# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Icecream distributed compiling support # # Stages directories with symlinks from gcc/g++ to icecc, for both # native and cross compilers. Depending on each configure or compile, # the directories are added at the head of the PATH list and ICECC_CXX # and ICECC_CC are set. # # For the cross compiler, creates a tar.gz of our toolchain and sets # ICECC_VERSION accordingly. # # The class now handles all 3 different compile 'stages' (i.e native ,cross-kernel and target) creating the # necessary environment tar.gz file to be used by the remote machines. # It also supports meta-toolchain generation. # # If ICECC_PATH is not set in local.conf then the class will try to locate it using 'bb.utils.which' # but nothing is sure. ;) # # If ICECC_ENV_EXEC is set in local.conf, then it should point to the icecc-create-env script provided by the user # or the default one provided by icecc-create-env_0.1.bb will be used. # (NOTE that this is a modified version of the needed script and *not the one that comes with icecream*). # # User can specify if specific recipes or recipes inheriting specific classes should not use icecc to distribute # compile jobs to remote machines, but handle them locally by defining ICECC_CLASS_DISABLE and ICECC_RECIPE_DISABLE # with the appropriate values in local.conf. In addition the user can force to enable icecc for recipes # which set an empty PARALLEL_MAKE variable by defining ICECC_RECIPE_ENABLE. # ######################################################################################### # Error checking is kept to minimum so double check any parameters you pass to the class ######################################################################################### BB_BASEHASH_IGNORE_VARS += "ICECC_PARALLEL_MAKE ICECC_DISABLED ICECC_RECIPE_DISABLE \ ICECC_CLASS_DISABLE ICECC_RECIPE_ENABLE ICECC_PATH ICECC_ENV_EXEC \ ICECC_CARET_WORKAROUND ICECC_CFLAGS ICECC_ENV_VERSION \ ICECC_DEBUG ICECC_LOGFILE ICECC_REPEAT_RATE ICECC_PREFERRED_HOST \ ICECC_CLANG_REMOTE_CPP ICECC_IGNORE_UNVERIFIED ICECC_TEST_SOCKET \ ICECC_ENV_DEBUG ICECC_REMOTE_CPP \ " ICECC_ENV_EXEC ?= "${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/icecc-create-env" HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL += "icecc patchelf" # This version can be incremented when changes are made to the environment that # invalidate the version on the compile nodes. Changing it will cause a new # environment to be created. # # A useful thing to do for testing icecream changes locally is to add a # subversion in local.conf: # ICECC_ENV_VERSION:append = "-my-ver-1" ICECC_ENV_VERSION = "2" # Default to disabling the caret workaround, If set to "1" in local.conf, icecc # will locally recompile any files that have warnings, which can adversely # affect performance. # # See: https://github.com/icecc/icecream/issues/190 export ICECC_CARET_WORKAROUND ??= "0" export ICECC_REMOTE_CPP ??= "0" ICECC_CFLAGS = "" CFLAGS += "${ICECC_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS += "${ICECC_CFLAGS}" # Debug flags when generating environments ICECC_ENV_DEBUG ??= "" # Disable recipe list contains a list of recipes that can not distribute # compile tasks for one reason or the other. When adding a new entry, please # document why (how it failed) so that we can re-evaluate it later e.g. when # there is a new version. # # libgcc-initial - fails with CPP sanity check error if host sysroot contains # cross gcc built for another target tune/variant. # pixman - prng_state: TLS reference mismatches non-TLS reference, possibly due to # pragma omp threadprivate(prng_state). # systemtap - _HelperSDT.c undefs macros and uses the identifiers in macros emitting # inline assembly. # target-sdk-provides-dummy - ${HOST_PREFIX} is empty which triggers the "NULL # prefix" error. ICECC_RECIPE_DISABLE += "\ libgcc-initial \ pixman \ systemtap \ target-sdk-provides-dummy \ " # Classes that should not use icecc. When adding a new entry, please # document why (how it failed) so that we can re-evaluate it later. # # image - images aren't compiling, but the testing framework for images captures # PARALLEL_MAKE as part of the test environment. Many tests won't use # icecream, but leaving the high level of parallelism can cause them to # consume an unnecessary amount of resources. ICECC_CLASS_DISABLE += "\ image \ " def get_icecc_dep(d): # INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS doesn't apply to the patch command. Whether or not # we need that built is the responsibility of the patch function / class, not # the application. if not d.getVar('INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS'): return "icecc-create-env-native" return "" DEPENDS:prepend = "${@get_icecc_dep(d)} " get_cross_kernel_cc[vardepsexclude] += "KERNEL_CC" def get_cross_kernel_cc(bb,d): if not icecc_is_kernel(bb, d): return None # evaluate the expression by the shell if necessary kernel_cc = d.getVar('KERNEL_CC') if '`' in kernel_cc or '$(' in kernel_cc: import subprocess kernel_cc = subprocess.check_output("echo %s" % kernel_cc, shell=True).decode("utf-8")[:-1] kernel_cc = kernel_cc.replace('ccache', '').strip() kernel_cc = kernel_cc.split(' ')[0] kernel_cc = kernel_cc.strip() return kernel_cc def get_icecc(d): return d.getVar('ICECC_PATH') or bb.utils.which(os.getenv("PATH"), "icecc") def use_icecc(bb,d): if d.getVar('ICECC_DISABLED') == "1": # don't even try it, when explicitly disabled return "no" # allarch recipes don't use compiler if icecc_is_allarch(bb, d): return "no" if icecc_is_cross_canadian(bb, d): return "no" pn = d.getVar('PN') bpn = d.getVar('BPN') # Enable/disable checks are made against BPN, because there is a good # chance that if icecc should be skipped for a recipe, it should be skipped # for all the variants of that recipe. PN is still checked in case a user # specified a more specific recipe. check_pn = set([pn, bpn]) class_disable = (d.getVar('ICECC_CLASS_DISABLE') or "").split() for bbclass in class_disable: if bb.data.inherits_class(bbclass, d): bb.debug(1, "%s: bbclass %s found in disable, disable icecc" % (pn, bbclass)) return "no" disabled_recipes = (d.getVar('ICECC_RECIPE_DISABLE') or "").split() enabled_recipes = (d.getVar('ICECC_RECIPE_ENABLE') or "").split() if check_pn & set(disabled_recipes): bb.debug(1, "%s: found in disable list, disable icecc" % pn) return "no" if check_pn & set(enabled_recipes): bb.debug(1, "%s: found in enabled recipes list, enable icecc" % pn) return "yes" if d.getVar('PARALLEL_MAKE') == "": bb.debug(1, "%s: has empty PARALLEL_MAKE, disable icecc" % pn) return "no" return "yes" def icecc_is_allarch(bb, d): return d.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCH") == "all" def icecc_is_kernel(bb, d): return \ bb.data.inherits_class("kernel", d); def icecc_is_native(bb, d): return \ bb.data.inherits_class("cross", d) or \ bb.data.inherits_class("native", d); def icecc_is_cross_canadian(bb, d): return bb.data.inherits_class("cross-canadian", d) def icecc_dir(bb, d): return d.expand('${TMPDIR}/work-shared/ice') # Don't pollute allarch signatures with TARGET_FPU icecc_version[vardepsexclude] += "TARGET_FPU" def icecc_version(bb, d): if use_icecc(bb, d) == "no": return "" parallel = d.getVar('ICECC_PARALLEL_MAKE') or "" if not d.getVar('PARALLEL_MAKE') == "" and parallel: d.setVar("PARALLEL_MAKE", parallel) # Disable showing the caret in the GCC compiler output if the workaround is # disabled if d.getVar('ICECC_CARET_WORKAROUND') == '0': d.setVar('ICECC_CFLAGS', '-fno-diagnostics-show-caret') if icecc_is_native(bb, d): archive_name = "local-host-env" elif d.expand('${HOST_PREFIX}') == "": bb.fatal(d.expand("${PN}"), " NULL prefix") else: prefix = d.expand('${HOST_PREFIX}' ) distro = d.expand('${DISTRO}') target_sys = d.expand('${TARGET_SYS}') float = d.getVar('TARGET_FPU') or "hard" archive_name = prefix + distro + "-" + target_sys + "-" + float if icecc_is_kernel(bb, d): archive_name += "-kernel" import socket ice_dir = icecc_dir(bb, d) tar_file = os.path.join(ice_dir, "{archive}-{version}-@VERSION@-{hostname}.tar.gz".format( archive=archive_name, version=d.getVar('ICECC_ENV_VERSION'), hostname=socket.gethostname() )) return tar_file def icecc_path(bb,d): if use_icecc(bb, d) == "no": # don't create unnecessary directories when icecc is disabled return staging = os.path.join(d.expand('${STAGING_BINDIR}'), "ice") if icecc_is_kernel(bb, d): staging += "-kernel" return staging def icecc_get_external_tool(bb, d, tool): external_toolchain_bindir = d.expand('${EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN}${bindir_cross}') target_prefix = d.expand('${TARGET_PREFIX}') return os.path.join(external_toolchain_bindir, '%s%s' % (target_prefix, tool)) def icecc_get_tool_link(tool, d): import subprocess try: return subprocess.check_output("readlink -f %s" % tool, shell=True).decode("utf-8")[:-1] except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.note("icecc: one of the tools probably disappeared during recipe parsing, cmd readlink -f %s returned %d:\n%s" % (tool, e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8"))) return tool def icecc_get_path_tool(tool, d): # This is a little ugly, but we want to make sure we add an actual # compiler to the toolchain, not ccache. Some distros (e.g. Fedora) # have ccache enabled by default using symlinks in PATH, meaning ccache # would be found first when looking for the compiler. paths = os.getenv("PATH").split(':') while True: p, hist = bb.utils.which(':'.join(paths), tool, history=True) if not p or os.path.basename(icecc_get_tool_link(p, d)) != 'ccache': return p paths = paths[len(hist):] return "" # Don't pollute native signatures with target TUNE_PKGARCH through STAGING_BINDIR_TOOLCHAIN icecc_get_tool[vardepsexclude] += "STAGING_BINDIR_TOOLCHAIN" def icecc_get_tool(bb, d, tool): if icecc_is_native(bb, d): return icecc_get_path_tool(tool, d) elif icecc_is_kernel(bb, d): return icecc_get_path_tool(get_cross_kernel_cc(bb, d), d) else: ice_dir = d.expand('${STAGING_BINDIR_TOOLCHAIN}') target_sys = d.expand('${TARGET_SYS}') for p in ice_dir.split(':'): tool_bin = os.path.join(p, "%s-%s" % (target_sys, tool)) if os.path.isfile(tool_bin): return tool_bin external_tool_bin = icecc_get_external_tool(bb, d, tool) if os.path.isfile(external_tool_bin): return external_tool_bin return "" def icecc_get_and_check_tool(bb, d, tool): # Check that g++ or gcc is not a symbolic link to icecc binary in # PATH or icecc-create-env script will silently create an invalid # compiler environment package. t = icecc_get_tool(bb, d, tool) if t: link_path = icecc_get_tool_link(t, d) if link_path == get_icecc(d): bb.error("%s is a symlink to %s in PATH and this prevents icecc from working" % (t, link_path)) return "" else: return t else: return t set_icecc_env[vardepsexclude] += "KERNEL_CC" python set_icecc_env() { import os import subprocess if use_icecc(bb, d) == "no": return ICECC_VERSION = icecc_version(bb, d) if not ICECC_VERSION: bb.warn("Cannot use icecc: could not get ICECC_VERSION") return ICE_PATH = icecc_path(bb, d) if not ICE_PATH: bb.warn("Cannot use icecc: could not get ICE_PATH") return ICECC_BIN = get_icecc(d) if not ICECC_BIN: bb.warn("Cannot use icecc: icecc binary not found") return if (not bb.utils.which(os.getenv("PATH"), "patchelf") and not bb.utils.which(os.getenv("PATH"), "patchelf-uninative")): bb.warn("Cannot use icecc: patchelf not found") return ICECC_CC = icecc_get_and_check_tool(bb, d, "gcc") ICECC_CXX = icecc_get_and_check_tool(bb, d, "g++") # cannot use icecc_get_and_check_tool here because it assumes as without target_sys prefix ICECC_WHICH_AS = bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), 'as') if (not os.access(ICECC_CC, os.X_OK) or not os.access(ICECC_CXX, os.X_OK)): bb.note("Cannot use icecc: could not get ICECC_CC or ICECC_CXX") return cmd = [] try: cmd = [ICECC_CC, '-dumpversion'] ICE_VERSION = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.warn("icecc: '{}' returned {}:\n{}".format(cmd, e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8"))) return ICECC_VERSION = ICECC_VERSION.replace("@VERSION@", ICE_VERSION) if not os.access(d.getVar('ICECC_ENV_EXEC'), os.X_OK): bb.warn("Cannot use icecc: invalid ICECC_ENV_EXEC") return # Create symlinks to icecc and wrapper-scripts in the recipe-sysroot directory symlink_path = os.path.join(ICE_PATH, "symlinks") bb.utils.mkdirhier(symlink_path) compilers = [] if icecc_is_kernel(bb, d): compilers.append(get_cross_kernel_cc(bb,d)) else: host_prefix = d.getVar('HOST_PREFIX') compilers.extend([host_prefix + 'gcc', host_prefix + 'g++']) for compiler in compilers: try: os.symlink(ICECC_BIN, symlink_path + '/' + compiler) except FileExistsError: pass wrapper_script = os.path.join(ICE_PATH, compiler) with open(wrapper_script, 'w') as fd: fd.write("#!/bin/sh -e\n") fd.write("export ICECC_VERSION={}\n".format(ICECC_VERSION)) fd.write("export ICECC_CC={}\n".format(ICECC_CC)) fd.write("export ICECC_CXX={}\n".format(ICECC_CXX)) fd.write("{} \"$@\"\n".format(os.path.join(ICE_PATH, "symlinks", compiler))) os.chmod(wrapper_script, 0o755) try: cmd = [ICECC_CC, '-print-prog-name=as'] ICECC_AS = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.warn("icecc: '{}' returned {}:\n{}".format(cmd, e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8"))) return # for target recipes should return something like: # /OE/tmp-eglibc/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/libexec/arm920tt-oe-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-oe-linux-gnueabi/4.8.2/as # and just "as" for native, if it returns "as" in current directory (for whatever reason) use "as" from PATH if not os.path.dirname(ICECC_AS): ICECC_AS = ICECC_WHICH_AS if not os.path.isfile(ICECC_VERSION + ".done"): bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(ICECC_VERSION)) # the ICECC_VERSION generation step must be locked by a mutex # in order to prevent race conditions lock = bb.utils.lockfile(ICECC_VERSION + '.lock') try: cmd = [d.getVar('ICECC_ENV_EXEC')] if d.getVar('ICECC_ENV_DEBUG'): cmd.append(d.getVar('ICECC_ENV_DEBUG')) cmd.extend([ICECC_CC, ICECC_CXX, ICECC_AS, ICECC_VERSION]) subprocess.check_output(cmd) cmd = ['touch', ICECC_VERSION + '.done'] subprocess.check_output(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.warn("icecc: '{}' returned {}:\n{}".format(cmd, e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8"))) bb.utils.unlockfile(lock) return bb.utils.unlockfile(lock) # Don't let ccache find the icecream compiler links that have been created, otherwise # it can end up invoking icecream recursively. d.setVar('CCACHE_PATH', d.getVar('PATH')) d.setVar('CCACHE_DISABLE', '1') d.prependVar('PATH', ICE_PATH + ':') bb.note("Using icecc path: {}".format(ICE_PATH)) bb.note("Using icecc tarball: {}".format(ICECC_VERSION)) } do_configure[prefuncs] += "set_icecc_env" do_compile[prefuncs] += "set_icecc_env" do_compile_kernelmodules[prefuncs] += "set_icecc_env" do_install[prefuncs] += "set_icecc_env" # Icecream is not (currently) supported in the extensible SDK ICECC_SDK_HOST_TASK = "nativesdk-icecc-toolchain" ICECC_SDK_HOST_TASK:task-populate-sdk-ext = "" # Don't include icecream in uninative tarball ICECC_SDK_HOST_TASK:pn-uninative-tarball = "" # Add the toolchain scripts to the SDK TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK:append = " ${ICECC_SDK_HOST_TASK}" python () { if d.getVar('ICECC_DISABLED') != "1": for task in ['do_configure', 'do_compile', 'do_compile_kernelmodules', 'do_install']: d.setVarFlag(task, 'network', '1') }