#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Iterate over a set of repositories in a json file and setup a shared directory containing them # import json import os import sys import subprocess import errno import tempfile import utils parser = utils.ArgParser(description='Iterates over a set of repositories in a json file and sets up a shared directory containing them.') parser.add_argument('repojson', help="The json file containing the repositories to use") parser.add_argument('sharedsrcdir', help="The shared directory where the repos are to be transferred") parser.add_argument('-p', '--publish-dir', action='store', help="Where to publish artefacts to (optional)") args = parser.parse_args() ourconfig = utils.loadconfig() with open(args.repojson) as f: repos = json.load(f) stashdir = utils.getconfig("REPO_STASH_DIR", ourconfig) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="shared-repo-temp-", dir="/tmp") as tempdir: for repo in sorted(repos.keys()): utils.printheader("Intially fetching repo %s" % repo) utils.fetchgitrepo(tempdir, repo, repos[repo], stashdir) if args.publish_dir: utils.publishrepo(tempdir, repo, args.publish_dir) subprocess.check_call("rsync -a " + tempdir + "/* " + args.sharedsrcdir, shell=True)