DESCRIPTION = "OpenStack test framework and test fixtures. \ The oslotest package can be cross-tested against its consuming projects to ensure \ that no changes to the library break the tests in those other projects." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel/python" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" PV = "2.17.2+git${SRCPV}" SRCREV = "54ac29c3edd46530c1ee90eb860a7e686d9a3740" SRCNAME = "oslotest" SRC_URI = "git://${SRCNAME}.git;branch=stable/pike" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" inherit setuptools3 DEPENDS += "\ python3-pbr \ " # Satisfy 'setup_requires' DEPENDS += " \ python3-pbr-native \ " RDEPENDS:${PN} = "python3-fixtures \ python3-subunit \ python3-six \ python3-testrepository \ python3-testtools \ python3-mock \ python3-mox3 \ python3-os-client-config \ python3-debtcollector \ bash \ "