inherit terminal OE_TERMINAL_EXPORTS += "HOST_EXTRACFLAGS HOSTLDFLAGS TERMINFO CROSS_CURSES_LIB CROSS_CURSES_INC" HOST_EXTRACFLAGS = "${BUILD_CFLAGS} ${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" HOSTLDFLAGS = "${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" CROSS_CURSES_LIB = "-lncurses -ltinfo" CROSS_CURSES_INC = '-DCURSES_LOC=""' TERMINFO = "${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/terminfo" KCONFIG_CONFIG_COMMAND ??= "menuconfig" ZEPHYR_BOARD ?= "${MACHINE}" # qemuboot writes into IMGDEPLOYDIR, force to write to DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE IMGDEPLOYDIR = "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}" python () { # Translate MACHINE into Zephyr BOARD # Zephyr BOARD is basically our MACHINE, except we must use "-" instead of "_" board = d.getVar('ZEPHYR_BOARD', True) board = board.replace('-', '_') d.setVar('BOARD',board) } python do_menuconfig() { os.chdir(d.getVar('ZEPHYR_SRC_DIR', True)) configdir = d.getVar('ZEPHYR_SRC_DIR', True) + '/outdir/' + d.getVar('BOARD', True) try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(configdir +"/.config") except OSError: mtime = 0 oe_terminal("${SHELL} -c \"ZEPHYR_BASE=%s make BOARD=%s %s; if [ \$? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'Command failed.'; \ printf 'Press any key to continue... '; \ read r; fi\"" % (d.getVar('ZEPHYR_BASE', True), d.getVar('BOARD', True),d.getVar('KCONFIG_CONFIG_COMMAND', True)), d.getVar('PN', True) + ' Configuration', d) try: newmtime = os.path.getmtime(configdir +"/.config") except OSError: newmtime = 0 if newmtime > mtime: bb.warn("Configuration changed, recompile will be forced")'do_compile', d) } do_menuconfig[depends] += "ncurses-native:do_populate_sysroot" do_menuconfig[nostamp] = "1" do_menuconfig[dirs] = "${B}" addtask menuconfig after do_configure python do_devshell:prepend () { # Most likely we need to manually edit prj.conf... os.chdir(d.getVar('ZEPHYR_SRC_DIR', True)) }