# # Copyright (C) 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. # DEPENDS += " \ ruby-native \ " RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \ ruby \ " SRCNAME ?= "${PN}" #${PN}_do_compile[depends] += "ruby-native:do_populate_sysroot" def get_rubyversion(p): import re from os.path import isfile import subprocess found_version = "SOMETHING FAILED!" cmd = "%s/ruby" % p if not isfile(cmd): return found_version version = subprocess.Popen([cmd, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] r = re.compile("ruby ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)*") m = r.match(version) if m: found_version = m.group(1) return found_version def get_rubygemslocation(p): import re from os.path import isfile import subprocess found_loc = "SOMETHING FAILED!" cmd = "%s/gem" % p if not isfile(cmd): return found_loc loc = subprocess.Popen([cmd, "env"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] r = re.compile(".*\- (/usr.*/ruby/gems/.*)") for line in loc.split('\n'): m = r.match(line) if m: found_loc = m.group(1) break return found_loc def get_rubygemsversion(p): import re from os.path import isfile import subprocess found_version = "SOMETHING FAILED!" cmd = "%s/gem" % p if not isfile(cmd): return found_version version = subprocess.Popen([cmd, "env", "gemdir"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] r = re.compile(".*([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$") m = r.match(version.decode("utf-8")) if m: found_version = m.group(1) return found_version RUBY_VERSION ?= "${@get_rubyversion("${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}")}" RUBY_GEM_DIRECTORY ?= "${@get_rubygemslocation("${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}")}" RUBY_GEM_VERSION ?= "${@get_rubygemsversion("${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}")}" export GEM_HOME = "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/lib/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}" RUBY_BUILD_GEMS ?= "${SRCNAME}.gemspec" RUBY_INSTALL_GEMS ?= "${SRCNAME}-${PV}.gem" RUBY_COMPILE_FLAGS ?= 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"' ruby_gen_extconf_fix() { cat<append RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CPPFLAGS'] = ENV['CPPFLAGS'] if ENV['CPPFLAGS'] \$CPPFLAGS = ENV['CPPFLAGS'] if ENV['CPPFLAGS'] RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] = ENV['CC'] if ENV['CC'] RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['LD'] = ENV['LD'] if ENV['LD'] RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CFLAGS'] = ENV['CFLAGS'] if ENV['CFLAGS'] RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CXXFLAGS'] = ENV['CXXFLAGS'] if ENV['CXXFLAGS'] EOF cat append2>>append sysroot_ruby=${STAGING_INCDIR}/ruby-${RUBY_GEM_VERSION} ruby_arch=`ls -1 ${sysroot_ruby} |grep -v ruby |tail -1 2> /dev/null` cat<>append system("perl -p -i -e 's#^topdir.*#topdir = ${sysroot_ruby}#' Makefile") system("perl -p -i -e 's#^hdrdir.*#hdrdir = ${sysroot_ruby}#' Makefile") system("perl -p -i -e 's#^arch_hdrdir.*#arch_hdrdir = ${sysroot_ruby}/\\\\\$(arch)#' Makefile") system("perl -p -i -e 's#^arch =.*#arch = ${ruby_arch}#' Makefile") system("perl -p -i -e 's#^LIBPATH =.*#LIBPATH = -L.#' Makefile") system("perl -p -i -e 's#^dldflags =.*#dldflags = ${LDFLAGS}#' Makefile") system("perl -p -i -e 's#^ldflags =.*#ldflags = -L${STAGING_LIBDIR}#' Makefile") EOF } ruby_do_compile() { EXTCONF_FILES=$(find . -name extconf.rb -exec ls {} \;) for e in $EXTCONF_FILES do if [ -f $e -a ! -f $e.orig ] ; then grep create_makefile $e > append2 || continue ruby_gen_extconf_fix cp $e $e.orig # Patch extconf.rb for cross compile cat append >> $e fi done for gem in ${RUBY_BUILD_GEMS}; do ${RUBY_COMPILE_FLAGS} gem build $gem done for e in $EXTCONF_FILES do if [ -f $e.orig ] ; then mv $e.orig $e fi done } ruby_do_install() { for gem in ${RUBY_INSTALL_GEMS}; do gem install --ignore-dependencies --local --env-shebang --install-dir ${D}/${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/ $gem done # create symlink from the gems bin directory to /usr/bin for i in ${D}/${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/bin/*; do if [ -e "$i" ]; then if [ ! -d ${D}/${bindir} ]; then mkdir -p ${D}/${bindir}; fi b=`basename $i` ln -sf ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/bin/$b ${D}/${bindir}/$b fi done } EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_compile do_install PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg ${PN} ${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev" FILES_${PN}-dbg += " \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/gems/*/*/.debug \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/gems/*/*/*/.debug \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/gems/*/*/*/*/.debug \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/gems/*/*/*/*/*/.debug \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/extensions/*/*/*/*/*/.debug \ " FILES_${PN} += " \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/gems \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/cache \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/bin \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/specifications \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/build_info \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/extensions \ " FILES_${PN}-doc += " \ ${libdir}/ruby/gems/${RUBY_GEM_VERSION}/doc \ "