#!/bin/bash # This script is taken directly from the section 5.10 of the Freescale Application Note # AN4509 and it simple prints the CPU clocks in a nice format saved_path=$PWD if ! mount|grep -sq '/sys/kernel/debug'; then mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug fi printf "%-24s %-20s %3s %9s\n" "clock" "parent" "use" "flags" "rate" for foo in $(find /sys/kernel/debug/clock -type d); do if [ "$foo" = '/sys/kernel/debug/clock' ]; then continue fi cd $foo ec="$(cat usecount)" rate="$(cat rate)" flag="$(cat flags)" clk="$(basename $foo)" cd .. parent="$(basename $PWD)" if [ "$parent" = 'clock' ]; then parent=" ---" fi printf "%-24s %-24s %2d %2d %10d\n" "$clk" "$parent" "$ec" "$flag" "$rate" cd $saved_path done