BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterlayer.conf: Move from nanbield to scarthgapMark Hatle5 weeks
nanbield.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
mickledore.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
langdale.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
kirkstone-nextxilinx-standalone.inc: Move to xlnx specific versions of libmetal and open-ampMark Hatle18 months
honisterxlnx-embeddedsw: Move PV to appendMark Hatle18 months
gatesgarthbinutils/gdb: Disable hunk from microblaze patchMark Hatle3 years
master-oldu-boot-xlnx.inc: Explicitly set builddir pathSai Hari Chandana Kalluri4 years
zeuslibmali-xlnx: Provide single shlib provider for libMali.so.9Sai Hari Chandana Kalluri4 years
thudxf86-video-armsoc: Remove the recipe for xf86-video-armsocMadhurkiran Harikrishnan4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2021-04-20binutils/gdb: Disable hunk from microblaze patchgatesgarthMark Hatle
2021-04-20binutils/gdb: Fix various microblaze 64 issuesMark Hatle
2021-04-20layer.conf: compatible with gatesgarth onlyMark Hatle
2021-04-08libgloss: Fix crt*.o files that are stripped, when they shouldn't beMark Hatle
2021-04-06binutils: Workaround for Microblaze 64 linking failureMark Hatle
2021-04-06meta-microblaze gcc-source: Fix barrel shift for versions under v10.0Mark Hatle
2021-03-20meta-xilinx-standalone: Update README.mdMark Hatle
2021-03-20plmfw/psmfw: Fix missing do_deploy addtask, and local checkMark Hatle
2021-03-20soc-*.inc: Fix the firmware filename to the expected one in meta-xilinx-toolsMark Hatle
2021-03-12embeddedsw; Fixups for missed plm and psm issuesMark Hatle