#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # # Called with $1 as the build directory # $2 as the path to yocto-docs # $3 as the path to bitbake # # Environment variables: # - docs_buildtools as the path to buildtools script for the docs. # Can be found here: https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/buildtools/ # - docbookarchive as the path to old (pre 3.1.5 and Sphinx migration) docs tarball # Can be found here: https://downloads.yoctoproject.org/mirror/docbook-mirror/docbook-archives-20201105.tar.xz # - PUBLISH (0/1) for whether the files should be rsync'ed to docs.yoctoproject.org set -e set -u set -o pipefail set -x builddir=$(realpath "$1") ypdocs=$(realpath "$2/documentation/") bbdocs=$(realpath "$3/doc/") docs_buildtools=${docs_buildtools:-/srv/autobuilder/autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/buildtools/x86_64-buildtools-docs-nativesdk-standalone-4.1.2.sh} outputdir=$builddir/output scriptdir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" PUBLISH=${PUBLISH:-1} cd $builddir mkdir buildtools $docs_buildtools -y -d $builddir/buildtools . $builddir/buildtools/environment-setup* # Getting the old docbook built docs from an archive. Not rebuilding them. #wget https://downloads.yoctoproject.org/mirror/docbook-mirror/docbook-archives-20201105.tar.xz docbookarchive=${docbookarchive:-/srv/autobuilder/autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/docbook-mirror/docbook-archives-20201105.tar.xz} mkdir $outputdir cd $outputdir echo Extracing old content from archive tar --exclude=eclipse -xJf $docbookarchive $scriptdir/docs_add_banner.py cd $bbdocs mkdir $outputdir/bitbake # A decision was made to keep updating all the Sphinx generated docs for the moment, # even the ones corresponding to no longer supported releases # https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/docs/message/2193 # We copy the releases.rst file from master so that all versions of the docs # see the latest releases. first_sphinx_commit=84ccba0f4aff91528f764523fe1205a354c889ed latest_branch=$(git branch --remote --contains "$first_sphinx_commit" --format '%(refname:lstrip=3)' --sort='-version:refname' | grep --max-count=1 "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*") for branch in 1.46 $(git branch --remote --contains "$first_sphinx_commit" --format '%(refname:lstrip=3)'); do if [ "$branch" = "HEAD" ]; then continue fi echo Building bitbake $branch branch git checkout $branch git reset --hard git clean -ffdx git checkout origin/master releases.rst make clean SPHINXOPTS="-j auto" make publish if [ "$branch" = "master-next" ]; then branch="next" mkdir $outputdir/bitbake/$branch elif [ "$branch" = "master" ]; then branch="dev" mkdir $outputdir/bitbake/$branch elif [ "$branch" = "$latest_branch" ]; then branch="" mkdir $outputdir/bitbake/$latest_branch cp -r ./_build/final/* $outputdir/bitbake/$latest_branch else mkdir $outputdir/bitbake/$branch fi cp -r ./_build/final/* $outputdir/bitbake/$branch git reset --hard git clean -ffdx done if [ "$PUBLISH" -ne 0 ]; then # only sync bitbake folder for now. We need bitbake to be published first # since the bitbake intersphinx index will be downloaded to build yocto-docs cd $outputdir rsync -irlp --checksum --ignore-times --delete bitbake docs@docs.yoctoproject.org:docs/ fi cd $ypdocs # transition must build after master for the switchers.js file # Again, keeping even the no longer supported releases (see above comment) first_sphinx_commit=01dd5af7954e24552aca022917669b27bb0541ed first_dunfell_sphinx_commit=c25fe058b88b893b0d146f3ed27320b47cdec236 git checkout origin/master set_versions.py #latest_tag=$(git tag --contains "$first_sphinx_commit" --contains "$first_dunfell_sphinx_commit" --sort="version:refname" 'yocto-*' | tail -1 | sed 's/yocto-//') latest_tag=$(./set_versions.py getlatest) git reset --hard git clean -ffdx for branch in dunfell $(git branch --remote --contains "$first_sphinx_commit" --format '%(refname:lstrip=3)') $(git tag --contains "$first_sphinx_commit" --contains "$first_dunfell_sphinx_commit" 'yocto-*') transition; do if [ "$branch" = "HEAD" ]; then continue fi # Do not build -next branches as they are development branches only # Do build master-next branch though! if echo "$branch" | grep -v "master-next" | grep -q -E "-next$"; then continue fi echo Building $branch git checkout $branch git reset --hard git clean -ffdx if [ -e "${scriptdir}/docs-build-patches/${branch}/" ]; then echo Adding patch for $branch git am "${scriptdir}/docs-build-patches/${branch}/"000* fi git checkout origin/master sphinx-static/switchers.js.in set_versions.py if [ -e poky.yaml ]; then cp poky.yaml poky.yaml.in case $branch in yocto-*) ./set_versions.py $(echo "$branch" | sed 's/yocto-//') ;; *) ./set_versions.py ;; esac fi make clean SPHINXOPTS="-j auto" make publish # Strip yocto- from tag names branch=$(echo "$branch" | sed 's/yocto-//') if [ "$branch" = "master-next" ]; then branch="next" mkdir -p $outputdir/$branch elif [ "$branch" = "master" ]; then branch="dev" mkdir -p $outputdir/$branch elif [ "$branch" = "$latest_tag" ]; then branch="" mkdir -p $outputdir/$latest_tag cp -r ./_build/final/* $outputdir/$latest_tag echo Linking to $latest_tag as current ln -s $latest_tag $outputdir/current elif [ "$branch" = "transition" ]; then branch="" else mkdir -p $outputdir/$branch fi cp -r ./_build/final/* $outputdir/$branch git reset --hard git clean -ffdx done # Update bitbake switchers.js with the copy from master ypdocs cd $outputdir/bitbake find . -name switchers.js -exec cp $outputdir/current/_static/switchers.js {} \; if [ "$PUBLISH" -ne 0 ]; then cd $outputdir rsync -irlp --checksum --ignore-times --delete . docs@docs.yoctoproject.org:docs/ fi