START: ptest-runner 2023-06-29T01:13 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libtry-tiny-perl/ptest 1..30 ok 1 - Moved into finally from try ok 2 - Error text as expected ok 3 - Into catch block as we died in try ok 4 - Moved into finally from catch ok 5 - Error text as expected ok 6 - Moved into finally from catch ok 7 - Moved into finally block when try throws an exception and we have no catch block ok 8 - Second finally clause run ok 9 - First finally clause run ok 10 - no error reported ok 11 - finally got passed the exception ok 12 - finally called ok 13 - not localized in try ok 14 - nothing in @_ (finally) ok 15 - $_ not localized (finally) ok 16 - same afterwards ok 17 - not localized in try ok 18 - error in @_ (catch) ok 19 - error in $_ (catch) ok 20 - error in @_ (finally) ok 21 - error in @_ (finally) ok 22 - $_ not localized (finally) ok 23 - same afterwards ok 24 - fin 2 called ok 25 - warnings from both fatal finally blocks ok 26 - First warning contains original exception ok 27 - Second warning contains original exception ok 28 - before skip in try ok 29 # skip whee ok 30 - finally ran ok 28 - before skip in try ok 29 # skip whee SKIP: t/finally 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 - $_ not clobbered ok 3 - bar didn't match ok 4 - foo matched ok 5 - fallback didn't match PASS: t/when 1..8 ok 1 - Bare catch() detected ok 2 - Bare finally() detected ok 3 - Bare catch()/finally() detected ok 4 - Bare finally()/catch() detected ok 5 - Multi-catch detected ok 6 - Unterminated try detected ok 7 - Bare catch at the end of a function call ok 8 - Bare finally at the end of a function call PASS: t/erroneous_usage 1..1 # # Versions for all modules listed in static metadata (including optional ones): # # === Configure Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- ---- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.64 # # === Configure Suggests === # # Module Want Have # -------- ------- ---- # JSON::PP 2.27300 4.07 # # === Test Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- -------- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.64 # File::Spec any 3.84 # Test::More any 1.302190 # if any 0.0610 # # === Test Recommends === # # Module Want Have # ---------- -------- -------- # CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150010 # # === Test Suggests === # # Module Want Have # ------------------------ ----- ------- # CPAN::Meta::Check 0.011 missing # CPAN::Meta::Requirements any 2.140 # Capture::Tiny 0.12 missing # # === Runtime Requires === # # Module Want Have # -------- ---- ---- # Carp any 1.52 # Exporter 5.57 5.77 # constant any 1.33 # strict any 1.12 # warnings any 1.58 # # === Runtime Suggests === # # Module Want Have # --------- ---- ------- # Sub::Name 0.08 missing # Sub::Util any 1.62 # # === Other Modules === # # Module Have # --------------- ------- # Encode 3.17 # File::Temp 0.2311 # JSON::PP 4.07 # Module::Runtime missing # Pod::Coverage missing # Sub::Name missing # YAML missing # autodie missing # ok 1 - Reported prereqs PASS: t/00-report-prereqs 1..2 ok 1 # skip no conflicts module found to check against ok 2 # skip This information-only test requires CPAN::Meta::Check 0.011 ok 1 # skip no conflicts module found to check against ok 2 # skip This information-only test requires CPAN::Meta::Check 0.011 SKIP: t/zzz-check-breaks 1..3 ok 1 - nested try in cleanup after fork does not maintain outer catch block ok 2 - nested try in cleanup after fork does not maintain outer finally block ok 3 - Didn't just exit PASS: t/global_destruction_forked 1..0 # SKIP Capture::Tiny 0.12 required 1..0 # SKIP Capture::Tiny 0.12 required SKIP: t/global_destruction_load 1..3 ok 1 - try name ok 2 - catch name ok 3 - finally name PASS: t/named 1..2 ok 1 - error caught ok 2 - error is also in $_ PASS: t/given_when 1..25 ok 1 - basic try ok 2 - rethrow ok 3 - try block evaluated ok 4 - $@ untouched ok 5 - try block died ok 6 - $@ untouched ok 7 - catch block evaluated ok 8 - $@ untouched ok 9 - scalar context try ok 10 - list context try ok 11 - scalar context catch ok 12 - list context catch ok 13 - Checking catch subroutine scalar reference is correctly blessed ok 14 - Checking finally subroutine scalar reference is correctly blessed ok 15 ok 16 - got here ok 17 - try in try catch block ok 18 - rethrow with try in catch block ok 19 - catch invoked ok 20 ok 21 - $@ untouched ok 22 - $_ untouched ok 23 - previous value of $@ ok 24 - previous value of $@ available for capture ok 25 - previous value of $@ also available in catch block PASS: t/basic 1..25 ok 1 - Proper context LIST in try{} ok 2 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 2 ok 3 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 1 ok 4 ok 5 - Proper context LIST in try{} ok 6 - Proper context LIST in catch{} ok 7 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 2 ok 8 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 1 ok 9 ok 10 - Proper context SCALAR in try{} ok 11 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 2 ok 12 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 1 ok 13 ok 14 - Proper context SCALAR in try{} ok 15 - Proper context SCALAR in catch{} ok 16 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 2 ok 17 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 1 ok 18 ok 19 - Proper context VOID in try{} ok 20 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 2 ok 21 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 1 ok 22 - Proper context VOID in try{} ok 23 - Proper context VOID in catch{} ok 24 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 2 ok 25 - Proper VOID context in finally{} 1 PASS: t/context DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/libtry-tiny-perl/ptest 2023-06-29T01:13 STOP: ptest-runner TOTAL: 1 FAIL: 0