# tracks the global branch name track_branch() { local new_branch=$1 if [ -n "${cbranch_name}" ]; then parent_branch="${cbranch_name}" cbranch_name="${cbranch_name}/${new_branch}" else cbranch_name="${new_branch}" fi if [ -n "${verbose}" ]; then echo "[INFO]: tracked branch is now: ${cbranch_name}" >&2 fi } # used in feature scripts # arg1: the branch name # arg2: the source branch name # arg3 and up: flags branch() { local text track_branch $1 if [ -n "${parent_branch}" ]; then text="branch rename: ${parent_branch} ${parent_branch}/base" eval echo "\$text" $outfile_append fi text="branch: ${cbranch_name}" eval echo "\$text" $outfile_append # generate branch specific queues branch_patch_queue="patch.$(echo ${cbranch_name} | sed 's%/%.%g').queue" branch_patch_queue="$(dirname ${patchqueue})/${branch_patch_queue}" branch_merge_queue="patch.$(echo ${cbranch_name} | sed 's%/%.%g').queue" branch_merge_queue="$(dirname ${patchqueue})/${branch_merge_queue}" }