SUMMARY = "SELinux targeted policy" DESCRIPTION = "\ This is the targeted variant of the SELinux reference policy. Most service \ domains are locked down. Users and admins will login in with unconfined_t \ domain, so they have the same access to the system as if SELinux was not \ enabled. \ " FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/refpolicy-${PV}:" POLICY_NAME = "targeted" POLICY_TYPE = "mcs" POLICY_MLS_SENS = "0" include refpolicy_${PV}.inc SRC_URI += "${@bb.utils.contains('${PV}', '2.20170805', '${PATCH_2.20170805}', '${PATCH_2.20170204}', d)}" PATCH_2.20170805 = " \ file://refpolicy-fix-optional-issue-on-sysadm-module.patch \ file://refpolicy-unconfined_u-default-user.patch \ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'file://refpolicy-remove-duplicate-type_transition.patch', '', d)} \ " PATCH_2.20170204 = " \ file://refpolicy-fix-optional-issue-on-sysadm-module_2.20170204.patch \ file://refpolicy-unconfined_u-default-user_2.20170204.patch \ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'file://refpolicy-remove-duplicate-type_transition_2.20170204.patch', '', d)} \ "