import subprocess import copy import os import json import errno import time import codecs import sys import re import argparse import fnmatch import glob import fcntl # # Check if config contains all the listed params # def contains(params, config): for p in params: if p not in config: return False return True # Check if a config boolean is set def configtrue(name, config): if name in config and config[name]: return True return False # Handle variable expansion of return values, variables are of the form ${XXX} # need to handle expansion in list and dicts __expand_re__ = re.compile(r"\${[^{}@\n\t :]+}") def expandresult(entry, config): if isinstance(entry, list): ret = [] for k in entry: ret.append(expandresult(k, config)) return ret if isinstance(entry, dict): ret = {} for k in entry: ret[expandresult(k, config)] = expandresult(entry[k], config) return ret if not isinstance(entry, str): return entry class expander: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def expand(self, entry): ret = getconfig([2:-1], config) if not ret: return return ret e = expander(config) while entry.find('${') != -1: newentry = __expand_re__.sub(e.expand, entry) if newentry == entry: break entry = newentry return entry # Get a configuration value def getconfig(name, config): if name in config: ret = config[name] return expandresult(ret, config) return False # Get a build configuration variable, check overrides first, then defaults def getconfigvar(name, config, target=None, stepnum=None): if target: if target in config['overrides']: if stepnum: step = "step" + str(stepnum) if step in config['overrides'][target] and name in config['overrides'][target][step]: ret = config['overrides'][target][step][name] return expandresult(ret, config) if name in config['overrides'][target]: ret = config['overrides'][target][name] return expandresult(ret, config) if name in config['defaults']: ret = config['defaults'][name] return expandresult(ret, config) return False def getconfiglist(name, config, target, stepnum): ret = [] step = "step" + str(stepnum) if target in config['overrides']: if step in config['overrides'][target] and name in config['overrides'][target][step]: ret.extend(config['overrides'][target][step][name]) if name in config['overrides'][target]: ret.extend(config['overrides'][target][name]) if name in config['defaults']: ret.extend(config['defaults'][name]) return expandresult(ret, config) # Return only unique configuration values (identified with '=' in them) def getconfiglistfilter(name, config, target, stepnum): def merge(main, newvals): have = [] for i in main: a, b = i.split(" ", 1) have.append(a) for i in newvals: # Don't want to match += if " = " in i: a, b = i.split(" ", 1) if a not in have: main.append(i) else: main.append(i) ret = [] step = "step" + str(stepnum) if target in config['overrides']: if step in config['overrides'][target] and name in config['overrides'][target][step]: merge(ret, config['overrides'][target][step][name]) if name in config['overrides'][target]: merge(ret, config['overrides'][target][name]) if name in config['defaults']: merge(ret, config['defaults'][name]) return expandresult(ret, config) # # Expand 'templates' with the configuration # # This allows values to be imported from a template if they're not already set # def expandtemplates(ourconfig): orig = copy.deepcopy(ourconfig) for t in orig['overrides']: if "TEMPLATE" in orig['overrides'][t]: template = orig['overrides'][t]["TEMPLATE"] if template not in orig['templates']: print("Error, template %s not defined" % template) sys.exit(1) for v in orig['templates'][template]: val = orig['templates'][template][v] if v not in ourconfig['overrides'][t]: ourconfig['overrides'][t][v] = copy.deepcopy(orig['templates'][template][v]) elif not isinstance(val, str) and not isinstance(val, bool) and not isinstance(val, int): for w in val: if w not in ourconfig['overrides'][t][v]: ourconfig['overrides'][t][v][w] = copy.deepcopy(orig['templates'][template][v][w]) return ourconfig # # Helper to load the json config files # # Defaults to the top level config.json file # however this can be customised from the environment, e.g.: # ABHELPER_JSON="config.json local.json" # ABHELPER_JSON="config.json /path/to/local.json" # files without paths are assumed to be in scripts/.. # # Values from later files overwrite values from earlier files # Lists are replaced, dict elements are replaced. # Deletion of a field isn't possible # def loadconfig(): files = "config.json" if "ABHELPER_JSON" in os.environ: files = os.environ["ABHELPER_JSON"] scriptsdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def handledict(config, ourconfig, c): if not c in ourconfig: ourconfig[c] = config[c] return for x in config[c]: if isinstance(config[c][x], dict): handledict(config[c], ourconfig[c], x) else: ourconfig[c][x] = config[c][x] ourconfig = {} for f in files.split(): p = f if not f.startswith("/"): p = os.path.join(scriptsdir, '..', f) with open(p) as j: config = json.load(j) for c in config: if isinstance(config[c], dict): handledict(config, ourconfig, c) else: ourconfig[c] = config[c] # Expand templates in the configuration ourconfig = expandtemplates(ourconfig) return ourconfig # # Common function to determine if buildhistory is enabled and what the parameters are # def getbuildhistoryconfig(ourconfig, builddir, target, reponame, branchname, stepnum): if contains(["BUILD_HISTORY_DIR", "BUILD_HISTORY_REPO"], ourconfig): if getconfigvar("BUILDHISTORY", ourconfig, target, stepnum): base = None if "/" in reponame: reponame = reponame.rsplit("/", 1)[1] if reponame.endswith(".git"): reponame = reponame[:-4] if (reponame + ":" + branchname) in getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_DIRECTPUSH", ourconfig): base = reponame + ":" + branchname if (reponame + ":" + branchname) in getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_FORKPUSH", ourconfig): base = getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_FORKPUSH", ourconfig)[reponame + ":" + branchname] if base: baserepo, basebranch = base.split(":") bh_path = getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_DIR", ourconfig) if not os.path.isabs(bh_path): bh_path = os.path.join(builddir, bh_path) remoterepo = getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_REPO", ourconfig) remotebranch = reponame + "/" + branchname + "/" + target baseremotebranch = baserepo + "/" + basebranch + "/" + target return bh_path, remoterepo, remotebranch, baseremotebranch return None, None, None, None # # Run a command, trigger a traceback with command output if it fails # def runcmd(cmd): return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def fetchgitrepo(clonedir, repo, params, stashdir): sharedrepo = "%s/%s" % (clonedir, repo) branch = params["branch"] revision = params["revision"] print("Checking for stash at: " + stashdir + "/" + repo) flush() if os.path.exists(stashdir + "/" + repo): print("Cloning from stash to %s..." % sharedrepo) flush() subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", "file://%s/%s" % (stashdir, repo), "%s/%s" % (clonedir, repo)]) subprocess.check_call(["git", "remote", "rm", "origin"], cwd=sharedrepo) subprocess.check_call(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", params["url"]], cwd=sharedrepo) print("Updating from origin...") flush() subprocess.check_call(["git", "fetch", "origin"], cwd=sharedrepo) subprocess.check_call(["git", "fetch", "origin", "-t"], cwd=sharedrepo) else: print("Cloning from origin to %s..." % sharedrepo) flush() subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", params["url"], sharedrepo]) print("Updating checkout...") flush() subprocess.check_call(["git", "checkout", branch], cwd=sharedrepo) # git reset revision==HEAD won't help, we need to reset onto the potentially fetched origin branch subprocess.check_call(["git", "reset", "origin/" + branch, "--hard"], cwd=sharedrepo) subprocess.check_call(["git", "reset", revision, "--hard"], cwd=sharedrepo) def publishrepo(clonedir, repo, publishdir): sharedrepo = "%s/%s" % (clonedir, repo) revision = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=sharedrepo).decode('utf-8').strip() archive_name = repo + "-" + revision + ".tar.bz2" subprocess.check_call("git archive --format=tar HEAD --prefix=" + repo + "/ | bzip2 -c > " + archive_name, shell=True, cwd=sharedrepo) subprocess.check_call("sha256sum " + archive_name + " >> " + archive_name + ".sha256sum", shell=True, cwd=sharedrepo) mkdir(publishdir) subprocess.check_call("rsync -av " + archive_name + "* " + publishdir, shell=True, cwd=sharedrepo) def mkdir(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: # Do not complain if the directory exists raise e def flush(): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() def printheader(msg, timestamp=True): print("") print("====================================================================================================") if timestamp is True: print("%s (%s)" % (msg, round(time.time(), 1))) elif timestamp: print("%s (%s)" % (msg, timestamp)) else: print(msg) print("====================================================================================================") print("") flush() class HeaderPrinter(object): def __init__(self): self.last = time.time() def printheader(self, msg): printheader(msg, "%s: %s" % (round(time.time(), 1), round(time.time() - self.last, 1))) self.last = time.time() def errorreportdir(builddir): return builddir + "/tmp/log/error-report/" class ErrorReport(object): def __init__(self, ourconfig, target, builddir, branchname, revision): self.ourconfig = ourconfig = target self.builddir = builddir self.branchname = branchname self.revision = revision def create(self, command, stepnum, logfile): report = {} report['machine'] = getconfigvar("MACHINE", self.ourconfig,, stepnum) report['distro'] = getconfigvar("DISTRO", self.ourconfig,, stepnum) report['build_sys'] = "unknown" report['nativelsb'] = "unknown" report['target_sys'] = "unknown" report['component'] = 'bitbake' report['branch_commit'] = self.branchname + ': ' + self.revision failure = {} failure['package'] = "bitbake" if 'bitbake-selftest' in command: report['error_type'] = 'bitbake-selftest' failure['task'] = command[command.find('bitbake-selftest'):] elif 'oe-selftest' in command: report['error_type'] = 'oe-selftest' failure['task'] = command[command.find('oe-selftest'):] elif 'yocto-check-layer' in command: report['error_type'] = 'check-layer' failure['task'] = command[command.find('yocto-check-layer'):] else: report['error_type'] = 'core' failure['task'] = command[command.find('bitbake'):] if os.path.exists(logfile): with open(logfile) as f: loglines = f.readlines() failure['log'] = "".join(loglines) else: failure['log'] = "Command failed" report['failures'] = [failure] errordir = errorreportdir(self.builddir) mkdir(errordir) filename = os.path.join(errordir, "error_report_bitbake_%d.txt" % (int(time.time()))) with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f: json.dump(report, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) class ArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def error(self, message): # Show the help if there's an argument parsing error (e.g. no arguments, missing argument, ...) sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n' % message) self.print_help() sys.exit(2) # # Figure out which branch we might need to compare against # Also return whether this is a forked branch or not. # def getcomparisonbranch(ourconfig, reponame, branchname): print("Working off %s:%s\n" % (reponame, branchname)) if "/" in reponame: reponame = reponame.rsplit("/", 1)[1] if reponame.endswith(".git"): reponame = reponame[:-4] if (reponame + ":" + branchname) in getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_FORKPUSH", ourconfig): base = getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_FORKPUSH", ourconfig)[reponame + ":" + branchname] if base: comparerepo, comparebranch = base.split(":") print("Comparing to %s\n" % (comparebranch)) return branchname, comparebranch if (reponame + ":" + branchname) in getconfig("BUILD_HISTORY_DIRECTPUSH", ourconfig): return branchname, None return None, None def sha256_file(filename): """ Return the hex string representation of the 256-bit SHA checksum of filename. """ import hashlib import mmap method = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename, "rb") as f: try: with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mm: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): method.update(chunk) except ValueError: # You can't mmap() an empty file so silence this exception pass return method.hexdigest() def enable_buildtools_tarball(btdir): btenv = glob.glob(btdir + "/environment-setup*") print("Using buildtools %s" % btenv) # We either parse or wrap all our execution calls, rock and a hard place :( with open(btenv[0], "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("export "): line = line.strip().split(" ", 1)[1].split("=", 1) if "$PATH" in line[1]: line[1] = line[1].replace("$PATH", os.environ["PATH"]) if line[1].startswith(("'", '"')): line[1] = line[1][1:-1] os.environ[line[0]] = line[1] elif line.startswith("unset "): line = line.strip().split(" ", 1)[1] if line in os.environ: del os.environ[line] def setup_buildtools_tarball(ourconfig, workername, btdir, checkonly=False): bttarball = None if "buildtools" in ourconfig and workername: btcfg = getconfig("buildtools", ourconfig) for entry in btcfg: if fnmatch.fnmatch(workername, entry): bttarball = btcfg[entry] break if checkonly: return bttarball btenv = None if bttarball: sha256 = None if ";" in bttarball: bttarball, sha256 = bttarball.split(";") btdir = os.path.abspath(btdir) if not os.path.exists(btdir): btdlpath = getconfig("BASE_SHAREDDIR", ourconfig) + "/buildtools/" + os.path.basename(bttarball) print("Extracting buildtools %s" % bttarball) btlock = btdlpath + ".lock" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(btdlpath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(btdlpath), exist_ok=True) while True: try: with open(btlock, 'a+') as lf: fileno = lf.fileno() fcntl.flock(fileno, fcntl.LOCK_EX) if sha256 and os.path.exists(btdlpath): dl_sha256 = sha256_file(btdlpath) if dl_sha256 != sha256: os.unlink(btdlpath) if not os.path.exists(btdlpath): if bttarball.startswith("/"): subprocess.check_call(["cp", bttarball, btdlpath]) else: subprocess.check_call(["wget", "-O", btdlpath, bttarball]) os.chmod(btdlpath, 0o775) break except OSError: # We raced with someone else, try again pass subprocess.check_call(["bash", btdlpath, "-d", btdir, "-y"]) enable_buildtools_tarball(btdir)