require # DEPEND on dtc-native for mainline u-boot because the mainline u-boot depends # on some of the latest syntax constructs for an appended in dtb used for # items like secure boot/image signing. DEPENDS += "dtc-native" DESCRIPTION = "Mainline u-boot bootloader" DEFAULT_PREFERENCE = "-1" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Licenses/README;md5=c7383a594871c03da76b3707929d2919" PV = "2014.10+2015.01-rc4" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git;branch=${BRANCH}" BRANCH ?= "master" # Corresponds to tag v2015.01-rc4 plus more fixes SRCREV = "b188067f39627d977bb1db67c8456e9aaab90743" SPL_BINARY = "MLO" SPL_UART_BINARY = "u-boot-spl.bin" SPL_BINARY_omapl138 = "" SPL_UART_BINARY_omapl138 = ""