Building Zephyr Images via bitbake recipes

More detailed and up-to-date information can be found here:



This layer depends on:
    Yocto distro (gatesgarth)
    Python layer (meta-openembedded/meta-python) (gatesgarth)

Modify local conf by adding:

Add "meta-openembedded/meta-oe" to BBLAYERS
Add "meta-openembedded/meta-python" to BBLAYERS
Add "meta-zephyr" to BBLAYERS

Building and Running Zephyr Samples

You can build Zephyr samples. There are several sample recipes.
For example, to build the Zephyr "philosophers" sample:
    $ MACHINE=qemu-x86 bitbake zephyr-philosophers
You can then run the created "philosophers" image in qemu:

    $ runqemu qemu-x86
The same sample, for ARM image:

    $ MACHINE=qemu-cortex-m3 bitbake zephyr-philosophers
    $ runqemu qemu-cortex-m3
The same sample, for Nios2 image:

    $ MACHINE=qemu-nios2 bitbake zephyr-philosophers
    $ runqemu qemu-nios2

Building and Running Zephyr Tests
Presently only toolchains for ARM, x86, IAMCU and Nios2 are supported.
(For ARM we use CortexM3 toolchain)

To run Zephyr Test using Yocto Image Tests, ensure following in local.conf:

    INHERIT += "testimage"

You can build and test an individual existing Zephyr test.
This is done by appending the actual test name to the "zephyr-kernel-test",
for example:

    $ MACHINE=qemu-x86 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-sleep
    $ MACHINE=qemu-x86 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-sleep -c testimage

You can also build and run all Zephyr existing tests (as listed in the file
zephyr-kernel-test.inc). For example:

    $ MACHINE=qemu-x86 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-all
    $ MACHINE=qemu-x86 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-all -c testimage
    $ MACHINE=qemu-cortex-m3 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-all
    $ MACHINE=qemu-cortex-m3 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-all -c testimage
    $ MACHINE=qemu-nios2 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-all
    $ MACHINE=qemu-nios2 bitbake zephyr-kernel-test-all -c testimage


Patches for meta-zephyr should be sent to the yocto@lists.yoctoproject.org
mailing list.  See https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/yocto for subscription
details and the list archive.  Please add [meta-zephyr] to the subject so
the patches are identifable.

Git can be configured to send mails appropriately when using git send-email:

$ git config --local sendemail.to yocto@lists.yoctoproject.org
$ git config --local format.subjectPrefix meta-zephy][PATCH