33 - bt_ctf_clock_get_frequency returns the correct default frequency PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 34 - Set clock frequency PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 35 - bt_ctf_clock_get_frequency returns the correct frequency once it is set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 36 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset_s succeeds PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 37 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset_s returns the correct default offset (in seconds) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 38 - Set clock offset (seconds) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 39 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset_s succeeds PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 40 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset_s returns the correct default offset (in seconds) once it is set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 41 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset succeeds PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 42 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset returns the correct default offset (in ticks) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 43 - Set clock offset PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 44 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset succeeds PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 45 - bt_ctf_clock_get_offset returns the correct default offset (in ticks) once it is set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 46 - bt_ctf_clock_get_precision returns the correct default precision PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 47 - Set clock precision PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 48 - bt_ctf_clock_get_precision returns the correct precision once it is set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 49 - bt_ctf_clock_get_precision returns the correct default is_absolute attribute PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 50 - Set clock absolute property PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 51 - bt_ctf_clock_get_precision returns the correct is_absolute attribute once it is set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 52 - Set clock time PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 53 - bt_ctf_clock_get_uuid returns a UUID PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 54 - bt_ctf_clock_set_uuid sets a new uuid successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 55 - bt_ctf_clock_get_uuid returns a UUID after setting a new one PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 56 - bt_ctf_clock_get_uuid returns the correct UUID after setting a new one PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 57 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_name returns a correct stream class name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 58 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_clock returns NULL when a clock was not set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 59 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_clock handles NULL correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 60 - Create stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 61 - Set a stream class' clock PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 62 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_clock returns a correct clock PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 63 - Create an unsigned integer type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 64 - Set integer type's base as binary PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 65 - Set integer type's base as decimal PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 66 - Reject integer type's base set as unknown PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 67 - Set integer type's base as octal PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 68 - Set integer type's base as hexadecimal PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 69 - Reject unknown integer base value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 70 - Set integer type signedness to signed PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 71 - Set integer type signedness to unsigned PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 72 - bt_ctf_field_type_integer_get_size returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 73 - bt_ctf_field_type_integer_get_signed returns a correct value for unsigned types PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 74 - bt_ctf_field_type_set_byte_order handles NULL correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 75 - bt_ctf_field_type_set_byte_order rejects invalid values PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 76 - Set an integer's byte order to little endian PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 77 - Set an integer's byte order to big endian PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 78 - bt_ctf_field_type_get_byte_order returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 79 - bt_ctf_field_type_get_type_id returns a correct value with an integer type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 80 - bt_ctf_field_type_integer_get_base returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 81 - bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_encoding handles NULL correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 82 - bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_encoding handles invalid encodings correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 83 - Set integer type encoding to UTF8 PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 84 - bt_ctf_field_type_integer_get_encoding returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 85 - Set signedness of 16 bit integer to true PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 86 - bt_ctf_field_type_integer_get_signed returns a correct value for signed types PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 87 - Create a sequence of int16_t type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 88 - bt_ctf_field_type_get_type_id returns a correct value with a sequence type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 89 - bt_ctf_field_type_sequence_get_length_field_name returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 90 - bt_ctf_field_type_sequence_get_element_field_type returns the correct type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 91 - Create a string type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 92 - Reject invalid "None" string encoding PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 93 - Reject invalid string encoding PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 94 - Set string encoding to ASCII PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 95 - bt_ctf_field_type_string_get_encoding returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 96 - bt_ctf_field_type_get_type_id returns a correct value with a structure type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 97 - Create a structure type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 98 - Add a uint8_t type to a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 99 - Add a sequence type to a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 100 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field_count returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 101 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field handles a NULL name correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 102 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field handles a NULL return type correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 103 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field returns a field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 104 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field returns a correct field name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 105 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field returns a correct field type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 106 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field_type_by_name returns the correct field type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 107 - Add a string type to a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 108 - Add a structure type to a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 109 - bt_ctf_field_type_structure_get_field_type_by_name returns a correct type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 110 - Instanciate a signed 16-bit integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 111 - Instanciate an unsigned 12-bit integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 112 - bt_ctf_field_get_type returns the correct type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 113 - Check an integer type' base can't be modified after instanciation PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 114 - Check an integer type's signedness can't be modified after instanciation PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 115 - Check -32768 is allowed for a signed 16-bit integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 116 - Check 32767 is allowed for a signed 16-bit integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 117 - Check -42 is allowed for a signed 16-bit integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 118 - Check 4095 is allowed for an unsigned 12-bit integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 119 - Check 0 is allowed for an unsigned 12-bit integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 120 - Instanciate a string field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 121 - Set a string's value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 122 - Create an enumeration type with an unsigned 12-bit integer as container PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 123 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_id returns an error when no id is set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 124 - bt_ctf_stream_class_set_id handles NULL correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 125 - Set an stream class' id PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 126 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_id returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 127 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_event_header_type returns an event header type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 128 - Default event header type is a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 129 - Default event header type contains an "id" field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 130 - Default event header "id" field is an integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 131 - Default event header type contains a "timestamp" field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 132 - Default event header "timestamp" field is an integer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 133 - bt_ctf_trace_get_packet_header_field_type returns a packet header PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 134 - bt_ctf_trace_get_packet_header_field_type returns a packet header of type struct PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 135 - Default packet header type contains a "magic" field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 136 - Default packet header type contains a "uuid" field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 137 - Default packet header type contains a "stream_id" field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 138 - Added a custom trace packet header field successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 139 - bt_ctf_trace_set_packet_header_field_type handles a NULL trace correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 140 - Set a trace packet_header_type successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 141 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_packet_context_type returns a packet context type. PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 142 - Packet context is a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 143 - bt_ctf_stream_class_set_packet_context_type handles a NULL stream class correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 144 - bt_ctf_stream_class_set_packet_context_type rejects a packet context that is not a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 145 - Packet context field added successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 146 - bt_ctf_stream_class_set_event_context_type handles a NULL stream_class correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 147 - bt_ctf_stream_class_set_event_context_type validates that the event context os a structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 148 - Set a new stream event context type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 149 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_event_context_type returns the correct field type. PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 150 - bt_ctf_trace_get_stream_count() succeeds and returns the correct value (0) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 151 - Instanciate a stream class from writer PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 152 - bt_ctf_trace_get_stream_count() succeeds and returns the correct value (1) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 153 - bt_ctf_trace_get_stream_by_index() succeeds and returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 154 - bt_ctf_stream_get_class returns a stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 155 - Returned stream class is of the correct type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 156 - Trace packet header type can't be modified once a stream has been instanciated PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 157 - Packet context type can't be modified once a stream has been instanciated PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 158 - Stream event context type can't be modified once a stream has been instanciated PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 159 - Changes to a stream class that was already instantiated fail PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 160 - bt_ctf_stream_get_packet_header handles NULL correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 161 - bt_ctf_stream_get_packet_header returns a packet header PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 162 - Stream returns a packet header of the appropriate type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 163 - Packet header structure contains a custom field with the appropriate name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 164 - Set custom packet header value successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 165 - bt_ctf_stream_set_packet_header handles a NULL packet header correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 166 - bt_ctf_stream_set_packet_header handles a NULL stream correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 167 - bt_ctf_stream_set_packet_header rejects a packet header of the wrong type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 168 - Successfully set a stream's packet header PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 169 - Add environment field to writer after stream creation PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 170 - bt_ctf_event_get_stream returns an event's stream after it has been appended PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 171 - Create an event before instanciating its associated stream PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 172 - Create an unsigned integer type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 173 - Set signed 64 bit integer signedness to true PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 174 - Create a signed integer type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 175 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_get_container_field_type returns the right type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 176 - bt_ctf_field_enumeration_type_create rejects non-integer container field types PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 177 - bt_ctf_field_type_get_alignment returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 178 - Set a floating point type's exponent digit count PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 179 - Set a floating point type's mantissa digit count PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 180 - bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_get_exponent_digits returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 181 - bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_get_mantissa_digits returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 182 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping accepts negative enumeration mappings PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 183 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping accepts enumeration mapping strings containing quotes PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 184 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping accepts enumeration mapping strings containing special characters PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 185 - Accept enumeration mapping strings containing reserved keywords PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 186 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping accepts duplicate mapping names PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 187 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping accepts overlapping enum entries PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 188 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping rejects mapping where end < start PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 189 - Add signed enumeration field to event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 190 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_signed_get_mapping_by_index handles a NULL string correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 191 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_signed_get_mapping_by_index handles a NULL start correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 192 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_signed_get_mapping_by_index handles a NULL end correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 193 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_signed_get_mapping_by_index returns a value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 194 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_signed_get_mapping_by_index returns a correct mapping name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 195 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_signed_get_mapping_by_index returns a correct mapping start PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 196 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_signed_get_mapping_by_index returns a correct mapping end PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 197 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_add_mapping accepts enumeration mapping strings containing quotes PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 198 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_add_mapping accepts enumeration mapping strings containing special characters PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 199 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_add_mapping accepts enumeration mapping strings containing reserved keywords PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 200 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_add_mapping accepts single-value ranges PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 201 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_add_mapping accepts duplicate mapping names PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 202 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_add_mapping accepts overlapping enum entries PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 203 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_add_mapping rejects mapping where end < start PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 204 - Add unsigned enumeration field to event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 205 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_get_mapping_count returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 206 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_get_mapping_by_index handles a NULL string correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 207 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_get_mapping_by_index handles a NULL start correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 208 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_get_mapping_by_index handles a NULL end correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 209 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_get_mapping_by_index returns a value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 210 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_get_mapping_by_index returns a correct mapping name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 211 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_get_mapping_by_index returns a correct mapping start PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 212 - bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_unsigned_get_mapping_by_index returns a correct mapping end PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 213 - Add event specific context field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 214 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_context_field_type handles a NULL event class correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 215 - Set an event class' context type successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 216 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_context_field_type returns the appropriate type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 217 - Adding simple event class to stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 218 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_event_class_count returns a correct number of event classes PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 219 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_event_class returns the correct event class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 220 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_event_class_by_id returns NULL when the requested ID doesn't exist PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 221 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_event_class_by_id returns a correct event class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 222 - Instantiate an event containing a single integer field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 223 - Use bt_ctf_event_set_payload to set a manually allocated field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 224 - bt_ctf_field_floating_point_get_value returns a double value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 225 - bt_ctf_field_floating_point_get_value returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 226 - Set signed enumeration container value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 227 - Set unsigned enumeration container value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 228 - Set clock time PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 229 - bt_ctf_event_get_context returns a field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 230 - bt_ctf_event_get_context returns a field of the appropriate type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 231 - Successfully set an event context's value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 232 - Set an event context successfully PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 233 - Append simple event to trace stream PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 234 - bt_ctf_stream_get_packet_context returns a packet context PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 235 - Packet context contains the default packet_size field. PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 236 - Custom packet context field value successfully set. PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 237 - Successfully set a stream's packet context PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 238 - Flush trace stream with one event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 239 - Add a new event class to a stream class after writing an event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 240 - bt_ctf_stream_get_discarded_events_count returns a correct number of discarded events when none were discarded PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 241 - bt_ctf_stream_get_discarded_events_count returns a correct number of discarded events when some were discarded PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 242 - Append 100 000 events to a stream PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 243 - Flush a stream that forces a packet resize PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 244 - bt_ctf_stream_get_discarded_events_count returns a correct number of discarded events after a flush PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 245 - bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment handles 0-alignment correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 246 - bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment handles wrong alignment correctly (3) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 247 - bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment handles wrong alignment correctly (24) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 248 - bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment handles correct alignment correctly (4) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 249 - Set alignment of signed 16 bit integer to 32 PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 250 - Set integer signedness to true PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 251 - Set signed 16 bit integer base to hexadecimal PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 252 - bt_ctf_field_type_array_get_element_field_type returns the correct type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 253 - bt_ctf_field_type_array_get_length returns the correct length PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 254 - Cannot add self to structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 255 - Add seq_len field to inner structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 256 - Add a_sequence field to inner structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 257 - Add an_array field to inner structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 258 - Reject a variant field based on an unknown tag value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 259 - Add a field to a variant PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 260 - Add INT16_TYPE field to variant PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 261 - Add UINT35_TYPE field to variant PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 262 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_tag_field_type returns a correct tag type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 263 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_tag_name returns the correct variant tag name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 264 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field_type_by_name returns a correct field type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 265 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field_count returns the correct count PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 266 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field handles a NULL field name correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 267 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field handles a NULL field type correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 268 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field returns a field PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 269 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field returns a correct field name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 270 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field returns a correct field type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 271 - Add variant_selector field to complex structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 272 - Add `string` field to complex structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 273 - Add variant_value field to complex structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 274 - Add inner_structure field to complex structure PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 275 - Create an event class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 276 - Reject addition of a field with an empty name to an event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 277 - Reject addition of a field with a NULL type to an event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 278 - Reject addition of a type with an illegal name to an event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 279 - Add field of type unsigned integer to an event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 280 - Add field of type signed integer to an event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 281 - Add composite structure to an event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 282 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_name returns a correct name PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 283 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_id returns a negative value when not set PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 284 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_id handles NULL correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 285 - Set an event class' id PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 286 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_id returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 287 - event class has the expected initial log level PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 288 - as expected, event class has no initial EMF URI PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 289 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_log_level handles a NULL event class correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 290 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_log_level handles an unknown log level correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 291 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_log_level succeeds with a valid log level PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 292 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_log_level returns the expected log level PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 293 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_emf_uri handles a NULL event class correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 294 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_emf_uri succeeds with a valid EMF URI PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 295 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_emf_uri returns the expected EMF URI PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 296 - bt_ctf_event_class_set_emf_uri succeeds with NULL (to reset) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 297 - as expected, event class has no EMF URI after reset PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 298 - Reject addition of NULL event class to a stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 299 - Add an event class to stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 300 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_stream_class returns the correct stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 301 - bt_ctf_event_class_get_field_by_name handles an invalid field name correctly PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 302 - Instanciate a complex event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 303 - bt_ctf_event_get_class returns the correct event class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 304 - Use bt_ctf_event_get_payload to get a field instance PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 305 - bt_ctf_field_integer_unsigned_get_value succeeds after setting a value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 306 - bt_ctf_field_integer_unsigned_get_value returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 307 - bt_ctf_field_integer_signed_get_value succeeds after setting a value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 308 - bt_ctf_field_integer_signed_get_value returns the correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 309 - bt_ctf_field_string_append succeeds PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 310 - bt_ctf_field_string_append_len succeeds (append 5 characters) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 311 - bt_ctf_field_string_append_len succeeds (append 0 characters) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 312 - bt_ctf_field_string_append_len succeeds (append 0 characters) PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 313 - bt_ctf_field_string_get_value returns a string PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 314 - bt_ctf_field_string_get_value returns a correct value PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 315 - bt_ctf_field_type_variant_get_field_type_from_tag returns the correct field type PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 316 - Set a sequence field's length PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 317 - Append a complex event to a stream PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 318 - Flush a stream containing a complex event PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 319 - two event classes with the same name may cohabit within the same stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 320 - two event classes with the same ID cannot cohabit within the same stream class PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 321 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_trace returns NULL when stream class is orphaned PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 322 - bt_ctf_stream_class_get_trace returns the correct trace after a stream has been created PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 323 - Created a stream class with default attributes and an empty stream PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 324 - Get metadata string PASS: ctf-writer/test_ctf_writer 325 - Babeltrace could read the resulting trace PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 1 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse valid string '3d260c88-75ea-47b8-a7e2-d6077c0378d9', expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 2 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse valid string '611cf3a6-a68b-4515-834f-208bc2762592', expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 3 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse valid string '1b4855cc-96de-4ae8-abe3-86449c2a43c4', expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 4 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse valid string '8ADED5B9-ACD2-439F-A60C-897403AA2AB4', expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 5 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse valid string 'f109e0a2-C619-4d18-b760-20EA20E0F69A', expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 6 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse invalid string '1b485!cc-96de-4XX8-abe3-86449c2a43?4', expect failure PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 7 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse invalid string 'c2e6eddb&3955&4006&be3a&70bb63bd5f25', expect failure PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 8 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse invalid string '81b1cb88-ff42-45b9-ba4d-964088ee45', expect failure PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 9 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse invalid string '2d-6c6d756574-470e-9142-a4e6ad03f143', expect failure PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 10 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse invalid string '4542ad19-9e4f-4931-8261-2101c3e089ae7', expect failure PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 11 - bt_uuid_from_str - Parse invalid string 'XX0123', expect failure PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 12 - bt_uuid_to_str - Convert UUID '3d260c88-75ea-47b8-a7e2-d6077c0378d9' to string, expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 13 - bt_uuid_to_str - Convert UUID '611cf3a6-a68b-4515-834f-208bc2762592' to string, expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 14 - bt_uuid_to_str - Convert UUID '1b4855cc-96de-4ae8-abe3-86449c2a43c4' to string, expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 15 - bt_uuid_compare - Compare same UUID, expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 16 - bt_uuid_compare - Compare different UUID, expect failure PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 17 - bt_uuid_compare - Compare different UUID, expect uuid1 smaller PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 18 - bt_uuid_compare - Compare different UUID, expect uuid2 bigger PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 19 - bt_uuid_copy - Compare copied UUID with source, expect success PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 20 - bt_uuid_generate - Generated UUIDs are different PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 21 - bt_uuid_generate - bit 6 of clock_seq_hi_and_reserved is set to zero PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 22 - bt_uuid_generate - bit 7 of clock_seq_hi_and_reserved is set to one PASS: lib/test_bt_uuid 23 - bt_uuid_generate - Generated UUID version check PASS: lib/test_bt_values 1 - bt_value_null is not NULL PASS: lib/test_bt_values 2 - bt_value_null is a null value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 3 - getting bt_value_null does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 4 - putting bt_value_null does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 5 - bt_value_bool_create() returns a boolean value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 6 - default boolean value object value is BT_FALSE PASS: lib/test_bt_values 7 - bt_value_bool_set() works PASS: lib/test_bt_values 8 - putting an existing boolean value object does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 9 - bt_value_bool_create_init() returns a boolean value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 10 - bt_value_bool_create_init() sets the appropriate initial value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 11 - bt_value_integer_unsigned_create() returns an unsigned integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 12 - default unsigned integer value object value is 0 PASS: lib/test_bt_values 13 - bt_value_integer_unsigned_bool_set() works PASS: lib/test_bt_values 14 - putting an existing unsigned integer value object does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 15 - bt_value_integer_unsigned_create_init() returns an unsigned integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 16 - bt_value_integer_unsigned_create_init() sets the appropriate initial value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 17 - bt_value_integer_signed_create() returns a signed integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 18 - default signed integer value object value is 0 PASS: lib/test_bt_values 19 - bt_value_integer_signed_bool_set() works PASS: lib/test_bt_values 20 - putting an existing signed integer value object does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 21 - bt_value_integer_signed_create_init() returns a signed integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 22 - bt_value_integer_signed_create_init() sets the appropriate initial value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 23 - bt_value_real_create() returns a real number value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 24 - default real number value object value is 0 PASS: lib/test_bt_values 25 - bt_value_real_set() works PASS: lib/test_bt_values 26 - putting an existing real number value object does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 27 - bt_value_real_create_init() returns a real number value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 28 - bt_value_real_create_init() sets the appropriate initial value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 29 - bt_value_string_create() returns a string value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 30 - default string value object value is "" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 31 - bt_value_string_get() works PASS: lib/test_bt_values 32 - putting an existing string value object does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 33 - bt_value_string_create_init() returns a string value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 34 - bt_value_string_create_init() sets the appropriate initial value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 35 - bt_value_array_create() returns an array value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 36 - initial array value object size is 0 PASS: lib/test_bt_values 37 - bt_value_array_append_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 38 - appending an element to an array value object increment its size PASS: lib/test_bt_values 39 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate type (unsigned integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 40 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate value (unsigned integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 41 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate type (signed integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 42 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate value (signed integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 43 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate type (real number) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 44 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate value (real number) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 45 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate type (boolean) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 46 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate value (boolean) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 47 - bt_value_array_borrow_element_by_index() returns an value object with the appropriate type (null) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 48 - bt_value_array_set_element_by_index() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 49 - bt_value_array_set_element_by_index() inserts an value object with the appropriate type PASS: lib/test_bt_values 50 - bt_value_array_set_element_by_index() inserts an value object with the appropriate value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 51 - bt_value_array_append_bool_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 52 - bt_value_array_append_unsigned_integer_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 53 - bt_value_array_append_signed_integer_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 54 - bt_value_array_append_real_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 55 - bt_value_array_append_string_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 56 - bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 57 - bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() with returned value object succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 58 - object returned by bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() is not NULL PASS: lib/test_bt_values 59 - object returned by bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() is an array value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 60 - bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 61 - bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() with returned value object succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 62 - object returned by bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() is not NULL PASS: lib/test_bt_values 63 - object returned by bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() is an array value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 64 - the bt_value_array_append_element_*() functions increment the array value object's size PASS: lib/test_bt_values 65 - map value object is not empty PASS: lib/test_bt_values 66 - bt_value_array_append_bool_element() appends a boolean value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 67 - bt_value_array_append_bool_element() appends the appropriate value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 68 - bt_value_array_append_unsigned_integer_element() appends an unsigned integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 69 - bt_value_array_append_unsigned_integer_element() appends the appropriate value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 70 - bt_value_array_append_signed_integer_element() appends a signed integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 71 - bt_value_array_append_signed_integer_element() appends the appropriate value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 72 - bt_value_array_append_real_element() appends a real number value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 73 - bt_value_array_append_real_element() appends the appropriate value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 74 - bt_value_array_append_string_element() appends a string value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 75 - bt_value_array_append_string_element() appends the appropriate value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 76 - bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() appends an array value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 77 - bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() an empty array value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 78 - bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() appends an array value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 79 - bt_value_array_append_empty_array_element() an empty array value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 80 - bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() appends a map value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 81 - bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() an empty map value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 82 - bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() appends a map value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 83 - bt_value_array_append_empty_map_element() an empty map value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 84 - putting an existing array value object does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 85 - bt_value_map_create() returns a map value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 86 - initial map value object size is 0 PASS: lib/test_bt_values 87 - bt_value_map_insert_entry() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 88 - inserting an element into a map value object increment its size PASS: lib/test_bt_values 89 - bt_value_map_insert_entry() accepts an existing key PASS: lib/test_bt_values 90 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns NULL with an non existing key PASS: lib/test_bt_values 91 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate type (real) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 92 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate value (real) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 93 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate type (unsigned integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 94 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate value (unsigned integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 95 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate type (signed integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 96 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate value (signed integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 97 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate type (null) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 98 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate type (boolean) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 99 - bt_value_map_borrow_entry_value() returns an value object with the appropriate value (boolean) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 100 - bt_value_map_insert_bool_entry() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 101 - bt_value_map_insert_signed_integer_entry() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 102 - bt_value_map_insert_real_entry() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 103 - bt_value_map_insert_string_entry() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 104 - bt_value_map_insert_empty_array_entry() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 105 - bt_value_map_insert_empty_array_entry() with returned value object succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 106 - object returned by bt_value_map_insert_empty_array_entry() is not NULL PASS: lib/test_bt_values 107 - object returned by bt_value_map_insert_empty_array_entry() is an array value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 108 - bt_value_map_insert_empty_map_entry() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 109 - bt_value_map_insert_empty_map_entry() with returned value object succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 110 - object returned by bt_value_map_insert_empty_map_entry() is not NULL PASS: lib/test_bt_values 111 - object returned by bt_value_map_insert_empty_map_entry() is an array value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 112 - the bt_value_map_insert*() functions increment the map value object's size PASS: lib/test_bt_values 113 - map value object does not have key "hello" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 114 - map value object has key "bt_bool" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 115 - map value object has key "uint" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 116 - map value object has key "int" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 117 - map value object has key "real" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 118 - map value object has key "null" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 119 - map value object has key "bool2" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 120 - map value object has key "int2" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 121 - map value object has key "real2" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 122 - map value object has key "string2" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 123 - map value object has key "array2" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 124 - map value object has key "array3" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 125 - map value object has key "map2" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 126 - map value object has key "map3" PASS: lib/test_bt_values 127 - bt_value_map_foreach_entry() breaks the loop when the user function returns BT_VALUE_MAP_FOREACH_ENTRY_FUNC_STATUS_INTERRUPT PASS: lib/test_bt_values 128 - bt_value_map_foreach_entry() fails when the user function returns BT_VALUE_MAP_FOREACH_ENTRY_FUNC_STATUS_ERROR PASS: lib/test_bt_values 129 - bt_value_map_foreach_entry() fails when the user function returns BT_VALUE_MAP_FOREACH_ENTRY_FUNC_STATUS_MEMORY_ERROR PASS: lib/test_bt_values 130 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): success getting "map2" value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 131 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "map2" value object is empty PASS: lib/test_bt_values 132 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): success getting "array3" value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 133 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "array3" value object is empty PASS: lib/test_bt_values 134 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): success getting "null" value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 135 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): success getting "array2" value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 136 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "array2" value object is empty PASS: lib/test_bt_values 137 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "bt_bool" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 138 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "string2" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 139 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "real" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 140 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "real2" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 141 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "uint" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 142 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "int" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 143 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "int2" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 144 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "bool2" value object has the right value PASS: lib/test_bt_values 145 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): success getting "map3" value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 146 - test_map_foreach_cb_check(): "map3" value object is empty PASS: lib/test_bt_values 147 - bt_value_map_foreach_entry() succeeds with test_map_foreach_cb_check() PASS: lib/test_bt_values 148 - bt_value_map_foreach_entry() iterates over all the map value object's elements PASS: lib/test_bt_values 149 - putting an existing map value object does not cause a crash PASS: lib/test_bt_values 150 - null value objects are equivalent PASS: lib/test_bt_values 151 - cannot compare null value object and bt_bool value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 152 - boolean value objects are not equivalent (BT_FALSE and BT_TRUE) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 153 - boolean value objects are equivalent (BT_FALSE and BT_FALSE) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 154 - cannot compare null value object and unsigned integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 155 - unsigned integer value objects are not equivalent (10 and 23) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 156 - unsigned integer value objects are equivalent (10 and 10) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 157 - cannot compare null value object and signed integer value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 158 - signed integer value objects are not equivalent (10 and -23) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 159 - signed integer value objects are equivalent (10 and 10) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 160 - cannot compare null value object and real number value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 161 - real number value objects are not equivalent (17.38 and -14.23) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 162 - real number value objects are equivalent (17.38 and 17.38) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 163 - cannot compare null value object and string value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 164 - string value objects are not equivalent ("hello" and "bt_value") PASS: lib/test_bt_values 165 - string value objects are equivalent ("hello" and "hello") PASS: lib/test_bt_values 166 - empty array value objects are equivalent PASS: lib/test_bt_values 167 - cannot compare null value object and array value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 168 - array value objects are not equivalent ([23, 14.2, BT_FALSE] and [14.2, 23, BT_FALSE]) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 169 - array value objects are equivalent ([23, 14.2, BT_FALSE] and [23, 14.2, BT_FALSE]) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 170 - empty map value objects are equivalent PASS: lib/test_bt_values 171 - cannot compare null value object and map value object PASS: lib/test_bt_values 172 - map value objects are not equivalent PASS: lib/test_bt_values 173 - map value objects are equivalent PASS: lib/test_bt_values 174 - bt_value_copy() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 175 - bt_value_copy() returns a different pointer (map) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 176 - bt_value_copy() returns a different pointer (string) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 177 - bt_value_copy() returns a different pointer (array) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 178 - bt_value_copy() returns a different pointer (bool) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 179 - bt_value_copy() returns a different pointer (unsigned integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 180 - bt_value_copy() returns a different pointer (signed integer) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 181 - bt_value_copy() returns a different pointer (real) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 182 - bt_value_copy() returns the same pointer (null) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 183 - source and destination value objects have the same content PASS: lib/test_bt_values 184 - bt_value_map_extend() succeeds PASS: lib/test_bt_values 185 - bt_value_map_extend() returns a map object with the correct size PASS: lib/test_bt_values 186 - bt_value_map_extend() picks the appropriate element (file) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 187 - bt_value_map_extend() picks the appropriate element (edit) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 188 - bt_value_map_extend() picks the appropriate element (selection) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 189 - bt_value_map_extend() picks the appropriate element (find) PASS: lib/test_bt_values 190 - bt_value_map_extend() picks the appropriate element (project) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 1 - empty graph generates no events PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 2 - we have the expected number of events PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 3 - got the expected graph's port added event (for source, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 4 - got the expected graph's port added event (for sink, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 5 - got the expected source's port connected event PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 6 - got the expected sink's port connected event PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 7 - bt_graph_connect_ports() returns an error PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 8 - returned connection is still NULL PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 9 - we have the expected number of events PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 10 - got the expected graph's port added event (for source, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 11 - got the expected graph's port added event (for sink, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 12 - got the expected source's port connected event PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 13 - bt_graph_connect_ports() returns an error PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 14 - returned connection is still NULL PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 15 - we have the expected number of events PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 16 - got the expected graph's port added event (for source, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 17 - got the expected graph's port added event (for sink, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 18 - got the expected source's port connected event PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 19 - got the expected sink's port connected event PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 20 - we have the expected number of events PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 21 - got the expected graph's port added event (for source, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 22 - got the expected graph's port added event (for sink, initial) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 23 - got the expected source's port connected event PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 24 - got the expected graph's port added event (for source) PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 25 - got the expected sink's port connected event PASS: lib/test_graph_topo 26 - event order is good PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 1 - remove trace listener 2 from 2 PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 2 - remove trace listener 1 from 3 PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 3 - remove trace listener 5 from 4 PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 4 - trace destruction listener 1 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 5 - trace destruction listener 2 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 6 - trace destruction listener 3 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 7 - trace destruction listener 4 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 8 - trace destruction listener 5 not called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 9 - remove trace class listener 2 from 2 PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 10 - remove trace class listener 1 from 3 PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 11 - remove trace class listener 5 from 4 PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 12 - trace class destruction listener 1 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 13 - trace class destruction listener 2 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 14 - trace class destruction listener 3 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 15 - trace class destruction listener 4 called PASS: lib/test_remove_destruction_listener_in_destruction_listener 16 - trace class destruction listener 5 not called PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 1 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 2 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 3 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 4 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 5 - Message iterator is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 6 - Data is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 7 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: 0) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 8 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 9 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 10 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 11 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 12 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 13 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 14 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: -1) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 15 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 16 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 17 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 18 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 19 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 20 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 21 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: -12) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 22 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 23 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 24 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 25 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 26 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 27 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 28 - Message iterator is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 29 - Data is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 30 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: 0) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 31 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 32 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 33 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 34 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 35 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 36 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 37 - Message iterator is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 38 - Data is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 39 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: -1) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 40 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 41 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 42 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 43 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 44 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 45 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 46 - Message iterator is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 47 - Data is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 48 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: -12) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 49 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 50 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 51 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 52 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 53 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 54 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 55 - Message iterator is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 56 - Data is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 57 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: 11) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 58 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 59 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 60 - Simple sink component has an input port named "in" PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 61 - Simple sink component's "in" port is connectable PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 62 - Message iterator is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 63 - Data is not NULL in initialization function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 64 - Message iterator is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 65 - Data is not NULL in consume function PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 66 - Graph "run once" status is the expected one (status code: 1) PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 67 - Current thread error is set if bt_graph_run_once returned an error PASS: lib/test_simple_sink 68 - Data is not NULL in finalization function PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 1 - Borrow parent stream SC1 from EC1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 2 - Borrow parent stream SC1 from EC2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 3 - Borrow parent stream SC2 from EC3 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 4 - Initialize trace PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 5 - Initial SC1 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 6 - Initial SC2 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 7 - Initial EC1 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 8 - Initial EC2 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 9 - Initial EC3 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 10 - TC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 11 - User A acquires SC2 from TC1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 12 - TC1 reference count is 2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 13 - SC2 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 14 - User A acquires EC3 from SC2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 15 - TC1 reference count is 2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 16 - SC2 reference count is 2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 17 - EC3 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 18 - TC1 reference count is 2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 19 - SC2 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 20 - EC3 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 21 - TC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 22 - SC2 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 23 - EC3 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 24 - TC1 reference count is 2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 25 - SC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 26 - EC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 27 - SC1 reference count is 2 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 28 - EC3 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 29 - SC2 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 30 - TC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 31 - SC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 32 - TC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 33 - SC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 34 - SC2 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 35 - EC1 reference count is 1 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 36 - EC2 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_trace_ir_ref 37 - EC3 reference count is 0 PASS: lib/test_plugin 1 - bt_plugin_find_all_from_file() succeeds with a valid file PASS: lib/test_plugin 2 - bt_plugin_find_all_from_file() returns a plugin set PASS: lib/test_plugin 3 - plugin's initialization function is called during bt_plugin_find_all_from_file() PASS: lib/test_plugin 4 - bt_plugin_find_all_from_file() returns the expected number of plugins PASS: lib/test_plugin 5 - bt_plugin_get_name() returns the expected name PASS: lib/test_plugin 6 - bt_plugin_get_description() returns the expected description PASS: lib/test_plugin 7 - bt_plugin_get_version() fails when there's no version PASS: lib/test_plugin 8 - bt_plugin_get_author() returns the expected author PASS: lib/test_plugin 9 - bt_plugin_get_license() returns the expected license PASS: lib/test_plugin 10 - bt_plugin_get_path() returns the expected path PASS: lib/test_plugin 11 - bt_plugin_get_source_component_class_count() returns the expected value PASS: lib/test_plugin 12 - bt_plugin_get_filter_component_class_count() returns the expected value PASS: lib/test_plugin 13 - bt_plugin_get_sink_component_class_count() returns the expected value PASS: lib/test_plugin 14 - plugin's finalize function is called when the plugin is destroyed PASS: lib/test_plugin 15 - bt_plugin_get_version() succeeds when there's a version PASS: lib/test_plugin 16 - bt_plugin_get_version() returns the expected major version PASS: lib/test_plugin 17 - bt_plugin_get_version() returns the expected minor version PASS: lib/test_plugin 18 - bt_plugin_get_version() returns the expected patch version PASS: lib/test_plugin 19 - bt_plugin_get_version() returns the expected extra version PASS: lib/test_plugin 20 - bt_plugin_get_source_component_class_count() returns the expected value PASS: lib/test_plugin 21 - bt_plugin_get_filter_component_class_count() returns the expected value PASS: lib/test_plugin 22 - bt_plugin_get_sink_component_class_count() returns the expected value PASS: lib/test_plugin 23 - bt_plugin_borrow_source_component_class_by_name_const() finds a source component class PASS: lib/test_plugin 24 - bt_plugin_borrow_sink_component_class_by_name_const() finds a sink component class PASS: lib/test_plugin 25 - bt_component_class_get_help() returns the expected help text PASS: lib/test_plugin 26 - bt_plugin_borrow_filter_component_class_by_name_const() finds a filter component class PASS: lib/test_plugin 27 - bt_query_executor_query() succeeds PASS: lib/test_plugin 28 - bt_component_class_query() receives the expected object name PASS: lib/test_plugin 29 - bt_component_class_query() receives the expected parameters PASS: lib/test_plugin 30 - bt_graph_add_sink_component() still works after the plugin object is destroyed PASS: lib/test_plugin 31 - bt_plugin_find_all_from_dir() fails with an invalid path PASS: lib/test_plugin 32 - bt_plugin_find_all_from_dir() succeeds with a valid path PASS: lib/test_plugin 33 - bt_plugin_find_all_from_dir() returns a plugin set with a valid path PASS: lib/test_plugin 34 - bt_plugin_find_all_from_dir() returns the expected number of plugin objects PASS: lib/test_plugin 35 - bt_plugin_find() returns BT_PLUGIN_STATUS_NOT_FOUND with an unknown plugin name PASS: lib/test_plugin 36 - bt_plugin_find() succeeds with a plugin name it can find PASS: lib/test_plugin 37 - bt_plugin_find() returns a plugin object PASS: lib/test_plugin 38 - bt_plugin_find() finds the correct plugin for a given name PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 1 - valid map: validation succeeds PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 2 - valid map: error string is NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 3 - missing key in map: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 4 - missing key in map: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 5 - missing key in map: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 6 - unexpected key in map: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 7 - unexpected key in map: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 8 - unexpected key in map: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 9 - map entry with unexpected type: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 10 - map entry with unexpected type: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 11 - map entry with unexpected type: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 12 - valid array: validation succeeds PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 13 - valid array: error string is NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 14 - valid empty array: validation succeeds PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 15 - valid empty array: error string is NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 16 - array too small: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 17 - array too small: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 18 - array too small: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 19 - array too large: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 20 - array too large: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 21 - array too large: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 22 - array with invalid element type: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 23 - array with invalid element type: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 24 - array with invalid element type: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 25 - valid string without choices: validation succeeds PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 26 - valid string without choices: error string is NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 27 - valid string with choices: validation succeeds PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 28 - valid string with choices: error string is NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 29 - string with invalid choice: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 30 - string with invalid choice: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 31 - string with invalid choice: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 32 - type of value passed to custom function is as expected PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 33 - value passed to custom function is as expected PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 34 - custom validation function with valid value: validation succeeds PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 35 - custom validation function with valid value: error string is NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 36 - custom validation function with invalid value: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 37 - custom validation function with invalid value: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 38 - custom validation function with invalid value: error string contains expected string PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 39 - error nested in maps and arrays: validation fails PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 40 - error nested in maps and arrays: error string is not NULL PASS: param-validation/test_param_validation 41 - error nested in maps and arrays: error string contains expected string PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 1 - Trace invalid-packet-size/trace: babeltrace exits with an error PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 2 - Trace invalid-packet-size/trace: babeltrace produces the expected stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 3 - Trace invalid-packet-size/trace: babeltrace produces an error stack PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 4 - Trace invalid-packet-size/trace: babeltrace produces the expected error message PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 5 - Trace valid-events-then-invalid-events: babeltrace exits with an error PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 6 - Trace valid-events-then-invalid-events: babeltrace produces the expected stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 7 - Trace valid-events-then-invalid-events: babeltrace produces an error stack PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 8 - Trace valid-events-then-invalid-events: babeltrace produces the expected error message PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 9 - Trace metadata-syntax-error: babeltrace exits with an error PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 10 - Trace metadata-syntax-error: babeltrace produces the expected stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 11 - Trace metadata-syntax-error: babeltrace produces an error stack PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/fail/test_fail 12 - Trace metadata-syntax-error: babeltrace produces the expected error message PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 1 - Trace '2packets' and 'barectf-event-before-packet' give the expected stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 2 - Trace '2packets' and 'barectf-event-before-packet' give the expected stderr PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 3 - Generated trace 'simple' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 4 - Trace 'smalltrace' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 5 - Trace '2packets' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 6 - Trace 'barectf-event-before-packet' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 7 - Trace 'session-rotation' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 8 - Trace 'lttng-tracefile-rotation' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 9 - Trace 'array-align-elem' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 10 - Trace 'struct-array-align-elem' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 11 - Trace 'meta-ctx-sequence' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 12 - Trace 'lttng-event-after-packet' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 13 - Trace 'lttng-crash' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 1 - ab: exit status is not 0 PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 2 - ab: error stack is produced PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 3 - ab: expected error message is present PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 4 - ba: exit status is not 0 PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 5 - ba: error stack is produced PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 6 - ba: expected error message is present PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 7 - bc: exit status is 0 PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 8 - bc: expected output is produced PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 9 - cb: exit status is 0 PASS: plugins/src.ctf.fs/test_deterministic_ordering 10 - cb: expected output is produced PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 1 - 'sink.ctf.fs' component succeeds with input trace 'float' PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 2 - Converted trace 'float' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 3 - 'sink.ctf.fs' component succeeds with input trace 'double' PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 4 - Converted trace 'double' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 5 - 'sink.ctf.fs' component succeeds with input trace 'meta-variant-no-underscore' PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 6 - Converted trace 'meta-variant-no-underscore' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 7 - 'sink.ctf.fs' component succeeds with input trace 'meta-variant-one-underscore' PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 8 - Converted trace 'meta-variant-one-underscore' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 9 - 'sink.ctf.fs' component succeeds with input trace 'meta-variant-reserved-keywords' PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 10 - Converted trace 'meta-variant-reserved-keywords' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 11 - 'sink.ctf.fs' component succeeds with input trace 'meta-variant-same-with-underscore' PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 12 - Converted trace 'meta-variant-same-with-underscore' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 13 - 'sink.ctf.fs' component succeeds with input trace 'meta-variant-two-underscores' PASS: plugins/sink.ctf.fs/succeed/test_succeed 14 - Converted trace 'meta-variant-two-underscores' gives the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 1 - 'default' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 2 - 'default-compact' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 3 - 'default-compact-without-metadata' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 4 - 'default-compact-without-time' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 5 - 'default-without-data' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 6 - 'default-without-data-without-metadata' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 7 - 'default-without-metadata' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 8 - 'default-without-names' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 9 - 'default-without-time' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 10 - 'default-without-trace-name' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 11 - 'default-without-uuid' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/sink.text.details/succeed/test_succeed 12 - 'no-packet-context' test has the expected output PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 1 - CLI prints the expected session list - stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 2 - CLI prints the expected session list - stderr PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 3 - CLI attach and fetch from single-domains session - no discarded events - stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 4 - CLI attach and fetch from single-domains session - no discarded events - stderr PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 5 - CLI attach and fetch from multi-domains session - discarded events - stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 6 - CLI attach and fetch from multi-domains session - discarded events - stderr PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 7 - CLI many requests per packet - stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 8 - CLI many requests per packet - stderr PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 9 - CLI src.ctf.fs vs src.ctf.lttng-live - stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 10 - CLI src.ctf.fs vs src.ctf.lttng-live - stderr PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 11 - CLI src.ctf.fs vs src.ctf.lttng-live - stdout PASS: plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live/test_live 12 - CLI src.ctf.fs vs src.ctf.lttng-live - stderr PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 1 - Writing and reading back 0x0, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 2 - Writing and reading back 0x0, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 3 - Writing and reading back 0x0, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 4 - Writing and reading back 0x0, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 5 - Writing and reading back 0x0, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 6 - Writing and reading back 0x0, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 7 - Writing and reading back 0x0, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 8 - Writing and reading back 0x0, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 9 - Writing and reading back 0x1, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 10 - Writing and reading back 0x1, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 11 - Writing and reading back 0x1, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 12 - Writing and reading back 0x1, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 13 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFF, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 14 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 15 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFF, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 16 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 17 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFF, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 18 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 19 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFF, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 20 - Writing and reading back 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 21 - Writing and reading back 0x80000000, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 22 - Writing and reading back 0x8000000000000000, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 23 - Writing and reading back 0x80000000, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 24 - Writing and reading back 0x8000000000000000, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 25 - Writing and reading back 0x70225DB6, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 26 - Writing and reading back 0xD2A52B901D4D3A0, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 27 - Writing and reading back 0x70225DB6, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 28 - Writing and reading back 0xD2A52B901D4D3A0, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 29 - Writing and reading back 0x70225DB6, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 30 - Writing and reading back 0xD2A52B901D4D3A0, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 31 - Writing and reading back 0x70225DB6, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 32 - Writing and reading back 0xD2A52B901D4D3A0, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 33 - Writing and reading back 0x1D4C785C, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 34 - Writing and reading back 0x61A8E650119E633C, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 35 - Writing and reading back 0x1D4C785C, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 36 - Writing and reading back 0x61A8E650119E633C, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 37 - Writing and reading back 0x1D4C785C, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 38 - Writing and reading back 0x61A8E650119E633C, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 39 - Writing and reading back 0x1D4C785C, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 40 - Writing and reading back 0x61A8E650119E633C, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 41 - Writing and reading back 0x29506EE4, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 42 - Writing and reading back 0x7EFB3F9C66B65073, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 43 - Writing and reading back 0x29506EE4, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 44 - Writing and reading back 0x7EFB3F9C66B65073, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 45 - Writing and reading back 0x29506EE4, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 46 - Writing and reading back 0x7EFB3F9C66B65073, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 47 - Writing and reading back 0x29506EE4, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 48 - Writing and reading back 0x7EFB3F9C66B65073, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 49 - Writing and reading back 0x76F9BE7E, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 50 - Writing and reading back 0x3F4A38FE5A8A594F, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 51 - Writing and reading back 0x76F9BE7E, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 52 - Writing and reading back 0x3F4A38FE5A8A594F, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 53 - Writing and reading back 0x76F9BE7E, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 54 - Writing and reading back 0x3F4A38FE5A8A594F, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 55 - Writing and reading back 0x76F9BE7E, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 56 - Writing and reading back 0x3F4A38FE5A8A594F, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 57 - Writing and reading back 0x34360EDA, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 58 - Writing and reading back 0x62BA15E840289B00, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 59 - Writing and reading back 0x34360EDA, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 60 - Writing and reading back 0x62BA15E840289B00, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 61 - Writing and reading back 0x34360EDA, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 62 - Writing and reading back 0x62BA15E840289B00, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 63 - Writing and reading back 0x34360EDA, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 64 - Writing and reading back 0x62BA15E840289B00, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 65 - Writing and reading back 0x209ECDBA, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 66 - Writing and reading back 0x30DB26FA04F877B8, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 67 - Writing and reading back 0x209ECDBA, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 68 - Writing and reading back 0x30DB26FA04F877B8, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 69 - Writing and reading back 0x209ECDBA, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 70 - Writing and reading back 0x30DB26FA04F877B8, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 71 - Writing and reading back 0x209ECDBA, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 72 - Writing and reading back 0x30DB26FA04F877B8, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 73 - Writing and reading back 0x6FC9025, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 74 - Writing and reading back 0x4323102C3F8E5A33, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 75 - Writing and reading back 0x6FC9025, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 76 - Writing and reading back 0x4323102C3F8E5A33, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 77 - Writing and reading back 0x6FC9025, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 78 - Writing and reading back 0x4323102C3F8E5A33, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 79 - Writing and reading back 0x6FC9025, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 80 - Writing and reading back 0x4323102C3F8E5A33, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 81 - Writing and reading back 0x47D13F87, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 82 - Writing and reading back 0x7BB9352E0906B96E, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 83 - Writing and reading back 0x47D13F87, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 84 - Writing and reading back 0x7BB9352E0906B96E, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 85 - Writing and reading back 0x47D13F87, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 86 - Writing and reading back 0x7BB9352E0906B96E, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 87 - Writing and reading back 0x47D13F87, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 88 - Writing and reading back 0x7BB9352E0906B96E, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 89 - Writing and reading back 0x48B53936, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 90 - Writing and reading back 0x75D467EB23717B59, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 91 - Writing and reading back 0x48B53936, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 92 - Writing and reading back 0x75D467EB23717B59, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 93 - Writing and reading back 0x48B53936, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 94 - Writing and reading back 0x75D467EB23717B59, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 95 - Writing and reading back 0x48B53936, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 96 - Writing and reading back 0x75D467EB23717B59, signed long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 97 - Writing and reading back 0x442AEF64, unsigned int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 98 - Writing and reading back 0x3170670A5B7B02F8, unsigned long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 99 - Writing and reading back 0x442AEF64, unsigned int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 100 - Writing and reading back 0x3170670A5B7B02F8, unsigned long long dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 101 - Writing and reading back 0x442AEF64, signed int source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 102 - Writing and reading back 0x3170670A5B7B02F8, signed long long source, varying write unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 103 - Writing and reading back 0x442AEF64, signed int dest, varying read unit size PASS: bitfield/test_bitfield 104 - Writing and reading back 0x3170670A5B7B02F8, signed long long dest, varying read unit size ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for babeltrace2 2.0.5 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 1295 # PASS: 1295 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================ ============================================= babeltrace2 2.0.5: tests/test-suite.log ============================================= # TOTAL: 1295 # PASS: 1295 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 .. contents:: :depth: 2 DURATION: 32 END: /usr/lib/babeltrace2/ptest 2024-03-29T08:40 STOP: ptest-runner TOTAL: 1 FAIL: 0