LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690" # TODO: we need a native dependency on sbsigntool DEPENDS_${PN} = "grub-efi bits sbsigntool" HDDDIR = "${S}/hddimg" HDDIMG_ID = "423cc2c8" LABELS = "luv" INITRD_IMAGE = "core-image-efi-initramfs" INITRD = "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${INITRD_IMAGE}-${MACHINE}.cpio.gz" MACHINE_FEATURES += "efi" APPEND = "crashkernel=256M console=ttyS0,115200 console=ttyPCH0,115200" APPEND_aarch64 = "crashkernel=256M console=ttyAMA0 uefi_debug earlycon=pl011,0x1c090000 acpi=force" SPLASH_IMAGE = "blue-luv.jpg" GRUB_TIMEOUT = "2" inherit bootimg SRC_URI = "file://blue-luv.jpg" build_img() { IMG="${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${PN}.img" VFAT="${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.hddimg" # Parameters of the vfat partition for test results # Sectors: 512 bytes # Blocks: 1024 bytes VFAT_RESULTS=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${PN}-results.hddimg # 8MB of space for test results VFAT_RESULTS_SPACE=8388608 VFAT_RESULTS_BLOCKS=$(expr $VFAT_RESULTS_SPACE / 1024) # TODO: do we need to dynamically generate the UUID? # For now, every time this UUID changes, the file etc/init.d/luv-test-manager # needs to be updated accordingly. VFAT_RESULTS_UUID=05d61523 VFAT_RESULTS_LABEL="luv-results" mkdosfs -C ${VFAT_RESULTS} -S 512 -i ${VFAT_RESULTS_UUID} \ -n ${VFAT_RESULTS_LABEL} $VFAT_RESULTS_BLOCKS dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMG bs=512 count=1 VFAT_SIZE=$(du -L --apparent-size -bs $VFAT | cut -f 1) VFAT_RESULTS_SIZE=$(du -L --apparent-size -bs $VFAT_RESULTS | cut -f 1) IMG_SIZE=$(expr $VFAT_SIZE + $VFAT_RESULTS_SIZE + 512) dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMG bs=1 seek=$IMG_SIZE count=0 parted $IMG mklabel msdos parted $IMG mkpart primary fat32 0% "${VFAT_RESULTS_SIZE}B" # start second partition on the first sector after the first partition parted $IMG mkpart primary fat32 "$(expr $VFAT_RESULTS_SIZE + 512)B" \ "$(expr $VFAT_SIZE + $VFAT_RESULTS_SIZE)B" parted $IMG set 2 boot on dd conv=notrunc if=${VFAT_RESULTS} of=$IMG seek=1 bs=512 dd if=${VFAT} of=$IMG seek=$(expr $(expr $VFAT_RESULTS_SIZE / 512) + 1) bs=512 } python do_create_img() {'build_img', d) } do_bootimg[depends] += "${INITRD_IMAGE}:do_rootfs" do_bootimg[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_populate_sysroot" do_bootimg[depends] += "shim-signed:do_deploy" addtask create_img after do_bootimg before do_build addtask do_unpack before do_build