path: root/bin/common/srtool_common.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/common/srtool_common.py')
1 files changed, 590 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/bin/common/srtool_common.py b/bin/common/srtool_common.py
index 13b5893d..d9fbd341 100755
--- a/bin/common/srtool_common.py
+++ b/bin/common/srtool_common.py
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ except:
verbose = False
cmd_skip = 0
cmd_count = 0
+cmd_test = False
srtDbName = 'srt.sqlite'
packageKeywordsFile = 'data/package_keywords.csv'
@@ -85,6 +86,12 @@ def get_name_sort(cve_name):
cve_name_sort = cve_name
return cve_name_sort
+def get_tag_key(tag,key,default=None):
+ d = json.loads(tag)
+ if key in d:
+ return d[key]
+ return default
# Load the package keyword source into the database
@@ -293,7 +300,8 @@ def score_new_cves(cve_filter):
# Scan the open CVEs
if 'NEW' == cve_filter:
- sql = "SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE (status='%s' OR status='%s');" % (ORM.STATUS_NEW,ORM.STATUS_NEW_RESERVED)
+# sql = "SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE (status='%s' OR status='%s') AND score_date IS NULL;" % (ORM.STATUS_NEW,ORM.STATUS_NEW_RESERVED)
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE status='%s' AND score_date IS NULL;" % (ORM.STATUS_NEW)
elif cve_filter.startswith('CVE-'):
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE name LIKE "'+cve_filter+'%"')
@@ -318,22 +326,24 @@ def score_new_cves(cve_filter):
record_count = 0
write_count = 0
ds_count = 0
+ is_change = False
time_now = datetime.now()
for i,cve in enumerate(cur):
cve_name = cve[ORM.CVE_NAME]
- #cve_score_date = datetime.strptime(source[ORM.CVE_SCORE_DATE], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- # If there is any score_date, then nothing to do here
- continue
+# if cve[ORM.CVE_SCORE_DATE]:
+# #cve_score_date = datetime.strptime(source[ORM.CVE_SCORE_DATE], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+# # If there is any score_date, then nothing to do here
+# continue
# Progress indicator support
if 0 == i % 10:
print('%04d: %20s\r' % (i,cve_name), end='')
- if (0 == i % 200) and not cmd_skip:
+ if (0 == i % 200) and (not cmd_skip) and is_change:
print("%4d: COMMIT" % i)
+ is_change = False
# Development/debug support
if cmd_skip:
if i < cmd_skip:
@@ -351,21 +361,24 @@ def score_new_cves(cve_filter):
recommend,recommend_list = compute_recommends(cve)
cve_packages = ''
if recommend_list:
# Go ahead and create/attach packages to CVEs
cve_packages = attach_packages(cur_write, cve, recommend_list)
- #cve_packages = cve[ORM.CVE_PACKAGES]
+ else:
+ cve_packages = cve[ORM.CVE_PACKAGES]
- sql = ''' UPDATE orm_cve
- SET recommend = ?,
- recommend_list = ?,
- packages = ?,
- score_date = ?
- WHERE id = ?'''
- cur_write.execute(sql, (recommend, recommend_list, cve_packages, time_now.strftime(ORM.DATASOURCE_DATETIME_FORMAT), cve[ORM.CVE_ID]))
- write_count += 1
+ # Always set score_date since it has been evaluated
+ # NOTE: we do not touch 'cve.srt_updated' for this background change
+ sql = ''' UPDATE orm_cve
+ SET recommend = ?,
+ recommend_list = ?,
+ packages = ?,
+ score_date = ?
+ WHERE id = ?'''
+ cur_write.execute(sql, (recommend, recommend_list, cve_packages, time_now.strftime(ORM.DATASOURCE_DATETIME_FORMAT), cve[ORM.CVE_ID]))
+ write_count += 1
+ is_change = True
- if verbose: print(" %d:%s:%s" % (recommend,recommend_list,cve_packages))
+# if verbose: print(" %d:%s:%s" % (recommend,recommend_list,cve_packages))
# Attach all matching CVE sources
for ds_obj in ds_list:
@@ -379,8 +392,9 @@ def score_new_cves(cve_filter):
ds_count += 1
print("%30sADDED [%4d]: %20s <- %20s\r" % ('',ds_count,ds_obj['key'],cve[ORM.CVE_NAME]),end='')
- conn.commit()
- print("COMMIT")
+ if is_change:
+ conn.commit()
+ print("COMMIT")
print("\nUpdated CVEs=%d, Added alternate sources=%d" % (write_count,ds_count))
@@ -412,6 +426,430 @@ def init_notify_categories(filename):
+# Update cumulative Cve/Vulnerability/Investigation status
+# * Scan the respective child Vulnerabilities/Investigations/Defects, and
+# sum them into cumulative status for parent
+# * Rules for Status:
+# If any child is VULNERABLE, then the parent is VULNERABLE
+# else if any child is INVESTIGATE, then the parent is INVESTIGATE
+# else if any child is NEW, then the parent is INVESTIGATE
+# else the parent is NOT_VULNERABLE
+# * Exceptions:
+# Children that are 'ORM.STATUS_HISTORICAL' or 'ORM.STATUS_NEW_RESERVED' have no vote
+# If there are no children nor any children with votes, then the status is left unchanged
+# * Rules for Priority:
+# If any child has a higher priority, that priority is used
+def _update_cve_status(cur,cve,srtool_today,update_skip_history):
+ if verbose: print("Cve:%s:%s" % (cve[ORM.CVE_NAME],ORM.get_orm_string(cve[ORM.CVE_STATUS],ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ # Is status locked?
+ # if cve[ORM.CVE_STATUS_LOCK]:
+ # return
+ # Get the CVE's Vulnerabilities
+ cve_priority = cve[ORM.CVE_PRIORITY]
+ cve_status = None
+ vote_count = 0
+ cve2vuls = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_cvetovulnerablility where cve_id = '%s'" % cve[ORM.CVE_ID]).fetchall()
+ for cve2vul in cve2vuls:
+ vulnerability = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_vulnerability where id = '%s'" % vulnerability_id).fetchone()
+ # Compute Status
+ status = vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_STATUS]
+ if verbose: print(" %s,%s" % (vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_NAME],ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ if verbose: print(" %s => %s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(cve_status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ vote_count += 1
+ break
+ if verbose: print(" %s => (%s),%s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(cve_status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ vote_count += 1
+ # tentative not vulnerable
+ vote_count += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Non-voting status: Active:Historical,New-Reserved Inactive:(New),(Investigate),(Vulnerable),Vulnerable)
+ continue
+ # Compute Priority
+ if cve_priority < vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_PRIORITY]:
+ cve_priority = vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_PRIORITY]
+ # If no votes, skip and leave existing status
+ if 0 == vote_count:
+ if verbose: print(" No votes:skip")
+ return
+ # if no votes away from 'not vulnerable', defer to 'not vulnerable'
+ if None == cve_status:
+ if verbose: print(" defer => %s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(cve_status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ # Update status
+ history_update = []
+ if cve[ORM.CVE_STATUS] != cve_status:
+ history_update.append(ORM.UPDATE_STATUS % (
+ ORM.get_orm_string(cve[ORM.CVE_STATUS],ORM.STATUS_STR),
+ ORM.get_orm_string(cve_status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ if cve[ORM.CVE_PRIORITY] < cve_priority:
+ history_update.append(ORM.UPDATE_PRIORITY % (
+ ORM.get_orm_string(cve_priority,ORM.PRIORITY_STR)))
+ if history_update:
+ if verbose: print(" Change CVE:%s" % ';'.join(history_update))
+ if not cmd_test:
+ sql = "UPDATE orm_cve SET status=?, priority=?, srt_updated=? WHERE id=?"
+ cur.execute(sql, (cve_status,cve_priority,srtool_today,cve[ORM.CVE_ID],) )
+ if not update_skip_history:
+ # Add status update in history
+ update_comment = "%s%s {%s}" % (ORM.UPDATE_UPDATE_STR % ORM.UPDATE_SOURCE_DEFECT,';'.join(history_update),'Cumulative update from vulnerabilities')
+ sql = '''INSERT INTO orm_cvehistory (cve_id, comment, date, author) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'''
+ cur.execute(sql, (cve[ORM.CVE_ID],update_comment,srtool_today.strftime(ORM.DATASOURCE_DATE_FORMAT),ORM.USER_SRTOOL_NAME,) )
+ # Create notification
+ ### TO-DO
+ pass
+ else:
+ if verbose: print(" No status change needed!")
+def update_cve_status(cve_list,update_skip_history):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(srtDbName)
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ srtool_today = datetime.today()
+ if 'all' == cve_list:
+ cves = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_cve").fetchall()
+ else:
+ cve_paren_list = str(cve_list.split(',')).replace('[','(').replace(']',')')
+ if verbose: print("SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE name IN %s" % cve_paren_list)
+ cves = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE name IN %s" % cve_paren_list).fetchall()
+ if verbose: print("ACTION:update_cve_status:count=%d" % (len(cves)))
+ i = 0
+ for cve in cves:
+ # Leave "New" CVEs to Triage
+ continue
+ _update_cve_status(cur,cve,srtool_today,update_skip_history)
+ i += 1
+ if (0 == i % 100):
+ print("%5d: %-10s\r" % (i,cve[ORM.CVE_NAME]),end='')
+ if (0 == i % 200):
+ conn.commit()
+ # Development/debug support
+ if cmd_skip and (i < cmd_skip): continue
+ if cmd_count and ((i - cmd_skip) > cmd_count): break
+ print("%5d:" % (i))
+ cur.close()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# Indexes into the product table cache
+def _update_vulnerability_status(cur,vulnerability,srtool_today,product_dict,update_skip_history):
+ if verbose: print("Vulnerability:%s:%s" % (vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_NAME],ORM.get_orm_string(vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_STATUS],ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ # Is status locked?
+ # if vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_STATUS_LOCK]:
+ # return
+ # Get the Vulnerability's Investigations
+ vulnerability_priority = vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_PRIORITY]
+ vulnerability_status = None
+ vote_count = 0
+ vul2invs = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_vulnerabilitytoinvestigation where vulnerability_id = '%s'" % vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_ID]).fetchall()
+ for vul2inv in vul2invs:
+ investigation = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_investigation where id = '%s'" % investigation_id).fetchone()
+ # For now, only calculate the "Public Status", so skip non-supported products
+ product_mode = get_tag_key(product_dict[investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_PRODUCT_ID]][PRODUCT_DICT_TAG],'mode')
+ if 'support' != product_mode:
+ if verbose: print(" SKIP:Product %s is mode=%s" % (product_dict[investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_PRODUCT_ID]][PRODUCT_DICT_KEY],product_mode))
+ continue
+ # Compute Status
+ status = investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_STATUS]
+ if verbose: print(" %s,%s" % (investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_NAME],ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ if verbose: print(" %s => %s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(vulnerability_status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ vulnerability_status = ORM.STATUS_VULNERABLE
+ vote_count += 1
+ break
+ elif status in (ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE,ORM.STATUS_NEW) and vulnerability_status in (None,ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE):
+ if verbose: print(" %s => (%s),%s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(vulnerability_status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ vulnerability_status = ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE
+ vote_count += 1
+ # tentative not vulnerable
+ vote_count += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Non-voting status: Active:Historical,New-Reserved Inactive:(New),(Investigate),(Vulnerable),Vulnerable)
+ continue
+ # Compute Priority
+ if vulnerability_priority < investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_PRIORITY]:
+ vulnerability_priority = investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_PRIORITY]
+ # If no votes, skip and leave existing status
+ if 0 == vote_count:
+ if verbose: print(" No votes:skip")
+ return
+ # if no votes away from 'not vulnerable', defer to 'not vulnerable'
+ if None == vulnerability_status:
+ vulnerability_status = ORM.STATUS_NOT_VULNERABLE
+ if verbose: print(" defer => %s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(vulnerability_status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ # Update status
+ history_update = []
+ if vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_STATUS] != vulnerability_status:
+ history_update.append(ORM.UPDATE_STATUS % (
+ ORM.get_orm_string(vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_STATUS],ORM.STATUS_STR),
+ ORM.get_orm_string(vulnerability_status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ if vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_PRIORITY] < vulnerability_priority:
+ history_update.append(ORM.UPDATE_PRIORITY % (
+ ORM.get_orm_string(vulnerability_priority,ORM.PRIORITY_STR)))
+ if history_update:
+ if verbose: print(" Change Vulnerability:%s" % ';'.join(history_update))
+ if not cmd_test:
+ sql = "UPDATE orm_vulnerability SET status=?, priority=?, srt_updated=? WHERE id=?"
+ cur.execute(sql, (vulnerability_status,vulnerability_priority,srtool_today,vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_ID],) )
+ if not update_skip_history:
+ # Add status update in history
+ update_comment = "%s%s {%s}" % (ORM.UPDATE_UPDATE_STR % ORM.UPDATE_SOURCE_DEFECT,';'.join(history_update),'Cumulative update from investigations')
+ sql = '''INSERT INTO orm_vulnerabilityhistory (vulnerability_id, comment, date, author) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'''
+ cur.execute(sql, (vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_ID],update_comment,srtool_today.strftime(ORM.DATASOURCE_DATE_FORMAT),ORM.USER_SRTOOL_NAME,) )
+ # Create notification
+ ### TO-DO
+ pass
+ else:
+ if verbose: print(" No status change needed!")
+def update_vulnerability_status(vulnerability_list,update_skip_history):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(srtDbName)
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ srtool_today = datetime.today()
+ # Pre-gather and cache the product information
+ product_dict = {}
+ products = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_product").fetchall()
+ for product in products:
+ product_dict[ product[ORM.PRODUCT_ID] ] = [product[ORM.PRODUCT_KEY],product[ORM.PRODUCT_PRODUCT_TAGS]]
+ if 'all' == vulnerability_list:
+ vulnerabilities = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_vulnerability").fetchall()
+ else:
+ vulnerability_paren_list = str(vulnerability_list.split(',')).replace('[','(').replace(']',')')
+ if verbose: print("SELECT * FROM orm_vulnerability WHERE name IN %s" % vulnerability_paren_list)
+ vulnerabilities = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_vulnerability WHERE name IN %s" % vulnerability_paren_list).fetchall()
+ i = 0
+ for vulnerability in vulnerabilities:
+ _update_vulnerability_status(cur,vulnerability,srtool_today,product_dict,update_skip_history)
+ i += 1
+ if (0 == i % 100):
+ print("%5d: %-10s\r" % (i,vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_NAME]),end='')
+ if (0 == i % 200):
+ conn.commit()
+ # Development/debug support
+ if cmd_skip and (i < cmd_skip): continue
+ if cmd_count and ((i - cmd_skip) > cmd_count): break
+ print("%5d:" % (i))
+ cur.close()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+def _update_investigation_status(cur,investigation,srtool_today,update_skip_history):
+ if verbose: print("Investigation:%s:%s" % (investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_NAME],ORM.get_orm_string(investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_STATUS],ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ # Is status locked?
+ # if investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_STATUS_LOCK]:
+ # return
+ # Get the Investigation's Defects
+ investigation_priority = investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_PRIORITY]
+ investigation_status = None
+ vote_count = 0
+ inv2defs = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_investigationtodefect where investigation_id = '%s'" % investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_ID]).fetchall()
+ for inv2def in inv2defs:
+ defect = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_defect where id = '%s'" % defect_id).fetchone()
+ # Compute Status
+ status = defect[ORM.DEFECT_SRT_STATUS]
+ if verbose: print(" %s,%s" % (defect[ORM.DEFECT_NAME],ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ if verbose: print(" %s => %s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(investigation_status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ investigation_status = ORM.STATUS_VULNERABLE
+ vote_count += 1
+ break
+ elif status in (ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE,ORM.STATUS_NEW) and investigation_status in (None,ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE):
+ if verbose: print(" %s => (%s),%s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(investigation_status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(status,ORM.STATUS_STR),ORM.get_orm_string(ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ investigation_status = ORM.STATUS_INVESTIGATE
+ vote_count += 1
+ # tentative not vulnerable
+ vote_count += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Non-voting status: Active:Historical,New-Reserved Inactive:(New),(Investigate),(Vulnerable),Vulnerable)
+ continue
+ # Compute Priority
+ if investigation_priority < defect[ORM.DEFECT_SRT_PRIORITY]:
+ investigation_priority = defect[ORM.DEFECT_SRT_PRIORITY]
+ # If no votes, skip and leave existing status
+ if 0 == vote_count:
+ if verbose: print(" No votes:skip")
+ return
+ # if no votes away from 'not vulnerable', defer to 'not vulnerable'
+ if None == investigation_status:
+ investigation_status = ORM.STATUS_NOT_VULNERABLE
+ if verbose: print(" defer => %s" % (ORM.get_orm_string(investigation_status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ investigation_outcome = None
+ for inv2def in inv2defs:
+ outcome = defect[ORM.DEFECT_SRT_OUTCOME]
+ if (ORM.OUTCOME_OPEN == outcome) or (ORM.OUTCOME_OPEN == investigation_outcome):
+ investigation_outcome = ORM.OUTCOME_OPEN
+ continue
+ if (ORM.OUTCOME_FIXED == outcome) or (ORM.OUTCOME_FIXED == investigation_outcome):
+ investigation_outcome = ORM.OUTCOME_FIXED
+ continue
+ investigation_outcome = outcome
+ if not investigation_outcome:
+ investigation_outcome = investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_OUTCOME]
+ if False:
+ # FIXUP: Status: overwrite if new is Fixed and old isn't "VULNERABLE"
+ update_fixup = ('Fixed' == jira_resolution) and (ORM.STATUS_VULNERABLE != cve[ORM.CVE_STATUS])
+ # Update status
+ history_update = []
+ if investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_STATUS] != investigation_status:
+ history_update.append(ORM.UPDATE_STATUS % (
+ ORM.get_orm_string(investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_STATUS],ORM.STATUS_STR),
+ ORM.get_orm_string(investigation_status,ORM.STATUS_STR)))
+ if investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_OUTCOME] != investigation_outcome:
+ history_update.append(ORM.UPDATE_OUTCOME % (
+ ORM.get_orm_string(investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_OUTCOME],ORM.OUTCOME_STR),
+ ORM.get_orm_string(investigation_outcome,ORM.OUTCOME_STR)))
+ if investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_PRIORITY] < investigation_priority:
+ history_update.append(ORM.UPDATE_PRIORITY % (
+ ORM.get_orm_string(investigation_priority,ORM.PRIORITY_STR)))
+ if history_update:
+ if verbose: print(" Change Investigation:%s" % ';'.join(history_update))
+ if not cmd_test:
+ sql = "UPDATE orm_investigation SET status=?, outcome=?, priority=?, srt_updated=? WHERE id=?"
+ cur.execute(sql, (investigation_status,investigation_outcome,investigation_priority,srtool_today,investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_ID],) )
+ if not update_skip_history:
+ # Add status update in history
+ update_comment = "%s%s {%s}" % (ORM.UPDATE_UPDATE_STR % ORM.UPDATE_SOURCE_DEFECT,';'.join(history_update),'Cumulative update from defects')
+ sql = '''INSERT INTO orm_investigationhistory (investigation_id, comment, date, author) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'''
+ cur.execute(sql, (investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_ID],update_comment,srtool_today.strftime(ORM.DATASOURCE_DATE_FORMAT),ORM.USER_SRTOOL_NAME,) )
+ # Create notification
+ ### TO-DO
+ pass
+ else:
+ if verbose: print(" No status change needed!")
+def update_investigation_status(investigation_list,update_skip_history):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(srtDbName)
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ srtool_today = datetime.today()
+ if 'all' == investigation_list:
+ investigations = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_investigation").fetchall()
+ else:
+ investigation_paren_list = str(investigation_list.split(',')).replace('[','(').replace(']',')')
+ if verbose: print("SELECT * FROM orm_investigation WHERE name IN %s" % investigation_paren_list)
+ investigations = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_investigation WHERE name IN %s" % investigation_paren_list).fetchall()
+ i = 0
+ for investigation in investigations:
+ _update_investigation_status(cur,investigation,srtool_today,update_skip_history)
+ i += 1
+ if (0 == i % 100):
+ print("%5d: %-10s\r" % (i,investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_NAME]),end='')
+ if (0 == i % 200):
+ conn.commit()
+ # Development/debug support
+ if cmd_skip and (i < cmd_skip): continue
+ if cmd_count and ((i - cmd_skip) > cmd_count): break
+ cur.close()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# This routine is intended for incremental cumulative status updates
+def update_cve_status_tree(cve_list,update_skip_history):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(srtDbName)
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ if 'all' == cve_list:
+ # global cumulative update
+ update_investigation_status('all', update_skip_history)
+ update_vulnerability_status('all', update_skip_history)
+ update_cve_status('all', update_skip_history)
+ return
+ # Perform a deep update on the CVEs, their vunerabilities, and their investigations
+ cve_paren_list = str(cve_list.split(',')).replace('[','(').replace(']',')')
+ if verbose: print("SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE name IN %s" % cve_paren_list)
+ cves = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE name IN %s" % cve_paren_list).fetchall()
+ if verbose: print("ACTION:update_cve_status_tree:count=%d" % (len(cves)))
+ i = 0
+ cve_list = []
+ for cve in cves:
+ cve_list.append(cve[ORM.CVE_NAME])
+ vulnerability_list = []
+ investigation_list = []
+ cve2vuls = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_cvetovulnerablility where cve_id = '%s'" % cve[ORM.CVE_ID]).fetchall()
+ for cve2vul in cve2vuls:
+ vulnerability = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_vulnerability where id = '%s'" % vulnerability_id).fetchone()
+ vulnerability_list.append(vulnerability[ORM.VULNERABILITY_NAME])
+ vul2invs = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_vulnerabilitytoinvestigation where vulnerability_id = '%s'" % vulnerability_id).fetchall()
+ for vul2inv in vul2invs:
+ investigation = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM orm_investigation where id = '%s'" % investigation_id).fetchone()
+ investigation_list.append(investigation[ORM.INVESTIGATION_NAME])
+ # Update the CVE's children status
+ update_investigation_status(','.join(investigation_list), update_skip_history)
+ update_vulnerability_status(','.join(vulnerability_list), update_skip_history)
+ # Childred are updated, now update the CVEs
+ update_cve_status(','.join(cve_list), update_skip_history)
+ cur.close()
+ conn.close()
# Generate database schema offsets
@@ -428,12 +866,23 @@ def gen_schema_header():
print("ERROR(%d): %s" % (e.returncode, e.output))
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(srtDbName)
+ cur = conn.cursor()
+ user = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users_srtuser where username = '%s'" % USER_SRTOOL_NAME).fetchone()
+ USER_SRTOOL_ID = user[0] # Hardcoded 'ORM.USERS_SRTUSER_ID'
+ conn.close()
with open(os.path.join(srtool_basepath,'bin/common/srt_schema.py'), 'w') as fd:
fd.write("# SRTool database table schema indexes\n")
fd.write("# Generated by: './bin/common/srtool_common.py --generate-schema-header'\n")
fd.write("# Should be run after any schema changes to sync commandline tools\n")
fd.write("class ORM():\n")
+ fd.write(" USER_SRTOOL_NAME = '%s'\n" % USER_SRTOOL_NAME)
+ fd.write(" USER_SRTOOL_ID = %d\n" % USER_SRTOOL_ID)
for line in output.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
match = create_re.match(line)
if not match:
@@ -450,14 +899,18 @@ def gen_schema_header():
#print("%s_%s = %d" % (table.upper(),name.upper(),i))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % (table.upper(),name.upper(),i))
+ #
+ # Common SRTool Status Mappings
+ #
fd.write("\n # Shared Constants\n")
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','UNDEFINED',0))
- fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','MINOR' ,1))
- fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','LOW' ,2))
- fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','MEDIUM' ,3))
- fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','HIGH' ,4))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','LOW' ,1))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','MEDIUM' ,2))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','HIGH' ,3))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PRIORITY','CRITICAL' ,4))
fd.write(" %s = '%s'\n" % ('PRIORITY_STR', \
- 'Undefined,Minor,Low,Medium,High' \
+ 'UNDEFINED,Low,Medium,High,Critical' \
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','HISTORICAL' ,0))
@@ -466,8 +919,12 @@ def gen_schema_header():
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','INVESTIGATE' ,3))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','VULNERABLE' ,4))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','NOT_VULNERABLE',5))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','NEW_INACTIVE' ,6))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','INVESTIGATE_INACTIVE' ,7))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','VULNERABLE_INACTIVE' ,8))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('STATUS','NOT_VULNERABLE_INACTIVE',9))
fd.write(" %s = '%s'\n" % ('STATUS_STR', \
- 'Historical,New,New_Reserved,Investigate,Vulnerable,Not_Vulnerable' \
+ 'Historical,New,New_Reserved,Investigate,Vulnerable,Not_Vulnerable,(New),(Investigate),(Vulnerable),(Not Vulnerable)' \
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PUBLISH','UNPUBLISHED',0))
@@ -488,6 +945,10 @@ def gen_schema_header():
'Open,Closed,Fixed,Not_Fix' \
+ #
+ # External Defect Record Mappings
+ #
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','UNRESOLVED' ,0))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','RESOLVED' ,1))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','FIXED' ,2))
@@ -500,12 +961,39 @@ def gen_schema_header():
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','CANNOT_REPRODUCE' ,9))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','DONE' ,10))
fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('DEFECT','RESOLUTION_STR', \
- 'Unresolved,Resolved,Fixed,Will_Not_Fix,Withdrawn,Rejected,Duplicate,Not_Applicable,Replaced_By_Requirement,Cannot_Reproduce,Done' \
+ 'Unresolved,Resolved,Fixed,Will Not Fix,Withdrawn,Rejected,Duplicate,Not Applicable,Replaced By Requirement,Cannot Reproduce,Done' \
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','UNDEFINED',0))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','LOW' ,1))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','MEDIUM' ,2))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','HIGH' ,3))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','CRITICAL' ,4))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('DEFECT','PRIORITY_STR', \
+ 'UNDEFINED,P4,P3,P2,P1' \
+ ))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','STATUS_OPEN' ,0))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','STATUS_IN_PROGRESS' ,1))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','STATUS_ON_HOLD' ,2))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','STATUS_CHECKED_IN' ,3))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','STATUS_RESOLVED' ,4))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DEFECT','STATUS_CLOSED' ,5))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('DEFECT','STATUS_STR', \
+ 'Open,In progress,On Hold,Checked In,Resolved,Closed' \
+ ))
+ #
+ # Package Record Mappings
+ #
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PACKAGE','FOR' ,0))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('PACKAGE','AGAINST' ,1))
+ #
+ # Data source Record Mappings
+ #
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DATASOURCE','MINUTELY' ,0))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DATASOURCE','HOURLY' ,1))
fd.write(" %s_%s = %d\n" % ('DATASOURCE','DAILY' ,2))
@@ -519,6 +1007,55 @@ def gen_schema_header():
fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('DATASOURCE','DATE_FORMAT','%Y-%m-%d'))
fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('DATASOURCE','DATETIME_FORMAT','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
+ #
+ # Update class Mappings
+ #
+ fd.write("\n\n")
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','UPDATE_STR','UPDATE(%s):'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','CREATE_STR','CREATE(%s):'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','SOURCE_USER','User'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','SOURCE_TRIAGE','Triage'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','SOURCE_CVE','CVE'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','SOURCE_DEFECT','Defect'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','NEW_NAME','New_Name(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','PRIORITY','Priority(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','STATUS','Status(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','SEVERITY_V3','Severity_V3(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','SEVERITY_V2','Severity_V2(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DESCRIPTION','Description()'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','LASTMODIFIEDDATE','LastModifiedDate(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','OUTCOME','Outcome(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','RELEASE','Release(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','NOTE','User_Note()'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','PRIVATE_NOTE','Private_Note()'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','TAG','Tag()'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','PUBLISH_STATE','Publish_State(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','PUBLISH_DATE','Publish_Date(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ACKNOWLEDGE_DATE','AcknowledgeDate(%s,%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_CVE','Attach_CVE(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_CVE','Detach_CVE(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_VUL','Attach_Vulnerability(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_VUL','Detach_Vulnerability(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_INV','Attach_Investigration(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_INV','Detach_Investigration(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_DEV','Attach_Defect(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_DEV','Detach_Defect(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_DOC','Attach_Document(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_DOC','Detach_Document(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_USER_NOTIFY','Attach_User_Notify(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_USER_NOTIFY','Detach_User_Notify(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_ACCESS','Attach_Access(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_ACCESS','Detach_Access(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','ATTACH_PRODUCT','Attach_Product(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','DETACH_PRODUCT','Detach_Product(%s)'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','MARK_NEW','Mark_New()'))
+ fd.write(" %s_%s = '%s'\n" % ('UPDATE','MARK_UPDATED','Mark_Updated()'))
+ #
+ # Helper routine to map values to string names
+ #
fd.write(" # General routine to return string name of a constant (e.g. 'DATASOURCE_FREQUENCY_STR')\n")
fd.write(" @staticmethod\n")
@@ -536,63 +1073,15 @@ def gen_schema_header():
-# fixups
-# Recompute all of the CVE name_sort fields
-def fix_name_sort():
- conn = sqlite3.connect(srtDbName)
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur_write = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orm_cve')
- for i,cve in enumerate(cur):
- name_sort = get_name_sort(cve[ORM.CVE_NAME])
- # Progress indicator support
- if 0 == i % 10:
- print('%05d: %20s to %20s\r' % (i,cve[ORM.CVE_NAME],name_sort), end='')
- if (0 == i % 200):
- conn.commit()
- sql = ''' UPDATE orm_cve
- SET name_sort = ?
- WHERE id = ?'''
- cur_write.execute(sql, (name_sort, cve[ORM.CVE_ID],))
- conn.commit()
-# Reset empty CVE recommend fields to the proper integer zero
-def fix_cve_recommend():
- conn = sqlite3.connect(srtDbName)
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur_write = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orm_cve WHERE recommend = ""')
- i = 0
- for cve in cur:
- i += 1
- # Progress indicator support
- if 0 == i % 10:
- print('%05d: %20s\r' % (i,cve[ORM.CVE_NAME]), end='')
- if (0 == i % 200):
- conn.commit()
- sql = ''' UPDATE orm_cve
- SET recommend = ?
- WHERE id = ?'''
- cur_write.execute(sql, (0, cve[ORM.CVE_ID],))
- print("CVE RECOMMEND FIX COUNT=%d" % i)
- conn.commit()
# main loop
def main(argv):
global verbose
+ global update_skip_history
global cmd_skip
global cmd_count
+ global cmd_test
# setup
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='srtool_common.py: manage SRTool common source data')
@@ -600,15 +1089,24 @@ def main(argv):
parser.add_argument('--init-notify-categories', '-n', action='store_const', const='init_notify_categories', dest='command', help='Initialize notify categories')
parser.add_argument('--score-new-cves', '-s', dest='score_new_cves', help='Score CVEs for triage [NEW|CVE-1234]')
parser.add_argument('--generate-schema-header', '-g', action='store_const', const='gen_schema_header', dest='command', help='Generate database schema header')
+ parser.add_argument('--update-cve-status-tree', '-S', dest='update_cve_status_tree', help="Update CVEs and their children's cumulative status")
+ parser.add_argument('--update-investigation-status', '-I', dest='update_investigation_status', help='Update Investigation cumulative status')
+ parser.add_argument('--update-vulnerability-status', '-V', dest='update_vulnerability_status', help='Update Vulnerability cumulative status')
+ parser.add_argument('--update-cve-status', '-C', dest='update_cve_status', help='Update CVE cumulative status')
+ parser.add_argument('--update-skip-history', '-H', action='store_true', dest='update_skip_history', help='Skip history updates')
parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true', dest='force', help='Force the update')
+ parser.add_argument('--test', '-t', action='store_true', dest='test', help='Test run')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='Debugging: verbose output')
parser.add_argument('--skip', dest='skip', help='Debugging: skip record count')
parser.add_argument('--count', dest='count', help='Debugging: short run record count')
- parser.add_argument('--fix-name-sort', action='store_const', const='fix_name_sort', dest='command', help='Recalulate the CVE name sort values')
- parser.add_argument('--fix-cve-recommend', action='store_const', const='fix_cve_recommend', dest='command', help='Fix the empty CVE recommend values')
args = parser.parse_args()
verbose = args.verbose
+ update_skip_history = args.update_skip_history
+ cmd_test = args.test
cmd_skip = 0
if None != args.skip:
cmd_skip = int(args.skip)
@@ -618,6 +1116,9 @@ def main(argv):
if get_override('SRTDBG_MINIMAL_DB'):
cmd_count = 40
+ if verbose:
+ print('srtool_common %s' % args)
if 'init_package_keywords' == args.command:
elif 'init_notify_categories' == args.command:
@@ -626,12 +1127,16 @@ def main(argv):
elif 'gen_schema_header' == args.command:
- fix_cve_recommend()
- elif 'fix_name_sort' == args.command:
- fix_name_sort()
- elif 'fix_cve_recommend' == args.command:
- fix_cve_recommend()
+ elif args.update_cve_status_tree:
+ update_cve_status_tree(args.update_cve_status_tree, update_skip_history)
+ elif args.update_cve_status:
+ update_cve_status(args.update_cve_status, update_skip_history)
+ elif args.update_vulnerability_status:
+ update_vulnerability_status(args.update_vulnerability_status, update_skip_history)
+ elif args.update_investigation_status:
+ update_investigation_status(args.update_investigation_status, update_skip_history)
print("Command not found")