/* vi: set expandtab sw=4 sts=4: */ /* pkg_parse.c - the opkg package management system Copyright (C) 2009 Ubiq Technologies Steven M. Ayer Copyright (C) 2002 Compaq Computer Corporation SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "opkg_message.h" #include "opkg_utils.h" #include "pkg_parse.h" #include "xfuncs.h" #include "parse_util.h" static void parse_status(pkg_t * pkg, const char *sstr) { char sw_str[64], sf_str[64], ss_str[64]; int r; r = sscanf(sstr, "Status: %63s %63s %63s", sw_str, sf_str, ss_str); if (r != 3) { opkg_msg(ERROR, "Failed to parse Status line for %s\n", pkg->name); return; } pkg->state_want = pkg_state_want_from_str(sw_str); pkg->state_flag = pkg_state_flag_from_str(sf_str); pkg->state_status = pkg_state_status_from_str(ss_str); } static void parse_conffiles(pkg_t * pkg, const char *cstr) { char file_name[1024], md5sum[35]; int r; r = sscanf(cstr, "%1023s %34s", file_name, md5sum); if (r != 2) { opkg_msg(ERROR, "Failed to parse Conffiles line for %s\n", pkg->name); return; } conffile_list_append(&pkg->conffiles, file_name, md5sum); } static unsigned long parse_ulong(pkg_t *pkg, const char *field, const char *line) { unsigned long value = 0; char *tmp, *endptr; tmp = parse_simple(field, line); if (!tmp) { opkg_msg(ERROR, "Failed to parse %s line for %s\n", field, pkg->name); return value; } errno = 0; endptr = NULL; value = strtoul(tmp, &endptr, 0); /* strtoul won't reject negative values, so check the first character for a minus sign. The string returned by parse_simple has leading whitespace removed, so *tmp should be the first non-whitespace character */ if (errno || (*endptr != '\0') || (*tmp == '-')) opkg_msg(ERROR, "Failed to parse %s line for %s\n", field, pkg->name); free(tmp); return value; } static void parse_userfields(pkg_t *pkg, const char *cstr) { char name[1024], value[4096]; int r; r = sscanf(cstr, "%1023s %4095[^\n]", name, value); if (r != 2) { opkg_msg(ERROR, "Failed to parse User Field line for %s\n", pkg->name); return; } name[strlen(name) - 1] = '\0'; nv_pair_list_append(&pkg->userfields, name, value); } int parse_version(pkg_t * pkg, const char *vstr) { size_t offset; const char *numbers = "0123456789"; if (strncmp(vstr, "Version:", 8) == 0) vstr += 8; while (*vstr && isspace(*vstr)) vstr++; /* A colon is only the epoch separator if it is the first non-numeric * character in the string. */ offset = strspn(vstr, numbers); if (vstr[offset] == ':') { errno = 0; pkg->epoch = strtoul(vstr, NULL, 10); if (errno) { opkg_perror(ERROR, "%s: invalid epoch", pkg->name); } vstr += offset + 1; } else { pkg->epoch = 0; } pkg->version = trim_xstrdup(vstr); pkg->revision = strrchr(pkg->version, '-'); if (pkg->revision) *pkg->revision++ = '\0'; return 0; } static int get_arch_priority(const char *arch) { nv_pair_list_elt_t *l; list_for_each_entry(l, &opkg_config->arch_list.head, node) { nv_pair_t *nv = (nv_pair_t *) l->data; if (strcmp(nv->name, arch) == 0) return strtol(nv->value, NULL, 0); } return 0; } int pkg_parse_line(void *ptr, const char *line, uint mask) { pkg_t *pkg = (pkg_t *) ptr; /* these flags are a bit hackish... */ static int reading_conffiles = 0, reading_description = 0; int ret = 0, userfield = 0; if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) { mask = 0; } else { /* Exclude globally masked fields. */ mask |= opkg_config->pfm; } /* Flip the semantics of the mask. */ mask ^= PFM_ALL; switch (*line) { case 'A': if ((mask & PFM_ARCHITECTURE) && is_field("Architecture", line)) { pkg->architecture = parse_simple("Architecture", line); pkg->arch_priority = get_arch_priority(pkg->architecture); } else if ((mask & PFM_AUTO_INSTALLED) && is_field("Auto-Installed", line)) { char *tmp = parse_simple("Auto-Installed", line); if (strcmp(tmp, "yes") == 0) pkg->auto_installed = 1; free(tmp); } else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'C': if ((mask & PFM_CONFFILES) && is_field("Conffiles", line)) { reading_conffiles = 1; reading_description = 0; goto dont_reset_flags; } else if ((mask & PFM_CONFLICTS) && is_field("Conflicts", line)) pkg->conflicts_str = parse_list(line, &pkg->conflicts_count, ',', 0); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'D': if ((mask & PFM_DESCRIPTION) && is_field("Description", line)) { pkg->description = parse_simple("Description", line); reading_conffiles = 0; reading_description = 1; goto dont_reset_flags; } else if ((mask & PFM_DEPENDS) && is_field("Depends", line)) pkg->depends_str = parse_list(line, &pkg->depends_count, ',', 0); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'E': if ((mask & PFM_ESSENTIAL) && is_field("Essential", line)) { char *tmp = parse_simple("Essential", line); if (strcmp(tmp, "yes") == 0) pkg->essential = 1; free(tmp); } else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'F': if ((mask & PFM_FILENAME) && is_field("Filename", line)) pkg->filename = parse_simple("Filename", line); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'I': if ((mask & PFM_INSTALLED_SIZE) && is_field("Installed-Size", line)) pkg->installed_size = parse_ulong(pkg, "Installed-Size", line); else if ((mask & PFM_INSTALLED_TIME) && is_field("Installed-Time", line)) pkg->installed_time = parse_ulong(pkg, "Installed-Time", line); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'M': if ((mask & PFM_MD5SUM) && is_field("MD5sum:", line)) pkg->md5sum = parse_simple("MD5sum", line); /* The old opkg wrote out status files with the wrong * case for MD5sum, let's parse it either way */ else if ((mask & PFM_MD5SUM) && is_field("MD5Sum:", line)) pkg->md5sum = parse_simple("MD5Sum", line); else if ((mask & PFM_MAINTAINER) && is_field("Maintainer", line)) pkg->maintainer = parse_simple("Maintainer", line); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'P': if ((mask & PFM_PACKAGE) && is_field("Package", line)) pkg->name = parse_simple("Package", line); else if ((mask & PFM_PRIORITY) && is_field("Priority", line)) pkg->priority = parse_simple("Priority", line); else if ((mask & PFM_PROVIDES) && is_field("Provides", line)) pkg->provides_str = parse_list(line, &pkg->provides_count, ',', 0); else if ((mask & PFM_PRE_DEPENDS) && is_field("Pre-Depends", line)) pkg->pre_depends_str = parse_list(line, &pkg->pre_depends_count, ',', 0); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'R': if ((mask & PFM_RECOMMENDS) && is_field("Recommends", line)) pkg->recommends_str = parse_list(line, &pkg->recommends_count, ',', 0); else if ((mask & PFM_REPLACES) && is_field("Replaces", line)) pkg->replaces_str = parse_list(line, &pkg->replaces_count, ',', 0); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'S': if ((mask & PFM_SECTION) && is_field("Section", line)) pkg->section = parse_simple("Section", line); else if ((mask & PFM_SHA256SUM) && is_field("SHA256sum", line)) pkg->sha256sum = parse_simple("SHA256sum", line); else if ((mask & PFM_SIZE) && is_field("Size", line)) pkg->size = parse_ulong(pkg, "Size", line); else if ((mask & PFM_SOURCE) && is_field("Source", line)) pkg->source = parse_simple("Source", line); else if ((mask & PFM_STATUS) && is_field("Status", line)) parse_status(pkg, line); else if ((mask & PFM_SUGGESTS) && is_field("Suggests", line)) pkg->suggests_str = parse_list(line, &pkg->suggests_count, ',', 0); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'T': if ((mask & PFM_TAGS) && is_field("Tags", line)) pkg->tags = parse_simple("Tags", line); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case 'V': if ((mask & PFM_VERSION) && is_field("Version", line)) parse_version(pkg, line); else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; break; case ' ': if ((mask & PFM_DESCRIPTION) && reading_description) { if (!pkg->description) { pkg->description = xmalloc(1 + strlen(line) + 1); *pkg->description = '\0'; } else { pkg->description = xrealloc(pkg->description, strlen(pkg->description) + 1 + strlen(line) + 1); } strcat(pkg->description, "\n"); strcat(pkg->description, (line)); goto dont_reset_flags; } else if ((mask & PFM_CONFFILES) && reading_conffiles) { parse_conffiles(pkg, line); goto dont_reset_flags; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: /* For package lists, signifies end of package. */ if (line_is_blank(line)) { ret = 1; break; } else if (opkg_config->verbose_status_file) userfield = 1; } if (userfield) parse_userfields(pkg, line); reading_description = 0; reading_conffiles = 0; dont_reset_flags: return ret; } int pkg_parse_from_stream(pkg_t * pkg, FILE * fp, uint mask) { int ret; char *buf; const size_t len = 4096; buf = xmalloc(len); ret = parse_from_stream_nomalloc(pkg_parse_line, pkg, fp, mask, &buf, len); if (pkg->name == NULL) { /* probably just a blank line */ ret = 1; } free(buf); return ret; }