START: ptest-runner 2023-05-23T01:11 Running runtest ## XML regression tests ## XML regression tests on memory ## XML entity subst regression tests ## XML Namespaces regression tests ## Error cases regression tests ## Error cases regression tests from file descriptor ## Error cases regression tests with entity substitution ## Error cases regression tests (old 1.0) ## Error cases stream regression tests ## Reader regression tests ## Reader entities substitution regression tests ## Reader on memory regression tests ## Walker regression tests ## SAX1 callbacks regression tests ## SAX2 callbacks regression tests ## SAX2 callbacks regression tests with entity substitution ## XML push regression tests ## HTML regression tests ## HTML regression tests from file descriptor ## Push HTML regression tests ## HTML SAX regression tests ## Valid documents regression tests ## Validity checking regression tests ## Streaming validity checking regression tests ## Streaming validity error checking regression tests ## General documents valid regression tests ## XInclude regression tests ## XInclude xmlReader regression tests ## XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes ## XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes ## URI parsing tests ## URI base composition tests ## Path URI conversion tests ## Schemas regression tests ## Relax-NG regression tests ## Relax-NG streaming regression tests ## Pattern regression tests ## C14N with comments regression tests ## C14N without comments regression tests ## C14N exclusive without comments regression tests ## C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests ## Catalog and Threads regression tests ## SVG parsing regression tests ## Regexp regression tests Total 3052 tests, no errors PASS: runtest Running runsuite Failed to parse xstc/Tests/Metadata/NISTXMLSchemaDatatypes.testSet Failed to parse xstc/Tests/Metadata/SunXMLSchema1-0-20020116.testSet Failed to parse xstc/Tests/Metadata/MSXMLSchema1-0-20020116.testSet ## XML Schemas datatypes test suite from James Clark Ran 1035 tests, 10 errors, 0 leaks 10 errors were expected ## Relax NG test suite from James Clark Ran 253 tests, no errors ## Relax NG test suite for libxml2 Ran 183 tests, no errors Ran 0 tests (0 schemata), no errors Ran 0 tests (0 schemata), no errors Ran 0 tests (0 schemata), no errors Total 1471 tests, no errors PASS: runsuite Running testrecurse ......... ## Parsing recursive test cases ## Parsing non-recursive test cases ## Parsing non-recursive huge case Total 9 tests, no errors PASS: testrecurse Running testchar testing char range: 1 2 3 4 done testing 1 byte char in document: 1 2 3 4 done testing 2 byte char in document: 1 2 3 4 done PASS: testchar Running testdict dictionary tests succeeded 20000 strings PASS: testdict Running testThreads PASS: testThreads Running runxmlconf Test suite: XML 1.0 (2nd edition) W3C Conformance Test Suite, 6 October 2000 Test cases: James Clark XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: Fuji Xerox Japanese Text Tests XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: Sun Microsystems XML Tests Test cases: 159 tests Test cases: OASIS/NIST XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: IBM XML 1.0 Tests Test cases: IBM XML 1.1 Tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.0 2nd edition errata test suite 21 Jul 2003 Test cases: 34 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.1 test suite 13 Feb 2003 Test cases: 57 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.0 test suite 14 Feb 2003 Test cases: 48 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.1 test suite 14 Feb 2003 Test cases: 8 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML 1.0 3rd edition errata test suite 1 June 2006 Test cases: 13 tests Test cases: University of Edinburgh tests for XML 1.0 5th edition Test cases: 393 tests Test cases: Richard Tobin's XML Namespaces 1.0/1.1 2nd edition test suite 1 June 2006 Test cases: 3 tests Test cases: Bjoern Hoehrmann via HST 2013-09-18 Test cases: 9 tests Ran 2273 tests, 15 errors, 0 leaks Total 2273 tests, 15 errors, 0 leaks See runxmlconf.log for detailed output 15 errors were expected PASS: runxmlconf Running testapi Testing HTMLparser : 32 of 38 functions ... Testing HTMLtree : 18 of 18 functions ... Testing SAX2 : 36 of 36 functions ... Testing c14n : 3 of 4 functions ... Testing catalog : 27 of 36 functions ... Testing chvalid : 9 of 9 functions ... Testing debugXML : 25 of 28 functions ... Testing dict : 10 of 13 functions ... Testing encoding : 16 of 19 functions ... Testing entities : 11 of 17 functions ... Testing hash : 17 of 25 functions ... Testing list : 19 of 26 functions ... Testing nanohttp : 13 of 17 functions ... Testing parser : 58 of 70 functions ... Testing parserInternals : 33 of 90 functions ... Testing pattern : 10 of 15 functions ... Testing relaxng : 14 of 24 functions ... Testing schemasInternals : 0 of 2 functions ... Testing schematron : 1 of 10 functions ... Testing tree : 142 of 164 functions ... Testing uri : 10 of 15 functions ... Testing valid : 50 of 70 functions ... Testing xinclude : 8 of 10 functions ... Testing xmlIO : 41 of 51 functions ... Testing xmlautomata : 3 of 19 functions ... Testing xmlerror : 7 of 15 functions ... Testing xmlmodule : 2 of 4 functions ... Testing xmlreader : 76 of 86 functions ... Testing xmlregexp : 16 of 30 functions ... Testing xmlsave : 4 of 10 functions ... Testing xmlschemas : 16 of 27 functions ... Testing xmlschemastypes : 26 of 34 functions ... Testing xmlstring : 26 of 30 functions ... Testing xmlunicode : 166 of 166 functions ... Testing xmlwriter : 52 of 80 functions ... Testing xpath : 32 of 40 functions ... Testing xpathInternals : 106 of 117 functions ... Testing xpointer : 13 of 21 functions ... Total: 1096 functions, 279085 tests, 0 errors PASS: testapi OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: OK PASS: DURATION: 16