test_setkey script usage The scripts in this directory may be used for testing native Linux IPsec with the talitos driver as a loadable module. It's assumed that these scripts have been placed in the directory named /test_setkey. The scripts setup_left and setup_right configure the ip addresses for two boards named 'left' and 'right', which are two gateways for an IPsec tunnel. Connect the eth1 interfaces of left and right boards together. For smartbits testing, connect eth0 on each board to a smartbits port. For other testing (ping, netperf, iperf), connect eth0 on each board to another system. The scripts named left.conf-* and right.conf-* are setkey scripts which configure the IPsec SA and SPD entries. The scripts ending in -tunnel use tunnel mode IPsec, and the scripts ending in -transport used transport mode IPsec. Transport mode is useful for quickly testing security functionality using ping or netperf between two boards. Tunnel mode can be used for testing throughput using smartbits or other performance test equipment. There is a top level script called 'setup' which is used for a one-step setup on the left and right boards. 'setup' uses two or three parameters. The first parameter is the side, left or right. The second parameter is the setkey suffix for the left.conf- and right.conf- files. If the third parameter is supplied, the setup will modprobe that name, so typically you should provide talitos as the third parameter if you want to load the driver. If you have built the talitos driver into the kernel, omit the third parameter to setup. You may test software encryption if talitos is built as a module and you omit the third parameter. Below are example uses of the 'setup' script. 1) One-step setup for smartbits Use a tunnel mode setup on each side. AES-HMAC-SHA1: Left side: /test_setkey/setup left aes-sha1-tunnel talitos Right side: /test_setkey/setup right aes-sha1-tunnel talitos 3DES-HMAC-SHA1: Left side: /test_setkey/setup left 3des-sha1-tunnel talitos Right side: /test_setkey/setup right 3des-sha1-tunnel talitos 2) One-step setup for testing ping, netperf, or iperf between two boards. Use a transport mode setup on each side. AES-HMAC-SHA1: Left side: /test_setkey/setup left aes-sha1-transport talitos Right side: /test_setkey/setup right aes-sha1-transport talitos 3DES-HMAC-SHA1: Left side: /test_setkey/setup left 3des-sha1-transport talitos Right side: /test_setkey/setup right 3des-sha1-transport talitos 3) Testing ipv4 To test ipv4 (with no security) over the two gateways, use steps below. Testing ipv4 is helpful to get your smartbits configuration verified and also establish a baseline performance for throughput. On the left board: cd /test_setkey ./setup_left ./left.ipv4 On the right board: cd /test_setkey ./setup_right ./right.ipv4