openstackchef.bbclass ========= When an openstack image is built for a CONTROLLER, COMPUTE or allinone, there are build-time variables that are hard-coded into the image. These hardcoded variables need to be provided up front at build time and cannot be changed easily at run-time. What this means is that an image built for a specific deployment environment cannot be easily deployed to another environment. Openstackchef class enables openstack related services like, nova, postgresql, neutron, etc to be re-configured at run-time. This means that if all the services of an openstack installation inherits the openstackchef class, openstackchef can successfully re-configure an openstack installation. For example, at build time, many of the openstack services need to know ahead of time, the IP address of the node on which CONTROLLER and COMPUTE will be deployed. Once this IP address is built into the image, it cannot be changed at runtime. In other words, if you build a CONTROLLER image for a machine with IP address of, you cannot use that image on a machine with a different IP address. This is very restrictive, since it does not allow the re-use of CONTROLLER/COMPUTE images. Openstackchef.bbclass facilitates the reuse of openstack images across multiple machines. It does this by providing a mechanism for openstack related services to register all configuration files that have run-time dependent variables like IP address in them. By inheriting openstackchef, and registering these configuration files with openstackchef, the services are no longer tied to a specific run-time environment. This is because, openstackchef makes it possible for the registered configuration files to be recreated at run-time when any of the environment variables changes. The configuration files are registered with openstackchef by assigning them to the variable CHEF_SERVICES_CONF_FILES in the recipe file. See example below for barbican: CHEF_SERVICES_CONF_FILES :="\ ${sysconfdir}/${SRCNAME}/vassals/barbican-api.ini \ ${sysconfdir}/${SRCNAME}/vassals/barbican-admin.ini \ " Openstackchef makes chef-solo templates out of the registered files. At run-time, the deploychef package makes a call to chef-solo, which in-turn use the template files to recreate the registered configuration files. Also see additional description in the openstackchef.bbclass header. In addition to the simple placeholder/value substitution that is done by the openstackchef class when creating the templates, there are times when recipes need to do morethan a simple placeholder substitution. For cases like these, openstackchef provides a mechanism for the recipes to provide a special callback function. Openstackchef class then makes a call to this special callback function to do any additional substitution. The special shell callback function is registered with openstackchef by assigning it to the variable CHEF_SERVICES_SPECIAL_FUNC. The python-neutron recipe defines a special function and specifies it as shown below. CHEF_SERVICES_SPECIAL_FUNC := "deploychef_services_special_func" Whenever the configuration files of any openstack service changes, the service usually needs to reload the configuration file. The list of scripts/priority levels responsible for restarting the service when its configuration files change are assumed to be provided by the following variables: INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES INITSCRIPT_NAME_x or INITSCRIPT_NAME INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_x or INITSCRIPT_PARAMS Here is an example of how python-barbican specifies these variables. INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "${SRCNAME}" INITSCRIPT_NAME_${SRCNAME} = "barbican-api" INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_${SRCNAME} = "${OS_DEFAULT_INITSCRIPT_PARAMS}" In addition, there are services that might need to be restarted but does not necessary have a configuration file. These services can also advertise themselves to openstackchef with the above variables. However, failure to provide appropriate values for the above variables after registering a set of configuration files for an openstack service will lead to the service not working properly. Dependencies ------------ This class depends on the deploychef package for run-time implementation of the class. However, the end user does not have to do anything about this dependency, because it's resolved at build time and all deploychef package files are automatically included on the rootfs of resulting image. Openstackchef class creates the template files used by the deploychef package to reconfigure an openstack node. Deploychef executes chefsolo at run-time to recreate the configuration files for openstack services from template files created by openstackchef.bbclass at build time. Chefsolo in turn uses the attributes and templates files to overwrite the configuration files for services like neutron, nova, swift, etc.. that had registered their configuration files with openstackchef class at build time. The base directory for the deploychef package is /opt/deploychef. There are many files that goes into the re-configuration of an openstack deployment, however, two are worth mentioning. 1 . Default variables in openstack and the values they hold can be found in: /opt/deploychef/cookbooks/openstack/attributes/default.rb 2. A shell script file that should be executed to reconfigure the stack on CONTROLLER, COMPUTE or allinone nodes. /opt/deploychef/run-deploychef The script file above should be executed when any of the run-time environment variables found at /opt/deploychef/cookbooks/openstack/attributes/default.rb is changed. Run-time ------- Allinone: An allinone node boots-up with openstack re-configured and all services accessible either through the command-line or through horizon. CONTROLLER & COMPUTE: Both CONTROLLER and COMPUTE nodes boots-up with their respective IP address updated using the IP address on the interface of the machine on which they run. For the CONTROLLER, you should be able to access horizon at this point. However, both the CONTROLLER and COMPUTE are not aware of each other at this point. For them to be made aware of each other, we need to inform the COMPUTE node of the location of the CONTROLLER node, similarly, we need to inform the CONTROLLER node about the location of the COMPUTE node. In order to accomplish this on each node, edit IP address field in the file /opt/deploychef/cookbooks/openstack/attributes/default.rb On the CONTROLLER node, change COMPUTE's IP address to the IP address of the machine on which you have openstack COMPUTE deployed. Assuming COMPUTE's IP address was set to "" at build-time and the current IP address of the machine on which you have COMPUTE deployed is "". Then the line default["COMPUTE_IP"] = "" should be changed to default["COMPUTE_IP"] = "" Now cd into the base directory of deploychef and execute the script 'run-deploychef'. cd /opt/deploychef ./run-deploychef Note: It's important that you 'cd' into /opt/deploychef when running run-deploychef script, because this script makes a call to chefsolo which references files from /opt/depoychef base directory. Wait for the script to finish executing and you are shown the prompt. In a similar vein, repeat the above process on the COMPUTE node, but this time, it's the CONTROLLER's IP address you will be changing. Leave the COMPUTE's IP address as is. Assuming CONTROLLER's IP address was set to "" at build-time and the current IP address of the machine on which you have CONTROLLER deployed is "". Then the line default["CONTROLLER_IP"] = "" should be changed to default["CONTROLLER_IP"] = "" Again 'cd' into the base directory of deploychef and execut the script 'run-deploychef'. cd /opt/deploychef ./run-deploychef At this point, both COMPUTE and CONTROLLER have been configured and should be communicating with one another. Maintenance ----------- This class is maintained by Wind River Systems, Inc. Contact or your support representative for more information on submitting changes. Building with openstack.bbclass ------------------------- This class should be inherited by recipe/class files of openstack services in order for the functionality described above to work. If any component of openstack is left out, that component will not work correctly when the stack is reconfigured at run-time, and as a result, the openstack deployment will not work. License ------- Copyright (C) 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. The right to copy, distribute or otherwise make use of this software may be licensed only pursuant to the terms of an applicable Wind River license agreement. No license to Wind River intellectual properly rights is granted herein. All rights not licensed by Wind River are reserved by Wind River. Source code included in tree is under the LICENSE stated in class file (.bbclass file) unless other stated.