{% extends "basebuilddetailpage.html" %} {% load projecttags %} {% block extraheadcontent %} {% endblock extraheadcontent %} {% block localbreadcrumb %} {% if target %}
  • {{target.target}}
  • {{package.fullpackagespec}} {% if package.alias %} as {{package.alias}}{% endif %}
  • {% else %}
  • Packages
  • {{package.fullpackagespec}}
  • {% endif %} {% endblock localbreadcrumb %} {% block pagedetailinfomain %}
    {% block twocolumns %}
    {% block tabcontent %} {% endblock tabcontent %}

    Package information

    {% comment %} if recipe is absent, filesize is not 0 {% endcomment %} {% if package.recipe_id > 0 %} {{package.size|filtered_filesizeformat}} {% if target.file_size %} ({{package.size|multiply:100|divide:target.file_size}}% of included package size) {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% comment %} # Removed per review on 1/18/2014 until license data population # problemse are resolved.
    License files
    {% endcomment %}
    {% if package.recipe_id > 0 %} {{package.recipe.name}} {% else %} {{package.recipe.name}} {% endif %}
    Recipe version
    {{package.recipe.layer_version.layer.name}} {% if package.recipe.layer_version.layer.name|format_none_and_zero != "" %} {% comment %} # Removed per team meeting of 1/29/2014 until # decision on index search algorithm {% endcomment %} {% endif %}
    {% if package.recipe.layer_version.branch %}
    Layer branch
    {% endif %}
    Layer commit
    Layer directory
    {% endblock twocolumns %} {% endblock pagedetailinfomain %}