/ { model = "xilinx-zynq-a9"; chosen { bootargs = "console=ttyPS0,115200"; linux,stdout-path = "/amba@0/serial@e0001000"; } ; ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 { device_type = "memory"; reg = <0x0 0x40000000>; } ; ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 { /* Setup a fixed 125 MHz clock to trick the ethernet driver */ clk125mhz: clock { #clock-cells = <0>; compatible = "fixed-clock"; clock-frequency = <125000000>; } ; ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 { clocks = <&clkc 30>, <&clkc 30>, <&clk125mhz>, <&clk125mhz>, <&clkc 30>; phy-handle = <&phy0>; phy-mode = "gmii"; mdio { phy0: phy@23 { device_type = "ethernet-phy"; reg = <23>; } ; } ; } ; ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 { is-dual = <1>; primary_flash: ps7-qspi@0 { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; compatible = "st,m25p80"; reg = <0x0>; spi-max-frequency = <50000000>; partition@0x00000000 { label = "boot"; reg = <0x00000000 0x00500000>; }; partition@0x00500000 { label = "bootenv"; reg = <0x00500000 0x00020000>; }; partition@0x00520000 { label = "config"; reg = <0x00520000 0x00020000>; }; partition@0x00540000 { label = "image"; reg = <0x00540000 0x00a80000>; }; partition@0x00fc0000 { label = "spare"; reg = <0x00fc0000 0x00000000>; }; } ; } ; /* Disabled Devices */ ps7_gpio_0: ps7-gpio@e000a000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; ps7_uart_0: serial@e0000000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; ps7_ethernet_1: ps7-ethernet@e000c000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; ps7_i2c_1: ps7-i2c@e0005000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; ps7_wdt_0: ps7-wdt@f8005000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; ps7_can_0: ps7-can@e0008000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; ps7_can_1: ps7-can@e0009000 { compatible = "invalid"; }; /* Not Implemented in QEMU */ ps7_xadc: ps7-xadc@f8007100 { compatible = "invalid"; } ; } ; } ;