# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright Buildbot Team Members import calendar from zope.interface import implements from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet import defer from buildbot import interfaces, sourcestamp from buildbot.process import properties from buildbot.status.results import FAILURE from buildbot.db import buildrequests class BuildRequest(object): """ A rolled-up encapsulation of all of the data relevant to a build request. This class is used by the C{nextBuild} and C{mergeRequests} configuration parameters, as well as in starting a build. Construction of a BuildRequest object is a heavyweight process involving a lot of database queries, so it should be avoided where possible. See bug #1894. Build requests have a SourceStamp which specifies what sources to build. This may specify a specific revision of the source tree (so source.branch, source.revision, and source.patch are used). The .patch attribute is either None or a tuple of (patchlevel, diff), consisting of a number to use in 'patch -pN', and a unified-format context diff. Alternatively, the SourceStamp may specify a set of Changes to be built, contained in source.changes. In this case, the requeset may be mergeable with other BuildRequests on the same branch. @type source: L{buildbot.sourcestamp.SourceStamp} @ivar source: the source stamp that this BuildRequest use @type reason: string @ivar reason: the reason this Build is being requested. Schedulers provide this, but for forced builds the user requesting the build will provide a string. It comes from the buildsets table. @type properties: L{properties.Properties} @ivar properties: properties that should be applied to this build, taken from the buildset containing this build request @ivar submittedAt: a timestamp (seconds since epoch) when this request was submitted to the Builder. This is used by the CVS step to compute a checkout timestamp, as well as by the master to prioritize build requests from oldest to newest. @ivar buildername: name of the requested builder @ivar priority: request priority @ivar id: build request ID @ivar bsid: ID of the parent buildset """ source = None sources = None submittedAt = None @classmethod def fromBrdict(cls, master, brdict): """ Construct a new L{BuildRequest} from a dictionary as returned by L{BuildRequestsConnectorComponent.getBuildRequest}. This method uses a cache, which may result in return of stale objects; for the most up-to-date information, use the database connector methods. @param master: current build master @param brdict: build request dictionary @returns: L{BuildRequest}, via Deferred """ cache = master.caches.get_cache("BuildRequests", cls._make_br) return cache.get(brdict['brid'], brdict=brdict, master=master) @classmethod @defer.inlineCallbacks def _make_br(cls, brid, brdict, master): buildrequest = cls() buildrequest.id = brid buildrequest.bsid = brdict['buildsetid'] buildrequest.buildername = brdict['buildername'] buildrequest.priority = brdict['priority'] dt = brdict['submitted_at'] buildrequest.submittedAt = dt and calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple()) buildrequest.master = master # fetch the buildset to get the reason buildset = yield master.db.buildsets.getBuildset(brdict['buildsetid']) assert buildset # schema should guarantee this buildrequest.reason = buildset['reason'] # fetch the buildset properties, and convert to Properties buildset_properties = yield master.db.buildsets.getBuildsetProperties(brdict['buildsetid']) buildrequest.properties = properties.Properties.fromDict(buildset_properties) # fetch the sourcestamp dictionary sslist = yield master.db.sourcestamps.getSourceStamps(buildset['sourcestampsetid']) assert len(sslist) > 0, "Empty sourcestampset: db schema enforces set to exist but cannot enforce a non empty set" # and turn it into a SourceStamps buildrequest.sources = {} def store_source(source): buildrequest.sources[source.codebase] = source dlist = [] for ssdict in sslist: d = sourcestamp.SourceStamp.fromSsdict(master, ssdict) d.addCallback(store_source) dlist.append(d) yield defer.gatherResults(dlist) if buildrequest.sources: buildrequest.source = buildrequest.sources.values()[0] defer.returnValue(buildrequest) def requestsHaveSameCodebases(self, other): self_codebases = set(self.sources.iterkeys()) other_codebases = set(other.sources.iterkeys()) return self_codebases == other_codebases def requestsHaveChangesForSameCodebases(self, other): # Merge can only be done if both requests have sourcestampsets containing # comparable sourcestamps, that means sourcestamps with the same codebase. # This means that both requests must have exact the same set of codebases # If not then merge cannot be performed. # The second requirement is that both request have the changes in the # same codebases. # # Normaly a scheduler always delivers the same set of codebases: # sourcestamps with and without changes # For the case a scheduler is not configured with a set of codebases # it delivers only a set with sourcestamps that have changes. self_codebases = set(self.sources.iterkeys()) other_codebases = set(other.sources.iterkeys()) if self_codebases != other_codebases: return False for c in self_codebases: # Check either both or neither have changes if ((len(self.sources[c].changes) > 0) != (len(other.sources[c].changes) > 0)): return False # all codebases tested, no differences found return True def canBeMergedWith(self, other): """ Returns if both requests can be merged """ if not self.requestsHaveChangesForSameCodebases(other): return False #get codebases from myself, they are equal to other self_codebases = set(self.sources.iterkeys()) for c in self_codebases: # check to prevent exception if c not in other.sources: return False if not self.sources[c].canBeMergedWith(other.sources[c]): return False return True def mergeSourceStampsWith(self, others): """ Returns one merged sourcestamp for every codebase """ #get all codebases from all requests all_codebases = set(self.sources.iterkeys()) for other in others: all_codebases |= set(other.sources.iterkeys()) all_merged_sources = {} # walk along the codebases for codebase in all_codebases: all_sources = [] if codebase in self.sources: all_sources.append(self.sources[codebase]) for other in others: if codebase in other.sources: all_sources.append(other.sources[codebase]) assert len(all_sources)>0, "each codebase should have atleast one sourcestamp" all_merged_sources[codebase] = all_sources[0].mergeWith(all_sources[1:]) return [source for source in all_merged_sources.itervalues()] def mergeReasons(self, others): """Return a reason for the merged build request.""" reasons = [] for req in [self] + others: if req.reason and req.reason not in reasons: reasons.append(req.reason) return ", ".join(reasons) def getSubmitTime(self): return self.submittedAt @defer.inlineCallbacks def cancelBuildRequest(self): # first, try to claim the request; if this fails, then it's too late to # cancel the build anyway try: yield self.master.db.buildrequests.claimBuildRequests([self.id]) except buildrequests.AlreadyClaimedError: log.msg("build request already claimed; cannot cancel") return # then complete it with 'FAILURE'; this is the closest we can get to # cancelling a request without running into trouble with dangling # references. yield self.master.db.buildrequests.completeBuildRequests([self.id], FAILURE) # and let the master know that the enclosing buildset may be complete yield self.master.maybeBuildsetComplete(self.bsid) class BuildRequestControl: implements(interfaces.IBuildRequestControl) def __init__(self, builder, request): self.original_builder = builder self.original_request = request self.brid = request.id def subscribe(self, observer): raise NotImplementedError def unsubscribe(self, observer): raise NotImplementedError def cancel(self): d = self.original_request.cancelBuildRequest() d.addErrback(log.err, 'while cancelling build request')