SD Card Boot (Zynq Only) ======================== Note: This boot flow requires access to Xilinx tools (for BOOT.BIN generation). Creating boot file ------------------ Using the Xilinx tools, package 'zynq_fsbl_0.elf' and 'u-boot.elf' into a 'BOOT.BIN' (See for details). Additionally if you require a bitstream at boot ensure that the bitstream is included in the BOOT.BIN. Booting to U-Boot via SD ------------------------ Use an SD card with partition one in FAT16 format. Copy the following to the SD card partition one: * Boot file: BOOT.BIN Insert the SD Card, connect UART to terminal program and boot the board the board. (Ensure the board is configured via the MIO's for SD Boot). Booting the Kernel (with ramdisk rootfs) ---------------------------------------- Use an SD card with partition one in FAT16 format. Copy the following to the SD card partition one: * Kernel: uImage * Root FS: core-image-minimal-.ext2.gz.u-boot * Devicetree: uImage-.dtb Also create the file "uEnv.txt" on the SD card parition one, with the following contents. Replacing the names of files where appropriate (this file will be loaded into the U-Boot environment). Ensure to replace the file names with the correct name for you machine/system. kernel_image=uImage devicetree_image=uImage-.dtb ramdisk_image=core-image-minimal-.ext2.gz.u-boot Alternatively you can use the default names for the images, rename them according to below and copy them onto partition one. Doing this removes the need to create the uEnv.txt file. * Kernel: uImage * Root FS: uramdisk.image.gz * Devicetree: devicetree.dtb Insert the SD Card, connect UART to terminal program and boot the board the board. (Ensure the board is configured via the MIO's for SD Boot). Booting the Kernel (with mmcblk/SD card rootfs) ----------------------------------------------- Use an SD card with partition one in FAT16 format, and an additional partition for the root filesystem (formatted as EXT2). Copy the following to the SD card partition one: * Kernel: uImage * Devicetree: uImage-.dtb Extract the following to the SD card partion two: * Root FS: core-image-minimal-.tar.gz Also create the file "uEnv.txt" on the SD card parition one, with the following contents. Replacing the names of files where appropriate (this file will be loaded into the U-Boot environment). Ensure to replace the file names with the correct name for you machine/system. kernel_image=uImage devicetree_image=uImage-.dtb bootargs=console=ttyPS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait earlyprintk uenvcmd=echo Copying Linux from SD to RAM... && fatload mmc 0 0x3000000 ${kernel_image} && fatload mmc 0 0x2A00000 ${devicetree_image} && bootm 0x3000000 - 0x2A00000 Insert the SD Card, connect UART to terminal program and boot the board the board. (Ensure the board is configured via the MIO's for SD Boot).