# TC1 Platform Support in meta-arm-bsp ## Overview The Total Compute platform provides an envelope for all of Arm's latest IP and software solutions, optimised to work together. Further information can be found on the Total Compute community page: https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/oss-platforms/w/docs/606/total-compute The user guide for TC1 platform with detailed instructions for syncing and building the source code and running on TC1 Fixed Virtual Platform for poky and android distributions is available at: https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms.git/tree/docs/tc1/user-guide.rst ## Building In the local.conf file, MACHINE should be set as follows: MACHINE = "tc1" To build the required binaries for tc1, run the commmand: ```bash$ bitbake tc-artifacts-image``` Trusted-firmware-a is the final component to be built with the rest of the components dependent of it, therefore building tc-artifacts-image which depends on trusted-firmware-a will build all the required binaries. ## Running To run the produced binaries in a TC1 Fixed Virtual Platform please get the run scripts at: https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/model-scripts.git/ and follow the instructions in the user-guide.rst available in: https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms.git/tree/docs/tc1/user-guide.rst