# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_mixin -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Experimental optimization This module provides a single mixin class which allows protocols to collapse numerous small writes into a single larger one. @author: Jp Calderone """ from twisted.internet import reactor class BufferingMixin: """Mixin which adds write buffering. """ _delayedWriteCall = None bytes = None DELAY = 0.0 def schedule(self): return reactor.callLater(self.DELAY, self.flush) def reschedule(self, token): token.reset(self.DELAY) def write(self, bytes): """Buffer some bytes to be written soon. Every call to this function delays the real write by C{self.DELAY} seconds. When the delay expires, all collected bytes are written to the underlying transport using L{ITransport.writeSequence}. """ if self._delayedWriteCall is None: self.bytes = [] self._delayedWriteCall = self.schedule() else: self.reschedule(self._delayedWriteCall) self.bytes.append(bytes) def flush(self): """Flush the buffer immediately. """ self._delayedWriteCall = None self.transport.writeSequence(self.bytes) self.bytes = None