@name pseudo_tables.c @header /* Tables matching enums to strings */ /* This file is generated and should not be modified. See the maketables * script if you want to modify this. */ #include "pseudo_tables.h" @body /* tables for ${name} */ static const char *${name}_id_to_name[] = { "none", ${names}, NULL }; ${column_names} /* functions for ${name} */ extern const char * pseudo_${name}_name(pseudo_${name}_t id) { if (id < 0 || id >= ${prefix}_MAX) return "unknown"; return ${name}_id_to_name[id]; } extern pseudo_${name}_t pseudo_${name}_id(const char *name) { int id; if (!name) return -1; for (id = 0; id < ${prefix}_MAX; ++id) if (!strcmp(${name}_id_to_name[id], name)) return id; return -1; } ${column_funcs} @footer