from string import Template import os class TemplateFile: """A template for creating a source file""" def __init__(self, path): # default values... # no name or file yet = '' self.sections = {} self.file = None self.path = None # open a new file for each item self.file_per_item = False # empty footer if none specified: self.sections['footer'] = [] # lines appended to body by default self.sections['body'] = [] current = self.sections['body'] self.template = open(path) for line in self.template: line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('@'): if ' ' in line: leading, trailing = line.split(' ', 1) else: leading, trailing = line, None if leading == '@name': if not trailing: raise Exception("@name requires a file name.") self.path = trailing if '$' in self.path: self.file_per_item = True else: section = leading[1:] if section not in self.sections: self.sections[section] = [] current = self.sections[section] else: current.append(line) self.template.close() for section, data in self.sections.items(): self.sections[section] = Template("\n".join(data)) # You need a file if this isn't a file-per-item if not self.file_per_item: self.file = open(self.path, 'w') def close(self): """Close the associated file.""" if self.file: self.file.close() self.file = None def __repr__(self): strings = [] if self.file_per_item: strings.append("path: %s (per item)" % self.path) else: strings.append("path: %s" % self.path) for name, data in self.sections.items(): strings.append("%s:" % name) strings.append(data.safe_substitute({})) return "\n".join(strings) def emit(self, template, item=None): """Emit a template, with optional interpolation of an item.""" if self.file_per_item: if not item: return path = Template(self.path).safe_substitute(item) if os.path.exists(path): # print "We don't overwrite existing files." return self.file = open(path, 'w') if not self.file: print "Couldn't open '%s' (expanded from %s), " \ "not emitting '%s'." % \ (path, self.path, template) return if template == "copyright": # hey, at least it's not a global variable, amirite? self.file.write(TemplateFile.copyright) elif template in self.sections: templ = self.sections[template] self.file.write(templ.safe_substitute(item)) self.file.write("\n") else: print "Warning: Unknown template '%s'." % template if self.file_per_item: self.file.close() self.file = None