SUMMARY = "Dotnet Hello World" DESCRIPTION = "Test applications for dotnet console" AUTHOR = "Hichem, Ben Fekih" PRIORITY = "optional" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302" DEPENDS:append = " dotnet-native" RDEPENDS:${PN}:append = " \ icu \ libgssapi-krb5 \ zlib \ " COMPATIBLE_HOST ?= "(x86_64|aarch64|arm).*-linux" SRC_ARCH:aarch64 = "arm64" SRC_ARCH:arm = "arm" SRC_ARCH:x86-64 = "x64" INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "\ already-stripped \ staticdev \ buildpaths \ " S = "${WORKDIR}/src" do_compile[network] = "1" do_compile () { dotnet new console --force -o ${S} --name ${PN} dotnet build ${S}/${PN}.csproj --output ${B}/${PN} --configuration release --runtime linux-${SRC_ARCH} #FIXME: remove the following line. if the lttng-ust conflict is solved #FIXME: dotnet 8 doesn't produce for the helloworld applications # When dotnet 6 and 7 reach end of life remove the following line. rm -f ${B}/${PN}/ } do_install () { install -d ${D}/opt/ cp -r --no-preserve=ownership ${B}/${PN} ${D}/opt } do_install:append:x86-64 () { ln -s ${base_libdir} ${D}/lib64 } FILES:${PN}:append = " /opt/${PN}/" FILES:${PN}:append:x86-64 = " /opt/${PN}/ /lib64"