START: ptest-runner 2023-08-25T02:17 BEGIN: /usr/lib/libtest-fatal-perl/ptest 1..4 ok 1 - $TODO works ok 2 - $TODO works ok 3 - $TODO works ok 4 - $TODO works PASS: t/todo 1..1 # # Versions for all modules listed in static metadata (including optional ones): # # === Configure Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- ---- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.78 7.64 # # === Test Requires === # # Module Want Have # --------------------- ---- -------- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 7.64 # File::Spec any 3.84 # Test::Builder::Tester any 1.302190 # Test::More 0.65 1.302190 # overload any 1.35 # # === Test Recommends === # # Module Want Have # ---------- -------- -------- # CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150010 # # === Runtime Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------- ---- -------- # Carp any 1.52 # Exporter 5.57 5.77 # Test::Builder any 1.302190 # Try::Tiny 0.07 0.31 # strict any 1.12 # warnings any 1.58 # ok 1 - Reported prereqs PASS: t/00-report-prereqs 1..7 ok 1 - foo bar is like foo bar ok 2 - no fatality means no exception ok 3 - we die on demand ok 4 - a success block runs, passing ok 5 - finally block after success block ok 6 - finally block after success block still runs ok 7 - we throw a new exception if the exception is false PASS: t/basic 1..6 ok 1 - die dies ok 2 - die dies (default description) ok 3 - return doesn't die ok 4 - return lived ok 5 - return lived (default description) ok 6 - die doesn't live PASS: t/like-exception DURATION: 1 END: /usr/lib/libtest-fatal-perl/ptest 2023-08-25T02:17 STOP: ptest-runner TOTAL: 1 FAIL: 0