SUMMARY = "Pure python memcached client" DESCRIPTION = "\ This software is a 100% Python interface to the memcached memory cache daemon. \ It is the client side software which allows storing values in one or more, possibly remote, \ memcached servers. Search google for memcached for more information." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel/python" LICENSE = "PSF-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://PSF.LICENSE;md5=7dd786e8594f1e787da94a946557b40e" PV = "1.59+git${SRCPV}" SRCREV = "959e068fec8b4c956b0d82269336818e667726e7" SRC_URI = "git://;branch=master;protocol=https" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" inherit setuptools3 RDEPENDS:${PN} += " \ ${PYTHON_PN}-six \ ${PYTHON_PN}-pickle \ "