path: root/kas
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-02-01kas/fvp-baser-aemv8r64: Use langdale as kas default refspecQi Feng
2022-11-28kas/corstone500.yml: pin repos to langdaleRui Miguel Silva
2022-11-23kas/corstone1000-base.yml: set refspec for Corstone1000 releaseEmekcan Aras
2022-10-28kas: corstone1000: set branches to langdaleAbdellatif El Khlifi
2022-05-23kas: corstone1000: drop the use of the FVP scriptAbdellatif El Khlifi
2022-05-23kas: corstone1000: drop use of meta-arm-imageAbdellatif El Khlifi
2022-05-11arm-bsp/tf-a-tests: Add recipe to build and install TFTFVishnu Banavath
2022-04-27kas/fvp-baser-aemv8r64: Install ssh-pregen-hostkeysPeter Hoyes
2022-04-22ci,arm-bsp/conf: Add testimage for fvp-baser-aemv8r64Peter Hoyes
2022-04-22arm/fvp-base-r-aem: Automatically download FVP tarballPeter Hoyes
2022-04-07kas/corstone1000.yml: refspec update for run-scriptsSatish Kumar
2022-04-04arm-bsp/machine: Add runfvp config for corstone1000Harry Moulton
2022-04-01kas/ci: add corstone500 platformRui Miguel Silva
2022-03-11arm-bsp/docs,kas: Add SSH server to fvp-baser-aemv8r64 imagePeter Hoyes
2022-03-07corstone1000: update meta-arm-image for kirkstone support.Harry Moulton
2022-02-22Update for LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST rename to _ACCEPTED.Ross Burton
2022-02-17kas/corstone1000-base: update meta-arm-image SHAEmekcan Aras
2021-12-15kas: corstone1000: update the FVP script repo SHAAbdellatif El Khlifi
2021-12-14kas: corstone1000: update for new Kas include semantics in kas folderAbdellatif El Khlifi
2021-12-14kas: corstone1000: update meta-arm-image SHAAbdellatif El Khlifi
2021-12-09kas: Update include syntax to kas 2.6Hugo L'Hostis
2021-12-03kas: corstone1000: update SE binary sizesSatish Kumar
2021-11-23arm-bsp/machine: introducing corstone1000 MPS3 machineArpita S.K
2021-10-29corstone1000: Introducing ci and kas filesArpita S.K
2021-10-05kas/fvp-baser-aemv8r64: Use the HEAD of master for meta-arm and pokyHugo L'Hostis
2021-08-18kas/fvp-baser-aemv8r64: Pin meta-arm to a stable build revisionDiego Sueiro
2021-08-16arm-bsp/fvp-baser-aemv8r64: Update documentationDiego Sueiro
2021-08-04meta-arm: Convert to new override syntaxJon Mason
2021-08-04CI: increase CONF_VERSIONJon Mason
2021-07-28arm-bsp/fvp-baser-aemv8r64: Add support for runfvpHugo L'Hostis
2021-07-28arm-bsp/fvp-baser-aemv8r64: Use master as kas default refspecHugo L'Hostis
2021-05-10arm-bsp/linux: Add preempt-rt support for fvp-baser-aemv8r64Richard Neill
2021-04-20kas: Add fvp-baser-aemv8r64 BSP evaluation buildDiego Sueiro
2021-04-19Rename top-level kas/ to ci/Ross Burton
2021-04-19CI: don't disable uninativeRoss Burton
2021-04-19CI: make update-repos a bit more verboseRoss Burton
2021-04-19kas/base.yml: rename ptest fragment to noptestRoss Burton
2021-04-06CI: build sbsa-acs in the qemuarm64-sbsa jobRoss Burton
2021-03-31kas: Add fvp-baser-aemv8r64 buildDiego Sueiro
2021-03-30CI: maintain centralised repositories to speed fetchingRoss Burton
2021-03-26arm/machine: add zephyr machine confs for a53Jon Mason
2021-03-16arm/machine: create generic-arm64 machineJon Mason
2021-03-16arm/machine: Create QEMU SBSA machineJon Mason
2021-03-12CI: add qemuarm and qemuarmv5Ross Burton
2021-03-11kas: Added yaml to test xen support in meta-gem5Nathan Dunne
2021-02-10kas: microbit-v1 testingJon Mason
2021-02-10kas: disable uninative to work around uninative-2.33 failuresRoss Burton
2021-01-13kas: add a test for the external toolchain supportRoss Burton
2021-01-13kas: rename armgcc fragment to avoid conflicting with muslRoss Burton
2021-01-07kas: add testing of gcc-armRoss Burton