"""Handles differences between different distributions Authors: Dave Malcolm , Zack Cerza """ __author__ = "Dave Malcolm , Zack Cerza " import os import re from version import Version from logging import debugLogger as logger class DistributionNotSupportedError(Exception): # pragma: no cover """ This distribution is not supported. """ PATCH_MESSAGE = "Please send patches to dogtail-devel-list@gnome.org" def __init__(self, distro): self.distro = distro def __str__(self): return self.distro + ". " + DistributionNotSupportedError.PATCH_MESSAGE class PackageNotFoundError(Exception): """ Error finding the requested package. """ pass global packageDb global distro class PackageDb(object): """ Class to abstract the details of whatever software package database is in use (RPM, APT, etc) """ def __init__(self): self.prefix = '/usr' self.localePrefixes = [self.prefix + '/share/locale'] def getVersion(self, packageName): """ Method to get the version of an installed package as a Version instance (or raise an exception if not found) Note: does not know about distributions' internal revision numbers. """ raise NotImplementedError def getFiles(self, packageName): """ Method to get a list of filenames owned by the package, or raise an exception if not found. """ raise NotImplementedError def getMoFiles(self, locale=None): """ Method to get a list of all .mo files on the system, optionally for a specific locale. """ moFiles = {} def appendIfMoFile(moFiles, dirName, fNames): import re for fName in fNames: if re.match('(.*)\\.mo', fName): moFiles[dirName + '/' + fName] = None for localePrefix in self.localePrefixes: if locale: localePrefix = localePrefix + '/' + locale os.path.walk(localePrefix, appendIfMoFile, moFiles) return moFiles.keys() def getDependencies(self, packageName): """ Method to get a list of unique package names that this package is dependent on, or raise an exception if the package is not found. """ raise NotImplementedError class _RpmPackageDb(PackageDb): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): PackageDb.__init__(self) def getVersion(self, packageName): import rpm ts = rpm.TransactionSet() for header in ts.dbMatch("name", packageName): return Version.fromString(header["version"]) raise PackageNotFoundError(packageName) def getFiles(self, packageName): import rpm ts = rpm.TransactionSet() for header in ts.dbMatch("name", packageName): return header["filenames"] raise PackageNotFoundError(packageName) def getDependencies(self, packageName): import rpm ts = rpm.TransactionSet() for header in ts.dbMatch("name", packageName): # Simulate a set using a hash (to a dummy value); # sets were only added in Python 2.4 result = {} # Get the list of requirements; these are # sometimes package names, but can also be # so-names of libraries, and invented virtual # ids for requirement in header[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]: # Get the name of the package providing # this requirement: for depPackageHeader in ts.dbMatch("provides", requirement): depName = depPackageHeader['name'] if depName != packageName: # Add to the Hash with a dummy value result[depName] = None return result.keys() raise PackageNotFoundError(packageName) class _AptPackageDb(PackageDb): def __init__(self): PackageDb.__init__(self) self.cache = None def getVersion(self, packageName): if not self.cache: import apt_pkg apt_pkg.init() self.cache = apt_pkg.GetCache() packages = self.cache.Packages for package in packages: if package.Name == packageName: verString = re.match( '.*Ver:\'(.*)-.*\' Section:', str(package.CurrentVer)).group(1) return Version.fromString(verString) raise PackageNotFoundError(packageName) def getFiles(self, packageName): files = [] list = os.popen('dpkg -L %s' % packageName).readlines() if not list: raise PackageNotFoundError(packageName) else: for line in list: file = line.strip() if file: files.append(file) return files def getDependencies(self, packageName): # Simulate a set using a hash (to a dummy value); # sets were only added in Python 2.4 result = {} if not self.cache: import apt_pkg apt_pkg.init() self.cache = apt_pkg.GetCache() packages = self.cache.Packages for package in packages: if package.Name == packageName: current = package.CurrentVer if not current: raise PackageNotFoundError(packageName) depends = current.DependsList list = depends['Depends'] for dependency in list: name = dependency[0].TargetPkg.Name # Add to the hash using a dummy value result[name] = None return result.keys() class _UbuntuAptPackageDb(_AptPackageDb): def __init__(self): _AptPackageDb.__init__(self) self.localePrefixes.append(self.prefix + '/share/locale-langpack') class _PortagePackageDb(PackageDb): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): PackageDb.__init__(self) def getVersion(self, packageName): # the portage utilities are almost always going to be in # /usr/lib/portage/pym import sys sys.path.append('/usr/lib/portage/pym') import portage # FIXME: this takes the first package returned in the list, in the # case that there are slotted packages, and removes the leading # category such as 'sys-apps' gentooPackageName = portage.db["/"][ "vartree"].dbapi.match(packageName)[0].split('/')[1] # this removes the distribution specific versioning returning only the # upstream version upstreamVersion = portage.pkgsplit(gentooPackageName)[1] # print "Version of package is: " + upstreamVersion return Version.fromString(upstreamVersion) class _ConaryPackageDb(PackageDb): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): PackageDb.__init__(self) def getVersion(self, packageName): from conaryclient import ConaryClient client = ConaryClient() dbVersions = client.db.getTroveVersionList(packageName) if not len(dbVersions): raise PackageNotFoundError(packageName) return dbVersions[0].trailingRevision().asString().split("-")[0] # getVersion not implemented because on Solaris multiple modules are installed # in single packages, so it is hard to tell what version number of a specific # module. class _SolarisPackageDb(PackageDb): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): PackageDb.__init__(self) class JhBuildPackageDb(PackageDb): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): PackageDb.__init__(self) prefixes = [] prefixes.append(os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']) prefixes.append(os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_DIRS']) prefixes.append(os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH']) self.prefix = os.path.commonprefix(prefixes) self.localePrefixes.append(self.prefix + '/share/locale') def getDependencies(self, packageName): result = {} lines = os.popen('jhbuild list ' + packageName).readlines() for line in lines: if line: result[line.strip()] = None return result.keys() class Distro(object): """ Class representing a distribution. Scripts may want to do arbitrary logic based on whichever distro is in use (e.g. handling differences in names of packages, distribution-specific patches, etc.) We can either create methods in the Distro class to handle these, or we can use constructs like isinstance(distro, Ubuntu) to handle this. We can even create hierarchies of distro subclasses to handle this kind of thing (could get messy fast though) """ class Fedora(Distro): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.packageDb = _RpmPackageDb() class RHEL(Fedora): # pragma: no cover pass class Debian(Distro): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.packageDb = _AptPackageDb() class Ubuntu(Debian): def __init__(self): self.packageDb = _UbuntuAptPackageDb() class Suse(Distro): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.packageDb = _RpmPackageDb() class Gentoo(Distro): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.packageDb = _PortagePackageDb() class Conary(Distro): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.packageDb = _ConaryPackageDb() class Solaris(Distro): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.packageDb = _SolarisPackageDb() class JHBuild(Distro): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.packageDb = JhBuildPackageDb() def detectDistro(): logger.log("Detecting distribution:", newline=False) if os.environ.get("CERTIFIED_GNOMIE", "no") == "yes": distro = JHBuild() # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/etc/SuSE-release"): distro = Suse() # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/etc/fedora-release"): distro = Fedora() # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): distro = RHEL() # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/usr/share/doc/ubuntu-minimal"): distro = Ubuntu() elif os.path.exists("/etc/debian_version"): # pragma: no cover distro = Debian() # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/etc/gentoo-release"): # pragma: no cover distro = Gentoo() # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/etc/slackware-version"): # pragma: no cover raise DistributionNotSupportedError("Slackware") # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/var/lib/conarydb/conarydb"): # pragma: no cover distro = Conary() # pragma: no cover elif os.path.exists("/etc/release") and \ re.match(".*Solaris", open("/etc/release").readline()): # pragma: no cover distro = Solaris() # pragma: no cover else: raise DistributionNotSupportedError("Unknown") # pragma: no cover logger.log(distro.__class__.__name__) return distro distro = detectDistro() packageDb = distro.packageDb