DESCRIPTION = "The OpenStack Dashboard." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel/python" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=1dece7821bf3fd70fe1309eaa37d52a2" DEPENDS += " \ python-pip \ python-pbr \ " # Satisfy 'setup_requires' DEPENDS += " \ python-pbr-native \ " RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \ python-pbr \ python-babel \ python-django \ python-pint \ python-django-babel \ python-django-compressor \ python-django-openstack-auth \ python-django-pyscss \ python-futurist \ python-iso8601 \ python-netaddr \ python-oslo.concurrency \ python-oslo.config \ python-oslo.i18n \ python-oslo.policy \ python-oslo.serialization \ python-oslo.utils \ python-osprofiler \ python-pymongo \ python-pyscss \ python-cinderclient \ python-glanceclient \ python-heatclient \ python-keystoneclient \ python-neutronclient \ python-novaclient \ python-swiftclient \ python-pytz \ python-pyyaml \ python-semantic-version \ python-six \ python-xstatic \ python-xstatic-angular \ python-xstatic-angular-bootstrap \ python-xstatic-angular-fileupload \ python-xstatic-angular-gettext \ python-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop \ python-xstatic-angular-schema-form \ python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker \ python-xstatic-bootstrap-scss \ python-xstatic-bootswatch \ python-xstatic-d3 \ python-xstatic-hogan \ python-xstatic-font-awesome \ python-xstatic-jasmine \ python-xstatic-jquery \ python-xstatic-jquery-migrate \ python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch \ python-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter \ python-xstatic-jquery-ui \ python-xstatic-jsencrypt \ python-xstatic-mdi \ python-xstatic-objectpath \ python-xstatic-rickshaw \ python-xstatic-roboto-fontface \ python-xstatic-smart-table \ python-xstatic-spin \ python-xstatic-term.js \ python-xstatic-tv4 \ " SRCNAME = "horizon" SRC_URI = "git://${SRCNAME}.git;branch=stable/pike \ file://wsgi-horizon.conf \ file://fix_bindir_path.patch \ file:// \ file://horizon-use-full-package-path-to-test-directories.patch \ " # file://openstack-dashboard-apache.conf SRCREV = "246ff9f81248a00a434e66d18fad70519ba811cc" PV = "12.0.0+git${SRCPV}" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" inherit setuptools systemd python-dir default_configs monitor useradd USER = "horizon" GROUP = "horizon" USERADD_PACKAGES = "${PN}" GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN} = "--system ${GROUP}" USERADD_PARAM_${PN} = "--system -m -d ${localstatedir}/lib/openstack-dashboard -s /bin/false -g ${GROUP} ${USER}" # no longer required. kept as reference. # do_install[dirs] += "${D}/usr/share/bin" do_install_append() { SYSCONF_DIR=${D}${sysconfdir} DASHBOARD_CONF_DIR=${SYSCONF_DIR}/openstack-dashboard DASHBOARD_SHARE_DIR=${D}${datadir}/openstack-dashboard APACHE_CONF_DIR=${D}${sysconfdir}/apache2/conf.d/ # Fixup to allow running standalone. Currently broken. DASHBOARD_DIR=${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/openstack_dashboard #sed -e "s:^LANGUAGE_CODE =.*:LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us':g" \ # -i ${DASHBOARD_DIR}/ #sed -e "s:^# from horizon.utils:from horizon.utils:g" \ # ${DASHBOARD_DIR}/local/ > \ # ${DASHBOARD_DIR}/local/ #sed -e "s:^# SECRET_KEY =:SECRET_KEY =:g" \ # -i ${DASHBOARD_DIR}/local/ install -m 644 ${S}/ ${DASHBOARD_DIR}/ sed -i -e 's#%PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES%#${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}#g' \ ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/horizon/test/ # no longer required. kept as reference. # mv ${D}${datadir}/bin ${DASHBOARD_DIR}/bin install -d ${DASHBOARD_CONF_DIR} cp ${DASHBOARD_CONF_DIR} # The following allows horizon to be run from apache. This # is the preffered way to run horizon. install -d ${DASHBOARD_SHARE_DIR} cp -a --no-preserve=ownership ${S}/openstack_dashboard ${DASHBOARD_SHARE_DIR} cp ${S}/ ${DASHBOARD_SHARE_DIR} # Copy our version of the file, create a convienence link # between /etc/openstack-dashboard and the apache2 files installed above, # lastly make a few substitions to match our installation locations. SETTINGS_FILE=${DASHBOARD_CONF_DIR}/ install -D -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/ ${SETTINGS_FILE} # Link only valid on the target. ln -fs ${sysconfdir}/openstack-dashboard/ \ ${DASHBOARD_SHARE_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/local/ # Be sure to edit the real file in ${D}${sysconfdir} sed -e "s:%LOCAL_PATH%:${localstatedir}/lib/openstack-dashboard/static:g" \ -i ${SETTINGS_FILE} # Configure apache to run horizon at http://localhost/horizon install -m 755 -d ${APACHE_CONF_DIR} APACHE_WSGI_FILE=${APACHE_CONF_DIR}/openstack-dashboard.conf install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/wsgi-horizon.conf ${APACHE_WSGI_FILE} sed -e "s#%DATADIR%#${datadir}#g" -i ${APACHE_WSGI_FILE} sed -e "s#%USER%#${USER}#g" -i ${APACHE_WSGI_FILE} sed -e "s#%GROUP%#${GROUP}#g" -i ${APACHE_WSGI_FILE} sed -e "s#%LOCALSTATEDIR%#${localstatedir}#g" -i ${APACHE_WSGI_FILE} #HZ_SETTINGS_FILE=${DASHBOARD_SHARE_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/ #sed -e "s:^\(WEBROOT\ =\ \).*$:\1'/horizon':" -i ${HZ_SETTINGS_FILE} #sed -e "s:^\(STATIC_ROOT\ =\ \).*$:\1'${localstatedir}/lib/openstack-dashboard/static':" \ # -i ${HZ_SETTINGS_FILE} ln -fs openstack_dashboard/static ${DASHBOARD_SHARE_DIR}/static } pkg_postinst_${SRCNAME} () { if [ -n "$D" ]; then exit 1 else # Regenerate the django static files sudo -u horizon /usr/bin/env python ${datadir}/openstack-dashboard/ collectstatic --noinput --clear fi } PACKAGES += "${SRCNAME}-tests ${SRCNAME} ${SRCNAME}-apache ${SRCNAME}-standalone" ALLOW_EMPTY_${SRCNAME}-standalone = "1" RDEPENDS_${SRCNAME}-tests += " bash" FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/*" FILES_${SRCNAME}-tests = "${sysconfdir}/openstack-dashboard/" FILES_${SRCNAME} = "${bindir}/* \ ${datadir}/* \ " FILES_${SRCNAME}-standalone = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/horizon" FILES_${SRCNAME}-apache = " \ ${sysconfdir}/apache2 \ ${sysconfdir}/openstack-dashboard/ \ ${datadir}/openstack-dashboard/ \ " RDEP_ARCH_VAR = "" RDEP_ARCH_VAR_arm = "nodejs" RDEP_ARCH_VAR_i686 = "nodejs" RDEP_ARCH_VAR_x86-64 = "nodejs" RDEP_ARCH_VAR_ia32 = "nodejs" RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \ ${RDEP_ARCH_VAR} \ " RDEPENDS_${SRCNAME} = "${PN}" RDEPENDS_${SRCNAME}-apache = "\ apache2 \ mod-wsgi \ python-lesscpy \ memcached \ python-memcached \ " MONITOR_SERVICE_PACKAGES = "${SRCNAME}" MONITOR_SERVICE_${SRCNAME} = "horizon" CLEANBROKEN = "1"